101 DA EXCLUSIVE | TRAP BEAT MAKING | FL STUDIO TUTORIAL | 10 MINUTES | FROM SCRATCH - Duration: 19:44.All right, what do guys brought one-on-one exclusive. I'm back in this bitch. Yeah, I already know I'm shallow a gang
You know we smoking big blunts in the studio. Good PG water piece of hood
You know I'm gonna show y'all how to make a trap me today. You know I got fully loaded up right now
I use fruity loops 11 a couple of plugins my favorite ones nexus
I just downloaded electric s you got you got it on me, right?
You got to count along around my brother hold the camry isil
Shouting a ceaseless again Mm-Hmm. All the focus right here. They
Know you already know yeah? Yeah, we back up finish Dang
I'm just gonna show ya, I get down and
Put the beat
you know
Let me close the meat let me say this
Would say I got a couple sounds loaded up already. I got my clap
I've got some bass. I got my face uh
I had some
Shakers, and he's like mostly the trap elements that you hear in a lot of the popular music like Migos Gucci mane
Rick Ross
Playboy quality famous digs like I'm linked in with a lot of those guys, so I got
Producer kids from their producers and stuff like that, so I'm able to I got the official Sam, you got some rim shots
We go straight to light
Some snacks from dirty snows I thought those real officials ate so it's nice. You know
And I gotta let you explode it up
But I'm not even going to start with that actually I'm gonna start with Nexus
I know a lot of you guys have nexus so I'm gonna pull up nexus and we can use that
Again, we're gonna show you how to make the trap beat. We're gonna make the trap beat from scratch
I'm gonna start with some pianos most trap beats have piano. So you know just find a piano inside of your plugin
Behind you alone oh such low
I threw my hands like this like spreading apart
Every other note on the keyboard only I got keyboards or not, but the people that do got many keyboards as a quick little tip
Usually like the corrs be like one up from each other usually by you tonight
It's like the basic basic track formula. You really can base
I'm going to start with Dead
Cut the metronome all I know how to I know what beat the play on I?
Cut this wait button on the fruity loops is white for input to start playing
I right-click it and select only one record
So that when I press record, it's gonna wait for me
press space to start
Metronome that's the technical dimensions
So I got it like going here and deleted
Which is pretty easy I?
Just use the draw tool you can get tool by pressing p on the keyboard
Okay, so I got some piano
I'm actually fine like a cool lead to throwing her now like a gangsta one
I heard a lot of like the old Gucci man songs a future song list of something
We don't see what I can do with that
It's in the dance leads actually
Damn, I can't see this year smaller
We'll just type it
Wow, I've got so many sounds like I'd be forgetting where she'd be in
Fucking I'm Gonna do something
some bells in our trap tracks me having like cool bills and then
This time I cut the record button
I'll take the wait button off this time
Because the first prefer his button on the present painting at the beginning of the beat and shut that off
adding some drugs inside
You always want to slice your hi-hats up you want to slice them up like this cool to have a regular like this
But nothing really like splicing love like going here click this little magnet looking button and go to like 1 6 beat
the start like okay, you can
Hold ctRl. Click select grab a little piece of end and hold cTRL and press you and you like slice it up like this I
Do a couple more
The dude is I'm holding cTRL click and Drag
And select a few of them, and then I control and press you
They're lifeless okay
like certain spice
Put that basin here
Always play at hoppers and Dana, then I go low
Have to kick another layer it. I'm a layer right now what I'm doing right now is marinating the kick
With the base so we're sound more crispy
Have you remember I had two sets of high hats in her right now?
I'm gonna put some water, but this time on what has to be right I?
pull up pulling down
Misha do something well uh you know periodically spread them in
Like I like to put the magnet and click it on 1/3 of beat on this one
And this one in our game with this fade it out
All right, I'm gonna put the icing on the cake which is Gonna be like the flu
It's gonna be a league I kind of like how you heard amigos. You know I'm sitting it be
and then loose the wave and the trap
In fact I like what I press so what I'm gonna do is this is tool even though we won recording it
It's a little tool. You can do go to tools and prayers
Micros go to Micros in English
no, just to
dump Sports or select a pattern
This fruityloops gonna drop everything you did enough for the last 5 minutes everything you press in the program
That's basically it man
I'm gonna wrap it up, and then I'm gonna let you I see hired English at the end of what I got going on
Yeah, basically how you make trippy?
they told me subscribe for more and
Word of Truth - Creation-------------------------------------------
Músicas Internacionais Antigas - Músicas Romãnticas Internacionais inesquecíveis anos 70 80 e 90 - Duration: 2:39:19.-------------------------------------------
Turbolenze social per Soleil Sorge e Luca ad un passo dal Grande Fratelo vip - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne, svelato il nome di un nuovo probabile tronista - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Combi 320 CDI ELEGANCE AUTOMAAT OPEN DAK, LEDER, NAVI, TREKHAAK, MOOIE AUTO! - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Dota 2 Cheater - Tinker with AUTO-KILL cheat! - Duration: 10:01.-------------------------------------------
Edição Especial MARKOOGALACTIKO(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 2:38.The best throws of the FIFA in Xbox 360. Presents !
MARKOOGALACTIKO special edition
Thank you for watching,sign up for the channel.
Resumo de novela: capítulos de 'A Força do Querer', de 4 a 9 de setembro - Duration: 10:00.-------------------------------------------
Rowan Tree In Finno-Baltic Folklore (Finnish with subs) - Duration: 4:09.Hello. It is Niina and you are watching Fairychamber Channel.
In Finland rowan trees are very common deciduos trees and
in Finland it is very common tree to grow in the yard.
Rowan trees grows pretty much everywhere. Dry land included.
Rowans spread easily because birds eat their berries
and the seeds spread via birds digestions to different places.
Like in to rocky beaches or top of hills.
So rowan trees spread easily with birds assistance.
In Finland rowan trees have been important material.
Wood has been used to make wheel axles and hammer´s handles and
to the tops of chisels.
Berries of rowan trees has lots of nutrition. People used to eat them around winter
to get vitamin c.
In Finland rowan tree has been one of the most sacred trees.
It was believed that there was powerful spirit(s) (pihlajan väki) living inside rowan tree.
Back in the days there was a custom to pull all the fishing nests through wheels made from rowan tree branches.
To get good fishing luck from the spirits of rowan tree and the holyness of rowan tree.
It was believed that rowan tree invited people into holiness/spirituality and
it had powers to get rid of evil spirits.
During spring time when livestoc was let outside.
Animals were let out from gate that was made from rowan tree to have good luck with livestock.
With rowan berries person could heal crop that was magically destroyed.
With rowan berries it was possible to advance men´s chances to get married.
Why only men? I don´t know. Maybe women also.
In Finland rowan tree is connected to Ukko and Akka also known as Rauni.
In Finnish mythology Ukko is the thunder god.
Red berries of rowan tree have represented fire and Ukko´s element was the fire.
Rowan tree is also tree of the goddess and it represents the earth.
So it is also tree sacred to Akka/Rauni.
Akka is most likely first finno-ugric name of the earth goddess.
Later on people have also used the name Rauni but very likely we are talking about one and the same goddess.
It is believed that the name Rauni comes from swedish word "rönn"
which means the rowan tree.
In that sense rowan tree is sacred tree for Rauni/Akka.
Rowan trees have also been sacred trees in Baltic countries.
Whole concept of earth goddess and the thunder goddess
that arrived to Finland together with Baltic tribes many thousand years ago.
In Lithuania rowan tree was sacred tree to Žemyna the earth goddess.
It was also sacred tree for Dievas and Perkunas.
Dievas was lithuanian god of the skies and farming and Perkunas was the god of thunder.
In Lithuania it was believed that thunder does not strike rowan tree because
it was sacred tree of the earth goddess. It´s all very interesting.
In Sweden when Catholism started to spread in early middle ages
after last vikings were converted into Christianity.
In Sweden people made crosses from rowan tree
and with those crosses people protected drinking water from evil spirits.
In Finland people have made wands from rowan tree and wreaths from rowan tree
and they´ve been used to protect livestock, houses,
pets, domestic animals, fishing equipments,
people and children.
Rowan trees have been very magical trees and they´ve been used to many kinds of magical purposes.
Thank you for watching. I will see you on my next video. Bye bye )O(
Vatanım Sensin / Wounded Love - Episode 9 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:15.Are you angry with your husband, nurse...
...because he is with Greeks?
My husband died in Selanik (Thessalonike) figthing for his motherland.
That guy you see is not my husband.
He is my enemy.
Betrayal, Cevdet, breaks all connections.
He knocked me out, when we were ambushed. He drew me away, when the armory exploded.
Aren't these enough to suspect Colonel Cevdet?
That husband of yours, the Greek commander, he is not the guy you think he is, nurse.
I have resisted for a lifetime, Commander.
I have defied the Ottomans.
I have defied the rich, the merchant but I couldn't become like you.
- Now tell me, where is the arms? - I will.
I will tell you who has the arms.
It seems like somebody is doing something behind our backs.
Where were you when the armory was exploded?
Tarsus'daki Kazının Sırrı Çözüldü - Şok Görüntüler - Duration: 16:33.Merhaba Kült TV'nin araştıran insanları.
Tarsus'ta yürütülen gizemli kazı hakkında ilk defa izleyeceğiniz görüntüleri yayınlayacağımız
ve bilinmeyenleri bilinir kılacağımız bir video ile sizlerler beraberiz.
Takvimler 13 Kasım 2016'yı gösterdiğinde Tarsus 82 Evler Mahallesi'nde bulunan 3103
Sokak'ta başlayan ve halen devam eden kazı, uzun süredir kamuoyunu meşgul etti.
Büyük gizlilik içinde başlatılan kazıda polisin, hatta mitin nöbet tutması, hiçbir
yetkilinin kazıyla ilgili açıklama yapmaması, olayın gizemini daha da artırdı.
Kazının 2012 yılında Tarsus'ta, tarihi eser kaçakçılığı şebekelerini araştırırken
öldürüldüğü iddia edilen polis memurunun cinayeti ile ilgili olabileceği konuşuluyor.
Çevre sakinleri Polisin Kazı alanı ile ilgili gizlilik kararı bulunduğundan bu
alana girmemin mümkün olmadığını ifade ettiklerini söylediler.
