Sunday, October 8, 2017

Youtube daily report w Oct 8 2017

- Jesus! Are you becoming a professional now?

- Over here!

- Is it trinking water?

- I think so. Luuk has drank it.

- Today we are going to ride the Tafeltour, right?

- Do we ride it? - Of course we ride it!

It's a small trail.

I guess about 15km

a little technical, a little flowy.

We'll probably make it quickly.

And here is the "Naturfreunde Haus".

No, wait a moment.! "Naturfreunde Heim"

That's the correct name. In Kirkel.

Finally we can have a drink over there, if we have some time left.

There is also food.

And there is the start of the trail..

So have fun!

- Jesus! Are you becoming a professional now?

- Let's go!

- Rattle, rattle, rattle ...

- Ah shit!

- What's up?

- You should have said something!

This time I have no glasses on.

- Ah, now he forgot the glasses


usually I am the stupid.


- Oh, nice place.

- Here we refilled some water. There is a source.

- Is it trinking water?

- I think so. Luuk and the other guy drank it last time we have been here.

- That would not have worked out with the enduro. The handlebars are too wide.

- Wow!


- Zimmer is quite fast on the trail.

- You are so fast.

You are out of the screen most of the time.

- Jump! Bunny Hop!

- But it's quite technical, isn't it?

- In some section definitely, true.

Just feels like uphill.

- You've had a good breakfast, right?

Regarding your speed.

- What!

- I said, you must have had a good breakfast, regarding your speed.

- Oh. No, I did not eat anything.

- Ah, maybe that's the reason.

For more infomation >> Kirkel September 2017 - Tour - MM EMTB - Duration: 8:07.


The Palms Beach Hotel & Spa in Kuwait, Kuwait (Middle East). Visit The Palms Beach Hotel & Spa - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> The Palms Beach Hotel & Spa in Kuwait, Kuwait (Middle East). Visit The Palms Beach Hotel & Spa - Duration: 5:02.


STRONG STORM ЁЯТи⚠‼ - Duration: 13:58.

For more infomation >> STRONG STORM ЁЯТи⚠‼ - Duration: 13:58.


Calcio in tv: ├и morto Aldo Biscardi, l'inventore del Processo del Luned├м.HD - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Calcio in tv: ├и morto Aldo Biscardi, l'inventore del Processo del Luned├м.HD - Duration: 2:13.


Wanda Realm Langfang, China (Asia). The best of Wanda Realm Langfang in Langfang - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Wanda Realm Langfang, China (Asia). The best of Wanda Realm Langfang in Langfang - Duration: 5:12.


Relais Paradiso in Vietri, Italy (Europe). The best of Relais Paradiso in Vietri - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Relais Paradiso in Vietri, Italy (Europe). The best of Relais Paradiso in Vietri - Duration: 5:12.


Aldo Biscardi morto: il ricordo di Caterina Balivo.HD - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Aldo Biscardi morto: il ricordo di Caterina Balivo.HD - Duration: 3:56.


change the world (subtitulado al espa├▒ol)(e.clapton) - lupi serres road - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> change the world (subtitulado al espa├▒ol)(e.clapton) - lupi serres road - Duration: 3:54.


ALIV 2017 - HEARTCORE CLOTHING PROMO - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> ALIV 2017 - HEARTCORE CLOTHING PROMO - Duration: 7:51.


How To Make Your Lips Soft and Pink Naturally at Home Easy tips - Duration: 5:20.

Put a spell in milk and give some time to the thief

. When Zafaran stole the color, then it was sliced ​​on the lips. The lips become pink (pink)

The lips are made of glycerine, which will survive at the top of this one and every one will survive.

Use the rose lips, make the lip or pink a lip

For more infomation >> How To Make Your Lips Soft and Pink Naturally at Home Easy tips - Duration: 5:20.


Justice League Movie 2017

For more infomation >> Justice League Movie 2017


Scalise: Gun Rights are Unlimited Thanks to Founding Fathers | Meet The Press - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Scalise: Gun Rights are Unlimited Thanks to Founding Fathers | Meet The Press - Duration: 1:16.


The Palms Beach Hotel & Spa in Kuwait, Kuwait (Middle East). Visit The Palms Beach Hotel & Spa - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> The Palms Beach Hotel & Spa in Kuwait, Kuwait (Middle East). Visit The Palms Beach Hotel & Spa - Duration: 5:02.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online



For more infomation >> KPOP SONGS I DISLIKE AND LIKE - Duration: 13:00.


What was the original sin of Adam and Eve? - Duration: 41:58.

At that time the catechesis was made by any

because when someone would say 'love is part of affinity, you have to do it with one person only,

after marriage" etc. , but

what's the reason?

Do you want explain me WHY?

I always ask why but

nobody was able to give me an answer !

Answers came very much later.

And also for me, as version,

has been a first initial largest enlightenment (insights),

over this theme,

which involved a radical change in my life.

Then the latest insights cames during the priesthood,

and about this I want to talk about, today

that if will be well received, you will not commit any more mortal sins for a lifetime.

I assure you! Look, when we are well motivated, and we understand one thing WELL,

(Of course, free will remains, and we can be tempted and fall - me included - )

but when one is CONVINCED (persuaded) of one thing, when one has REALLY understood THAT thing

when it's capable to SEE the intrinsic evil, it is VERY hardly would commit a (mortal) sin.

St. Thomas Aquinas says clearly that behind committing a sin, there is always a great ignorance.

that the devil blinds the eyes and it does not make you see the wickedness of evil

he makes you see the evil - obviously - under its positive aspect,

and in the case of the perspective of the sexuality,

it's quite easy to see it under the positive aspect. being a thing High pleasant and enjoyable

it's something quite self-evident and easily perceptible.

So, this was the premise... how I could say... a bit empirical. Now, let's move on the second aspect.

which is, what the church says. So the introduction was about my experience,

from now on, dear brothers and sisters, I would speak about what the Church teaches, so here you have to do a STEP BACK

(although I do not understand or it's not fine with me) because here we enter in the 'field' of what the Church teaches.

Church teaches that the sins against purity are always intrinsically evil and perverse


What does this mean? John Paul II wrote a beautiful encyclical "Veritas Splendor"

for which he was criticized

because for many, John Paul II seemed good, 'opened', modern,

(a bit like Paul VI when he wrotes "Humanae Vitae", and everyone was surprised,

many thought "how this could happened? He was a 'good' and opened Pope, and then he wrotes Humanae Vitae?!? ")

And so happened with John Paul II,

They complained saying "it is not true that he was so open and modern".

