fifa 18 ultimate team
Do Trees Poop and Pee? - Duration: 11:12.A wise man once said, "Everybody poops."
Well that should probably be changed to everything poops, because all living things excrete waste.
This brings us to a brilliant question posed by a subscriber called George, whose head
we'd love to crack open and see what's going on inside- do trees poop?
As it so happens, yes they do, though there is a bit of a semantic argument to be had
over what one might consider "tree poop."
(A sentence I've never in my life thought I'd have need to utter.)
To begin with, all living things excrete things they no longer need or which otherwise might
be harmful to them if allowed to build up in said being's system- yes, everything from
the lowliest single celled organisms to blue whales do this.
In fact, a microbe known as Paramecium caudatum has been observed passing solid, liquid and
gaseous waste, meaning it technically poops, pees and farts, despite its entire being consisting
of a single cell.
So what exactly do trees excrete?
Well, although trees produce very little in terms of pure waste, due to tremendously efficient
metabolic systems that convert most everything the plants take in into something they can
make use of (and a generally good nutrient acquisition system that ensures many things
that would otherwise be bad for the plants aren't taken in at all), nothing is perfect
and trees will invariably need to excrete a number of things to remain healthy- the
most well known of course being oxygen.
Now oxygen, which the tree, like any aerobic life form, does need but invariably has an
excess amount of as a natural byproduct of photosynthesis, is mostly expired, along with
other gaseous waste, through small pores in the leaves of a tree known as stomata.
Trees also excrete water vapour containing various other waste products during this process.
While this is an excretion, you may not consider this akin to pooping and peeing, perhaps more
like breathing.
After all, humans expel carbon dioxide, water vapour and certain other substances while
So what's something the tree does that is more like pooping and peeing?
In regards to the latter, some, but not all, plants occasionally expel water and other
waste via a process known as guttation.
In a nutshell, guttation occurs when excess water is taken into the roots resulting in
an upwards pressure within the tree that must be gotten rid of; this most commonly occurs
at night when the stomata are generally closed, robbing the tree of one way it may get rid
of such excess water.
The result of this root pressure is a sticky sap, consisting of sugar, water, and various
other substances, including waste compounds, being pushed out of water stomata or hydathodes
in the leaves.
What about tree pooping?
Plant cells contain large vacuoles that are variously used either to store essential nutrients
or waste the plant no longer has use for.
In regards to the latter waste, plants concentrate it in parts of its anatomy that, while also
potentially serving other purposes throughout those parts' lifecycle, are nonetheless "destined
to fall off or die", like leaves, petals, or even fruit.
The waste, which in turn sometimes also serves a useful purpose but nonetheless must be gotten
rid of lest it build up and ultimately harm the tree, including things like heavy metals,
tannins, oxalates, and anthocyanins, will naturally be lost come wintertime for many
trees or just at random times throughout the year for evergreens.
As famed biologist Brian J. Ford notes, "the leaf... not only [is] the plant's photosynthetic
centre, but also [is] the organ which, at the end of its anabolic programme, is stripped
of vital constituents and systematically charged with metabolic wastes."
As a noteworthy example of this, mangroves are able to thrive in saltwater, despite too
much salt being harmful for the plant and that they otherwise don't need large amounts
of salt to survive.
(In fact, many mangroves will, in fact, grow just fine in fresh water.)
They achieve this partially as they are adapted to filter with their roots sometimes as much
as 90% of the salt from the water they take in, which is quite remarkable considering
such strong osmotic pressure would normally result in water being drawn out of roots rather
than being absorbed.
Any salt the plant does imbibe is then ultimately excreted through a combination of various
processes, most significantly by the plant concentrating the salt in older leaves and
bark which will be periodically shed.
So given that many plants, such as trees, use their leaves and other eventual droppings
as a way to get rid of waste, we'd just like to explicitly point out that when you're eating
many types of fruit, or drinking that delicious cup of tea, you're kind of eating and drinking
bits of plant "poop" that are included...
Beyond things shed, many trees also store waste in their innermost tissues, for instance,
heartwood which is sometimes considered to be dead upon formation, though some argue
otherwise as it's still able to react chemically to certain things, such as various organisms
that may cause decay in the tree if introduced.
Nonetheless, this wood no longer plays an active role in the growth and metabolism of
the tree, making it a safe place to concentrate waste materials the tree cannot get rid of
other ways, or not get rid of fast enough elsewise.
In addition, trees may also expel waste through their roots, as has been observed via introducing
an otherwise toxic substance to a portion of a tree's roots.
For example, in one such study doing just this, it was later found that the toxic substance
taken up by certain roots had later been in turn excreted by the rest.
It should also be noted that, as previously alluded to, many plants and trees excrete
things in a variety of ways that also very much have a purpose beyond letting something
build-up within their system.
For many of these things, some don't consider them akin to poop, while others do, as they
may largely be made up of metabolic waste or other substances that could be toxic to
the tree if not regularly excreted.
For instance, some plants and trees are known to intentionally leach harmful waste products
into the surrounding soil or from its leaves or bark as a defence mechanism.
This can take the form of compounds that kill, trap, or deter pests from eating the plant,
like latex which among other things does include chemicals that are toxic to the plant itself.
Some plants, such as the Scots pine, even produce waste products with antibacterial
properties, helping to protect them from disease.
So in the end, while to some extent whether trees poop and pee or not, and which mechanisms
constitute doing this, is an argument in semantics, they do unequivocally expel metabolic waste
and other harmful substances in a variety of interesting ways- which ones are most analogous
to pooping, peeing, farting or burping, we'll leave for discussion in the comments.
Bonus Facts: • At this point you might be wondering whether
carnivorous plants that actually eat living things pee or poop more like animals.
After all, unlike most plants, these also take in the bodies of insects and the like.
Do these plants then have to poop this out?
While mechanisms vary, generally speaking what happens here is that after all the nutrients
are extracted from the living thing, the plant will simply open back up and allow the remaining
matter to be washed away in the rain or potentially be blown away by the wind.
Not necessarily a perfect system, however, waste may still be left in the plant potentially
causing an issue if allowed to continue to accumulate.
So how is this dealt with?
Often by simply getting rid of the trap mechanism containing the waste itself.
For example, consider the Venus flytrap- after a certain number of closures (around 10-12
or, if a successful capture, 3-5 meals or so) a given trap will no longer respond to
external stimuli and instead will simply perform its function in photosynthesis before ultimately
being expelled from the plant.
• The fact that trees excrete otherwise toxic heavy metals as a waste product in their
leaves has very recently been suggested as a way to find rich gold deposits deep underground
and estimate their concentration, specifically using certain species of Eucalyptus trees,
which can have amazingly deep taproots, extending over 40 meters (about 130 feet) deep into
the ground.
