Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 14 2018

• From jumping out of windows to driving a car into a fence, the Planet Dolan crew

re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the most desperate things

we've done to attract someone.

I'm Melissa – or – Doopie and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by drez101 Grgak When Grgak was in 5th grade, there was a girl,

Melon, who always talked about her makeup kit and lipstick.

One day, he went up to her and asked, "Do you want a date?"

She blushed and said, "Well, if you drink out of a toilet, I will let you be my boyfriend."

Grgak gulped, but agreed and went to one of the toilets, which happened to have pee and

the biggest shit he ever saw in it… but that did not stop him.

He plunged his head down and drank it.

After 10 seconds, he stopped and, after texting a photo of himself with shit all over his

face, Grgak and Melon ended up getting together.

Number 9 was submitted by Mosshoof Ramona The most desperate thing Ramona ever did to

attract someone was self-mutilation.

After moving to the USA, she didn't fit in at all.

But there was one boy she saw every day at lunch who was sort of goth, but not TOO goth.

Ramona didn't know how to get his attention.

She gradually figured out he was in the goth crowd and eavesdropped a lot.

Always having been a raver, she said she liked Korn and Slipknot, bought the expensive Hot

Topic clothes… but that still wasn't enough.

It came down to her carving a pentagram into her hand with a safety pin.

She's not even sure if that's what did it, but they ended up going out for two months

without so much as saying "Hello."

They did brush each other's hands against one another a few times.

Ramona guesses they were both really shy, but they eventually drifted apart, though

she still has an amazing scar.

Number 8 was submitted by Killerdogs1276 Pandora When Pandora was in 6th grade, there was a

boy she wanted who was at her friend's sleepover.

They were all outside, so Pandora said, "I'm going to get something."

She ran upstairs to the second floor and jumped out the window.

She jumped she wanted to land either on him or the ground and make him feel sorry for


But instead she landed on a stone slab and broke her arm.

He did feel sorry for her.

After seeing him again, Pandora fell into an electric fence and got an electric shock.

She decided to never do that again.

Number 7 was submitted by iliketrainsgirl Danger Dolan

Dolan was 19 when he was in driving school and had a crush on a girl in his class.

When it was time for the driving test, he climbed into the car and saw her.

Wanting to impress her, he started it up and yelled, "Hey, wanna see something cool?"

She said 'yes,' and being dumb he tried to flip the car on the fence by driving really

fast towards it.

The driving teacher screamed, "What are you doing?!"

Dolan hit the fence and broke the car, but she did date him for being 'brave.'

Number 6 was submitted by doopyisawesome Nixxiom When Nixxiom was in school he liked a girl

but hated her friends, who were mean.

One day, for no reason, the girl stood up for Nixxiom and told off her friends when

they were making fun of him.

After that they started talking on an app on their phones for several months.

When he finally asked her out, she said, "Only if you run into the sign on the field and

say it's for 'team spirit.'"

Of course, being the hormone-filled teen he was, Nixxiom said he would do it and ran into

the sign… while the principal was giving a speech!

Worst of all was that the principal was right in front of the sign when he ran into it.

Nixxiom hit the sign and then saw black.

When he woke up, he was in the nurse's office with the principal, his mom, and the girl

at his side.

Although he ended up getting a concussion, Nixxiom and the girl dated for two months

but then broke up with her because she was too clingy.

Number 5 was submitted by ThatguyJeff101 Hellbent When he was in college, there was a girl that

Hellbent was head over heels for but couldn't bring himself to ask her out.

He finally worked up the courage to ask her out, but she gave him a soft and honest no...

but he wasn't about to give up.

He decided to lay a trail of rose petals from her dorm to his, but before that he lit a

bunch of candles in his dorm and put a condom on his bed.

So he started the trail, and it was hard work.

When he was on the last hundred feet, Hellbent was going straight for 19 hours but an eagle-eyed

teacher noticed and asked him what he was doing.

Hellbent explained, and she understood and simply walked off.

After that, he was done and rang her doorbell and then ran back to his dorm.

Ten minutes later, the girl opened the door to his dorm and… well, they had a good time!

Number 4 was submitted by IzAnimationZ Ladybot Ladybot was staying over at a friend's house

during the school year.

With her friend living in another county, they had to take a bus to get to her house.

On the bus, all the way in the back where they were going to sit was a really cute girl,

Sharpie, and being the useless lesbian Ladybot was, tried to talk to her.

Ladybot didn't realize that she had been told to sit down by the bus driver.

So when the bus started moving, she ended up falling in Sharpie's lap.

Ladybot said, "I guess I'm falling for you."

In her state of being confused and really embarrassed, she went on to sing, "Hit Me

Baby, One More Time" as loud as she could.

When they got back to her friend's house, Ladybot played the ukulele and sung about

how she was gay.

She recorded the song and sent it to Sharpie, who eventually thought she was really cute

and they've been dating ever since.

Number 3 was submitted by HeroNinja105 MKyleM The most desperate thing MKyleM ever did to

attract someone was something he regrets.

During 4th grade he had puppy love and told his crush that he could jump off the playset

and not break anything.

The playset was tall, so when he got up to the top MKyleM jumped off and broke his leg

and almost his arm.

He was rushed to the hospital, with his mom yelling, "Why would you do that?"

MKyleM didn't answer and just cried instead.

The next day, though, his crush thought he was cool and signed his cast.

They got together but, a year later, MKyleM and his family had to move to the opposite

side of the USA.

Number 2 was submitted by SmolKawaiiNeko Spincess The most desperate thing Spincess ever did

to impress someone was going down a very steep hill on a bike.

She liked a boy, Tolop, who lived in her neighborhood and hung out with him from time to time.

They lived in a neighborhood that had a really, REALLY steep hill.

One day, they were playing outside when Spincess asked, "Do you want to see me go down the

hill on a bike?"

Tolop wanted to see it, so she went to her house, grabbed her bike, and walked back to


She got on the bike and sped down the hill.

Well, she went way faster than expected, and screamed, "Ah, damn it, damn it, damn it,

damn it!"

Spincess ended up losing control of the bike and ran right into a car.

She flew onto the hood and the alarm went off.

The owner of the car came out of her house, and Spincess and Tolop explained what happened.

The woman forgave them, and Spincess started dating Tolop because he thought it was really

brave of her to do what she did.

They still laugh about it to this day.

Number 1 – What was the most desperate thing I've done to attract someone?

For more infomation >> OUR DESPERATE FLIRTING ATTEMPTS #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 9:00.


Let's Make A Deal - The Money Fairy makes her smile! - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Let's Make A Deal - The Money Fairy makes her smile! - Duration: 2:15.


Trump Goes On Rampage After Learning What Sessions Is Doing To Bury The Biggest - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 25:56.

Trump Goes On Rampage After Learning What Sessions Is Doing To Bury The Biggest Scandal

In US History

The noose around the necks of Obama and Hillary continues to tighten with each passing day

for their crimes with the Uranium One scandal where indictments are already coming down.

Now in a bizarre twist, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is getting implicated in the whole

deal with new evidence proving that he's been working with Hillary and Obama this entire

time to sweep the scandal under the rug.

Ever since Trump got into office one year ago, he's had no shortage of traitors constantly

trying to sabotage his presidency.

While many of us have wondered for quite some time just whose side Jeff Sessions is on,

this breaking report confirms what many of us suspected all along, that he's merely

another Hillary puppet who's existing in D.C. just to do her bidding and is doing everything

in his power to further the cause of the "Deep State."

For days now, the FISA memo has been on everyone's minds, where its release is predicted to have

huge implications on the Democrats.

But for reasons that defy all human logic, Sessions is fighting to keep the memo from

being released, idiotically claiming that this could damage our national security, and

wants only the FBI to have access to view it.

Gateway Pundit reports:

The Sessions Justice Department is calling on House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes

(R-CA) to allow the FBI to review the "shocking," FISA abuse memo to ensure its release will

not harm national security.

ABC News reports:

The Justice Department is urging the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, whose

staff has compiled a secret memorandum purporting to show "shocking" political bias within

the FBI, to give the department a chance to see the memo and warning that first sharing

information from the memo with reporters would be "unprecedented" and dangerous.

Furthermore, the department said certain allegations of impropriety are completely unfounded.

"We believe it would be extraordinarily reckless for the Committee to disclose such

information publicly without giving the Department and the FBI the opportunity to review the

memorandum and to advise the [committee] of the risk of harm to national security and

to ongoing investigations that could come from the public release," a top Justice

Department official wrote in a letter today to Rep. Devin Nunes, R-California.

"Indeed, we do not understand why the Committee would possibly seek to disclose classified

and law enforcement sensitive information without first consulting with the relevant

members of the Intelligence Community."

Despite these swamp rats' efforts to keep the contents of the FISA memo hidden from

the American public, the information is set to be released in around 19 days, according

to Congressman Dave Joyce.

It's absolutely unreal how Sessions remains in Trump's administration.

This isn't the first time he's been caught safeguarding Hillary and Obama's secrets.

A scathing report shows that under Sessions, the Justice Department downplayed critical

evidence that linked Obama and Hillary to the Uranium One Scandal.

