Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 14 2018


Nos Hyena here!

To you Speedy Huskee, I wanna wish you

A Happy Valentine's Day From Doon The Fox!

He's told me all about you, And how wonderful and special

You are to him, So I wrote you a song!

So enjoy!


Boof! Boof!

Boof! Boof!

Boof! Boof! Getting speedy in here!

Wishing you and Doon the best Veeday this year!

Boof! Boof!

You're the best huskee!

You make Doon The Fox so damn happy!

Boof! Boof!

Getting speedy in here!

Wishing you and Doon the best Veeday this year!

Boof! Boof!

You're the best huskee!

You make Doon The Fox so damn happy!

Day 1 he liked you, From the words that he supplied to me

If that wasn't love at "fur" sight I'm lying to me!

From a furmeet in 2014, Doon got the jitters

Cos you swept him off his feet, He loved everything about you

And you made him feel sweet, He wanted to be your mate

Speedy-lee! (speedily? geddit?)

Cos when he is around you He feels really free!

You make him laugh so much He laughs cheerily!

Cos Speed you mean the world to him The best Huskee!

You don't need a suit to make him Feel fuzzy!

The way you take care of him He feels lucky!

Forgot to mention that you make him Feel huffy!

But I digress You make Doon feel the best

How amazing y'all are I feel impressed

Y'all must be so amazing blessed <3

Y'all must be so amazing blessed <3

Boof! Boof!

Getting speedy in here!

Wishing you and Doon the best Veeday this year!

Boof! Boof!

You're the best huskee!

You make Doon The Fox so damn happy!

Boof! Boof!

Getting speedy in here!

Wishing you and Doon the best Veeday this year!

Boof! Boof!

You're the best huskee!

You make Doon The Fox so damn happy!

Whether y'all at Bronner's Or at at a con there's

Doon the Fox, thinking you're the one Speedy, you're the best

He feels like he's won His heart feels honored

Loves you a ton So today drive him

In a car you're working on that El Dorado, 92 Camaro

Cos he loves to cruise around In your cool cars, checking cool bars,

Looking at the stars, Speedy Doon loves spending time with you

Cos each day ends up flying by with you Speedy you're the world to him

You're really cool You know the quickest way to make

Doon Awoo! I hope this Valentine's Day's special for you

I got this happy expression for you! Y'all are inspiring, perfection you two

Wishin all the best for you two, Boof, boof!

Boof! Boof!

Getting speedy in here!

Wishing you and Doon the best Veeday this year!

Boof! Boof!

You're the best huskee!

You make Doon The Fox so damn happy!

Boof! Boof!

Getting speedy in here!

Wishing you and Doon the best Veeday this year!

Boof! Boof!

You're the best huskee!

You make Doon The Fox so damn happy!

For more infomation >> Happy Valentine's Day Speedy Huskee! From Doon The Fox - Duration: 2:35.


Orthodox heterodoxy in the depth of art - Duration: 0:38.

picture one


picture two


final image

nun, nun, nun



For more infomation >> Orthodox heterodoxy in the depth of art - Duration: 0:38.


Por qué Leonardo García no tiene una relación cercana con su hermana Andrea - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Por qué Leonardo García no tiene una relación cercana con su hermana Andrea - Duration: 2:24.


Así fue el gran final de "CAER EN TENTACIÓN" - Final de Caer en - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Así fue el gran final de "CAER EN TENTACIÓN" - Final de Caer en - Duration: 2:13.


Afuera llueve • CrysoK - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Afuera llueve • CrysoK - Duration: 2:56.





Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro - Duration: 13:18.

For more infomation >> Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro - Duration: 13:18.


10 años sembrando Unisem - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> 10 años sembrando Unisem - Duration: 1:05.


Et qu'en est-il de l'Esprit? - Duration: 7:30.

For more infomation >> Et qu'en est-il de l'Esprit? - Duration: 7:30.


Funny Hospital Play. soccer, learn color, toy, kids. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:41.


The soccer is really interesting

Oh! I think my leg is something wrong

Help me!

Doctor RUBY!

What happened to daddy?

He need my help


Doctor RUBY

What happened?


there is something wrong to my leg

Let's see

I am going to start treatment

Well, I think you need to take a X-ray

Show Camera

Show screen

Oh dear. your leg is broken

You need to get a cast

Show bandage

The treatment is done

would you try to walk around?

Yes Doctor

It is really hard to walk

Oh ! thank you!!

Thank you

You are awesome!

For more infomation >> Funny Hospital Play. soccer, learn color, toy, kids. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:41.


TDS - Tesoreria Estados de cuenta y movimientos bancarios v1.0 - Duration: 10:41.

For more infomation >> TDS - Tesoreria Estados de cuenta y movimientos bancarios v1.0 - Duration: 10:41.


Relaxing Instrumental Study ...

For more infomation >> Relaxing Instrumental Study ...


IZVINI, KASNIM - Duration: 1:27:04.


Gimnazija Dobrinja presents A CLASS WITH ACTORS

- You stop here.

- Good morning. How are you Rijad?

- Good morning. What's up? How are you professor Rodic? - I'm fine.

Let me sit like this, so I can see people. I'll bust in this chair.

- It falls apart, I.m sorry.

Good morning Nadine, how are you? - Good morning. I'm fine, I've slept well.

- Tell me, did you get rest ? - Well, it wasn't a holiday full of rest. I don't even like to rest. It is good while the machine is warm.

- Good morning Dina. - Di-na.

- Di-na Mušanović. - You have to pronounce it short.

- Surname? - No, just a name.

- Where are you from ? - I'm from Sarajevo. - This is our first guest from Sarajevo.

- Hi Admir, how are you? - Good morning, how are you?

- I have déjà vous? Do you say déjà vu or déjà vous? - Deja vous.

I tell it wrong to, even if I know it's not like that.

- Well Gvozden (eng. iron), I mean what can I say... - We are all concrete, but Rijad is Iron.

The other day I was sitting in the police station. Five of us policeman's were sitting and one of them told me that. It's funny.

Than I put it as a status on facebook.

- You saw that everything depends of your tension.

- I didn't mention him. I have grown up without my father and 29,5 years I didn't know anything about him, except his name and his surname. I found him on Facebook a half year ago.

He lives in Palestine, I have five brothers and sisters and he has a beautiful wife.

He is a Palestinian studied in ex Yugoslavia. He ran away from responsibility because he was too young.

We didn't see each other yet, but we will soon.

- It is interesting that you want that. I have some friends with similar story and they don't want to see their parents.

They say that they don't even want to hear anything about them. They just say ˝ I made it all by myself ˝.

- Well, yes. - It's normal to go there and meet him.

- It's normal for me because my mother has never told me anything bad about him.

Only thing that I disagreed with is that I had the right to say if I want or don't want to meet him.

She could say that he was an evil man, but she didn't and that helped me to decide to contact him.

She was fair and she said that she threw away the letter that he sent.

I can sometimes reduce that fault, but I have to tell it loud. We'll steal cherries and I'll say something I didn't say earlier and that'll get me in trouble.

- I was born in Germany. I'm heavily mixed. - Let's connect the dots.

- You have to highlight your differences, academy wants that. They want us to have a billion options which make us better actors.

I think that that is the main thing at the academy.

- I've never agreed with that and I think that acting isn't a proper name for this job.

A lot of people act. If they would know to show that in front of cameras, there would not be better actors.

I think that acting is a call. Not everyone feels that.

- I think that this is a true experience and in that moment we have to feel like that we are Asim Kučević, a director

of primary school who has two children, wife and who is sick of cancer. This is my body and true character is me.

- First, I'm going to tell you a sentence and you have to remember which letter you are.

- Acting is action and reaction. For example, Srđan asks a question and that is an action. I answer and that is a reaction. This is the most concretely definition of acting.

The definition of communication.

Ability of communication. We are now in time and space and someone is coughing, someone is bored.

They cough a lot. This is because of spring.


Let's go.

- You and I are playing. This is the definition of acting.

- What are we actually playing? - We are playing and that means we are performing an action.

- Today is a beautiful sunny day.

We all clap...ok, space.

- She looks next to me so she'd have better concentration so she've to focus. That is not acting. Acting is when she's here but I'm looking in the

oven over there. She's telling me something... you have to look at her. Everything is in your partner.

Acting is a game. I think that the main definition is 'you and I are playing'.

When the camera is on me and I have to film something very heavy with my partner, she is smoking there for example and she does not even look at me .

I look in the eyes of my partner all the time even if I am not in first plan.

When I look at things that I did five years ago, I realize that I gave a lot, too much, just because I wanted that to be the best.

Now days, when I see my young colleagues, I recognize myself.

You don't think that all that you do is enough.

This is a definition for sure, I think.

- The question is would you know the measure, if you know that you didn't overdo.

Acting is a game on the scene. The most important thing is that you have a goal, active partner and mission for the purpose of realization of that mission.

When you're at the scene, you're there because you have a goal which you want to do despite anything.

- As an actor you always meet yourself, all your life. You do not waste your time on something that will be good for someone else, you waste your time on you.

We manufacture our children here. Then, we give them to other people just to use them.

All of them are working on themselves.

You realize that every mission you do is always in connection with you, when you are alone. When you are with someone on stage, then the other person is more important then you.

It means if you change them, you change yourself immediately.

- If you were given a text and you have your character, first you read your sentences, then you analyse and see what is that person talking about...she wants that and that...

What am I going to do and how am I going to find what that person wants? You're playing how to reach your goal.

- Have you ever played a game called ˝killer˝ ?

- When did you find out that you are going to be an actor? How people find that out anyway?

- At the end of the primary school. - That's really early.

As a child a thought that I'll be a doctor, I swore on that. I was a doctor for cats and dogs around my house. I was really serious about that .

I had a friend with whom I ran away from home and made the craziest things in my life. Because of me she got pneumonia, I was two years older and I found home made medication which you put on your chest and everyone was shocked because I cured her.

After that I was sure that I'm going to be a doctor till the moment I step on planks that means life.

- I am not from Sarajevo, I am from Bihać. I went here because of academy. A lot of you told me that they want to go somewhere and I think it's good, specially for young people.

- Situation with theatre is much worse in Bihać?

Yes. Bihać doesn't even have its own professional theatre.

We don't need a paper, I'm going to walk around you and I'll just touch someone's shoulder, then you'll lower your head and this means that yo're killer.

When did you realize that you like acting?

As a child. Maybe I was 10. My mother is costume designer so I had a connection with movie and theatre. Father is catere, completely the opposite.

We're looking at each other and if I see that nobody doesn't look at me, and they can't discover that I'm a killer, I just wink someone and that person is dead.

My father disagreed with that and he told me that I'm not going to pass preliminary. First time I didn't pass, so I called my father to tell him and he just said: ˝I told you˝.