In a study published in October of 2013, Natural gold particles in Eucalyptus leaves and their
relevance to exploration for buried gold deposits, the researchers found that Eucalyptus trees
growing at the Freddo Gold Prospect in Western Australia were indeed transporting gold from
far under ground to the surface via taking it up from its deepest roots, then ultimately
transporting much of the toxic gold to the leaves (at upwards of 80 parts per billion
accumulating in the leaves vs 44 p.p.b in the twigs, 4 p.p.b. in the bark, and only
0.1 to 0.7 p.p.b. in the trunk).
Even though most eucalyptus are evergreens, ultimately the leaves are shed, removing the
toxic substance from the tree, though also resulting in it accumulating more in the topsoil.
• Speaking of eating tree poop, we also have the interesting case of figs and you
potentially eating wasp eggs or larvae and bits of wasp bodies along with the tree poop...
You see, certain types of fig trees have a symbiotic relationship with wasps, which lay
their eggs inside immature figs and in return pollinate it.
Fig trees are able to tell when a wasp doesn't hold up its end of the bargain and will often
drop an immature fruit containing eggs if the wasp who laid them doesn't pollinate
What makes this all even more interesting is that in some species, the wasp must actively
pollinate the fig tree, rather than it just being the byproduct of the wasp being covered
in pollen or the like and passively pollinating the tree.
So if an active-pollinator wasp tries to cheat the system to save itself a bit of effort,
the fig tree is able to tell that, and rather than continue to waste resources on such an
unpollinated fruit, it may sacrifice it.
The downside for the wasp, of course, is its offspring will not survive, also increasing
the likelihood that cheater wasps will be bred out.
Unsurprisingly from this, it's been discovered that in fig species where non-pollination
is most heavily sanctioned by the tree, active-pollinator wasps that will attempt to cheat the system
in this way are much more rare.
(Though there do exist other species of non-pollinating wasps which are happy to swoop into a pollinated
fruit and lay their eggs inside as well, piggybacking on the pollinator wasp's efforts.)
And if at this point you're worried about accidentally eating a wasp body or body parts
when eating a fig, this shouldn't typically be the case with commercially grown figs,
which usually use species that do not require pollination.
However, with figs that do require pollination to grow mature fruit, it is likely in eating
such a fruit that you'll be getting bits of wing and antenna as the female often loses
these as she bores inside to lay her eggs.
On top of that, once hatched, many species of male are not capable of flight and instead
simply mate with the female, bore their way out (providing a path for the young female
to exit) and die, occasionally even dying inside the fig if it fails to make an exit...
Plantilla del Barcelona se cansó de la novela Neymar - Duration: 1:35. For more infomation >> Plantilla del Barcelona se cansó de la novela Neymar - Duration: 1:35.-------------------------------------------
1 de agosto de 2017 - Duration: 0:26. For more infomation >> 1 de agosto de 2017 - Duration: 0:26.-------------------------------------------
Temecula Road - Hoping For more infomation >> Temecula Road - Hoping-------------------------------------------
Ultime notizie: Romina Power e Al Bano, al concerto di Roma l'emozione di sempre | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:12. For more infomation >> Ultime notizie: Romina Power e Al Bano, al concerto di Roma l'emozione di sempre | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:12.-------------------------------------------
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Aula 21 de Física - Refração e Lentes para o ENEM 2017 - Duration: 1:55:26. For more infomation >> Aula 21 de Física - Refração e Lentes para o ENEM 2017 - Duration: 1:55:26.-------------------------------------------
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La soprendente creatività di un "libro attivo" - Un Libro - Duration: 3:40. For more infomation >> La soprendente creatività di un "libro attivo" - Un Libro - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
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MEU CÉU ESTRELADO | MY STARRY SKY (english and italian subtitles) - Duration: 1:19. For more infomation >> MEU CÉU ESTRELADO | MY STARRY SKY (english and italian subtitles) - Duration: 1:19.-------------------------------------------
Social Media Increases Your Discoverability from Using the Career Compass To Find Your Career - Duration: 0:49....and I have people find talks years later.
They'll write me very, very heartfelt notes and say "Oh my gosh!
I just stumbled across this now.
This is great and exactly what I needed to hear."
I say, "Ok."
That reinforces the reason I do these things and also enforces the reason I tell people
things because I have seen it work in people's favor.
Because, again, you want to be first in people's minds when they have a need.
Regardless of what that need may be.
It can be any specialty, as I said.
You can be a plumber, a cook, a chef, whatever.
It does not matter.
If someone wants to learn how to cook coq au vin.
You go to Google or YouTube and type coq au vin -- coq au vin recipe and you'll find just
as many videos that people making coq au vin as you will find recipes listing it out in
It can be very very useful to you.
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All FOOTBALLERS react to THEIR NEW FIFA Ratings.... - Duration: 11:52.fifa 18 ultimate team
Do Trees Poop and Pee? - Duration: 11:12.A wise man once said, "Everybody poops."
Well that should probably be changed to everything poops, because all living things excrete waste.
This brings us to a brilliant question posed by a subscriber called George, whose head
we'd love to crack open and see what's going on inside- do trees poop?
As it so happens, yes they do, though there is a bit of a semantic argument to be had
over what one might consider "tree poop."
(A sentence I've never in my life thought I'd have need to utter.)
To begin with, all living things excrete things they no longer need or which otherwise might
be harmful to them if allowed to build up in said being's system- yes, everything from
the lowliest single celled organisms to blue whales do this.
In fact, a microbe known as Paramecium caudatum has been observed passing solid, liquid and
gaseous waste, meaning it technically poops, pees and farts, despite its entire being consisting
of a single cell.
So what exactly do trees excrete?
Well, although trees produce very little in terms of pure waste, due to tremendously efficient
metabolic systems that convert most everything the plants take in into something they can
make use of (and a generally good nutrient acquisition system that ensures many things
that would otherwise be bad for the plants aren't taken in at all), nothing is perfect
and trees will invariably need to excrete a number of things to remain healthy- the
most well known of course being oxygen.
Now oxygen, which the tree, like any aerobic life form, does need but invariably has an
excess amount of as a natural byproduct of photosynthesis, is mostly expired, along with
other gaseous waste, through small pores in the leaves of a tree known as stomata.
Trees also excrete water vapour containing various other waste products during this process.
While this is an excretion, you may not consider this akin to pooping and peeing, perhaps more
like breathing.
After all, humans expel carbon dioxide, water vapour and certain other substances while
So what's something the tree does that is more like pooping and peeing?
In regards to the latter, some, but not all, plants occasionally expel water and other
waste via a process known as guttation.
In a nutshell, guttation occurs when excess water is taken into the roots resulting in
an upwards pressure within the tree that must be gotten rid of; this most commonly occurs
at night when the stomata are generally closed, robbing the tree of one way it may get rid
of such excess water.
The result of this root pressure is a sticky sap, consisting of sugar, water, and various
other substances, including waste compounds, being pushed out of water stomata or hydathodes
in the leaves.
What about tree pooping?
Plant cells contain large vacuoles that are variously used either to store essential nutrients
or waste the plant no longer has use for.
In regards to the latter waste, plants concentrate it in parts of its anatomy that, while also
potentially serving other purposes throughout those parts' lifecycle, are nonetheless "destined
to fall off or die", like leaves, petals, or even fruit.
