Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 15 2018


Easy to say

hard to do.

It's tough keeping on the straight and narrow

when the world

always tries to stop you.

But, ignore the noise.

Do things the way

you know they should be done.


For more infomation >> Introducing the #FreshFoam Lazr Hypo - Duration: 0:31.


Le mie letture - "Vento Largo" di Francesco Biamonti - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Le mie letture - "Vento Largo" di Francesco Biamonti - Duration: 5:12.


Noticias Telemundo, 14 de febrero de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 22:31.

For more infomation >> Noticias Telemundo, 14 de febrero de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 22:31.


Husn o Jamal e Mustafa Marhaba Sad Marhaba | Asad Attari Naat | Popular Naat of Asad Attari - Duration: 9:53.

Like, Comment & Share!

For more infomation >> Husn o Jamal e Mustafa Marhaba Sad Marhaba | Asad Attari Naat | Popular Naat of Asad Attari - Duration: 9:53.


Öykü Gürman - Oy Beni Vurun ( Soundtrack )Sen Anlat Karadeniz - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Öykü Gürman - Oy Beni Vurun ( Soundtrack )Sen Anlat Karadeniz - Duration: 3:58.


Pocoyo em Português | Carreiras engraçadas | Novos Episódios 2018 - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> Pocoyo em Português | Carreiras engraçadas | Novos Episódios 2018 - Duration: 6:19.


Flag and anthem of Bangladesh - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Flag and anthem of Bangladesh - Duration: 2:28.


Unloading Oldest metro Rotterdam on the depot #50jaarMetro - Duration: 10:10.

Metro vehicle 5024

For more infomation >> Unloading Oldest metro Rotterdam on the depot #50jaarMetro - Duration: 10:10.


Final Space On TBS

For more infomation >> Final Space On TBS


How To Make Android Game With Drag And Drop - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> How To Make Android Game With Drag And Drop - Duration: 10:01.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Ding Dong Bell | Junior Squad | Kindergarten Video | Song For Children - Duration: 44:24.

Ding Ding Bell

For more infomation >> Ding Dong Bell | Junior Squad | Kindergarten Video | Song For Children - Duration: 44:24.


opensim gridmanger translation - Duration: 16:02.

Opensim gridmanager translation.

Welcome, my name is Harrit van Beek.

In this video we're going to talk about translations.

Or gridmanager translation.

When you don't speak, read English or Pakistani, or Chinese, or any other language.

Than it will be practically if you've got a system you can ajust to your own language.

And that's possible with Gridmanager.

There's one footnote. At this moment the system operates on Windows.

But for some reason the log files aren't logged on my system.

On your system this could function as it should.

It depends on the folder: permissions.

I'm going to show how it works.

I'm going switch between the Windows system and the live host, where the system already operates on.

In the installation folder on your system, where you have installed gridmanager.

Let's go there.

HTdocs gridmanager.

Than go to the folder: libraries.

In the folder libraries there are a number of folders and files.

Among those two folders I'm selecting right now.

Language and logs.

Naturally we're going to remove the language files.

We know by know that it's all in English.

It probably won't suprise you that there's a folder: EN-en.

When you look into that folder again you see a number of files concerning the language.

If you look into the page currently in the search.

Let's see...

System users.

Let's open this one with notepad ++.

You can see this is also in English.

When I select, for example, the button: create user.

Minimalize notepad ++

Button create user is equal to create user.

If for example I would translate this to my own language.

Than that would become: Maak gebruiker. (Dutch for create user)

Save it.

When I move notepad ++ to the left. Than refresh the page.

You can see the button has changed to my language: Dutch and says:Maak gebruiker.

But at this moment we're working in a file in English.

How are we going to deal with this? The Dutch language in a system operating in English?

We can do this by reading the logs.

If it functions properly.

You see in my search engine it's set on 0 KB.

Now I'm going to switch to the live host.

Where I'm going to open it.

Here we're going to: language errors.log

When I open this you can see that something is missing.

I'm going to empty it.

