Use a torx №T30
Use an end bit №5
Paura al Grande Fratello Vip: clamorosa rissa e arrivano i poliziotti | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:28.-------------------------------------------
Notícia de salários atrasados no Corinthians dá briga entre Neto e Maciel - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
Gf Vip, Veronica Angeloni a Blogo: "Non sono più single. Flirt vip - Duration: 8:31.-------------------------------------------
Thiago Brava "Dona Maria" (Part. Jorge & Mateus) + Jason Mraz "I'm Yours" Mashup Cover Acústico - Duration: 2:55.I'm sorry to come here at this time Forgive me, I'm badly dressed
My shirt is wide and my cap is old
Well at the time of the soap opera that you like more
I not slept for three days Your daughter will not let me sleep
She told me you're mad.
But today I will not accept taking a "no" to home
Mrs. Mary, Let me date your daughter? I'm sorry if I'm bold
This girl is a sky drawing.
Mrs. Mary, Let me date your daughter? I'm sorry if I'm bold
This girl is a sky drawing God painted and threw away the brush
But I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free Look into your heart and you'll find love
Listen to the music of the moment people dance
and sing
We are just one big family And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved
So I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait I'm sure
Mrs. Mary, Let me date your daughter? I'm sorry if I'm bold
This girl is a sky drawing. God painted and threw away the brush
Gf Vip, Veronica Angeloni a Blogo: "Non sono più single. Flirt vip? - Duration: 8:39.-------------------------------------------
- Sir Alvod - Suspended to 20 meters high - Duration: 3:48.hello to all guys, this is another extra video of when we went to the adventure park a few months ago, enjoy the video and do not forget to give me a like and subscribe the channel, a hope you a good vision (do not miss the ending)
it's gone good right?
it's gone on shit
what are you doing??
I want to do this
- let's staaaaart -
come on!!
- goooo -
i hope you enjoyed the video, let me know with a comment below, leave me like then help me so much, subscribe at the channel for stay tuned and see you in the next video
Bob Esponja - Bob Racing Spongy - Jogos Infantis - Duration: 13:37.-------------------------------------------
Carluz Belo | Ao Virar de Cada Esquina | Teaser | 2017 - Duration: 0:33.Come closer...
♪ I see beauty around each corner ♪
♪ It's the uncertainty of tomorrow!... ♪
Conrado é o sexto eliminado de "A Fazenda 9" - Duration: 7:03.-------------------------------------------
#18『バックスウィングの始動はグリップから』武市悦宏のドライバー飛距離アップの極意【ゴルフライフwithTOYOTA】 - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
Receta de tarta de zanahoria fácil - Duration: 5:24.-------------------------------------------
Kötü Çocuk Chucky Heidinin Oyuncak Nenuco Bebek Cicibicilerini Slime içine mi attı? Heidi Ne yaptı? - Duration: 13:38.-------------------------------------------
Big Fish Fried on Tawa - South Indian street food | Simple and Delicious Fish Fry in dosa tawa - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
Jogos de Carros Para crianças - 4x4 Monster Truck Stunts 3D - Carros de Brinquedo - Duration: 10:54.-------------------------------------------
How to Register Online - Duration: 8:31.Welcome.
This tutorial shows you how to register online
for Andrews University classes.
Most courses fit within the three main campus semesters.
Register as early as possible for main campus classes
to be sure you get into the classes you need.
Fall and spring registration opens late March.
Summer registration opens early February.
Consult the Andrews Academic Calendar
for your campus and course type
to be aware of registration and payment deadlines
as well as the last date to change registrations
or withdraw.
While students at most campuses
will complete registration online,
please recheck with your local advisor
whether other forms are required
for your campus before using Registration Central.
Now, let's learn how to register online.
On the Andrews home page,,
select Registration Central from the Current Students tab
at the top of the page.
Log in by entering your Andrews username and password.
It's best to register yourself,
as there are several notices you are responsible
for understanding and following.
Select the semester that you want to register for
and then click on Next to continue on course registration.
There are four steps to complete registration online:
updating biographical data,
enrolling in classes,
selecting or declining campus services,
and completing your financial plan.
