By James Allen
This small volume
(Result of meditation and experience)
It does not attempt to be an exhaustive treaty
About the power of thought,
Of what has already been written.
It is rather suggestive rather than explanatory,
Its objective is to stimulate men and women
Discovery and understanding
Of the following truth:
They are forgers of themselves.
By virtue of the thoughts that they choose and stimulate;
That the mind is the master factory that weaves the clothes
Which dress both in the depths of character
As in the external circumstances,
And that if until now they have woven ignorance and suffering
Can weave illumination and happiness.
James Allen
The Aphorism, "As a man thinketh in his heart,
So is he, "not only embracing his being,
But comes to understand each condition
And circumstance of his life.
A man is literally what he thinks,
His character being the sum of all his thoughts.
Just as a plant sprouts from its seed,
And it could not be otherwise,
So every action of a man sprouts
Of the invisible seeds of thought,
And could not exist without them.
The above applies equally
To those acts considered "spontaneous"
And "not premeditated"
As well as those who are deliberately executed.
Actions are outbreaks of thought,
And happiness and suffering are its fruits;
In this way man reaps the sweet fruits
And bitter he sows.
The thoughts in the mind make us who we are.
They forge and model us.
If you harbor lower thoughts in your mind,
The pain will follow you as the plow follows the ox.
If instead your thoughts are high,
Happiness will follow you as your own shadow, it is a fact.
The development of man is governed by laws,
Not by artifice,
And the law of cause and effect is so absolute and inevitable
In the hidden realm of thoughts
As it is in the world of visible and material objects.
An admirable character is not a matter of chance or favor,
But the natural result of a constant effort
In harboring the right thoughts,
The effect of a very long and appreciated association
With admirable thoughts.
An ignoble and beastly character, by the same process,
Is the result of vile thoughts
Housed continuously.
This character is made or undone by itself;
In the harmony of thinking forges weapons
With which it is destroyed;
Also develops the tools with which
Builds for himself celestial mansions of happiness,
Strength and peace.
With the choice and application of the right thoughts
Man ascends to divine perfection;
With application and abuse
Of the wrong thoughts,
Descends below the level of the beasts.
Between these two extremes are
All categories of character,
And man is his teacher and maker.
Of all the wonderful truths of the soul
Which have been recovered and rediscovered
In this age, no greater and more fruitful
Of divine promise and hope
- man is the master of thought,
Character smith, creator and modeler
Conditions, environment and destination. -
As a being of Power, Intelligence and Love,
And lord of his own thoughts,
The man has the key to every situation,
And carries the transformation agency
And regeneration by which he makes of himself what he wants.
Man is always the master and lord,
Even in his weakest and most neglected state;
But in its weakness and degradation
Is the foolish master who rules his affairs poorly.
When you begin to reflect on your condition,
And diligently seek the Law that brought him to that state,
Becomes the wise master,
Channeling their energy intelligently,
And producing fruitful thoughts.
That is the wise master,
And man can only become so by discovering
Within himself the laws of thought;
Discovery that is the result of application,
Self-analysis, and experience.
Only after much searching and digging gold
And diamonds are obtained,
And man can find every truth associated
With his being if he digs with determination in the deep
Of his soul;
And will prove unequivocally that he is a forger of his character,
Modeler of his life,
And builder of his destiny, if he watches, controls,
And alters his thoughts,
Following the trace of its effects in itself,
In others, in their life and circumstances,
Linking cause and effect with
Practice and research patients,
And using every experience, even the most trivial,
Every day fact,
As means to obtain the knowledge of itself
Which is Understanding, Wisdom, Power.
In that sense, as in no other,
Is the absolute law:
"He who seeks shall find;
He who knocks the door will open it ";
Only with patience, practice, and unceasing impertinence
Can a man come in
By the Gate of the Temple of Knowledge.
A man's mind compares to a garden,
Which can be intelligently cultivated
Or being abandoned and filled with herbs;
But be cultivated or neglected,
Is destined to produce.
If no useful seeds are sown,
Then seeds of bad grass will fall,
They will grow in abundance and reproduce.
