Thursday, August 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 3 2017

Use a socket №13

Use a torx №T25

Use a socket №21 and an open-end wrench №21

Use a socket №13

Use an open-end wrench №16 and an ajustable spanner

Before installing new shock absorbers it is strongly recommended to pump them over for 3-5 times manually

For more infomation >> Cómo cambiar amortiguadores traseros AUDI A4 B7 AVANT INSTRUCCIÓN AUTODOC - Duration: 12:26.


Шоколадный торт Захер (Sacher). Классический рецепт. - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Шоколадный торт Захер (Sacher). Классический рецепт. - Duration: 5:01.


COMO EL HOMBRE PIENSA ASI ES SU VIDA - James Allen - Poderoso AudioLibro - Duration: 32:13.


By James Allen


This small volume

(Result of meditation and experience)

It does not attempt to be an exhaustive treaty

About the power of thought,

Of what has already been written.

It is rather suggestive rather than explanatory,

Its objective is to stimulate men and women

Discovery and understanding

Of the following truth:

They are forgers of themselves.

By virtue of the thoughts that they choose and stimulate;

That the mind is the master factory that weaves the clothes

Which dress both in the depths of character

As in the external circumstances,

And that if until now they have woven ignorance and suffering

Can weave illumination and happiness.

James Allen


The Aphorism, "As a man thinketh in his heart,

So is he, "not only embracing his being,

But comes to understand each condition

And circumstance of his life.

A man is literally what he thinks,

His character being the sum of all his thoughts.

Just as a plant sprouts from its seed,

And it could not be otherwise,

So every action of a man sprouts

Of the invisible seeds of thought,

And could not exist without them.

The above applies equally

To those acts considered "spontaneous"

And "not premeditated"

As well as those who are deliberately executed.

Actions are outbreaks of thought,

And happiness and suffering are its fruits;

In this way man reaps the sweet fruits

And bitter he sows.

The thoughts in the mind make us who we are.

They forge and model us.

If you harbor lower thoughts in your mind,

The pain will follow you as the plow follows the ox.

If instead your thoughts are high,

Happiness will follow you as your own shadow, it is a fact.

The development of man is governed by laws,

Not by artifice,

And the law of cause and effect is so absolute and inevitable

In the hidden realm of thoughts

As it is in the world of visible and material objects.

An admirable character is not a matter of chance or favor,

But the natural result of a constant effort

In harboring the right thoughts,

The effect of a very long and appreciated association

With admirable thoughts.

An ignoble and beastly character, by the same process,

Is the result of vile thoughts

Housed continuously.

This character is made or undone by itself;

In the harmony of thinking forges weapons

With which it is destroyed;

Also develops the tools with which

Builds for himself celestial mansions of happiness,

Strength and peace.

With the choice and application of the right thoughts

Man ascends to divine perfection;

With application and abuse

Of the wrong thoughts,

Descends below the level of the beasts.

Between these two extremes are

All categories of character,

And man is his teacher and maker.

Of all the wonderful truths of the soul

Which have been recovered and rediscovered

In this age, no greater and more fruitful

Of divine promise and hope

- man is the master of thought,

Character smith, creator and modeler

Conditions, environment and destination. -

As a being of Power, Intelligence and Love,

And lord of his own thoughts,

The man has the key to every situation,

And carries the transformation agency

And regeneration by which he makes of himself what he wants.

Man is always the master and lord,

Even in his weakest and most neglected state;

But in its weakness and degradation

Is the foolish master who rules his affairs poorly.

When you begin to reflect on your condition,

And diligently seek the Law that brought him to that state,

Becomes the wise master,

Channeling their energy intelligently,

And producing fruitful thoughts.

That is the wise master,

And man can only become so by discovering

Within himself the laws of thought;

Discovery that is the result of application,

Self-analysis, and experience.

Only after much searching and digging gold

And diamonds are obtained,

And man can find every truth associated

With his being if he digs with determination in the deep

Of his soul;

And will prove unequivocally that he is a forger of his character,

Modeler of his life,

And builder of his destiny, if he watches, controls,

And alters his thoughts,

Following the trace of its effects in itself,

In others, in their life and circumstances,

Linking cause and effect with

Practice and research patients,

And using every experience, even the most trivial,

Every day fact,

As means to obtain the knowledge of itself

Which is Understanding, Wisdom, Power.

In that sense, as in no other,

Is the absolute law:

"He who seeks shall find;

He who knocks the door will open it ";

Only with patience, practice, and unceasing impertinence

Can a man come in

By the Gate of the Temple of Knowledge.


A man's mind compares to a garden,

Which can be intelligently cultivated

Or being abandoned and filled with herbs;

But be cultivated or neglected,

Is destined to produce.

If no useful seeds are sown,

Then seeds of bad grass will fall,

They will grow in abundance and reproduce.

Just as a gardener cultivates his plot,

Keeping it free from weeds,

Cultivating the flowers and fruits required,

So must man attend to the garden of his mind

Cleansing her from harmful thoughts,

Useless and impure, and cultivating to perfection,

The flowers and fruits of right thoughts,

Useful and pure.

Only by following this process man sooner or later

Discovers that he is the master gardener of his spirit,

Director of his life.

He also discovers in himself,

The laws of thought,

And understands, more and more accurately,

How the force of thought and

The elements of the mind

Operate in the formation of their character,

Their circumstances and their destiny.

Thought and character are one,

And while the character only manifests itself

And discovers through the circumstances,

The environment of the life of a person

It will always be in harmony with its inner state.

This does not mean that the circumstances of a person

At a given moment they are an indicator of all his character,

But those circumstances are

Intimately connected with some vital element

Of thought in its interior that, at that moment,

Is indispensable for its development.

Every man is where he is by the law of his own being.

The thoughts you have built on your character

Have taken him there, and in the disposition of his life

There is no element of chance,

But the result of a law that can not fail.

This is true both for those who

Feel dissatisfied with their surroundings

As for those who are satisfied with it.

As a being of evolution and progress,

The man is in a point

In which he must learn to grow;

And while learning the spiritual lesson

That every circumstance offers you,

It ends and gives rise to other circumstances.

The man is slapped by the circumstances

As long as you think of yourself as

A being created by external conditions,

But when he realizes that it is a creative power,

And that he can handle the lands and seeds of his being

From which the circumstances are born,

He becomes the master and master of himself.

The man who for some time has practiced

Self-control and self-purification

Knows that circumstances arise from thoughts,

Because he has noticed that the alteration of his circumstances

Has been in exact relation with the alteration

Of your mental state.

In this way,

It is true that when a man tenaciously

Is dedicated to rectify the defects of his character,

And makes rapid progress and marked progress

Quickly by a succession of sudden changes.

The soul attracts that which it secretly lodges;

That which he loves,

And also that which he fears;

Reaches the pinnacle of his most cherished aspirations,

Falls to the level of his most impure desires;

And circumstances are the means by which the soul

Receive what is his.

Every Seed of Seeded Thinking

Dropped into the mind,

And that roots, reproduces itself,

Blooming sooner or later in stocks,

Producing its own fruits

Of opportunity and circumstances.

Good thoughts produce good fruits,

Bad thoughts bad fruits.

The environment of circumstances takes shape

In the inner world of thoughts,

And all external conditions,

Pleasant and unpleasant,

Are factors that finally exist

For the good of the individual,

Man learns both suffering and enjoying.

Following the most intimate wishes,

Aspirations, thoughts,

By which it is allowed to dominate

(Pursuing deceptive visions of impure imagination,

Or walking with firm foot the road

Of high aspirations),

The man finally receives completely

The fruits of these in the surroundings of his life.

The laws of growth and adaptation

Are fulfilled everywhere.

A man does not make it to a nursing home

Or imprisonment for the tyranny of destiny

Or circumstances,

But by the way of servile thoughts

And low desires.

A man of pure thoughts does not fall

Suddenly in crime due to stress

Or by merely external forces;

Criminal thoughts

Have been secretly housed

in the heart,

And the time of opportunity

Reveals its accumulated power.

Circumstances do not make man;

They reveal it to themselves.

There can be no such condition

How to descend on vice

While the person suffers because of his vicious inclinations;

Or ascend in virtue and pure happiness

Without the continued cultivation of virtuous aspirations;

The man, therefore,

As master and lord of thought,

Is the doer of himself,

The trainer and author of his environment.

Even at birth the soul is revealed,

And at every step of his pilgrimage

Attracts that combination of conditions that reveal it,

Which are the reflection of their own purity or impurity,

Strength and weakness.