Start by checking your biographical data.
Please update anything that has changed.
Students living away from campus
will have the same permanent and local address.
Check the box to note this.
As important information
is communicated to students via email,
read your Andrews email regularly,
preferably by logging in directly to Andrews email service.
Forwarding is not recommended,
as emails are often lost.
Now that you have the biographical information checked,
you are ready to enroll in classes.
Let's click to continue.
The first time you register for each academic year,
you will see the Community Values Statement.
This needs your thoughtful review and commitment.
Please read carefully before accepting.
Each term you register,
please read any announcements about course types.
Note that students accepting federal financial aid
may not register for self-paced open-learning courses.
This applies to students at any level
and on any campus.
Reviewing your program progress each semester
with an academic or program advisor
can save you time and money.
A registration PIN must be released
for undergraduate degree students to be able to register
so plan to communicate with your advisor
about classes well before each registration deadline.
Click Register Online when you are sure
you're on the right path.
Before adding new courses,
review classes on the current schedule.
If a class needs to be dropped,
you can click the link to change course credits
anytime before the last day to drop or add classes
in that semester.
Once you click Change Course Credits,
follow instructions onscreen.
In fall and spring,
this is 10 days after the first day of the term.
In summer months,
the third day is the last day to change registration.
After the start date,
dropping a class requires a signed Drop/Add form
if attending main campus or in an email to to withdraw.
If you already know the unique course registration number,
or CRN, for the specific section that fits your schedule,
you can simply enter the CRN for each class you're taking
and click Submit Changes to quickly populate
your current schedule.
If you aren't sure about which section you need yet,
click Class Search.
Select the subject area from the pull-down.
For example, English.
Here, we see the list of all English courses
available this term.
Pay close attention to the information listed
about each section.
Only select a class that meets on the campus you need.
We'll choose English 115.
All sections available in this semester
for this class and type will now be listed.
Click to the left of the section that fits your schedule
and is offered on your campus.
NR indicates the option is no longer open to registration.
We'll pretend we need the available section
with CRN 1663 and then click
Add to Worksheet to save our choice.
Note the CRN 1663 now shows
under the Add Classes Worksheet.
Once you've added each class section in the same steps,
click on Submit Changes to save these classes
to the schedule for the selected semester or term.
Note that when you select
a self-paced open-learning section,
you will fill in either a start or end date.
We recommend entering a start date.
Leave the end date blank.
All term-based courses have a fixed start
and end date so this field is not shown then.
Check the period in which this class
is open for registration in the course schedule at
The syllabus linked to the right
in the course schedule will include
the length of time you have to complete the course.
Remember to set filters to narrow your search
to the courses offered on your campus
and in a particular area of study in the term selected.
Note that field-based refers to courses at a distance,
usually online.
Consider carefully all the details
about a course and section,
number of credits, time of day,
and type of course to be sure you select the CRN
or the section for the class that works best for you.
Within Registration Central,
the current schedule shows all courses
you have added for that semester.
Outside of Registration Central,
you will find your class schedule
on your iVue page for the selected semester.
From the home page,
click on iVue on the menu for current students.
Select the term.
If the default is not showing,
then scroll down to view the class schedule.
Note the start and end dates are always available here too.
Once you have enrolled in classes,
a check will appear in the box
on the Registration Central home page.
The third step includes accepting or declining services
that would impact your financial plan.
If you are living away from main campus,
you can opt out of housing and dining options
and decline putting money on a bookstore account
or paying for Andrews Student Insurance.
The fourth and last step to complete registration
is to set up your payment plan.
If using any type of loans or grants,
it is best to meet with your financial advisor
before attempting to clear financially.
Watch our tutorial on How to Clear Financially
for help on planning for your payments.
Now that you know how to enroll
in Andrews University classes
using Registration Central online,
take a moment to tour our great summer options
on main campus and online.
Join a tour, attend a workshop,
or tell friends about May Express,
Early College, and Seize the Summer intensive classes.
Get the details at the link on the screen.
We hope you will find classes that fit your goals
and help you seek knowledge and affirm your faith
in order to change the world.
Cennet'in Gözyaşları / Tears of Heaven Trailer - Episode 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:30.I hate you, Cennet.
