Saturday, August 5, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 6 2017

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Hello, today I share

A RECIPE FOR SUGAR detoxify the body.


Learn step by step recipe for sugar detoxify the body.

Sugar has become a major problem worldwide, leading to surprising levels

obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.

The amount of processed foods, energy drinks, soft drinks, juices industrialized

and sweets that people are consuming is contributing increasingly to the apparitions

disease throughout the body.

Meet three signs indicating a vice sugar.

1 - Eating for desire, even if not hungry.

2 - Eating sugary foods still with a health problem which recommended

is avoided.

3 - When is rewarded with sugar.

The truth is that the more sugar you eat, the more sugar your body will want.

That's why break the sugar habit is vital to keep your body healthy, avoiding

various diseases.

The advantages of cutting sugar from your diet are endless.

You will feel better, more attractive, more energetic and every part of his body

thank you.

End this vice may seem impossible for many people, but some simple

changes in routine can change this habit.

How to detoxify the body sugar.

Prefer salads, vegetables, fruits, meat and grains: as brown rice, beans,

lentils, etc.

Replace sugary sodas, juices and energy drinks to help speed up your metabolism

and clean all sugar from your body.

In addition, you can also make this delicious juice detox.

Recipe for sugar detoxify the body with detox juice.

- half a cup of blueberries.

- half a glass of strawberries.

- A grapefruit (a fruit similar to orange with red wedges).

- An orange.

- rosemary leaves and fresh mint.

Preparation method.

1 - Wash all ingredients and then cut.

2 - Put everything in a blender.

3 - Add one liter of water and whisk until well blended.

4- Keep the drink in a glass jar in the refrigerator and consume regularly.

In addition to this delicious juice detox, you can drink green tea or any other tea

Natural three times a day without using sugar or sweetener.

You can also drink black coffee during the day, without sugar and milk.

This is an easy plan to implement, but requires discipline not to be controlled

by desires.

Do you have any idea of ​​all this ?.

Tell us about it in the comments !.

If you like this information interesting, share, subscribe to my channel, it's FREE.

just by clicking on the link below or the image of the middle of the screen and not

forget to turn on notifications.

and give us a great !, thanks I LIKE I hope in the next video.



WEDNESDAY CAMPANELLA 水曜日のカンパネラ / Ikkyu-san Reaction - Duration: 5:15.

S: What day is it today, Ash?

A: it is Wed--WOAH! It actually is Wednesday

S: We are reacting to WEDNESDAY CAMPANELLA on a Wednesday

S: Nobody planned this, my mind is blown.

S: it's a sign. // A: It's a sign.

A: It was meant to happen! // S: It was meant to be!

A: and now we are here!

S: She's so pretty!

A: She is! She's so cute!

A: Her love interest?

S: The moment........ the made eye contact.

S: Her voice-- I felt a shiver and it just started.

A: She has a really unique voice!

S: This is something different!

A: you wouldn't expect her to be rapping eh?

S: I did not expect that from him either

A: The fierceness!

S: Her voice!

S: Her rap is like story-telling, you know?

S: She's like narrating something

A: She has such a pretty voice! // S: SHIVERS!!!!!!

S: I'm shivering!!!!

A: The goosebumps right now like

S: This is nice!

A: Do you hear that?

A: She has a really unique thing about her

A: Something she brings is so different, like what she brings to the table

S: Her style

S: Like we haven't seen anything like this so far

A: Get your man!

S: Her voice is so dreamy!!!!


A: He is so fierce!

S: Run away together guys! Run away!

A: Wait!

A: We were rooting for them though?!

S: Why did they....

A: Did they just kill like a bunch of people?

S: And the sounds of like the (sirens)

A: Why am I getting chills from this?

S: *anxious* I can't breathe!


For more infomation >> WEDNESDAY CAMPANELLA 水曜日のカンパネラ / Ikkyu-san Reaction - Duration: 5:15.


THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE / RAMPAGE ALL DAY Introduced by Zeebra REACTION - Duration: 7:21.


S: And we all know, when they release a music video,

A&S: They release a dance video

A: With it

S: They're really treating us

S: I'm waiting for the sound of the ring

A: The leather jacket

S: It's your boy ZEEBRA

A: Yessss ZEEBRA

A: His voice is so powerful!

S: It's going to be in their "Dirty Disco" set-up?

A: Yes ZEEBRA, that's how you do it. That's how you introduce the group

S: Back at the warehouse

S: Okay, let's see

S: They're like, "ey yo man! What's up! How you doin man?"

S: Shogo!!

S: What's going on?!

A: I'm taken aback right now!

S: Shohei

A: yes! Shohei yes!

A: Zin!

S: Yes with that pop!

S: I like the music in this video!

S: It's different

S: Are they going to change it for each person?

A: This sounds like daft-punk

S: Rui!!!!!!!!!!