Men do not attract what they want,

But what they are.

Your cravings, whims, and ambitions

Are frustrated at every step,

But his most intimate thoughts

And desires feed on themselves,

Whether dirty or clean.

The "divinity that gives us form"

It is within ourselves;

We are ourselves

The man is bound only by himself.

Thought and action are the jailers of destiny

-they catch us, if they are low;

They are also angels of Liberty -

They liberate us, if they are noble.

Man does not get what he wants

And for that reason,

But that which is justly earned.

Your wishes and prayers are only gratified

And taken care of when they harmonize

With their thoughts and actions.

In light of this truth,

What is the meaning of

"Fighting circumstances?"

It means that man is continually

Revealing itself against the external effect,

While all the time is nurturing

And preserving the cause in his heart.

This cause can take the form of a vice

Conscious or unconscious weakness;

But whatever,

Stubbornly retards the efforts of its possessor,

Which in this way calls for a cure.

The man is eager to improve his circumstances,

But he is not so eager to improve himself;

That is why he remains bound.

The man who does not shrink at his own crucifixion

Will never fail to reach the goal

Which is drawn in his heart,

This is as true in earthly as in divine things.

Even the man whose only goal is to achieve prosperity

Must be prepared to perform

Great personal sacrifices

Before it can achieve its goal;

And how much more prepared that

That wants to achieve a prosperous and balanced life?

This is a miserable and poor man.

You are extremely anxious wishing

That the comfort of your environment and your home improve,

Even so, all the time is mean in his work,

And is considered justified

Trying to fool your employer

Based on the miserable of his salary.

Such a man does not understand the simple rudiments

Of the principles that are the basis of prosperity,

And not only is unable to rise

About their misery,

But attracts even greater miseries

Hosting and acting according to

His indolent, false and cowardly thoughts.

This is a rich man who is a victim

Of a painful and persistent disease

Result of gluttony.

Is willing to spend huge

Sums of money to be cured,

But he is not willing to sacrifice his gluttony.

Want to satisfy your taste with unhealthy foods

And enjoy good health at the same time.

Such a man is totally unable to enjoy

In good health because he has not learned

The basic principles of a healthy life.

This is an employer who takes dishonest measures

To avoid payment of statutory salaries,

And, in the desire to improve their income,

Reduces the salaries of employees.

Such a man is not prepared for prosperity,

And when his finances and prestige

Are in bankruptcy,

He will blame the circumstances,

Without even knowing that he himself is the author of his condition.

I have presented these three cases only to illustrate

The truth that man is the cause

(Although almost always without being conscious)

Of his circumstances, and that, while he aspires to a good end,

Continuously frustrates its mission

By stimulating thoughts and

Desires that do not harmonize with that end.

Such cases can be modified

And multiply almost indefinitely,

But it's not necessary.

Because the viewer of this video may,

If it so resolves,

To trace the effect of the laws of thought

In his own mind and in his own life,

And until I succeed,

Mere external facts will not serve

As the basis of his reasoning.

The circumstances, however, are so complicated,

The thought is so deeply rooted,

And the conditions of happiness vary so much between individuals,

That the condition of man's soul

In its totality (although he knows it)

Can not be judged otherwise than

By the external aspect of his life.

A man can be honest in a certain direction,

And still suffer from privations;

A man may be dishonest in a certain direction,

And yet acquire riches;

But the usual conclusion that the former

Fails because of his particular honesty,

And the second is prosperous thanks

To his particular dishonesty,

Is the result of a superficial judgment,

Which assumes that the dishonest is corrupt

Almost completely,

And the honest is almost entirely virtuous.

In the light of deep knowledge and experience,

Such a judgment will be wrong.

The dishonest man must have some admirable virtues

That the other does not possess;

And the honest,

Vices that are absent in the other.

The honest man reaps the good results

Of his honest thoughts and actions;

It also attracts the suffering that its vice produces;

The dishonest likewise harvests

Their own sufferings and sayings.

Human vanity is pleased to believe

That one suffers because of his virtue;

But until the man has extirpated

Every unhealthy thought,

Bitter and impure of his mind,

And cleansed every stain of his soul,

Will not be in a position to know

And say that your thoughts are a result of your good,

And not of his bad qualities;

And on the path of perfection,

Will have found working in your mind and in your life,

The Great Law which is absolutely just,

And that does not give good for evil, nor evil for good.

In possession of such knowledge, you will understand,

Looking back on his past ignorance and blindness,

That his life develops, and always developed,

With justice, and that all his past experiences,

Good and bad were the impartial fruit of his own being

In process of evolution.

Good thoughts and actions

They can never produce bad results;

Bad thoughts and actions

Can never produce good results.

This is nothing else to affirm

Which can not be harvested but wheat of wheat,

Or nettle of the nettle.

Man understands this in the natural world,

And works with that knowledge;

But few understand it in the moral and mental world

(Although this operation is so simple and direct),

And therefore do not cooperate with that law.

Suffering is always the effect of thoughts

Wrong in some direction.

It is an indicator that the individual

Is out of harmony with himself,

With the law of his being.

The only and supreme use of suffering is purification,

Burn all that is useless and unclean.

Suffering ceases for the pure.

There is no point in burning gold

After the slag has been removed,

And a perfectly pure and enlightened being can not suffer.

The circumstances by which a man finds himself

With suffering are the result of their own lack

Of mental harmony,

The circumstances by which man finds himself

With good fortune are the results

Of their own mental harmony.

Buenaventura, not material possessions,

Is the measure of right thinking;

Unhappiness, not lack of material possessions,

Is the measure of wrong thinking.

A man can be unhappy and be rich;

Can be blessed and poor.

Good fortune and wealth only come together when wealth

Is used correctly and wisely;

And the poor man only descends to misery

When he considers his destiny as a burden

Unfairly infringed.

Indigence and indulgence are two extremes

Of misery.

Both are equally unnatural and the result

Of a mental disorder.

A man is not properly adapted

Until he is a happy, healthy and prosperous being;

And happiness, health and prosperity

Are the result of the harmony between your inner world

And external, of the man with his surroundings.

A man only begins to be a man

When he stops lamenting and cursing,

And begins to seek the hidden justice that governs his life.

And by adapting your mind to this ruling factor,

Ceases to accuse others as the cause of their situation,

And he forges himself with noble and strong thoughts;

Stop kicking against the circumstances,

And start using them to help you progress


And as a means to discover the power

And the possibilities concealed within.

Law, and not confusion,

Are the dominant principle of the universe;

Justice, not injustice,

It is the spirit and substance of life;

Righteousness, and not corruption,

Is the molding and motivating force

Which governs the spirit of the world.

This being so,

Man has no choice but to discover

That the universe works properly,

And when rectified, you will find that while changing

Your thoughts about situations and people,

Situations and people will change about it.

The proof of this truth is in every person,

And can therefore be easily verified by

A systematic introspection and self-analysis.

Change a man radically his thoughts,

And will be amazed at the rapid transformation

Which will operate in the material conditions of his life.

Man imagines he can keep secret

His thoughts, but he can not;

Quickly these crystallize in habits,

And habits take the form of circumstances.

Indulgent thoughts crystallize

In habits of indulgence with respect to the drink and the sex,

Which take the form of destruction and suffering;

Thoughts of all kinds are crystallized

In habits of disorientation and weakness,

Which take the form of disturbing circumstances

And adversity; Thoughts of fear,

Doubt and indecision are crystallized in habits of weakness,

Lack of manliness and irresolution,

Which take the form of circumstances of failure,

Indigence, and dependency;

Thoughts of laziness

Are crystallized in habits of dishonesty and dishonesty,

Which take the form of unclean circumstances and


Thoughts of hatred and condemnation

Are crystallized in habits of accusation and violence,

Which take the form of circumstances

Of insult and persecution;

Narcissistic thoughts of all kinds

Crystallize in selfish habits,

Which take the form of circumstances

Of greater or lesser anguish.

and for the other

Noble thoughts of any kind

Are crystallized in habits of grace and goodness,

Which take the form of circumstances

Of happiness and cordiality;

Pure thoughts

Crystallize in habits of temperance

And self-control,

Which take the form of circumstances of peace and tranquility;

Thoughts of courage, self-confidence and decision

Are crystallized in courageous habits,

Which take the form of circumstances

Of success, fulfillment and freedom;

Thoughts full of energy

Are crystallized in habits of neatness and industriousness,

Which take the form of pleasurable circumstances;

Noble and charitable thoughts

Are transformed into habits of generosity,

That take forms of protective circumstances

And preservation;

Thoughts of love and generosity

Crystallize in habits of detachment,

Which take the form of circumstances

Of lasting prosperity and true wealth.