The Hill reports:

For instance, both Attorney General Jeff Sessions in testimony last week and Deputy Attorney

General Rod Rosenstein in a letter to the Senate last month tried to suggest there was

no connection between Uranium One and the nuclear bribery case.

Their argument was that the criminal charges weren't filed until 2014, while the Committee

of Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) approval of the Uranium One sale occurred

in October 2010.

"The way I understand that matter is that the case in which Mr. Mikerin was convicted

was not connected to the CFIUS problem that occurred two to three years before," Sessions

testified to the House Judiciary Committee last week, echoing Rosenstein's letter from

a few weeks earlier.

But investigative records show FBI counterintelligence recorded the first illicit payments in the

bribery/kickback scheme in November 2009, a year before the CFIUS approval.

Sick and tired of the ongoing BS and travesty of justice whenever Hillary is involved, President

Trump is now issuing a dire warning to Jeff Sessions and the entire Justice Department.

Unless Sessions steps in and prosecutes Hillary, Trump says he will be forced to step in and

take drastic measures.

"A lot of people are disappointed in the Justice Department, including me," Trump

told reporters. reports:

Trump said that the Justice Department should be investigating Democrats and the Clintons,

sharing several observations on Twitter.

"This is real collusion and dishonesty," Trump wrote on Twitter Thursday night, responding

to Donna Brazile's revelation that Hillary Clinton's campaign was controlling DNC operations

and fundraising well before winning her primary.

"Major violation of Campaign Finance Laws and Money Laundering – where is our Justice

Department?" Trump wondered.

The president appears unhappy with Attorney General Jeff Sessions failure to investigate

the Clintons, despite recent revelations about their "crooked" behavior.

Trump said he thought Clinton's "deleted E-mails, Uranium, Podesta, the Server, plus,

plus…" all deserved closer scrutiny.

"People are angry," Trump continued on Twitter.

"At some point, the Justice Department, and the FBI must do what is right and proper.

The American public deserves it!"

Trump also spoke about his frustration with the Justice Department in an interview with

Fox News host Laura Ingraham.

"The saddest thing is because I'm the President of the United States, I'm not

supposed to be involved in the Justice Department, I am not supposed to be involved in the FBI,"

Trump said.

"I'm not supposed to be doing the kinds of things I would love to be doing and I'm

very frustrated by it."

Trump indicated that he wanted the Justice Department to investigate the Clintons.

"I look at what's going on with the Justice Department, well, why aren't they going

after Hillary Clinton with her emails and dossier?" he asked.

"It's very discouraging to me.

To be honest, I'm very unhappy about it."

Trump signaled frustration with Attorney General Jeff Sessions for failing to target the Clintons.

President Trump ran on the promise to "lock her up" and it's time that he delivers

on that promise.

It's truly time for our President to drain the swamp, and if politicians like Jeff Sessions

is unwilling to prosecute Hillary and Obama and to uphold his freaking oath, then Sessions

should be to be the first in line to get flushed down the toilet.

The American people are sick and tired of being promised that Hillary and Obama will

pay for their crimes, only to be disappointed time


time again.

For more infomation >> Trump Goes On Rampage After Learning What Sessions Is Doing To Bury The Biggest - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 25:56.


Blockchain versus Cryptocurrency - in 3 Minutes! - 4 Year Old Crypto Kylie Explains - Duration: 3:07.

Hi, it's Crypto Kylie back again.

Last time I talked about blockchain.

Please like, comment, and subscribe if you haven't already.

Today I'm going to talk about blockchain versus cryptocurrency.

People sometimes think they're the same thing, but they're actually different.

I'm going to try to explain the difference today.

Here's my Code-A-Pillar again.

Like I said last time, this is blockchain.

For cryptocurrency, we're adding the token on top of the blockchain.

[shows "token"]

Remember my last video?

Snow White, Belle, and Rapunzel own tokens on the blockchain.

[grabs a token]

This is Snow White's token.

The token lets her do stuff on the blockchain.

Like... buying, selling, and trading.

What does this all mean?

Cryptocurrencies are blockchains.

But, not all blockchains are cryptocurrencies.

The name cryptocurrency is kind of wrong.

They're not actually currencies.

They're more like assets tied to the blockchain.

"Crypto assets"

"Crypto assets" are probably a better name.

Why would these tokens have value?

Well if the blockchain protocol is good...

Then the tokens will be worth something.

Then, the owners of the token will see profit.

If the blockchain protocol is good, then the people will want to use it.

More people would want the tokens.

Demand goes up... more than supply.

Supply and Demand.

Ummm... do any of these cryptocurrencies have value yet?


Kind of.

We'll talk about this more in my next video.

Like, comment, share, and subscribe.

[Waves and Blows Kisses]

Bye Bye!

For more infomation >> Blockchain versus Cryptocurrency - in 3 Minutes! - 4 Year Old Crypto Kylie Explains - Duration: 3:07.


Giant Battleship Challenge

For more infomation >> Giant Battleship Challenge


Gossipo Uomini e donne, il dramma di Gemma Galgani e l'addio choc |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Gossipo Uomini e donne, il dramma di Gemma Galgani e l'addio choc |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:03.


Making A Funky Guitar Beat - Behind The Groove e.002 - Duration: 5:46.

hey hey what's going on fellow music makers my name is Patrick welcome to

episode two behind the groove a song writing a beat making series where I

built a track from the ground up and hopefully give you some ideas tips and

tricks for your own music making process today's episode is brought to you by

writer's block because I've been I've been dealing with that a little bit for

those of you who don't know I've got a new single out how about that now that

so obviously dealing with the release I haven't had as much time to spend on my

normal to-do's like songwriting and even when taking just a few weeks off you

still gotta dust off the cobwebs and get back into it one of the things that I

find always works is just learn something new learn a new song listen to

a song that you really like and try to recreate some of the elements of that

song and just get back to having fun I know that when I'm making my best music

it all comes from a place where I'm just really enjoying the creative process so

my ideas for today are kind of inspired by a couple of different things one of

which being the Todd Pritchard School of neo-soul guitar like most of you I'm

sure I've been following Todd Pritchard for a long time and I love just watching

his videos and learning from him he's got such great technique such an

interesting approach to the guitar so when I need some fresh guitar ideas he's

one of the first places I go on the production side of things Bruno Mars

just swept the Grammys like most of you I loved

24-karat magic I think it's an awesome record and I love some of those 80s and

90s sounds that he's using on that record so I thought it would be fun to

incorporate some of those into today's productions so we'll see how we do but

I'm not talking let's hop in and see what we come up with

so here's a quick little tip regarding high hats if you're trying to give them

more of a human feel if we open up our piano rule and we select our high hats

taking a look at this MIDI data for the part that I just played you can see a

lot of variation in velocity if you select one of these notes over here you

could see the velocity readout and you can obviously edit all of this but I

kind of like that it varies in velocity it makes it feel like there's an actual

drummer playing the part so if you're somebody who's drawing in your MIDI

parts or maybe your keyboard just doesn't have the best velocity response

going in and playing with the velocity is something that you might want to

tweak you can also select all of these MIDI notes and go into functions and set

a random velocity for the entire section so each note will be a different

velocity sometimes it works out other times it doesn't I personally just like

playing the part but if I were to draw something in I think I would go and

manually edit the velocity of each note

all right so I got this idea for this kind of tranquil dreamy little B section

I got this effect on my guitar right now with the roto vibe it's kind of like a

little Leslie sort of effect it's nothing too crazy I'm gonna really trip

this out in the production but let's put the part down all right so we got some

basic ideas down kind of a general vibe for the track I'm going to map some

things out do a little production so let's cue the cinematics check this out

alright guys I hope you enjoyed that I had a lot of fun making it please be

sure to say what's up in the comment section below let me know if you are

enjoying the series if you haven't checked it out my new single the waters

is out show some love you can get it wherever you listen to your music

I got links in the description below add me to your Spotify playlist tell your

friends about your boy hey what's up say hey have you have you met my friend

Patrick he's he's lovely I hope that's what you would say to your friends but

anyway check the song out I really appreciate it guys appreciate all the

feedback you guys are giving me thank you for liking commenting and

subscribing to this new and growing channel until next time my name is

Patrick and I'll catch y'all soon alright peace

For more infomation >> Making A Funky Guitar Beat - Behind The Groove e.002 - Duration: 5:46.


5 Plantas muito Especiais que Ajudam a Normalizar o Açúcar no Sangue! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> 5 Plantas muito Especiais que Ajudam a Normalizar o Açúcar no Sangue! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:02.


BBB18: Ayrton não se segura e dispara sobre Nayara: "Leva e traz" - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Ayrton não se segura e dispara sobre Nayara: "Leva e traz" - Duration: 4:39.


BBB18: Kaysar diz que será o próximo líder e promete surpresa - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Kaysar diz que será o próximo líder e promete surpresa - Duration: 3:38.


► ¿Conoces todo sobre tu pareja? | PAREJAS INFIELES - Duration: 12:13.

