Thursday, October 5, 2017

Youtube daily report w Oct 5 2017

By Chiccodb00

Hi, I'm Chiccodb00

in this video I'll explain the basic usage

and JShell functions.

JShell, is one of the novelties introduced with Java 9

which I have already discussed in the video

available at the top right.

In order to run it on Linux,

just install Java 9 and run the "jshell" command

for Windows, you must always have Java 9 installed

but trying to typing jshell on the terminal we would get

an error message that warns us that the jshell command

isn't recognized, in fact you have to add the JDK9

installation folder to the system path

to do this, simultaneously press the Windows key and "R"

and type "control panel" followed by enter

from here we go to "System and Security"

"System", "Advanced System Settings"

"Environment variables".

At this point we go under "System Variables"

select "Path" and "Edit ..."

at this point you can see two different windows

based on the Windows version, I will do the procedure

both at the same time.

If you are presented with a screen similar to the one on the left

click on "New" and write "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9\bin"

finally click on "OK".

If you are presented with a screen similar to the one on the right

go to the end of the "Variable Value" text box

and add ";C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9\bin;",

finally click on "OK"

on the screen containing all the environment variables

click again on "OK" and close all other windows.

Now we're ready to use JShell

to do that, simultaneously press the Windows and R key

write "jshell" and press enter.

After a few moments there will be a welcome message,

then follow the instructions by typing "/help intro"

in the message that appears you'll be told that JShell

is a tool that allows us to run code in Java

and get instant results

that we can declare methods, variables etc ...

and we can also perform expressions like x + x.

I would begin by declaring an integer called t with value 5

then I write "int t = 5" (here doesn't even need the semicolons)

and pressing enter will show "t ==> 5",

Now we can perform some operations on this variable

such as printing numbers from 1 to t using a for loop

then write "for (int i = 0; i <t; i ++)"

this time hitting enter will not return any output

as it is waiting for the instructions to be executed within the for

then write "System.out.println(i+1)"

pressing enter will run the cycle,

because as a result will give us 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

You can notice how JShell can be used

also as a calculator, for example, writing "4*4"

and hitting enter will return us 16.

Now let's go to JShell's actual commands

let's start by /list that allows us to print

the "historical" of all the commands we have performed,

in our case it will return:

1: int t = 5;

2: for(int i = 0; i<t; i++) System.out.println(i+1);

3: 4*4

The /list command can also be used to get other informations

for example writing /list and the id of an instruction,

it will return the instruction

if we write /list -start, we will see all the imported classes,

while if we write /list -all we will get both the imported classes

both the instructions executed.

We can also save our hard work

using the /save command followed by the name of the file

then reopen it by writing /open and the filename

note that the /open command will also execute the entire snippet.

Before you save the file you may want to remove an instruction

that you do not want it to appear,

to do that we write /drop and the id of an instruction,

it is obtained when the instruction /list is executed,

since it is the number before ":"

for example we could remove the 3rd statement with /drop 3,

if we want to change an instruction

just write /edit and the instruction id

for example we can make sure that instead

printing the numbers starting from 1,

print them from 0, to do that we write /edit 2,

at this point it will open a window called "JShell Edit Pad"

which contains the current instruction,

and in our case also the condition,

then within the same we modify i + 1

with i, click on "Accept" and "Exit".

It should be noted that in case of a statement

it will be "moved" at the bottom of the history,

and in the case of a for, a copy will be created at the end.

We can see the declared variables and their values

through the /vars command and the methods with their signatures with /methods.

You can re-run a specified snippet

inside an id writing / and the id

Finally, you can reset the Jshell

via the /reset command.

I have omitted some commands,

which are available by writing /help.

If the video helped you understand the subject,

leave a like,

otherwise leave a dislike.

Anyway, you can always comment to help me improve my future videos!

For more infomation >> Java 9 - JShell installation and basic usage - Duration: 4:57.


il Calcio ad Ascia come non lo hai mai visto prima - Difesa Personale - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> il Calcio ad Ascia come non lo hai mai visto prima - Difesa Personale - Duration: 4:39.


Cyriax Manipulação Lombar 3: Leg Over c/ Flexão Lateral p/ Lombalgia - Fisioterapia Dr. Robson Sitta - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Cyriax Manipulação Lombar 3: Leg Over c/ Flexão Lateral p/ Lombalgia - Fisioterapia Dr. Robson Sitta - Duration: 4:16.


Melhores Lencinhos Umedecidos do Mundo | Cegonha Importadora - Duration: 9:04.

For more infomation >> Melhores Lencinhos Umedecidos do Mundo | Cegonha Importadora - Duration: 9:04.


Un Global Ambassador d'eccezione - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Un Global Ambassador d'eccezione - Duration: 0:57.


CÉU OU INFERNO. QUAL A SUA ESCOLHA? - #28 Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> CÉU OU INFERNO. QUAL A SUA ESCOLHA? - #28 Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:40.


Is Mystery Jesus? Review Mystery and Beckster Latest Helsinki Bootcamp - Duration: 4:40.

So what did you think of Mystery when you met him?

The first time.

He was according to my excpectations but

some sort nicer.

He's a really nice guy, he's really easy

to become empathatic with him.

To understand him, to understand his language.

It's very easy to have a chat with him,

very open to new people.

He has a huge ton of charisma.

I was already expecting it but the easiness to talk and say

"Hey Eric, I just have one question"

it's kind of amazing. So yeah,

I love him, I loved everybody.

It's a very good experience

That's why I want to meet people again.

And what did you think of watching him infield?

It's the most efficient pick-up I've ever seen.

Apart from the magic tricks,

it's not that... he's just doing something so outrageous.

No, no. He's just very good at getting... and,

It seems like it's nothing extraordinary from seeing

outside but at the same time it is because he always has

the right words at the right moments, the right timing,

the right delivery and when you see that work you just see people

around him enchanted by him and he's not dressed up, no,

he's just being his normal self.

