Sunday, August 20, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 20 2017

Welcome I'm Elizabeth Harper and I'm here with this week's Angel Messages. So

what I'd like you to do is place one or both of your hands over your heart just like

angel wings, invite your angels to guide you to either message one, two, or three, a

message that comes from their heart to yours. Or what you can also do is move your

cursor along and when you intuitively feel inspired by your angels to stop

there's a special message for you just like that. So we're using today Doreen Virtue's

tarot cards the Angel Tarot cards I'm going to shuffle them three times and pick

three cards. I'm going to pick them like this, so see if you can intuit

where I'm picking them from. Yes, thats one. oh that one... okay that was

quick wasn't it? Alright so it seemed like we need to stick with that one, two,

three. So our first card is The Lovers look

isn't that beautiful? The Lovers Archangel Raphael. So you see

that lovely energy of green and opening up and opening the heart up opening the

heart space up. Says "Intimate relationships. Carefully weight your

decisions. Good health." Thats a good point. Archangel Raphael with all that

beautiful green energy. You know with The Lovers, The Lovers this is number six

card. Six is the color is the energy of Venus, of Aphrodite, of love. Six six six

is not the number of the devil, It is the number of the triple goddess. It's

the energy of love, the vibration of beauty of this gorgeous

connection that we have with the triplicity, Virgin Mother Crone or

Father, Son, Holy Spirit. You know there's this three vibration that's there and that

three vibration is abundance, its expansion, its luck. So with this with

this energy with the greem, I'm wearing the green, the green is expansion of the

heart, expansion of Love, expansion of choices because The Lovers card comes

with that vibration of choice because it's two energies coming together the

male and the female vibration coming together that lovely energy of love that

draws to you whatever it is your heart most desires.

Now with Archangel Raphael of course there's also healing. So what this is

saying is that there is healing coming for whatever it is your heart desires. If

you've been searching for something, seeking something, yearning for something,

then Archangel Raphael is going to help you to heal any blocks that are in the

way. Whatever it is that will bring you love, that will inspire love in your

heart. This is also saying that relationships are key for you this week.

The most important relationship of course is with yourself. I'm feeling as

well with that green energy because it's so bright isn't it? That bright green color

that there's a new beginning that's coming up for you but you need to choose

it. Are you choosing that new beginning especially this week. This is a great

week for that new beginning. I feel like you can feel it too.

Alright our second card I believe it's The Chariot it is how interesting. This is

Archangel Metatron so it's a beautiful spirituality that's coming in with The Chariot there's movement but look at that it's

black and white. So we've got that choice vibration coming up again and of course

this is the week of the Eclipse. So with that black and white vibration that's

there there's almost a sense of you're balancing the light and the shadow within

yourself. There's a lot of movement coming up for you but of course with the

chariot it's ruled by a cancer and that Cancerian energy is about coming out

from behind your shell. So with this I love those wings those beautiful wings

coming up there. There's a sense of flight and freedom but there's also a

feeling of protection because of course that Cancerian energy needs to know that

theres protection that's there but it's saying that you are willing to take this

step. You are willing to come out provided you are you know that

protection is around you, is present. Archangel Metatron is that vibration of

spirituality. So there is a sense of your spirit I feel almost as if your spirit

is yearning to take this next step, to move, to shift, transform. You want to come

out of your shell but again you are going to be protected you're okay it's

fine to do it. I feel as if you're letting go of something as well this

week. The the words on this card are "An important achievement, self-discipline

and willpower. Public recognition." What this is doing is it's focusing very much

on The Chariot being success but it's also the movement towards something and

that success is about you saying okay it's time. I can do this. I can take this

step outside of this boundary. I can take this step outside of my safe zone and go

into a place maybe that is unfamiliar but you need to know that you're

going to be okay. This is very much about seeing the maybe the gifts and the

challenges in a situation and then just going for it. Okay so our final card oh

my goodness this is really interesting this is the Hermit. Wow this is an

incredible week for all of us isn't it? These are all Major Arcana cards. The

Hermit is Archangel Raziel. Well well well so I've taken my glasses off to look

at this properly. It says "Spend time in quiet meditation

spiritual teaching, self-discovery." Now what I see here are the planets all

around this heavenly vibration that's coming up in your field and of course we

have Mercury retrograde as well that energy. 9 is to me is the vibration

of Mars again there's this movement but I feel almost as if this is about

letting go of your frustrations. Letting go of the pain, the hurt, the sadness of

grief. There's a sense of this is the end of that. This is time for you to shine a

light on your gifts, time for you to shine a light on the blessings that are

in your life. Usually this card an aspect of it is an end of a cycle before you

move into the Wheel of Fortune. So for you this week this is about tying up

some loose ends. I'm feeling as if there's going to be

some sadness that surround you. It's not going to be the same for everyone but

sadness is... it's all relative. I feel the sadness is more linked with release,

letting go, moving forward. So when I look at this I feel as if you're shining a

light on some part of your being that maybe you sort of shoved

away, put away, it's like putting something into a drawer and so you don't have to

deal with it and now there's this feeling that this week it's going to

start coming up to the surface and I feel as if whatever is coming to the

surface it was difficult for you to deal with originally and now you're ready. Now

you're in that place of peace because this is very much about peace

tranquility, serenity. You're in that place where you can deal with it and

once you face it it's like it's just not going to have any power over you anymore.

