Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 14 2018

you are undertaking a project and not

you have clear how to make your marketing

digital day today I want to

Several recommendations to set

a strategy of digital marketing


Hello my name is Juan Merodio and

Welcome to the new video

If this is your first time if you want to learn

all the tricks on digital marketing

and how to be an entrepreneur success

Subscribe to my channel launch is not

something simple and free

even though many times with all

digital tools can

think they are there to use them

totally free as can

ser facebook twitter o youtube y con

ello conseguir buenos resultados en

nuestro proyecto

lamento decirte que esto no es del todo

cierto gracias a todas estas

herramientas digitales a día de hoy

podemos emprender un proyecto y hacer

marketing de una manera más económica a

como se hacía hace 15 ó 20 años pero aún

así si quiere realmente tener resultados

de best planificar una mínima inversión

que esté acorde al tipo de proyecto que

estás lanzando y al sector en el cual

quieras introducirlo por lo tanto antes

de lanzar cualquier estrategia y campaña

de marketing digital

tengo muy bien estructurado tu plan de

negocio y tu plan financiero para saber

qué dinero necesitas invertir y cómo lo

vas a conseguir porque sino una buena

idea puede quedarse sólo en eso en una

buena idea por una falta en la

planificación de los recursos necesarios

la primera inversión en marketing

digital debe ir hacia ti es decir

invierten formarte en aquellos temas de

marketing digital que consideras que van

a apoyar tu proyecto emprendedor para

ello puede recurrir desde a cursos

presenciales cursos online webinars y

books libros y cualquier otra opción

online u offline que te haga aprender es

importante que aprendas unos conceptos

básicos a nivel de estrategia y táctica

de marketing digital no sólo para que

puedas implementarlo de mejor manera en

tu proyecto emprendedor sino también por

si vas a contratar a alguna agencia o

profesional que te ayude a poder estar

seguro de que contratas a la persona más

adecuada y de que está haciendo las

cosas en el buen camino ya que visto

muchos proyectos emprendedores que no

han acabado de despegar porque las cosas

no se estaban haciendo de la manera más

adecuada ya que el emprendedor selección

a una persona que no era la más acertada


para su proyecto y no estaba trabajando

como debía

el siguiente paso debe ser crear una web

o una tienda online según el negocio que

están montando obviamente y debes verla

como la base de tu estrategia digital y

no digital ya que recuerda cuando

alguien quiera saber algo de tu empresa

o de tu producto

lo más probable es que vaya a google y

te busqué y lo primero que encontrará

será tu página web por lo que una página

web que no esté alineada con los

objetivos de tu proyecto emprendedor

limitar a tus posibilidades de éxito

puede que pienses que la web no es tan

importante pero ten en cuenta que es

decisiva para dar confianza al cliente y

aunque tu producto no se venda

directamente online o que son las

principales razones por las que muchas

veces pensamos que la web no es tan

importante pero sí influye y mucho en la

toma de decisión ya que como te decía

que buscarán para consultar más

información sobre ti o sobre tu producto

y si la imagen que transmite es no es la

adecuada pueden cambiar de opinión e

irse a la competencia

si la ue no está correctamente

construida ten por seguro que el resto

de acciones digitales que realices como

posicionamiento en buscadores publicidad

digital email marketing redes sociales

no tendrán todos los buenos resultados

que podrían tener por lo que invertir en

la web que necesitas dará un giro

radical a tu proyecto

el siguiente paso debe ser el marketing

de contenidos es decir genera contenidos

en el formato y canales que tu audiencia

es más activa y usa la publicidad

digital para hacer llegar ese contenido

a quien pueda ser tu potencial cliente

esta es una de las partes donde vas a

necesitar la inversión publicitaria de

la que te hablaba al principio ya que si

te limitas a crear un perfil en una red

social por ejemplo facebook y a publicar

tus contenidos

verás como impacto que genera es

prácticamente nulo y además no será

segmentado al público que te interesa lo

que se traduce como una falta de

conversiones y por lo tanto en él no

generar negocio en tu proyecto recuerda

que la velocidad es un factor de éxito y

de inversión en publicidad digital te

ayudará a alcanzar la velocidad que

necesitas en tu proyecto emprendedor

para hacerlo rentable lo antes posible

por otro lado el contenido te ayudará y

posicionando en el tiempo tu marca en

los buscadores y con ello en la mente de

tu potencial cliente

esto es una estrategia que debe

valorarla a largo plazo no pero si estás

montando un proyecto emprendedor es

porque quieres que tu negocio dure

muchos años por lo que debes trabajar en

estrategias a corto medio y largo plazo

al mismo tiempo otro punto que debe

trabajar es la atención al cliente tanto

digital como no digital ya que lo que

digan de ti puede llevarte al éxito o al


es por ello que la reputación cada día

coge más fuerza a la hora de lanzar un

proyecto y ponerlo en el mercado y esto

es la suma de medios offline y online

crear la reputación que quieres como

emprendedor es un trabajo que lleva una

planificación y una inversión ya que

debes trabajar por crear la reputación

que quiere es que tenga tu proyecto y

evitar que otros la creen por ti

las redes sociales juegan en tu negocio

un papel fundamental a la hora de poner

los contenidos delante de tus clientes

por lo que puedes y debes crear una

comunidad en torno a tu marca que te

ayude tanto en la generación de nuevos

clientes como el mantenimiento de los

que vayas captando por ello debes

analizar qué redes sociales son las más

interesantes para tu negocio en función

de dónde esté tu audiencia y también

teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de

recursos que dispone es para generar

contenido para cada red social ya que es

un error generar un único tipo de

contenido y distribuirlo por igual en

todas las redes sociales pensando que de

esta manera vas a tener un mayor alcance

importante el alcance debes basarlo en

la calidad y no en el número de personas

a las que quieres llegar las redes

sociales son además un excelente canal

de comunicación y de atención al cliente

con los usuarios y además sobre todo en

el caso de empresas vitulli un gran

generador de captación de potenciales

clientes es decir leeds donde usando

técnicas de creación de contenido y

redireccionamiento de una llamada a la

acción a tu web o una landing page

pueden hacer que gran cantidad de

potenciales clientes interesen en tus

productos y servicios a los que luego

mediante una labor comercial ya sea a

través de iu

el teléfono y otros canales de ayudar a

convertir un porcentaje de esos usuarios

en clientes reales

