Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 15 2018

Andalib Rahman Partho Speech

For more infomation >> হাসিনাকে আন্দালিবের একেমন হুমকি !! খালেদাকে মুক্ত করেই প্রতিশোধ !! Latest Bangla News - Duration: 1:31.


End Of All (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 3:04.

The end of all things is at hand.Therefore be serious and sober for prayers.Above all

let your love for one another be intense because love covers a multitude of sins.Be hospitable

to one another without complaining as each one has received a gift use it to serve one

another as good stewards of God's varied grace.Whoever preaches let it be with the words Of God whoever

serves let it be with the strength that God Supplies so that in all things God may be

glorified through Jesus Christ to whom belong glory and dominion forever and ever Amen.

Advice To The Community God opposes the proud but bestows favor on the humble so humble

yourselves under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time Cast all your

worries upon him because he cares for you Be sober and vigilant Your opponent the Devil

is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour resist him steadfast

in faith knowing that your fellow believers throughout the world undergo the same sufferings

to God be the dominion forever The Power Of God's Promise For This Very Reason

Make Every Effort To Supplement Your Faith With Knowledge Knowledge With Self Control

With Endurance Endurance with devotion devotion with mutual affection mutual affection with

love If these are yours and increase in abundance they will keep you from being idle or unfruitful

in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ Anyone who lacks them is blind and short sighted

forgetful of the cleansing of his past sins Therefore brothers be all the more eager to

make your call and election firm for in doing so you will never stumble for in this way

entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be richly provided

for you.

For more infomation >> End Of All (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 3:04.


Contentment (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 2:44.

Indeed religion with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into the world

just as we shall not be able to take anything out of it.If we have food and clothing we

shall be content with that.

The Gifts Of Timothy Has Received For This Reason I Remind You To Stir Into Flame The

Gift Of God That You Have Through The Imposition Of My Hands For God Did Not Give Us A Spirit

Of Cowardice But Rather Of Power And Love And Self - Control

so do not be ashamed of your testimony to our Lord nor of me a prisoner for his sake

but bear your share of hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God.He saved

us and called us to a holy life according to our works but according to his own design

and the grace bestowed on us in Christ Jesus before time began but now made manifest through

the appearance of our Savior Christ Jesus who destroyed death and brought life and immortality

to light through the gospel.

Indeed religion with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into the world

just as we shall not be able to take anything out of it.If we have food and clothing we

shall be content with that.

From youthful desires faith love and peace righteousness,faith love and peace along with

those who call on the Lord with purity of heart.Avoid foolish and ignorant debates for

you know that they breed quarrels A slave of the Lord should not quarrel but should

be gentle with everyone able to teach tolerant correcting opponents with kindness.It may

be that God will grant them repentance that leads to knowledge of the truth and that they

may return to their senses out of the devil's snare where they are entrapped by him for

his will yeah ,

Indeed religion with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into the world

just as we shall not be able to take anything out of it.If we have food and clothing we

shall be content with that.

Indeed religion with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into the world

just as we shall not be able to take anything out of it.If we have food and clothing we

shall be content with that.

For more infomation >> Contentment (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 2:44.


Gird Up (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:14.

The power of prayer Therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another

and pray for one another and pray for one that you maybe healed.The fervent prayer of

a righteous person is very powerful.Elijah was a human being like us; yet he prayed earnestly

that it might not rain and for three years and six months it did not rain and upon the

land Then prayed again and the sky gave rain and the earth produced its fruit.

My brothers if anyone among you should stray from the truth and someone bring him back

he should know that whoever bring back a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul

from the error of his way will save his soul from the error of his way will save his soul

from death and will cover a multitude of sins.

Therefore gird up the lions of your mind live soberly and set your hopes completely on the

grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ Like obedient children do

not act in compliance with the desires of your former ignorance but as he who called

you is holy be holy yourselves in every aspect of your conduct for it is written be holy

because i am holy.

For more infomation >> Gird Up (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:14.


Oru Adaar Love | Manikya Malaraya Poovi Song Video| Viral Video 2018 | Remake - Duration: 1:02.

Oru Adaar Love | Manikya Malaraya Poovi Song Video| Viral Video 2018 | Remake

For more infomation >> Oru Adaar Love | Manikya Malaraya Poovi Song Video| Viral Video 2018 | Remake - Duration: 1:02.