... in a very high-profile venue, a very good, expensive bar

but also in a restaurant in the daytime. He's always enchanting,

so everybody likes him, all the time.

It's amazing. Now I met him,

I can understand why because he's a great guy.

All right perfect. I could put one more...

If you want.

Ok. I have seen many things here that impressed me.

The Beckster scene in the first day I recorded it all but one thing

that actually got me, that we were just walking on the street

and this random guy comes to talk to Erik and say

"Oh you're Mystery, I'm a fan of yours!"

"Oh ok, thank you, thank you."

"I read all your books. I've been following your material for 11 years"

He said "OK". "And thanks to your material,

I got a girlfriend who become my wife

and now we have three children thanks to you."

And that's the biggest compliment I've ever heard someone getting.

"I have three children thanks to you"

"Thank you"

So yeah, this is Mystery.

And what did you think of Beckster?

When you met him?

I didn't know what to expect because I had not met him before

but I must say is better looking than I thought.

He's a great dancer,

he has a huge ton of charisma and I just saw him do something

I didn't thought it was even possible.

He has this huge amount of energy.

At some point you see him with two hundred people around him

but he has all the energy

and he distributes it. He puts energy here, energy there.

It is all about him,

he gets it because of high energetic profile,

lots of movements, very good dancing

and he has this one thing I told you before.

He's a huge catch-phrase maker

He's the phrase maker. He puts it in like six words

that combines with women.

And you could quote him.

I could make so much quotes from Beckster.

That's a huge powerful tool

because now when I'm thinking about Beckster, I'm thinking about his sentences

that's a huge powerful tool when doing game.

So you asked me why I like game.

So why did I come to do this boot camp.

Think about this.

Many years ago,

There was a written book about the thoughts of Jesus

that all Christians followed.

That's the Bible

but it was not written by Jesus himself.

and not in his time but by followers of him.

There are so many versions so many interpretations.

And nowadays when we read the Bible we look,

"what does it mean?"

maybe it means one thing maybe it means the other

And they were huge fights about it.

And I had the opportunity to talk to the man himself and ask him

"What did you mean by that?"

It's like if I could go into a Time Machine,

talk to Jesus and "what do you think? because I'm your follower"

and not caring about everybody else, all the copycats.. "What do you think?"

he answered me. Now I know Mystery's words.

<i>- All right perfect, awesome.</i>

For more infomation >> Is Mystery Jesus? Review Mystery and Beckster Latest Helsinki Bootcamp - Duration: 4:40.


"The Putin Interviews" - Intervista a Oliver Stone - Duration: 8:21.

Questa è un'intervista ed io ti dirò ciò di cui vale la pena

"Con The Putin Interviews Stone ha fatto una cosa buona per la democrazia" (The Guardian)

Sei d'accordo?

Rispetto molto il Guardian

ma loro hanno visto e interpretato il film

a modo loro. È così che funziona coi film.

Io ho fatto questo film per curiosità

perché sono affascinato dal potere e dalla relazione

tra il potere degli Stati Uniti e il resto del mondo.

La guerra nucleare è forse il più grande problema odierno

fu affrontato a suo tempo da Kubrick

ma non ne avevo mai parlato nel mio lavoro fino ad oggi

fino a questa intervista con Mr. Putin

Fare queste interviste è stato un modo per me di andare

oltre gli annunci ufficiali

e di focalizzarmi su quello che la Russia pensa del mondo, di come è adesso

in relazione agli Stati Uniti

Tu conosci il mio lavoro io vado più in là, non credo

alla narrativa ufficiale che il mondo occidentale ci presenta

C'è un ritratto messo in giro della Russia

una narrativa che dice che la Russia è il nostro nemico, la Russia che entra nelle nostre scuole

la Russia influenza le elezioni negli Stati Uniti

la Russia vuole destabilizzare l'alleanza Nato eccetera eccetera

Le accuse contro la Russia sono incredibili

In effetti penso che siano gli Stati Uniti a farsi del male, a danneggiarsi

da quello che vedo

con la loro militarizzazione in così tante situazioni nel mondo

e adesso anche con la Russia

Gli Stati Uniti si sono armati fino ai denti intorno alla Russia

come si vede dalle mappe

eccetto per il Sud

E gli Stati Uniti hanno speso più di ogni altra nazione per diventare l'armata più invincibile mai esistita.

Ho chiesto a Mr. Putin quale pensi sia la ragione di tutto questo armarsi

e lui mi ha risposto: "Te lo dirò quando vado in pensione".

Sono certo che, a volte, anche lui sia molto perplesso da alcune posizioni degli Stati Uniti

È difficile da capire, perché spesso non è il presidente che parla per gli Stati Uniti

ma sono i militari e la CIA e le altre Agenzie di Intelligence

C'è una forza che in America chiamano lo "Stato Profondo"

Peter Dale Scott ha usato quella espressione quando facevo il film su Kennedy

Certo bisogna tener conto dei fatti, se si guarda alle continue fughe di notizie

e al fatto che Trump è stato contestato sin dall'inizio

Questo è un periodo molto pericoloso per gli Stati Uniti

Gli Stati Uniti è dove succedono le cose che contano

infatti se negli Stati Uniti ci fosse ancora più caos sarebbe molto pericoloso per tutti

Quando hai girato il film ti hanno detto di non parlare di certe cose?

Non c'è stato nessun controllo editoriale, nessun limitazione sui soggetti, e nessun editing

Ho fatto quello che volevo come film-maker, avevo la mia sovranità.

E non ti hanno detto di non parlare degli assassini dei giornalisti?

No, non ne ho parlato con lui e ti dirò il perché

mi sono informato e ho parlato con altra gente e non ho creduto importante o dignitoso farlo

Quante ore avete girato?

20 ore, 20 ore di conversazioni

Io non sono un giudice, sono un reporter che filma

che presenta quello che Putin ha detto

non sto cercando di cambiare il suo modo di vedere le cose

non penso che lui racconti apertamente delle menzogne

forse c'erano volte in cui…

Doveva farlo?

