Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 14 2018


Is that good?

Yeah.. it's good


Make different food

Daily you make the same food

Sorry dad

I forgot to tell you

I want to introduce sumone to you


Her boyfriend



But she never told me before

Your always busy with your work

How can she tell you

Do you even know what's her age now

Still she is our little girl

She is 22 year old

Now her boyfriend is better meet

I know everything

I always stay home

She didn't tell.

At least you would have told me

You people think Iam not the member of the house


Ok leave it...Have your food

How can i eat...our daughter grown so she is bringing her boyfriend home....

No...atleast you should have told me shut up

What is this?

Hello dad

Where you from?


Country country

Country country

Son..i wanted to ask you one thing...iam planing to travel in flight...if we want to pee in ther any facilities?


What is this

How you know my daughter...

Have you ever met before

You never told me about this

He met you in school days

Little... little little

Go go bring

Do work or what?

Papa...he is still studying

His legs are so bigg...

My daughter is so soft..if he keep his leg on her..then

Papa..what ur saying

No daughter..we should ask everything about guy work..what about your mother by ✋

Son..first wash your ✋ ✋


Yes telme

Bring sum dal cury


Who want dal now

He want more rice?

Little rice

Give rice... give dal ..if i give dal..he will finish rice...if i give rice he will finish dal

He liked food mom

Wait...wait wait

He liked ah want this too?

Now again he want dal

Son...take eat this too


It's ok take

Give him dal..or else again he wil say .give dal give dal

For more infomation >> Couples VS parents | when my parents met my hungry Cameroonian boyfriend | valentine's day special | - Duration: 10:55.



For more infomation >> МОЁ ПОСЛЕДНЕЕ ВИДЕО-УХОЖУ С ЮТУБ - Duration: 6:20.


Breastfeeding Neck Injury | Storytime - Duration: 6:27.

prior to this I'd only had 30 minutes of sleep in 48 hours from the hospital and

I was nursing her constantly non-stop. today's video is a story time just

kind of a chatty video on the neck injury that I received from

breastfeeding. so if you're interested in hearing about that story then keep

watching. if you are new this channel is all about Christian tips for the

faith-filled millennial mom to help her raise her tiny tribe of Christians and

I'm out of breath because I just carried the baby up a flight of stairs. I would

love for you, if you are new to consider subscribing to my channel, I post new

content like this every week on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. All you have to do is click

that red button down below that says subscribe and you will be subscribed and

I would love for you to join this community. all right let's get into today's

video. so I thought that I would talk with you guys about the breastfeeding

injury I got with miss Finley here on the third day that I brought

her back from the hospital. I ended up having to see a chiropractor for and I

have never seen a chiropractor in my life until this time. It was about

three days-- two or three days-- after we returned home from delivering, from being

at the hospital and giving birth to miss Finley that I was in the shower.

I was just washing and all of a sudden I pulled something in my neck and

could barely get out of the shower. it was excruciating pain that was kind

of the lower neck-- the lower part underneath my skull where my neck meets my

skull. it radiated down my spine between my shoulder blades and then

across my shoulder. I couldn't move my head to the side and it was just

excruciating even lifting my arm and my shoulder to get out of the shower.

I thought i've had pulled muscles before you know and I've had neck things

throughout my life where I wasn't able to turn my

had one direction or the other so I thought that that's what it was.

prior to this I'd only had 30 minutes of sleep in 48 hours from the hospital and

I was nursing her constantly, non-stop. I knew that I probably had the wrong

posture when nursing because I felt that I was kind of hunched over trying-- I was

trying to bring myself to her rather than bringing her to me which is what I

later found out. you know doing something-- I was googling everything about

how to get rid of this. I was putting heat on it, which I found

out was the wrong thing to do. it was inflammation. oh! I should

probably do a disclaimer: you guys, I am NOT in the medical profession at all. I'm

just sharing my experience with you guys what happened to me. always, always,

always consult a doctor any time you have any medical issue.

I would suggest that if you think it's breastfeeding related then to

consult a lactation consultant as well which is what I did. which is how I kind

of determined that it was from my posture. I started sitting

up straight. well by that point, you know even though I was correcting my posture

and sitting up more when I was breastfeeding her, the damage had

already been done. I went for two and a half weeks with this neck injury and it

just kept getting worse and worse. I would cry about it every time.

it was excruciating doing anything. I was pretty much useless for two and a half

weeks. I didn't want to see anybody. people asked if they could come

see me and you don't want to see anybody when you can't turn your head to the right.

you getting fussy? what's going on? might be time for her to eat.

anyways, I ended up seeing-- someone suggested that I see a chiropractor

which I had never seen a chiropractor before and had heard mixed reviews on it.

but I ended up going to one down the street that didn't require an

appointment. I'm going to throw their name out there because they were really

good to me. it's a chain called The Joint. it sounds so

weird. they will let you just walk in and you don't ever have to

make an appointment which works perfectly with

breastfeeding. you know how it is, moms, when you're on your baby's schedule. it's

hard to make appointments, to do anything for yourself. The Joint let me

just walk in whenever and that's their policy so it was perfect. I went and

my first chiropractor experience was scary. It's scary to hear popping noises

but it was explained to me that that's just air being let out of the

joints. I didn't feel any difference when I left and so they told me to put ice on

it. Well, I signed up for-- they told me I need to come two to three times a week.

I started doing that and after two weeks each time I noticed I had more

mobility in my arm. I could move my arm a little better like an hour too after I

left things would feel better. are you hungry?

let me see if I can get through this video. things would feel slightly

better but after two two and a half weeks the pain was gone. you guys. the

pain was gone. I could move my arm. I could move my head back and forth. it was

fabulous. I know my whole family was thankful that I was no longer in pain

anymore. so that is my neck injury breast feeding story. if you've ever had any

injuries or experienced anything like that let me know in the comment section

down below because I have a feeling that there are more of us out there who have

had injuries from breastfeeding and we just don't talk about it. let's start

a conversation in the comments section down below. the joint-- I don't get

anything from them you guys. they don't even know I'm talking about

them. I've actually stopped going to them because I no longer have a job. so I

can't afford to go there anymore. but if I could I would still go. anyways any

links I will put some show notes down in the description box. I post new

content every Tuesday and Wednesday and I will see you in

my next video. thanks for watching. if you are new I would love for you just to

soak to this money's not making any sense at this point no no

For more infomation >> Breastfeeding Neck Injury | Storytime - Duration: 6:27.


Jason Aldean - You Make It E...

For more infomation >> Jason Aldean - You Make It E...


Esparguete com Natas, Fiambre e Cogumelos - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Esparguete com Natas, Fiambre e Cogumelos - Duration: 4:33.


Loredana Lecciso fa un annuncio e viene sommersa dalle critiche: ecco il motivo | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Loredana Lecciso fa un annuncio e viene sommersa dalle critiche: ecco il motivo | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:55.


Uomini e Donne , pubblico in delirio: super puntata mai vista prima | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne , pubblico in delirio: super puntata mai vista prima | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.


Uomini e Donne, Maurizio Costanzo rimprovera Tina Cipollari e Gems: ecco perché |Hot News 24h - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Maurizio Costanzo rimprovera Tina Cipollari e Gems: ecco perché |Hot News 24h - Duration: 3:59.


[VALENTINE SPECIAL] TOP 10 - Marvel and DC Comics Couples - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> [VALENTINE SPECIAL] TOP 10 - Marvel and DC Comics Couples - Duration: 7:15.


Uomini e Donne, Maurizio Costanzo rimprovera Tina Cipollari e Gems: ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Maurizio Costanzo rimprovera Tina Cipollari e Gems: ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.


