Monday, October 9, 2017

Youtube daily report w Oct 9 2017


I'm Jen and this is your Daily Makeup Minute for October 9, 2017.

The weekend buzz was largely about a Facebook ad from Dove, captured by NayTheMUA, which

showed a black woman shedding her tee to become a white woman (in the extended version, that

woman also sheds her skin).

As some pointed out, this is the third item from the company that has stirred racially

insensitive controversy.

We'll have more this Sunday.

Jeffree Star sneaked "THE STAR ⭐️ FAMILY COLLECTION" which will Launch on October 21st.

This is the velour liquid lipstick box set which will have SIX new shades

What's better than gifts inside gifts?

Wake the Dead Scrubs offers a set with masks and scents inside cute mason jars!

$30 on their site now

And you can Grab this creepy cute bundle of the Baby Bat Beauty Black Magic collection,

4 shades in limited edition coffin gift boxes, TODAY for $40 + free U.S shipping

That's it for now.

We'll see you here same time tomorrow!

Remember we have Makeup Minute Extras on my Instagram, and Don't forget our full-length

weekly newscast, What's Up in Makeup, every Sunday morning on YouTube!

For more infomation >> Dove's Controversial Ad! + Jeffree Star's THE STAR ⭐️ FAMILY COLLECTION | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:00.





10 Lies You're Told About American Slavery - Duration: 11:17.

Slavery remains one of the most uncomfortable subjects in the history of the United States

of America.

Indeed, it can hardly be relegated to being only American "history" as we'll soon

see in greater depth.

There are large groups of historical revisionists that have a vested interest in trying to downplay

it or reshape it in a way that's more comfortable for their agendas.

There are also some people that have grown up with overly simplistic versions of slavery

in the past and its current state.

We here at TopTenz will strive do our small part to push back against both.


"Abolitionism was a Popular Northern Movement"

The idea that Union armies marched with the intention of freeing slaves is integral to

the romanticization of the American Civil War and the lionizing of Abraham Lincoln,

as seen in speeches like the one that Jeff Daniels gives in film Gettysburg.

It gave a long, grueling war a sense of purpose that was meant to help everyone feel better

about the end result.

It's also not really what the situation actually was like in the North.

The New York Times reports that as recently as 1860 an abolitionist movement called the

Liberty Party ran a candidate that didn't win a majority in a single county.

The largest abolition newspaper in the country only had a circulation of around three thousand

at a time when the combined population of the Northern states was more than twenty million.

Even among the black population that joined the Union Army, the vast majority were former

slaves recently freed by the army they joined.

When the Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1862, it led to a spike in desertions among

Union troops, some of whom were explicit about how emancipation was the motivating factor.

In brief, it could hardly have been said that the average soldier would have been moved

by a speech about freeing slaves.


"The American Civil War was Not About Slavery"

In order to defend fetishizing the Confederate flag (or rather the Army of Northern Virginia's

battle flag) and other aspects of America's confederate heritage, the lie has been spread

that the Civil War was fought over the rights of States, not the freeing of slaves.

There are a number of aspects that can be cited to support this claim, such as the fact

Lincoln himself denied that the war was about slavery in the early days since, as said,

many people in the North were opposed to the idea of fighting a war to end slavery.

However, the Southern states all included in their Declarations of Causes for their

rebellion that it was either the "superiority of white races" or the issue of slavery.

South Carolina, the first state to secede, charged the North with the crime of "…elevating

to citizenship, persons who, by the supreme law of the land, are incapable of becoming


Mississippi's called slavery "the greatest material interest in the world."

However much people today might try to muddy the waters, back then the motivation for the

rebellion was crystal clear.


"Slaves Fought for the Confederacy"

When someone wants to claim the American Civil War was about defending homes instead of slavery

(more on this later) they would be in line with common revisionist rhetoric to say that

slaves and black people fought rank and file with their white associates.

After all, who could deny the need for white people to defend their home state if even

black people and slaves would set aside their differences for it?

The problem is that for the longest time, the Confederate government wouldn't have


All black people, even those free born, were banned from serving as soldiers in the Confederate

armies for almost the entire war.

They served as camp followers that had to cook and clean as slaves, but they were not

permitted to take up arms.

When the Confederacy tried desperately to create black regiments in 1865, it was with

the offer of freedom instead of to defend the South, and it happened so late in the

war that they were never able to see combat.


"Slaves were Rarely Killed by Labor"

The logic of this one is pretty straightforward and seemingly sound: Since a slave is likely

going to be expensive, it's in the best interest of the owner to treat them well to

make sure they can get more years of relatively less grudging work out of them.

Noam Chomsky described how a prevailing argument among slave owners was that industrial wage

workers had it worse than a slave because "we take care of our slaves.

You only rent them."

However, it wasn't an approach that actually appealed to slave owners going by the available


A slave owner in Louisiana named Bennett T. Barrow was unremarkable in describing almost

daily beatings and torture for slaves.

Food and housing standards were generally minimal, as much for a show of power as a

means of cutting costs.

A slave cemetery that was discovered in 1997 showed that many slaves died before the age

of twelve, and of those that survived into adulthood, many had lesions in their bones

where their labors literally wore away the muscles to the bones.

It seems that for most people rich enough to own slaves at all there was enough income

that even expensive human labor was disposable.


"Freed Slaves Took Control of Southern Governments After the American Civil War"

For a century this lie was used in the South for policies designed to take away voting

rights from black people.

The narrative essentially boils down to how, after slaves were freed, they immediately

began voting for politicians that were so vile that they had to be forcefully removed

from office for the good of all, exemplified by the fact the majority of the new elected

leaders were black.

The landmark film The Birth of a Nation from 1915 is basically devoted to this falsehood.

The truth was that during the high point of African-American power during the South in

the late 1860s, they only had a legislative majority in South Carolina.

Other than that, it was much closer to Mississippi, where only

roughly 17% of elected legislators were black.

What was actually happening was a wave of terror in the South where black people and

sympathizers were being murdered basically en masse, particularly black servicemen.

In Louisiana alone in 1868 more than a thousand people were murdered for this reason.

In short, the truth was much closer to terrorism we mostly associate with the Middle East today

being inflicted on freed slaves.


"Slaves Were Only Owned by the Wealthiest"

As evidence that the average Southern soldier didn't fight in the Civil War to defend

the institution of slavery, it's put forth that the vast majority of them couldn't

begin to afford a slave.

The average price of a slave in 1860 was $800, which certainly sounds above the pay grade

of a soldier making $11.00 a month as the average Confederate private was when they

first enlisted, so it sounds even more reasonable.

However, you have to consider that among the people that fought for Southern armies such

as the Army of Northern Virginia, slave ownership was much more common than you think.

One in ten soldiers owned slaves.

Another twenty-five percent of the soldiers, who did tend to be only around the age of

twenty-six and naturally wouldn't have saved up to buy their own, lived in slave-owning


In the officer class, half were slave owners.

That's not even factoring how many aspired to own slaves, worked on plantations as overseers

or related jobs, or the number who felt that keeping black people in chains was the proper

order of things.

If there were soldiers that fought only for states' rights, they certainly were not

the overwhelming majority.


"Even if the South Won the Civil War, Slavery Would Have Ended Shortly After"

As part of the argument that the Civil War wasn't about slavery, some claim it was

dying out on its own.

For one thing, the fact that every major trading partner for the Confederacy had outlawed slavery

(and that it was unpopular enough that the South wasn't officially recognized) is offered

as a sign international pressure would have led to it being banned.

Also, advances in technology would have allegedly made slavery obsolete.

In fact, slavery was so profitable at the time that an average slave owner could expect

a 100% return on their investment within ten years, and considering the light costs, that

meant each slave was almost pure profit for decades if they lived to even middle age for

the time.

And nearly a century later, Nazi Germany put millions of people into highly profitable

slave labor.

Even today some countries still find use for it.

So if the Southern states had indeed become a separate nation, it would have meant a long

time where millions of people lived and died as property.


"The First Slaves in America Were White People!"

An argument used to downplay the atrocities of the slavery of black people in America

is the claim that Irish immigrants were an overlooked group that also got enslaved.

Irish people certainly were put into forced labor under the more sophisticated sounding

label "indentured servitude," and doesn't that show just how phony and shallow the feelings

of people opposed to slavery of black people are?

However, there were significant, immediately tangible differences between indentured servants

and slaves.

Indentured servants still retained basic human rights such as the fact neither they nor their

children were designated property.

It was contractually possible to get out of indentured servitude through labor, something

no slave could hope to get through anything more than their master's whim.


"Slavery was a Southern Problem"

For the average American the first instinct when the issue of slavery in America is brought

up is to imagine a slave being worked to death on a plantation while the enlightened Northern

states were their only hope of freedom.

It helps natives from those states feel that their hands are much cleaner of the peculiar

institution and allows unambiguous condemnation of the South as just a bunch of racists.

In truth, many Northern states didn't merely tolerate Southern slaveholding for a long


There were many active participants.

Almost all the ships that brought slaves through the infamous Triangle Trade originally set

sail in New England even well after it was banned in that region.

