Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 15 2018

I was just talking about YA books and now I'm here?

I will never get off my soap box.

[intro music]

Hello, I'm Jackson Bird and today I am doing the Representation Book Tag!

I was tagged by Iris Moon, who started the tag, and whose channel you should totally

subscribe to and check out.

They make really great queer and bookish videos.

So, if you are here watching this, you'll probably love their videos too.

Now this tag is all about seeing yourself represented in media and in books, which is

SO important and is like my number one issue because (clapping) if we don't see ourselves

represented, how do we know that we exist?

And we have potential?

And there are other people like us?

And how do we learn about other people who are different than us and get to empathize

with them and understand them on a complex level.

These are all things we need more of in the world and the way we get more is by having

responsible representation in lots of media.

So, on with the tag!

Number one: Introduce yourself!

What are your identities?

I'm Jack.

I am a queer bisexual trans man.

My pronouns are he/him/his.

I'm also a white, able-bodied American.

I am 27.

I am a Texan New Yorker… and those are all the identities I care to share on the internet.

(ding sound)


What was the first book or media in which you felt represented?

So as a trans kid growing up and not really knowing that trans people existed, I was given

a lot of "girl books" to read and I didn't really identify with most of the girl characters

in those books.

However, I do remember in like first or second grade I found the Amber Brown series by Paula

Danziger and I loved those books because Amber Brown was more of tomboy and her best friend

was a boy and I was just able to relate to her moreso than any other character I'd been

exposed to in books yet.

Or, in anything, at that point.

A little bit later on in my life, the first gay book that I had the courage to check out

from the public library was Geography Club by Brent Hartinger, which was a YA book about

kids who start an LGBTQ+ club at their high school, but they call it the Geography Club

so that people don't know what it really is.

I was so paranoid that people would like catch me reading this book.

Like, they would somehow figure out what the book was about and they would make fun of


Or, send me to a gay conversion camp.

I don't know!

It was Texas.

I was scared.

But fortunately the title of the book served the same purpose as the name of the club in

the book.

So like, no one ever suspected anything.

It was a great decoy.

Also, I just remembered.

Okay, there was a message board for that book, uh like a fan message board by the publisher

or something that I used to actually post on because I loved that book so much.

And the author would post on it a lot too.

And I had like a username and an avatar that were totally ambiguous.

Like they weren't my name or a picture of me or anything.

'Cause, this was 2003.

We didn't do that yet.

But like based on whatever I had said at various points, the author mistook me for a boy and

it was like, one of the best moments of my middle schools life.

Oh, it was so validating.

Little confusing.

But I was so excited by that.

As far as trans media representation…

I mean, I've yet to feel really represented by or like resonate with any fictional trans


Especially in books.

But even in like movies and tv shows.

I mean there's not like a big pool of trans guys in fictional media to pull from anyways.

And I do get excited and feel a little bit represented when I see trans guy characters

in things like in The O.A. or Transparent, but they don't usually resonate as strongly

for me as like documentaries or memoirs do.

Probably because often times for the fictional ones, cisgender people are controlling the

narrative whereas for memoirs, it's the trans person writing it themselves so they really

get into those small details that really make a difference.

Number three!

Is there a character in your favorite book or genre that represents you?

I mean, I think my favorite book genre is probably transgender nonfiction so, yes it

represents me.

But none of my other favorite genres do.

I like YA novels and mysteries and historical fiction… there's not too many queer trans

guys in those I mean, especially the last two.

Probably the only place that you're going to find trans guys is in YA novels.

But they tend to be straight and they're in high school, which was not my experience.

More on that in a minute.

Number four: What was the worst representation of one of your identities that you have ever


Okay so I haven't read it, but I heard about it and like researched it.

I do want to read it so I can like fully make my own opinion of it, but also UGH, it sounds

like it's going to be painful to read.

It's a book called Adam by Ariel Schrag.

And it is a YA novel about a cisgender teenage boy who goes to stay with his lesbian sister

and ends up crushing on this lesbian cisgender girl.

