Sunday, August 6, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 6 2017

[Intro music]

Chase: Hi and welcome to another episode of the trans 101 series!

Today we're going to be talking about names.

What do I mean by names? Well, when a trans person comes out,

typically they want to use a different name.

Some people have very androgynous ambiguous- ambiguous?- gender neutral names

and they choose to change their name, or they choose to just abbreviate their name,

or slightly modify it a little bit, but most people will change their name to either something that was similar

but more masculine version of their name like Jessica can now be Jesse,

or they'll change their name completely different, like,

if your name is Jessica and now your name is Chase, as an example.

People do this because they either want to disconnect themselves from

the old name and they don't want a reminder of it,

or, they would like a reminder of it. So that's why that they change their name to something very similar.

This is different for everyone obviously, and this is only the experience of me,

that I can talk about, I don't talk for the entire trans community.

But I will say, it is so important,

for you as an ally, as a parent, as a friend, as a sibling, as a partner, as a coworker, as just a-

[stutters] just as a human being in society,

when a trans person comes out to you and says "I would like you to refer to me as Jason now",

please respect them, and understand that because they are telling you this,

this is something super important to them

and it's not something like, [flippant voice] "just call me Jason", you're not saying that.

It is something that has taken a lot of time for them to say to you, and it's very brave of them to come out

and let you know this. Some people, it's no big deal, that's fine.

For a lot of people,

telling someone that they are trans and that "this is the name that I would like you to refer to me as,

and this is something extremely important to me" is something that is crucial.

And respecting the person's decision to tell you and to finally use this name out loud, and to let other people

use this name, it is so important.

So this topic is basically the same thing as the pronoun video that I made previous to this, so please please

please go watch that because there's way more information than I am going to talk about here.

This video will be a little shorter so I can go into just a little bit, but really, all the main points are the same from the other video.

Which the main point is please just respect people.

Yes it can take time to use someone's new name, yes it can take time to get used to it.

Yes, you can accidentally misname them and use their birth name, but don't make a big deal of it.

Don't go crazy and say "oh my goodness I am sooo sorry!" No.

You start saying their name, you're like "oh sorry" and then you say their old name or you don't even say, you just go into their old name,

and it's an accident. Everyone slips up. We all make mistakes. I have made mistakes in the past and I am trans.

We are all human, all humans make mistakes.

You're not exempt from making mistakes if you're talking abou trans people, like it's going to happen.

Um... but one very important aspect that I was not able to talk about in the pronoun video, is

that there are some people who will not respect a trans person's new name unless it is legally changed.

This is something that is extremely problematic for so many different reasons.

Some people don't have access to legally transition, some people don't have access to change their

their documents, and [stutters] some people can't afford it, some people don't want to do it.

So keeping that in mind, and just realising that it doesn't matter what a piece of paper says, it doesn't matter what

your passport or your birth certificate or your ID, driver's license, it doesn't matter, okay.

You are valid as a trans person no matter what. There are a lot of people who will not respect trans people's

names out of spite.

I don't like trans people, I'm going to make it a point to never call you the name that you're telling me to call you

This is- you are the lowest form of human if you do that honestly.

And I know that it can take a lot of time to get used to a new name,

and I'm telling you that that's okay, that it takes time.

It's okay. But. Out of spite using an old name for a trans person when you're angry at them,

This is the same thing as using pronouns that they don't go by anymore, is very very...

It's very demeaning. And you're reducing a person to something that they don't identify with.

And you're literally...

You're, you're challenging the way that they identify.

And I know that this might be problematic but,

there are some trans people that look for validation from people in their life, like

their family, their friends, their partner, spouse, coworkers- to use the right name, that they're telling them.

And I know that we shouldn't rely on other people to validate us, but it does happen.

And having other people around you use the name and the pronoun that you would like to go by,

that you identify with, is so empowering and will help the person in your life who is trans and coming out,

to be more confident. Not respecting their name, not respecting their pronoun, is just very demeaning and

and it's so rude, and honestly very very transphobic.

And I am saying this, honestly, as much as I can try to, [stutters] I'm throwing you a bone, alright.

I am trying as hard as I can to understand your point of view. But...

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

And I'm talking about birth names and I'm talking about old pronouns.

If you can't respect a trans person's name and pronouns, stop.

Don't even say anything. Don't even use the person's name.

And that has happened.

And I am talking here as a person, alright, who has [sigh] been misgendered and used a different name

that I identify with for my family especially my dad. I grew up with my dad and he still uses my old nickname.

To this day! I have been transitioning for 9 years and he is still using that name.

Yes it bothers me, but I've come to an understanding where it's a nickname that doesn't really sound like

my old name, and we've talked about it, and he understands that he's the only person that can use

that nickname, because we had a connection with it before. This is a different story. [inhales]

When we are out in public, and he is introducing me to his friends,

and my step-mom introduces me to her friends, they always use Chase.

And it has taken a long time for them to do that.

And it has hurt me for so many years.

But now, I feel so much more empowered that they're using Chase and that they know that the nickname

that they're using is only for them. No one, no one else in my family is allowed to use that, except for them.

So literally, just them, just little, just tweaking a little bit- finally using "he", finally finally using my name

has empowered me so much and I feel way closer to my family now, I feel closer to my dad,

I feel closer to my step mom, and I feel like I'm finally being seen as who I've always been.

And I know that I've always been this person, and I don't need my dad to validate that for me, but for a lot

of people, the validation of their family is incredibly important because they feel

like they are not trans enough unless other people will name them correctly or gender them correctly.

And as a trans person to another trans person, I will tell you right now you are valid, and you are trans enough

And it doesn't matter if people don't respect your name and pronoun because you will always be trans,

you will always be who you identify as. And don't let them put you down.

Eventually people will come around, and it does happen, sometimes it doesn't and that really sucks, but they

don't deserve you and your life, honestly.

I mean they don't deserve you in their life. Yes. But you are trans enough, and I know that this is like

we get it Chase, we get it. [inhales]

I just want people to understand. It is very hard for trans people to be constantly misgendered and

misnamed, especially if when we go to doctors and we go to school, if none of our papers are changed,

people keep using these names, it's nice when you have a familiar face or a family member that you love deeply

or just someone at work that says "Hey Carl"

And you're just "oh my god, somebody is seeing me."

And it just takes that little word, your new name,

the name that you identify with, to help you with that.

There is a lot more I could say on this topic but I will leave it at that

'cause this is a 101 video that once again went too long

Thank you so much for watching this episode, please watch the pronoun video, I go into a lot more detail

about this topic, and I will see you later on. Have a great day! Bye!

[outro music]

For more infomation >> Trans 101: Ep 6 - Names [CC] - Duration: 8:15.


【MMD】MEME COMPILATION#2 - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> 【MMD】MEME COMPILATION#2 - Duration: 2:37.