Northern states also allowed slavery much later than history textbooks usually admit.

In Pennsylvania, for example, there were still hundreds of black slaves in 1850 even though

it had been banned under state law in 1780 because the Gradual Abolition of Slavery Act

allowed them to remain slaves until their twenty-eighth birthday.

So the taint of slavery is much more prominent on Northern states than a passing knowledge

of history indicates.


"Slavery is Illegal in America"

As a means to try and put the openly slave friendly time behind us, revisionists that

want to downplay slavery will mention that it became illegal more than 150 years ago,

so why continue to claim it's still important?

Indeed, Steven Spielberg's biopic Lincoln treats the passing of the 13th Amendment to

outlaw slavery as an unambiguous triumph.

Unfortunately, as made clear in Ava Duvernay's documentary 13th, the 13th Amendment contains

a loophole that allows people to be put into forced labor as a form of punishment for being

convicted of a crime.

While chattel slavery was outlawed by Franklin Roosevelt in the 1940s to prevent it being

used for Japanese propaganda in WWII, the amendment is still in place.

Duvernay's documentary also points out that 25% of all people that are incarcerated in

the world are in the US and thus vulnerable to being pressed into slavery.

Indeed, in January 2017, Sheriff Thomas Hodgson in Massachusetts offered local inmates as

slave labor to help build the border wall with Mexico.

So it's not so much a dirty secret that slavery is still legal in America as it's

an unpleasant truth hidden beneath the surface that we're only now shining a light on.

For more infomation >> 10 Lies You're Told About American Slavery - Duration: 11:17.


Honda Cafe Racer kommt | Elektro Enduro von Alta | Neues von SCHUBERTH | Motorrad Nachrichten 191 - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Honda Cafe Racer kommt | Elektro Enduro von Alta | Neues von SCHUBERTH | Motorrad Nachrichten 191 - Duration: 5:02.


Summerlin, The Nation's Premier Master Planned Community - Las Vegas, NV - Duration: 2:07.

For decades Summerlin has been the nation's model of a large, master-planned community.

Since breaking ground in 1990, the 35 square mile development has become the site of more

than 40,000 homes, within more than twenty communities or villages.

Situated along the western rim of the Las Vegas Valley, Summerlin has become one of

the most vibrant communities in Nevada.

Nearly 30 percent of the land is devoted to community space with well over 100 parks and

150 miles of trails weaving through parks, residential communities and places of business.

The parks, trails and nine golf courses highlight the active lifestyle Summerlin has become

known for.

The bustling lifestyle continues with some of the top outdoor malls in Las Vegas.

Among those are Boca Park and the 100 acre Downtown Summerlin . These and many more provide

a seemingly endless list of options for eating, drinking and shopping.

And then there is the view.

Picturesque Red Rock Canyon is only minutes away and visible from most points within Summerlin.

Summerlin is also home to some of the top public and private schools in Las Vegas.

There are two dozen schools and counting, including charter schools, technical magnet

campuses and religion-based learning centers.

Summerlin is home to almost every lifestyle.

Whether you are looking for a townhome, single family home, an age-restricted community,

an assisted living facility, there are multiple options beckoning

you to call Summerlin home.

With so much to offer, its no wonder over 100,000 Las Vegans call Summerlin Home .

For more infomation >> Summerlin, The Nation's Premier Master Planned Community - Las Vegas, NV - Duration: 2:07.



For more infomation >> 7 СМЕШНЫХ ПРАНКОВ НАД СЕСТРОЙ - Duration: 6:31.


Garba Songs 2017 DJ Mix | "Remix" - Mashup - "Dj Party" Latest Diwali Garba Remix Songs 2017 - Duration: 25:37.

Diwali specail dj mix songs

For more infomation >> Garba Songs 2017 DJ Mix | "Remix" - Mashup - "Dj Party" Latest Diwali Garba Remix Songs 2017 - Duration: 25:37.


Should you lose what you lov...

For more infomation >> Should you lose what you lov...


Adaptador EF a E Metabones Mark IV-T, un año después - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Adaptador EF a E Metabones Mark IV-T, un año después - Duration: 6:23.


Manhã Leve | Saiba quais são os mitos e verdades dos planos de saúde - 09 de outubro de 2017 - Duration: 29:28.

For more infomation >> Manhã Leve | Saiba quais são os mitos e verdades dos planos de saúde - 09 de outubro de 2017 - Duration: 29:28.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220d Avantgarde Lease Edition Automaat - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220d Avantgarde Lease Edition Automaat - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Combi 320 CDI Elegance - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Combi 320 CDI Elegance - Duration: 0:58.


Como trocar discos de travão dianteiros e pastilhas de travão VW LUPO TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 6:59.

Use a socket №13 and a combination spanner №17

Use a socket №18

Use a phillips screwdriver

Lubricate the brake disc seat with copper spray

Using a special tool press in the brake caliper piston

For more infomation >> Como trocar discos de travão dianteiros e pastilhas de travão VW LUPO TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 6:59.


Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI 68PK 5DR AUT5 ACTIVE - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI 68PK 5DR AUT5 ACTIVE - Duration: 0:59.


Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI PREMIÈRE TOP Open dak-Lichtmetalen velgen-Climate control - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI PREMIÈRE TOP Open dak-Lichtmetalen velgen-Climate control - Duration: 1:00.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK 5drs FEEL, AIRCO - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK 5drs FEEL, AIRCO - Duration: 1:37.


Riflettori su Junkrat (IT) - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Riflettori su Junkrat (IT) - Duration: 5:12.


Posizione antalgica per Mal di schiena e Sciatica - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Posizione antalgica per Mal di schiena e Sciatica - Duration: 3:10.


Sphynx Cats 101Fun Facts and Information - Animal Facts - Duration: 8:53.

That cat is naked.

Yeah, he is.

That is the Sphynx cat, sometimes known as the Canadian Sphynx.

With his angular face, big ears, and smooth body, the Sphynx is purring proof that there's

more to a cat than his fur coat.

Hang with us as we discover some fun facts about this fleshy feline.

Hi, I'm Leroy and I'm Rosie and this is Animal Facts.

Let's get started.

But, before we start, take a moment to like and subscribe for more fun, fauna facts.

Let us know about your kitty in the comments below.

We publish Every Monday and Friday, so hit that notification icon to not miss a single



The Sphynx is Canadian

You'd think that this hairless cat breed would be from somewhere warm like the tropics

or perhaps a dessert.

Despite such an ancient rooted Egyptian name, he hails from the land of ice and snow.

In fact, he was originally called the Canadian Hairless Cat.

He's been defying expectations since the mid-1960s when an Ontario domestic shorthair

cat gave birth to a hairless kitten, named Prune, the result of a natural genetic mutation.

Prune was bred to other cats in an attempt to create more hairless kittens.

But, because hairlessness in the Sphynx is a recessive gene, some of the kittens had

hair, while others did not.

Then, in the mid-1970s, two separate sets of hairless kittens were born to owners in

Toronto and Minnesota.

Thanks to various breeding efforts with Devon Rex cats, the Sphynx we love today was born.


The Sphynx is a high-energy clown

He is a high energy cat with the acrobatic prowess of a monkey.

The Sphynx is excellent at balancing, climbing atop doors and bookshelves, and even perching

on your shoulder like a bird.

He loves human attention and will perform his clownish shenanigans for the entertainment

of all.

The Sphynx is curious and mischievous, and these qualities, coupled with his high level

of intelligence, can make him a handful.

But, he is also a well-behaved and easy to handle breed.


He's a people kitty.

The Sphynx is loyal and affectionate toward his owners, even following you around the

house, wagging his tail.

The Sphynx is a true extrovert.

He will demand your undivided attention and hates to be ignored.

The Sphynx also does well with other animals, both cat-friendly dogs, and cats.

He learns tricks easily and loves the attention he receives from children who treat him politely

and with respect.

In fact, a study in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior ranked the Sphynx as the most affectionate

cat breed.

But, he does best as an indoor cat, since his charming qualities can get him into a

dangerous situation.


Yeah, baby yeah!

We don't gnaw on our kitty.


In 1997 a Sphynx named Ted Nude-Gent played the part of Mr. Bigglesworth in the popular

comedy film, Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, and again in 1999 in Austin

Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me.

In the latter movie, Ted Nude-Gent was joined by a "mini" version of himself, Mini Mr. Bigglesworth,

which was played by three Sphynx kittens: Mel Gibskin, Skindiana Jones, and Paul Nudeman.

Austin Powers: That's Dr. Evil's cat!

Vanessa Kensington: How can you tell?

Austin Powers: I never forget a pussy... cat.


Your epidermis is showing

At first glance, the Sphynx might look less like a cat and more like a naked mole rat.

If you pet him, however, you'll discover he's not actually hairless.

The Sphynx is covered with a fine layer of downy fuzz that resembles that of a peach.

While he's not plush to the touch, his coat feels akin to suede.


although the Sphynx is a "naked" cat, his skin pigment can vary in color and pattern.

The Sphynx comes in all colors and patterns, including white, black, red, chocolate, lavender,

various tabby patterns, tortoiseshell, calico, bicolor, and pointed and mink patterns.