He wrotes specifically that those acts are intrinsically evil

that is, are those acts that you can not commit NEVER, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, and for NO REASON,

even if it were at risk of LIFE,

because they are bad, and NO finality , NO purpose and nothing makes them good for ANY reason.

The category of the 'impure acts - of the sixth commandment- belong to this category.

The church also teaches that man, unfortunately, is particularly prone to this kind of sins, from the age of development, the so-called 'puberty',

in which there is the awakening of what is technically called 'concupiscence'. What is the concupiscence?

The concupiscence - as teaches the Church - it is the sad extent we carry through the original sin- which is a profound reality of which we must all be aware,

committed by our first parents at the beginning of human history,

for which we shall become a pile of ashes. Why do we become a pile of ashes, for what have done Adam and Eve

(PAY ATTENTION, they are not mythological characters - careful - because the human race originated from a man and a woman

this was clearly stated by Pius X wrote at the time, condemning all forms of contrary doctrine.

This concupiscence inclines us toward these things, and makes it enormously difficult for men, control the emotions that they are originated.

It takes a special grace of God, and it takes a great deal of attention ascetic by man.

Otherwise this is a hot topic.

What else says the Church?

The Church adds that the exercise of sexuality is legitimate ONLY within the Sacrament of Marriage

For more infomation >> What was the original sin of Adam and Eve? - Duration: 41:58.


THE FEAR OF MASCULINITY | Fear Rejection Power & Ownership, How the War on Men Toxic Masculine Power - Duration: 7:19.

the fear of rejection the fear of who you are and the willingness to be that

is what cripples you is a man we're gonna be talking about that today on the

daily awesome podcast I'm Steve Mayeda I'm your host of this hour home is here

on YouTube or on Austin men's development check us out on iTunes and

stitcher and most importantly guys there's a lot we're gonna cover today

it's all one take it's all done on our call

men's development excellence Wednesday night September 20th 2017 be here check

the links down below but more importantly if you miss something or if

I miss something all the show notes carry it all so it's all there for you

to check out in any case guys let's get into this because we're on fire with

this man what do men fear we fear being ourselves why do we fear being ourselves

when it comes to women when it comes to success when it comes to who we are when

it comes to the things that we value most we fear it we don't do it why don't

we do it why because we fear that rejection and see so many men get caught

up with being rejected by being nervous being scared not pulling the trigger not

being the man not being whatever and we we then create all these problems around

that how do we sidestep that how do we present ourselves in a different way how

do we use the right line how do we use the right system or technique to get us

the result that's finally gonna make us happy and that result is it we just

chase it chase it chase it chase it but we never work on ourselves see we've

raised the culture of men that are not willing to put themselves on the line

that are not willing to put all in to be able to go there to be able to go there

to put yourself on the line in front of somebody and we don't know what that

gift is look whatever it is you put up and you take all your money out and be

smart with your investments I'm not telling you not to do that be smart with

your heart be smart with your dick be smart with your orgasm be smart with

what you give because what you give is valuable but if you just taste a result

you are not somebody who's respecting yourself you're using your passions your

life your drive your blood is cheap change and what you are

so what you need to do you need to put yourself on the line because when you

put yourself on the line you get rejected you get a gift that girl that

job that person didn't like you for who you really are and that hurts I'm gonna

solve that hurt that hurts gonna solve you that hurts

gonna build you that hurt is going to guide you in the right choices of your

life to be able to make you what you are but see the funny thing is is we got

hurt at some point in our life maybe over and over in our life and we got a

little bit of an out we got a point where we didn't need to feel that we

could take that side road well we could learn that technique we could distract

it we could minimize it we could cover it up we could piss the bed lie about it

and get away with it we could do all these things that weren't taking

responsibility and owning our life and as a result of that we become this

culture of men that we have today culture of men that think our road to

masculinity our road to being ourselves as talking shit online is Manning up in

ways that show an image that show affront that are the same thing of the

billboard that's the lie that made you in order to gain that little piece of

happiness see when the truth comes down to it there's no purpose there's no

meaning there's no happiness there's only what is but we're so busy being out

of touch with what we were born to be that our life becomes this mask that we

wear so we're all fucking looking for the answer in the reaction to what other

people are giving us we're all looking for the answer of how we can finally fit

in we're all looking for the answer just that would be given with the fulfillment

of us and going up to somebody making a connection and being ourselves so I want

to ask you what is it today what is it today that you want to do to put

yourself on the line you know what is that there's a worth to that there's a

beauty to that there's something to that that man is so beautiful and so special

I don't care what your deal is okay what your history is care if you're a drug

addict I don't care for your junkie I don't care if you you're a liar cheating

a thief I don't care if you've been rejected 20 times but you putting

yourself on the line that does that builds a very different man that gets

rejected for his fear it gets rejected for wanting to be liked you think it's

rejected for his mask because he can't just stay the kid that pisses the bed

and gets away with it the whole definition of math masculinity of

confidence of integrity of all these things that you value that are ready and

available for you at any place your life if you have a heart beating you can hit

it man those are dependent solely on being you

for you and living your life and owning it so fuck your fear of rejection fuck

your fear of what other people think of you put that out there share it with the

world because that's how you're gonna value it how do we gain that wisdom how

do we gain it from giving it away but when we covered when we put masks all

over it we're actually using a token of shit a mask to represent the deepest

part of ourselves just so we get a smile just so we get a validation just so we

get a like and a thumbs-up in any case gentlemen if you like this be a part of

our communities this is well this is what we do this for MD excellence is one

of the greatest programs out there we have calls on Wednesday night we have

calls on Sunday that go almost 20 hours every week of rotating different coaches

talking about empowerment talking about life talking about the man experience

and it's one of the best things out there let alone you get a limitless

amount of content and an amazing private Facebook group it's one of the best

things out there but what men's development is is about true

accountability true compassion you need to know each other and grow and

that is what we do right now September 20th 2017 the price at $60 a

month or $500 for the years step it up step up your life man this is what we do

this is who we are and this is this is what we live for

and of course gentlemen watch this on YouTube we have an amazing wealth of

knowledge here in fact the right now we basically have

playlists on anything that you could imagine about sex

dating perspective rewiring your brain check those out get involved in our

community and don't forget to subscribe click the bell we will talk to you guys

soon you guys have an amazing day ciao

For more infomation >> THE FEAR OF MASCULINITY | Fear Rejection Power & Ownership, How the War on Men Toxic Masculine Power - Duration: 7:19.


