Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 15 2018

Cartoons about Cars for kids Colored Cars Cartoons colors Colors Cartoon for Children

For more infomation >> Cartoons about Cars for kids Colored Cars Cartoons colors Colors Cartoon for Children - Duration: 10:27.


【My Girlfriend's Boyfriend】Ep27 Eng sub-Span sub - Duration: 28:20.


>I<Episode 27>I<


- Toast Adam! - Thanks.

- Look at me, here. - Cheese.


Pass me that please, Fu Gui. Ah-Zhai prefers this dish.

Thanks, Ah-Zhai, try this.

Come on, enjoy it.

Meng Shan seems wrong. What happened?

Are you all right? We're celebrating Adam's return.

Why are you so sad?

I'm not sad, I'm concerned about the Animation Festival and our "Dragon Knight".

But the prop room is burnt down. Stage properties and costumes are gone.

Properties and costumes can be purchased. And it's a chance to upgrade our equipment.

As for the site, I think this place is perfect.

That's right! And Otabot D-pub can be the sponsor.

Madam, how about using the izakaya as new HQ of anime club?

- That's great! - Cheers! For our new HQ.


[Wang Cai Road, Bei Si Road, Zhai Fu Road]


[With the help of Otabot D-pub, "Dragon Knight" became a success on the Animation Festival.]

["Dragon Knight"]

[Lucky Draw Box]


[Otabot D-pub Special]

[Anime Culture Gala]

Okay. Take it.

This publicity...

- Yeah, that's great! - Please sign here.

Thank you.

- Do you have limited edition balloon here? - Of course. Go get some drink first.

- I'll get it in a minute. - Thank you.

- This's for you. - Thank you.

Jin Gang, Jin Gang.


This is a life-sized cardboard made by our leader. You may take a photo.

- How's the preparation? - Almost finished.

Where's Wang Fu Gui?

Wang Fu Gui!

Why so loud? What's the matter?

There's lots of audience for the "Dragon Knight".

The show will start in ten minutes.

- Let's see if Ah-Zhai is ready. - Okay. Let's go.

Come on.

[Animation Festival]

Pei Ni, your skin is so smooth, just like a sculpture.

Ah-Zhai, come here and put on some make-up.

Don't worry, we're with you.

I've never thought about acting on stage

and being the leading actor.

That's your dream, isn't it?

I'm just an otaku, I don't deserve a dream.

The only dream I have is a company who can eat together with me.

I had little friends when I was young.

I wanted to play with my classmates.

But they took off my pants and drew me to girl's restroom.

At that time, I thought: that's it, that's my life.

Thank you guys.

Eve and I will be by your side.

I want to hug Ah-Zhai after hearing all this.

Actually, I was bullied a lot when I was young.

That must be your own fault.

At that time, I thought everything would go on like a fairytale.

Adam, Eve, and I will be together forever.

Firstly, I'd like to express my gratitude for your presence.

We've conquered a lot during the past days.

Happy or sad, joyful or sorrowful.

It's our dream to hold this Animation Festival.

Sometimes I wonder, what is dream.

Is it being a successful cos-player, or a star in the school?


Is it holding a perfect activity to gain the acknowledgment?


For every member of anime club, it's the idea to create a world

where there're friends we like

where we can do what we like with less obstacle or disagreement.

In my point of view, anime culture is a wall built by us to protect ourselves.

It's void outside, and it's a new world inside.

That world is sweet.

We can like whoever we like

and love whoever we want to.

We can be loved by everyone.

That world is cool.

We can be whoever we want.

Male or female, good or bad.

We can even become a super man.

That world is fantastic.

Our dream is to protect one thing.

That is love.

For love, we ignore the earthly values.

We'll do cosplay, DIY, and be a BL fandom.

With passion and determination, we go against those who hurt our love.

Now it's finished.

Everything here is finished.

So I hope you would love our world.

This simple

small and innocent world.

This may be my swan song.

I'm back for this Animation Festival for some special reasons.

Tomorrow I'll drop out

and leave here.

But I won't go too far.

I'll live with someone I love. So I won't regret.

- What're you doing here? - Adam is a robot, right? Afraid of water, huh?

- What's going on? - Why is he here?

I have a bad feeling.

Don't over do it!

- What's going on? - Are they fighting?

What the hell?

- What's he doing? - What does he want to do?

What for?

- Eve! - Oh my goodness.

- Adam is a robot? - Breaking news!

It can't be real!


Eve! Eve!

- What happened? - What's all this?

If they aren't human, what are they?

Eve! Eve!

See? She is not Pei Ni. She's a robot!

He's a robot as well.

- Seriously? - What's going on now?

- He's not human, he's a robot! - You're all deceived!

That's the prince and princess in your heart.

They're not human. No at all!

How is that possible?

Have you seen that?

I won't lose, I can't be beaten.

I'm still the school hunk in your heart.

I'm still the perfect Mr. Right.

Their identities will be revealed in a day or two.

Eve, watch out.

- What should we do? - Just leave.

- How's she? - I've checked her.

It's just a temporary blackout.

She only needs to charge, not like me.

- Thankfully she's fine! - It scared me.

- I thought they'll be broken consecutively. - Are you kidding? Put off till next episode?

What should we do now?

Now everyone knows they are robots.

Adam, you're so impatient. Destroy the camera with bare hand.

I can see the headline tomorrow.

I can see the headline today!

This is the official website of our school newspaper.

Future technology on Animation Festival! the prince and princess are robots!

This is my moments in Wechat so many reposts and videos.

Ah-Zhai, you are celebrity now. There will be so many journalists.

Even they know Eve and Adam are robots, so what?

It took us no time to accept this fact after knowing it.

Come on, did you see the wall of Otabot D-pub?

Do you know what's this? A wall that isolate us from a common world.

Just like what Eve said on the Animation Festival.

It's not the same world. We're different from those outside.

Robots are welcomed in our world.

But not in their world.

- Why can't they accept robots? - Right, why can't they?

- How could they? - We need to break the wall of isolation.

Fine. Juts go ahead.

Tell me how will you do that.

Everybody, let's wait for Eve to wake up first.


Am I opening the door in a wrong way?

We arrive at Otabot D-pub izakaya.

Now let's take a look at the daily life of robots.

- Are they all here to see the robots? - We can sell tickets.

This is the place they live in. The first floor is an izakaya.

We've been waiting here for a whole day, but none of them showed up.

I want to buy both of them, how much do you want?

Two hundred billion, coins. Come here when you finished counting.

Would you tell us why did you set the robot so similar to Pei Ni?

Did you objectify women as your private wealth in your subconscious.

Are you making a female robot the same as Pei Ni aiming to satisfy your desire of possessive?

Is she your slave?

Man, you are so cool!

Tell us, how did you build such a great role?

I guess you have a imagination indeed because...

- Now you've got a lot of fans. - Chinese please.

I'm not here to buy them neither do I curious about how you made them.

- I only have a simple question. - What's that?

Is there any leakage of electricity when making love with them?

Sell one of them at least. Only one will do.

You name the price, I'll get the money.

Ah-Zhai, there're three things to notify you.

Many things happened on Animation Festival.

Firstly, I don't know how to talk about this.

I'll go straight, and I apologize if it hurts your feeling.

Go ahead please.

I applied mental care for you.

You may fill this table.

I am not mad.

Ah-Zhai, we really sympathize with you.

The second thing we want to say is about Pei Ni I mean Eve.

We've already told Xiao Pei Ni about the fact that you ask Eve to act as Xiao Pei Ni

attending activities, living here and taking class.

No decision will be made till she's back.

So she's already known?

She said she'll come back and deal with this recently, but no accurate time.

We need to talk to her before we decide about your punishment.

So Pei Ni knew that I did this?

Thirdly, we've made a report to our superior.

They take it seriously, and want to handle the robots.

The robots has threatened the safety of other students.

Yours will be threatened if they are left with syou.

Eve and Adam won't hurt me.

Ah-Zhai, don't you understand? We're trying to protect you!