Just as a gardener cultivates his plot,
Keeping it free from weeds,
Cultivating the flowers and fruits required,
So must man attend to the garden of his mind
Cleansing her from harmful thoughts,
Useless and impure, and cultivating to perfection,
The flowers and fruits of right thoughts,
Useful and pure.
Only by following this process man sooner or later
Discovers that he is the master gardener of his spirit,
Director of his life.
He also discovers in himself,
The laws of thought,
And understands, more and more accurately,
How the force of thought and
The elements of the mind
Operate in the formation of their character,
Their circumstances and their destiny.
Thought and character are one,
And while the character only manifests itself
And discovers through the circumstances,
The environment of the life of a person
It will always be in harmony with its inner state.
This does not mean that the circumstances of a person
At a given moment they are an indicator of all his character,
But those circumstances are
Intimately connected with some vital element
Of thought in its interior that, at that moment,
Is indispensable for its development.
Every man is where he is by the law of his own being.
The thoughts you have built on your character
Have taken him there, and in the disposition of his life
There is no element of chance,
But the result of a law that can not fail.
This is true both for those who
Feel dissatisfied with their surroundings
As for those who are satisfied with it.
As a being of evolution and progress,
The man is in a point
In which he must learn to grow;
And while learning the spiritual lesson
That every circumstance offers you,
It ends and gives rise to other circumstances.
The man is slapped by the circumstances
As long as you think of yourself as
A being created by external conditions,
But when he realizes that it is a creative power,
And that he can handle the lands and seeds of his being
From which the circumstances are born,
He becomes the master and master of himself.
The man who for some time has practiced
Self-control and self-purification
Knows that circumstances arise from thoughts,
Because he has noticed that the alteration of his circumstances
Has been in exact relation with the alteration
Of your mental state.
In this way,
It is true that when a man tenaciously
Is dedicated to rectify the defects of his character,
And makes rapid progress and marked progress
Quickly by a succession of sudden changes.
The soul attracts that which it secretly lodges;
That which he loves,
And also that which he fears;
Reaches the pinnacle of his most cherished aspirations,
Falls to the level of his most impure desires;
And circumstances are the means by which the soul
Receive what is his.
Every Seed of Seeded Thinking
Dropped into the mind,
And that roots, reproduces itself,
Blooming sooner or later in stocks,
Producing its own fruits
Of opportunity and circumstances.
Good thoughts produce good fruits,
Bad thoughts bad fruits.
The environment of circumstances takes shape
In the inner world of thoughts,
And all external conditions,
Pleasant and unpleasant,
Are factors that finally exist
For the good of the individual,
Man learns both suffering and enjoying.
Following the most intimate wishes,
Aspirations, thoughts,
By which it is allowed to dominate
(Pursuing deceptive visions of impure imagination,
Or walking with firm foot the road
Of high aspirations),
The man finally receives completely
The fruits of these in the surroundings of his life.
The laws of growth and adaptation
Are fulfilled everywhere.
A man does not make it to a nursing home
Or imprisonment for the tyranny of destiny
Or circumstances,
But by the way of servile thoughts
And low desires.
A man of pure thoughts does not fall
Suddenly in crime due to stress
Or by merely external forces;
Criminal thoughts
Have been secretly housed
in the heart,
And the time of opportunity
Reveals its accumulated power.
Circumstances do not make man;
They reveal it to themselves.
There can be no such condition
How to descend on vice
While the person suffers because of his vicious inclinations;
Or ascend in virtue and pure happiness
Without the continued cultivation of virtuous aspirations;
The man, therefore,
As master and lord of thought,
Is the doer of himself,
The trainer and author of his environment.
Even at birth the soul is revealed,
And at every step of his pilgrimage
Attracts that combination of conditions that reveal it,
Which are the reflection of their own purity or impurity,
Strength and weakness.
Men do not attract what they want,
But what they are.
Your cravings, whims, and ambitions
Are frustrated at every step,
But his most intimate thoughts
And desires feed on themselves,
Whether dirty or clean.
The "divinity that gives us form"
It is within ourselves;
We are ourselves
The man is bound only by himself.
Thought and action are the jailers of destiny
-they catch us, if they are low;
They are also angels of Liberty -
They liberate us, if they are noble.