ITV Tonight Show Interview/filming with my Subscriber Simon (Behind the Scenes) - Duration: 17:28.

so here we are in bar see how in terms of and we're here for

Simon two covers interview with like TV and film end about the trip when he had

the big Russian

and here is my guys so this is life my subscriber who are seems to be spending

a lot of time with desert we went to hospital dimple um - and you in hospital

and then we went to the yard type Thai restaurant and now we're here filming

series made of three hours do you yeah it won't be that long mate you'll be

doing three hours makeup man about five minutes tell me I mean five hours

anything anything the video will be about five hours and even though that

baby whatever you work out doesn't need any exercise yes so what tell me what

yours like right my I have this channel basically the Travel Channel essentially

what I do I started in you in a bit ago

repair plant sleep as well and all that also cook together in tweezers chunks of

into you such a that's not okay but for this one is just cured solid points am i

subtract a few times first a little dark for tonight the no.1 in the yet mud

cookies that one they don't require that all single white light so again common

start with a wide shot with you then the light flashes we've got to admit you are

a lot of flashing games it's worth I'm still okay or probably know why I look

see that bad a user programmable lights open put fluids and red light so it's

almost like a police like so we were using that throughout the and the

program as well and please like and engage the cockpit but flattened as well

we're use that like support services build gauges and things like that when I

am having just abused a lot of voiceover to explain certain things

what pictures these like this okay relax relax night relax don't layman nice come

okay so he stays with me intellectually

okay right

but they this guy has to go

yes I swear

thank you you go you guys let's eat please step away

ruff watching what what okay sank everybody else the exactly the same you

can get my boy today the next pulse blood

I started people trying to do and I'd like to 90's TV from our expert

questionnaire and when after travelling a good time around 9:00 yeah mr.

president we really Apple's operating position if they say and probably not

even more panels everyone yeah well fulfillment that's cool don't get it

talk to us all gonna happy touch-up come you got this one yep I go yes okay yeah

nice nice that's good that's good blurry background Thanks that's cool no it's

really cool I see a professional bit right okay well that's about it get a so

we're still here a haunted club in but and we just take that quicker break it's

quite interesting the unprofessional professional manner in which they make

the videos and there's lots of things there which you wouldn't necessarily do

as a the vlogger but nevertheless it all intriguing and the health the

interesting thing for Beavis about that they recall you're not recording in 4k

so one way to soup is basically KTP that's the same as I'm recording now and

that's going to be on TV so it's quite interesting to see that quality wise

hand I don't know if I like to inquire as far as I'm concerned but it's very

interesting so the star of the show yeah how's your how's your acting career

so far you're going to be on very much every map they only gather a quick swig

of something trendy

so we just all the way involved we're it for them to reset the camera and I think

that they're going to be doing an interview hence so Simon wants to show

you this t-shirt for hisa you've been given it again given it I will given the

designs but on duty sir oh I was going away today but yes you can't wear it

I were put on to envy smog yeah another blogger from Thailand yeah I watched I

watched a couple of is that there well anywhere good my name is bucket I had to

sort out no you do exact all you need to do some day and listen good

so mostly he's going to go up so many words you into exactly we know me doing

bar they ask was a busy life okay we sort all that and then start getting

stuff up there I pulled out the camera down here how here you go up so that

ordering generally to success seriously and then all of this equipment I shot

Joe policing the coin box losers and it won't work i right you paid renovated a

hacker three two one hm-hmm you stole my soul be going pocketing

load up Wow Syria yeah okay three two one


okay boys get to the back and pull the body will you put it on our track rewind

silence yeah so did you clear its positions I'm

in the white filming of what this I really believe you will come up here so

we'll see you so stay down yeah normal dick sit down with it stop

you carry over here camera maybe you bagged out those comes in the

side as well exactly just up from the door I feel there think that I'm in

three two one

okay so yeah what we going to uses the answer here continuously what about

continues thank you thank you exactly what you saw so it's going from there as

you know we do a second heart except with a weird I should do the camera Oh a



I can't go to that

if you come back they're sort of fact in here yeah boxers if you keep okay

delicate girl to go it was what had 3 c1 if you will back away from it they get

we're houses wrong just like that so anytime is giving a certain price for

five years off oh yeah and the technical papers will

make it a soft drink Oh soft drinks just a coke actually want

me to write okay we'll see what that in the world of serious illnesses redo it

okay so you get with a head beside the fresh family's house for the perfect I'm

a little girl I was in a bar I consume surface area I agree

I was terrible I'm probably one off by the fire okay I suppose have you crossed

paths Emma again tip steady crisp serve away as well we're going to do is you

get a place to calm down okay and then you place the crisps down and

the coke down and a little possibly a little review a second pop the other day

I'm so bored then so for it if you do me a favor when you saw when you placed the

glass down before it so you put the point there crisp there blaster the coke

there and hold when you pour in the year just working big dose of just call it

our way no label cover you ladies will destroy

me about this apart of hajikko what are you know are right yes

price of fame that's what is price of paying oil

okay ah great save

come on okay so it said steady add the variance of Y from that and place on

yeah I'm sticking a lot it'll be okay just

stop that place apart

yes it's always that way okay all right now you need to be bar because you might

be just okay I'm sorry what this shop

yeah one character here and then super Russia in my shop renewal for oh bloody

right taking us right so yeah well I'm still yourself geographies are here

summon you also get them something ok 3 2 1 and go through emergency oh we are

now do an interview




For more infomation >> ITV Tonight Show Interview/filming with my Subscriber Simon (Behind the Scenes) - Duration: 17:28.


Zeitgeist: Judame Pirmyn (2011) - Duration: 2:49:17.

For more infomation >> Zeitgeist: Judame Pirmyn (2011) - Duration: 2:49:17.


Al Bano: Dopo un'edema, un infarto e un'ischemia non voglio fare una guerra inutile | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Al Bano: Dopo un'edema, un infarto e un'ischemia non voglio fare una guerra inutile | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:05.


DJI SPARK - Nuovo Mini Selfie Drone Tascabile! - Recensione / Unboxing ITA - Duration: 8:51.

For more infomation >> DJI SPARK - Nuovo Mini Selfie Drone Tascabile! - Recensione / Unboxing ITA - Duration: 8:51.



Hi everyone, my name is Gianni

who's already following me on the channel knows I'm a fan of Android tv boxes,

today I wanted to talk about Bluetooth transmitters I use with my boxes,

I have several of them that I use in different contexts ,

with different sizes and features in a price range of around 20 to 40 euros,

some have the aptx low-latency codec,

a model even has low latency support for two headphones at the same time

but In particular with the TV boxes

I use 2 models because in addition to 3.5 audio jack port

also have the spdif output and input port

which allows me to place them between the home theater and the tv box

and If necessary

listen to both music and movie directly in headphones without disturbing anyone.

Both have a battery inside but i connect them to a USB port on the tv box

so i do not even have the problem of cables and power outlets.

Some of you might be wondering why a Bluetooth transmitter

when all the android TV boxes I have reviewed here on the channel

have the built-in bluetooth module,

the answer is that with these transmitters

you can connect two headphones at the same time

and then listen to two people at The same time

that is the main feature that has pushed me to buy them.

Since I've really tried many of them, and some have some interesting features,

you can tell me in the comments if they are accessories that make you curious

and if you are interested in a specific video to better illustrate the features

and the advantages and disadvantages of This kind of products.

Sub the channel for more!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> TV BOX ANDROID BEST ACCESSORIES! ENG SUB - Duration: 1:52.


V-Ray 3.4 | Desafio 60 Materiais em 60 Dias | 12 de 60 | Metal Enferrujado - Duration: 2:58.