I won't give them out!

Son, don't you understand? This problem is not under our decision.

For more infomation >> 【My Girlfriend's Boyfriend】Ep27 Eng sub-Span sub - Duration: 28:20.


San Valentín se cuela en OT: Cepeda se declara públicamente y Aitana responde con un tuit - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> San Valentín se cuela en OT: Cepeda se declara públicamente y Aitana responde con un tuit - Duration: 4:55.


Review Suzuki GN125 - Taza En Todo - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Review Suzuki GN125 - Taza En Todo - Duration: 3:03.


"Estará siempre con nosotros": emotivo homenaje de Telenoche a Débora Pérez Volpin - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> "Estará siempre con nosotros": emotivo homenaje de Telenoche a Débora Pérez Volpin - Duration: 1:07.


La emotiva carta del hijo de Débora Pérez Volpin - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> La emotiva carta del hijo de Débora Pérez Volpin - Duration: 11:01.


J Sexton

For more infomation >> J Sexton


Lord of the Rings: Ents and Huorns - Duration: 7:25.

Long before the awakening of Elves and Men, the Vala Yavanna, giver of fruits, planted

the first seeds to populate the world with growing things, creating vast forests and

wondrous gardens.

However, she soon came to fear what the Elves, Dwarves and later Humans might destroy, learning

that they would need to cut down forests and rip apart soil in order to survive and build

their settlements.

Approaching Manwe, king of the valar with her concerns, it was decided that when the

Children of Iluvatar awoke, a new form of life would as well, with tall, tree-like beings

created to serve as Shepherds of the Forest, protecting Yavanna's creations.

The males of the species became known as Ents and were devoted to the vala Orome Lord of

Forests, watching over the trees of the middle earth, while the females were known as Entwives,

devoted to Yavanna, tending to smaller plants, and grasses.

Some of these being would then pair off and live their long lives together, producing

children known as Entings.

Protecting wildlife, like the ancient trees known as Huorns, it is believed they started

to take after each other, with Ents becoming more treelike, while in turn teaching the

forests the art of speech and movement.

And while the Huorns were mostly known as dark trees in deep woods, gnarled and unmoving,

they had minds of their own, able to fall upon their enemies with deadly strength.

Over the long years of their lives some Huorns were known to become long-brooding, and black-hearted

such as Old Man Willow, a sentient tree by the banks of the Withywindle River, who grew

angry and resentful against the children of Iluvatar, as they continued to cut down trees

and destroy forests.

And so he would sing songs of enchantment in order to lure nearby travellers so he could

consume them with roots and branches.

In those early years, as the Ents roamed the vast forests of middle earth, they came into

contact with the Elves who taught them how to speak, imparting a desire to learn new

things and expand their knowledge.

Although they developed their own language, it was rumbling lengthy and long-winded, and

so once introduced to other languages, Old Entish was reserved for important discussion,

while New Entish was created for everyday conversation.

According to the Ent Treebeard, possibly the Oldest living being in all of Middle Earth,

the race of Trolls, created by Melkor in the First Age, were made in mockery of the Ents,

just as the Orcs were a twisted, corrupt version of the Elves.

Although the Ents largely avoided the conflicts of other races, they did join the legendary

hero Beren Erchamion at the Battle of Sarn Athrad, helping to destroy the retreating

Dwarves of Nogrod, who had recently sacked the city of Menegroth, killing their king

and stealing a precious jewel known as a silmaril.

Spending much of their time in the lands of Eriador, which were once completely covered

by a vast ancient forest, long years of war and migration eventually resulted in fundamental

changes to the shapes of continents and the landscape of their territory.

And so the realm of the Ents in Middle Earth grew smaller over time until all that remained

of their ancient homeland were small pockets of woodlands like the Old Forest near the

Shire and fangorn forest, east of the Misty Mountains, where their dwindling population


For thousands of years, the old Ent Treebeard, also known as Fangorn watched over the forests

while his mate Fimbrethil tended to her gardens, but when the Entwives decided to journey east,

and create a great garden beyond the river Anduin, their race suffered further tragedy,

as they became separated from their husbands and were never again reunited.

Unfortunately, when the last alliance of men, elves and dwarves, prepared to march against

Sauron at the end of the second age, the Dark Lord pre-emptively sent his armies to destroy

the Entwives and their garden, leaving only a desolate desert known as the brown lands.

The ultimate fate of the Entwives is unknown, though many believe they likely perished with

their garden, while some hold out hope that a few escaped and fled into the wilderness.

One such hope, rests on the word of Samwise Gamgee, who claims his cousin Hal saw a walking

tree north of the Shire, as Treebeard once remarked how much the Entwives would have

loved the fertile fields and forests of the Hobbit homeland.

However it is also possible Sam's cousin simply saw a wandering Ent, or a Huorn, who

were known to populate the Old Forest nearby.

In the Third Age, when the wizards came to middle earth, Saruman the White became a friend

of the Ents, but in time grew vain and cold, directing his orcs to cut down the forests

to feed the furnaces of Isengard.

When the War of the ring erupted throughout the western lands of middle earth, the free

peoples once again attempted to fight against the rise of Sauron.

Although Saruman was supposed to be one of the leaders opposing the Dark Lord, he instead

made a temporary alliance with him, betraying his former allies in the hopes he might one

day wield the mighty ring of power.

However, in the year 3019 of the Third Age, Treebeard encountered two small hobbits, wandering

through the forest, fleeing from orc pursuers.

Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took tried to inform Treebeard that the felling of their

trees was growing worse every day, but the Ents were well aware and so summoned an Entmoot,

to discuss the issue.

Treebeard then took the hobbits to his home of Wellinghall, a great ent-house where they

made Ent-draughts from river water, the only sustenance the creatures needed.

When Merry and Pippin drank of this mysterious liquid, they grew over 3 inches and became

the tallest hobbits in history.

After a lengthy discussion at the Entmoot, which the Ents considered a quick conversation,

it was decided that the few of them who remained would go to war in defense of their forest,

the Last March of the Ents.

Emerging from Fangorn, they charged against Saruman's forces in the battle of Isengard,

defeating his garrison and releasing the river to flood his furnaces and workshops.

At the same time, the Ents sent the Huorns to help the humans of Rohan at the Battle

of the Hornburg, destroying the enemy army as they attempted to retreat into the forest.

Surrounding the tower of Orthanc, they held the White wizard as a captive for a time,

with Saruman growing frail and pitiful as a prisoner.

However he was still a powerful being, and used the magic of his voice to convince the

Ents to free him, praying on their distaste for keeping living beings in captivity.

Yet Saruman would never again rise to levels of power and authority he once held, and with

the war against Sauron won, Isengard was given over to the Ents by King Elessar of the Reunited

Kingdom, and there created a new forest called the Watchwood, and a realm known as the Treegarth

of Orthanc.

Having survived into the fourth Age, Treebeard continued to lead his people for many more

years, still longing to one day be reunited with his beloved Entwife.

Although Ents lived for a very a long time, they were not immortal and so in time those

that remained likely grew still and quiet, losing their conscious minds to become simple


However, according to Galadriel the Lady of Light, the Ents would one day return, possibly

after the final defeat of Morgoth and the end of the world, when the lands of Arda were

restored to their former glory.

In her own words they would see the Ents again, but Not in Middle-earth, nor until the lands

that lie under the wave are lifted up again.

Then in the willow-meads of Tasarinan we may meet in the Spring."

For more infomation >> Lord of the Rings: Ents and Huorns - Duration: 7:25.


Belchertown man - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Belchertown man - Duration: 0:41.


Cartoons about Cars for kids Colored Cars Cartoons colors Colors Cartoon for Children - Duration: 10:27.

Cartoons about Cars for kids Colored Cars Cartoons colors Colors Cartoon for Children

For more infomation >> Cartoons about Cars for kids Colored Cars Cartoons colors Colors Cartoon for Children - Duration: 10:27.


5 talking points from Porto 0-5 Liverpool - Mane back in form and a European masterclass - Duration: 7:40.