Man does not get what he wants
And for that reason,
But that which is justly earned.
Your wishes and prayers are only gratified
And taken care of when they harmonize
With their thoughts and actions.
In light of this truth,
What is the meaning of
"Fighting circumstances?"
It means that man is continually
Revealing itself against the external effect,
While all the time is nurturing
And preserving the cause in his heart.
This cause can take the form of a vice
Conscious or unconscious weakness;
But whatever,
Stubbornly retards the efforts of its possessor,
Which in this way calls for a cure.
The man is eager to improve his circumstances,
But he is not so eager to improve himself;
That is why he remains bound.
The man who does not shrink at his own crucifixion
Will never fail to reach the goal
Which is drawn in his heart,
This is as true in earthly as in divine things.
Even the man whose only goal is to achieve prosperity
Must be prepared to perform
Great personal sacrifices
Before it can achieve its goal;
And how much more prepared that
That wants to achieve a prosperous and balanced life?
This is a miserable and poor man.
You are extremely anxious wishing
That the comfort of your environment and your home improve,
Even so, all the time is mean in his work,
And is considered justified
Trying to fool your employer
Based on the miserable of his salary.
Such a man does not understand the simple rudiments
Of the principles that are the basis of prosperity,
And not only is unable to rise
About their misery,
But attracts even greater miseries
Hosting and acting according to
His indolent, false and cowardly thoughts.
This is a rich man who is a victim
Of a painful and persistent disease
Result of gluttony.
Is willing to spend huge
Sums of money to be cured,
But he is not willing to sacrifice his gluttony.
Want to satisfy your taste with unhealthy foods
And enjoy good health at the same time.
Such a man is totally unable to enjoy
In good health because he has not learned
The basic principles of a healthy life.
This is an employer who takes dishonest measures
To avoid payment of statutory salaries,
And, in the desire to improve their income,
Reduces the salaries of employees.
Such a man is not prepared for prosperity,
And when his finances and prestige
Are in bankruptcy,
He will blame the circumstances,
Without even knowing that he himself is the author of his condition.
I have presented these three cases only to illustrate
The truth that man is the cause
(Although almost always without being conscious)
Of his circumstances, and that, while he aspires to a good end,
Continuously frustrates its mission
By stimulating thoughts and
Desires that do not harmonize with that end.
Such cases can be modified
And multiply almost indefinitely,
But it's not necessary.
Because the viewer of this video may,
If it so resolves,
To trace the effect of the laws of thought
In his own mind and in his own life,
And until I succeed,
Mere external facts will not serve
As the basis of his reasoning.
The circumstances, however, are so complicated,
The thought is so deeply rooted,
And the conditions of happiness vary so much between individuals,
That the condition of man's soul
In its totality (although he knows it)
Can not be judged otherwise than
By the external aspect of his life.
A man can be honest in a certain direction,
And still suffer from privations;
A man may be dishonest in a certain direction,
And yet acquire riches;
But the usual conclusion that the former
Fails because of his particular honesty,
And the second is prosperous thanks
To his particular dishonesty,
Is the result of a superficial judgment,
Which assumes that the dishonest is corrupt
Almost completely,
And the honest is almost entirely virtuous.
In the light of deep knowledge and experience,
Such a judgment will be wrong.
The dishonest man must have some admirable virtues
That the other does not possess;
And the honest,
Vices that are absent in the other.
The honest man reaps the good results
Of his honest thoughts and actions;
It also attracts the suffering that its vice produces;
The dishonest likewise harvests
Their own sufferings and sayings.
Human vanity is pleased to believe
That one suffers because of his virtue;
But until the man has extirpated
Every unhealthy thought,
Bitter and impure of his mind,
And cleansed every stain of his soul,
Will not be in a position to know
And say that your thoughts are a result of your good,
And not of his bad qualities;
And on the path of perfection,
Will have found working in your mind and in your life,
The Great Law which is absolutely just,
And that does not give good for evil, nor evil for good.
In possession of such knowledge, you will understand,
Looking back on his past ignorance and blindness,
That his life develops, and always developed,
With justice, and that all his past experiences,
Good and bad were the impartial fruit of his own being
In process of evolution.
