Sunday, August 20, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 20 2017

What's up, TEAMMBL? I'm musicbyLukas

We are getting close to Song of the Week 100

and I can't believe it's already been that long we started by just

Accepting submissions through Soundcloud and Instagram DM's

And if you remember this you, are a real TEAMMBL

OG, so comment below if you remember these days. You guys have helped make it what it is now, we get

300-400 submissions a week and yes, I really do listen to every single one, with so many you guys asking

I thought it was the perfect time to make this video and tell you

Exactly what we look for when we're choosing the Song of the Week winners. So here

It is guys, three ways to win Song of the Week. Number one guys, You gotta send the nudes. Number two,

You got to tell me I'm cringy in the comments and number three, you gots to slide into my DM's


*Duck Noise* *Laughs*

Alright guys. I'm sorry Kingsley told me to say that what is wrong with you

But guys, here it is, the real three ways on how to win Song of the Week. Number one, you gotta have a great melody and

You have to be able to tell a story

Number two, you've got to add the ear candy and your own

Personal touches and Number three, as always, you've got to focus on the production quality. Today is Sunday, so it's our feedback video

So I thought it was the perfect time to do this because we can listen to these 10 songs and we can be like, would

they win Song of the Week, where are they at? Do they need more work?

Let's find out. We picked these 10 tracks at random every week

So if you want to be in one of these feedback videos make sure you submit your demo with the link below

Alright guys our first demo today is called Tropical house

Alright, so starting with Step number one

Which is have a great

Melody and make it tell a story. I listen to the whole song and I don't really think that the break melody really goes with

The drop melody the drop is very tropical and it gives you the vibes

But the break it's got like an ARP thing going on. It

just doesn't sound very tropical so that's something to look at. Number two add Ear candy and your own

Personal touch. I didn't hear too much ear candy

But the effects and stuff that I did hear they were a little bit too loud

And they caused kind of a disturbance in the mix which leads me to step number

Three which is making sure the production quality is really good. There's some stuff

You got to work on here, especially on the build. There's too much bass going on it

Just kind of has a muffled sound

So what I'd like you to do is take a look at the EQ notes below those are from KSHMR

He knows what he's doing

So take a look at those because if you can give everything its own section of the mix it's Gonna sound way better

It'll be much cleaner, and you'll have a much better track and a better chance of winning Song of the Week

All right, this one is cool. I like the way that it goes I do think that it tells a story with the melody

So I give you a check for number one going on to adding ear candy and adding your own sound I thought you did that

as well

I thought that it did have ear candy

You messed around with a bunch of different sounds and it made the song really exciting because I wasn't sure exactly

What was Gonna come next so it built a lot of anticipation

Good work there the third reason though is

Where you're gonna have the most issues the production quality and the reason for that is there's a lot of stereo sounds going on here

But there's really no strength in the middle of the mix if you can work on your imaging and add more strength to the middle

Of the mix it's gonna sound so much better because you're gonna have that full spectrum

Sound and then I think you'll have a much better shot of winning Song of the Week. Alright guys, this next Demo is called I

Need you now

All right, Jonathan, so let's start with rule number one about the melody and telling a story

I think that the melody like the piano chords and everything from the break into the drop do tell a story they build energy and

Everything but I'm not sure to that baseline and that melody really go together

So it's kind of making it sound a little bit off right now

So I would look at trying to find a bass line. Which will have a better relationship with that melody

Maybe something less

Aggressive with less notes would make it sound

Smoother. Going on to rule number two with adding your own ear candy and your own personal touch it

Does sound a little bit typical of a track, but I do think that it was unique enough to where it stood out?

I thought that the reason for that was because of the melody it just had kind of like an aggressive melody yet

And inspiring melody almost like an action-Movie kind of melody

Which made it a little bit different than most future house songs which have more of that

Uplifting sound this one had a mix of aggressive mix of uplifting which made it sound just a bit more exciting number three though is

The one you're Gonna have to work on the most unfortunately it goes to the production quality on this one

Which would keep you from getting to the top ten or winning the song of the week at this point?

So that's something you're definitely gonna have to look at there's a thinness to the song. There's too much high frequencies

which is causing a shine to the song and

It just doesn't have enough in the mids to the mid lows

And it's making it so it's not as audible

And it's not gonna have that kind of power that I know you want it to have so definitely check out the EQ notes below

And look at trying to take away some of those highs and give your mix more in the mids

But good work overall. I like the melody keep it

All right, Rhonda this track is

dope I have to say this would probably make to the top ten maybe get to song of the week let's talk about it a

Little bit so with the melody telling a story good work there

I like how it builds energy going into the drop and the drop is also really nice

It does not let you down number two adding your own ear candy elements

You could add more unique elements of Ear candy

but you do have a lot of stuff going on already it sounds very commercial and

Just a good job overall now number three of the production quality you've got to put that

Vocal in mono because it's just it's in stereo right now

And you don't doesn't have the right mix if you put it in mono. I promise you it'll sound ten times better

That is what the pros do and you should do it as well

And I think you're gonna have a great shot at winning song of the week all right. We got a remix here by DJ Xpensive

All right DJ Xpensive, so we'll start with the melody and telling a story

I think you do that pretty well overall

But we'll be talking about

Number three mainly with the production because the lead melody doesn't really cut through the mix now going to number two the ear Candy now

Your vocal can be seen as ear candy effects you do with that vocal and I'd like to hear you do some cooler stuff that

You can actually hear in the mix because right now the vocal gets very drowned out

Which you definitely don't want to happen with a remix because you've got to be able to hear that vocal because that's the part that

People know that they're used to so if they can't hear that then they're just gonna lose interest in the remix now going to step

Number three, which is the most important one talking about does the track have that production quality, right?

Now not really

It needs help

especially with that vocal and then also just with the mix in general and with

Imaging a lot of producers forget about imaging which sounds go in the center of the mix which sounds are wider

What you're having a problem with right now is you really can't tell which

Part of the lead is the lead it. Just sounds like a bunch of support leads together

It's too light with that melody, so I would just try to get something that stands out more something

It's more gritty more saturated for the main lead and then keep those support leads more wide underneath that main lead

You're gonna have a much clearer full spectrum mix

Then with your percussion you really can't hear I like to hear more percussion it just kind of sticks to the sides stereo

It needs to be more centered for the percussion

And you need to make sure that you can hear it in the mix that it cuts through cleanly

It's just really important if you can do that and get that lead right get that vocal up

You're gonna have a track that sounds so much better and a much better shot making the top ten and winning song of the week

Alright Darmich so starting with step number one with the melody and telling a story you have some good piano chords

You do a good job of building that energy into the drop

I'm not a huge fan though of how the the melody kind of goes away before the end of the drop

I don't think it should filter out that much and leave just the snare

So that's just something to look at and then on the drop

You're having an issue with

Building a story because the percussion comes in way too late you bring the clapping after four bars in the drop

Which is great because I'm an impatient person, and I don't like to wait that long for the clap to come in

But you don't bring the percussion and after eight bars in fact

It's after like Twelve bars or something random it

Just doesn't really make sense, so I would bring it in right after eight bars because it'll make you have a much better

Drop when it comes to building energy step number two adding ear candy and your own personal touch this one you have to work on

A lot because there wasn't really any ear candy in the track. There's not really enough like cool

Snare fills little effects

So I would just look at trying to add your own style

more if you want this kind of track to stand out number three talking about the production qualities and be where you're gonna need the

most work because the Track is

Sounding thin I noticed that a lot of producers do this where they start raising the high EQ on one track and then the other?

