Learn Colors With Farm Animals Color Surprise Eggs Learning Animal Names and Sounds for Children nursery rhymes
How important is customer service? Simon O'Kelly, Finance for Living - Duration: 0:52.(cheerful music)
Customers, for me, are very important,
and the difference with going to the banks
is if someone walked into a bank,
they're getting whatever product
that one particular bank can offer,
and they're getting the service from someone
who's an employee within the bank.
Whereas, this is my business,
and I treat all of my customers
as if they were the most important customer,
which, to me, they are.
And a bank may not offer the best option for a customer.
Whereas, for me, it's all about making sure
I've got multiple options for customers where possible,
and then they choose.
So, I'll do the work, but then they can choose
which option suits, suits their needs the best.
So, if you want a broker that's going to go
out of their way to get the best deal for you,
for your particular needs, where you actually
make the decision, not me, then yeah, talk to me.
(cheerful music)
sorry but not ganna rec with friends - Duration: 6:06.-------------------------------------------
اريا ستارك تؤدب جوفري براثيون مترجمه باللهجه العراقيه Game of Thrones - Duration: 2:28.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen up! 1.0 MOVE UP! BLUEMOTION - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
How to make apple cider vinegar | 100% alcohol free - Duration: 3:22.Hello everyone.
I wanted to thank algerino Mohammed for suggesting me this alcohol-free vinegar recipe.
Put the lid on top of the jar but do not close it.
Here is the result after a week.
After 2-3 days break the apples up like this.
Here is the vinegar after 5 weeks.
Vinegar and mother are already visible.
Filter the vinegar and if you want measure its pH.
pH = 3 (very acid).
This homemade vinegar is very aromatic.
As always, I hope you enjoyed my recipe. Until next time!
6 Minute Profits Review and Bonus | $1,715 Exclusive Bonus Package - Duration: 11:38.what's going on guys Dylan DeFazio here and today I'm gonna be covering
six-minute profits now this is a brand new product done by art flair and this
is going to be teaching you guys how to leverage Facebook and start making some
commissions very very quickly so in this training what I'm going to be covering
I'll be going over the members area I'll also be going over the sales page as
well as some bonuses which I'll be throwing in for you guys now you guys
can't get these bonuses anywhere else these are exclusive bonuses from me
specifically I have created some of them and I have also sourced some of them out
from my mentor and these value added bonuses you know I price them at
seventeen hundred dollars in pure value but you know the amount of content
you're gonna get is well well over more more than seventeen hundred dollars so
what I want to share with you guys here is the six minute profits training area
and then we'll go into the we'll go at the sales page here let me just open it
up so simple copy and paint a modular jack o so a simple copy and paste or
exact system real-life case study this newbie friendly formula made us a
hundred and seventy four dollars in twenty two cents in 24 hours with 100%
free traffic in just six minutes to set up now this is it's actually a true
claim he does do a case study on it and the method is very simple so I actually
just launched a product review of 24 hour income system I just did a review
on it the other day and I actually just finished filming a filming a live video
of you know after I went through straining and you know as I go through
this all right you know maybe in the in the review post of me doing this
I'll leave I'll leave a link to that video if you guys want to check out the
results but you know with him just doing the live video it's so simple guys it
doesn't take very much you know Lee and it doesn't really matter what you call
her what you when you talk about in this method he's gonna be teaching you how to
leverage facebook lives now you know it might sound you know it might sound a
little oh you know how do you make money with Facebook live but you know it's a
very in-depth training so he's you know he's gonna give you an overview he's
gonna show you multiple ways to get started you can do it from your phone or
you can you also use be live on your computer he's gonna show you you know
he's gonna take you step-by-step how he crafts everything he's also gonna show
you you know how to make sure that your content goes viral in this post here
where he actually you know he did this live it was like a three minutes live
that he set up and he got like a hundred and seventeen comments okay so you know
this formula works really well and the best thing about this is you know he's
got a whole bunch of case studies so he's got you know three four so he's got
like four three live trainings they're live examples of you know methods that
he used which worked really really well and he's also got a bonus case study of
a method that he used and he shows he how to automate everything so I mean all
in all for the price of this training I think it's like seven bucks or something
like that let's head over to the set over to the page I can't remember the
exact price of it did you do that just scroll through the page here yeah so for
you know for eight bucks you know I'm I'm sure the price is gonna be going up
here pretty soon but I mean for eight bucks you know if you go out there and
you watch this training and you actually implement a method and make one live
video for a product promoting I guarantee you that you'll
make ten times what this product costs you just from implementing this method I
know I'm gonna make you know at least a hundred dollars just from doing that one
Facebook live for the product that I promoted before and I mean the method is
the method is insanely simple like anybody could do it you could go you
know a ten-year-old could hop on their phone and and make a facebook live but
inside of the bonus training he actually has four four bonus traffic methods
which are gonna teach you you know how to get some more free traffic from
Facebook and social media so you know once you get that live video out there
you can actually use those free traffic methods to you know make your content go
viral get more comments and more sales using that very simple method so
definitely guys you know take a look at six minute profits very very simple
product but you know sometimes you know if you don't overthink it you're gonna
make a lot of money and that's what a lot of people do wrong you know they go
out there they overthink everything they think they need to you know they think
they need to be some some very you know pretty and extravagant offer and landing
page and all this jazz to make money when in reality all you got to do is you
know make a simple 2-minute live and you're gonna be making money but it
might be simple what you're gonna follow the process right if you don't if you if
you miss out there he leaves a five-step process inside the product and if you
you know if you don't follow it then you're not gonna make money like he is
but if you follow it you know step by step right and if you guys head over my
Facebook I'm sure you guys will start seeing me doing lots of these live
videos cuz you know the other day I was thinking to myself I was like I really
need to I really need to start tapping into more Facebook lives and then you
know lo and behold this product just you know come to fruition for me and you
know it was like somebody was telling me that they wanted me to start doing
book live so you know now that I got this method I definitely you know I
watched the training I implemented it literally you know I finished the
training not even 30 minutes ago I made my first live video and you know now I'm