A: Our popping Master! // S: Our King of pop and lock

A: How do you do that?

S: Yamasho

A: I'm getting goosebumps!

S: Itsuki!!!!

S: His purple pants

S: Likiya!

S: He always like--you know-- something like that

A: Who is next?

S: Kenta?

A: What's going on? *Camera storage getting full*

S: His hair!

S: That's like the concept! That throwback 90's style

A: This is a Robotic-like

S: Takuma!

S: He broke--OWW! *pretends to get hit by imaginary shards of glass*

S: Ryu!!!!!!

A&S: Takahide!

A: Go crazy!

S: Makoto!

A:Go crazy!

A: We're so extra!

A: Yes! Crump! Crump!



A: All day everyday!!!


S: It sounds like a bunch of angry guys yelling into a mic!

S: Shattered glass *sound effects* ouch!

A: I love--

A: Every time they come out with something, I'm like YES!

A: We get two in one!

A: Two in one!

S: It's a bargain

A: A dance video, and "Dirty Disco", that was AH-mazing!

A: We appreciate it because that gave everyone-- I'm telling you-- everyone life.

A: Everyone was living.

S: An ounce, an ounce of life.


S: "Dirty Disco!" "Rampage All day!"

A: "You're welcome!"

A: THANK YOU guys for watching! We really appreciate it!


For more infomation >> THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE / RAMPAGE ALL DAY Introduced by Zeebra REACTION - Duration: 7:21.


スダンナユズユリー / 「CALL ME NOW」Reaction - Duration: 4:42.

S: Hello?

A: Bonjour?

S: It's AandS here

S: Wow! Already colourful!

S: This is so like, juvenile with the toys-- in a good way

S: Very child-like

A: I saw a Nintendo remote

S: Yurino's hair!!! THE HAIRRRRRR!

A: Her hair!

S: I love it! Everybody's look! I love it!

A: Yes! Play those game cubes!

S: this is so bright and colourful!

S: I don't know who I would choose?! // A: This is so cute!

A: Is this like "Mortal Combat"?

A: They always come with amazing dances!

S: Her vocals?

S: Her singing is beautiful

A: This is such a cute song!

S: Call me now

S: Their dancing

A: These girls slay!

A: The glitter?! // S: So mystical!

S: I just got goosebumps

S: Sudanna?!

A: Her voice?! // S: Girl!

S: What is this?!

A: No, let's talk about that part right there

S: Let's talk about that

S: Her voice (Sudanna)?!

A: That was powerful, like WOW

S: We dig that, that like deeper voice

A: I will call you guys, and tell you guys how amazing, how cute......No the rap part?! I'm still stuck on that!

A: that was amazing!

A: This was a cute song, again colourful

S: So colourful!

A: Which we love. It's youthful

S: it's like vibrant, bubbly, and like--

A: "Let's have fun"?

A: Thank you guys for requesting this

A: This was such a cute and colourful song

A: Yes girls! Yes times ten!

A: I'm so happy that we got to experience this

A: We'll see you guys in the next music video reaction

A: And don't forget to comment and request if you'd like!

A: Adios, Amigos!

S: bye bye

For more infomation >> スダンナユズユリー / 「CALL ME NOW」Reaction - Duration: 4:42.


THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE / 「Dirty Disco」REACTION - Duration: 6:53.

A: Guess what?

S: What?

A: THE RAMPAGE From EXILE TRIBE released a new music video called "Dirty Disco"

A: Like, no one knows that we already like LOVE disco?....

S: Like, ummmmmm, is this a calling????

A: Is someone calling us out right now?

A: We love disco, and all those old tunes

S: And the fact that they came out with this MV, we were like "WHAT?!"

A: Are you guys listening in to our conversations?

S: Like what is it??

A: Like what's going on? Come on now? "Dirty DISCO"????

S: "Dirty Disco"--- hey now...

A: We might--- we're definitely going to enjoy this....

S: Do they have a thing for abandoned warehouses???

A: I saw a flash of them

A: Woah-- graffiti coming out of walls--

S: Riku!!!

S: Kazuma!!

A: Does anyone hear that?!

S: Say wha----

S: What is going--

A: Is this funk?!

S: Does anyone like NOT hear this?!


S: Hold on-- we never had to pause in the middle of a RAMPAGE music video before

A: They just brought like FUNK. If you guys know what funk is,

A: Like disco-funk

A: No see--.....

A: I'm just gonna replay that real-quick

S: See I just thought it was an abandon warehouse

S: I didn't know that they were gonna deliver, and then yeah-- we saw--

A: We just saw graffiti coming out of walls? // S: That like snake graffiti

A: See you can't really hear it now, right?

S: This is when it started!


A: I love it when Takahide dances!

S: And look at their outfits too eh???

S: I'm screaming on the inside

A: Me too!

S: This concept is giving us LIFE

S: And the little synthesizers!