One doesn't sound high enough

So they raise it on the other track they raise it on the other track and they just continually raise the high EQ

Until it just sounds super thin and you don't have that body in the middle and remember that the middle EQ is

Where you want your melody to be because that is the most audible frequencies to the ear

So anything that you want to be your catchy lead melody your hook

It needs to be more in the middle end and the high end

So just try to focus on that try to change though cuz right now it has too much shine

It's making it sound thin distorted and not as powerful if you can do all that you're gonna

Have a much better track good work on the chords so far

Keep it up alright this next one is a remix of Do You Still Feel

All right, so this track has some really cool vibes

But starting with telling a story the problem is I can't really tell what the story is

Telling me and the reason for that is because I can't really tell where the drop is so you've got to work on your

Transitions, it'll make it so much better

If you can make it more apparent where the build is where the drop is where the break starts you can do that with adding

Effects you can do that with starting to build energy with percussion building it with snare fill

Leading into the drop and then making it just get really powerful on the drop obviously this is a more laid-back track

So you don't need to get too crazy

But you just need to make it more

Apparent where the different sections of the track are and you'll tell them a much better story number 2 adding ear Candy and your own

Personal touch that's something that I definitely would do because right now

I don't really notice much of that and if you could do that you would definitely be able to put your own stamp on this

Song and number 3 focusing on the production quality definitely check out the EQ notes below because this track you're just having trouble

Making it where anything is standing out it all just kind of sounds like it's on the same level

There's no sections of the track that are really more powerful than the other so that's just something to look at because it almost sounds

Like you're playing it out of a cellphone or something right now where it's just kind of flat

So you just need things to stand out if you want the mix to sound more professional

And you want to have a better shot of making that top 10 or winning song of the week

All right, Daniel, so this track was cool

But it was a little bit confusing starting with step number one building a story

Using your melody to do that the track

I can't really tell where the drop is it sounds when I first started listening to it like it was the drop and then it

Wasn't the drop and then it was the drop and so I don't know it's just like

It needs to be more straightforward right now. You're at 7 minutes and 33 seconds

I don't know if it's just like a really long

Extended mix or if you want to try to shorten it down to like a radio edit or an original mix something around

4:20 or you know like a long three-minute song I think it would sound better

I think if you could just kind of break it down into something that's just more straightforward

I think it would be easier to understand

just because like I said I like to know and

Like a crowd when they're at a festival likes to know where the different sections of the track are so they can react they want

To know what's the break so they can start to settle down they want to notice the build so they can start to get hyped

Up and they want to notice the drop so they can go crazy so those are things that you definitely want to make

Straightforward when you're making a track now, the melody itself is pretty cool though

So I would say if you can work on telling a story

It's Gonna sound a lot better step number two working on Ear Candy

I didn't hear much of that the track sounds kind of foundational right now

There's just a few elements going on

So you could add some more stuff to it and make it more your own step number three talking about the production quality

It wasn't bad, but I noticed this with some tracks where it's hard to differentiate the lead melody from the support leads

So it's just something to work on to make sure that you have that differentiation so that it gets a much better

Full mix you want to have a powerful. Main lead, and you want to have your support leads that are just supporting it

They're more wide or stereo, and that will make you have a much more professional cleaner mix

All right, Nikrod. I think this song is pretty cool. I like the melody

I do think you're telling a story so we'll give you a check for that number two adding your own ear candy

You're doing that but it's just kind of not mixed completely well

so that's something I would look at and the

Types of your candy you're adding or just a little bit random like I don't know how I feel about the DJ scratch thing you

Have halfway through the drop. I don't know

It's just try to find things that can fit more with the track

but I do like that you're

Experimenting and trying to bring in that ear candy because that's important now step number three talking about the mix if you can fix this

Mix and if you can make it just a bit better

I do think you have a shot to make it to the top ten mainly because that melody is really cool

So the way you're gonna fix this is by making that lead melody stand out. We're on the drop

It's way too quiet right now

It's also very wide you need to make sure you have a more centered full lead

Right in the front and then you have your support leads more wide so what you want to do is just try to find something

Really fat to put in the center with that lead melody

And I think you're gonna have a much better sounding track also the snare role in the build is too quiet

Also, the claps are a little bit too loud coming in onto the four bars

But I do like if they come after the four bars again because I'm impatient so good job there

So just a little things to work on with the mix different levels

So take a look at the EQ notes try to resubmit this for song of the week

And I think you might have a good shot at making the top ten alright guys our last Demo is called Detonate

All right, Max

So let's start with rule number one which is working with the melody and how to tell a story I will say that with this

One you do have a pretty cool melody, but it just gets monotonous after a while

I like those kind of cool chords that you have right in the very beginning that fade and then they go into the

Lead Melody, but I think that yeah that lead melody just gets to be a little bit stale after a while

So that's something that I would look at try to see if you can add some more variation there the track in general

It's laid out a little bit weird because the drop just kind of goes on forever

I'd like to see that drop. Just last 16 bars short and sweet and have it go into the break the second break because

Right now it just keeps going on and on and on and you're gonna have trouble

Keeping that much energy at a festival or with a DJ

And you're gonna have trouble just keeping that much energy with like a general listener

You're gonna want to break off

Lose the energy go into the second break and then build back up and make it even more

Exciting for the second drop also you have the percussion coming right away on the drop

I would save it a little bit let that percussion

Slowly build in it would make it just build energy a lot more smooth

And you'd have a better sounding track number two looking at the Ear candy

I don't really hear much at this point, and if you did that you would also help you fix the issue with it sounding

So stale after a while with the lead melody just adding in some more things to make people

Continue to get excited with the track now going number three with the production quality

We're having any of those issues where there's not enough strength in the center with the main lead so get that main lead strong in

the Center get those support leads more to the sides and you're gonna have a better full spectrum mix also the main lead in the

Build is a little bit too quiet

So I'd just increase it just a little bit because you know that the hook is your melody

That's what gets stuck in people's heads, not the snare not the hi-hat

So just focus on that

And I think you're gonna have a much better sounding track overall if you can make it have a little bit more variation

I think you might have a shot at making the top 10

I hope this video helped motivate you guys to keep working on your music. I've seen producers

Come a long way over the weeks from not having any chance of winning song of the week to winning the whole thing so what

that means guys is you've got to keep it up and make sure to submit your demos for song of the week every week by

Going and if you guys want to work with me personally you can join the producers team

I work one-on-one with producers of all skill levels on the music

it's great because we can focus on your individual needs and I can also help you grow your

Branding and your following as well. Just really help you take things to the next level and remember guys It Is All About Teamwork

We got new videos

Every Weekend through Wednesday so if you're not a member of the team yet be like Kingsley and hit that subscribe button

I'm musicbyLUKAS, this is my ghost producer, Puss Malone, and we'll see you next video. What's up, TEAMMBL?

We have some big announcements for the month of August like right now

you can join the TEAMMBL Producers Team for free and not pay anything until September first this is our longest free trial ever so

Head over to

choose a membership and let's get to work on your next hit track don't forget to check out the new team shop

At and get your very own

Personalized member shirt because it's Super lit also

We have a brand new channel TEAMMBL 2 with some Super Dope and hilarious videos plus

Behind the scenes vlogs which you definitely do not want to miss and remember It Is All About Teamwork

So hit that subscribe button, and we'll see you next video

For more infomation >> HOW TO WIN SONG OF THE WEEK!! - Duration: 19:02.