Persistence in a given sequence of thoughts,

Whether these are good or bad,

Does not fail to produce results

In character and circumstances.

A man can not choose directly

Their circumstances,

But you can choose your thoughts,

And thus, indirectly, but with certainty,

Shape your circumstances.

Nature is in charge of helping all men

In the satisfaction of the thoughts that dominate it,

And presents the opportunities that make reality

The more quickly your thoughts

Constructive as well as destructive.

Stop a man from thinking negatively,

And the world will soften for him,

And will be ready to help you,

Let go of your weak and unhealthy thoughts,

And opportunities will be born in each hand

To assist him in his resolutions;

Motivate good thoughts,

And there will be no fatality that binds him to misery and shame.

The world is your kaleidoscope, and the variety

And a combination of colors that every moment

Presents you are the images exquisitely

Adjusted from your thoughts always in motion.

You will be what you have to be

May defeat find its false happiness

In what you think is your reality

But your spirit despises you

Master time and conquer space;

Beat that vain trickster,



Defeats the circumstance, puts it at his service.

Human desire ...

What power descended from an immortal spirit

Can make a way to any goal

Although immense walls oppose?

Do not be impatient when you try when you achieve

Understand that your spirit is in charge

Even the gods must obey


The body is the servant of the mind,

Obeys the operations of the mind,

Whether deliberate or automatic.

Following undue thoughts the body quickly

It sinks into sickness and decay;

Following virtuous thoughts

Is dressed in youth and beauty.

Health and}disease.

Like the circumstances,

Have their roots in the thoughts,

Sick thoughts are expressed

Through a sick body.

It has been known that thoughts of fear

They kill a man as fast as a bullet,

And continually kill thousands,

Maybe not so fast,

But with equal effectiveness.

People who live in fear of disease

It's the people who get them.

Anxiety quickly weakens the body,

And leaves him exposed to the disease;

While unclean thoughts,

Although not of a physical origin,

Soon destroy the nervous system.

Energy thoughts,

Of purity and joy produce in the body vigor and grace.

The body is a very delicate and plastic instrument,

Which responds quickly to thoughts

That dominate it, and habits of thought

Will produce its effects on him,

Whether these are good or bad.

The man will continue to have impure blood

And poisoned while your thoughts are negative.

From a clean heart emanates a clean life and body.

From a polluted mind come a life

And a corrupt body.

Thought is the source of all action,

Of life and of manifestation;

Build a fountain that is clean and all will be pure.

Changing diet will not help a man

Which does not change your thoughts.

When a man purifies his thoughts,

You will not want more impure food.

If you want to perfect your body,

Be jealous with your mind.

If you want to renew your body,

Embellish your mind.

Thoughts of malice, envy, disappointment, discouragement,

They take from the body its grace and health.

A bitter face is not a matter of chance,

But of bitter thoughts.

The disfiguring wrinkles are made by folly,

The passion and the pride.

I know a woman of ninety-six

Who owns the innocent and luminous face of a girl.

I know a man who does not reach middle age

Whose face is disfigured by lines without harmony.

One is the result of a sweet and vivid disposition,

The other the result of passion and discontent.

Just as you can not have a healthy and sweet home

If you do not let the air and sunlight freely enter

In the rooms,

So a lively, happy body or a serene face

Can only be a result of letting in freely

In the mind happy thoughts,

Good wishes and serenity.

In the face of the elderly there are wrinkles produced

By sympathy.

Others by pure and vigorous thoughts;

And others carved by passion:

Who can not distinguish them?

For those who have lived correctly,

The age brings calm, peace, like a sunset.

I have recently observed a philosopher

on his deathbed.

He was only old for years,

Died as sweetly and calmly as he lived.

There is no better medicine than happy thoughts

To dispel the evils of the body;

There is no better comfort than goodwill

To dispel the shadows of grief and bitterness.

Living continuously with malevolent thoughts,

Cynical, and envious,

Is confined to a prison made by oneself.

But think well of all,

Be kind to everyone

And patiently learn to find the good side

Of things:

Such thoughts are the true gates of heaven;

And live the day-to-day thoughts of peace

Towards every creature

Will bring peace to its possessor in abundance.

For more infomation >> COMO EL HOMBRE PIENSA ASI ES SU VIDA - James Allen - Poderoso AudioLibro - Duration: 32:13.


Five Little Pig Superhero Jumping on the Bed | Emi TV Lyrics | Nursery Rhymes 5 Little Monkeys - Duration: 5:33.

Five little peppas jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor, And the doctor said

No more peppas jumping on the bed

Four little peppas jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more peppas jumping on the bed

Three little peppas jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more peppas jumping on the bed

Two little peppas jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more peppas jumping on the bed

One little peppa jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

Put those piggiess right to bed

For more infomation >> Five Little Pig Superhero Jumping on the Bed | Emi TV Lyrics | Nursery Rhymes 5 Little Monkeys - Duration: 5:33.


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Please Subscribe My channel

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#Darshanam LIVE. Indian Temples Exclusive visual Information.

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Шоколадный торт Захер (Sacher). Классический рецепт. - Duration: 5:01.

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Elite: Dangerous Horizons - Arrival at Colonia and Jaques Station - Duration: 22:11.

Hello it's Ricardo and last seems like an age I finally made it to Colonia when

it's being interests in June I've managed to approve quite a bit of many

tamales data I've been to ma'am on listening post and then shortly after

that I made the trip up to Hillary depo which was a land-based depo where I was

able to sell even more kurta graphic data and increase the coffers and my

exploration rack on from that was a Woodsen terminal the land-based devil

surely followed after that then to attenborough's watch a built station out

of a hollowed-out asteroid one of the first ones I'd seen then after that the

ends onto observation post Epsilon another hollowed-out asteroid in an

asteroid field really spectacular and then on to the Omega mining outpost

again more however asteroids they're moving upwards after a long old

flight it was Eagle fected with two bases quite close together the Eagle

sector and Eagle Landing Eagle sex ed being in an asteroid and an eagle

landing then being planet based all this was glad to prove that the conflict was

indeed a very interesting place to go exploring Eagle landing some stunning

visuals especially with a nebula in the background and that sort of like ready

magenta hue to the entire area it was great absolutely great and then

moving on it was on to the complex settlement this revealed several logs of

the journey found about the three settlements

and then started to get things start to get really interesting moving on to the

Guardian ruins at the Skoda area of the complex here like some of the other

Guardian sites be able to find Guardian artifacts and then they were such a good

way er outpost the land-based outpost for men on IM moved all the way over

right the way to Gagarin gate passing by Mitchell's legacy containing six black

holes and from there then things that had to happen really quickly if they

then moved on to Polo Harbor and then at my destination where you see it Colonia

and Jack's outpost so now I'm here I thought well let's see what all the fuss

is about and here it is Jack Station or Jax outpost quite a busy old outpost I

have to say lots of passenger liners coming and going a few players in system

as well it is always nice to see what looked to be a typical ocular space base

board it does look a bit shorter a fly around as well you know it's in pretty

good condition some of the other space ports you've seen about some damage and

some welding going on outside but nothing's happened here and of course it

does look a bit different as well with a sort of like perkily magenta backdrop of

the nebula behind it now moving around to the rear of the station let's take a

look at that drive section now Jack the bartender saved up for a long long time

he's a cyborg and he finally bought the station and then took an awful lot of

time then to fit the station out with engines they say these engines then

allowed him to move all the way over here

that's the gist of the story and you can look up more about the story either in

the comment section or on the Internet but an impressive station at least on

the outside and surrounding that as well as several beacons where's three beacons