[ENG SUBS] SF9 1st Anniversary Soul Friendship 9 ① - Duration: 8:11.


Ah~! This friend's name has come out.

Dawon's profile written by Youngbin! I guess I'll start now!

Do you know what Dawon's name means?

Dawon is supposed to be a poem.

It means that many people (Da) want it (won).

It means that he receives the love of many people and people want him.

Lee DaWon.

Dawon's birthday is the 24th of July. Correct?

Inseong: That's right.

Youngbin: And you are the 12th of July?

Inseong: Ayyy~ that's right.

Clothes! Clothes! Clothing collection!

It's his clothing collection. Collecting clothes.

Inseong: Not talking well

Dawon seriously buys a lot of clothes.

He buys a lot and then keeps them at home.

He doesn't even wear them well.

His hobby is taking care of the younger ones. Ah! This is his speciality.

Do I not have any speciality as an idol?

Dawon was born to be an entertainer.

You guys will surely all know what I am talking about.

When I call Dawon,I just call him like "Hey, Lee Dawon!"

He doesn't have a nickname. Shall I make one right now? Wonda.


He's not responsible for a particular thing but

if I tell you this honestly, I have no mind.

He is Atashin'chi's mum

There's kind of a resemblance

A habit that Dawon frequently displays is-

I'll tell you this accurately.

When I want to say something and am trying to get it out

Out will come the laughter. Awkward laughter.

His lips are like this too.

It makes me feel embarrassed

Am I able to speak honestly?

Really truthfully?

He said that he was happy after hearing that a dance lesson had been cancelled.

Dawon: No, just the lesson.

Youngbin: But when he heard that the lesson was cancelled,


CAPTION: This is the voice of Lee Dawon, aged 23, living in Seoul, having a happy cheer because a dance lesson was cancelled.

Youngbin: Yes, it was this kind of reaction.

I want to go to Cheonghakdong. I want to go to Cheonghakdong with Dawon.

Maybe Dawon won't be able to come.

CAPTION: Something you want to say to Dawon

Thank you for always laughing, making others laugh and giving out positive energy.

CAPTION: Youngbin's writing of Dawon's profile is finished

Yes, hello. I'm Inseong.

Dawon: Are you a news anchor?

Inseong: Can the person at the back please be quiet?

I need your compliance. Stop joking around.

CAPTION: The member Inseong picked is Chani

Question: Chani's nickname?

Youngbin: Chani is just 'baby', right?

Inseong: Baby

Heavy sleeper, sloth

Youngbin: Millenium kid (2000s kid)

In SF9, Chani is-

Youngbin: Holds a clear resemblance with Youngbin.

Do you have a conscience?

That's Youngbin's opinion. Exclusively Youngbin's opinion.

One word that comes to mind when thinking of Chani is...


CAPTION: His laugh could imply a many different things

Youngbin: Chani is interested in dancing. He likes dancing.

And also lately he's been really good in practising his vocals.

Inseong: True, lately he is very diligently working on singing.

Dancing and singing. But when you think about it, that is to be expected of a performer.

Shouldn't he obviously be interested in singing and dancing?

Youngbin: No it's not like that, it's more that it's something that he is genuinely passionate about.

CAPTION: Dictation

Youngbin: By chance, are you getting me to write this profile now? Chani's profile?

So far you've given me all the information I need to write.

Youngbin: Ah! I said what's making him smile and his interests lately.


Of course shouldn't there be an interest in this?

A habit that Chani does frequently is

*impersonating chani* "Ah~~"

"Ah, hyung!"

He habitually says phrases like this.

"Oh~! Seriously~!"

When Chani is laughing

CAPTION: He has a distinctive laughing expression

CAPTION: Like this

Chani is happy... when he is sleeping?

Youngbin: When he's eating

Inseong: When he's dancing

Chani is quite simple.

Youngbin: Just now, while we're here, Chani has been sleeping.

Inseong: Again?!

CAPTION: Something I want to say to Chani

Just like now, in the future

continue to be our cutie...

Youngbin: And until the end keep doing a good job?

Inseong: That's right

I hope you will stay being cute

I love you



Hwiyoungie! Hahaha

Hwiyoung: Ah, are you writing mine?

Jaeyoon: Yes, your name came out.

Hwiyoung: Please write it well.

CAPTION: We'll see

Hwiyoung's birthday is the 11th of May, 1999.

I cannot be wrong about this. That's because I took (?) it.

Hwiyoung often quietly watches films

Because we both share this hobby

there have been times where we have gone to the cinema together to watch movies.

Hwiyoung's specialities?

He meets a lot of people and

has a tendency of ice breaking and talking first

Sometimes even when it is bothersome he will do it.

He just does it comfortably for the other person.

Hwiyoung's nickname is 'Prince'.

'Your highness'?

(Reason why) Shall I just say he's a quite tall and handsome?

In SF9, Hwiyoung is someone who is easy to get on well with.

Since there age gap with the elder and younger members of the group

it might seem like there could be a generational gap.

The younger ones don't even know the show "The Brave of Gold: Goldran".

But strangely Hwiyoung is the only one out of the maknae line that knows it.

As we were going through some of the manhwas.

In our team there are two people who give off a vibe of swagger.

Rowoon gives that title to himself

And that is what he thinks. In the world that he is living in.

But in our team we have a truly innovative thinker.

That cool and innovative thinker is Zuho.

But there is one person that is even more so than Zuho. And you wouldn't guess it by your first judgement of him.

He expresses himself well. (**)

(((** NOTE: This may not be an accurate translation, I had to google it and it kept on coming up with porn but I found one think that said it was like expressive writing so we are going with that ok***)))

Lately Zuho and Hwiyoung zip in and out of practices more.

I want to learn this kind of swag.

The shoulders look to be straight in line

For 4 minutes I should do it in lots of four

That's real hip hop style.

So I should give it a try.

Ah, 'it looks like hyung had a good education'.

'Ah, he's become important due to early education' (?)

CAPTION: Lately, Hwiyoung is interested in...

Jaeyoon: The next album.

Of course it's been a concern of the other members and people at the company.

Hwiyoung is toxic/harmful ((??))

When he has an idea, curiosities or is thinking by himself, he'll often talk.