I'm opening the browser on my own computer.

On a differant screen.

There I'm going to our website and log in at the gridmanager system.

I'm going to remove the directory: nl nl.

So you can see what will happen when we open the log

Now it's empty, which is possible.

Press F5.

Now the directory has been filled by refreshing the page.

You see the folder is missing in the library, language NL-nl.

I can copy this and than in the folder language I can add a new folder.

With the name: nl nl.

This could be any language folder that your browser can operate on.

When I close the language error log.

And than refresh the page.

After which i return to: logs.

Here I also refresh the folder by means of pressing F5.

Again select language error.log.

You see that a file is missing.

And well in the directory where the language folder is set.

The directory: nl nl.

The following file is missing: nl size users.ini.

When I'm going to create this into the folder: nl nl.

Click on: new file.

I can copy it from the log file.

Press F5.

We get a differant log with differant data.

Let's see what's missing?

The data that is missing is: December, December. January, January, January.

We know which log or language file is needed.

When we look in the folder:English.

We look for: en size users.ini.

This is a lazy bit, we can copy this, close the folder.

Than go to the folder: nl nl.

And paste it.

After that I can translate everything mentioned on the right side.

This would become in Dutch: systeem gebruikers.

If I would save this and refresh, than it would say:systeem gebruikers.

The principle works the same with every file, that you can create yourself in gridmanager.

Again I remove the folder: nl nl.

The same principle works also with the frontpage.

Let's have look and go to: HTdocs.

Than go to: grid.

In library we see two differant fodlers.

With the same name.

Let's have a look in: language en en.

I can select the welcome screen.

I can select it here as well.

Go to: welcome screens.

Click on: welcome screen.

If I would change regions into Dutch: regios.

Or island.

Save it and refresh the page, you can see it has been altered.

I can change it in any language I would like to.

Now I don't know, of course, every language from the top of my head.

But there's Google we can use for that, that can easily come up with seperate words in my language.

Or your language.

I have check everything before I can use it.

I'm Dutch and I would like to translate it, for example, into French.

And I say, let's see: regions. That's the same.

Let's try: informatie. I copy and paste it, and we get: information.

It looks the same.

But you'll get the picture.

If there's a language we don't understand, you can copy, paste and save it.

We're going to ajust: information.

I'm sorry, I can't read what it says at this moment.

But, again, I think you'll get the picture.

The problem is, we're working in a file in English.

I read out my own language via the browser.

About 95% certainty that it will be correct.

But if we would translate in all languages, we've got an issue with the viewer. It doesn't recognize it.

This welcome page.

With the gridmanager that wouldn't become an issue.

You can read it out in the language error.log file.

Which language folder you would have to create.

You can also translate this video.

It's real easy. Scroll down in this video.

Click on comments on: more.

There's you see an extra link that ables you to translate this into your own language.

This is only possible when you're a member of this channel.

I suppose it's clear how this all works with the translations.

If you still have questions? Please, let me know.

For more infomation >> opensim gridmanger translation - Duration: 16:02.


Baby Bears Can't Jump - Duration: 11:22.

For more infomation >> Baby Bears Can't Jump - Duration: 11:22.


King of Avalon: New Year of the Dog - Duration: 0:42.

Hi guys, this is Isabel from the KoA studio

and I'm here today to wish you a happy Chinese

New Year of the Dog!

This new year we will bring you many

exciting activities.

I can tell you already that the next update

will bring you new Monster levels

and a new Alliance building.

But that's not all, we're also working on the Conquest

to make it better and bring it back to you.

There will be many new events coming!

We really hope the Year of the Dog will bring you

good luck and fortune.

Thank you so much for being with us!

Happy New Year of the Dog!

Xīnnián kuàilè!

For more infomation >> King of Avalon: New Year of the Dog - Duration: 0:42.


Once i Caught a Fish Alive Song for Kids Nursery Rhymes for Babies - Duration: 1:01:18.

Once I Caught A Fish Alive

For more infomation >> Once i Caught a Fish Alive Song for Kids Nursery Rhymes for Babies - Duration: 1:01:18.