Homilia | Padre Flávio de Oliveira e Souza - Missa de Aparecida - Santuário Nacional - - Duration: 9:05.

For more infomation >> Homilia | Padre Flávio de Oliveira e Souza - Missa de Aparecida - Santuário Nacional - - Duration: 9:05.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Cabrio 200 PRESTIGE AMG 19"LM Navi Aircraft Xenon - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Cabrio 200 PRESTIGE AMG 19"LM Navi Aircraft Xenon - Duration: 1:01.


Harry Potter e il cristallo del cuore - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Harry Potter e il cristallo del cuore - Duration: 4:00.


Harry Potter e il calice del fuoco - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Harry Potter e il calice del fuoco - Duration: 3:44.


LEARN JAPANESE : Lesson 03 "MUSIC" - Duration: 2:37.

Hello guys, today we are in Berlin (Germany)!

today I'm doing a new japanese lesson!

if you're new to this channel, don't forget to subscribe, to leave a comment, a like and also turn on he notifications

since I'm at the place where I recorded Your Knight, some time ago,

I will teach you some words, in relation to music

let's begin with the word music, that in Japanese you say --

or there is another version, that comes from english --

Musical in Japanese you say --

then song you say it this way --

and to sing you say --

for example in a sentence --

it means, Sebastiano sings a song

then I can teach you the word --

it means singer, for example you can say --

Sebastiano is a singer

next thing is that most music genres come from the English

so, rock you say --

pop --

R&B --


so they're very similar

the only different thing is the word enka

I don't know if you know this exists only in Japan, it's like this

in Japan there is a black singer, that I know

and he sings enka

so, it's a japanese genre but it's becoming known also in the West

and the last word that I'm going to teach you is VisualKei

it's a genre that exists only here in Japan,

it's a kind of glam - rock

maybe, I don't know how to define it

basically in Japan you say Visual Kei and not Visual Key,

a lot of people say the word wrong, in the english version,

but you say Kei, in japanese Kei means genre, so Visual - genre

and Japanese don't say visual, like in english, but --

if you want to sound like a japanese

or you can shorten the word and say Vkei

I hope these words can be helpful, I hope you will listen to the Album that I'm going to record now,

in beautiful Germany

thank you so much for watching, I leave you the whole playlist with my japanese lesson videos, so that you can learn the words,

leave a comment if you want that I talk about particular topics,

See you tomorow always at 2pm (GMT+1) with another video.

For more infomation >> LEARN JAPANESE : Lesson 03 "MUSIC" - Duration: 2:37.


Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco - Duration: 3:22.


Anticipazioni Uomini e Donne, Tina e Giorgio: cena romantica tra i due? Lo scoop - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Uomini e Donne, Tina e Giorgio: cena romantica tra i due? Lo scoop - Duration: 3:50.


Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco - Duration: 1:22.


Rejeição recorde na saída de Ana Paula do BBB18 e discurso de "bom moço" de Tiago Leifert explodem - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Rejeição recorde na saída de Ana Paula do BBB18 e discurso de "bom moço" de Tiago Leifert explodem - Duration: 2:22.


Torreón e iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción. Rus, Jaén - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Torreón e iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción. Rus, Jaén - Duration: 0:44.


Harry Fotter e il calice di fuoco - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Harry Fotter e il calice di fuoco - Duration: 4:03.


Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco - Duration: 1:45.


Novità sul mio NEGOZIO VINTAGE + L'importanza della COSTANZA in FOTOGRAFIA - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> Novità sul mio NEGOZIO VINTAGE + L'importanza della COSTANZA in FOTOGRAFIA - Duration: 6:45.

------------------------------------------- Weather 2/24 6AM - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Weather 2/24 6AM - Duration: 2:18.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Jaguar XF 2.0D 180 R-SPORT PRO EDITION - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Jaguar XF 2.0D 180 R-SPORT PRO EDITION - Duration: 0:59.


Jaguar XF 2.0D 180 R-SPORT PRO EDITION - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Jaguar XF 2.0D 180 R-SPORT PRO EDITION - Duration: 1:00.


Jaguar XF Sportbrake 2.0 250 R-SPORT PRO EDITION / - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Jaguar XF Sportbrake 2.0 250 R-SPORT PRO EDITION / - Duration: 0:54.


Couples VS parents | when my parents met my hungry Cameroonian boyfriend | valentine's day special | - Duration: 10:55.


Is that good?

Yeah.. it's good


Make different food

Daily you make the same food

Sorry dad

I forgot to tell you

I want to introduce sumone to you


Her boyfriend



But she never told me before

Your always busy with your work

How can she tell you

Do you even know what's her age now

Still she is our little girl

She is 22 year old

Now her boyfriend is better meet

I know everything

I always stay home

She didn't tell.

At least you would have told me

You people think Iam not the member of the house


Ok leave it...Have your food

How can i eat...our daughter grown so she is bringing her boyfriend home....

No...atleast you should have told me shut up

What is this?

Hello dad

Where you from?


Country country

Country country

Son..i wanted to ask you one thing...iam planing to travel in flight...if we want to pee in ther any facilities?


What is this

How you know my daughter...

Have you ever met before

You never told me about this

He met you in school days

Little... little little

Go go bring

Do work or what?

Papa...he is still studying

His legs are so bigg...

My daughter is so soft..if he keep his leg on her..then

Papa..what ur saying

No daughter..we should ask everything about guy work..what about your mother by ✋

Son..first wash your ✋ ✋


Yes telme

Bring sum dal cury


Who want dal now

He want more rice?

Little rice

Give rice... give dal ..if i give dal..he will finish rice...if i give rice he will finish dal

He liked food mom

Wait...wait wait

He liked ah want this too?

Now again he want dal

Son...take eat this too


It's ok take

Give him dal..or else again he wil say .give dal give dal

For more infomation >> Couples VS parents | when my parents met my hungry Cameroonian boyfriend | valentine's day special | - Duration: 10:55.



For more infomation >> МОЁ ПОСЛЕДНЕЕ ВИДЕО-УХОЖУ С ЮТУБ - Duration: 6:20.


Breastfeeding Neck Injury | Storytime - Duration: 6:27.

prior to this I'd only had 30 minutes of sleep in 48 hours from the hospital and

I was nursing her constantly non-stop. today's video is a story time just

kind of a chatty video on the neck injury that I received from

breastfeeding. so if you're interested in hearing about that story then keep

watching. if you are new this channel is all about Christian tips for the

faith-filled millennial mom to help her raise her tiny tribe of Christians and

I'm out of breath because I just carried the baby up a flight of stairs. I would

love for you, if you are new to consider subscribing to my channel, I post new

content like this every week on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. All you have to do is click

that red button down below that says subscribe and you will be subscribed and

I would love for you to join this community. all right let's get into today's

video. so I thought that I would talk with you guys about the breastfeeding

injury I got with miss Finley here on the third day that I brought

her back from the hospital. I ended up having to see a chiropractor for and I

have never seen a chiropractor in my life until this time. It was about

three days-- two or three days-- after we returned home from delivering, from being

at the hospital and giving birth to miss Finley that I was in the shower.

I was just washing and all of a sudden I pulled something in my neck and

could barely get out of the shower. it was excruciating pain that was kind

of the lower neck-- the lower part underneath my skull where my neck meets my

skull. it radiated down my spine between my shoulder blades and then

across my shoulder. I couldn't move my head to the side and it was just

excruciating even lifting my arm and my shoulder to get out of the shower.