Father asked me what am I going to do now. I paniced. I've passed my preliminary on second deadline and I don't think that there was anyone more proud then him.

- Lower your heads and no one can't look. For the first time, the killer is going to be just one person.

Now you can see.

- When did you realise that acting is your call?


Probably...When I was young I went on acting classes with Troka Jeličić. I was so shy and because of that all those classes were very stressful for me. I was just imitating other people and that was bad.

In high school we had acting classes and I found my grandfather's book with teacher never gave it back to me and I will never overpass that.

I wanted to be silly because I was teenager just as you are now and I act like I knew what I actually want, but I did not knew and everyone who is pretending that he is brave he is simply not.

I accidentally became an actor. While I was in high school, I was playing football in FC ˝Tuzla˝. That was not professional. In the third grade I was a goalkeeper. There were three other guys.

- Once, I was so tired and I had troubles with math so I fell asleep and had a dream.

After that I knew that I have to be an actor.

- You are talking about their problem.

They have troubles with math?

Now, they don't want anything of that. If they don't want math and acting, what else do they have?

You finish State Institute of Physical Culture. It is the best.

Does anyone wants that?

- I want.

The best college. I was there. But when you finish it, you don't know what are you going to do.

In my life, there was a situation that broke me. My father has died. When I was a child, my mother died too. After that I gave up on everything.

I did not have any interests. In that time, they offered me a role in a play called ˝Drug abuse˝ in Tuzla and they precisely wanted me. That was surprising. I was scared, so I refused to act. I didn't want to talk and to go to school, I was so isolated.

After some time that I spent in isolation, I went at rehearsal and asked them if there is another role. They told me that my role is still waiting for me. We have been working on that play for two months and then I fell in love with acting.

I was undecided, but I went on acting classes. I didn't have what you have now and that means you are advantageous. I went at "SOS Children's Villages" where I was learning to act.

All my friends were there and we were making plays with an actress. She was organiser and we did three or four plays. Actually, she persuade me go to preliminary.

- Let's go again. Now, here are two killers. If killer kills another killer, you just continue like nothing happened.

- When did you decide to go to the academy?

- When I discovered my acting talent. I was accidentally playing football on school playground and I was so shy. I always wanted that, but my family was poor and because of social background, I asked myself how can I be on stage.

I had a friend Alneda who went at playground and told our teacher that I'm good at reading texts.

They didn't tell you to go to the radio, they told you to act.

That was acting class and who reads well he can go. That's how I went there. They gave me a school play which anyone did not want. I was so jealous because the other school play was more interesting.

You have to be charming so you can have your girl. We played Omer and Merima. It was hard.

I looked like effendi.

- 9 years ? What was the title of the film ?

- ˝Nice villages burn nice˝.

- Did you watch this movie ?

- By the time, I'm about to like this. We won a competition and I fell in love with feeling I got on the stage. I had such a stage fright and I thought I'll die.

When I step on the stage and saw my Merima, there was nobody else around me. Everyone was smiling, maybe because I was cute.

- Director told that physical look means a lot. Dragan is blonde with blue eyes and his child can't have dark hair. I was successful among 1000 kids.

- The mission of this exercise is to breath and to be here. I do not know if you have ever heard of Marina Abramović? Who wants to play ?

- I want to play.

Come on. Stay there and just be with us.

- You don't have any problems. The biggest problems are marks and exams. You're learning and all people around you are the same. After the academy, you can find someone who works just to get paid .

- When did you go to the academy?

- In 2008.

- For how long have you been trying to get in?

- I had my second deadline.

I was in Bašić Senad's class.

- Does actors envy you and do you envy them?

- I envy everyone...

- It has it's growing presence in our surrounding. Why's like that? Because of poverty, unfulfilled dreams?

- Yes, that's true.

Jealousy isn't just part of this job. Your parents, you, your friends are sometimes jealous. That's because someone has something that we don't have right now.

Before 20's it's children's sickness but after, it's a result of not seeing yourself in right way. You always have to trust yourself. There must be a reason why you don't have something.

- You learned from Stanislavski?

- Yes. The old school system.

- Those life experiences are very important. They're young and maybe something is heavier to play because of that.

- Everyone has his own experience.

- Yes. Do you have any advice for them when they are in trouble with something?

- Now days, I give up to many times.

- When you are on casting and someone got your role you ask yourself why this role was not for you. After two days you get another job and you forget about your previous job.

These things are normal. You just always have to get them under control and don't let yourself to become a monster.

- There is a lot of things that happen before premiere and there must be tension and insecurity. If you are insecure in what you do, they'll see that.

- Did I felt it? Yes, I did. Vanity is component of this job.

There is a lot situations where your colleague doesn't want to tell you about casting. He just do what he has to do and after some time you hear about casting.

- I don't care about that. I just can't let those negative things to take out my energy. Jealousy takes away your energy. I need my energy and I don't want to spend it on irrelevant things .

When you sense jealousy, you just build a huge wall.

I believe in nafaka and you can't take someone's nafaka away.

- We can do an improvisation now. - Yes, we can.

- Those things make us stronger. If we're sensitive, we're not going to make anything.

- I don't want to think about envy and jealousy. I am not interested. I know that there's a lot of people who don't like

when you are successful and they don't know how can you do all these things.

This is clear. If you want to do, you are going to do, but if you don't want to do, then you're going to talk about others and be jealous.

- I don't care about those people. There's a lot different types of people. I want those people to get out from despair. We can't compare. You already have another habitus.

We are learning just because of us. Those comparisons are the main reason for this sickness.

More fascinating is when actors and actresses start comparing themselves with the others. They aren't even anatomically the same.

- This is small community. - You think about ex-Yugoslavia?

I think about Sarajevo. Yugoslavia was good. We all strive for Yugoslavia. Why would someone limit on market of about 3-4 millions, when you have the same language and it can be a market of about 18 millions?

It is all because of business. We don't have to love each other, but this is more convenient.

- Every school has its own problems and this is going to be the same forever. This will asphyxiate you. There'll always be those teachers who're trying to find your creativity and you have to find them.

It's important for you to always check your authorities. If we find our parents' imperfections, it's not because we don't love them, it's because we grow up. This world can be better.

Mom and dad will be better if they were listening to me. We have to find our imperfections and try to fix them.

That's the only thing you can change actually.

- Armin has a spine pain. - He changed his position. He had proper reaction and attitude how to make progress in life.

- If mom and dad are bad you change yourself. - You exchange your parents. (laugh)

- We have always been talking about standard language. They told me to pick just one, but we in Prijepolje sometimes say one word in three different ways.

Professor told me to pick maybe Croatian, but to speak just that one, not to mix up everything. I took Čehov's literature and got into academy.

- Is she dead too? - Yes, she is.

- Are you a killer? - Yes she is. - She is a killer. It has to be someone from this side, because he killed a person from the other side.

- I went in high school in Zadar were we didn't have mandatory acting classes.

- I have never been thinking about college. My dream was to become a truck driver. I thought just to finish high school, pass driving tests and I'll go wherever I want with my truck.

- Do you drive a car? - I can drive a truck. If film industry stops working, I can drive truck of Coca-Cola in Switzerland. I just need some practice.

- You can't run from yourself. You're too precious. The biggest problem with people at the academy is that students play acting. Professors are not interested in Blanche or others, they're interested in...

...What is your name? - Denin.

- They're interested in Denin in certain circumstances. You have to be true. How many times did they watched ˝Lady Macbeth˝ or Blanche? 5000 versions. Why is your version interesting?

That's the key and what you have to offer to B&H acting scene. - World acting scene.

- Teachers in high school asked me about academy. Then my two best friends get into the academy. Bajramović is an actor and Lugonić is a writer. They pushed me into that. They were preparing me.

After that I went on preliminary exam and passed.

- Acting can replace everything. I can act a man who has parents or I can be a policeman. I wanted to be a policeman.

- I was thinking about the academy of fine arts because I was good at drawing. I gave up on that and at the end I went at the Academy of performing arts.

- I've finished middle art school. A lot of actors are versatile. When you have too much talents, you can't choose the right one. If you chose acting, you can be anything you want to be.

A lot of athletes are good at acting because of theirs physical abilities. Every modern play wants choreography, jumping etc. They are good for performing.

- I wanted to get into the academy in Tuzla and I was lucky because that year they were not looking for actors. I went in Sarajevo and made a success.

- When was that? - It was in 2006. I think.

- Preliminary was funny. We were writing an essay. My friend didn't know how to recognize if it is ć or č, so he just wrote c and asked me to help him. I told him that he has to write ć.

That was his problem. I had a problem with melody of spoken words.

- How long did you wait to get into the academy? - At first I needed half a point. Then I needed three more chances. Preliminary was interesting.

- Whose class was that? - Tatjana Šojić and then Ermin Bravo.

- She wasn't there long. You were lucky to be in hers class. - I was really lucky.

- Who was on your preliminary? - Tatjana Šojić, she was wonderful and Admir Glamočak as her assistant.

- Who else was there? - Igor Skvarica and Edin Avdagić. At the end, this class had 9 people.

- In whose class were you ? - Professor Admir Glamočak and Alen Muratović, his assistant.

- Do you have any kind of experiences? - Five years after I finished academy I wanted to get back there.

- I wanted to come in Sarajevo and change the ambience. I was coming because of professor Zubčević. I was sad because I didn't passed, but from this perspective it's better that they didn't accepted me.

In that time, I wasn't mature. That took me in some kind of revolution which doesn't help you to progress.

- I understand that. Did you acted with him after? - No, I haven't. But it's not sure that we aren't going to.

- He is still going to perform. - I see that he has strength.

- I've met a lot of people from B&H, Croatia and Serbia, a lot of disgusting people. This is beautiful job and if you want you can do it, but I've never seen that much jealousy and envy.

- What is your reference with movies? You just film it and it's over. You already finished shooting it, but more and more ideas are coming.

- I have fear of cameras not because of my inexperience, but because of my ambitions. I want everything that I do to be better and better. Movie is a final product. The most important thing is concentration.

You can repeat one scene for how many times you want, but if I say that I don't like it, the director says it was good and that's it. I can be dissatisfied for months but that is movie.

I think that this is good lesson, because you learn that what happened in past stays in past. And it is irreversible, because that was my maximum in that moment. Don't compare yourself with others.

- When I don't have stage fright that's when I'm afraid. In that moment I think that I don't care enough. It's normal not to have feelings. You have to forget your private life. You came to see a play and you don't

care about actor's private life because he's there just because of you. Those days are normal, but also there are days when I can't control my stage fright and I don't know what to do. I can't breathe or I can't stop yawning.

- Does fear has its smell or color? Describe it. - A fear has a lot of its manifestations. As you get older, you'll see that fear can manifest through all different things. You have to punch it away.

- You have to live with it.