And because she's obviously not interested in boys, he pretends to be a trans boy so

she'll like him.



There is – bah!

There are SO MANY things wrong with that!

One, a lesbian should not be interested in a trans boy because he is a BOY.

He is a guy.

Yes, there are complexities where sometimes that happens everyone's like identity is a

lable unto themselves, but like let's stop the narrative that trans guys are just butch


Because no.

And also what a douchebag is this cis guy to pretend to be trans in order to get into

the pants a girl who is NOT INTO HIM.


Oh, I'd love to give this book the benefit of the doubt, but everything I have read does

not like make this a teaching moment or give it any redeeming qualities.

It's just so probelmatic.

Oh why did it get published?

I know why it got published because there's not enough trans people in publishing and

editing who can shut this kinda thing down.

And that is a problem.

We gotta teach more people.

We gotta get into these positions of power.

We gotta break down the systems that aren't letting us get into these positions of power.

Oh, there's a lot of work to do.

Why – I was just talking about YA books and now I'm here?

I will never get off my soapbox.

Which is probably good because I'm short.

Number five: What is the best representation of your identities that you have ever read?

So, I love Elliot DeLine's writing.

I especially enjoyed this collection of essays, No Poster Boy.

He's a queer trans guy, who transitioned as a young adult, like after high school.

A lot of trans representation in books tends to be like people who always knew they were

trans, and who are straight, and who transitioned in high school.

And none of that applies to me.

So I love reading accounts from people for whom that also doesn't apply and who talk

authentically about confusion and stereotypes and paradoxes and dysphoria and social pressures

from within the community, and all that complex, messy stuff that isn't talked about as much

or nearly as marketable.

And in that category, I'll also recommend uhm Just Add Hormones.

Oh I've got some notes in here.

What is this note?Oh no, it's a page falling out!

Oh that's so sad.

Oh page 155, I don't want to lose you!

Just Add Hormones by Matt Kailey.

Any reading by Matt Kailey.

And also Man Alive by Thomas Page McBee.

Number six: Do you think your identities are misrepresented or underrepresented in the

books that you read?

In the books that I very purposefully and intentionally push myself to read, I'm represented


In books at large, I feel underrepresented.


Trans people make up a growing, but still minuscule subsection of literature.

And books about trans people written by trans people, even less.

And then trans books breaching difficult, non assimilationist topics, even less.

So underrepresented.

I feel undrrepresented.

That said, I do have other identities.

Please refer to the beginning of the video.

But being trans is a part of my identity that I crave representation of the most because,

growing up, it wasn't there at all.

And because it is so complex and all-encompassing and neverending and so it's, just it's nice

and comforting to get to read other people's accounts.

And y'know, as I've gone through this tag I think what I've realized is that the best

representations of trans people I've seen, the most realistic, the most responsible,

the most relatable – are the ones created by trans people, whether that be memoirs or

essays or fictional books or youtube videos.

So, if we want to see ourselves represented better, we gotta do it ourselves.

We gotta become writers and publishers and filmmakers and podcasters.

I promise my podcast is coming back.

We've gotta take hold of our narratives and seize the means of production to get them

out there.

So let's all go out there and start creating!

And also, purchasing and amplifying the things created by trans people.

Alright, so as for who I am tagging, they're not all booktubers, but they are people who

sometimes talk bookish things and from whom I'd be really curious to hear the representation

side of things – even if it's more media and less books.

Number one: Ahsante the Artist, who is on the ace spectrum and I would love to hear

more about how an ace feels under represented, as I presume will be the answer.

And next up, Rikki Poynter, who is Deaf and an activist in the D/deaf and hard of hearing


She's always talking about representation.

So, Rikki, do this tag.

I think it would be awesome.

Third, Rowan Ellis, who is a queer woman who I think will have some very intellectually

stimulating respsonse to these questions.

And fourth, Amanda Finlaw of Fandom Matters, who always has some fan activist-y social

justice-y hot takes on her channel.

