Friday, August 25, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 25 2017

Hey guys Robo here and in this video I am going to be explaining the character Blacksmith

who has recently been cast in a re-curring role for The Flash season 4 let's get into


So, Blacksmith's real name is Amunet Black and Katee Sackhoff has been cast in the role.

You may know here from Battle Star Galactica as the character Captain Kara Thrace aka Starbuck.

According to Entertainment Weekly, Blacksmith will be a nemesis who returns a few times

throughout the season and the character will mostly follow her comic book role.

Now I'll go over who the character is and explain some stuff and maybe pop in a small

theory here and there based off what I'm describing and how that could translate into the show.

Okay so, for fifteen years, Amunet Black has been running and operating "the Network,"

an underground black market in Central and Keystone City, the twin cities, for super-villains

to buy, sell, or move contraband.

Now before I keep going I just want to quickly mention that Keystone city is the home of

Both Jay Garrick the orignal Flash but also Clifford DeVoe The Thinker who is the main

villain of The Flash season 4.

Blacksmith could be following orders from DeVoe and she has his Rogue's at her disposal.

I'll get into that in a minute.

During that time, she had a brief marriage to Goldface.

When they divorced, she stole the elixir that gave him his powers and changed it to gain

the ability to merge metal with flesh and shape it to her will.

So this qucikly expains what her abilities are, and this would make seem just like another

weekly villain, but we do know she will be back more than once so this leads me to believe

we will have her as the main villain or temporary main villain until DeVoe shows up.

We already know that she will have her first appearance in episode 5 which is pretty early

on in the season.

She was able to keep the Network hidden from the authorities and if any villain reformed

or quit crime, she made sure the memories of the Network were erased from their minds.

When her ex-husband and criminal profiler Hunter Zolomon (the future Zoom) were about

to find out about the Network, she sent the Trickster to stop them.

Soon, with a vision of power, Blacksmith planned out her takeover of the twin cities, with

her as the leader.

I am going to add this to the theory that she will be the villain for the beggining

of the season, I also mentioned that Hunter Zolomon was her ex-husband, this could tie

into why she hates the flash.

Even though they're divorced, she could still have the emotional tie to him and after Barry

defeats Zoom that may have sparked her to do something about it.

Earlier in the video I did mention her having Rogue's at her disposal.

This is because she actually organized a group which consisted of a few characters we have

already seen in the show.

The group consists of Weather Wizard, Mirror Master, Magenta, Murmur, Girder, Plunder,

and Trickster.

As I said this is one of the things I think will change but will keep a similar storylines,

I believe DeVoe will form this group and then we will see her act out what he wants.

These Rogues could also actually have us see the return of Hartley Rathaway aka Pied Piper,

but to be an ally of Team Flash.

This is because Blacksmith actually causes a confrontation between him and Mirror Master,

a character which we have seen a few times throughout the show.

Sure, it's not likely but it would be awesome to see and it would make sense.

However heres where my Thinker theory of him giving her orders kind of falls off, because

Blacksmith and her rogues actually attacked Barry Allen and made him tired/injured but

The Thinker actually stopped them because he wanted to use Barry's brain to upload information.

However DeVoe was actually defeated by Blacksmith here.

This in my opinion will actually make The Thinker go and get his own Rogue's such as

Breacher and The Mechanic.

So this also goes towards my theory that this will be very early on in the season and then

setup DeVoe toward the mid and end season.

Also make sure to go checkout my other video's that I made on both Breacher and The Mechanic

to get a better understanding of who those two characters are and a few theories I had

about them.

Links will be in the description and there will also be cards in the top right hand corner.

Okay guys so that's all I've got this for this video, let me know what you think about

Blacksmith in comments down below.

If there's any video's you guys would like to see on my channel make sure to tweet at

me or leave a comment.

If you guys did enjoy this video I would really appreciate it if you left a like on it.

If you're new around here make sure to subscribe for more video's like this and some other

fun stuff.

Thank's for watching.

For more infomation >> Who is Blacksmith? The Flash Season 4 Villain Confirmed & Cast - Duration: 3:50.


Levon - Ms. Marianne

For more infomation >> Levon - Ms. Marianne


Pregação sobre Jesus Cristo: Vencendo as tempestades da vida - Duration: 30:40.

For more infomation >> Pregação sobre Jesus Cristo: Vencendo as tempestades da vida - Duration: 30:40.


EEUU impone sanciones financieras contra lo que describe como la "dictadura de Maduro" en Venezuela - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> EEUU impone sanciones financieras contra lo que describe como la "dictadura de Maduro" en Venezuela - Duration: 0:49.






hey guys, I'm Karina Natsumi

and this will be a haul and unboxing video of 'you never walk alone' from bts

the package is here, it's rather big

the cd is not even that huge

it came with a poster, let's see it

I wonder if it will be as large as seventeen's and exo's posters

own how cute

look, this is the poster

it's kinda small and

it's a bit matte

ah, I think it has the same size as my previous bts poster

and here is the cd

I chose that version that I don't remember now if is the right or left version

because I always get confused with the colors and names

but I chose this "aqua green" color

and it's very cute, I liked it

just by looking at it I already see that the quality of this is way better than the wings cd

because I found wings too fragile

for the first time in life I was able to take this plastic without tearing it completly

wow, I liked

it has a texture here

it looks like a fabric

and the cover as also is very nice to touch


Ah, I'm always dropping everything

this time I dropped the card

own~how cute

I got Jimin's card



there is this undentified paper


look how beautiful

wait, what is this?

ah I think...


I think you fold here

but I'm afraid of folding now

but I think it's something to put in your desk

like a portrait or something

there is this part here that you put inside here

and that's how it works I think



very beautiful

Ah, I chose this one because blue is my favorite color

that's the reason

there is a lot of beautiful photos here inside

just taking a breathy look... Jimin is so handsome in this

lot of photos

just very quickly, how cute!

ok, so now I will show all the details of this album properly

so that was it my unboxing of BTS's "you never walk alone"

I found it very beautiful

for those who don't' know, I went to BTS show

I made a vlog about it and I will leave the link here

and I will leave the link to my other bts unboxing of wings here too so you can watch it

subscribe my channel

and give this video a thumbs up if you liked and

comment here your thoughts about this cd

I found it very cute and that's it


For more infomation >> BTS - YOU NEVER WALK ALONE HAUL/UNBOXING - Duration: 8:41.