Hello Masterfans

Welcome to Mastertuts

I am Henrique Barros

Architect and instructor of courses Mastertuts

And in this video lesson we'll continue our challenge

60 Material after 60 days

Where are we learning to configure a material per day

Using V-Ray 3.4

And in today's class

We will set up the rusty metal material

This is another application of the challenge

And if you have not chosen your material

Go on the fixed post from Facebook

And put in comments which the material you want to see in the next lessons

And for this lesson today we are going to create a material

Using a rusty metal texture

You can use any texture available on the internet

From this we have two texture mapping

I have here one mapping to be used as Bump

And also the mapping Reflection

Then you need to configure these textures

To be able to achieve this effect

So come on

Let's open SketchUp

To that we can make configuration a practical way

I already have my scene here mounted

I will now start creating my material

To be able to apply properties

So let's open the Asset Editor

And in the properties of my material

Note that I still have no configuration

To set this material

We go to reflection property

And we add the corresponding mapping to reflection


Let's go back once

And then modify the Glossiness property to comma 96

We want to still keep our reflective material

We will disable the Fresnel property

To be able to get more Reflection effect on our material

And now we simply add the bump mapping

Look how cool

I will add here the property

And we'll have our complete material

Look that


We will select the Bump texture


And reduce the value to coma zero three


We have all available properties here for our material

Now we will render our scene

To be able to see the result

Come on


After the render finish

This here is the result we achieved with this material

You can see the effect of reflections on the property

It is very interesting that you test with other textures

Also modify the parameter Bump

To be able to get more relief on the surface

Depending on its texture

So that's it

I hope you enjoyed this lesson

Subscribe to the channel

For you can always get our videos firsthand

Also enable notifications channel not to miss any video of this challenge

Thank you once again for attending

A big hug

And thanks!!

For more infomation >> V-Ray 3.4 | Desafio 60 Materiais em 60 Dias | 12 de 60 | Metal Enferrujado - Duration: 2:58.


Meet the CUTEST DOGGO EVER!!世界一番可愛い犬を会いに行こう!「日本語字幕」 - Duration: 16:42.

For more infomation >> Meet the CUTEST DOGGO EVER!!世界一番可愛い犬を会いに行こう!「日本語字幕」 - Duration: 16:42.


Live ganha 'segunda vida' no Lolla Chicago com vocalista de volta após 8 anos - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Live ganha 'segunda vida' no Lolla Chicago com vocalista de volta após 8 anos - Duration: 5:38.


How to Raise Money to Start a Business - Duration: 7:16.

Hi there, Cinnamon McCann. In this video we are going to

4 Tips so that you can raise money to start that business

Let's get started.

Now the first tip we are going to go over is presales

Presales are a great way

to raise money for your product or service

before it's even been delivered

If you have a product, presales can really help because it can dramatically

reduce the cost for your initial startup to produce whatever product

you are interested in creating and even for services

if you do presales both product and service

you'll have a better understand if the audience is interested

If people are will to to put their money up

then you have a good indication that

your product or your service is actually what people want.

You may be familiar with crowdfunding

from websites like kick starter

indie gogo or go fund me

what those websites do allow you to do

they don't allow you to brand your actual company.

So I am going to talk to you about two tools

that you can use to do presales but you can still

brand your own company. The first company is celery.

Celery is a company that allows you to accept presales

But you can still brand yourself and you company

And even if you don't have a website

Celery will give you a link and you can use their form

in order to accept presales for your services or

your product

The great thing about celery is that you don't pay

anything until someone gives you money

So you don't have to pay a monthly fee

so that is a great option.

Again, this allows you to test the market

is something they actually want. Soething they are will to put their money towards.

So celery is a good option.

Gumroad is another option you can use to

do presales. You can do this for digital products

As well as your physcial products

If you are trying to presale a service

Gumroad would not be a good option, you would stick with celery.

The disadvantage of gumroad is the monthly fee

$10 a month in addition to transactions fees.

Decide if you want to look at celery or Gumroad

The next time are Live Stream a Thons

Growing up

they use to have tele-thons

And people would perform all day

And people would call in via telephone and donate money

to the organization.

So now fast forward with all of this technology

you can apply the same type of philosophy

with Live Streaming

I'm sure you are familiar with Facebook Live or YouTube Live

But I want you to be create and

think about what you can give to your customers and potential customers

Be create and think about some creative ways

to do a live-stream-thon to raise money for your business

You can demonstrate your product or service live

You can create live shows. You can do music performance

cooking shows, interviews

You can demonstrate your product or service live. You can do a Q & A.

You can do virtual book signings.

I want you to think about ways you can do something

live and provide value to your customers

and have them donate to your business

Now I am going to show you how to do it.

This page is provide by

You can have an interactive Q & A. section where you can have someone from your staff

answer questions

This is where your live stream is going to be

You have a button here where people

can immediately donate money

you can tie this into what ever merchant account you use

You can make this an add to cart button.

And immediately get money to

raise money to start your business

The next tip is getting a loa for the small business administration.

they have what's called microloans

They give you small loans and then you can pay them off

and then apply for larger loans to grow your business credit that way

Go down to where you

see the directory for district offices

the funding is based on your state

Find your state here

Click on that and find the rules and regulation for your

specific state

The last tip I have for raising money to start your business

is selling digital goods.

Think of things that can be emailed or downloaded to your customer

The great thing about digital goods is that you don't have an overall prodcution

cost as you would have with a physical good.

So that way you can sell and there is an unlimited supply of it

Can you teach someone something, do you have a movie you created to sell?

Let me show you how to do that.

This tool is ejunkie

E junkie is very cost effective.

There aren't any transaction fees or setups fees

We've already talked about Gumroad

You can sell digital good with Gumroad as well.

Both have their pluses and minuses

Check them out to see which one works best for you.

Here's an example of a link of one of the books

I have, that you don't need a website

they'll give you a link

and you can start selling from day 1

And that wraps it up. Hope you found this helpful.

Please don't forget to subscribe.

For more infomation >> How to Raise Money to Start a Business - Duration: 7:16.


ремень грм мазда 323 - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> ремень грм мазда 323 - Duration: 1:03.


Bist du geeignet? / Info Video - Duration: 3:21.

You always wanted to do YouTube without creating a channel?

You speak german fluently and another language good enough to translate videos right?

You love to translate videos or want to train your linguistic proficiency?

You want to help me to make my channel more international?

No problem! Here's how it works:

I'm searching people who want to help me to make my channel more international. That is not binding and without any duty

The requirements are easy: you have to speak german fluently and also another language good enough to translate the videos right

You fulfill the requirement and are interested? Then I'm gonna explain how it works

There is a link in the video describtion under every video. It brings you to a page where you can translate the chosen video.

This side has two options. You can simply translate the video describtion or you can tranlate the video. To do that you have to click "subtitels"

I'm gonna explain the page later. It doesn't matter if translate the video into english, spanish, italian or any other language.

It doesn't matter which second laguage you speak. The more languages the better. Secondly there isn't a certain period you have to translate the video in.

You can translate the whole video, do a break and translate it later or leave the rest for somebody else.

After you are done I get your tranlation to controll it

After that I am going to upload it or set it free again to let somebody work on it again. Now I'm gonna explain the page to you.