For more infomation >> ► ¿Conoces todo sobre tu pareja? | PAREJAS INFIELES - Duration: 12:13.


BBB18: Patrícia fala sobre voto de Lucas em Ana Paula e o defende - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Patrícia fala sobre voto de Lucas em Ana Paula e o defende - Duration: 4:34.


Are Plums Good For You? 6 Reasons to Add Them to Your Diet - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Are Plums Good For You? 6 Reasons to Add Them to Your Diet - Duration: 3:33.


Ignazio Moser fregato da Cecilia Rodriguez dopo il GF Vip | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Ignazio Moser fregato da Cecilia Rodriguez dopo il GF Vip | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:15.


Grazie per l'incanto, Michelle - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Grazie per l'incanto, Michelle - Duration: 3:47.


Mexicanos celebran Día del amor por todo lo alto | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Mexicanos celebran Día del amor por todo lo alto | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 1:44.


Juez de Nueva York reitera que DACA no puede ser eliminado | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Juez de Nueva York reitera que DACA no puede ser eliminado | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 4:51.


Innamoratevi con Roberto Benigni - ITA sottotitoli - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Innamoratevi con Roberto Benigni - ITA sottotitoli - Duration: 1:32.


5 Differences Between Well-Known Products You Never Even Suspected - Duration: 3:51.

It is our choices which differentiate us from one another

whether it be in fashion television shows food or hairstyle we all have our own unique tastes and quirks about us and

Speaking of tastes we all have our own go-to foods

But while some of us may prefer Burger King others will choose


So here are five differences between some products that are remarkably similar


Lipton iced tea in Nastya while both drinks are essentially sweet and lemon teas they are actually incredibly similar

They are both concentrated tea water in either sugar or sweeteners

According to the nutrition facts that are available on google in regards to iced teas

Nastya uses natural flavorings while Lipton chooses to use nature identical sweeteners

According to Fortune dot-com Nestle and coca-cola will end their 16-year venture in the iced tea business

Nastya is set to close down their production in most countries in 2018


coca-cola versus Pepsi

While these two drinks are often substituted for one another

There is a group that is made up of ardent supporters of one and another group that is a fervent lover of the other

While they are regularly used to replace one another these drinks are actually mildly different from one another

According to a Business Insider study that looked at Pepsi and Coke Pepsi is known to be a tad sweeter with a hint of citrus

while Coke has a slight albeit noticeable vanilla flavor

The contents of coke are written evidently on the can on its label, but Pepsi identifies its additives with codes

For example Pepsi uses orthophosphoric acid, but it is co2 the SV 338 on the label

Moreover the formula for Coke is a secret whereas Pepsi's is public

Three original leis versus original Pringles

According to BBC News Pringles are actually only 42% potatoes and utilized fermented dough in their creation process

Pringles also contains potato flour corn flour wheat starch and rice flour

Lays on the other hand our actual potato chips in that. They are deep frying potato slices


Orbit versus Dynel gum once again while both of these gums are generically

Substituted for one another they actually have some many differences

According to people who chew gum regularly orbit tends to last a bit longer than die roll an orbit will tend to crumble apart

After chewing for a long time whereas die rolled were usually stiffen and become hard


The age-old question of Burger King versus McDonald's the buns on these two fast-food giants are different

Burger King has sesame seeds whereas McDonald's does not

Burger King burgers come with onions while McDonald's comes with no onions

And as per their own respect of nutritional menus on their websites a regular cheeseburger at McDonald's is

300 calories whereas a cheeseburger at Burger King is around

550 calories

For more infomation >> 5 Differences Between Well-Known Products You Never Even Suspected - Duration: 3:51.


BBB18: Caruso dispara contra Lucas: "Não respeita a própria família" - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Caruso dispara contra Lucas: "Não respeita a própria família" - Duration: 4:07.


Subaru Impreza 2.0 Sport - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Subaru Impreza 2.0 Sport - Duration: 1:11.


Funny Hospital Play. soccer, learn color, toy, kids. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:41.


The soccer is really interesting

Oh! I think my leg is something wrong

Help me!

Doctor RUBY!

What happened to daddy?

He need my help


Doctor RUBY

What happened?


there is something wrong to my leg

Let's see

I am going to start treatment

Well, I think you need to take a X-ray

Show Camera

Show screen

Oh dear. your leg is broken

You need to get a cast

Show bandage

The treatment is done

would you try to walk around?

Yes Doctor

It is really hard to walk

Oh ! thank you!!

Thank you

You are awesome!

For more infomation >> Funny Hospital Play. soccer, learn color, toy, kids. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:41.


Real Madrid 3-1 PSG | Maç Özeti Türkçe Anlatım | Şampiyonlar Ligi - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Real Madrid 3-1 PSG | Maç Özeti Türkçe Anlatım | Şampiyonlar Ligi - Duration: 4:21.


I Vantaggi del Forex: estratto dal corso di forex trading su piattaforma Udemy - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> I Vantaggi del Forex: estratto dal corso di forex trading su piattaforma Udemy - Duration: 9:01.


Wie das Leben gelingt (2) – Joyce Meyer – Persönlichkeit stärken - Duration: 28:54.

For more infomation >> Wie das Leben gelingt (2) – Joyce Meyer – Persönlichkeit stärken - Duration: 28:54.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Renault Captur TCE 90pk Dynamique (R-link/Climate/17''LMV) - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCE 90pk Dynamique (R-link/Climate/17''LMV) - Duration: 0:50.


OUR DESPERATE FLIRTING ATTEMPTS #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 9:00.

• From jumping out of windows to driving a car into a fence, the Planet Dolan crew

re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the most desperate things

we've done to attract someone.

I'm Melissa – or – Doopie and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by drez101 Grgak When Grgak was in 5th grade, there was a girl,

Melon, who always talked about her makeup kit and lipstick.

One day, he went up to her and asked, "Do you want a date?"

She blushed and said, "Well, if you drink out of a toilet, I will let you be my boyfriend."

Grgak gulped, but agreed and went to one of the toilets, which happened to have pee and

the biggest shit he ever saw in it… but that did not stop him.

He plunged his head down and drank it.

After 10 seconds, he stopped and, after texting a photo of himself with shit all over his

face, Grgak and Melon ended up getting together.

Number 9 was submitted by Mosshoof Ramona The most desperate thing Ramona ever did to

attract someone was self-mutilation.

After moving to the USA, she didn't fit in at all.

But there was one boy she saw every day at lunch who was sort of goth, but not TOO goth.

Ramona didn't know how to get his attention.

She gradually figured out he was in the goth crowd and eavesdropped a lot.

Always having been a raver, she said she liked Korn and Slipknot, bought the expensive Hot

Topic clothes… but that still wasn't enough.

It came down to her carving a pentagram into her hand with a safety pin.

She's not even sure if that's what did it, but they ended up going out for two months

without so much as saying "Hello."

They did brush each other's hands against one another a few times.

Ramona guesses they were both really shy, but they eventually drifted apart, though

she still has an amazing scar.

Number 8 was submitted by Killerdogs1276 Pandora When Pandora was in 6th grade, there was a

boy she wanted who was at her friend's sleepover.

They were all outside, so Pandora said, "I'm going to get something."

She ran upstairs to the second floor and jumped out the window.

She jumped she wanted to land either on him or the ground and make him feel sorry for


But instead she landed on a stone slab and broke her arm.

He did feel sorry for her.

After seeing him again, Pandora fell into an electric fence and got an electric shock.

She decided to never do that again.

Number 7 was submitted by iliketrainsgirl Danger Dolan

Dolan was 19 when he was in driving school and had a crush on a girl in his class.

When it was time for the driving test, he climbed into the car and saw her.

Wanting to impress her, he started it up and yelled, "Hey, wanna see something cool?"

She said 'yes,' and being dumb he tried to flip the car on the fence by driving really

fast towards it.

The driving teacher screamed, "What are you doing?!"

Dolan hit the fence and broke the car, but she did date him for being 'brave.'

Number 6 was submitted by doopyisawesome Nixxiom When Nixxiom was in school he liked a girl

but hated her friends, who were mean.

One day, for no reason, the girl stood up for Nixxiom and told off her friends when

they were making fun of him.

After that they started talking on an app on their phones for several months.

When he finally asked her out, she said, "Only if you run into the sign on the field and

say it's for 'team spirit.'"

Of course, being the hormone-filled teen he was, Nixxiom said he would do it and ran into

the sign… while the principal was giving a speech!

Worst of all was that the principal was right in front of the sign when he ran into it.

Nixxiom hit the sign and then saw black.

When he woke up, he was in the nurse's office with the principal, his mom, and the girl

at his side.

Although he ended up getting a concussion, Nixxiom and the girl dated for two months

but then broke up with her because she was too clingy.

Number 5 was submitted by ThatguyJeff101 Hellbent When he was in college, there was a girl that

Hellbent was head over heels for but couldn't bring himself to ask her out.

He finally worked up the courage to ask her out, but she gave him a soft and honest no...

but he wasn't about to give up.

He decided to lay a trail of rose petals from her dorm to his, but before that he lit a

bunch of candles in his dorm and put a condom on his bed.