5 in the bed I Children Nursery rhyme I ESL songs I INGLESE per bimbi - Duration: 1:59.

there were five in the bed and the little one said roll over roll over

they all rolled over and one fell out boom! Four are left in the bed

There were four in the bed and the little one said roll over roll over so they all rolled

over and one fell out. Boom! Two on the ground and three in the bed

there were three in the bed and the little one said roll over roll over so

they all rolled over and one fell out three on the ground two in the bed there

were two in the bed and the little one said roll over roll over so they both

rolled over and one fell out

Four on the ground - one- two- three- four , and one in the bed . Friends come back I'm lonely

and back came : one- two - three and four. One, two, three, four, five in the bed.

bye bye , ciao ciao subscribe to THE MAMMA ITALIA

For more infomation >> 5 in the bed I Children Nursery rhyme I ESL songs I INGLESE per bimbi - Duration: 1:59.


How to draw a corn - Videos Learn - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> How to draw a corn - Videos Learn - Duration: 1:54.


Simona Izzo allo scoperto: 'Faccio il Grande Fratello Vip per mantenere i nipoti' - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Simona Izzo allo scoperto: 'Faccio il Grande Fratello Vip per mantenere i nipoti' - Duration: 3:22.


Tina Cipollari smentisce la crisi con Chicco Nalli - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Tina Cipollari smentisce la crisi con Chicco Nalli - Duration: 1:43.


Alpha Cash - Promo Video - Deutsche Untertitel - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Alpha Cash - Promo Video - Deutsche Untertitel - Duration: 3:34.


Os segredos ocultos de Titã para formação da vida - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Os segredos ocultos de Titã para formação da vida - Duration: 2:07.


Почему четырехстоечный подъемник лучше, чем яма | Четырехстоечные подъемники для автосервиса - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Почему четырехстоечный подъемник лучше, чем яма | Четырехстоечные подъемники для автосервиса - Duration: 1:00.


Driving phobia treatment online via Skype - Duration: 8:29.


My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional online therapist and I specialize in mindfulness

therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression, and this also includes online treatment for

driving phobia.

Driving phobia is very common, actually, and it can be treated very easily using the techniques

of mindfulness therapy that I offer.

The most essential thing with driving phobia is to change the way that you relate to your

thoughts and anxiety reactions.

The most common problem is that when these anxiety producing thoughts or emotional reactions

get triggered we simply become completely identified with them.

We collapse into those emotions, those thoughts.

We become the anxiety and then it takes over and it will then magnify itself and increase

and proliferate even more anxiety producing thoughts and emotional reactions.

So, to break this cycle of a phobia you have to learn how to form a conscious and non-reactive

relationship with those thoughts and emotional reactions.

You do this by cultivating mindfulness.

You learn to meditate on your anxiety and on those react to thoughts directly.

You learn to develop emotional stillness and independence in relationship to those very


Most of us try to escape those thoughts and push them that way.

But this has a disastrous effect in actually increasing the anxiety.

It's only when you learn to face your anxiety without reacting that the anxiety can resolve

itself, heal and eventually extinguish itself.

So, mindfulness therapy is one of the most effective ways of working with intense thoughts

and anxiety reactions.

The program that I teach feature in the online therapy sessions is one of establishing a

challenge, first of all A particular stretch of road that you have problems with that triggers

that driving phobia, that's the challenge.

You will set up a routine of driving down that stretch of road every day, and so allowing

yourself to really get access to that underlying anxiety and the thoughts that get triggered.

But, we don't just do this in a blind way.

Instead we meditate on the driving challenge before hand.

We play through the challenge in our mind, imagining ourselves driving that stretch of


We look for the anxiety and thought reactions they get treated and the moment we find those

reactions we welcome them.

We actually develop a friendly and conscious relationship with those thoughts.

You see them as visitors, if you like, that arise in the mind.

But those visitors who are not the same as your mind.

And indeed your True Self is not any of the contents of mind - that's a very important

teaching that we cover in great detail during Mindfulness Therapy.

So you learn by training to be present with those thoughts and emotions without reacting

and without becoming identifying with them.

So you're learning to become free from their influence.

You are overcoming the habit that causes you to react and produce anxiety or panic attacks.

After you have meditated on the driving challenge as best you can, and you really try to just

stay present and conscious and practice on the spot, mindfulness greeting of those thoughts

and emotional reactions that might arise.

But the training that you have established in the meditation before doing the challenge

will help you greatly and that training will begin to take hold automatically with practice.

Then after that challenge you might do another meditation, a review meditation, where you

actually review the anxiety and particular thought reaction that got triggered during

the challenge and in the same way we begin to break free from those habitual reactions

by greeting them with mindfulness and cultivating mindful presence with those thoughts and emotions

without becoming reactive to them.

So, we are learning, essentially, to develop the Observer Mind the True Self that can see

thoughts and emotions without reacting to them.

In this way we essentially desensitize ourselves to those emotional habits that cause anxiety

or panic attacks or any other form of emotional suffering.

So people usually see quite significant changes after the first three or four weeks of practicing

with me using mindfulness to overcome their driving phobia.

If you'd like to learn more about the mindfulness approach to treating driving phobia, then

please go to my website.

Learn more about online treatment for driving anxiety and then simply e-mail and we can

schedule a Skype therapy session and I will start teaching you these mindfulness methods

straight away, and then you can start putting them into practice between sessions, and each

week you'll find you will get significantly more comfortable with your driving.

So, if you're interested in online treatment for driving phobia, please email me.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Driving phobia treatment online via Skype - Duration: 8:29.


Aikatsu Stars! TSU BO MI Azayaka na Mirai e - FULL+ ENG SUBS - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Aikatsu Stars! TSU BO MI Azayaka na Mirai e - FULL+ ENG SUBS - Duration: 4:18.


Jaguar I-type unveiled: meet the electric Jag racer - Duration: 2:56.

Jaguar I-type unveiled: meet the electric Jag racer

Jaguar's much-trumpeted return to competitive motorsport is complete with the unveiling of its new Formula E racer, wearing the somewhat inevitable tag of I-type 1.

Shown in public for the first time following Formula E testing at Donington Park, the I-type 1 was driven by reserve team driver Ho Pin Tung alongside former A1GP champion Adam Carroll and New Zealander Mitch Evans.

The event also announced the lead sponsor as electronics giant Panasonic with the team to run under the name Panasonic Jaguar Racing.

James Barclay, team director, held back from making bullish predictions for Jaguar's first season in motorsport since 2004. We know that the challenge will be strong – our competitors have a two-year head start, he told assembled reporters.

We will be keeping our expectations in check in our first season. Ultimately we're here to win but we're here to innovate too.. Why is Jaguar entering Formula E?.

Jaguar will use its Formula E endeavours to push its EV road car strategy, starting with its planned electric crossover in 2018. JLR's executive director of product engineering Nick Rogers is clear about the I-type's role in future Jaguar electric road cars.

