Monday, August 7, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 7 2017

Hello everyone!

Ah, I'm Filip Dejanović

and I'm Luka

and welcome to our new trailer for the new video.

In tomorrow's video you will see Lola's vlog from Greece.

We hope you'll like it and see you tomorrow.


For more infomation >> In the next video...PART 1: VLOG U GRČKOJ - Duration: 0:40.


lebo sekgobela halephirimile - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> lebo sekgobela halephirimile - Duration: 3:54.


OMG!! ROAD TO A MYSTERY DECAL! *PART 1* Search For Black Market Decal! (Rocket League Crate Opening) - Duration: 9:27.

yo guys this website is actually the best if you guys want to buy really

cheap rocket League items just check the first link in the description and at

checkout use code rate for 3% off do you guys want to be answered in a chance to

win an all-new pony XS then go and smash that like button subscribe click that

Bell notification and turn on my post notifications and then comment your info

down below what is going on everybody rates you go here and in today's video

we are going to be doing a crate opening as you guys see by the title and guys

just saying we have a crap ton of keys but we're going to only open phony

crates in this episode so look how many crates or we have a shit ton of creates

we also have a crap ton of keys we're going to try to grind for a white Zomba

yeah so right now we have 80 keys in our inventory and we can open 80 create but

I'm gonna try to like condense it's like 20 keys per video because yeah guys as

you guys are as some of you may know I am a way right now so this is going to

be a scheduled video I'm just doing this right before I leave

we're not opening turbos to real crates are like really bad I really wanted to

open the play of choice creates because those have zombo's and voltaics overages

I could probably open some of those too nitros I want to open those too because

they have alter egos alright so I think in this video we're gonna be opening up

PCCs ok guys I am here and accompanied with Zack Zack you think I'm gonna get

anything good I'm opening 20 player's choice right now performing I might open

like 20 players probably do it if I don't go wide ombos you're getting kick

from the party and I'm just pleased to do it

okay imports right now that are not the what's called a DLC import that skip

Azov was in full we need to get them tainted or a mystery decal COFF COFF

heat wave I saw without further ado let's start

opening these crates are our first Cree exact we're gonna get titanium white

zombo's imagine I did oh my god but yeah um so our first crate we are getting no

we just stayed on the opportunities we've got tribal we can honestly tray

all these up when we're finished IRA got tribal which doesn't really

looked at the other once you like the like to be as far oh yeah this our

second crate will be passed the mr. decal unless it was like a hex or bubbly

those the only what they got from crate we got a Dominus GT okay that's a good

start for opening two crates already alright Zach what do you think I should

hover over for this next opening I've no clue octane to be a star octane PSR okay

so our Zach it's the only one I remember out of that place okay start opening it

and we're starting off with the GSR if we honestly just get a mr. decal right

here oh my god Zach is the best look somehow even though as looks bad

okay if you got a break outside best okay uh I'll take that break out

okay got a breakout guys all right Zach which I start on now get a lucky wish

token right now break out type of funny book funny book

all right guys we were opening it on the funny book this is our like fourth crate

okay mystery decal come on we gotta get that mystery decal till we got unmasked

Zach dolphins here let's start off with unmasked now let's see if we can get

anything good oh it's painted that looks like a lime or forest green I think

that's forest green but yeah let's start off with the mask yeah it's not unmasked

right here I'll start off with that so you can get anything like that

I'm just really I just want to open these players toys crates to get either

black or white Gambas or consumables it's basically what I just want right

now all right we got a breakout type of funny world exact you think I should

start off with the funny book or do something else start off on the breakout

take off now typical psychos all right guys exacto us to start off with the

breakout type s I don't know but oh we were one-off Sambas not painted it

though we got tribal oh it's a into tribal that

titanium boy I all right we'd even open 10 you have you only open to six right

now so we're starting on the oxygen GSR like Zach told us to and Zach if you're

and another




I'm getting a super art star

how the hell


on anything in high cards how this is our third to last create there to last

create can you do me justice and get me something good

Oh an oxime GSR okay that I gotta octane what you means I have to start on what

do I could start on octane GSR tribe or private this is my second to last Cree

oh my gosh I don't get anything these last two crates okay Zach I'm on the

tribal are we just passed like four mystery decals or three some like that

oh no we'll stay on stay on oh my god no you

all this game hates me this you hope for the best guys we're gonna trade up right

after though it should be trade up but you're safe oh yes I got Cobra guys I

don't know what create we're going to be doing tomorrow we might do PG feel again

since we have enough bout of them I don't know if we're going to do that if

you guys already did like the video let me just mash it like button down below

and make sure to enter into that's corny axe and make sure that n turns out 20xx

giveaway if you haven't already because we're so close to sixty thousand

subscribers and once we hit sixty thousand and I get home I'm going to be

announcing the winners this is Rachel I'll see you guys in my next video



For more infomation >> OMG!! ROAD TO A MYSTERY DECAL! *PART 1* Search For Black Market Decal! (Rocket League Crate Opening) - Duration: 9:27.


Dodo: Piękna ( Soy Luna 2: Linda ) polska wersja - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Dodo: Piękna ( Soy Luna 2: Linda ) polska wersja - Duration: 3:39.


TOP 5 Czech dog breeds - Duration: 8:46.

I greet you with your next video, this time I have prepared for you TOP 5 Czech national breeds.

How many of your Slovak breeds wanted Czech.

There are two groups of breeds of dogs that are referred to as "national".

The former are registered at the International Federation of Cynology (FCI) and the owners of these dogs can gain recognition at international exhibitions and competitions, others are still waiting for their recognition from the FCI.

So, sit down, open the popcorn, and then ...

5th place Prague Ratter.

Rattlesnake is one of our oldest breeds. Because it was them who for centuries protected the granaries from the hungry rats.

It was reared as in sedge cottages, and in castles and castles.

The first written mention of it in the territory of Bohemia dates back to the 1st century AD

However, as the conditions and technical means changed, the ratwoman with his original destination lost his job and almost disappeared.

Attempts to re-establish the breed were made primarily in the first half of the 20th century, but in the eighties the breed was fully rehabilitated and developed its breeding program.

The smooth-haired Prague Ratter in a typical black color with brown tan has a maximum height of 23 cm in the tap.

It belongs today among social breeds. He is a vigilant temperamental dog, untrustworthy for strangers, but devoted to his master and his family.

The Prague Ratter is not internationally recognized.

4th place Czech Terrier.

At the beginning of the breed, František Horák stood in 1948, a man who also created a Slovak petticoat.

The Czech Terrier was formed by a targeted crossing of the Scottish and Sealyham Terriers.

The aim was to raise a low-hunting hunter with a casual hair and a well-mannered nature.