"Hyung, what about this and that."

"How about this?"

With habits like that, it's not like he has many friends

Hwiyoung is a little-

on a regular basis-

regular people are like this

and usually have their body stretched.

but then Hwiyoung will hunch his body like this and it looks a little uncomfortable

So when you call out for Hwiyoung like "Hwiyoungah~"


His body will turn like this.

Chani, when do you think Hwiyoung is happiest?

Chani: When he's with me.

Jaeyoon: Never

I'll let you know when Hwiyoung is happiest.

When he's watching a movie with me

*passive aggressive* Please leave?

Ah! When he's going to a sauna

Hwiyoung really wants to go to a sauna like that. With all 9 people.

I have to go together with Hwiyoung to a sauna at least once.

CAPTION: Something you want to say to Hwiyoung

Thank you Hwiyoung for always bridging the generation gap between members in SF9 and for acting as a link between us.

Also, if you ever feel like you need to talk you can always feel free to say it to me.

Did it.

Jaeyoon wrote Hwiyoung's profile

It's completed.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUBS] SF9 1st Anniversary Soul Friendship 9 ① - Duration: 8:11.


Taimur Ali Khan Visit Outside With Daddy Saif Ali Khan And Kareena Kapoor Khan!! - Duration: 4:20.

Taimur Ali Khan Visit Outside With Daddy Saif Ali Khan And Kareena Kapoor Khan!!

For more infomation >> Taimur Ali Khan Visit Outside With Daddy Saif Ali Khan And Kareena Kapoor Khan!! - Duration: 4:20.


Madeleine von Schweden So gut steht ihr die dritte Schwangerschaft - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Madeleine von Schweden So gut steht ihr die dritte Schwangerschaft - Duration: 1:45.


Heart Touching - Ya Eilaahee - Bhai Gurbir Singh Tarntaran - Duration: 10:25.

ридਾ рим-рипਾрижрид римਿриЧੁрйЫри░риж ри░ੂрйЫੋ ри╢римрио So that, I can spend my days and nights remembering You, рижਿри╣ ри░ри╣ਾриИ римੰрижਾ ри░ਾ риЕрйЫ римੰрижਿ рйЪрио ॥ рйкрймрйи ॥ And, You bless me with redemption from the shackles of worries and griefs of this world. (462) рижੌри▓ридੇ риЖਂ рижਿри╣ риХਿ римਾри╢риж рикਾриЗрижਾри░ Kindly bless me with such a treasure that should be permanent and everlasting, ри╕ੁри╣римридੇ риЖਂ рижਿри╣ риХਿ римਾри╢риж рйЪриорйЪੁри╕ਾри░ ॥ рйкрймрйй ॥ Also bless me with the company (of such persons) that can dispel all my worries and griefs. (463) рииੀриЕридੇ риЖਂ рижਿри╣ риХਿ римਾри╢риж ри╣ੱриХ риЧੁрйЫਾри░ Kindly bless me with such intentions and purposes that should worship the Truth, ри╣ਿੰриоридੇ риЖਂ рижਿри╣ риХਿ римਾри╢риж риЬਾਂ рииਿри╕ਾри░ ॥ рйкрймрйк ॥ Kindly bless me with such a courage and fortitude that I should be prepared to sacrifice my life to venture to go on the road to God. (464) ри╣ри░ риЪਿри╣ рижਾри░риж рижри░ ри░ри╣ਿрид риХੁри░римਾਂ риХੁриириж Whatever there is, he should be prepared to sacrifice on Your account, риЬਾрииੋ рижਿри▓ риХੁри░римਾਂ ри░ри╣ਿ ри╕ੁримри╣ਾਂ риХੁриириж ॥ рйкрймрйл ॥ Should also be prepared to sacrifice both the life and the soul on the path of Akaalpurakh. (465) рижੀрижਾ-риЕрио ри░ਾ ри▓ੱрйЫридਿ рижੀрижਾри░ римрйЩри╢ Bless my eyes with the sweet taste of Your glimpse, ри╕ੀрииਾ-риЕрио ри░ਾ риорйЩрйЫрииਿ риЕри╕ри░ਾри░ римрйЩри╢ ॥ рйкрймрйм ॥ And, bless my heart with the treasures of Your mysteries and secrets. (466) риИਂ рижਿри▓ਿ римਿри░рипਾрииਿ риоਾ ри░ਾ ри╢ੌриХ рижਿри╣ Kindly bless our charred hearts with the fervor (of Your love) рижри░ рйЪੁри▓риПрио римੰрижриЧੀ ри░ਾ ридੌриХ рижਿри╣ ॥ рйкрймрйн ॥ And, bless us with a strap (dog-collar) of meditation in our necks. (467) ри╣ਿриЬри░ਿ риоਾ ри░ਾ риЖри░рйЫੂриЗ ри╡ри╕ри▓ римрйЩри╢ Please bless our "separation (from you)" with a strong yearning to meet with You, риИਂ рйЩਿрйЫਾрииਿ риЬਿри╕риоਿ риоਾ ри░ਾ рйЮриЬри▓ римрйЩри╢ ॥ рйкрймрйо ॥ And, bestow Your beneficence on the autumn-like-state of our bodies. (468) ри╣ри░ ри╕ри░ਿ риоੂриПрио рйЫੁримਾਂ риХੁрии риЕрйЫ риХри░рио Kindly transform, with your Benefaction, each hair on my body into a tongue, ридਾ римриЧੋриПрио ри╡ри╕рйЮਿ ри╣ੱриХ ри░ਾ рижрио римрижрио ॥ рйкрймрйп ॥ So that I could keep uttering and singing Your kudos in my every breath after breath. (469) ри╡ри╕рйЮਿ ри╣ੱриХ римੀри░ੰ римри╡риж риЕрйЫ риЧੁрйЮридриЧੂ The eclat and glories of Akaalpurakh are beyond any words or conversation, риИਂ ри╣рижੀри╕ਿ ри╢ਾри╣ римਾри╢риж риХੂ рим риХੈ ॥ рйкрйнрйж ॥ This discourse and tale of the true King can be heard in every street after street. (470) рипਾ риЗри▓ਾри╣ੀ риИਂ рижਿри▓рио ри░ਾ ри╢ੌриХ рижਿри╣ O my Akaalpurakh! Kindly bless this heart of mine with Your devotion and love, ри▓рйЫридੇ риЕрйЫ ри╢ੌриХਿ рйЩਾри╕ੋ рйЫੌриХ рижਿри╣ ॥ рйкрймрйз ॥ And, also bestow upon me the savor of the euphoria of Your love. (461)

For more infomation >> Heart Touching - Ya Eilaahee - Bhai Gurbir Singh Tarntaran - Duration: 10:25.