waiting to see profit so you know go out there make that live video and just
watch the profits start coming in and if you guys want access to this training
all you guys got to do is click the link in the description below and you guys
will get access to it but what I'm gonna be sharing with you
guys is my is my bonuses now we'll go over the bonuses so if you guys decide
to get six minute profits I'm gonna be sharing with you guys my exclusive
supercharged millionaire bonuses now you guys can't go over there and you can't
get these anywhere else and these are specific bonuses done by me and I've
also thrown in a couple bonuses from my millionaire mentor so the first couple
trainings I actually did personally I've shared my seven-figure Facebook formula
how I actually you know use attraction marketing to make thousand-dollar
commissions from Facebook this is going to help you you know if you guys make
these videos they're actually gonna help you promote everything that is my goal
my goal is to help you guys get free leads as quickly as possible and close
those leads as quickly as possible so all of my exclusive bonuses they're very
Universal in the sense that they can help you with anything that you want to
promote so all you guys got to do is get access to the bonuses so you know all
you guys went to get onto the bonus page just click the videos it'll pop up and
it'll actually start playing for you if you guys want more content that you can
just click claim your bonuses I'm gonna teach you how to craft engaging social
media content I'm also going to show you how I close big-ticket Commission's this
is the same method I've used to profit just over 15,000 dollars without
spending a dime in advertising I've also thrown in to mindset trainings
and to prospecting trainings from my millionaire mentor now the first one is
how to develop a 9k per day mindset this is you know why the rich think a little
bit differently than average people do and also a guided meditation to help you
guys remove mental blocks you know step out of victimhood step into your
personal power become a leader in your marketplace and you know profit while
doing so and the last two are you know how to connect with prospects and how to
recruit reps in six to 45 minutes now how to recruit reps in six to forty five
minutes I've actually used this method this is from my millionaire mentor and
if I had to say you know if you had to pick one of the bonuses they're all
great bonuses but you know this is the this is the bonus that you guys should
be checking out definitely a great bonus great training and it's gonna teach you
how to recruit people how to sign people up what to say what not to say you know
it covers everything that you guys need to know so definitely go out there grab
six minute profits you'll get access to these bonuses instantly and you know
just start going out there start taking action if you guys aren't taking action
don't expect to be earning money that's all I gotta say so I hope you guys
enjoyed this video if you did make sure to give it a thumbs up hit that comment
section down below if you guys got any questions and make sure if your first
time watching this video first time watching a review from me at that
subscribe button I'm gonna be coming up with more reviews you know I go through
the products for you guys so that you don't have to spend the money unless I
approve the product I don't promote anything I don't like you know I have
hundreds of products that I've gone through and I'm very very selective with
the products that I promote and my reason for that is you know I don't want
to promote you guys things yeah you know I might go out there and make a fortune
right but I don't want to promote anything that you guys aren't going to
be able to go out there and make a fortune with so you know anything that
you guys see at supercharge reviews.com you can definitely you know hold
accountable that it's going to help you succeed and it's going to help you
profit so definitely guys make sure you hit
that subscribe button give it a thumbs up if you liked the content and we'll
see you guys in the next video have a great day
Công Chiếu Phim | Sắc Đẹp Ngàn Cân - Minh Hằng, Rocker Nguyễn - Duration: 37:19.-------------------------------------------
Kako se finansira postupak VTO i kako prikupiti dokumentaciju - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
Mazda 626 1.8I MILLIONAIRE export - Duration: 0:46.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I Now | Airco | Centrale Vergrendeling | Origineel NL - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
[ BJD ] Restringing tutorial / Overview of Fairy type body by WillStore [ Assembling Minifee Sia ] - Duration: 3:59.Hello dears!
When I bought minifee Sia, I realized that there are no videos about it!
So, if you want something do it yourself!
For the restringing we will need: long thread
cup of water clamp
Sia has new fairy body-type.
It is different from the others: the torso consists of two parts: the main and the inner.
And the arms are assembled separately.
So it helps to easily change the bust type.
Let's start restringing with the arms.
First of all clamp, than shoulder, elbow joint, elbow and wrist joint.
Make in the same way the second hand.
Now time to assemble the body.
Fix the metal ring.
It helps to join legs or mermaid tail or centaurus body to the torso.
Using the thread pass elastic through the waist, hold the ring with pencil and pass
elastic through the inner part of torso and neck joint.
Secure it with s hook.
Now take torso, insert the arms and put on the body until you hear a click.
Arms are perfectly fit and take a pose.
Oh my kitty wants to help!
If you want to change the bust type, you should just push the hook inside.
I looove fairy type body! it makes my photoshoots much easier!
Time for mermaid tail!
When I disassembled it I numbered all the parts with the pencil and glued them.
if you are interested in gluing method you can click on the 'i' in the right corner
or visit my bjd playlist.
Hook the fin holders and then using the thread pass elastic through the all tail joints.
Finally it's done!
Now we can join it with the body!
Secure the ring in the groove and hook the tail.
Sia is assembled!
She only needs the faceup, but now she has great poseability and doesn't fall down.
Hope, this video was useful for you!
Please support me with your thumbs up and comments!
Thank you guys for watching!
Don't miss my future videos!
Виды гибискуса и сорта - Duration: 4:34.-------------------------------------------
이상민 백지영 루머와 이상민 빚 이후의 깨달음 - Duration: 20:34.-------------------------------------------
Minecraft - Duration: 17:50.-------------------------------------------
The Leadership Ripple Effect | The FRONT #13 | Michael Phillips / Motivation / Business / Sales - Duration: 16:02.Get ready today. I'm going to be talking about the leadership ripple effect right now on the front
Hello, everyone welcome this afternoon to another episode of the front number 13. My name is Mike Phillips
I will be your host and this afternoon. I am going to be talking about the leadership
ripple effect yes, that's something I came up with I got to get that up on my screen the leadership ripple effect, so
What that is well first off let me get through the introduction, so I am your host. My name is Mike Phillips
You can as always please subscribe to my live feed subscribe to my YouTube channel
Subscribe to my podcast I'm all over the place trying to put out audio and video content so you can participate in the discussion
Down below here as sometimes that leads to a really excellent future show so for everybody tuning in today
Thank you so much for joining me for this 13th episode of the front with me Mike Phillips
So today's episode is going to be on the leadership ripple effect and what that is if you've ever?