A: I can't!

S: He's so cute! // A: He is!

S: The outfits!

S: Yes Kazuma!

A: Why when he does that, like his little parts in this, it's just like---

S: Likiya!!!

A: Look at you guys just slaying!

S: This is what happens when you don't get cut off!

S: You get the whole thing (FINALLYYYYYYY)

S: Oh this is beautiful

S: I love that

A: They're taking it really slow eh?

A: It's gonna build up, I feel it


A: Okay NO, guys....

A: I love this group

S: This is amazing


S: BY FAR-- I feel like we say this every time we watch a new RAMPAGE MV--

S: NO NO NO! But this one is different guys!

A: This one was way different.

S: This was FUNK!

A: This was DISCO-FUNK!

A: And this was the first time we watched a FULL music video


A: I can't even say anything! I don't wanna say, "this was my favourite", cause the next one might be like even better,

S: Just this one,---

A: It really speaks---

S: It like shot me in the heart--

A: To the AandS soul

For more infomation >> THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE / 「Dirty Disco」REACTION - Duration: 6:53.


三浦大知 Daichi Miura / U - Music Video Reaction - Duration: 4:28.

A: Blue screen

A: Daichi Miura

S: Smiley face

A: that's so cute!

S: DAICHI!!!!!

S: You can hear like all the pieces coming in together

A: This is so simple! Yes Daichi!

S: Do you hear like all the sounds in it?

A: The effects!

A: yeah the effects! // S: All the sounds in here!

A: yes!!! The background dancers!

A: Why is he so flawless with the dancing?!

A: It looks so effortless to him!

S: This is such a cute song!

S: yes the background dancers!

A: I honestly love his choreography!

A: In every music video so far, the choreography has been like everything

S: His voice

A: Camera, you're going a bit too far!

S: Can you go back to Daichi.

A: that *mmmmm*

A: Sing it!

S: Daichi!

A: I'm actually feeling so happy right now!

S: This man, offers something new in each video and song!

S: He has like a new style and sound like every time

S: He's like so.... versatile?!

S: He's such a versatile artist like,

A: and every time he starts dancing-- I don't know?!

S: It's like his dancing, is so smooth and light,

S: It's as if it's flowing the music.

S: Thank you all

A: For requesting this, and thank you Daichi for being an amazing artist, talent-filled.

A: Thank you so much for providing us with such amazing content!

A: Everyone go check this music video out RIGHT NOW!

A: And we'll see you guys in the next music video reaction!

A: We'll see you in the next one!

For more infomation >> 三浦大知 Daichi Miura / U - Music Video Reaction - Duration: 4:28.


Watch Beyblade Burst Episod...

For more infomation >> Watch Beyblade Burst Episod...


R.Ú.N.G Đ.Ộ.N.G ĐÍCH NGẮM CUỐI CÙNG của Nguyễn Phú Trọng Sau VỞ KỊCH VỤNG bắt Trịnh Xuân Thanh #186 - Duration: 22:27.

For more infomation >> R.Ú.N.G Đ.Ộ.N.G ĐÍCH NGẮM CUỐI CÙNG của Nguyễn Phú Trọng Sau VỞ KỊCH VỤNG bắt Trịnh Xuân Thanh #186 - Duration: 22:27.


Volvo V40 1.6 D2 115PK R-Design - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 1.6 D2 115PK R-Design - Duration: 0:58.



For more infomation >> Suzuki Ignis 1.3 FIRST EDITION DEALERONDERH. AIRCO. ST.BEKR. ELEKTR. R/SP. - Duration: 1:00.


Mixed Media Textured Layout - Duration: 13:19.

For more infomation >> Mixed Media Textured Layout - Duration: 13:19.


Sejarah Asean - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Sejarah Asean - Duration: 2:58.


Saab 9-5 2.0T 150pk Arc/ Hirsch getunend/ Lederen interieur/ Stoelverwarming/ Climate control/ Cruis - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Saab 9-5 2.0T 150pk Arc/ Hirsch getunend/ Lederen interieur/ Stoelverwarming/ Climate control/ Cruis - Duration: 0:58.


Peugeot 207 CC 1.6-16V T SPORT 150 pk - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 CC 1.6-16V T SPORT 150 pk - Duration: 0:57.


[Elsword] T. Code Empress 1vs1 PVP #28 - Duration: 12:56.

For more infomation >> [Elsword] T. Code Empress 1vs1 PVP #28 - Duration: 12:56.


Opel Mokka 1.4 T 4x4 AUT. LEER/NAVI/19"LM - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4 T 4x4 AUT. LEER/NAVI/19"LM - Duration: 0:42.


10 Weird Things You Didn't Know About Your Body - Duration: 6:03.

• What part of your body can wrap around the Earth twice?

Why is your brain stopping you from realizing your true strength?