Edit the video describtion

Add subtitels to the video

Change the language you want to translate in

Click here if you want to be mentioned

You want to help me? That makes me glad. Just choose a video and begin whenever you want to. If there isn't a link under a video it isn't meant to be translated because it is already international.

If you have questions feel free to ask me in the comments

For more infomation >> Bist du geeignet? / Info Video - Duration: 3:21.


エンジンは3種類! メルセデス・ベンツ新型Eクラスで注目はどれ? - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> エンジンは3種類! メルセデス・ベンツ新型Eクラスで注目はどれ? - Duration: 4:12.


Opera Yeni Surum 2017 Indirme Ve Kurma - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Opera Yeni Surum 2017 Indirme Ve Kurma - Duration: 2:40.


Guardians of the Galaxy 2

For more infomation >> Guardians of the Galaxy 2


Trans 101: Ep 6 - Names [CC] - Duration: 8:15.

[Intro music]

Chase: Hi and welcome to another episode of the trans 101 series!

Today we're going to be talking about names.

What do I mean by names? Well, when a trans person comes out,

typically they want to use a different name.

Some people have very androgynous ambiguous- ambiguous?- gender neutral names

and they choose to change their name, or they choose to just abbreviate their name,

or slightly modify it a little bit, but most people will change their name to either something that was similar

but more masculine version of their name like Jessica can now be Jesse,

or they'll change their name completely different, like,

if your name is Jessica and now your name is Chase, as an example.

People do this because they either want to disconnect themselves from

the old name and they don't want a reminder of it,

or, they would like a reminder of it. So that's why that they change their name to something very similar.

This is different for everyone obviously, and this is only the experience of me,

that I can talk about, I don't talk for the entire trans community.

But I will say, it is so important,

for you as an ally, as a parent, as a friend, as a sibling, as a partner, as a coworker, as just a-

[stutters] just as a human being in society,

when a trans person comes out to you and says "I would like you to refer to me as Jason now",

please respect them, and understand that because they are telling you this,

this is something super important to them

and it's not something like, [flippant voice] "just call me Jason", you're not saying that.

It is something that has taken a lot of time for them to say to you, and it's very brave of them to come out

and let you know this. Some people, it's no big deal, that's fine.

For a lot of people,

telling someone that they are trans and that "this is the name that I would like you to refer to me as,

and this is something extremely important to me" is something that is crucial.

And respecting the person's decision to tell you and to finally use this name out loud, and to let other people

use this name, it is so important.

So this topic is basically the same thing as the pronoun video that I made previous to this, so please please

please go watch that because there's way more information than I am going to talk about here.

This video will be a little shorter so I can go into just a little bit, but really, all the main points are the same from the other video.

Which the main point is please just respect people.

Yes it can take time to use someone's new name, yes it can take time to get used to it.

Yes, you can accidentally misname them and use their birth name, but don't make a big deal of it.

Don't go crazy and say "oh my goodness I am sooo sorry!" No.

You start saying their name, you're like "oh sorry" and then you say their old name or you don't even say, you just go into their old name,

and it's an accident. Everyone slips up. We all make mistakes. I have made mistakes in the past and I am trans.

We are all human, all humans make mistakes.

You're not exempt from making mistakes if you're talking abou trans people, like it's going to happen.

Um... but one very important aspect that I was not able to talk about in the pronoun video, is

that there are some people who will not respect a trans person's new name unless it is legally changed.

This is something that is extremely problematic for so many different reasons.

Some people don't have access to legally transition, some people don't have access to change their

their documents, and [stutters] some people can't afford it, some people don't want to do it.

So keeping that in mind, and just realising that it doesn't matter what a piece of paper says, it doesn't matter what

your passport or your birth certificate or your ID, driver's license, it doesn't matter, okay.

You are valid as a trans person no matter what. There are a lot of people who will not respect trans people's

names out of spite.

I don't like trans people, I'm going to make it a point to never call you the name that you're telling me to call you

This is- you are the lowest form of human if you do that honestly.

And I know that it can take a lot of time to get used to a new name,

and I'm telling you that that's okay, that it takes time.

It's okay. But. Out of spite using an old name for a trans person when you're angry at them,

This is the same thing as using pronouns that they don't go by anymore, is very very...

It's very demeaning. And you're reducing a person to something that they don't identify with.

And you're literally...

You're, you're challenging the way that they identify.

And I know that this might be problematic but,

there are some trans people that look for validation from people in their life, like

their family, their friends, their partner, spouse, coworkers- to use the right name, that they're telling them.

And I know that we shouldn't rely on other people to validate us, but it does happen.

And having other people around you use the name and the pronoun that you would like to go by,

that you identify with, is so empowering and will help the person in your life who is trans and coming out,

to be more confident. Not respecting their name, not respecting their pronoun, is just very demeaning and

and it's so rude, and honestly very very transphobic.

And I am saying this, honestly, as much as I can try to, [stutters] I'm throwing you a bone, alright.

I am trying as hard as I can to understand your point of view. But...

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

And I'm talking about birth names and I'm talking about old pronouns.

If you can't respect a trans person's name and pronouns, stop.

Don't even say anything. Don't even use the person's name.

And that has happened.

And I am talking here as a person, alright, who has [sigh] been misgendered and used a different name

that I identify with for my family especially my dad. I grew up with my dad and he still uses my old nickname.

To this day! I have been transitioning for 9 years and he is still using that name.

Yes it bothers me, but I've come to an understanding where it's a nickname that doesn't really sound like

my old name, and we've talked about it, and he understands that he's the only person that can use

that nickname, because we had a connection with it before. This is a different story. [inhales]

When we are out in public, and he is introducing me to his friends,

and my step-mom introduces me to her friends, they always use Chase.

And it has taken a long time for them to do that.

And it has hurt me for so many years.

But now, I feel so much more empowered that they're using Chase and that they know that the nickname

that they're using is only for them. No one, no one else in my family is allowed to use that, except for them.

So literally, just them, just little, just tweaking a little bit- finally using "he", finally finally using my name

has empowered me so much and I feel way closer to my family now, I feel closer to my dad,

I feel closer to my step mom, and I feel like I'm finally being seen as who I've always been.

And I know that I've always been this person, and I don't need my dad to validate that for me, but for a lot

of people, the validation of their family is incredibly important because they feel

like they are not trans enough unless other people will name them correctly or gender them correctly.

And as a trans person to another trans person, I will tell you right now you are valid, and you are trans enough

And it doesn't matter if people don't respect your name and pronoun because you will always be trans,

you will always be who you identify as. And don't let them put you down.

Eventually people will come around, and it does happen, sometimes it doesn't and that really sucks, but they

don't deserve you and your life, honestly.

I mean they don't deserve you in their life. Yes. But you are trans enough, and I know that this is like

we get it Chase, we get it. [inhales]

I just want people to understand. It is very hard for trans people to be constantly misgendered and

misnamed, especially if when we go to doctors and we go to school, if none of our papers are changed,

people keep using these names, it's nice when you have a familiar face or a family member that you love deeply

or just someone at work that says "Hey Carl"

And you're just "oh my god, somebody is seeing me."

And it just takes that little word, your new name,

the name that you identify with, to help you with that.