The waste, which in turn sometimes also serves a useful purpose but nonetheless must be gotten
rid of lest it build up and ultimately harm the tree, including things like heavy metals,
tannins, oxalates, and anthocyanins, will naturally be lost come wintertime for many
trees or just at random times throughout the year for evergreens.
As famed biologist Brian J. Ford notes, "the leaf... not only [is] the plant's photosynthetic
centre, but also [is] the organ which, at the end of its anabolic programme, is stripped
of vital constituents and systematically charged with metabolic wastes."
As a noteworthy example of this, mangroves are able to thrive in saltwater, despite too
much salt being harmful for the plant and that they otherwise don't need large amounts
of salt to survive.
(In fact, many mangroves will, in fact, grow just fine in fresh water.)
They achieve this partially as they are adapted to filter with their roots sometimes as much
as 90% of the salt from the water they take in, which is quite remarkable considering
such strong osmotic pressure would normally result in water being drawn out of roots rather
than being absorbed.
Any salt the plant does imbibe is then ultimately excreted through a combination of various
processes, most significantly by the plant concentrating the salt in older leaves and
bark which will be periodically shed.
So given that many plants, such as trees, use their leaves and other eventual droppings
as a way to get rid of waste, we'd just like to explicitly point out that when you're eating
many types of fruit, or drinking that delicious cup of tea, you're kind of eating and drinking
bits of plant "poop" that are included...
Beyond things shed, many trees also store waste in their innermost tissues, for instance,
heartwood which is sometimes considered to be dead upon formation, though some argue
otherwise as it's still able to react chemically to certain things, such as various organisms
that may cause decay in the tree if introduced.
Nonetheless, this wood no longer plays an active role in the growth and metabolism of
the tree, making it a safe place to concentrate waste materials the tree cannot get rid of
other ways, or not get rid of fast enough elsewise.
In addition, trees may also expel waste through their roots, as has been observed via introducing
an otherwise toxic substance to a portion of a tree's roots.
For example, in one such study doing just this, it was later found that the toxic substance
taken up by certain roots had later been in turn excreted by the rest.
It should also be noted that, as previously alluded to, many plants and trees excrete
things in a variety of ways that also very much have a purpose beyond letting something
build-up within their system.
For many of these things, some don't consider them akin to poop, while others do, as they
may largely be made up of metabolic waste or other substances that could be toxic to
the tree if not regularly excreted.
For instance, some plants and trees are known to intentionally leach harmful waste products
into the surrounding soil or from its leaves or bark as a defence mechanism.
This can take the form of compounds that kill, trap, or deter pests from eating the plant,
like latex which among other things does include chemicals that are toxic to the plant itself.
Some plants, such as the Scots pine, even produce waste products with antibacterial
properties, helping to protect them from disease.
So in the end, while to some extent whether trees poop and pee or not, and which mechanisms
constitute doing this, is an argument in semantics, they do unequivocally expel metabolic waste
and other harmful substances in a variety of interesting ways- which ones are most analogous
to pooping, peeing, farting or burping, we'll leave for discussion in the comments.
Bonus Facts: • At this point you might be wondering whether
carnivorous plants that actually eat living things pee or poop more like animals.
After all, unlike most plants, these also take in the bodies of insects and the like.
Do these plants then have to poop this out?
While mechanisms vary, generally speaking what happens here is that after all the nutrients
are extracted from the living thing, the plant will simply open back up and allow the remaining
matter to be washed away in the rain or potentially be blown away by the wind.
Not necessarily a perfect system, however, waste may still be left in the plant potentially
causing an issue if allowed to continue to accumulate.
So how is this dealt with?
Often by simply getting rid of the trap mechanism containing the waste itself.
For example, consider the Venus flytrap- after a certain number of closures (around 10-12
or, if a successful capture, 3-5 meals or so) a given trap will no longer respond to
external stimuli and instead will simply perform its function in photosynthesis before ultimately
being expelled from the plant.
• The fact that trees excrete otherwise toxic heavy metals as a waste product in their
leaves has very recently been suggested as a way to find rich gold deposits deep underground
and estimate their concentration, specifically using certain species of Eucalyptus trees,
which can have amazingly deep taproots, extending over 40 meters (about 130 feet) deep into
the ground.
In a study published in October of 2013, Natural gold particles in Eucalyptus leaves and their
relevance to exploration for buried gold deposits, the researchers found that Eucalyptus trees
growing at the Freddo Gold Prospect in Western Australia were indeed transporting gold from
far under ground to the surface via taking it up from its deepest roots, then ultimately
transporting much of the toxic gold to the leaves (at upwards of 80 parts per billion
accumulating in the leaves vs 44 p.p.b in the twigs, 4 p.p.b. in the bark, and only
0.1 to 0.7 p.p.b. in the trunk).
Even though most eucalyptus are evergreens, ultimately the leaves are shed, removing the
toxic substance from the tree, though also resulting in it accumulating more in the topsoil.
• Speaking of eating tree poop, we also have the interesting case of figs and you
potentially eating wasp eggs or larvae and bits of wasp bodies along with the tree poop...
You see, certain types of fig trees have a symbiotic relationship with wasps, which lay
their eggs inside immature figs and in return pollinate it.
Fig trees are able to tell when a wasp doesn't hold up its end of the bargain and will often
drop an immature fruit containing eggs if the wasp who laid them doesn't pollinate
What makes this all even more interesting is that in some species, the wasp must actively
pollinate the fig tree, rather than it just being the byproduct of the wasp being covered
in pollen or the like and passively pollinating the tree.
So if an active-pollinator wasp tries to cheat the system to save itself a bit of effort,
the fig tree is able to tell that, and rather than continue to waste resources on such an
unpollinated fruit, it may sacrifice it.
The downside for the wasp, of course, is its offspring will not survive, also increasing
the likelihood that cheater wasps will be bred out.
Unsurprisingly from this, it's been discovered that in fig species where non-pollination
is most heavily sanctioned by the tree, active-pollinator wasps that will attempt to cheat the system
in this way are much more rare.
(Though there do exist other species of non-pollinating wasps which are happy to swoop into a pollinated
fruit and lay their eggs inside as well, piggybacking on the pollinator wasp's efforts.)
And if at this point you're worried about accidentally eating a wasp body or body parts
when eating a fig, this shouldn't typically be the case with commercially grown figs,
which usually use species that do not require pollination.
However, with figs that do require pollination to grow mature fruit, it is likely in eating
such a fruit that you'll be getting bits of wing and antenna as the female often loses
these as she bores inside to lay her eggs.
On top of that, once hatched, many species of male are not capable of flight and instead
simply mate with the female, bore their way out (providing a path for the young female
to exit) and die, occasionally even dying inside the fig if it fails to make an exit...