Homescapes Level 319 - How to complete Level 319 on Homescapes - Duration: 5:14.

"Homescapes Level 319"

"How to play level 319 on Homescapes"

"Homescapes beat level 319"

For more infomation >> Homescapes Level 319 - How to complete Level 319 on Homescapes - Duration: 5:14.


免費鋼琴課(25), G大調「小步舞曲」巴哈初步,謝明琪鋼琴教室 - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> 免費鋼琴課(25), G大調「小步舞曲」巴哈初步,謝明琪鋼琴教室 - Duration: 6:27.


HomePod - Beat - Apple

For more infomation >> HomePod - Beat - Apple





𝐖̲𝐀̲𝐊̲𝐄̲ 𝐌̲𝐄̲ 𝐔̲𝐏 || {𝟑̲𝐃̲ 𝐀̲𝐍̲𝐈̲𝐌̲𝐀̲𝐒̲𝐇̲} - Duration: 3:52.

I'm awakening a different me inside

the faint light that was turned off

Wake me up, open your eyes

Yeah wake me up

This is an endless tunnel

in darkness with no light

(Wake me up, wake me up)

I need to find myself

I need to jump over my limit

I can't just stop like this

(Wake me up, wake me up)

Wake up, we're pressed for time

That innocent child has grown up suddenly

Now I'll awaken this fearful society

Share a story with the new me

You can't put a price on my life

It's a life that can't be exchanged with anyone else's

Our reality is like pain

that is trapped inside a stone pot

What I can do is sing this song like I'm crazy

It may wake, every year, I'm on the lane for my goal

You ain't be late, jump like an equestrian, for me!

I'm awakening a different me inside

the faint light that was turned off

Wake me up, open your eyes

Yeah wake me up

Before it's too late, I'm getting up

There's a trembling in my new heart

Wake me up, shout out loud

Yeah wake me up

Putting back together

the messy puzzle pieces in this game

(Wake me up, wake me up)

I believe in myself right now

Questions thrown at me

without even a question mark

(Wake me up, wake me up)

Vive la Revolution

Snap out of it, I thought I swallowed you

In this gray city,

there's stale air and coldness

contaminating the rotten brains and spines

Be aware of the corrupt truth

and the outer layer of the broken subjects


I'm awakening a different me inside

the faint light that was turned off

Wake me up, open your eyes

Yeah wake me up

Before it's too late, I'm getting up

There's a trembling in my new heart

Wake me up, shout out loud

Yeah wake me up

Wake me up, open your eyes

Yeah wake me up

Wake me up, shout out loud

Yeah wake me up

My senses

are coming back to life

(Wake me up, wake me up)

In this new world

The answer that the world wants

is blind to its desperation, having a voice

Even if there's a delay, I keep walking

Throw away your worries, in reality, benefits are like butter

I'm spreading my new self out, what

Right now, I'm giving it my all

looking for the hidden truth

Wake me up, open your eyes

Yeah wake me up

Even the soul inside of me

I'll burn it up without anything remaining

Wake me up, wake them all

Yeah wake me up

Wake me up, wake me up

Yeah wake me up

Wake me up, wake me up

Yeah wake me up

For more infomation >> 𝐖̲𝐀̲𝐊̲𝐄̲ 𝐌̲𝐄̲ 𝐔̲𝐏 || {𝟑̲𝐃̲ 𝐀̲𝐍̲𝐈̲𝐌̲𝐀̲𝐒̲𝐇̲} - Duration: 3:52.


Standin up kitty! - Duration: 1:01.

"Stand up"; acknowledged

Made it to his knees...

"I am"

For more infomation >> Standin up kitty! - Duration: 1:01.


Learn this English slang for 2018: go-to, hit it, rock up - Duration: 6:59.

Hi. How are you? Good. Cool.

I'm Ronnie, and I'm going to teach you some slang.

Probably the coolest thing in the world is to learn how to speak like a normal person,

instead of reading a textbook and sounding like my grandmother.

So, slang is really important and you have to use it, but there's a problem: It's really hard. Yeah. You...

If you study grammar, you don't understand how you could use two verbs together and it

has a completely different meaning - welcome to the world of slang.

And I invite you to make up your own slang, it's fun.

You can do whatever you want.