The color is seen in the pigment of the skin as well as in whatever hair the cat has and

can sometimes be difficult to distinguish.

Something to note is that while he isn't completely hairless, he is in fact completely

sans whiskers.


He needs lots of grooming.

Think Sphynx kitties are super-clean because they don't have fur?

Think you're off the hook on grooming?Think again.

Despite its apparent lack of hair, it is important to groom your Sphynx.

For a regular cat, body oils are absorbed by the fur, but the Sphynx, clearly lacking

in that attribute, does not have a natural way of keeping the oil on his skin in balance.

This can lead to skin problems if your cat is not groomed, and to oil spots on the furniture.

A regular bathing routine at least once a week to remove the build-up of body oils is

sufficient to keep the skin healthy and the furniture clean.


The Sphynx eats a lot

Thanks to his fast metabolisms, attributed to being high energy and spending considerable

calories maintaining body heat, The Sphynx cat need more food than the average kitty.

This car requires almost 2 to 2.5 times more food than any other breed to keep his body

heat up.

Many owners find that giving the Sphynx 24-hour access to food is the best policy.


Sphynx kittens are heavily wrinkled, but as they grow the wrinkles smooth out, although

some remain throughout the cat's life.

Around the shoulders, between the ears, and around the muzzle is where the wrinkles should

be heaviest.

Wrinkles are not relegated solely to the Sphynx, they are present in other cats, too, but it

is more apparent in the Sphynx because of his lack of fur.


The Sphynx loves to be warm.

Expect him to find the warmest spot in the house and curl up with you whenever he can.

Some theories suggest that the reason the Sphynx is so friendly is because he depends

on his owners for warmth.

Due to his lack of fur this cat likes to rub his body against his owners as a means to

keep warm, even though his body is naturally 4 degrees warmer than other cat breeds.


The Sphynx cat has very dexterous toes.

He can use his toes like little fingers to pick up and investigate anything he find of


He can also easily manipulate small items with his toes.

With his high intelligence, nimble toes and the fact that he's already naked, we expect

this friendly kitty will become the next rulers of Earth.

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Go ahead and smash that subscribe button and hit the notification icon to not miss a single


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And as always catch ya next time.

For more infomation >> Sphynx Cats 101Fun Facts and Information - Animal Facts - Duration: 8:53.


Markus Schulz - I Hear You Calling (featuring CAYO) (Extended Mix) - Duration: 5:31.

I had a dream I was falling

I couldn't see the ground

Like a child I was calling

I didn't make a sound

And on the road stretched before me

I've nowhere left to turn

I hear your voice in the distance

Someone send me home

I hear you calling

I hear you call my name

I hear you calling

I hear you call my name

This city has become a wasteland

Gone are the places that I know

Here we stand across the border

Watching the people as they go

I hear you calling

I hear you call my name

I hear you calling

I hear you call my name

Embrace me now

Embrace me now

Embrace me now, you're in my arms

Embrace me now, embrace me now

I'll be your shelter in the storm

Embrace me now, embrace me now

Embrace me now, you're in my arms

Embrace me now, embrace me now

I'll be your shelter in the storm

For more infomation >> Markus Schulz - I Hear You Calling (featuring CAYO) (Extended Mix) - Duration: 5:31.


Solving Systems of Two Equations and Two Unknowns: Graphing, Substitution, and Elimination - Duration: 10:21.

It's Professor Dave, let's solve some linear systems.

By now we have gotten pretty good at finding solutions to equations, whether they are linear,

quadratic, or beyond.

But what about when we have a system of two different linear equations.

Can there be a solution to this set?

Can there be a value or set of values that works for both equations?

Usually there will be, so let's find out some different ways that we can get to this


First of all, since we are talking about lines, we can graph them.

Say we have Y equals X and Y equals negative X plus four.

If we place both of these lines on the coordinate plane, we can see that they do indeed cross.

If one line represents all the pairs of X and Y values that are solutions to one equation,

and the other line represents all the pairs of X and Y values that are solutions to the

other equation, then it must necessarily be the case that the point where they cross must

be a solution to both equations, because this point is on both lines.

We can find this solution graphically if our graphs are very neat and tidy, or if we are

using a graphing calculator, because as long as the graph is accurate, we can just observe

that the lines cross at the point two two, and therefore X equals two and Y equals two

represents the solution to this system of linear equations.

Most of the time, two lines will cross precisely once, and there will therefore be one unique

solution to the system.

However, other situations include parallel lines, which never cross, so there will be

no solution to the system, and we could also have two different equations that describe

precisely the same line, in which case there are infinitely many solutions, as every point

on the line will be a solution for both equations.

But as we said, we are typically concerned with situations where two lines cross once,

and we want to be able to get that one solution.

When graphing isn't so easy for one reason or another, there are other methods we can

use to find the solution.

The first technique we will look at is called substitution.

Say we have these two equations, two X plus Y equals four, and X plus two Y equals negative


What we could do is solve for one of these variables in terms of the other.

For example, let's solve for Y in the first equation.

Subtracting two X from both sides gives us Y equals four minus two X.

Now what we can do is substitute this value of Y for the Y in the other equation.

That means instead of Y, we insert the quantity four minus two X.

Now we have a new equation with only X, which will make it possible to solve for X.

We distribute the two to get eight minus four X, combine like terms, bring the eight to

the other side, and we get negative three X equals negative nine, or X equals three.

That means three is the X coordinate for the point where these lines cross.

To get the Y value, we just plug this X value into either of these equations.

Using the top one, two times three is six, and if six plus Y equals four, we can subtract

six from both sides to get Y equals negative two.

So X equals three and Y equals negative two, or the point three negative two, is the unique

solution to this system.

Substitution isn't the only technique we can use.

We can use another technique called elimination.

Say we have another set of linear equations, negative three X plus two Y equals eleven,

and five X minus two Y equals five.

Once again, we absolutely can use the substitution method, but it will sometimes be easier to

go another route.

We can combine these equations in such a way so as to get a new one where one of the variables

has disappeared.

To do this, in this particular case, we just add the equations together.

This is valid, because if A equals B and C equals D, then A plus C must equal B plus

D, so we are just exploiting this logical truth to solve a problem.

Negative three X plus five X gives us two X.

Then, two Y plus negative two Y gives us zero.

The Y term goes away.

And eleven plus five gives us sixteen, so dividing by two, X equals eight.

Then we can plug eight into one of these, like the bottom one, we get forty minus two

Y equals five, negative two Y equals negative thirty five, and Y equals thirty five halves.

So this was a pretty fast way to solve this system.

Of course it won't always be as easy as just adding them together.

Sometimes we will have to subtract.

If both of the Y terms were positive, we would subtract one from the other to get the Y terms

to go away, and we would then have to be careful with our arithmetic, making sure we get the

right sign on all the values in the answer.

Furthermore, we might have to multiply one or both of the equations by some constant

to be able to do elimination.

Say we have eleven X plus two Y equals thirteen, and seven X minus three Y equals nine.

The Y values are pretty close, but we can't add them together as is and have them cancel.

Instead, we have to realize that the least common multiple of two and three is six, so

we multiply the top equation by three and the bottom equation by two.

That gives us thirty-three X plus six Y equals thirty-nine and fourteen X minus six Y equals


Now we are ready to combine them, because positive six Y and negative six Y will indeed

cancel each other out.

That gives us forty-seven X equals fifty-seven.

We can then solve for X, and plug back into one of the equations to get the Y value.

With lots of multiplying, the solutions can get messy, but that's just how they go sometimes.

So in summary, we can see that we have three options available to solve for a system with

two equations and two unknowns.

We can either use substitution, by solving for one variable in terms of the other and

plugging that into the other equation, we can use elimination, by manipulating one or

both of the equations in order to combine them in some manner so as to get one variable

to go away, or we can just graph everything and see where the two lines cross.

If they cross once, there is one solution.

If they don't cross, there are no solutions.

If they are the same line, there are infinitely many solutions.

So why is this useful?

Let's look at a real world example.

Say that Penelope and Artemis worked a total of seventy hours this week.

However, Penelope worked two hours less than twice the number of hours that Artemis worked.

How many hours did each of them work?

While this example is relatively simple, and if we did some guessing and checking, we would

eventually find the answer, that wouldn't be doing algebra, and if we learn the algebra,

we can apply it to much more complicated systems where guess and check just isn't an option.

First, let's write some equations.

The two of them worked a total of seventy hours, so let's write P plus A equals seventy.

Then, we know that Penelope worked two hours less than twice what Artemis did.

So P must be equal to two A minus two.

There's our two equations with two unknowns.

How shall we solve?

In this case, substitution seems pretty easy, as we've already solved for P in the bottom


Let's put two A minus two in the place of P in the top equation.

That gives us two A minus two plus A, or three A minus two on the left.

We add two to both sides, divide by three, and we get A equals twenty-four.

Then we can use either of these equations to find P. Two times twenty-four is forty-eight,

minus two is forty-six.

So Penelope and Artemis worked twenty-four and forty-six hours this week.