So he started the trail, and it was hard work.

When he was on the last hundred feet, Hellbent was going straight for 19 hours but an eagle-eyed

teacher noticed and asked him what he was doing.

Hellbent explained, and she understood and simply walked off.

After that, he was done and rang her doorbell and then ran back to his dorm.

Ten minutes later, the girl opened the door to his dorm and… well, they had a good time!

Number 4 was submitted by IzAnimationZ Ladybot Ladybot was staying over at a friend's house

during the school year.

With her friend living in another county, they had to take a bus to get to her house.

On the bus, all the way in the back where they were going to sit was a really cute girl,

Sharpie, and being the useless lesbian Ladybot was, tried to talk to her.

Ladybot didn't realize that she had been told to sit down by the bus driver.

So when the bus started moving, she ended up falling in Sharpie's lap.

Ladybot said, "I guess I'm falling for you."

In her state of being confused and really embarrassed, she went on to sing, "Hit Me

Baby, One More Time" as loud as she could.

When they got back to her friend's house, Ladybot played the ukulele and sung about

how she was gay.

She recorded the song and sent it to Sharpie, who eventually thought she was really cute

and they've been dating ever since.

Number 3 was submitted by HeroNinja105 MKyleM The most desperate thing MKyleM ever did to

attract someone was something he regrets.

During 4th grade he had puppy love and told his crush that he could jump off the playset

and not break anything.

The playset was tall, so when he got up to the top MKyleM jumped off and broke his leg

and almost his arm.

He was rushed to the hospital, with his mom yelling, "Why would you do that?"

MKyleM didn't answer and just cried instead.

The next day, though, his crush thought he was cool and signed his cast.

They got together but, a year later, MKyleM and his family had to move to the opposite

side of the USA.

Number 2 was submitted by SmolKawaiiNeko Spincess The most desperate thing Spincess ever did

to impress someone was going down a very steep hill on a bike.

She liked a boy, Tolop, who lived in her neighborhood and hung out with him from time to time.

They lived in a neighborhood that had a really, REALLY steep hill.

One day, they were playing outside when Spincess asked, "Do you want to see me go down the

hill on a bike?"

Tolop wanted to see it, so she went to her house, grabbed her bike, and walked back to


She got on the bike and sped down the hill.

Well, she went way faster than expected, and screamed, "Ah, damn it, damn it, damn it,

damn it!"

Spincess ended up losing control of the bike and ran right into a car.

She flew onto the hood and the alarm went off.

The owner of the car came out of her house, and Spincess and Tolop explained what happened.

The woman forgave them, and Spincess started dating Tolop because he thought it was really

brave of her to do what she did.

They still laugh about it to this day.

Number 1 – What was the most desperate thing I've done to attract someone?

For more infomation >> OUR DESPERATE FLIRTING ATTEMPTS #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 9:00.


Let's Make A Deal - The Money Fairy makes her smile! - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Let's Make A Deal - The Money Fairy makes her smile! - Duration: 2:15.


Trump Goes On Rampage After Learning What Sessions Is Doing To Bury The Biggest - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 25:56.

Trump Goes On Rampage After Learning What Sessions Is Doing To Bury The Biggest Scandal

In US History

The noose around the necks of Obama and Hillary continues to tighten with each passing day

for their crimes with the Uranium One scandal where indictments are already coming down.

Now in a bizarre twist, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is getting implicated in the whole

deal with new evidence proving that he's been working with Hillary and Obama this entire

time to sweep the scandal under the rug.

Ever since Trump got into office one year ago, he's had no shortage of traitors constantly

trying to sabotage his presidency.

While many of us have wondered for quite some time just whose side Jeff Sessions is on,

this breaking report confirms what many of us suspected all along, that he's merely

another Hillary puppet who's existing in D.C. just to do her bidding and is doing everything

in his power to further the cause of the "Deep State."

For days now, the FISA memo has been on everyone's minds, where its release is predicted to have

huge implications on the Democrats.

But for reasons that defy all human logic, Sessions is fighting to keep the memo from

being released, idiotically claiming that this could damage our national security, and

wants only the FBI to have access to view it.

Gateway Pundit reports:

The Sessions Justice Department is calling on House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes

(R-CA) to allow the FBI to review the "shocking," FISA abuse memo to ensure its release will

not harm national security.

ABC News reports:

The Justice Department is urging the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, whose

staff has compiled a secret memorandum purporting to show "shocking" political bias within

the FBI, to give the department a chance to see the memo and warning that first sharing

information from the memo with reporters would be "unprecedented" and dangerous.

Furthermore, the department said certain allegations of impropriety are completely unfounded.

"We believe it would be extraordinarily reckless for the Committee to disclose such

information publicly without giving the Department and the FBI the opportunity to review the

memorandum and to advise the [committee] of the risk of harm to national security and

to ongoing investigations that could come from the public release," a top Justice

Department official wrote in a letter today to Rep. Devin Nunes, R-California.

"Indeed, we do not understand why the Committee would possibly seek to disclose classified

and law enforcement sensitive information without first consulting with the relevant

members of the Intelligence Community."

Despite these swamp rats' efforts to keep the contents of the FISA memo hidden from

the American public, the information is set to be released in around 19 days, according

to Congressman Dave Joyce.

It's absolutely unreal how Sessions remains in Trump's administration.

This isn't the first time he's been caught safeguarding Hillary and Obama's secrets.

A scathing report shows that under Sessions, the Justice Department downplayed critical

evidence that linked Obama and Hillary to the Uranium One Scandal.

The Hill reports:

For instance, both Attorney General Jeff Sessions in testimony last week and Deputy Attorney

General Rod Rosenstein in a letter to the Senate last month tried to suggest there was

no connection between Uranium One and the nuclear bribery case.

Their argument was that the criminal charges weren't filed until 2014, while the Committee

of Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) approval of the Uranium One sale occurred

in October 2010.

"The way I understand that matter is that the case in which Mr. Mikerin was convicted

was not connected to the CFIUS problem that occurred two to three years before," Sessions

testified to the House Judiciary Committee last week, echoing Rosenstein's letter from

a few weeks earlier.

But investigative records show FBI counterintelligence recorded the first illicit payments in the

bribery/kickback scheme in November 2009, a year before the CFIUS approval.

Sick and tired of the ongoing BS and travesty of justice whenever Hillary is involved, President

Trump is now issuing a dire warning to Jeff Sessions and the entire Justice Department.

Unless Sessions steps in and prosecutes Hillary, Trump says he will be forced to step in and

take drastic measures.

"A lot of people are disappointed in the Justice Department, including me," Trump

told reporters. reports:

Trump said that the Justice Department should be investigating Democrats and the Clintons,

sharing several observations on Twitter.

"This is real collusion and dishonesty," Trump wrote on Twitter Thursday night, responding

to Donna Brazile's revelation that Hillary Clinton's campaign was controlling DNC operations

and fundraising well before winning her primary.

"Major violation of Campaign Finance Laws and Money Laundering – where is our Justice

Department?" Trump wondered.

The president appears unhappy with Attorney General Jeff Sessions failure to investigate

the Clintons, despite recent revelations about their "crooked" behavior.

Trump said he thought Clinton's "deleted E-mails, Uranium, Podesta, the Server, plus,

plus…" all deserved closer scrutiny.

"People are angry," Trump continued on Twitter.

"At some point, the Justice Department, and the FBI must do what is right and proper.

The American public deserves it!"

Trump also spoke about his frustration with the Justice Department in an interview with

Fox News host Laura Ingraham.

"The saddest thing is because I'm the President of the United States, I'm not

supposed to be involved in the Justice Department, I am not supposed to be involved in the FBI,"

Trump said.

"I'm not supposed to be doing the kinds of things I would love to be doing and I'm

very frustrated by it."

Trump indicated that he wanted the Justice Department to investigate the Clintons.

"I look at what's going on with the Justice Department, well, why aren't they going

after Hillary Clinton with her emails and dossier?" he asked.

"It's very discouraging to me.

To be honest, I'm very unhappy about it."

Trump signaled frustration with Attorney General Jeff Sessions for failing to target the Clintons.

President Trump ran on the promise to "lock her up" and it's time that he delivers

on that promise.

It's truly time for our President to drain the swamp, and if politicians like Jeff Sessions

is unwilling to prosecute Hillary and Obama and to uphold his freaking oath, then Sessions

should be to be the first in line to get flushed down the toilet.

The American people are sick and tired of being promised that Hillary and Obama will

pay for their crimes, only to be disappointed time


time again.

For more infomation >> Trump Goes On Rampage After Learning What Sessions Is Doing To Bury The Biggest - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 25:56.


Blockchain versus Cryptocurrency - in 3 Minutes! - 4 Year Old Crypto Kylie Explains - Duration: 3:07.

Hi, it's Crypto Kylie back again.

Last time I talked about blockchain.

Please like, comment, and subscribe if you haven't already.

Today I'm going to talk about blockchain versus cryptocurrency.

People sometimes think they're the same thing, but they're actually different.

I'm going to try to explain the difference today.