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HOW TO WIN SONG OF THE WEEK!! - Duration: 19:02.

What's up, TEAMMBL? I'm musicbyLukas

We are getting close to Song of the Week 100

and I can't believe it's already been that long we started by just

Accepting submissions through Soundcloud and Instagram DM's

And if you remember this you, are a real TEAMMBL

OG, so comment below if you remember these days. You guys have helped make it what it is now, we get

300-400 submissions a week and yes, I really do listen to every single one, with so many you guys asking

I thought it was the perfect time to make this video and tell you

Exactly what we look for when we're choosing the Song of the Week winners. So here

It is guys, three ways to win Song of the Week. Number one guys, You gotta send the nudes. Number two,

You got to tell me I'm cringy in the comments and number three, you gots to slide into my DM's


*Duck Noise* *Laughs*

Alright guys. I'm sorry Kingsley told me to say that what is wrong with you

But guys, here it is, the real three ways on how to win Song of the Week. Number one, you gotta have a great melody and

You have to be able to tell a story

Number two, you've got to add the ear candy and your own

Personal touches and Number three, as always, you've got to focus on the production quality. Today is Sunday, so it's our feedback video

So I thought it was the perfect time to do this because we can listen to these 10 songs and we can be like, would

they win Song of the Week, where are they at? Do they need more work?

Let's find out. We picked these 10 tracks at random every week

So if you want to be in one of these feedback videos make sure you submit your demo with the link below

Alright guys our first demo today is called Tropical house

Alright, so starting with Step number one

Which is have a great

Melody and make it tell a story. I listen to the whole song and I don't really think that the break melody really goes with

The drop melody the drop is very tropical and it gives you the vibes

But the break it's got like an ARP thing going on. It

just doesn't sound very tropical so that's something to look at. Number two add Ear candy and your own

Personal touch. I didn't hear too much ear candy

But the effects and stuff that I did hear they were a little bit too loud

And they caused kind of a disturbance in the mix which leads me to step number

Three which is making sure the production quality is really good. There's some stuff

You got to work on here, especially on the build. There's too much bass going on it

Just kind of has a muffled sound

So what I'd like you to do is take a look at the EQ notes below those are from KSHMR

He knows what he's doing

So take a look at those because if you can give everything its own section of the mix it's Gonna sound way better

It'll be much cleaner, and you'll have a much better track and a better chance of winning Song of the Week

All right, this one is cool. I like the way that it goes I do think that it tells a story with the melody

So I give you a check for number one going on to adding ear candy and adding your own sound I thought you did that

as well

I thought that it did have ear candy

You messed around with a bunch of different sounds and it made the song really exciting because I wasn't sure exactly

What was Gonna come next so it built a lot of anticipation

Good work there the third reason though is

Where you're gonna have the most issues the production quality and the reason for that is there's a lot of stereo sounds going on here

But there's really no strength in the middle of the mix if you can work on your imaging and add more strength to the middle

Of the mix it's gonna sound so much better because you're gonna have that full spectrum

Sound and then I think you'll have a much better shot of winning Song of the Week. Alright guys, this next Demo is called I

Need you now

All right, Jonathan, so let's start with rule number one about the melody and telling a story

I think that the melody like the piano chords and everything from the break into the drop do tell a story they build energy and

Everything but I'm not sure to that baseline and that melody really go together

So it's kind of making it sound a little bit off right now

So I would look at trying to find a bass line. Which will have a better relationship with that melody

Maybe something less

Aggressive with less notes would make it sound

Smoother. Going on to rule number two with adding your own ear candy and your own personal touch it

Does sound a little bit typical of a track, but I do think that it was unique enough to where it stood out?

I thought that the reason for that was because of the melody it just had kind of like an aggressive melody yet

And inspiring melody almost like an action-Movie kind of melody

Which made it a little bit different than most future house songs which have more of that

Uplifting sound this one had a mix of aggressive mix of uplifting which made it sound just a bit more exciting number three though is

The one you're Gonna have to work on the most unfortunately it goes to the production quality on this one

Which would keep you from getting to the top ten or winning the song of the week at this point?

So that's something you're definitely gonna have to look at there's a thinness to the song. There's too much high frequencies

which is causing a shine to the song and

It just doesn't have enough in the mids to the mid lows

And it's making it so it's not as audible

And it's not gonna have that kind of power that I know you want it to have so definitely check out the EQ notes below

And look at trying to take away some of those highs and give your mix more in the mids

But good work overall. I like the melody keep it

All right, Rhonda this track is

dope I have to say this would probably make to the top ten maybe get to song of the week let's talk about it a

Little bit so with the melody telling a story good work there

I like how it builds energy going into the drop and the drop is also really nice

It does not let you down number two adding your own ear candy elements

You could add more unique elements of Ear candy

but you do have a lot of stuff going on already it sounds very commercial and

Just a good job overall now number three of the production quality you've got to put that

Vocal in mono because it's just it's in stereo right now

And you don't doesn't have the right mix if you put it in mono. I promise you it'll sound ten times better

That is what the pros do and you should do it as well

And I think you're gonna have a great shot at winning song of the week all right. We got a remix here by DJ Xpensive

All right DJ Xpensive, so we'll start with the melody and telling a story

I think you do that pretty well overall

But we'll be talking about

Number three mainly with the production because the lead melody doesn't really cut through the mix now going to number two the ear Candy now

Your vocal can be seen as ear candy effects you do with that vocal and I'd like to hear you do some cooler stuff that

You can actually hear in the mix because right now the vocal gets very drowned out

Which you definitely don't want to happen with a remix because you've got to be able to hear that vocal because that's the part that

People know that they're used to so if they can't hear that then they're just gonna lose interest in the remix now going to step

Number three, which is the most important one talking about does the track have that production quality, right?

Now not really

It needs help

especially with that vocal and then also just with the mix in general and with

Imaging a lot of producers forget about imaging which sounds go in the center of the mix which sounds are wider

What you're having a problem with right now is you really can't tell which

Part of the lead is the lead it. Just sounds like a bunch of support leads together

It's too light with that melody, so I would just try to get something that stands out more something

It's more gritty more saturated for the main lead and then keep those support leads more wide underneath that main lead

You're gonna have a much clearer full spectrum mix

Then with your percussion you really can't hear I like to hear more percussion it just kind of sticks to the sides stereo

It needs to be more centered for the percussion

And you need to make sure that you can hear it in the mix that it cuts through cleanly

It's just really important if you can do that and get that lead right get that vocal up

You're gonna have a track that sounds so much better and a much better shot making the top ten and winning song of the week

Alright Darmich so starting with step number one with the melody and telling a story you have some good piano chords

You do a good job of building that energy into the drop

I'm not a huge fan though of how the the melody kind of goes away before the end of the drop

I don't think it should filter out that much and leave just the snare

So that's just something to look at and then on the drop

You're having an issue with

Building a story because the percussion comes in way too late you bring the clapping after four bars in the drop

Which is great because I'm an impatient person, and I don't like to wait that long for the clap to come in

But you don't bring the percussion and after eight bars in fact

It's after like Twelve bars or something random it

Just doesn't really make sense, so I would bring it in right after eight bars because it'll make you have a much better

Drop when it comes to building energy step number two adding ear candy and your own personal touch this one you have to work on

A lot because there wasn't really any ear candy in the track. There's not really enough like cool

Snare fills little effects

So I would just look at trying to add your own style

more if you want this kind of track to stand out number three talking about the production qualities and be where you're gonna need the

most work because the Track is

Sounding thin I noticed that a lot of producers do this where they start raising the high EQ on one track and then the other?