Plantilla del Barcelona se cansó de la novela Neymar - Duration: 1:35. For more infomation >> Plantilla del Barcelona se cansó de la novela Neymar - Duration: 1:35.-------------------------------------------
Mermaid Beach NoteBook For more infomation >> Mermaid Beach NoteBook-------------------------------------------
5 FIFA 18 *SECRETS* That EA Don't Want You To See (FIFA 18) - Duration: 6:46. For more infomation >> 5 FIFA 18 *SECRETS* That EA Don't Want You To See (FIFA 18) - Duration: 6:46.-------------------------------------------
Opel Astra 1.0 T 77KW SP.TOURER BUSINESS+ - Duration: 1:01. For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.0 T 77KW SP.TOURER BUSINESS+ - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Eos 2.0 T-FSI 200PK - Duration: 0:59. For more infomation >> Volkswagen Eos 2.0 T-FSI 200PK - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 270 - Duration: 10:15. For more infomation >> Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 270 - Duration: 10:15.-------------------------------------------
OMG FIFA 18 NEW OFFICIAL PACK OPENING REACTION!! - Duration: 10:04.Unseen official fifa 18 pack opening, fifa 18 ultimate team, packs, wroetoshaw, best, omfg, messi, ronaldo
13 Signs You've DEFINITELY Met Your Sexual Soulmate - Duration: 6:21.13 Signs You�ve DEFINITELY Met Your Sexual Soulmate
By consciousreminder
When you meet someone and all the stars align into one huge (or many delightful) orgasms
and your skin is glowing like you�re lit up from the inside, you�ve met your sexual
soulmate! You know finding good sex isn�t always easy and finding your sexual soulmate
is like hitting the jackpot.
When two bodies align in one supernova fantasy, it�s pretty damn amazing. Here are 13 signs
you�ve met your sexual soulmate.
1. They Listen Without Judgment.
You know that moment when you get a sexual idea in your head but you�re afraid to bring
it up in case the other person says, �No way!� and thinks you�re a total freak?
Your sexual soulmate listens to your sexual ideas with an eagerness akin to a dog begging
for a bone. Your sexual soulmate wants to hear what you have to say, even if, ultimately,
he or she doesn�t say yes to your sexual need. This person also doesn�t judge.
2. You Want Sex At The Same Time.
Some people like it all the time. Others like it at certain times of the month. Your sexual
soulmate will want sex with the same frequency as you, whether it�s only on Sundays or
every damn day of the week.
This doesn�t mean you�ll both always be amped up and ready for action at the same
time, but for the most part� yes. You�ll both be eager for a fix.
3. You Have The Same Level Of Kink.
Your sexual better half is going to seek out the same kink as you do. If you find the idea
of whips and chains as tame, the person you call your sexual soulmate will be ready with
a ball gag and a boot to the face to up the ante. If your idea of kinky is moaning a little
louder, your sexual soulmate will also be as vanilla as you are.
4. They�re Open To Suggestions.
Ever sleep with someone who couldn�t stand to hear any feedback or wasn�t open to talking
about what�s going down in the bedroom? Annoying. Your sexual half will want to talk
about your sex life because to him or her, your experience matters and talking about
it is only going to help the two of you connect better.
5. You Can Be Yourself.
When you�re with this person, you�ll feel as if there are no holds barred. This means
you can be yourself fully, whether you�re a wildcat or the sexual equivalent of a domestic
shorthair. Neither of you are pretending or forcing yourselves to do or act in a way that�s
not natural to you or your sexual preferences.
There are no �women with headaches� or men who are �turning their noses� at certain
actions when you�re in the bedroom with your sexual soulmate. Both of you are completely
and utterly yourselves.
6. You Feel Extremely Sexy When You�re Around This Person.
Ever sleep with someone you�re unsure about or have no idea where the two of you stand?
It�s the worst! But when you�re downright banging or making love to someone that speaks
the same sexual language as you, you feel your damn sexiest.
That�s not because your pecks look great or your bikini wax is just right, but because
you�re so confident in yourself. You feel sexy because your partner validates your every
carnal need.
7. They Adore You.
Your sexual soulmate will gush over you. Your sexual soulmate will undress you with his
or her eyes in a way no one else has before. This person doesn�t see your skinny arms
or your cellulite. This person sees sex on a stick � yup, you�re his or her lollipop
of choice. That feeling of utter adoration is delicious and sometimes very sinful.
8. They Can Tell What You Want Just By Looking At You.
With just one look, your sexual partner-in-crime knows exactly what you�re thinking, you
filthy boy or girl. With just one look, your partner knows to slow down with the tongue
or keep it going.
9. The Sex Gets Better As Time Goes On.
When you meet this sexual dynamo, things just get better and better in the bedroom over
time. Whereas with certain people the sexual energy fades, with a sexual soul the energy
builds. Sure, there will be valleys as with anything else, but for the most part, the
sex will just get better over time.
10. They Know Just What To Ask.
This other half of yours will be able to sense which sexual behaviors may or may not interest
you. Sometimes, you�ll wonder if this person can read your mind because he or she will
know what you�ll say yes to as well as no.
11. They Give You An Orgasm Like No Other.
Sex with this soulmate is like a drug. The climax, the anticipation � it�s all so
much better than it is with anyone else. It�s that hot.
12. You Can�t Keep Your Hands Off Each Other.
Despite whatever else is going on between you two, neither of you can say no to the
other. You must have each other whether it�s in a risqu� place or it�s a risqu� situation.
13. There Is Mutual Respect And Trust.
The level of respect between the two of you is so high that it makes your sex life amazing,
way beyond the intense chemistry. Both of you feel secure in the situation and the respect
with every single touch.
6 More Sad Fallout Creatures - Duration: 6:09.The Fallout franchise is home to some of the saddest and most pitiful creatures ever put
in a game.
But some stand out from the rest.
In this video, we'll be looking at 6 More Sad Fallout Creatures.
Number 6.
Centaurs, much like the Super Mutants they often accompany, are the result of Forced
Evolutionary Virus.
However, instead of simply exposing a human to some form of FEV, Centaurs were created
by The Master experimenting with FEV.
He tossed humans, cats, dogs, and a multitude of other animals into vats of FEV to see what
would happen, with Centaurs being the ungodly creatures birthed from the virus.
While the Centaur's encountered in Fallout largely look the same for time and resource
reasons, centaurs would actually look very different, as the different genes of the different
animals would combine and interact with FEV in different ways, creating all sorts of lovable
Number 5.
Swan is a Super Mutant Behemoth found in Swan's Pond in the Commonwealth.
Like all Super Mutants, Swan was once a man named Edgar Swan who worked inside The Institute.
According to logs found around Swan's Pond, Edgar Swan stole cigarettes and was sentenced
to stay inside his house for 30 days and keep a log of his daily events.
By Day 6, his entire body was aching and was suspecting that something had been done to
By Day 14, he had calmed down, and his muscle mass has more than tripled since the experiment
On Day 21 he was sent back to the Institute's Observation Lab for further study.
He determines that his future looks poor, as his mental state has started rapidly deteriorating,
and seizures have started.
In his last remarks, he wonders if he will be rejected like the others.