But I'm going to teach you three slang terms that we use a lot, and I think they're kind

of confusing for you, but once you learn this it'll be easier.

So, why is slang so hard to learn?

The answer is because grammatically it doesn't make sense, so I want you to take grammar

and throw it out the window, and think about how you communicate with people, how people

communicate with each other on an everyday basis, because guess what, ladies and gentlemen?

Grammar, just don't need to study it.

Just study this.

So, this is a really popular phrase that I hear a lot, it's called: "go-to" plus a noun,

and basically this means this would be something that you choose regularly or this is your

regular choice.

Now, I am very indecisive.

"Indecisive" means I have a very difficult time making a decision or choosing something.

So, for example, if I have to buy a bottle of wine, there's so many bottles of wine,

I have my go-to wine.

This is my go-to wine.

This means this is the wine that I always choose because I know it's delicious and it's

my best choice.

It's my...

It's my choice.

I love it.

But let's say that I go to the supermarket and I have to buy yogurt.

I don't know about your countries and the yogurt selection, but it is overwhelming at

my supermarket.

There are probably 42 different types of yogurt, and never mind the flavours, they're just

different kinds of yogurt, and I'm pretty...

I have no idea what to choose, maybe I'm an hour picking a strawberry yogurt.

If you're decisive, you rock in, you go there, and you pick the yogurt and you go.

Not Ronnie.

Ronnie takes hours just to pick a yogurt.

Never go shopping with me.

So, when we use this, we use it with a noun, so I can say: "This is my go-to dish."

This means this is what I usually cook because I know how to do it and it's easy.

"This is my go-to dance move."

Do you have one of those?

Ones that you just bust out or you use all the time?

Because with any song you know it's going to be perfect.

Do you have a go-to dance move?

I do.

"This is my go-to guy" or "man for advice".

So maybe you need advice for something, you have one friend who you always can depend

on, or who you always choose to go to.

It has nothing to do with movement, you're not actually going to a wine.

How can I go to a wine?

It means that this is the one that you choose, and you know that it's going to be great.

We talk about "go-to bag": "Oh, this bag matches everything".

Or: "My go-to shoes", it means that these are the shoes that you wear every day because

you know they're easy and they match everything.

I have shoes.

You can't see them, though.

I actually don't have feet.

Did you know that?

I have shoes, but I have no feet.

Yeah, so these are my go-to shoes, but I don't have any feet, so that's fine.

The next one, one of my favourites, I like this one: "I rocked up."

So we have to be careful with the pronunciation of this word, we have to say "rocked", it

looks like "rocketed".

We don't say: "rocketed", we pronounce it like "t", we say: "rokt up", so this means

that you went to a place.

Example: "I rocked up to her..."

No, sorry.

"I rocked up to the bar and got a beer."

So this means I went to the bar: "Hello", and I received a delicious beverage.

You can rock up to a person, this means you just talk to them.

So: "I rocked up to her and asked her for a dollar."

This is the past tense, you're telling a story.

You can say to your friend: -"What time did you rock up to my house last night?

I don't remember."

-"Oh, I rocked up at about 8."

That means I went to that place.

So you're thinking: "Wow, it has nothing to do with a rock, Ronnie."

Ronnie wants to rock.

So: "rock up" means you go someplace or you talk to a person.

"What time are you rocking up tomorrow?"

"Hit it" or "hit" plus a place, so if you say...

Let's say your friend says: "Oh, do you know what?

I really want to travel."

And I say: "Hit it."

Do it. Make it a dream come true. Do it. "Hit it."

We also have an expression that we use with sex, if you're looking at people, be like:

"Oh, I'd hit it.

I'd hit that."-men usually say this-this means that they would like to have sex with someone.

"Oh, I'd hit that." Okay?

And if you say: "I'm gonna", which is "I'm going to", but we don't say "going to", we

say "gonna": "I'm gonna hit the gym."

You think: "Ah, you're going to hit?

What? Why are you hitting the gym?

That must hurt your hand."

If you use it with a place, it means you're going to go to.

So: "I'm going to hit the gym" means that I'm going to go to the gym.

"I'm going to hit the hay." Hi.

This is an expression, it means go to bed, because I guess a long, long time ago we slept in hay.

So, if you hear someone: "I'm going to hit the hay", it means they're going to go to bed.

"I'm going to hit the liquor store.

Can I get you something?"