I thought i've had pulled muscles before you know and I've had neck things

throughout my life where I wasn't able to turn my

had one direction or the other so I thought that that's what it was.

prior to this I'd only had 30 minutes of sleep in 48 hours from the hospital and

I was nursing her constantly, non-stop. I knew that I probably had the wrong

posture when nursing because I felt that I was kind of hunched over trying-- I was

trying to bring myself to her rather than bringing her to me which is what I

later found out. you know doing something-- I was googling everything about

how to get rid of this. I was putting heat on it, which I found

out was the wrong thing to do. it was inflammation. oh! I should

probably do a disclaimer: you guys, I am NOT in the medical profession at all. I'm

just sharing my experience with you guys what happened to me. always, always,

always consult a doctor any time you have any medical issue.

I would suggest that if you think it's breastfeeding related then to

consult a lactation consultant as well which is what I did. which is how I kind

of determined that it was from my posture. I started sitting

up straight. well by that point, you know even though I was correcting my posture

and sitting up more when I was breastfeeding her, the damage had

already been done. I went for two and a half weeks with this neck injury and it

just kept getting worse and worse. I would cry about it every time.

it was excruciating doing anything. I was pretty much useless for two and a half

weeks. I didn't want to see anybody. people asked if they could come

see me and you don't want to see anybody when you can't turn your head to the right.

you getting fussy? what's going on? might be time for her to eat.

anyways, I ended up seeing-- someone suggested that I see a chiropractor

which I had never seen a chiropractor before and had heard mixed reviews on it.

but I ended up going to one down the street that didn't require an

appointment. I'm going to throw their name out there because they were really

good to me. it's a chain called The Joint. it sounds so

weird. they will let you just walk in and you don't ever have to

make an appointment which works perfectly with

breastfeeding. you know how it is, moms, when you're on your baby's schedule. it's

hard to make appointments, to do anything for yourself. The Joint let me

just walk in whenever and that's their policy so it was perfect. I went and

my first chiropractor experience was scary. It's scary to hear popping noises

but it was explained to me that that's just air being let out of the

joints. I didn't feel any difference when I left and so they told me to put ice on

it. Well, I signed up for-- they told me I need to come two to three times a week.

I started doing that and after two weeks each time I noticed I had more

mobility in my arm. I could move my arm a little better like an hour too after I

left things would feel better. are you hungry?

let me see if I can get through this video. things would feel slightly

better but after two two and a half weeks the pain was gone. you guys. the

pain was gone. I could move my arm. I could move my head back and forth. it was

fabulous. I know my whole family was thankful that I was no longer in pain

anymore. so that is my neck injury breast feeding story. if you've ever had any

injuries or experienced anything like that let me know in the comment section

down below because I have a feeling that there are more of us out there who have

had injuries from breastfeeding and we just don't talk about it. let's start

a conversation in the comments section down below. the joint-- I don't get

anything from them you guys. they don't even know I'm talking about

them. I've actually stopped going to them because I no longer have a job. so I

can't afford to go there anymore. but if I could I would still go. anyways any

links I will put some show notes down in the description box. I post new

content every Tuesday and Wednesday and I will see you in

my next video. thanks for watching. if you are new I would love for you just to

soak to this money's not making any sense at this point no no

For more infomation >> Breastfeeding Neck Injury | Storytime - Duration: 6:27.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


T'Rez Hepburn - Duration: 4:13.

click link below

For more infomation >> T'Rez Hepburn - Duration: 4:13.


Volvo V70 2.5T MOMENTUM Navigatie, fijne turbomotor - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.5T MOMENTUM Navigatie, fijne turbomotor - Duration: 0:54.


Prepositions: The Grammar Gameshow Episode 19 - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> Prepositions: The Grammar Gameshow Episode 19 - Duration: 7:25.


Is anxiety a sin? - Duration: 7:00.


- I don't know if you've ever been worried

about something, and someone has said

something well-meaning to you, but like

"stop worrying, it's a sin",

well how does that work for you?

Are you able to turn off the negative feelings

of fear or threat in the moment?

And if you're not able to, which you're not, I'm not,

does that then mean it's not a sin?

So first I want to clarify on how we're even

thinking about this question, because if by worry

we simply mean negative feelings associated

with something we value being threatened

from external circumstances, then I don't think

we want to call that a sin.

The reason I can say that is because both Jesus

and Paul report having this level of distress

when something they valued was externally threatened,

so I think of Luke chapter 12 when Jesus said,

"how great is my distress at my coming baptism".

He knew the cross was coming, he knew what that meant

for him regarding his relationship

to the first person of the trinity, the Father,

and he was distressed because of it.

That was an external circumstance

that threatened something that he valued.

The apostle Paul, in 2nd Corinthians, also talks

about the anxiety or the distress that he feels

for the churches, so while he's not with them,

he's worried in that sense of negatively

emotionally effected, by what's the state

of these churches, are they holding on to the gospel.

And so, if that's what we mean by worry,

I don't think we want to define that as sin.

So what makes worry a sin, then?

It's helpful to think of worry as a tactic of our fear,

so in other words, it's obsessing with our thoughts

and our emotions about some threat

to something we value.

Some thing that we see as essential

or want as essential to our very life.

The problem, or the sin that can be involved

in worry is we mix up what actually

we most value for life and we forget God's

role in relation to that value, what life actually is.

I think this is what Jesus is doing

in the Sermon on the Mount, in Matthew chapter 6,

where he says "don't be anxious about tomorrow,

"don't be anxious about your life,

"don't be anxious about anything."

and what's astounding is, Jesus talks about

not being anxious about the things that seem

most essential for our existence, like food and clothing.

When we so value those things as if my existence

ceases if I don't have them, that results

in worry, that results in anxiety,

and so he says, as a remedy to that,

"seek first the kingdom, seek first what is actually life",

and as you do that, it's not that you stop

wanting food and clothes, it's that it

gets prioritized right under what it is

that we most value and should most see as important

to our lives and that is the promises of God

to include us in the inheritance of who he is,

that's what the kingdom is.

And so, the second remedy Jesus offers for our anxieties

is "look at the birds of the air,

"look at the lilies of the field",

they're fed, they're clothed, your heavenly Father

knows their needs and you're way more valuable

to Him than they are.

It's saying we don't seek even food and clothing,

those values that our emotions and thoughts

tend to orbit around, we don't seek these things

as if its our efforts that guarantee them,

and once we have them we have life.

He's saying no, it's your heavenly Father,

his relationship to your need has to be forefront

in your mind when you think about

the things that are most threatening to you.

So what should we do if we find ourselves

caught in a cycle of worry?

Well, first of all, don't guilt yourself

for the negative feelings of threat,

that something that you're wanting or that

you're viewing as essential to your life is under threat,

and you have a negative emotional response,

it's just wasted time to try to sort of coach

yourself out of a negative emotional response.

Instead, it's much better to identify what

is the object, what is the thing that I'm wanting,

that I'm thinking, if taken away I lose my life.

So it could be food and clothing, in Jesus' example,

it could also be things like performance at work,

it could be that relationship that's so important to me,

that if I don't have my life is over,

so you identify it, and then secondly you open

your hand before the Lord with it.

You entrust that to the Father who knows

your needs before you ask, who knows your needs,

actually, better than you do.

We're not just correcting our emotions,

we're actually using our emotions to flag something

that we're misbelieving, that we're valuing too much.

Something that we're kind of holding onto in a way

that's not seeking God's kingdom first and is not

trusting my Father in heaven as my Father in heaven.

And I'm not saying that any of these steps

are going to necessarily eliminate the immediate

experience of fear, that's not the point.

The point is how do I steward my responses

when these fears come over me,

and as we learn to do this, we learn better

what it is to truly treasure God's love for us

as the most central need that we have,

and in that way we get to entrust ourselves

to the provision of a heavenly Father who is in no way

threatened by what we are threatened by in the moment.