otro factor que no debes perder de vista

es la parte de influenciadores y puede

que esto te suene sólo para empresas

establecidas no pero esto no es así ya

que a la hora de emprender un proyecto

podemos utilizar la llamada micro

influencia es decir localizar y

colaborar con aquellos usuarios que sin

tener miles de seguidores pueden

ayudarte a crear una estrategia de

posicionamiento de marca a un coste muy

asumible lo que te ayudará a aumentar la

velocidad de tu proyecto y la

credibilidad del mismo

para ello el primer paso debe ser crear

un mapa de influenciadores y ver cómo

establecer una colaboración con ellos no

tiene por qué ser económica no sino que

puede basarse en un intercambio en

especie donde les envías tu producto o

le das acceso a tu servicio para poder

usar libremente y si ellos lo consideran

interesante para su audiencia lo

compartirán en sus canales ayudándote

aumentar la promoción y la visibilidad

de tu nuevo proyecto así como la

reputación del mismo

paralelamente a trabajar la imagen de tu

nuevo proyecto yo te recomendaría

trabajar tu marca personal ya que

alineada a tu proyecto emprendedor

podrás conseguir dos canales diferentes

para dar a conocer tus productos y


te puedo decir que esto es una

estrategia que llevo usando muchos años

con unos resultados excelentes

eso sí la marca personal es una

estrategia a largo plazo por lo que

planifica como te dije inicialmente

acciones en el corto medio y largo plazo

a la vez

otro punto y además fundamentales la

analítica de datos es decir captar y

analizar tantos datos como te sea

posible de los diferentes canales ya sea

a prueba tus redes sociales cualquier

canal que estés utilizando no con el

objetivo de saber si las acciones van

por el buen camino y de no ser así tomar

acción y cambiar lo antes posible

mi recomendación es que analices datos

no te voy a decir diariamente pero sin

mínimos semanalmente inviertas unap

cantidad de tiempo suficiente en este

análisis para poder sacar conclusiones e

ir adaptando su estrategia de negocio en

función de estos datos con la captura y

análisis de datos como una de

tus prioridades de negocio porque es una

de las informaciones más valiosas a la

hora de llevar tu proyecto al éxito y

para finalizar me gustaría mencionar

themis diez claves como emprendedor

donde además te dejo en la descripción

del vídeo un enlace donde habló más en

detalle de ellas uno improvisa desde la


2 aprende de tus clientes y de toda la

persona que puedas 3 sueña y trabaja por

lo imposible 4 práctica los cinco nunca

has de steve jobs nunca darse por

vencido nunca aparentar nunca mantenerse

inmóvil nunca vivir en el pasado y nunca

dejar de soñar 5 reinventa y mejor

alimentado 6 observa tu alrededor y ve

lo que otros no ven

7 fórmate a diario lee libros ve vídeos

aprende de los mejores ocho

falla controladamente tanto como puedas

9 trabaja tu marca personal día a día y


sigue tu instinto es la inteligencia más

poderosa que tienes

pues mira yo realmente en latinoamérica

llevo trabajando por allí pues casi

siete años prácticamente vivir en

colombia en méxico hecho cosas hecho

conferencia se trabajado con políticos a

nivel de afais intento al tema de

marketing digital y campañas políticas y

luego realmente me core del negocio

bueno yo trabajo está todo rodeado de mi

marca personal vale mi marca personal al

final tengo un equipo detrás de ella

entonces pues básicamente gran parte del

tiempo yo me dedico a generar contenidos

con más visto de youtube y otros canales

top la parte de whatsapp

me parece súper interesante porque ellos

un canal que desde mi marca personal lo

manejó desde hace años ya y tiene muchas

limitaciones y a día de hoy todavía no

ha encontrado una herramienta que

funcione bien para lo que yo quiero y te

soy sincero y eso canal la fao el guasón

business y estoy con él pero realmente

herramientas para temas de atención al

cliente si hay cosas pero para temas un

poco más de comunicación ahí no he visto

todavía nada así que sería genial poder

ver lo voy a probar porque visto lo

visto a mí me resulta interesante no y

aparte yo siempre pongo mi

funcionamiento y utilizó distintas

herramientas en mi marca personal pero

luego cuando yo uso las herramientas son

las que recomiendan

clientes porque al final siempre si te

utilizó un webchat el que yo uso le

recomiendo a mis clientes porque al

final le recomiendo lo que consideró que

es mejor y yo uso lo que consideró que

es mejor para mí y quiero conocer tu

opinión por lo que dejan los comentarios

con el hashtag marketing digital que

añadirías para que los emprendedores

tengamos éxito con el marketing en

internet entre todos los comentarios de

los videos del mes soltar en mi curso on

line de estrategia de marketing digital

si te ha gustado este vídeo y quieres

que siga haciendo más vídeos como éste

dará me gusta y suscríbete a mi canal y

si quieres descargarte gratuitamente en

mis libros

puedes hacerlo ahora mismo desde el

enlace mi blog que te dejo en la

descripción del video

qué no

For more infomation >> Marketing Digital para EMPRENDEDORES - Duration: 12:23.


Kiko Matamoros y Makoke buscan al topo que les ha reventado la boda - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Kiko Matamoros y Makoke buscan al topo que les ha reventado la boda - Duration: 4:30.


Sin perder la sonrisa - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Sin perder la sonrisa - Duration: 2:53.


Ayudando desde el cielo - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Ayudando desde el cielo - Duration: 1:19.


Kid Awesomerus [Spanish Fandub] - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Kid Awesomerus [Spanish Fandub] - Duration: 1:31.


Munné - Bs. As. Bajo las Bombas (Full Album) - Duration: 26:37.

For more infomation >> Munné - Bs. As. Bajo las Bombas (Full Album) - Duration: 26:37.


Puigdemont, nuestro copiloto - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Puigdemont, nuestro copiloto - Duration: 1:26.


50 Fact about Sophie Evans - Duration: 9:55.

Hi! I'm Sophie Evans

I'm ex-porn actress and this is

50 facts about me

50 facts about Sophie Evans

I'm hungarian

I live in Spain, a lot of time here

I love travel but

I always go back to Barcelona, is my home

my favourite dish are hungarian dishes

I love goulash

I love hungarian pies

but normally I take care of my body so I eat healthy

I have 3 pets. 2 dogs and 1 kitty

my cat is Tigresse, a wild kitty

my american bully is Teddy, like a little bear

my french bulldog is Cornelio

I have one scar on my knee

I fell skiing and have a ligament surgery

I love porn in my personal life

I like watch porn movies I don't know the performers

is difficult cause I know a lot of people in porn industry

when I see a video who appears somebody I know

it mess me up, I see it in a different way

is not the same. I appreciate them and they do a good

hot videos, but I like to see people I don't know.

my favourite color is black

my favourite film...