So, if you hit the liquor store, you're not, again, punching it, you're actually going

to the liquor store.

So, if you want to hit it or if you want to rock up, or if you want to have a go-to something,

now you know what these words mean.

I hope that you can use them in your everyday vocabulary and I hope that slang isn't that

difficult, because it's how we speak.

Till next time, I'm rocking out of here.

For more infomation >> Learn this English slang for 2018: go-to, hit it, rock up - Duration: 6:59.


Cảnh tượng KHỦNG KHIẾP SÀI GÒN ĐÊM 29 TẾT MẬU TUẤT trước ĐÊM GIAO THỪA I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 23:16.

For more infomation >> Cảnh tượng KHỦNG KHIẾP SÀI GÒN ĐÊM 29 TẾT MẬU TUẤT trước ĐÊM GIAO THỪA I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 23:16.


Odisseo - Los Imanes (Video oficial) - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Odisseo - Los Imanes (Video oficial) - Duration: 3:50.


ME A MAN?! Medley Disney Mulan Songs Cover with Lyrics! หนูกลายเป็นผู้ชาย!? - Duration: 5:57.

Greetings everyone!

And now

You're with


Greetings to you all once again!

In this introduction I will not do anything much

Because I believe you all would now want to hear the medley song from Mulan that I made already

If we're all set, then let's go!!

give me some breathhhh

Thank you all SO SO MUCH for visiting!!

It is currently Chinese New Year!

So I've decided to choose "Mulan" to do a medley!

Actually I really love singing

So yes I finally got to do this singing video again!

After I've not done it for so looooooo




For so long

That's why today I am SO happy that I can do this for you guys finally

Anyways, if you guys want to suggest me to do or sing something

Or NOT to sing something

(Feeling bad for myself after have said that)

Feel free to fill the comment box below up for any suggestions!

I hope you guys enjoyed the video and if you did, please give it a thump up!

And please feel free to COMMENT, LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE

That means the world to me

And yes! since it is Chinese New Year festival

I am also here to wish you a great one and spend great amount of happiness with your family!

Thank you once again for stopping by!!

Hope you have a great day and a great year!

Thank you Love!!

And if we're all set, then let's go!!

For more infomation >> ME A MAN?! Medley Disney Mulan Songs Cover with Lyrics! หนูกลายเป็นผู้ชาย!? - Duration: 5:57.


[M/V] NOA "나의 햇살 My Sunshine" - Duration: 4:03.

The day I saw you accidentally

I gazed at you as if I was hypnotized

I have become a fool that can't live without you, but still, you are a Pure angel to me

Should I or should I not, what should I do, I would like to go

a near your scent but get worried that even thinking about it is a pressure to you

Should I tell or not, should I go or not

to your glaze, making tiring myself, don't go, don't stop

The smile you only show to me

It looks like it will shatter one day

Show it to me only, please please, my sunshine, you are too precious to me

Should I tell you

or not

You are a sunshine

A girl too precious to me

Should I hug you

or not

My sunshine

A girl too precious to me

A girl too precious to me

A girl too precious to me

I don't even want to see you and remember you, I keep telling myself

Should I hug you or not, I am tiring myself, should I stop this

I make myself in pain imagining this and stop. Don't stop

The warmth you showed me only

I think it will disappear one day

Be with me only, please please, My sunshine, you are too precious to me

Should I tell you

or not

You are a sunshine

You are too precious to me

Should I hug you

or not

My sunshine

A girl too precious to me

A girl too precious to me

A girl too precious to me

Wait at the end, I will go there soon

I will protect you with all my heart

I will be courageous as a strong man

I now want to change myself

I am the only one who can do this

I will protect you

Wait for me



You are too precious to me

Should I tell you

or not

You are a sunshine

You are too precious to me

Should I hug you

or not

My sunshine

A girl too precious to me

All the sad times you have been waiting

The sadness of looking at you only (You are too precious to me)

Hold my hands hugging and running to you

I will go with you (You are too precious to me)

For more infomation >> [M/V] NOA "나의 햇살 My Sunshine" - Duration: 4:03.


'리턴' 고현정→박진희, 존재감 가득한 첫 등장 - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> '리턴' 고현정→박진희, 존재감 가득한 첫 등장 - Duration: 3:41.