Mane back in form and a European masterclass – 5 talking points from Porto 0-5 Liverpool

Liverpools Champions League campaign resumed with a stunning victory in Portugal, beating FC Porto 5-0 to put one foot firmly in the quarter-finals.

FC Porto 0-5 Liverpool. Goals: Mane 25′ 52′ 85′, Salah 29′, Firmino 69′.

Away Goals Rule!.

Its no secret that Liverpool are an attack-minded team, but even so, Porto must be wondering what hit them.

The Reds were extremely clever at times, luring the Primeira Liga side on before slicing them apart ruthlessly.

Many fans might have taken a draw, particularly a score draw, before the game—but there still would have been an expectation that the Reds would attempt to attack whenever possible.

Fair to say, it remains the teams best method to control matches, and of course an away goal made the lure of attacking even greater.

Five away goals? Dreamland.

The Reds have gone on to be European champions any time theyve won in Portugal on the way; by that token, the Champions League is already wrapped up after this result.

Sadio Mane: Restart.

After more than a few weeks of struggle, half-returns to form and teetering on the brink of impact, Sadio Mane exploded.

His work rate was excellent throughout the game, tracking back down the left flank and helping to regain possession, but it was his rising confidence in the final third which sent the Reds to victory.

The first goal might have been fortuitous, thanks to Jose Sas fumble, but Mane repeatedly put himself into positions to score—just as he has done across the last few games.

This time, however, the finishes were on target and Manes self-belief soared.

Striding through the centre in the closing stages, there was never a seconds doubt that hed let rip in search of his hat-trick.

The reward of taking home the match ball should now put him in good stead domestically across the second half of the season.

We wont say we told you so, but….

Functional Midfield, Fit For Purpose.

The three-man selection of Jordan Henderson, Gini Wijnaldum and James Milner might not be the most inspiring in terms of creativity, but they worked in perfect tandem on the night.

Liverpool—players and fans—have to get used to playing a slightly different way at times, more controlled and composed, and that goes for double in Europe.

The starting three were compact and resilient when needed, but able to break forward quickly from time to time too.

Its a reminder of the need for balance: the Reds lightning attack is remarkable, and pivotal, but there has to be a counterpoint to that insistence on aggression and moving forward, and the midfield has to perform a dual role.

As ever, consistency is the goal for those in the centre of the park, but a case was made for at least a couple of them this time in the absence of Emre Can.

Night of Appreciation For Milner.

Its not often that the vice-captain gets a key start in a big match, but as one of the few experienced Champions League heads in the squad it was absolutely right that he featured here.

And he certainly grasped his chance.

Milner was excellent in both halves of the pitch, covering the full-back areas relentlessly and always looking to make supporting, overlapping runs forward.

His shot cannoned back off the post for Salahs goal, it was Milner who perfectly teed up Firminos strike and the No.

7 was again on hand and available, had he been needed, as Mane rattled in his hat-trick.

An performance which led by example from Milner and one which might just secure his name on the team sheet for the remainder of Liverpools European campaign.

Second-Leg Prospects.

Its a cliche, but its true: Liverpool have to be professional and see out the second leg, not produce anything silly or give Porto hope.

More than that: they have to show themselves that the Estadio do Dragao was not a one-off, that they are fully capable of competing with Europes top sides.

Sure, Klopp might opt to rest one or two, rotate and give minutes to those working back to full fitness, but its still a European tie and should be treated as such.

A resounding aggregate scoreline will build confidence and the fear factor surrounding the team—as would another clean sheet.

This was a massive step forward for Liverpool, a first Champions League knockout stage victory in some 3,623 days.

Now its onward, upward, and who knows how far the Reds can go.

For more infomation >> 5 talking points from Porto 0-5 Liverpool - Mane back in form and a European masterclass - Duration: 7:40.


【MMDxMyselfxFriend】When Maria's Bored → Maria & Obi - Duration: 0:44.



For more infomation >> 【MMDxMyselfxFriend】When Maria's Bored → Maria & Obi - Duration: 0:44.


Bangla News Today 15 February 2018 Bangladesh Independent News Latest Bangla Tv News all bangla - Duration: 16:16.

bipu news

For more infomation >> Bangla News Today 15 February 2018 Bangladesh Independent News Latest Bangla Tv News all bangla - Duration: 16:16.


সরাসরি আজকের বাংলা খবর ১৫ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 10:23.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের বাংলা খবর ১৫ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 10:23.


দেখুন আগামী নির্বাচনে শেখ হাসিনার সাথে খালেদা জিয়ার কাজে মেয়ের ভোট যুদ্দের লড়াই!আঃলীগ আতংকে!bd news - Duration: 2:18.




For more infomation >> দেখুন আগামী নির্বাচনে শেখ হাসিনার সাথে খালেদা জিয়ার কাজে মেয়ের ভোট যুদ্দের লড়াই!আঃলীগ আতংকে!bd news - Duration: 2:18.


HomePod - Beat - Apple

For more infomation >> HomePod - Beat - Apple


Celebrity Big Brother - I Just Don't Have It In Me Anymore - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Celebrity Big Brother - I Just Don't Have It In Me Anymore - Duration: 2:10.


I completely destroyed my bike - so new bike day - Duration: 4:52.

So I got the text and now I'm on my way back bug as you can see I'm pretty

excited about it so I've got the news that my bike was I was ready well

sitting down at mr. Beloff cafe right next to MIT building so she's gonna be

really super convenient for me when I start school they're like super

convenience like right next door so give me traveling very long ways to have

coffee I got four doors and so we're heading down there now go

through the city which is absolute nightmare because driving the city is

crazy towns that we're going to do it anyway yes getting to picking up a super

six Evo

she looks really pretty and so we talking about Adam his new bike

tight-knit bike diet for TJ here it is really the handover look at your new

super six mate it's pretty special

because why not me a reason wash and Gayle black that's

it the avocados no definitely new bark diets a sick rig tapes done a really

nice job on this come off the trade so we have you enjoying your bike similar

to another part we go in that house which is all black clearance yes or your

bid sir in there there are other rules are there yep you might notice or code

you stand yeah oh I'll see how we got once you

great just set up come back I'll be able to follow up chop the steer and leave a

little bit on top side just in case you grow

well yeah just because it like yeah I just thought I can't remember what your

specs were from so hard to take the measurements when

it's in pieces all right yeah if it's if it's it needs to be changed

in the hurry or any suggestions I'll just I'll just

give you a ringing yeah

so going for a ride today in the day Long's on the you Kennedale the 128th

parents Creek and see how they are

For more infomation >> I completely destroyed my bike - so new bike day - Duration: 4:52.


Officer Eric Joering's family shares stories about loved one - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Officer Eric Joering's family shares stories about loved one - Duration: 1:49.


DRAGON BALL FighterZ #3/I lost and won - Duration: 18:30.

For more infomation >> DRAGON BALL FighterZ #3/I lost and won - Duration: 18:30.


EGYPT 2018: MIXED CHILDREN WHAT THEY ARE? 💏 LITTLE JOY (English subtitles) - Duration: 17:14.

Now I wanted to show you puppies. Here such puppies are wonderful. They have grown up a little.

And there are no puppies? Where are they? Unfortunately, there are no puppies here.

Malak: Class. What big dogs. Yes?

We have already approached the store. Now we will go up to the store. Dogs unfortunately we could not see.

This is colorful. Many different colorings huh? We took notebooks. There is a department with rubber bands. There are a lot of them.

hair clips, elastic bands a lot of everything. I suggest that girls choose some kind of rubber.

And I took myself a hairpin for hair. Did you choose her own hair clips? Aya: Yes. Well, Malak?

Well, did they all choose the rubber bands? Aya: I chose these. And I do not want it. Why? Aya: No, I do not want.

Malak: Eyes and ears. I: And the umbrellas. Malak: Butterfly, butterfly. Umbrellas are hanging.

Yes Yes. Aya: Galya, look how ridiculous. Malak: Where, where show? Oh, how funny.