- Our senses show up sometimes rationally sometimes irrationally. Fear that I have already experienced has its own smell and If that same fear happens again, it will remind me of certain situation from past.

- Tell me about reactions of your community when you told that yo're going to academy?

- I had great mum and I lived with my sister. My mom started to lose her energy right in the middle of my teenage period and I had to fight for my space and liberty. I started to be responsible for my actions.

Every human has a need to be approved and I had a blessings from my home town. I wanted to go everywhere, to be on TV and to be the main person in our group. All my friends had big expectations from me, I thought as a teenager.

- Now, we have three killers. You have to be calm. If killer kills another killer just ignore that.

- All these exercises are like exercises on first year of the academy. Because of this you are going to know each other better. It's important for class to function well. You lose your social life, but get new brothers

and sisters with whom you spend all day. Your class is going to be your family. You forget about your friends outside the academy, but after some time they meet your class and everything connects.

On second year I broke up with my boyfriend because you're at the academy 24/7 and ordinary people don't have enough understanding for what we're doing there. They think that we're just playing.

- So my relation broke and most of the other relationships broke down because of that.

- Are you still in a relationship with an actress? - No, I am not. - You were together for a long time. Have you ever met? - Yes, we've met. It was hard, a little bit.

- Sorry for asking. - No problem. You get a job somewhere else and you don't see each other for a long time. When I finish my job, she gets another.

- Jobs are against love. - You have to find someone who'll understand you and be your support.

- You're always preoccupied and that's negative side. I believe that you have your social life, I had it too. - Past time.

- Positive side of this job is your conclusion about real friends and real people. Every day I went to the academy at 9 am and its working hours is till 11 pm.

It's nice, but sometimes you ask yourself about your life. You don't have free weekend because you have a lot exams and you have to finish it all.

- These four are killers and also Denin. - You saw me and I killed you, but you didn't die.

- You were a killer too. - We were all killers.

Sometimes I had to refuse a job, because I had a lot of money and sometimes everything just stops. It is unlikely.

- When you relax too much, it becomes hard because you think it's all good. After some time, it's catching up with you and you've to go back to machine again.

You have to be lucky. When you ask every famous actor why, he will tell you that he had a luck.

- I allow myself a lot to give up. Giving up isn't worst than starting up from beginning. When you give up, you just have to continue from where you stopped.

Americans simplify everything and they say: just do it. Only advice is to always rely just on yourself and your life as well the spectators experiences.

- Tell us about your European career? You're one of the rare actors who played in series of foreign production. Is itm possible to live just with this job? Your social background isn't good either.

You can live well from acting just as with some other job. It's important to choose a job that makes you happy and makes you want to advance. Not money, cars or apartments, I don't have that.

I accidentally took my friend's body milk instead of gel, because I still live with my friends. I can sometimes live so good with my job.

It's very important that job feeds up your motors so you can tomorrow be a creators of your own lives.

I know a lot of people who are doing jobs which they aren't interested in and they're unhappy. They have perfect husbands, girls, brothers, families but they are unhappy.

I'm lucky to do this job, because it makes me happy and makes me afraid sometimes. I'm afraid because these things catch me up when you look the quality of your life through what you have achieved. 238 00:59:11,110 --> 00:59:34,000 Many actors experienced their real acting ascent when they were older. I admire Bryan Cranston from "Breaking Bad", who played a role of his life when he was in his sixties. It didn't come overnight.

All his life, he had to be brilliant actor and to patiently wait for his moment. Maybe, that moment will never come, but you have to love your job despite anything.

Footballers play every game on same level and they do their best that brings them money among the other things.

- Which acting role you like the most?

- That's a good question. I don't have much experience, but If you do something you can prosper.

On my third year I was so bad. We were working on Greek tragedy and because of my private life, I was unemotional. I didn't pass my second semester.

I had to work as a slave to get out of this. My whole winter break I had to do everything, just not to feel sad. I did all my students projects just to be on the stage. That helped me.

- Work against depression.

- Every imperfection I have and which I don't like, I'm pointing out. I'm trying to love my imperfections. I'm great. Only way to forget about complexes is to accept them.

You have to point out your imperfections. In imitations I've played with my teeth a lot. Who knows how to smile at himself he's going to be the center of his group.

Don't run away from yourself.

- A killer has to start with killing. You have to kill them all.

- Have you ever been embarrassed?

- Sure I was. Thank you for everything...

- Can we get some rest?

- Is that your first question? - What have you been doing?

- Have you ever been embarrassed?

- Many times. When we were learning Greek tragedy I was so depressed and my professor gave me 5 monologues to learn. You can learn 2 monologues. The third one you won't know as first 2 and 2 other you won't know in any way.

I had to do all this for tomorrow. I did not sleep all night. That moment came and my suffering began.

First monologue was Agamemnon, second one was Jago and third was Heracles. I started improvising and that was a disaster.

- You were embarrassed.

My colleagues looked at me as you're looking now. Friends know that I can do this better. My professor and assistant were there. I did not decide to do this job because of that.

The day before, my professor asked me about my problem. I told him that I wasn't good at this. How many monologues did you read? I told him that I've read 3. You have to estimate If that is enough for you to know are you good or bad.

For tomorrow learn five other monologues. You understand that you could do all of this all alone. It took two months and after 2 monologues I estimated that I'm not good at this. I was so closed to learn all 5 monologues.

My brain couldn't remember all of them. I remembered 2, the third almost and the fourth and fifth were out. Tomorrow I'll know and tomorrow my life will be brighter. You have to experience this kind of embarrassing.

Professor asked me about my feeling. I told him that I felt like sh*t. He told me to remember that feeling.

- I put in a letter ˝j˝ where I needed it and where not. In one moment I said osvjeta (osveta – revenge) and they all started laughing. I thought that I was good.

- How do you feel right now?

- I am stiff.

- Then don't be stiff.

- Is it easy now?

- Yes.

- You don't have to do anything. Just be.

- Professor Admir always told us to consciously get embarrassed. Every person has his own number of steps that he is going to cross and also he has certain number of times when he gets embarrassed. So, this should be done when you're younger.

- One of my colleagues told me that actor wasn't aware 1 hour after the show. Once when I gave the interview right after the show, I wasn't aware and everything I said, I said as my character. I felt like a sheep.

- Where are you acting now? I know you were in Čakovec and you played "Ladies choose". Where else we can see you?

- You can see me in a play called "Animal farm". - We watched you already. Is there a lots of fear in that play?

- There is a lot of fear because one role you know better than the other. There are too many roles. The most difficult is waiting. Waiting for you role.

When you get it you're trying to do your best, but the fear is still there, because you don't know how good is your colleague in his role. That play is tense but also exciting.

- We liked it.

- You're playing in "The Bear" tonight.

- Yes. I don't know if you heard for this. This is a short term joke in one act. It takes 40 minutes.

- Is there a battler?

- Yes, there is a battler.

- It's my honor to meet you. I'm a landowner. I was forced to upset you because of one important thing.

- What do you want?

- Your dead husband left me with debt. 1200 rubbles. As I need to return my debt tomorrow I would like to get my money back.

- 1200?

- Yes, rubbles.

- What did he do? - He bought oat from me.

- Luka! Don't forget to give him more oats.

- I understand ma'am.

- Fine. If Nikolaj Mihajlović didn't give your money back, then I'll give it to you.

Sorry. Don't. I don't have money now. When my manager returns, I'll order him to pay you Nikolaj's debt. Sorry, I can't pay you now. Today is 7 months since my husband has died. I can't think about money and debts.

- If I don't pay my debt till tomorrow, agrarian bank will take my land. - I'll give you your money day after tomorrow.

- I need that money today, do you understand?

- I can't give you money today. - Tomorrow it will be to late.

- What can I do?

- You don't want to give me money?

- No. I can't give it to you.

- You do not want to?

- How do you talk if you do not talk from your throat ?

- I talk from a diaphragm.

- He is an actor, you can learn a lot from him.

- What? Do I have to be cold-blooded? People ask me why am I always angry? How can I not be angry? I got up at dawn yesterday and visited all my debtors and no one gave me my money back.

I was so tired. I visited you with hope that you'll give me my money and you are in your mood. How can I not be angry?

- My manager will come the day after tomorrow and I'll give you your money.

- Did I came to you or to your manager?

- Excuse me, sir, but I'm not accustomed to such a tone and such expressions. Goodbye.

- What are you talking about? Mood?

- Did you watched ''Kiss of a spider woman''?

- No.

- Admir had the role of a prison manager.

- I'm fighting with one guy.

- He really slaps him. We avoid that, but sometimes it happens.

- It was in Chamber theater 55. The audience is in front of me so I had to do that.

- Mood? No one gives me my money back? Why? Because I'm weakling, a woman. You know what? I'll stay here and scream. I want my money. My money. My money.

Give me some water. I can't breath. Give me some water, why are you looking at me? This is why I don't love to talk with woman. It's easier to sit on barrel of booze than to talk to a woman.

I need my money as bread, but she doesn't want to give it back. She's in her mood.

- We are filming this new series in co-production with RTS and RTRS „Shadows over the Balkan". This is a regional story.

The action takes place between two world wars while The kingdom of SHS (Serbs, Croats and Slovenians) was running in this area in 1929.

- Do you have any engagement?

- I work at the academy. If anyone wants to study the academy, probably I'll be their professor. This takes me a lot of time and I have 4 plays and also I'm TV host on BHT.

It's complicate to get a job as an actor in TV series or movies or to get a role in theater play. I'm trying to get more engagements.

- I have enough money, but I can work more.

- Considering that we film half of movie in one year, I'm very lucky because I filmed 3 last year. One of those is Polish movie by Denial Hasanović about a woman who has a hard time passing the airport control.

It's great if someone calls you to write a comedy just for you as happened to me when I got an e-mail with invitation to act in a play which is great. I played "Bosnian on vacation" in Split in front of 450 people twice in one night.

- Do you earn enough money with acting?

- I would like to know if I'm going to work after the academy. That isn't my motivation. I was lucky because my parents helped me a lot. When I was talking about the academy, my father said: No, you will beg for a pepper.

- You close your eyes and just believe us. You can't fall.

- Are you satisfied with your life?

- I'm. Can someone help me to pay the bills this month?

- That was it. You looked at her and she looked away, you smiled because you were defending yourself. That is acting. Her action caused his reaction.

He's still here and we're watching at him. He's defending himself by doing something with his arms. Take your hands down. You're defending yourself, because you crossed your hands. That was a goal. You were here and her action caused his reaction. That's it.

For more infomation >> IZVINI, KASNIM - Duration: 1:27:04.


Happy Valentines Day - Duration: 1:29.

I'm gonna transform into cupid and stick my clown boots up your a**

For more infomation >> Happy Valentines Day - Duration: 1:29.


BREAKING NOW: He's FINALLY Under Investigation For Perjury! Dems In Total Duress! - Duration: 5:18.