The Truth About This Former Jackass Star - Duration: 6:06.

There was a time in the 2000s when you couldn't sit through five minutes of MTV without seeing

"Bam" Margera.

Millions watched the skater-turned-stunt performer on Jackass; got a look at his real, weird

life in Viva La Bam; and plan his wedding in Bam's Unholy Union.

His reign on MTV made him one of America's most recognizable TV personalities, but while

nobody's queuing up to get a glimpse into his insane world anymore, Margera is still

active, and his life remains as crazy and colorful as ever.

Running into walls

Born Brandon Cole Margera, Bam's future as a daredevil seemed set in stone from an early

age after he picked up the worrying habit of running straight into walls and jumping

off coffee tables.

His grandfather, having witnessed this self-destructive behavior on several occasions, started to

call him Bam Bam, which was eventually shortened to Bam.

He even thought about making it his legal name, but his father Phil advised him against

changing his name to avoid legal confusion.

Bad breakup

After a seven-year relationship, Bam Margera and Viva La Bam regular Jenn Rivell ended

their relationship in 2005 and went their separate ways.

But according to Margera, his ex was less than pleased about the breakup.

In 2006, he took the stand in court to file for a protection from abuse order, alleging

that Rivell scaled the 10-foot wall of his mansion and broke in through the back door.

Margera also told the judge that Rivell went out of her way to vandalize it his home as

well, reportedly damaging $20,000 worth of computer equipment to get back at him, saying

he was genuinely scared when he returned home to find his house in a total mess with bizarre

"murals" painted on his walls.

He told the court that she pushed him into an empty swimming pool and threw glass at

him instead of helping him up.

In the end, the court called Margera's claims "speculative information" and "hearsay."

Suburban showdown

Bam is no stranger to being assaulted.

On June 12, 2010, he was admitted to the hospital with serious injuries after an altercation

outside his suburban nightclub The Note left him bleeding and unconscious on the pavement.

According to assailant Elizabeth Ray, she asked Margera to move away from the front

of her home while he was smoking and a shouting match then ensued — a pretty nasty one in

which she claims Margera used a racial slur, which Margera later denied.

Witnesses claim Margera walked away from the argument thinking it was over when Ray cracked

him over the back of the head with a pipe-like object.

Margera's injuries meant he had to miss the shooting of the epic final scene in the Jackass

3D movie.

Ray was spared time in prison, however, with Margera himself urging the district attorney

to allow Ray to serve her time on probation after learning that she was a caregiver for

her housebound mother.

Another unholy union

Margera and Missy Rothstein ended their marriage in 2012, five years after getting hitched

in front of millions of viewers on their MTV show.

But Margera didn't have to wait too long to give marriage a second shot, tying the knot

with Nicole Boyd in 2013 during the Random Hero Festival, an event he held in Reykjavik,


It was far from a fairytale Icelandic wedding, however.

Margera spent the evening performing with his band, and he chose to walk down the makeshift

aisle wearing a hoodie.

Secret Solstice smackdown

If you thought people were done beating up on Bam, you'd be wrong.

In 2015, videos emerged of Margera being attacked by members of the Icelandic rap group Glacier

Mafia in the backstage area of the Secret Solstice Festival after allegedly harassing

female staff.

According to a video that Margera recorded shortly after the assault, Bam claims that

there were no women involved; the musicians assaulted him at the behest of Leon Hill,

Margera's former head of digital marketing and the current Secret Solstice marketing


Margera claimed Hill owed him money and accused him of fudging the numbers on his YouTube


Hill, however, responded with a statement blaming the underperformance of Margera's

YouTube channel on a lack of good material.


Family therapy

The tragic death of Bam's best friend Ryan Dunn in 2011 changed Margera's life forever,

which was made painfully clear when he made his return to reality TV in 2016, where he

appeared alongside his mother April on the VH1 series Family Therapy with Dr. Jenn.

During the interview Margera, admitted to drinking to forget rather than for the fun

of it, and revealed he'd struggled with suicidal thoughts and depression.

April Margera — who has appeared numerous times in her son's various videos and TV shows

over the years — was reduced to tears as she recounted a Christmas argument in which

her son told her he would die before she did, likely by drowning in his own swimming pool.

After the show wrapped, Margera managed to go four months without a drink, though he's

fallen off the wagon a couple of times.

Despite the setback, April insisted that Bam is still trying to stay sober and was considering

entering himself into rehab.

Skating again

In early 2017, word surfaced that Margera was back on the skateboard.

He explained to Jenkem that his time away stemmed from an assortment of problems, including

bone spurs in his feet, and the knowledge that he couldn't safely skate until he'd dealt

with his drinking problem.

After too much time away, Bam had a revelation that sent him to Barcelona to hook up with

his friend, fellow skater Thomas Winkle, who filmed Margera's exploits.

Margera admitted,

"I just wanted to know that I could go to Spain and skate for as long as I want and

not have to deal with any bulls—."

Margera also confessed that his skating holiday has served a larger purpose by helping him

stay sober, saying,

"It's been a real struggle for me to stay off the alcohol.

But just as long you're surrounded by good people and you have something to do, you'll

be good.

Like in Barcelona I wake up and my mission is to skate all day.

I know being in Spain is the best place for me right now to not drink."

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For more infomation >> The Truth About This Former Jackass Star - Duration: 6:06.


The Silence Is Broken! Rex Tillerson Just Dropped Major Revelation About Calling The President A Mor - Duration: 25:11.

The Silence Is Broken!

Rex Tillerson Just Dropped Major Revelation About Calling The President A Moron

The descent of the mainstream media has been a standout amongst the most captivating asides

to watch since President Donald Trump was sworn into office.

Journalistic guidelines have been on the decrease for quite a while, however, they've totally

gone out the window for a few outlets altogether.

One can without much of a stretch mix up the normal news communicate for a newspaper style

appear, while click-obsessed distributions pay little personality to really sharing the


It's about the story in their reality, and they'll make a special effort to propel


There has been a huge amount of cases to demonstrate that reality, and we had another fly up on


The mainstream media was frothing at the mouth and stumbling over itself to report that Secretary

of State Rex Tillerson had supposedly alluded to Trump with a defamatory term away from

public scrutiny.