Will the Formula E car carry hardware that appears in road cars? he said. Of course no, but so many of the factors are directly relevant; thermal management, the bushings and magnet location in the electric motors.

It's all about transferring power to the road as efficiently as possible..

When can I see the Jaguar I-type in (silent) action?. The I-Type will make its race debut on 8 October 2016 in Hong Kong, the opening round of the 2016 season.

Panasonic Jaguar Racing were seventh fastest on the opening day of the Donington with Carroll behind the wheel.

For more infomation >> Jaguar I-type unveiled: meet the electric Jag racer - Duration: 2:56.


Johny Johny Yes Papa

For more infomation >> Johny Johny Yes Papa


Volvo V40 T3 (2.0L) R-Design - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 T3 (2.0L) R-Design - Duration: 0:52.


Who is Blacksmith? The Flash Season 4 Villain Confirmed & Cast - Duration: 3:50.

Hey guys Robo here and in this video I am going to be explaining the character Blacksmith

who has recently been cast in a re-curring role for The Flash season 4 let's get into


So, Blacksmith's real name is Amunet Black and Katee Sackhoff has been cast in the role.

You may know here from Battle Star Galactica as the character Captain Kara Thrace aka Starbuck.

According to Entertainment Weekly, Blacksmith will be a nemesis who returns a few times

throughout the season and the character will mostly follow her comic book role.

Now I'll go over who the character is and explain some stuff and maybe pop in a small

theory here and there based off what I'm describing and how that could translate into the show.

Okay so, for fifteen years, Amunet Black has been running and operating "the Network,"

an underground black market in Central and Keystone City, the twin cities, for super-villains

to buy, sell, or move contraband.

Now before I keep going I just want to quickly mention that Keystone city is the home of

Both Jay Garrick the orignal Flash but also Clifford DeVoe The Thinker who is the main

villain of The Flash season 4.

Blacksmith could be following orders from DeVoe and she has his Rogue's at her disposal.

I'll get into that in a minute.

During that time, she had a brief marriage to Goldface.

When they divorced, she stole the elixir that gave him his powers and changed it to gain

the ability to merge metal with flesh and shape it to her will.

So this qucikly expains what her abilities are, and this would make seem just like another

weekly villain, but we do know she will be back more than once so this leads me to believe

we will have her as the main villain or temporary main villain until DeVoe shows up.

We already know that she will have her first appearance in episode 5 which is pretty early

on in the season.

She was able to keep the Network hidden from the authorities and if any villain reformed

or quit crime, she made sure the memories of the Network were erased from their minds.

When her ex-husband and criminal profiler Hunter Zolomon (the future Zoom) were about

to find out about the Network, she sent the Trickster to stop them.

Soon, with a vision of power, Blacksmith planned out her takeover of the twin cities, with

her as the leader.

I am going to add this to the theory that she will be the villain for the beggining

of the season, I also mentioned that Hunter Zolomon was her ex-husband, this could tie

into why she hates the flash.

Even though they're divorced, she could still have the emotional tie to him and after Barry

defeats Zoom that may have sparked her to do something about it.

Earlier in the video I did mention her having Rogue's at her disposal.

This is because she actually organized a group which consisted of a few characters we have

already seen in the show.

The group consists of Weather Wizard, Mirror Master, Magenta, Murmur, Girder, Plunder,

and Trickster.

As I said this is one of the things I think will change but will keep a similar storylines,

I believe DeVoe will form this group and then we will see her act out what he wants.

These Rogues could also actually have us see the return of Hartley Rathaway aka Pied Piper,

but to be an ally of Team Flash.

This is because Blacksmith actually causes a confrontation between him and Mirror Master,

a character which we have seen a few times throughout the show.

Sure, it's not likely but it would be awesome to see and it would make sense.

However heres where my Thinker theory of him giving her orders kind of falls off, because

Blacksmith and her rogues actually attacked Barry Allen and made him tired/injured but

The Thinker actually stopped them because he wanted to use Barry's brain to upload information.

However DeVoe was actually defeated by Blacksmith here.

This in my opinion will actually make The Thinker go and get his own Rogue's such as

Breacher and The Mechanic.

So this also goes towards my theory that this will be very early on in the season and then

setup DeVoe toward the mid and end season.

Also make sure to go checkout my other video's that I made on both Breacher and The Mechanic

to get a better understanding of who those two characters are and a few theories I had

about them.

Links will be in the description and there will also be cards in the top right hand corner.

Okay guys so that's all I've got this for this video, let me know what you think about

Blacksmith in comments down below.

If there's any video's you guys would like to see on my channel make sure to tweet at

me or leave a comment.

If you guys did enjoy this video I would really appreciate it if you left a like on it.

If you're new around here make sure to subscribe for more video's like this and some other

fun stuff.

Thank's for watching.

For more infomation >> Who is Blacksmith? The Flash Season 4 Villain Confirmed & Cast - Duration: 3:50.


Best Pie Face Challenge

For more infomation >> Best Pie Face Challenge


Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 T CENTENARIO Clima/17"LM/Leder /Cruise - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 T CENTENARIO Clima/17"LM/Leder /Cruise - Duration: 0:58.


The Spiritual Shift — Do You Feel It - Duration: 3:37.

The Spiritual Shift � Do You Feel It

by Ora Nadrich

There�s a shift happening in humanity, a shift in consciousness, happening now because

it has to happen now. � Eckhart Tolle

There�s a spiritual shift going on, and if you haven�t felt it yet, you most likely

will, unless you don�t want to, and if that�s the case, you�re going to notice a lot of

interesting changes happening on the planet that will let you know that the shift is occurring.

But, here�s the thing, once you notice these interesting changes, the shift will happen

to you too because you�ll suddenly be aware of it, and that�s what it takes � awareness.

That may sound strange or confusing to you, but that�s kind of how it works. You don�t

notice something until you do, and once that happens, you see things differently than you

did before. Well, that�s pretty much what the spiritual shift does � it changes the

way you see the world, people, your life, and everything else under the sun, the moon,

and the stars.

Now, if you haven�t felt the spiritual shift yet, and want to know what it is in a nutshell,

and don�t care if I spoil it for you, here it is � �oneness.� That�s right, it�s

about the �quality or state of being one,� and what that means is that we are all connected.

You might be thinking, �Is that it?� or �Wow, that�s so cool!� or �Ah, so

that�s what The Beatles were saying in their song, �I Am The Walrus� � �I am he

as you are he as you are me and we are all together.�� (For those of you who don�t

know it, look it up.)