Well, we took so just a little. Now let's go to the checkout.

Malak: I do not see the kinder. Here's Kinder on top of pink and blue.

Aya will you take blue? Malak: I do not see. What kind of color would you like? Malak: I do not see the color)))

Malak: Pink. Pink? All right, let's go pink. Malak: What's in there? Toys

Well, we gradually elastic bands, small things, Yo-yo. The girls are happy.

It's from Lily a gift. You bought yourself eggs, Yo-yo, rubber and nail polish.

A little bit and very good and fun. Malak: And Yo-yo. Yes, and Yo-yo.

Aya: I'm called Yo-yo at school. Here is a department with cooking utensils frying pans and pans.

Malak: You can buy this blanket afterwards. So you have such a blanket with Kitty. Malak: Yes there is.

Malak neatly, and then head over heels from the excavator. Malak: I hold your hand.

It's February. Aya be careful from cars. Send it. Season is February and very strong humidity. Very humid. At night it's very cold. You see in the air how the fog stands.

Malak: Let's go quickly and make a surprise. Surprise? Well, show what you bought.

Let's watch yo-yo. Eeyore: I said that this toy was Angry Bird. Here look.

Well, let's show that you can. Aya: I could not do it either. Malak: And how is Gal?

Here, look how Aya coils and also wraps. Malak: How? Here, that's the way around, yes.

Well, let's show. Malak: Look, Gal. Well, let's see the eggs that are in the eggs.

Aya: I'll open the eggs. You apparently unleashed it (about yo-yo). Aya: Look. She opens the first egg. Aya: Look, look at that. You can watch that there.

Malak: And I have too. What do I have?

Aya: I have a sticker here to stick it. Boy

Malak: Oh, here's a spoon. Do not look at me. Well, do not look? Show me. Malak: I do not want to watch alone. Why? Malak: Because.

Aya: Look. Well, let's assemble, there is an instruction there. Aya: Yes, here. Well, let's get ready. First stickers need to stick.

Malak: Oh, what. Aya: What's this? Malak: It's for me. This is what let's see. It's our bracelet.

Malak: I do not have any stickers. And there do not need stickers, there's a bracelet. That's how it looks.

Malak: And how: The bracelet is going. The same bracelets used to be, just now the color is different.

Malak: Give me this, I wanted to do it. She collects. Did you stick stickers? Look where the blue is, and where the green.

Malak: I do not know. Do not hurry, do not hurry. Scrapie first. And here's the blue thing on top of it. This thing needs to be attached from above. Yes? Here and so. And connect.

Malak: Let's close, gemet (Arabic, strongly). It must be stronger. Take off and close, and then put on. Malyak: So? Look. Oh, coming off.

Aya: That's how it's done. And where is the second place? Aya: Here, too. Like this? Aya: Yes, here it is.

Malak what? Malak: It does not work. I can not do it. Can you help? I wanted to eat a surprise.

I here so I take with I connect. And we will get a bracelet like that. Malak: Thank you. Malak and Aya: Thank you. It's my pleasure.

Malak: Oh, here's the chocolate cake. Here is a bracelet. Malak: Balls, balls. Ball (meaning chocolate balls in the kinder).

Here is a bracelet. Malak, well, you can wear it. Malak: Oh, thanks. He is big. No normal.

Well, what do you show, kinder. Malak: Oh, the chocolate. So, well, how are you? Collected? Aya: Collected.

Well, fine. Are you satisfied? Malak and Aya: Uh-huh.

Well, what else do we have here, hair clips, right? Aya: Yes.

Show me what kind of hair clips you have. Malak show your hair clips. Aya: I have these little rubber bands.

A set of rubber, yes? Aya: Can I open it? Yes, of course open it. Malak: It's all a calorie. All the calories?

Aya: And here it is. Open Aya, open it. Malak: Oh, this is class. Aya: Very much. Yes very many. Everyone will have their own rubber bands.

Malak: Oh, this is class. Here it suits me a lot. And at Aya. Aya: Too much.

So what else is there? Aya: Yes. Malak: Look, there's more. What is it? Malak: And this is hair clips.

Another hair clips? Malak: Yes. Very cute. Aya: And there's another hair clips. And Aya has a blue rubber band

Malak: Galya, can I open it? Open it. Malak: And it's possible to glue my hands. Do not glue, but paint.

Malak: I want to polish a pink color. You first eat. Then you will polish. Malak: Okey

Well, let's. Bon Appetit. Aya: Yes. Malak: It's tasty. Malak: And we're done. Okay.

Aya: I found the red one. I did not find it, but found the red one. Aya: I found the red one.

Let's try to make up our nails. Malyak: Yes! I want a green color. Green color?

Malak: Come on, let's get ready. Only this is green, this one, and this one is pink. And that's all. HIHI.

Well, let's try to polish you with green. Malak: It's neat. What's the truth then we'll wash the lacquer, there's no acetone.

Malak: That's class! Here is the green and here the green. Let's have another nail. Give me your thumb. This.

It really smells of varnish. Mayak: That's class! Do you want to paint it? Aya: No, thank you. Malak: Well, how's Her class? Here is still left.

Because I hold the camera with one hand, I paint your nails with the other. Malak: That's class. Look Aya.

So show. Malak: Do you need help? And this then. And what rubber bands to wear these or these?

Malak: Two, two. These two? Malak: Yes! Okay, I'll get a hairbrush now. Eh, what kind of rubber clothes will you wear?

Aya: That's it. Well, let's dress up then. Aya: All right. Malyak: That's class.

Malak: Look, look. Aya: Uh-huh. Malak: Let's hair comb. Only not much. Carefully. And I do not have orange. There is yellow. I have a pink one.

You have no eyes. Aya: Here's Gal, look. Aya: I'm yellow. Malak: I have too. Did you put on an elastic band? Eeyore: No, I do not. Well, dress up.

Dry your nails? Malak: Yes. It's dried up. Aya: Now you can put on new rubber bands. Has she changed the gum? Aya: Yes, there.

Good. Malak: Blue. Blue elastic band, not blue. Malak and Aya: Blue. Aya: The cat. Puss, puss, puss

Here are the 2 rubber bands, funny. Malak: It's not funny. No, it's beautiful. Malak: Well, you're laughing. They are just very funny.

Aya: The cat is also funny. Look at that cat. Malak: It's funny, a bit funny.

Well, show me your rubber. Malak and Aya: Here. Malak has such 2 ponytails, and Aya has one ponytail.

Aya: And the cat has one ponytail. Does the cat have one ponytail? Aya: Yes, here. Well, bye, bye. Eya and Malak: Bye!

For more infomation >> EGYPT 2018: MIXED CHILDREN WHAT THEY ARE? 💏 LITTLE JOY (English subtitles) - Duration: 17:14.


【HD】歐陽朵/漁圈《失去才懂》歌詞字幕 / 完整高清音質 ♫「都怪我自己沒有太早的釋懷...」Yu Quan & Ouyang Duo - Understand Until I Lose - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> 【HD】歐陽朵/漁圈《失去才懂》歌詞字幕 / 完整高清音質 ♫「都怪我自己沒有太早的釋懷...」Yu Quan & Ouyang Duo - Understand Until I Lose - Duration: 4:22.


MMD - Special For Valentine's Day | Elsa and Jack - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> MMD - Special For Valentine's Day | Elsa and Jack - Duration: 0:58.


Love Me - iKON (KOREAN COVER) - Duration: 1:44.

Do you not love me?

Because I'm short?

Do you not like me?

Because I'm not pretty?

I'm fed up with it, I'm not pretty

They said I'm ugly and short, I'll never meet guys

Whenever I open my mouth, guys start cracking up

But why are your eyes always on my friend and not me?

Hey (hey) I like you (like you)

Can't I? (why) Am I not good enough?

You don't know what kind of person I am

You know I need love

Do you not love me?

Because I'm short?

Do you not like me?

Because I'm not pretty?

For more infomation >> Love Me - iKON (KOREAN COVER) - Duration: 1:44.