Let's check comprehension.

For more infomation >> Solving Systems of Two Equations and Two Unknowns: Graphing, Substitution, and Elimination - Duration: 10:21.


[VOSTFR] [CC] VT Cosmetics X BTS YOUKU Fashion Channel Interview - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] [CC] VT Cosmetics X BTS YOUKU Fashion Channel Interview - Duration: 2:53.


Ao Mestre com Carinho - Com a palavra nossos professores - Duration: 12:00.

For more infomation >> Ao Mestre com Carinho - Com a palavra nossos professores - Duration: 12:00.


How To Speak Italian (Italy VS England) | doyouknowellie - Duration: 11:22.

For more infomation >> How To Speak Italian (Italy VS England) | doyouknowellie - Duration: 11:22.


Trotz Trennungs-Schmerz: Jessica Paszka glaubt noch an Liebe - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Trotz Trennungs-Schmerz: Jessica Paszka glaubt noch an Liebe - Duration: 1:33.


Anitta fala sobre sexo com namorado na TV: 'Não temos problemas, só soluções' - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Anitta fala sobre sexo com namorado na TV: 'Não temos problemas, só soluções' - Duration: 4:19.


PaladinsCraft #3 - facciamo casa - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> PaladinsCraft #3 - facciamo casa - Duration: 6:58.


Introducing the Egg Mobile at Willow Run Farm - Duration: 0:57.

[Rooster crowing]

Every day we move them,

and we move them for the full space of our covered run,

which is what we call it

and so, when we move it forward,

basically when they hear the tractors turn on,

they immediately run to the front because they know that they're going to be getting fresh grass.

And, so, we move it forward and they go,

and they eat the bugs that they can find, and the grass.

[wind noise obscures speaker]

[rooster crows]

There's no eggs in there right now, because we collected them,

but that's where they lay their eggs.

For more infomation >> Introducing the Egg Mobile at Willow Run Farm - Duration: 0:57.


Geostorm Movie Trailer

For more infomation >> Geostorm Movie Trailer


Volkswagen Golf 2.0 TDI Business Edition R Connected - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 2.0 TDI Business Edition R Connected - Duration: 0:57.


Renault Clio 1.5 dCi Limited (R-LINK/Climate/Keyless Entry/LMV) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio 1.5 dCi Limited (R-LINK/Climate/Keyless Entry/LMV) - Duration: 0:59.


Dove's Controversial Ad! + Jeffree Star's THE STAR ⭐️ FAMILY COLLECTION | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:00.


I'm Jen and this is your Daily Makeup Minute for October 9, 2017.

The weekend buzz was largely about a Facebook ad from Dove, captured by NayTheMUA, which

showed a black woman shedding her tee to become a white woman (in the extended version, that

woman also sheds her skin).

As some pointed out, this is the third item from the company that has stirred racially

insensitive controversy.

We'll have more this Sunday.

Jeffree Star sneaked "THE STAR ⭐️ FAMILY COLLECTION" which will Launch on October 21st.

This is the velour liquid lipstick box set which will have SIX new shades

What's better than gifts inside gifts?

Wake the Dead Scrubs offers a set with masks and scents inside cute mason jars!

$30 on their site now

And you can Grab this creepy cute bundle of the Baby Bat Beauty Black Magic collection,

4 shades in limited edition coffin gift boxes, TODAY for $40 + free U.S shipping

That's it for now.

We'll see you here same time tomorrow!

Remember we have Makeup Minute Extras on my Instagram, and Don't forget our full-length

weekly newscast, What's Up in Makeup, every Sunday morning on YouTube!

For more infomation >> Dove's Controversial Ad! + Jeffree Star's THE STAR ⭐️ FAMILY COLLECTION | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:00.





10 Lies You're Told About American Slavery - Duration: 11:17.

Slavery remains one of the most uncomfortable subjects in the history of the United States

of America.

Indeed, it can hardly be relegated to being only American "history" as we'll soon

see in greater depth.

There are large groups of historical revisionists that have a vested interest in trying to downplay

it or reshape it in a way that's more comfortable for their agendas.

There are also some people that have grown up with overly simplistic versions of slavery

in the past and its current state.

We here at TopTenz will strive do our small part to push back against both.


"Abolitionism was a Popular Northern Movement"

The idea that Union armies marched with the intention of freeing slaves is integral to

the romanticization of the American Civil War and the lionizing of Abraham Lincoln,

as seen in speeches like the one that Jeff Daniels gives in film Gettysburg.

It gave a long, grueling war a sense of purpose that was meant to help everyone feel better

about the end result.

It's also not really what the situation actually was like in the North.

The New York Times reports that as recently as 1860 an abolitionist movement called the

Liberty Party ran a candidate that didn't win a majority in a single county.

The largest abolition newspaper in the country only had a circulation of around three thousand

at a time when the combined population of the Northern states was more than twenty million.

Even among the black population that joined the Union Army, the vast majority were former

slaves recently freed by the army they joined.

When the Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1862, it led to a spike in desertions among

Union troops, some of whom were explicit about how emancipation was the motivating factor.

In brief, it could hardly have been said that the average soldier would have been moved

by a speech about freeing slaves.


"The American Civil War was Not About Slavery"

In order to defend fetishizing the Confederate flag (or rather the Army of Northern Virginia's

battle flag) and other aspects of America's confederate heritage, the lie has been spread

that the Civil War was fought over the rights of States, not the freeing of slaves.

There are a number of aspects that can be cited to support this claim, such as the fact

Lincoln himself denied that the war was about slavery in the early days since, as said,

many people in the North were opposed to the idea of fighting a war to end slavery.

However, the Southern states all included in their Declarations of Causes for their

rebellion that it was either the "superiority of white races" or the issue of slavery.

South Carolina, the first state to secede, charged the North with the crime of "…elevating

to citizenship, persons who, by the supreme law of the land, are incapable of becoming


Mississippi's called slavery "the greatest material interest in the world."

However much people today might try to muddy the waters, back then the motivation for the

rebellion was crystal clear.


"Slaves Fought for the Confederacy"

When someone wants to claim the American Civil War was about defending homes instead of slavery

(more on this later) they would be in line with common revisionist rhetoric to say that

slaves and black people fought rank and file with their white associates.

After all, who could deny the need for white people to defend their home state if even

black people and slaves would set aside their differences for it?

The problem is that for the longest time, the Confederate government wouldn't have


All black people, even those free born, were banned from serving as soldiers in the Confederate

armies for almost the entire war.

They served as camp followers that had to cook and clean as slaves, but they were not

permitted to take up arms.

When the Confederacy tried desperately to create black regiments in 1865, it was with

the offer of freedom instead of to defend the South, and it happened so late in the

war that they were never able to see combat.


"Slaves were Rarely Killed by Labor"

The logic of this one is pretty straightforward and seemingly sound: Since a slave is likely

going to be expensive, it's in the best interest of the owner to treat them well to

make sure they can get more years of relatively less grudging work out of them.

Noam Chomsky described how a prevailing argument among slave owners was that industrial wage

workers had it worse than a slave because "we take care of our slaves.

You only rent them."

However, it wasn't an approach that actually appealed to slave owners going by the available


A slave owner in Louisiana named Bennett T. Barrow was unremarkable in describing almost

daily beatings and torture for slaves.

Food and housing standards were generally minimal, as much for a show of power as a

means of cutting costs.

A slave cemetery that was discovered in 1997 showed that many slaves died before the age

of twelve, and of those that survived into adulthood, many had lesions in their bones

where their labors literally wore away the muscles to the bones.

It seems that for most people rich enough to own slaves at all there was enough income

that even expensive human labor was disposable.


"Freed Slaves Took Control of Southern Governments After the American Civil War"

For a century this lie was used in the South for policies designed to take away voting

rights from black people.

The narrative essentially boils down to how, after slaves were freed, they immediately

began voting for politicians that were so vile that they had to be forcefully removed

from office for the good of all, exemplified by the fact the majority of the new elected

leaders were black.

The landmark film The Birth of a Nation from 1915 is basically devoted to this falsehood.

The truth was that during the high point of African-American power during the South in

the late 1860s, they only had a legislative majority in South Carolina.

Other than that, it was much closer to Mississippi, where only

roughly 17% of elected legislators were black.

What was actually happening was a wave of terror in the South where black people and

sympathizers were being murdered basically en masse, particularly black servicemen.

In Louisiana alone in 1868 more than a thousand people were murdered for this reason.

In short, the truth was much closer to terrorism we mostly associate with the Middle East today

being inflicted on freed slaves.


"Slaves Were Only Owned by the Wealthiest"

As evidence that the average Southern soldier didn't fight in the Civil War to defend

the institution of slavery, it's put forth that the vast majority of them couldn't

begin to afford a slave.

The average price of a slave in 1860 was $800, which certainly sounds above the pay grade

of a soldier making $11.00 a month as the average Confederate private was when they

first enlisted, so it sounds even more reasonable.

However, you have to consider that among the people that fought for Southern armies such

as the Army of Northern Virginia, slave ownership was much more common than you think.

One in ten soldiers owned slaves.