The Sole Survivor can encounter Swan in Fallout 4, who has now succumb to his base instincts,
becoming psychopathic monster who is feared by many in the Boston area.
Number 4.
Slags are former soldiers that were around before the Great War.
Not having access to a proper vault when the Great War began, they sealed themselves underground,
the event would become known as "The Sealing".
After centuries of living underground, they have heavily mutated to the point where they
cannot be in the sun without being in intense pain, as their skin and eyes are not used
to the Sun.
Sometime prior to 2241, the Slags broke the Seal and ventured to the surface, forming
the Ghost Farm where they could have a somewhat reliable source of food.
They avoid people whenever possible.
As a result, whenever people would travel to the farm, it would appear empty.
A man from the nearby town of Modoc moves in, suspecting it empty.
The slags cover themselves with glowing fungus to appear as ghosts to scare the man away.
Not long after, the man leaves, but the inhabitants of Modoc suspect him murdered after finding
crucified corpses in the Ghost Farm, which had been props set up by the Slags.
If the Chosen One cannot help Modoc find out what happened to the man, the Slags at the
Ghost Farm will be exterminated.
Number 3.
Endless Walkers.
Endless Walkers, at one point, were just your typical ghoul.
Although it's worth mentioning they don't actually appear in any Fallout game, they
were planned creatures for Black Isle Studio's Fallout 3.
In a way, Endless Walkers are just exiled ghouls.
They came from the Reservation, a former Nuclear Testing Facility in New Mexico.
They are stripped of all possessions, including food, water, and clothes, and sent off to
march into the wasteland in what is known as the Endless Walk, hence the name.
Due to having spent so much time walking in the desert, constantly being blasted by the
sun's rays and exposed to radiaiton, their skin is a pale white and red color, and is
incredibly tough.
Most of them have gone incredibly long periods of time without food or water, causing them
to attack anyone and anything on site in an attempt to procure food or water.
Number 2.
Spore Carriers.
Spore Carriers are humans who have been exposed to the Entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria Mordicana.
A Entomopathogenic fungus is a type of fungus that acts like a parasite to insects, and
kills or seriously disables them.
The fungus was, surprise surprise, created at a Big MT research facility that on researching
plant life and its military applications.
According to a terminal found in Vault 22, the Spore Carriers are technically dead, as
the fungus kills them but reanimates the corpse, like a zombie of sorts.
While the process of becoming a Spore Carrier is largely unknown, the fungus spreads throughout
the body and it can take 10-20 days to die from the infection.
Harrison Peters, the first person to become infected in Vault 22, was said to have pneumonia
by the Vault doctors.
He died 10 minutes before surgery could take place.
A few hours later, his corpse reanimated and attacked the doctors, beginning the spread
of the fungus throughout the vault.
Number 1.
Born Ghouls.
Born Ghouls are strange creatures.
Like with Endless Walkers, Born Ghouls were to appear in Black Isle Studio's Fallout
They are, however, mentioned in Saint Monica's Church in Fallout 3's Rivet City.
It is well known that ghouls become sterile after prolonged exposure to radiation, but
there are some ghouls, namely the quite hideous Doctor Sebastian, that view ghouls as the
next step for humanity, and want to grow the species.
Enter Born Ghouls.
As expected by the name, Born Ghouls are not ghouls who were once human, they are ghouls
who were born as ghouls.
But since ghouls can't give birth or even conceive children, humans are used as a catalyst
for Doctor Sebastian's twisted experiments.
There are three born ghouls that would have existed in Black Isle Studio's Fallout 3.
Among them is Belle, who, according to the game's design document, is attractive.
The Prisoner, the game's playable character, would have been able to have "relations"
with Belle.
But because of quickly how Born Ghouls grow, Belle is only two years old.
So that's… kinda weird.
Alright that's gonna do it for this video about 6 More Sad Fallout Creatures.
If you enjoyed the video or learned anything, leave a like.
If you didn't enjoy the video or didn't learn anything, leave a dislike.
Follow me on Twitter @MittenSquad.
Have a wonderful day.
Postal 2 Star Wars - Duration: 10:01.
I'm going now...this was the showcase of lighstaber, xMod is awesome. Like/Subscribe if you liked and want to see more of this piece. (lol wut i'm even talking about)
All FOOTBALLERS react to THEIR NEW FIFA Ratings.... - Duration: 11:52.fifa 18 ultimate team
Hachi - Sand Planet (ハチ - 砂の惑星) (feat. Rena)【Intense Symphonic Metal Cover】 - Duration: 4:05.Thunder flies back and forth in an empty sand pit
Worthless sounds, and eroded life
No grass will grow for the next millennium, it's a sand planet
In such a state, it's our destiny to be worn down
Unable to get anywhere, a satellite crashes
Filled with no-entry signs, it's a sand planet
Lazily walking all around, a prayer reached at last
If you're still living now, then respond to me...
Yeah, another day the sun goes down
Which means until it's back to normal, bye-bye-bye
If something comes to mind, then walk,
So you don't leave behind any regrets
Yeah, the sky's cleaved by a thunderstorm
A rumble echoes, and it's bye-bye-bye
Let's be friends for just a little longer, this time...
Come to think of it, today is our happy birthday
Let's dress things up just the way we want it
Around a cake that's pure sentimentality,
Let's sing a song
Salute before the graves of the masses,
Yes, the life that was born of the Melt sensation
Let's hurry before this well dries up,
And leave this place...
Hey, hey, hey, you and me, wanna rendezvous?
In this long-abandoned desert, what do you think about?
Right now, pah-papah, come leaping out, my hero
Please, save us who are so lost...
Let's blast off, further now,
Hip-hip-hooray and ready set go
That dance hall, the back of the mosaik
Out-of-place artifacts of the Archaeozoic
With your raygun, go bang-ba-bang-bang
Boys and girls, sing of the hope you find
Astounding, revolutionary, unprecedented memories, in electronic sounds
Puzzlement, grief, anger, madness, a prayer reached at last
If your heart remains, undying, then respond, it's urgent...
Yeah, no doubt it's still boys-don't-cry,
Which means until we can make up, bye-bye-bye
If you remember something, tell me,
That song like a confused dream
Yeah, dancing in the air, a laser beam
Once you point to the distance, it's bye-bye-bye
Lead us to the castle in the sky...
Sing and dance, happy birthday
Let's plant an apple tree in the desert
Turn it on its head, alright, bye-bye
After this, someone else can do as they will
Sing and dance, happy birthday
Let's plant an apple tree in the desert
Turn it on its head, alright, bye-bye
After this, someone else can do as they will
Yeah, another day the sun goes down
Which means until it's back to normal, bye-bye-bye
If something comes to mind, then walk,
So you don't leave behind any regrets
Yeah, the sky's cleaved by a thunderstorm
A rumble echoes, and it's bye-bye-bye
Let's be friends for just a little longer, this time...
Even as the wind blows, we advance, on this sand planet...