I think The Beatles were on to this way before it got popular. Popular? That happens to be

true. The spiritual shift is actually becoming very desirable for many people so if you want

in on it, here�s what you need to do:

1. Tell yourself you�re ready for the spiritual shift.

2. Be in the present by focusing on what you�re doing in the moment.

3. Look people in the eye when they�re talking to you and listen.

4. Use your words carefully before speaking. 5. Treat everyone around you as an equal,

or as Buddha said �Consider others as yourself.� 6. Love unconditionally.

7. Don�t be judgmental. 8. Be kind.

9. Be forgiving. 10. Be generous.

11. Consider everyone on the planet your spiritual family.

The spiritual shift is alive and well, and wants you to be a part of it, and since you

are a part of the �collective consciousness,� which means that �all of our beliefs, ideas

and moral attitudes operate as a unifying force within society� then everything you

think or believe makes a difference and contributes to the spiritual shift that

is happening.

For more infomation >> The Spiritual Shift — Do You Feel It - Duration: 3:37.


Alpha Cash - Promo Video - Deutsche Untertitel - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Alpha Cash - Promo Video - Deutsche Untertitel - Duration: 3:34.


How to pronounce the B and V sounds in English - Duration: 3:07.

Hey guys what's up Stefanie the English coach here from

in this video I want to give you guys just a quick pronunciation tip okay and

all of you Spanish speakers out there are really going to need this okay

because you guys are the ones that I see most frequently messing this up and the

tip has to do with the B and the V sound in English okay so I hear like a lot of

people say oh that's "berry" good and I'm like berry no berries are

something that I eat it's very good so you guys this is such an easy fix it

really is a very easy fix but you're probably going to have to practice

multiple times and you know practice in front of a mirror practice until you

retrain your muscles okay so that you can consistently pronounce the B and the

V sound correctly in English because they're very distinct in Spanish they're

like it's like the same sound that's why it's so confusing for you guys in

English but let me show you how to do this okay the V sound in English just

leave your top lip up here don't put it down

leave your top lip up there put your teeth there on your bottom lip and go

okay very very so if you can just remember to relax your top lip up here

and not bring it down when you say the V "very" you're gonna be able to say it

perfectly okay and then when you say a word that starts with B like boy that's

when you have to bring your lips together and you throw the air out of

your mouth to burst open your lips and you can say boy okay boy and very let's

do a few other words just so you guys really get this okay book bake barn

there you have some examples of the buh buh buh okay now back to the V, very

vortex okay now I'm giving you guys words that

are a little too complicated I wanted to keep this simple but I actually didn't

even prepare a list of words for you I just wanted to give you this tip so now

you guys have it you guys it's it's simple okay let me know in the comments

if this make sense and go practice

because now you know how to do it now hopefully I've made you aware of this

mistake check and see if you're doing it, "boy"; "very" the sounds are very different

okay all right have fun with that and I'll

see you in another video bye hey guys thanks so much for watching this video

if you liked it go ahead and give it a thumbs up make sure to subscribe to if

you're new here so you get more videos from me and also go ahead and check out

the description because I often include extra tips there or resources or links

to other things that I think you might find helpful so go ahead and check that

out so for more English stuff from me you can also go ahead and follow me on

Facebook and check me out at my website all the links are

in the description thanks again and I'll see you guys in another video bye

For more infomation >> How to pronounce the B and V sounds in English - Duration: 3:07.


Jay King Iron Mountain Turquoise 361/4" Necklace - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> Jay King Iron Mountain Turquoise 361/4" Necklace - Duration: 8:58.


POLL: Who Is To Blame For Trump's Electoral Victory? - Duration: 2:24.

A very interesting new report came out earlier this week, that showed that of the people

who voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary for the 2016 election, 12% of them defected

to Donald Trump for the presidential election instead of voting for Hilary Clinton.

The Hilary Clinton supporters, the establishment democrats, have used this to show that those

Bernie Sanders people absolutely cost Hilary Clinton the 2016 election.

However, if they would have read a little further in to the report, they would have

seen that 12% of republican primary voters flipped from Donald Trump to Hilary Clinton

in that same election, so essentially it was a wash.

Furthermore, the report also said that in 2008, 25% of Hilary Clinton Supporters voted

for John McCain instead of Barrack Obama.

Barrack Obama still won even after losing 25% of the Hilary Clinton Supporters, so it

makes you wonder if that really is the case.

But it has unfortunately once again, re-litigated the 2016 election and got people to start

talking once again about why the democrats lost and why Donald Trump won.

While all the experts are running through their myriad reasons, we want to hear what

you think.

We want to know what our viewers, American voters actually think cost the democrats the

election and gave Trump the victory.

Was it Hilary Clinton's awful campaign?

Was it Bernie Sander's supporters defecting?

Was it Sanders himself?

Was it James Comey?

Was it Russia?

Was it the people who actually voted for Donald Trump?

We've got a poll right now on, it is a public poll you do not have to be

a ring of fire patreon in order to go vote, you may have to sign up for an account, but

we want to hear from you.

We want to know your thoughts, so please go vote in this poll,,

vote, and then tell us in the comments why you feel that way, or why don't feel a certain

way., the poll's going to be open until Tuesday morning.

Wednesday of next week we'll bring you the results.

For more infomation >> POLL: Who Is To Blame For Trump's Electoral Victory? - Duration: 2:24.


ALERT: UN Issues Horrifying Demand to Trump | Top Stories Today - Duration: 4:15.

The war against the First Amendment has gone global.

The tactics of the campus Left is now sanctioned by the United Nations, which have made a shocking

demand to the administration of President Donald Trump.

On Wednesday, Anastasia Crickley, the Chairperson of UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial

Discrimination (CERD) sent out a press release demanding that the US "ensure that the rights

to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly are not exercised with the

aim of destroying or denying the rights and freedoms of others, and also asked it to provide

the necessary guarantees so that such rights are not misused to promote racist hate speech

and racist crimes."

In simpler language, the UN wants the US to enact European-style "hate speech" laws.

While hate speech should be condemned, punishing speech in a free society contradicts the liberty

espoused by America.

The First Amendment affords protections for all speech, as it should to guarantee that

element of freedom.

Crickley and her group expressed their horror about "white supremacist" and "white

nationalist" rallies in the United States.

She further added: "We call on the US Government to investigate thoroughly the phenomenon of

racial discrimination targeting, in particular, people of African descent, ethnic or ethno-religious

minorities, and migrants."

Tellingly, the UN seems unconcerned with the violence caused by Antifa, Black Lives Matter,

or other left-wing groups.

In America, race-based violence is not a problem that emanates from the far-Right bogeymen

of the Left's imagination.

While federal statistics indicate that "right-wing terrorists" are more violent than "left-wing

terrorists," these statistics can be misleading upon closer inspection.

However, what is not questionable is that since 2014, black supremacist groups like

BLM and others have killed far more people than Neo-Nazis or KKK members.