Annnd y'know what to throw out some more booktuber-ish people in there, I'm also going to tag Lucy

Moon and Rosianna Rojas.

They might not do this tag, but I think it would be cool if they did so I'ma tag 'em


If you are interested in checking out more transgender books, you can watch my Ultimate

Trans Book Recs video and also peruse my always-updating Trans Book Recs shelf on GoodReads.

In the comments, I want to read your answers to these questions!

Or even better, make a video response to this tag and leave the link to it down in the comments.

It might get flagged as spam at first if you have a link in it, but I'll try to keep an

eye on 'em.

Clear 'em through the filter.

If you liked this video, please be sure to give it a thumb's up and share it with people

you think will also enjoy it.

And don't forget to subscribe so you never miss a new video, consider supporting me on

Patreon at, get some of my merch at, annnnd

you can follow me on twitter, instagram, all the places at jackisnotabird.

Alright, that is it for today.

Thank you so much for watching.

I'll see ya next time!

[outro music]

For more infomation >> Am I Represented In Books? // BOOK TAG - Duration: 9:59.


Renault Mégane Estate 1.6 110pk GT-Line (GLAZEN DAK/NAV./Climate/PDC/17''LMV) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate 1.6 110pk GT-Line (GLAZEN DAK/NAV./Climate/PDC/17''LMV) - Duration: 0:54.


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How I Make Money Online

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¿Craso error o atajadón? Pulido dejó ir el segundo - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> ¿Craso error o atajadón? Pulido dejó ir el segundo - Duration: 1:06.


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For more infomation >> BMWの新型「X4」の最新情報が公開。前モデルよりも長く・広く、しかし50kg軽量化 - Duration: 3:15.


Opel Crossland X 1.2 T 110PK ONLINE EDITION NAVI DEMO - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Opel Crossland X 1.2 T 110PK ONLINE EDITION NAVI DEMO - Duration: 0:57.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


【中文字幕】新騎士帶來前所未有的效應 Nance, Clarkson Giving Cavs Sth We Haven't Seen All Season - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> 【中文字幕】新騎士帶來前所未有的效應 Nance, Clarkson Giving Cavs Sth We Haven't Seen All Season - Duration: 1:31.


Nissan Pulsar DIG-T 115pk Visia *DEMO -6-versnellingen, 16", Chromen raamomlijsting, Electrische ram - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar DIG-T 115pk Visia *DEMO -6-versnellingen, 16", Chromen raamomlijsting, Electrische ram - Duration: 1:02.


Nissan QASHQAI Pulsar DIG-T 115pk Visia *DEMO -6-versnellingen, 16", Chromen raamomlijsting, Electri - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI Pulsar DIG-T 115pk Visia *DEMO -6-versnellingen, 16", Chromen raamomlijsting, Electri - Duration: 0:54.


Opel Crossland X 1.2 T 110PK ONLINE EDITION NAVI DEMO - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Opel Crossland X 1.2 T 110PK ONLINE EDITION NAVI DEMO - Duration: 0:57.


BREAKING: At Least 17 Dead In Valentines Day Massacre - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: At Least 17 Dead In Valentines Day Massacre - Duration: 3:00.


Americans PISSED OFF At Michelle As She Reveals Portrait Has Hidden 'Trump-Hating Message' - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Americans PISSED OFF At Michelle As She Reveals Portrait Has Hidden 'Trump-Hating Message' - Duration: 5:58.


Jeff Sessions Just Dropped A BOMB At A Senate Hearing. Is Comey Going To JAIL- BreakingNews24 - Duration: 25:56.

Jeff Sessions Just Dropped A BOMB At A Senate Hearing.

Is Comey Going To JAIL

The administration's firing of James Comey ignited a firestorm of controversy earlier

this year — but they may know more about the situation than they're admitting publically.

Druing a Senate hearing on Wednesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions claimed that there may

be devastating evidence yet to be revealed about Comey.