BREAKING NOW: He's FINALLY Under Investigation For Perjury!

Dems In Total Duress!

Ever since Trump won the election, the left has been focused on trying to take him down

by any means necessary.

Now, in the past, many people would find that hard to believe, but over the last year, it

has been proven to be the case.

For instance, in the last several weeks the American people have learned that the Obama

administration signed off on a FISA warrant that allowed government officials to wiretap

a political candidate's phone based on, you guessed it, the fake Trump dossier that

was paid for by Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Well, now it appears that those government officials in the Obama administration that

used this phony dossier to spy on an American citizen are about to face some severe consequences

that have top Democrats looking for cover.

If you take a step back and think about what we have seen occur in our country in the last

year, it astounds you.

We all knew that the Obama administration was corrupt, but in all honesty, not many

people could not predict the lengths they would go to sabotage a sitting president.

As you know after Trump was elected as president, the left swung into action pushing the now-debunked

Trump dossier onto the American people as proof that Trump, in fact, conspired with

Russia to win the election.

Of course, when such claims are made an investigation must take place to check the validity of such

wild allegations which has backfired in the faces of these vile swamp rats hiding in Washington


One swamp rat that was questioned was former CIA Director John Brennan who testified under

oath last May that the dossier was not factored into the CIA's conclusion that Russia meddled

with our election.

Under oath before the intelligence panel, Brennan even went as far as to swear that

he did not know who funded the dossier, despite the fact that senior national security and

counterintelligence officials at the Justice Department and FBI knew the file was supported

by the Hillary Clinton campaign the previous year.

With all this information coming forward the American people are demanding answers which

has the House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes heeding the call.

According to recent reports, Nunes is planning on opening an investigation into Brennan for

perjury concerning his testimony last year about the false dossier.

Here is more The Gateway Pundit:

Chairman of the House Intel Committee, Devin Nunes plans to investigate former CIA Director

John Brennan and other Obama officials for their role in promoting Hillary's phony


According to investigative reporter, Paul Sperry, Chairman Nunes is also investigating

whether Brennan perjured himself in a public testimony about the dossier.

Paul Sperry reported via Real Clear Investigations:

In his May 2017 testimony before the intelligence panel, Brennan emphatically denied the dossier

factored into the intelligence community's publicly released conclusion last year that

Russia meddled in the 2016 election "to help Trump's chances of victory."

Brennan also swore that he did not know who commissioned the anti-Trump research document

(excerpt here), even though senior national security and counterintelligence officials

at the Justice Department and FBI knew the previous year that the dossier was funded

by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Chairman Nunes released the first of several memos last week detailing the FISA abuses

carried out by Obama's FBI and DOJ.

Hillary's phony Russia dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele was

used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump's camp.

Nunes then revealed the next phase of the House Intel Committee's investigation will

focus on Obama's State Department and their role in disseminating the Steele dossier.

Paul Sperry reported other Obama officials such as James Clapper and former NatSec Advisor

Susan Rice will be investigated: The aide, who spoke only on condition of anonymity,

said Nunes will focus on Brennan as well as President Obama's first CIA director, Leon

Panetta, along with the former president's intelligence czar, James Clapper, and national

security adviser, Susan Rice, and security adviser-turned U.N. ambassador Samantha Power,

among other intelligence officials.

"John Brennan did more than anyone to promulgate the dirty dossier," the investigator said.

"He politicized and effectively weaponized what was false intelligence against Trump."

Attempts to reach Brennan for comment were unsuccessful.

For the last year, the mainstream media, liberal politicians, Hillary Clinton and Obama supporters

have been screaming that Trump conspired with the Russians to win the election.

These delicate geniuses are basing their entire argument on a debunked dossier as proof to

bolster their claims and now that it has been found out to be fictitious puts every one

of them in the hot seat.

This entire situation has been dragged out long enough, and it is past the time for all

those involved in this extreme government overreach to face some sort of punishment.

There is no good reason that any American citizen should be allowed to be spied on with

flimsy evidence and false allegations.

Now, those involved including Brennan need to face the music, and hopefully, all of them

end up behind bars.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING NOW: He's FINALLY Under Investigation For Perjury! Dems In Total Duress! - Duration: 5:18.


♥ عندما يتعرض II جونغ كوك II للتنمر من طرف اعضاء II بانقتان II ♥♥ - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> ♥ عندما يتعرض II جونغ كوك II للتنمر من طرف اعضاء II بانقتان II ♥♥ - Duration: 8:09.


Dems Use Immigrant Gold Medalist To Slam Trump – Backfires BIG With What She Said Instead! Hell Yeah - Duration: 5:22.

Dems Use Immigrant Gold Medalist To Slam Trump – Backfires BIG With What She Said Instead!

Hell Yeah!

The 2018 Winter Olympics has gone on record as the most politically controversial games

of our time and it's only getting worse before it's over.

Rather than using this world-uniting event for how it's intended, divisive liberal

Americans are insistent on grinding their agenda into every aspect of the games and

ruining it for the exceptional Olympians who have worked hard their whole lives to be there.

All the controversial points liberals are wanting to bring attention to have been entered

into the Olympics at this point, except for a huge one they have been holding off on until

the right time.

Democrats thought they had their opportunity when an immigrant American won a gold medal

and tried to use her to slam President Donald Trump, like so many other US Olympians have


However, it blew up spectacularly in their face with what she said instead.

Chloe Kim, is only 17 years old and she is making headlines everywhere after bringing

home a gold medal as an unexpected champion.

However, she's sharing her sudden spotlight with someone else who was at the games with


The US Olympic snowboarder claimed one of the first gold medals for Team USA and while

she was competing, all eyes were on her immigrant father in the crowd who held up a "Go Chloe"

sign the entire time supporting his daughter who he has been there for every step up the


Chloe herself is a Korean American, but her father wasn't always a citizen.

Chloe's number one supporter and her biggest fan has been by her side all along and she

is making sure he gets the recognition he deserves.

Jong Jin immigrated to America from South Korea back in 1982 because he wanted to achieve

the "American Dream" and he is proving that he has done that.

He came to America the legal way, following all of America's rules and processes of

becoming a legal citizen.

Jong has been a dedicated father and has supported Chloe through her entire Olympic training,

even leaving behind a successful career to help his daughter achieve her goals.

This father daughter story is impressive and has touched the hearts of many watching the


It proves that through dedication, hard work, determination, and respect for the process,

that dreams can be achieved.

For Chloe, it was a gold medal, but for her father, it was the dream of becoming an American

citizen and ability to offer his family a life of freedom and opportunity.

However, Democrats twisted the reality of this Olympian's situation in hopes to use

it against Trump to discredit his immigration policy that liberals are adamantly against.

This divisive stance backfired after what Chloe had to say on the matter.

CNN reports:

Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin inserted the hot-button political issue of immigration into the Winter

Games when telling the story of Chloe Kim, the teen phenom who won a gold medal in the

women's halfpipe.

Speaking from the Senate floor — next to a picture of Kim with her arms outstretched

in joy while holding an American flag — and later at a news conference, Durbin, a Democrat,

talked about Kim's father, Jong Jin Kim, who came to California from Korea in 1982.

Jong Jin Kim didn't have a college degree, spoke little English and had nothing but a

Korean-English dictionary and $300 in his pocket.

"He decided to go to school.

He picked up a degree in engineering technology," Durbin said Tuesday.

"He decided to start a family.

A nice little family.

And a little girl, who had a special skill when it came to snowboarding.

That girl was Chloe Kim, and she won a gold medal last night at the Olympics."

Then Durbin went there, saying if the US had the kind of hard-line immigrations policies

on the books that President Trump and his GOP allies want, Kim's family wouldn't

have been allowed to come here.

"It's a story of an immigrant family.

A man who might not have passed some of the merit-based tests that we're hearing around

here," Durbin said.

"But who came to the United States determined to make a life and to bring a family forward."

Durbin made a complete fool out of himself and only proved Trump's immigration policy

to be as effective as the president has said it is.

When Chloe was awarded the hard-earned gold medal, she told NBC Sports, "I worked so

hard to get to this point and just coming here and being able to land was my main goal.I

was so happy I could do it and take home the gold."

Then she added what it took to get to this point, ironically achieving her goal where

her family immigrated from.

"My family has sacrificed so much for me and accomplish this dream of mine.

Being able to do that in their home country is amazing."

Trump's immigration policy is not a matter of keeping people out or kicking them out,

it's about ensuring legal processes of becoming a citizen and that the right reasons for wanting


It wasn't easy for Chloe's father to come to America and wait and work hard to become

a citizen, but he did it for his family and he did it legally.

There are no shortcuts in life, as she's proven with her own dedication to her goal

of winning a gold medal.

Had her father cheated the system, she would have learned a different way to live, but

instead, her dad raised a champion by being a hero himself.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Dems Use Immigrant Gold Medalist To Slam Trump – Backfires BIG With What She Said Instead! Hell Yeah - Duration: 5:22.


Funny Hospital Play. soccer, learn color, toy, kids. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:41.


The soccer is really interesting

Oh! I think my leg is something wrong

Help me!

Doctor RUBY!

What happened to daddy?

He need my help


Doctor RUBY

What happened?


there is something wrong to my leg

Let's see

I am going to start treatment

Well, I think you need to take a X-ray

Show Camera

Show screen

Oh dear. your leg is broken

You need to get a cast

Show bandage

The treatment is done

would you try to walk around?

Yes Doctor

It is really hard to walk

Oh ! thank you!!

Thank you

You are awesome!

For more infomation >> Funny Hospital Play. soccer, learn color, toy, kids. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:41.


Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI 95pk 5drs Bluemotion Edition - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI 95pk 5drs Bluemotion Edition - Duration: 0:59.


Volkswagen Golf Comfortline 5-drs 1.0 85 kW/115PK | NAVI | PDC | GARANTIE - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Comfortline 5-drs 1.0 85 kW/115PK | NAVI | PDC | GARANTIE - Duration: 0:59.


HomePod - Beat - Apple

For more infomation >> HomePod - Beat - Apple


How to say I wish all of you a happy valentine's day in 6 languages - Duration: 2:28.

I wish all of you a happy Valentine's day

Ich wünsche euch allen einen schönen Valentinstag

Je vous souhaite une bonne Saint Valentin

Io vi auguro un buon San Valentino

Os deseo un feliz dia de San Valentín

Desejo-vos a todos um feliz dia dos namorados / feliz dia de São Valentim.

For more infomation >> How to say I wish all of you a happy valentine's day in 6 languages - Duration: 2:28.


🔴Type I Hypersensitivity by German Oscillatory Medicine.|428Hz. - Duration: 11:01.

It is a healing video channel that can experience the frequency which is said to increase self healing power by listening with earphones.

This sound source contains frequencies of bands that can not be heard much.