One doesn't sound high enough

So they raise it on the other track they raise it on the other track and they just continually raise the high EQ

Until it just sounds super thin and you don't have that body in the middle and remember that the middle EQ is

Where you want your melody to be because that is the most audible frequencies to the ear

So anything that you want to be your catchy lead melody your hook

It needs to be more in the middle end and the high end

So just try to focus on that try to change though cuz right now it has too much shine

It's making it sound thin distorted and not as powerful if you can do all that you're gonna

Have a much better track good work on the chords so far

Keep it up alright this next one is a remix of Do You Still Feel

All right, so this track has some really cool vibes

But starting with telling a story the problem is I can't really tell what the story is

Telling me and the reason for that is because I can't really tell where the drop is so you've got to work on your

Transitions, it'll make it so much better

If you can make it more apparent where the build is where the drop is where the break starts you can do that with adding

Effects you can do that with starting to build energy with percussion building it with snare fill

Leading into the drop and then making it just get really powerful on the drop obviously this is a more laid-back track

So you don't need to get too crazy

But you just need to make it more

Apparent where the different sections of the track are and you'll tell them a much better story number 2 adding ear Candy and your own

Personal touch that's something that I definitely would do because right now

I don't really notice much of that and if you could do that you would definitely be able to put your own stamp on this

Song and number 3 focusing on the production quality definitely check out the EQ notes below because this track you're just having trouble

Making it where anything is standing out it all just kind of sounds like it's on the same level

There's no sections of the track that are really more powerful than the other so that's just something to look at because it almost sounds

Like you're playing it out of a cellphone or something right now where it's just kind of flat

So you just need things to stand out if you want the mix to sound more professional

And you want to have a better shot of making that top 10 or winning song of the week

All right, Daniel, so this track was cool

But it was a little bit confusing starting with step number one building a story

Using your melody to do that the track

I can't really tell where the drop is it sounds when I first started listening to it like it was the drop and then it

Wasn't the drop and then it was the drop and so I don't know it's just like

It needs to be more straightforward right now. You're at 7 minutes and 33 seconds

I don't know if it's just like a really long

Extended mix or if you want to try to shorten it down to like a radio edit or an original mix something around

4:20 or you know like a long three-minute song I think it would sound better

I think if you could just kind of break it down into something that's just more straightforward

I think it would be easier to understand

just because like I said I like to know and

Like a crowd when they're at a festival likes to know where the different sections of the track are so they can react they want

To know what's the break so they can start to settle down they want to notice the build so they can start to get hyped

Up and they want to notice the drop so they can go crazy so those are things that you definitely want to make

Straightforward when you're making a track now, the melody itself is pretty cool though

So I would say if you can work on telling a story

It's Gonna sound a lot better step number two working on Ear Candy

I didn't hear much of that the track sounds kind of foundational right now

There's just a few elements going on

So you could add some more stuff to it and make it more your own step number three talking about the production quality

It wasn't bad, but I noticed this with some tracks where it's hard to differentiate the lead melody from the support leads

So it's just something to work on to make sure that you have that differentiation so that it gets a much better

Full mix you want to have a powerful. Main lead, and you want to have your support leads that are just supporting it

They're more wide or stereo, and that will make you have a much more professional cleaner mix

All right, Nikrod. I think this song is pretty cool. I like the melody

I do think you're telling a story so we'll give you a check for that number two adding your own ear candy

You're doing that but it's just kind of not mixed completely well

so that's something I would look at and the

Types of your candy you're adding or just a little bit random like I don't know how I feel about the DJ scratch thing you

Have halfway through the drop. I don't know

It's just try to find things that can fit more with the track

but I do like that you're

Experimenting and trying to bring in that ear candy because that's important now step number three talking about the mix if you can fix this

Mix and if you can make it just a bit better

I do think you have a shot to make it to the top ten mainly because that melody is really cool

So the way you're gonna fix this is by making that lead melody stand out. We're on the drop

It's way too quiet right now

It's also very wide you need to make sure you have a more centered full lead

Right in the front and then you have your support leads more wide so what you want to do is just try to find something

Really fat to put in the center with that lead melody

And I think you're gonna have a much better sounding track also the snare role in the build is too quiet

Also, the claps are a little bit too loud coming in onto the four bars

But I do like if they come after the four bars again because I'm impatient so good job there

So just a little things to work on with the mix different levels

So take a look at the EQ notes try to resubmit this for song of the week

And I think you might have a good shot at making the top ten alright guys our last Demo is called Detonate

All right, Max

So let's start with rule number one which is working with the melody and how to tell a story I will say that with this

One you do have a pretty cool melody, but it just gets monotonous after a while

I like those kind of cool chords that you have right in the very beginning that fade and then they go into the

Lead Melody, but I think that yeah that lead melody just gets to be a little bit stale after a while

So that's something that I would look at try to see if you can add some more variation there the track in general

It's laid out a little bit weird because the drop just kind of goes on forever

I'd like to see that drop. Just last 16 bars short and sweet and have it go into the break the second break because

Right now it just keeps going on and on and on and you're gonna have trouble

Keeping that much energy at a festival or with a DJ

And you're gonna have trouble just keeping that much energy with like a general listener

You're gonna want to break off

Lose the energy go into the second break and then build back up and make it even more

Exciting for the second drop also you have the percussion coming right away on the drop

I would save it a little bit let that percussion

Slowly build in it would make it just build energy a lot more smooth

And you'd have a better sounding track number two looking at the Ear candy

I don't really hear much at this point, and if you did that you would also help you fix the issue with it sounding

So stale after a while with the lead melody just adding in some more things to make people

Continue to get excited with the track now going number three with the production quality

We're having any of those issues where there's not enough strength in the center with the main lead so get that main lead strong in

the Center get those support leads more to the sides and you're gonna have a better full spectrum mix also the main lead in the

Build is a little bit too quiet

So I'd just increase it just a little bit because you know that the hook is your melody

That's what gets stuck in people's heads, not the snare not the hi-hat

So just focus on that

And I think you're gonna have a much better sounding track overall if you can make it have a little bit more variation

I think you might have a shot at making the top 10

I hope this video helped motivate you guys to keep working on your music. I've seen producers

Come a long way over the weeks from not having any chance of winning song of the week to winning the whole thing so what

that means guys is you've got to keep it up and make sure to submit your demos for song of the week every week by

Going and if you guys want to work with me personally you can join the producers team

I work one-on-one with producers of all skill levels on the music

it's great because we can focus on your individual needs and I can also help you grow your

Branding and your following as well. Just really help you take things to the next level and remember guys It Is All About Teamwork

We got new videos

Every Weekend through Wednesday so if you're not a member of the team yet be like Kingsley and hit that subscribe button

I'm musicbyLUKAS, this is my ghost producer, Puss Malone, and we'll see you next video. What's up, TEAMMBL?

We have some big announcements for the month of August like right now

you can join the TEAMMBL Producers Team for free and not pay anything until September first this is our longest free trial ever so

Head over to

choose a membership and let's get to work on your next hit track don't forget to check out the new team shop

At and get your very own

Personalized member shirt because it's Super lit also

We have a brand new channel TEAMMBL 2 with some Super Dope and hilarious videos plus

Behind the scenes vlogs which you definitely do not want to miss and remember It Is All About Teamwork

So hit that subscribe button, and we'll see you next video

For more infomation >> HOW TO WIN SONG OF THE WEEK!! - Duration: 19:02.