Burada geçmişte yapılmış olan kazılar ve bu kazılar neticesinde işlenen başka
cinayetler olduğunu da belirttiler.
Bu arada defineci olduğu düşünülen diğer 3 kişiden ise hala kayıp.
Buradaki kazı çalışmasının tarihi bilgiler elde etmek için yapıldığını söyleyen
yetkililer, bunun dışında tek söz etmiyor, ancak, bu tarihi bilgiler anlaşılıyor ki
birçok insanın ilgisini ve dikkatini çekmiş olacak ki.
Çevre insanlarının dediklerine göre yabancı bilim adamı oldukları düşünülen kişiler
kazı çevresinde ve kazı alanına girerken görülmüş.
Bu basit bir arkeolojik kazıysa yabancı bilim adamlarının burada işi ne.
Öyle ki bölgede bulunan kişilerden bazılarının anlatımlarına göre kazı alanına giriş
noktalarından özel kıyafetler ile geçtikleri görülmüş.
ki tarifleri derinleşince bunların radyasyon önler koruyucu kıyafet olduğu anlaşılıyor.
Modern cihazların kullanıldığı kazıda, anlatılanlara göre 24 saat esasına göre
20 kişi çalışmakta.
Kazıyla ilgili özel ekip ve kazıda görev alanların yiyecek ve barınmaları da aynı
yerde giderilerek dışarıyla bağlantılarının kesildiği bölgede, güvenlik önemlerinin
üst düzeyde olması dikkat çekiyor.
Kazının ilk başladığı günlerde çevredeki binalara keskin nişancıların yerleştirildiği,
evin bulunduğu sokağın giriş ve çıkışında ise tam donanımlı özel hareket polisinin
aldığı önlemler, bölgede oturan vatandaşların aşırı tepkisini çekince hafifletilmiş
olsada Kazı yapılan ve bazı evlerin damında kurulan kulübelerde tam donanımlı Özel
Hareket polisleri 24 saat esasına göre nöbet tutmayı sürdürüyor.
Nöbetçi polisler ellerindeki dürbünle çevreyi sürekli kontrol ederken, kazının
yapıldığı evin bulunduğu sokağın giriş ve çıkışı ise hala kapalı.
Sokağın girişinde kurulan derme çatma sobayla ısıtılan kulübede ise uzun namlulu
silah taşıyan polisler görev yapıyor.
DHA'nın haberine göre Ankara'dan oluşturulan özel bir ekip, Özel Harekat polislerinin
aldığı önlemler altında yaklaşık 1.5 ay önce mahalleye girdi.
MİT görevlilerinin de yer aldığı ekip çalışmalara başlarken, sokağın giriş
ve çıkışı zıhlı polis araçlarıyla kapatıldı.
Mahalle halkı yaşanan korku ve panikle polise silahlı kişilerin mahalleyi bastığı yönünde
ihbarda bulununca, kendilerine kazının Başbakanlık bilgisinde yapıldığını belirten resmi
yazı gösterildi.
Giriş ve çıkışlara kapatılan sokağın çevresinde oturan diğer evlerdeki vatandaşlara
sınırlı izin verilmesi polis ile vatandaşları zaman zaman karşı karşıya getirdi.
Bölge de fotoğraf ve video çekmek yasak olduğu gibi.
Google Earth den de bölge blurlanmış durumda.
Kazı alanının yer aldığı evin bulunduğu dar sokağın girişinde ise kurumuş hazır
beton izleri var.
Bunu bazı mahalle sakinleri kazı alanında betonla güçlendirme çalışması yapıldığı
şeklinde yorumluyor.
Evin doğu kısmına düşen diğer bölgede ise genelde tamir atölyeleri yer alıyor.
Buradan da görüntü alınmaması için mavi branda ile evin çevresi kapatılmış durumda.
Brandalar ve duvar kısmının altından ise tarlalara kadar su tahliye boruları uzatılmış.
Çevre sakinleri yolda kısmi çökmeler ile bir bazı bahçe duvarının da yıkıldığını
çökmelerin kazılardan kaynaklandığını söylüyor.
Kazının yapıldığı ve doğu tarafına düşen avlunun ters istikametinde bulunan
ve evin ana giriş kapısının da baktığı sokaktaki çökmeler son günlerde artış
gösterince, burası her iki taraftan da polis bariyerleriyle kapatılmış.
Kazı yapılan evin girişinde ise sürekli bir araç hazır bekliyor.
Gün içinde evin önünde hiçbir hareket yok.
Akşam olup saat 19.00'u gösterdiğinde başka bir araç geliyor evin önüne ve 4
kişinin indiğini görülüyor.
4 kişi eve girerken içeriden çıkan 2 kişi ise gün boyu bekletilen diğer araca binerek
Özellikle güneşin batıp havanın iyice karardığı saat 21.00'den sonra kazı
alanında yakılan ışık gün aydınlanana kadar söndürülmüyor.
Gece boyu dikkat çeken tek şey ise kazı alanının üzerinin de kapatıldığı mavi
brandanın altından görülen bu ışık oluyor.
Çevredeki mahalleli ve esnaf ise artık durumu kanıksamış.
Bir mahalle sakini "Oraya varamıyoruz ki, yasak.
Kuş uçmuyor.
Bir şeyler çıktığını söylüyorlar.
Boşuna beklemezler ki!" derken, bir başkası " Polis cinayeti olmuş.
Define varmış, doğruymuş.
Ben geçerken gördüm, polisler bekliyorlar.
Kimisi 'Altın var' diyor, kimisi 'Tarihi eserler'.
Merak ediyoruz, soruyoruz.
Her gün 20-25 kişi çalışıyor" ifadesini kullanıyor.
Kazı alanının yanındaki arsa ve evin kendisine ait olmasına rağmen bilgi alamadığından
yakınan bir mahalleli ise "Sadece eski bir şehir çıktığını söylüyorlar diyor.
Bununla ilgili hemen herkesin bir hatta birkaç teorisi bulunmakta.
Fakat bu olayı cidden araştıran ve verilerini bizimle paylaşan bölge sakinlerinin söyledikleri,
küçük parçalar halindeki bulmacalar birleşince ortaya ciddi bir sonuç çıkmakta.
Bu sonuçlara geçmeden önce onları sıralarsak 1) Kazıdan büyük miktarda define çıktı
söylentisi, halkın ilgisini başka yöne çekmek için kullanılmış bir yöntem olabilir.
Kazılan yerden pek çok şey çıktığı iddaa edilmekte.
Küpler dolusu altınlar, altın heykeller, hazine sandıkları vs. mutlak kazılan yerden
bir şeyler çıkmış olma olasılığı yüksek, fakat bunun hazine ya da altın olma
ihtimali düşük.
Çünkü bölgede kazı başladıktan sonra yüksek miktarda elektro manyetik alan bozukluğu
Gerek Sık sık giden elektriklerde, bozulan tv kanalları gerekse telefonlardaki cızırtılar
ve kesilmeler.
Bunların sinyal kesici Jammer tabir edilen cihazlar ile yapılamayacağı da bir gerçektir
çünkü bu cihaz 50 metrekarelik bir alanda etkili iken, bahsi geçen olay çok daha büyük
bir alanı kapsamaktadır.
2) Kazıya başlandıktan sonra bölgede yoğun miktarda elektro manyetik alan ölçümü
yapılmış, bununla birlikte yakın çevredeki insanlarda yoğun elektro manyetik alana maruz
kalmaları sebebi ile bazı rahatsızlıklar görülmüştür, bunlar.
► Stres, ► Görüş alanının daralması,
► Kulak çınlaması, ► Yorgunluk hissi ve uyku bozukluğu
► Konsantrasyon bozulması, ► Baş ağrıları,
► İşitmede geçici aksaklıklar, ► Sersemleme,
3) Bununla beraber kazı yapılan yerin içine özel radyasyon koruyucu kıyafetler ile giren
yabancı bilim adamları gerçeğini de eklediğimizde.
Bahsi geçen kazıda yüksek derecede elektromanyetik alan ve radyasyon yayan bir cisim olabileceği
gerçeği ortaya çıkmakta, bunun ne olacağını söylemeden önce.
Kazı bölgesinde yapılan bazı hazırlıklara da bakmak gerekir.
4) Kazı bölgesine günün belli saatlerinde büyük yük kamyonları ve çimento kamyonları
Gün içinde birkaç seferi bulan bu yük trafiğinden sonra kamyonların çıkan kumu
nereye döktüğü ise bir muamma, çünkü kamyonların izlenmesi de yasak.
Bazı kişilerin söylemlerine göre, kamyonlar kazı alanından çıkan kumları askeri bölgeye
Pekii basit bir moloz ve toprak parçası için bunca güvenlik neden, toprağın içinde
başka ne olabileceği düşünülmekte?
5) Kamyonların içinden metro ve yeraltını kazmak için kullanılan solucan tabir edilen
makinalar çıkmakta ve kapalı alanda monte edilip yerin altı tünel gibi kazılmakta,
Resmen bir yeraltı metrosu inşaası gibi.
Yer altında büyük bir tünel inşaası yapılmakta.
Bunun sonucunda bazı evlerde ve sokaklarda çökükler oluşmakta.
Sadece basit bir kazı olmadığı için toprak çıkartılıp dökülmüyor, çimento ile
de sağlamlaştırma ve dolgu çalışmaları da yapılıyor.
Bu yeraltı tünelinin basit bir define ve altın için yapılmadığı muhakkak.
Çünkü toprağı tekrar kazılan yere dökmek varken bu tünel zahmeti ne için.
Neyi düzgün bir şekilde, kimsenin de görmemesi için yeraltından çıkarmak istiyorlar?
6) Kazı alanına bırandalardan sonra iki güvenlik noktasından girildiği söyleniyor.
Birinde bütün elektronik cihazlara, telefonlara ve benzer kayıt cihazlarına el konuluyor,
ikinci kısımdan sonra bir plaza yüksekliğinde kazılan yeraltına inen basit bir asansör
olduğu söylenmekte.
7) Çalışan onca büyük cihaz ve kazı makineleri, ışıklandırma olsun, normal
bir elektrik hattı kaldırmayacağından büyük bir jenaratör getiriliyor.
Fakat bunu getirenin yine ABD li bilim adamları olduğu söylenmekte.
Çünkü normal bir jenaratör hiç durmaksızın çalışması için sürekli benzin ve motorin
gerekirken, bölgeye bunların ikmalini yapan bir kamyonun bölgeye girildiği görülmüyor.