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To obtain the effect of this video please listen for at least 5 minutes.

All videos are posted on the official page "428 Hz Hybrid Sound".

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For more infomation >> 🔴Type I Hypersensitivity by German Oscillatory Medicine.|428Hz. - Duration: 11:01.


[STR] Ep. 02 - I got a job, the inescapable QA - Duration: 3:34.

Hi! I got a job. I got a job, it's a simple job and it's gonna pay my bills

It's pretty much what I wanted. I intentionally decided not to go

for a committing positions but rather find something that was going to ease me back

a into limited role, into a simple position this is good because I'm trying

to focus on myself I think focusing on myself and my personal goals and studies

that is the essence of what I'm trying to do in life and what I'm trying

to do with "steps to reproduce".

There is a nice church behind me there...

It's in the games industry

It's it's been nice though, to be welcomed to an

entry-level position and to be given a change at that,

you know, in some of the cases people my might have preferred not

to let somebody like me in a company just because I have previous

management experiences and that maybe doesn't sit so well with doing

simple QA tasks or localization tasks or whatnot...

so this is happening.

Starting soon and

and that's the main update for me.

QA departments are an entry-level position and it's a gateway to put your

first foot in the industry. There are a lot of people who build a career in QA the

realities that QA is the main support to development and you cannot see one

without the others. I do not imagine a software development process that is

void of QA. It just doesn't happen that way, there is one thing about bugs and

finding bugs: developing a game, developing a software, developing an app,

it's not perfect science, so remember that

imagine you have to think about it that's a very long excel formula it's

gonna break at some point and even when you think it's gonna work, for so many reasons

it won't, and there's nothing you can do about it.

QA is the development once development is done.

anyway I'm gonna go for now...

and finish having my breakfast. I'm so sleepy today!

For more infomation >> [STR] Ep. 02 - I got a job, the inescapable QA - Duration: 3:34.


'When I heard it my heart dropped,' student says of Parkland shooting - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> 'When I heard it my heart dropped,' student says of Parkland shooting - Duration: 2:35.


ハートアラモード〔歌ってみた〕【Peace × Marie☆FD】Heart a la mode - Duration: 3:59.

Your voice is my alarm clock today,

speaking through the phone

And yet somehow I'm tempted back to dreamland

Nope, not getting up, good night everyone!

It's my classic morning style

Well this coffee is gonna have to do the trick

Draining a can and rushing off to meet you

We're not gonna make it?! So, So sorry!

You even took the time to wake me up. . .

Today's gotta be the day

To tell you about these sugar-filled feelings of mine

"All the time we spend together,

The good and the bad, a bitter-sweet mix

I'm gonna treasure every second of it"

If only I could say something like that. . .

You're looking beat from all that walking

Wandering the gap being dreams and reality

I couldn't bear to wake you, keep on sleeping

Just the two of us swaying here on the train ride home

If I can just get a bit lucky,

Your pretty little face might pay a visit to my shoulder

I just wanna get a little closer, just to check

On both your feelings and the smell of your hair

I wouldn't mind missing our stop like this,

So I can just run away with you. . .

"All the time we spend together,

The good and the bad, a bitter-sweet mix

I'm gonna treasure every second of it"

I gotta tell ya somehow. . .

The sun sets and it's almost time for goodbye

I have to tell you, it's a once-in-a-lifetime deal

But the words just won't come out

I can't even look you in the eyes, ah!, this is bad!!

You're just watching me panic,

When you suddenly smile and say:

"Sorry, but I'm not waiting any longer"

And then, our faces come together

A surprise attack, making my heart go crazy

The both of us feeling the exact same thing right now. . .

"All the time we spend together,

The good and the bad, a bitter-sweet mix

I'm gonna treasure every second of it"

I finally said it!

As we continue to spend our time side-by-side,

There'll be nothing that can keep us down

For we already have all the magic we need. . .

. . .to sweeten it up

For more infomation >> ハートアラモード〔歌ってみた〕【Peace × Marie☆FD】Heart a la mode - Duration: 3:59.


How Isaiah Thomas and Lonzo Ball Could Be NBA STARS on the Lakers - Duration: 5:20.

Isaiah Thomas is a guy who can't keep his mouth shut and Lonzo Ball has a dad who can't

keep his mouth shut.

Isaiah was traded to the Lakers and so many people are wondering: How will Isaiah Thomas

and Lonzo Ball work on the Lakers?

What is up dudes, dudettes, ballers, player, it's ya boi MJ.

Today I want to show How Isaiah Thomas and Lonzo Ball could work on the Lakers and be

NBA Stars.

Let me know in the comments if you think Lonzo Ball and IT will work and also if Lonzo Ball

will improve his shot.

Alright, let's get into it.

As a Lakers fan, I was really surprised by the trade.

I know that the Lakers are trying to go after free agents this summer, but trading away

young guns like Jordan Clarkson and Larry Nance Jr. just seemed wrong.

The Lakers are developing young talent and have been rebuilding nicely with their pieces

getting better and better.

Adding Isaiah Thomas to that mix didn't really make sense at first.

You add a ball dominant point guard when you have Lonzo Ball, your supposed franchise player,

and Josh Hart.

You add a guy who has been causing locker room problems.

I mean no disrespect but this picture of Isaiah makes him look like a kid about to be picked

up in the air by his dad.

You add a defensive liability in Isaiah Thomas to a Lakers squad that is 20th.

But then, I realized, wait a second.

Isaiah Thomas and Lonzo Ball might just work.

Lonzo Ball is a 6' 6" point guard and while he will be the starting point guard,

he can easily defend the shooting guard.

In fact, Lonzo Ball is a better off ball defender.

He leads the Lakers in blocks plus steals.

He's one of two guards in the NBA to have 30+ steals and 20+ blocks and he's only

played 36 games.

The Lakers are also better defensively with Lonzo Ball on the floor.

I also saw Isaiah Thomas do something I didn't think would happen, come off the bench.

But within the grand scheme of things, Isaiah Thomas would still be playing 30+ minutes

and once Lonzo comes back, Isaiah and Lonzo would be sharing the court together.

Now Isaiah Thomas is the defensive liability I mentioned, but he can still score.

The way the two would work together would be that Isaiah Thomas would be the point guard

on defense and the shooting guard on offense and Lonzo Ball would be the shooting guard

on defense and the point guard on offense.

Basically, they switch roles on offense and defense.

Lonzo Ball is not ball dominant and initiates the Lakers offense quickly with a pass.

He's second in the league in passes made per game.

His usage rate is below average and while that will go up, Lonzo will continue to pass,

but you can't pass up on these cases with great sports designs so check out athletic

cases in the description.

They look great!

They have an Isaiah Thomas case, but it's not updated.

Isaiah Thomas on the other hand will get more open looks and still get time with the ball

in his hands.

Because Lonzo is not ball dominant and can orchestrate as a floor general, Isaiah Thomas

will also get a more flowing offense.

With IT on the floor offensively, Lonzo will get more open looks and his shot has been

getting better and better each month.

He shot 38% from 3 in December so cool it with the Lonzo Airball jokes, except this


The reason it works is because Lonzo and Isaiah are opposites in a sense.

Lonzo is more passive, Isaiah more aggressive, Lonzo likes to pass, Isaiah likes to shoot.

Everyone loves Lonzo Ball as a person and teammate.

Lonzo has always been a team player and has great off the court chemistry with his teammates.

I feel as if Lonzo and Isaiah can develop this bond.

I know Isaiah is only supposed to be there for the remainder of this season, but I want

IT to go back to being the old IT.

It would help the Lakers a great deal.

I don't think Isaiah Thomas will get that pay day that he wants, but if he can prove

to play with these young guns and not cause problems, that will definitely help IT.

Together Lonzo and Isaiah could become NBA stars in their own right.

Isaiah could return back to MVP form, Lonzo could develop further and maybe have less


The key to all this is Isaiah and Lonzo switch roles on defense and offense so that it works


I know Isaiah is a defensive liability but he can compensate for that offensively and

with Lonzo's off ball defense and good team defense schemes from Luke Walton.

I was against the very idea of this trade, but now looking into it, Isaiah Thomas and

Lonzo Ball will work together on the Lakers.

But what do you think?

Do the Lakers get better with Isaiah?

Can Lonzo and Isaiah work together?

Let me know in the comments down below.

Drop a like if you like this video and if you like Lonzo Ball's passing.

The instagram shout of the day goes to NBAnew1998 and the ALLDAY notification squad shout out

goes to MyUsernamesthis.

Thanks for the ALLDAY support.

Make sure to hit the bell for ALLDAY notifications and if you're not a sub, hit that subscribe

button to join the ALLDAY community for more fire content and ALLDAY support.

It's ya boi MJ.

We Out!

For more infomation >> How Isaiah Thomas and Lonzo Ball Could Be NBA STARS on the Lakers - Duration: 5:20.


sài gòn 29 tết TOÀN CẢNH Quận 8 chợ HOA BẾN BÌNH ĐÔNG XƯA NHẤT SÀI GÒN I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 24:52.

For more infomation >> sài gòn 29 tết TOÀN CẢNH Quận 8 chợ HOA BẾN BÌNH ĐÔNG XƯA NHẤT SÀI GÒN I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 24:52.


5-Minute Vegan Chocolate Mousse Recipe - Hot Chocolate Hits - Duration: 2:42.

Hi guys! today I'm going to show you how to make a chocolate mousse- but not just

any chocolate mousse, this one is dairy free and egg free- now traditional

chocolate mousse does have raw eggs but I know that a lot of you are not

comfortable using raw eggs in desserts or you don't eat eggs so this is a

perfect recipe for you now we're gonna add a little twist to make it a little

bit more special and this recipe is made with some ingredients that might seem a

bit unconventional to you but you just have to trust me I hope you like this

recipe as much as I do so let's get started

to begin I'm roughly chopping some tofu

yes you heard right, tofu - just go with it

you'll need 340 grams of silken tofu for this recipe, it's a lot softer than

regular tofu and it lends a super creamy texture add the tofu to a high-powered

add the tofu to a high-powered

blender or food processor, I also like to toss in a quarter teaspoon of instant

espresso powder and a handful of fresh raspberries but both of these

ingredients are totally optional remember this is your chocolate mousse

and you can flavor it however you'd like also trickle in a quarter cup of milk

regular or non-dairy both work

next throw in a splash of vanilla extract

followed by one to two tablespoons of maple syrup or another sweetener such as agave

here I have a hundred and seventy grams of dark chocolate,

now you could use milk chocolate if you like

and I'm just gonna melt this chocolate in the

microwave stirring after every 30 seconds or until it's nice and smooth

let the chocolate cool slightly till it reaches room temperature and then you

can add it to the rest of the ingredients

and now you are ready to blend

give the mixture whiz until it's silky smooth and resembles the likes of

a chocolate milkshake

it'll be a little thin but just wait it'll solidify nicely

once you let it chill for a bit

pour the mixture into your desired serving dishes

I like to use little jars

and you want to chill the pots for about 30 minutes

to an hour or until it's nice and solidified

to serve I like to garnish the mousse with some chocolate shavings

roughly chopped pistachios

and a couple of fresh raspberries for that beautiful bright colour

this chocolate mousse is

rich with a creamy texture, making it a tasty possibly vegan alternative to an

all-time classic and no one has to know that secret


thank you guys so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed

learning how to make this non-traditional but still delicious

chocolate mousse

if you like this video and you want to see some more

don't forget to subscribe to my channel and make sure your notifications are turned

on so that you're the first to know when I upload new videos

as always the full

recipe for this chocolate mousse is available on

and I will see you next time, bye bye!