in fact it's not the only thing in the Colonia system so you have Jack's

station but you also have a secure facility on a planet named Picard

you also have an orbiting station you also have a land base and a listening

post to name but a few

so that's a bit old look at the outside of that ship station whenever you want

to call it and now it's time to move inside to see what all the fuss is about

again great visuals from frontier here in this this part of space really makes

it feel a little bit worthwhile coming all the way out here and docking the

jack station is the same as any other docking to any of the space station you

request your access but what I would say is be very careful when trying to dock

at least bit of dropping on manual now those views a docking computer it'll

wait for ages and ages and ages and ages and ages before or allow you to dock so

as the jet perhaps putting it off and if you can do it and you should be able to

do it you've got yourself all the way over here dock on manual okay

reason why I say this is a busy old spaceport there are lots of ships coming

in and out of the aperture like you see there there's a liner coming out now so

easing it in through the aperture is quite easy standing the same as anything

else and find your pad and get it on the deck now I've now changed my ass to the

new golden pink pack so I was issued by frontier I had bought a gold pack for it

a gold pink job I should say and I got an email not so long ago saying hey you

know worm we've got a new paint job because you bought the gold one wanted

you the golden one instead and it's great I think it's great nice and

reflective nice rich colors now I have changed graphics cards in the middle of

doing this video I have to admit I've gone from a GF x 1050 TI super clock

and I've now gone for a gtx 1070 gaming which is also got the ten seven two

chips tears in it it's also got eight gigabyte of ram i must say i can see the

difference it's not as jerky the line to battle isn't him tearing mother there

was an awful lot of that with the other graphics card either but with this one I

have to say it has given me a better experience at least I think so so

several liners on the pad and the interior of the space station of the

same as any other I was kind of hoping for something a bit more rewarding the

inside of this station you see some refuges of other liners just floating

around unfortunately that guys just missed it

but now I was hoping for something perhaps a mix of all the other stations

to the interior this not just the same old boring station interior it's a shame

I don't know I don't know I was expecting really I haven't looked up on

the internet what it was all about I thought was just get on over here as you

know those you've been following me this started off forgetting 5,000 light years

away from my starting system which was indeed cozy and once I got 5,000 light

years away well I didn't really want to go back because the visuals were that

more rewarding and I was talking to somebody online the other day who had

commented on one of the videos and said ya know that they're sick of the drama

you know of the bubble and it's nice just to get away from things for a time

and I agree I think things out I think you know it is nice to get away go on

your Holly Bob's if you know what I mean

as I mentioned the inside of the station is like every other although this one is

very busy mean look at all those active active landing pads now

though nothing coming in through that through that aperture anyway let's move


so as dock image acts with equally as perilously ships coming and going you

have to be careful as well for exiting the space station now the space station

has about five or six ships nothing to wizzy nothing to bigger than a Python I

believe in the shipyard it has got outfitting and you can drop off all that

cartographic data which is most welcome also preparing your ship

they said outfitting as well but nothing more than a five C really on a Power

Core or jump drive that I could find the visitors beacons as well you can pop out

and scan for a little bit of history and I've done that once you can see the

jacks Visitors beacon is on the screen

moving on to the next one

it is but a short hop this were now called the Colonia expansion the third

weren't being repairs complete and each one of these gives you a little bit of

history as I've mentioned

now moving on in a way from jack station i thought it was time to check out some

of the other outposts and stations in the area again moving past this lovely

blue jewel of a planet we're on our way to colonia hub a land-based outpost on

this sandy colored meteor pocketed world

now colonia hub is a bit more well-appointed than what shack stations

is you can get anacondas and there are 12 ships to choose from should you feel

like upgrading from the ship that you dragged yourself all the way from the

bubbling all the way to here now there are missions to be had as well missions

were very hard to come by on first arriving to jack station there was the

shack governing body and also the colonia governing body no missions there

even though i've dropped off about 1.8 million of cartographic data here

however i was pleasantly surprised


Travie graphic data shipyard everything you could possibly want and missions

so there are mining missions there is delivery missions both to factions that

are in system

graphics with this new cars I think really are making it stand out cuz it's

not too apparent from what you can see in the video but in the game it's great

and this station does give the impression of being brand new as well I

mean look at some of the ones being a bit tired of a bit dated or the landing

pads are nice they're not scratched what's lacking from it out goes if the

big honking big coward buildings in the center and that's why I think makes it

look a little bit different then the less very impressive you got all your

security drill and skin and zipping around which I think have been missing

on some of the other land-based outposts that I visited on my journey over here

so is that the shipyard got the Sidewinder the hauler the Eagle the

Viper mark 3 the Cobra mark 3 type 6 Diamondback keelback vulture the type 7

the Python and then finally the Anaconda 171 million credits so with a mission

board as I mentioned quite a few missions can then get me this go and

mine that liberate some hostages

expansion data there only a few hops away as well which is quite good

so I'll see some of these require you to have a bigger ship and I haven't brought

the bigger ship with me so just in orbit of that is Colonia

orbital now a standard outpost in space looks very nice again just like Jax

station did against the purpley magentas of the nether that's close by so as an

outpost you can go dock in that old anaconda here so you know a Python and

below you know the score nothing too heavy the wreckage of a ship on one pad

seems to be a so standard graphic

and solar panels another station appendages coming off it landing

freaking straight for if it is on any hub as long as you can do it you can get

on it and again out fittings available along with refueling and repair and

advanced maintenance

so it's a tourism economy now Jack Station did have a rare Jack's hip flask

or Jax distillery quint Jack's quintain Ian's distillery

that was it and you can get 20 tons of those I'm not sure - at any one time but

worth all picking up if you're making the journey back and of course a better

selection of missions expansion data currying bring this back missions you

know that sort of thing and a black-market

which also jack stationed it as well so good they thought about it because any

thriving new environment would need a black market so into the outfitting

section where as Jack Station was lacking in a few areas this station

there's tens that pick up the slack so burst lasers railguns pulse lasers

missiles mining lasers torpedoes fragment cannons and mines can you put

in the comments what's missing also utility mounts again a more well

appointed outpost or station ECM chatter launches and the like but also one thing

I noticed as well the ability to reinforce the hum of your ship you can

go right up to the military-grade composite as well for five million

that of course though will reduce your jump range so some things I've got no

stock a lot of things that have me my frameshift drive is 5a though if you

needed to you could get 5 C

and also you can upgrade your field maintenance unit which I've done as well

because I'm gonna need a better one for the journey back if I decide to go that

route there are options and I'll discuss those in a video when I'm ready to

return back to the bubble there's a lot more exploring to do out here anyway at

the moment a couple of black holes some planets where there's a new transfer

very close by an upgrade to a 2b Auto field maintenance unit even though it

uses slightly more power I think has got more capacity got 500 units of capacity

more so for a quick look round outside the station

a few things that are slightly different again like the land-based it does look

newer like it has only just recently been put there and of course in game it

has not as busy as yak station though they still be wary if you're playing an

Oprah mode for those unscrupulous commanders who may find it amusing to

shoot some ships that aren't so heavily armed they've just made the journey all

the way from the bubble so time now to move on from our Whistlestop tour of the

colonia system then to move on to another area or point of interest in

system that being the listening post that's located just a few clicks away

now the listening post is orbiting a moon or planetary body with rings and

does contain a message a message about another military faction now this Murphy

faction may play a wider part of the story in future parts of the game

the great planetary detail as well around this listening post now of course

coming into system and targeting it were allowed to scan that beacon and get the


it does tell a harrowing tale I suppose

concerning the data inside that listening post

so another military faction in the area taking out ships there could be a right

old play for power going on in the Colonia and complex area of space when

where I think there'd be more community goals in the future

so here it is here's the listening post in

orbit around a planet with many clouds

quite a nice sight a good good a addition to the game

now this has been a leak dangerous and I've been Ricardo this has been the end

of a journey from the bubble all the way to Colonia stopping off at many

different places that I've detailed earlier on thanks very much for watching

and see you soon but please check out to the videos that

have been detailed in this series fly safe


For more infomation >> Elite: Dangerous Horizons - Arrival at Colonia and Jaques Station - Duration: 22:11.


Baschieri & Pellagri polveri e ricariche per armi corte - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> Baschieri & Pellagri polveri e ricariche per armi corte - Duration: 7:25.


Last Day on Earth Hack - Free Coins & Energy (Updated 2017) - Duration: 2:18.

Last Day on Earth Hack

For more infomation >> Last Day on Earth Hack - Free Coins & Energy (Updated 2017) - Duration: 2:18.


battlefield one console cte 101 - Duration: 0:14.

hit registration.avi has stopped working


For more infomation >> battlefield one console cte 101 - Duration: 0:14.


Väderstad Tempo L - Follow Me To AGRITECHNICA 2017 #fmtagt - Duration: 8:37.

Next episode of Follow me to AGRITECHNICA!

Gesa is travelling around all of europe to meet the heroes of agricultural engineering.

Today she's in Sweden.