Top7 Lost Actress Of Bollywood and How They Look Now In 2018 - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Top7 Lost Actress Of Bollywood and How They Look Now In 2018 - Duration: 3:40.



Today I'm finally going to be talking to you about my journey into medicine.

I grew up in Surrey, BC and although I have my fair share of Surrey jokes

I wouldn't have wanted to grow up anywhere else. The people around me, the mentors that I had, and the

Opportunities that were available to me really made me who I am today. It is cold out here.

For me high school was amazing. I played basketball, soccer,

volleyball, field hockey,

Badminton.. and I was also a part of many clubs as well

I really wanted to do everything

But study. I would have much rather been playing sports, spending time in my community,

Volunteering, I even picked up sewing at the time

And I really enjoyed that. I basically wanted to do anything but schoolwork. At the time though

I did know that my grades were important

And I knew that I needed to have good grades in order to go to

Universities that I wanted to. So what I did was I basically did the least amount of work possible

To maintain an A and for me that was an 86%. Before school started I would play basketball, after school ended

I would play basketball, on the weekends

I was playing basketball

And then I did the schoolwork that I needed to in between in order to finish high school with an 86% average

When it came to choosing a university my only criteria was really, schools that were outside of BC

I didn't know about any schools, but I did know that I wanted to leave Surrey. Because I was born and raised there

I really wanted to push myself out of the comfort zone

I had created in my own community and go somewhere where I didn't know anybody

I applied to a lot of schools in Ontario. Again,

I had no idea

What the schools were about, I knew nothing what the cities they were in, but they were far enough away from home that there were

Good choices for me at the time. In the end I ended up choosing Queen's, and I couldn't have been happier with that decision

Here's the thing about Queen's my time there was great

I couldn't even think of a better undergraduate experience if I were to dream one up; however,

Queen's was also very difficult for me, academically. The transition from high school to university

Was a tough one. One of the reasons why I think I had a difficult time was because in high school

I was so busy all the time. Being busy really helped me to manage my time better and all of a sudden

I moved to a new place, and I was only in school. I wasn't playing any sports,

I wasn't involved in my community, and because I had all of this extra time outside of class

I didn't really know how to spend that time effectively. As a result my grades suffered

First year my GPA wasn't very good, and I thought okay,

This is my first year

And I know a lot of people struggle in their first year of university. Second year was coming and I was going to buckle down

Try harder, and hopefully bring out my grades. Second year came

And I did even worse. Second year was tough

Academically, just because of the courses that we were taking. And there were such heavy courses all in a short amount of time

But it was really defeating knowing that with an even lower GPA

Than what I thought was already a low GPA, the idea of medical school was slowly

Slipping away. I wasn't one of those kids who thought from a very young age

That they knew they wanted to go into medicine

For me it was always an idea, but coming into university that idea

Didn't really seem like it could be attained for me. Moving forward

I started to do other things in my day-to-day life at Queen's

Starting at the end of second year when I realized how poorly I was actually doing I

Started doing research in a lab. One of my friends at Queen's

Somehow convinced me to join the rowing team, so I was coxswaining a men's eight boat, and I also started playing

Intramural basketball as well

Finally on top of all of that, I started coaching basketball at a local high school. And I know this seems counterintuitive

I'm not doing very well in school

But I just started doing all of this extra stuff on top of that

Limiting my time even more. But in reality what this did was it gave me the sort of lifestyle

I had previously one that I thrived in I was able to do all of these things in my life

And my grades ended up getting better

I really think that it allowed me to focus on what I needed to

For the amount of time that I needed to, in order to do well third and fourth year was great

I was able to pull my grades up and I also took courses that I was more interested in

Just because the nature of upper-years in undergrad

My prerequisites were done, and I got to explore different subjects that interested me

I know a lot of people apply to medicine after their third year of university

But because I had two years of not so great grades

I didn't apply that year because I had a very strong feeling that I wasn't going to get in

This meant that I had a gap year after undergrad, or I should say at least one gap year,

I wasn't really sure

When I was going to apply next. One of my mentors in undergrad someone who I was doing research with it gave me the idea

Of a master's program and at the time it did sound like a feasible option for me

The only problem was that I didn't really know what I wanted to do my master's in. At that time

I was doing basic science research

But I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue that for a master's program. And the last thing I wanted was to rush into something

That I didn't really want to do or that my heart wasn't truly in. What I did was I sent some emails out

And I ended moving to Calgary after my undergrad to work there full-time for that summer

I also chose to apply to medical school for the first time. I was rejected pre-interview

but it was really good because schools give me feedback and I had an idea of

Where I stood in the application process that summer in Calgary was great. I was doing clinical research

Working on a lot of clinical trials, and it was just a really positive experience for me after speaking to my supervisor about it

My contract was extended

And I began working there full-time after the summer ended. A few things happen in Calgary that I'm so fortunate about

Firstly, I was able to do a lot of research

Outside of my main role as a research assistant there, I also got to work on my own projects

I was able to publish and I was also able to present at some conferences. If there's one point that I can't emphasize enough

It's to take ownership of the work that you're doing set goals, and make sure you do anything you can to achieve those goals.

For me that was to publish while I was working in Calgary

I had multiple conversations with my supervisor

To let him know what I wanted to do and what I wanted to achieve

While I was there. As a result I was able to make those things happen with the help of the people around me

Secondly, I was able to learn about

Medicine from a first-hand experience for the first time

While I was in Calgary I was able to shadow physicians, I was able to attend Grand Rounds

I attended specialty rounds, and I was able to talk to patients one-on-one while enrolling them in trials

And it was at this point

Through my experience there that I knew that medicine was in fact the right choice for me

There were a few other factors as well

But this was a big reason behind my decision to pursue it fully to the best of my ability. Thirdly

Throughout our work and the trials that we were doing ,I was exposed to a lot of preventive medicine and public health

Approaches to improving health of Canadians. Through this exposure

I really became interested in public health and

at that point I decided to apply for a public health master's degree. I ended up going to UBC for this and

The program was really great. They have this format

Which is called distributed learning and the way that the distributed learning worked is that all I had to do was attend classes

for four days of the month

So we had four classes and each day was one full class and for the rest of the time you were basically on your own

It was a self learning format, geared towards professionals who are either working or

For people who had families and other things that they had to do during the day

During this time, I lived in Calgary, and then I would fly back to Vancouver once a month for an extended weekend

And I would take classes there and through this I was not only able to begin my degree

But I was also able to continue the work that I was doing in Calgary

Because I really enjoyed it so much and I didn't want to stop working just to live in Vancouver

My master's program

was the first time that I really enjoyed what I was learning. In the summer after my first year we had to do a

Practicum and basically it was anything that was public health related

I was fortunate to receive an internship with the Public Health Agency of Canada and that took me to Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory

My summer in Whitehorse was

Absolutely amazing. In my previous video where I was explaining my journey to Prince George

I know it sounded a little bit weird that I was moving to Prince George and my

Experience in Whitehorse as a part of my practicum was a huge reason

Why I wanted to come to Prince George as a part of the Northern Medical Program

I got to work on a mental health project with a Chief Medical Officer of Health

And when I wasn't working on this project I tried to travel as much as possible. (Just

A side note here if the noise outside is bothersome, or if you can hear in this video

I apologize. There is construction going on

Conveniently next door right now)

So anyways

My entire time in the Yukon

Couldn't have been any better the people I met there, the work/life balance

How welcoming everyone was, the tight-knit community; there were just so many reasons

That I was attracted to the city of Whitehorse

It was also during this time

I was submitting my second application to medical school. The other thing about my master's program

In combination with my time in the Yukon was that it really solidified my desire to go into medicine

That was definitely stronger after Calgary, but during this time

I knew what I wanted to do.So fast forward a year

And I was accepted into Medical School in May. My master's program was done

And I found out that I would be moving to Prince George. If you have any questions about my journey into medicine

Feel free to comment below. I do read all the comments and I try to reply back as quick as possible

If you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up and don't forget to hit the subscribe button

For more infomation >> MY JOURNEY INTO MEDICINE - Duration: 12:31.