Ometteva certe cose per ragioni di Stato

Certamente sulla Cyber War faceva un po' il furbo perché la Cyber War è una cosa…

...bisognerebbe fare un trattato

È una roba pazzesca che

l'America possa fare delle accuse a tutti nel mondo

dalla Corea del Nord, alla Cina, alla Russia

delle accuse oltraggiose specifiche

A meno che non si conosca la fonte degli hacking

cosa che non sappiamo

non possiamo fare quelle accuse

dobbiamo trovare un modo

e questo è molto importante

per prevenire i malintesi come succede adesso negli Stati Uniti dove c'è un'inchiesta su vasta scala.

Faresti un film su Trump?

Sei la centesima persona che mi fa la stessa domanda

Sembra che sia destinato a farlo

Posso dire una cosa… Il film migliore lo sta già facendo lui adesso

è in onda ogni giorno

È per quello che a voi piace così tanto

Io penso che ci sia molto sensazionalismo, non penso che Mr. Trump abbia il potere che uno pensa

Hai fatto un incredibile ritratto di Putin che resterà nel tempo

Putin era felice di essere filmato?

Ah ah mi chiedi se era tipo una Sophia Loren

Tipo mmm… vengo intervistato da Oliver Stone, come Bush, come…

No. Mr. Putin non ha mai neanche nominato nessuno dei miei film

È un freddo?

Penso che abbia visto il film su Kennedy perché a un certo punto me ne ha parlato

però non penso che guardi molti film, non ha tempo e lavora veramente tanto

Ha citato "Il Dottor Stranamore"...

L'ha visto tutto?

No circa 20 o 30 minuti.

E ha detto che è un ritratto abbastanza accurato


Su quello che può succedere se c'è un incidente

e che potrebbe essere molto più pericoloso e accadrebbe più velocemente

non avremmo un'ora di tempo

Hai filmato la sua famiglia?

No, non lascia che la famiglia sia filmata

Credo che sia dovuto al fatto che...

ricordi quando all'inizio del film dice che era preoccupato per la sua famiglia

quando lavorava con Yeltzin

perché le persone andavano e venivano

e pensava che non avrebbe avuto protezione?

Come immagina il futuro Putin?

Putin pensa al futuro

Lui vuole che l'Europa si integri, vuole la Russia in Europa

un piede in Europa e uno in Eurasia

Questo è il suo ideale

Come fu per un certo momento, fino alle nuove sanzioni

Sarebbe la cosa migliore e ha ragione

La Russia potrebbe essere un grande partner per l'Europa e per gli Stati Uniti

ma noi nonsembriamo interessati

Sul nucleare, sul controllo climatico, sulla Cyber War, sull'ambiente e sull'Artico

Un ottimo partner

e contro il terrorismo di sicuro

La Russia ha una feroce avversione per il tipo di terrorismo che Trump odia così tanto

E in effetti loro se ne sono occupati positivamente

Hanno una popolazione musulmana enorme

la più larga in Europa

Sono molto bravi sulla sorveglianza

Sei stato affascinato da Putin?

No. Non ero lì per essere affascinato ero lì per raccogliere informazioni

e per fare un film

Sono andato molto d'accordo con lui

mi è piaciuto il suo senso dell'humour

La sua ironia?

Ne fa tanta. È molto sottile

Ho avuto a che fare con un uomo con valori diversi. Lui è un Russo

io sono un americano, siamo cresciuti diversamente

Però sei sempre pro-America o sei indipendente?

Sono un americano indipendente

Totalmente indipendente?

Tipo che se ci fosse una guerra tra la Russia e l'America?

Mi troverei in una situazione critica perché probabilmente ne conoscerei l'origine

For more infomation >> "The Putin Interviews" - Intervista a Oliver Stone - Duration: 8:21.


[MV] Toy | Love Playlist | Season2 OST Part.1 - Duration: 2:21.

Toy Brother Su, Yoo Yeon Jung

I Don't Wanna Be Your Toy

I Just Wanna Be Your Love

You might be sick and tired after some time

There are so many of others in that storage

I Don't Wanna Be Your Toy

I Just Wanna Be Your Love

If I can't be in the way I want

I'm okay to be covered by dusts

Could you open the door (open the door)

So that I can stay (I can stay)

Our song is not long

Nothing to lose by hurrying at all

Like the first confessing love

Despite unknown, fearful tomorrow Not to bad

Just imagine every day, I-

Among many people

In a moment of a tiring day If you're with me

I think it will be fine

If you're with me

I think I will be happy

For more infomation >> [MV] Toy | Love Playlist | Season2 OST Part.1 - Duration: 2:21.


Roger Waters aggiunge una data italiana al tour: 3 giorni a Bologna.HD - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Roger Waters aggiunge una data italiana al tour: 3 giorni a Bologna.HD - Duration: 5:12.


Roy Paci canta il bello del mondo come fosse una favola: Valelapena! L'intervista.HD - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> Roy Paci canta il bello del mondo come fosse una favola: Valelapena! L'intervista.HD - Duration: 6:45.


Grande Fratello Vip, sospetti sulla squalifica di Marco Predolin: è tutto finto? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip, sospetti sulla squalifica di Marco Predolin: è tutto finto? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:40.


Kika Martinez conta como manter a forma na gravidez - starFIT28 - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Kika Martinez conta como manter a forma na gravidez - starFIT28 - Duration: 3:27.


Tiziano Ferro: esce l'edizione speciale di "Il mestiere della vita".HD - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Tiziano Ferro: esce l'edizione speciale di "Il mestiere della vita".HD - Duration: 4:54.


Cả làng đã phát hiện ra chuyện bên cái di ảnh và Vợ mới Cưới là thế này đây ... - Duration: 35:12.

For more infomation >> Cả làng đã phát hiện ra chuyện bên cái di ảnh và Vợ mới Cưới là thế này đây ... - Duration: 35:12.