Looked at a lake or a pond and you take and you throw that little pebble or you throw that stone?
into it and you get that ripple that goes out and out and out and out and
as I was thinking about my subject matter for today
I thought man you know leadership is kind of the same way because
You affect your people if you're that stone that you you throw in there, too
Into the water to get the effect or you throw into business to get the effect
then those things that you do as a manager as a leader as an impactful person because you don't have to have a
leadership title to
to make an impact on other people you don't have to have a leadership title to be a leader from within your organization and
So if you are a leader if you're tuning into this and listening understand you're that person
That's that pinpoint that gets dropped into the lake and there's ripples that that travel out
From the center that travel out from you and and those are going to carry a lot of weight
And what what I mean by that is you've got to understand
And and you have to pay close attention to the people that are around you
You have to pay close attention to your staff to your cheers to the people?
that you're working both alongside that work for you that work above you right and
The reason for that is because that that ripple will and it gets larger and larger and larger as it goes out
Think about this and and so here's kind of an analogy that I wanted to
talk about as I'm talking about the ripple effect of leadership if
You are somebody in a management position in a leadership position in a company
And you get a cold, and you have to call in sick
Inevitably in most cases what happens is then you call in sick with a cold
within the coming days or weeks
your staff
Those people that are working either alongside you your peers working for you all of a sudden
They get pneumonia because it's almost like it's the okay to go ahead and well
if and I'll use myself as an example if
It's okay for mine to call in sick because he's got the sniffles, or he's got a cold
Then it must be okay for me to do the same thing and so that ripples out through the organization. It's the same thing with
Negativity right if if somebody at the center at a central point in an organization in business gets really
Crummy or crappy or negative then that that negativity spreads like a cancer?
It spreads from one person to one person to one person and it gets amplified each time and when you think about it
It's just like playing a game a telephone when we were kids, right it
Starts out potentially as one statement that may be a little bit crummy and all of a sudden it goes into this thing
that's this big tsUnami of the whole world's ending and everything is just falling apart and it's disgusting and they're
Right and so the thing is you've got to be really careful wherever you are at
especially when you're in a leadership role when you have people that are your
followers or your staff members you have to be really careful about how you carry yourself what you say because
Just a hair just two-degree off of what you want. Have done or what you want to Convey
the the people that are that you're conveying the message to
It's like a golf game. I have a lot of analogies in this one
I guess but it's like a golf game you end up just a few degrees off
right my friend John Rotolo would would vouch for this you end up just a few degrees off and
What was headed out straight in this direction all of a sudden you end up way over here because of the way your golf swing
Was made because of the way that the head of the golf club was tilted you're smacking the ball with the same
Power the same velocity you're sending it out there with that that same sort of effort
but you can end up in a totally different position you end up totally off in the weeds or in the rough or or
Ultimately somewhere that you didn't want to be
so when I'm talking about that leadership ripple effect it's
You as a leader you as a manager for the people that are taking the time to tune into this right now
your actions your attitude your energy level your
everything that surrounds that
Carries a lot of weight for the people that are around you?
carries far more weight than what you may even expect and I
Again, I can only base this on my own experiences
But it can be one of those things that you you're going in in the morning
If somebody says hey, how you doing today and you go?
Huh? not so good right that
Not so good by the end of the day it gets amplified to go all everyone Mike's having a crappy day better steer clear
Right you got to get out of the way of this guy, and it's like well, I
Maybe I hit an extra red light
Right it wasn't that big of a deal all I did was ran, and hit next to red light
and it slowed me down a little bit and
So often it gets it gets amplified it gets steered way off and in the meantime
Those people that are either working for you working with you and so forth
They are there they're there talking about it, and they're going on
Oh man this guy's having a crummy day, and then before long. They're all having a bad day. They all have negative energy there
It's like hey, how are you doing in Elico not so good man. My boss was really in a bad mood today, right?
So you need to be really mindful of how you are presenting yourself one of the one of the things as I was coming up
with this episode one of the things that I realized we're cruising along and my son started talking about solar panels and the
Interesting thing he says well solar panels, and he was explaining it to my five-year-old daughter right so she says well
What what is the solar panel? What does that do and he says well it collects the energy from the sun
It collects all of it and produces energy to spread out to other areas and other devices
And I thought man that's a really good
explanation you know especially from from a child's point of view there's probably far more mechanics and and
Physics and everything that goes into it
which are beyond my my capacity there's a really good explanation from
My 10 year old son to my daughter of okay?
Well the solar panel panel collects this and then it disseminates it to all these other areas
So a thing to myself as a leader you've got to be a human solar panel
You've got to collect all the light all the energy all the positivity all the pomp up and you got to
Spread that out to your team
right that's the sort of ripple effect that you want to have you have to collect all the
Positivity you have to present all the positivity you have to gain all of those things and find the light find the positive motion in
every sort of
environment interaction
Every sort of thing that you're doing through the day find the positive parts of it
So that you can be able to spread that out
To the other people in your life to the other areas in your life
You know to especially those in business, but your family your friends all of the other
People and interactions that you're going to have you want to be that human solar panel
So you know leadership is one of those things, too?
You've got to consider leadership is not something that is gifted upon someone so for example
Just because you come in and they say hey
You know what congratulations?
Now keep in mind if you're listening to this on the podcast you can always tune into my my leave the team
TV check it out on on YouTube as well because I talk with my hands and there's sometimes some interaction
I think I'm presenting something visually or auditorally, so so make sure you you do that please by all means subscribe
so where I was headed with this is a
Lot of people through the auto industry I come through the auto industry they get promoted into management then they've arrived
They're like hey. I made it to be a manager now. I'm a leader right now
I get to lead other people and now I get to to have this team
And they're just going to follow me wherever and it's all a farce. They don't always do it leadership is not a title
It's something that you've got to earn you've got to earn the respect you have to to end
The thing is you got to earn it every single day
So that that that leadership and that excitement that you have yet?
Take the excitement harness it turn that into your solar panel get it fired up and spread that out to your people. What happens is
Often people that get into that sales management and that management
Position get up there
And they say well now I've arrived and now what I'm going to do and we've all done this especially any-any leaders and managers
Tuning and especially in the auto industry, I'm talking to you right now
Here's the thing we all got to that point and we said hey, you know what I'm a leader. I'm a manager now
Right I'm ready to go. I made it and then we sit back in our desk
and I mean we hang out and we got to arrange everything just so and
Get all set up just right and say okay
I'll make it happen and
It doesn't happen and we wonder why is because you stops doing the things that got you to that point of being?