I love Amelie

I like so much

The Godfather

I like a lot of music genres

I like electronic music

I love Richie Hawtin and Portishead to make love

I like gangsta, rap... when I wake up something quiet

when I'm with somebody

to go to party I like harder electronic music

I could get obsessed for love, for a man... a lot

I get sad the injustice, terrorism...

when I see injustice with kids

this kind of things

it can make me laugh banal or ironic things

I like black humor

I love laugh and I think is

a primordial thing to be happy

I love to be wonderwoman

and be able to do everything

I'm an introvert person just for few things

because later I'm an exhibitionism person

I like so much having sex in front of people

and see they are excited

in that way I'm very extrovert

but in my personal stuff I'm introvert

I save those just for myself

is difficult to me say no

I don't believe in paranormal stuff

the truth is that I'm not superstitious

I believe in the things that I can see and touch

I believe in myself

the first gig I went

I was younger and I was in love

of a guy who plays in a band in Hungary

It was in first gigs, I was in first line like a groupie

so later in known bands I went to see Metallica

and no much more... the truth is I'm more of disco party

I love to se documentaries

about animals, landscapes...

about other countries

about people

with weird lifes

about unknown cultures for me

I fall in love easily and

I fall in love a lot, this is the truth

I get obsessed a lot, later passed off but

when I fall in love, I fall in love a lot, yes

I had few jobs before doing porn because

I started very young

I was in the university and

I was working in a restaurant too

next summer I went to Greece

and was working as stripper

so, from stripper... step by step I started in porn

I don't look for, but it appears suddently

I studied production

and at university I studied psychology career

no, I don't be a home person

But I'm comfortable in home...

but I feel better if party time!

my most appreciated treasure are my pets

because they are always with me

they welcome me with joy and love

their company is a treasure for me

I'm not a really good chef, but if I have time

I like to prepare an elaborated dish

dishes from my country because here in Spain

I don't found them

and if I found them they don't cook as I like

the truth is there's a long time I don't read books

since were released smartphones

I read articles about health, psychologic, porn...

I'm piscis but in the limit with aquarius

so, I have never known exactly what I am

I don't believe in horoscope

I'm not a good dyer

I liked to draw cats and dogs, and dirty things haha

I'm a little bit maniac

when I have an idea of what's the way to do things

I like it to go my way

I buy a lot of things. Things that I don't need

Stuff that I paid attention in the moment

when I go shopping, I like nothing or I like everything

there's no middle ground

it depends how I feel that day, so I buy more things

later I think... why you bought all of these??

my first tattoo I did is this panther here

that wear Betty Page in its back

a draw in Playboy

but doing shows didn't see good

and people said me please do it bigger so we can see it

in the end I did it bigger, but not the same design

I love my tattoo, for me represents strong

femininity and elegance

but I don't want to do more tattoos

I'm 1'76m... 1'78m I don't know exactly

I like feel myself as tall girl, a big girl

Yes, I'm clumsy

nothing gives me bad, everything I do well hahaha no!

for example... I'm bad at driving

I'm in a hurry and I'm clueless

and yes.. I can say I drive very bad

I love men's perfume

when I like a man and I'm feel attracted by him

his perfume is the best for me, I love it I'm very sensitive

I like the job that Leonardo DiCaprio is doing to save animals

to make us conscious that we are doing with the planet

in all of our actions

I have a lot of admiration for him now

I 'm attracted to men who are mentally strong

men with clear ideas, dominant men

physically large men

and if he's good in bed he has already got me

I not ask for much hahaha

I like too much coffee

I'm a nervous person, to top it all I drink many coffees

I like strong coffees, like men

I don't use glasses or lenses

I use a lot of sunglasses because I have clear eyes

and I'm very sensitive to the light

what I hate most is lying, makes me angry

I believe in karma

I think it came to me good things because

I try to do the thing with the best intentions

I like to conquer and I like to be conquered

I like to change roles

I never have disastrous dates

I think I have a good eye for the kind of man I like

I don't date with many men, I don't have many dates

when I have one, normally have a good ending

a perfect day...

sleep a lot, breakfast, make love...

laugh a lot, go to the beach,

meet my friends, watch a movie, go to bed...

have a lot of sex haha a good massage and

sleep with somebody I like a lot. This is a perfect day

If I could, I would like to be invisible

look things that I don't see

I have very good memories from my childhood

there's nice memories

and I have very goo memories from travels...

or problems... remembering

overcomed problems are very valuable for me

I try to live in a way that... if someone tell me I just have

1 month left of life, I would have done the same

Maybe I would visit more my family because they're far

but... basically I would do the same that actually I do

if I have a boyfriend, I sleep with him. I like to sleep

with someone I love, but now I'm single

and I sleep with a lot of pillows. I love to sleep hugged

I'm a nocturnal animal. The night have a special magic

the last place I visited was Greece. I saw the Acrópolis

I had more time to visit and learn more about it

and I loved it!

I work in Bagdad Show and there's a live shows

and some of them the public can participate

it was very hard... yesterday

I introduce a person from the public to the stage

with a trans person, and they start to interact

and he introduce also his brother

and later they have kissed each other, two brothers....

I'm a very open mind person, but this has seemed to me

too strong

I don't regret having done porn

I feel lucky to have worked on something I've had fun

It has allowed me to travel and meet very interesting people

If I could go back, I don't change nothing

I hope you enjoyed meeting me a little more

See you!!

For more infomation >> 50 Fact about Sophie Evans - Duration: 9:55.


Indirecta de Puigdemont a ERC - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Indirecta de Puigdemont a ERC - Duration: 1:17.


Estas últimas semanas... [CC] - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> Estas últimas semanas... [CC] - Duration: 6:49.


Why Microneedling Needs to be Done Precisely if Previous Silicone Injections were Done on the Face - Duration: 9:03.

Thank you for your question.

You submitted your question without a photo.

And you ask in your question how effective is microneedling in improving skin texture.

Further you describe that you want to know about the depth of the needles will go because

you're concerned about having undergone silicone injection years prior and certainly

that is an area of concern.

Well, I can certainly share with you how I counsel my patients when it comes to skin

texture and improvement.

It certainly is a big part of a practice like mine focused on a lot of facial aging.

A little bit of background, I'm a Board-certified cosmetic surgeon and Fellowship-trained oculofacial

plastic and reconstructive surgeon.

I have been in practice in Manhattan and Long Island for over 20 years.

Microneedling as well as the use of lasers and radiofrequency technology as well as the

use of PRP and injectables is part of the routine in my practice every day.

So I can give you some sense of how I would speak to a patient who has similar concerns.

It is certainly an important part of your evaluation to always explain that you did

have silicone injections.

In our area practicing in New York City, we've had a handful of doctors who were big proponents

of silicone injections and certainly, there are a lot of people who have had these procedures


What we've seen over time is, although the silicone itself is permanent, the skin is


And that the skin becomes thinner as you age and there are some people who can have some

irregularities and you can actually see the silicone.

And others you don't really see it but you're aware that they do have it.

Now it is important for you to recognize where or at least if you can be able to tell your

practitioner where in the skin the silicone is.

A lot of times, patients have come to us who got silicone injections done for the vertical

lines around the lips to plump their lips, to place it at the borders of the lips or

the body of the lips as well as for some lines.