You face it and then it moves away and what's going to happen is you're looking

at it you think what was the deal with this? It really isn't that bad.

Sometimes we make a mountain out of a molehill right? This energy is coming up for

you to face and then it's just going to move on and you are going to come into

this most amazing place of power that's what I'm feeling with this. The golden

energy to me when I'm looking at this it's like your solar plexus. You're going

to be much more confident there's that self-esteem that's coming in as well and

I really feel as if you're going to be letting go of the boundaries that have

held you in this place of fear. No more! You're coming into a place of power. Okay

that's it for this week's angel messages. Do make sure to get your free gift as an

angel prayer you'll see a link above or below also I'm on Facebook. Come on over

join me on Facebook you'll see a link in the description as well for that. If you

enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up. Let me know in the comments

below if the messages resonated for you and please share this video with your

friends. I'm sure they would love to have and Angel Message. I will see you next week.

Lots of angel blessings to you!

For more infomation >> Angel Card Reading AUGUST 20-26 with Elizabeth Harper - Duration: 11:20.


Summer Tv Series #Stolk - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Summer Tv Series #Stolk - Duration: 6:31.


Magic Home Remedies With Noni Fruit For Amazing Weight Loss And Fighting Diabetes! - Duration: 2:40.


Magic Home Remedies With Noni Fruit For Amazing Weight Loss And Fighting Diabetes!

Noni belongs to rubiaceae family, it is a tropical plant of the regions of Oceania and


It has a white flower and it is 6 meters high.

The fruit is the size of a potato and it has yellow to light green color.


It contains beta-carotene, vitamin E, B, C, and potassium.

It also has sugars, fiber, and many amino acids.

Is helps with the regulation of blood pressure, it helps the brain to receive more endorphin

in this way treats depression.

It is good for weight loss, strengthens the bones, decreases inflammatory diseases, treats

diabetes, eases constipation etc.


Remedy for dysentery: stem bark (5.), noni root (5g.) and water (3 glasses).

Boil these ingredients, strain it and drink twice per day.

Remedy for colon inflammation: drink twice per day fresh noni juice made of 2 ripe noni.

Remedy for a cough: take 2-3 ripe noni and prepare a fresh juice then add some honey

to become a syrup.

Take 2-3 tbsp. of this per day.

Remedy for eczemas and wounds: take some noni roots to clean the affected parts and then

wash with warm water.

Remedy for tonsillitis: gargle 2-3 times per day with fresh noni juice with some honey

in it.

Remedy for diphtheria: gargle 2-3 minutes per day with fresh noni juice.

Remedy for pain in the liver and inflammation: mix some fresh noni juice with some vinegar.

Take 2-3 times per day.

Remedy for hepatitis: drink fresh noni juice 3 times per day.

Remedy for stomatitis: put in a blender 2 ripe noni, 2 tbsp. of boiled water and 1 tbsp.

of honey.

Blend well and drink 3 times per day.

Antioxidant remedy: one carrot, 3 tbsp. of noni juice, 1 tbsp. of fresh lemon juice,

and some water put everything in a blender and blend well.

Take 3 times per week.

Remedy for constipation and hypertension: drink fresh noni juice 2-3 times per day.

Remedy for diabetes: prepare fresh noni juice and add 1 tbsp. of salt.

Take 1 tsp. after every meal.

Remedy for weight loss: mix some fresh noni juice with some grapefruit juice and drink

2-3 times per day.

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For more infomation >> Magic Home Remedies With Noni Fruit For Amazing Weight Loss And Fighting Diabetes! - Duration: 2:40.


Stephen Forrest - Moore Yasası'nın Sonu ve Ekonomik Sonuçları - Duration: 8:06.

For more infomation >> Stephen Forrest - Moore Yasası'nın Sonu ve Ekonomik Sonuçları - Duration: 8:06.




First roller skate session in Cape Sown



Samsung Galaxy A3 2017 Review - Duration: 4:34.