Acknowledged and getting into management and becoming a leader in the first place
The reason that you got acknowledged the reason that you've got to be in a management position the reason that you were
Bestowed or gifted or promoted into a
Leadership role is because you kicked ass you got to keep kicking ass. It doesn't stop you
don't just get the chair and the pin and the watch and the and
sit down and do a whole lot of nothing else for your people that's not how leadership were and
So the more you do the more ripple the larger it gets in the lake the larger it spreads out the more
impactful it becomes until by the time you know when you hit that
That pebble or that stone and you threw it out there in the water and by the time that ripple gets to you it can
be this huge wave and tsunami of
positivity and awesomeness
Or it can be the opposite
It can be one or the other
So that back to try and collect my thoughts and where I was headed so that the thing is this ripple effect
the Ripple effect can be
significantly positive and hitting the shore in this massive way and
Affecting the beach and moving the the sand and and it's the same way with leadership
you can have this huge ripple effect and be super positive and when you're hitting those people's lives when you're
affecting them and infecting them and it's that
emotional wave that strikes them and you can move and and
Change their whole Outlook
Right you can be that. That's the thing that leaders really do mentors and leaders and really good manager
You know whatever your title is whatever whatever
The title you've been given or whatever title that you choose to call yourself
You know if it's leader or manager or business person again there are people keep this in mind, too
I'm going to get off on a tangent keep this in mind salespeople
There are top salespeople on the floor that and again
I'm skewing this the way into automotive, but there are top salespeople on the floor that are leaders
Whether you want to be or not, I'm talking to you. You are a leader
Why because you do the things that are necessary to be successful and other people want to follow you
Be near you be like you and they want to emulate that because they see the success
Because of the emotion and the excitement that you carry just by doing the right things
Sometimes you're a leader just because that's how you live
So and keep in mind that that ripple effects from you as a top performing sales person as a top performing
individual in the company if you're in the middle of an
You then you ripple you resonate all the way out you resonate out to the side you resonate up and down it's it's all over
the place you're infecting and affecting the
the people that are you're coming in contact with you could drive your
Manager into an absolutely kick butt
Positive emotional state just by being the light in his or her day
it doesn't have to be you you don't have to have cool letters behind your name or a
you know sales manager title or or
in any of those things you just have to be an awesome person, and you have to understand that that ripple is going to
Affect others, and it's always one way or the other there is no
neutral ripple
There's not a neutral ripple. It's either it ripples, and it gets larger, and it's a positive impact and it's a pumped-up
lighted passionate fired up ignited
All just the positive pumped up things that you can think about
Influence somebody in a positive manner or it's the other one. I'm not going to dive into I'm for me
I'm not a negative
I don't I don't want to focus on that so it's either the really positive kicked that way or the other one
I'm not going to go into all the other one
I don't care about all the other one titles right focus on the positive be the positive ripple
That's my message for today
I ran this on Facebook live as well as you can check it out at Lead the team TV
You can tune in to my Youtube channel you could please subscribe to my live streams. I really really appreciate everybody also
Oh, hey, I have really good news today this one's fun. I
Its my podcast is syndicated. It's on Google play
It's also on itunes and it is now on I heart radio
So if you're an I heart radio listener, please all you got to do is type in lead the team
And most cases all show up, so thank you for everybody tuning in with their live or weather later
I sure appreciate it, and I look forward to talking to you soon, remember
I do this show every Wednesday and Sunday. You can tune into the front right here on the internet. We'll talk to you soon
Phrasal Verbs of SEX - Duration: 10:15.Hi, guys.
I'm Ronnie.
I'm going to teach you some dreaded phrasal verbs.
I know that learning English is difficult, and phrasal verbs are very difficult because
they just don't make sense.
So, when you look at a verb in English, you have, like, for example: "calm" or "jack"
or "beat", and then there's a pronoun with it, it gets very confusing.
So, just a little warning, here, people, if you are not mature enough to watch this
-no matter your age-I suggest you turn it off or don't share it.
How about that as an idea?
If you're offended by phrasal verbs of a sexual nature, don't share the video.
Turn it off, watch another video.
Watch a different channel.
Do what you do.
So, I'm going to teach you phrasal verbs Ronnie style because they're about sex - oh yeah.
So, sexual phrasal verbs.
This is what makes me laugh all the time.
Every day at my work and in my house...
Not my house.
In my apartment I have an elevator and there is a voice in the elevator and the elevator says:
"Going down", hee-hee-hee, I every day giggle, and I say: "I wish", and other people look at me and go:
"Why is this crazy lady laughing at the elevator because it says 'Going down'?"
What these people don't realize, because maybe they don't have a hilarious sense of humour
or they don't know the phrasal verb to go down on someone - "going down" means to have
oral sex with someone, so when the elevator opens up and a person's voice goes:
"Going down", I'm like: "Okay, in the elevator? Cool."
So, first of all, phrasal verbs are always a verb and a preposition.
So, prepositions are things like: "over", "in", "on", "out", "down", "up", "out".
So, these prepositions with the verb together will have a completely different meaning than
if you just have one verb.
So, for example, the verb "eat" we know, but when I put it with "eat out", you guys think:
"Oh, hey, yeah, guess what?
I went to a restaurant last night and I ate out", and I die, I just laugh because, ladies
and gentlemen, if you "eat out" or "eat someone out" it means you have, or are having, or
had oral sex again.
So: "go down" and "eat out" both mean you're having oral sex.
So, this is why I laugh all the time.
People think I'm in a good mood.
I just think people say things that are funny.
So, I'm going to teach you some sexual phrasal verbs.
First one: "bend over".
It actually sounds like a person's name in English.
Does anybody know anybody named: "Ben Dover"?
If anyone's a fan of The Simpsons, Bart Simpson will call a bar and say:
"Uh, is Ben Dover there, please? Can somebody Ben Dover?
Can somebody get my Ben Dover?"
"Bend over" basically means that you put your body like this and you stick your bum in the
air, and you're having sex like that.
Good job, I think you can imagine what happens next if you bend over.
If your name is Ben Dover, your parents are funny and probably you might want to change
your name.
Maybe Benny Dover?
Nah, good luck with that.
Benjamin Dover?
We also have: "cum on".
This means you blow your load or you get sperm on someone, someone's part of their body,
maybe their face (which is bukake) or you can cum on the wall, which might be embarrassing,
you can cum wherever you're having fun with your little wiener, there.