Thanks for watching Honest Answers,

you can submit your questions by email,

Twitter, or in the comments section below.

And don't forget to subscribe to find out

the answer to next Wednesday's question.


For more infomation >> Is anxiety a sin? - Duration: 7:00.


【DD】バレンタインに爆破宣告…!? - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> 【DD】バレンタインに爆破宣告…!? - Duration: 2:49.


Deleted Movie Endings Better Than The Original - Duration: 4:38.

For some people, the ending is the most important part of a movie.

A bad ending can be a dealbreaker for filmgoers, which is why studios often shoot alternate


Surprisingly, a lot of them are actually better than the ones we end up seeing.

Spoilers ahead… obviously.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Doesn't Terminator 2: Judgment Day end happily?

The future remained hopefully uncertain... until the sequels ruined everything.

But originally, those sequels wouldn't have been able to exist.

Early in the movie, we see Sarah Connor dreaming of a bleak future in which the world ends.

The original ending had a happy reprise of that scene.

It's set well past the original Judgment Day, and an old Sarah Connor sits, watching her

grandchild plays as the city shines in the distance.

Connor smiles, knowing that she's finally ended the threat of that dark, sequel-filled

future once and for all.

Nightmare on Elm Street

One of the films that kicked off the multi-sequel slasher craze, Nightmare on Elm Street ends

with Freddy seemingly defeated as Nancy hops into a car, happy as a clam.

And then Freddy pops back up, possesses the car, and executes Nancy's mom in the creepiest

possible way.

But in Wes Craven's original script, Nancy drives happily into the distance and … that's


That's the end.

But the studio wanted sequels!

So that last minute surprise from Freddy catapulted us all into a whole bunch of inconclusive

Elm Street movies, for better or for worse.

"Now no one sleeps.


The Descent

Being a horror movie, The Descent ended pretty horrifyingly: After getting trapped in a monster-filled

cave and ending up alone, doomed spelunker Sarah escapes the depths, finds a car, and

speeds away.

When she stops, she sees the ghost of her no-longer-living friend Juno, screams, and

the movie's over.

At least as far as American audiences saw; they had a full minute cut from the ending.

In the deleted scene, Sarah wakes up, still in the cave and covered in blood.

The escape was all a dream.

She crawls toward a figure that turns out to be a hallucination of her daughter.

As the camera pans away, we see Sarah, all alone, smiling at nothing.

The knowledge that she's going to go with a smile on her face doesn't make her fate

any less bone-chilling.

Pretty Woman

A magical fairytale ending wasn't the original idea for Pretty Woman.

In the film, Richard Gere rescues Julia Roberts from her depressing apartment and life, pouring

so much money on her she's probably smothered under the weight of all the gold.



But the original script provided much more bleak, realistic ending: Gere and Roberts

don't end up together, and the film ends with Roberts on a bus with her best friend, off

to a day at Disneyland with a wad of cash, despite feeling completely hopeless and lost.

That's more like it!

Little Shop of Horrors

The ending to 1986's Little Shop of Horrors happened as you'd probably expect: with the

human hero offing the carnivorous alien plant, getting the girl, and living happily ever


However, another filmed ending was quite a bit darker — because like in the 1982 musical,

the plant wins.

Over a 12-minute musical number, the plant eats the heroic Seymore and soon, the planet

is overrun with Godzilla-sized, man-eating plants.

It ends with one of the plants jumping through the screen, intent on eating YOU.

Not enough films conclude with nature getting sweet revenge on humanity, so it's too bad

Horrors didn't either.

Final Destination

What do the main characters in Final Destination want to do?


That's it.

It's probably the most direct and succinct horror movie ever.

It ends with the lead characters escaping — before realizing that the horror hasn't

actually ended.

But the original ending wasn't quite so bleak.

Originally, two of the main characters had a child together, and this new life put an

end to the entire curse.

"Now that we've won, Carter, there's a chance at a full life.

A chance I'm not going to waste."

Luckily the creators realized that this was a brilliant film series that should never,

ever end, and changed it enough so that there could be more sequels.

Freddy versus Jason

One of the most important movies of all time, Freddy versus Jason was one of the first films

to introduce two separate film franchises to each other just to have them fight.

The film ends with Jason emerging from a lake, triumphant, holding Freddy's decapitated head...

which then winks.

So they both win.

According to the commentary track on Freddy versus Jason's home release, one proposed

ending had both Freddy and Jason losing, falling into hell together... where Pinhead from the

Hellraiser series was waiting.

Which would set up Freddy versus Jason versus Hellraiser… which would've have been the

best movie ever, were it not for overly complicated movie rights.

"Oh, scary."

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Deleted Movie Endings Better Than The Original - Duration: 4:38.


Helpless - Hamilton Animatic (WIP)「Reupload from Galactibun//Spibbles//TeeVee w/ cover」 - Duration: 0:56.

Oooohh, I do I do I do!


Oooohh, I do I do I do!

Boy you got me


Look into your eyes

And the sky's the limit I'm


Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em

I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight

We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night!

Laughin' at my sister

as she's dazzling the room

Then you walked in and my heart went


Tryin' to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom

Everybody's dancin' and the band's top volume!

Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine!

Grab my sister, and whisper

"Yo, this one's mine."

My sister made her way across the room to you!

And I got nervous, thinking "What's she gonna do?"

For more infomation >> Helpless - Hamilton Animatic (WIP)「Reupload from Galactibun//Spibbles//TeeVee w/ cover」 - Duration: 0:56.


FOX & Friends 02/14/18 6AM | February 14, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 41:10.

For more infomation >> FOX & Friends 02/14/18 6AM | February 14, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 41:10.


Common Phrases in Cantonese - Chinese, Cantonese Idioms 34 (爛船都有三斤釘) - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Common Phrases in Cantonese - Chinese, Cantonese Idioms 34 (爛船都有三斤釘) - Duration: 1:55.


BLACK PANTHER: The Ace in the sleeve of Marvel [#PARLIAMONE] - Duration: 13:18.

For more infomation >> BLACK PANTHER: The Ace in the sleeve of Marvel [#PARLIAMONE] - Duration: 13:18.


UNBELIEVABLE Mexican Food - SIZZLING MEAT + Cenote and Chichen Itza | Yucatán, Mexico! - Duration: 28:58.


- I'm sitting right here in the steam of the pork,

and this fire is so incredibly hot.

They're making fresh salsa.

You can smell the habanero as they crush them,

and the roasted tomatoes.

And then they have this giant griddle

with a huge bonfire where they're cooking the tortillas.

Oh, this is a great place.

I can not wait to try this salsa.

(upbeat music)

Good morning.

I hope you're having an amazing day, It's Mark Wiens.

I'm in Playa del Carmen in Quintana Roo, state of Mexico.

It's gonna be a road trip today.

We are starting off in Playa del Carmen,

and we're gonna drive all the way to Merida,

which is the capital of Yucatan Province

on the Yucatan Peninsula.

But along the way, we're gonna stop to eat

some amazing Mexican food.

We're gonna visit some of the famous attractions.

I'm gonna share it all with you in this video.

I'm the first one up this morning.

Just loading up the minivan,

and hopefully we should all be ready in about 30 minutes,

and we're on our way.

But first things first, we have to stop for breakfast.

We're on our way for some breakfast nourishment.

This is the spot right over here.

It's kind of in the industrial area of Playa del Carmen.

There's some factories around.

There's some car dealerships.

We're right next to the highway.

And yeah, this place looks awesome.

(upbeat music)

(speaking in foreign language)

- This is a very cool place.

It's setup underneath a tent.