Hello nice to see you again and today we're going to take a look at the epically

good Samsung Galaxy A3 2017. This is a really fantastic Android smartphone; Got

a 4.7 inch touchscreen display, 720 pixels by 1280, USB type-c port on the

bottom for charging along with a headphone socket so you can still use

headphones with this. Lovely design to it, volume rockers on one side, card slot on

the top, this can take up to 256 gigabyte microSD card, power screen lock on the

side. This was running Android 6.0.1 at the time of review and it runs it very well

Samsung haven't added too much if you

scroll over to the far left you get a news aggregator app and overall I think

they've done a really good job of this just tweaking it rather than adding too

much, you get the usual Google Apps that are pre-installed on most phones these

days, you also get some Samsung apps pre-installed and they're tidied away in

a folder, but you might want to check out Samsung Health. You also get some

Microsoft apps pre-installed and there's the Samsung pay app pre installed as well if

you want to use this for payments. The fingerprint scanner on this is really

good, it's very fast, it's so fast in fact I thought I better just check it with

some other fingerprints to make sure it was scanning and there you go you can

see it rejected them until I use my thumb. I really like that if you double

tap on the fingerprint scanner that will load up the camera. You've got two

cameras on this: the front-facing camera is an 8 megapixel camera, so great for

selfies, and the rear camera is a 13 megapixel camera. Lots of different modes

including a food mode for those of you Instagram bloggers who like to take

pictures of your food. There's also a load of pre-installed filters and you

see those in real time. So if you're not an Instagram user this

might be handy if you still want to apply some cool looking filters to your

photos and what's really nice is the Samsung is powerful enough that you can

apply filters on a video so I'm recording that in a filter. You can

download some additional camera modes but there's only two at the time review

you can download, the one I'll show you here is just animated GIF so you simply

hold down the photo button and that takes a little continues pictures and

produces a little animated GIF. Taking selfies can be triggered

with your hands rather than having to press a button and overall I found the

camera to be excellent. Video quality is also very good; This video was shot at

the Rewind Festival North a great 80s festival, lots going on,the phone lasted

all day, no problem with the battery at all and I think the video is pretty good

it's a little bit shaky in parts but it served me very well and even included

capturing a fake wedding held inside an inflatable church.

"You've been together for how long?"

"Two and a half years." "ooo he said three, a bone of contention!"

"it feels like three?! Don't say things like that on your wedding day, you're going to get kicked in the..."

I'll just cut him off there because he said a rude word, but as you can see we had a lot of

fun. There's the inflatable Church and the phone did a great job of capturing the

atmosphere, lots of nice bright colors, and what was brilliant is you can see it's

downpouring, it's very wet, it wasn't a problem for this camera because Samsung

have actually waterproof this. This is IP67 rated meaning you can give

it a good dunking and it's not a problem the phone can take it. I think that's

brilliant on a mid-range phone you normally get that kind of rating on a

top-end handset. What I also like is it's got moisture detection so it will warn you

if it detects the port is wet. This also impressive on the gaming front, you've got

the speaker at the top so you're not going to cover it with your hands. You can

see I'm actually playing this in quite bright light and the screen is still

nice and visible. The game plays really well on this, the 4.7 inch screen size is

pretty good, your hands might get in the way a little bit if you got big hands

but you can see overall I'm managing to play this okay. A little bit reflective

here, I think that's more the way I'm holding it then I actually found when playing, it

seems have captured more reflection than I could see, and when not in use the

screen actually still remains on to show you the date time charge and any

notifications. This is an absolutely brilliant phone for the price, Samsung

have packed in really high end specs into a mid-range

price phone and I think it offers a massive improvement over the 2016 model.

Hope you enjoyed the video, if you have why not treat yourself and click the

subscribe button above and if you want to see some more clear and concise

reviews why not check out this video next. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy A3 2017 Review - Duration: 4:34.


Mix These 3 Ingredients To Regrow Thick, Strong Hair In No Time! - Duration: 2:38.


Mix These 3 Ingredients To Regrow Thick, Strong Hair In No Time!

Hair loss is a natural process which happens to everybody, so you should not worry if you

notice a few strands of hair on the bathroom floor.

We actually lose 50-100 hairs daily.

Yet, if your hair has gone significantly thinner, and you have a bald patch, you might suffer

from hair loss.

It can be caused by numerous reasons, such as genetics, illness, childbirth, medicine

use, or diet.

These are the most common factors for hair loss:

Severe infections Hereditary thinning or baldness

Eating disorder Autoimmune disease

Major surgery Weight loss

Stress Cancer treatments

Childbirth Iron deficiency

Medication Hair products

Menopause You surely have already tried some of the

hair products which promise to reverse the hair loss process, but none of them actually


The following natural hair tonic will provide amazing effects, as it will help you strengthen

and regrow your hair.

It is affordable and easy to make, as it contains three ingredients:

Castor Oil This oil is high in the amino acid ricinoleic,

which enters the skin of the scalp and follicles, and regulates the pH levels, preventing hair

loss and dandruff.

Egg Yolk Egg yolks are rich in vitamins, protein, and

fatty acids, which strengthen the hair, as well as vitamin E, which promotes hair growth

and hydrates the hair.

Also, eggs contain lecithin which prevents breakage and brittleness.

Honey Honey is abundant in antioxidants which soften

the hair and strengthen the hair follicles and the scalp.