HOW TO GET READY FOR THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL | Back to School 2017 - Duration: 6:48.guys it's coming
How to get ready for the first day of school
hashtag zoe
Back to school 2017
hey guys if so we welcome back to my channel so for today's video we're going
to be talking about how to get ready for the first day of school so whether
you've already started school or you're starting in a couple weeks or starting a
couple months if you are you're lucky because I'm starting a couple weeks and
I am your son make sure to subscribe to my channel if you're not already and
also turn on my post notifications so you get notified when I post a new video
and make sure you select the option that says all do you get notified when I post
all my videos that'll be cool without further ado let's go ahead and get
started this video okay time to start some reading a week before the first
difficult right page one I wonder what the Dolans when they're doing right now
maybe they're filming a video or something I can't see why
yeah I'm doing my summer eating goodness she'd watch
Carrie I can't do it literally can't do it there are movies there's a movie oh
my god
okay I printed out a hold off of my high school I'm going to be totally ready for
the first day first period is in room 522 okay and then I have second period
all the way in 7/10 my god okay then as nutrition which is all the way
oh great and I have to stop my locker which is
overlay over here okay so my lockers here and then go from this room all the
way here then I'll have a couple minutes teaching you sure great hey love hi
wait if I have to get from this room all the way to this room in five minutes
what have I booked a P okay I need the perfect outfit for the first day of
school obviously you can't wear this because
everyone on snapchat already saw wearing it today and school starts in a week and
that just wouldn't be cute because people recognize that I'm wearing the
same outfit as /system okay we have this option but if you can
be a little warm underfoot tread on now I look like a potato
I'm totally are just randomness I can't wear school on the first day this could
be cute but I definitely already did election on my dummy with the shirt go
follow me not sponsor to go follow me okay this is cute but I'm pretty sure I
wore this shirt in blue on the last day of school something's I can't wear the
same shirt and pink on first day of school mom I need to go shopping any
clothes okay I need a new hairstyle for back-to-school because this I'm getting
tired of it Zoey come on okay so see what it looks like down
No okay this could work I look way too much like that Felicia girl no poor Frey
so long stuff we get a boyfriend this way okay it's 8:45 and you have 15
minutes iPhone and then I'm going to sleep and get back on a sleep schedule a
few moments later 20 minutes later oh my god house Tech Warren what school has
started summer like cops um
one hour later wait did I tell me one more two hours
how is it already 6:30 in the morning
make sure to subscribe to my channel if you have not already and also comment
down below your dream vacation so we can hang on summer just a little bit longer
and I wish it was longer but it's not all my social media links are down below
thanks for watching I'll see you guys in my next video
The Ultimate Game Mode - I Love Arms Race! - Duration: 2:26.This is Mack, for Pixel Enemy, here to confess my love for what seems to be one of my favorite
ever game modes.
After spending the last few years almost wholly invested in PlayStation games, I missed out
on the Gears of War 4 hype and so didn't really play it much at launch.
However, I've been giving it a good play this past couple of days and have discovered
the fantastic Arms Race game type.
Now I've always loved me some Gun Game, where players have to earn kills with a set
list of weapons, ranking up through the tiers.
Many games that feature Gun Game, do so in a deathmatch variant.
So it's every man for himself, free-for-all style.
A team vs team Gun Game has been featured in the Battlefield series, with Gun Master,
but there's rarely any teamwork involved.
There's still a big focus on that player who comes top.
Your teammates just act as a kind of distraction, or a way for your kills to be stolen.
So what does Arms Race in Gears of War 4 do so well, and why do I want to see more shooters
inspired by this type of mode?
Well, in Arms Race, getting through the list of weapons is a team effort.
You must get three kills as a team, and then the entire side changes to the next gun.
This means that if you're particularly gifted at sniping, you could well get those three
kills yourself, and make up for any bad players on your team.
Or if you're awful at using a shotgun, then you can at least rely on your teammates to
cover your weakness.
Whereas Gun Game is often more of a lone wolf experience, Arms Race offers a kind of natural
synchronization of strategy.
If everyone on your side has a close-range weapon, then grouping up in tight corridors
is the wise thing to do.
Rocking a long-range gun, instead?
Then high-ground with a good line-of-sight on the enemy is best.
Of course, the fast pace of rapidly switching between weapons can cause things to quickly
become disorganized, but Gun Game modes have always been a very frantic affair.
As with all of these modes, each side has the same weapon list and must achieve the
same objective, so OP guns may well be present, but they are present for both teams.
It keeps things balanced.
Arms Race is something I'd love to see in other games, especially those that boast an
active playerbase, as despite me loving this mode in Gears of War 4, the lobbies just won't
populate with real players.
So yes, all of this gameplay has been against bots.
It's a mad, lonely world.
Does Arms Race sound like a blast to you?
Want to see it in Battlefield or Call of Duty?
Let us know in the comments down below.
If you enjoyed this video, hit the Like button, and be sure to subscribe if you haven't
This has been Mack, for Pixel Enemy, goodbye!
MY FIRST TATTOO 3 years - Duration: 7:34.hi guys my name is Hannah welcome back to my channel if you're new here
welcome so I'm just going to show you some footage of me getting another
tattoo and then later on I will be talking to you guys about what I got how
it went and my experience now it is early in the morning I'm actually
getting a tattoo today I am okay no I'm not gonna tell you guys
it's a surprise but I am here we are prepping right now
- yeah get my tattoo I'm not gotten a tattoo in three years
three years so I'm actually I'm a little bit nervous not crazy nervous because
clearly I have a lot but every single time like I did go to get any tattoos I
like I I was horrible actually I getting tattoos I don't even know how I lasted
or how I have so many dear clients I thought that it's good content no you're
just going to sleep this is like therapeutic for you
now that you guys see me getting the tattoo and how horrible it was it was
traumatic I was so I was in so much pain and I'm just kidding I actually sat
pretty still I'm taking it pretty good so I'm first going to talk about like
the experience because it was definitely way different than I've ever experienced
before um so I just picked this place kind of offline it wasn't like the most
randomest place because I do do my research before I get a tattoo I'm gonna
define this place it looked they looked official so I
checked out this guy's profile II oh he seemed amazing so I was just like okay
I'm all-in I'm sold um I went there yesterday to actually draw it up but I'm
a little bit of a pain in the ass when it comes to like my tattoos I'm really
really really like a stickler for things so he was probably very annoyed so sorry
if you ever watch this so sorry but that's just me so the experience in
itself I told him and I warned him hey like I haven't gotten a tattoo in three
years uh I actually had no idea how I was gonna react my last tattoo that I
ever got was I got a small one on my hand but it was really the back one that
I'm covering up that kind of stopped me for a while I'm getting tattoos because
it was just so painful I actually kept saying for a while that I was never