After years of breeding work, a dog with a maximum height of 29 cm was created, which is more peaceful than other terriers.

It is totally lacking in the propensity to behave, and it excels with other dogs in the home.

He is easily reserved for strangers, but loves his family, including children.

It is perfectly manoeuvrable and has its own ancestors for the work of a hunting dog.

Unfortunately, today, the Czech Terrier in love is rarely used. He has changed earlier in a social breed. Maybe he lacks the temperament of other terriers, but he does not have the ability to make his owners happy.

The Czech Terrier was recognized internationally in 1963.

3rd place Czech mountain dog.

The history of this breed begins in 1977. Its origin was given by the need of traction dogs for cynology sports.

In the then Czechoslovakia there was a lack of classical breeds such as Malamute, Husky under.

Therefore, a new, manageable and versatile breed with a height of 59 - 70 cm was created by a targeted crossing of the Slovak chuck and trailer dog from Canada.

Petr Hanzlík, who for many years was also the leader of breeding and propagation of the breed, deserved his birth.

Especially due to the relatively large breed of the breed in the 1990s, it is no longer used only as a dog in the crowd, but has also proved suitable as a dog trap or for sports cynology.

Dogs have a long, dense white hair with stains that directly predestines them to stay outdoors all year round. The Czech Mountain Dog is still waiting for his international recognition.

And we believe he'll be ...

2nd place Czech fuser.

The oldest of Czech breeds.

The first mention of it is from the 14th century in the writings of Charles IV., Still under the name "Czech dog" (canis bohemicus).

From the beginning, the dog was a hunter because it belongs to the family of staplers. The height in the tap is 58 - 66 cm.

The hard, straight covering coat is a thick undercoat and protects the dog from weathering.

The color of the coat is brown, the brown is white or brown with spots. The papule has a typical beard that gave the breed a name.

"The Czech fuser is literally a dog for the Czech landscape, he is incredibly hardworking and persistent.

"When I say a Czech fuser, I am reminded of a horary house, and in it, under a table lying wise and a loving fuzzy dog, but it is a dog that is not very suitable for urban households and needs movement and work."

In the Austro-Hungarian Empire period, the Czech fuser was even the target of the attacks of the then state bureaucracy because the members of the breed club refused to use German in their negotiations.

The breed of the Czech fuser is a breed recognized by the FCI since 1964. "

We have the first place, the Czechoslovak wolf was placed on the 1st place.

Nobody surprised that the Slovaks have the same breed because the Czech-Slovak wolf is common.

The breed originated for the Czechoslovak border guard in 1958.

The founder of the breed Ing. Karel Hartl, by crossing the German Shepherd and Carpathian Wolf, wanted to improve the endurance and health resistance of serving dogs.

His work was then followed by Frantisek Rosik, a Slovakian, who has significantly expanded the breed.

From the former exclusively service breeds, the wolves gradually began to spread to civilian breeds.

The Czechoslovakian wolf has 60-70 cm (a significant difference between dog and bitch) and he has inherited high intelligence, health, endurance, resistance to weathering and extremely sensitive smell.

It is a dog that is fearless, courageous, and with a strong relationship to her clamp, that is, a family.

He can also be untrustworthy for strangers, but he never thinks unreasonably.

Due to its intelligence and autonomy, training is longer and more specific than other breeds.

Today he is kept not only as a working dog and for cynology sports, but also as a guardian and pet.

"For me it is a breed in which the original talents are still showing, especially in terms of nature, and it would be a great sin to try to eliminate them."

The Czechoslovakian Wolfman is not a dog for the people I am talking about. It is necessary to consider what and how to dampen and what and how to support it.

Finds If the owner in the considered balance, he will have the best dog.

The Czechoslovak wolf was recognized internationally in 1994.

After the division of Czechoslovakia, the breed was entrusted to Slovakia, but it is recognized as a national breed in both states of its origin.

Thank you for watching my video and I hope to reward it like. If you are new here do not forget to give a subscription.

Of course, do not forget to share it everywhere. I'm looking forward to another video ....

For more infomation >> TOP 5 Czech dog breeds - Duration: 8:46.


The Master Key System - Charles F. Haanel - Part 3 - Law of Attraction - Duration: 14:46.

For more infomation >> The Master Key System - Charles F. Haanel - Part 3 - Law of Attraction - Duration: 14:46.


Miraculous Ladybug Chibi Comic - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Miraculous Ladybug Chibi Comic - Duration: 1:14.


Uống Cà Phê vào 3 Thời Điểm Vàng Này Trong Ngày Sẽ Giúp Bạn Có Sức Khỏe Cực Tốt Mà Ít Ai Ngờ Tới - Duration: 12:02.

For more infomation >> Uống Cà Phê vào 3 Thời Điểm Vàng Này Trong Ngày Sẽ Giúp Bạn Có Sức Khỏe Cực Tốt Mà Ít Ai Ngờ Tới - Duration: 12:02.


Where can I see the eclipse in totality? - Duration: 0:37.

In totality, you'll see –

there's a seventy-mile wide swath of area

that goes

– traces a path across the country from Oregon to South Carolina.

Outside of that path,

you'll see what's called a partial eclipse,

which you'll see the moon

take an ever-increasing bite out of the sun

and so – but it won't completely cover the sun.

Here in Washington D.C.,

you'll see about 80% coverage or partial.

For more infomation >> Where can I see the eclipse in totality? - Duration: 0:37.


Oggi Uomini e Donne, Karina Cascella triste: il post che commuove i fan - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Oggi Uomini e Donne, Karina Cascella triste: il post che commuove i fan - Duration: 3:25.


Inspire Confidence in Others with Compassion: A Life Lesson from the Kitchen - Duration: 4:20.

When you are in a position of leadership in a kitchen or even if you are not being patient

it's something that is very important.

If you are a beginner in the kitchen and you have to learn craftsmanship you have to be

patient, because you're not born with knife skills.

You're not born knowing how to roast a chicken or cook carrots.

It's something that you want to learn, and it's going to be very repetitive, and you

cannot get frustrated.

You have to be very patient.

If you are in a position of leadership in a kitchen you have to be very patient as well,

because you are basically teaching the team to accomplish your vision.

And if you are not patient they are going to be potentially scared of you and therefore

someone who's shaking like that will not be doing a better job than someone who's


Then maybe if you may create frustration in them you may create many negative thoughts

in your team.

So patience in the kitchen it's something that is very important of course.

When I was young my mother remarried and my stepfather Hugo – in the book his name is

Hugo because his real name is something else.

But Hugo is very mean to me as a young kid and he bullies me when my mother is not around.

The way he does it it's obviously very vicious and when I come back home from my day in school

he's testing me and he's trying to make me angry and to make me fight with him.