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Boi Para Part 2 || The Coffee House Edition || Presidency University - Duration: 3:53.

It is a cafe on the 2nd floor of National Book Store building located opposite the Presidency College in College Street.

One of the branches of the most famous Indian Coffee House.

The history of the Coffee House at College Street can be traced to Albert Hall, which was founded in April 1876.

Later, the Coffee Board decided to start a coffee joint from the Albert Hall in 1942.

A meeting place for the poets, artistes, literati and people from the world of art and culture.

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In 1947, the Central Government changed the name of the place to "Coffee House"

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Established in 1817, making it one of the oldest educational institutions of western education in South Asia.

For more infomation >> Boi Para Part 2 || The Coffee House Edition || Presidency University - Duration: 3:53.


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HOLIDAYS AT THE OCEAN ! Hossegor & Biarritz - Travel Edit - Duration: 2:45.

I surfed today ! And I did ...

THIS ! A small injury

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when choco and chalk gets bored compilation - Duration: 4:54.

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Our friends (Albert and Alejandre)

Choco's Cousins (Jet and Joan)

Choco's Cousin (Joan)

For more infomation >> when choco and chalk gets bored compilation - Duration: 4:54.


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【Oblivion】Shiva's Theme (FFXIV) (Cover) - Duration: 6:06.

Staring at death

I take a breath

There's nothing left

Now close my eyes

For one last time

And say goodbye

Lying naked while the snow falls all around me

Drifting closer to the edge but She won't have me

Wake up in sweat

Full of regret

Try to forget

These memories

Lurking beneath

Lost in a dream

Unchosen paths

A broken past

Forespoken wrath

The pain won't cease

I'll find no peace

No sweet release

Fragile creatures, we are taught to fear the Reaper

Ever running, we are dead before we meet Her

These voices telling me let it go

I try and try but I can't say no

This endless nightmare has just begun

My heart is dragging me down into oblivion

The endless lies

I've cast aside

Locked them in ice

Steeled is my soul

My blood grown cold

I've gained control

Fearless creatures, we all learn to fight the Reaper

Can't defeat Her, so instead I'll have to be Her

These voices screaming to let it go

This time I'm screaming back no, no, no

My mind's made up, yeah my fear is gone

Open my eyes now here I come, oblivion

For the last time, I won't say goodbye

For the last time, I won't say goodbye

For more infomation >> 【Oblivion】Shiva's Theme (FFXIV) (Cover) - Duration: 6:06.


Keylock from Mount - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Keylock from Mount - Duration: 1:47.


Pranking my Best friend part 2 - Duration: 12:18.

Today im going to be pranking afua

are you mad???

im barely even talking

why are you doing this??

my mom told me you were texting her why are you texting her like boi boi boi

i just want to know dang

thats why i got you because you thought it was real

this slow phone

For more infomation >> Pranking my Best friend part 2 - Duration: 12:18.


이봉원 사업실패 6개, 박미선 1개, 실패원인 정리 - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> 이봉원 사업실패 6개, 박미선 1개, 실패원인 정리 - Duration: 7:46.


Mushihimesama Futari Black Label - Original Mode - Palm - 4,061,618,796 ALL - Duration: 26:19.

During the first few stages the biggest priority is raising the overall counter (OC) by shooting enemies at close range with the correct shot.

When the OC is green the full auto shot is correct, when it's blue the Laser is correct.

Doing this causes amber to pour out of the enemy being attacked.

However, amber produced in this manner is reduced to 10% of the normal point value.

Here I sit on top of this rock structure as it scrolls onto the screen.

Medium and large enemies are invincible at the top of the screen so this is an opportunity to get extra amber from the rock without actually damaging it.

Amber that is collected quickly gains a whitish blue glow, meaning the amount of score and counter gained from it is 4 x the base value.

A little slower and it becomes green, which is only worth 2 x base value. Even slower and you lose the multiplier entirely.

When the stage counter reaches 9999, bullets get faster and enemies shed large gems instead of small gems.

This looks scary but you have much more space above the island than it appears. You do have to make sure to destroy all the small dragons on the left or you might collide with them though.

I need to reach 15000 or very close just before the midboss.

The head and wings of the midboss seem to have separate hitboxes. Positioning myself between them allows me to hit them both at the same time and get amber from both parts.

The counter should turn green again just as the first attack ends. I stay on the left for a while in order to misdirect the next attack, then continue point blanking.

It seems that if you get close enough to an enemy that the origin of your shot is inside the enemy hitbox, your damage is reduced. I base my distance on how much damage was done with laser to time the destruction without sacrificing amber.

It's essential to reach 21000 before the next large enemy, as laser is vastly superior to shot for shedding gems here. Failing to reach 21000 is always a reset as the counter loss from not being able to use laser is impossible to recover from.

An aspect of this game that can be frustrating at first is how strictly you have to manage your counter in the early stages. Each section has a certain bias towards either shot or laser, and ending up in the wrong colour can have devastating consequences.

There's the 'correct shot' according to the counter, and the 'optimal shot' according to what gives the most gems for a particular section, and you always have to make sure the two line up.

I look at the M in Mode to get into position for the item carrier.

Try to stick to the islands as they come down but don't let them run into you.

This boss is one of the more luck based parts of the run. In his second form he fires a very fast dense spread if you get too close. If you can cancel these spreads they turn into a huge amount of amber.

This is because each bullet cancelled leaves behind amber in accordance with its speed. The fastest bullets leave as many as 5 pieces, but the slowest ones leave 0.

I end the first phase a little late by switching to shot too early.

Unfortunately I didn't hit the jackpot. The timing and number of the spreads is random, so anything can happen from getting nothing at all to getting a face full of bullets. You can have upwards of 75 million after this first cancel with good luck.

And a second time, with much better luck.

89 million after the results screen, not the absolute worst but not very good either. My best ever stage 1 was 103.8 million. Even 100 million is extremely rare.

If I got a bigger first cancel I'd cycle the boss's attacks once to avoid entering stage 2 with the counter too high. This would actually cost score as it would mean the stage counter would take longer to reach max.

These jellyfish are annoying as they seem to come down in slightly random positions.

I can hold C to guard against one of them getting through and colliding with me. This might cause some to be destroyed with the wrong shot but if the counter isn't very low I can afford this.

The jellyfish that come out of the icicles are a lighter blue and have no collision hitbox, very much unlike their dark blue friends. They do however like to spawn bullets on top of you.

I destroy the icicle to cancel all the jellyfish just as they are about to leave the screen, then quickly sweep the enemies on the ground for the amber gems they leave on the ground.

Ground gems give 5 x as much counter as airborne gems, and are a crucial supplement to the counter in many parts of the game.

Many small enemies drop two gems when the counter is green, but only one if the counter is blue or you used the incorrect shot. These jellyfish are no exception but unfortunately I didn't make it to green in time to exploit this.

I destroyed this icicle slightly late, so the bullets had time to spread out, meaning the bullet cancel gems weren't gathered closely together for optimal collection.

Anything above 52600 is acceptable before destroying the first of these three icicles. Below that and you have to catch up in order to get to 57000 by the time you reach the midboss.

The jellyfish can also completely swarm the icicle, making it difficult to get into a safe position to shed gems from it.

I stay on the right of the item carrier to avoid hitting the jellyfish so I can cancel them later with the last icicle. I also can't take too long as I need to start damaging the midboss immediately.

Most of the midboss' attacks are aimed in some way, so it's just a matter of learning when and where to tap. I also release A periodically to allow the gems to be collected before they fall off the screen.