You cum on something or someone, it means you get sperm somewhere.
Same with the word "jizz on" and "spooge on".
So, cum on, jizz on, and spooge on means ejaculation time.
So, "ejaculate on someone" means you get sperm on someone or something - done.
But some of you guys might have a different technique where you "cum in" something, like a sock.
I've seen it in a movie.
Some guys like to masturbate into a sock, so you would say: "I came", which is the past
tense or "cum in a sock".
So, "c um", the past tense is "came". See?
It's verbs, it's real life, it's past tense.
As I said before, when people tell me that they are going to eat out tonight, I think
that's a lot of information that I don't need to know.
They mean they're going to a restaurant, but in my brain and I'm sure a lot of other people's
brains, "eat out" means oral sex.
So does "go down", going down.
We can also say "on someone".
So you can say: "I was going down on my girlfriend",
"I was going down on my boyfriend", that means
that you're having oral sex.
"Eat out" is only if you're having oral sex, performing oral sex on a woman, but "go down"
is for men and women interchangeably.
A little debate about this: "feel up".
So, if you're feeling somebody up, usually a guy feels up a girl, you squeeze some body parts.
So, guys would say: "I felt her up", past tense.
"Felt her".
We usually use it for girls, but hey, if you want to feel up a guy, that's fine, that's your business.
Another one that is probably really important if you don't want to get your girlfriend or
your wife pregnant is you "pull out".
So, "pull out" means you don't ejaculate inside of someone.
And this is a very good method of birth control if you don't want to get the girl pregnant.
So if you pull out, it means you don't ejaculate inside.
Sometimes this will be in a movie, like: "The guy pulled out so fast", but he's talking
about, like, driving a car, but in Ronnie's mind that's still a joke because he pulled
out too fast.
I was like: "Oh, funny!"
Oh yes, movies are funny when they're not supposed to be.
But actually they use a lot of these in movies, that's why when you watch a movie and when
a native speaker watches a movie, I'm laughing and you're not because you don't get the sexual phrasal verb.
Now you do.
Just let me write "ejaculate" again.
So you don't ejaculate inside someone.
The next one is to "suck someone off".
Now, one thing about phrasal verbs, sexual phrasal verbs or other phrasal verbs is that
sometimes they can be separated.
So some of them we can put the subject between the verb and the preposition.
So, you can "suck someone off", this means you give someone a "blow job" which is oral
sex; and also we have "jack someone off", which means a "hand job", which means you
pleasure someone with your hands.
No demonstrations, please, Ronnie, we're trying to enjoy the video.
So, I remember a long time ago some pop band, I think it was Blink 182 had an album that said:
"Take off your pants and jack it".
Hilarious, because you think: "That's nice, your pants and your jacket."
But then you go: "Oh my god, that's hilarious because they mean take off your pants and
masturbate, because "jack it" means masturbate.
It's the same as "jack off", "beat off", "whack off", or "stroke it".
So, all of these ones means masturbate for men.
Ladies, we don't get any of these.
We have "flick the bean", not a phrasal verb.
Sorry, I'll cover that in a next lesson.
And we also have one that is like a song: "Get it on."
So many songs. "Bang a gong, get it on."
We'll get that up on the website for you, but: "Get it on" basically means have sex.
In so many songs, especially from the 60s or the 70s there's a lot of censorship and
people couldn't say: "I want to have sex with you tonight", so they say stuff like:
"Let's get it on, baby", and you're like: "Get what on?
What am I on?
Who's, who's...?
Who's it?"
Guess what?
"Get it on" just means have sex.
So, phrasal verbs are difficult, but they can be fun and they can be funny, and learning
them will help you laugh at movies.
And it'll help you understand why someone says: "Hey, come on. Stop doing that."
I just crack up.
Going down?
sorry but not ganna rec with friends - Duration: 6:06.-------------------------------------------
【EP14| 🐙☀️Bettina Goes to Fiji🌴🐠| Part1】 - Duration: 4:24.-------------------------------------------
How To Use Miracle Eagle Eye 2 27 Full Cracked Without Box in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 9:00.-------------------------------------------
IN DEPTH CEMU 1.9.0c The Legend Of Zelda Breath of The Wild setup guide - Duration: 12:43.What's up YouTube it's your boy Xx1080N0scOPM@sT 3R_Rex_bl@st3r_FlexXX
no just kidding anyway
I'm going to show you how to get breath of the wild to be the best that it can be on CEMU
now you have two options you can download my
pre-Configured CEMU pack in the
Description like a good little sheep or if you prefer to pave your own path and feel accomplished that you manually set this up then
Sit tight, I will be going over both ways in this video
(SKIP to 5:42 for the manual setup guide)
Now starting with the pre-configured Pack below
I have included a for the most part preset up CEMU in the description
Assuming you have a seam you already downloaded
And you have your totally "legit" copy of breath of the wild download installed and updated with optional Dlc
We will open up the prize and see what's inside
In here you will find a copy of rivatuner if you're a PC gamer, and you don't have rivatuner already install
You should be ashamed of yourself next is a copy of DS4 tool. If you already have these installed
No need to install these and good job you get bonus points
Next you will see a CEMU folder now
If you're setting up for the first time go ahead and just get your breath of the wild install that live life to the fullest
if you're wanting to install this to your existing cmU installation that has already been set up then it's
Recommended to backup your files and overwrite your old files with the ones from my pack
that you have either overwritten your old Pack or
Starting for the first time here's a quick rundown on what the other guys don't tell you
First thing you'll want to do is open Rivatuner
now what you will want to do is add CEMU rivatuner like so
Then you go to frame rate limit and set that to 30
Optionally you can turn off show on-screen display and show own statistics now. We can start breath of the wild
Upon starting the game you should be greeted by a compiling shaders screen that should take a pretty long time to compile
Like three to four minutes depending on your specs as well and take a shit ton of ram
for this specific tutorial you will need
16 gigabytes or more of ram due to the inclusion of the full shader pack for this game to minimize the amount of micro stutters
If you're trying to play Wii U on PC
I assume you have a pretty beefy
computer anyway
If you do not see this compiling shaders dialog then chances are that you will need to rename my shader file to that at what your
CEMU wants you can find out the file name that it is looking for by checking your CEMU log file and
Copying and pasting the name in the following file
I hope they get this damn memory leak fixed Nvidia Do your fucking job
Now that your game has loaded you can run this up here called Super speed hacks
What this does in short is frame skip to speed up the frames?