Another twenty-five percent of the soldiers, who did tend to be only around the age of

twenty-six and naturally wouldn't have saved up to buy their own, lived in slave-owning


In the officer class, half were slave owners.

That's not even factoring how many aspired to own slaves, worked on plantations as overseers

or related jobs, or the number who felt that keeping black people in chains was the proper

order of things.

If there were soldiers that fought only for states' rights, they certainly were not

the overwhelming majority.


"Even if the South Won the Civil War, Slavery Would Have Ended Shortly After"

As part of the argument that the Civil War wasn't about slavery, some claim it was

dying out on its own.

For one thing, the fact that every major trading partner for the Confederacy had outlawed slavery

(and that it was unpopular enough that the South wasn't officially recognized) is offered

as a sign international pressure would have led to it being banned.

Also, advances in technology would have allegedly made slavery obsolete.

In fact, slavery was so profitable at the time that an average slave owner could expect

a 100% return on their investment within ten years, and considering the light costs, that

meant each slave was almost pure profit for decades if they lived to even middle age for

the time.

And nearly a century later, Nazi Germany put millions of people into highly profitable

slave labor.

Even today some countries still find use for it.

So if the Southern states had indeed become a separate nation, it would have meant a long

time where millions of people lived and died as property.


"The First Slaves in America Were White People!"

An argument used to downplay the atrocities of the slavery of black people in America

is the claim that Irish immigrants were an overlooked group that also got enslaved.

Irish people certainly were put into forced labor under the more sophisticated sounding

label "indentured servitude," and doesn't that show just how phony and shallow the feelings

of people opposed to slavery of black people are?

However, there were significant, immediately tangible differences between indentured servants

and slaves.

Indentured servants still retained basic human rights such as the fact neither they nor their

children were designated property.

It was contractually possible to get out of indentured servitude through labor, something

no slave could hope to get through anything more than their master's whim.


"Slavery was a Southern Problem"

For the average American the first instinct when the issue of slavery in America is brought

up is to imagine a slave being worked to death on a plantation while the enlightened Northern

states were their only hope of freedom.

It helps natives from those states feel that their hands are much cleaner of the peculiar

institution and allows unambiguous condemnation of the South as just a bunch of racists.

In truth, many Northern states didn't merely tolerate Southern slaveholding for a long


There were many active participants.

Almost all the ships that brought slaves through the infamous Triangle Trade originally set

sail in New England even well after it was banned in that region.

Northern states also allowed slavery much later than history textbooks usually admit.

In Pennsylvania, for example, there were still hundreds of black slaves in 1850 even though

it had been banned under state law in 1780 because the Gradual Abolition of Slavery Act

allowed them to remain slaves until their twenty-eighth birthday.

So the taint of slavery is much more prominent on Northern states than a passing knowledge

of history indicates.


"Slavery is Illegal in America"

As a means to try and put the openly slave friendly time behind us, revisionists that

want to downplay slavery will mention that it became illegal more than 150 years ago,

so why continue to claim it's still important?

Indeed, Steven Spielberg's biopic Lincoln treats the passing of the 13th Amendment to

outlaw slavery as an unambiguous triumph.

Unfortunately, as made clear in Ava Duvernay's documentary 13th, the 13th Amendment contains

a loophole that allows people to be put into forced labor as a form of punishment for being

convicted of a crime.

While chattel slavery was outlawed by Franklin Roosevelt in the 1940s to prevent it being

used for Japanese propaganda in WWII, the amendment is still in place.

Duvernay's documentary also points out that 25% of all people that are incarcerated in

the world are in the US and thus vulnerable to being pressed into slavery.

Indeed, in January 2017, Sheriff Thomas Hodgson in Massachusetts offered local inmates as

slave labor to help build the border wall with Mexico.

So it's not so much a dirty secret that slavery is still legal in America as it's

an unpleasant truth hidden beneath the surface that we're only now shining a light on.

For more infomation >> 10 Lies You're Told About American Slavery - Duration: 11:17.


Honda Cafe Racer kommt | Elektro Enduro von Alta | Neues von SCHUBERTH | Motorrad Nachrichten 191 - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Honda Cafe Racer kommt | Elektro Enduro von Alta | Neues von SCHUBERTH | Motorrad Nachrichten 191 - Duration: 5:02.


Summerlin, The Nation's Premier Master Planned Community - Las Vegas, NV - Duration: 2:07.

For decades Summerlin has been the nation's model of a large, master-planned community.

Since breaking ground in 1990, the 35 square mile development has become the site of more

than 40,000 homes, within more than twenty communities or villages.

Situated along the western rim of the Las Vegas Valley, Summerlin has become one of

the most vibrant communities in Nevada.

Nearly 30 percent of the land is devoted to community space with well over 100 parks and

150 miles of trails weaving through parks, residential communities and places of business.

The parks, trails and nine golf courses highlight the active lifestyle Summerlin has become

known for.

The bustling lifestyle continues with some of the top outdoor malls in Las Vegas.

Among those are Boca Park and the 100 acre Downtown Summerlin . These and many more provide

a seemingly endless list of options for eating, drinking and shopping.

And then there is the view.

Picturesque Red Rock Canyon is only minutes away and visible from most points within Summerlin.

Summerlin is also home to some of the top public and private schools in Las Vegas.

There are two dozen schools and counting, including charter schools, technical magnet

campuses and religion-based learning centers.

Summerlin is home to almost every lifestyle.

Whether you are looking for a townhome, single family home, an age-restricted community,

an assisted living facility, there are multiple options beckoning

you to call Summerlin home.

With so much to offer, its no wonder over 100,000 Las Vegans call Summerlin Home .

For more infomation >> Summerlin, The Nation's Premier Master Planned Community - Las Vegas, NV - Duration: 2:07.



For more infomation >> 7 СМЕШНЫХ ПРАНКОВ НАД СЕСТРОЙ - Duration: 6:31.


Garba Songs 2017 DJ Mix | "Remix" - Mashup - "Dj Party" Latest Diwali Garba Remix Songs 2017 - Duration: 25:37.

Diwali specail dj mix songs

For more infomation >> Garba Songs 2017 DJ Mix | "Remix" - Mashup - "Dj Party" Latest Diwali Garba Remix Songs 2017 - Duration: 25:37.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Adaptador EF a E Metabones Mark IV-T, un año después - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Adaptador EF a E Metabones Mark IV-T, un año después - Duration: 6:23.


Amy Schumer Presents Mark Normand: Don't Be Yourself - Thoughts Are Not Good - Duration: 1:30.

I live in the city, I don't have a car.

I just walk around everywhere. Uh...

You guys ever do this one?

You guys ever leave the house without headphones.


Thoughts are not good.


My God, this whole time, I thought I loved music.

Turns out I just hate my brain.

Just being attacked all day long with this insecurity playlist on shuffle.

Aah! What are you doing with your life?

You drink too much. Gonna die alone.

You call that a penis? Aah!

Oh, bad head. My brain is evil.

It, like, attacks me. It's like a bully, you know?

I'll be at a party, hanging out, everybody's having a good time, talking.

My brain's like, hey, you weirdo.

You're being too quiet.

Everybody's wondering why you're such a quiet weirdo.

Come on.

Get in there, say something, you lunatic.

Come on, you freak. Jump in, you psycho.

Come on, get in there.

You finally say something, your brain goes, "Whoo... that's what you picked?"


Shut up, dummy.

Damn it.

My brain never stops.

I can't sleep at night. I'm a horrible sleeper.

That's why I hate these bed commercials

you see at 4:00 a.m.

Hey, you can't sleep. Well, how comfortable is your mattress?

What's your sleep number? How's your firmness?

You think lack of comfort's what's keeping me up at night

and that's the problem, really? Ha!

It's this goddamned Japanese game show I got going up here, all right?

Yeah, it's the worry, the anxiety, the dread.

I don't need a mattress designed by NASA,

I need a Xanax and some self-esteem, all right?

Come on. Comfort, pfft.

I could sleep on a gravel road if I had a good childhood.

All right?

For more infomation >> Amy Schumer Presents Mark Normand: Don't Be Yourself - Thoughts Are Not Good - Duration: 1:30.


Liza Minelli - I Can't Say Goodnight (Subtítulos) - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Liza Minelli - I Can't Say Goodnight (Subtítulos) - Duration: 4:55.


Renault Espace 2.0T Dynamique - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Renault Espace 2.0T Dynamique - Duration: 0:59.


Welcome to the Neighborhood - Jack Marshall Can't Do This - Episode 6 - Duration: 4:10.

I'm in the house.

My incarceration begins.

So, this is my room.

These are my flowers.


That is my man.

He comes with the house.

You should say something so they know you're not a robot.

Tranquilized librarian, am I right?

His name is House.

Which is sure to cause some confusion.

Do you have a first name?

Most people do, sir.

Oh, man of mystery, I accept your challenge.

It'll give me something to chew on for the next 365 days.

I took some pictures of the house and put them on Instagram,

which you can find in a link in the description.

I gotta say,

being in the house for the first time, it's pretty nice.