Good thoughts and actions
They can never produce bad results;
Bad thoughts and actions
Can never produce good results.
This is nothing else to affirm
Which can not be harvested but wheat of wheat,
Or nettle of the nettle.
Man understands this in the natural world,
And works with that knowledge;
But few understand it in the moral and mental world
(Although this operation is so simple and direct),
And therefore do not cooperate with that law.
Suffering is always the effect of thoughts
Wrong in some direction.
It is an indicator that the individual
Is out of harmony with himself,
With the law of his being.
The only and supreme use of suffering is purification,
Burn all that is useless and unclean.
Suffering ceases for the pure.
There is no point in burning gold
After the slag has been removed,
And a perfectly pure and enlightened being can not suffer.
The circumstances by which a man finds himself
With suffering are the result of their own lack
Of mental harmony,
The circumstances by which man finds himself
With good fortune are the results
Of their own mental harmony.
Buenaventura, not material possessions,
Is the measure of right thinking;
Unhappiness, not lack of material possessions,
Is the measure of wrong thinking.
A man can be unhappy and be rich;
Can be blessed and poor.
Good fortune and wealth only come together when wealth
Is used correctly and wisely;
And the poor man only descends to misery
When he considers his destiny as a burden
Unfairly infringed.
Indigence and indulgence are two extremes
Of misery.
Both are equally unnatural and the result
Of a mental disorder.
A man is not properly adapted
Until he is a happy, healthy and prosperous being;
And happiness, health and prosperity
Are the result of the harmony between your inner world
And external, of the man with his surroundings.
A man only begins to be a man
When he stops lamenting and cursing,
And begins to seek the hidden justice that governs his life.
And by adapting your mind to this ruling factor,
Ceases to accuse others as the cause of their situation,
And he forges himself with noble and strong thoughts;
Stop kicking against the circumstances,
And start using them to help you progress
And as a means to discover the power
And the possibilities concealed within.
Law, and not confusion,
Are the dominant principle of the universe;
Justice, not injustice,
It is the spirit and substance of life;
Righteousness, and not corruption,
Is the molding and motivating force
Which governs the spirit of the world.
This being so,
Man has no choice but to discover
That the universe works properly,
And when rectified, you will find that while changing
Your thoughts about situations and people,
Situations and people will change about it.
The proof of this truth is in every person,
And can therefore be easily verified by
A systematic introspection and self-analysis.
Change a man radically his thoughts,
And will be amazed at the rapid transformation
Which will operate in the material conditions of his life.
Man imagines he can keep secret
His thoughts, but he can not;
Quickly these crystallize in habits,
And habits take the form of circumstances.
Indulgent thoughts crystallize
In habits of indulgence with respect to the drink and the sex,
Which take the form of destruction and suffering;
Thoughts of all kinds are crystallized
In habits of disorientation and weakness,
Which take the form of disturbing circumstances
And adversity; Thoughts of fear,
Doubt and indecision are crystallized in habits of weakness,
Lack of manliness and irresolution,
Which take the form of circumstances of failure,
Indigence, and dependency;
Thoughts of laziness
Are crystallized in habits of dishonesty and dishonesty,
Which take the form of unclean circumstances and
Thoughts of hatred and condemnation
Are crystallized in habits of accusation and violence,
Which take the form of circumstances
Of insult and persecution;
Narcissistic thoughts of all kinds
Crystallize in selfish habits,
Which take the form of circumstances
Of greater or lesser anguish.
and for the other
Noble thoughts of any kind
Are crystallized in habits of grace and goodness,
Which take the form of circumstances
Of happiness and cordiality;
Pure thoughts
Crystallize in habits of temperance
And self-control,
Which take the form of circumstances of peace and tranquility;
Thoughts of courage, self-confidence and decision
Are crystallized in courageous habits,
Which take the form of circumstances
Of success, fulfillment and freedom;
Thoughts full of energy
Are crystallized in habits of neatness and industriousness,
Which take the form of pleasurable circumstances;
Noble and charitable thoughts
Are transformed into habits of generosity,
That take forms of protective circumstances
And preservation;
Thoughts of love and generosity
Crystallize in habits of detachment,
Which take the form of circumstances
Of lasting prosperity and true wealth.