It also supports hair growth, protects against hair loss, and moisturizes the hair.

Here is how to prepare the natural hair tonic:


2 tablespoons of castor oil 1 egg

1 tablespoons of honey Instructions:

In a bowl, mix all the ingredients and stir.

Then, apply the tonic on the scalp and roots, and then continue to the ends.

Cover the hair with a shower cap and leave the tonic to act for 2-4 hours.

Afterward, just wash it off.

Repeat this twice a week, and in a few months, the effects will amaze you!

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For more infomation >> Mix These 3 Ingredients To Regrow Thick, Strong Hair In No Time! - Duration: 2:38.


"Under" Sad Emotional R&B / Pop Beat / Instrumental / Crying Synth & Piano Type Beat - Duration: 3:46.

Get This Beat 🔪 🔪

For more infomation >> "Under" Sad Emotional R&B / Pop Beat / Instrumental / Crying Synth & Piano Type Beat - Duration: 3:46.


금나나 결혼 남자친구 없는 이유 - Duration: 11:10.

For more infomation >> 금나나 결혼 남자친구 없는 이유 - Duration: 11:10.





Investigação Paranormal em um parque de diversões abandonado - legendas em Português - Duration: 12:21.

For more infomation >> Investigação Paranormal em um parque de diversões abandonado - legendas em Português - Duration: 12:21.


Zoomer Dino Indominus Rex

For more infomation >> Zoomer Dino Indominus Rex


R'es - Tantana (Official Audio) YENİ!! #Tantana - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> R'es - Tantana (Official Audio) YENİ!! #Tantana - Duration: 1:54.


Johny Johny Yes Papa

For more infomation >> Johny Johny Yes Papa


Sherlock and John - Invincible - Duration: 4:54.

Follow through

Make your dreams come true

Don't give up the fight

You will be alright

'Cause there's no one like you in the universe

Don't be afraid

What your mind conceives

You should make a stand

Stand up for what you believe

And tonight

We can truly say

Together we're invincible

During the struggle

They will pull us down

But please, please

Let's use this chance to turn things around

And tonight

We can truly say

Together we're invincible

Do it on your own

It makes no difference to me

What you leave behind

What you choose to be

And whatever they say

Your soul's unbreakable

During the struggle

They will pull us down

But please, please

Let's use this chance to turn things around

And tonight

We can truly say

Together we're invincible

Together we're invincible

During the struggle

They will pull us down

Please, please

Let's use this chance to turn things around

And tonight

We can truly say

Together we're invincible

Together we're invincible

For more infomation >> Sherlock and John - Invincible - Duration: 4:54.


PLAY HARDER! | The Crisp Summer Vacation - Duration: 7:47.

Once more.

Once more.

Damn, he came ready af!

Gotta play some non-copyright music.

For more infomation >> PLAY HARDER! | The Crisp Summer Vacation - Duration: 7:47.


Woman Happened To Have The Patio Door Open During Storm Steps Back In And Gets Surprise Of Her Life - Duration: 3:08.

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Woman happened to have the patio door open during storm – steps back in and gets the

surprise of her life

The odds of seeing a deer are pretty high if you live close to a forest.

Just in my own neighborhood the other day, I saw one roaming around in a neighbor's backyard.

A lot of people find deer to be a nuisance, claiming that the animals ruin their backyards

by stomping on their plants and eating their grass and flowers.

Having said that, I think this story might melt even the coldest of hearts and can potentially

make all angry backyard owners rethink their perceptions of deer.

Anyone who's watched the movie Bambi knows how adorable a baby deer can be — but what

if you were to encounter three of them?

Well, that's exactly what happened to one womanafter accidentally leaving her backdoor

open during a storm.

The woman, who calls herself Amscolie on the online community Imgur, decided to share her

adorable story with the internet.

She had left her backdoor open while preparing her house for a terrible storm that was on

its way.

When the storm hit, she went out for a minute to take a peak and see if the orphaned white-tailed

baby deer that she usually looks after were around.

But they were nowhere to be found.

As she would soon discover, they were closer by than she had imagined.

Animals are known for having a sixth sense when it comes to sensing when a storm or a

natural disaster is on its way.

Animal have much better hunched than human, according to AccuWeather.

They have the ability to sense changes in the air pressure and/or pick up sound frequencies

that humans can't hear.

This is why you see some dogs, elephants, horses and birds behave strangely just before

a storm or another weather catastrophe is about to happen.

These little fawns were no exception.

When Amscolie went back inside she was stunned.

Somehow, these three little cuties had made their way into her house, without her even


Her backdoor was half open which meant they saw an opportunity to seek protection indoors

— how smart is that?

"I raise orphaned wildlife.

Recently, the back door was open as a storm was coming.

The deer were nowhere to be found," Amscolie explains.

"I went inside, was heading to the front door, only to see them next to an end table in the

living room.