Rivatuner is only needed while playing breath of the wild because this game is capped at 30 FPS and becomes unstable on anything higher
So don't forget to close out of Rivatuner when you want to play another game
And voila the game is running pretty good. I'd say a hell of a lot better than it was before. Yes?
Just a note I have this config after 1080p resolution instead of the stock game 720p
I do not have this with 4K resolution in mind because that requires some pretty powerful 💩 to run
Now for the hard asses who want to do it manually or for those the pre-configured
Pack did not work for I get it one size does not fit all so from the top. Here's the DIY section of the tutorial
Here's what you will need
DS4 tool Optional 4 PS4 controller support
CEMU speed hack executable
CEMU Graphics Pack
least 16 gigs of Ram
Specific to this tutorial because the shader pack is kind of big if you want to try and use a smaller shader pack tried out
but results may Vary
Optional about 4.5 gigahertz i series or amd equivalent all of these links can be found in the description below
Install CEMU hook by dragging to the root of the CEMU directory and the same for speed hack graphic packs go to their respective folder
Now for selecting the correct graphics packs a lot of people leave this out when explaining. They don't only help the game look good
They can also help performance you will need to download and install these graphics packs links again are below. I wouldn't leave you hanging
After you install a rivatuner and setup you controller you need to add this line of code to breath of the wild
Open up a game profile Folder and for your region find the game id for breath of the wild
When all is said and done these should be the graphics you have installed?
Go to options and then to graphic packs and make sure they are checked
First thing you'll want to do is open Rivatuner
now what you will want to do is add seem you to RivaTuner like so...
Then you go to frame rate limit and set that to 30 and minimize
Optionally you can turn off show on screen display and show own
Statistics only keep Rivatuner open when playing breath of the wild because this game is locks a 30
FPS, and may cause air is running in 60Fps
Close out Rivatuner when you want to switch games
Now it's time to pick the correct shader pack for you some will be too big some will be too small
But this one is just right and it also requires 16 GB ram. Which I have
Then in CEMU you go to options GPU buffer cache accuracy and set it to low you can launch breath of the wild now
Upon starting the game you should be greeted by a compiling shaders screen that should take a pretty long time to compile
Like three to four minutes depending on your specs as well
And take a shit ton of ram
for this specific tutorial you will need
16 gigabytes or more of ram due to the inclusion of the full shader pack for this game to minimize the amount of micro stutters
If you're trying to play Wii u on PC. I assume you have a pretty beefy computer anyway
Now that your game has loaded you can run this up here called Super speed hacks
What this does in short his frame skip to speed up the frames?
Rivatuner is only needed while playing breath of the wild because this game is capped at 30
Fps and becomes unstable on everything higher so don't forget to close out of Rivatuner when you want to play another game
And voila the game is running pretty good. I'd say a hell of a lot better than it was before. Yes
Just a note I have this confer gained a 1080p resolution instead of the stock game 720p
I do not have this with 4K resolution in mind because that requires some pretty powerful 💩to run
Dynasore Vs Daynasaur Cartoon Animals Movies For Kids 3D Hulk King Kong Cartoon Dianasaurus For Kids - Duration: 10:23.Dynasore Vs Daynasaur Cartoon Animals Movies For Kids 3D Hulk King Kong Cartoon Dianasaurus For Kids
Learn Colors With Farm Animals Color Surprise Eggs Learning Animal Names and Sounds for Children - Duration: 11:19.Learn Colors With Farm Animals Color Surprise Eggs Learning Animal Names and Sounds for Children nursery rhymes
MSRTC BUS CHASING MSRTC BUS | KONKAN IN MONSOON | MUMBAI GOA HIGHWAY - Duration: 1:31.I was travelling by Chiplun - Ratnagiri MSRTC Bus
As soon as we descended Kamathe Ghat (NH-66), I saw one more ST Bus ahead of me.
So get ready to enjoy race between two ST Buses till Sawarde.
Beautiful Konkan in Monsoon
Approaching Sawarde
Installing a Gun Rack in the cabin - Duration: 6:02.so got my gun rack up here we're going to install gun rack
I actually made this gun rack out of some spare wood I had laying way around
Center it up eyeballs here there let me go ahead and get this screw started
alright lets back up a little, yeah that looks good looks straight and square you may ask what I was
lining it up with these pieces here the grooves in the wall or parallel so I'm
lining it up it with the grooves in the wall however when I first built this wall I
put markers see if I can scan that up a little bit
there's one right there so I put small dots up on the wall right here's one
with a magic marker each of those dots marks where the stud is in the wall
is in the wall itself so the stud actually runs down through here so when I line this up
and mounted it this top screw right here goes directly into the stud in the wall
the second one I eyeballed lined up and put it into the stud lets back this up into
the same start a little lower down like two camera up a little bit more maybe
the better shot and then this this here if we get a good shot of that see that
Winchester rifles there that printed onto the wood using a transfer method
from an inkjet printer the side of that is the Springfield arms logo from 1794
now that I printed onto the word and using the same method basically you take
some wax paper
and you print onto the side of the wax paper you can use butcher paper take the
smooth side of the butcher paper you cut the paper to eight-and-a-half by 11 for
a standard inkjet printer print it on the smooth side be very careful because
it smudges easy then you want to lay it down where you want it and tape it into
place and then rub it off and it will rub all the ink down onto the wood which
the wood will soak up and it makes this look like this piece here came from an
old Winchester rifles ammunition box and the sides came from Springfield Armory
box even though all that is is just printed on there all in all I think it
looks good and it gives me a great place to store pistols and rifles while I'm
out here that is relatively safe and out of the way and I'm not going to be
tripping over which is somewhat important we go hang a coat rack that
should work
place to hang coats anyway
HALAL NAIL POLISH? PEEL OFF NAIL POLISH REVIEW! (QUICK & EASY) - Duration: 13:29.if I get along nail polish is kind of hilarious because nail polish is not
from extra men I may come guy today is the second day of my autist blog so
we're starting out this day with rain she's jumped out of here and go straight
and some can go so that's going to be a battle but guys pray for me but ankle
cam shows you guys like my shirt have a heart on it it's furry
I don't think potatoes would come and throw for me but you know what an
invitation but feel so much shock oh yeah that's what I'm wearing today okay
so I got my bag here okay we're ready to go I'm ready to go so I guess I'll see
you guys inside yes
thank you
hi guys what up what up what up welcome back in a couple of hours since
I have seen y'all hope you guys are doing well I uploaded day 1 of August 27
few blogs if you guys haven't checked that out I'm just going to link it
Matt's are you guys are had assistants the only way that I could actually like
film while I'm driving and since I haven't blogged that much today I just