And they always describe that the doctors to putting very minute amounts and that's

kind of the standard that has been practiced.

The trouble is that silicone can potentially cause inflammation.

And inflammation from silicone can occur as an immune response years after it's placed.

It is an area of concern in my mind that if you were to do microneedling and the needles

were to penetrate the capsule that's around the silicone, there is potential for leakage,

there is potential for inflammation.

So if you cannot with clear certainty state where the silicone is, I would probably hold

off on doing microneedling.

If you are going to do it, maybe you can try doing it at limited areas but I would be concerned

about that.

When it comes to a conversation about skin texture, I would say that a lot of times what

patients describe as texture is a combination of volume loss in the dermis which is the

backbone of the skin that provides its structure as well as volume loss in the deeper levels

which includes the bone, muscle and fat.

Then last and the most superficial level is the epidermis.

Now the epidermis is sometimes overlooked in the aesthetic field because we're so

focused on restoring a lot of other more obvious areas.

So I tend to take an inside out approach.

So when you look at your skin and you think that the skin looks rough, well it could be

also that there is an opportunity to use an injectable filler at the deep level such as

what we do in our practice, a procedure called Structural Volumizing.

When we do Structural Volumizing, we're placing a long lasting filler like Juvederm

Ultra Plus, Juvederm Voluma at the bone level.

Now the argument for doing that to treat texture is that when you restore this volume which

has been lost by bone loss, you can actually give the skin some stretch and not over stretch

but restore some volume.

And when you restore volume, you actually get a more even looking texture.

This is often mimicked sometimes when patients do a mirror lift when they pull their skin

up and back.

But if you restore volume, we've seen this when we've done this for patients who have

acne scars.

You put volume at the deeper level, the skin fills out and the scars look less deep.

At the dermal level, you may consider some use of a filler such as a softer filler or

a less viscous filler.

Again, be aware of where the silicone is and it may or may not be optimal.

When it comes to the more superficial or the epidermis, there is a layer called the stratum

corneum which is the top layer of dead skin cells.

There are a lot of different modalities to help keep that area refreshed.

And it is very important for skin function to have a turnover and this is something people

know about but is often not optimized.

It's kind of like exercise.

Everyone knows to exercise but not everyone does it in the best way that suits them and

benefits them.

So in our practice, we do something called Hydrafacial.

And it's become my go-to when treating the epidermis.


Because Hydrafacial is essentially a technology that uses the concepts and principles of microneedling

and dermabrasion but uses water and it takes off the top layer of skin.

And at the same time, you can infuse active ingredients such as glycolic acid and you

can certainly have a texture improvement.

If you do that with consistency, I think you'll find a potential value in using this type

of modality.

So think deep and think superficial.

And depending on the extent of silicone in the backbone of your skin, in the dermis,

you may or may not be someone who would benefit from other injectable fillers in those areas.

So meet with qualified, experienced cosmetic doctors who can potentially help you in this

way and learn about your options and see if you can get a sense of exactly where the silicone

was placed so your doctor can be strategic and optimize their approach.

So I hope that was helpful, I wish you the best of luck and thank you for your question.

For more infomation >> Why Microneedling Needs to be Done Precisely if Previous Silicone Injections were Done on the Face - Duration: 9:03.


【LadyBeard's Cooking!!】It´s easy! How to make cute Valentine Choco using ballons!! 【LadyBeard】 - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> 【LadyBeard's Cooking!!】It´s easy! How to make cute Valentine Choco using ballons!! 【LadyBeard】 - Duration: 4:22.


La PANTERA ROSA en Español - Travesuras en Rosa - Capitulos 2018 - Duration: 7:14.

For more infomation >> La PANTERA ROSA en Español - Travesuras en Rosa - Capitulos 2018 - Duration: 7:14.


Los problemas económicos hacen que Carlos Lozano tome una drástica decisión - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Los problemas económicos hacen que Carlos Lozano tome una drástica decisión - Duration: 3:45.


Nitro Racing GO – Official Android Trailer || T-Bull - Duration: 0:31.

Have you ever wanted to drive the fastest cars in the most luxurious cities?

Go bumper to bumper with your rivals!

Win, collect unique cards and upgrade your ride!

Challenge your friends and show them who's best!

Start building your position in the world of idle street racing!

Download Nitro Racing GO NOW!

Finally available on Google Play!

For more infomation >> Nitro Racing GO – Official Android Trailer || T-Bull - Duration: 0:31.


Casas cúbicas de Rotterdam.Holanda #17 - Duration: 4:18.

You have heard many times about the cubic houses of Rotterdam, but what are they and where are they?

It is a housing complex totally

habitable, located on Overblaak Street, very close to the market, the

station and the cathedral of the city.

The cubic houses of Rotterdam are of the most emblematic attractions of

the city. Designed by the architect Dutch Piet Blom, this urbanization

is unique, since their houses are literally cubes inclined at 45 °.

Inaugurated in 1984 the houses cubic were designed by the

Dutch architect Piet Blom a end of the 70s

at the request of planners urban areas of the city.

Blom had previously experienced with the cubic architecture in the city

Dutch Helmond, so when you were offered this

project in the downtown area of ​​Oude Haven decided to expand his ideas


The city of Rotterdam asked the architect who will use the idea of

houses in a pedestrian area of ​​the city.

The cubic houses were designed asymmetrically to resemble a forest

abstract, each triangular roof representing the crown of a tree.

The buildings were built on concrete pillars with a wooden framework.

After the discomfort caused by us visitors, a cunning

owner opened the house museum kijk kubus, which gives the opportunity to

Visitors visiting a cubic house completely furnished.

It also puts some of the day-to-day problems with

have to face the residents, like buy and place furniture in a

structure without straight walls.

Inside the cubic houses.

With a height of three floors the ground floor is the entrance, the first has an open kitchen and a living room, the

second to the bathroom and two bedrooms and in some cases the upper floor is

used as a small roof garden.

Once inside the first thing to what you will have to get used to the walls

inclined, as long as the upper half of the structure you'll have

the feeling of having to pay attention not to hit your head.

The architect Piet Blom turned 45 ° the conventional cube of a house and

emplaced on shaped pillars hexagonal. There are 32 cubes in total,

some next to others. All the houses are inhabited.

The majority of the houses are private property,

another part of the Stayokey hostel, so you can sleep in a

of these homes during your stay in the city of Rotterdam.

End our visit here by one of the icons of Rotterdam,

if you liked do not forget to subscribe and Like, until next time!

For more infomation >> Casas cúbicas de Rotterdam.Holanda #17 - Duration: 4:18.


What Happens When You Apply Turmeric on Your Skin - Benefits of Turmeric for Skin and Face - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> What Happens When You Apply Turmeric on Your Skin - Benefits of Turmeric for Skin and Face - Duration: 3:32.


Relaxing Instrumental Study ...