One shooter inspired by the rhetoric of BLM provided American law enforcement with its

deadliest day since 9/11.

Even liberal media outlets have been forced to admit that American police officers kill

more white people on average than blacks.

In 2016, the FBI found that African Americans killed 500 white Americans.

This was the highest rate on record since 2008, when blacks killed 508 whites in America.

(It should be noted that federal statistics often count Hispanics as "white" in most

categories except for in the hate crime victim category).

More broadly, the UN's demand that the US enact "hate speech" qualifications runs

in direct contrast to the US Constitution.

The American president swears an oath to protect and uphold the Constitution, not listen to

the dictators of a supranational body.

In Europe, where many countries have hate speech laws in place, everyday citizens are

sentenced to serious jail time for merely posting pictures or images online.

One man in Scotland was prosecuted for a silly video featuring his girlfriend's dog giving

a Nazi salute.

Europe's madness for hate speech laws were legitimized by the UN in 1966.

Since then, freedom of expression and other liberties have become all but extinct in Europe.

It is also noticeable that hate speech laws in Europe are more often applied to right-wing,

supposedly right-wing, or populist parties and individuals than they are to Islamic extremists.

If free speech was punishable in America, it wouldn't stop at the true hate speech

emanating from Neo-Nazis or KKK.

Granting the power to punish free speech would become applicable to anyone on the Right.

American ideals of liberty would be crushed under the heel of the tyrannical UN.

CERD's demands prove decisively a fact that many Democrats and Establishment Republicans

do not want to admit–Antifa, BLM, and other far-Left groups are the "shock troops"

in the paid service of the globalist elite.

The UN wants the US to make sure our free speech rights are not misused to promote racist

hate speech and racist crimes.

Is it any of their business?

Should the United Nations butt out of the debate on free speech in America?

For more infomation >> ALERT: UN Issues Horrifying Demand to Trump | Top Stories Today - Duration: 4:15.


Do You Think Casey Can Nail Stamp? (MANicures - Preview) - Duration: 0:18.

ahhh which one is me?

Wow I am definitely not the flower angel

There it is!

Yeah, looks kind of wicked and down with that

a little nuts

For more infomation >> Do You Think Casey Can Nail Stamp? (MANicures - Preview) - Duration: 0:18.


Planet x Nibiru update 26th AUG 2017 passing through Earth orbit will cause a dangerous disturbance - Duration: 25:49.

For more infomation >> Planet x Nibiru update 26th AUG 2017 passing through Earth orbit will cause a dangerous disturbance - Duration: 25:49.


BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT ROUTINE 2017-2018! - Duration: 8:33.

My Back to school night time routine

My night time routine

Hashtag Zoe

Back to school 2017

Bye Felicia

For more infomation >> BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT ROUTINE 2017-2018! - Duration: 8:33.


Nibiru update 26th August 2017 is heading to Earth! The time is close as the heavens are warning - Duration: 1:30:50.

For more infomation >> Nibiru update 26th August 2017 is heading to Earth! The time is close as the heavens are warning - Duration: 1:30:50.


How to build a medieval rustic church interior Minecraft Tutorial 1 12 - Duration: 20:39.

Hello, my friends and welcome

My name is Jay and today we will be handling the interior of the medieval rustic church we built two days ago

We will also add a little more detail on the outside like leaves and some mossy stone

and a wall surrounding the church and change a few things in the village to make it all match better together

But that's for the second half of this tutorial so lets start with building the interior

The first thing you want to do when you get inside is place a dark oak wood floor in the entire area.

Don't look at the marks on the floor, that's just to make it easier on myself but we'll start with this front wall

And we'll place three pillars against that stone brick and connect them at the top

And then we'll just fill that entire wall with white concrete blocks

So that was very easy

Now for the side walls we'll just remove that cobblestone and cobblestone wall

And in the middle we want to have a spruce wood pillar. So fill up that gap and then place a pillar

And then fill up those 3 block wide gaps with white concrete

Now here at the top, you want to place a glowstone. And then fill up the gap with white concrete and three rows in front of it

And then we will repeat this on the opposite side of this part

So remove that cobblestone and do the same thing again.

Don't forget that glowstone there

And then after that we will place the ceiling in.

We'll start against this front wall and place a crossbeam

And then we'll place seven more crossbeams each time with a one block gap in between them

Now the seventh and the eighth one. They come out a little bit but you don't have to worry about that

because we will be placing cross pillars and all that to hide this

and they will have the same length in the end

Now in between we want to place dark oak stairs on the edges

on both the sides. Make sure they are aligned here

Like that.

And then we'll do the same on the opposite side

Then we'll place one row of slabs against those stairs

And then you basically want to leave one gap

Then place three dark oak slabs

Then one block gap again and again a slab

So slab, gap, three and gap

And we'll just do that in every one of these openings

And in those remaining gaps we'll place cross blocks like this

Now with that ceiling done, four blocks away from that door opening

you want to have a three block wide carpet and two blocks deep like that

And that's just red wool in the floor

And then we'll place three rows of white concrete. Three blocks wide

And next to those we'll add three block high pillars

And this will be the confession stand for when people leave the church

Fill up those two gaps with white concrete

And then place one more row on each one of these

And now at the top we want to place spruce wood fence

On this middle one, we also want to remove these two blocks and place spruce fence inside

That last one, you can just place spruce fence at the top again

And for the doors here we'll just place two more concrete blocks at the top

And then we'll do the rest later on

Now...Lets see..first thing we want to do is fill up this roof here.

I am just going to fill that up entirely with white concrete so no monsters and other mobs can spawn in here

In case you build it on survival

If you want to use this as an attic or a storage room, by all means, go for it

But for this tutorial, I'm just filling it up

And then we'll do this wall and we'll start by removing those blocks in front of the cross

and we'll build around it with our white concrete and then fill up that entire wall with white concrete blocks

Then we'll do these corners. So place two pillars

One against those white blocks and one like this and we'll do the same here

And in these little corners we'll have stairs leading up to that little balcony

Place one more pillar in the middle here

but yeah, place three rows of white concrete like that and then i'll have to look at the top

where those ladders will be. So we have two more gaps.

Okay, so, fill that one up and then cover up the wall until you reach the roof

And do that on both sides as well

And then we have that one block gap for the ladders so lets place those in first

and just come out one ladder at the top. That way its easy to get up on that balcony. The VIP area

In case the queen wants to go to church.