You have pain on your nose, lady.
- He'll find a way and bring that girl with him. - It would be a little bit difficult.
- Nobody can treat you like that. - I won't go back to the place I was kicked out.
Please forgive me, my daugther.
How much money do you want to get the hell out of my life? Tell me!
Cennet will present this project.
We always have room for successful architects but not for frauds such as yourself.
She is not my daughter.
She is a stranger to me.
I am so lucky not to have a heartless mother as you are.
Die 4-S-Strategie zum unternehmerischen Durchbruch | Interview Alexander Krunic - Duration: 5:32.Amazon and the 4-S-Strategy and how to create a Top business model.
Welcome to Fascination Freedom, today at the end of
the Europe Congress. The participants have left already, some hundreds of people joined. I am not sure
how many exactly. Well, Alexander Krunic, full-blooded businessman for more than 30 years
and an absolute Amazon-expert. That's what we will indirectly talk about today, about entrepreneurship,
a very interesting topic. You already introduced it in your presentation today, this was really
interesting, very fascinating. There were some eye opening moments for people, entrepreneurs and even
companies regarding the 4-S-strategy.
What do you have to consider when you found a company and start it right now?
Maybe you can explain that shortly to us? Of course Thorsten, principally, the 4-S are
something like glasses, you can put on, like a pattern to quickly
evaluate how attractive a business model is. This has helped me a lot in the last 20 years.
And what does the 4-S stand for? The first s stands for "simple". A business model
I find fascinating is simple. If you yourself haven't understood the business model
because it is too complicated, the whole implementation will be almost impossible but also
be careful, a simple business model doesn't mean that the implementation will be
simple too. The second "S" stands for fast (German: schnell). A business model I find attractive,
can be started fast and it can be enlarged quickly. That's what the third S stands for:
scalability. For like 2-3 years.
Exactly and this scalability is typically the bottleneck of most business models
because most business models are based on time against money and we all have
only the limited 24 hours a day and we do not want to work all the time.
That means that it doesn't matter if 10 people buy, or 100 or 1000 or theoretically
1 million. Basically, I can upscale. Exactly, it isn't irrelevant but it doesn''t matter
for us because Amazon takes care for this scalability. They have big warehouses,
they have scalable websites, they have traffic. If we use Amazon
to enter in the e-commerce business, Amazon takes care of the scalability and we can
operate this business from everywhere in the world over the internet and don't have to
clutter our garage up, don't have to employ employees and don't have to improve our computer servers. And
the fourth S stands for system. So if a business model is based on a system,
that means that the success doesn't depend on your experience or your expert knowledge
or on your age or budget but this system, these processes
have to be implemented in the right order at the right time. Amazon is an inflexible
system and it has to be like that because only a rigid system guarantees that you can enlarge it quickly
and this is why these 4-S are extremely important for the person who wants to
operate this Amazon business
because it means that you can completely outsource the business and everyone can
deal with these actions, even in sections and be successful. If you cannot imagine that with Amazon,
I always tell the people to think of Mc Donalds, everyone knows it
and it is also a business model operating with the 4S and it is implemented here and we
all know how big the company is. This is very fascinating because if you are now
an entrepreneur o a soon-to-be entrepreneur, these 4S, whether you know them now
or not, will be a key role in terms of business success and while thinking of how much I am trapped in
the rat race or not. Exactly and to become aware of those
is very helpful. And to question them for new projects for example.
Exactly. A fascinating tip, very interesting.
You also have a great Amazon community. We also presented them to
the community of the Europe Congress. There is an online seminar for all the participants,
for everyone who wants to take part. And it is unbelievable, a lot of people in your community
earns 4-5 digit turnovers every month. In the beginning that sounds almost
unbelievable, but you also show concrete testimonials, feedback, so it is certainly
very fascinating and a reason why I also had an intensive look at it and
why I also found a new company and we are also starting in the area.
I receive a lot of business models and have seen a lot.
If you have seen a lot and then you see a good business model, you recognize the
really good ones and can recommend them without hesitation.
So who wants to take part, feel free to register. Now we see some great impressions from
the Europe Congress Passive Income. Otherwise, I see you next Friday
or during the online seminar on Monday.