From worms to shedding, here's 10 things about your body that are weird, but totally


10 – Feet Get Longer With Age • Sure, your feet get bigger as you grow

from child to adult.

But that's not what we're talking about here.

• As you grow older, the arches in your feet begin to flatten out.

This doesn't technically make your feet bigger, but over time, they get longer, wider,

and not as tall.

This is more common in people who are overweight, but it happens to everyone, to some extent.

• So don't be surprised if you end up with a different shoe size later in life.

9 – Humans Had Worms • Up until about 100 years ago, humans had



Worms in the stomach and intestines were just a thing people dealt with.

• Running water and indoor plumbing have all but eradicated worms in our digestive

tracts, which is good, since some of those parasites bring deadly diseases.

• But some scientists wonder if some of the worms humans used to live with were actually


• Medical labs frequently find that the worms we used to have in our stomachs could

actually prevent multiple sclerosis and some allergies, and may have even boosted our immune



8 – Everybody Loses Hair • If you run your fingers through your hair

right now, chances are your hands will come away with a few loose strands.

• If you didn't know better, you might panic and assume you're heading for baldness

in record time.

• Calm down.

The average human loses about 60-100 strands of hair every day.

It's no big deal – you regrow most of them.

• And now you understand why you keep clogging your shower drain – especially since your

hair is practically indestructible, even after it falls out.

7 – Blood Vessels Around the World • Pretty much every single square inch of

your body needs blood.

That means you have a lot of blood vessels tasked with carrying them that blood all across

your body.

• There's 60,000 miles of blood vessels in your body, to be exact.

• That's enough to circle the earth more than twice, but to do that you'd have to

rip all the blood vessels out of your body and line them up, so it's best if you don't

try it yourself.

6 – Multitasking Liver • We tend to only talk about the liver after

somebody's gone out for a night of binge drinking.

• It's true that the liver takes the primary responsibility for breaking down alcohol,

but it's way more than that.

• In fact, your liver has about 500 different functions, most of which it performs every

single day, including detoxifying chemicals in your body and making proteins for blood


5 – Speedy Sneezes • You know how people tell you to cover

your nose and mouth when you sneeze?

There's a good reason for that.

• The gas and germs that shoot out of your nose during a sneeze do so at a rate of about

100 miles per hour, and can travel up to 200 feet away from you.

• The larger particles that you can actually see don't go nearly as far, but sneezes

eject more than just what you can see.

The microscopic particles and bacteria come out of you like little tiny little disgusting


4 – Brain Beats Muscle • A recent study performed at Germany's

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology seems to suggest that our brains make us weak.

• See, our big, powerful brains use 20 percent of our energy every day.

But it hasn't always been that way.

We evolved to be that way over time, and it looks like our brains have siphoned energy

away from our muscles in order to power our cognitive functions.

• Of course, our muscles are stronger now than we allow them to be.

Our brains are still in the way.

Our bodies have natural limiters on them that prevent us from tearing ourselves apart.

• That's why you hear about people being able to lift boulders or cars when their adrenaline

gets up high enough.

That's the brain taking the limiters off.

3 – Shrinking Every Day • Generally speaking, you're about a centimeter

shorter when you go to bed than you are when you wake up.

• Does that mean you're shrinking every day and will eventually disappear?

Of course not.

• The reason you shrink a little bit throughout the day is because of your spine.

As you sit and stand throughout the day, the space between each of your vertebrae compresses

a tiny bit due to gravity and other factors.

• When you lay down and go to sleep, that pressure is relieved and that spacing goes

back to normal.

So by the time you wake up again, you've most likely gotten that height back.

2 – Humans Shed Skin • The skin you can see on your body right

now is probably completely different that the skin you had a month ago.

• On average, you shed your entire outer layer of skin every 2-to-4 weeks.

• That's a rate of about 1 million skin cells a day.

So, if you're wondering why your home is so dusty, it's because you're shedding.

All the time.

1 – You Can't Tickle Yourself…

Probably • Generally speaking, you can't tickle

yourself, because your brain knows what you're doing before you actually do it.

• Actually, there is one kind of person who can tickle themselves – schizophrenics.

• Psychologists believe that's because there's a disconnect in the brain in schizophrenics

where they don't clearly distinguish between self-inflicted acts and things done by other


• So in the even that you CAN tickle yourself… you might consider getting yourself a quick

psychiatric exam.

Just in case.

What's the weirdest fact you know about the human body?

Let us know in the comments below, and we'll pin our favorite to the top to show everyone

how smart you are.

For more infomation >> 10 Weird Things You Didn't Know About Your Body - Duration: 6:03.


A fateful Uber ride boosts business at struggling West Lake bakery - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> A fateful Uber ride boosts business at struggling West Lake bakery - Duration: 1:57.


三浦大知 Daichi Miura / U - Music Video Reaction - Duration: 4:28.