There is a lot more I could say on this topic but I will leave it at that

'cause this is a 101 video that once again went too long

Thank you so much for watching this episode, please watch the pronoun video, I go into a lot more detail

about this topic, and I will see you later on. Have a great day! Bye!

[outro music]

For more infomation >> Trans 101: Ep 6 - Names [CC] - Duration: 8:15.


【MMD】MEME COMPILATION#2 - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> 【MMD】MEME COMPILATION#2 - Duration: 2:37.


ITV Tonight Show Interview/filming with my Subscriber Simon (Behind the Scenes) - Duration: 17:28.

so here we are in bar see how in terms of and we're here for

Simon two covers interview with like TV and film end about the trip when he had

the big Russian

and here is my guys so this is life my subscriber who are seems to be spending

a lot of time with desert we went to hospital dimple um - and you in hospital

and then we went to the yard type Thai restaurant and now we're here filming

series made of three hours do you yeah it won't be that long mate you'll be

doing three hours makeup man about five minutes tell me I mean five hours

anything anything the video will be about five hours and even though that

baby whatever you work out doesn't need any exercise yes so what tell me what

yours like right my I have this channel basically the Travel Channel essentially

what I do I started in you in a bit ago

repair plant sleep as well and all that also cook together in tweezers chunks of

into you such a that's not okay but for this one is just cured solid points am i

subtract a few times first a little dark for tonight the no.1 in the yet mud

cookies that one they don't require that all single white light so again common

start with a wide shot with you then the light flashes we've got to admit you are

a lot of flashing games it's worth I'm still okay or probably know why I look

see that bad a user programmable lights open put fluids and red light so it's

almost like a police like so we were using that throughout the and the

program as well and please like and engage the cockpit but flattened as well

we're use that like support services build gauges and things like that when I

am having just abused a lot of voiceover to explain certain things

what pictures these like this okay relax relax night relax don't layman nice come

okay so he stays with me intellectually

okay right

but they this guy has to go

yes I swear

thank you you go you guys let's eat please step away

ruff watching what what okay sank everybody else the exactly the same you

can get my boy today the next pulse blood

I started people trying to do and I'd like to 90's TV from our expert

questionnaire and when after travelling a good time around 9:00 yeah mr.

president we really Apple's operating position if they say and probably not

even more panels everyone yeah well fulfillment that's cool don't get it

talk to us all gonna happy touch-up come you got this one yep I go yes okay yeah

nice nice that's good that's good blurry background Thanks that's cool no it's

really cool I see a professional bit right okay well that's about it get a so

we're still here a haunted club in but and we just take that quicker break it's

quite interesting the unprofessional professional manner in which they make

the videos and there's lots of things there which you wouldn't necessarily do

as a the vlogger but nevertheless it all intriguing and the health the

interesting thing for Beavis about that they recall you're not recording in 4k

so one way to soup is basically KTP that's the same as I'm recording now and

that's going to be on TV so it's quite interesting to see that quality wise

hand I don't know if I like to inquire as far as I'm concerned but it's very

interesting so the star of the show yeah how's your how's your acting career

so far you're going to be on very much every map they only gather a quick swig

of something trendy

so we just all the way involved we're it for them to reset the camera and I think

that they're going to be doing an interview hence so Simon wants to show

you this t-shirt for hisa you've been given it again given it I will given the

designs but on duty sir oh I was going away today but yes you can't wear it

I were put on to envy smog yeah another blogger from Thailand yeah I watched I

watched a couple of is that there well anywhere good my name is bucket I had to

sort out no you do exact all you need to do some day and listen good

so mostly he's going to go up so many words you into exactly we know me doing

bar they ask was a busy life okay we sort all that and then start getting

stuff up there I pulled out the camera down here how here you go up so that

ordering generally to success seriously and then all of this equipment I shot

Joe policing the coin box losers and it won't work i right you paid renovated a

hacker three two one hm-hmm you stole my soul be going pocketing

load up Wow Syria yeah okay three two one


okay boys get to the back and pull the body will you put it on our track rewind

silence yeah so did you clear its positions I'm

in the white filming of what this I really believe you will come up here so

we'll see you so stay down yeah normal dick sit down with it stop

you carry over here camera maybe you bagged out those comes in the

side as well exactly just up from the door I feel there think that I'm in

three two one

okay so yeah what we going to uses the answer here continuously what about

continues thank you thank you exactly what you saw so it's going from there as

you know we do a second heart except with a weird I should do the camera Oh a



I can't go to that

if you come back they're sort of fact in here yeah boxers if you keep okay

delicate girl to go it was what had 3 c1 if you will back away from it they get

we're houses wrong just like that so anytime is giving a certain price for

five years off oh yeah and the technical papers will

make it a soft drink Oh soft drinks just a coke actually want

me to write okay we'll see what that in the world of serious illnesses redo it

okay so you get with a head beside the fresh family's house for the perfect I'm

a little girl I was in a bar I consume surface area I agree

I was terrible I'm probably one off by the fire okay I suppose have you crossed

paths Emma again tip steady crisp serve away as well we're going to do is you

get a place to calm down okay and then you place the crisps down and

the coke down and a little possibly a little review a second pop the other day

I'm so bored then so for it if you do me a favor when you saw when you placed the

glass down before it so you put the point there crisp there blaster the coke

there and hold when you pour in the year just working big dose of just call it

our way no label cover you ladies will destroy

me about this apart of hajikko what are you know are right yes

price of fame that's what is price of paying oil

okay ah great save

come on okay so it said steady add the variance of Y from that and place on

yeah I'm sticking a lot it'll be okay just

stop that place apart

yes it's always that way okay all right now you need to be bar because you might

be just okay I'm sorry what this shop

yeah one character here and then super Russia in my shop renewal for oh bloody

right taking us right so yeah well I'm still yourself geographies are here

summon you also get them something ok 3 2 1 and go through emergency oh we are

now do an interview




For more infomation >> ITV Tonight Show Interview/filming with my Subscriber Simon (Behind the Scenes) - Duration: 17:28.


Zeitgeist: Judame Pirmyn (2011) - Duration: 2:49:17.

For more infomation >> Zeitgeist: Judame Pirmyn (2011) - Duration: 2:49:17.


Hottest New Indie Release?

For more infomation >> Hottest New Indie Release?


Firefighter Saves Family In Car Accident, Doesn'T Gives Up Hope On Girl "Presumed" Dead - Duration: 4:46.

Subscribe to our channel for more : Visit our website :

Firefighter Saves Family In Car Accident, Doesn'T Gives Up Hope On Girl "Presumed"


Although we rarely think about it, cars are super dangerous.

You are far more likely to get into a car accident than any other accident like a boat,

plane or even a train.

And you are risking your life every time you step into a vehicle and drive onto the road.

And this family just now figured that out in one of the worst ways possible.

The Sinclair family was on their way home from a little trip, when out of nowhere, a

car came barreling over the median and hit their vehicle head on.

And inside the Sinclair vehicle was Barney Sinclair and his three young children.

At that very moment, All of them saw their lives flash before their eyes.

All of them ended up being injured.

But some ended up being injured worse than the others

"Myself and my three children, we were all injured.

Charley was hurt the worse," said Sinclair.