I will co-host it, the main part is done by you as the Amazon expert.
Thank you very much for the great tip for our community you shared today. See you soon!
Thank you for the invitation Thorsten! Bye.
Well, it is something for total beginners but also for advanced and
even experts.
Desenhar e Colorir Bola de Futebol | Livro de colorir com marcadores coloridos - Duration: 12:47.-------------------------------------------
박나래 생일선물로 '다리털 면도기' 준 '현실 남사친' 이시언 - Duration: 2:29.-------------------------------------------
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...-------------------------------------------
גורסיה הום Gorsia Home - מוצרי טקסטיל לבית - רמת גן - b144 - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
Cooking in prison-------------------------------------------
Alan Walker - All Falls Down (feat. Noah Cyrus with Digital Farm Animals) - Duration: 3:41.♪ What's the trick I wish I knew ♪
♪ I'm so done with thinking through ♪
♪ All the things I could've been ♪
♪ And I know you wonder too ♪
♪ All it takes is that one look you do ♪
♪ And I run right back to you ♪
♪ You crossed the line ♪
♪ And it's time to say F you! ♪
♪ What's the point in saying that ♪
♪ When you know how I'll react ♪
♪ You think you can just take it back ♪
♪ But shit just don't work like that ♪
♪ You're the drug that I'm addicted to ♪
♪ And I want you so bad ♪
♪ Guess I'm stuck ♪
♪ With you ♪
♪ And that's that ♪
♪ Cus when it all falls down, then whatever ♪
♪ When it don't work out for the better ♪
♪ If we just ain't right and it's time to say goodbye ♪
♪ When it all falls down ♪
♪ When it all falls down ♪
♪ I'll be fine ♪
♪ I'll be fine ♪
♪ You're the drug that I'm addicted to ♪
♪ And I want you so bad ♪
♪ But I'll be fine ♪
♪ Why we fight, I don't know ♪
♪ We say what hurts the most ♪
♪ Oh, I try ♪
♪ Staying cold ♪
♪ But you take it personal ♪
♪ All this firing shots ♪
♪ And making ground ♪
♪ It's way too hard to cope ♪
♪ But I still ♪
♪ Can't let ♪
♪ You go ♪
♪ Cus when it all falls down, then whatever ♪
♪ When it don't work out for the better ♪
♪ If we just ain't right and it's time to say goodbye ♪
♪ When it all falls down ♪
♪ When it all falls down ♪
♪ I'll be fine ♪
♪ I'll be fine ♪
♪ You're the drug that I'm addicted to ♪
♪ And I want you so bad ♪
♪ But I'll be fine ♪
♪ I'll be fine ♪
♪ I'll be fine ♪
♪ I'll be fine ♪
♪ I'll be fine ♪
♪ Cus when it all falls down, then whatever ♪
♪ When it don't work out for the better ♪
♪ If we just ain't right and it's time to say goodbye ♪
♪ When it all falls down ♪
♪ When it all falls down ♪
♪ I'll be fine ♪
♪ I'll be fine ♪
♪ You're the drug that I'm addicted to ♪
♪ And I want you so bad ♪
♪ But I'll be fine ♪
♪ I'll be fine ♪
♪ And that's that ♪
ఈ మారేడు దళంతో అభిషేకం చేస్తే | Karthika Masam Pooja - Lord Shiva Abhishekam - Abhishekam - Pooja - Duration: 2:38.SUBSCRIBE
The Color Train Song | Nursery Rhymes | Original Song By KiiYii! - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
Some More Red Velvet Memes (not on crack) - Duration: 2:03.I'm gay.
I'm a lesbian.
I am actually pansexual.
I am transgender.
I'm Seulgi!
You shot me!
Oh, hi.
Get the %$^# out of my room! I'm playing Mincraft...
Get the $%#@ out of my room!
What's taking so long?
Patience, Wolverine. I have to check my uhh...
Uhh the vi-.. the virus. Err th-the database.. and..
Make sure that it's- everything's where it needs to be.. uhh..