lost the morning I just wanted to talk to you guys a little bit while I'm
driving and right now I'm heading out to pick up the boys from summer school I
basically have to make it intimate I'm just going to put you guys there okay so
let me just put everything in the GPS you see there's no something about me
I always need my GPS I rely on the GPS so much let's see how long for my
consciousness it basically says it has to be there
I may have to like feed a little bit oh
I hate that this is the worst part about driving in my opinion is getting out of
a parking spot okay so I'm going to go really really slowly side out like going
down on the ground
I made it mission accomplished on time forth yes exactly I got here in 13
minutes move on map feed not LA I made it there on time
now let's find you kids and let's go home because I'm tired I'm so excited
we're back home I'm home I'm home I'm home I'm thinking about with TP guys
come with me to the kitchen because I'll show you guys something
so it's my money guys so it's been a couple of hours since I have come to you
guys so I was studying for a little bit and then I went shopping I forgot to
bring my camera but I'm really really excited to try out these new nail
polishes that I basically found so it's about this set of cube by Orly they are
the breathable treatment plus color nail polishes they were in effect so I got
the top coat as well as a nude which is called a nourishing nude and then this
one is a magenta purple which is called give me a break so I really wanted to do
I just want to talk to you guys about Hallandale polish so personally speaking
when it comes to me I love Essie polishes and the polishes that I go for
because they last the longest on me I like the brush size as well it just
gives me a lot of control because it's really short and I can basically go with
one coat depending on the color if it's something that's like light white or
like those pale Pink's two coats it doesn't take me that long to apply and
then I'm right at the door so yeah basically I don't wear those when I'm
not on my period which is most of the time and I really wanted something that
I can use Island praying every single day when I'm not on my period and it's
easy for me to take off take on or even I can wear it while I'm praying so these
are health certify report is the website I'm not quite sure who certifies them
it's not on to where it's just wrapping you guys who don't know anything of a
whole long nail polish basically we are required to do review before we pray and
now one of the requirements of would do is that your the water has to go through
your nail bed so if you're wearing a nail polish nail polish removes like it
basically as a barrier to your nail bed so it doesn't allow water to go through
and hence then you're with you or your obligatory washing up is nullified like
you it doesn't really matter and for us in Islam salat is our second pillar of
Islam so we are required to pay a minimum of 5 prayers a day the five
prayers a day and something that we take really really seriously and basically
when I say that I only wear my nail polishes when I'm on my period that is
the reason is because I'm super super careful about wearing nail polish
because if your will do is nullified it's a big deal it's a big big deal so
when I saw these I was like when I give it a go but I just realized that when I
applied the nail polish to my nails as you guys can see I applied two layers
and it actually set on their bottle to apply two coats of breathable treatment
and color to bare clean nail because if you apply one layer
it's basically clear it's like you're wearing clear nail polish so if you want
color and I also notice it with the purple as well these apply two maybe
even three coats to get like a genuine rich color so I'm actually like going to
go with what they say on the bottle and I'm going to go with two coats because
one coat is not going to be that good so I'm just going to wait for that to dry
and it says breathable I'm not quite sure what breathable is because I just
want to see whether water will go through this and if water does indeed go
through then this is something that I'm willing to consider to wear every day if
water does not go through this and it's not halal certified or is to me to me
this is just my personal opinion it's just not something that I'm going to
risk my prayer over so I'm not going to wait for it to dry just for a few
seconds because this is a very watery formula so it's going to dry almost
immediately bye guys I'm back so I have a
combination of just a standard Gatorade model in order to test the nail polish I
know if you guys have seen but I've just taken my bamboo bag here and that's a
shoe box right there and in the in the middle I just placed one basically
strips of towel paper we'll be able to see how much water goes under
because this is a clear surface and there's no water right now okay so with
that being said let's do it okay so wide spreading easily right across there and
- I'm spreading evenly across I'm not adding more than one nail bed I'm not
adding less than one meal that this is what one nail bed would take so that to
me is two coats which is what was advertised by be poorly company right on
the nail polish and also on their website so I'm just going to wait for me
about five minutes I'm going to them five minutes for it to dry out and you
get it right on there okay good I think that is the amount of water that is
needed because as I mentioned when you're washing your hands in Brazil
you're obviously not going to be causing the water through the nail bed it will
just basically pass through the nail bed as and you know as you're washing your
hands I'm just going to like lightly touch the back it is completely dry
I mean basically not I'm not going to try and do it more than twice because
what happens the more you massage it the more the water goes through so we're in
focused so oh my gosh guys that was a huge conclusion that I was
not waiting for oh my gosh so basically no I don't recommend using
the Orly breathable as a halal nail polish because it did not pass the test
at all to be on it in conclusion this is not what I would consider to be a honest
company but you guys can try to spend home try to tell my see if you guys get
different results for me because I'm actually going to try putting on henna
on just on the nail bed and I'm going to see if it goes inside the nail bed
because pen that is water permeable so it should stain the nail bed and it
should stain around the nail fence as well so I got to give it a No
no this was a fail so if you guys enjoyed this mini review in this vlog
and now I have to head to the gym so guys I'll see you and I head to the gym
and I'll see you when I come home okay
hi guys so I'm back from the gym so I'm super tired today I focused on my legs
my thighs and my hips so that's the area is but if respond and I also did 30
minutes of cardio as I do every day and I'm really really tired so guys as I
mentioned I really really want to take a hot shower so I'm going to get my towel
in my robe such a rope girl and I guess I'm just going to cut the vlog short
here so again guys thank you so much for visiting my channel come back daily for
vlogs and any other types of videos that I'll be uploading daily on this channel
welcome to I'm Yasmin make sure to subscribe hit that red button like this
video comment below actually I want you to comment below what country are you
from I'm really excited to know so hopefully you guys let me know what
country you're from and I look for you guys in the next video until next time
guys B's
200 Subscriber Special - Duration: 2:53.Hello there.
You may be wondering...
who am I,
and why am I here?