They have a number of different tacos that you can order,

but they specialize in cecino,

which is like a very thin beef,

and so she cuts off a chunk and she weighs it

to get everything right and then they grill it.

They have a list of tacos.

I tried four different types of tacos on a plate,

and it smells incredible.

Yeah, it smells so good.

(speaking in foreign language)

- What I love about this place already

is that everything looks fresh.

They are making everything there.

They're making their tortillas.

They're making the salsas.

They're assembling, they're grilling that meat over fire.

They're assembling everything.

The beef aromas in this tent.

If only you could smell the beef aromas in this tent.

(speaking in foreign language)

- Wow, these tacos are incredible.

This place is a meat lover's taco dream come true.

It's just all meat and lots of chicharron, fried skin,

all those onions on there.

And then, so they assemble.

I got one of each, though, so they're all different.

But they're all beef based, I think.

Oh, except for one.

One is only chicharron with a big

hunk of guacamole on the bottom.

And then a ton of sauteed onions.

And they also top them with nopales,

which is the prickly pear cactus.

And then he also added on some salsa already.

There's nothing better than when your taco

overflows off of the plate and touches the table.

Look at that piece of meat.

Oh, this is the biggest piece of meat

I've ever seen in a taco.


Oh that's awesome.

Oh that is crazy good.

That beef is extremely tender and really salty.

And then you've got those sweet, tender onions.

You've got, oh the nopal in there,

which just kind of has a neutral taste.

I think it's about all those onions and that beef.

There's nothing like morning taco nourishment.

Tacos are so good as they are,

but I just have to try a little bit more salsa.

Maybe something a little bit more spicy.

Oh, and I wanna try some of the salsa that she freshly made.

The next one I'm gonna try is all,

he put on a couple huge pieces of chicharron,

which is just crispy skin,

and then he added on a huge dollop of guacamole,

and then the onions again.

Yeah, this is a very interesting taco.

I've never had a combination like this before.

This is all squeezing out the top.

Whoa, that's just solid guacamole,

and then you get that crunch from the skin.

Oh, that one is a winner as well.

It has quite a meaty taste, too.

Next up is the one with omelet

And again, it has beef mixed within the omelet.

He fried it on that same griddle,

so it has all the beef juices.

Check out just how overstuffed this taco is.

What a beautiful thing.

Absolutely gorgeous.

The cactus, the nopales.

It's really good.

It almost has like a mushroom texture to it.

A little bit slimy.

And those onions, superb.

I might squeeze on a little bit of lime on this one.

Okay, onto the final taco.

And this is the same beef,

but it's been cut up into small little pieces,

and then he added a handful of kind of,

I think it's chicharron,

but it's been kind of cracked already.

So they're in small pieces as well.

Again, onions and nopales and some salsas.

What I love is that they're all totally different.

This is not a light breakfast.

Carlos, how were those tacos?

- The tacos were good.

Very cocecina tacos.

- Those were some serious tacos.

They were so good.

And next up, we're gonna drive over to a cenote.

(upbeat music)

We have arrived to a cenote that's called X'canche,

Cenote X'canche, and it's a little bit off the beaten path,

but there's so many cenotes that you can choose from

that eventually you just gotta choose one.

And we wanted to go to one that was quieter,

that was a little more off the beaten path,

since we have the minivan.

And it's also still in kind of on the route

that we're taking today towards Merida.

So yeah, here we are.

(speaking in foreign language)

- It's about a two kilometer walk down the road,

down the path here.

So you can either rent a bicycle,

or you can walk, or you can rent a tricycle and get there.

So we thought it would be fun to take the tricycle.

Okay, entrance to the cenote is 50,

and then the tricycle taxi rental is 100 per person.

It's a little harder to bike with all the kids,

so this will be fun.

Oh, and by the way, you can get some

ice cream to enjoy on the road.

Okay, and we're off.


Oh yeah, this bicycle rickshaw, this is so relaxing.

Going down the tree-lined path.

Oh, it's breezy.

This is actually really fun.

We're cruising, too.

(upbeat music)


- That was nice, huh?

- [Mark] Yeah, so relaxing.

- That's a nice road.

- I'm loving this place already.

We gotta change, and then they said

we need to take a shower before we go to the cenote

to keep it nice and fresh and clean.

Okay, I'm gonna get changed.

Okay, fully changed.

I'm ready for the cenote.

Had to take a quick shower.

Wow, that water is cold.


It's absolutely gorgeous.

A sinkhole in the rock.

The water is clear, it's deep blue.

It's extremely deep as well.

There's vines going down.

It's the jungle canopy.

And part of the reason it's so beautiful also

is that it's so quiet, it's so peaceful here.

You can hear the birds.

(birds chirping)

Yeah, you wouldn't really wanna slip and fall here,

but if you did, you would land in the water, luckily.

(water splashing)


Oh that's beautiful.


It's not that cold.

It's perfect.

Oh wow, it's so incredibly beautiful,

especially when you're swimming and then you look up

and you see the trees and the opening.

It's gorgeous.

Back into the rickshaw.

Okay, listo, we're ready to go.

The cenote was so much fun.

Swimming, and then just the natural beauty,

and also partly why this particular cenote is so nice

is because it's so quiet, so peaceful.

When we were swimming,

there were only other couple in there.

The serenity, the peace, the calmness, the natural beauty.

This is a gorgeous cenote to visit.

(upbeat music)

We're just stopping by in this little town.

It's called Pimcoko, and this little town is full of meat,

so we're just stopping for a quick snack.

This is actually not where we're actually having real lunch.

(speaking in foreign language)

- So the sausage was gonna take a little too long to cook

so we decided to get some of their,

what did they say, it's fried and smoked?

- Fried and spicy smoked pork.

- Fried, spicy, smoked.

Okay, every kind of delicious flavor on pork

you can imagine, and there was a big stack of it.

This little town, it's just a little tiny town,

but there's like 10 meat shops in this place.


We just got a whole steak.

Look at this thing.

Carlos, you get half, I get half.


How's that?

- Good, good.

Salty, very salty.

Tastes very good, very salty.

- Oh wow.

Oh, that is incredible.

Extremely salty, but really smoky.

It's like dry from being smoked for so long,

but not like, it's still moist.

That is incredibly salty delicious.

Yeah it does almost have like a ham bacon flavor to it.

It's tender, too.


That is like ham, but like a crazy good salty ham.

It's like overly salty.

(upbeat music)

We're getting closer and closer to Chichen Itza,

but along the road, we stopped in this little town.

It's called Kaua.

And along the road, you'll see so many restaurants

called La Tia, which is the auntie.

Serving a dish, it's called Poc chuc,

which is a grilled pork dish.

They call it La Verdadera Tia.

So it's the true one, the original one.

Oh cool.

(speaking in foreign language)

This is just a family home restaurant,

so they've invited us back to the kitchen

to see the cooking.

Oh, cool.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Mark] From the garden here.

(speaking in foreign language)

- This kitchen is amazing.

It's all family run.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Mark] The beans are right from their garden.

(speaking in foreign language)

- And she is the original auntie here at the restaurant.

This is the place to come.

And it's such a cool kitchen.

They're peeling the beans over here.

And they're cooking over on this side.

They're making fresh salsa.

You can smell the habanero as they crush them

in the roasted tomatoes.

And then they have this giant griddle

with a huge bonfire, where they're cooking the tortillas.

Oh, this is a great place.

(speaking in foreign language)

(roosters crowing)

(people chattering)

(speaking in foreign language)

(meat sizzling)


I'm sitting right here in the steam of the pork,

and this fire is so incredibly hot.

Wow, I can feel that heat coming through my face.

It's so hot.

That pork smells unbelievably good.

They're just grilling it over this giant griddle,

along with the tortillas.