A: Blue screen

A: Daichi Miura

S: Smiley face

A: that's so cute!

S: DAICHI!!!!!

S: You can hear like all the pieces coming in together

A: This is so simple! Yes Daichi!

S: Do you hear like all the sounds in it?

A: The effects!

A: yeah the effects! // S: All the sounds in here!

A: yes!!! The background dancers!

A: Why is he so flawless with the dancing?!

A: It looks so effortless to him!

S: This is such a cute song!

S: yes the background dancers!

A: I honestly love his choreography!

A: In every music video so far, the choreography has been like everything

S: His voice

A: Camera, you're going a bit too far!

S: Can you go back to Daichi.

A: that *mmmmm*

A: Sing it!

S: Daichi!

A: I'm actually feeling so happy right now!

S: This man, offers something new in each video and song!

S: He has like a new style and sound like every time

S: He's like so.... versatile?!

S: He's such a versatile artist like,

A: and every time he starts dancing-- I don't know?!

S: It's like his dancing, is so smooth and light,

S: It's as if it's flowing the music.

S: Thank you all

A: For requesting this, and thank you Daichi for being an amazing artist, talent-filled.

A: Thank you so much for providing us with such amazing content!

A: Everyone go check this music video out RIGHT NOW!

A: And we'll see you guys in the next music video reaction!

A: We'll see you in the next one!

For more infomation >> 三浦大知 Daichi Miura / U - Music Video Reaction - Duration: 4:28.


Beautiful Park Model Recreational Vehicle Cozy Tiny House In Cobleskill New York | Tiny House Design - Duration: 2:49.


For more infomation >> Beautiful Park Model Recreational Vehicle Cozy Tiny House In Cobleskill New York | Tiny House Design - Duration: 2:49.


Mom of suspected bank robber lands behind bars, he is still at large - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Mom of suspected bank robber lands behind bars, he is still at large - Duration: 1:54.


On edge? | daily sprout 310 - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> On edge? | daily sprout 310 - Duration: 0:49.


THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE / 「Dirty Disco」REACTION - Duration: 6:53.

A: Guess what?

S: What?

A: THE RAMPAGE From EXILE TRIBE released a new music video called "Dirty Disco"

A: Like, no one knows that we already like LOVE disco?....

S: Like, ummmmmm, is this a calling????

A: Is someone calling us out right now?

A: We love disco, and all those old tunes

S: And the fact that they came out with this MV, we were like "WHAT?!"

A: Are you guys listening in to our conversations?

S: Like what is it??

A: Like what's going on? Come on now? "Dirty DISCO"????

S: "Dirty Disco"--- hey now...

A: We might--- we're definitely going to enjoy this....

S: Do they have a thing for abandoned warehouses???

A: I saw a flash of them

A: Woah-- graffiti coming out of walls--

S: Riku!!!

S: Kazuma!!

A: Does anyone hear that?!

S: Say wha----

S: What is going--

A: Is this funk?!

S: Does anyone like NOT hear this?!


S: Hold on-- we never had to pause in the middle of a RAMPAGE music video before

A: They just brought like FUNK. If you guys know what funk is,

A: Like disco-funk

A: No see--.....

A: I'm just gonna replay that real-quick

S: See I just thought it was an abandon warehouse

S: I didn't know that they were gonna deliver, and then yeah-- we saw--

A: We just saw graffiti coming out of walls? // S: That like snake graffiti

A: See you can't really hear it now, right?

S: This is when it started!


A: I love it when Takahide dances!

S: And look at their outfits too eh???

S: I'm screaming on the inside

A: Me too!

S: This concept is giving us LIFE

S: And the little synthesizers!

A: I can't!

S: He's so cute! // A: He is!

S: The outfits!

S: Yes Kazuma!

A: Why when he does that, like his little parts in this, it's just like---

S: Likiya!!!

A: Look at you guys just slaying!

S: This is what happens when you don't get cut off!

S: You get the whole thing (FINALLYYYYYYY)

S: Oh this is beautiful

S: I love that

A: They're taking it really slow eh?

A: It's gonna build up, I feel it


A: Okay NO, guys....

A: I love this group

S: This is amazing


S: BY FAR-- I feel like we say this every time we watch a new RAMPAGE MV--

S: NO NO NO! But this one is different guys!

A: This one was way different.

S: This was FUNK!

A: This was DISCO-FUNK!

A: And this was the first time we watched a FULL music video


A: I can't even say anything! I don't wanna say, "this was my favourite", cause the next one might be like even better,

S: Just this one,---

A: It really speaks---

S: It like shot me in the heart--

A: To the AandS soul

For more infomation >> THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE / 「Dirty Disco」REACTION - Duration: 6:53.


Best Instagram Food Tutorials Recipes 2017 #3 | 10 Easy Asparacus Desserts Recipe - Duration: 10:20.