Perfect Pitch | Do I Need Perfect Pitch | Absolute Pitch - Duration: 10:45.

No I don't have perfect pitch, not even close.

But what is perfect pitch and do musicians really need it or is it just a parlour trick?

And what do the Nazis have to do with pitch at all?

Let's find out more about perfect pitch.

Hi everybody, CJ here and welcome.

Today we're taking a look at perfect pitch.

What is perfect pitch?

Well, first of all, about 1 in 10,000 people possess the ability of perfect pitch.

And that is to be able to name any note without a reference note.

In other words, if you ask somebody with perfect pitch to sing you a "C" or "A" or a Bb

they'll be able to sing it perfectly, without any reference.

And if you ask them to name the notes of a chord, they'll be able to do so without looking.

If I played this chord, a person with perfect pitch can tell me every single note that's there.

That is absolutely amazing, absolutely fabulous.

When I was coming up in music lessons I wanted perfect pitch so badly, I thought it would

be the greatest thing to have, it would make me the greatest musician in the world

or so I believed.

I don't know if that's really true, and furthermore, I'll probably never know because perfect pitch

is something you either have or you don't.

It's either impossible or very difficult to develop later in life.

So what do musicians do who don't have perfect pitch?

How do we actually find the notes that we want when we want them?

We use relative pitch and pattern recognition.

Relative pitch is the ability to name a note after being given a reference note.

So if I'm given the note "C", then I can closely approximate any other note.

For example, "F".

That's approximately an "F", it's not perfect because I don't have perfect pitch.

So relative pitch is a skill that can be developed as well as pattern recognition.

Music is made of patterns, you learn to recognise those patterns along with relative pitch and

you're on your way.

Those are skills that can be developed, unlike perfect pitch.

So please do not use your time, don't waste your time trying to get perfect pitch.

Work on relative pitch.

People with perfect pitch can be tricked.

A 2013 University Of Chicago study showed that 27 participants could not notice when

a song was slightly detuned.

In this study they took 27 participants with perfect pitch and played them a classical

piece, a very long piece and slowly detuned it as they were playing it so they lowered

the pitch, not a single participant noticed, but afterward, their tonal centre had changed.

Whereas prior to listening to the piece of music they would have correctly identified

this note as "C".

But afterward, this same note, they would have thought as sharp.

All of them called it sharp.

Their tonal centre had been changed.

So, from a human perspective there's not much perfection, not actually.

But let's take a look at pitch itself.

Absolute Pitch, can a pitch be absolute?

Well first of all, what is a pitch?

A pitch is a frequency measured in Hz, or cycles per second.

Humans can hear from 20 Hz to 20 KHz, but most of the sounds we hear on a daily basis

are between 250 Hz and 6 KHz.

In music, the piano keyboard, this lowest note "A", is 27.5 Hz, the highest note, "C"

is 4186.01 Hz.

And our favourite note, middle "C", is 261.626 Hz.

And then there's the note that everyone tunes to, "A".

The "A" above Middle "C" is set at 440 Hz.

How did this come about?

It wasn't always this way.

Before the 20th century there were orchestras that played at 415 Hz, as in Baroque music,

right on up to 460 Hz, so there was no consistency on tuning frequencies for an orchestra, choir

or whatever the case may be.

So people were all over the place , so there was a need for some consistency.

So in 1939 there was a meeting in London, at Broadcast House, home of the BBC.

At this meeting by the International Standards Organisation they were to set the official

tuning frequency to 440 Hz.

This is where the Nazis come in.

Because apparently, Hitlers propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbles was in charge of all the radio

stations in Germany.

He called this meeting in order to change the frequency to 440 Hz.

And the reason is because raising it to 440 Hz causes human bodies to tense up and get

stressed and opens people up to mind control!

That's great Nazi stuff!

Mind control is right up their alley.

But is that really true?

No, not necessarily it's not really true.