And, of course, he's an adult and he's much stronger than I am.

And then I was trying to keep my cool and I was trying to not ignore him but to rationalize

a little bit.

Maybe he was jealous.

Maybe something was wrong.

And suddenly I would explode and I would scream at him or I would break things that he likes

or we would fight.

And as soon as I would do that I was the loser and he was the winner because that's what

he wanted.

He wanted to basically destabilize the young kid that I was.

Many times I had the pleasure to win the fights but fighting is already losing so what I learned

about responding to people who try to bully is that soon as you respond they got you.

They got what they wanted.

You're the bad person.

I believe that violence will attract violence and a compassionate approach will have more

chances to get in return some compassionate answer.

And if you are talking about world leaders—although I believe the world is very complicated and

it's not my expertise, I'm a chef—But I think that using wisdom will definitely

be much better than enticing violence.

By responding with armies and worse to terrorist attacks creates a system of no end in violence.

So I am a strong believer of nonviolence, and I think it's good that I am in a kitchen

and not at the White House.

For more infomation >> Inspire Confidence in Others with Compassion: A Life Lesson from the Kitchen - Duration: 4:20.


137 TUTORIAL HOW I MAKE MY DIMPLE PICKS 1 OF 3 sub eng - Duration: 9:04.

Hello guys, welcome back

Today we will see how I make a dimple pick

namely a tip

this is it, another day we will see how to made a handle

I'm no expert, nor particularly meticulous and skillful

it's just how I do it

since I've been asked several colleagues

and good depending on the tools that you have at hand you can do it in one way or another

I do so because it's how I like

and I hope you feel encouraged to do you some

We go from a knife

an entire knife, we make a cut has, we'll leave it like this, is a cheap knife

It does not have anything special

and we end up doing this pick

which will come out on video is going to be this pick, the tip

I show you in more detail

It is a dimple pick for mulTlock

I rely on this Pit´s one

I obviously isn´t equal or even similar, and don´t works equally well

Pit is a master

really his finishes are perfect

mine are not perfect finishes

but it works

then, let's see how it's done, let's do this

well, we have already cut

this part of the knife blade

and now let's take a a sample pick

and let's copy it to the blade

this is going to serve as a guide to file off excess material

let's prepare to file out

I placed it in the vice and all this Material must be eliminated

at this early stage I will use large files, and when I say large


it´s a 35 cm file

to attempt to remove the material as quickly as possible, I will use this

and I will use this

Let's go there

Now let's move to a smaller file

leave this one

and we started working with these smaller files

this and this

Let's go there

For more infomation >> 137 TUTORIAL HOW I MAKE MY DIMPLE PICKS 1 OF 3 sub eng - Duration: 9:04.


139 TUTORIAL HOW I MAKE MY DIMPLE PICKS 3 OF 3 sub eng - Duration: 8:49.

well now we will use such files, very small files

so you can see compared to the previous we have used

and we will work the flag

Let's go there

it is looking



Ok we have already managed to give it the right height

but still very thick

the one we are trying to copy

to see if I can focus

as you see has the flag centered

It is recessed from this side and this

so we will try to do with this file and these smaller ones

Let's go there

all right

I show the result

This is the model

as you see the flag is centered

and this is what we have just done

as you see the flag is centered. OK, What would remain to be done?

to removed this material from here

I do not like it so square there

removing material there

removing material here


round out this part right here


round out this part right here

and surely I will remove some material there

so that when you turn or advance through the keyway the pick goes smooth

I like the tip this way

in the rest, which we will adapt this part to fit into the handle

go with it

Now what I will do is going to be a recess there in the base

to fit the handle

I have taken this model, which is already completed

And I'm doing there recess

there is

completed pick ;o))))

to see how far let me get the zoom, there you have it

soon, we will learn how to do a handle, ok?

For more infomation >> 139 TUTORIAL HOW I MAKE MY DIMPLE PICKS 3 OF 3 sub eng - Duration: 8:49.


138 TUTORIAL HOW I MAKE MY DIMPLE PICKS 2 OF 3 sub eng - Duration: 9:11.

well, now


As you can see we are pretty close

let's go over the final thickness approaching this file

here is a recess It allows me to anchor and does not move the pick

Let's go there

well we're pretty close

now we have to be very careful because it's easy to break the pick

although we did not have reached the same thickness 1.15mm

Here we must take into account


must take into account that giving now with the sandpaper will lower the thickness also slightly

I'll leave so, this will be a pick for mulTlock

and I do not need much more thin

the model would be this

1.20mm height 1,23mm

after sanding, sorry, after sanding we stay pretty close, ok?

I will try to improve the curve

and we would launch and sanded and to prepare the tip, lets go there

this would be the shape you want to give to the flag, pointed

We're going to clamp it to the vice and we will try to remove this part from here

There you see how it is for now

let's round the shaft

and once you have rounded finish making the flag

As you can see already is rounding

I have given to the top

I left this here, and the other three sides

I'll go and see abrading the end result

I do not know if you see the difference between this and this

or between this part here and this here

here just he should have lowered with a little filing

It is well rounded enough not know if you can see well measured

This is the original thickness 1.24 -1.25mm

I'll now give 320 sandpaper to make it perfectly smooth

and then we do tip

Now let's work the tip

the goal is to reach a similar end to this

let's see how we do

For more infomation >> 138 TUTORIAL HOW I MAKE MY DIMPLE PICKS 2 OF 3 sub eng - Duration: 9:11.


Seriously: I Did It All For the 'Nooski, No Lanes No Gains - Duration: 3:01.

Hello friends, I'm Bryan Parmelee and I'm back with my take on some of the stories

from the latest issue of Seven Days. On the cover this week is Jesse Baker, who

is the new city manager of one of my favorite places in Vermont, and the one

I'm proud to call home: Winooski. In honor of that story I thought we could

talk a little bit about what makes Winooski so unique. Winooski, which comes

from the Abenaki word for wild onions, didn't officially become a city until 1922.

Before that it — [Jet noise]

[Lots of jet noise]

— tat dome over the city was never actually constructed. Today WInooski

has become the most densely populated municipality in all of northern New

England, and demographically is very different — [jet noise]

[oh so much jet noise]

[seriously an astounding amount of jet noise]

— the cobbler has yet to appoint a new apprentice. Those are just a few of the

things that making music is so special and at the end of the day it's a great

city. It's a great place to live knowing you're going to get a great night's —

[loud train noises]

— just extremely peaceful.

There is a hot new trend taking the City of Burlington by

storm and that is supporting the creation of new bike lanes right up

until the moment it happens on your street. This time around residents are

upset about losing some street parking spaces, and if that's the only parking

available to you, that sucks. I've been there. At the same time it's

not about me. It's not about you. It's about us — the greater good.