Bununla beraber çalışırken aşırı miktarda ses çıkartan jenaratörlerin aksine bu cihaz
neredeyse sessiz şekilde çalışmakta.
Yani Bunun nükleer yakıtlı bir cihaz olması muhtemel.
8) Sonuç kısmına yaklaşırken Olası en iyi 3 teoriden sadece birinin gerçek olabileceğini
ve Türkiye'de ilk defa bunu kanıtlayacak resim ve video ile sizlere sunacağız.
Pekii nedir bu teoriler
Söylenti : Agharta Yada Bir Yeraltı Şehri Mi Bulundu ?
İhtimal : Bu olasılığının yüksek olması ile beraber, bu teoriyi çürütecek veriler
de mevcut, bunlar ortaya çıkan yoğun şekildeki elektromanyetik alan ve radyasyon koruyucu
kıyafetler ile içeri giren bilimadamları.
Eğer burasının radyoaktivite içeren bir kapısı ya da girişi yoksa, bu olasılık
çürümüş oluyor, bunla beraber, yeraltında yapılan tünel, kazı ve dolgu çalışmaları
onlara bir metro geçidi yapmak için değilse neden yapılmakta?
Söylenti: Kutsal Ahit Sandığı mı Bulundu?
İhtimal : Evet bu olasılıkta yüksek bir ihtimal, İkinci dünya savaşında Hitlerin,
ondan önce ve sonraki neredeyse tüm gizli cemiyetlerin ve devletlerin ele geçirmek
istediği mutlak gücü simgeleyen, aynı zamanda kutsal bir emanet olan ahit sandığı,
eski kaynaklarda resmedilirken hep sandık içinden çıkan güneş ve güneş ışınları
Buda güneş gibi yıkıcı ve sıcak, aynı zamanda büyük bir güç barındırdığını
Ortaya çıkan büyük elektromanyetik alan ve radyasyon kıyafetli bilim adamları bu
ihtimali desteklese de, Yeraltındaki tünel bunu çürütmekte.
Resimler de de bir sandık olarak gösterilen bu nesne için, kamyon boyutundan büyük
bir tünel açmaya çalışmak ve bunu sağlamlaştırmak neden?
Sonuçta bahsi geçen asansörü büyütebilecekleri gibi.
Radyasyon koruyuculu özel bir kamyonla da bunu çıkartabilirler.
Gelelim son ihtimalimize Söylenti: Uzaylılara ait Antik Bazı Cisimler
ve Uzay Gemisi mi bulundu.
İhtimal: Her ne kadar çok çılgın bir teori ve ihtimal gibi görülse de, bunun
imkansız olmadığını açıklayacağımız ve Türkiye'de ilk defa yayınlanacak olan
resim ve videodan sonra düşüneceniz değişecektir.
Elektromanyetik alanların gösterdiği etkiler zaten her ufo olayında rastlanan klasik belirtilerdir.
Elektrikli eşyaların ve motorların çalışmaması, tv lerin ve cep telefonlarının kısa süreli
Bu nokta belirtilen olasılığı doğrulamakta.
Radyoaktif Koruma Giysili Bilim adamları, çoğu ufo olayında araştırmaya gelen kişilerde
ve askerlerde, bu tarz koruma kıyafeti yüzlerce olayda rapor edilmiştir.
Bunların en bilineni ve popüleri ise Roswell UFO kazasıdır.
Bu kıyafetlerin giyilme nedeni ise, tahmini nükleer yakıt kullanan ufolarda bulunan
bir sızıntı yada bölgesel radyasyon seviyesidir.
Bu nokta da belirtilen olasılığı doğrulamaktadır.
Yer altında yapılan büyük tünel ve metro benzeri kazı ise yukarıdan çıkartmaya
cesaret edemedikleri büyük bir ufo için olabilir mi?
Eğer öyleyse bunun iki nedeni olmalı.
İlki Bölgede her ne kadar yasaklar ve kurallar uygulansa da, pek çok meraklı göz hala
bu kazıyı dikkatle izleyecektir.
Ve yukarı çıkartmak için yıkılan ev ve çevreye muhtemel kurulacak vinç çok
ilgi çekip gizliliği ihlal edecektir.
Bu yüzden yer altından açılan tünelden kimseler görmeden kamyonlar ya da tırla
çıkartılıp rıhtıma götürülecek büyük bir nesneyi taşımak için uygun bir yol
Bununla beraber herhangi bir yanlış işlem sonrası radyoaktivite içeren cisim tonlarca
toprağın altında kalması, sızıntıyı bir nebze de olsa önleyecektir.
Yeraltında bu kadar büyük tünel açılmasının sebebi ise muhtemel cismin yekpare bir parça
olup, sökülüp taşınamadığı olasılığıdır.
Bu nokta da belirtilen olasılığı doğrulamaktadır.
En çarpıcı kanıt ise şudur.
28-07-2017 tarihinde saat 02:00 civarı bahsi geçen kazı alanının üzerinde bir ufo
Çevrede ufak daireler şeklinde tur atan nesne, kazı yapılan yerin çatısına doğru
inmeye başlıyor.
Şu anda ekranda ufonun eve yaklaşırken çekilmiş görüntülerini izliyorsunuz.
Bu sırada ufonun altındaki mavi ışık kırmızı renge dönüyor.
Birkaç saniye kımıldamadan sabit bir şekil de ufo eve yaklaşıyor 6 metre kadar çatıya
alçalıyor, çatıya yaklaştıkça ufonun altı daha da kızarıyor.
Daha sonra hızla yükselip gözden kayboluyor, birkaç dakika sonra çevrede savaş uçakları
dolaşmaya başlıyor.
Öyle ki çoğu kişi tekrar darbe mi oldu endişesi ile dışarı çıkıyor.
Savaş uçakları defalarca bölgeden geçtikten sonra onlarda kayboluyorlar.
ufodan sonra sabah saat 6 sularında nereden geldiği anlaşılamayan, yüksek frekanslı
rahatsız edici ıslık benzeri tiz bir ses 5-6 saniye boyunca duyuluyor ve çevre insanı
korkup tekrar dışarı çıkıyor.
Bu kanıtlar ve belgeler ışığında yapılan kazının antik fakat hala faal olan ve radyasyon
saçan bir ufo için yapıldığını söyleyebiliriz.
Kazı alanına gelen ve inecek kadar yaklaşan ufo görüntüleri de bu iddayı desteklemekte.
Nitekim ülkemiz de gözlemlenmiş hiçbir ufo hadisesinde bir binaya 6 metre yaklaştığı
görülmemiştir ki bu ufo tam olarak kazının yapıldığı evin üzerine gelmiştir.
Bütün ufo olaylarında olduğu gibi ABD li bilim adamları da işin içinde olup.
Büyük ihtimalle çıkartılacak ufo, yine rıhtıma yanaşacak ABD askeri kargo gemisi
ile incelenmek üzere Amerikaya gidecektir.
Belki de efsanevi 51.
Ortadoğuda ki karışıklık sebebi ile rıhtıma yanaşan pek çok askeri gemi olduğundan
buda göze batmayacaktır.
Her ne olursa olsun, Tarihsel bir bulguya ev sahipliği yapan ülkemizden gidecek önemli
bir buluş olan bu araçtan çıkması olası tiz ses ile gece üzerinde uçan ufo belki
de insanlığa yalnız olmadığının en güzel kanıtıdır.
Belki de onlar sandığımız kadar dost canlısı değil ve farklı arayışlar içindedirler.
Belki de yüzlerce yada binlerce yıldan beri saklı kalan sır.
Hiç bulunup çıkartılmamalıdır.
Peki hepimiz bunun sonuçları için hazırmıyız ?
Tüm soru, görüş ve önerileriniz için bana instagram adresimden ulaşabilirsiniz.
Araştırmalarımızın gelişerek devam edebilmesi için videoyu facebook twitter gibi platformlarda
paylaşmayı, yeni videolarımızdan haberdar olabilmek için Kült TV'ye abone olarak
araştıran insanlar topluluğuna katılmayı unutmayın…
Bir başka videoda daha görüşünceye kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar!
Camera Cafè torna su Rai 2 con nuovi attori e personaggi - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
Filme: A Dark Song 2017 Legendado PT BR - Duration: 1:39:59.-------------------------------------------
10 Best Toddler Cars-------------------------------------------
Treadmill Interval Running 160BPM 170BPM Cardio Workout Music #Stage04 - Duration: 28:21.INCREASE YOUR PACE
101 DA EXCLUSIVE | TRAP BEAT MAKING | FL STUDIO TUTORIAL | 10 MINUTES | FROM SCRATCH - Duration: 19:44.All right, what do guys brought one-on-one exclusive. I'm back in this bitch. Yeah, I already know I'm shallow a gang
You know we smoking big blunts in the studio. Good PG water piece of hood
You know I'm gonna show y'all how to make a trap me today. You know I got fully loaded up right now
I use fruity loops 11 a couple of plugins my favorite ones nexus
I just downloaded electric s you got you got it on me, right?
You got to count along around my brother hold the camry isil
Shouting a ceaseless again Mm-Hmm. All the focus right here. They
Know you already know yeah? Yeah, we back up finish Dang
I'm just gonna show ya, I get down and
Put the beat
you know
Let me close the meat let me say this
Would say I got a couple sounds loaded up already. I got my clap
I've got some bass. I got my face uh
I had some
Shakers, and he's like mostly the trap elements that you hear in a lot of the popular music like Migos Gucci mane
Rick Ross
Playboy quality famous digs like I'm linked in with a lot of those guys, so I got
Producer kids from their producers and stuff like that, so I'm able to I got the official Sam, you got some rim shots
We go straight to light
Some snacks from dirty snows I thought those real officials ate so it's nice. You know
And I gotta let you explode it up
But I'm not even going to start with that actually I'm gonna start with Nexus
I know a lot of you guys have nexus so I'm gonna pull up nexus and we can use that
Again, we're gonna show you how to make the trap beat. We're gonna make the trap beat from scratch
I'm gonna start with some pianos most trap beats have piano. So you know just find a piano inside of your plugin
Behind you alone oh such low
I threw my hands like this like spreading apart
Every other note on the keyboard only I got keyboards or not, but the people that do got many keyboards as a quick little tip
Usually like the corrs be like one up from each other usually by you tonight
It's like the basic basic track formula. You really can base
I'm going to start with Dead
Cut the metronome all I know how to I know what beat the play on I?