[Soluzione 100%] Tomb Raider 1 - Liv. 3: Lost Valley - Con spiegazioni e commenti - Duration: 18:30.

For more infomation >> [Soluzione 100%] Tomb Raider 1 - Liv. 3: Lost Valley - Con spiegazioni e commenti - Duration: 18:30.


三菱・RVRが予防安全の「e-Assist」を追加する一部改良を実施。デザインもよりスポーティーに-車の最新ニュース - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 三菱・RVRが予防安全の「e-Assist」を追加する一部改良を実施。デザインもよりスポーティーに-車の最新ニュース - Duration: 3:01.


岡田将生が木村文乃、佐々木希らを狂わせる 『伊藤くん A to E』新映像 - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> 岡田将生が木村文乃、佐々木希らを狂わせる 『伊藤くん A to E』新映像 - Duration: 2:26.


Catch the mother of all news t...

For more infomation >> Catch the mother of all news t...


How You Gonna Be Outstanding If You Don't Stand Out? - The Purple Cow Theory/Success Motivation - Duration: 4:16.

all right I had a question for you how you gonna be outstanding if you don't

stand out this is the Purple Cow Theory mofos how you gonna be upstanding if you

don't stand out how are you standing out what are you doing separate yourself

from the rest that's what I'm talking about today mofos you gotta have that

Purple Cow Theory you know I learned that Purple Cow Theory from my girl

Kelly you can check the link to to her stuff right here but she taught me about

the Purple Cow I'm gonna teach you about that next check it out all right so I'm

talking about standing out building your personal brand creating something that's

a little bit different from what everybody else is doing that's what it's

all about man that's it that's how you really market yourself that's how you

really grow your audience mofos you gotta stand now you got to be a little

bit different you can be a lot different you could be crazy if you want but you

gotta be a little bit different you got to do things in a different way than

everybody else is doing in your minute that's what I'm talking about that's

what you got to do man to be the purple cows it's about really planning how you

want to be you gotta be authentic to who you are when you got a little

personality ride out man you gotta let people see how you are then don't try to

be something else wear that mask pretend you're something else

gonna build that mindset for success it starts with really knowing who you are

doing what you want to do and then getting out there and doing it all right

and standing on it take chances take some risks

do some things that maybe people are gonna not like maybe some people are

gonna say y'all man what's that guy all about why is he doing that but that's

how you find your audience might be able to find the people that like that you

only can do that by being a public County means you gotta be creative with

your thumbnails be creative with your videos be creative with how you want to

present what you're doing you know I edit things in different ways all the

time but I'm always experimenting every video is a little bit of an experiment

they're all the same but they're all a little bit different the reason I do

that MorphOS because I'm learning how to really get that style down down to

exactly how I like it and how I like it is different all the

time I want to be doing the same thing a hey then 24/7 but I want to do different

things that are similar and make it stand out now I'm kind of just rambling

now so let me just cut it off right there so I want to send a shout out to

Kelly I met Kelly through the chains book you know it's a it's a series that

has all different authors from different parts of the world all bringing you know

stories of self-empowerment stories of personal development and you can now you

can link a copy of the change book 10 which is the book I'm in I got the link

down below so you can check that out I want someone who I send a shout out to

do my mom's who I work with the write books with and we have another YouTube

channel together that we we post videos on a long time we also have a blog site

yo thanks for watching this video subscribe to this channel like and

comment and no I let people let people see this share with people that don't

know about this channel this channel is pop and you know what's poppin I try I

try hard to make it pop it on the same sorry mofos talk to you again boy

your office Duffy Hambleton and I approve this message

For more infomation >> How You Gonna Be Outstanding If You Don't Stand Out? - The Purple Cow Theory/Success Motivation - Duration: 4:16.


Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL + achteruitrijcamera* - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL + achteruitrijcamera* - Duration: 0:57.


Tell Senator Donnelly to Support Tax Reform! - Duration: 0:31.

People are sick of politics. I am too, but fixing our broken tax system isn't about politics. It's about helping people.

It means the powerful, the well-connected, the politicians, they'll stop benefiting from a rigged system.

It means everyday Americans will have more to spend on what's important to them.

That's what tax reform will do, so what's stopping us?

Don't let senator Donnelly stand in the way of a simple, fair, tax system.

For more infomation >> Tell Senator Donnelly to Support Tax Reform! - Duration: 0:31.


Tell Senator Donnelly to Support Tax Reform Now! - Duration: 0:16.

People are sick of politics but fixing our broken tax system isn't about politics

It means everyday Americans will have more to spend on what's important to them.

Don't let Senator Donnelly stand in the way of a simple fair tax system

For more infomation >> Tell Senator Donnelly to Support Tax Reform Now! - Duration: 0:16.


Using the Follow Up Process To Close More Sales - Duration: 5:16.

Do you struggle with follow-up? Oh my goodness so many people do in! Today's

video we're going to talk all about how to make that offer

now that you've reestablished that relationship. Reignited that flame and

followed up. This is part four in a series so you're going to want to hit that

subscribe button and listen to all the other videos if you're just catching me

here. Follow-up is full of fortune but you have to have finesse. This is all

about a scalpel not a shovel. Let's dive in. Today I want to talk about the

exciting part, making the offer! You've reestablish the relationship

you've thought all about them you've made that first connection they've

messaged you back you message them back again. Now you're in a conversation that

second message that we talked about in the last video you started to ask a

little bit about their business. Maybe their website maybe their new program

whatever it was you asked about it. You started that question. Now they've

responded back to you for a third time and you're in the third part of the

conversation. This is where it's totally okay to cut to the quick. To get that

offer out on the table here's how you do it to open up for all kinds of

opportunities. So in the same example following through with Bill and his

snowshoeing that I met at a conference at some point I spoke to him I reevaluated

our relationship I decided that I was going to keep going this is what I'm

sending now to make the offer. So I said Bill that sounds awesome I'm so excited

about this winter and wow your website you really worked hard on it I can tell

and I'm so excited for your next step. How are you getting support for your

sales? That would be a question that I would ask and so that would be one way

to talk about it. That's one question. Now he may come back with another question

or he may not. What I can do then now is say I have this brand new program

I would love to invite you to hear more about it do you want the link right? So

the link could be a link to my sales page or a link to that page on my

website or I can decide do you want to jump on a quick call? Can you hop on a

quick call next Tuesday at 10:30? These are all possible questions that I get

asked him at this point because now we've reestablished a relationship

I've taken the temperature of the situation. He's in business he's growing

he's making things happen and he is definitely a prime candidate for someone

that I may want to support with their sales. So I can ask him that question and

he can of course decide well I'm actually working with Jane Smith now oh

that's fantastic she's really well-known I really like

her she helped me with this. Do you know of anyone who would be interested in a

group program or in this event that I have coming out or I can decide at that

point what to offer next. But the key part there is do you know anyone who....