Tuya's FISHING TIP Catches FISH !!! - Sailing Luckyfish Ep 22 - Duration: 13:46.Well after 6000 miles Here we are approaching Grenada
Under sail Like Luckyfish likes best
We're doing 8 or 9 knots Wind on the quarter
Beautiful sailing And so sad to say goodbye to this voyage
This is the last leg And we've have been putting it off for the
last few weeks Anyway we are probably beginning to feel a
little bit boat bound now after 6 months living on board
Anyway its with mixed feelings that we wind it all up
Lets hope we will be back for some more very very soon.
On our lure
Oi ! He bit it!
Zaya: One bird sat next to it and tried to bite the lure
Crazy suckers
We want fish not bird
Yeah. Well we might have to start looking at bird
Fish jumping ahead
There's birds diving in front of the boat, catching fish
We were careful
to stay outside the exclusion zone surrounding an active submerged volcano.
Gaseous discharges have been known to lower the density of seawater sufficiently to threaten
the buoyancy of ships.
There is also the risk of Tsunami.
Zaya: They are Ameeeriiicaaan !
Stew: You! You and your Americans. I don't know.
Zaya: Yeah, my friends the Americans
VO: With all this seabird activity around us,
it was only a matter of time before something struck the lure.
Zaya: Put the steering on Stewart!
OK honey, here's the camera, it's yours. I have got it all under control.
[Sails luffing]
Tuya can get it, she said.
Just sort the self-steering
Tuya: Winch handle
Stew: It's ok honey, don't worry about the wheel. Just film.
I've got the steering sorted.
The steering is taken care of darling.
It's a good size Tuka!
Tuka! It's a Mahe
look at the boat self-steering, perfectly
it's holding itself just off the wind
Zaya and Tuya: Dorado. Mahe Mahe ! Wooo!
Stew: And, whats it going to taste like?
Zaya: Yum.
Tuya: Take a photograph
There was the lure
then I thought, arrrr, lure is not black
shouldn't be jumping that high
then I looked over there and Tuya's rod was......
then I told Tuya, FISH ON!
she couldn't believe it. She kept looking at my lure (rod)
Because, she just cleaned some weed off her hook
And just put it back
How are we going to cook it?
Zaya: Let's fry. We haven't fried fish for a long time.
STEW: Fry it. Alright.
ZAYA: I'm sick of BBQ [LAUGHS]
Craig said, roll it in a bit of flour. He doesn't do much.
I think he just puts it
He leaves the skin on, I'm sure. On mahe.
Pops it in a thin layer of oil. Hot.
Two sides.
Salt and pepper. That's it.
Mahe doesn't need much.
it's a thin fillet. Yeah.
And how is Luckyfish going?
What speed?
7 knots
ZAYA: And you don't even feel it.
STEW: Sails look like fresh, pressed bedsheets.
Look at that.
What's your speed.
Seven and a half
What speed are we doing?
Six point six
What's the speed?
Five. Five point three
That's enough.
Cruise ship terminal.
We put in to St Georges and found a berth at the Grenada Yacht Club.
Our plan was head to the south coast of Grenada
We had to find a place to slip Luckyfish for
the hurricane season.
Nice job girls.
The south coast of Grenada has many marinas
and hardstand locations and we had heard about
a new one offering big discounts.
After a brief stop at Morne Rouge,
the girls, naturally, started fishing again.
We seemed to be having better success
with a bait tied to the lure
This works Zaya. We tie the bait to the hook, they can smell it.
Their efforts were rewarded again, with this fine barracuda.
ZAYA: Oh look at that. We must have got a barracuda last year.
STEW: Barracuda waypoint. Yeah.
ZAYA: Yeah. I thought we caught something off here.
Look at the hairy sailing after we caught the barracuda
The route goes all funny. Probably gutting the barracuda.
We put into a small inlet called True Blue
and went ashore to check out the Dodgy Dock Bar.
ZAYA: So, how do you like True Blue so far?
STEW: True Blue has been very nice, we are looking forward to jerk chicken for dinner.
ZAYA: I'm sure its nice as your nephew recommended.
Tuya is going to have jerk chicken as well
I'm going to have a rib-eye steak.
Because we are all tired of fish!