Wenger basically confirms Danny Welbeck will start up front for Arsenal vs Ostersunds ●News Now #AFC - Duration: 1:46.

Arsene Wenger appeared to confirm that Danny Welbeck will lead the line for Arsenal in

their Europa League clash with Ostersunds FK.

The Gunners suffered a major injury blow in the lead-up to the round of 32 tie,

with Alexandre Lacazette having to undergo surgery on his knee following the side's

1-0 defeat to Tottenham.

Lacazette is expected to be on the sidelines for four to six weeks and Wenger only has

two recognised forwards at his disposal in Sweden.

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang is cup-tied for the clash with Ostersunds, meaning only Welbeck

and Eddie Nketiah are available up front following the January sale of Olivier Giroud.

Asked about playing Welbeck through the middle, Wenger responded: 'It's where I prefer


It's an opportunity for him to do well.

'I have seen today he is sharper than a long time.'

Wenger believes Welbeck's fitness and sharpness is as impressive as it has been for some time.

'He had to wait a little to get back into the team, but that gave him time to work on

his fitness,' the Arsenal boss said.

'He looks sharper than he has in a long time.

'He looks very sharp.'

For more infomation >> Wenger basically confirms Danny Welbeck will start up front for Arsenal vs Ostersunds ●News Now #AFC - Duration: 1:46.


Trump's Lawyer Paid Off Stormy Daniels - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Trump's Lawyer Paid Off Stormy Daniels - Duration: 2:03.


iRacing: My Crash Compilation - Bathust 12 Hour 2018 (Ferrari 488 GT3) - Duration: 14:07.

For more infomation >> iRacing: My Crash Compilation - Bathust 12 Hour 2018 (Ferrari 488 GT3) - Duration: 14:07.


Camera Settings for Poi Spinning Videos: Frame Rate and Shutter Speed - Duration: 7:01.

Hey gang!

Drex here from and today I want to talk a bit about cameras, namely the

video kind.

Sharing videos is one of the great cornerstones of online flow arts culture and a big way

that people get recognized for the work that they do.

Today I'm going to go through how you can get the most out of your camera and create

the best videos possible with it.

Before we dive in, I just want to take a moment to give a shout out to the friends of the


Big thanks to Dark Monk, Emazing Lights, Flowtoys, Spinballs, and Ultra Poi for helping to make

the videos on this channel possible.

You can visit them all on the web by following the links down in the description of this


So to start: most video out there being taken by flow artists is with their phones and that's


Cell phone cameras have come a long way in the past few years and in many cases make

for an effective replacement for entry-level point and shoot cameras or small portable

video cameras I've worked with for much of my YouTube career.

For the mostpart, there's not a whole lot of tweaking you can do here--these cameras

are designed to take care of most of the settings guesswork for you and take it out of your


But let's say that you're where I was at a year and a half ago and you're ready

to make the leap to something more professional--say a DSLR or digital camcorder.

All of the sudden there are a lot more bells and whistles plus a lot of settings you've

never heard of.

This is what we're going to be diving into today!

So a disclaimer up front: I've never taken a class on video production or camera work.

Literally everything I know comes from trial and error or conversations with people who

have more expertise than myself.

If you are a video professional who has better suggestions than the ones I'm sharing here,

please feel free to comment and let me know!

There is so much to cover with camera settings that I'm actually splitting this into two

different videos.

This first video covers frame rate and shutter speed while the next one will cover aperture

and ISO.

Each of these controls something very different about how the camera works and together they

add up to creating the picture that you see coming out of your video.

A change in one setting can require changes in a couple other settings as well.

So let's talk about frame rate.

This is usually set with a function that gives you frames per second or fps.

Now, you may be aware that when you see video it's actually a series of still images that

are shown in rapid succession and due to work that our brains do to fool us are then perceived

as motion.

But the number of still images we see in a video can have a huge effect on how we perceive

that video.

In many cameras, you're going to have a choice of a few frame rates include 25 frames

per second, 30 frames per second, 60 frames per second, and if you're using a higher

end camera perhaps 120 or even 240 frames per second.

So what are all of these things good for?

25 fps is usually seen as being a very cinematic frame rate.

When you go to the movies, this is almost certainly what the movie is being projected


It's good for people talking to cameras but because objects move quickly when we spin

them it can sometimes seem less flattering to flow arts videos.

30 fps is the standard for online video.

This is what lots of people on YouTube as well as your favorite Netflix and Amazon shows

are shown at.

Think of this as the default frame rate for online video--if you're not sure what you

should record at then just start here.

60 fps has two uses.

The is to just display your video at 60 fps.

YouTube supports this framerate and what you'll see looks incredibly smooth and detailed.

60 fps is often preferred for broadcasting sports for this reason.

The second is for slow motion videos--if you're editing a video at 30 frames per second and

you drop in a 60 fps clip, you can view it in half time without sacrificing any of the

clarity of the video.

If you were to try this with a 30 fps clip, the video might seem jerky and unnatural because

it's missing half the frames it needs to make the action look smooth.

I've done some testing between 25, 30, and 60 fps videos and I've found that people

really like the 60 fps ones because they look so smooth and clean, but that 30 fps is also


25 fps really isn't suited for spinning, but in a pinch it can work.

120 and 240 fps videos are best suited to slow-motion work.

You can show a trick in exquisite detail with the video slowed down this much.

Bear in mind that the higher your frame rate, the more storage space your video will take


Plan accordingly.

Alright, so next up is shutter speed.

This is how long the camera collects light each time it shoots a frame.

Generally shutter speed is expressed in fractions of a second--the larger the number is on bottom,

the shorter the amount of time the camera collects light for.

For most cameras the shortest amount of time the camera can collect light for a given frame

is for the length of the frame itself.

So if you're shooting at 30 frames per second, the lowest shutter speed you can shoot at

is 1/30 of a second--make sense?

In most production classes or online courses, they're going to tell you that you want

to shoot with a shutter speed that is half what your frame rate is.

So if you're shooting at 30 fps, you'd set your shutter speed at 1/60.

But I've found with trial and error in the flow arts world that this rule is not always

good to follow.

Here's what different shutter speeds do: the longer the shutter speed--that is the

lower the number in the fraction, the longer the amount of time light is collected and

therefore the more likely you're going to pick up motion blur.

The higher that number is, the shorter the amount of time that light is collected and

the less likely you're going to pick up a motion blur.

So...why would you want a motion blur versus not having a motion blur?

Let's say for the sake of argument that you want to use some post-production trickery

on your video and add trails to your poi spinning.

One of the easier methods for doing this is to use the Trails plugin for Final Cut.

If you do that with video you've shot using the production class trick so your shutter

is 1/60 and your frame rate is 30fps, you're going to find gaps in the trails your video


This is because the camera is only collecting light for half the total length of the frame.

You can fix this by setting your shutter speed equal to your frame rate.

If you shoot at 1/30 with a frame rate of 30fps, you can set this plugin in such a way

that you get no gaps in your trails at all.

At the other end of the spectrum, what if you want to do something like a handheld shot

and then stabilize it in post to look like you shot it with a gimbal or steadicam?

In this case you want to set a very high shutter speed--high enough that you get no motion

blur at all on your video.

If you shoot this video with the production class setup you're going to stabilize your

footage only to find it's got this weird chatter to it--this is actually how the did

the effect of Professor X's powers going awry in the movie "Logan."

If you set a high shutter speed and eliminate the motion blur, however, you find you get

a nice smooth picture and that it doesn't matter how much the camera was moving.


How high does your shutter speed have to be in order to eliminate motion blur?

The slowest I've found for my own spinning is at 1/1000 but I also spin slower than many

other people.

Do some experimentation and figure out where this number should be for your own work.

So....when it comes to shutter speed, plan ahead for what kind of shot you want to take.

If you're just spinning for a static camera and don't need trails then go with the production

class setup.