Missing in the detailing was a key piece of the 'story': that it was claimed.

As has regularly been the situation lately, the mainstream media grabbed a bundle of gossip

and kept running for light.

This goody was displayed as an evident stone icy certainty.

A similar trap has been pulled many circumstances with gibberish stories about charged Russian

collusion in the race, and the press isn't bashful about backpedaling to the well.

Utilizing the Russia stories, for instance, the press takes after a basic recipe every

single time.

An alleged 'bombshell' makes the rounds, and it's rapidly spun as though it's an

announcement of reality.

After the madness begins to level off marginally, a look behind the window ornament uncovers

that there's nothing there.

Once more.

The story that the press had been getting all worked up about depended on the cases

of an anonymous source and that's it.

It's vague which part of this phenomenon is all the more befuddling: the way that the

press can keep on doing this with a straight face, or the way that they really anticipate

that individuals will keep obtaining the quack remedy they're hawking.

While yesterday filled in up 'til now another dismal illustration that the press is more

worried about individual motivation than their genuine occupations, there's a little hint

of something better over the horizon that we would all be able to detract from the occasions.

The dance is up, as the drapery keeps on being pulled back on the amusements that the press


While the Secretary of State was compelled to sit around idly on this nonsense, he effectively

expressed that idea plainly.

Free Journal Review shares the points of interest.

During a spur of the moment press conference Wednesday morning, Secretary of State Rex

Tillerson took a moment to address news he had used unkind rhetoric toward President

Donald Trump.




It's genuinely irritating to realize that Tillerson even wanted to make this unmistakable.

By every single dependable record, he's a noteworthy man that is focused on satisfying

the obligations of his office.

Have there been a few differences away from plain view?

Conceivably, yet we have a straightforward inquiry on that: Is that truly an awful thing?

It's most certainly not.

The president does not be surrounded by 'yes' men and ladies.

He should be surrounded by the best and the brightest that are so secure in their own

abilities and learning that they can deferentially differ and shed extra light on things.

That causes extraordinary choices to eventually be made, and any leader that is deserving

at least moderate respect will sing a similar tune.

Past the silly hearsay that the story spun around, it additionally endeavored to sow

the seeds of dispute in the background.

NBC News broke the story earlier Wednesday that Tillerson, after President Trump's

controversial July 20 speech to the Boy Scouts of America, had called the president a "moron."

The comments were reportedly made at the Pentagon during a meeting with members of Trump's

national security team and various cabinet members.

Tillerson, fourth in line for the presidency, was "on the verge of resigning" over the





That appears to be truly simple.

Maybe the split columnists could've stretched out some push to get a few comments from Tillerson

before pushing the prattle as reality.

They didn't, so he had to remove time from his day to influence things to clear.

He had some different things to clear up for individuals from the press also, and it is

flawless to see the message soak in.






Simply, stories of this kind are a total and articulate exercise in futility in view of

a reasonable objective: to depict the Trump administration in the most exceedingly awful

light conceivable.

While it's extraordinary that the press has figured out how to engage themselves and

earn adulate from those in the liberal resound chamber, their conduct is uncouth, troublesome,

and out and out untrustworthy.

Sadly, that is not going to change at any point in the near future.

All things considered, outlets that neglect to shoot straight will keep on plunging into


At the point when the unavoidable 'Rise and Fall Of (fill in the blank)' stories

get written, later on, we would empower those that think of them to invest however much

energy as could be expected on the tormented relationship that the outlet being referred

to had with reality.

We'll give the authority access boss himself have the keep going word on the most recent

non-story that the mainstream press worked itself into a lather over.

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comment section below.



for reading.


For more infomation >> The Silence Is Broken! Rex Tillerson Just Dropped Major Revelation About Calling The President A Mor - Duration: 25:11.



For more infomation >> LOOK AT HER LITTLE FINGER GUNS HEHEHEHEHEHE「A Hat in Time ЁЯОй Ep2」 - Duration: 1:38:22.


How I Learned Japanese (filmed in Japanese) - Duration: 14:48.

Nami: Hello, it's Nami!

Today, I will be talking about Japanese!

Uh, I'm not really ready yet...

I will be filming today's video in Japanese...

Mm! Tea yummy yummy mmm

It's the first video, huh?

A video that is not in English

I haven't filmed in all Korean yet either

Today, I am telling you how I learned Japanese!

When I had Galahad, my first son (2013), I wanted to learn Japanese

The reason why I wanted to study Japanese,

At that time, I was reading a LOT of manga

Because there is a huge amount of Japanese onomatopoeia in manga,

I came to want to learn how to read Japanese

And also at that time (2013), there was a YouTuber named kotakoti I was watching

People call her a doll and

she was able to start modelling in Japan

And she was very very good at Japanese

English.... don't!

Don't speak in English!

So I also thought,

I want to be that good at Japanese too

That's what I thought

So I started studying Japanese!

My friend Marystellar who I traveled with studied Japanese in high school

She gave me (I asked her for) her high school Japanese notes

So I used that and studied

So first,

I studied the alphabets hiragana & katakana

This is a book that my friend Marystellar gave me

In here, there's a lot of hiragana and katakana

Like this

Can you see?

Yes, so I practised!

Again and again and again and again

I wrote hiragana and katakana

Then when I finished this book,

In my own notebook,

I practised some more!

Um my Japanese is really bad so

Please excuse me

I'm sorry

Please forgive me

I have decided to do this

So I will do this video

In Japanese

I wrote hiragana and katakana over and over and over again

sa shi su se so (part of the alphabet)

ta chi tsu te to (part of the alphabet)

na ni nu ne no (part of the alphabet)

This whole notebook is hiragana & katakana practice (It's very important to practice your alpha & pronunc!)

Also at that time, (2013) I found some Japanese YouTubers!

On YouTube, Hajimesyacho, Avntis Douga, Mahoto, Taipon

(also Sharla in Japan, Mimei, Michaela, Yuta, Victor, etc) (+Sasakiasahi, Green-chan, Ami Beauty, Harunyan, etc)

I watched YouTube videos and practised my listening and reading

I put a profile up on a site called (not sponsored lol i wish)

And I got an email!

Shoko-san was a Japanese lady living in a city a bit close to me

Now she has gone back to Japan

Shoko-san wanted to be penpals with me!

Huh where is it?