Superstay Matte ink | Maybelline Wear Test, Review, and Demo! - Duration: 5:35.


everyone welcome to my channel if you're new thank you so much for stopping by

don't forget to subscribe on your way out today I'm gonna be testing a new

product from Maybelline this is their it's actually not new it's just a new

color this is the super stay matte ink from Maybelline and I got the color 95

visionary and it's a very pretty purple color

I do love more lilac type of tones I do do all the way up to like deeper

Purple's purples one of my favorite colors so we're gonna go and test this

out let's go ahead and see what it looks like

the applicator does remind me of L'Oreal infallible

all of their like lip products it has like this doe foot type of applicator I

don't really mind these they actually do help me to apply my lip products and if

you hear my dogs barking they're locked up right now so they're not very happy

cuz they're in the kitchen so sorry about that it does smell like a very

light hint of maybe a very very light scented vanilla type of smell

so this applicator really does help for you to get a precise line the product

feels a little bit sticky right now let's see if it dries down the color is

really pretty though I haven't actually used any of these the previous colors so

this is the first time that I'm testing out any of the super stay matte inks

yeah it still doesn't seem like it's gonna dry down okay so what I'm gonna do

today is I'm just going to wear it on my lips for the rest of the day let you

guys know how it lasted through eating and drinking and give you my final

verdict on the lasting power of this but so far I really do like the color of it

I like how it applied my lips are pretty dry now in the winter and it kind of

just went over everything so it's not accentuating any dryness that usually

comes with matte type of lip products so I think I really really like it you're

still gonna see like lines and stuff in your lips depending on the type of lips

that you have so this for me the way that it's looking it's really good it

feels comfortable on the lips too so it's not heavy also if you guys are

wondering today I'm testing out a new mascara from Maybelline so if you're

interested in that video I'll go ahead and put a card up right here I'll catch

up with you guys in a little bit hey guys so I'm just checking in with you

and letting you see how the lipstick is holding up and I just had lunch so I did

put it on at about 8:30 in the morning and it's closer to 1:30 now so I did

have soup and some avocado toast and some foods with oils and it held up

pretty well it seems like it dried down a lot more now but it this product

doesn't dry down all the way it's not uncomfortable it feel

the same since I applied it so it hasn't dried on my lips or doesn't feel like

cracking or a lot of the things that might come with a normal like matte

lipstick or matte liquid lipstick especially so I think this is like a

matte a combination of the matte lipstick and a liquid lipstick but still

with some of that comfort to it if that makes sense

so yeah I'm really liking it I'll check in with you guys at the end of the day

and let you know my final thoughts hey guys so it's the end of the night here

it's been about 11 hours that I've had the maybelline superstay on and it's

lasted really well I did reapply after lunch just in the corners of my mouth so

it does layer well over itself it doesn't get cracky or like flaky or

anything like that it's still comfortable this is a lot more

comfortable than like the Stila stay all day liquid lipsticks which I love or any

of the other ones that I've seen from anastacio or Kat Von D this actually

compares to them and it's from Maybelline so I do recommend this I've

only tried this color so far but I'm going to pick up some other colors

because this has a great staying power it's comfortable and I have such dry

lips now in the winter and it didn't like look weird and funky so it did kind

of start to dissipate like like right here inside but it's not bad so if you

guys are shopping around for a new liquid matte type of liquid lipstick I

would definitely check these out and thank you guys so much for watching my

video today and we'll see you in the next one


For more infomation >> Superstay Matte ink | Maybelline Wear Test, Review, and Demo! - Duration: 5:35.


The Last Harvest - Duration: 13:32.