Here's my Code-A-Pillar again.

Like I said last time, this is blockchain.

For cryptocurrency, we're adding the token on top of the blockchain.

[shows "token"]

Remember my last video?

Snow White, Belle, and Rapunzel own tokens on the blockchain.

[grabs a token]

This is Snow White's token.

The token lets her do stuff on the blockchain.

Like... buying, selling, and trading.

What does this all mean?

Cryptocurrencies are blockchains.

But, not all blockchains are cryptocurrencies.

The name cryptocurrency is kind of wrong.

They're not actually currencies.

They're more like assets tied to the blockchain.

"Crypto assets"

"Crypto assets" are probably a better name.

Why would these tokens have value?

Well if the blockchain protocol is good...

Then the tokens will be worth something.

Then, the owners of the token will see profit.

If the blockchain protocol is good, then the people will want to use it.

More people would want the tokens.

Demand goes up... more than supply.

Supply and Demand.

Ummm... do any of these cryptocurrencies have value yet?


Kind of.

We'll talk about this more in my next video.

Like, comment, share, and subscribe.

[Waves and Blows Kisses]

Bye Bye!

For more infomation >> Blockchain versus Cryptocurrency - in 3 Minutes! - 4 Year Old Crypto Kylie Explains - Duration: 3:07.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Scientists rush to Antarctica to study an area that hasn't seen - Duration: 4:21.

Scientists rush to Antarctica to study an area that hasn�t seen sunlight for 120,000


A hidden world that has been trapped under ice for 120,000 years going to finally be

explored by scientists.

There is a hidden ecosystem in the Antarctic that no one really knows anything about.

The unknown realm has been cut off from any light for around 120,000 years, and scientists

have no idea what might lie under the dark and freezing water.

Now it looks like the wait is over as a team of scientists will be exploring the marine

ecosystem that lies under the Antarctic ice shelf after a huge iceberg broke free in July

last year.

Iceberg the Size Of Delaware Weighed 1 Trillion Tonnes

The iceberg is said to be about the size of Delaware and was given the name A-68 and is

estimated to weigh about 1 trillion tonnes.

In the 1960s a small crack appeared on the Larsen C ice shelf, and this was the start

of the icebergs exit from the shelf.

The rift slowly widened until the crack picked up the pace in 2016 and 2017.

In July it broke free and drifted into the Southern Ocean.

When the ice block moved there was a huge watery expanse of more than 2,239 square miles

that had not seen daylight before, and now scientists are rushing to get here to explore

the frigid waters to find out if they contain any life before the transformation in the

ecosystem of the Antarctic changes the undisturbed existence.

Katrin Linse, the BAS marine biologist, said that they do not know anything about it as

ice has covered it several hundred meters in thickness.

She went on to say that it was important that they get there before the environment alters

due to sunlight now being able to enter the water and any new species down there start

to colonize.

Scientists from 9 Research Institutions Meeting At Falkland Islands

Linse, along with other researchers, is making their way to the Falkland Islands and will

join up with scientists from 9 different research institutions later on this month onboard the

research ship the RRS James Clark Ross.

They will make use of satellite monitoring to steer through the waters infused with ice

to reach the remote destination.

The BAS science director, David Vaughan, said that the researchers needed to be bold.

He went on to say that Larsen C is a long way to the south and in the region, there

is plenty of ice.

However, the finding is important to science, and so the researchers will do their best

to get where they are needed.

The voyage should take around three weeks, and during that time they plan on collecting

microbes, sediments, water samples and seafloor animals along with documenting any evidence

of new birds and marine mammals that could have migrated.

Researchers Have No Idea What to Expect However, the team has no idea of what to expect.

Linse said that they were traveling to a region where they have no idea what they will find,

and this is an exciting time.

Linse went on to say that they expect to come across animals that are like the ones found

in extreme deep seas that have to rely on greed food as there has not been any phytoplankton

in the sea above them.

One thing that is known is that it is vital to the researchers to make the most of the

opportunity while they can as often windows such as this one can take 100,000 years to

finally open.

Julian Gutt, a marine ecologist from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research

in Germany, is going to be participating in the voyage.

He said that he could not think of a more dramatic move in environmental conditions

in any of Earths ecosystem.

For more infomation >> Scientists rush to Antarctica to study an area that hasn't seen - Duration: 4:21.


Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDI FIRST EDITION | Airco | Navi | Bluetooth | Camera | Cruise | - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDI FIRST EDITION | Airco | Navi | Bluetooth | Camera | Cruise | - Duration: 0:57.


Renault Espace 2.0T Privilège NAVI-ECC-LMV-XENON - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Renault Espace 2.0T Privilège NAVI-ECC-LMV-XENON - Duration: 0:59.


Why Are Human Breasts So Big - Duration: 4:00.

(bright music)

- [Narrator] Breasts come in different shapes and sizes,

but there's one thing they all have in common.

They are unique to humans.

More than 5,000 mammalian species inhabit this planet,

yet homo sapiens are the only life forms

with permanent breasts.

Some may call this human anomaly sexy,

but it also begs the question,

why are human breasts so big,

and were they an evolutionary mistake?

(text clicking)

Every other mammal develops temporary breasts

during ovulation and, or nursing.

Basically their purpose is to produce milk,

so once the milk is gone, the breasts disappear.

But this isn't the case for female humans

whose breasts form during puberty, not pregnancy.

So at some point in our evolution, something changed.

But what?

For example, in 1987, biologist Tim Caro explored

seven existing theories on this subject.

One was that breasts allowed mothers

to nurse newborns from their hip,

giving them more mobility to multitask.

But it doesn't explain why breasts stick around

after the nursing stage is over.

Perhaps the most popular idea was first proposed

by Charles Darwin and later explored by zoologist,

Desmond Morris, in his 1967 book, The Naked Ape.

In it, Morris suggests that breasts evolved

as a sex symbol, to replace the swelling rear end

of other female primates during ovulation.

Once our ancestors starting walking upright,

the sexual organs were no longer as obvious to spot,

so males had no way of knowing

when a female was sexually mature,

and breasts may have formed as a result.

This theory would at least explain

why women's chests swell during puberty,

but it still can't explain why they

stick around after menopause.

Let's take a closer look at the human breast.

The big difference is that it contains more fat

than other female mammals.

The fat fills out the breast tissue,

giving it shape, sort of like milk, but permanent.

Human breasts can become so large

it can cause back and chest pain.

This is why many women get breast reductions.

More than 61,000 received a breast reduction

in 2016, in the US alone.

But breasts aren't only uncomfortable for some,

they can also be deadly.

Breast cancer is the number one cause

of cancer related deaths in women, world wide.

It effects roughly one and a half million women each year

and it killed 570,000 of them in 2015.

Yet as far as scientists can tell,

breast cancer is not common among other primates.

This could be because the risk of cancer increases with age,

and other primates don't live long enough

to develop breast cancer, or perhaps,

it could have something to do

with the permanent breast tissue itself.

- [Dr. Callahan] Cancer is more common

in rapidly dividing tissue.

Every time cells are born and die,

there is an opportunity within the cell cycle

to make mistakes in repairing DNA

and essentially, a cell with mistakes

can become a cancerous cell.

Breast tissue divides at a rapid pace,

so there's a greater opportunity to make mistakes.

- [Narrator] That may explain why removing both breasts

reduces a woman's risk of breast cancer by 95%.

Of course breasts have established their place

in human culture and society.

They can make women feel wanted, liberated, or empowered.

And they've helped build entire empires

based simply on their power to attract.

It looks like, for better or worse,

human breasts are here to stay.

(bright music)

For more infomation >> Why Are Human Breasts So Big - Duration: 4:00.


Yesika Salgado Recites "Good Love" & "Hand Holding" | Amorcito | mitú - Duration: 4:27.

- The good juicy mangoes,

the juice drips down your arms,

good love does that.

It gets on everything and gets everywhere,

it's messy, but it's sweet.

Hello, my name is Yesika Salgado,

and I am a fat, fly, brown poet.

I celebrate different types of love in my new book, Corazon.

These are my feelings about the fruit of love.

(gentle music)

You never know what a tree is going to give you

until it gives you what it does.

Something about the fruit, that sweetness,

it gets messy and it gets all over the place,

good love does that.

That's why I called this part of the book the Fruit.

Because it's almost like a reward

you've been waiting for so long.

You've had a long winter and you've been waiting.

So now, here's this fruit.

I wrote the Good Love after somebody asked me

if I ever wrote about any happy love poems.

And I was like, I do it all the time.

Then I went looking for one,

and I said oh damn, (laughs)

there're not lot of these poems.

I think most of my abusive relationships

have also had the highest highs.

I guess that's part of why you stay in the abuse.

The highs become toxic, even if it's in the beginning,

it's a week or two weeks and that's something so addicting

for all of us, it always keeps us going back,

and that's what this poem is.

It's about the times that you were so in love

with this other person that you were perfectly fine

not leaving the house or the apartment,

all you wanted to do was be up under them

watching some random TV show that you never

cared about until they introduced it to you.

Good Love.

What about the happy love?