That conspiracy started in 1988 by Lyndon LaRouche and his Schiller Institute.

That's because they like a different frequency.

Now, that meeting in 1939 actually did take place, but the frequency wasn't set because

world war 2 broke out shortly after so no one had time to officially set anything.

But in 1917, the American Federation of Musicians had agreed to use 440 Hz as their standard

tuning so by default 440 became the norm.

And in 1975 the International Standards Organisation officially recognised 440 Hz as the official

tuning frequency.

But it hasn't always been that way.

Like I said, there have been many variations from town to town and city to city.

But the most popular one is the frequency 432 Hz, also referred to as Verdi's "A", named

after Giuseppe Verdi, a 19th century composer and it was also called the Scientific "A"

because, by using the Schumann Resonance, (yes, nice and fancy sounding) the Earth has

a frequency of 8 cycles per second, or 8 Hz, and when you double that after 5 octaves you

end up with Middle "C" at 256 Hz and "A" at 432 Hz.

Now because these measurements are made from the Earth, they are thought to be more natural.

These frequencies keep humanity in tune with nature.

So that's why people want to use 432 Hz as the official tuning standard and not 440 Hz.

Now, what's this got to do with perfect pitch?

All it means is that the notes that we use and the frequencies that we use are not absolute.

There is nothing intrinsically perfect or absolute about "A" 440 Hz.

It could easily be "A" 432 Hz or "A" 415 Hz or some other frequency.

We chose that frequency, it was an arbitrary choice.

It wasn't handed down to us by some musical deity or anything like that.

So what's so perfect or absolute about it?

Really, nothing.

So what's the big deal with perfect pitch?

I have no idea.

Just know this.

You do not need to waste your time trying to develop perfect pitch, it's just not worth

your time or energy.

However, relative pitch is where you can spend your time.

Being able to identify the distances between notes.

That way when you're listening to music you can analyse it better, along with pattern


those are the skills that you really want to focus on.

So I don't know how our friends out there with perfect pitch would feel about this video,

I don't know if you like it, if you've got perfect pitch let me know how you feel about

it in the comments.

Is perfect pitch a blessing or a curse.

Let me know.

And if you've ever met somebody or worked with someone with perfect pitch, let me know

what that experience was like, you can let me know in the comments as well.

Now, if you liked this video, click on the like button, share it with your friends and


I'd greatly appreciate it.

That's about it for today for perfect pitch.

I hope you enjoyed this video.

See you soon, take care.

For more infomation >> Perfect Pitch | Do I Need Perfect Pitch | Absolute Pitch - Duration: 10:45.


Miss Polly Had A Dolly | Songs For Children | Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 19:09.

Miss Polly loves her dolly

Miss Polly had a dolly, who was sick, sick, sick.

So she phoned for the doctor to come quick, quick, quick.

The doctor came with his bag and his hat,

And knocked at the door with a rat-a-tat-tat.

He looked at the dolly and shook his head,

And said "Miss Polly, put her straight to bed."

He wrote a paper for a pill, pill, pill.

I'll be back in the morning with the will, will, will.

I'll be back in the morning with the will, will, will.

miss polly is cute

For more infomation >> Miss Polly Had A Dolly | Songs For Children | Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 19:09.


Hannity 02/15/18 1AM | February 15, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 45:19.

For more infomation >> Hannity 02/15/18 1AM | February 15, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 45:19.


BREAKING!! Obama Artist Just Accused Of BEHEADING White Women…Look What They Found! - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 30:14.


Obama Artist Just Accused Of BEHEADING White Women…Look What They Found!!!!

Former President Barack Obama and his old lady Michelle Obama just had their portraits

debut to the world and the results were hilarious.

As with most Presidents of the United States, they get professional portraits done and they're

supposed to represent the professionalism and great American standard.

Barrack and Michelle went another route, and their portraits came out a bit different.

Their paintings look like they were paid for with an EBT card and don't look "Presidential"

one bit.

Barack Obama sits on a wooden chair surrounded by flowers.

He must have sat there for eight years and watched the plants grow around him.