Väderstad machines from... Väderstad. Where Gesa will meet someone...

- Today I'm at Väderstad, but where is my ride?

- Hey Gesa! - Hi Maria.

- I've got something for you!

- This is your company car? - It mostly is!

- And it'll be all mine for today? - If you take care of it!

- I promise... amazing.

- And where do we meet later?

- At the quarry. - Great! - Have fun, Gesa!

Once in sweden, Gesa already has her very own car.

Off to the next meet up... to the origins of Väderstad.

Gesa meets Crister Stark, one of the founder's sons.

- Hey Crister! How are you? - Nice to see you, Gesa!

- The sun is shining, everything is great. - Let's go!

- This is where it all began. What's this?

- This is a harrow. Just as my father built it. He made it for his own farm.

- And he thought that maybe he could also sell it. He had this little workshop.

- It was smaller beforehand, wasn't it? - Yes, only this space here.

- My mother was in, as well. When the company took off she managed the bookkeeping.

- My father wasn't good at it but she was. - Is that you in this picture?

- Yes, on our biggest tractor! 40 ps, diesel.

- Do you still have it? - We do, it's outside.

- Let's go see it.

- This is the one?

- Yes, from the 1950s. It was very popular back then.

- It looks as if it still works. - It does.

- Are you driving it sometimes? - Sometimes, yes.

- Now let's go handle a big delivery, shall we?

- Of course, with this one? - No, with the car.

Gesa and Crister take off with the vintage car.

Gesa is meeting Lars. It's about a new generation planter.

- It looks like a gigantic popcorn machine.

- There are seeds in here, yes? - Yes.

Keen as a razor, Gesa.

- Let's start up the system and see how it works!

The Väderstad system for the planter Tempo L. Controlled digitally and highly precise. Gesa is in pure awe.

Later for a closer look at the Tempo L. For now Gesa takes a look at the seeds.

- Lars did you bring a little snack? - Those are examples from clients!

- That's carrots in your hand, here we've got tomatoes... spinach...

- They come in different sizes so you'd also need different seed discs.

- The colors look artificial, though. - Yes, so you know not to eat it!

- But it looks delicious... - It does...

The time has come!

The Tempo L. The world record machine by Väderstad.

Over 500 hectar corn sowing in only 24 hours. Very high precision and speeds of more than 20km/h.

World record made in Sweden.

- Amazing. Let's have a closer look!

- Here we have the fertilizer tank. - It holds about 5 cubic metres/tons with up to 350kg per hectare at 15km/h.

- Incredible!

- Can you open it up? - Of course!

- You can immediately see the individual seeds. - Exactly, it'll be sorted with air pressure and then planted.

- 20 seeds per second, times 16 amounts to 320 per second.

- I'm not good at math, but that's obviously very very much.

- Enough talk. - Let's give it a try.

Gesa in action on the world record machine. Putting power, precision and speed of the Tempo L to the test.

- I can take my hands off the wheel entirely.

- Starting to plant... right now.

- And all this only because I love popcorn.

- Imagining the amount of seeds I'm planting right now is incredible. And so easily... You can't stop that.

Gesa and Maria take a closer look at the Carrier XL.

- Hey Maria! - Hey Gesa!

- It's so loud here! - Yes, we are testing the machine here at the quarry.

- That way we can simulate year long use in just a few weeks.

- Very loud, but let's go take a look, anyway. - Of course!

The stony terrain is not to be taken lightly. It's a serious stress test for the frame parts.

Maria and Gesa enjoy their time although it is really really loud.

Carrier is a real Väderstad classic since 18 years. A disc harrow built for primary tillage at high speeds.

Carrier is applicable in various situations. From super flat tillage to deeper break-in.

The test drive allows for simulation of tillage on multiple hectares - independent of weather.

Gesa is more than impressed.

- Maria, thanks for a great day here in Sweden! I've seen a lot. The Carrier, the Tempo...

- But you surely have something else up your sleeves for the AGRITECHNICA, right?

- Exactly, but I mustn't tell, yet. You'll have to wait until November.

- Where?

- Hall 12, booth B24.

- That's a must! But for now, I'm going home.

- Have a good trip!

Follow me to AGRITECHNICA continues.

For more infomation >> Väderstad Tempo L - Follow Me To AGRITECHNICA 2017 #fmtagt - Duration: 8:37.


One EGG, one KILL| Minecraft | Skywars#1 - Duration: 19:23.


For more infomation >> One EGG, one KILL| Minecraft | Skywars#1 - Duration: 19:23.



Hello! Today I'm going to ask people to complete different tasks.

Maybe they will do squats?

For this can of Tiger!

Or maybe they will subdue a bull?

What will happen?

Watch the video!

I give Tiger cans to pretty women.

But you need to do 5 squats.

I can do it.


Not like that! Everyone can do that!

The thing is your butt has to be as low as these two cans. That low!

One... Can you move here?

Do it like I did. It will be better.

How did you do that? Like that?

One, two, three...

Four, five... And you?

I won't.

Okay, so here's a can for your friend. Have a nice day!

You have to complete a task.

5 squats.


I'm serious.

With all that?

You can put it down. I'm serious.


You have to do 5 squats.

Here. And your butt needs to be as low as these cans.

I can't remember when I did squats the last time. A very long time ago.

I can hold your bag, if you want. I won't steal it.

One, two, three...

Four... Lower! Five...


Tiger for you, here you are.

Have a nice day!

For free!

But you have to do 5 squats.

5 squats.


Let's go!

But your butt has to be as low as the cans.

5, let's do it.

One, two, three...

Four, five...

Take the one that was on the top. You farted on it.

Have a nice day!

If you subdue this bull, you take it by its horns, you get a Tiger from me.

What am I supposed to do?

Get back on the bull and subdue it.

You can do it! I believe in you!

Cheer for him, girl! Help him!

Are your really going to do it? No!

Come on, subdue it!

But why?

You're going to get...


Show your strength!

Tiger's strength!


But how...? Okay...

No, it's not a good idea.

I'm going to hold it. Be careful.

No, don't do it!

You will fall down!

He won't, I hold it.

He won! He won a can of Tiger!

We give away Tigers.


You have to get back on the bull.

We're going to hold it.

Come on!

You have to jump.

I want to see it!

Help your friend!

Subdue this bull! Show us your muscles!

He won a Tiger! Here you are!

Tiger for you! Respect!

High five!

Subdue it, take its horns!

Take it! You're a freak!

Hello, I have a Tiger for you.

Excuse me?

A Tiger.

But you have to do 5 squats.

I don't know...

It's our action.

Your butt has to be this low.

5 squats.

Okay. Hold it.

Is there something valuable inside?

I'm just kidding.

One, two, three...

Four, five.

You farted on this one, so here you are.

Can I take two?

You need to do 5 push-ups.

Like that. One, two...

Show us that you have muscles!

Do 10.

You're a good guy. Take two! Have a nice day!

High five!

I hope that you liked the video!

If you have other tasks for passers-by, write them down in the comments.

I'm going to use them for sure, together with Tiger.

Check out all the links in the description!

Take care! BrzozaTV

For more infomation >> GIRLS DO SQUATS FOR A CAN OF TIGER - Duration: 5:13.


The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari ► Book Summary - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari ► Book Summary - Duration: 8:53.


Portatori di Unicità - Rispetto e Immaginazione, con Matteo Ficara - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Portatori di Unicità - Rispetto e Immaginazione, con Matteo Ficara - Duration: 1:34.


David Alan Grier Plays Foreigner or Not - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> David Alan Grier Plays Foreigner or Not - Duration: 3:47.


David Alan Grier on Making His Own Pastrami - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> David Alan Grier on Making His Own Pastrami - Duration: 2:59.


David Alan Grier Turns Prescription Medications into Children's Names - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> David Alan Grier Turns Prescription Medications into Children's Names - Duration: 2:47.


The Whole Enchilada - Duration: 42:03.

For more infomation >> The Whole Enchilada - Duration: 42:03.


Where Do We Go From Hair? - Duration: 42:35.

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go From Hair? - Duration: 42:35.


PERMATA Gudep Dewi Sartika 2017 - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> PERMATA Gudep Dewi Sartika 2017 - Duration: 7:16.


[ENG SUB] Blackpink' Jisoo V LIVE 20170801 [HD] - Duration: 20:27.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Blackpink' Jisoo V LIVE 20170801 [HD] - Duration: 20:27.