For more infomation >> Relaxing Instrumental Study ...


KIND AG - KIDS INC. Official Trailer - Deutsche Untertitel - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> KIND AG - KIDS INC. Official Trailer - Deutsche Untertitel - Duration: 6:20.


Rainbow Six: Siege - kampania content marketingowa - Duration: 2:40.

How to conduct a successful game campaign

and make it interesting for a new crowd?

We know how!

RAINBOW SIX: SIEGE Content Marketing Campaign

The effect of collaboration with Ubisoft and Monday communication agency

was a content marketing campaign

conducted by Onet RAS group

Including video materials like:

Episode of Onet Rano, where Jarosław Kuźniar

interviewed GROM ex-special forces officer

Lt. Krzysztof Przepiórka

Onet 100" material

regarding realism in video games based on RS6

or interviews with one of the best

RS6 players in Poland Bartek 'Mr.Nobody' Orliński

And a renowned youtuber Jakub 'Kromka' Górka

Additionally in esport segment

of a gaming show 'Pograne'

we've placed RS6 as a rising star

of electronic sports

Among titles gaining popularity in esport environment

one can name the first person shooter

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, popular MMO game – World of Tanks

or Rainbow Six: Siege

The latter title has a chance of becoming next esports 'classic',

Combining hero diversity with mechanics resembling CS:GO

The subject was supported by a context campaign

introducing the game's world

and informing about a free weekend

with Rainbow Six: Siege


Reaching highest amount of people

that might be interested in the game

Has it been reached?

The numbers speak for themselves!

637 00 unique viewers of Onet Rano episode (with average viewership of 350 000)

580 000 unique viewers of episode's retransmission

310 000 unique viewers of 'Pograne' episode

Over 250 000 unique users,

that have received context materials

The whole campaign achieved

an incredible result:

1 780 000 unique viewers!

For more infomation >> Rainbow Six: Siege - kampania content marketingowa - Duration: 2:40.


Brist Podaca Zaostrog Drvenik - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> Brist Podaca Zaostrog Drvenik - Duration: 11:06.


迪麗熱巴含淚退出跑男團,《奔跑吧》回歸7人組,熱搜控評祝福更好的演員熱巴!網友:大家都不敢說真話啊! - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> 迪麗熱巴含淚退出跑男團,《奔跑吧》回歸7人組,熱搜控評祝福更好的演員熱巴!網友:大家都不敢說真話啊! - Duration: 2:36.


Splatoon 2 Rainmaker Commentary - MY BEST MLG KILL! - Duration: 4:07.

we are finally back in splatoon 2 and today we're gonna be doing splatoon 2

Rainmaker commentary let's go Rainmaker commentary I'm gonna stop them in the

campaign because nobody was really watching it nobody really seemed

interested in it so we're just gonna start deleting gameplays on Wednesdays

so it's pretty sweet I'm a C in ranked battles because I suck at life um so

yeah I'm gonna do some Rainmaker unranked battles let's go but before we

get into this video guys make sure to smash that like button if you are hype

for me to suck at write maker if you're at all new to my channel make sure to

hit that subscribe button and notification bell after driving down in

club and never miss a video so let's do some Rainmaker I'm using the Dooley

sculptures I just really like to do a sculptures I don't know why um it's just

I hate the bomb the bomb thing like I don't know what's the official name for

it is but yeah we have the Rainmaker so that's pretty sweet

get out of here you nerds rawr Oh with the double kill oh snap

are there any other dudes okay um I can I love them I love using the way just in

general oh snap go away dang it okay we lost it but oh shoot let me squid drunk

that might just be faster I'm just gonna help them out this way I'll know they

have it gosh darn it Oh No how dare you we lost the lead no no what

are you doing why doesn't my okay first of all why didn't my teammate the person

who had the brain man why don't they just go why don't they just in there

okay go away no get out all right shit at this fine they lost it alright go go

go you mean that okay okay okay

no no no gosh dang it it's so hard to do this I don't have my

glasses either my glasses are broken if you're wondering why I have it on my

glasses in the past you to do is yeah they're broken it's kind of sad um but

you know it's fine because I can still see it's a pretty big screen okay go

away no no no no no don't do this whatever finds a spot somebody why do

they always like do the stupid bubble thing or the hamster ball or one alert

now go away go away this is ours go away yes oh okay

yeah you get him or not no I couldn't go anywhere because it was there well this

is not this is not going well rawr dang it no please please please

please please please please please please please please no please no

why yeah with the skills no no no it's going to blow you up with the look that

my special get blown up please please die nope no darn it

okay okay okay in brushy-brush yards charge just charge this map isn't

actually very good for that but oh please yes

give me that give me the Rainmaker blow you up go away No look behind you and

kill that person in their path great thanks umm go go go

I am actually carrying my team looks like I quit mess around is gonna be ha

I just carried my team is so hard that was such a quick wrap that ended in like

30 seconds see I told you this is the cheesiest

strategy well guys it's gonna have to wrap up this episode on splatoon to

ranked battle rainmaker so hope you guys all enjoy it suppose to new Rainmaker

commentary if you didn't like to see some more splatoon to smash that like

button down below also if you're new to my channel hit that subscribe button end

of kitchen Belle German club and to never miss a video

I'll talk to you guys all later goodbye

For more infomation >> Splatoon 2 Rainmaker Commentary - MY BEST MLG KILL! - Duration: 4:07.


Little Kitten My Favorite Cat and Talking Tom Gold Run - Duration: 12:52.

Little Kitten My Favorite Cat

For more infomation >> Little Kitten My Favorite Cat and Talking Tom Gold Run - Duration: 12:52.


Isola dei famosi 2018, naufrago abbandona l'Honduras: televoto sospeso? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Isola dei famosi 2018, naufrago abbandona l'Honduras: televoto sospeso? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:39.


L'isola dei famosi 2018, ecco i nomi di chi ha consumato droga: clamorosa verità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> L'isola dei famosi 2018, ecco i nomi di chi ha consumato droga: clamorosa verità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.


Phim hành động võ thuật hay ║ CỐ MÁY HỦY DIỆT thuyết minh ─ Phim lẻ - Duration: 1:30:25.

For more infomation >> Phim hành động võ thuật hay ║ CỐ MÁY HỦY DIỆT thuyết minh ─ Phim lẻ - Duration: 1:30:25.


Angry German Kid VS Weareweebs - Duration: 8:08.

I'm back, yo,

Let's play Roblox on my PC!

Load the game.

I wanna play some Roblox games.


Now let's join a server right now!

What's that sound! OMG what's happening?!

Is there a fucking hacker?


It's her, it's her.

The hacker is Weareweebs!

And she's using Admin, with her fucking exploit too!!!

Let's join another game. Shall we?

Outta my way!


Yes you are a Admin faggot.

It's gay, it's gay, you admin and gay.