that's the key part. These are little phrases that I want you to put in

your pocket and I want you to use whenever you ask a question about a new

service or event or program that you want to introduce or reintroduce to

someone that you've met or that you've worked with again. So do you know anyone

who? This allows them to think well maybe not me but maybe my friend Jill or maybe

my friend Suzanne and then I can ask yeah but I would love a little

connection if you could jump on a three-way call or if you could message

me or if you could email me and add her to the copy that would be great and then

I'll take it from there and you know what because I love you so much if she

becomes a client of mine I'll send you a check for $100 or whatever. Whatever your

sweet little thank you might be. You definitely want to bake that in to your

conversation. So this is follow up there's so much fortune here right here

Bill might become a new client or Bill might refer me to someone else or I

might decide with Bill that on that call that we eventually

we decide to collaborate on a whole new venture. What I'm saying is by following

up with someone that you already met you already have that know like and trust

factor don't hide those business cards don't

let their emails collect dust continue the relationship. It doesn't matter if it

was last week last month last year or five years ago the flame can still be

reignited and you can take the temperature on their business in three

or less easy emails right to an offer. So whether it's an email or a message I

want you to get those connections. Now if you're having trouble with your sales

conversations and getting people to that point you're going to want to grab that

free sales training while it's still free and you're going to want to keep going

back to this channel because I have new stuff on here every week just for

YouTube. I can't wait to see you in the next series.

For more infomation >> Using the Follow Up Process To Close More Sales - Duration: 5:16.


How Slimming World Consultants touch hearts and change lives - Duration: 2:44.

I think you do get to a point where you're so hard on yourself

and you don't believe in yourself at all.

I kind of went off on my own in the darkness really into a corner just all on my own

and I just broke down and wept really.

I was too ashamed, I stayed in I was a recluse

and to have that courage to walk into a Slimming World group

I didn't think that I could do it.

My Consultants passion about the plan when she done that New Members Talk

was out of this world. She believed so much in it and it rubbed off instantly.

She just told me how amazing I was, and that I could do this.

She was the only person that ever truly believed in me in that moment

I thought 'I have to do it now because she said I'm going to do this'.

I know I put in the work to lose the weight but somebody else believing in me

it was her belief in all of us to say 'No you can do it'

you know, the plan doesn't stop working.


And I remember saying to my Consultant

'well I'm never going to be one of those girls who's a size 8'.

Instantly without missing a beat she came back with 'Well why not?'

'If that's what you want you can totally do it'.

I was very fortunate because I met an angel of a Consultant,

I'm sure she's like every other Consultant.

One the most important and influential people I've ever met in my life.

She changed my life.

I don't think sometimes Consultants realise how much they give people.

How fun it was, how lively it was, how much people cared about you

To have someone walk in your door that has no faith in themselves

and then become a target member is incredible.

It's the food, it's the support, it's the talk, it's the atmosphere

I think you can walk in there not feeling great

but you will always leave feeling ten foot tall.

Living the lives we're supposed to live really.

I've achieved what I thought for so many years was unimaginable.

The second I walked through that door, that tiny second changed my life forever.

For more infomation >> How Slimming World Consultants touch hearts and change lives - Duration: 2:44.


Unseen And Rare Photos Of Shah Rukh Khan Daughter Suhana Khan That You Have Never Seen Before!! - Duration: 6:11.

Unseen And Rare Photos Of Shah Rukh Khan Daughter Suhana Khan That You Have Never Seen Before!!

For more infomation >> Unseen And Rare Photos Of Shah Rukh Khan Daughter Suhana Khan That You Have Never Seen Before!! - Duration: 6:11.


Rosary Makeup HALLOWEEN 2017 | Marion Cameleon - Duration: 5:39.

Hi everyone I hope you're doing well

Today is a more simple look for Halloween

if you don't want to be scary

but want to do a Halloween related look

I was inspired by a look from Drac Makens

that I saw on her channel

you can find it in the description box below

Here we go!

I already done my face and brows

and I start with a lip pencil by MAC

that I use to do the base, then I blend it

I do the same on my lids

and on my crease

For the lightest part of my lid I use the Milk Jumbo

pencil from NYX and I smudge it

I add Vermeer from Anastasi Beverly Hills

modern renaissance palette

I add Love Letter

on top of my pencil with a flat brush

I use Buon Fresco

to blend Love Letter with a round brush

and I work the edges of my shape

I do my eyeliner, and if you are interested in watching

the whole process the link is in the description box

I put a thin coat of mascara before my falsies

I apply Draco from Black moon cosmetics

I use a grey liquid lipstick

to draw the pearls of my rosary

with the back of a round brush

I take my tattoo liner from Kat Von D

to draw the lines between the pearls

I draw the cross with a thin brush

and the same grey liquid lipstick by starting with

the horizontal and vertical lines

at the end of the lines

I draw some triangle-like shapes

I use warm taupe to create shadows around the rosary

To deepen the rosary

I add some black around the pearls

with tattoo liner from Kat Von D

I take a white liquid liner

to add some light points

I will do a gradient between grey and black

So I use 2 liquid lipsticks

one black and one grey

To finish I put a wig on. Mine is from uniwigs

This video has ended I hope you liked this look

thank you for watching. as usual if you

want to recreate some of my looks

don't hesitate to put #marioncameleon

on your posts

So I can see them :) See you tomorrow for another

Halloween look!