gonna get a tattoo again so I did that today yeah I got it tattoo and one it's
really addicting it hurts like a beyotch right now like it hurts but I can
totally see how addicting it is so anyway the experience we just went in we
drew up the stencil it was great everything was cool um the people there
are super super super nice but I feel like their work ethic and how they
worked was way different than I've ever experienced in a tattoo shop before
they're all so talented and they work great together clearly they're they're
the environment they're amazing an atmosphere like where you
want to go to work and like just shoot out ideas to each other it was it was
really cool got long we were talking and laughing the whole time and then at the
end he went to put something on the tattoo so I guess I feel like I've been
out of the game for awhile I had no idea this was even a thing
recently for like burn victims they actually put human skin on that burn so
that it heals it faster and it kind of takes to it so it's not human skin it is
like synthetic quickly it's like a fake layer of skin it has like antibiotics in
it and they use this for burn victims as well so without further ado I'm gonna
show you my tattoo and the skin thingy that you want to call it so what you all
been waiting for yes so it is really gonna be probably
glossy in the camera it's like this thin layer and it just sticks to you he wiped
it off clean and then put it on it this thing the skin has like antibiotics and
all this stuff that you need in it which is so so cool you don't have to like
take care of your tattoo you leave this on straight for five days after the five
days you peel it off in the shower and you're actually all good to go
when I got my tattoos before Wow it was a whole different healing process you
had to like wash it two to three times a day and then sleeping was always a pain
in the ass because the ink could probably like stain the sheets which by
the way is something I actually didn't even think about going in to get a
tattoo I just went in to get it I didn't even think about the aftermath and
processes of it to be completely honest with you
I actually completely forgot about that whole healing process
but yeah so this is my tattoo and this is the skin stuff but my tats you uh it
says shoes happy yes it says too happy it is like basically the logo that I'm
gonna be using so it has the ink splatter in the back
which I am this totally totally totally obsessed with this I love it um and I
feel like I don't have to get so in detail with you guys about what this
means to me because it's literally what I say at the end of every single video
and what I have taken on to basically live by um yeah she's happy
the placement on it I think is perfect as well it is literally right on the
opposite side of my dad um and it just is on my forearm so I can go like this I
can just say hi to people like this she's happy y'all like to happy so I'm
super super super super excited about this then he hurts like a bitch right
now I'm like um but thank you so much to the tattoo artist like I truly truly
truly appreciate you I know I give you oh I know I gave you a hard time and I'm
really sorry but thank you so much for squeezing me in and I appreciate it more
than you probably know so thank you guys so much for watching this video if you
did enjoy it please make sure you give it a big thumbs up wow I can't do that
make sure you give it a big thumbs up go ahead and hit that subscribe button
right down there thank you guys so much for watching this video I love you guys
always remember choose happy y'all - happy bye guys
How to Know if You are Pregnant | 9 Symptoms To Confirm Pregnancy Without Any Test - Duration: 3:29.How to Know if You are Pregnant How to Know if You are Pregnant
How to Know if You are Pregnant How to Know if You are Pregnant
How to Know if You are Pregnant
Suits | Season 3, Episode 14: Louis Collapses in Court | 100 Days of Suits - Duration: 1:40. For more infomation >> Suits | Season 3, Episode 14: Louis Collapses in Court | 100 Days of Suits - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
LSC Concealed Carry - Duration: 1:12.[music plays throughout]
I'm Police Chief Paul Willingham.
In 2015 the Texas Legislature enacted law
to allow concealed carry of handguns
on campus by license holders.
We want you to know
that at Lone Star College we're committed to keeping you safe.
Effective August 1st 2017,
license holders will be able to carry here,
and here,
but not here,
and never when these signs are posted.
Remember we're talking about handguns only;
no rifles no shotguns.
It is illegal to display a gun
out in the open on campus,
and you must have a license to carry.
If you see someone displaying a gun,
contact campus police immediately.
If you see something, say something.
[Chief Willingham] For more information about campus carry
visit the LSC campus carry website.
Here you'll find up-to-date information
on our campus carry policy
as well as locations on campus
where handguns are prohibited.
Remember on August 1st 2017
the concealed carry of handguns
on all LSC campuses is legal.
[Sgt. Vidito] Please be safe and act responsibly.
[Capt. Gomez] Para información en espanol visita nuestro website.
Muchas gracias.
Yoga Challenge: Hard Mode - Duration: 9:23.When our powers unite - Earth, fire, wind, water, heart.
Oh wait.
That's not yoga, that's Captain Planet.
Hi everybody I'm Amanda the G and as you can probably tell by my yoga mat, that it is time
to go back to the yoga challenge.
Now, clearly last time I did everything perfectly.
I did not fall at all.
Every pose I hit beautifully.
And I was all around stellar at it.
Which is why this time we are doing the yoga challenge hard mode.
I only searched for advanced poses and we're gonna see how wonderfully I do because clearly
I'm going to hit every single one of them no problem just like before.
To prove this, I am starting with one that I am actually almost positive I've done before,
and I'm pretty sure I can do pretty darn easy.
Just look at that, that's simple.
It's just a lunge with a foot up.
Ha ha!
Oh it's not even in the shot.
Damnit this angle sucks.
Amanda you suck balls with this angle.
Totally done, no problem, easy, 100%, I kick butt.
Let's hope all the rest of the poses fit in this angle because there's only so much space
in this room.
Let's essentially go to a bendier ve- version of that pose because I did it so damn well.
And just come down.
What is this?
See, I can get to here.
(grunting) (laughing) this isn't right.
I can do this!
Grab the foot!
Fucking hand.
(grunting) That's not fair, she has shorter legs.
Her leg just reaches her head more- there we go!
100% perfect!
I did it!
It's perfect, you know it's perfect!
Yoga master EXTREME here!
We'll do something more balancy.
I'm pretty sure I can actually do this because I'm one of those weird people who can sit
here or all the way down like this cause my ankles bend.
She's just puttin' the foot on top- WOOP!
And you sit on the heel.
I can do this.
And then you raise your arms up- OOP! (crash) I got this.
I can do this.
Yoga master extreme.
Oh yeah, there we go, WOOP.
Screen shot it, caption it, I did it, it's perfect.
Yoga master extreme Amanda.
Did it, perfect, perfect, 100%, 100%, pat on the back, awesome at yoga, I kick butt.
I don't have a bendy back and I feel like this girl is actually part cat.
It's a wheel, so you have to be in a wheel (grunting) in a wheel and then you grab your
Is that what she's doing?
On the elbows that way, so not just reachy back.
She's like kissing the ground.
(singing) kiss the ground, whenever you miss me.
That's not as poetic as kiss the rain.
I'm just stalling right now.
Yoga masters stall, it's a tactic.
(grunting) Okay (grunting) (strained grunting) That's as close as I'm getting.
100% perfect, I did a champion.
I'm stuck.
So far we have a perfect score, 100% hitting everything, so let's keep it up with this
weird bendy thing-a-ma-bobber that I can totally do in my sleep, no problem, 100% easy, happy,
wonderful day.
Yoga masters can do anything.
I can do this.
But she's on her back (nervous laughing) somehow.
Okay, I can do sideways.
I can- okay, there, 100%, yoga master, perfect!
Look at that!
Side by side, perfect.
No, I'm not scared.
Yoga masters are never scared of poses.