However, his movement is random. He moves when he wants, where he wants, and if you get a bad movement pattern you can easily die.

After the third wave of this final attack I look at how much life he has left and adjust my distance to manipulate my damage output in order to time the destruction properly without sacrificing gems.

This was a little early, but no disaster.

These enemies shoot while the midboss cancel is still active but even with max stage counter their bullets are too slow to turn into gems, so I just quickly sweep over them to collect their ground gems.

I point blank this manta a little to bring the counter up to at least 68300, so it will turn blue in time for the lobster coming up soon.

If my counter was over 63500 I'd use laser to destroy the manta to stop the counter getting too high.

This would cause it to drop small gems instead of large gems which would give less of a counter increase but since all gem types have the same base point value it wouldn't hurt my score at all.

There are two routes through this section, a bullet cancel route and a gem shedding route. The former gives more points, but the latter gives more counter. Since my counter is fine I take the cancel route.

I start shooting this icicle as soon as the second one drops.

This is the hardest part of the stage. The jellyfish are very random and can force you into incredibly dangerous situations as you try to shed gems from this manta. This time they were extremely nasty but I somehow made it through.

I use a milking technique on this item carrier to get to 81000. Palm's option lasers fire at a delay with his main laser, so they continue firing for a short while after you release A. However when you aren't holding A the game thinks you're using shot, so any damage they do during this time will produce gems with a green counter for almost no damage.

The objective here is to finish with as close to 81500 counter as possible. The counter decreases twice as fast while shooting so if it's low like here I only use laser, but if it's high I mix in the weaker C shot to spend more time shooting and decrease it by more.

There are two versions of this attack, one starting with the left claw and one starting with the right. He almost never does the right handed version, so it's a little scary when it happens as I never get to practice it ;)

I could afford not to switch to C shot here even though the counter is green. It's much safer to laser the whole time.

I do stop shooting between forms though, to slow the rate of counter decrease.

81520, almost perfect. If you enter stage 3 with the counter too high it could turn blue just as you destroy the first spider nest. You don't have time to switch to laser so it's a HUGE mistake if you let that happen.

That was a 165 million stage 2. My best is around 170 million so that's not too bad.

Any death from around the middle of stage 2 to the end will result in a 51500 counter entering stage 3, which ultimately costs you several hundred million points. Fortunately it didn't happen this time.

If I entered with 81600 or higher I could use the wrong shot on some of these enemies to fix it but it wasn't necessary this time.

Squeezing past this guy can be tricky at first but with enough practice you'll get a feel for it.

I start lasering at a very specific time. Just after the airborne gems become collectable so that I get both blue airborne gems and blue ground gems. I actually pressed A a little too early so you see some of the airborne gems drop.

I look at the counter here to figure out when I need to switch to laser during the enemies coming up. I was really behind here so I didn't need to switch at all.

You'll die here a lot when you start out until you get a feel for how much to tap. You need to tap slightly more for the middle wave.

If the counter was 93.5K or higher I could do the taps from a safer distance. The enemy would take more damage since I wouldn't be on top of it but with a high counter I'd be able to afford to waste some damage here.

98K by the time the big flying enemy shows up means I'm on track to arrive at 100K at the earliest time possible.

Reaching 100000 on the overall counter doubles the value of all gems, increases the bullet speed dramatically, and adds a small per frame score increase.

As mentioned earlier, faster bullets cancel into more gems, so these factors combine to increase the scoring potential to a truly ridiculous degree.

There is less focus on point blanking from this point onward, and more focus on cancelling as many high speed bullets as possible.

Here I shed gems from the nest to both bring the counter back to blue and weaken it to set up for a nice double cancel.

I count the shots from this large enemy to know when to stop shooting, it should be flashing red and near death.

I count six more shots to know when to finish it off. I let the other enemies shoot while the bullet cancel is still active and when I hear its death noise I start shooting again to clear them away as the cancel period ends.

Having a blue counter for this midboss is important as it allows you to make it a lot easier by causing slowdown. If I somehow get here with a green counter it makes dying to this midboss a lot more likely.

Knowing what order to collect gems in is also important. The gems dropped directly by enemies usually become collectible just before the bullet cancel gems.

I destroyed the midboss slightly too early. This mid sized enemy isn't supposed to be here, he only shows up if you kill the midboss early.

I tap shot to get more spiders to come out of the nests. Each spider drops its own ground gem. I try to get the spiders to come out on the right side, then destroy the nest from the left so that I'm far enough away from them that they shoot bullets for me to cancel. It didn't work very well this time.

I play a little safe here and don't get quite as many blue or green gems as I could have. However one death in this stage and your counter drops below 100K, losing you up to several hundred million.

I just hold down with laser and the spread automatically misses.

Unfortunately I triggered this cancel a little too late and lost points. Any later and I would have died.

824 million at this point is about 35 million behind optimum.

Unfortunately this boss is much easier on the Xbox 360 port than the Arcade PCB as there is far more slowdown.

The delay between attacks is random. To avoid ending the phases too early I have to stop shooting or use shot sometimes.

At this point dying would not ruin the whole run, but there would be no safety net until later in stage 4, I would have to lose no more lives at least until then.

Finishing the boss with shot causes it to drop 15 large ground gems, providing a maximum increase of 600 counter. However these are only used if my counter is extremely low. Entering stage 4 with the counter too high would cost more score than the 1,199,880 points they give.

That was a 623 million stage 3. For reference my best stage 3 score is over 660 million. At this point I was already disappointed with the amount of score I'd lost.

At the start of stage 4 I point blank a lot to raise the stage counter in time for the bullet cancels.

These structures with the rotating pattern are very annoying. Not only is the direction random but the initial orientation is also random.

I shed gems from this mantis to cause slowdown, making getting through the rotation pattern a little safer.

I timed the first few cancels poorly and fell behind on the counter in addition to losing score. It should be at least 153500 by now, but over 154000 with good cancels.

The enemies on the right try to collide with you so I have to get rid of them, but the ones in the middle just fly away

I also triggered this cancel far too early, not even making it back to blue for the following mantis.

Even when the millipedes start their death animation, you can still shed gems from them until they leave the screen entirely.

This cancel was very late.

This is the most annoying of the rotating patterns, it can be extremely dangerous if you get a bad starting position.

I'm trying to delay this bullet cancel until there are more enemies around. I want to make the first form of the moth flash red until the next group of enemies appears.

Unfortunately the first death of the run happens here. Entirely due to my own greed as using the correct shot here would not have given many more points at all.

As the moth was close to death I try to finish it and trigger the cancel after respawning, but it had already escaped. That's a loss of several tens of millions.

I tap C to allow the enemies to get close to me before destroying them so that their gems also drop close to me.

This is another place where being greedy can kill you, but fortunately none of them collided with me.

I delay the midboss until the web attack for the optimal cancel. The counter is set up to become green during the waves of small enemies after the midboss. As mentioned in stage 2 they drop twice as many gems while the counter is green.

That might have been slightly early

There are few bullet cancels in this section, I just try to follow the route and survive.

Here's a long setup for the next bullet cancel. I slowly lead the bullets across the screen and try to amass as many of the medium enemies as possible, then cancel their bullets with the mantis and millipede.

Now I can get rid of them. I fell away from my route here as I couldn't find an opening to cut through, but fortunately it didn't lead to a death.

This final mantis is very inconsistent. Sometimes it just doesn't die in time. Sometimes the millipede dies first. Luckily it went according to plan this time.

Another moth that I delay until there are more enemies to cancel bullets from.