I'll take more pictures from time to time,

of the house and of town since

it seems to be the only place that I can go. Right?

As I understand it.

I saw on Yelp there's only, there's only one coffee shop.

Is that any good?

I wouldn't know, sir. I don't drink coffee.

Boy, you are just blowing my mind

with your local insight, House.

So, how does this work?

Do you just, do you follow me around

and then stand in the corner like a creepy butler? Or?

I can leave if you like, sir.

Oh, no, no, no.

Sit, please.

So, do I need to

tell you when I wanna go to bed?

You may go to bed whenever you like.

Can I have friends over?


Can we order pizza?


Who orders?

I do.

Who pays?

I do.

Do you eat the pizza?

I don't like pizza.

What's the stipend situation?

Is there a stipend situation?


There's no stipend situation?

Perhaps it might be beneficial to

read the will, sir?

Well, I'm sure that you have plenty to do.



Be free.

I release you.

Very good, sir.

You don't need to call me sir.

Very good, Mr. Marshall.

We'll work on that.


that's gonna take some getting used to.

Although, his midnight snack game

is on point.

So, I'm okay with that for now.

Donni, once again, is in harm's way in Alaska,

as only she can be.

I'm a safe distance from Arthur

which is a complete blessing.

And the house...

it's...pretty nice.

I mean, it's got its quirks

and it may not exactly be "my style,"

but, uh, I don't think anyone can accuse my aunt of having bad taste.


Bad example.

You know, I thought that being in this house

would make me feel more connected to her.

I guess it's just too early for that.


I wish I would have spent more time with her.

One thing I can do,

is read this will.

But not without a little help.


You wouldn't wanna

read this will to me, would you?



How 'bout some coffee?

Coming right up, Mr. Marshall.


It was worth a shot.

And the table side service,

now, I could get used to that.

I just wish that reading this will

were equally as exciting --

[O.S. glass shattering]




Okay, I'll fill you in tomorrow. I promise.

For more infomation >> Welcome to the Neighborhood - Jack Marshall Can't Do This - Episode 6 - Duration: 4:10.


Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI FIRST EDITION 100PK 5DRS - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI FIRST EDITION 100PK 5DRS - Duration: 1:00.


Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI 100 PK 5-DRS GO! NAVIGATIE LM VELGEN AIRCO - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI 100 PK 5-DRS GO! NAVIGATIE LM VELGEN AIRCO - Duration: 1:00.



For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.0 T-GDI 120PK FIRST EDITION NAVIGATIE LM VELGEN CLIMATECONTROL - Duration: 1:01.


Guilt versus Shame | Kati Morton & Dr. Alexa Altman - Duration: 9:31.

For more infomation >> Guilt versus Shame | Kati Morton & Dr. Alexa Altman - Duration: 9:31.


SPINN - Home - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> SPINN - Home - Duration: 3:26.


Sphynx Cats 101Fun Facts and Information - Animal Facts - Duration: 8:53.

That cat is naked.

Yeah, he is.

That is the Sphynx cat, sometimes known as the Canadian Sphynx.

With his angular face, big ears, and smooth body, the Sphynx is purring proof that there's

more to a cat than his fur coat.

Hang with us as we discover some fun facts about this fleshy feline.

Hi, I'm Leroy and I'm Rosie and this is Animal Facts.

Let's get started.

But, before we start, take a moment to like and subscribe for more fun, fauna facts.

Let us know about your kitty in the comments below.

We publish Every Monday and Friday, so hit that notification icon to not miss a single



The Sphynx is Canadian

You'd think that this hairless cat breed would be from somewhere warm like the tropics

or perhaps a dessert.

Despite such an ancient rooted Egyptian name, he hails from the land of ice and snow.

In fact, he was originally called the Canadian Hairless Cat.

He's been defying expectations since the mid-1960s when an Ontario domestic shorthair

cat gave birth to a hairless kitten, named Prune, the result of a natural genetic mutation.

Prune was bred to other cats in an attempt to create more hairless kittens.

But, because hairlessness in the Sphynx is a recessive gene, some of the kittens had

hair, while others did not.

Then, in the mid-1970s, two separate sets of hairless kittens were born to owners in

Toronto and Minnesota.

Thanks to various breeding efforts with Devon Rex cats, the Sphynx we love today was born.


The Sphynx is a high-energy clown

He is a high energy cat with the acrobatic prowess of a monkey.

The Sphynx is excellent at balancing, climbing atop doors and bookshelves, and even perching

on your shoulder like a bird.

He loves human attention and will perform his clownish shenanigans for the entertainment

of all.

The Sphynx is curious and mischievous, and these qualities, coupled with his high level

of intelligence, can make him a handful.

But, he is also a well-behaved and easy to handle breed.


He's a people kitty.

The Sphynx is loyal and affectionate toward his owners, even following you around the

house, wagging his tail.

The Sphynx is a true extrovert.

He will demand your undivided attention and hates to be ignored.

The Sphynx also does well with other animals, both cat-friendly dogs, and cats.

He learns tricks easily and loves the attention he receives from children who treat him politely

and with respect.

In fact, a study in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior ranked the Sphynx as the most affectionate

cat breed.

But, he does best as an indoor cat, since his charming qualities can get him into a

dangerous situation.


Yeah, baby yeah!

We don't gnaw on our kitty.


In 1997 a Sphynx named Ted Nude-Gent played the part of Mr. Bigglesworth in the popular

comedy film, Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, and again in 1999 in Austin

Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me.

In the latter movie, Ted Nude-Gent was joined by a "mini" version of himself, Mini Mr. Bigglesworth,

which was played by three Sphynx kittens: Mel Gibskin, Skindiana Jones, and Paul Nudeman.

Austin Powers: That's Dr. Evil's cat!

Vanessa Kensington: How can you tell?

Austin Powers: I never forget a pussy... cat.


Your epidermis is showing

At first glance, the Sphynx might look less like a cat and more like a naked mole rat.

If you pet him, however, you'll discover he's not actually hairless.

The Sphynx is covered with a fine layer of downy fuzz that resembles that of a peach.

While he's not plush to the touch, his coat feels akin to suede.


although the Sphynx is a "naked" cat, his skin pigment can vary in color and pattern.

The Sphynx comes in all colors and patterns, including white, black, red, chocolate, lavender,

various tabby patterns, tortoiseshell, calico, bicolor, and pointed and mink patterns.

The color is seen in the pigment of the skin as well as in whatever hair the cat has and

can sometimes be difficult to distinguish.

Something to note is that while he isn't completely hairless, he is in fact completely

sans whiskers.


He needs lots of grooming.

Think Sphynx kitties are super-clean because they don't have fur?

Think you're off the hook on grooming?Think again.

Despite its apparent lack of hair, it is important to groom your Sphynx.

For a regular cat, body oils are absorbed by the fur, but the Sphynx, clearly lacking

in that attribute, does not have a natural way of keeping the oil on his skin in balance.

This can lead to skin problems if your cat is not groomed, and to oil spots on the furniture.

A regular bathing routine at least once a week to remove the build-up of body oils is

sufficient to keep the skin healthy and the furniture clean.


The Sphynx eats a lot

Thanks to his fast metabolisms, attributed to being high energy and spending considerable

calories maintaining body heat, The Sphynx cat need more food than the average kitty.

This car requires almost 2 to 2.5 times more food than any other breed to keep his body

heat up.

Many owners find that giving the Sphynx 24-hour access to food is the best policy.


Sphynx kittens are heavily wrinkled, but as they grow the wrinkles smooth out, although

some remain throughout the cat's life.

Around the shoulders, between the ears, and around the muzzle is where the wrinkles should

be heaviest.

Wrinkles are not relegated solely to the Sphynx, they are present in other cats, too, but it

is more apparent in the Sphynx because of his lack of fur.


The Sphynx loves to be warm.

Expect him to find the warmest spot in the house and curl up with you whenever he can.

Some theories suggest that the reason the Sphynx is so friendly is because he depends

on his owners for warmth.

Due to his lack of fur this cat likes to rub his body against his owners as a means to

keep warm, even though his body is naturally 4 degrees warmer than other cat breeds.


The Sphynx cat has very dexterous toes.

He can use his toes like little fingers to pick up and investigate anything he find of


He can also easily manipulate small items with his toes.

With his high intelligence, nimble toes and the fact that he's already naked, we expect

this friendly kitty will become the next rulers of Earth.

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And as always catch ya next time.

For more infomation >> Sphynx Cats 101Fun Facts and Information - Animal Facts - Duration: 8:53.


How to draw a WHALE for kids - Duration: 2:11.

How to draw a WHALE for kids

For more infomation >> How to draw a WHALE for kids - Duration: 2:11.


JBL BOOMBOX Vs JBL Xtreme - Does Size Mean Everything? - Duration: 6:37.

The JBL Xtreme isn't as extreme anymore, the new top dog is the JBL Boombox.

If you're considering either choosing between these two speakers or even considering upgrading…

you probably want to know the main differences between these two speakers.

So which is right for you?

We're about to find out.

Don't forget to like comment and subscribe and you can watch my full review on the JBL

Boombox here after you're done watching this video.