For more infomation >> Rosary Makeup HALLOWEEN 2017 | Marion Cameleon - Duration: 5:39.


Tortilla Wrap from Mt Rainier, Washington - Duration: 2:12.

Hi everybody this is Lennis from Cook Dance Love Live I am recording the video today out

of the amazing Mt. Rainier, you can see it in the background and what I am going to show

you is what I usually do when I travel, I try to pack my own lunches.

It makes it a little healthier and is super quick to make so you will see a video of actually

me preparing the wrap inside car so that's what I'm going to show you, very quick video

and I hope you follow my channel, you subscribe and if you want more information about other

recipes and healthy living tips and wellness don't forget to visit my blog

and subscribe to my newsletter so I'll see you soon.


For more infomation >> Tortilla Wrap from Mt Rainier, Washington - Duration: 2:12.


Mad Moxxi | Halloween Makeup Tutorial | AJ Kane - Duration: 6:48.

Well, hello. Don't just stand there looking gorgeous

With terrible impersonations aside,

welcome back to my 31 Days of Halloween series!

For today's look I thought we should do something a little more pretty

and so I turned myself into Mad Moxxi.

Product details and all that fun stuff will be in the video description below.

Shall we get started?

Starting this tutorial off already looking...insane.

I know what you're thinking, but I'm not naked.

Off camera, I already moisturized and primed my face before taking a super light

foundation and adding a little bit of a white adjuster as well, because Moxxi has a VERY pale face.

To blend that foundation in even more, I use a stippling motion with my foundation brush.

Going off of photos of Moxxi, she has a darker neck compared to her face, so I buffed out a darker foundation

in the areas that would be showing.

To brighten up the eyes,

I'm adding some concealer and blending that out with a finger.

Be sure to give your face a good powdering, so there's no creasing.

I'm then taking a lot of pink blush and buffing that out on the apples of my cheeks.

The next step is to prime my eyes and dust on a white shadow so there's no creasing

For the eyebrows, Moxxi has super high arches.

I, however, do not.

So instead I'm giving a lot of height to my eyebrow and drawing that on

and filling them in quite a bit with the dark eyebrow colour.

Since she is a cartoon character, we can definitely go over the top with all the definition of her features

So I'm taking some concealer and, as they say, carving out my brow.

For the eyeshadow, I'm taking two reds that are a little bit more on the pink side

and blending that out in my crease.

To diffuse that a little bit, I'm taking a light peach color and also adding that above my crease

Then I'm taking two different purples, adding that to my outer corner, and a little bit in the crease

Before taking a black shadow and messily applying that on top

To brighten up the side of the lid I'm taking a shimmery purple as well as a white eyeshadow and dusting that on top.

I also decided to add the shadows on the bottom, but make sure you add the majority of the black shadow on the outer corner

Toss on some black mascara before we head to the lip.

I wanted her lips to be pretty dark so I lined my lips with the dark plum lip liner.

To make lipstick application easier,

I'm mapping out her lip shape.

She has a pretty wide cupid's bow and a very full lower lip.

Here's the general shape of her lips. I'm then taking a liquid red lipstick and slapping that on top

I'm applying a little bit of white body paint to the center of my lip

But you can pretty much use anything else like cream makeup or even eyeshadow to create that ombre

Apparently I didn't tell the rest of my lips, but all I did was add some outlines and a white highlight.

For the choker it's super simple:

All you need to do is take some black body paint and run a thick strip of that along your neck.

To make her striped collar, you're gonna want to start with the white body paint first

It's easier to paint black on white, than white on black.

So I'm making three white stripes down my chest

Going from small to big so it looks like it's splaying out.

And then I'm taking some black, mixed with a little bit of grey body paint, and filling in the gaps.

I have such a great concentration mouth.

Next to create a very simple shadow on the inner portion of the collar

Taking a little bit of gray body paint and painting that on the white stripes

while taking a black body paint and painting on the dark gray.

I also created the outline of my faux bra

with grey body paint.

Now it's time to get red-ified.

And we are back!

To lessen the chances of transferring, I added some powder on the stripes first

and then the rest of the red.

Now we're gonna get a little scandalous and get up close and personal...

I'm adding some gold detailing on the top of my shirt.

I'm then taking some dark grey and black eyeshadow and defining under the collar and over the girls and

also adding some more scalloped detail

Taking some black body paint, I'm outlining the bustier area... That's what we're gonna call it.

To create the pinstripes on her red outfit, I'm taking a mixture of black and red eyeshadow and just dragging that down

Next I'm adding some shadow to her collar as well as adding a few finer details

As for the "pop art" kind of features

they're pretty simple: you're just gonna want to add some black detailing to anywhere that has some shadow.

I decided to add a quick highlight to the choker before taking a light blue body paint and creating the swirls on her collar.

Now back up to the eyes.

I'm just lining them with a black gel liner before adding the faux mascara streaks down the left side of her face.

To finish off this look I'm adding just a few more pop art markings

And that's it, sugar - you're done.

See you guys tomorrow...

For more infomation >> Mad Moxxi | Halloween Makeup Tutorial | AJ Kane - Duration: 6:48.


이영애 이란성 쌍둥이 자녀 - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> 이영애 이란성 쌍둥이 자녀 - Duration: 4:26.


strawberry jam + Winning action - Baking 4 FUn - Duration: 9:33.

Hi everyone! Welcome at Baking 4 Fun!

my name is Amanda, and for now this pots ar still empty

I'm going to show how to sterilize the pots

and how to make the best strawberry jam

home made, off course.

I can't wait to start!

did you subscribe to my youtube channel?

not yet? what are you waiting for?

down below there is a little green men. just click on it

to get a weekly update about my new video's and baking adventures.