Cut this wait button on the fruity loops is white for input to start playing
I right-click it and select only one record
So that when I press record, it's gonna wait for me
press space to start
Metronome that's the technical dimensions
So I got it like going here and deleted
Which is pretty easy I?
Just use the draw tool you can get tool by pressing p on the keyboard
Okay, so I got some piano
I'm actually fine like a cool lead to throwing her now like a gangsta one
I heard a lot of like the old Gucci man songs a future song list of something
We don't see what I can do with that
It's in the dance leads actually
Damn, I can't see this year smaller
We'll just type it
Wow, I've got so many sounds like I'd be forgetting where she'd be in
Fucking I'm Gonna do something
some bells in our trap tracks me having like cool bills and then
This time I cut the record button
I'll take the wait button off this time
Because the first prefer his button on the present painting at the beginning of the beat and shut that off
adding some drugs inside
You always want to slice your hi-hats up you want to slice them up like this cool to have a regular like this
But nothing really like splicing love like going here click this little magnet looking button and go to like 1 6 beat
the start like okay, you can
Hold ctRl. Click select grab a little piece of end and hold cTRL and press you and you like slice it up like this I
Do a couple more
The dude is I'm holding cTRL click and Drag
And select a few of them, and then I control and press you
They're lifeless okay
like certain spice
Put that basin here
Always play at hoppers and Dana, then I go low
Have to kick another layer it. I'm a layer right now what I'm doing right now is marinating the kick
With the base so we're sound more crispy
Have you remember I had two sets of high hats in her right now?
I'm gonna put some water, but this time on what has to be right I?
pull up pulling down
Misha do something well uh you know periodically spread them in
Like I like to put the magnet and click it on 1/3 of beat on this one
And this one in our game with this fade it out
All right, I'm gonna put the icing on the cake which is Gonna be like the flu
It's gonna be a league I kind of like how you heard amigos. You know I'm sitting it be
and then loose the wave and the trap
In fact I like what I press so what I'm gonna do is this is tool even though we won recording it
It's a little tool. You can do go to tools and prayers
Micros go to Micros in English
no, just to
dump Sports or select a pattern
This fruityloops gonna drop everything you did enough for the last 5 minutes everything you press in the program
That's basically it man
I'm gonna wrap it up, and then I'm gonna let you I see hired English at the end of what I got going on
Yeah, basically how you make trippy?
they told me subscribe for more and
THUD IS DEPRESSED :( | Swiblet Plays Little Nightmares (Part 4) - Duration: 41:54.Swiblet - Let's Play Little Nightmares Part 4
Le voyage fantastique de Thor - Légende #3 - Duration: 8:29.-------------------------------------------
16 Super Hit Bollywood Movie That Were Basically Copied From South Indian Movies | You Won't Believe - Duration: 5:52.16 Super Hit Bollywood Movies That Were Basically Copied From South Indian Movies | You Won't Believe
Stars We've Sadly Lost So Far In 2017 - Duration: 14:48.When a celebrity passes away, it can feel like we're losing a friend.
Whether we watched them on the big screen or let them into our lives through our TVs,
the world seems darker knowing we've had to say goodbye to a favorite star — even though
we can continue enjoying their work indefinitely, letting their legacies live on forever.
Here's a fond look back at some of the stars we've sadly lost in 2017.
Bill Paxton
Veteran actor and director Bill Paxton, who appears in Aliens, Twister, and Titanic, died
February 25 following complications from heart surgery.
He was 61.
Beyond appearing in such movies as Weird Science, The Terminator, and A Simple Plan, Paxton
also starred in the HBO series Big Love, and was nominated for an Emmy for his role in
the TV miniseries Hatfields & McCoys.
At the time of his death, he was starring the CBS reboot of Training Day.
John Hurt
Legendary British actor John Hurt, who was widely known for Alien, The Elephant Man,
1984, and Midnight Express, died January 25 after a battle with pancreatic cancer.
He was 77.
In a career spanning more than six decades, Hurt earned two Oscar nominations, and appeared
in many notable television roles, perhaps most famously as the War Doctor on Doctor
In his later years, he played the wandmaker Ollivander in the Harry Potter series, the
surrogate father of Hellboy, and Indiana Jones' old friend "Ox" in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom
of the Crystal Skull.
He was still very active in acting up until the time of his death, recently appearing
in films such as Snowpiercer.
Mary Tyler Moore
Television legend Mary Tyler Moore died January 25 at the age of 80 after suffering cardiopulmonary
arrest brought on by pneumonia, hypoxia, and diabetes.
A groundbreaking actress, she played a stay-at-home mom on The Dick Van Dyke Show, then became
a feminist icon when she branched out on her own with The Mary Tyler Moore Show.
Moore won six Emmy Awards and was nominated for an Oscar in 1980 for playing the estranged
mother of Timothy Hutton's character in 1980's Ordinary People.
She was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame in 1986.
Don Rickles
One of the most famous and popular stand up comedians of all time, Don Rickles died April
6 at his home in Los Angeles after succumbing to kidney failure at the age of 90.
Known for his abrasive style of comedy, Rickles had a career that spanned six decades.
A regular at celebrity roasts and an honorary member of the Rat Pack, he would often take
jabs at audience members with two signature phrases: "dummy" and "hockey puck."
In 2007, he won an Emmy for the John Landis-directed documentary Mr. Warmth: The Don Rickles Project,
but is perhaps best known to modern audiences as the voice of Mr. Potato Head in the Toy
Story movies.
"What are you lookin' at, ya hockey puck?"
Miguel Ferrer
A character and voice actor who appeared in an assortment of films including RoboCop and
starred on the TV series NCIS: Los Angeles, Miguel Ferrer died of cancer on January 19
at the age of 61.
Ferrer had recently reprised his Twin Peaks role as FBI pathologist Albert Rosenfield
for Showtime's revival of the cult classic drama.
The son of '50s singer Rosemary Clooney and actor Jose Ferrer, he was also George Clooney's
first cousin.
Charlie Murphy
The older brother of Eddie Murphy, Charlie Murphy became a household name on Chappelle's
Show, sharing stories about his time in Los Angeles during the height of his brother's
fame in the 1980s.
Murphy also appeared in numerous movies including Night at the Museum and Norbit, where he provided
the voice of Lloyd the dog, and TV series like Are We There Yet? and Black Jesus.
He also did voicework for the animated series The Boondocks and the video game Grand Theft
Auto: San Andreas.
Charlie Murphy died of leukemia on April 12.
He was 57.
John Heard
A lifelong actor and veteran of both film and television, John Heard appeared in dozens
of projects from shows like The Sopranos to acclaimed movies such as Awakenings.
But he'll always be best known as Kevin's hapless dad, Peter, in the Home Alone films.
Sadly, on July 21, Heard passed away unexpectedly at the age of 72 while recovering from back
Chuck Barris
Prolific TV host and producer Chuck Barris died of natural causes on March 21.
He was 87.
Best known as the producer and host of the groundbreaking Gong Show, Barris also created
The Dating Game and The Newlywed Game.
In his book Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Barris also claimed to have actually been
a C.I.A. assassin while he was a TV producer in the '60s and 70s.
Sam Rockwell portrayed him in a 2002 film adaptation that was written by Charlie Kaufman
and directed by George Clooney.
Erin Moran
The beloved actress who played Joanie Cunningham on Happy Days and Joanie Loves Chachi, Erin
Moran died from complications of cancer on April 22 at the age of 56.
Over the course of her career, Moran also appeared on TV shows from Gunsmoke to Murder
She Wrote, to The Love Boat.
Her last project was the 2010 film Not Another B Movie.
Christopher Boykin
One of the stars of MTV's Rob & Big, Christopher "Big Black" Boykin died May 9 from a heart
The bodyguard and best friend of skateboarder and entrepreneur Rob Dyrdek, he rose to fame
on the reality series that followed the pair during their day-to-day lives from 2006 until
Boykin later appeared on several episodes of the follow-up series Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy
Factory and Dyrdek's clip show Ridiculousness.
He also started a clothing line in 2007.
Michael Parks
A veteran character actor who appeared in more than 100 films and TV shows, Michael
Parks died May 9 at the age of 77.
Best known for working with directors Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, and Kevin Smith,
Parks played Texas Ranger Earl McGraw in Kill Bill Vol. 1 and Esteban Vihaio in Kill Bill
Vol. 2, while Smith said he wrote the movies Red State and Tusk specifically for Parks.
Parks also played French-Canadian drug runner Jean Renaulton the ABC television series Twin
Richard Hatch
One of the stars of both the original Battlestar Galactica and the Syfy remake, Richard Hatch
died February 7 from pancreatic cancer at the age of 71.
Hatch got his start in 1970 on the soap opera All My Children before being cast as Captain
Apollo on the cult favorite sci-fi series, which earned him a Golden Globe nomination
in 1979.
He also appeared on Dynasty and Santa Barbara before playing Tom Zarek in the reboot of
Battlestar Galactica from 2004 to 2009.
He also wrote five original Battlestar novels and became a fixture at comic book conventions
and sci-fi events.
Martin Landau
Oscar-winning actor Martin Landau died July 15 after a short hospitalization at Ronald
Reagan UCLA Medical Center where he suffered unexpected complications.
He was 89.
Landau was a cartoonist before he rose to fame with his portrayal of a henchman in Alfred
Hitchcock's 1959 classic North by Northwest.
In the '60s, he turned down the role of Spock on Star Trek and played Rollin Hand, the "man
of a million faces," on Mission: Impossible for three seasons.
He later earned Emmy nominations for performances on HBO's Entourage and the CBS series Without
a Trace.
Landau also earned three Oscar nominations over the course of his career, winning Best
Supporting Actor in 1995 for his portrayal of Bela Lugosi the film Ed Wood.
George Romero
The director of the iconic horror classic Night of the Living Dead, George Romero died
July 16 after battling lung cancer.
He was 77.
Romero made Night of the Living Dead on a budget of just $114,000, and it went on to
make $30 million at the box office.
The black and white film about a group of people trapped by a horde of the undead was
integral in creating the modern zombie genre.
He later directed 1978's Dawn of the Dead and 1985's Day of the Dead, as well as genre
films like Knightriders, Creepshow, and Monkey Shines.