But suddenly, their luck quickly began change.

And one car ended up pulling over, and began to help everyone there.

And that person?

Firefighter Jacob Graves.

Graves, a Spencer, Oklahoma firefighter was driving alone with his fiancee when he got

out to help.

He began helping all of them, until he realized that there was one person that really needed


And that was Charley.

"When I initially saw her in the vehicle, I assumed she was dead," said Graves.

Her 5 year old body was lifeless, and her face was a blueish color.

He didn't know what to do.

But she wasn't.

She was close, but not dead.

And Graves quickly began to take action.

He couldn't let anyone in the car die at this point.

He just couldn't.

He had to do something to help her.

He paused his wedding for this.

And it was not going to be for nothing.

Yes that's right.

Graves and his fiancee were on their way to their wedding in Sulphur to get married.

They delayed EVERYTHING to stop and help this family.

And no one was going to die on Grave's watch.

And that's when Graves figured something out.

After carefully examining the girl, he was able to tell she was in fact alive, but the

little girl had brain damage.

He didn't even care about the quality of life she would have after the accident.

He knew that if she made it through this, she would be just fine.

He began doing everything he knew how to help keep her alive.

Mouth to mouth, whatever it took until the ambulance arrived and was able to offer more


But the ambulance couldn't come fast enough.

She needed help, more than he was able to offer.

The little girl, Charley, was then taken to the hospital, where they diagnosed her with

a severe brain injury.

But the good news?

She would live, just not the way she used to before.

Little Charley couldn't walk or talk after the accident.

Her injury prevented her to do so.

It would take quite some time to heal, if it did at all.

But she was still alive and breathing, and that was all her family cared about.

And the fact that a total stranger saved all of their lives, on his wedding day!

But since this accident has happen, a miracle has occurred, making that TWO miracles since

the accident, the first being that Charley is alive.

The now 6 year old is doing something that her family never thought they would see her

do again.

She is learning to talk and walk again.

She is showing stupendous progress, and everyone is in disbelief, including us!

Now, Graves is being honored with the "Firefighter of the Year" award.

And the family, and everyone who has heard this story, is so unbelievably grateful for

his heroism.

He saved the life of this beautiful little girl.

And I am just so grateful that he was able to do so!

"We can't say enough nice things about him and what he's done for our family,"

said Sinclair.

And neither can we!

After seeing this family, and just knowing the heartbreak they would have went through

if it weren't for Graves, I just can't even imagine!

Graves would be a hero no matter what, but the fact that he postponed his wedding events

just to be able to save this family, and save this little girl, just shows that he is a

TRUE hero.

In my opinion, he deserves more than just the "Firefighter of the Year" award.

"He didn't have to stop and he did" said Barney.

And if that doesn't tell you how thankful they are, then I don't know what will.

If you are thankful that Graves was there to save this little girls life, SHARE this

post with your friends and spread the word of his act of heroism!

For more infomation >> Firefighter Saves Family In Car Accident, Doesn'T Gives Up Hope On Girl "Presumed" Dead - Duration: 4:46.


우산/umbrella ☂ klance mv [S3 SPOILERS!] - Duration: 1:54.

Baby, I'll lift you up like an umbrella

I'll make sure you're keeping your head up

I'll promise to love you forever

And I'll catch your heart like an umbrella

Why would I stay quiet?

When the time is right now

Hear me callin' you, your heart speaking

Heart speaks in volumes, and I'm seeking

Remember those days you stayed inside

Remember those tears, those years you've cried

So why would I not hold you tighter

'Til your days get brighter

Baby, I'll lift you up like an umbrella

I'll make sure you're keeping your head up

I'll promise to love you forever

And I'll catch your heart like an umbrella

For more infomation >> 우산/umbrella ☂ klance mv [S3 SPOILERS!] - Duration: 1:54.


Brigitte Macron va-t-elle retourner dans l'ombre ? - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron va-t-elle retourner dans l'ombre ? - Duration: 2:17.


Trans 101: Ep 6 - Names [CC] - Duration: 8:15.

[Intro music]

Chase: Hi and welcome to another episode of the trans 101 series!

Today we're going to be talking about names.

What do I mean by names? Well, when a trans person comes out,

typically they want to use a different name.

Some people have very androgynous ambiguous- ambiguous?- gender neutral names

and they choose to change their name, or they choose to just abbreviate their name,

or slightly modify it a little bit, but most people will change their name to either something that was similar

but more masculine version of their name like Jessica can now be Jesse,

or they'll change their name completely different, like,

if your name is Jessica and now your name is Chase, as an example.

People do this because they either want to disconnect themselves from

the old name and they don't want a reminder of it,

or, they would like a reminder of it. So that's why that they change their name to something very similar.

This is different for everyone obviously, and this is only the experience of me,

that I can talk about, I don't talk for the entire trans community.

But I will say, it is so important,

for you as an ally, as a parent, as a friend, as a sibling, as a partner, as a coworker, as just a-

[stutters] just as a human being in society,

when a trans person comes out to you and says "I would like you to refer to me as Jason now",

please respect them, and understand that because they are telling you this,

this is something super important to them

and it's not something like, [flippant voice] "just call me Jason", you're not saying that.

It is something that has taken a lot of time for them to say to you, and it's very brave of them to come out

and let you know this. Some people, it's no big deal, that's fine.

For a lot of people,

telling someone that they are trans and that "this is the name that I would like you to refer to me as,

and this is something extremely important to me" is something that is crucial.

And respecting the person's decision to tell you and to finally use this name out loud, and to let other people

use this name, it is so important.

So this topic is basically the same thing as the pronoun video that I made previous to this, so please please

please go watch that because there's way more information than I am going to talk about here.

This video will be a little shorter so I can go into just a little bit, but really, all the main points are the same from the other video.

Which the main point is please just respect people.

Yes it can take time to use someone's new name, yes it can take time to get used to it.

Yes, you can accidentally misname them and use their birth name, but don't make a big deal of it.

Don't go crazy and say "oh my goodness I am sooo sorry!" No.

You start saying their name, you're like "oh sorry" and then you say their old name or you don't even say, you just go into their old name,

and it's an accident. Everyone slips up. We all make mistakes. I have made mistakes in the past and I am trans.

We are all human, all humans make mistakes.

You're not exempt from making mistakes if you're talking abou trans people, like it's going to happen.

Um... but one very important aspect that I was not able to talk about in the pronoun video, is

that there are some people who will not respect a trans person's new name unless it is legally changed.

This is something that is extremely problematic for so many different reasons.

Some people don't have access to legally transition, some people don't have access to change their

their documents, and [stutters] some people can't afford it, some people don't want to do it.

So keeping that in mind, and just realising that it doesn't matter what a piece of paper says, it doesn't matter what

your passport or your birth certificate or your ID, driver's license, it doesn't matter, okay.

You are valid as a trans person no matter what. There are a lot of people who will not respect trans people's

names out of spite.

I don't like trans people, I'm going to make it a point to never call you the name that you're telling me to call you

This is- you are the lowest form of human if you do that honestly.

And I know that it can take a lot of time to get used to a new name,

and I'm telling you that that's okay, that it takes time.

It's okay. But. Out of spite using an old name for a trans person when you're angry at them,

This is the same thing as using pronouns that they don't go by anymore, is very very...