I moved right a little too soon and many gems were collected green instead of blue. Some points lost there.

I try to leave as many of the enemies on the left alive as possible, so they can shoot at me while the cancel is still active. I avoid getting too close to the stream of gems so that their bullets don't get sealed.

More carrier milking here to adjust the counter for stage 5

The stage 4 boss's movement is extremely random, and the cause of many deaths. Unfortunately this time was no exception. I made a bad decision and got sandwiched between two bullets.

Not only did this lose me most of the points from the result screen and cut my gem value by a third for the rest of the boss, it completely messed up my counter going into stage 5.

I try to time the cancel as the next wave of aimed orbs appears.

Since the counter is now way off track, I won't be able to increase the stage counter as much at the start of stage 5, meaning the first few bullet cancels won't be worth as much.

That was a pretty disastrous stage 4, but it didn't quite kill the run as I didn't lose my 100K counter. However I only got 1,076,144,527 points from the stage, putting me 139,415,185 behind my current best.

Stage 5 should be worth well over 2 billion points on a good run, before even getting to the last boss. However I was quite nervous after looking at my score and my performance definitely suffered.

There are many lanterns in stage 5 with a unique mechanic. They only cancel bullets if you destroy them within a certain radius.

This is where the counter is supposed to turn blue if I didn't die to the stage 4 boss. I continue using laser as if it were blue to avoid any nasty surprises.

I wait patiently for the next wave of enemies to arrive.

Normally I would be causing slowdown with gem shedding but I have to do it in fast motion here.

That was slightly late, so I didn't get as big a cancel as I could have.

I have to laser long enough to destroy the lantern, but not so long that it hits the enemies above the lantern.

Somehow the counter had fixed itself by this point.

After starting the cancel I hang back for a while to avoid sealing the enemy bullets, as soon as I see the gems turn blue I head for the next lantern.

If you successfully cancelled with a lantern, gems will continually pour out of the hole. If you didn't it will leave behind a single small ground gem.

I try to leave this swarm alive as long as possible during the cancel, but it's another place where being greedy will get you killed.

I shed gems from the roof to get the counter back to green for the upcoming small enemy waves.

I count to six in my head to weaken the red enemy without destroying the first form.

Another tricky timing. I have to release A as soon as it dies to avoid hitting the enemies above. This often results in releasing it too early and not killing it at all.

I uses shot to weaken this next enemy until I see a certain bullet leave the screen, then hit laser when I see another certain bullet leave the screen. This sets up for the optimal cancel timing.

I destroy the roof on the right to set up for an upcoming cancel.

Here I have to have careful positioning and timing to destroy the dragon and the left roof at the same time, then release A immediately so the enemies inside stay alive during the cancel.

That was an 824 million first half which is fairly average. I've had 900 million once before in practice.

This midboss moves extremely randomly and feeds on your hopes and dreams. I point blank a little at the start to get the counter into blue.

Depending on his movement, he may or may NOT let you cut through these bullets to reach the top left lantern. He was nice this time.

Here's the biggest blunder of this stage. I'm supposed to wait for the top of the house to reach the top of the screen before killing the midboss. Early enough that I get two following waves of enemies but not so early that the cancel wears off in the middle.

And here's why that's a bad idea. The run before this I actually killed the midboss too late, which got me killed due to having a messed up counter from the smaller cancel.

I somehow flailed through all that without dying.

I would normally delay killing this dragon but I screwed up so badly I didn't need to.

Keeping as many enemies alive as possible while you hit the lanterns is tricky. I didn't do a very good job here.

Nearly got sniped by the carrier.

Normally the counter would turn blue here but it was still behind from my earlier screw up. It'll stay out of sync until near the end of the stage.

This cancel lasts a very long time. Just sit back, try not to seal too many bullets and let the enemies shoot points at you.

If the counter hadn't just turned blue it would have probably fixed itself after this cancel.

I sacrifice some points here trying to get the counter back under control. It's important later for forcing slowdown.

I release laser too early, almost fail to kill the cancel enemy and just narrowly avoid complete disaster.

Slightly late cancel here.

And slightly early. Avoiding collateral damage to the other enemies is tricky on this one.

The counter fixed itself again.

Being blue here makes weakening this dragon safer as you can create slowdown, but I nearly die anyway due to nerves.

Another early cancel.

That was a 1,937,880,540 stage 5 up to Larsa, very disappointing for me as my best stage 5 is 2,096,321,938, just shy of 2.1 billion. I was just going to finish up the run to practice Larsa then start up a new one.

Unlike other bosses Queen Larsa's form destruction bonuses use the overall counter as a multiplier instead of the stage counter. My counter here is the highest it's ever been in a full run, so I didn't even anticipate how much score I would get from this fight.

I start the fight between the 2nd and 3rd bomb slots, slightly off the ground. This means I only have to dodge the purple bullets and can completely ignore the red ones.

I'm not good at dodging this attack so I use precise visual cues on the boss's sprite to ensure the same thing happens nearly every time.

The next attack ends before it becomes dangerous but if it gets going it's probably the hardest thing in the whole game.

The second form opener is just random walls everywhere so I bomb it for safety. This also messes up the aiming of the red lines, giving me much more room to dodge the rest of the attack.

The next attack is difficult as I have to go through two fast moving lines. I lure the boss slightly to the right to try to increase the space on the left.

Another attack I bomb for safety. There is much more slowdown here than on the PCB so I could actually try to dodge this, but without the damage from the bomb helping out I would have to go through an extra round of the final attack which would be extremely risky.

The tail attack is the same thing every time, just learn where to position yourself. Larsa's movement is random so sometimes the gaps can be smaller than usual.

The final attack is lightning fast purple spam thrown in random directions alternating with aimed red bullets, and gets continuously harder over time. I got really unlucky here with the purple spam but somehow made it through alive.

Despite the mistakes that was a no miss stage 5, the first I've ever done in a real run. The clear bonus is 10 million x Lives x Bombs, so if you finish with 0 bombs you get 0 clear bonus. Here I had three lives and two bombs which makes my bonus 60 million.

Thanks for watching! I hope I'll have an even better run for you soon. :)

For more infomation >> Mushihimesama Futari Black Label - Original Mode - Palm - 4,061,618,796 ALL - Duration: 26:19.


How To Stop Being Scared In Basketball - Explained! - Duration: 6:59.

If you want to stop being scared you need to first

Understand why you're scared we've all experienced fear before whether it's you're afraid of trying out for the school team you're afraid of

Taking the shot or you're afraid of you know even getting the ball cuz your friend of turning the ball over

Well all this applies to the emotion of fear

if you want to overcome this emotion of fear

Get the first better understanding Fear is one of those things that are holding people back from achieving things

You know because they're afraid of the worst situation possible of doing that you know and that's perfectly normal

that's just the human body trying to keep us alive from the west situation right and

You cannot actually eliminate fear?

But you can you know make up a lot smaller so that you won't let it control

you like the best NBA players current Lebron they all experienced this but

They they've leveled it down to where they can control it and it's not fear controlling them into those that

Overcome fear and get pass through it those are the people that achieve greater things and in this video

I'm just gonna show you a few steps to so you can better understand fear so you can better overcome fear first

Understand that Fear is just an emotion

It's not really doing anything harmful to you. All right

But it's just telling you what might happen now the emotion of Fear is real

Hey, it's very real

But what it says about something is not right for example

when I do some like you know school speeches and things I I get pretty you know scared and nervous before them and

Fear is telling me oh

You're gonna mess up and when you mess up your people gonna laugh at you people are gonna. Go at you

It's people are gonna. You know think you down and

Once I actually do my speeches that doesn't happen. I may have messed up a few times, but people weren't laughing at me people weren't

Booing at me. It's basically fear was lying to me all right fear was telling me this

But actually this happened all right, and that's what stops a lot of people. They think this will happen

but that's just like really like the worse situation then

Fear is lying to you, so

don't listen to fear the reason that people don't do speeches is because they think it's embarrassing and

That's what fear tells them, but when you actually go on stage, and you realize oh

It's not that bad right. It's not that embarrassing okay?