We had been told that Ciguatera is not an issue in barracuda south of Guadaloupe so
we set about preparing some lunch the next day while anchored at True Blue.
ZAYA: What are you cooking.
STEW: Today we are having barracuda
Three beautiful fillets, fresh
with some peas and rice
and a nice salad that
Tuya's cut, which is red cabbage
black olives, carrots and some dressing
The barracuda is just marinated in lemon juice, pepper
and then tossed in flour with some garlic salt, black pepper
fried, 3 to 5 minutes both sides
and served with a smile.
ZAYA: Looks yummy. Can't wait.
How many fillets?
STEW: This is just one side of the fish.
So we are getting 3 good sized portions off of the barracuda
and three more in the freezer
ZAYA: There you go.
Enjoy your meal
STEW: Thank you very much
Let's hope its tasty. I'm sure it will be.
That's actually really good.
ZAYA: What is your recipe?
It's a bit crunchy on the outside, but beautiful
soft, fish.
marinated in lemon, pepper and garlic salt
It's come out really nice.
Like Chip Shop fish.
but better.
Dolphins vs Ravens Live Stream: How to Watch Online for Free | SML News - Duration: 4:32.Dolphins vs Ravens Live Stream: How to Watch Online for Free
Both still very much alive in their respective divisional title battles, the Miami Dolphins and Baltimore Ravens meet for a Week 8 "Thursday Night Football" matchup at M&T Bank Stadium.
Kickoff is scheduled for 8:25 p.m.
ET and will be broadcast on CBS.
If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, here's how to watch a live stream on your computer, tablet or streaming device:.
Amazon Prime: If you have Amazon Prime or want to start a free 30-day trial of Amazon Prime, you can watch the game via Amazon Prime Video.
You can watch on your computer via your browser, or on your tablet or streaming device via the Amazon Video app.
CBS All Access: If you don't have Amazon Prime and aren't interested in starting a free trial, you can also watch the game via CBS All Access, a cable-free streaming service that lets you watch a live stream of your local CBS channel.
They offer a free seven-day trial.
So far in 2017, "Thursday Night Football" has been kind to those who like entertaining football.
The Chiefs and Patriots began the season with 69 combined points.
Two weeks later, the Rams and 49ers surprised everyone with a 41-39 instant classic.
The Pats and Bucs didn't have a lot of points but ultimately had an exciting finish.
The Eagles vs.
Panthers was another that came down to the final seconds, and last week's 31-30 Raiders victory over the Chiefs was just about as good as it gets.
Well, hopefully you didn't used to it.
Because this one, at least on paper, has the makings of an ugly, low-scoring, punt fest.
The Dolphins are 31st in the NFL in scoring offense, 32nd in yards per play, 29th in Football Outsiders' offensive efficiency rankings and are now without Jay Cutler, which may or may not be addition by subtraction.
The Ravens rank 23rd, 30th and 26th in those same stats, and still have Joe Flacco, who has a QB rating better than DeShone Kizer and no one else.
One interesting aspect to watch will be Miami's rushing offense vs.
Baltimore's rushing defense.
A classic case of stoppable force vs movable object, the Dolphins rank 31st in yards per carry, while the Ravens are just 23rd in yards per carry allowed.
Whether or not the Dolphins are able to get Jay Ajayi going on the ground will go a long way in determining who has the edge in this one.
The oddsmakers favor Baltimore by three points, so don't be surprised if this is yet another Thursday night game that comes down to the final possession.