(Screams because of this inappropriate link)

Pornhub! eh?!


(Heavy breath)

Ah my real account!


(Laughs like a maniac)




Weareweebs is gone now!

Yeah :D

Positive thinking

Let's have a positive thinking, and be a hacker too.


Ah, let's dance.

(He's dancing cause he likes the song)

(I really don't know what's the song called)

(He's not a good dancer isn't he)

(Few Minutes Later)

(He's still dancing)

(This is so funny, I tried not to laugh while I was publishing the video because it will be ruined and I had to restart all over)

(It's almost over)




(I also don't know that song, and I thought this song is Islam)

(See the chats how WeareweebsReborn done in this drama)

Are you retarded?!

I command you to bring me back in the game!

If not then I will report your alt accounts too!


Let's restart the game. OK

(Song stops)

Hurry up!


Would you stop that fucking noise man!


(Heavy breathing)

Arh she made it worse!


(He screams because he got kicked again)

(Breaks the keyboard)


She kicked me again!



Yoshi's hacking bros XDD

For more infomation >> Angry German Kid VS Weareweebs - Duration: 8:08.


Chương trình đặc biệt ,U23 Việt Nam lời tự sự sau giải-đấu ,20 giờ30 hôm nay 14/ 2 trên VTV3 - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Chương trình đặc biệt ,U23 Việt Nam lời tự sự sau giải-đấu ,20 giờ30 hôm nay 14/ 2 trên VTV3 - Duration: 4:36.


Francesca Cipriani lascerà l'Isola dei Famosi? Ecco il motivo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Francesca Cipriani lascerà l'Isola dei Famosi? Ecco il motivo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.


HomePod - Beat - Apple

For more infomation >> HomePod - Beat - Apple



For more infomation >> Я ТЕБЯ ЛЮБЛЮ 💕 14 ЛУЧШИХ ПРИЗНАНИЙ В ЛЮБВИ 💕 I LOVE YOU - Duration: 52:12.


L'isola dei famosi 2018, ecco i nomi di chi ha consumato droga: clamorosa verità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> L'isola dei famosi 2018, ecco i nomi di chi ha consumato droga: clamorosa verità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.


HỘI CHỢ TẾT Hội ngộ VIỆT KIỀU PHÁP du xuân TAO ĐÀN 28 TẾT I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 32:55.

For more infomation >> HỘI CHỢ TẾT Hội ngộ VIỆT KIỀU PHÁP du xuân TAO ĐÀN 28 TẾT I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 32:55.


Tere Sang Yaara I Yogesh I Valentine's Day Cover - Duration: 4:22.

It's the benevolence of God

That he has made you meet me

Only after dying for you,

I have learnt the art of living

Alongside you my beloved, my world is a colorful place,

You're like a crazy night, and I'm like a shining star

Alongside you my beloved, my world is a colorful place,

Just give me a signal and I'll become yours

Wherever I go

I stumble upon your fragrance

You're that recurring dream I have every night

Our meeting was destined;

I'm glowing because of your presence

I'm like a lonely Sky and you're the Moonlight

It's the benevolence of God that I have achieved you

Only after dying for you, I have learnt the art of living

Alongside you my beloved, my world is a colorful place

You're like a crazy night, and I'm like a shining star

Alongside you my beloved, my world is a colorful place

Living life without you is meaningless

I have forsaken everything else

All I want is for you to come to me

Your name is there in my eyes, recognize it

Everything else comes after you, just know this

I'll never go away leaving you, this I want you to know

It's the benevolence of God that I have achieved you

Only after dying for you, I have learnt the art of living

Alongside you my beloved, my world is a colorful place

You're like a crazy night, and I'm like a shining star

Alongside you my beloved, my world is a colorful place

I'm like a flowing traveler, and you're like the still shore

For more infomation >> Tere Sang Yaara I Yogesh I Valentine's Day Cover - Duration: 4:22.


Have I told you lately... - Duration: 0:31.

Have I told you lately that I love you

Have I told you there's no one else above you

Fill my heart with gladness

Take away all my sadness

Ease my troubles that's what you do

For more infomation >> Have I told you lately... - Duration: 0:31.


I love you. | A Short Film Shot on iPhone - Duration: 2:18.

Hey, you

I'm just now leaving

Can I come around later on this evening?

Or do you need the time?

Yes, of course, that's fine

Hey, you


I'm sure you're busy now,

why else would you ignore me?

Or do you need space?

You can't help it if your mind has changed

So go ahead and break my heart again

Leave me wonderin' why the hell I ever let you in

Are you the definition of insanity?

Or am I?

Oh, it must be nice

To love someone who lets you break them twice

(door opening)

You're so blue

Are you still breathing?

Won't you tell me if you found that deeper meaning

Do you think I've gone blind?

For more infomation >> I love you. | A Short Film Shot on iPhone - Duration: 2:18.


SHOULD I GO TO COLLEGE??? - Duration: 6:57.

yo what is up guys how's it going it's Chris and Brits here and today we're

gonna answer the question should you study or should you work after school

so obviously there are two or a few factors that play a role in this like

question that we have here. the one is the type of school you went to and the

accreditation that it has and then obviously that the second one is

your grades in said school. both of those things determine like if you can go

study but assuming those things don't play a role you had amazing grades you

could do literally anything you wanted... should you study or should you work

obviously we can't prescribe to you what to do we can't tell you listen do this

this but we can't tell you what we did and why we did it and that's what we're

gonna do so. The creative field which is like photography, music, videography

entertainment like in this field, which is what we interested in, there's not

really much of a sett career path like there's no thing of you know study this

and then do that and then you know you'll reach success it's not really like

that I think probably more so than in any other field "creative field" is quite

wide like it's quite vague. let me tell you what I did after school. so after

after I graduated I started an internship at my local church learnt a

load of things but mainly I was there for music and yeah that's it was just music

so I started the internship there and whatever what happened was a while-in

I started studying theology because I was under the impression if I wanted to

serve God through my music and through all of my talents I should be working

at the church which is like such a lie... so I started studying theology and then

like a year into it I realized this is so not for me lord knows

I was like I don't know what to do with myself

that should also be a video actually like because I know and honestly I think a

lot of students find themeselves studying

stuff that they don't want to study 'and then they regret at the end' yeah they

don't know what to do really so that's another video but I

digress so I started studying and yeah I'm still

working at the church today my plan is for this year just to

finish my studies really and then after that I will do like courses and

workshops on photography videography all that stuff that I don't really want to

go study do I want to go to uni when I ever go to uni or college probably not

if I do it's what we gonna be for like a three month course on photography so one

of the advantages that in my opinion of like going straight into work and not

going to college is you start sort of laying the foundations for your career

you start you know earning a salary order to me that meant you know sign to

record covers getting to the music thing in a learning music learning videography