And she added on some lard to that pork

to make it extra good.

Oh, I can't wait.

This is gonna be so good.

Oh, some more lard.

Oh yes.



God, that fire is so hot.

(speaking in foreign language)

- We also ordered some longanisa,

which is a sausage, and she's showing me how

she makes it right now.

They just throw it onto the coals,

and that must be some fatty sausage.

You can see the flames just erupting off of those sausages.

Oh, that's beautiful.

Wow, I am sweating back here in this kitchen.

The fires are so hot.

And they throw everything in.

The tomatoes were thrown into the fire

so that they roast for that salsa.

You can just hear that sausage just hissing with that pack.

(people chattering)

(rooster crowing)

(upbeat music)

(speaking in foreign language)

- Okay, we got all the food,

and it looks incredible.

And the family that makes this food is just awesome.

They're so friendly, they're so nice.

We got all the grilled pork.

I think it's called Poc chuc, poc chuc, that's what it is.

And the tortillas are all hand made.

Everything is hand made, even the salsa.

They gave us the whole mortar.

Those fire roasted tomatoes are in there,

then he pounded in some habanero,

and there's some tortillas.

One is basted in lard and salt,

and then one is plain.

We also got some longanisa, which is some sausage.

And she said the longanisa is actually

from that town where we got that meat.

So we were planning to try some sausage there,

but then it would take too long.

So we're actually getting some sausage

from there that they made.

Fire roasted.

But yeah, the main thing to eat here is what we got,

and it looks stunning.

But we're starting first with a bowl of beans,

which auntie was peeling those beans,

and then they were just boiling over the fire as well.

Yeah, those are good.

Oh, and they're right from the family's garden.

Just like pure beans.

Yeah, they're really good.

They're really like, smoothy, silky,

creamy texture to them.

You can actually see your reflection in this bowl of beans.

Good beans.

Let's move onto the pork now.

Okay so we each got a plate of our own pork,

and yeah, it's very thin pork.

They grill it over that griddle.

It just radiates heat.

It's so hot.

And then she continually drizzles it in lard

as it keeps sizzling away,

and sprinkles on quite a generous amount of salt.

Let me just taste the pork first.


Yeah, that's salty.

It's really rich.

It has like a natural pork flavor to it.

That's what makes it good.

Yeah, that tastes like country pig, that's for sure.

These are the ones.

You can see how glistening they are

because she sprinkled a bunch of lard on them as well.

Gotta taste this one.

It looks a little oily, though.

Okay, let me grab that piece of pork,

stick that pork in, and I gotta try that salsa this time.

I can not wait to try this salsa.

(people chattering)


It's so salty, it's so porky.

The tortillas are awesome.

That salsa is, we asked him to make it spicy.

He did make it pretty spicy.

You can taste the habanero in there,

and then just those fire roasted tomatoes,

which are just lightly crushed in there.

They're still chunky, chunky delicious.

You know, I like the tortilla with the lard

that does make it even richer,

but it's sort of like unnecessary

because you taste the whole richness of the pork.

I think I like just the regular tortilla the best.

Let me add in a whole piece of pork, kind of break it up.

Squeeze on some lime.

And then I think I'm gonna get some onions on here,

and some cilantro as well.

This salsa is absolutely insane.

It's so good.

Oh man, it's so juicy.

It's dripping out the back.

(upbeat music)

That is ridiculously tasty.

The whole combination.

Okay next up for the longanisa,

which is the sausage.

Fire literally coal roasted.

You know, you can see the burnt ends,

and then on this side, that's the interiors of

that longanisa.

So it has a little bit of a sour taste to it.

You can taste the charred ends of that, that's for sure.

A little bit spicy.

Yeah, that's some good stuff.

That could get really addictive.

(upbeat music)

Yeah, I really love the onion,

cilantro, and salsa combination.

Squeeze on a little lime.

That is delicious.

That salsa is just awesomely good.

Oh, I love it.


(speaking in foreign language)

Whoa, where'd it go?


- One more shot, let's do it again.

- [Mark] One more time.


(speaking in foreign language)

- We are rolling out of La Tia.

There's really not a whole lot going on in this town.

It's pretty sleepy.

I mean, there's a fair amount of traffic,

but it's a very sleepy town.

But man, they have some awesome food.

They're really friendly.

I loved watching them cook.

They make Poc chuc very, very well.

Or is it, chuc poc?

Chuc poc or Poc chuc?

I think it's Poc chuc.

Oh man, that's tasty.

I have like, my mouth is just kind of tingling

with saltiness right now, but that was so incredibly good.

Total bill came to 300 for four of us eating,

and I got the official napkin receipt.

(upbeat music)

Next stop, Chichen Itza.

We have arrived to Chichen Itza.

That was just about a 10 minute drive from lunch,

but it's the middle of the afternoon now.

We're hoping that it won't be quite as busy

as it might be in the morning,

but I'm sure it will still be packed.

Yeah, there's about 50 tour buses parked here still.

Entrance was very easy.

It cost 242 pesos per person.

And we're just now passing through

all sorts of souvenir shops.

And on our way to the complex, the Mayan city complex.

(people chattering)

Wow, it's a really short walk,

and then you get out of the trees,

and all of a sudden, it opens up and you see.

You have an amazing view of what's called El Castillo,

which is the castle.

It is the central step pyramid,

the main landmark of Chichen Itza.

This entire Mayan city complex.

And this entire complex, it dates back.

It was thriving between 600 and 1200.

And it was very powerful.

They were very advanced for their day,

and the architecture.

They're known for their architecture, for their pyramids.

It's in incredible condition.

Mika, Mika.

(speaking in foreign language)

- You can see the giant steps that form the pyramid,

and then the steps that are going up.

Hey, it's pretty awesome, very awesome.

Chichen Itza, at its time, it was one of the most powerful,

one of the most influential,

and also one of the largest and most diverse of

all the Mayan cities, and that's why it is

so well preserved now.

Because they built so well,

and they had such amazing construction.

Actually, what I love to do when I visit

ancient sites like this, is just imagine how it was

living without the technology that we have today,

and just living amongst these,

the nature plus these amazing buildings,

construction that they built.

All which serve various purposes in their culture,

and Mayans had a lot of interesting traditions as well.

And yeah, very cool to visit.

(man yelling)


- Come on, Mika.

Come on, buddy.

Come on.

Good job.

We're gonna always remember Chichen Itza

because little Mika, he's taken a couple steps before,

but nothing like that.

He really started, he got really worked up walking,

using the stroller as a walker.

And then he just decided to go straight up

and start running.

Chichen Itza was amazing.

We're now back on the road,

and we are driving to Merida,

and it should be about an hour until we get there.

(upbeat music)

So we've made it to Merida after an amazing day.

We're staying in this very cool, old house

in the central district of Merida.

And yeah, today was a fantastic day,

starting all the way from breakfast,

driving all the way from Playa del Carmen.

Stopping at the cenote was incredible.

The food was awesome.

And finally, Chichen Itza,

and we're pretty tired this evening.

It's been a very long day,

so we just got some takeaway food for dinner.

So I'm gonna end this video, this day trip,

day road trip right now.

Huge thank you for watching this video.

Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it.

And I'd love to hear from you in the comments section below,

and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe now.

I'm gonna be publishing lots more food and travel videos,

and also click the little bell icon

so that you get notified of my next video.

Thanks again for watching,

and I'll see you on the next video.

For more infomation >> UNBELIEVABLE Mexican Food - SIZZLING MEAT + Cenote and Chichen Itza | Yucatán, Mexico! - Duration: 28:58.