When it comes to money theres a $150 price difference between the two speakers.

The JBL Boombox currently retails for $449.95 and the older JBL Xtreme currently retails

for $299.99 at most places.

But I've actually managed to find the JBL Xtreme for as low as $226 on amazon.

If you want to pick either of these speakers up I'll have links in the description below

and I'll keep them updated so you can get best the deal possible.

Design wise both of these speakers have the same characteristics.

Both of these speakers have the same nylon mesh weave on the outside that make the speakers

fairly rugged and repel almost everything.

They both have the same button layout on the top so you can control your music playback,

adjust the volume and even activate siri by pressing the play pause button.

They both have dual USB ports on the back so you can charge your own devices, they both

come included with a power brick and charge via their AC in ports, and they both have

AUX jacks.

They even have similar speaker set ups.

They both have dual woofers on the front, dual tweeters, and they both have passive

radiators on each side.

But obviously the larger size of the JBL Boombox means much larger diameter woofers, tweeters

and passive radiators.

All in all the JBL Boombox is almost 3 and half times bigger and weighs 2 and half times

more than the JBL Xtreme.

But the larger size of the BOOMBOX means it can house dual .79 inch diameter tweeters,

dual 4 inch woofers, and 4.17 inch diameter passive radiators on each side.

Where as the JBL Xtreme has dual 1.38 inch diameter tweeters, 2.48 inch woofers, and

2.87 inch diameter passive radiators on each side.

Although the JBL BOOMBOX is meant to be highly portable and has a built in carrying handle

that dosnt detach… it doesn't have the optional shoulder strap attachment like the

JBL Xtreme.

And even though the JBL Boombox only weighs 11 and half pounds it does get heavy after


Personally I think the JBL Boombox needs a shoulder strap option more than the JBL Xtreme.

Like JBL could have just added the little hooks right here.

Tech specs on either speaker are a little different.

The JBL Xtreme is using bluetooth 4.1 and has a slightly shorter range of 50 feet where

as the JBL Boombox is using bluetooth 4.2 and has a range of 70 feet.

But both of these speakers can connect to multiple devices at the same time, which is


Both of these speakers aren't afraid of a little water.

But the JBL Xtreme is only splash proof where as the JBL BOOMBOX is IPX 7 certified.

This means if the Xtreme gets a little wet you don't have to worry about it but if

it gets submerged under water you're gonna have a bad time.

But since the Boombox is IPX 7 certified it can get submerged under water without any


It can even float in water and keep playing music.

the first most noticeable upgrade to the JBL BOOMBOX is battery life.

I've found that with the boombox set in outdoor mode and at a moderate volume you

can get a battery life of 24 hours.

But if you use your Boombox in the slightly better sounding indoor mode at the same moderate

volume you should get a battery life of 21 hours.

Where as under the same conditions you should be able to get a battery life of 16 hours

on the JBL Xtreme which is technically more than its advertised battery life.

None the less both of these speakers have impressive battery lives that will last you

multiple listening sessions.

Regarding sound quality, these speakers perform very differently.

The JBL Boombox has over all better instrument separation and a wider sound stage.

It also has deeper bass, and theres even a hint of sub bass which is totally nonexistent

on the JBL Xtreme.

And to be clear, this is while the BOOMBOX is in the slightly better sounding indoor


The JBL Boombox also gets about 15 decibels louder than the JBL Xtreme.

When the JBL Xtreme is at 100% volume its like the JBL Boombox is at 70% volume.

Over all with the JBL Boombox, you're not just getting a louder speaker youre also getting

a better sounding speaker than the JBL Xtreme.

But another important thing to consider before buying either of these two speakers is compatibility.

The JBL Boombox is using JBL Connect Plus while the JBL Xtreme is using the older JBL


And this is more important than you think.

With JBL Connect plus you can sync up to 100 JBL connect plus enabled speakers.

Right now the JBL Boombox can connect with the JBL flip 4, or the JBL Pulse 3 cause they

are both using JBL Connect plus.

But the JBL Boombox can not sync with JBL speakers that are using the older JBL Connect.

So you can't pair the boombox with the JBL Xtreme, JBL Pulse 2, JBL Charge 3 or any other

older JBL speaker.

But representatives on JBL's forums have gone on record saying that the JBL Charge

3 should be a getting a firmware update this October so it can sync with JBL Connect Plus


And they have also stated that due to technological limitations the JBL Xtreme will never be able

to sync with JBL Connect plus enabled speakers.

So if you get the Boombox don't get upset if it wont pair with your older speakers.

And if you get the Xtreme don't get upset if it wont pair with any future JBL speakers

you might get.

So is having a better sounding and louder speaker with a slightly better battery life

worth a $150 premium… thats up to you to decide.

Personally I'm pleased with the JBL Boombox, but I did expect it to get louder.

If you decide to get the JBL Xtreme just keep in mind its probably on its way out.

I'm willing to bet JBL is going to announce the JBL Xtreme 2 at CES 2018.

But I'm not knocking the JBL Xtreme its still a solid speaker.

Now keep in mind, this isn't a full review either of these speakers, I'm just trying

to point out the most important differences between them so I can help you with your purchase


If you want to learn more about the JBL Boombox or hear a sound comparison between the Boombox,

Xtreme and charge 3 then tap the icon in the top right to watch the full review.

For more infomation >> JBL BOOMBOX Vs JBL Xtreme - Does Size Mean Everything? - Duration: 6:37.


The Secret Payoff of Being Introverted - Duration: 6:05.

The Secret Payoff of Being Introverted

Introverted individuals as a whole may at times come to be viewed by society as a shy,

weird, problematic, standoffish, reserved, and socially awkward bunch of people.

Some studies have pointed to introverts not having enough immune boosting properties to

ward off infection and pathogens in the environment, primarily because they tend to avoid large

gatherings and its perceived cesspool of germs.

Other studies point to a link between introversion, depression, and anxiety.

While these studies may point to a correlational link and nothing directly causal, it is unfortunate

that from a social and perhaps health viewpoint, introverts have come to be perceived this


In reality, we can learn a lot from their behavior, and keen level of introspection

and observation.

Let us examine the psychological health benefits of being an introvert, and why the unique

traits they possess could serve them well throughout life, and maybe in every chosen


Likewise, If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video

and subscribe to this channel so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the



Introverts truly listen.

Introverts can make good friends and confidants as they have mastered the art of truly listening,

making others feel heard, understood and acknowledged.


More action, less talk.

While introverts plan in terms of action, they engage in very little talk.

They can be truly more action-oriented than their extroverted mates, who at times just


Introverted individuals also seem more likely to complete goals they are working on, simply

because they actually get to it, and get into it.


Cautious or prudent.

While this can drive extroverts, or those in between, nuts, introverts think before


They analyze and ponder and usually end up executing decisions that they feel confident


Their lack of impulsivity can be a good thing.


Less obese.

Introverts tend to be more health conscious but, again, there are plenty of exceptions

to this rule.

The idea behind this theory is that they have more of a prudent personality in general,

and as a result more conscious of what goes into their bodies.



Introverts tend to be very creative, not just artistically, but also with regards to pursuing

opportunities that others may pass over for a variety of reasons.


Introspective and reflective.

Introverts take the time to reflect, with many of them reporting reflecting for a few

minutes at the end of the day.

This intuitively helps them to learn from their mistakes by trying to improve the next

day and gives them the inner confidence to see what they did right.


Great leaders.

Introverts can make great leaders with their good listening skills and high emotional intelligence.

This combination of traits can draw out the best qualities in their employees, keeping

them motivated and engaged.


They frown on people-pleasing.

While polite, introverts generally don't aim to please others, at the expense of their

own health, or resources.

They are able to naturally establish boundaries between work, social, and their personal lives.

This helps them to not over commit to certain obligations and then under deliver.

Usually they do the opposite.


They de-stress in times of distress.

Since introverts tend to reflect more than other types of personalities, they know what

to do when they feel stress coming on.

They listen to their bodies and minds, because they intuitively know that the two are inextricably



Enjoy solitude.

Introverts enjoy spending time by themselves.

Besides recharging when they feel drained, they truly enjoy their own company, because

they know themselves quite well, aren't afraid to be alone, and are at peace with


They also keep a small, but close network of friends, whom they trust by their side.


Dismiss noise.

Introverts find ways to decrease all of the mental and internal noise that consumes most

people daily.

This usually happens when they retreat into themselves, which others might call, going

into their shell.

This is a purposeful move.

Learn to emulate it.


Not all that concerned with what others think.

Even though everyone can fall prey to what others think, and it is perfectly normal,

introverts have projected a quiet, inner confidence that prevents them from getting trapped in

what other people may think of them.

Well, surely there are many more qualities to introverts than those stated on this video

that truly set them apart from others in a very positive way.

That being said, most people in this world are neither truly pure extroverts, nor truly

pure introverts.

Most fall somewhere in the middle, at times exhibiting different characteristics depending

on what is going on in their immediate environment.

Despite this notion, it should serve us well to learn from what makes this group so very

special and at times, very successful.