All that good love that tells you, it's okay to stay

in the house and watch Martin reruns

and you're not wondering where anyone else is,

because all you ever wanted is there

in that room on that couch with you.

What about the times you felt so much you snuck

into the kitchen to cry a little because everything felt

so good you didn't know it was possible,

you didn't know you could love like that,

love someone the way your mommy loves,

love someone and have them love you right back,

like that, like someone snapped their fingers

and gave you all the gold in the world,

like you've always been deserving of it and more.

Like you hadn't been begging for scraps before.

Like you don't know how to be loved

any other way than this good way now,

this love that's got you glowing,

this new name that you say over and over

that's got you running around looking

at the world like it's an answer,

like the days are all working away

at something, getting you somewhere,

someone, your lover, write about that.

Forget the after, the part where it ends,

or where it got quiet.

That doesn't matter right now, right here.

What about that happy love?

It happened every time,

every new love, remember?


You know, you go looking for love,

and when you're in it, when you have it, you're like,

oh my god, oh my god, I don't know what to do.

This is exactly what I wanted,

but I'm so scared, I'm so scared.

And sometimes you let go of the love

and sometimes you keep it.

I wrote Hand Holding after going on a date

with someone that I had been dating online for a while.

We went to get drinks and then we went to get tacos,

and we were walking down this alley behind my house,

and I grabbed his hand and he grabbed my hand back.

And that's all that it was.

We didn't even kiss that night or anything.

And I remember somehow feeling some intimacy

in two hands fitting perfectly into each other.

And so I went home and I wrote this poem,

sick in love and with the potential of what could be.

Hand Holding.

Mine were warm, and yours were big enough to lose mine in.

I remember thinking they were softer than I expected.

My fingers slid between yours.

Perfect, I said.

And you squeezed back a yes.

We walked half a block like this.

Regular conversation.

I don't know how, because all I was

was a hand being held by you.

"Look at the moon," you said.

We stood, my body a kite in the wind,

kissing the stars,

tethered to land,

to you.

(gentle music)

For more infomation >> Yesika Salgado Recites "Good Love" & "Hand Holding" | Amorcito | mitú - Duration: 4:27.


[ENG KOR SUB] REACTION! Jimin & Jungkook Adult Ceremony Behind the Scenes BTS - Duration: 11:22.

Hello everybody, my name is Maggie, and I like to react to K-pop videos on the

Internet. I hope you are having a good day.

Welcome back to my channel, or if you are new, welcome to my channel. I- it's

Valentine's Day. So I thought that we would do something that promoted love,

and smiling, and hearts shattering and breaking on the floor, watching me cry

specific tears. The cat is about to comfort me.

Hi. Yes, she thinks that she can be of help.

You can't be of help for this one, Kaylee, but she can try. So we are going to

revisit adult ceremony. Jungkook and Jimin. Last time they did this, bad things

happened to me. So you guys have been telling me to watch the behind the

scenes. I've been putting it off because I needed to recover, and to regroup, but

it's Valentine's Day, so I thought we would do something a little bit special

and I will take the pain. If you are not subscribed to my channel, please do so, I

would love to have you. I run a Twitter poll every single week, you decide which

videos I post on Mondays. My Twitter handle is up here, it's @ReactionaryMag,

so let's get started. I'm gonna bribe the cat just real quick, so she--

I think I had to do this in another one of the videos recently too. Here you go, Kaylee, go eat.

I do actually keep cat treats next to me so I can bribe her. Nobody cared about that story. That's

all right. So I'm prepared. I am so prepared right now. Yeah, your

friend and mine, Scotty the support bear, who is my Valentine's Day date, because

look at him. He would be yours too. But this time I actually also have-- my

ice pack is ready. Break in case of BTS emergency. It's here. It's ready for use

if we need that. So this is me stalling. This is what stalling looks like. All right. Let

us just jump in. I just- uh okay. Right, can

somebody pep talk me? Can that be a thing? Can somebody please pep talk me? Okay, okay, oh.

Oh hey, JK looked like he was about to eat it. Okay, so this isn't bad. This isn't bad.

We're in the white shirt Timberland phase here.

This isn't bad.

I- J-Hope, man.

Okay, that might be a little bad.

This is adorable right now. Right now this is so cute. How do we

go from so cute to everything is ruined in your life?

Oh, a little bit like that, okay.

Oh, the song doesn't help.

I'm sorry, there's something sexy about the fact that JK's chewing gum too. It just

looks like he gives zero Fs but he is going to mess you up.

Jimin, you're so cute. How do you get so cute? Okay, okay, now we're done. Now

I'm screwed. I'm screwed.

What? How long is this? How long is this? Oh, it's long, okay.

Oh, no, Jimin, right to the camera, really? Why was that necessary?

None of it

Don't join in, Tae, don't join in. Don't do it. It's a trap.

Oh my god.


Oh my god, oh my god, oh my- like--

It's a damn good thing I have this ice.

Oh god. Oh god. Oh, it's going to get worse, it's going to get worse.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

We can do this. We got this. We got this. We're good.

We're good, right? Right? Right? We're good. Somebody tell me we're good.

Oh god, I don't feel like we're gonna be good.

Not good.


Oh shit.

It's bad, I really-- i just don't know what to do with the ice either. It's going to go there.

These two are so full of sex appeal. Oh my god.

That feels so weird saying that.

That's okay, everybody's above age now. I don't have to be weird about it.

Oh, lord have mercy. They have such different dance styles but I'm here for both of them fore sure.

Okay, okay. Oh no, it's worse, it's worse, it's bad because all the lights are on.

Jimin.Oh, I can't even with you.

Jimin, you're fucking me up man

And see there's-- that's all JK right there, messing with me. Oh my god, oh my god,

you guys. Are we done, are we done? Oh, how can we not be done? I just want to be done. Oh God. Oh no. Oh

no. Oh no, a reaction video. Oh no you guys.

Oh no.

I'm so done. See, J-Hope- or not J-Hope, Jin- Jin

is me. Jin is me!

You guys, I cannot!

I can't escape. I can't back up anymore. I'm trying to like, sink into this couch.

Oh man. It's so hot, I just-- oh my god. Oh, stop it, stop it, stop it.

I love Jacobs reaction though, I mean come on.


Okay, but it gets worse. It gets worse. They don't know it. They don't know it

yet. They don't know what's coming. I do. I do. I know what's coming. Yeah, see? Yeah.

Oh god.

Oh, damn it, Kookie with your smile right there. I didn't need it.

Oh, can we be done yet?



I can't walk away this time, because I'm stuck behind my recording equipment, so

it's a really good thing I had the ice pack prepared in here.

I don't know that I can move all that much right now, so Happy Valentine's Day.

Uh, yeah

you guys wanted me to watch it, so I watched it. Definitely watched it.

I don't think I have too much more to say like I did last time, except maybe

going is a good option so I can move my recording equipment and move.

Okay. Let me

know what you thought of the practice for coming-of-age, adult ceremony, that

whole thing. What did you think of it compared to the actual performance? What

did you think of the reaction of the members? Let me know in the comment

section. Again, if you haven't subscribed to my channel

please do so, and I would love to have you when I upload Monday Wednesdays and

Fridays at 3 p.m. Mountain Standard Time. I don't even know if I said that in the

intro. I can't remember. I hope that you have a good rest of your day.

Tell someone you love them today. It doesn't matter who. And I will see you in

my next video, where I will probably be a bit more contained and without a pack

of ice. Maybe. Oh, you can't even see. I'm not even in frame. Rad. This whole time have I

not been in frame? That's what stuff's looking like.

I didn't- I- okay. That's a problem.

That's how you know you're really reacting. Okay. Well I'm going to let you go. Bye.

For more infomation >> [ENG KOR SUB] REACTION! Jimin & Jungkook Adult Ceremony Behind the Scenes BTS - Duration: 11:22.


Eating at Taman Nauli Kitchen and Lounge in Bali - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Eating at Taman Nauli Kitchen and Lounge in Bali - Duration: 6:26.


100 GOLDEN BOOTY CHEST CHALLENGE (with Tery) | Growtopia - Duration: 11:17.



1000 likes or I'll the chicken

For more infomation >> 100 GOLDEN BOOTY CHEST CHALLENGE (with Tery) | Growtopia - Duration: 11:17.


Your World With Neil Cavuto 02/14/18 4PM | February 14, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 58:54.

For more infomation >> Your World With Neil Cavuto 02/14/18 4PM | February 14, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 58:54.


Scientists rush to Antarctica to study an area that hasn't seen - Duration: 4:12.

Scientists rush to Antarctica to study an area that hasn�t seen sunlight for 120,000


A hidden world that has been trapped under ice for 120,000 years going to finally be

explored by scientists.

There is a hidden ecosystem in the Antarctic that no one really knows anything about.

The unknown realm has been cut off from any light for around 120,000 years, and scientists

have no idea what might lie under the dark and freezing water.

Now it looks like the wait is over as a team of scientists will be exploring the marine

ecosystem that lies under the Antarctic ice shelf after a huge iceberg broke free in July

last year.