starting to do it building a portfolio for me and Brett's you know both of us

both of us earning a salary so that's obviously one of the big advantages of

in my opinion of us staying and working straight off to school

I think another advantage is probably also and I think I over my peers are

going to go study rather than working is that I already started building

relationships you know getting that experience of rubbing shoulders with

people are already like in the flow of things in in the career they

you know a few things so that's like really one thing I can encourage you

guys with is any sort of success it's probably gonna rely on oh it's probably

involved you know building relationship with some people so I wanna encourage

you guys to to become masters you know at building relationships of people you

know and not just for the benefits of said relationship but just you know for

being for the sake of being friends you know for meeting people mostly I think

what drove me over the edge or what I see as a massive disadvantage of going

to study off the school is the fact that you're not guaranteed a job when you

come back so many of my friends or my peers you know they go overseas what we

go to to a city of study you know and then they study for like three four

years and then they come back and they asked after sort of start all over again

you know like building building your life building relationships building

experience which is which is are sealed sort of as working backwards that was

deal because especially in a field like that like let's say videography for

example people on cannot really ask you where did you study or stuff like that

did you go to film school anything they can ask you for your portfolio so yeah I

hope you guys enjoyed the video if you found it informative let's recap you

saying you know in the beginning if you're in a field really that doesn't

require you to go study I like to create the field video photography any of those

types of things that there's no set career path I would say it's better to

just get straight into it the best way of learning is this it's just to start

they start doing it learn on the job the stuff like that another advantage that

we said was that you start getting experience and you start rubbing

shoulders with people that are already in the flow of things and then our final

point was that people are really looking for employers are looking for experience

over knowledge which is which is a big thing I think now when you come back

after studying for example you're not guaranteed that

you're gonna have a job and they see a lot of scholarship work bursaries among

that otherwise it's gonna it you're gonna have to basically start from

scratch but yeah as as we said I hope you guys enjoyed it please like leave a

like down below subscribe if you have already become part of the family and

we'll see you guys next week same time same place


For more infomation >> SHOULD I GO TO COLLEGE??? - Duration: 6:57.


Hyundai i30 CW 1.4I I-DRIVE COOL + Winterbandenset - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 CW 1.4I I-DRIVE COOL + Winterbandenset - Duration: 0:59.


Honda HR-V 1.5 i-VTEC Comfort / Originele NAVIGATIE / RIJKLAARPRIJS - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Honda HR-V 1.5 i-VTEC Comfort / Originele NAVIGATIE / RIJKLAARPRIJS - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Corolla 1.4 VVT-I TERRA 5-deurs | Elek.ramen | Radio/CD-speler | MEENEEMDEAL! - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla 1.4 VVT-I TERRA 5-deurs | Elek.ramen | Radio/CD-speler | MEENEEMDEAL! - Duration: 0:48.


Was passiert, wenn Du kein Big Picture hast I FB Live vom 12.02.2018 - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> Was passiert, wenn Du kein Big Picture hast I FB Live vom 12.02.2018 - Duration: 10:19.


Honda Civic 1.0 i-VTEC Turbo Executive Navi ADRIE JONK PRIVATE LEASE ACTIE - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.0 i-VTEC Turbo Executive Navi ADRIE JONK PRIVATE LEASE ACTIE - Duration: 1:00.


Hyundai Tucson 1.6 T-GDi I-Motion 4WD AUTOMAAT | NAVIGATIE - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 1.6 T-GDi I-Motion 4WD AUTOMAAT | NAVIGATIE - Duration: 0:59.


Ford Focus 1.6i 16V FUTURA Airco, 5-drs, - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.6i 16V FUTURA Airco, 5-drs, - Duration: 0:54.


Seat Arosa 1.4i Stella Sport - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Seat Arosa 1.4i Stella Sport - Duration: 0:54.


Suzuki Alto 1.0I COMFORT PLUS AC/CV+AB/ELEK.RAMEN/GEEN.IMPORT! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Alto 1.0I COMFORT PLUS AC/CV+AB/ELEK.RAMEN/GEEN.IMPORT! - Duration: 0:59.


BMW Z4 Roadster 3.0I / AUTOMAAT / 232 PK / LEER / NAVI / LM 18 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> BMW Z4 Roadster 3.0I / AUTOMAAT / 232 PK / LEER / NAVI / LM 18 - Duration: 1:00.


Hyundai ix20 1.4i blue 90pk i-Magine - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4i blue 90pk i-Magine - Duration: 1:01.



For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION 5DRS "AUTOMAAT" AC/CRUISE/NAVI+CAMERA/TREKH - Duration: 1:00.


BMW Z4 Roadster 3.5I INTRODUCTION AUT (Sportleder/Memory Clima Cruise Navi/Prof BiXenon 20Inch Lmv W - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> BMW Z4 Roadster 3.5I INTRODUCTION AUT (Sportleder/Memory Clima Cruise Navi/Prof BiXenon 20Inch Lmv W - Duration: 0:59.


Final Space Premiere

For more infomation >> Final Space Premiere


PR_ Erro O disco de trabalho está cheio ao recortar uma imagem no Photoshop - Duration: 1:50.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,

When you try to crop an image in Photoshop and enter width, height, And resolution values in the crop options,

You receive the error that the scratch disk is full and are unable to crop the image. If you leave the crop options blank,

you can crop the image successfully. Solution 1: Specify measurement units when cropping.

Enter the desired measurement units in the width and height crop options.

For example, enter 100px for pixels, or 1in for inches.Solution 2: Set the default measurement units.To set the default measurement units:

1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Units & Rulers 2. Select a measurement unit for Type under the Units section of the Preferences dialog box.

For example, select Pixels. 3. Click OK. The error, "Scratch disk is full", occurs when the

resulting file is too large for the scratch disk to process. This error can occur if a file was created in pixel

dimensions but the crop options are entered in inches (the default measurement unit). If you leave the crop options blank,

Then Photoshop will crop the image to the specified area using the same measurement units in which the image was created.

Hope, this information, is helpful, Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like,

Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> PR_ Erro O disco de trabalho está cheio ao recortar uma imagem no Photoshop - Duration: 1:50.


Follicolite: 5 semplici rimedi naturali - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Follicolite: 5 semplici rimedi naturali - Duration: 6:54.

-------------------------------------------'s media day in 55 seconds - Duration: 1:18.

Well, Dota players' photo-sessions are always pretty similar:

cross your arms, turn right, turn left,

put your hands in your pockets, thumbs out, put your head up or down, thank you!

And everywhere, on every single tournament, it's the same for some reason.

But, there was one tournament - ESL One Hamburg,

where, since Mercedes was the sponsor, media day was different from the others:

because we drove a car around,

had fun, walked around and it was awesome.

We have more than enough time for preparations - we'll spend 2 weeks together at the bootcamp,

we've been playing and trying out lots of new strategies for a week now.