The residents of Burlington voted overwhelmingly in favor of making the

city more bikable and we can't just take that back now that it's actually

happening. What is this Burlington's Brexit?

Oh dear. Sometimes meaningful change creates unintended consequences, or minor

annoyances before things get better — or in the case of Brexit — never ever get

better. Those are the sacrifices we as citizens make to make our community

better. Anyway, keep your eyes out for when we write the same exact story at least a

dozen more times as Burlington continues to add more bike lanes.

That's going to do it for us this week. I'd like to extend a warm congratulations to all of

this year's Seven Daysies winners and finalists, and tune in again next week

when I'll be back for some more Seriously-ness.

For more infomation >> Seriously: I Did It All For the 'Nooski, No Lanes No Gains - Duration: 3:01.


Hyundai i10 1.25i Active Cool - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.25i Active Cool - Duration: 0:53.


Hyundai i20 1.2i 85PK 5D Business Edition - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2i 85PK 5D Business Edition - Duration: 1:00.


Charlie Chaplin i Tomek. - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Charlie Chaplin i Tomek. - Duration: 1:06.


SITC DAY 3: Lots of YouTubers + A Very Tiring Weekend! - Duration: 9:59.

Good morning, guys welcome to mince it. E day 3 technically although like day 2 of meeting you guys

We are shafted if you watched yesterday's or you'll see that we went to a party

Which was amazing we managed to get the after party was really really good, but we actually got back here about coughs wall

I think it was by the time at with merle in bed

And I was still editing the vlog the one of yesterday at 2:00 this morning

So it's been a long long night and a very long weekend, but I'm excited to meet some more to you guys today

I don't think we're going to be saying quite as long and but I'm excited to chat some more of you and

You finally guys suit kids. I don't she's been settlement over there so anyway

We need to go an hour even has a meet-and-greet in an hour. So we really need to head to their cell

So we're now inside the app town talking really laughing for love experiencing yesterday the audio in here and shocking because this were like screaming

But yeah, I'm so tired and we have them today. We yet we have to literally walk to know after

Eve from to Amia and Allison going to film Jodi

Do jaime or - Alex if you're below or something some? Oh? Yeah, the is class I'll slip


Lizzy and I honestly think some bees were just like yeah


Like I don't trust it obviously this is such an intense like so it's going to be so loud always, okay

Maybe you can sign out the basis of saying are we ready prior and we don't have anything particular to do or take

Mostly black hits that have been here yesterday

so we've probably already spoken to them and

then it said I also like or do you say with you musa many for a second time and

Talking to a lot of things that is a lot of some stuff

But there's just not a lot of like accuser either very long or very

Important function said which is the catholic religion like state in my head yeah on an iCe-cream you daddy

beauty spectrum summer in the city

I wish necessary love news to people is just like it's not natural Germany must know I was going over each of us will only

Somehow we managed to miss this yesterday. We need a picture in front of the Youtube place. I'm hannah


Fidget Spinner

So I'm no economist. I'm stuck between the mob to be so busy

our past recovery cross hustle but now let's start in the open like

Christine I always agree with her

And then I think we're probably we're not going to say really nice take I don't know Allison himself

Other thing is probably criteria. So loud in here, but it's nice to like they were kind of prove it while she's not being

instagram trends



Okay, so we come on circosta to get some lunches by quarter pipes to with Jody

Actually, we're in a huge group. Let's play like a circle table that we wrote some kind of business week

It's a really prime of hello

It's like a blog inception Jody's forum in the same place on two angles

But we just let you play in some food

testing ebay products

And I think we're gonna go back then I'm not too sure what I was going to do as a very prepare these are

typically the exact to slip to I'm

Doing self understanding absurd in order to look like which screen your screen

It looks really nice backside axles. So I could do person camera if it feels Martin yeah, yeah, there we go anyway

I'm excited to eat my food. I've got a cheese, and ham panini Anna's got the same of that

I've got cheese, and ham own right now. Yeah, she's starting between two people eating between two

Kilos of me I don't know Ahahaha

I've seen certain meals under so I think so - all day in them pictures of ice

That's also an hour heading back into like the main stage area

I don't have to know what we call it and Jodi and hannah right over here and

Then alice and runs at Rebecca and a zero in front of me. Why am I our focus there? We go?


So that's the plan I don't know how much longer we're going to stay for I am as I've already said tired

Although batters are having a sit down and letting some food and stuff so yeah

I'm not too sure what else I'm going to film obviously. It's quite similar to yesterday in that respect

I feel like I've filmed most of the stuff that I can well

Lizzy here is just about powering through our getting through our energy levels, but I've had it's bright navarre

So I'm like a brownie a brownie Ronnie. That's quite right come on

Sierra and Jody and Hannah they look really nice everybody looks really nice

Okay, like that's something you definitely notice about some intensity

Especially when you're meeting creators that everybody has a really good talking pen because I do like videos and stuff and I'm like oh wow

Are you hiccupping or burping?


I don't but can I say nice try yeah, we're going to head back into the main place now

we are in emergence of

us every night every fiesta makers already

think my focus

And yeah, something like the or at home computer is nearly four o'clock. So he wasn't really well considering how tired we?

Are just hoping it goes open and I saw hours straight? We'll see what happens and in a while. I'll film but

how the toughens book anyway the nice things Ob and Jumpin and sophie and children so they're

Exercising yeah, but it's been crazy to do

Okay, so we are walking out now. I'm not just willing to talk from that tired

Which is my quite a few more viewers as we're walking out, and I've been living trying to everybody

But that's the point now where I'm like literally dead, so I'm making conversation and like I'm not too short

I'm actually saying to you. So where's connor oh

Yes, and are we leaving is that this mean you hang out with you all day, and yeah

We're going to go into our suitcases

We're going to then hop on the tube although our train on for like another school hours

I mean, it's like an alibi to Kings cross anyway, but after we've done that bit. We've got like a three-hour wait

So we're not too sure what's going to happen, but alright. See China actually would see anybody again for a while now

fabulous hannah meet up

saffron barker

I know now or something in like a

September yeah, see you in October in America when we get Mariel in America

See what her attire or see before?