Then we'll add a row of oak fence on the edge here

And we'll decorate that in a bit. Now lets do these side area's

The first thing we'll do here is place a crossbeam from that corner all the way across and here as well

And then again we'll put in the ceiling in the same fashion

So each time leaving a one block gap, placing a crossbeam like this

Now on that last row you'll have to remove those slabs and then place the crossbeam

Then in the middle you want to place cross blocks again like this

That one row where the window is, we'll fill that up with white concrete in a bit

But then on the edges again. Dark oak stairs and then fill up the rest with slabs

Now here, where that window is, we'll just fill that entire gap with white concrete.

so the window is one block deep, but it just looks better that way

And then we just have to repeat this whole thing on this side wing

So again we'll place that pillar and start with our crossbeams and repeat the whole thing

Now here at the top we want to fill up that gap with white concrete as well

And then we'll fill up that entire wall. Again with white concrete blocks

And repeat that on the opposite side as well

Alright. And now we'll do this wall. So we'll start with removing that cross again

and building around it with our concrete blocks and then filling up that entire wall

following that curve pattern at the bottom

Now underneath you see those cobblestone and wood blocks so we'll just cover that up with white concrete as well to hide all that

And then here we want to place one pillar in that corner

And then... Let me think, how was it here...

Euhm... lets see...

Yeah sorry, I have to think a bit here...

So we'll place three rows of concrete. Don't forget to place another glowstone at the top there

Then two pillars and we'll fill up that entire gap. Not only those two blocks in the floor

You can fill up those remaining gaps as well because we won't have a ladder here

And again repeat that on this side of course

then, oh, we forgot to place one more pillar here so lets place that one to

And we have one more row of concrete there as well we have to place

but lets do this first, so fill up that entire wall but leave that window as it is now. Well be decorating that later

So lets add that one more row of concrete

And I still think something is wrong there so we'll get back to that

Now well cover up the inside of the roof with dark oak stairs all the way to the top

to that middle beam and then the other side as well

That way the roof looks nice as well

And this is the little mistake. We actually want to place two pillars here and connect them at the top

Like that.

Because then we can hide the light near the altar. You'll see that in a bit

Alright. Now in these walls, three blocks away from the right side we'll dig out a line

And then three blocks away from the left side as well.

And then we'll fill that up with spruce wood

And we'll do the same on the opposite side of the church

And then we can do the stairs on the balcony

So we'll start right in the center with one stair. Leave a one block gap and a one block gap

and just fill them up so you have a five block wide stair there. Well... Seat...

And then we'll add trapdoors at the top

Now here against that pillar in the back we'll place two stairs

and then with one row in between we'll place rows of five stairs like this

until you reach that front pillar. So you should have five rows in total

And then we'll place trapdoors on all of them and open them up so it looks like church chairs

And then we'll also add some trapdoors on the sides to decorate those further

Now... Two blocks away from that front bench you want to have a carpet again with red wool

As you can see, its one block away from the sides and two blocks away from the widows

so three blocks wide and five blocks long

Then we'll place the holy water at the entrance.

Because that's what I have on my action bar before I change everything

what else can we put in

Two chairs with trapdoors above it for the confession stand

We'll put in the doors in a bit

And then we'll place some glass panes in those crosses. So red in the center and black surrounding it

You can choose different colors if you want to. But as i said in the previous tutorial

Red and black are my favorite colors. That's why I always use them

And then in these corners we'll place two cauldrons with leaves on top just to decorate that further

Oh, I forgot to fill up this gap so lets do that first

And then we can do the altar

So we'll start with a oak stair one block away from the edge and we'll do the same on this side

And then in between we'll place an upside down and in front as well

And then you'll have to place two stairs in front of that to place the next stair.

The upside down one here. And then remove those two stairs

Then we'll add two trapdoors in the front

Oh, that one's wrong, let me do that again

Then in the back we'll place three at the bottom

Then add three stairs on top. That's temporary

Place one in the middle

no, we won't do the one on the side. Just the one in the middle and then two in the front

Yeah, like that. That will look good. And then remove those three stairs

That's a great looking altar in my opinion

Then where the holy water is, we'll place two fences with two torches on top to light that up

And then with dark oak stairs, upside down, we'll place two right there

With flowerpots on top and some flowers inside and we'll repeat that on the opposite wall as well

And that is that area completely done

Now here in these side area's I didn't know what to do

So what I did is basically place two cauldrons with leaves on top

If you guys have any idea's on what to do with these side area's, then by all means, do it

Because I ran out of idea's on this. I'm not really a church person. I don't go to church a lot so, yeah

I put in what i remembered 'laughs'

Then here in the back we'll place two more of those cauldrons with leaves

with fences next to it and some torches on top of it as well

And then, lets see...

We'll add some lighting here. So two fences again, right above those benches, above those trapdoors

With two torches on top.

And then where those ladders are, we'll place two fences on both sides

With slabs on top and a stair in the middle to decorate that a bit

And lets see, what else can we do

Here we'll place two upside down stairs with flowerpots and flowers

And then lets do the lighting first.

So we'll start here. That's why I wanted those pillars to come out so these two are a bit hidden

from the people sitting in the church

So we'll do the same on this side and I'm using dark oak slabs inside the frames

Then on these three pillars you want to do the same thing

And on the opposite side as well

That way this entire area is nicely lit up

And then we'll add two more in the hallways next to the confession stand as well on that middle pillar

So right here

And then on the other side as well

What else do we need to do. ah. Lets place the doors in here

But we'll place them.. no, lets place them in from the inside

No, that's wrong again. Like that

There we go

And we'll close them

Give them some privacy

Lets remove that glowstone. And now we'll decorate this wall

We'll just place two fences on the sides with torches on top. Second block from the bottom

And then in the middle we'll add a painting so just place two temporary blocks or stairs or whatever

so you have a two block high painting in between

And then on the opposite side we'll do the same thing and make sure that its the same painting

It just matches better together if you do that

And then here we'll place two one block paintings. So just surround that with blocks and then place the paintings you want in the back here

And now we'll make a little chandelier.

So in line with that painting, that's where you want to place that first block

Then two stairs on the sides

And then we'll add three oak fences underneath

the fourth one, we want to do this

And then underneath those fences we'll add four slabs and in the center a full block in dark oak again

And then all you need to do is place some torches on top of that

And that is the interior done so lets move to the outside

We'll start at the back of the church because we haven't decorated that window yet

And we'll do that by placing three stairs at the top

slabs underneath and then full blocks in between

At the bottom you want to place three upside down stairs

grass blocks in between, trap door against it and some flowers on top

And then you can fill up all the windows with glass panes

Now. For those building the entire village, stick around

because we changed a few things and I'll go over that once I went over everything that needs to be added to the church

and the walls surrounding the church.