Of course, you media guys have taken one our day away, but it's fine, we'll manage.

For more infomation >>'s media day in 55 seconds - Duration: 1:18.


Como ficar segura diante dele - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Como ficar segura diante dele - Duration: 1:25.


Tutorial: Cum să activăm Windows 10? - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Tutorial: Cum să activăm Windows 10? - Duration: 1:28.


Como os relacionamentos afetam a sua saúde - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Como os relacionamentos afetam a sua saúde - Duration: 3:41.


Yo misma sane mis venas varicosas mi vecina y mi doctor me están pidiendo la receta dia y noche - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Yo misma sane mis venas varicosas mi vecina y mi doctor me están pidiendo la receta dia y noche - Duration: 2:30.


Little Kitten My Favorite Cat and Talking Tom Gold Run - Duration: 12:52.

Little Kitten My Favorite Cat

For more infomation >> Little Kitten My Favorite Cat and Talking Tom Gold Run - Duration: 12:52.


Nitro Racing GO – Official Android Trailer || T-Bull - Duration: 0:31.

Have you ever wanted to drive the fastest cars in the most luxurious cities?

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For more infomation >> Nitro Racing GO – Official Android Trailer || T-Bull - Duration: 0:31.


DORES NO JOELHO? Isso Reconstrói Cartilagens e Elimina a Dor Em 2 Dias. - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> DORES NO JOELHO? Isso Reconstrói Cartilagens e Elimina a Dor Em 2 Dias. - Duration: 2:43.


Wild beach | Beach vacation on the sea in Crimea in October - Duration: 5:41.

[sound of the sea]

[♪ music ♪]

>> TATIANA: After a cold and intense campaign along the General beaches...

and after interesting and intense adventures in the Chernorechensky canyon...

we decide, at last, to relax...

and just lying lazily on the beach.

For this we go to the wild beaches near Lyubimovka.

This time we follow the plan...

- to collect a lot of food...

go far...

and all this to eat!

It's called, buy more.

Go far away.

And all this to eat!

Now so we will have.

We are on the Black Sea.

Not far from Lyubimovka.

Back in Lyubimovka, a red dog joined our group.

And the next two days and three nights she is right with us.

In the summer, nudists rest here...

but in the autumn the beaches are deserted.

[sound of the sea]

We settle in a cozy place.

Right before us, the Black Sea is splashing.

A little higher above the camp are the mounds with rare vegetation.

The terrain is quite wild.

Wild enough that her life was chosen by foxes. [Did you notice the fox? ;-)]

The 11th day of our trip.

It looks like this.

[sound of the sea]

Wow, what logs Zheka wears!

It is felt that a heavy log.

>> VASILY: The water is warm!

>> TATIANA: Are you sure about this?

>> VASILY: Yes. The wind is cold and the water is warm.

>> TATIANA: Have you already swum?

>> VASILY: He washed his things.

>> TATIANA: I see.

[♪ music ♪]

>> TATIANA: The dog! [calls the dog]

Dog, are you asleep?

You're stretching. :-)

[♪ music ♪]

October turned out to be cold!

But we still try to sunbathe and swim.

However, when sunbathing, it is not clear...

- Does the sun still warm you, or is it just chilly?

Hardened by the cold autumn winds of the Kerch Peninsula...

and bathing in the icy water of the Black River...

we boldly go swimming in the sea.

Yes, yes, I would like to go into the water beautifully!

But the sea has its own plans.

Waves knock me down...

and begin to drag back and forth in shallow water.

However, I stubbornly make my way to the depths and swim there.

There are strange feelings.

On the one hand, you understand that the water is very cold.

On the other hand, you start to like it.

In the end, we did not just jump in and then quickly jumped out of the sea...

we really swam...

swam long enough.

Played in the waves...

and got pleasure from these games.

[sound of the sea]

And after plenty of swimming and sunbathing, they dressed warmly.

Then they ate deliciously...

admired the sea...

sat by the fire...



in general - enjoyed a lazy holiday to the full.

[♪ music ♪]

[tapping a spoon on the dishes]

Time flew by unnoticed.

Our two-week trip across Crimea is completed.

Bakhchisaray, sat down to eat.

[bus station noise]

Our friendly company of friends for food.

[bus station noise]

[sound of a bus engine]

[♪ music ♪]

Say goodbye to our friend from Minsk.

And then, from the bus to the bus.

[♪ music ♪]

On the ferry and again the bus...

Long way home.

While we are driving, thoughts are free...

and mentally we are still swimming in the sea...

climb the rocks...

and feel the sand on the cheeks.

For more infomation >> Wild beach | Beach vacation on the sea in Crimea in October - Duration: 5:41.


TULIPANKA | TULIPINETTE Spotkanie trzecie ♥ Arcytwór & Katarzyna Ducros - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> TULIPANKA | TULIPINETTE Spotkanie trzecie ♥ Arcytwór & Katarzyna Ducros - Duration: 3:30.


Ty a ja navždy - Duration: 13:01.

For more infomation >> Ty a ja navždy - Duration: 13:01.


Brist Podaca Zaostrog Drvenik - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> Brist Podaca Zaostrog Drvenik - Duration: 11:06.


Como lidar com as BRINCADEIRAS que SAEM do LIMITE no local de trabalho! - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Como lidar com as BRINCADEIRAS que SAEM do LIMITE no local de trabalho! - Duration: 4:01.


Krupa i jej narzeczony zamieszkają z mamą [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 2:41.

Krupa i jej narzeczony zamieszkają z mamą

Joanna Krupa (39 l. ) i jej nowy ukochany Douglas naprawdę poważnie myślą o wspólnej przyszłości.

Fakt dowiedział się, że para przymierza się właśnie do zakupu domu.

Co ciekawe, w nowej willi wraz zakochanymi ma zamieszkać mama modelki, pani Jolanta.

– Faktycznie Asia z Douglasem szukają posiadłości, w której mogliby razem spędzić resztę życia.

Douglas nie chce mieszkać tam, gdzie wcześniej był Romain.

Jeśli chodzi o jego dom to tez chce zmiany, by odciąć od przeszłości i zacząć nowy rozdział – mówi nam znajomy pary i dodaje, że narzeczeni nie chcą jednak opuszczać Los Angeles.

Nowa willa ma być otoczona ogrodem, w którym będzie też basen.

Część domu będzie przeznaczona dla mamy modelki.

– Douglas zdaje sobie sprawę, że wiążąc się z Asią będzie mieszkał z jej zwierzakami i oczywiście mamą.

Tak naprawdę wcale mu o nie przeszkadza, bo jak na razie świetnie dogaduje się z przyszłą teściową.

Asia też cieszy się, że mama dalej  będzie przy niej.

W przyszłości jak będą dzieci to nie wyobraża sobie, by ktokolwiek inny mógł przy nich pomóc – słyszymy.

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