Let's get started!

to sterilize the pots have a big pan filled with water

just put the little pots in there

I'm not sure if they all fit at the same time

the lid's go in as well

just cook them for about 10 to 15 minits.

after that you get the pots out of the pan and place them on a clean towel

you can use them right away

they have been cooking for 15 minits and now they are drying

they are also a little hot

I continue with the ingredients for the strawberry jam

what do you need to make your own delicious strawberry jam?

one KG strawberry's

don't clean them with running water

because your jam can turn out to wet

the strawberry's will suck up the water

I just keep hem the way they are

they look really clean

If you do want to clean them

use a kitchen towel to scrub them

be gentle

so one KG strawberry's

one KG gelatine suiker (gelei suiker)

you can find it in the path with suger

specially made for jam making

one lemon

we only use the liquid

I'm going to cut off the green parts and cut hem in half.

i've done them all

the green parts are off

I cut them in half too

I'm going to put all the strawberry's in a pan

I'm going to show you

this is my pan

I did use the same pan as the one I sterilized the pots in.

cleaned, off course

I put the fire on

make sure the strawberry are a little warmed

first I add the lemon juice

I collect the seeds with my hands

I catch hem, you see?

I add the whole package of sugar at once.

give it a good stir

wait untill al the suger mixed in

let this mixture cook for 4 to 5 minits

the bubbles became realy big!

so keep it moving.

i turned down the fire a little bit

or else I would create a mess

the strawberry's keep their form

I turned the fire off

I placed the pots close to the pan to prevent myself from making a big mess.

with a big spoon I'm going to put the jam in the pots.

it is important that you fill the pots as far as you can

when you did that

turn the lid on it

place them upside down

to create a vacuum

it takes about 5 minits

after the 5 mins you can place them normal

to cool down comple

the jam did cool down overnight

this is what it turned out

they look realy nice

but more important

how does it taste?

so I'm going to taste it

here it goes

nice and sweet

you can realy taste the strawberry's

and you can see whole strawberry's in it

I realy like that

the lemon keep it fresh

experiment passed!

do you like to win this pot with home made jam?


down below in the comments

that's how you can make a chance to win. I will send a pot to the winner.

make sure you give this comment before the 1th of november 2017

at the first of november I will anounce the winner

did you already subscribe to my YouTube channel?

click on the little green man

it's for free!

you will get a weekly update about my newest video's

I really enjoyed making this video and I see you next week again!


For more infomation >> strawberry jam + Winning action - Baking 4 FUn - Duration: 9:33.


The Message at Work - Just a Minute! - October 5, 2017 - Duration: 1:01.

Paul left Thessalonica with a thankful heart.

And it wasn't because of the hospitality he received there.

A Jewish mob, outraged by his teaching, set the city in an uproar, and ran him out of


These mobsters wanted to stop the proclamation of the Gospel.

They even followed Paul and his team to Berea to stir up trouble there.

So why was Paul thankful?

Because the new believers there accepted the message not as the word of men, but as what

it really is, the word of God.

This word of God, the message concerning Jesus Christ, was at work in them.

It was so powerful, it turned these men and women from idols to serve the living and true


And it anchored them in genuine, life-changing hope.

Be thankful today that this same word of God is at work in you.

For more infomation >> The Message at Work - Just a Minute! - October 5, 2017 - Duration: 1:01.


DOOGEE MIX 2 - Bezel-Less besuty from DOOGEE Quad Camera Setup 6GB RAM - Duration: 2:57.

DOOGEE MIX 2 - Bezel-Less besuty from DOOGEE Quad Camera Setup 6GB RAM

visit my blog:

The Doogee Mix 2 is coming with an 18:9 display, massive battery, and four cameras

Hot on the heels of releasing the Mix in June, Doogee is back to release the Mix 2 just four

months later.

The Mix 2 features a host of improvements like a larger battery, an 18:9 display, and

a refined design, but the headliner of the Mix 2 just might be the quad-camera setup.

Dual-camera setups are becoming the norm of the rear of the phones in 2017, but it�s

not often that you see dual front cameras as well.

You�ll get a standard 8 MP 88-degree lens as well as a wider angle 130-degree lens that

Doogee has designed to capture selfies with entire groups of friends.

It�s calling it the �wefie,� but we will refuse to use that term from here on


Doogee is going to use that front-facing camera setup for facial recognition too.

For some reason though, the company says this is the first Android phone �using face recognition

to unlock the full display�, which is odd considering Android phones have been using

face recognition since the Ice Cream Sandwich days.

Hopefully Doogee clarifies what this means sometime soon.

In our review of the Doogee Mix, we found the 720p display to be a bit low resolution,

but it did okay for everyday tasks.

The Samsung-produced AMOLED panel didn�t follow the 18:9 aspect ratio that seems to

be the trend this year, but Doogee is changing it up for the Mix 2.

We�ll see a higher resolution 18:9 panel that comes in at 2160 x 1080.

The display is also larger at 5.99-inches compared to 5.5-inches on the Mix and will

be curved like the Samsung Galaxy S8.

Doogee also says it�s doing away with the large chin bezel and will have smaller bezels

split above and below the display.

Under the hood, the Doogee Mix 2 will feature MediaTek�s Helio P25 chip with 6 GB of RAM,

and a 4,060 mAh battery.

The battery is a massive upgrade over the first Mix which only packed in a 3,380 mAh

battery, but it had to drop the headphone jack to make room.

The company says it�ll include a USB Type-C to 3.5 mm headphone jack in the box, too.

The Doogee Mix is set to come out in October but exact dates haven�t been released yet.

You can head over to its website to sign up for its mailing list which promises you details

on how to save $70 and get a special gift when pre-ordering.

DOOGEE MIX 2 - Bezel-Less besuty from DOOGEE Quad Camera Setup 6GB RAM

doogee mix 2, doogee mix, doogee mix unboxing, doogee mix review, doogee bl5000, doogee mix

india, doogee mix camera, doogee mix hindi

For more infomation >> DOOGEE MIX 2 - Bezel-Less besuty from DOOGEE Quad Camera Setup 6GB RAM - Duration: 2:57.