New Equestria Girls Trailer

For more infomation >> New Equestria Girls Trailer


Film - The dead plane Full Subtitrat in Romana Super Actiune 2017 - Duration: 1:29:50.

For more infomation >> Film - The dead plane Full Subtitrat in Romana Super Actiune 2017 - Duration: 1:29:50.


ČIERNA LEHOTA - Duration: 8:18.


Dear viewers,

today I am going to guide you through the ruins of Čierna Lehota castle.

The remains of the little castle

are located in the western Slovakia,

over the Bebrava river valley at the top of distinctive

hill called Hrádok, nearly 1,5 km

from Čierna Lehota village that is surrounded

by the woods of Strážovské vrchy.

There are documents about the history of the castle.

We only know that it was built during the reign of Matúš Čák

Trenčiansky and it

burnt down in 1786.

Cherna Lehota (Čierna Lehota) village is

mentioned in 1389

when it as a part of the castle county was magnate from king

Žigmund Luxemburský received by

Ctibor zo Stiboríc.

In that time, the castle probably did not serve as

a residence that was established as a result

of Horná Bebrava valley colonization.

A trail to Valašská Belá crossed the valley.

The castle was located on the territory of

Čáks and served for noblemen.

Not far away from there, roughly 3 kilometers along

the stream of Bebrava, near Šípkov village,

there was another castle with towers.

Although historical reports are missing, tell of the life

on the castle in 13.-14. century

found ceramic fragments.

More details can be brought

in only by in-depth archeological exploration and deeper search in the archives.

At the highest spot,

on the southern border of triangular platform,

a trapezoid-shaped part of inner wall of the object has survived.

It was probably the central part of the castle,

the defense tower

with inner dimensions of

6,1 x 6,1 m

with thicker wall of 1,5 m.

The tower was accessible by a trail

from northeast.

This is probably where a gate of lower defense wall was located.

The traces of the gate flank the northern edge

of lower terrace.

Thanks to the terrain, this was the only place



and ferry structures.

There was a trail from the castle to the ridge of Záhradčie.

The access to the castle was protected by two ditches carved in the rock

that defined a small forecastle

made of wood and clay.

The easiest way to reach the castle is from

Čierna Lehota village.

There are three trails on the crossroads at the southern edge of the village.

From May 2012, there is "Rohatáskala - Hrádok" educational walkway to the castle.

There is no sign of the castle existence though.

You go left at the crossroads,

you pass a smaller meadow

and strip of the forest, after you again step on the meadow,

but this time the trail disappears.

Here, you go left to the distinctive wooded rocky

castle mountain, where you simply cannot get lost.

is a beautiful view on the nearby hills and the village.

In wonderful surrounding nature,

you can visit Rohatá skala or Bebrava spring.

Čierna Lehota moutaine village

is an ideal place for all who love

nature and hiking.

On the cadastral territory of the village

is also located the natural monument Stará Bebrava.




For more infomation >> ČIERNA LEHOTA - Duration: 8:18.


EVS: Dobrovolníkem v Evropě na 2 až 12 měsíců - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> EVS: Dobrovolníkem v Evropě na 2 až 12 měsíců - Duration: 3:21.


COMO EL HOMBRE PIENSA ASI ES SU VIDA - James Allen - Poderoso AudioLibro - Duration: 32:13.


By James Allen


This small volume

(Result of meditation and experience)

It does not attempt to be an exhaustive treaty

About the power of thought,

Of what has already been written.

It is rather suggestive rather than explanatory,

Its objective is to stimulate men and women

Discovery and understanding

Of the following truth:

They are forgers of themselves.

By virtue of the thoughts that they choose and stimulate;

That the mind is the master factory that weaves the clothes

Which dress both in the depths of character

As in the external circumstances,

And that if until now they have woven ignorance and suffering

Can weave illumination and happiness.

James Allen


The Aphorism, "As a man thinketh in his heart,

So is he, "not only embracing his being,

But comes to understand each condition

And circumstance of his life.

A man is literally what he thinks,

His character being the sum of all his thoughts.

Just as a plant sprouts from its seed,

And it could not be otherwise,

So every action of a man sprouts

Of the invisible seeds of thought,

And could not exist without them.

The above applies equally

To those acts considered "spontaneous"

And "not premeditated"

As well as those who are deliberately executed.

Actions are outbreaks of thought,

And happiness and suffering are its fruits;

In this way man reaps the sweet fruits

And bitter he sows.

The thoughts in the mind make us who we are.

They forge and model us.

If you harbor lower thoughts in your mind,

The pain will follow you as the plow follows the ox.

If instead your thoughts are high,

Happiness will follow you as your own shadow, it is a fact.

The development of man is governed by laws,

Not by artifice,

And the law of cause and effect is so absolute and inevitable

In the hidden realm of thoughts

As it is in the world of visible and material objects.

An admirable character is not a matter of chance or favor,

But the natural result of a constant effort

In harboring the right thoughts,

The effect of a very long and appreciated association

With admirable thoughts.

An ignoble and beastly character, by the same process,

Is the result of vile thoughts

Housed continuously.

This character is made or undone by itself;

In the harmony of thinking forges weapons

With which it is destroyed;

Also develops the tools with which

Builds for himself celestial mansions of happiness,

Strength and peace.

With the choice and application of the right thoughts

Man ascends to divine perfection;

With application and abuse

Of the wrong thoughts,

Descends below the level of the beasts.

Between these two extremes are

All categories of character,

And man is his teacher and maker.

Of all the wonderful truths of the soul

Which have been recovered and rediscovered

In this age, no greater and more fruitful

Of divine promise and hope

- man is the master of thought,

Character smith, creator and modeler

Conditions, environment and destination. -

As a being of Power, Intelligence and Love,

And lord of his own thoughts,

The man has the key to every situation,

And carries the transformation agency

And regeneration by which he makes of himself what he wants.

Man is always the master and lord,

Even in his weakest and most neglected state;

But in its weakness and degradation

Is the foolish master who rules his affairs poorly.

When you begin to reflect on your condition,

And diligently seek the Law that brought him to that state,

Becomes the wise master,

Channeling their energy intelligently,

And producing fruitful thoughts.

That is the wise master,

And man can only become so by discovering

Within himself the laws of thought;

Discovery that is the result of application,

Self-analysis, and experience.

Only after much searching and digging gold

And diamonds are obtained,

And man can find every truth associated

With his being if he digs with determination in the deep

Of his soul;

And will prove unequivocally that he is a forger of his character,

Modeler of his life,

And builder of his destiny, if he watches, controls,

And alters his thoughts,

Following the trace of its effects in itself,

In others, in their life and circumstances,

Linking cause and effect with

Practice and research patients,

And using every experience, even the most trivial,

Every day fact,

As means to obtain the knowledge of itself

Which is Understanding, Wisdom, Power.

In that sense, as in no other,

Is the absolute law:

"He who seeks shall find;

He who knocks the door will open it ";

Only with patience, practice, and unceasing impertinence

Can a man come in

By the Gate of the Temple of Knowledge.


A man's mind compares to a garden,

Which can be intelligently cultivated

Or being abandoned and filled with herbs;

But be cultivated or neglected,

Is destined to produce.

If no useful seeds are sown,

Then seeds of bad grass will fall,

They will grow in abundance and reproduce.

Just as a gardener cultivates his plot,

Keeping it free from weeds,

Cultivating the flowers and fruits required,

So must man attend to the garden of his mind

Cleansing her from harmful thoughts,

Useless and impure, and cultivating to perfection,

The flowers and fruits of right thoughts,

Useful and pure.

Only by following this process man sooner or later

Discovers that he is the master gardener of his spirit,

Director of his life.

He also discovers in himself,

The laws of thought,

And understands, more and more accurately,

How the force of thought and

The elements of the mind

Operate in the formation of their character,

Their circumstances and their destiny.

Thought and character are one,

And while the character only manifests itself

And discovers through the circumstances,

The environment of the life of a person

It will always be in harmony with its inner state.

This does not mean that the circumstances of a person

At a given moment they are an indicator of all his character,

But those circumstances are

Intimately connected with some vital element

Of thought in its interior that, at that moment,

Is indispensable for its development.

Every man is where he is by the law of his own being.

The thoughts you have built on your character

Have taken him there, and in the disposition of his life

There is no element of chance,

But the result of a law that can not fail.

This is true both for those who

Feel dissatisfied with their surroundings

As for those who are satisfied with it.