Chester Bennington
Actor and singer for the band Linkin Park, Chester Bennington committed suicide by hanging
on July 20, at the age of 41.
Bennington joined Linkin Park before the release of the band's debut album Hybrid Theory in
2000, which went on to become a massive commercial success, paving the way for six more studio
He also fronted the side project Dead by Sunrise, and served as the singer of Stone Temple Pilots
after the band parted ways with original frontman Scott Weiland.
On the big screen, Bennington appeared in Saw 3D: The Final Chapter, Crank, and Crank:
High Voltage.
Judge Joseph Wapner
Star of the reality series The People's Court, Judge Joseph Wapner died of respiratory failure
on February 26 at the age of 97.
A graduate of USC Law School, Wapner served in World War II and later became a judge at
the Los Angeles Superior Court.
After retiring, he headlined the groundbreaking show The People's Court, which debuted in
He became something of a pop culture icon during his tenure on the show, which ended
in 1993.
Wapner received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2009, and on his 90th birthday,
he returned to The People's Court to serve as guest judge.
Adam West
The man who brought Batman to life for a generation, Adam West died at the age of 88 on June 9
after a short battle with leukemia.
A contract player for Warner Bros. in film and television starting in the '50s, West
rose to international stardom in 1966 as the star of the massive hit Batman.
The show quickly burnt out, however, and was canceled after its third season in 1968.
Typecast as Batman, West struggled to find other roles, but later in life experienced
a career resurgence as a highly sought after voice actor on animated shows including Family
West was given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2012.
Roger Moore
On May 23, beloved actor Roger Moore, who played James Bond in more movies than any
other star in the long-running franchise, died after a short battle with cancer.
He was 89.
Before his time as Bond, Moore played the dashing thief Simon Templar on the TV series
The Saint, which ran for 118 episodes between 1962 and 1969.
In 1972, he replaced Sean Connery as 007, first appearing as the secret agent in 1973's
Live and Let Die, then portrayed Bond in six more movies, his final being 1985's A View
to a Kill.
He was known for bringing a campy sense of humor to the series.
In his later years, he frequently played off of his fame in films like Spice World.
Powers Boothe
An Emmy-winning actor known for Deadwood and Sin City, Powers Boothe died at the age of
68 of natural causes on May 14.
In 1980, his leading role in the TV movie Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones brought
him an Emmy for lead actor in a limited series or special.
That launched a career that led to dozens of appearances on show including Marvel's
Agents of SHIELD and 24, as well as movies such as Tombstone.
Nelsan Ellis
A fan favorite as Lafayette on the HBO hit True Blood, Nelsan Ellis died from complications
of heart failure caused by alcohol withdrawal on July 8.
He was 39.
Early in his career, he appeared on numerous TV shows including Veronica Mars.
But he made his breakthrough as Lafayette, the short-order cook at Merlotte's on True
In the books, the character didn't survive, but because Ellis was so popular, writers
for the show decided to change Lafeyette's fate.
He also appeared in several films, most notably as Martin Luther King, Jr. in the 2013 film
The Butler.
Stevie Ryan
Actress and YouTube celebrity Stevie Ryan died on July 1 at the age of 33.
People reports that the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office ruled the death a suicide
by hanging.
Ryan rose to fame with her YouTube series Little Loca, which helped land her a VH1 sketch
series called Stevie TV, which ran from 2012 to 2013.
She later served as co-host of Brody Jenner's E! series Sex with Brody.
Most recently, she co-hosted Mentally Ch(ill), which is a "podcast about depression," according
to its iTunes description.
Ryan revealed that her grandfather had recently died in an episode that was released just
two days before her death.
Michael Nyqvist
Swedish actor Michael Nyqvist, who starred in the original The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
movies and later appeared in John Wick, died June 27 after a battle with lung cancer.
After the success of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and its sequels, Nyqvist went to Hollywood
appeared in blockbusters such as Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol.
Glenne Headly
An Emmy-nominated actress known for Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and the movie adaptation
of Dick Tracy, Glenne Headly died June 8, at the age of 62.
Headly started out as a stage performer before turning her focus to television and films.
She was nominated for Emmys for her performances in the 1989 miniseries Lonesome Dove and the
1996 drama Bastard Out of Carolina.
But she was perhaps best known for playing a con woman in the comedy Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
in 1988 and Tess Trueheart in Warren Beatty's live-action Dick Tracy in 1990.
In memoriam
Sadly, we have lost many more stars in 2017 as well.
Here is a tribute to the some of the other actors and actresses whose talents will no
longer brighten our days.
Sam Shepard
Robert Hardy
Glen Campbell
Haruo Nakajima
Joe Bologna
Mike Connors
Neil Fingleton
Clay Adler
Ji-Tu Cumbuka
Evan Helmuth
Dick Gautier
Francine York
Mike Aktari
Emmanuelle Riva
Robert Michael Morris
Peter Sallis
Molly Peters
Barbara Hale
Red West
John Cygan
Lisa Spoonauer
Darlene Cates
Elena Verdugo
Roger Smith
MY FAVORITE GAME!! 200 SUBSCRIBERS SPECIAL - Duration: 22:08.what is everybody thank you so much for stopping by you can call me right and
welcome to Kingdom this is my favorite indie game ever I have spent so much
time on this game I just love it the best is gonna be a series a little
series that I wanted to do maybe a two-part series so if you guys end up
enjoying this one you gotta let me know so that I make another one and we can
finish this little adventure together so if you don't know what this game is
about you might have seen in the beginning of the video my crashed ship
that I totally beat you on this island and obviously the purpose is to recruit
these guys first make some money get multiple units as you can see here we
have unlocked an archer and a builder we're gonna lock some more in the future
what we gotta do is just make some money and defend ourselves from an enemy
called the greed which basically to sum them up they're just bunch of dudes
addicted to taking my shit so we gotta build walls as you can see here we can
oh no not here I haven't unlocked there yet right here we can build a wall to
defend ourselves and block to come getting in but we're not gonna do that
just yet because we need some more workers and to get more workers you have
to find a recruitment camp where basically a whole bunch of homeless
people will just sit around and waiting for you to come and pick them up to work
for you um yeah I'm not gonna talk too much with
this dear cuz I mean you can't kill them and get some money but hey I just found
a chest full of gold in the middle of course so fuck you do you I don't need
you oh we found two guys cute you and recruit you let's explore further on
well you got to make sure not to get too far because the greed spawning at night
and you do not want to get caught running through the forest at night in
this game okay there we go this is my cue to get the fuck out you
that is a portal that's where those guys come from so we're not gonna travel any
farther from this what the hell happened to you
and I just recruit you oh maybe your new guy to just spawn you
there were two now there are three you guys better hurry up you know actually
I'm gonna defend you guys cuz I don't want to lose you so you need a lot of
people so I'm gonna do it's just draw three coins to delay them
each of those enemies just gonna drop a coin and go away if they don't find any
coins you guys are basically fucks and while I'm at it I'm just gonna hurt
these dear well I don't think I'm gonna manage to kill them because I only have
one watcher in the village come on what I like to do I just walk behind
them and they just run so I'll eat them do my king Dumbo dudes hurry up the
greed are coming come on get one get one you didn't even land a shot dude come on
your birthday okay we got two more archers oh my god they're coming this
way they're coming this way dude you're my only hope so you better
stick okay we got another Archer cool all right we got rhythm for this night
but it's not gonna be always this easy it's gonna get much much harder is it
day yet alright it's almost the second day cool are my guys coming we got one
too where's the third one Jimmy okay Jimmy is fine Jimmy is
alright oh yeah that's the boat I was talking about we
got to spend a whole bunch of money to fix it get it onto the water and get the
hell out it's I'm and speaking of water I mean this game this game is just
beautiful it looks beautiful and I mean I think when the game advances the music
actually changes and that music it's freaking dope okay let me just introduce
you to my my base I like to call him the donkey man he is just magical he's just
beautiful you give him one coin he goes away I don't know where he does but he
comes back with like seven or eight more coins so I I just I love that
no Kingdom would ever flourish without the donkey man I'll tell you that do we
have any more recruits I'm gonna get one more Archer just in case somebody comes
by and we are gonna go on this side there's actually more than one golden
chest on this map I think it's two or three so let's try to find more of those
and get some gold hey one more deer I might hurt you onto the village just
because I have a bit more archers now is there only one guy okay there you go
hiding behind that tent let's go left let's go let's go this is I think I've
picked this game before a while back but this is a new update of it I think this
is to unlock new updates new upgrades for their buildings but we're not at
that point just yet two more dudes nice now all I need is a chest the gold
filled chest and I can come back and assign my dudes you okay you know what
no no I'm not gonna risk I don't have enough coins that each time they hit you
you lose one coin and if you're out of coins when they hit you that time you
lose your crown and if you can't get it back and they steal it from you well
it's game over you lose all your progress and you have to start over now
let's just not risk it at all okay you guys need to hurry up I'm gonna hurt
this dear oh there's - okay cool oh I have a lot of people actually there's
four so oh my god I forgot to build my walls we gotta hurry up and build some
walls it's okay build one over here come on I have two
builders I think what the hell is my second building
thank you for the money the hunters actually do two jobs which is pretty
cool they hunt for you in the morning and they protect you at night so that is
not okay I ran out of salmon I only managed to get one alright come on
get that guy get that guy come on come on come on
get-get into the village don't treat them just yet just let him get in the
middle so he can guys can team up on it and yeah also you might see the little
wind particles coming out of my horse that's actually because you can't run
forever with him you gotta let him rest for a little bit
eat some grass then you can get on moving again and you have any new
recruits I got two I'm gonna get one more builder is that gonna come very
very useful in the next stages and you're gonna see why you're gonna get
some pretty cool shit come on come on get him
this guy can't just destroy my wall on his own okay let's wait let's just wait
for the morning wait for the donkey man to bestow his magic upon us with a shit
ton of coins pay him again and just explore more than that I haven't reached
both ends of the map so don't know why I should go next I'm gonna keep going left
cuz I still have faith that there is a chest over there
we have an upgrade available but not enough money for it
I mean always unimportant at this point I just like to get as much hunters as I
can and a couple builders then we're gonna start getting some real cash and
there we can start operating because money is just not gonna stop coming one
thing we can do right now is to take down these trees because when you take
down trees you unlock more rabbit holes which is what the hunters go and hunt in
the morning so less trees means more money
unlock as much as we can okay that's all we can do for now
beers I don't care about you now I want to find a gold chest because that had a
lot of money for me two more dudes how much money do I have
they don't want to risk passing by that portal with a few coins and we got one