This is also all practice My Japanese practice

Because I'm Korean,

Japanese and Korean are a little similar

It's not the same but it's very similar (grammar, vocab, origin, etc along with Chinese)

Japanese is more similar to Korean than it is to English

So I translated Japanese vocabulary (& grammar) to Korean

For me to understand better

So I stuied a lot like this on my own

And I also wrote down the penpal emails between Shoko-san and I

I wrote in English, then Japanese

Shoko-san wrote in English, then Japanese, then helped me with/corrected my bad Japanese

So I wrote a Japanese response, an English response, of the same email (trans) and wrote a correction of hers

It was really

a lot


helpful! (?)

Does that word even exist?

So I wrote it all down

Along with my errors and their corrections

There's really so much

I wrote the hiragana, the kanji, the hiragana reading on top of the kanji,

And I wrote the English meanings as well

I studied like this...

Then Shoko-san and I came to stop emailing each other

We both became busy with our own families

But now we both have two children (at the time we both had one)

During that time, I was very happy

To Shoko-san, I have a very thankful


Last year, because I had been self-studying Japanese for three years,

I wanted to study it at a language school (also to improve for my prev May trip to Japan & Korea)

So I registered at a language school called Hansa in Toronto

(also not sponsored also I wish lol)


Google: "Subscribe"


It's not subscribe though...


I applied!

I got a call from Hansa

Phone: Yes, hello, is this Nami-san?

Then: "yes.."

Actually that's not how it went lol

One teacher from Hansa called me to hear my Japanese level and interviewed me in Japanese

I thought I was around the 2nd level or 1st level

But that teacher said that my Japanese was good

She said I was either level 3 or level 4

I was so surprised!

Whyyyy !? Am I level 3 or level FOUR!?

That teacher said that even though my Japanese was good,

See I'm missing vocabulary cuz I don't even know how to say vocabulary



I don't know if that's how you tango tho

She said that I don't know too much vocabulary

So for the 3rd level class,

I applied!

But it got cancelled! (not enough enrollments)

So Hansa recommended Private tutoring for me (which was less classes for the same amount I already paid)

So I said, Yes I'll do it

Because I couldn't do anything about it

So I did the private tutoring

And that's how I met the sensei/tutor I have now!

Clap clap clap clap clap

I like Sensei

I love Sensei

Sensei-Sama (Lord Sensei)

We studied together five times (five classes)

and at the time our five classes ended,

I asked her,

I want to study with you as private tutoring but what how is that for you?

And Sensei said it was good for her


I've been studying with my sensei for one year!

like this

It was thanks to sensei that my Japanese got a lot better

Even though my Japanese now still isn't that good

Until now, we should keep practising right?

Today's video too, I'm doing it in Japanese for the sake of practise lol

Because it's fun to speak with her

And studying with sensei is fun

And being with sensei also

I love

Sensei don't watch this

She's probably watching this

so embarassing

don't watch

It's ok thank you for watching

This past week she told me

I never knew about YouTube so my friend showed me how to subscribe to you

And she said to me, I've been late, I'm sorry ahahaha

So, until now, I am studying with my sensei!

Self studying is quite hard, huh?

If you don't have discipline, or you don't have the time or you don't have the environment

to study,

Because of that, I think studying in a class or with a teacher, or tutor is really good

I think studying like this on your own is also ok

But the method of studying when self-studying is a little different

There are four points for the method my sensei gives

for studying a language by yourself

Reading, writing, listening, speaking!

We believe studying these is really really good!

In whichever language!

So if you're studying a foreign language, please practise like this!

Reading, writing, listening & speaking (:

No matter the language!

This has been my Japanese studying methods!

clap clap clap clap clap clap

Ahh my Japanese is so bad

I think it's so bad ! (I cut out a lot of my pauses lol)

But we have to have to practise

Let us practise!

Let's practise together !!

Let's do our best!

We are doing our best....

If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up!

Also subscribe & click the bell notifications for NOTIFICATIONS ON!!!!

I also have Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat

Then see you next time!

Though it won't be in Japanese

Lord Rice, I understand so (reading a webcomic)

Lord Rice, I'm sorry

I was bad

Hami, what you doing?

so cute

For more infomation >> How I Learned Japanese (filmed in Japanese) - Duration: 14:48.


Quels sont mes pronoms ? (question existentielle) - Duration: 11:30.

For more infomation >> Quels sont mes pronoms ? (question existentielle) - Duration: 11:30.


Large Blackhead Removal without Extractor Tool | On Face Acne Treatment Complete Clearance (Part25) - Duration: 10:28.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Large Blackhead Removal without Extractor Tool | On Face Acne Treatment Complete Clearance (Part25) - Duration: 10:28.


Miglior MICROFONO integrato economico ♦ Cuffie ♦ KLIM Puma - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Miglior MICROFONO integrato economico ♦ Cuffie ♦ KLIM Puma - Duration: 3:12.


EXES - Quiet - Duration: 3:30.

It was late It was raining

We were lying in my bed When I let you in my head

Keep me safe Keep me faded

When we're finally alone Boy you feel like home

And I'll meet you in a secret place Kissing in the dark is safe

I know you wanna hold me the right way

And I'll keep it quiet And I'll keep it hush

And I might deny it But I'm never gonna give you up

Oh, and I'll keep it quiet And I'll keep it quiet (x2)

Give me hope I'm running empty

And the pieces of my heart Always want to fall apart

Love me hard Love me gently

When we're finally alone Darling, you're my home

And I'll meet you in a secret place Kissing in the dark is safe

I know you wanna hold me the right way

And I'll keep it quiet And I'll keep it hush

And I might deny it But I'm never gonna give you up

Oh, and I'll keep it quiet And I'll keep it quiet (x2)

Maybe after midnight You could let me hold your hands

Whisper under streetlights That you don't want to lose me again

Maybe after midnight You could let me hold your hands

Scream under the streetlights For now

And I'll keep it quiet And I'll keep it hush

And I might deny it But I'm never gonna give you up

Oh, and I'll keep it quiet And I'll keep it quiet (x2)

For more infomation >> EXES - Quiet - Duration: 3:30.


IRS Just Stabbed Americans In The Back, Gives More Than $7 5 Million Tax Dollars To… - Duration: 25:11.

IRS Just Stabbed Americans In The Back, Gives

More Than $7.5 Million Tax Dollars To…

In business, as in life, you get just a couple of opportunities to do a vocation well.