Persistence in a given sequence of thoughts,
Whether these are good or bad,
Does not fail to produce results
In character and circumstances.
A man can not choose directly
Their circumstances,
But you can choose your thoughts,
And thus, indirectly, but with certainty,
Shape your circumstances.
Nature is in charge of helping all men
In the satisfaction of the thoughts that dominate it,
And presents the opportunities that make reality
The more quickly your thoughts
Constructive as well as destructive.
Stop a man from thinking negatively,
And the world will soften for him,
And will be ready to help you,
Let go of your weak and unhealthy thoughts,
And opportunities will be born in each hand
To assist him in his resolutions;
Motivate good thoughts,
And there will be no fatality that binds him to misery and shame.
The world is your kaleidoscope, and the variety
And a combination of colors that every moment
Presents you are the images exquisitely
Adjusted from your thoughts always in motion.
You will be what you have to be
May defeat find its false happiness
In what you think is your reality
But your spirit despises you
Master time and conquer space;
Beat that vain trickster,
Defeats the circumstance, puts it at his service.
Human desire ...
What power descended from an immortal spirit
Can make a way to any goal
Although immense walls oppose?
Do not be impatient when you try when you achieve
Understand that your spirit is in charge
Even the gods must obey
The body is the servant of the mind,
Obeys the operations of the mind,
Whether deliberate or automatic.
Following undue thoughts the body quickly
It sinks into sickness and decay;
Following virtuous thoughts
Is dressed in youth and beauty.
Health and}disease.
Like the circumstances,
Have their roots in the thoughts,
Sick thoughts are expressed
Through a sick body.
It has been known that thoughts of fear
They kill a man as fast as a bullet,
And continually kill thousands,
Maybe not so fast,
But with equal effectiveness.
People who live in fear of disease
It's the people who get them.
Anxiety quickly weakens the body,
And leaves him exposed to the disease;
While unclean thoughts,
Although not of a physical origin,
Soon destroy the nervous system.
Energy thoughts,
Of purity and joy produce in the body vigor and grace.
The body is a very delicate and plastic instrument,
Which responds quickly to thoughts
That dominate it, and habits of thought
Will produce its effects on him,
Whether these are good or bad.
The man will continue to have impure blood
And poisoned while your thoughts are negative.
From a clean heart emanates a clean life and body.
From a polluted mind come a life
And a corrupt body.
Thought is the source of all action,
Of life and of manifestation;
Build a fountain that is clean and all will be pure.
Changing diet will not help a man
Which does not change your thoughts.
When a man purifies his thoughts,
You will not want more impure food.
If you want to perfect your body,
Be jealous with your mind.
If you want to renew your body,
Embellish your mind.
Thoughts of malice, envy, disappointment, discouragement,
They take from the body its grace and health.
A bitter face is not a matter of chance,
But of bitter thoughts.
The disfiguring wrinkles are made by folly,
The passion and the pride.
I know a woman of ninety-six
Who owns the innocent and luminous face of a girl.
I know a man who does not reach middle age
Whose face is disfigured by lines without harmony.
One is the result of a sweet and vivid disposition,
The other the result of passion and discontent.
Just as you can not have a healthy and sweet home
If you do not let the air and sunlight freely enter
In the rooms,
So a lively, happy body or a serene face
Can only be a result of letting in freely
In the mind happy thoughts,
Good wishes and serenity.
In the face of the elderly there are wrinkles produced
By sympathy.
Others by pure and vigorous thoughts;
And others carved by passion:
Who can not distinguish them?
For those who have lived correctly,
The age brings calm, peace, like a sunset.
I have recently observed a philosopher
on his deathbed.
He was only old for years,
Died as sweetly and calmly as he lived.
There is no better medicine than happy thoughts
To dispel the evils of the body;
There is no better comfort than goodwill
To dispel the shadows of grief and bitterness.
Living continuously with malevolent thoughts,
Cynical, and envious,
Is confined to a prison made by oneself.
But think well of all,
Be kind to everyone
And patiently learn to find the good side
Of things:
Such thoughts are the true gates of heaven;
And live the day-to-day thoughts of peace
Towards every creature
Will bring peace to its possessor in abundance.
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