Told them they could sleep in the house for the night because it was going to be nasty."

It's clearly distressing for any pet owner or 'animal mom' to not know where their babies

are when it's horrible out, but luckily these little ones knew exactly what they had to


A happy ending to a scary situation — and the animals didn't hold back in showing

their gratitude, as you can see in the picture above.

Whether you're a deer lover or not — I find it hard to imagine anyone would disagree with

Amscolie when she writes: "How could you ever say no to a face like this?", referring to

the picture above.

Please share this adorable story with all your friends on Facebook.

For more infomation >> Woman Happened To Have The Patio Door Open During Storm Steps Back In And Gets Surprise Of Her Life - Duration: 3:08.


2017 BMW 520d Review | - Duration: 2:32.

BMW's new 5 Series takes drivers' technology to new heights, even in the entry level 520d.

The 520d may be the base model but it's $94 000 price tag is more expensive than before

to offset new technology like active cruise control, the stop-and-go function and steering

and line control assistant.

With the active cruise control enabled the 520d pulls up behind a car without the driver

so much as touching the brake.

When the car in front moved forward the BMW follows at a safe braking distance, building

up speed or automatically.

The steering line control assistant is more an aid than a driver surrogate.

The system steers the car autonomously but hands back control several seconds after the

driver removes hands from the wheel.

This is a legal requirement overseas.

While it works effectively on freeways the steering line control assistant does struggle

or stray on country roads.

It doesn't always pick up the edge of the road, even where marked, but the active cruise

control is outstanding.

Reducing speed on the approach to corners and then resuming the set speed after the

car straightens out.

A particular useful feature fitted to the standard 520d is speed limit sign recognition,

which is visible in the head-up display.

Occasionally it is fooled by school zones with their varying speed limits though.

As tested, the 520d is priced above $110 000 but some of the options, like Wireless Apple

Car Play, High Beam Assist, and the adaptive LED headlights, are worth every cent.

The 520d delivers a genuinely pleasant driving experience.

The 4-cylinder diesel is quite refined, there's some typical diesel rambling but it's not

all harsh.

While not a tire-shredding power plant, the diesel is lively enough in traffic and consumes

less than eight litres per 100 kilometres in urban driving.

Road quality is compromised by the run-flat tyres although it does improve at speeds above

60 kilometres per hour.

The tidy handling and grip are genuinely impressive for a large luxury sedan.

All the virtues of the 520d add up to a technological masterpiece, but one that hasn't ceased to

be a BMW.

It may not be the ultimate driving machine, but the 520d is working its way towards being

the perfect self-driving car.

For more infomation >> 2017 BMW 520d Review | - Duration: 2:32.


Drowning Love Episode 10 A Thailand Love Story Final Episode - Duration: 13:17.

episode 10 drowning love I bumped into Joe in a bar in Bangkok told me his

story this was early 2005 sort of middle of February bumped into each other I was

getting married a few weeks later and then I was going to go to the village

where have a village ceremony later in the year for quick trip around I was going to have

my honeymoon in Phuket Patong for a couple of weeks I told Joe this anyway

he'd gone off I'm mulled over it what he told me in all the story for a few days

and thought about it and I reached out I tried

I rang Girl who used to work in my bar frozen it was my mamasan who looked after my

girls she had no contacts one of the girls who

used to work for me did have a contact in Phuket

but that person had lost their bar completely and had just sold the rights

to it to some body thought they could make a go of it

so no contact there I scratch my head I couldn't think of a way any other

contacts I had in Phuket I have the blue as fate does maybe two days before

my the registry part Bangkok for my wedding friend of mine Andy Andrew

contacted me he lived in the UK same as me long time friend and he was going to

be coming over and he said he'd try and come to my wedding at the Bangkok but he

had a condo in Phuket and he hadn't been over but his condos further up the hill

hadn't been over to check on it since the tsunami he was heading over there

for a couple of days and then try and make my wedding at this point I just saw

nothing to lose and I asked him if he had any time would he have any time

going around Patong before he came up and he said yeah he's going to be

catching it with all of his friends and trying to see how they all are

everything I asked him because could I send him a photo and I filled him in about

this tour shop and these three girls had a photo of one girl explained the story

to him and I emailed him the Photo with names and asked him if there was any

chance he could make some inquiries at least enough he a lot of friends that who

had bars and businesses and he said yes right three days later it was my wedding

and Andy came up from Phuket to the wedding we celebrated that evening and

had a few drinks around Bangkok so Great really good hadn't heard from Joe and no

contact at all and on the morning after all this getting drunk with friends and

getting married all the rest of it I was going to be heading up to the village

with my wife it's where her sister lived so I was sort of chatting away and he

stated that saying place we stayed at the same hotel and he suddenly

just out of the blue said Oh Simon I forgot I found that girl I was took back

Mai the girl from the tour shop yeah I found her you sure I said

what how you do he sort of how what is it real is it her he said well behind

second road they're building a brand new shopping complex and beside it way

back on a pedestrian area there's there's car parks behind it but way way

back there's some small shops and a little supermarket then they going to

build pedestrian area in the front and all sorts of stuff but those shops right at the back