Yeah, actually now you roll invite to my eighteenth birthday party so today and anyway yeah

So my hair is messed up because I'm boiling it was basically we managed to get on a train way earlier

So I'm so much in cyberspace

It looked on the train line art. I'm not trying to be something council

so I was like if I can't go includes that means I can't get stung consider which means I can't change between

Icons then I would speak regarding the picasso

I came across you know like oh

You can get on any other badge in turn to the virgin trains going now at Kalfus fiber

So that you're this mentally local suppose. I'm just going to turned it on Backhoe, and we know got roman

I think probably about a

Partner from about 9 o'clock. I'm very happy about that

Lizzi's here, she's okay Trenches across them. What both up so did dad another pizza

Yeah, I mean we can't qualify boy not even mention the spoon we've canceled and reserved seats. I like people

As you can of the tunes by Bible, so I am now, I don't come to train station

I'm on my own and so we had a bunch of being like in a huge group of people to knowledge of things up by

Myself which is like really weird as the first time it's been silent in like three days

I'm waiting for the train to some reason all the trains are delayed minds and is delayed by five minutes, so it's time

I'm looking at this arrivals border

It's like delay might cancel cancel delayed, and I'm like going on and luckily mines on that, but if you laters fine, yeah

I've actually broke up a little backing. It's because I've eaten so I'm not feeling our shaft now. I look at and

Yeah, I'm really excited to get home. I'll be home in about an hour from now. So yeah, very excited

It's been an amazing week

And I've just been looking back at like the pictures and the pictures that you guys are too angry

And it's like really really weird because it hasn't really sunk in properly

Yeah, I'm just printing here in fur and it's been crazy so like thank you guys

That's like all I can really say

Because um to you that I even went and I don't know so we're so I was so excited to go and I'm so happy

With like what happened and like you know when you've imagined something

And then you're not sure if it's going to actually be like how you imagined it to be it

Was so thank you for that, okay guys

I'm now back time Kerry's here because it's just been helping me carry my suitcase of the stern and but yeah, I'm back home

I'm going to go and have a shower

I was going to move some hair, but I just I don't think it's that greasy so because I'm really tired

I'm not going to bother miserable deliveries from pretty little thing and I'm not too sure who that other one is off, but anyway

I'm going to open this after I've had a shower

And then I'm going to get off there have a drink and then probably just go straight to sleep because I could have fallen asleep

Stood up on the Tube earlier

I'm not tired, but I'm sorry I've complained a lot about being tired in this video

But I'm super super grateful to every single person that I met everybody that came into hello

Everybody to the picture everybody that was saying hello to my friends, but that is equally as amazing like it

Just makes me really happy so I hope you all had a fab weekend. If you did attend summer in the city

I hope you enjoyed it if you met me I hope you enjoyed meeting me

Be sure to tweet me any photos that we took together

I'd love to save them all but yeah

I'm going to go if you can do it out Scribe down below if you're not already give out a huge thumbs up

I'm subscribed to all of my friends that are in this video as well

Because that would mean the world to me unto them

And I will see you tomorrow with another daily vlog that will be probably less exciting than this one. What was it? What happened? Bye?

For more infomation >> SITC DAY 3: Lots of YouTubers + A Very Tiring Weekend! - Duration: 9:59.


Charlie Puth ‒ Attention (Lyrics / Lyric Video) (Lash Remix) - Duration: 3:04.

attention lyrics

For more infomation >> Charlie Puth ‒ Attention (Lyrics / Lyric Video) (Lash Remix) - Duration: 3:04.


Soha Angry on Devakshi | Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi - EP 376 - Coming Up - Sony TV Serial - Duration: 0:47.

In upcoming episode, we will see Dev is in Suhana school and talking to Soha Teacher.

teacher says i want to talk to you about Golu and Soha.

They have started missing school.

They didn't come school for 2 days last week.

Dev says please call Soha.

I'll talk to her.

Teacher says she's not in school even today.

Dev is shocked.

Dev and Sonakshi are seen in car along with Soha.

Dev ask how was school.

Soha says it was good.

Sonakshi ask something about studies.

Soha says everything is good.

Dev says but Soha...

Sonakshi stops him.

For more infomation >> Soha Angry on Devakshi | Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi - EP 376 - Coming Up - Sony TV Serial - Duration: 0:47.


Interactive Spinning Wheel Starry Sky card - Duration: 10:29.

For more infomation >> Interactive Spinning Wheel Starry Sky card - Duration: 10:29.


(ENG) 오랜만에 놀러갈때 같이 준비해요! Get Ready With Me to meet Idol School Friends! - Duration: 13:21.

Hey guys It's Jessica here!!

Long time no see! I'm finally back to youtube :))

Some of you guys might know this already, but I was in this tv program called "Idol School"

However I'm back to youtube. hehe

First of all, I would like to thank and apologise for those who waited :((

I had videos to upload and stuff, but I wasn't able to keep the promise. Im so sorry :(

But thanks for those who really waited till now. :( <3

All you comments, DMs, mails gave me courage to restart my channel.

Words can't express all my gratitude!!!

So today, Im gonna be doing a GRWM video to meet friends I met in Idol School.

Ive done grwm once before, and I decided to make one again ><

I hope you guys enjoy this video, and don't get shocked with my bare face.

Let's get started!

Hey guys, It's been a long time that you guys didn't see my bare face too.

First, I'll be applying sunscreen on my face since I'll be in outdoor.

You gotta dab it thoroughly so the base makeup won't cake.

Next, Ill be using this foundation

I bought this product in Olive Young (Korean drug store) before,

And the formula is very runny

So if you accidentally drop this formula on your white shirt or something,

then it'll be troublesome for sure.

I'll layer this thinly all over my face

I feel like this foundation is perfect for summer

Since it sticks on your stick lightly. I use this a lot nowadays :)

As you can see

Later on, when Idol School ends, I would like to make a video talking about my experience. :3

later on :)

I wanna rest for now : - (

Next, Ill be applying this concealer from LUNA as always .

to cover up my dark circles due to lack of sleep. &_&

as well as the sides of my nose and mouth to lighten them

Done with the base makeup!

And I'm using a loose powder to catch some unneeded oiliness in my skin.

Especially around my eyebrows and eye rims

Then Ill be drawing my eyebrows!

Im using this eyebrow cake to shape my eyebrows

Im using the darker shade in the product


Just roughly fill up the eyebrows

Wait why is it so bright?!

Sorry guys if the brightness is random here.. Im shooting under natural sunlight

I feel like its easier to draw your eyebrows when our looking down

Then ill be brushing my brows using a spoil brush

And my go to item, eyebrows tattoo.

You know the thing that lasts till the next morning if your apply it at night?!

Using that, Ill be drawing lines on the area where Im lacking some furs.

Im not using brow mascara this time since my hair color's dark.

Moving on to the eye makeup, Ill be curling my lashes first.

You know, there was an absurd situation happened when I was in Idol school though..

If you guys want me to explain further about it, I would make a video about it if I get the chance to.

Done with eye lash curling~

Ill do my eye makeup using this palette.

This pallet's color lineup was pretty substantial.

Using this bright peachy shimmery shadow,

Ill be applying all over my eye lid, and underneath my eye.