Iceberg the Size Of Delaware Weighed 1 Trillion Tonnes

The iceberg is said to be about the size of Delaware and was given the name A-68 and is

estimated to weigh about 1 trillion tonnes.

In the 1960s a small crack appeared on the Larsen C ice shelf, and this was the start

of the icebergs exit from the shelf.

The rift slowly widened until the crack picked up the pace in 2016 and 2017.

In July it broke free and drifted into the Southern Ocean.

When the ice block moved there was a huge watery expanse of more than 2,239 square miles

that had not seen daylight before, and now scientists are rushing to get here to explore

the frigid waters to find out if they contain any life before the transformation in the

ecosystem of the Antarctic changes the undisturbed existence.

Katrin Linse, the BAS marine biologist, said that they do not know anything about it as

ice has covered it several hundred meters in thickness.

She went on to say that it was important that they get there before the environment alters

due to sunlight now being able to enter the water and any new species down there start

to colonize.

Scientists from 9 Research Institutions Meeting At Falkland Islands

Linse, along with other researchers, is making their way to the Falkland Islands and will

join up with scientists from 9 different research institutions later on this month onboard the

research ship the RRS James Clark Ross.

They will make use of satellite monitoring to steer through the waters infused with ice

to reach the remote destination.

The BAS science director, David Vaughan, said that the researchers needed to be bold.

He went on to say that Larsen C is a long way to the south and in the region, there

is plenty of ice.

However, the finding is important to science, and so the researchers will do their best

to get where they are needed.

The voyage should take around three weeks, and during that time they plan on collecting

microbes, sediments, water samples and seafloor animals along with documenting any evidence

of new birds and marine mammals that could have migrated.

Researchers Have No Idea What to Expect However, the team has no idea of what to expect.

Linse said that they were traveling to a region where they have no idea what they will find,

and this is an exciting time.

Linse went on to say that they expect to come across animals that are like the ones found

in extreme deep seas that have to rely on greed food as there has not been any phytoplankton

in the sea above them.

One thing that is known is that it is vital to the researchers to make the most of the

opportunity while they can as often windows such as this one can take 100,000 years to

finally open.

Julian Gutt, a marine ecologist from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research

in Germany, is going to be participating in the voyage.

He said that he could not think of a more dramatic move in environmental conditions

in any of Earths ecosystem.

For more infomation >> Scientists rush to Antarctica to study an area that hasn't seen - Duration: 4:12.


WILL YOU BE MY VALENTINE? - Duration: 1:54.

Happy Valentines day.

Guys its valentines day.

guys, I don't

have a girlfriend.

What the heck!?

Where's my girls at?

Me don't see girls.

Where um at?

Me want a girlfriend on Valentines day.

Me got flowers and chocolate.

Who wants some.

It's yummy.

It smells good.


All you girls who don't have a Valentines.

Me, I'll be yours Valentine.

Me will be yours Valentine.


Happy Valentines Day.

Me will be you be your boyfriend.

Me will love you forever, always, always.

Hey girl, you're as pretty as this rose.

Me hope you have a cute day.

Happy Valentines Day.

You amazing.

Me want to be your boyfriend.

You beautiful.

You beautiful.

Who's wants some.

ow, pokies right here.

Me not touch pokies. and us eatin ice cream.


Happy Valentines Day.

Where are my Valentines.

Girls here!

Blows Kiss.

For more infomation >> WILL YOU BE MY VALENTINE? - Duration: 1:54.


How to Style Kitchen Countertops Like a Pro - HGTV - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> How to Style Kitchen Countertops Like a Pro - HGTV - Duration: 1:13.





Fatal French Alps Bus Crash Caused by Brake Fade—Crash Analysis Smart - Duration: 7:58.

Hi there smart drivers. Rick with Smart dDrive Test talking to you today about a

down hill bus crash that happened in the French Alps in 2013 and give you reasons

why that bus crash occurred. And it's not the reasons that were stated in the

newspaper. Another video in the crash analysis smart series.

Stick around we'll be right back with that information.


Hi there smart drivers. Welcome back. Rick with Smart Drive Test talking to you today

about a down hill bus crash and giving you reasons why that bus crash occurred.

I was speaking with a colleague of mine from the UK and she mentioned this bus

crash that had occurred in April 2013. and that the reported causes of the

crash had been the brakes had failed. And I said no, if they were air brakes they

probably did not fail. And I've talked about in other videos that there is only

one failing of air brake systems and that is brake fade but it's not just air

brake systems it's also hydraulic braking systems that will experience

brake fade if you overuse and overheat the brakes they are prone to failure now

just before we started here if you're new to smart drive test it helps new

drivers get a license regardless of a class of license with its truck bus or

car as well we had helped veteran drivers Jermaine crash free and CDL

drivers to start a career as a truck or bus driver so be sure to hit that

subscribe button as well hit that belt that way get instant notification when I

get the videos up for you so what happened in 2013 the boss came down the

hill on the French Alps the driver lost the brakes experiencing brake fade and

made the heroic choice to drive the bus into a cliff and actually bring it to a

stop and heroically saved most of the passengers on the vehicle are on the bus

only about four of the passengers only were seriously injured but did survive

the crash only the drivers died experts investigated the bus crash and indicated

that the hydraulic drive line retarder had been faulty and that was what caused

the brakes to fail overall now a couple of other pieces that need to be

considered in terms of the bus coming down the hill first of all the bus had a

trailer on it and for those of yous are in North America or have seen buses

before that have luggage trailers on them these luggage trailers are fairly

heavy I would guess that they probably weigh in the area of two or three

thousand pounds so that's one of the other factors is that trailer pushing

that down the hill and there's no indication

that they check the trailer brakes to see if the trailer brakes were working

and that information is just not available as well the hydraulic

driveline retarder the way that these hydraulic drive lines through tires work

is essentially a fan inside a container and they put oil into it and then the

fan turns and forces the oil out through smaller holes and that's a simplistic

version of a hydraulic driveline retarder now essentially what happens is

is it creates back pressure and slow with the vehicle now experts say that

the electronic or the hydraulic driveline retarder was faulty but the

other thing that happened was is because the driver overused the service brakes

it led to brake fade and what happens with brake fade is is that you put too

much heat to the brakes and if they're drum brakes the drum will expand away

from the shoe and eventually what happens is the brakes won't work anymore

now if you have disc brakes and you put too much heat to disparate switch it is

possible in a large commercial vehicle and this is why that they're not

widespread in large commercial vehicles is essentially the whole thing will just

sort of melt and fail and you'll get brake fade and lose your brakes and this

is essentially what happened with the driver now part of the problem with this

is training on part of the driver that the company or the system in Europe does

not train drivers to understand brake fade in that if you overuse the service

brakes the foot pedal on the bus eventually what's going to happen is

that the brakes are gonna overheat and you're not gonna have brakes even if the

auxilary braking system the hydraulic drive line retarded the electric drive

line retarder exhaust brake or engine brake whatever that vehicle is a quick

equipped with and the reason that most of these coaches are equipped with

hydraulic driveline retarders is because they're quiet if that wasn't working and

the driver would have known that because it wasn't slowing the vehicle down or

holding the vehicle back as well the trailer brakes where the trailer brakes

working how much weight was in that trailer and as I said and this is

pertinent for drivers who have pickup trucks and hauling recreational trailers

under boat trailers those types and you're operating in mountainous

areas you need to know that you can experience brake fade my little Honda

CRV pulling that Boulder trailer that I have there only weighs about a thousand

pounds that come down through the mountains there and it started to

experience brake fade because I'm only relying on the vehicles on the on the

cars brakes to slow down the trailer because the trailers too small it

doesn't have electric brakes or air brakes on it and a lot of these bigger

trailers will have electric brakes or they'll have what's called surge brakes

where there's a spring mechanism in the tongue of the trailer that when it moves

forward it surges and creates an energy source to power brakes on the trailer

they're not very common but they are one of the other ways that traders are

slowed down so there's a couple of videos here on the channel how to look

at those downhill braking I'll put a card up in the corner for you also put a

card up from the corner for you on brake fade and how to identify brake fade and

how to downhill brake correctly and for those of you going for a CDL license

make sure that you pay attention to downhill braking and get that dialed in

correctly because if you do get in the right gear in the engine retarder or the

exhilarate braking system is working properly you're gonna be able to go down

the hill with very little use of the service brakes and you're not gonna

overheat the brakes and experience brake fade unfortunately that's what happened

with this driver in the French Alps is from the information that I can gather

the vehicle experience brake fade and unfortunately it it ended tragically

with the death of the driver question for my smart drivers are you driving a

vehicle that you experienced brake fade on a downhill brake leave a comment down

in the comment section there all of that helps out the new drivers and veteran

drivers alike who are working to stay crash free if you like what you see here

share subscribe leave a comment down in the comment section as well if that

thumbs-up on head over to the smart drive test website over there is a

complete CDL airbrakes course it's a course for new drivers working towards

becoming a truck or bus driver and it guarantees that you will pass your air

brakes first time air brakes is the most technical course in the

list of courses for new drivers getting a CDL license and it is probably the

most technical and some drivers unfortunately are not successful on that

course because of the terminology and other things from whatnot and there is a

glossary of terms and valves found on the seat on the air brake system whether

it's a bus or truck and all that information will ensure that you're

successful and if you're not successful within 60 days and you've completed the

course we'll give you your money back so head over there and buy that course I'm

Rick with smart drive test thanks very much for watching good luck on your road

test and remember pick the best answer not necessarily the right answer have a

great day

For more infomation >> Fatal French Alps Bus Crash Caused by Brake Fade—Crash Analysis Smart - Duration: 7:58.