are brand new and there was a tour shop there he said and a email cafe next

door so I went down there to use the email cafe and I poped in the tour shop

to ask if they knew this girl before I asked he said I spotted her and checked

the photo he said look iv'e took a photo of these girls in there

he showed me a photo of Mai I'd not seen a picture of Nan or Fah but there was

two other girls there don't know if that was Nan or Fah but the main picture

that was her and the picture taken to the front of the shop it was blurred I

couldn't make out the name of the shop but he got a brochure and on there it

said Mais travels and there was a phone number

and it was her the picture I looked at this picture it was her he found her

unbelievable don't know if about the other girls but Mai

was alive and well

unbelieveable I couldn't believe it he hadn't told me the Wedding right at the end before

I'm about to go he suddenly oh yeah I found her oh I had to go then it was

getting on I thanked him and made the missus new wife we were heading off to the

village well I had I had my phone no signal for the laptop or anything I got

a copy of this photo off Andy and I thought how can I tell Joe this is going

to be probably the best email he will ever have in his life and I Sat and thought about it on

that journey and I thought the best way is not with words is to send this new

photo of her with the phone number of her shop and I'll just leave it at that

that's what i did by luck fate I put photo on the phone put the phone number

of her shop and I sent it to Joe it was maybe 10 seconds after I sent it

maybe more immediately a message come back it what in all the questions and I

just said we found her there's a number ring her

absolutely unbelievable fate she was alive but I didn't know anything about

Nan or Fah a couple of days later I got an email so excited by the sounds of the

reading it he'd telephoned her and they were

reunited on the phone he was weeks away before he could get over all excited in the other

way emails and Nan and far were fine it seems that they'd shut the shop that

night they'd gone well Nan and Mai had left the shop and got up on the hill to

a bar where some of the Malaysian tourists were over they were doing some sort

of party up at a bar right on the hill a wooden bar reggae sort of bar rock

bar and Fah looked after the shop for a couple of hours and then locked it 10 ish

she'd gone up as well they were all up there late when it all happened and they

watched it all unfold but they lost their rooms this was a new shop she had opened

don't know all the details but it was such a huge thank you email to me and

his life was going to change and he said that he try and catch up with me in my

honeymoon in October later in the year i thought It was so lovely and months go bye

my wife myself we have our Thai ceremony later on it was September early

October honeymoon and I got a message whilst couple of days in from Joe and we

arranged the meeting an evening meal beach road in the middle of beach Road

that it would have been a restaurant that was there previously that he'd have

eaten and along he came with Mai I got to meet Mai it was where he just ran and

threw his arms around me and Mai gave me a sort of cuddle and shook my hand and

Mem and they sat down and told us a story that they were planning on getting

married he got his condo sorted out already new job they were going to get

married she was going to carry on working at the tour shop and Nan was going to stay

there working Fah was doing something else but still floating there going to get

married live there in Patong and that's it they were sorted we had a meal we

talked for hours at the end of the meal

Joe we all said our goodbyes Joe said to me Simon

I've got wedding present for you for everything you've done and he gave me an

envelope with some money in it as a present and it was quite a large amount

but anyway it was a lovely thought I didn't expect anything he was just so

nice to be part of putting Joe and Mai together and there it is fate

almost ripped them apart put them back together how fate steps him brought him to

my bar in the early days how it put us together in that bar in Bangkok and then

how my friend that's fate again it stepped in my battery went telling me

I'm talking too much but he did it stepped in put Joe and myself together

in the bar again in the bar in Bangkok then my friend Andy quite easily found

Mai and her shop it just was maybe covered up by her shop

was covered up by signs and things from the works going on for the shopping

center theJoel had been so close to her when he was looking for it didn't

realize but there we go drowning love true story

I've really enjoyed bringing it to you I hope you enjoyed it I will possibly with

a friend of mine be putting the full version of this which is a lot more

detail into an e-book and I'll let you know when it's out thanks so much for

watching and I'll see you again on whichever video Drowning Love bye

For more infomation >> Drowning Love Episode 10 A Thailand Love Story Final Episode - Duration: 13:17.


Magic Home Remedies With Noni Fruit For Amazing Weight Loss And Fighting Diabetes! - Duration: 2:40.


Magic Home Remedies With Noni Fruit For Amazing Weight Loss And Fighting Diabetes!

Noni belongs to rubiaceae family, it is a tropical plant of the regions of Oceania and


It has a white flower and it is 6 meters high.

The fruit is the size of a potato and it has yellow to light green color.


It contains beta-carotene, vitamin E, B, C, and potassium.

It also has sugars, fiber, and many amino acids.