When you placed all the windows, you want to replace some of the cobblestone and cobblestone walls

going around the church with mossy cobblestone and mossy cobblestone wall

And then you want to add some leaves. Hanging leaves on some random spots as well

Now there's no rule for this. Its very random so just place them where you want to place them

And then for the stone brick area's you want to add some cracked stone brick and some stairs

Again this is very random.Its just to make it look a little more withered and older then

The way it was looking before. It looked very new and very clean.

The dark oak at the door. Change that with spruce. It just looks better with the doors and all that.

And then make a pathway going to the main road

Now, once you did that.

One block away from the road and one block away from that pathway, we'll place the first block

And then we'll place a wall on top with a block on top of that and a stone brick slab

Then we'll leave a ten block gap. So the eleventh block, that's where you want to place the next one

Like this, so its the exact same thing there

Now in between we'll place four slabs at the bottom on both sides

and then we'll add two upside down stairs like this.

And break that first one like that.

Then change that in to a cross

And after that you want to place iron fence in between these gaps so that's four iron fence on both sides

Then we'll add three slabs in stone brick

And then two stairs in this direction again in stone brick

And then on top of that you want to place two stairs like this. Break that first one. And then place that one

And you want to do that two times in the front.

On both sides.

And five times on the side

And once you did that, you can cover up the back with two rows of leaves

All the way to this corner here

Now, we also made the entrance to the graveyard here so we'll go over this as well

You want to place a slab there and there and then a full block here and here

On top of that place a wall and then again full blocks

then you want to place a stair

And two slabs on top of those with a full block in between

And then for those building the village. There's a few things we need to change.

The market place used to be in oak wood. We changed that to spruce wood to make it match the colors of all the builds

It really looks a lot better like this.

And then the main road used to be like this which in my opinion looks very cluttered in this village

So we made this a lot cleaner as you can see.

And it really looks medieval because of those stone brick patches inside of that road

Now how we did that.

the road used to be five blocks wide and you had two blocks of grass on both the sides.

Now its seven blocks wide which leaves you with one row of grass

So those five blocks you used to have

You fill that up by placing stairs on the edge

and then in the middle you just want to place some random blocks of stone brick

And then fill up the rest with cobblestone slabs

So this is very random but it really looks medieval. I think it looks beautiful.

So I think this is what we will keep

And then next to it well make the sidewalks in spruce wood

And that way that pattern from the market place really connects everything together

Lots to do and change for those building the village

But hopefully you agree with me when i say 'it looks much better now'.

Let me know in the comments bellow what your thoughts are

Give the video a like if you like it and share it with your friends

It really helps me and the channel a great deal so i'd appreciate it

Subscribe to the channel for more minecraft candy and remember

You can place requests in the comments bellow. Surprise us.

This was Jay. Thank you for watching and all your support

And I'll see you in the next video;

Bye 'waves'

For more infomation >> How to build a medieval rustic church interior Minecraft Tutorial 1 12 - Duration: 20:39.


Acrylic pour on biscuit tins and terracotta pots #AugustPouringChallenge - Duration: 14:36.

For this challenge, I decided to use empty biscuit tins and terracotta pots as 3D objects

For the favorite color, I took off-white color and for most hated color, brown!

All the colors are Liquitex colors, mixed with pouring medium

I started with the tins and sanded the paint on the tins with a sand paper

Video speed 6X

After sanding the tins, I cleaned these thoroughly with alcohol (medical grade)

Then wiped clean with paper towel

Since I will use these tins for cookies, I sealed the opening of tins with cellophane wrap and tape

And closed tightly

I cleaned the terracotta pots with alcohol as well

Video speed 4X

I started by adding almost same amount of colors in two cups

Since I had to pour on curvy surfaces, I kept the consistency of colors slightly thicker

We had to use three colors in addition to our most favorite color and most hated color

So, I selected red, yellow and golden to go with off-white and brown

Layered colors in the cups

Stirred the colors

I am ready to pour now

I got a plastic container to hold the tin

I wanted to create nice wave forms on the tins

Since paint was thick, it stick to the surface

I kept turning the tin to allow paint to flow easily

Rolling it continuously

More paint

More rolling of the tin

I sanded the surface and it is adding resistance in the flow of paint so I swiped the paint on the remaining portion

Then added more paint over it

These wavy patterns are looking great

This tin will make a great "cookie tin"

I used heat gun at high setting to aid cell formation

You can see cells, it is looking beautiful at this point

Heat gun heated the paint and the tin both and paint became a little runny so rolling it more.

Now I will repeat the same process with second tin

But I have learned the lesson, and I will add a layer of dripped paint on it first

I can do this better with my hand:)

The entire tin is nicely covered with dripped paint and I will pour over it

This time starting with the lid

tilted the tin to spread paints over the lid nicely.

Extra paint is flowing down

This lid is looking so pretty with off-white, golden, yellow and red

Brown is creating a contrast and enhancing the rest of the colors

I started pouring on the main body of the tin

But it changed the design on the lid:(

And rolling the tin became difficult

Now, the lid of the second tin

Using heat on both the lids now

And now to cover rest of the body of second tin

Swiped the red color on it

My take away is that pour over the lids separately

I am happy with this experiment and will pour over all the tins in my house instead of throwing and reuse them.

I have both the terracotta pots here and I am adding the off-white paint for the back ground on the pots

Spreading the paint with hands is better

On this pot, I swiped the paints

Also added the color I dislike most, the brown colors

It is looking pretty!

Used heat gun on low setting on the pots

On the second pot, I will use straw and blow the paints

Instead of dirty pour, I added all the colors separately

In the end creating cell with the heat gun

Over all it was a tough challenge but very rewarding

Very pretty tins, especially lids were so pretty

Lots of cells!

Terracotta pots are looking good as well

If you have any question, please feel free to ask in the comment section:)

This how the dried and varnished 3 D objects are looking

Thanks for watching

You will find links of other projects in the description below. Enjoy!

For more infomation >> Acrylic pour on biscuit tins and terracotta pots #AugustPouringChallenge - Duration: 14:36.


New Intro For Absolver Guides & Gameplays [ Behind The Scenes ]( Game From Devolver Digital ) PC&PS4 - Duration: 4:21.

What is up ladies and gents?

it's Zulo back with another behind the scenes of my editing process

This time it is for Absolver ( the new game from Devolver Digital)

this intro will be used in my upcoming guides and gameplays surrounding Absolver.

And I thought it might be interesting to some people to watch the process that went into making it.

For more infomation >> New Intro For Absolver Guides & Gameplays [ Behind The Scenes ]( Game From Devolver Digital ) PC&PS4 - Duration: 4:21.


Mcmaster: No Us Military Action In Venezuela Anticipated - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Mcmaster: No Us Military Action In Venezuela Anticipated - Duration: 0:27.