NGƯỜI LẠ ƠI | Cover by SASHA MAI x KOBRA x RÔN VINH | Version Người nước ngoài - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> NGƯỜI LẠ ƠI | Cover by SASHA MAI x KOBRA x RÔN VINH | Version Người nước ngoài - Duration: 3:55.


Homeless Man Stands In Freezing Cold At Intersection, Then Stranger Stops His Car And Gets Out - Duration: 2:15.

Homeless Man Stands In Freezing Cold At Intersection, Then Stranger Stops His Car And Gets Out

Across the north and even in the south, people have been experiencing frigid temperatures.

It became the thing in 2013 to name winter storms.

Why not.

We name hurricanes.

Unlike some of the sweet Disney characters winter storms are named after, they are anything

but great.

These fierce bands of brutal weather are spreading across the country, affecting those who usually

don't have to worry too much about surviving a deep freeze.

Despite the unpredictable and at times, awful weather, one man is showing how the common

and enduring values of kindness and compassion don't ever go out of style.

His act of kindness went viral as a bystander recorded the interaction he had with another

man down on his luck.

The man in the blue shirt exited his vehicle and walked up to the other man, who happens

to be homeless.

The man in the blue shirt appears to be placing his very own winter coat over the shoulders

of the other gentleman.

According to social media, this kind deed took place somewhere in Alabama, where temperatures

were close to freezing: "That is so sweet," says a female observer's voice is a hushed

and humbled whisper.

Moments later, the homeless man leans in and embraces the other man.

He gave him a spontaneous hug.

The blue-shirted gentleman returns the hug; he heartily pats the other guy on the back

like you would an equal.

He showed him genuine respect and empathy.

The homeless man's guardian angel isn't done: "I'm going to go get you some food,

and I'll bring it back," he can be overheard saying as he clasps the man's shoulder companionably.

The blue-shirted man heads back to his car which is still parked at the light to presumably

drive on his mission to feed the stranger.

Meanwhile, the homeless gentleman is in awe of his new coat.

The world might be moving at a fast pace; but it's these simple, kind gestures that

speak volumes.

Love for our fellow man woman or child is the only thing that matters.

For more infomation >> Homeless Man Stands In Freezing Cold At Intersection, Then Stranger Stops His Car And Gets Out - Duration: 2:15.


Animals for Kids and Mr. Sun NEW Story from Steve and Maggie for Children | Wow English TV - Duration: 6:11.

It's Steve and Maggie – Wow English TV.

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun.

Hello Mr. Sun.

Please shine down on me.

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun.

Hello Mr. Sun.

Please shine down on me.

Oh hey.

Hello boys and girls.


We're at the Zoo!

Hey, what's your favourite animal?

My favourite animal is the lion!


Come on, let's go and see the lions.


Hey boys and girls.

What's in here?

Is there a lion?

Oh, no.

Oh, but look.


There is a monkey.

Let's try to make the monkey chatter by singing our song.

Join in with me.

It goes like this: Mr. Monkey, Monkey.

Hello Mr. Monkey.

Please will you chatter for me.

(Chatter) (Fff)


(Fff) to you too!

Look boys and girls.

It's a cheeky monkey.

Say that with me.

Come on, what is it?

It's a cheeky monkey.

What is it?

It's a cheeky monkey.

What is it?

It's a cheeky monkey.

I hope you're not a cheeky monkey.

But come on!

I want to go and see the lions.

YEAH! (trumpet)




Now, that is a not a lion.

Is it.


What is it?


You know.

It's an elephant.


Let's try to make the elephant trumpet by singing our song.

Come on let's go!

Mr. Elephant, Elephant.

Hello Mr. Elephant.

Please will you trumpet for me.

(trumpet) Great!

Now, is it a little elephant or a big elephant?


It's a big elephant.

Say it with me.

Come on.

What is it?

It's a big elephant.

What is it?

It's a big elephant.

What is it?

It's a big elephant.

But come on.

Let's go and see the lions.

(squawk) Ok boys and girls.

What's in here?


Can you see anything in here?

(squawk) Oh!



It's a parrot.

Let's try to make the parrot squawk again by singing our song.

Come on!

Mr. Parrot, Parrot.

Hello Mr. Parrot.

Please will you squawk for me.

(squawk) Hey.

Thank you, Mr. Parrot.



It's a noisy parrot.

Oh, shhh.

Hey, say it with me.

Come on.

What is it?

It's a noisy parrot.

Can't hear you.

What is it?

It's a noisy parrot.


What is it?

It's a noisy parrot!


Oh, but I know something that's louder than a parrot squawk.

A roar! from a lion.


Lions, lions.

Where are the lions.

Oh hey.

Wait a minute.

Look at that.


It's a seal with a ball.

Oh, he looks happy.

Hey, it's a happy seal.

Say it with me.

What is it?

It's a happy seal.

What is it?

It's a happy seal.

What is it?

It's a happy seal.

Hey, let's try to make the seal bark with our song.

Come on, sing it with me.

Mr. Seal, Seal.

Hello Mr. Seal.

Please will you bark for me.

Hey, but come on.

I thing we're really close to the lions.



I love lions.


Oh, look.

The lions are sleeping.


They are sleepy lions.

Hey, say it with me.

Come on, what are they?

They are sleepy lions.

What are they?

They are sleepy lions.

What are they?

They are sleepy lions.

Oh, I wanted to hear the lions roar!

Hey, let's try to wake the lion up with our song.

Come on, sing it with me.

Mr. Lion, Lion.

Hello Mr. Lion.

Please will you roar for me.



Scary lions.

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For more infomation >> Animals for Kids and Mr. Sun NEW Story from Steve and Maggie for Children | Wow English TV - Duration: 6:11.



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Why the Law of Attraction Creates Intense Suffering - Duration: 10:21.

Why the Law of Attraction Creates Intense Suffering


It isn�t the Law of Attraction itself that creates intense suffering, it is our usage

and interpretation of the LOA that harms us.

(Try to put that into a single title!)

Since the launch of the mega-popular books like The Secret in 2006, the Law of Attraction

has skyrocketed in popularity.

These days you can find LOA principles sprinkled everywhere over social media and in endless

self-help articles aimed at helping you to �find happiness.�

Although many of these memes, articles, and websites have good intentions, the majority

of them misunderstand and misapply the Law of Attraction, leading to stress, anger, frustration,

and sadness.


The Law of Attraction is a philosophy that is based on the simple premise that whatever

you think, you attract.

Therefore, if you think positive thoughts, you will �manifest� positive things.

If you think negative thoughts, you will manifest negative things.

To an extent, this is true.

What we think usually does become the reality we live in.

As the trendy cliche goes, �Your vibe attracts your tribe.� And it�s true: whatever you

think, you become.

Whatever you focus on generally tends to appear in your life sooner or later.

Naturally, this reality is very appealing to people because it suddenly feels like we

have control!

In fact, the LOA starts feeling like a magical fairy wand that we can wave and use to manifest

every single one of our heart�s desires!

But here�s where the catch comes: the moment you use the LOA to intensely manifest your

desires is the moment you open the door to suffering.


I find that focusing on manifesting is limited and exhausting since it leaves God out.

It often involves a shopping list of what the ego wants to �get from the universe.�

By its very nature that�s profoundly limited.

� Tosha Silver, Outrageous Openness Simply type in �the Law of Attraction�

on places like Pinterest and Facebook, and you�ll see picture after picture, and blog

piece after blog piece, instructing you on how to manifest your heart�s desires.

You�ll see pictures that say things like, �Believe you deserve it and the universe

will serve it,� �Be the energy you want to attract,� �Create the feeling first,

then the having will come!� �It�s OK for me to have everything I want,� etc.