It's very demeaning. And you're reducing a person to something that they don't identify with.

And you're literally...

You're, you're challenging the way that they identify.

And I know that this might be problematic but,

there are some trans people that look for validation from people in their life, like

their family, their friends, their partner, spouse, coworkers- to use the right name, that they're telling them.

And I know that we shouldn't rely on other people to validate us, but it does happen.

And having other people around you use the name and the pronoun that you would like to go by,

that you identify with, is so empowering and will help the person in your life who is trans and coming out,

to be more confident. Not respecting their name, not respecting their pronoun, is just very demeaning and

and it's so rude, and honestly very very transphobic.

And I am saying this, honestly, as much as I can try to, [stutters] I'm throwing you a bone, alright.

I am trying as hard as I can to understand your point of view. But...

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

And I'm talking about birth names and I'm talking about old pronouns.

If you can't respect a trans person's name and pronouns, stop.

Don't even say anything. Don't even use the person's name.

And that has happened.

And I am talking here as a person, alright, who has [sigh] been misgendered and used a different name

that I identify with for my family especially my dad. I grew up with my dad and he still uses my old nickname.

To this day! I have been transitioning for 9 years and he is still using that name.

Yes it bothers me, but I've come to an understanding where it's a nickname that doesn't really sound like

my old name, and we've talked about it, and he understands that he's the only person that can use

that nickname, because we had a connection with it before. This is a different story. [inhales]

When we are out in public, and he is introducing me to his friends,

and my step-mom introduces me to her friends, they always use Chase.

And it has taken a long time for them to do that.

And it has hurt me for so many years.

But now, I feel so much more empowered that they're using Chase and that they know that the nickname

that they're using is only for them. No one, no one else in my family is allowed to use that, except for them.

So literally, just them, just little, just tweaking a little bit- finally using "he", finally finally using my name

has empowered me so much and I feel way closer to my family now, I feel closer to my dad,

I feel closer to my step mom, and I feel like I'm finally being seen as who I've always been.

And I know that I've always been this person, and I don't need my dad to validate that for me, but for a lot

of people, the validation of their family is incredibly important because they feel

like they are not trans enough unless other people will name them correctly or gender them correctly.

And as a trans person to another trans person, I will tell you right now you are valid, and you are trans enough

And it doesn't matter if people don't respect your name and pronoun because you will always be trans,

you will always be who you identify as. And don't let them put you down.

Eventually people will come around, and it does happen, sometimes it doesn't and that really sucks, but they

don't deserve you and your life, honestly.

I mean they don't deserve you in their life. Yes. But you are trans enough, and I know that this is like

we get it Chase, we get it. [inhales]

I just want people to understand. It is very hard for trans people to be constantly misgendered and

misnamed, especially if when we go to doctors and we go to school, if none of our papers are changed,

people keep using these names, it's nice when you have a familiar face or a family member that you love deeply

or just someone at work that says "Hey Carl"

And you're just "oh my god, somebody is seeing me."

And it just takes that little word, your new name,

the name that you identify with, to help you with that.

There is a lot more I could say on this topic but I will leave it at that

'cause this is a 101 video that once again went too long

Thank you so much for watching this episode, please watch the pronoun video, I go into a lot more detail

about this topic, and I will see you later on. Have a great day! Bye!

[outro music]

For more infomation >> Trans 101: Ep 6 - Names [CC] - Duration: 8:15.


4-Yr-Old Reveals His Dad'S Secret To His Teacher Who Looks Him In Eye And Realizes The Unthinkable - Duration: 3:04.

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4-yr-old reveals his dad's secret to his teacher – who looks him in the eye and realizes

the unthinkable

In a world filled with hatred and injustice, it's good to remember all the good there

is out there.

Take teachers, for example.

The vast majority of them do a wonderful job teaching our children and instilling good

values in them.

And sometimes, they do even more… like preschool teacher Nancy Bleuer.

Nancy Bleuer, 54, is a preschool teacher from Mason City, Iowa.

She's a capable teacher of her three- to five-year-olds.

And she often goes above and beyond to make sure her students are taken care of.

Earlier this year, Nancy looked into four-year-old Camden's eyes and realized he was sad.

The caring teacher took the time to talk to the little boy and listen to what was bothering


Camden told her something about his dad that broke her heart and made it impossible for

her to hold back the tears.

It turned out that Camden's father, Darreld Petersen, suffered from a serious illness.

His kidneys only worked at 20 percent capacity and he had to go for dialysis regularly, reports

Inside Edition.

As Darreld's condition deteriorated, Camden became increasingly depressed.

For understandable reasons, the four-year-old was terrified at the thought of losing his


When Nancy heard about the situation, she immediately decided to act.

Others might have offered to babysit, shop for food, or do anything else they could to

help Camden's family through the difficult time — but Nancy went even further.

She offered Camden's dad one of her kidneys.

Miraculously enough, Nancy was a perfect match — and she quickly filled out all the paperwork.

"I was ecstatic.

I don't know what I would've done for closure if I wasn't a match," she says.

Camden's dad was shocked and overjoyed by Nancy's kind offer.

Her kidney would save his life.

"It's just amazing.

There are people waiting every day for a kidney, for an organ in general.

I wish there were more people like her.

She's giving me a second chance at life," Darreld told ABC News

When the family found out that Nancy's kidney was a match, they decided to surprise her

with flowers at school.

Camden was delighted that his teacher was going to help save his dad's life.

Thanks to Nancy, the Petersen family has a bright future!

The surgery took place on June 1, and both Darreld and Nancy are now recovering.

Isn't it wonderful that there are such kindhearted people in the world?

If everyone were as selfless as Nancy, the world would be a much better place.

Hopefully, Nancy's kind gesture will inspire others.

We wish her and Darreld a speedy recovery.

Please consider sharing this article on Facebook if you also want to pay tribute to Nancy's

incredible gift to Camden's dad!

For more infomation >> 4-Yr-Old Reveals His Dad'S Secret To His Teacher Who Looks Him In Eye And Realizes The Unthinkable - Duration: 3:04.


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Top 8 Indian TV Child Actors And How They Look Now in 2017 | You Won't Believe

For more infomation >> Top 8 Indian TV Child Actors And How They Look Now in 2017 | You Won't Believe - Duration: 3:50.


TOP 8 epic FACTS - Minecraft - Duration: 4:57.

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ART OF ENTERTAINMENT presents, eight epic FACTS about Minecraft.

Number Eight.


In 2013, the Viktor Rydberg secondary school in Stockholm introduced Minecraft as a mandatory

part of its curriculum for all of its 13-year-old students.

A teacher explained what made the game worthwhile for students: "They learn about city planning,

environmental issues, getting things done, and even how to plan for the future."

Number Seven.


One other Minecraft monster owes its vocal rumblings to a real world creature.

Any player will recognize the high-pitched whine of the ghast, the game's resident

block-shaped fire breather.

These sounds are actually the result of an accidental audio recording of Minecraft music

producer Daniel "C418" Rosenfeld's cat as it was suddenly awakened from a nap.

Rosenfeld originally planned to have his cat voice the game's ocelots, too, but was only

successful in eliciting a meow mixed with a purr and ended up having to download real

ocelot audio.