30 Day Video Challenge: 04. Strategy | Budgeting - Duration: 2:44.

Hey, Nina again. So time and money budgeting I'm gonna assume for now that

we're not really spending any money on this but we are spending time on this

right so the one thing you might spend money on if it all is a little tripod

and is a microphone we'll talk about that in the shooting part of this series

but your time is valuable yeah I know you know that but we tend to forget it

when we sign on to a new task so with video marketing what I want you to be

aware of is what the times are so for instance a video like this it's gonna be

you know in 90 seconds maybe two minutes to shoot that it takes me and I've been

doing this for a while now it takes me about 20 minutes to shoot it but it also

took me the time to get dressed make sure you know I'm groomed and I'm

putting on some makeup so all of these things kind of come with the package of

time spent on this what you might have noticed is that I am wearing the same

outfit so I'm doing anything that is in the strategy section of these this

series of videos I'm shooting that all at once to make my life easier and then

so these four videos are going to take me about an hour to shoot because I do

reshoot the takes until I have a take that I'm pretty happy with because I

hate having to go through all the different takes and pull out all the

best sentences that because that then costs me a lot of time in editing so to

me it is faster to record something several times over but then have it more

or less clean take that I can work with and post-production or when I'm editing

editing if you are novice allow a lot of time for it it just takes a moment to

get used to it and I will talk about in a later part about you know what what

your steps are in editing to keep yourself sane I would say for a video

like this I will allow about 45 minutes to edit and if I'm doing them bulk so

for something like this for these five videos I'm gonna plan for five hours

total from thinking about what I want to say which I'm gonna do not sitting at my

desk but walking around and then should editing it but if I did them as one-offs

I would not it wouldn't be an hour I would say like it would be more like an

hour and a half or two so it's really worth it to bulk it up

so again if your time is super valuable and you do not have the time to spend on

editing I would say get yourself some help from either from up work or an

intern or you know a professional editor and make an hourly deal with them


For more infomation >> 30 Day Video Challenge: 04. Strategy | Budgeting - Duration: 2:44.


WE ARE SO SORRY #MOMTAPE: The Mom Files - Duration: 3:02.

- We're so sorry.

(camera clicks)

- We didn't think we'd get caught.

(camera clicks)

- We just needed a break.

(camera clicks)

(mysterious music)

- Yes!

(exciting music)

(knock at door)

- Oh shit.

(inspirational choir sings)

- Oh, I'm just so tired.

They don't sleep, they never sleep.

No one listens to me.

I don't sleep.

Oh, this feels really good.

(television show plays as water runs)

Yes, yes, yes!

That was the best pedicure I've ever had, in my life.

How could he do that?

- [Maury] Do you believe your spouse or lover

is cheating on you?

- He is the father.

- What is wrong with people?

Oh my God.

- What?

- Pick up.

(exciting music)

It's covered.

(mysterious music)

- [Clerk] McDonald's, can I take your order, please?

- We're so sorry.

(groovy music)

For more infomation >> WE ARE SO SORRY #MOMTAPE: The Mom Files - Duration: 3:02.


Tổng hợp những mẫu ốp lưng Samsung Galaxy Note 8 đẹp nhất - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Tổng hợp những mẫu ốp lưng Samsung Galaxy Note 8 đẹp nhất - Duration: 5:47.


前進芝加哥Ebony Fashion Fair血拼古董服|珍藏時尚迷#15|VOGUE - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> 前進芝加哥Ebony Fashion Fair血拼古董服|珍藏時尚迷#15|VOGUE - Duration: 2:25.


Drap giường màu xanh I Chăn ra Hàn Quốc cao cấp họa tiết kẹo dễ thương KT2V-008 - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Drap giường màu xanh I Chăn ra Hàn Quốc cao cấp họa tiết kẹo dễ thương KT2V-008 - Duration: 0:23.


Spoiled Brat Refuses To Listen To Grandpa, What He Does In The Parking Lot Shocks Stranger - Duration: 2:26.

Spoiled brat refuses to listen to grandpa, what he does in the parking lot shocks stranger

Laughing is said to prolong life.

And apparently, it makes you smarter and happier.

To bring some festivity to this day, I thought I might invite you to a little funny story

that I came across.

I think it's a topic that many of us can relate to: when as an adult we try to get

through the supermarket with an impatient child either screaming or being difficult.

This time it's about a grandfather who has found his own special way of dealing with

his 3-year-old grandchild — when I read this story to the end , I just couldn't

help but to laugh out loud.

So make sure to read it all the way to the end and if you appreciate the story you're

more than welcome to click on the share button afterwards in the hope that it'll cheer

up more people on a day like this!

A woman in a supermarket is following a grandfather and his badly behaved 3 year old grandson.

It's obvious to her that he has his hands full with the child screaming for sweets in

the sweet aisle, biscuits in the biscuit aisle, and for fruit, cereal and pop in the other


Meanwhile, granddad is working his way around, saying in a controlled voice,"Easy, William,

we won't be long.

Easy, boy."

Another outburst and she hears the grandfather calmly say, "It's okay William, just a

couple more minutes and we'll be out of here.

Hang in there, boy."

At the checkout, the little terror is throwing items out of the cart and granddad says again

in a very controlled voice, "William, William, relax buddy, don't get upset.

We'll be home in five short minutes; stay cool, William."

Very impressed, the woman goes outside where the grandfather is loading his groceries and

the boy into the car.

She said to the elderly gentleman, "It's none of my business, but you were amazing

in there.

I don't know how you did it.

That whole time, you kept your composure and no matter how loud and disruptive he got,

you just calmly kept saying things would be okay.

William is very lucky to have you as his grandpa."

"Thanks," said the grandfather, "but I'm William.

The little brat's name is Kevin."

Don't be cheap now — share this lovely story with all your Facebook friends so that

they too can have a good laugh today!

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