Vidal Sassoon Spray Repair And Finish: Dollar Tree Gold - Duration: 3:31.hey everybody welcome back to my channel so today's video is another Dollar Tree
Gold I do one every Friday make sure you subscribe to my channel hit that
notification bell I upload a video every single day of the week and I don't want
you miss me so let's go ahead and get started
so this week's Dollar Tree Gold is a haircare product and sometimes haircare
products at the dollar store can be a little bit hit miss but this one is
absolutely amazing this is the Vidal Sassoon Pro Series repair spray repair
and finish so this is actually like a hair spray but it also helps protect
your hair so let's see it is so it's a formula for fashionable finish that
helps repair smoothness for silky hair protects damaged hair from breakage and
flexible hold to sell in style and tame flyaways it is 5.7 5.07 fluid ounces so
it's not a as much product it's like a regular hairspray but it is a really
really awesome spray I like that it is a repair spray and a finishing spray it's
just really really cool I've never seen anything like this so I'm just going to
go ahead and apply it and as you can see I've got some flyaways
so yeah let's go ahead and take a gander it was just like a regular pump so
really fine mister it smells really good I like to is that
it doesn't leave that hair wedgie but
does helped team those flyaways does leave your hair shiny and it really does
have a great hold so I just think it is the best both girls I feel like I am
protecting my hair a little bit I'm helping to repair it while it does give
a great hold so if you are looking for a great kind of hybrid product I would
definitely recommend checking out your local Dollar Tree and seeing if you can
find the Vidal Sassoon Pro Series repair spray repair and finish spray it is
awesome so really really liked it a lot has good hold but it's not crunchy I
mean it's good hold so yeah great great product so yeah definitely recommend it
you guys really short and sweet Dollar Tree cold it's not a whole bunch of
fluffing or anything like that it's just a really great product I think great
products speak for themselves and yeah this is just one of them absolutely love
it and for a buck cannot beat it but you guys thank you so much for watching I
hope you enjoyed it if you did go ahead and give it a thumbs up make sure you
share this video I would love to get the word out on this awesome twofer for hair
products it's great make sure you follow me on my other social media my Twitter
and Facebook it's a bunch of glam baby my Instagram is akia and makeup and I
will see you guys tomorrow for another video have a great one guys
Weirdest City & Town Names You Won't Believe # 2 - Duration: 3:04.Weirdest City & Town Names You Won't Believe # 2
Funny Clown Bob | Learn Construction vehicles Truck vs Dinosaur T-Rex Tyrannosaurus | Video for kids - Duration: 3:00.Hi Kids,
Today Funny Clown Bob will present you a play with Construction vehicles and dinosaur t-rex.
In this video for kids you will learn construction vehicles Excavator in funny battle vs tyrannosaurus.
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Parkersburg Fire at Old Ames Warehouse: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | CaCao TV - Duration: 7:49.Parkersburg Fire at Old Ames Warehouse: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Officials are still trying to determine what materials are in the warehouse and how local residents' health might be affected from a huge fire at an old Ames Tool Plant in Parkersburg.
The fire began burning on Friday and although the main fire was put out on Saturday, crews have still been extinguishing continued hot spots all week, AP reported. Wood County officials said they don't know exactly when the fire will be completely out.
Anyone with respiratory problems are smell sensitivity is still being asked to stay indoors. The Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department, however, recommendedeveryone remain indoors if possible, with windows and doors closed, until they can't detect any smell.
If there's a smell in your area, don't run the AC or heater if you can avoid it. DuPont Does Not Own the Warehouse.
The old Ames Tool Plant is owned by Intercontinental Export Import Inc. (IEI). Polymer Alliances Services and Intercontinental Export Import are part of a SirNaik group of companies — a waste management company.
Many posts shared on social media have incorrectly said that DuPont owns the warehouse, but this isn't accurate.
DuPont Co. told the Gazette-Mail that it's not affiliated with the former Ames warehouse. However, Intercontinental Export Import did purchase products from DuPont's Washington Works plant and was storing those products at the warehouse.
The City Still Doesn't Know What's Burning in the Warehouse. It's not known exactly what materials are in the warehouse, the Charleston Gazette-Mail reported.
A state of emergency was declared on Monday to help with the firefighting and environmental tests. Records that might have indicated what was in the warehouse were destroyed in the fire, but officials are looking for electronic records that can help.
Possible items that might have been in the warehouse include PVC, nylon, carbon black, titanium dioxide, fiberglass, formaldehyde, Teflon, and styrene. IEI provided an outdated data sheet to officials that listed previously stored materials.
Today, the Department of Environmental Protection ordered IEI to immediately provide a detailed inventory of the materials in the warehouse, along with their plans on how they will properly dispose of the debris.
Residents Are Still Asked to Stay Inside. Residents said their cars were covered in ash and some people were suffering from asthma attacks.