I should've told you guys this earlier, but today, Im going to meet and hang with friends I met in Idol school

Done applying the first shadow,

Using this dark brown shadow, Ill be adding some depth on the edges of my eyes

Movin on to eyeliner!

Ill be drawing a thin line at the edge of my eyes using this brown pen eyeliner

Im using this shadow super efficiently nowadays!!!

You can just have this one to finish your eye makeup

Using the darkest shade, Ill blend the line that I drew.

Don't blend it too widely, so that the border won't be too broad

And ill be filling up the outer corner of my eyes

Then Ill apply this lightest shade on my aegyotsal

Next, Ill be applying mascara after curling my lashes ones again

Im using this mascara from Kiss Me.

This mascara is AMAZING. Since I have a mono-lid, other mascaras just won't work for me

But this does a good job!!

lower lashes as well

Eye makeup is done!

next is nose shading!

I dont contour the outer parts of my face cuz I touch those parts several times

So I just dont contour.

But nose contouring is important!!

Im using the lighter shadow in the eyebrow cake.

The color is perfect.

then nose bridge appears.

And if you contour the bottom of your lips, you'll have some more dimension in your lower jaw

Next is highligher~~

I love this one from its skin!!

This shade gives you the natural spotlight

Next is blusher!!

Ill be using this pallete

The shades in this palette are insane.

This are the colors

It's like a collection of all the famous colors in luxuriant brands.

From NARS, benefit, and etc

And even the names are similar. lol hahaha

all the colors are useful too. :)

Ill be using these two colors!

lighter one all over my cheeks, and the darker one one the apples of my cheeks.

I wonder how it will feel like meeting my unnies and friends outside idol school...

I use to meet them wearing uniforms and stuff, but I really can't imagine seeing them wearing personal attires.

Its not really seen clearly in the camera, but i gave a little flush

thats probably why its not so shown in the camera ><

lastly lips!!

Im gonna be using this one!!

I'm obsessed with this ink the velvet collection of peripera

I dont know if this color suits summer, but why not? hahah

So the makeups done!!!!!

and then~!

I already wore my clothes

Im just wearing this flannel on top in case it gets cold later.

For my hair, I dont really do much stuffs...

I just go out like this normally

And I lightly apply this hair essence at the edges of my hair

So, thanks so much for watching this video!!

And Ill see you guys in the next one.

Next video would be a vlog of today :))

Hope you guys will like that too <3

Please like this video if you enjoyed, and subscribe this channel if you wanna keep watching my videos.

Ill see you very soon, BYE!!!!1 <3

For more infomation >> (ENG) 오랜만에 놀러갈때 같이 준비해요! Get Ready With Me to meet Idol School Friends! - Duration: 13:21.


❋「AS ~ Nightcore」~ Kiseki ~ ❋ - Duration: 3:42.

Tomorrow I'll love you more than today,

these overflowing emotions just won't stop

Right now I love you so much I can't put it into words

The days you give me accumulate,

the days we pass and the paths we walk

Did we just meet by chance? Or by fate?

For us to meet was surely a miracle

* We walk along close together,

giving our eternal love a form

I want to be by your side forever,

laughing like this

"Thank you" and, ah, "I love you" just aren't enough

So let me just say "I'm happy"

Always the palm of your right hand,

just the palm of my left hand

Them gently clasped,

I can feel only love

The small bits of happiness

we find in each day pile up as we slowly walk this path

For us to meet by chance is a small thing in this big world

But for us to meet was surely a miracle

On days when nothing seems to go right,

just being together makes everything better!

I forget all about false courage and loneliness

If I'm with you, I can be myself!

So I want to be by your side forever, "my beloved"

Even times when we fooled around on the way home are precious days to me

The time I told you how I feel, your expression was something I'd never seen before

There was a pause, then you nodded, our hearts are filled up with love

We're still travelling on a path that will continue

For decacades into the future

[ Even if we lose sight of tomorrow, we'll still... ]

* We walk along close together,

giving our eternal love a form

I want to be by your side forever, laughing like this

"Thank you" and, ah, "I love you" just aren't enough

So let me just say "I'm happy"

On days when nothing seems to go right,

just being together makes everything better!

We share everything, our joy and sorrow

If I'm with you, I feel really alive!

So I want to be by your side forever, "my beloved", to the last moment

Tomorrow we'll smile more than today,

as long as I can be with you

Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years,

we'll be together no matter how long, I'll always love you

For more infomation >> ❋「AS ~ Nightcore」~ Kiseki ~ ❋ - Duration: 3:42.


Russian Probe & VP Pence's Potential 2020 Presidential Run - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Russian Probe & VP Pence's Potential 2020 Presidential Run - Duration: 3:52.


Multifandom || Sua Cara - Duration: 0:51.

If you don't come, I'll put some pressure

I won't wait for you, I'm full of options

I'm not a woman of taking your complaining

Stare at me, get ready

That I'm gonna throw it right on your face

Right on your face

I'm gonna twerk right on your face

Right on your face

Today, I'm gonna throw it right on your face

For more infomation >> Multifandom || Sua Cara - Duration: 0:51.


QUINS PERSONATGES! | Yahoo Respuestas vol.4 | Miss Tagless - Duration: 9:54.

For more infomation >> QUINS PERSONATGES! | Yahoo Respuestas vol.4 | Miss Tagless - Duration: 9:54.


How to save your time (just do this one thing!) - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> How to save your time (just do this one thing!) - Duration: 4:49.


TJ Aparecida | Veja como o aumento nos combustíveis afeta os serviços de taxi e aplicativos - - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> TJ Aparecida | Veja como o aumento nos combustíveis afeta os serviços de taxi e aplicativos - - Duration: 3:13.


Copa do Mundo 2017 de Overwatch | Recapitulação da Fase de Grupos Sidney - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Copa do Mundo 2017 de Overwatch | Recapitulação da Fase de Grupos Sidney - Duration: 1:07.


ya mutkaberu ka wazifa | Name of Allah ya mutaqaberu ka wazifa by kamrna sultan - Duration: 2:54.

Qurbe Ilahi hasil krne K liy Asan Wazifa in Urdu By kamran sultan

For more infomation >> ya mutkaberu ka wazifa | Name of Allah ya mutaqaberu ka wazifa by kamrna sultan - Duration: 2:54.


QUINS PERSONATGES! | Yahoo Respuestas vol.4 | Miss Tagless - Duration: 9:54.

For more infomation >> QUINS PERSONATGES! | Yahoo Respuestas vol.4 | Miss Tagless - Duration: 9:54.


Dodo: Piękna ( Soy Luna 2: Linda ) polska wersja - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Dodo: Piękna ( Soy Luna 2: Linda ) polska wersja - Duration: 3:39.