Number Six.


Another haunting Minecraft species is the Enderman.

While this creature's speech is nearly incomprehensible to the human ear, most of its exclamations

are in fact English words and phrases (including "hiya," "here," "this way," "forever,"

and "what's up?") played backwards or lowered in pitch.

Number Five.


One of Minecraft's stranger native species is the creeper, an electrically charged predator

with a haunting mug.

Persson didn't actually set out to design such a monster; he was trying to create a

pig, but accidentally switched the figures for desired height and length when inputting

the code.

The result was the monstrosity that players know and love.

Number Four.


Minecraft's creator has heralded PC video games Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Keeper, RollerCoaster

Tycoon, and Infiniminer as the primary influences for Minecraft.

Persson has expressed particular esteem for Infiniminer, stating that he wanted to match

its aesthetic charm with RPG-style game play.

Number Three.


When Persson kicked off the development process, he referred to the project as "Cave Game."

The name was soon changed to Minecraft: Order of the Stone, and, ultimately, just Minecraft.

Number Two.


Following Minecraft's release on PC, Mojang would periodically update and tweak the game

until delivering what the company considered its full version on November 18, 2011.

Number One.


In 2009, Swedish programmer and designer Markus Persson set out to create a sandbox game one

that allows for free and organic exploration of a virtual world for the launch of his new

company, Mojang.

Persson began work on what is now Minecraft on May 10 of that year, amending the product

in increments until May 16.

The "alpha version" of Minecraft made its public debut the very next day.

So that's all for today.

If you enjoyed this video, make sure you give us a Thumbs up.

If you are new to this channel, go Subscribe us now.

Thanks for watching.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> TOP 8 epic FACTS - Minecraft - Duration: 4:57.


To The First Doctor You Ever Called - Duration: 1:58.

To The First Doctor You Ever Called

To The First Doctor You Ever Called

To The First Doctor You Ever Called

For more infomation >> To The First Doctor You Ever Called - Duration: 1:58.


Deion Sanders – 3 Sport Athlete (pt. 2) - Duration: 16:24.

For more infomation >> Deion Sanders – 3 Sport Athlete (pt. 2) - Duration: 16:24.


Deion Sanders – 3 Sport Athlete (pt. 3) - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Deion Sanders – 3 Sport Athlete (pt. 3) - Duration: 3:16.


Brazil Tour Part 2 - Our T-shirt Surprise - Rapalje Show 21 - Duration: 8:16.

And now on our second day from our Brazil Tour

We got our first, official, gig and David will tell you all about it

And he will also show you that he's got some woodworking to do

We discovered that we didn't have to bring

our own Rapalje merchandise T-shirts

And then we take you backstage

for the first official show on our Brazil tour

By the way: The show you gonna see now and in the end

is a recording from the last show we did in São Paulo

We recorded almost two hours from our concert

After the fan-meeting we had a very short night: three hours sleep

And half past five we went to the airport to go to Belo Horizonte

At the airport we had, again,

some problems with the weight of our luggage

22! Yeah, wow!

Ohhh, and now, now..

Oh, I don't want to see!

Oh, nice ! Ohh, well done

Yeh, and..

Too light

But we managed with our luggage

We had to pay al little bit, but

everything is on the airplane and we're going to our next gig in Belo Horizonte

When we arrived at the gig there was a broom waiting for us

And a drill to get a hole in the stick for our string

attached to our thee, tee, thea chase base

Tee, chest, ehh

The tea, chase. The tea, chase

Tea, tea, chest base

For our Tea-chest-bass!

When we arrived we saw that we didn't need any merchandise

Everything was there: New shirts we didn't ever saw them before

And, with our tour plan!

When we checked our bootleg shirts

I got one for free

And, unfortunately, William had to pay for one

Hey, the normal, I want this one!

I'm going to get his one

Then we went inside

To the festival where already bands are playing

We're the headliner so we have to wait until the end

In the backstage we had a little fan meeting

And after that we prepared us for the show

I follow you



Hello, Dieb

Hello, Maceál

Hello, welcome



Bye, bye

For more infomation >> Brazil Tour Part 2 - Our T-shirt Surprise - Rapalje Show 21 - Duration: 8:16.


#MoCro17 - Ride to Croatia - an Adriatic Round Trip - Duration: 4:42.

Berlin, Germany, 8 o'clock in the morning

we start the ride to Croatia

after an overnight stay in Landshut

we continued our journey to Croatia via Austria and Slovenia

we gone through Austria, we are standing short before the border to Slovenia

we will take the Wurzenpass to Slovenia

no summer ride without rain

we had some dark clouds and get wet

but at temperatures around 28°C

it was refreshing

we arrived after about 1200km

so we relaxed in our apartment

with a view to the Adriatic sea and over Rijeka

For more infomation >> #MoCro17 - Ride to Croatia - an Adriatic Round Trip - Duration: 4:42.


2017 SUMMER SALE HAUL ZARA,MANGO etc. (Bahasa subs) | Nadathari ♡ - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> 2017 SUMMER SALE HAUL ZARA,MANGO etc. (Bahasa subs) | Nadathari ♡ - Duration: 6:03.


Start YOUR vacation - With WEINSBERG - Duration: 0:51.

Your journey begins…

...just a moment:

A few personal items should come along as well.

Everything else, your WEINSBERG-Companion has already on board,

so you can start your vacation right away.

Easy, clever, different and ready for every adventure:

That is our WEINSBERG-Principle.

Ready to GO?


For more infomation >> Start YOUR vacation - With WEINSBERG - Duration: 0:51.


Pearl Street Residence From Workshopl | Residential Home In Steamboat Springs - Duration: 3:03.


For more infomation >> Pearl Street Residence From Workshopl | Residential Home In Steamboat Springs - Duration: 3:03.


Sade Greatest Hits Fulll Album - The Best Of Sade - Sade Greatest Hits Playlist Live Collection - Duration: 1:14:30.

For more infomation >> Sade Greatest Hits Fulll Album - The Best Of Sade - Sade Greatest Hits Playlist Live Collection - Duration: 1:14:30.


Loch Ness Monster Hoax [1994] - Duration: 1:04.

If ever there was proof the Loch Ness monster exists, this was it. This famous

photograph, published in 1934, made ancient theories of a monster haunting

the depths of the Scottish Lake seem true. If this isn't a monster many

wondered then what is it? What it is, two British researchers reported in 1994, is

a toy submarine with a 12-inch neck made of plastic. A hoax. They said just before

he died one of the conspirators admitted building it and setting it on the lake.

But, one photograph doesn't make or break a legend. There are other photographs and

hundreds of reports of sightings and the curious still come hoping some ripple in

the water will turn out to be Nessie the monster.

For more infomation >> Loch Ness Monster Hoax [1994] - Duration: 1:04.


Difference between Abstract Class and Interface - Duration: 6:57.

For more infomation >> Difference between Abstract Class and Interface - Duration: 6:57.


VIDEO Why did this woman try to trash this Dallas art piece - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> VIDEO Why did this woman try to trash this Dallas art piece - Duration: 1:46.


Best Instagram Food Tutorials Recipes 2017 #4 | Tasty and Easy Homemade Almond Pie for Family - Duration: 11:48.


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