Is helps with the regulation of blood pressure, it helps the brain to receive more endorphin

in this way treats depression.

It is good for weight loss, strengthens the bones, decreases inflammatory diseases, treats

diabetes, eases constipation etc.


Remedy for dysentery: stem bark (5.), noni root (5g.) and water (3 glasses).

Boil these ingredients, strain it and drink twice per day.

Remedy for colon inflammation: drink twice per day fresh noni juice made of 2 ripe noni.

Remedy for a cough: take 2-3 ripe noni and prepare a fresh juice then add some honey

to become a syrup.

Take 2-3 tbsp. of this per day.

Remedy for eczemas and wounds: take some noni roots to clean the affected parts and then

wash with warm water.

Remedy for tonsillitis: gargle 2-3 times per day with fresh noni juice with some honey

in it.

Remedy for diphtheria: gargle 2-3 minutes per day with fresh noni juice.

Remedy for pain in the liver and inflammation: mix some fresh noni juice with some vinegar.

Take 2-3 times per day.

Remedy for hepatitis: drink fresh noni juice 3 times per day.

Remedy for stomatitis: put in a blender 2 ripe noni, 2 tbsp. of boiled water and 1 tbsp.

of honey.

Blend well and drink 3 times per day.

Antioxidant remedy: one carrot, 3 tbsp. of noni juice, 1 tbsp. of fresh lemon juice,

and some water put everything in a blender and blend well.

Take 3 times per week.

Remedy for constipation and hypertension: drink fresh noni juice 2-3 times per day.

Remedy for diabetes: prepare fresh noni juice and add 1 tbsp. of salt.

Take 1 tsp. after every meal.

Remedy for weight loss: mix some fresh noni juice with some grapefruit juice and drink

2-3 times per day.

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Subscribe our channel for more!

For more infomation >> Magic Home Remedies With Noni Fruit For Amazing Weight Loss And Fighting Diabetes! - Duration: 2:40.


Locating, Surveying and Drafting, Great Ocean Road, Lorne - Duration: 3:56.

Hey guys

So it might be in the middle of winter

It's bloody cold actually

I can tell you, it is currently 6 degrees

But there is something about being down at Lorne

that I just love working down here

I don't know if it's the ocean or the fresh air

Pretty peaceful

so that's a bit noisy but yeah

Hope you can hear me alright

Anyway, come look at this job I'm on today

Have a look at this

Okay, so what's going on down here

VicRoads are putting a new warning sign in

So we're on the Great Ocean Road

You can see it there, Great Ocean Road

VicRoads is going to put a new warning sign in

So the electricians come and put the cable in which is all good

but what they need to do now is draw a plan up

so they can submit it to Dial Before You Dig

or submit it to PowerCor who can then submit it Dial Before You Dig

and then if anyone does any digging here in the future

has got a plan that knows if there's an underground cable here in the area

So that is what we're doing today

We're going to locate where this cable is

and then we're going to put the GPS on it pick it all up

and then export it to CAD

and then put it on a plan

so that it what we're up to

So they're not doing any digging

We're not here to protect anyone

Well we are We're here to draw up a plan

and give it to Dial Before You Dig

So that they've got it in the future

So, if anyone is digging here in the future

At least know there's something out there

Alright, that is what we're doing

I'll set the camera up and you might as well watch along

Alright, here we go

There we go

That is it There we go

That is it

All done

So I've gone and located where the cable is

and I've now gone and picked it all up on the GPS

What we're going to do now is head back to the office

I'll give this data to Ricardo who's in the office

He'll go put it all in CAD

and go put it all up, all nice and neat for the client

So that's it

That is what we call locating GPS plotting and drafting

so we're doing the whole works for him

Locating where it all goes and putting it on a plan

Alright guys so that is it

I hope you're all having a great day

and until next time, do take care

Hope you're well and talk soon. Bye

For more infomation >> Locating, Surveying and Drafting, Great Ocean Road, Lorne - Duration: 3:56.


In Production on Getting Back with Dave Benson Phillips #3: Perv Cam - Duration: 1:38.

This is Dave Benson Phillips. A man who would give life to plants with a watering can.

Containing water.

So what you've got is a load of secret footage of a ex children's TV presenter called Dave Benson Phillips

shot secretly from a bush.


Well he hasn't actually agreed yet.

We call it 'Perv Cam'.

Do you want to see him on the loo?


Yes. And I did.

I am Mary and I am walking into my office.

And who is he? Work experience assistant for Dave Benson Phillips.

And why does Dave Benson Phillips need a work experience assistant?

I wondered no more.

I observed his simple face and mind

I need his signature to consent to filming.

So she can make the best documentary series about him there's ever been.

Can you get for me?

That's one pound. That's two pounds. That's three pounds.

Yes. I think I can.

And we have progress from a three-pound sell-out.

Everybody knows Dave Benson Phillips!