For more infomation >> 5-Minute Vegan Chocolate Mousse Recipe - Hot Chocolate Hits - Duration: 2:42.


Three ways Arsenal could line up v Ostersunds FK after Lacazette injury blow ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:29.

The France international has been ruled out for up to six weeks with a knee injury, in

what is a major blow to the Gunners' hopes in European competition.

With Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang unable to play due to Borussia Dortmund's involvement in

the tournament,

Arsene Wenger has some big decisions to make as to who should line up against the Swedish


So how will the Gunners line up without Lacazette?

Here we take a look at three potential options available to the Arsenal boss.

Though Arsenal were well beaten by Tottenham Hotspur at the weekend, if Wenger is truly

sticking with his strongest team then this is probably what he'd lump for.

David Ospina is expected to continue between the sticks in cup competitions and should

replace Petr Cech,

while Danny Welbeck is the obvious contender to step up in Aubameyang and Lacazette's


Aaron Ramsey is still expected to miss out so Mohamed Elneny would most likely continue

in midfield.

Arsenal have played three-at-the-back on many occasions this season

and Wenger may see the clash against weaker opposition as a chance to give the likes of

Sead Kolasinac a run out.

Reiss Nelson and Ainsley Maitland-Niles have also enjoyed success in the wing-back positions

and Wenger may allow them a run out to keep some of his more prominent first-team members

fresh for the league.

Though Wenger may want to play a strong team, does he really need both Elneny and Granit

Xhaka in midfield against Ostersunds?

Probably not.

So why not give young Eddie Nketiah a chance, play Mesut Ozil just behind him and Danny

Welbeck out wide left with Mkhitaryan pushing right?

Alternatively, Welbeck could remain through the middle, with Alex Iwobi returning to the

side in a more attacking formation.

For more infomation >> Three ways Arsenal could line up v Ostersunds FK after Lacazette injury blow ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:29.


August Rush - Something Inside me @quitmyjobtotravel - Duration: 1:01.

I know they are out there somewhere.

I don't know where it comes from...

but where's I hold on to...

and I can't let go.

Somewhere inside me,

I know that they always wanted me.

Maybe they just got lost...

For more infomation >> August Rush - Something Inside me @quitmyjobtotravel - Duration: 1:01.


A Journey to Help Growers | Why We Exist - Duration: 2:53.

Thirteen years and millions of miles ago

I owned and managed two of the largest citrus groves in Florida.

Like you, I followed my agronomy plan to the letter.

I used every conventional best management practice available to me.

The trouble was—the more I tried to fertilize my way to bigger yields, the further I fell.

I needed answers.

What I'd been told would make me successful wasn't working.

So I traveled the country to meet with other growers, agronomists, and experts.

With God's help and the knowledge of others,

I learned to look at agronomy from a different point of view.

During this time I began to study the carbon element very closely.

While doing this, I discovered the untapped potential held within this complex molecule.

After years of trials, CarbonWorks created three products that are dramatically different

from any other carbon-based substance in the world.

And the results from thirteen years of testing prove it.

What we've learned at CarbonWorks is extraordinary.

This is why I founded CarbonWorks—

to help farmers like you across the United States and the world grow.

If you don't believe me, I don't blame you.

Many of the large corporations ruling the ag industry place the health of their own

bank accounts ahead of the health of your operation.

They rake in billions while you may or may not squeak out a profit.

I've been in the same situation, which is why I'm passionate about sharing our knowledge

with all farmers, no matter what you grow.

CarbonWorks has helped farmers growing nearly every type of crop, succeed through our knowledge

and products.

Even if you never use our products, the knowledge you gain here will only help you.

And there is no one more willing to share it with you than me, George Sims,

founder of CarbonWorks.

I firmly believe that, together, we can launch your farm into the next generation of productivity.

For more infomation >> A Journey to Help Growers | Why We Exist - Duration: 2:53.


Lucille and Doreen's NDIS Story - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Lucille and Doreen's NDIS Story - Duration: 1:18.


Evolve Stage 2. One shall rise and the rest shall fall - Duration: 18:10.

For more infomation >> Evolve Stage 2. One shall rise and the rest shall fall - Duration: 18:10.


LEVEL 1 LADDER & NEEW CLAN l Clash Royale l Earth Gaming - Duration: 1:26:33.

For more infomation >> LEVEL 1 LADDER & NEEW CLAN l Clash Royale l Earth Gaming - Duration: 1:26:33.


Destiny's Child "No No No" (Cover) - Duration: 4:02.

You'll be sayin' no, no, no, no, no

When it's really yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

You'll be sayin' no, no, no, no, no

When it's really yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

You'll be sayin' no, no, no, no, no

When it's really yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

You'll be sayin' no, no, no, no, no

When it's really yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

Boy I know you want me

I can see it in your eyes

But you keep on frontin' , Won't you say what's on your mind

Cause each and every time you near me You give me signs

But when I ask you what's the deal, You hold it all inside

If you wanna be with me, You gotta keep it real

Tell me what's goin' on

Tell me how you feel

Cause boy I know you want me Just as much as I want you

So come and get my love

It's all here for you

You'll be sayin' no, no, no, no, no (no baby)

When it's really yes, yes, yes, yes, yes (yes baby)

You'll be sayin' no, no, no, no, no (no no)

When it's really yes, yes, yes, yes, yes (yes)

You'll be sayin' no, no, no, no, no (tell me baby)

When it's really yes, yes, yes, yes, yes (yes yes yes)

You'll be sayin' no, no, no, no, no (oh oh)

When it's really yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

If you keep actin' this way, You're gonna lose my love

I ain't got no time to play, You better hurry up

Cause every time I come around, Cruise around your way

I see you on the corner but you don't know what to say

When I walk up to you baby, You seem so shy

What's the problem baby, never had a girl like I

I can see right through you and you know you wanna be mine

So get your act together cause you're running out of time

no, no, no, no, no (oh oh)

When it's really yes, yes, yes, yes, yes (yes, yes, yes)

You'll be sayin' no, no, no, no, no (Oh no)

When it's really yes, yes, yes, yes, yes (Don't you know, telling me)

You'll be sayin' no, no, no, no, no (no baby, no baby, no baby)

When it's really yes, yes, yes, yes, yes (yes baby, yes baby, yes baby)

You'll be sayin' no, no, no, no, no ( NO baby, NO baby, NO baby)

When it's really yes, yes, yes, yes, yes (yes baby, yes baby, yes baby)

You wont regret. I must confess.

I'm really feelin you

Anything you've ever wanted before

Is right here for you, for you

Don't worry what they say

Just bring your love my way

Cause your friends can't do what I can for you

I don't wanna hear you say (nooo)

Baby tell me (yeees)

Tell me Yes, don't tell me no nooo


Don't tell me no noo

Tell me what I want to hear, yeah

Y-E-S, not N-O, Oh oh oh

You'll be sayin' no, no, no, no, no (Don't you know, telling me no baby, no baby, no baby)

When it's really yes, yes, yes, yes, yes ( yes baby, yes baby, yes baby)

You'll be sayin' no, no, no, no, no (NO baby, NO baby, NO baby)

When it's really yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

For more infomation >> Destiny's Child "No No No" (Cover) - Duration: 4:02.


Shoulder Pain and Upper Body Nerve Flow Part 1 - Duration: 8:00.

Today we're going to talk about the neck nerves and fast fixes for shoulder pain.

Part one.

If you're involved in any kind of athletic pursuit, fitness pursuit or life, one of the

things that you'll probably eventually deal with is shoulder pain.

What we're going to do today is we're going to look at three fast fixes for shoulder pain,

and what we're going to do is we're going to actually focus on different nerves.

If you're unfamiliar with human anatomy, basically whenever we deal with the arm and the shoulder,

hand, etc, the nerves that supply that area leave from the neck ... Part of the neck called

the brachial plexus.

There are specific ways to mobilize these different nerves.

Now, in previous blogs, I've shown these in different ways and different forms but what

we're going to do today is a little bit of a flow where we're going to move from one

to the next as I explain it.

Now, the reason we're going to do this in part one, and then next week, we'll do part

two is there are a lot of nerves.

You actually have to have a lot of different very specific exercises in order to take care

of these.

Now, the deal here is that at first you need to assess your shoulder.

Let's say I'm having right shoulder pain.

You want to get an idea of when and in what range of motion and in what speed of movement

you feel that pain.

If this is painful here, great, you know that.

What we want to do is we want to reassess your shoulder after each of the exercises

and see if one of the movements specifically is good for you and once you find that out,

then you can do it multiple times a day and hopefully get back to throwing a football

or hitting a tennis serve or whatever it is that you want to do.

All right.

So what we're going to do is give warnings first.

When you do these neuro-mobility exercises, nerves are very sensitive to being overstretched

so you want to go slowly.

You want to go carefully.

When you do these nerve glides, or neuro-mechanic drills, or whatever you want to call them

correctly, you're going to feel a little bit of tingling in most cases, or this weird stretching

sensation that maybe you've not felt before unless your arm has fallen asleep.

Fallen asleep.

What you will do is as you're doing the drill, I want you to keep the level of tension and

stress that you're applying at a level three out of 10.

Three out of 10.

That means very, very minimal in the beginning because if you have issues here, and I'm not

working with you, I don't know how these are going to affect you so you have to go slowly

and you have to carefully.

All right, so step number one.

First exercise is called the median nerve.

When we do this exercise correctly, we're going to feel it in our thumb, our index finger

and our middle finger.

You're going to stand nice and tall.

Imagine that you got a ball on your head, you're pushing that up to the ceiling.

We want to get a little bit of lengthening in your neck.

Now, you're going to take your hand, rest it by your side, spread your fingers, pull

your fingers up toward the ceiling.

This is called wrist extension, all right?

Now, next you want to fully lock your elbow.

You now want to, from your shoulder, rotate your arm all the way out to the side so basically

you're pointing your fingers toward the back wall behind you.

Now, from here, you may already be feeling some tingling in your fingers.

If you are, you can stop here and just do some basic motions, which we'll show in just

a second.