Michelle Obama sits on a chair floating in a realm of blank emptiness, which amounts

to the level of contributions she's made to the country.

Ruining a school lunch program does not count as a contribution.

People on social media had a lot to say about the awkward paintings.

People pointed out how odd they were and how they barely resembled the former White House


We gaze at Barack Obama surrounded by flowers and imagine the scene where Homer Simpson

fades into a bush, only to hope that Obama one day fades into a bush as well, but doesn't

resurface unless he's on a deserted island.

Michelle Obama's portrait looks like another woman.

It doesn't resemble her in the least.

Perhaps the painter felt bad and tried to make her look better.

It looks like an Aunt Jemima was painted in the 1700's and does not look anything like

what the First Lady should look like in a professional painting.

The portraits were so terrible that people kept asking "who painted this" and a quick

Google search provided an immediate answer.

Kehinde Wiley painted the pictures.

Next people wondered who that was and if it was a male or female.

Another quick Google search, and we find out that Kehinde Wiley is an African American


It looks like Kehinde Wiley has a lot of other portraits that are beautiful.

He does some fantastic work!

But that's when we noticed something that stuck out like a sore hitchhiker thumb.

This is something that would make me not particularly fond of hiring him if I was a former President.

This is turning out to be an absolute public relations nightmare for the Obama family.

We found that Kehinde Wiley has painted a portrait of a black person holding decapitated

white person head.

That seems very racist and morbid.

This is not someone I would hire if I was a former President.

It looks as though the Obama family just found out the hard way.

Either that or they just don't care.

The Daily Caller had more information on the background of the beheaded white people portraits:

"Former President Barack Obama's portrait painter once depicted a black woman holding

the cutoff head of a white woman in a reimagining of a story from the book of Judith.

Kehinde Wiley, the painter of Obama's portrait for the National Portrait Gallery, reimagined

the story of Judith beheading Holofernes from the deuterocanonical Book of Judith as a black

woman beheading a white woman years ago.

"It's sort of a play on the 'kill whitey' thing," Wiley told New York Magazine previously.

The original story tells the tale of a young widow named Judith who steps forward to save

her people by seducing and then cutting off the head of Holofernes, an Assyrian general.

Countless artists have reimagined the tale, but usually feature a man and a woman.

In Wiley's version of events, Judith is a black woman who cuts off the head of a white


Most of us can understand the artistic appeal at recreating a piece of history in the form

of a controversial painting.

I can appreciate the artist's daringness to try something different.

It's great when people do things that will get people talking, which these pictures surely

did for the artist.

In fact, the artist probably became a lot more popular when it was found out that he

did something that looked racist to many people.

While this isn't art that someone would hang in their family room full of kids, it

is art and art is strange.

The problem here is that it's probably not appropriate for a former President to hire

someone with a controversial history of art that depicts murdering people.

Obama was supposedly the one who mended all racial tensions, but Obama sends the wrong

message by hiring someone who paints pictures that scream "kill whitey."

The art and artist are not the problems in this situation.

The problem lies in the mind of Barack and Michelle Obama and their apparent interest

in causing widespread division among Americans.

They're adding fuel to the fire of race relations by choosing an artist who paints

beheaded white people.

That's the bigger issue that needs to be addressed.

They should have selected an artist who does not have a history of painting white people

with their head's cut off.

As for the artist, he's just trying to make a few dollars, so let's not go too hard

on him.

He just minded his own business until Obama came along and painted him as a racist sinner.

Hiring this artist to do formal Presidential portraits is like hiring a gangster rapper

who says the "N-Word" 50 times in every song to write speeches for Donald Trump.

Maybe the artist knew Obama would get heat for this and painted the worst Presidential

portraits on purpose.

There's always that possibility that the artist made them look terrible on purpose,

and if he did that, then that would be the funniest prank on a former President ever.

If we know one thing about the portraits, it's this: they're terrible.

Is this what Obama was thinking when he decided who

to hire?