For more infomation >> In Production on Getting Back with Dave Benson Phillips #3: Perv Cam - Duration: 1:38.


Ranveer Singh & Deepika Padukone's INTIMACY Caught On Camera; Picture Goes Viral! - Duration: 1:52.

Lovebirds Ranveer Singh & Deepika Padukone spotted on a LATE NIGHT DINNER DATE !

For more infomation >> Ranveer Singh & Deepika Padukone's INTIMACY Caught On Camera; Picture Goes Viral! - Duration: 1:52.


Mix These 3 Ingredients To Regrow Thick, Strong Hair In No Time! - Duration: 2:38.


Mix These 3 Ingredients To Regrow Thick, Strong Hair In No Time!

Hair loss is a natural process which happens to everybody, so you should not worry if you

notice a few strands of hair on the bathroom floor.

We actually lose 50-100 hairs daily.

Yet, if your hair has gone significantly thinner, and you have a bald patch, you might suffer

from hair loss.

It can be caused by numerous reasons, such as genetics, illness, childbirth, medicine

use, or diet.

These are the most common factors for hair loss:

Severe infections Hereditary thinning or baldness

Eating disorder Autoimmune disease

Major surgery Weight loss

Stress Cancer treatments

Childbirth Iron deficiency

Medication Hair products

Menopause You surely have already tried some of the

hair products which promise to reverse the hair loss process, but none of them actually


The following natural hair tonic will provide amazing effects, as it will help you strengthen

and regrow your hair.

It is affordable and easy to make, as it contains three ingredients:

Castor Oil This oil is high in the amino acid ricinoleic,

which enters the skin of the scalp and follicles, and regulates the pH levels, preventing hair

loss and dandruff.

Egg Yolk Egg yolks are rich in vitamins, protein, and

fatty acids, which strengthen the hair, as well as vitamin E, which promotes hair growth

and hydrates the hair.

Also, eggs contain lecithin which prevents breakage and brittleness.

Honey Honey is abundant in antioxidants which soften

the hair and strengthen the hair follicles and the scalp.

It also supports hair growth, protects against hair loss, and moisturizes the hair.

Here is how to prepare the natural hair tonic:


2 tablespoons of castor oil 1 egg

1 tablespoons of honey Instructions:

In a bowl, mix all the ingredients and stir.

Then, apply the tonic on the scalp and roots, and then continue to the ends.

Cover the hair with a shower cap and leave the tonic to act for 2-4 hours.

Afterward, just wash it off.

Repeat this twice a week, and in a few months, the effects will amaze you!

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Subscribe our channel for more!

For more infomation >> Mix These 3 Ingredients To Regrow Thick, Strong Hair In No Time! - Duration: 2:38.


The Ultimate Budapest Nightlife Guide - Duration: 5:49.

Budapest Nightlife

2017 2018 2019 Nightlife Budapest

Budapest At Night 2017

Budapest Nightlife Guide

Budapest Nightlife 2018

Budapest Nightlife 2017

Guide for Budapest At Night

Budapest At Night Tour

Budapest Nightlife Guide

Ultimate Nightlife Guide

How to have a great night out

Budapest Nightlife 2019

Guide to Budapest in Summer

Budapest Hungary

Budapest Hungary Guide

Ultimate Budapest Guide!

For more infomation >> The Ultimate Budapest Nightlife Guide - Duration: 5:49.


Seoul Vlog #4: Namsangol Hanok Village - by Leanne - Duration: 4:40.

Now we have arrived at Namsangol Hanok Village... by chance!

We were gonna go up the tower but we just ended up here instead!

But it's cool!


Helen is trying to avoid my shot!

Look at her running!

So, this is the entrance.

We've got a village information map.

Nap experience.

This guy is loving life!

You can go and have a nap experience.

A nap experience!

Yep, just gonna go in and just have a nice nap.

Because... when in Korea!

You might as well sleep.

Enjoy a cool nap.


As you can see, there is CCTV *laugh*.

Helen, it's a wishing well!

Put a coin in!

*dong* Wow!

Right guys, I've arrived home!

See ya!

Nah, this is my home!

And this where I... erm... work *snort*.

Spindle my... erm... cloths.

Oh my God!


This is a 'threshig' machine.

A carrying rack!

Ooh, it's actually quite cool!

Oh my God, a treadmill!

And this is the... erm...

I don't know!

For more infomation >> Seoul Vlog #4: Namsangol Hanok Village - by Leanne - Duration: 4:40.


Ask me with Rising-Soulz!!! - Duration: 1:36:36.

Don't Forget to Like and Subscribe!!

For more infomation >> Ask me with Rising-Soulz!!! - Duration: 1:36:36.


कोई PASSWORD देख भी ले फिर भी नहीं खोल पायेगा आपके मोबाइल का LOCK | How To Make My Phone Unlockable - Duration: 7:41.

thank you for watching:)

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