Doing so can enable you to slow down and live life more fully in the present, with the added

bonus of not being restrained by what others think of you.

This way, you can live the life you actually want.

So, Really cool information isn't it.

Please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> The Secret Payoff of Being Introverted - Duration: 6:05.


Crossbows & Cosplay - Ukraine Travelogue Part 2 - Duration: 8:15.

I told my guide Dmytro that I wanted a traditional Ukrainian meal, and he did not disappoint.

He recommended a restaurant out here called O'Panas, where I had a borsch, a pancake thing

with mushrooms on it, and Chicken Kiev, which was a lot like Chicken Cordon Bleu except

with more herby stuff in it.

Also the dessert was pretty cool.

I think I just ordered a pierogi filled with cherries.

But I think my favorite part of the evening was the live band, which was a three-piece:

accordion, lute, and fiddle.

The accordion player, while playing the accordion, alternated between tweeting like a bird and

saying "wahoo" like Mario.

If you think I'm joking...


[Tweeting like a bird]

I love Ukraine.

That's like drinking smoke!

With a little bit of apple?

Am I vaping?

Alright, no more of this Missile Base, Chernobyl, Eurovision business.

It was time for me to experience the REAL Ukraine.

I started by spending two very real days in a coffee shop logging footage from Chernobyl

so I didn't forget anything.

I had a few days left in Kiev, so thought I'd check out a local market to see if anyone

was selling video games.

They were, including classics like Doom 4.

Nearby was an open-air flea market where I spent hours scouring boxes of junk until I

found what I was looking for.


The original Dendy was a Famicom clone sold in the USSR, but these appear to be some sort

of Sega variant.

Or perhaps a bootleg of a bootleg.

I'd never seen a Dendy in person, and while these were in pretty rough shape, it was still

thrilling to find.

You can't go to Kiev in 2017 and not think about what happened here just three years


This central square, called Maidan, was the site of some fierce fighting between pro-independence

protesters and Ukrainian government forces.

It was not only the most beautiful part of the city I saw, but also the most powerful,

especially after walking a few blocks up the hill.

Memorials line the sidewalks and signs of the conflict are still visible.

The following day I left Kiev using a method I had never before used: a sleeper train.

This is way smaller than I thought it would be.

And very intimate.

And actually, for a second I thought I was going to get the compartment to myself but

a guy showed up at the last minute.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do now.

I really just should have booked this other bed, too.

But he was really nice, he even knew a little English, and we went to sleep pretty much

as soon as the train started moving so it wasn't that big of a deal.

The bed, however... not the most comfortable.

Nine hours later, we arrived 300 miles to the south in the city of Odessa.

When I got off the train, completely by coincidence, I met the ONLY OTHER PERSON I KNEW IN UKRAINE:

Nick, who had shown up at the Cloth Map meetup in Kiev.

We walked around and shot crossbows.

I got it in the yellow, so I'm happy.

By the way, it's true what they say: FIFA is pretty popular over here, especially at

a bar with a name like this.

After getting some coffee out of the back of a van, we walked over to see the Potemkin

Steps, which the movie nerd in me was pretty jazzed to see.

We couldn't actually climb them, or push any strollers down them, since they were under

construction, but it was still cool.

Aside from that, Odessa seemed pretty quiet.

But I had heard from a number of Ukrainians about a city called Lviv.

So I decided to call an audible and cut my Odessa time short to check it out.

So I woke up at four AM to catch my flight from Odessa to Kiev, where I am right now

because the plane was delayed a little bit and I missed my connection.

So I've been sitting in this airport for a few hours and I have a few hours to go before

getting on to Lviv.

My laptop is actually in my checked bag which is already in Lviv.


The day started in Lviv, as days often do, with cosplayers.

DREW: Are you from Bioshock?

BORIS: Yeah, sure!

DREW: Nice! Wow, that's perfect!

Boris and Julia were from Kharkiv, a city in the East, AKA where

war is happening.

Their trip out west to Lviv was for a convention, which they say sees smaller and smaller numbers

of attendees as the troubles in the country persist.

You never know who you're going to run into!

It's easy to see why Lviv is a vacation spot for Ukrainians; it's gorgeous.

Lviv already seems way more European, just from the architecture.

There's a lot of squares and statues around and stuff.

Lviv is also famous for its coffee.


This place, Lviv Coffee Mining Manufacture,

was a wonderland for any coffee nerd.

They made coffee the traditional Turkish style.

DREW: This is heated, and you move it around?

COFFEE MAN: This is sand. And it will burn quickly.

DREW: Oh, okay.

First you drink the liquor, then you drink the coffee.

So I've been told.

That's really good!

It's sweet.

It's kinda fruity.

You can also tour the "mine" which basically amounts to a giant bar in the basement, something

every respectable business should have.

This place served coffee with cardamom.

It's really weird.

Then, and I'm still not really sure how this happened, I got roped into a group of

travel bloggers.

I essentially crashed a media tour sponsored by the city of Lviv.

Before I knew it I was having lunch on Lviv's dime in a World War II-resistance-themed restaurant,

complete with password.

GROUP: [Secret Ukrainian phrase] GUARD: America!

WOMAN: [Coughing] DREW: That's good stuff!

We went to a brewery with a museum in the basement.

Tastes like Grape Nuts.

I had too many glasses of this cherry liqueur, which was incredibly tasty.

We met the Mayor.

Then there was fire.

It was a delightful and insane day in Lviv.

BARTENDER: Budmo! Budmo! Budmo!

GROUP: Hey! Hey! Hey!

But I still had few plane rides to go before things got really weird.

Flight one.

Flight two.

Flight three.

For more infomation >> Crossbows & Cosplay - Ukraine Travelogue Part 2 - Duration: 8:15.


If Cell Phone Commercials Were Honest - Hones Ads (iPhone, Android) - Duration: 3:32.

- Let me ask you something.

How important is it for you to feel connected?

No, not to your friends and family.

I mean to people you don't really know or like

across the Internet.

If the answer is "very,"

perhaps I can interest you in this pocket box.

Introducing the iHorton BS,

what number are we on?

8 (laughs).

It's functionally the same as the BS7,

but I gave it some barely noticeable upgrades

and put a different metal case on it,

so now it costs $850 (chuckles).

Rose gold, we made that one up.

- But I got my iHorton BS7 just a couple months ago,

and it's working fine.

- Oh, jeez.

One second.

(phone beeps)

Just sent out an update.

- Oh, okay.

Yeah, it's bad now.

- Glad to hear it.

See, I can use anti-piracy laws to force updates on you

that make your pocket box objectively worse.

Oh, and if you want to sell it

or give it to a family member,

I can also "lock" your pocket box

so it has no second life value.

Even though it's yours.

And I will.

I guarantee it.

- Wait, this doesn't make any sense.

It says my memory is already full,

but I basically just got it.

- That's because pocket box comes

with a handful of stock apps you'll never use

and which are impossible to delete.

Oh, and if you don't update them regularly,

they can cause the whole thing to freeze up.

That's called built-in obsolescence

and it comes with every box, free of charge.

That's my promise to you.

Now before I forget,

I legally need to say that your pocket box

may not be safe to keep in your pocket.

Something about waves or exploding batteries.

I don't have to be more specific than that

thanks to the neat little phrase,

"Caveat Emptor" or "buyer beware."

It basically says we don't have to tell the truth,

because you should assume pocket box companies

are going to lie a little right out of the gates.

Anyway, the BS8 is twice as fast,

weighs negative pounds,

and can repair your relationship with your father.

Kind of trust me.

Yes sir, you may be thinking to yourself,

where are these little gifts from the heavens created?


Close, warehouses.

We find it's actually easier and cheaper

to have workers make them for pennies

and we put nets around the factory

so they can't kill themselves in the middle of their shift.

So you see, Heaven has nothing to do with it.

Enjoying your new iHorton, son?

- Yeah, I mean, it's got a bunch of obvious design flaws

and my bill just went up for some reason,

but I don't know.

How do I look?

- Grand!

And that's exactly why you need one.

I'm not really selling you progress.

I'm selling you the feeling

of owning something new and cool.

And can you really put a price on that?

- Well, I paid it in installments,

so it's actually more.

- I can.

That price is eight hundred and fifty dollars.

Which is a lot.

I agree, but if I charge you less,

you don't seem to want to buy it.

You seem to prefer things that are overpriced

and it's frankly, weird.

The IHorton BS8.

Sorry, BS8S now.

It also takes phone calls,

but you won't answer them.

Okay, I've been Roger.

For more infomation >> If Cell Phone Commercials Were Honest - Hones Ads (iPhone, Android) - Duration: 3:32.


Try Not To Laugh Challenge: Funny Kids Fails Compilation 2017 | Cute Baby Kids Fails Videos - Duration: 10:05.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Try Not To Laugh Challenge: Funny Kids Fails Compilation 2017 | Cute Baby Kids Fails Videos - Duration: 10:05.


BREAKING 100 EMERALD BLOCKS! (LUCKY?) | Growtopia - Duration: 11:31.

Hey guys welcome back to a brand new video!

Today I'll be breaking 100 Emerald Blocks.

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