137 TUTORIAL HOW I MAKE MY DIMPLE PICKS 1 OF 3 sub eng - Duration: 9:04.

Hello guys, welcome back

Today we will see how I make a dimple pick

namely a tip

this is it, another day we will see how to made a handle

I'm no expert, nor particularly meticulous and skillful

it's just how I do it

since I've been asked several colleagues

and good depending on the tools that you have at hand you can do it in one way or another

I do so because it's how I like

and I hope you feel encouraged to do you some

We go from a knife

an entire knife, we make a cut has, we'll leave it like this, is a cheap knife

It does not have anything special

and we end up doing this pick

which will come out on video is going to be this pick, the tip

I show you in more detail

It is a dimple pick for mulTlock

I rely on this Pit´s one

I obviously isn´t equal or even similar, and don´t works equally well

Pit is a master

really his finishes are perfect

mine are not perfect finishes

but it works

then, let's see how it's done, let's do this

well, we have already cut

this part of the knife blade

and now let's take a a sample pick

and let's copy it to the blade

this is going to serve as a guide to file off excess material

let's prepare to file out

I placed it in the vice and all this Material must be eliminated

at this early stage I will use large files, and when I say large


it´s a 35 cm file

to attempt to remove the material as quickly as possible, I will use this

and I will use this

Let's go there

Now let's move to a smaller file

leave this one

and we started working with these smaller files

this and this

Let's go there

For more infomation >> 137 TUTORIAL HOW I MAKE MY DIMPLE PICKS 1 OF 3 sub eng - Duration: 9:04.


139 TUTORIAL HOW I MAKE MY DIMPLE PICKS 3 OF 3 sub eng - Duration: 8:49.

well now we will use such files, very small files

so you can see compared to the previous we have used

and we will work the flag

Let's go there

it is looking



Ok we have already managed to give it the right height

but still very thick

the one we are trying to copy

to see if I can focus

as you see has the flag centered

It is recessed from this side and this

so we will try to do with this file and these smaller ones

Let's go there

all right

I show the result

This is the model

as you see the flag is centered

and this is what we have just done

as you see the flag is centered. OK, What would remain to be done?

to removed this material from here

I do not like it so square there

removing material there

removing material here


round out this part right here


round out this part right here

and surely I will remove some material there

so that when you turn or advance through the keyway the pick goes smooth

I like the tip this way

in the rest, which we will adapt this part to fit into the handle

go with it

Now what I will do is going to be a recess there in the base

to fit the handle

I have taken this model, which is already completed

And I'm doing there recess

there is

completed pick ;o))))

to see how far let me get the zoom, there you have it

soon, we will learn how to do a handle, ok?

For more infomation >> 139 TUTORIAL HOW I MAKE MY DIMPLE PICKS 3 OF 3 sub eng - Duration: 8:49.


138 TUTORIAL HOW I MAKE MY DIMPLE PICKS 2 OF 3 sub eng - Duration: 9:11.

well, now


As you can see we are pretty close

let's go over the final thickness approaching this file

here is a recess It allows me to anchor and does not move the pick

Let's go there

well we're pretty close

now we have to be very careful because it's easy to break the pick

although we did not have reached the same thickness 1.15mm

Here we must take into account


must take into account that giving now with the sandpaper will lower the thickness also slightly

I'll leave so, this will be a pick for mulTlock

and I do not need much more thin

the model would be this

1.20mm height 1,23mm

after sanding, sorry, after sanding we stay pretty close, ok?

I will try to improve the curve

and we would launch and sanded and to prepare the tip, lets go there

this would be the shape you want to give to the flag, pointed

We're going to clamp it to the vice and we will try to remove this part from here

There you see how it is for now

let's round the shaft

and once you have rounded finish making the flag

As you can see already is rounding

I have given to the top

I left this here, and the other three sides

I'll go and see abrading the end result

I do not know if you see the difference between this and this

or between this part here and this here

here just he should have lowered with a little filing

It is well rounded enough not know if you can see well measured

This is the original thickness 1.24 -1.25mm

I'll now give 320 sandpaper to make it perfectly smooth

and then we do tip

Now let's work the tip

the goal is to reach a similar end to this

let's see how we do

For more infomation >> 138 TUTORIAL HOW I MAKE MY DIMPLE PICKS 2 OF 3 sub eng - Duration: 9:11.


Packour ||Những Màn Packour Hay Nhất Thế Giới 2017|| P3 (The World's Best Parkour and Freerunning) - Duration: 9:22.

welcome to my channel

For more infomation >> Packour ||Những Màn Packour Hay Nhất Thế Giới 2017|| P3 (The World's Best Parkour and Freerunning) - Duration: 9:22.


TJ Aparecida | Entenda os cuidados necessários para se ter uma boa alimentação - 07 de Agosto - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> TJ Aparecida | Entenda os cuidados necessários para se ter uma boa alimentação - 07 de Agosto - Duration: 5:51.


Reading Your Answers to "What Book Has Captivated you the Most?" - 2017-08-06 - Duration: 7:47.

well hello everyone and welcome to this week's question videos so last week I

asked you guys what your favorite book is and today I will be reading your

answer so we're going to start off with elm who says I have to say the last wish

by Andrzej Sapkowski I did not pronounce that right at all I apologize I just

butchered the name it's the first one in the butcher series first I thought it

was a good difficult fantasy novel but when I start reading it I soon notice it

is more mature and realistic there's really no good or bad and very often the

monsters are not the evil ones humans just think they are the world is filled

with racial tensions humans hate elves and only tolerate doors because they're

good at crafting it's an interesting setup for Tolkien like fantasy talking

like fantasy I believe would have to do with Lord of the Rings but I like the

idea of that where skill says the monsters are often not the evil ones but

humans just think they are right and I feel like that can be put into real life

in a lot of different ways and more I guess it in relation to like fears you

can think of your fears as monsters right so it's often not necessarily a

monster it's often not necessarily that bad of a thing but you just kind of

think it is or maybe it's not even fears maybe it's just other things your

monsters can be whatever whatever it is whatever problems you have zinc at says

Cloud Atlas really really stuck with him it is a very complicated structure and

you have to keep track of a lot of people but it's one of those books you

can get lost in and I completely understand that as a cloud atlas sounds

familiar to me but I don't believe I've ever read it I actually haven't read

very many books in my life but it does sound familiar to me and seen Kat I

don't think you'll have any issue keeping track of all those people

because with all your puppet characters that you have on your channel there you

have to do a darn good job of keeping all of the names and all of the voices

straight for each one so I don't think you'd have a problem with that at all

and Omar you say it's smile you are dead it's a book I read from my cousin it's

an Arabian book it like starts for the past

to the present and it's a horror movie and that sounds really interesting I

don't know what exactly that is about but that is kind of cool in my opinion

my mom says all games sound good my ultimate favorite book is the Bible of

course and the content captivated her and have a hard time putting it down

once I start reading it which is difficult that is definitely typical of

the Bible for for a lot of people other than that she says anything by stormy

stormy Oh Marcin is good her work always captivates her and yeah I know the the

one book I forget the name of it but the one book that you got you couldn't put

it down after you got it so that's really cool

to me too hey guess what I can't choose one of course you can't you have a hard

time picking favorites no problem at all so I'm going to name two as an example

first is a classic ten little niggers by Agatha Christie I don't like saying that