I don't know what you're talking about.
How the hell do you get into that?
I'm gonna do this the completely wrong way cause I'm sure there's a way to actually get
into this but I just feel like I should just shove my leg through, start to do a push up,
and then kick my other leg over.
I'm a yoga master, I know what I'm doing.
It's fine.
It's totally fine.
This leg has gotta be on the top.
Up here.
This is how you get into this.
Yoga masters will tell you (laughing) this is how you get into this pose.
(heavy breathing) Okay, hang on.
(laughing) We can do this!
I'm yoga master! (grunting) Oh yeah, oh yeah, this is- Number one, did it already but I'm
gonna do it the hard way.
You ready?
You ready for this?
It's gonna be awesome.
Did it.
I'm a yoga master, I did it perfectly, don't lie, it was beautiful!
It was so beautiful!
You're in awe of the beauty, that's why you might be questioning if it happened.
Yoga masters don't get tired.
100% easy, no problem for a yoga master which I am.
Okay, it's fine, I just have to put my feet onto my head.
Lie down!
And put your feet on your head.
How do you get your body up? (grunting) Wait, this isn't right!
I'm backwards!
This is why we have a couch (grunting) yoga masters use couches to get into poses because
it's the way it works! (grunting) Did it!
I feel like I should probably say don't try this at home, unless you're a yoga master.
I wonder which foot I can get behind my head.
(grunting) Not that one.
One side's easier than the other!
It's totally a normal position that I get into.
I'm totally fine, I didn't fall down or anything!
I'm fine, I can do this.
I am a yoga master and yoga masters can do anything.
You can do anything you set your mind to!
So if you set your mind to believe in me right now that I can do this, even though this is
pre-recorded and not live at all, that I can do this.
So let's just all focus.
I am a yoga master.
I can put my foot behind my back.
I could do it too if I fhhggg- Alright.
(grunting) I am going to call this one a win.
I did it, 110 billion percent.
Thank you to everyone for believing in me!
Okay, now we have our final pose.
Quick note though, even as a yoga master there's something about a friggin headstand that scares
the piss outta me, and I don't know why.
But her feet's not all the way up, so maybe that'll be better.
Did it.
I ended on a good one!
So that's it for the yoga challenge hard mode.
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I can hardly move.
I am legitimately stuck right now!
Send help!
I'm all alone and I'm stuck!
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Actors Who Were Forced To Take Roles They Never Wanted - Duration: 5:20.Making big-budget blockbuster movies is a complicated and insanely expensive endeavor.
And keeping the Hollywood machine running sometimes requires lengthy contracts to ensure
that the famous faces that attract theater-goers keep making their magic on the big screen.
But this means sometimes the high-profile actors attached to these projects are actually
working against their will, contractually obligated to take on a role they'd rather
Actors such as ...
Jennifer Garner in Elektra
After the financial success of 2003's Daredevil, attention turned to a spin-off focusing on
Jennifer Garner's character, Elektra.
Daredevil writer and director Mark Steven Johnson discussed bringing Kevin Smith on
board to help with the screenplay, and Garner gushed in interviews about possible paths
the storyline could take in the sequel she was already under contract to complete.
Unfortunately, sometimes even the best-laid plans go south, and 2005's Elektra didn't
live up to anyone's expectations.
Johnson was replaced as the writer and director, the film bombed at the box office and was
panned by audiences and critics, and Garner herself even told her ex-boyfriend Michael
Vartan that the movie was "awful."
In an interview with US Weekly, Vartan explained, "She had to do it because of Daredevil.
It was in her contract."
Mike Myers in The Cat in the Hat
Following his first Austin Powers movie, Universal signed Mike Myers to appear in what was to
be a comedy based on his "Dieter" character from Saturday Night Live.
"I'm so full of anticipation that my genitals have sucked up into my body cavity."
He backed out of the part due to issues with the screenplay, which launched a series of
legal battles between the studio and the star.
Eventually, the sides reached an agreement—one that obligated Myers to play the title character
in a live-action adaptation of Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat.
Myers reportedly made no effort to play nice while on the set; his co-star Amy Hill revealed
that he acted like a "hermit" and a "diva" throughout the whole production.
The end result was so underwhelming that Dr. Seuss' widow, Audrey Geisel, stated in 2004
that she'd never allow Hollywood to make another live-action adaptation of one of his books
Jessica Alba in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
When you agree to play a major character in a superhero movie, you'd better be prepared
to play that same role again in the future—even if the movie is a flop.
This was the case for Jessica Alba, who played Fantastic Four team member Sue Storm in the
2005 Fantastic Four movie.
Because of her three-movie contract, Alba was obligated to return for the 2007 sequel,
Rise of the Silver Surfer—an experience she hated so much that she actually considered
quitting acting for good.
Daniel Craig in Skyfall and Spectre
He's been enormously successful in his role as British spy James Bond, but Daniel Craig
has always been brutally honest about why he hates playing the character—and why he
keeps doing it.
After the release of Skyfall in 2012, Craig admitted that he was never keen on becoming
Bond in the first place, saying, "I've been trying to get out of this from the very moment
I got into it."
During the 2015 promotional tour for Spectre, Craig turned the Bond hatred up a notch, responding
to the prospect of more sequels by saying he'd rather "slash [his] wrists" than appear
in another Bond film, and saying if he did, it would just be "for the money."
In July 2017, the Mirror reported that Craig will indeed cash in and stay on to play Bond
for the fifth time, despite his well-publicized disdain for the part.
Roy Scheider in Jaws 2
He rose to worldwide fame with his role as Police Chief Martin Brody in 1975's Jaws,
but Roy Scheider wasn't particularly excited to reprise his role in the 1978 sequel.
So why was he the only member of the original cast to come back for the second Jaws film?
Simple: he was contractually obliged.
"I'm telling you and I'm telling everybody at this table that that's a shark.
I know what a shark looks like, because I've seen one up close.
And you better do something about this one, because I don't intend to go through that
hell again!"
Scheider had signed a multiple-movie contract with Universal Studios, and they'd originally
cast him as the lead in 1978's The Deer Hunter.
Unhappy with the script, he dropped out of the film, and was replaced by Robert De Niro—but
because of that contract, Universal was able to force Scheider to reprise his role as Chief
Brody in Jaws 2.
Marlon Brando in Désirée
You would think Hollywood legend Marlon Brando always got a say in which movies he made.
But even Brando had to deal with contractual obligations—perhaps most infamously when,
as a result of a lawsuit filed by a producer, he was forced to appear as Napoleon in 1954's
But Brando didn't take it lying down.
According to one biography, he made a point of "forgetting his lines or reciting them
with a nasal pseudo-British intonation and creating havoc between takes," including "squirting
extras with a fire hose."
According to Brando's costar, the late Jean Simmons, upon the film's release, Brando was
amazed at the movie's success, which included two Oscar nominations, one for art direction
and the other for design.
Had Brando put some effort into his role, he probably could have garnered a nomination
for himself ...
"I coulda been a contender!
I coulda been somebody."
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