As a being of evolution and progress,

The man is in a point

In which he must learn to grow;

And while learning the spiritual lesson

That every circumstance offers you,

It ends and gives rise to other circumstances.

The man is slapped by the circumstances

As long as you think of yourself as

A being created by external conditions,

But when he realizes that it is a creative power,

And that he can handle the lands and seeds of his being

From which the circumstances are born,

He becomes the master and master of himself.

The man who for some time has practiced

Self-control and self-purification

Knows that circumstances arise from thoughts,

Because he has noticed that the alteration of his circumstances

Has been in exact relation with the alteration

Of your mental state.

In this way,

It is true that when a man tenaciously

Is dedicated to rectify the defects of his character,

And makes rapid progress and marked progress

Quickly by a succession of sudden changes.

The soul attracts that which it secretly lodges;

That which he loves,

And also that which he fears;

Reaches the pinnacle of his most cherished aspirations,

Falls to the level of his most impure desires;

And circumstances are the means by which the soul

Receive what is his.

Every Seed of Seeded Thinking

Dropped into the mind,

And that roots, reproduces itself,

Blooming sooner or later in stocks,

Producing its own fruits

Of opportunity and circumstances.

Good thoughts produce good fruits,

Bad thoughts bad fruits.

The environment of circumstances takes shape

In the inner world of thoughts,

And all external conditions,

Pleasant and unpleasant,

Are factors that finally exist

For the good of the individual,

Man learns both suffering and enjoying.

Following the most intimate wishes,

Aspirations, thoughts,

By which it is allowed to dominate

(Pursuing deceptive visions of impure imagination,

Or walking with firm foot the road

Of high aspirations),

The man finally receives completely

The fruits of these in the surroundings of his life.

The laws of growth and adaptation

Are fulfilled everywhere.

A man does not make it to a nursing home

Or imprisonment for the tyranny of destiny

Or circumstances,

But by the way of servile thoughts

And low desires.

A man of pure thoughts does not fall

Suddenly in crime due to stress

Or by merely external forces;

Criminal thoughts

Have been secretly housed

in the heart,

And the time of opportunity

Reveals its accumulated power.

Circumstances do not make man;

They reveal it to themselves.

There can be no such condition

How to descend on vice

While the person suffers because of his vicious inclinations;

Or ascend in virtue and pure happiness

Without the continued cultivation of virtuous aspirations;

The man, therefore,

As master and lord of thought,

Is the doer of himself,

The trainer and author of his environment.

Even at birth the soul is revealed,

And at every step of his pilgrimage

Attracts that combination of conditions that reveal it,

Which are the reflection of their own purity or impurity,

Strength and weakness.

Men do not attract what they want,

But what they are.

Your cravings, whims, and ambitions

Are frustrated at every step,

But his most intimate thoughts

And desires feed on themselves,

Whether dirty or clean.

The "divinity that gives us form"

It is within ourselves;

We are ourselves

The man is bound only by himself.

Thought and action are the jailers of destiny

-they catch us, if they are low;

They are also angels of Liberty -

They liberate us, if they are noble.

Man does not get what he wants

And for that reason,

But that which is justly earned.

Your wishes and prayers are only gratified

And taken care of when they harmonize

With their thoughts and actions.

In light of this truth,

What is the meaning of

"Fighting circumstances?"

It means that man is continually

Revealing itself against the external effect,

While all the time is nurturing

And preserving the cause in his heart.

This cause can take the form of a vice

Conscious or unconscious weakness;

But whatever,

Stubbornly retards the efforts of its possessor,

Which in this way calls for a cure.

The man is eager to improve his circumstances,

But he is not so eager to improve himself;

That is why he remains bound.

The man who does not shrink at his own crucifixion

Will never fail to reach the goal

Which is drawn in his heart,

This is as true in earthly as in divine things.

Even the man whose only goal is to achieve prosperity

Must be prepared to perform

Great personal sacrifices

Before it can achieve its goal;

And how much more prepared that

That wants to achieve a prosperous and balanced life?

This is a miserable and poor man.

You are extremely anxious wishing

That the comfort of your environment and your home improve,

Even so, all the time is mean in his work,

And is considered justified

Trying to fool your employer

Based on the miserable of his salary.

Such a man does not understand the simple rudiments

Of the principles that are the basis of prosperity,

And not only is unable to rise

About their misery,

But attracts even greater miseries

Hosting and acting according to

His indolent, false and cowardly thoughts.

This is a rich man who is a victim

Of a painful and persistent disease

Result of gluttony.

Is willing to spend huge

Sums of money to be cured,

But he is not willing to sacrifice his gluttony.

Want to satisfy your taste with unhealthy foods

And enjoy good health at the same time.

Such a man is totally unable to enjoy

In good health because he has not learned

The basic principles of a healthy life.

This is an employer who takes dishonest measures

To avoid payment of statutory salaries,

And, in the desire to improve their income,

Reduces the salaries of employees.

Such a man is not prepared for prosperity,

And when his finances and prestige

Are in bankruptcy,

He will blame the circumstances,

Without even knowing that he himself is the author of his condition.

I have presented these three cases only to illustrate

The truth that man is the cause

(Although almost always without being conscious)

Of his circumstances, and that, while he aspires to a good end,

Continuously frustrates its mission

By stimulating thoughts and

Desires that do not harmonize with that end.

Such cases can be modified

And multiply almost indefinitely,

But it's not necessary.

Because the viewer of this video may,

If it so resolves,

To trace the effect of the laws of thought

In his own mind and in his own life,

And until I succeed,

Mere external facts will not serve

As the basis of his reasoning.

The circumstances, however, are so complicated,

The thought is so deeply rooted,

And the conditions of happiness vary so much between individuals,

That the condition of man's soul

In its totality (although he knows it)

Can not be judged otherwise than

By the external aspect of his life.

A man can be honest in a certain direction,

And still suffer from privations;

A man may be dishonest in a certain direction,

And yet acquire riches;

But the usual conclusion that the former

Fails because of his particular honesty,

And the second is prosperous thanks

To his particular dishonesty,

Is the result of a superficial judgment,

Which assumes that the dishonest is corrupt

Almost completely,

And the honest is almost entirely virtuous.

In the light of deep knowledge and experience,

Such a judgment will be wrong.

The dishonest man must have some admirable virtues

That the other does not possess;

And the honest,

Vices that are absent in the other.

The honest man reaps the good results

Of his honest thoughts and actions;

It also attracts the suffering that its vice produces;

The dishonest likewise harvests

Their own sufferings and sayings.

Human vanity is pleased to believe

That one suffers because of his virtue;

But until the man has extirpated

Every unhealthy thought,

Bitter and impure of his mind,

And cleansed every stain of his soul,

Will not be in a position to know

And say that your thoughts are a result of your good,

And not of his bad qualities;

And on the path of perfection,

Will have found working in your mind and in your life,

The Great Law which is absolutely just,

And that does not give good for evil, nor evil for good.

In possession of such knowledge, you will understand,

Looking back on his past ignorance and blindness,

That his life develops, and always developed,

With justice, and that all his past experiences,

Good and bad were the impartial fruit of his own being

In process of evolution.

Good thoughts and actions

They can never produce bad results;

Bad thoughts and actions

Can never produce good results.

This is nothing else to affirm

Which can not be harvested but wheat of wheat,

Or nettle of the nettle.

Man understands this in the natural world,

And works with that knowledge;

But few understand it in the moral and mental world

(Although this operation is so simple and direct),

And therefore do not cooperate with that law.

Suffering is always the effect of thoughts

Wrong in some direction.

It is an indicator that the individual

Is out of harmony with himself,

With the law of his being.

The only and supreme use of suffering is purification,

Burn all that is useless and unclean.

Suffering ceases for the pure.

There is no point in burning gold

After the slag has been removed,

And a perfectly pure and enlightened being can not suffer.

The circumstances by which a man finds himself

With suffering are the result of their own lack

Of mental harmony,

The circumstances by which man finds himself

With good fortune are the results

Of their own mental harmony.

Buenaventura, not material possessions,

Is the measure of right thinking;

Unhappiness, not lack of material possessions,

Is the measure of wrong thinking.

A man can be unhappy and be rich;

Can be blessed and poor.

Good fortune and wealth only come together when wealth

Is used correctly and wisely;

And the poor man only descends to misery

When he considers his destiny as a burden

Unfairly infringed.

Indigence and indulgence are two extremes

Of misery.

Both are equally unnatural and the result

Of a mental disorder.