For more infomation >> BREAKING!! Obama Artist Just Accused Of BEHEADING White Women…Look What They Found! - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 30:14.


Inside Your Heaven | Karaoke Version as made famous by Carrie Underwood - Duration: 4:02.




For more infomation >> Inside Your Heaven | Karaoke Version as made famous by Carrie Underwood - Duration: 4:02.


Wheels On The Bus | Blue Bus | Video For Toddlers | Song For Children - Duration: 1:06:20.

Wheels On The Bus Blue

For more infomation >> Wheels On The Bus | Blue Bus | Video For Toddlers | Song For Children - Duration: 1:06:20.


Tow Truck Formation | Video For Toddlers | Song For Children - Duration: 1:00:22.

Tow Truck Formation

For more infomation >> Tow Truck Formation | Video For Toddlers | Song For Children - Duration: 1:00:22.


Opensim add users with remoteadmin - Grid Manager system - Duration: 6:17.

Opensim add users with remoteadmin - Grid Manager system

Welcome, my name is Harrit van Beek.

In this video I will show you how you can create an account, as I call it, inworld.

We're going to do is by means of Gridmanager.and remote admin.

As you probably know, this is page I use to start, and this time it's same old, same old. Let's start.

Let's select the icon at the top on the leftside.

Select remoteadmin

And than select users.

As you can see, no users are mentioned at this moment.

Although we can log-in with our admin account.

The admin account is also a back up account that you can use in case something goes wrong.

I select users

I can enter a name. But I think that's pretty logical.

I enter my own name.


And I create a demo e-mailaddress

And a password

Let's keep it simple, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

The starting point will be a thousand by a thousand

I select save.

You see that my account is created in opensim

If i select 'back' you see that there's a new account.

If I select action

The account settings are loaded.

There you can see the user id, the id of that account.

First name, lastname, e-mailaddress,

Password and starting point.

The problem is in this case, that the Grid system isn't yet operational,

and no database information

So remoteadmin isn't capable to delete an account.

Well, let's log in with the new data.

At the bottomside I can enter my name.

But as you can see, I'm active on more than one grid.

Here I can enter my password.1,2,3,4,5.

Select log-in.

And fingers crossed while we log-in.

If all is correct, yes, we can.

On the leftside you can see

It says: welcome, Harrit van Beek

Inworld is loaded

A message that the clothing can't be loaded.

Okay, I don't want to see this anymore.

I select close, again a message

These are often standard messages

With every new installation in opensim

I select close

Again close

Inworld has been loaded. Okay, it's still a a bit cloudy, but that will clear up later on.

After a few log out/ log in's.

Eventually, everything will be loaded without any hick ups.

For now, I log out

Exit Firestorm.

On the leftside you can see the log out.

You've got the option the remove the account, but it's no nescecarry.

And I'm going to use this in another video.

For more infomation >> Opensim add users with remoteadmin - Grid Manager system - Duration: 6:17.


The all-new 2018 BMW X3 - Launch - Duration: 1:59.

Well, the BMW X3 delivers excellent handling and

driving dynamics

even in the most challenging driving conditions

whether it be on the road or off the beat in track

And we are very happy to present

and proud to present to everyone

a sport activity vehicle that exceeds all expectations

in terms of design, technology and most importantly

driving dynamics

For more infomation >> The all-new 2018 BMW X3 - Launch - Duration: 1:59.


11 Biggest Human Body Parts You HAVE To See! - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> 11 Biggest Human Body Parts You HAVE To See! - Duration: 1:37.


Around the Corner with John McGivern | Program | #706 -- Mayville - Duration: 26:47.

For more infomation >> Around the Corner with John McGivern | Program | #706 -- Mayville - Duration: 26:47.


Tucker Carlson Tonight 02/15/18 12AM | February 15, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 54:21.

For more infomation >> Tucker Carlson Tonight 02/15/18 12AM | February 15, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 54:21.


opensim overzicht - Duration: 12:12.

Welcome, my name is Harrit van Beek.

In the previous video you have seen...

How we....