If you want trails, set your shutter speed equal to your frame rate.

If you want smooth stabilization, set the shutter speed high enough to eliminate motion



I hope this was helpful or at least gave some of you a place to start.

I'll be back next week to talk about aperture and ISO.

Thanks so much for watching.

If you got anything out of this video, please hit that like and subscribe button to help

my channel grow!

Special thanks to all my awesome supporters on Patreon--you guys are the ones that make

these videos possible.

If you're not a current backer and would like to sign up to support the work that I

do, please go to

Thanks again and peace!

For more infomation >> Camera Settings for Poi Spinning Videos: Frame Rate and Shutter Speed - Duration: 7:01.


Eyebrows মাত্র ২ সপ্তাহে ভ্রু ও চোখের পাপড়ি ঘন এবং লম্বা করার উপায়How To Grow Eyebrows Bangla Tips - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Eyebrows মাত্র ২ সপ্তাহে ভ্রু ও চোখের পাপড়ি ঘন এবং লম্বা করার উপায়How To Grow Eyebrows Bangla Tips - Duration: 3:25.


:0177:Snow/ Sunset/ Wild Deer/ Damaged Grafts/ برفباری ۔ غروبِ آفتاب ۔ جنگلی ہِرن ۔ ٹُوٹے پیوند ۔ - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> :0177:Snow/ Sunset/ Wild Deer/ Damaged Grafts/ برفباری ۔ غروبِ آفتاب ۔ جنگلی ہِرن ۔ ٹُوٹے پیوند ۔ - Duration: 7:56.


rondleiding gridmanager voor opensim - Duration: 23:01.

Tour Gridmanager for Opensim.

Welcome, my name is Harrit van Beek.

In this video I'm talking you on a tour within our system, Gridmanager.

And show you the what and where.

I'm not going to tell you how it works, because some functions aren't yet operational within Gridmanager.

That's why I call it a tour to get to know the general idea of our product.

I'll take a slightly differant approach...

In the previous video I used a face-cam., with on my leftside the cam and on the rightside the image of the monitor.

At this moment you're watching me full screen.

And ........

now I'm switching to our product.

I'll continue from the point where I left off in the previous video.

On the other tab sheet I still have the install page.

Haven't you yet seen the install video?

In the top right side of the screen you can find the information button that ables you to click on to that video

This I'll remove.

The only thing that remains now is the Gridmanager system.

As you can see, I'm at the users page.

Here I can enter at all the system admin.

If you have at home, or your place of work, at school, more people who'll work with Gridmanager,

You can enter, edit their accounts right here.

We have build in a security

I'll show you right away.

If you want to delete your own account or somebody else's

You can't delete your own account.

You can update your account to a certain level.

You can't classify yourself as default admin.

You can't change your account within permissions.

I'll re-set the position, it speaks for itself.

You can change your e-mail.

In this video it's demo@demo.demo

I think it's not a correct e-mailaddress.

If you've got an account at

Your image will appear here, where you see the cursor.

If I return I'll be again at the users page of the system.

From this point on I can use create user.

And enter all required information.

Not at all difficult.

When we select system settings

We can see the standard or global settings.

Like you have seen in the set-up

I have given the name of the demo site and the e-mailaddress demo@demo.demo.

Not a validated e-mailaddress.

Here we can choose the desired image.

At this moment it's white, but we check out the options.

You can choose the option that fits at best to your own good taste.


That was an e-mail or textmessage alert.

I like this one for now, so let's leave it at that.

I don't have to save it, because that's done automatically.

I wil show you.

just refresh the page.

As you can see, the colour remains the same.

E-mail settings

You can in a home situation, when you want to test the system, you can enter your SMTP data.

The SMTP data from G-mail, Microsoft, so on, so on.

If you use an SSL certificate?

You can enter that data as well.

I will leave this empty.

If you have entered that SMTP data?

Click on this button: test SMTP settings.

If you have done this correctly the data will appear right here.

If you haven't done it correctly, you'll be notified with error messages.

And with the information you can fix it.

Than we go to opensimulator.

I'm going to tell you much more about opensimulator in the next videos.

Bit by bit.

here we also have global settings.

It's all in English.

I'll get back to you on that in another video.

We start with the check if opensimulator operates on this system.

In our case, that is the case.

Not at this moment, but later on it will.

The host name or host IP is correct as we know.

If we look at the URL this is mentioned.

In a later stage I'll show how you can change this to your IP address or your domainname.

Here we've got the port: public.

Standard it's configured at 9000.

We've got a port: private.

Also standard configuration, 8003.

The port: where the viewer listens, with the standard configuration: 9000

These are standard settings when opensimulator is installed.

Thereafter you can think off a name for your grid or opensimulator.

In a later video I'll show you how.

Remote admin.

Remote admin is a function within opensimulator.

We'll work with that in a minute.

As you can see in this example; this is where we enter multiple IP addresses of other systems.

That can operate together with opensimulator.

Via remote admin.

As a build in security level.

Never delete this!

I mean your IP address that's entered here.

Would you do that?

That would mean in the situation when you use it on a host system, or even your own computer.

That someone else within your own network...

could use it as well, if they know how it operates.

At the bottom we also enter a hostname or IP address.

A port number and a password

In a later video I'll tell more about it, at the time when we'll install it.

Thereafter, we have got the ini files.

Ini files are configuration files for opensimulator.

This is not yet installed.

But if we look at the text file we can see that there's a lot of text.

And you can also see that remote admin enable is set at false.

Here we also got a remote admin IP address...

And a port number and a password.

I'm switching ..

When the data has been entered...

The data will automatically be entered in this section.

If you scroll you see more information about all the differant settings.

No worries...

if you haven't used this system before, you don't have to give it much thought.

This is the standalone.ini.

At first we don't have to use it, but...

For the diehards it has been included in the system.

I'd say: check it out and find out what happens.


This one we do need.

Here also you can find all the different settings.

Again, no worries.

Grid info.

This one is empty.

In case you wonder, why is a part of the system?


Later on in the set up of opensimulator..

As soon as the configuration is complete.

This section grid info will also include data about open simulator.

System updates.

If we look at it, we see all kinds of information.

About Grid manager itself, the company, Boann, company url,

You can check this out.

Like I've said, I'd like to show you something.

That is this.

This is the first version as you can see.

If I ajust this in my own system, which you can't see.

I press F5 on my page.

You can see at the top of the page that we've got a new version.

If see a new version, you can go to downloads.

Click on downloads and the downloads are received.

Than you can install the downloads.

And you're up to date again and continue building your system.

If you've done that, the notification 'new version' will no longer be visable.

At the top of the page we've got: notifications.

It says: new.

If you click on it, you see at this point one item.

From this point we can give you information about the stage of development and so on.

If i select: read more.

You see you're at our blog page.

If you leave this page, you see the little ball is no longer there.

If I press F5.

Also the notification is gone.

Let's return to settings.

What else is build in?

Select: remote admin.

You see two items: users and regions.

Select: users.

It's still empty.

Sorry for my cough.

Here you can add a new user.

I'll tell more about that in another video.

At this time the remote admin is yet not set up.

At regions...

Also empty.

We've got: create regions and settings.

let's check settings.

You see that you can enter data. We already entered data for you.

If you haven't work with this before, you can leave it at that for now.

You can always ajust and change it later on.

I'll explain it as well in a seperate video.

Select: webpage settings.

Here you see: welcome screen.

Like I've mentioned, this is a out of the box experience.

That becomes clear at this point.

Standard settings are mentioned and selected.

Select welcome screen.

You get this page, grey background and on my leftside regions. Still empty because no data has yet been entered.

The grid info.

Grid status:Offline. Which is correct.

Than: total regions. We can agree about that, it's zero.

No data has yet been entered.

And there's information, clearly it states it's an out of the box experience.

Let's select: the information box.

We can turn it off.

Save the new setting.

Here you can see the new setting has been saved. Now, press F5.

And you see the information box is no longer available.

You can do this with every seperate box.

I'll turn it on again and save it.