word but I'm only saying it because that is the name of the book so there we go

and second this is completely random would be and I am going to completely

butcher the pronunciation of this but my title title by any most ownin finished

book and pretty old but I couldn't stop reading it before it was already over

and that's rare as I'm held bookworm so that's pretty cool because if a book can

captivate you that much when you're not really that interested in reading and

you literally can't put it down then I think it's a pretty darn good book and

funny fluffy you say thanks for praying to playlist in the description means a

lot no problem at all I love watching your knight in the wood series so no

problem and the book I remember reading way back but didn't finish was the world

wars the first few pages when really into disturbing or sorry really went

into disturbing depicting of a patient zero if I remember that right and so

that's obviously like a zombie kind of thing I assume because of World War Z I

believe that would be the Z would be zombies or World War Z a Z sounds better

in this case but yeah I always kind of like zombies story zombie sings I guess

I don't know I thought the song bees are just very interesting and the post

apocalyptic you know survival kind of aspect of it the story regarding that is

always very interesting to me as for books for myself I wrote down a few last

week because that like I said I don't read very many books and there have been

a few that I have read that have really really interested me and one of them was

the the first one I forget the name of the book and I cannot I was trying to

find it because I know I still have it here and it's all very destroyed and

everything so I used to take it to school when I was in my grade 8 9 I

think 7 8 9 and I reread it like multiple times because it was that

interesting to me and I can't remember what it is but it got very destroyed

because um kids are cruel so anyways the main character's name is Gerard the

villains name is Morgan she's kind of like a witch there's a wizard to the

castle there ended up being some kind of spell that put all the adults like to

sleep I guess I think and but the kids weren't affected and so then Gerard

along with two other kids they have to go around finding these pieces of a

talisman I believe and one of them they found under the bridge under a bridge

where there was a troll living there and the troll you know typical thing you

have to in order to cross the bridge you have to pay the troll something and so

yeah that was definitely the one most captivating a book that gave me the most

vivid imagination that I can remember another one was left behind from the

Left Behind series and that in particular Assassin's was the only one I

read and I don't know that that one got me really interested in like the rapture

and the the revelation and time seemed like what the Bible talks about for

revelations and that kind of thing that got me really interested in that and so

yeah there's that one and the last one was the chrysalids we read this I

believe in grade 7 and honestly I didn't really like it that much there were

there were a lot of I guess parts of it parts of the plot parts of the story of

it that I just like I kind of hated it in some ways but

like we were forced to read it but it also reading it gave me a hugely vivid

imagination like I could see everything that was happening it was very

descriptive but yeah so those are my three because I can pick just one now my

question for you guys for next week is what activity do you find most

fulfilling to you if you have multiple that is fine as well just what activity

gives you joy gives you a lot amount of joy whatever it is it doesn't matter

what it is to me I'm just curious to know what it is you guys love to do and

you guys can probably already guess what mine will be what my number one will

probably be and if you can then bonus points to you although there's no score

system so the bonus points are just kind of some some vague inconspicuous number

that probably doesn't really mean anything but still bonus points oh yeah

yay let me know your answers in the comments below and I will see you again

next week so have a wonderful day have a wonderful Monday and a wonderful rest of

your week now see you again tomorrow Godbless

For more infomation >> Reading Your Answers to "What Book Has Captivated you the Most?" - 2017-08-06 - Duration: 7:47.


Neymar Jr. vs. Ronaldinho |TOP5 FREE KICK GOALS| - Duration: 7:08.

5. Brazil vs.Germany RIO 2016

4. ATLETICO vs BARCELONA 2015/2016

3. Brazil vs Columbia 2014


BARCELONA vs PSG 2016/2017






For more infomation >> Neymar Jr. vs. Ronaldinho |TOP5 FREE KICK GOALS| - Duration: 7:08.


Manhã Leve | Especialistas ensinam a escolher os cortes mais saudáveis da carne - 07 de Agosto - Duration: 16:47.

For more infomation >> Manhã Leve | Especialistas ensinam a escolher os cortes mais saudáveis da carne - 07 de Agosto - Duration: 16:47.


Ludmilla - Cheguei - REQUEST REACTION! - Duration: 4:10.

Hello my little lovelies, it's your friend Thandi here again hope you are having a wonderful


And i'm back with another reaction video for you and today i'm super excited because my

girl Ludmilla's in the house, Ludmilla in the house, Ludmilla in the house!

I know you guys have been requesting I react to another Ludmilla video, and i've wanted

to as well because there is so much music out there it takes some time guys.

Bare with me guys, bare with me!

And you guys have been requesting I react to a track she released a couple of months

ago, and i believe it's called

Ch- Ch-en-gueei … Girl you know I don't speak Portuguese!

So lets get into this, because the looking at the thumbnail it's going to give me new


Ok so we've got a high school set up

It's giving me an 1980's vibe

Oh it's a Mean Girls thing, it's a Mean Girls reference!

Oh girl and there's no subtitles for me either to know what they're saying!

I love the earrings!

Yaaass the Queen in the back like…

Oh Cheguei, ok girl


Yes Cheese!


I live for Ludmilla!


Oh my days that is a fly high school, those are so colourful cool kids in that high school




You know there's something about Ludmilla that gives me the Rihanna vibe, she gives

me that care free attitude, like yes girl I am the baddest!

Rihanna, she give me that RiRi confidence!

Oh my days this girl!

Cheguei, ok thats how you pronounce it!


She's giving us a shuffle as well like, she's giving us a


I live for Ludmilla, I live for you girl!

YASSS Queen in the yellow!

Oh my days guys I LIVE!!!!

Cheguei Yes!

Thank you so much foe that awesome suggestions guys, you know I live for Ludmilla, you know

I live for my Brazilian Diva's.

Because they're just slaying the game right now, slaying the game, slaying the game!

So thanks you so much for watching.

If you enjoyed this video please give it a THUMBS UP, lets get this video to 1000 likes,

please share with your friends and Subscribe!

And I will see you next time for another Music Reaction Video!


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