it was an unusually cool evening in September when my son Richard and I

started to put up the new scarecrow the latest storm had blown the last one away

and we needed to protect the wheat from the crows and sparrows my daughter Lucy

had decorated it herself she wanted it to look like me

so she chose some of my old work clothes and my old cowboy hats at peacefully on

its head hopefully there wouldn't be another storm until after the last

harvest once we had finished we took a moment to admire the straw man looks

mighty fearsome PAH Richard wiped the sweat from his brow I had let him do

most of the work I reckon it'll do the job for the next few weeks I supposed

out loud now hurry up and head inside mama's got supper cookin and he need to

wash up Richard took off towards the house and left me alone with the

Scarecrow I pushed up my hat to get some of the cool air on my scalp and stared

at what we had made Lucy had done a good job dressing up the straw men I spit

into the dirt and put my thumbs in between my flannel and suspenders in

true farmer fashion in the distance I could hear our German Shepherd Rover

barking at Richard as I pondered our financial situation we needed this

harvest supper had been brisket cornbread mashed taters and sweet tea it

was my favourite and my wife Marceline knew it would cheer me up on days like

today the taxman came earlier and told us that the government would no longer

be subsidizing the excess wheat which would leave us in financial ruin if we

didn't sell at all after our nightly prayer we ate dinner in silence the

sounds of knives and forks scraping plates had eventually subsided Richard

help your sister with the dishes and then you both head up to bed I need to

speak with your mom private I watched them collect the plates and

head to the sink Marceline and I stepped into the den I poured myself a tall

glass of scotch to ease the nerves and waited for the children to head upstairs

before talking business what it's sheriff Taylor say she asked me sounding

more than little concerned I took a large sip

inside he said they don't need the extra hands over the winter I spoke quietly he

said to check again in spring and that I can put in another application I'd been

looking for any work I could find but nobody in rural Nebraska was looking to

hire in an old farmer if I couldn't find anything we'd be forced to sell the farm

which had been in my family for generations

well maybe you can ask another department Marceline was kind and

hopeful more hopeful than me I wasn't typically a drinkin man so my

head was already starting to spin I'll find something eventually everything

always works out for us I tried not to sound as dejected as I was I don't think

she bought it come on upstairs and I'll cheer you up real quick

she smiled her wonderful smile and giggled like a schoolgirl

so I embraced her with all my might let me just put some wood in the furnace

it's gonna be a cold night I kissed her gently on the lips don't you go starting

without me again I couldn't contain my wicked grin I always hated going into

the basement ever since I was a child my older brother would tease me that there

were monsters waiting to get me there the wood furnace didn't help as it

looked like a giant man-eating monster itself I never stayed down there long

normally I'll just have Richard go down for me the stairs creaked as I walked

down it helped that the moonlight pouring in from the ground-level window

illuminated the entire scene I grabbed a couple of logs from the distant corner

to put in the furnace when the moonlight was cut off it was just for a moment as

if someone had run past the window I got goose bumps

but assumed it had simply been a bird or a cloud flying over that's when Rover

started barking outside I dropped to the wood and ran back up the stairs Richard

had heard the commotion and had been standing on the stairwell with Marceline

and Lucy get back upstairs I commanded

go on get I added when they were frozen in fear Lucy had started to cry when

Rovers barks got louder and vicious I went to the kitchen and grabbed the

double-barrel shotgun we kept there I scrambled to find the shells in the

nearby drawers as we never kept the two together Rovers barking suddenly cut off

and was replaced by a quick Yelp of pain and then there was silence I cursed

loudly when I couldn't find the shells I yanked the last drawer out completely

spilling random junk all over the floor the box of cartridges hit the ground

sending them flying in every direction I grabbed two and hurried to the front

door as I was struggling to load the two shells I found her over he had been

laying just in front of our porch blood leaked out of the open wound in his neck

and he was completely still he was clearly dead the weed in the field just

a head shook as if something was running through it I took aim and fired both

chambers blindly but whatever had killed Rover was long gone

sheriff Taylor came out with a couple of his deputies to search the scene of

course they didn't find anything not even a single coyote the only thing out

in the field was the new scarecrow the deputies left to write the report while

Taylor stayed to check marceline poured us some tea and let us be I'm sorry

about your dog Bill beautiful creature Annie and I just said to put ours down

last fall Sheriff Taylor took a sip from the tea he had been woken up in the

middle of the night to come look at a wheat field a scarecrow and a dead dog

what do you reckon did it I asked I had no interest drinking the tea but I

sipped some anyways purely out of habit well I say odds are a group of coyote

got real hungry and desperate foods been real scarce lately and making them bold

they killed a few for Miss Comstock's chickens a few days ago torn right apart

he finished his tea and placed the glass down on the table I reached over and put

it on the nearby coaster that he had seemingly purposefully ignored

thing is I interjected Rover weren't torn apart something up and tore out his

throat and just left him there to die didn't even bother to take another bite

well you did come out guns a-blazing shouldn't be doing that by the way you

probably just scared him off before they could Taylor retorted he spoke lazily

and was completely uninterested my blood began to slowly boil but I knew there

wasn't much I could do Sheriff's word was law around these

parts he could say the sky was purple and we'd all have to say yes sir a

mighty fine shade of purple at that once his mind was made up that was it he left