two three four or five and sticks that sixth one is pretty good you can take
six hits I don't think even that at this point six of them spawn think it's only
two or three it gets harder every night itself five yeah I recruited one more
dude we're cutting it really close over here oh come on doesn't it sport other
clothes no no no no I'm not risking it not risking it I mean they usually close
in the morning but apparently they don't I'm not gonna root you're just gonna die
and waste my money so have fun at night it just kinda new
tent and don't make any noise okay as you see because we took down a couple of
trees here a rabbit rabbit hole spawn so that's what we need to do stake out the
trees get more rabbit holes and ultimately get more money okay my
builders did some work yes they cut the trees and got me some gold
why should I recruit ah I'll put more archers two more archers and should I
take down these trees right now or wait until the morning um yeah actually it's
already nighttime okay this is gonna sit around here feeding the horse and
actually I'm gonna slowly walk because each time they come from one side so if
they don't come from this side I'm gonna have a lot of time to it okay okay okay
never mind I was gonna say I'm gonna have a lot of time to explore that one
well since they're coming from here it should mean oh my god they're kind of on
both sides okay this game got much harder from the last time I played all
right come on get that get that okay cool
now I can run to the other side hopefully that portal it's gonna be
close because I want to get ok my recruits all died yeah oh ok I'm
only gonna get two of you ok there's one more come on guys you guys look so cute
but I can't okay I have to get enough coins so that I can take some heads from
those guys sorry about that okay I'm not gonna recruit you okay we are way early
on to the in this day so I think we should have time to explore the whole
left side come on eat eat more CBI hurry up we gotta hurry up dude if this portal
is still open okay there we go thank God oh that was open like two days
in a row day and night starting to piss me off okay is there a chest this is an
upgrade but I'm not gonna get because I don't want to waste too much money and
there is no chest on this side but we found the pier that's where we need to
get our shit after we repair and that is still a little while away but yeah we
found the pier so we know where to take down the trees because taking down the
trees actually make your ship go way faster so you can get to the pier much
faster so now we know where to take down the trees I mean we're two folks I'm
gonna take trees on both sides just because I want more rabbit holes but now
I know to focus on the left side because that's the one that's gonna help me get
my boat as fast as possible to the pier let's recruit a few more guys
I think the donkey man has some money for me so it shouldn't struggle too much
on that he's gonna give me like nine or eight points which is cool group three
more guys oh hey nice dude one shot that's awesome right a few men oh my
this is a lot of money yep we're definitely gonna be able to upgrade boom
upgrade this one oh that's actually a mistake I just did because you see if I
do just this I'm gonna get wooden walls automatically
no okay I guess it's not this time all right
can I pay you of course I can you go and do you buddy I I love you and you know I
I need the money let's take down these trees over here
okay now we've unlocked a farmer's shop not here we can get some sickles and
build a farm but I don't think we have a farm on this map I'll show you what the
farm looks like okay there we go you see this water okay okay okay oh
sure you saw that waterfall on the left that's where I fart should be and I mean
I usually don't go for building farms because they just cost way too much
money and they take too long to yield any results well for the sake of this
video I might but I wanna I wanna showcase all the features of the game
should I upgrade no I don't think I should you guys have any money for me
okay cool Coco Coco I get one more Archer I don't think they came from this
side today so I'm just gonna go on this side and explore feed my horse maybe
take down some trees all the way and holy shit that's a huge cave that's a
big portal right there alright let's just we can actually destroy these so
well I don't think I'm gonna be able to do that in this episode cuz we need
soldiers and Knights all that shit and when we destroy them we actually you
know what I'm not gonna see I'm not gonna say it I'm gonna leave it in the
next episode if you guys want to see that there's some pretty cool shit we
can do when we unlock when we destroy the portal let's go back I'm not gonna
recruit you're just gonna die sorry dude just hide in the tent and close the
blinds and don't make any don't make any noise goose they're gonna get you I mean
you don't actually have anything because they don't tell you to just take your
shit they take your goal to take your tools so I think you'd be fine
just a homeless dude alright um should we start building a form now no because
the green are gonna be coming very soon and I need three reinforce my walls I'm
gonna build one mall on the outskirts actually because this is an archer tower
that I can build and it has a bit more range of the normal archers so it's
gonna come in very handy when the game gets a little tougher let's build one
more wall over here all right cool Oh hold this shit I have a lot of money
alright um you guys are pretty close to this side so I'm gonna take down these
trees okay I don't think the green are coming yet
no they're not okay so take down those trees maybe unlock a few more rabbit
holes before Knight comes down come on dude come on come on I'm gonna protect
you I'm gonna drop a few points for you good because I love you and your
expensive spot okay there we go nice it is night
we don't have anybody outside so it's cool okay okay get you more money thank
you so much what happened our bag is full right now let's get one more
builder and get a couple farmers get one more Archer and we should have two guys
to do it fun I mean look for coins that is way too expensive and building the
farm is a lot more expensive than that okay welcome back I decided to skip a
little bit until I had enough money to start rebuilding the ship but first what
do you know my crops totally spoiled I told you the farmers are totally useless
but for now we're gonna stick to only a rabbit's I mean not having any
vegetables as a diet might be hard on the butthole but it sure brings way more
money let's start rebuilding as you see I spent like ten coins on it now I have
to spend like 40 more just to rebuild it but hey that's what we got to do if you
want to get out of this island okay I think my hunters have some money for me
there we go YouTube thank you so much there's a farm there but we've learned
from our lessons so screw that I'm not touching it you give me that coin please
thank you the ship the ship is gonna be a while you're gonna take a Walther okay
there we go there's actually one useful farmer in this place I think we can
upgrade now yep eight coin it's not too much I like how
building a farm is way more expensive than upgrading your entire castle why is
that a thing all right back at it again with a bag full of money so I think
we're gonna be able to finish this shit on this one could I have this bag full
of money and I also haven't collected anything from any of my dude so we
should have another bag come on get all those small pieces the pieces are gonna
start yeah the pieces are gonna start to get bigger and bigger we're not just
gonna keep doing this with tiny pieces all right you guys I haven't collected
any money from you so you gotta have something for anybody Wow they don't
have anything what the hell just happened what are you doing all day okay
you know you okay one coin you know thought I had way more money than that
um banker dude you got anything no you're scared and you're gonna go
hide in the castle typical bankers man okay there we go okay well we got half a
bag that's still good I guess I'm not gonna recruit I'm not gonna assign these
dudes there any to anything because I have surprise and that's what we're
gonna end the episode on just leave very excited in case okay there's the hunter
that gets all the money in case you like this and want to see
another episode of it let's just have something a little bit exciting loves or
the next episode and something pretty necessary not only exciting to beat this
level and get out it's on does anyone have some points okay the fuck dude
there's one parcel land and it's this farmers who's bringing any
the other one are either rotten or just not growing at all what the hell you
guys do I'm proud you know there's one hope
I hate farmers but you're an exception did I love you okay let's just I think
this is the one not sure you might be also a mistake to do it at night my
builders might die okay I think we only have a few pieces left
let me just waste all my money I guess okay there we go
okay two more coins let's just waste that as well - okay four more coins
let's just waste that as well yep okay more phones that's just waste
time okay this ship is freaking expensive two more
yep that's all my money gone can you guys not die please okay hurry
up if you keep it you keep it up at this rate you're definitely dying I think we
have one piece left hold on let's wait and see we have one two maybe three
maybe three pieces left okay that's pretty good we're doing some pretty good
progress that should be enough to finish this ship that should be also enough to
upgrade our wall on the right to the latest upgrade this wall is holding on
pretty well and I got wow that's a lot of money dude okay this is gonna be it
now fix the boat I'm gonna show you the little surprise that I was talking about
for the next episode and we're gonna end this one and hopefully you guys want to
see more cuz I really do want to play more and the best thing about this game
besides that it's just absolutely gorgeous looking and the music is
awesome is that you can literally play it with the arrow keys so or lazy person
like me that's a dream come true you just lay in
bed and play a game with one hand and come on one piece one more piece there
we go this ship is finally repaired okay let's get some archers on that bad boy
there we go for archers we got builders to push it
we got dome area he forced it to make it go as fast as
possible and as I promised the little surprise that I told you guys about
let's upgrade this one to the latest upgrade I think and we're gonna unlock
something very very very cool which is come on don't make me wait too much
freaking night let's get two nights yes there we go
look at him he's beautiful let's give him some coins because that actually
gives him some help so he can take some hits okay there we go
you got some nights we got some more chairs and next episode we're going to
war because we're going to take down all those portals to help our both get to
the pier and off this island so if you made it this far and enjoy the
video it would be awesome if you could share it and hit that's right behind to
not miss any new uploads I hope to see you all in the next one
have a great rest of the day take
Shortcrust Pastry Recipe | How to Make Pie Crust - Duration: 5:24.Homemade pastry takes less than 10 minutes to make and is so worth it.
The taste and texture is better than the bought stuff, and you can easily make a double batch
to put in the freezer so you always have some on hand.
Use it to make pies, tarts, and quiches, savoury or sweet.
In a large sized mixing bowl measure out the all purpose flour, 1 and 2/3 of a cup.
The basic recipe for shortcrust is 2 parts flour to 1 part fat.
This recipe will make enough to cover a 9 inch pie or quiche dish so if you're wanting
more or planning to put some in the freezer the ingredients are easily doubled.
If you would like the full recipe for this short crust pastry it will be on my website
as well as the full measurements listed below.
Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on any recipes I post a new video each
This is a savoury pastry, but it works well with both savoury and sweet fillings.
Enriched sweet pastry is quite different to this one and uses sugar and egg but if you
do want to give this pastry a little sweetness just add about 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, icing
or powdered sugar works well as it dissolves easily.
Add a pinch of salt to the flour and finally the butter.
As I said before this pastry calls for 1 part fat, this could be butter, shortening or even
Use whichever you would like, or have on hand.
I find butter has the best flavour but sometimes shortening can have a better texture to the
Make sure your butter is cold, straight out of the fridge and use a knife to cut it up
into small cubes so it is easier to manage.
