If you are looking for what should be the subjects of learning in web design and development
then this is the proper video for you with these required information...
Hello and welcome to another new episode of learning simplified.
In this tutorial we are going to know about what is the result of the course or the subject
that we are teaching here.
How is it going to help you in getting your desired job.
Now if we are looking into this particular site it is practically a test project that
had been done long time ago and here we can see
that here's a lot of changes.
First of all this is a Bootstrap responsive mobile site responsive mobile site; and in
this site I have implemented a simple form field
that will take input from the users and that will provide this output here, down below.
So this is the thing that we need to know first what we should learn in our
first place while we are new at web design and development.
Now talking about this project, as we can see here this whole project it is practically
is the static type, the only dynamic content over here is this form field.
We are entering for say, we are entering an email
such as..
And here we are entering some comments..such as for day..
How do you do?
I am submitting and we can see that a preloader has taken place and then a dialogue
box pops out which says that entry details successfully saved and if we press ok we can
see that all the input elements those are getting refreshed and if
we come down below over here we can see that the input so far we have provided into our
form field, here, it is now executing the comment over here.
So this is the thing that we are going to understand in our following upcoming courses.
Now we just analyse this website and we can see here that multiple things taken into consideration
such as the primary thing or the basic thing is HTML and CSS as we have taught you previously.
The second thing is bootstrap responsiveness.
If we switch back to our mobile responsiveness preview we can see that at 320 and 480px dimension,
everything is quite ok, everything is coming down vertically, all
of them are stacked down one over each other, and another thing we need to observe over
here is, we are having no sticky footer here.
This is what we want to emphasize to you; this is not about learning some dynamic contents,
this is not about learning from static contents and static
website, this is about learning all of them.
If you are building up this website you know that you have to create a website and that
is why you are building it, like this one as you can see that Bengal revolts,
or roaring tiger section, and if you click into this know more option you see now it
is now opening into another or new page, and all the contents here those are
practically static contents.
These contents are never dynamic contents.
But all the dynamic parts are being observed over
here where I can enter my email or I can enter my comments over here and I can submit and
when I submit it will be shown over here into this segment.
First thing that we need to know from our courses is that
an in-depth knowledge in HTML and CSS, this is the first part.
The second thing is you need to know to make some mobile
responsive site and that is why you need to know about Bootstrap responsiveness all Foundation.
And the third part is, you need to make your site dynamic and that is
why you need to know about some kind of programming languages; as in this case I have used PHP.
But PHP as a programming language is not sufficient enough to back you up.
That is why if you want to show off your records, then all you can do you need to make a proper
database and that is why you need to know MySQL database, that means you have to understand
PHP and MySQL.
If we just concentrate for a moment, for a while into our form field, the basic thing
that we need to know that a user is just putting some input over here and his
placings upgrade.
All your website can do is to accumulate those inputs and then it is throwing back those
inputs to the back end page of this front end page and
from that back end page all your data those are now getting into the database and they
are getting aligned there, they are getting stored into there and when you are
trying to revoke those data or you are trying to fetch those data into your front site into
your home page or into your index page, then all you need to do you need
to make some additional programming such that you can fetch required data exactly that you
want from the database.
So this is what I call a complete knowledge this
is what we intend to teach you.
The first thing is you need to understand the basics, the second thing is you need to
go to the moderate path and the third thing is
you need to go for the advanced part.
Imagine that you are facing an interview panel and your employer he is asking you something
from different subjects that you are not aware of.
Now this is very embarrassing.
What do they want?
They practically want everything from you.
But this is practically impossible, cause without sticking into a particular path without
sticking into a particular direction I don't think that you can expertise into any of these
So, after you are getting your job you need to specialize
You need to choose a site and then you need to stick on to that.
But this is a letter part.
First thing is getting into the job and that is why a
complete and overall knowledge is required and in that essence we are trying to teach
you an overall concept about the subject.
And that is why we have chosen those subjects those we are about to teach you here,
like this HTML and CSS which is the very basic and the fundamental of everything.
Then we are teaching you about css3 which is a modern day Technology; hTML5 and
css3 is the modern Web Technology.
And the third thing is you need to know about mobile responsiveness and that is why
you are learning about bootstrap or foundation or these sort of things and the last part
is you need to know about programming languages and the very important thing
is you need to gather some knowledge on frameworks such as bootstrap is a framework, wordpress
is another framework.
So wordpress will be the one that will be teaching you over here and it requires some
sufficient knowledge some sufficient understanding into the co-relevant subjects.
So this is what we wanted to know this is the final discussion about what to be learnt
in web design and development.
So hope you guys have liked this tutorial.
If you have liked this tutorial then do not hesitate to hit that red SUBSCRIBE button.
From the next tutorial we are going to back into our bootstrap tutorial that we were working
on presently.
It is practically unfinished and lot of things are there
those need to be clarified, those need to be discussed over there.
Hope to see you guys in the next tutorial, till then, bye.
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