without thanking us for the tea the next few days at the farm went by like a grey

haze the children had quietly been sulking while doing their daily chores

and even Marceline's cooking couldn't cheer us up I can't blame them as we had

Rover since he was just a pup his MA Ben my older brother's dog and he gave us

one of her pups before he left for the city to distract myself I worked out in

the field more and more all the while I couldn't shake the feeling of uneasiness

as if something was watching me toil in the dirt I brushed it off as simple

paranoia for some reason the feeling was worse the closer I got to the scarecrow

the straw man hung helplessly on its makeshift cross but I couldn't help but

I it with my peripheral it glanced in my direction before turning its head back

did it just move my head shut towards the Scarecrow and I saw that it was

simply staring forward I must have been seeing things it was almost time for the

harvest and I was probably just stressing myself out I still wondered

though more often I found myself turning to the

bottle to help get myself to sleep nerves were getting worse as I realized

that winter might come early and ruin the whole haul that would put us in the

poorhouse even sooner I didn't tell Marceline that we might be

screwed my head spun as I struggled to fall asleep Marceline snored lightly

beside me I stared into the ceiling waiting for sleeps embrace but it never

came instead I heard a blood-curdling shriek

come from Lucy's room it was shrill full of fear and it sobered me up real quick

after what happened with Rover I kept the shotgun nearby and loaded at all

times I found it right where I had left it before laying in bed I picked it up

and ran as fast as I could towards Lucy's room when I entered I saw that

the room was empty and that the window was open out in the wheat field I could

see something running and hear the sounds of Lucy's screaming in fear

without hesitating I jumped from the second-story window my right ankle

cracked loudly when I hit the ground and pain shot up through my leg but I

wouldn't let that stop me I must have broken it Lucy I cried desperately into

the night I limped through the wheat field and listened for her reply I

wouldn't dare fire blindly into the night this time Daddy

she screamed wildly it was so far away I tried to keep up and constantly called

her name but every cry back sounded further and further away eventually

there was no response at all except for the echoes of my voice in the field I

didn't know what to do I was lost sheriff Taylor came again this time with

all his deputies they scoured the endless field searching for any signs of

Lucy in the end all they could find was a bloody piece of her pyjamas nearly

buried in the dirt the feds came after the initial sweep was unsuccessful they

promised to find her as quickly as possible before they left

Tayler stayed to get as much information from us as he could then he started

inquiring no good comes from Taylor asking questions you know Taylor was

scribbling into his notepad 95% of the time a child goes missing her on these

parts it's one of the parents he lifted his head from his pad and hide me tell

me bill just how much did you have to drink tonight you smell like a damn

brewery I couldn't hold back the contempt I held for him anymore

I took a swing at him and took out one of his teeth he brought me into county

lockup as quickly as he could despite the need for medical attention I never

did see my daughter again two weeks had passed since Lucy had gone

missing Marceline got it in her mind that it was my fault and took Richard to

her mother's house I was alone for this harvest and there was no way I'd be able

to get all of it in I was going to have to sell the farm for sure I figured I

might as well collect what I could before winner took the rest the boot I

wore around my ankle didn't help at all doc said I might never walk right ever

again I toiled in the field harvesting the tall wheat stalks for hours as night

began to fall I happened to walk by the old scarecrow dread filled my belly

whenever I went near it so I always tried to stay away silly of me I know

but I couldn't shake the feeling I stared at it for a long moment before

heading home the last few days have been warm but the cold air that would ruin me

had been slowly creeping in from the north I had to go to the basement to put

firewood in the furnace as the basement steps creaked under my weight I saw a

black outline laying on the floor for some reason I had assumed it was Lucy

returning home but as I got closer I realized what it was it was the straw

man that we had put up but all of its clothes and hat were missing it had been

covered in dust as if it were laying there for weeks I froze in fear as my

mind processed what I was looking at and what the hell is out in the field

For more infomation >> The Last Harvest - Duration: 13:32.


✔✔ 애플 스토어에서 '아이폰'을 개통할 수 없는 이유 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> ✔✔ 애플 스토어에서 '아이폰'을 개통할 수 없는 이유 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 4:38.