What's up guys it's Everything Kodi back with another video

so many of you are looking for a build with lot of different add-ons

and lot of different sources for content then you might want to check THE SUBZERO BUILD

I've also tested on my fire TV and two other fire sticks the build works great

You will enjoy this kodi build on your amazon fire stick or nvidia shield or android tv box

now I'm gonna give you guys an overview of what it has to offer

offer if you like it I can show you how you can get it installed on your device.

Now if you haven't already go ahead and hit the subscribe button

and make sure you click the little bell icon right next to subscribe so you don't miss any of my posts

so let's go ahead and jump into the overview of the build.

Now once you install it the first section you're gonna run into is the movies section

so you have the widget here at the top

you can scroll through find a movie and tv shows you like.

Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell icon to stay informed.

For more infomation >> THE BEST FAST 🔥 KODI 17.6 BUILD FEBRUARY 2018 🔥 THE SUBZERO BUILD KODI 🔥 FROM THE SUBZERO WIZARD - Duration: 12:59.


Dr Otis T Gordon, CHI St. Vincent Gastroenterologist, Colon Cancer Awareness 1 15 - Duration: 0:16.

My name is Dr. Otis T Gordon. I'm a gastroenterologist and I want to

encourage you in this month of March to all go out and get your

colonoscopies. Before the age of 50 getting a colonoscopy does save lives. Get

this test done and potentially save yourself from a lot of problems down the road.

For more infomation >> Dr Otis T Gordon, CHI St. Vincent Gastroenterologist, Colon Cancer Awareness 1 15 - Duration: 0:16.


TUTORIAL FOR FLAVOURED FROZEN MILK (turn on subtitles) - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> TUTORIAL FOR FLAVOURED FROZEN MILK (turn on subtitles) - Duration: 1:08.


YouTuber Couple Survives Crazed Fan Home Invasion - Meg Turney Gavin Free - Duration: 2:14.

A crazed armed fan drove 11 hours and broke into the house of youtube couple Meg Turney

and Gavin Free.

I'm going to fill you in on everything you need to know here for oyu on IO.

Welcome back to inform overload where we overload you with information.

I'm charlotte dobre, and don't forget to like and subscribe for all your trending

news on youtube.

Megan turney is a cosplayer and she has 341 thousand subscribers on her channel, and gavin

runs the channel slo mo guys, which has 10 million subscribers.

After being angry about Megan and Gavin's youtube videos, a man named Christopher giles

drove 11 hours from new mexico to Austin tenessee, presumably to seriously harm or kill her.

IT was around 3:40 am on January 26th when Megan and Gavin heard the sound of broken

glass and a gunshot.

The gunman searched the house for the couple, but while he did this, megan and gavin hid

in their closet and called 911.

When Giles could not find them, he went back to his car, got inside, and sat in the driveway.

As he attempted to drive off, Austin Police pulled up just in time, and ordered giles

to stop.

A gunshot was heard from inside the car, and police then returned fire.

Later, giles was pronounced dead.

A 45 calliber handgun was found in the car near his hand.

Christopher giles was described by police as being single, lonely and disturbed.

He was a gamer, and watched youtube videos about gaming often.

According to a preliminary post-mortem examination, he may have shot himself.

According to court documents, After a search of his phone, there were various notations

identifying Megan Turney and Gavin Free by name.

Threatening thoughts were also recorded by giles, where he says 'I want gavin free

to die alone with no children.

So what possible reason could someone have for wanting to kill Gavin Free and Meg Turney?

According to the notes, he was jealous of their popularity, and resented their lifestyle

and success.

So this happened seearl weeks ago, and Megan and Gavin have been pretty quiet on the matter

until recenty when they tweeted to thank the Austin police for their quick response..

On behalf of IO, our hearts go out to Gavin and Megan, we are so glad you're okay!

That is all I have for you on this, if you want to continue watching IO, check out either

of these videos over here.

And don't forget to turn on notifications so you never miss an upload.

For more infomation >> YouTuber Couple Survives Crazed Fan Home Invasion - Meg Turney Gavin Free - Duration: 2:14.


Your Love Isn't Real! (VALENTINE'S DAY ADVICE 2018) - Duration: 6:01.

Every year for Valentine's Day, I answer your questions about love and relationships,

and you can know for sure that my advice is really good and wise

because I've never been in a relationship so I'm unbiased.

JB asked: How do I not turn into a blushing, blubbering, stuttering mess when in a 30 foot

radius of any and all cute girls?

While many people have experienced this sensation, I think a lot of people are unaware of why

exactly it happens.

Essentially, some people, straight men and queer women, for instance,

are born with 30-foot-long invisible slinkies growing out of their ears.

Now to most people, these slinkies are completely intangible,

but cute girls actually compress the slinkies,

putting pressure on the ears that prompts the transformation

into a blushing blubbering stuttering mess.

Unfortunately, there's no way to remove the slinkies entirely, but you can adjust

your slinky settings.

For instance, if you pull on your right ear three times,

cute girls will instead transform you into a giraffe.

Sarah asked: I have a question about parental love-

I'm gonna stop you right there, Sarah.

Parental love does not exist.

Maya asked: My sister and I-

No, Maya.

Love between siblings does not exist.

Jack asked: This question is about platonic love.

Platonic love does not exist.

The only real kind of love is romantic and/or sexual love.

This Valentine's Day, let's take the time to recognize that all non-romantic forms of

human connection are meaningless and should be destroyed.

If any couples are watching together,

this video is probably getting so romantic that you're having trouble focusing on anything

but each other.

So let's have a quick kiss break!

[sexy music]

Katrina asked: Is love a feeling or a choice?


I like to imagine love as an apple tree,

and you shake the apple tree, trying to get an apple out of it.

But as you shake the tree, it begins to grow,

and the apples move further and further away.

And as you shake the tree more, branches sprout out from every side of it,

surrounding you, entangling you,

until you are completely encapsulated within the branches of this apple tree,

unable to move,

hardly able to breathe.

And then the ground gives way and you fall into a vast ocean of apples.

Isabel asked: I'm going out with my ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend.

Is that awkward or is it just my inability to understand social situations?

That's not awkward at all.

In fact, my advice here is to find three more of your ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriends,

move into an apartment in New York with them,

and sell the sitcom rights to NBC.

Diana asked: Is Starbucks a good place for a Valentine's Day date?

Well, Diana, is the museum a good place for an anniversary date?!

Is the moon a good place for a ten-year-old's birthday party?!

Is the bottom of a lake a good place to confess to a murder?!

Glenn asked: To what degree are emotional and physical romantic attraction intertwined

for you?

For me personally, physical attraction tends to follow emotional attraction.

So first I'll develop an emotional connection with someone,

and then a terrifying, tentacled creature will burst violently out of my chest and drag

me along the ground in their direction.

Time for another quick Kiss Break!

[sexy music]

I said quick.

It's time to focus.

Gonnie asked: How can I let my partner know I care about them without being weird about it?

There's really only one way to not be weird when it comes to communicating your feelings,

which is to have me do it for you.

I've prepared the following helpful video that anyone can send to their partner to tell

them they care.

[upbeat music]

Hi, I'm Théo Evans of TheLetterFifteen.

Subscribe today!

I have a message for you from your romantic and/or sexual partner,

and it's super embarrassing for them, so you're totally gonna wanna hear this.

But first, a word from my sponsor.

This open and honest communication is brought to you by Febreze.

New Febreze cleans away odors like never before, so that you can breathe happy.

And I hope you'll be able to breathe even happier after I tell you the following information:

Your partner cares about you.

Look, I don't know the details of your relationship.

Maybe you just started dating.

Maybe you've been married for three years.

Maybe you're a secret agent and your entire relationship is a ploy to gain information.

I can't know.

But what I do know is that caring is weakness.

Your partner is weak!

[romantic music]

If you'd like to reply to this message, I'll make you a personalized video communicator

for $20 on Patreon.

[romantic music]

Eli asked: How do I cope with the knowledge that I will be spending my Valentine's Day


Well, when I'm struggling with being single,

I like to tell myself that I'll probably spend every Valentine's Day alone.

I like to tell myself that nobody could ever be satisfied in a relationship with me

because my understanding of human connection is so different from everyone else's.

I like to tell myself that I'm surrounded by images of relationships that are supposedly

normal and standard but that to me feel completely alien.

And I used to explain that dissonance by saying that society's idea of relationships was


but when I'm struggling with being single on Valentine's Day,

I like to tell myself that it's because I'm broken.

Okay, couples, time for one last kiss break!

[sexy music]

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