On Thursday, residents nearby had been told to take shelter in their homes and if they're in an area where a smell is detectable, they should try to stay indoors with windows and doors closed, keeping the AC and heater off if possible.
Air quality testing found that although there were visible soot particles, there were no detectable levels of chemicals in the smoke, AP reported.
Officials did say that local drinking water was safe because it's sourced from aquifers, not a stream, according to Lawrence Messina, communications director for the West Virginia Fire Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety. Schools in the Area Are Still Closed.
Closures and relocations are still happening because of the fire:. WVU Parkersburg's main campus will be closed through Friday 11 p.m. because of the fire.
the MOV Comfort Case Donation Drive for today was moved to Sunrise Baptist Church Community Education Classes are canceled for Thursday and Friday The ACT exam for Saturday is being rescheduled.
Nest Fest dress up days and chili cook-off are being rescheduled for Oct. 30-Nov. All Wood County Schools are in a Code C closure through Friday. New air filters are being installed so classes might be able to resume on Monday.
Officials Warned about Dangers at the Warehouse in 2008, 2011, & 2012. Officials have been warning about the potential for a large fire at the warehouse for nearly a decade, the Charleston Gazette-Mail reported.
Two volunteer fire chiefs in Wood County complained to the state fire marshal about the potential for a blaze in 2008. You can read their letter here from July 22, 2008.
When discussing the PAS Warehouse at #7777 Broadway Avenue in Parkersburg, WV, they wrote:. This warehouse has many of the same concerns as listed above.
The Lubeck VFD was called to the site for a fire recently, and could not even access the fire due to boxes stacked along the exterior of the warehouse, closing the alley.
Since the time of the call, they have begun working on the exterior portion of the site… We are unaware of the conditions inside concerning the sprinkler system, but at that time, it was not functional and in disrepair.
An inspection of the site would be necessary for the safety and welfare of our firefighters.
Our primary concern is that there will be a fire at one of these two warehouses, and there will not be enough water to fight a defensive fire… Boxes stacked too high, and inefficient sprinkler could kill firefighters working interior….
Firefighters on the scene are finding some of the same issues written about in the letter, the Gazette-Mail reported.
However, Lawrence Messina, communications director for the West Virginia Fire Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety, told the Gazette-Mail that when the agency inspected the warehouse in 2008, the sprinkler system was working.
He said it's not known what the sprinkler system's status is today.
The state Department of Environmental Protection visited the warehouse in 2011 and 2012 and found the same kinds of problems, including the lack of a groundwater protection plan including materials stored at the warehouse. The warehouse owner, IEI, was ordered to pay almost $61,000 in fines.
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Cennet'in Gözyaşları / Tears of Heaven Trailer - Episode 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:30.I hate you, Cennet.
You have pain on your nose, lady.
- He'll find a way and bring that girl with him. - It would be a little bit difficult.
- Nobody can treat you like that. - I won't go back to the place I was kicked out.
Please forgive me, my daugther.
How much money do you want to get the hell out of my life? Tell me!
Cennet will present this project.
We always have room for successful architects but not for frauds such as yourself.
She is not my daughter.
She is a stranger to me.
I am so lucky not to have a heartless mother as you are.
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Thiago Brava "Dona Maria" (Part. Jorge & Mateus) + Jason Mraz "I'm Yours" Mashup Cover Acústico - Duration: 2:55.I'm sorry to come here at this time Forgive me, I'm badly dressed
My shirt is wide and my cap is old
Well at the time of the soap opera that you like more
I not slept for three days Your daughter will not let me sleep
She told me you're mad.
But today I will not accept taking a "no" to home
Mrs. Mary, Let me date your daughter? I'm sorry if I'm bold
This girl is a sky drawing.
Mrs. Mary, Let me date your daughter? I'm sorry if I'm bold
This girl is a sky drawing God painted and threw away the brush
But I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free Look into your heart and you'll find love
Listen to the music of the moment people dance
and sing
We are just one big family And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved
So I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait I'm sure
Mrs. Mary, Let me date your daughter? I'm sorry if I'm bold
This girl is a sky drawing. God painted and threw away the brush
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