For more infomation >> Best Instagram Food Tutorials Recipes 2017 #3 | 10 Easy Asparacus Desserts Recipe - Duration: 10:20.


THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE / RAMPAGE ALL DAY Introduced by Zeebra REACTION - Duration: 7:21.


S: And we all know, when they release a music video,

A&S: They release a dance video

A: With it

S: They're really treating us

S: I'm waiting for the sound of the ring

A: The leather jacket

S: It's your boy ZEEBRA

A: Yessss ZEEBRA

A: His voice is so powerful!

S: It's going to be in their "Dirty Disco" set-up?

A: Yes ZEEBRA, that's how you do it. That's how you introduce the group

S: Back at the warehouse

S: Okay, let's see

S: They're like, "ey yo man! What's up! How you doin man?"

S: Shogo!!

S: What's going on?!

A: I'm taken aback right now!

S: Shohei

A: yes! Shohei yes!

A: Zin!

S: Yes with that pop!

S: I like the music in this video!

S: It's different

S: Are they going to change it for each person?

A: This sounds like daft-punk

S: Rui!!!!!!!!!!

A: Our popping Master! // S: Our King of pop and lock

A: How do you do that?

S: Yamasho

A: I'm getting goosebumps!

S: Itsuki!!!!

S: His purple pants

S: Likiya!

S: He always like--you know-- something like that

A: Who is next?

S: Kenta?

A: What's going on? *Camera storage getting full*

S: His hair!

S: That's like the concept! That throwback 90's style

A: This is a Robotic-like

S: Takuma!

S: He broke--OWW! *pretends to get hit by imaginary shards of glass*

S: Ryu!!!!!!

A&S: Takahide!

A: Go crazy!

S: Makoto!

A:Go crazy!

A: We're so extra!

A: Yes! Crump! Crump!



A: All day everyday!!!


S: It sounds like a bunch of angry guys yelling into a mic!

S: Shattered glass *sound effects* ouch!

A: I love--

A: Every time they come out with something, I'm like YES!

A: We get two in one!

A: Two in one!

S: It's a bargain

A: A dance video, and "Dirty Disco", that was AH-mazing!

A: We appreciate it because that gave everyone-- I'm telling you-- everyone life.

A: Everyone was living.

S: An ounce, an ounce of life.


S: "Dirty Disco!" "Rampage All day!"

A: "You're welcome!"

A: THANK YOU guys for watching! We really appreciate it!


For more infomation >> THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE / RAMPAGE ALL DAY Introduced by Zeebra REACTION - Duration: 7:21.


Life Perspective | No Jail Time For Cash Me Ousside Girl 15 Most Recent Pics Of Danielle Bregoli 2 - Duration: 9:19.

No Jail Time For Cash Me Ousside Girl 15 Most Recent Pics Of Danielle Bregoli.

You might have better luck to cash Cashmeousside Girl ousside of court these days.

Unbelievably, her fifteen minutes don't seem to be up yet and the paparazzi were in

full effect at Danielle Bregoli's most recent court dates, snapping away pics of the famous

foul-mouthed teenager.

Earlier this year, Danielle appeared in a Florida courthouse and plead not guilty to

five, count 'em, five juvenile felony charges.

Clearly, she's been keeping busy.

The charges included filing a false police report and grand theft.

Along for the ride, Danielle brought her mother, Barbara Ann Bregoli, who was the victim in

some of the charges and her bodyguard.

If you're not thrilled with the thought of some bratty, disrespectful kid "earning"

tons of money and fame simply for being bratty and disrespectful, you're not alone.

It's even worse than those reality celebs who are "famous just for being famous"

because Danielle is famous for being a first class terror on the Dr. Phil show.

In an age where teen moms are worshipped and pawn store workers are glorified, Danielle

has just given hope and career aspirations to all unruly teens out there… they could

potentially just be an unintelligible catchphrase away from fame, fortune, and their own reality


Heaven help us all.


Busy As A Bee Bregoli.

A phone for each ear – how bow dah.

Danielle's manager told TMZ that they were contacted by seven production companies.

Out of those seven, four were highly interested in shooting a reality show starring the tiny

redheaded terror herself.

And of course, her mother who seems to be quite pleased to ride her daughter's coattails

as long as this madness lasts.

Currently, there's no end in sight for Danielle's fame.

As long as the public enjoys her antics, Danielle will be around as well as the big bucks to

help pad her newfound lifestyle.

It's a vicious cycle and it looks like we'll be caught up in it until Hurricane Danielle

and Tornado Barbara somehow lose momentum and die down.

Until then, Danielle's making deals literally left and right.


Meet And Greet Gangsta.

Did you know that you (yes, you!) could be so lucky as to meet this rising star?

It's true!

She may be all thug at heart but she still doesn't mind having some money tossed her

way for a meet and greet.