You�ll also see blog posts entitled things like, �7 Secrets of Manifesting Money INSTANTLY,�

�How to Create a Vision Board That Works,� �6 Daily Law of Attraction Hacks,� �How

to Design your Ideal Life With the Law of Attraction,� �11 Ways to Manifest Weight

Loss,� and so forth.

Can you see the overarching theme here?

The Law of Attraction has become so massively popular in the spiritual and mainstream world

because it is all about get-get-get!

In fact, the Law of Attraction has become the face of what famous Buddhist teacher Ch�gyam

Trungpa calls Spiritual Materialism.

In other words, the LOA is being used as a way to spiritualize desire and attachment

� both of which create endless suffering.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to have more money, find your true love or achieve

your goals.

But when you believe all of these things will bring you the happiness you want, you�re

stuck on another hamster wheel of suffering.

The LOA starts to reinforce enslavement and obsession with desires rather than being a

valuable tool to use mindfully.

The more you try to chase and �manifest� things, the further you get from the truth

that true happiness can be found right here, in the present moment, regardless of what

you do or don�t have.

Even when you DO get what you so desperately wanted, you start fearing that it will be

taken away from you!

So you start clinging to, protecting, and fighting to keep what you�ve been given.

Does this sound like a recipe for peace or well being to you?

What hurts the most is when your desires aren�t fulfilled, and you�re left feeling frustrated,

sad, desperate, and inadequate.

You�ll hear people in the spiritual community telling you that your �vibration must be

too low,� or your thoughts are not positive enough � even if you have been passionate

�following all the rules� for months or even years.

This, of course, further deepens your bitterness, emptiness, and feelings of being a failure.


One of the cruelest misapplications of the Law of Attraction is towards other people�s


Because of our mind�s tendency to think in black or white terms, we tend to become

dogmatic about certain ideas very quickly � and this has happened with the LOA.

Soon, we start believing that people who lose their children to suicide or develop cancer

do so because �their thoughts are attracting their reality� or �their vibration is

manifesting these events.�

However, not only are these beliefs insanely simplistic and short-sighted, but they also

express an implicit lack of empathy towards others.

While our thoughts do have the tendency to create our reality, they are not the sole

causes for certain situations in our lives.

If our thinking was always 100% responsible for our reality, then we would always get

precisely what we want, when we want it.

(Let�s face it, this notion is precisely why people obsess over the LOA so much.)

Also, if our thinking was entirely responsible for our reality, then whenever we think negative

thoughts, our lives would always take a turn for the worst.

But have you ever gone into an exam and thought �I�m going to do terribly and fail,�

but later, found that you passed and did well?

Have you ever gone to a job interview and thought �I�m so nervous, I�ll screw

this up,� and pictured yourself near-homeless, but received a phone call saying that you�ve

been hired?

The fact is that our thoughts aren�t solely responsible for our reality.

Our vibration doesn�t always attract experiences that �match it.� Otherwise, compassionate

people wouldn�t die horrible deaths, and cruel people wouldn�t live fantastic lives.

We desperately want to make the Law of Attraction explain everything in life because it makes

us feel safe and like we�re in control.

That is understandable.

But if we truly want to experience unconditional love and peace, we need to admit that there

are some holes in this theory.

We need to find the courage to be free of ideas that are inherently limiting.

THE LOA (LUST, OBSESSION ATTACHMENT) As I mentioned before, the Law of Attraction

(LOA) is not the problem here, it�s people�s use and interpretation of it that is the problem.

When used by and understood through the ego, the Law of Attraction becomes more about lust,

obsession, and attachment more than anything else.

We start believing that happiness can only be found in the future when we obtain or change


But there is a serious flaw in this philosophy.

Sure, on the surface it may be fun and exciting to finally �attract� what we have been

manifesting, visualizing, and creating vision boards about.

This is equivalent to getting a shot of heroin.

But afterward, when the buzz dies off, we start looking for more and more to manifest.

We start viewing our lives through the lens of �what can I get more of?�

Very soon, we are constantly chasing-chasing-chasing what we believe, deep down, will finally �fulfill

us� or bring us happiness.

We become obsessed and addicted to a vision of what our lives �could be� if only we

could just raise our vibration high enough and manifest all that we want.

Paradoxically, the more you try to think positive thoughts about what you want to attract, the

more negative thoughts and feelings arise about how inadequate your life is or who you

are as a person.

In the back of your mind, you start feeling more and more anxiety, frustration, and desperation.

These nagging feelings are either repressed and explode at a later date or are fought

off with �positive thinking.�

Essentially, a war arises inside of your mind, in which you are constantly battling yourself

in an attempt to get what you desire because you believe it will make you happy.

Can you see how messed up this all is?

What a fiasco!

TRUE ABUNDANCE AND HAPPINESS As Sol and I have explored in numerous articles

on this website, true abundance and happiness is not something you get, it�s something

you are.

Thankfully, there is no need to give a shopping list to the Universe of all your desires,

because the Universe (which is you at your core), already knows what is best for your

growth and well-being.

Sometimes you will be thrown challenges or things that appear �bad� at first.

But later, you will discover that they actually helped you to evolve and find true joy.

Other times, you will experience �good� things which may turn out to harm you, which

may later help you to grow stronger.

Can you see how nothing is linear?

Everything is connected.

And everything is perfectly orchestrated.

There�s no need to worry.

As endless spiritual teachers and masters have pointed out through the ages, true abundance

and happiness can ONLY ever be found in the present moment.

Not in the past, not in the future, in the present.

For more infomation >> Why the Law of Attraction Creates Intense Suffering - Duration: 10:21.


How To Make Chocolate Cakes Decorations Videos 🎂🍰 💖 Cake Style 2018 - Satisfying Cake - Duration: 10:07.

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For more infomation >> How To Make Chocolate Cakes Decorations Videos 🎂🍰 💖 Cake Style 2018 - Satisfying Cake - Duration: 10:07.


Christ Centered Conversations: 7 Last Words (Overview) -- Lenten Project - Duration: 2:08.

Hi again everyone, welcome back to another session of Christ Centered

Conversations. Today we are at Crossings Cafe and today we would like to

share with you a project that we've been embarking on and we're very excited to

be sharing with you we are going to be in the season of Lent soon and Lent

culminates in this Triduum that we all know as Catholics as (Good Friday...), yeah

Good Friday, Holy Thursday, (Holy Saturday!), sorry sorry, clearly Garrett knows more, (Easter Sunday)

So Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday? Yes, thank you Garrett so before even

going there right, the three of us were embarking on really reflecting on the

Seven Last Words of Jesus right? The Seven Last Words of Jesus are very very profound

and worthy of further reflection and so this is something that we are very

excited to be sharing with all of you in upcoming weeks so what you can expect is

every week we'll be having numerous articles being posted with regards to

The Seven Last Words - some of them include "I thirst", "Woman, behold your son" and "Into your

hands I commend my spirit".. Yes, and so on. We hope that you embark on

this Lenten journey with us when we share these articles with all of you and

we hope you will be able to resonate with some of these words that are so

profound yet so relevant in our life. Yeah. the really cool thing is that when you

actually begin to think about these words and what they mean to yourself to

ourselves at least when we were writing we took the same words of Jesus but we

drew very different life lessons from it as well. So yeah, hope that

really do enjoy them and also reflect more what they mean to you, how they speak to

you as well. Yeah, so Garrett touched upon our

writing processes, and one of the process in which we all realized even though the

three of us were writing on the same seven last words each week all of us

wrote vastly different articles from the same words right and I think that kind

of diversity also shows a certain richness all of us have in our journeys with

Jesus. So once again, this is Christ Centered Conversations at Crossings Cafe

the address of this Cafe is in our description below. Till the next time see you again soon!

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