A man is not properly adapted

Until he is a happy, healthy and prosperous being;

And happiness, health and prosperity

Are the result of the harmony between your inner world

And external, of the man with his surroundings.

A man only begins to be a man

When he stops lamenting and cursing,

And begins to seek the hidden justice that governs his life.

And by adapting your mind to this ruling factor,

Ceases to accuse others as the cause of their situation,

And he forges himself with noble and strong thoughts;

Stop kicking against the circumstances,

And start using them to help you progress


And as a means to discover the power

And the possibilities concealed within.

Law, and not confusion,

Are the dominant principle of the universe;

Justice, not injustice,

It is the spirit and substance of life;

Righteousness, and not corruption,

Is the molding and motivating force

Which governs the spirit of the world.

This being so,

Man has no choice but to discover

That the universe works properly,

And when rectified, you will find that while changing

Your thoughts about situations and people,

Situations and people will change about it.

The proof of this truth is in every person,

And can therefore be easily verified by

A systematic introspection and self-analysis.

Change a man radically his thoughts,

And will be amazed at the rapid transformation

Which will operate in the material conditions of his life.

Man imagines he can keep secret

His thoughts, but he can not;

Quickly these crystallize in habits,

And habits take the form of circumstances.

Indulgent thoughts crystallize

In habits of indulgence with respect to the drink and the sex,

Which take the form of destruction and suffering;

Thoughts of all kinds are crystallized

In habits of disorientation and weakness,

Which take the form of disturbing circumstances

And adversity; Thoughts of fear,

Doubt and indecision are crystallized in habits of weakness,

Lack of manliness and irresolution,

Which take the form of circumstances of failure,

Indigence, and dependency;

Thoughts of laziness

Are crystallized in habits of dishonesty and dishonesty,

Which take the form of unclean circumstances and


Thoughts of hatred and condemnation

Are crystallized in habits of accusation and violence,

Which take the form of circumstances

Of insult and persecution;

Narcissistic thoughts of all kinds

Crystallize in selfish habits,

Which take the form of circumstances

Of greater or lesser anguish.

and for the other

Noble thoughts of any kind

Are crystallized in habits of grace and goodness,

Which take the form of circumstances

Of happiness and cordiality;

Pure thoughts

Crystallize in habits of temperance

And self-control,

Which take the form of circumstances of peace and tranquility;

Thoughts of courage, self-confidence and decision

Are crystallized in courageous habits,

Which take the form of circumstances

Of success, fulfillment and freedom;

Thoughts full of energy

Are crystallized in habits of neatness and industriousness,

Which take the form of pleasurable circumstances;

Noble and charitable thoughts

Are transformed into habits of generosity,

That take forms of protective circumstances

And preservation;

Thoughts of love and generosity

Crystallize in habits of detachment,

Which take the form of circumstances

Of lasting prosperity and true wealth.

Persistence in a given sequence of thoughts,

Whether these are good or bad,

Does not fail to produce results

In character and circumstances.

A man can not choose directly

Their circumstances,

But you can choose your thoughts,

And thus, indirectly, but with certainty,

Shape your circumstances.

Nature is in charge of helping all men

In the satisfaction of the thoughts that dominate it,

And presents the opportunities that make reality

The more quickly your thoughts

Constructive as well as destructive.

Stop a man from thinking negatively,

And the world will soften for him,

And will be ready to help you,

Let go of your weak and unhealthy thoughts,

And opportunities will be born in each hand

To assist him in his resolutions;

Motivate good thoughts,

And there will be no fatality that binds him to misery and shame.

The world is your kaleidoscope, and the variety

And a combination of colors that every moment

Presents you are the images exquisitely

Adjusted from your thoughts always in motion.

You will be what you have to be

May defeat find its false happiness

In what you think is your reality

But your spirit despises you

Master time and conquer space;

Beat that vain trickster,



Defeats the circumstance, puts it at his service.

Human desire ...

What power descended from an immortal spirit

Can make a way to any goal

Although immense walls oppose?

Do not be impatient when you try when you achieve

Understand that your spirit is in charge

Even the gods must obey


The body is the servant of the mind,

Obeys the operations of the mind,

Whether deliberate or automatic.

Following undue thoughts the body quickly

It sinks into sickness and decay;

Following virtuous thoughts

Is dressed in youth and beauty.

Health and}disease.

Like the circumstances,

Have their roots in the thoughts,

Sick thoughts are expressed

Through a sick body.

It has been known that thoughts of fear

They kill a man as fast as a bullet,

And continually kill thousands,

Maybe not so fast,

But with equal effectiveness.

People who live in fear of disease

It's the people who get them.

Anxiety quickly weakens the body,

And leaves him exposed to the disease;

While unclean thoughts,

Although not of a physical origin,

Soon destroy the nervous system.

Energy thoughts,

Of purity and joy produce in the body vigor and grace.

The body is a very delicate and plastic instrument,

Which responds quickly to thoughts

That dominate it, and habits of thought

Will produce its effects on him,

Whether these are good or bad.

The man will continue to have impure blood

And poisoned while your thoughts are negative.

From a clean heart emanates a clean life and body.

From a polluted mind come a life

And a corrupt body.

Thought is the source of all action,

Of life and of manifestation;

Build a fountain that is clean and all will be pure.

Changing diet will not help a man

Which does not change your thoughts.

When a man purifies his thoughts,

You will not want more impure food.

If you want to perfect your body,

Be jealous with your mind.

If you want to renew your body,

Embellish your mind.

Thoughts of malice, envy, disappointment, discouragement,

They take from the body its grace and health.

A bitter face is not a matter of chance,

But of bitter thoughts.

The disfiguring wrinkles are made by folly,

The passion and the pride.

I know a woman of ninety-six

Who owns the innocent and luminous face of a girl.

I know a man who does not reach middle age

Whose face is disfigured by lines without harmony.

One is the result of a sweet and vivid disposition,

The other the result of passion and discontent.

Just as you can not have a healthy and sweet home

If you do not let the air and sunlight freely enter

In the rooms,

So a lively, happy body or a serene face

Can only be a result of letting in freely

In the mind happy thoughts,

Good wishes and serenity.

In the face of the elderly there are wrinkles produced

By sympathy.

Others by pure and vigorous thoughts;

And others carved by passion:

Who can not distinguish them?

For those who have lived correctly,

The age brings calm, peace, like a sunset.

I have recently observed a philosopher

on his deathbed.

He was only old for years,

Died as sweetly and calmly as he lived.

There is no better medicine than happy thoughts

To dispel the evils of the body;

There is no better comfort than goodwill

To dispel the shadows of grief and bitterness.

Living continuously with malevolent thoughts,

Cynical, and envious,

Is confined to a prison made by oneself.

But think well of all,

Be kind to everyone

And patiently learn to find the good side

Of things:

Such thoughts are the true gates of heaven;

And live the day-to-day thoughts of peace

Towards every creature

Will bring peace to its possessor in abundance.

For more infomation >> COMO EL HOMBRE PIENSA ASI ES SU VIDA - James Allen - Poderoso AudioLibro - Duration: 32:13.


Make Out, Make Up - Duration: 43:06.

For more infomation >> Make Out, Make Up - Duration: 43:06.


Five Little Pig Superhero Jumping on the Bed | Emi TV Lyrics | Nursery Rhymes 5 Little Monkeys - Duration: 5:33.

Five little peppas jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor, And the doctor said

No more peppas jumping on the bed

Four little peppas jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more peppas jumping on the bed

Three little peppas jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more peppas jumping on the bed

Two little peppas jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more peppas jumping on the bed

One little peppa jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

Put those piggiess right to bed

For more infomation >> Five Little Pig Superhero Jumping on the Bed | Emi TV Lyrics | Nursery Rhymes 5 Little Monkeys - Duration: 5:33.


Horia Neagu (Digital Marketing Consultant), despre participarea la Școala de Vară de E-Commerce GPeC - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Horia Neagu (Digital Marketing Consultant), despre participarea la Școala de Vară de E-Commerce GPeC - Duration: 1:37.


Cómo cambiar amortiguadores traseros AUDI A4 B7 AVANT INSTRUCCIÓN AUTODOC - Duration: 12:26.

Use a socket №13

Use a torx №T25

Use a socket №21 and an open-end wrench №21

Use a socket №13

Use an open-end wrench №16 and an ajustable spanner

Before installing new shock absorbers it is strongly recommended to pump them over for 3-5 times manually

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