In May, she was paid over 41K dollars to greet guests at the Rolling Loud Music Festival

in Miami.

If that figure makes you want to bang your head against the wall, hold on because the

opportunities for Danielle to cash in on this trainwreck situation seem to be growing by

leaps and bounds.

Her new felon status will likely make her only want to work that meet and greet scene

faster since it will be harder for her to get a normal job.


Lunch With Kim.

"See I can play nice too," Danielle wrote on Instagram for this photo followed by emojis

of an angel and a black heart.

She met Kim Kardashian at The Polo Lounge where they both happened to be lunching on

the same day.

While this photo looks like the two are best buds, apparently Kim was taking photos with

many people that day and Danielle was introduced to her as just another fan.

Danielle hasn't been shy about speaking her mind about anyone including Kim's brother,


She made a video earlier this year giving her take on the Rob and Chyna drama with some

pretty embarrassing words for Rob.

Despite her bored-looking expression, maybe Danielle really is a big Kim K. fan.

Kim is famous for no good reason with a reality show and it looks like that's where Danielle's

goals are, too.

Shoot for the stars!


Guilty As Charged, How Bow Dah.

After initially pleading not guilty, Cashmeousside Girl finally pleaded guilty to charges of

grand theft, grand theft auto, possession of marijuana and filing a false police report.

She was set to be sentenced on the following court hearing which was scheduled for July

22nd but at the time of this writing, the results of the sentencing hearing could not

be found so the fate of the teen viral sensation might have gotten pushed back.

Maybe the judge should've sent her back to Turnabout Ranch?

That's where Dr. Phil had sent her.

Danielle seemed to actually thrive at the horse ranch and connected with the counselors

there until she went back home to her mother, Barbara Ann.

She even had a favorite horse she cared for named Chief.

But it looks like the glitzy claws of L.A. fame might be in Danielle too deep for her

to turn about now.


Could She Have Survived In Jail?.

Getting down to business, Danielle is a girl who talks a big game.

Most teens talk big games.

They are realizing they are no longer kids and feel a desperate need to prove their worth.

But most teens don't call the Dr. Phil audience prostitutes in a less polite manner.

And most teens don't become felons for ridiculous charges like trying to frame their mother

for drug possession by using powdered sugar.

But Danielle did all of those things.

She's been caught on film swinging her tiny fists in the air more than a few times and

she's also been caught on the business end of an old-fashioned whooping a few times.

So could this pint-sized troublemaker have survived in jail if she had to go?

Hopefully, for her sake, she would share a cell with some serious Cashmeousside fans.


L.A. Lifestyle.

Danielle faced her charges in Florida but she recently traded her address in the Sunshine

State for one in the Golden State.

Since she's in Los Angeles so much due to her demanding schedule and various business

dealings, she and her momager/theft victim/fellow Dr. Phil guest Barbara Ann, gave up alligators

and swamps for seagulls and palm trees and seem to be enjoying quite the cushy life in

L.A. They are regularly filmed and photographed, soaking up the Southern California sun, walking

the posh streets of Beverly Hills, going out to eat at fancy restaurants and being treated

like the big deal that they shouldn't be.

It's easier to stretch out fifteen minutes of fame directly from L.A. than trying to

reel it in all the way from Florida.


Despite The Serious Charges, She's Quite Pleased With Herself.

She's got something to smile about.

Maybe she's the kind of girl who always looks to the brighter side of things or maybe

she's just a kid with a lot of cash.

She was all smiles in court for whatever reason, despite being guilty to filing a false police

report, for one.

Danielle will have the record of a juvenile felon but perhaps the reason she doesn't

care too much is that she's set to be a millionaire before 2017 is over.

On another note, it's hard not to notice that Danielle doesn't seem too concerned

with her appearance for court.

Most people dress up, wear their Sunday best or at least their Monday best.

Danielle rolled up to court in jeans, a tank top and sweater duster, wild hair, flip flop

sandals and looked to be giving zero cares.


14-Year-Old Felon.

If you actually watched the full episode of "Dr. Phil" where in Danielle Bregoli,

a "star" was born, you would know that the troubled teen was accused of stealing

her mother, Barbara Ann's purse and car (separately, of course) as well as calling

the cops and falsely accusing her mother of using heroin which turned out to be powdered

sugar that Danielle artistically sprinkled on Barbara's bathroom countertop.

That all happened in 2016.

Earlier this year, she was found in a car with marijuana.

She also was accused of stealing the makeup artist who was assigned to Danielle's home

from Dr. Phil's squad but we're assuming that the folks at the good doctor's show

cleaned that mess up in exchange for extra material on the show and the juicy ratings

to follow.

In June, Danielle accepted the charges, making her an official felon.

For more infomation >> Life Perspective | No Jail Time For Cash Me Ousside Girl 15 Most Recent Pics Of Danielle Bregoli 2 - Duration: 9:19.