In government, you can spoil it the same number of times as you need.

Indeed, say, 150 million times.

In business, that would be sufficient to never work in an industry again.

However, for Equifax, the credit agency that permitted the individual information of 150

million Americans to be stolen?

Indeed, it just implies that they'll be hired by the IRS, and paid for with your citizen


Via Daily Caller:



The federal tax-collecting agency awarded Equifax a contract through a "sole source

order," which means that the federal government deemed only one supplier capable of delivering

the related services.

Equifax's duty will be "to verify taxpayer identity and to assist in ongoing identify

verification and validations needs."

Presently, a fast update – Equifax is the credit agency that, through a mind-blowing

stroke of folly, figured out how to permit the individual information of about 150 million

Americans be stolen by programmers a month ago.

The folks responsible for checking your credit gave your credit away.

What's more, at this point?

They're being procured by the IRS… to secure your identity and credit.

What's more, the insane thing is, no other organization was even permitted to offer for

the job.

Three high-ranking executives sold nearly $1.8 million worth of stock just days after

the company detected [the] large-scale data breach.

It looks corrupt, obviously.

What's more, it's one of only a handful couple of occasions in which Democrats and

Republicans are both distraught about a similar thing.

Due to the enormous breach and such details, lawmakers harshly criticized the IRS's decision

to work with and pay Equifax.





Obviously, while lawmaker promises are just fine, there's as yet the straightforward

matter of Equifax ensuring your own information for the IRS meanwhile.

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comment section below.

Thank you

for reading.

H/T The Daily Caller

For more infomation >> IRS Just Stabbed Americans In The Back, Gives More Than $7 5 Million Tax Dollars To… - Duration: 25:11.


All Time Favorate - ри╣ри░ਿ риЪੇридਿ риЕриЪੇрид риорииਾ - Bhai Manpreet Singh Kanpuri - Duration: 14:15.

риЧੂриЬри░ੀ риори╣ри▓ਾ рйй ॥ Goojaree, Third Mehl: ридਿри╕ੁ риЬрии ри╕ਾਂридਿ ри╕рижਾ риоридਿ рииਿри╣риЪри▓ риЬਿри╕ риХਾ риЕринਿриоਾрииੁ риЧри╡ਾриП ॥ That humble being who eliminates his ego is at peace; he is blessed with an ever-stable intellect. ри╕ੋ риЬрииੁ рииਿри░риори▓ੁ риЬਿ риЧੁри░риоੁриЦਿ римੂриЭੈ ри╣ри░ਿ риЪри░ригੀ риЪਿридੁ ри▓ਾриП ॥рйз॥ That humble being is immaculately pure, who, as Gurmukh, understands the Lord, and focuses his consciousness on the Lord's Feet. ||1|| ри╣ри░ਿ риЪੇридਿ риЕриЪੇрид риорииਾ риЬੋ риЗриЫри╣ਿ ри╕ੋ рилри▓ੁ ри╣ੋриИ ॥ O my unconscious mind, remain conscious of the Lord, and you shall obtain the fruits of your desires. риЧੁри░ рикри░ри╕ਾрижੀ ри╣ри░ਿ ри░ри╕ੁ рикਾри╡ри╣ਿ рикੀри╡рид ри░ри╣ри╣ਿ ри╕рижਾ ри╕ੁриЦੁ ри╣ੋриИ ॥рйз॥ ри░ри╣ਾриЙ ॥ By Guru's Grace, you shall obtain the sublime elixir of the Lord; by continually drinking it in, you shall have eternal peace. ||1||Pause|| ри╕ридਿриЧੁри░ੁ ринੇриЯੇ ридਾ рикਾри░ри╕ੁ ри╣ੋри╡ੈ рикਾри░ри╕ੁ ри╣ੋриЗ рид рикੂриЬ риХри░ਾриП ॥ When one meets the True Guru, he becomes the philosopher's stone, with the ability to transform others, inspiring them to worship the Lord. риЬੋ риЙри╕ੁ рикੂриЬੇ ри╕ੋ рилри▓ੁ рикਾриП рижੀриЦਿриЖ рижੇри╡ੈ ри╕ਾриЪੁ римੁриЭਾриП ॥рйи॥ One who worships the Lord in adoration, obtains his rewards; instructing others, he reveals the Truth. ||2|| ри╡ਿригੁ рикਾри░ри╕ੈ рикੂриЬ рии ри╣ੋри╡риИ ри╡ਿригੁ риории рикри░риЪੇ риЕри╡ри░ਾ ри╕риориЭਾриП ॥ Without becoming the philosopher's stone, he does not inspire others to worship the Lord; without instructing his own mind, how can he instruct others? риЧੁри░ੂ ри╕рижਾриП риЕриЧਿриЖрииੀ риЕੰризਾ риХਿри╕ੁ риУри╣ੁ риоਾри░риЧਿ рикਾриП ॥рйй॥ The ignorant, blind man calls himself the guru, but to whom can he show the way? ||3|| рииਾриириХ ри╡ਿригੁ риирижри░ੀ риХਿриЫੂ рии рикਾриИриР риЬਿри╕ੁ риирижри░ਿ риХри░ੇ ри╕ੋ рикਾриП ॥ O Nanak, without His Mercy, nothing can be obtained. One upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace, obtains Him. риЧੁри░ рикри░ри╕ਾрижੀ рижੇ ри╡рибਿриЖриИ риЕрикригਾ ри╕римрижੁ ри╡ри░ридਾриП ॥рйк॥рйл॥рйн॥ By Guru's Grace, God bestows greatness, and projects the Word of His Shabad. ||4||5||7||

For more infomation >> All Time Favorate - ри╣ри░ਿ риЪੇридਿ риЕриЪੇрид риорииਾ - Bhai Manpreet Singh Kanpuri - Duration: 14:15.


Inspirational Poetry: Still I Rise by Maya Angleou - Duration: 2:19.

Still I Rise By Maya Angleou

You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies,

You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?

Why are you beset with gloom?

'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides,

Just like hopes springing high, Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?

Bowed head and lowered eyes?

Shoulders falling down like teardrops, Weakened by my soulful cries?

Does my haughtiness offend you?

Don't you take it awful hard 'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines

Diggin' in my own backyard.

You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes,

You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?

Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I've got diamonds

At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame I rise

Up from a past that's rooted in pain I rise

I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise

Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear I rise

Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave.

I rise I rise

I rise.

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