First of all,
I won't tell you who I am.
Do you think
I'm going to expose myself
that easily
and that fast?
*sighs* Fool...
You're wrong.
I'll let you figure that out...
Second of all,
she has been planning to make me for a long time.
It all started with her
depressing days.
I won't be here for long though.
At some point I'll be gone.
But I'll be around.
It's pointless of me to be here.
Why am I here?
I'm useless...
I should go...
I shall have confidence.
I will not let myself bring myself down.
I shall NOT.
Her depression stopped a long time ago,
but will her sanity stay for long?
Who knows?
Oh well.
Might as well congratulate her on getting this far.
I'm very proud of her.
But I don't think I'll be proud of her for long.
I shall get going now.
But like I said earlier,
I'll be around.
Travel video #33 - Indonesia, Nusa Penida underground, overland and (almost) in the air! - Duration: 8:42.-------------------------------------------
How important is customer service? Simon O'Kelly, Finance for Living - Duration: 0:52.(cheerful music)
Customers, for me, are very important,
and the difference with going to the banks
is if someone walked into a bank,
they're getting whatever product
that one particular bank can offer,
and they're getting the service from someone
who's an employee within the bank.
Whereas, this is my business,
and I treat all of my customers
as if they were the most important customer,
which, to me, they are.
And a bank may not offer the best option for a customer.
Whereas, for me, it's all about making sure
I've got multiple options for customers where possible,
and then they choose.
So, I'll do the work, but then they can choose
which option suits, suits their needs the best.
So, if you want a broker that's going to go
out of their way to get the best deal for you,
for your particular needs, where you actually
make the decision, not me, then yeah, talk to me.
(cheerful music)
Powstanie nowy film o zbrodni w Jedwabnem. Polacy nie będą w nim zabójcami Żydów - Duration: 6:54.-------------------------------------------
OUTRO SAMBA DO ENCONTRO - Duration: 3:58.-------------------------------------------
day5_Japanese☆Learn with me! - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
Indian kitchen tips and tricks/11 important kitchen tips for easy cooking/Kitchen Hacks (part -2) - Duration: 6:25.want to save some time while cooking ? then keep watching the video till the end.
Hi to everyone who loves to or have to cook ,welcome to my channel .In todays video i
am going to share food tips and hacks which will defiantly make your life easier ; especially
if you are working or have kids. and these tips are about time and food saving ;and a
lifesaver and must know tip towards the end of this video.
so do watch the video till end.
if you enjoy watching this video then don't hesitate to hit the like button and please
please subscribe to my channel with the bell icon .
1.so lets start with how to maintain the vibrant color and ideal texture of cooked vegetables
Cook veggies in boiling water until they reach the tender-crisp stage.
To determine if they're ready, carefully pull a veggie out and bite into it.Once cooked,
immediately drain the vegetables from the water and submerge them in a container of
ice water.
This is called "shocking" the vegetables.
Shocking stops the cooking process immediately and, maintain vibrant color and ideal texture.
2.now lets see how to blanch and store the tomatoes for months, .On the two sides of
each tomato with the help of sharp knife cut "X" and Add tomatoes to the boiling water,
and Boil for 30-60 seconds, remove tomatoes from the boiling water, here the skin got
released but the actual process is to transfer tomatoes immediately in an ice-water-filled
As they chill, you will see the skins start to pull away from the meat of the tomato.
then cut and grind these tomatoes and refrigerate them ,and transfer these tomato ice cubes
in a zip lock and you can use them in any curry or sauce
3.If you want to quick-chill a glass of ice tea, sherbet, wine , cocktail or mocktail
there's a simple solution: keep your glass of any drink chilled with a few frozen grapes!
Here i am chilling my ice tea.
Grapes do wonders for chilling , and they work to chill your drink without diluting
it . 4.if you will keep ginger garlic paste in
fridge it won't last long so to make home made ginger garlic paste last
longer drizzle 2-3 teaspoon of hot oil, mix it well and transfer it in air tight container
after its cools down.
5.To save lentils ,pulses or daal from insects put some bay leaves or tej patta in the containers.
6.and if you will store rawa or suji after roasting there won't be any insects problem
and you can also make upama or sheera very quickly and save time
7.To make cold coffee quickly ,mix coffee in water you can also boil and add sugar and
stir it well, then Pour the coffee into a clean ice cube tray and freeze.
Once frozen, empty the cubes from the tray and store them in a plastic freezer bag.
Combine the cubes with cold milk, you can also add coffee creamer, or sweetened condensed
milk to taste.
and i am adding whipped cream and some chocolate chips Because i like cold coffee this way.
8.To make puris crispy add some rawa or suji and a table spoon of oil preferably hot then
mix it well and prepare a dough .let the dough rest for 20-25 minutes then roll small circles
and fry them and you will get really crispy puris.
9.To keep red chillies powder fresh for long time add some asafetida or hing
10.To avoid the sliminess or stickiness while cutting okra , lady finger or bhendi run the
lemon slice on both the sides of knife with this simple tip you can cut okra without ant
mess and sabzi will turn crispy.
11.Now lets see what is the lifesaver tip .we do tadka to almost every curry or daal
but you can save a lot of your time preparing the masala every single time so lets see how
to make onion tomato masala for Indian gravies?
A versatile masala that can be used for almost all the Indian recipes , so heat some oil
and add garlic, ginger ,onion curry leaves ,green chillies if you want , some salt and
give it a stir. after onion and relic turned light brown add tomatoes and cook it well.
let the masala cool down and grind it a little bit so that there will be a texture in masala
.then spoon out masala in each cube of washed and dry ice cube tray. and Cover it with a
plastic wrap to avoid other odors to penetrate in the masala.
On the other hand this masala itself has a strong aroma which may penetrate into other
foods, so cover it properly.
After it's frozen, remove masala from tray and put it in Ziplock bags and store for future
use.and Whenever you are ready for a recipe, just set it out on your kitchen counter for
an hour to thaw or you can also add cubes directly in the pan and you are good to go.
to know some more really useful kitchen tips watch my last video ; link is in description
box and hit the like button and please please subscribe to my channel.
thanks for watching my video.bye
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