Call And Win, 4.8.2017. - Caroline - Duration: 1:59:49.

For more infomation >> Call And Win, 4.8.2017. - Caroline - Duration: 1:59:49.


Racial profiling (Detroit) | verbally harassed & taunted by security guard - Duration: 2:05.

Darrell, that's your name, right?

I'll have to remember that. (me)

What did you say? (security)

I'll remember that. (me)

That's the terrorist there. (security)

hmm..say again (me)

See, when you call someone a terrorist (me)

Because you're ignorant. (me)

Then, that says a lot about your knowledge. (me)

Because you have no idea what you're talking about. (me)

So... (me)

I know what I'm talking about, because I'm from America (security)

Ok, but.. (me)

I know what I'm talking about. (security)

But you can't just call someone a terrorist. (me)

Because you think, it's just wrong. (me)

You where acting like you were scared. (security)

You can't just cal someone a terrorist. All right. All right. (me)

You could be one. (security)

Ok, What's that? Alright. (me)

Remember September 11 when it happened. (security)

hmmm (me)

People who it done say they weren't very happy. (security)

All right, I'm just saying (me)

You can't call someone a terrorist. (me)

Because you think I'm a terrorist. (me)

Well, it's your race of people that's doing it. (security)

Say again.(me)

Ok (me)

I'm glad I'm having a very educated conversation (me)

With, you know, with ahhh, with someone who is highly intelligent. (me)

Really good. (me)

Truly I wouldn't waste my breathe over anybody. (security 2)

No, no, no..I just want to say. (me)

I just want to say. (me)

He walks around (me)

I'm out here. (me)

And says, Oh, "Are you a terrorist?" (me)

Come on, really? How? (me)

How, like..(me)

Don't let that bother man (security)

No, no, no, but, but (me)

But the thing is that..

You sat there and called me a terrorist 3 times. (me)

Don't let that bother man (security)

All right (me)

Don't let that bother man (security)

No, No, I'm just saying (me)

I'm just going to correct you. (me)

Ok (me)

You're wrong. All right. (me)

Ok, I'm wrong. (security)

But don't let that bother you. (security)

No, No, I'm just saying (me)

The problem is people like you walk around (me)

Thinking that you know everything. (me)

And you think, no. (me)

Yeah, but you know what man. (security 2)

You still, still (security 2)

What I'm saying is you're still talking about a lot (security 2)

I'm just saying this is ignorant. (me)

This is why America is messed up, because of you. (me)

What I'm saying is you're not letting it go. (security 2)

You're not letting it go. (security 2)

You're still talking. (security 2)

But if there was some young boys walking around. (security 2)

Whatever, you would of never said nothing. (security 2)

What's that? (me)

You would of never said anything. (security 2)

Just go ahead, don't let that bother you. (security)

All right. (me)

Thanks man (me)

Have a nice day (me)

For more infomation >> Racial profiling (Detroit) | verbally harassed & taunted by security guard - Duration: 2:05.


Hilary Duff hits back at body shamers after beach body criticism - Duration: 3:25.

Hilary Duff hits back at body shamers after beach body criticism

Hilary Duff hits back at body shamers after beach body criticism . Hilary Duff is refusing to be shamed by her flaws after finding herself publicly criticised for the cellulite on her legs while on vacation.

The Cheaper By The Dozen star was recently caught on camera during a day at the beach in Hawaii, where she was holidaying with her son Luca.

The photos quickly hit headlines as body shamers pointed out how the skin on the back on her thighs appeared dimpled, but Duff, who wore a one-piece bathing suit for the outing, is now hitting back at the negativity, insisting she couldnt be more proud of her healthy figure.

I am posting this on behalf of young girls, women, and mothers of all ages. , she wrote beside an Instagram snap taken from behind, showing Duff standing in the water, carrying her boy.

  Hilary Duff doesnt give a damn about her cellulite. Since websites and magazines love to share celeb flaws - well I have them! My body has given me the greatest gift of my life: Luca, 5 years ago.

Im turning 30 in September and my body is healthy and gets me where I need to go..

Encouraging her fellow females to embrace their bodies, she continued, Ladies, lets (sic) be proud of what weve got and stop wasting precious time in the day wishing we were different, better, and unflawed.

Duff went on to take aim at the paparazzi, tabloid reporters, and bloggers for highlighting what they perceive to be beauty flaws whenever the opportunity arises.

You guys (you know who you are!) already know how to ruin a good time, and now you are body shamers as well, she concluded, before signing off with a cheeky, #kissmya.

Duffs defiant message of body confidence emerges months after the mother-of-one confessed she was never a fan of the way her legs looked.

I didnt always love my legs, but as Ive grown, Ive learned to love and celebrate myself, just as I am, she posted online back in February.

I began to realise that my legs are strong, and they carry me every single day.. Luca is Duffs child with her ex-husband Mike Comrie.

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