In the information box I can make ajustments to differant status levels.

Like danger,

Save the new setting.

Press F5 to refresh.

You see the red coloured box with an exclanation mark.

You can ajust this to your own liking.

I return it back to info.

Just check it out yourself what the possibillities are.

There are more settings, but I'll address those issues other videos.

For now I'd like to upload a logo.

The slight problem is, the computer you see. I've got no logo saved anywhere.

I'll address this also later on.

The same thing goes for the background. It's not on this computer.

Return to settings.

I think If I would look at profile.

There's just the one thing, log out.

Whick is logical, because you enter on settings users that ables you to update your profile.

At this moment I think I've given you the whole tour.

That is, everything that is avalable in this stage of the development.

In the next video I'll explain and show you how to install opensimulator.

And how you can immediately start using the grid manager.

For more infomation >> rondleiding gridmanager voor opensim - Duration: 23:01.


티라미수 오믈렛빵 만들기(Tiramisu omelet cake)ㅣ몽브셰(mongbche) - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> 티라미수 오믈렛빵 만들기(Tiramisu omelet cake)ㅣ몽브셰(mongbche) - Duration: 6:09.


5 Ways to Improve Your Eyesight Without Glasses - Improve Eyesight Naturally - Duration: 5:28.

5 Ways to Improve Your Eyesight Without Glasses - Improve Eyesight Naturally

For more infomation >> 5 Ways to Improve Your Eyesight Without Glasses - Improve Eyesight Naturally - Duration: 5:28.


Library Freaks (Web Series) | S1 E2 Queen Bea - Duration: 6:21.

♪ Music: "The Pursuit of Unintentional Humor" by Oh Yeah, the Future ♪

[Mr. Ward] Last but not least, we have auditions for

Completely Contemporary Connie!


[Mr. Ward] I know, I know. it's it's not ideal.

But uh, it's all we could afford with this year's budget cuts, but it's gonna be great regardless

And I hope to see all of you there because currently there's no one signed up, but it'll be great

When we have... Sure! Yeah, anybody else? Anybody? Allison... right? Right?

[Allison] No... no.

[Mr. Ward] Great, great... One Act competition coming up, so let's get to work on that, let's break off into our groups.

Walk, please. Walk.

[Francis (offscreen)] Whatcha reading there, nerd?

[Allison] Stop!

[Francis] Just checking it out...

(reading) "If you think of what happened on the number two train this way..."

[Allison] Okay, we're done. Don't touch people's stuff without permission

[Bea] Okay, cut the chitchat. We've got work to do.

[Francis] Yes, ma'am.

[Allison] Bea, we already have copies you needlessly just demolished a forest.

[Bea] Actually you don't have a copy of this.

It's the revised script.

[Thad] Revised?

[Bea] Yeah, just made a couple of edits, but don't worry. We're still ahead of schedule.

So for today we need to go over... [Thad] This uh...

This is more than a couple of edits.

[Bea] Thaddeus, please don't interrupt me.

[Thad] What are you talking about?

This is a completely different script.

[Bea] Thaddeus if you're going to be a writer

You have to know that the director always has the trump card. [Francis] Is that true?

[Bea] Yes. Yes, it is true.

[Thad] I can't believe you did this

[Bea] Okay, please we have a lot to get done to say so Allison uh

Can you show me the costumes you've been working on?

[Allison] Yes, so I made a few sketches...


[Bea] What am I looking at?

[Allison] So I thought it'd be cool if we did sort of a steampunk thing.

[Bea] That's a really overdone theme, and it's not really what I have in mind

[Allison] I mean, it's not overdone, but--

[Bea] Let's just uh... don't start making them yet, okay?

[Allison] Okay, whatever.

[Bea] Francis where are we on casting?

[Francis] Oh yeah, you're gonna love this.

You know Kyle and Erica?

[Bea] Vaguely.

[Francis] Locked them down for the farmhand and the nurse which will be hilarious 'cause they dated last year

and they have to do that scene where--

[Bea] Yeah, that scene's been cut.

[Francis] Oh. Whatever.

Oh and my buddy Ben is gonna play the knight.

[Bea] Do you mean Ben Havens?

[Francis] Yep.

[Bea] And he's committed to this?

He knows he has to learn lines and show up to every single

rehearsal and wear exactly what I tell him to wear?

[Francis] Bea, it's a play, he'll figure it out.

[Bea] Will he?

Remember last year when he jumped off the bleachers and broke his front tooth?

Or a month ago when he stuck a chicken bone in a light socket?

[Francis] Classic. [Allison] One time he sat in my Latin class for 40 minutes

before he realized he wasn't in the class.

[Francis] That is an honest mistake sometimes you get the times mixed up!

[Allison] He doesn't even take Latin!

[Bea] Okay, see?

So I don't think that he's the figuring things out type. Can you please just double check with him?

[Francis] Yeah, sure...

Bea: Maybe cast an understudy? [Francis] Yes

[Bea] Okay and we still have Lindsey for the warrior princess?

Nope, had to drop out. Said she's got way too much going on.

[Bea] Seriously?

We all have a lot going on.

Did you find a replacement?

[Francis] No, and if you guys think of anyone let me know. I just uh... I can't find a princess

[Allison] Hmm.

No, I can't think of anyone. [Bea] Guys--

Well you know that I act.

[Allison] Yeah, but you're not really the princess type.

[Bea] Just jumped on that one, huh?

[Allison] Bea, I mean you can't do it 'cause you're already doing so much.

You know, just adding on to your list.

[Thad] Maybe I can do it. I'm not doing anything else.

[Allison] Thaddeus, you're our playwright

[Thad] Am I?

Everything's been changed. This...

This is a completely different story.

[Bea] Oh cry me a river.

I want this to be the best so it can win the one-act festival and that wasn't going to happen with the original script

[Thad] Such a bitch...


(classical piano music)


[Bea] How original.

[Francis] Bea come on, I think you're taking this a little too seriously.

[Bea] Francis, I'm not going to have your pothead friend in my play.

[Francis] Well then you're gonna have to him yourself. He was really looking forward to this.

(school bell)

[Bea] I will tell him.

I'll take the right in firing him.

And Allison, I'll just... I'm gonna make the costumes, okay, so you don't have to worry about it.

[Allison] What? I already have everything.

I already st--

[Francis] She put a lot of hard work into this...

[Allison] You know what? Whatever.

[Francis] Al, I think--

[Allison] She said she's gonna do it so she'll do it herself.

[Francis] You can help me with casting!

[Francis] Hey, Allison! Um...

One less thing to worry about, right?

[Allison] Yeah, I don't really care. The whole project is dumb.

[Thad] I just can't wait for it to be over.

Think it's too late to switch partners?

[Francis] Dude, you know we'll get an A.

[Thad] Yeah, but still. Bea's a monster.

♪ Music: "CGI Snake" by Chris Zabriskie ♪

For more infomation >> Library Freaks (Web Series) | S1 E2 Queen Bea - Duration: 6:21.


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I thought we were gonna go heard your mother trampolining

superheroes are illegal you wanna fight bad guys defines Who I am

we're not saying you have what someone on TV said it I was approached by this

tycoon most to talk about hero stuff help me bring supers back into the

sunlight we need Elastigirl

two kids no problem

not the way you're supposed to do it dad they want us to do it I don't know that

way why would they change math over Dusseldorf do those are dogs in KY less

so every troop he closed it I couldn't have done this if you hadn't taken over

so well I've got to succeed so she can succeed

Bob is tricky but I can't keep giving him cookies done properly parenting is a

heroic act done properly

For more infomation >> THE INCREDIBLES 2 Official Trailer (2018) Animated Superhero Movie HD - Duration: 1:43.


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আদর্শ নেতা মুহাম্মদ (সাঃ) Allama Delwar Hossain Sayeedi Bangla Waz || Top waz mahfil 01

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আদর্শ নেতা মুহাম্মদ (সাঃ) Allama Delwar Hossain Sayeedi Bangla Waz || Top waz mahfil 01

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