Add the butter to the mixing bowl, breaking the cubes up.
The easiest and most effective thing to do here is to use clean and dry hands to work
the butter into the flour.
You can use a pastry cutter if you have one but I usually find using your hands is much
faster and easier.
Start to work the butter into the flour, sort of pressing it between your fingers, rubbing
it in.
The heat from your hands helps to soften the butter making it easier but you don't want
it to melt at all.
A more non-traditional way of doing this is by using a food processor.
I don't think you need to, doing it by hand doesn't take long at all, but sometimes
the easy way nice.
Add the flour, salt and butter to the food processor and process until it forms a sandy
Once your pastry has a sandy texture it's ready to be formed into a dough.
Make sure there are no longer any large lumps of butter, little small ones are good as this
helps with the shortcrust texture.
Add a couple of ice cubes to a small amount of water and let it sit for a few minutes
so it is extra cold.
Using ice water helps to stop the butter from melting.
One thing to keep in mind is don't try to make pastry on a hot day unless you have some
good air conditioning.
If you feel like the butter in the pastry is getting too warm place it into the fridge
for 20 minutes before trying to work with it again.
Add 2 to 3 tablespoons of ice water to the bowl and start to mix the dough through with
a knife.
Using a knife to mix works well as it cuts through the pastry as you mix.
Clump together a small amount of pastry and if it hold without breaking apart it doesn't
need any more water.
Let me know what your favourite dishes for using shortcrust pastry are.
I love making homemade pies or quiches for weekend lunches.
Make sure to take a look at my spinach and bacon quiche recipe that uses this kind of
Work the dough into a ball, sprinkle the work surface with flour and knead the pastry for
about 30 seconds until it becomes smooth.
You don't want to work it for too long or the heat from your hands can start to melt
the butter.
Wrap the ball of dough in plastic wrap and place into the fridge for at least 30 minutes
to rest.
Resting the dough allows the gluten in the flour to relax, making it easier and quicker
to roll out and shape the dough while also stopping it from shrinking while baking.
At this point the dough can be left in the fridge for up to a week or freeze it for the
next time you may need some pastry.
When you are ready to use your dough remove it from the fridge and give it 5-10 minutes
to warm up so it can be rolled out.
Roll it out using a rolling pin, using flour to stop anything from sticking.
If the pastry starts sticking it may need to go back into the fridge to stop the butter
Before baking your pastry leave it again to rest for at least 20 minutes in the fridge
or freezer.
Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoyed this recipe and I will see you in my next
BMW X1 E84 hidden service menu - Duration: 3:49.Hello, today we are in BMW X1 the E84 model and we're going to check the
hidden instrument cluster menu. So what you need to do is put your key in and
even turn on the ignition, wait few seconds few seconds for the warning (if
you have any) to disappear and right now what you do is press and hold the
trip reset button and let's do it right now. Let's press and hold it. You
will see some warnings, some service messages. Keep pressing, keep holding that
bottom. And OK, we are over here and we are in the hidden menu. Over here we can
see all that we need right now. So we are in the menu 01 submenu 00, this is the
menu name. It's a short for German words "vehicle identification number".
It's some like "Fahrzeug St-something Number". And over here we have last seven
digits of your vehicle identyfication number. What you need to do is add up
those five last numbers. So we have 7 plus 2 plus 7 plus 2 plus 7
and that makes 25. OK so 25 is the unlock code for this car to access
more options in this hidden menu. So right now let's press and hold again the
trip reset button. OK, so let's go to menu
19 right now. We have LOCK: ON and now we need to enter the code which is 25 for this car.
Wait few seconds and right now you can press and hold it again, select different
menu, like menu number 04, submenu 00. Submenu 01, submenu 02, submenu 03...
And over here we have different values for the trip computer to calculate your
cars range and fuel economy display. So let's press
and hold it. Let's select something different like menu number
09. This should give us the battery voltage. We have only the battery
voltage, there are no submenus more over here so let's press and hold again. The
most interesting submenu in this car is of course the number 02 which is
the instrument cluster test.
And of course there are many different tests in this menu, you can check the
description below this video to see more information and I promise I will
link to a full description over there. And to exit this
menu all you need to do is to just turn off the ignition, take out your key and the next
time when you put your key inside the ignition
you have everything back to normal. OK, check also my other tutorials for BMW
and other cars, give me thumbs up if you like this video and thank you for watching.
10 Signs of a Narcissistic Parent | Conscious Reminder - Duration: 12:55.10 Signs of a Narcissistic Parent
"If my son doesn't grow up to be a professional baseball player, I'll shoot 'em!"
― Anonymous narcissist father
"Aren't you beautiful?
Aren't you beautiful?
You're going to be just as pretty as mommy!"
― Anonymous narcissist mother
"My father's favorite responses to my views were: 'but…,' 'actually…,' and 'there's more to it than this…' He always
has to feel like he knows better."
― Anonymous
A narcissistic parent can be defined as someone who lives through, is possessive of,
and/or engages in marginalizing competition with the offspring.
Typically, the narcissistic parent perceives the independence of a child (including adult children) as a threat,
and coerces the offspring to exist in the parent's shadow, with unreasonable expectations.
In a narcissistic parenting relationship, the child is rarely loved just for being herself or himself.
Numerous studies have been conducted on the subject of narcissistic parenting and its impact on
offspring.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) It's important to distinguish certain parent-centric tendencies from chronic narcissistic
Many parents want to show off their children, have high expectations,
may be firm at times (such as when a child is behaving destructively), and desire their offspring to make them proud.
None of these traits alone constitute pathological narcissism.
What distinguishes the narcissistic parent is a pervasive tendency to deny the offspring, even as an adult,
a sense of independent self-hood.
The offspring exists merely to serve the selfish needs and machinations of the parent(s).
How do you know when a parent may be narcissistic?
The following are ten telltale signs, with references to my book (click on title):
"How to Successfully Handle Narcissists".
While some parents may exhibit a few of the following traits at one time or another, which might not be a major issue,
a pathologically narcissistic parent tends to dwell habitually in several of the following personas,
while remaining largely unaware of (or unconcerned with) how these behaviors affect one's offspring.*
Uses/Lives Through One's Child
Most parents want their children to succeed.
Some narcissistic parents, however, set expectations not for the benefit of the child,
but for the fulfillment of their own selfish needs and dreams.
Instead of raising a child whose own thoughts, emotions, and goals are nurtured and valued,
the offspring becomes a mere extension of the parent's personal wishes, with the child's individuality diminished.
"My mom used to love dolling me up in cute dresses, even though I was a tomboy by nature.
I think she felt that when I received compliments for my appearance, she looked good in reflection.
It boosted her self-worth."
― Anonymous
"You have opportunities I've never had…After you become a doctor you can do as you please.
Until then you do as I say!"
― Father to son in "Dead Poets Society"
Some narcissistic parents are threatened by their offspring's potential, promise, and success,
as they challenge the parent's self-esteem.
Consequently, a narcissistic mother or father might make a concerted effort to put the child down,
so the parent remains superior.
Examples of this type of competitive marginalization includes nit-picking, unreasonable judgment and criticisms,
unfavorable comparisons, invalidation of positive attitudes and emotions, and rejection of success and accomplishments.
The common themes through these put downs are: "There's always something wrong with you," and "You'll never be good
enough." By lowering the offspring's confidence, the narcissistic parent gets to boost her or his own insecure
"I pleaded with my mother on the phone for the lab fee of my college science class.
She finally agreed to pay, but only after saying that it was a waste of money on me."
― Anonymous
Grandiosity & Superiority
Many narcissistic parents have a falsely inflated self-image, with a conceited sense about who they are and what they
Often, individuals around the narcissist are not treated as human beings,
but merely tools (objects) to be used for personal gain.
Some children of narcissistic parents are objectified in the same manner, while others are taught to possess the same,
forged superiority complex: "We're better than they are." This sense of grandiose entitlement, however,
is almost exclusively based on superficial, egotistical, and material trappings,
attained at the expense of one's humanity, conscientiousness, and relatedness.
One becomes more "superior" by being less human.
Superficial Image
Closely related to grandiosity, many narcissistic parents love to show others how "special" they are.
They enjoy publically parading what they consider their superior dispositions, be it material possessions,
physical appearance, projects and accomplishments, background and membership, contacts in high places,
and/or trophy spouse and offspring.
They go out of their way to seek ego-boosting attention and flattery.
For some narcissistic parents, social networking is a wonderland where they regularly advertise how wonderful and
envy-worthy their lives are.
The underlying messages may be: "I am/my life is so special and interesting," and "Look at ME – I have what you don't
"What my mother displays in public and how she really is are very different."
― Anonymous
Common examples of narcissistic parenting manipulation include:
Guilt trip: "I've done everything for you and you're so ungrateful."
Blaming: "It's your fault that I'm not happy."
Shaming: "Your poor performance is an embarrassment to the family."
Negative comparison: "Why can't you be as good as your brother?"
Unreasonable pressure: "You WILL perform at your best to make me proud."
Manipulative reward and punishment: "If you don't pursue the college major I chose for you, I will cut off my support."
Emotional coercion: "You're not a good daughter/son unless you measure up to my expectations."
A common theme running through these forms of manipulation is that love is given as a conditional reward,
rather than the natural expression of healthy parenting.
On the other hand, the withholding of love is used as threat and punishment.
Inflexible and Touchy
Certain narcissistic parents are highly rigid when it comes to the expected behaviors of their children.
They regulate their offspring on minor details, and can become upset when there's deviation.
Some narcissistic parents are also touchy and easily triggered.
Reasons for irritation towards an offspring can vary greatly, from the child's lack of attention and obedience,
to perceived faults and shortcomings, to being in the presence of the parent at the wrong time, et cetera.
One reason for the parent's inflexibility and touchiness is the desire to control the child.
The narcissist responds negatively and disproportionally when she or he sees that the offspring will not always be
pulled by the strings.
"I hate it when you put groceries on the checkout counter that way.
I told you before I HATE it!"
― Mother to daughter at supermarket
Lack of Empathy
One of the most common manifestations of a narcissistic father or mother is the inability to be mindful of the child's
own thoughts and feelings, and validate them as real and important.
Only what the parent thinks and feels matters.
Children under this type of parental influence over time may respond with one of three survival instincts:
They may Fight back and stand-up for themselves.