Now, the next thing that we need to do to increase tension is pull our shoulder blade

down ... That usually gets it for most people ... Lift the hand out to the side.

This is called shoulder abduction.

Then, we want to tilt our head away, because remember the nerves come from the neck.

Now here, we should be getting that three out of 10 tension.

We're going to lift the shoulder blade, take the tension off, pull the shoulder blade down,

put the tension on.

Off, on, off, on.

You can also hold the shoulder blade down and do small circles if you specifically feel

problems in your wrist, but like I said primarily in the shoulder, you can either do what is

called wrist flexion extension or if your main problem is the shoulder, you can just

turn the shoulder in and out.

Basically, we're going to tell you to move the areas of the body where you have the most

discomfort currently.

We do that for three to five repetitions, either of pumping the shoulder blade, turning

the arm in and out, or flexing and extending the wrist.

You'll retest your shoulder now.

See how it feels.

All right, that is called a median nerve glide.

Now, exercise two.

We're going to go what's called the radial nerve glide.

The radial nerve glide is for the tricep area so whenever you do this one correctly, you're

going to feel this tingling sensation running down your tricep and usually also down into

your forearm.

Again, nice and tall, pushing the ball up to the ceiling.

What we're going to do with our arm by our side is we're going to reach across our palm

with our thumb first.

Reach across with the thumb.

Now, you're going to flex your wrist.

Basically, with my palm facing the back wall, I'm going to pull my fingers up toward the

ceiling, so I've now flexed my wrist.

Lock my elbow.

Now, I want to turn my arm in instead of out as in the previous exercise.

As you do this, do not let your shoulder blade roll forward.

Shoulder blade stays back and you just turn the arm in.

Now, slowly lift the hand out to the side.

Pull the shoulder blade down, tilt the head away.

Again, you should be getting that sensation in the tricep and down in the forearm.

Now, we'll just again pump using the shoulder blade.

Lift it up, pull it down, up and down.

Another option again, turn the shoulder, or the humerus ... That's part of the arm ... in

and out while keeping the shoulder blade depressed.

That will again allow you to mobilize that nerve.

Three to five repetitions, shake out any weird sensation.

Retest your shoulder.

Hopefully you're hitting yourself in the head by now and it's pain free.

If not, time for exercise number three.

For our third one, we're going to go to what's called the ulnar nerve.

For the ulnar nerve, we're going to feel this in our little finger and our ring finger.

Now, we're going to start in that nice, tall position pushing the ball up to the ceiling.

We will now spread our fingers, pull our fingers up to the ceiling ... Again, this wrist extension

like this ...

Now, from here we're going to do something different.

We're going to imagine that we're putting a tennis ball in our elbow and we're going

to pull it until we're actually squeezing down on that tennis ball fairly tightly.

We're then going to lift our arm until our humerus, our upper arm bone, is parallel to

the floor.

Now from here, pull the shoulder blade down and slowly start to take the elbow out to

the side.

As you do that, you'll start to feel some tension in that little finger, ring finger.

In this position, tilt the head away and once again, pump that shoulder blade up and down

is one option.

Another option is to be in this position and just bring the arm in and out.

All right?

As you do that, you can figure out ways to increase tension on that ulnar nerve.

Again, three to five repetitions.

Shake that out and breathe.

We've done median nerve, radial nerve and ulnar nerve.

Very simple little exercises.

Now, what these are good for.

Number one, if you have pain, you can use these for shoulder pain.

If you don't have pain but you have restricted range of motion, they can also improve that.

If your shoulder is great and you're just trying to make it stronger prior to doing

pushups or bench press or pull ups, or whatever.

They are also great what we call prime the pump exercises, or warmup exercises, prior

to heavier activity.

As a reminder, you need to go slowly.

You need to keep the tension at three out of 10.

Very, very gently.

Keep your repetition range low.

Three to five repetitions of whatever you choose to use.

And again, most important, assess your shoulder, do the drill, reassess your shoulder, see

if it helped.

This is set number one.

We'll pick it up at set number two next week.

If you have any questions, let us know.

Otherwise, good luck.

For more infomation >> Shoulder Pain and Upper Body Nerve Flow Part 1 - Duration: 8:00.


How To Invest $100 Into Affiliate Marketing (Beginner's Guide) - Duration: 9:27.

What is going on guys my name is Anthony Villa welcoming you back to yet another

video here on the channel where today guys I want to be telling you how to

invest a hundred dollars into your affiliate marketing business guys this

is gonna be a perfect video if you're a beginner you have like a hundred dollars

to invest in your business it's kinda laying around you only know what to do

with it I'm gonna tell you exactly I should spend it to your affiliate

marketing business off the ground to really get it started I'm gonna do in

just a minute I'm hop into my computer to do that but just before that guys if

you're brand new to the channel this is the first time you're watching one of my

videos be subscribed right now for brand new videos every single day and with

that being said guys we're gonna dive into my computer right now I can show

you guys exactly how to invest that hundred dollars all right guys we're now

in my computer as you can see on my whiteboard how to invest a hundred

dollars into affiliate marketing I'm course you guys are just gonna see a

bunch of prices over here on the left as I pull the box that's gonna reveal

exactly what each thing is gonna be and I'm gonna explain it step by step that

way I can give you guys most beginner video I can't I want to make sure you

guys understand and fully get everything I'm talking about in this video because

guys of course you guys I have like five or six things over there let me just

stop wasting your time let's start this video off I'm gonna pull the Box down a

little bit to show you guys exactly what is worth fifteen dollars you guys a lot

of these gonna be monthly by the way just sure though just so you know but

I'll explain exactly which ones are which ones aren't as we go down the list

but the first one's gonna be an email autoresponder which is gonna be about

$15 a month guys a lot of email autoresponders can easily get up to like

30 50 I've seen something like $100 a month

guys the one I use personally is get response you guys see I have it like

bookmark up bookmarked up there as someone I use personally which is why I

recommend it to other people I find it's pretty much like the cheapest one that

you can get for this kind of like top-level caliber email autoresponder

because of course the big ones are gonna be like when I use get response Aweber

MailChimp this one I think it personally it gets you the most bang for your buck

it gives you the most value for the cheapest price that's why I recommend

you guys use get response as well there'll be a link in the description

you guys can get your first 30 days free so of course to bring that price down

from $15 0 dollars a month for the first month at

least I actually out there guys after you guys have an email autoresponder

setup because that's one of the key things you're really gonna need for your

business is be able to actually email especially to your list guys the

money is in the list you want to be consistently and constantly building up

your list sending out email because email is nothing one of the best ways to

actually reach your customer and make sales because of course you guys gonna

want to set up your autoresponder campaigns your newsletter emails and all

that good stuff you guys you get definitely gonna need an OE mail

autoresponder fill your marketing business after after guys next thing you

guys are gonna want to set up you pull a box down some more it's gonna be a

website domain you guys are of course gonna want to get

your own custom domain where that's you GoDaddy Hostgator yeah you can usually

get it for about ten dollars but I also know I GoDaddy usually s in coupons you

can actually register domain for like a dollar maybe even two dollars but it can

be really cheap guys ten dollars is kind of just like the range of course these

these aren't gonna be like exact exact prices depending on what like provider

or service you use for example then it'll differ by by price of course but I

wanted to give you guys like a general overview of some of the tools that

you're gonna need and just like a very average price of what it'll cost you all

equalling up I would say about a hundred dollars of course you guys are gonna

want like a custom domain name where they're just for your personal brand or

for your actual business brand you guys are gonna want one and that definitely

also tacks on to the email autoresponder because guys you're not gonna be able to

send out email or email like in masked with an autoresponder unless you have a

custom domain there's a lot of times if you're sending email from like a gmail

or yahoo account and let's go straight to spam or won't go through it all you

guys we are actually gonna need a custom domain name now you guys can actually

register it and send out proper emails actually after guys after you have your

custom website domain set up next thing you don't want to do is actually set up

your website hosting of course guys this isn't really necessary if you don't want

to have like your own website but for a lot of businesses you're definitely

gonna want to have your own website of course guys you already have your custom

domain name so now you won't actually host that domain and also up site on

there like I said before though guys web site hosting is any monthly

it'll be about ten dollars a month you can definitely find some cheaper ones

especially if you actually pay long term if you pay for like a year in advance

you guys can easily get that done it's like $5 a month total with that being

said the guys website hosting is gonna be a monthly cost we should have factor

factor that in and a website domain of course seem like a one-time purchase you

might have to renew it after like one year or two years depending on how you

set it up but there was like the top three things you're really gonna need to

start your affiliate marketing business all right

if you these three things alone you can easily

get started doing affiliate marketing and that's why I'm for awhile like

twenty five thirty seven dollars you just can easily start a Philly marketing

by writing blog posts maybe some reviews very easily get some traffic and then

just start really just building your list up and to start doing your flight

marketing that's just a hack for guys next time well I'm actually gonna want

to show you guys pull the box on some more after you guys have your website

set up so I'll hosted the next thing you gonna want to do is actually get a

custom email address so the way I actually set up my custom email

addresses is it's gonna be linked of course directly to your custom domain

but I personally use G Suite which of course is like Google's thing for kind

of business I use it for the email platform is because it allows you to

have a custom email like I said before guys of course it's gonna be links to

your custom domain so of course one of the domains that I own it's gonna be be

Anthony Villa calm or she's my personal brand so I'm gonna own the website name

and then my personal email address before that is gonna be Anthony at the

Anthony Villa calm or so it's way more professional than like anything else at or at of course when it's on your personal websites on a

personal domain it's gonna look a lot more professional even when you're just

sending out emails to people it's gonna look a lot nicer today Stan they see you

have your own custom domain set up it somewhere more professional I can

guarantee you guys after that so guys I don't wanna be like $5.00 a month with G

suite I pretty much the best one I found to actually sell buy a custom email

address I pretty sure took the cheapest and it's definitely the best because it

works off the Google platform or I'm sorry the Gmail platform which I already

use pretty much every day a lot of you probably already use Gmail it was really

easy to make that transition from having like a personal email to then having a

business email because I look pretty much exactly the same because they're

both can be hosted on Gmail which makes it really simple makes it really easy to

actually do after you guys have all these things I'll kind of set up and I'm

running through these things kind of fast I don't make this video too too

long I'm just kind of running through these things kind of fast if you guys

have any questions or any of this feel free to drop a comment I'll definitely

110% answer all comments on this video about any of these things if you guys

have a lot of questions on one of these specific things and I'll go ahead and

make an entire video on it no problem just to help you guys out after you guys

have liked those four things set up I want to pull a box way down there's a

little bit more and one of the things I would do is if I had $100 to invest in

the beginning of my flight marketing I would invest maybe like 10

dollars in just like a cheap beginner a flaky marketing course education is

definitely one of the best ways you can spend your money investing in yourself

definitely pays the best dividends that money pays the best interest over time

which is why I definitely recommend it but of course guys you know I'm not a

huge fan of spending like five hundred dollars in the beginning of any like

business venture just for our course because guys if you don't even know if

you like your flame marketing yet or not a great way to find out it's about a ten

twenty dollar course see what they're doing and see if you like it do not go

spending like a thousand dollars thousand dollars on a slight marketing

course just to find out like three weeks later you actually really hate a flight

marketing because then you won't be able to get your money back most likely and

you'll be down like two thousand dollars and it's just not a good time definitely