Fear is lying to you

And so this in basketball people are afraid of missing shots so they just don't take them and just pass it up

And that's what we're telling them is telling them they're telling them. Oh when you missed a shot you're not gonna. Look good good

She's Gonna. Take it off straight away

but if you've missed a shot

But you probably have you realize you know it's possibly normal to miss shots to remember number one

Fear is just an emotion the emotion is real, or what it says is not

Following the olden ages where you know like Cavemen and all the people Peter was

That's what it's for designed for those people because you know you wouldn't want to see a lion man

And you have this emotion of fear up to going out there?

And that's that's normal for them because if they do that got there, they'll probably die

but our situation, and we're scared of something and

the worst situation possible

We're not even gonna die alright, and we're still scared even though. We won't die

So what do you so Ii need to understand that?

That horrible situation fear is telling you

realize you're not gonna Die it's

Totally cool, and what you do is just you just learn from that. How a bad situation

You have a bad game basketball

You're not gonna die from having a bad game alright, everyone has a bad game

Just learn from it and then just move on right and rope right now. We associate failures mistakes as if we're gonna die from them

we're not okay, so

number two

Just realize you're not gonna die from these situations and this situation the bad situations was case

You just learned from them. They're they're good for you, okay?

It's where you can learn and then progress you're not gonna die for missing a sure

She's not gonna die from having a bad game. You're not gonna die from

turning the ball over you know kind of die from no making the team and luckily what fiat tells you as

disappointing and

Not successful part like whatever just tells you whatever it's telling you that's an opportunity for

Progression for the fun learning or growth alright, and that's what you should take it at sorry missing the shot

You just wanted something

Missing up into the speech. You've let something right?

Even though it may seem bad

See it as an opportunity all right not a failure, okay

Opportunity t need to grow so next time you're scared. I mean you know you feel the emotion of fear inside of you

I don't want you to go away from it. I want you to go right towards it

Think don't go away from it thinking. It's beneficial for you because it's not alright

go towards it right you curious, but be like why am I scared of this what is making me feel this emotion and

It's got towards and then

Experience what fear tells you all right whether you know speech all right fears telling you it's gonna be embarrassing alright

so go to where the embarrassing moment feels like

That's what fear says go into it in the stage and realize was fear right and most the time

It's probably not it's not gonna be anything guys and the more time you go away from fear

The only thing you're doing is making fear bigger alright your your brain is like thinking oh

I'm going away from it that means it's dangerous

I shouldn't do it alright and the more times you go away the bigger the fear will get and

The less likely you'll actually try and use those things all right, so that's it. So remember these keys so first

Fear is basically lying to you

that's someone you know that fear is lying to you to know that you're not gonna die from whatever fee is telling you and

It's totally fine, right


Look at whatever fear telling you is telling you and look at it as an opportunity for Growth

And yeah, that's it, so

Comment down below any ways you deal with me. How you overcome it and

if you like the video subscribe you wanna see more videos every week and

thanks for watching see ya

For more infomation >> How To Stop Being Scared In Basketball - Explained! - Duration: 6:59.


김창렬 아내(부인)장채희 텐프로 루머의 소유자 - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> 김창렬 아내(부인)장채희 텐프로 루머의 소유자 - Duration: 7:21.


Best Android Games | Best Android Games Free 2017 - Duration: 1:35.

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For more infomation >> Best Android Games | Best Android Games Free 2017 - Duration: 1:35.


Things We Do In Sunway Pyramid! - Duration: 5:00.


M: very long

C: we're going to eaT

um,, at a cafe,,, here

M [really softly]: which cafe?

C: madeleine


he just ordered so his food 's not here

*shaky awkward camera action*

[ p e c e]

C: yaAaAaY,,

okay do we wait for you to eat?

M: nah, you eat first la [ah showing the malaysian slang this early in the video]

C: we're donE,, actually we've been done a while ago


C: kieran's going back upstairs 'cause claSs


ALL: BYEEE *big waves*

K: are you still filming me? C: i'm gonna vlog you go,, yuP

* C O V E R *

C: okAy finE i'll stop

C: noW we're walking to family marT to get ice cream [mm i want some now]

M: at least you got a lot of memory to do that ah [back at it again with the slang #MALAYSIAISMYCITY]

C: *confused sound* a lot of what¿

M: memory to record la

C: oh [still couldn't hear properly]

C: oHHh [finally got it] okay M: my phone can record 30-

-seconds and oH "OUT OF SPACE",, okay good

[sad life]

[mm that looks beautiful]

C: yAy

M: okay go where to eat? [*where do we eat it]

C: we got ice creaM

C: oOPs, forgot to vlog [just like how i forgot to find my will to live]

walking to pyrAmiiD [what happened to my voice here]

C: this is me,, except for this part-

-this is not me,,

this is me


C: yes

C: look at the holo [any holosexuals out there hmu]

C: i want this so badly but it's so big :-:

[ w a d d u p ]

C: it's mEe,,

i should get this-

-for myself,,,

'cause it describes me

C: oHIO,,

or goodbiO [goodbyeo¿]

[disappointment in myself]

*sick dance moves*

[yes wow amazing]

C: this video is not sponsored by parkson [i just realised i made #spon jokes in all of my videos so far,, i'm so lame]

C: cLOTHES [wow claudia i couldn't tell]

am i allowed to film here,,,

C: that's nice running

he's going to withdraw money

[such speed and agility]

C: LIGHT [do you get my reference]

,, whY did i do that

C: super papnda,,

yes, there

super papnda [the hero we don't need but the hero we deserve]

C: these are all so cutE, i want one of them-

-but i have so many notebooks i haven't used [17 to be exact]

M: ohno


*chicken sounds* M: i didn't know that would worK

C: they're selling nothing for rm69 [how original claudia]

i don't see anything here

why is there only a price taG

i don't get it

*dancing boi part two*

C: my favourite,,

shOP,,, ever

i almost forgot what- how to say shop

[when do i not forget things]

C: bought so many candles

C: (it was) buy five free five

he got thrEe, i got seveN


C: we're walking again after a long time of sitting down

M: and doing nothiNg,, okay we did something

C: we were just on our phones [antisocial nerds]

[hello chanel]

C: vlog, vLog vlog


pretty bag

C: vlog x3

oOo i like that rose

C: it's so nice


the *whatever the shirt says*


there we go, nice

[this is brighter than my future]

C: ooOwoOAhhH,,,,

what am i doing [regret]

C: we're eating dinner now,

i forgot to vlog again [nothing new here]

C: do your legs hurt [when your legs don't work like they used to before]

*painful nod*

C: same

M: let's hurt toGetHeR

[what is that supposed to mean]

C: i forgot to end it [smh claudia bad vlogger alert]

my mum's bringing me back now and um

matt is gonE


this is the enD


C: i can't believe they're playing this song

M: you just got rick rolled people [whoops]

[-and sO DO I-]

C: i don't know if you can like hear the sound in here

C: but,, M: hopefully


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