They may Flight and distance from their parent(s).
Some may begin to Freeze and substitute their invalidated real self with a false persona (playing a role),
thus adopting traits of narcissism themselves.
Some narcissistic parents expect their children to take care of them for the rest of their lives.
This type of dependency can be emotional, physical, and/or financial.
While there's nothing inherently wrong with taking care of older parents – it's an admirable trait – the narcissistic
parent typically manipulates an offspring into making unreasonable sacrifices,
with little regard for the offspring's own priorities and needs.
"My mom (a single parent in her late 30's) expects me to support her financially on an on-going basis.
She says that she can't live without me."
― Anonymous college student
Some narcissistic parents may also maneuver their adult children into codependency.
Psychology professor Shawn Burn defines a codependent relationship as one where "one person's help supports (enables)
the other's underachievement, irresponsibility, immaturity, addiction, procrastination,
or poor mental or physical health."
Jealousy & Possessiveness
Since a narcissistic mother or father often hopes that the child will permanently dwell under the parent's influence,
she or he may become extremely jealous at any signs of the child's growing maturity and independence.
Any perceived act of individuation and separation, from choosing one's own academic and career path,
to making friends not approved by the parent, to spending time on one's own priorities,
are interpreted negatively and personally ("Why are you doing this to ME?").
In particular, the appearance of a romantic partner in the adult offspring's life may be viewed as a major threat,
and frequently responded to with rejection, criticism, and/or competition.
In the eyes of some narcissistic parents, no romantic partner is ever good enough for their offspring,
and no interloper can ever challenge them for dominance of their child.
"How dare that woman take my son away from me.
Who does she think she is?"
― Anonymous
In some situations, a narcissistic parent may choose to focus primarily on her or his self-absorbing interests,
which to the narcissist are more exciting than child-raising.
These activities may provide the narcissist the stimulation, validation, and self-importance she or he craves,
be it career obsession, social flamboyance, or personal adventures and hobbies.
The child is left either to the other parent, or on his or her own.
"My husband's an absent father.
He's always off doing something fun for himself, which he prefers to spending time with our child.
He's an extremely selfish person."
― Anonymous
Fan-Animation: Happy Birthday, Alan Walker! - Duration: 1:33.
You know, who's birthday's today?
I know it, I know it!
Catch it!
Yeah, of course. It is marshmello's!
Prank! Happy Birthday!
SADE Greatest Hits | Best Songs Of SADE - Duration: 1:31:19.-------------------------------------------
Nolwenn Leroy dans The Voice : la jeune maman met fin aux rumeurs - Duration: 1:53.-------------------------------------------
college football schedule | Oregon State vs Colorado State live stream: How to watch online - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
Vatanım Sensin / Wounded Love - Episode 9 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:15.Are you angry with your husband, nurse...
...because he is with Greeks?
My husband died in Selanik (Thessalonike) figthing for his motherland.
That guy you see is not my husband.
He is my enemy.
Betrayal, Cevdet, breaks all connections.
He knocked me out, when we were ambushed. He drew me away, when the armory exploded.
Aren't these enough to suspect Colonel Cevdet?
That husband of yours, the Greek commander, he is not the guy you think he is, nurse.
I have resisted for a lifetime, Commander.
I have defied the Ottomans.
I have defied the rich, the merchant but I couldn't become like you.
- Now tell me, where is the arms? - I will.
I will tell you who has the arms.
It seems like somebody is doing something behind our backs.
Where were you when the armory was exploded?
[한글자막] 실제 상품을 구매해야지만 얻을수 있는 팀포트리스2 모자들! / Team fortress 2 - [Casperr] - Duration: 9:41.-------------------------------------------
Codomo Dragon - WARUAGAKI (ENG SUB) [HD] - Duration: 3:47.Codomo Dragon - Waruagaki (Meaningless Struggle)
[translations by me]
Even if it's just deception that's spread around
Walking ever so calmly
You have no regrets about a dark future?
Having the pretension of a hero is in bad taste
rambling on with empty, pretty words
Having the pretension of a victim,
Raise your voice and cry out
leave it to others to stick out their tongue
Crying out in rage again,
I close my eyes from midnight until I fall asleep
But I wake up again, and because it all repeats
It's incorrigible
STEP ON laying lies over lies more
SO WHAT'S UP? Looking on with indifference
Pretending to be a victim will open up the path
Let me pass!
Crying out in rage again,
I close my eyes from midnight until I fall asleep
But I wake up again, and it all repeats
There's no signs of stopping
Did the expectations hit the mark?
Is it within the expected range?
Was it as expected?
I was disgusted at the bragging
Crying out in rage again,
I close my eyes from midnight until I fall asleep
But I wake up again, and because it all repeats
It's incorrigible
So STEP ON laying lies over lies
SO WHAT'S UP? Looking on with indifference
I don't want to pretend to be the victim
Headed towards Hell,
Let me pass!
STOP IT already, laying lies over lies
SO WHAT'S UP? Struggling meaninglessly
I understand it all now
so, pay no attention
Let me pass!
Hurricane Harvey douses Texas as coastal residents find 'devastation' - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
How much money Youtube pays for 1000 Views in India? यूट्यूब 1000 दृश्यों के लिए पैसे देगी ? - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
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Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Hands On Review & First Impressions! : Buy It Product : Here's my hands on review and first impressions of the Samsung Galaxy Note 8! I can't believe it's been almost a year since I've used a Galaxy Note. Thankfully Samsung kept the note line alive. Watch for the full hands on! Help support the channel by using my Amazon Affiliate Link: Amazon us : Don't froget to subscribe our channel: Follow me on Social Media: Website: Facebook Page : google : facebook : twitter : linkedin: pinterest : Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Hands On Review & First Impressions! video Link :
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How To Get Rid of Oily Skin 2017 - 9 Home Remedies for Oily Skin - Duration: 8:49.welcome to how to help channel today topic is how to get rid of oily
skin oily skin is the result of the overproduction of sebum from sebaceous
glands these glands are located under the skin's surface
sebum is an oily substance made of fats sebum is all bad since it helps protect
and moisturize your skin and keep your hair shiny too much deeper however may
lead to oily skin which can lead to clogged pores and acne genetics hormone
changes or even stressed main crazyville production when they skin and acne are
challenging to manage still home remedies often reduce symptoms without
the use of prescription drugs or expensive skincare regimens 9 home
remedies for oily skin number 1 wash your face
it seems obvious but many people with oily skin don't wash their face daily if
your skin is oily you should wash your face twice a day but don't overdo it
avoid harsh soaps or detergents use a gentle soap such as glycerin soap
instead number two honey honey is one of nature's most revered skin remedies
thanks to its antibacterial and antiseptic abilities it may benefit oily
and acne prone skin honey is also a natural lubricant so it helps keep the
skin moist but not oily this is because who maintains draw
moisture from the skin without replacing it to use honey to treat acne and oily
skin spread a thin layer preferably wrong onto your face let it dry for
about 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly with tepid water number 3
cosmetic clay cosmetic clays also called healing clays are used to help at swap
skin oil and treat many skin conditions French green clay is a pump in our
treatment for oily skin and acne since it's highly absorbent French green clay
comes in powder form to make a spy-worthy French green clay mask add
filtered water or rose water to about a teaspoon of clay until it forms a
pudding like consistency apply the clay mixture to your face and leave it on
Toula dries remove the clay with warm water and pat dry clay masks remove with
water are much gentler on your skin than peel-off mask number 4 oatmeal oatmeal
helps calm inflamed skin and absorb excess oil
it also helps exfoliate dead skin oatmeal when used in facial masks is
usually ground it can be combined with yogurt honey or mashed fruits such as
bananas apples or Copiah to use oatmeal on your face combine 1/2 cup ground oats
with hot water to form a paste stir in 1 tablespoon honey
massage the oatmeal mixture into your face for about 3 minutes rinse with warm
water and pat dry alternatively apply the oatmeal mixture
to your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes rinse with warm water and pat
dry number 5 egg whites and lemon egg whites and
lemons are frog remedy for oily skin both ingredients are hard to tighten
pores the acid in lemons and other citrus fruits may help absorb oil this
is not a good choice for people with egg allergies according to a 2008 study
lemons have antibacterial abilities to make an easy egg white and lemon
facemask combine one egg white with one teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
apply a dear face and leave it on until the mask dries remove with warm water
and not dry number 6 almonds ground almonds not only were to
exfoliate your skin but they also help sup up excess oils and impurities to use
an almond face scrub finally growing raw almonds to make 3 teaspoons add two
tablespoons of raw honey apply to your face gently in circular motions rinse
with warm water and pat dry you can also make an almond face mask by grinding the
almonds into a paste before adding their honey leave the mask on for 10-15
minutes rinse with warm water and pat dry do not use if you have a nut allergy
number 7 aloe vera aloe vera is known for soothing burns and others game
Editions according to the Mayo Clinic there's good scientific evidence that it
helps treat flaky skin caused by only patches many people use aloe vera to
trade oily skin you can apply a thin layer to your face before bedtime and
leave it on till morning aloe vera is known to cause allergic reaction on
sensitive skin if you have not used a lager before just a small amount on your
forearm if no reaction appears within 24 to 48 hours it should be safe to use
number 8 Tomatoes tomatoes contain salicylic acid a common acne home remedy
the acids in tomatoes may help absorb excess gain oils and help unclog pores
to make an exfoliating tomato mask combine 1tsp sugar with the pulp of one
tomato apply to the skin in a circular motion leave the mask on for 5 minutes
rinse thoroughly with tepid water and pat dry you can also apply just tomato
pulp or tomato slices to your skin number 9 oil although the idea of
applying oil to oily skin seems counterproductive oil is a folk remedy
to treat oily skin acne and other skin problems it's thought that autumn may
mix even on the skin to trick sebaceous glands into producing less sebum and
help keep oil levels balanced there is no scientific research to
support this theory though still a 2012 study found that applying a mask made of
human clay and jojoba oil two to three times weekly helped heal skin lesions
and mild acne a little helper will others a long way using too much may
worsen oily skin try massaging a few drops into clean skin a few days a week
to see how you react if you like the results apply daily thanks for watching
please like comment share this video and don't forget to subscribe my channel
Best Funny Comedy Videos 2017 | Funny videos that make you laugh so hard & Enjoy - Duration: 4:06.Best Funny Videos
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