I definitely recommend getting a cheap beginner course udemy is definitely a

great place to take courses online when they have that in their sales my coupons

it needs to get a course like $10 $15 which of course is not bad at all I

actually have their websites like Skillshare and places like that online

they're pretty much the top place online you can easily find some cheap beginner

I played marketing courses or if you don't even want to do that maybe you'd

rather save that money for some other stuff you guys can easily go on YouTube

I have videos on talking about a flight marketing how to do it there are plenty

of videos on YouTube online on how to do a flight marketing as a beginner and how

to get your affiliate marketing business started so you guys can easily watch

some of those and then instead of just actually buying a cheap ring under

course a beginner course it's just a little bit more structured it's more

actually like a step-by-step plan that's why I like that's why I recommend it but

actually out there guys the last thing I had one here isn't really anything

specific it just kind of left over money for ad spend because of course spending

money on ads actually like paying for traffic is gonna be a lot faster you're

gonna be able to generate a lot of traffic a lot faster and then with more

traffic more sales and be able to generate a profit bastard you'll be able

to just kind of get your business started and really get that cash flow a

lot easier so I just left the extra $30 I was left over for some ad spend of

course if you guys have like all five of these tools being an autoresponder

domain hosting an email address and it's taking like a cheap beginner

course you guys will definitely be on the way to actually starting your online

business your affiliate marketing business and well on your way to start

making some money online with that being said guys this is my advice personally

this is how I would invest our dollars into after the market I had it right now

I was just kind of starting over again you guys kind of course spend it however

you want you don't have to listen to me of course you guys can go anyway

with it but that's my advice personally if you guys enjoyed the video and

definitely trouble like on it and definitely subscribe for brand new

videos every single day and with that being said guys my name is Anthony Villa

and I am out peace

For more infomation >> How To Invest $100 Into Affiliate Marketing (Beginner's Guide) - Duration: 9:27.


Painting Business - Using Hired Help VS Using Sub Contractors - Duration: 3:07.

Painting Business - Using Hired Help VS Using Sub-Contractors

Hi, Lee Cusano here from,

A while back I offered a free report titled "7-Step Million Dollar Plan" all about

using sub-contractors.

Contact me at my website if you want to read it.

This report is about a slightly different business model.

You see, SOME painting business owners advertise that they DO NOT use sub-contractors.

You hear feedback about how some subs don't show up on time, they leave early, they are

not always dependable, etc.

Or you hear stories about how some are rude, they leave a mess behind after themselves,

they do sloppy work, etc.

I guess you probably really have to screen them well in order to find the good ones.

I think it may be an entrepreneurial thing.

We entrepreneurs make lousy employees, which they are too, if they are sub-contracting.

There are good ones out there.

Maybe some start out just wanting a job and the boss says he's going to hire them on as

a sub-contractor so they have to pay their own taxes, insurance, etc. making it easier

on him the painting business owner.

On the other hand, some painting business owners don't like subs (the real subs that

is) and will hire experienced painters that don't want the headaches and responsibility

of owning a business or being a sub-contractor.

These painters just want a steady job and to work by the hour and many of them are really

good painters.

They may be very smart and successful with a nice home, a wife and kids.

Maybe their wives have good jobs, some of them.

So a painting business owner uses these types of painters and pays them well to keep them

on long term.

The painting business owner or (painting contractor) will of course have to invest in ladders and

drop cloths, carry more insurance, etc.

Even rent bigger tools if needed like a lift ladder from time to time as jobs come up,


Or a painting business owner may want to stay a SMALLER COMPANY like I have over the years

and maybe has a co-partner, yet still knows how to make the good money without the headaches

and responsibility of keeping a larger crew busy all year long.

A ONE or TWO-MAN painting business can even have a couple of specialized add-on services

too that yield him and his partner RED-HOT back-end profits!

Make Hundreds Daily In Your Own Profitable Painting Business



For more infomation >> Painting Business - Using Hired Help VS Using Sub Contractors - Duration: 3:07.


Happy Valentine's Day Speedy Huskee! From Doon The Fox - Duration: 2:35.


Nos Hyena here!

To you Speedy Huskee, I wanna wish you

A Happy Valentine's Day From Doon The Fox!

He's told me all about you, And how wonderful and special

You are to him, So I wrote you a song!

So enjoy!


Boof! Boof!

Boof! Boof!

Boof! Boof! Getting speedy in here!

Wishing you and Doon the best Veeday this year!

Boof! Boof!

You're the best huskee!

You make Doon The Fox so damn happy!

Boof! Boof!

Getting speedy in here!

Wishing you and Doon the best Veeday this year!

Boof! Boof!

You're the best huskee!

You make Doon The Fox so damn happy!

Day 1 he liked you, From the words that he supplied to me

If that wasn't love at "fur" sight I'm lying to me!

From a furmeet in 2014, Doon got the jitters

Cos you swept him off his feet, He loved everything about you

And you made him feel sweet, He wanted to be your mate

Speedy-lee! (speedily? geddit?)

Cos when he is around you He feels really free!

You make him laugh so much He laughs cheerily!

Cos Speed you mean the world to him The best Huskee!

You don't need a suit to make him Feel fuzzy!

The way you take care of him He feels lucky!

Forgot to mention that you make him Feel huffy!

But I digress You make Doon feel the best

How amazing y'all are I feel impressed

Y'all must be so amazing blessed <3

Y'all must be so amazing blessed <3

Boof! Boof!

Getting speedy in here!

Wishing you and Doon the best Veeday this year!

Boof! Boof!

You're the best huskee!

You make Doon The Fox so damn happy!

Boof! Boof!

Getting speedy in here!

Wishing you and Doon the best Veeday this year!

Boof! Boof!

You're the best huskee!

You make Doon The Fox so damn happy!

Whether y'all at Bronner's Or at at a con there's

Doon the Fox, thinking you're the one Speedy, you're the best

He feels like he's won His heart feels honored

Loves you a ton So today drive him

In a car you're working on that El Dorado, 92 Camaro

Cos he loves to cruise around In your cool cars, checking cool bars,

Looking at the stars, Speedy Doon loves spending time with you

Cos each day ends up flying by with you Speedy you're the world to him

You're really cool You know the quickest way to make

Doon Awoo! I hope this Valentine's Day's special for you

I got this happy expression for you! Y'all are inspiring, perfection you two

Wishin all the best for you two, Boof, boof!

Boof! Boof!

Getting speedy in here!

Wishing you and Doon the best Veeday this year!

Boof! Boof!

You're the best huskee!

You make Doon The Fox so damn happy!

Boof! Boof!

Getting speedy in here!

Wishing you and Doon the best Veeday this year!

Boof! Boof!

You're the best huskee!

You make Doon The Fox so damn happy!

For more infomation >> Happy Valentine's Day Speedy Huskee! From Doon The Fox - Duration: 2:35.


"Love" Musiq Soulchild (ASL) - Duration: 4:24.


So many things I've got to tell you

But I'm afraid I don't know how

'Cause there's a possibility

You'll look at me differently


Ever since the first moment I spoke your name

From then on I knew that by you being in my life

Things were destined to change


So many people use your name in vain


Those who have faith in you sometimes go astray


Through all the ups and downs the joy and hurt


For better or worse I still will choose you first


Oh, oh, oh, oh

Many days I've longed for you, Wanting you

Hoping for the chance to get to know you

Longing for your kiss

For your touch, your feel, your essence

Many nights I've cried from the things you do

Felt like I could die from the thought of losing you

I know that you're real

With no doubt and no fears

and no questions, yeah yeah

So many people use your name in vain


Those who have faith in you sometimes go astray


Through all the ups and downs the joy and hurt


For better or worse I still will choose you first

At first you didn't mean that much to me, no

But now I know that you're all I need

The world looks so brand new to me

Now that I found love

Everyday I live for you, yeah

And everything that I do, I do it for you

What I say, is how I feel, so believe it's true

You got to know I'm true


So many people use your name in vain


Those who have faith in you sometimes go astray


Through all the ups and downs the joy and hurt


For better or worse I still will choose you first


So many people use your name in vain


Those who have faith in you sometimes go astray


Through all the ups and downs the joy and hurt

For more infomation >> "Love" Musiq Soulchild (ASL) - Duration: 4:24.


Official Rampage Trailer

For more infomation >> Official Rampage Trailer


Dunkirk (2017) - O Elemento Suspense - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> Dunkirk (2017) - O Elemento Suspense - Duration: 10:08.


2018-02-14 Assembleia da República - Debate quinzenal com o Primeiro-Ministro - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> 2018-02-14 Assembleia da República - Debate quinzenal com o Primeiro-Ministro - Duration: 0:55.


Sacadas - Monograma de Casamento | Bem Casados.TV - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Sacadas - Monograma de Casamento | Bem Casados.TV - Duration: 2:46.


Caminhonete roubada na ZN da capital é recuperada no Chuí com meia tonelada de drogas - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Caminhonete roubada na ZN da capital é recuperada no Chuí com meia tonelada de drogas - Duration: 1:18.


Jordan Peterson - Por que os jovens gostam tanto de beber? - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Jordan Peterson - Por que os jovens gostam tanto de beber? - Duration: 2:35.


BBB18: Ayrton fala sobre ser considerado mala e dispara: "Não mexe com a minha filha" - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Ayrton fala sobre ser considerado mala e dispara: "Não mexe com a minha filha" - Duration: 4:54.


El peligro de tener poderes - S. N. Lazarev - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> El peligro de tener poderes - S. N. Lazarev - Duration: 4:31.


Steve Hill - Narysuj sobie krąg... - Duration: 11:08.

For more infomation >> Steve Hill - Narysuj sobie krąg... - Duration: 11:08.


Funny Hospital Play. soccer, learn color, toy, kids. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:41.


The soccer is really interesting

Oh! I think my leg is something wrong

Help me!

Doctor RUBY!

What happened to daddy?

He need my help


Doctor RUBY

What happened?


there is something wrong to my leg

Let's see

I am going to start treatment

Well, I think you need to take a X-ray

Show Camera

Show screen

Oh dear. your leg is broken

You need to get a cast

Show bandage

The treatment is done

would you try to walk around?

Yes Doctor

It is really hard to walk

Oh ! thank you!!

Thank you

You are awesome!

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