Ehm.. I have to check...

I don't know it from the top of my head...

Although ... I can see it right before my very eyes...

In the previous video you have seen...

How we opened port 9000 in the firewall

So we're able to log-in safely.

on open simulator

abbreviated .. open sim ...

with our viewer

In this video we look back ...

what we have done the previous eight videos..

If you look at this video ..

you've been watching in total two hours ...

How I've shown you...

How you can install grid manager...

And have configured opensim...

By using our new service Gridmanager...

At first...

The first video you have seen

How i succesfully installed xammp..

Okay .. I made a slight mistake...

As you have seen...

In the second video I came back to that..

In that section we have ...

downloaded gridmanager

and succesfully installed...

After the installation I have given you a tour...

within gridmanager

Where is what...

So, I assume you know this.

And you know how the differant functions within gridmanager work


We couldn't work with gridmanager

because we missed opensim

So, we also succesfully installed it.

as a standalone version

The problem was that it operated on the IP address

In other words... local host

We've changed this with additonal explanation..

So you know how the establissment of an IP address operates...

And we changed it to your IPaddress on your computer..

I have done this myseif on the system where my opensim and gridmanager operates..

Thereafter... by means of gridmanager

we have selected the configuration files opensim.ini and standaloneComment.ini and configured.

Also succesfully...

Thereafter we're able to log-in

At first with the firewall open..

That means without any security..

With two differant viewers..

thereafter, like i've said at the beginning of this video

We've closed the firewall...

But .. how to go on?

Well, simple, we're going to do it in the following way.

We have a nice support page

As you can see

It says for example..



remote admin

and users...

In a numbers of new videos

Depending on the moment you're watching my videos..

It could mean that the videos are already posted..

At the time of recording this video the videos I'm referening to aren't posted yet.

Videos yet to post will be about, for example, regions under remote admin..

Because it applies to remote admin and/or regions..

Or maybe users...

A little depedant on that, the video will be made.

And it will be posted on You Tube , lets see, and divided in four, no, three categories

I am stuttering a bit..

Because I am thinking ahead...

When we open a YouTube page, of course, our own..

There we've got one category

I'm selecting my own channel...

Here we've got at this moment one category

While we already created a second category

But there's no content in it at this time...

This will happen in the coming days..

These videos will be located in installations grid manager and opensim

When I look at the playlists..

You see that there's just one category..

That's the way we'll proceed...

You have worked with gridmanager

With gridmanager, like you've noticed, that it's all in English...

In the next video I'll explain how you can translate Gridmanager to your own language, or how you can help us to improve and correct spelling mistakes.

If you have done that...

we really appreciate it...

If you could

inform us if you have ...

Maybe you can send us your language file...

How can you send it to us?

It's easy...

At the bottomline under description you'll find our e-mailaddress..

And also on our websites..

Where you can forward your information..

Beside that. You've configured your opensim with gridmanager

What if Gridmanager didn't exist?

And you'd to configure it manually?

Than you should check it all in opensim.ini to find out about where and what.

And you'd also have to check standalonecomment.ini

Just for the fun of it, check if you would be able to do it without gridmanager?

And how you have to configure what and where.

Of course we've made some adjustments in the system to make it easy for us...

But could you do it?

I'm really curious to find out how well you'd be doing it.

Of course, without using Gridmanager.

If you'b be able to do so,

I'd like to read about it in the comments.

If you'd like to know more about our company.

In the lefside of the screen you can see the links to our social media..

And a the very bottom our website..

We've got more than one website,

From you can link to our other websites.

For now, thank you for watching this short video.

Well, that's my idea...

This was more or less and overview of all we've done before.

I also would like to know your ideas

What I'm going to next, I will say so for the first time, if you haven't subscribed to our channel. Please do so.

Than you won't miss the next videos on opensim.

and gridmanager

How gridmanager works..

And tips on how can work with opensim..

If you liked this video?Please, give us a thumbs up!

If you've got any question on any of the videos?Downbelow you can ask them in the comments.

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