기침만 해도 뼈가 부러지는 희귀병에 걸린 아기 - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> 기침만 해도 뼈가 부러지는 희귀병에 걸린 아기 - Duration: 3:19.


✔✔ "대마 재배해 흡입하고 필로폰 투약"…전직 가수 징역 1년 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> ✔✔ "대마 재배해 흡입하고 필로폰 투약"…전직 가수 징역 1년 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 2:49.


'아육대' 엑소vs워너원, 볼링 빅매치…불꽃 경쟁 - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> '아육대' 엑소vs워너원, 볼링 빅매치…불꽃 경쟁 - Duration: 2:57.


Contentment (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 2:44.

Indeed religion with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into the world

just as we shall not be able to take anything out of it.If we have food and clothing we

shall be content with that.

The Gifts Of Timothy Has Received For This Reason I Remind You To Stir Into Flame The

Gift Of God That You Have Through The Imposition Of My Hands For God Did Not Give Us A Spirit

Of Cowardice But Rather Of Power And Love And Self - Control

so do not be ashamed of your testimony to our Lord nor of me a prisoner for his sake

but bear your share of hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God.He saved

us and called us to a holy life according to our works but according to his own design

and the grace bestowed on us in Christ Jesus before time began but now made manifest through

the appearance of our Savior Christ Jesus who destroyed death and brought life and immortality

to light through the gospel.

Indeed religion with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into the world

just as we shall not be able to take anything out of it.If we have food and clothing we

shall be content with that.

From youthful desires faith love and peace righteousness,faith love and peace along with

those who call on the Lord with purity of heart.Avoid foolish and ignorant debates for

you know that they breed quarrels A slave of the Lord should not quarrel but should

be gentle with everyone able to teach tolerant correcting opponents with kindness.It may

be that God will grant them repentance that leads to knowledge of the truth and that they

may return to their senses out of the devil's snare where they are entrapped by him for

his will yeah ,

Indeed religion with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into the world

just as we shall not be able to take anything out of it.If we have food and clothing we

shall be content with that.

Indeed religion with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into the world

just as we shall not be able to take anything out of it.If we have food and clothing we

shall be content with that.

For more infomation >> Contentment (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 2:44.


End Of All (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 3:04.

The end of all things is at hand.Therefore be serious and sober for prayers.Above all

let your love for one another be intense because love covers a multitude of sins.Be hospitable

to one another without complaining as each one has received a gift use it to serve one

another as good stewards of God's varied grace.Whoever preaches let it be with the words Of God whoever

serves let it be with the strength that God Supplies so that in all things God may be

glorified through Jesus Christ to whom belong glory and dominion forever and ever Amen.

Advice To The Community God opposes the proud but bestows favor on the humble so humble

yourselves under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time Cast all your

worries upon him because he cares for you Be sober and vigilant Your opponent the Devil

is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour resist him steadfast

in faith knowing that your fellow believers throughout the world undergo the same sufferings

to God be the dominion forever The Power Of God's Promise For This Very Reason

Make Every Effort To Supplement Your Faith With Knowledge Knowledge With Self Control

With Endurance Endurance with devotion devotion with mutual affection mutual affection with

love If these are yours and increase in abundance they will keep you from being idle or unfruitful

in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ Anyone who lacks them is blind and short sighted

forgetful of the cleansing of his past sins Therefore brothers be all the more eager to

make your call and election firm for in doing so you will never stumble for in this way

entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be richly provided

for you.

For more infomation >> End Of All (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 3:04.


Gird Up (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:14.

The power of prayer Therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another

and pray for one another and pray for one that you maybe healed.The fervent prayer of

a righteous person is very powerful.Elijah was a human being like us; yet he prayed earnestly

that it might not rain and for three years and six months it did not rain and upon the

land Then prayed again and the sky gave rain and the earth produced its fruit.

My brothers if anyone among you should stray from the truth and someone bring him back

he should know that whoever bring back a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul

from the error of his way will save his soul from the error of his way will save his soul

from death and will cover a multitude of sins.

Therefore gird up the lions of your mind live soberly and set your hopes completely on the

grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ Like obedient children do

not act in compliance with the desires of your former ignorance but as he who called

you is holy be holy yourselves in every aspect of your conduct for it is written be holy

because i am holy.

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