Fine Dining at the Borsa Restaurant. Adile Sultan Palace. Istanbul. by Darren Burch - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Fine Dining at the Borsa Restaurant. Adile Sultan Palace. Istanbul. by Darren Burch - Duration: 2:37.


Weitere OPs sind geplant Sophia Wollersheim: "Jetzt wird es blutig" - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Weitere OPs sind geplant Sophia Wollersheim: "Jetzt wird es blutig" - Duration: 2:29.



Welcome To Today News Youtube Channel Today Topic Is


The name of GTA Online's newest update, Smuggler's Run, is a fun nod to Rockstar's

pre-GTA3 arcade racer from way back at the turn of the century.

But unlike the original, which focused on off road vehicles, this update pack is all

about aircraft.

That said, I couldn't help but be reminded of the iconic Smuggler's Run dune buggy

when they showed off this ultra-light flyer swooping over Blaine County's Alamo Sea.

We know the update will focus on a smuggling ring, led by TPE CEO "Nervous" Ron Jakowski,

and that players will be able to purchase and customize their own airplane hangars - much

like they did in the Import/Export and Gunrunning updates.

Not only will these hangars serve as a warehouse and base of operations for your new business

venture, you'll also be able to store and modify a private armada of helicopters and


The image above shows off just a few of the new aircraft that broach a variety of time

periods and styles - in addition to some old classics, of course.

We appear to see GTA versions of: the WW2-era German Messerchmitt and the British Spitfire,

across the aisle from a craft inspired by the Russian MiG-15, behind which is parked

some variant of a Grumman Goose (the seaplanes seen in adventures like Indiana Jones and


Whether or not it'll actually be able to land on water remains to be seen, but it seems

like a safe bet.

GTA Online Smuggler's Run Aircraft.

Check out the gallery above for images of all the new aircraft shown off in the trailer.

The update will also contain a host of new missions and customization options, so be

sure to check out our GTA Online wiki for all the details as they come in.

Thanks For Watching.

For more infomation >> Tech News 15# 9 AWESOME NEW AIRCRAFT COMING TO GTA ONLINE IN SMUGGLER'S RUN - Duration: 2:36.


Driving phobia treatment online via Skype - Duration: 8:29.


My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional online therapist and I specialize in mindfulness

therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression, and this also includes online treatment for

driving phobia.

Driving phobia is very common, actually, and it can be treated very easily using the techniques

of mindfulness therapy that I offer.

The most essential thing with driving phobia is to change the way that you relate to your

thoughts and anxiety reactions.

The most common problem is that when these anxiety producing thoughts or emotional reactions

get triggered we simply become completely identified with them.

We collapse into those emotions, those thoughts.

We become the anxiety and then it takes over and it will then magnify itself and increase

and proliferate even more anxiety producing thoughts and emotional reactions.

So, to break this cycle of a phobia you have to learn how to form a conscious and non-reactive

relationship with those thoughts and emotional reactions.

You do this by cultivating mindfulness.

You learn to meditate on your anxiety and on those react to thoughts directly.

You learn to develop emotional stillness and independence in relationship to those very


Most of us try to escape those thoughts and push them that way.

But this has a disastrous effect in actually increasing the anxiety.

It's only when you learn to face your anxiety without reacting that the anxiety can resolve

itself, heal and eventually extinguish itself.

So, mindfulness therapy is one of the most effective ways of working with intense thoughts

and anxiety reactions.

The program that I teach feature in the online therapy sessions is one of establishing a

challenge, first of all A particular stretch of road that you have problems with that triggers

that driving phobia, that's the challenge.

You will set up a routine of driving down that stretch of road every day, and so allowing

yourself to really get access to that underlying anxiety and the thoughts that get triggered.

But, we don't just do this in a blind way.

Instead we meditate on the driving challenge before hand.

We play through the challenge in our mind, imagining ourselves driving that stretch of


We look for the anxiety and thought reactions they get treated and the moment we find those

reactions we welcome them.

We actually develop a friendly and conscious relationship with those thoughts.

You see them as visitors, if you like, that arise in the mind.

But those visitors who are not the same as your mind.

And indeed your True Self is not any of the contents of mind - that's a very important

teaching that we cover in great detail during Mindfulness Therapy.

So you learn by training to be present with those thoughts and emotions without reacting

and without becoming identifying with them.

So you're learning to become free from their influence.

You are overcoming the habit that causes you to react and produce anxiety or panic attacks.

After you have meditated on the driving challenge as best you can, and you really try to just

stay present and conscious and practice on the spot, mindfulness greeting of those thoughts

and emotional reactions that might arise.

But the training that you have established in the meditation before doing the challenge

will help you greatly and that training will begin to take hold automatically with practice.

Then after that challenge you might do another meditation, a review meditation, where you

actually review the anxiety and particular thought reaction that got triggered during

the challenge and in the same way we begin to break free from those habitual reactions

by greeting them with mindfulness and cultivating mindful presence with those thoughts and emotions

without becoming reactive to them.

So, we are learning, essentially, to develop the Observer Mind the True Self that can see

thoughts and emotions without reacting to them.

In this way we essentially desensitize ourselves to those emotional habits that cause anxiety

or panic attacks or any other form of emotional suffering.

So people usually see quite significant changes after the first three or four weeks of practicing

with me using mindfulness to overcome their driving phobia.

If you'd like to learn more about the mindfulness approach to treating driving phobia, then

please go to my website.

Learn more about online treatment for driving anxiety and then simply e-mail and we can

schedule a Skype therapy session and I will start teaching you these mindfulness methods

straight away, and then you can start putting them into practice between sessions, and each

week you'll find you will get significantly more comfortable with your driving.

So, if you're interested in online treatment for driving phobia, please email me.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Driving phobia treatment online via Skype - Duration: 8:29.


Asphalt 8 Let's Play (1): New Update! Turn on CC for Commentary - Duration: 9:34.

Hey, Guys! Welcome to my Asphalt 8 Video. Recently, a new update came out that added motorcycles.

Here we go!

I guess you can do stunts now. Pretty cool. :-)

So, super charged is basically like nitro, but you can do wheelies and stuff.

Near miss....

Ugh.. Keep on missing that stunt bar, sorry for all that

Overall- pretty cool!

We gotta get 1st place here!

Dang. how many people did I wipe out? I thought I was dead.

NOO!! Ouch.

Well I'm not quitting, Asphalt thank you very much

Last minute decisions

Let's go!

Got a Lambo blueprint, noice

Yup, definitely using the Tesla.

Tokyo drift!

I didn't even realize there was a motorcycle.

Why do I always have to take the wrong turn?


Thanks for watching everyone! Please like, comment, and subscribe! See you soon!

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