"I don't think it's been fully understood the significance of the error that Mr. Comey

made on the Clinton matter," Sessions told Seen Feinstein.

"I don't think I've heard of a situation in which a major case in which Department

of Justice prosecutors were involved in an investigation that the investigative agency

announces the closure of the investigation."

"Particularly, we were concerned that he had reaffirmed that he would do it again,"

Sessions added.

This revelation comes just as the FBI confirmed that Comey drafted Hillary Clinton's exoneration

letter before Clinton was interviewed by the bureau.

These back-to-back statements look grim for Comey.

And his situation might get a lot worse now that the attorney general is testifying on

the matter.

Has he concluded Comey broke the law?

We may soon find out.

Comment "lock him up!" and SHARE if you support our Attorney General!

He's fighting the swamp one criminal


a time!

For more infomation >> Jeff Sessions Just Dropped A BOMB At A Senate Hearing. Is Comey Going To JAIL- BreakingNews24 - Duration: 25:56.


Teen US Olympic Champ Just Issued Massive Message To Every Anti-American Athlete Today! Murica! - Duration: 3:59.

Teen US Olympic Champ Just Issued Massive Message To Every Anti-American Athlete Today!


In a day and age where we see so much disdain for our great nation as we watch spoiled ball

tossers hating on America day in and day out along comes someone like 17-year-old female

snowboarder Chloe Kim.

After earning a gold medal in women's halfpipe it was so heartwarming to see Kim's patriotism

on full display as the national anthem played after she was handed her medal.But that's

not where her patriotism ended.

In front of a group of reporters as he was being interviewed, Kim's father, Kim Jong-jin,

pointed to his chest and said: "American dream."

Then he began to cheer wildly and embrace the full moment of his daughter's victory.

And that wasn't the only time he referred to his daughter as his "American Dream."

He also called his daughter his American Dream on the Today show, a day prior to Chloe's

gold medal win.Later in an interview, Kim told Reuters that her Dad sacrificed a lot

for her and that she's not sure she could have done the same if she were in his shoes.

She continued by explaining that he put his life aside to chase his kid's dream and

made it very clear that she is grateful for her family and that she did it all for them.

These are the kind of immigrants we need in this country.

These people ask nothing of us, only a chance.

They don't care to shove their customs down our collective throats while at the same time

erasing our own.

They only want to be here so they can do good, and that's what this girl did, she represented

America and did us proud.

This girl will never kneel in front of our flag in disrespect, and neither will she ever

decry our nation or the people who are sworn to protect her.

She won't skip an Olympic opening ceremony because a white girl was chosen to carry the

flag like Shani Davis did.

Maybe if all immigrants were like these people we wouldn't have a culture war in the US

today, don't you agree?

Via Time Magazine:

America's Third Snowboard Gold Medal at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics

On the morning his teenage daughter flipped and McTwisted her way to a gold medal at the

2018 Winter Olympic Games — and thereby cemented her status as America's newest

superstar of the PyeongChang Olympics — Kim Jong Jin, father of halfpipe snowboarding

champion Chloe Kim, sent her a text message.

Kim immigrated to the United States from South Korea and Chloe, 17, was born in 2000 — the

Year of the Dragon in the Chinese zodiac.

According to Korean fable, it can take 1,000 years for an imugi — a mythological snake

— to morph into a fully fledged dragon.

Kim first took Chloe snowboarding when she was 4-years-old, when the family lived in

Torrance, Calif.

He later quit his engineering job to support Chloe's pursuit of the sport.

Today, Kim told Chloe before she dropped into the pipe, is the day the imugi turns into

that dragon.

Dad was right.

With her extended family — five South Korean relatives, including her 75-year-old grandmother,

who has never seen her compete, an aunt from Switzerland, plus mom, dad, and and her two

sisters — holding "Go Chloe Kim!" signs at the bottom of the hill, the 17-year-old

won the Olympic gold medal in the halfpipe competition at the Phoenix Snow Park Tuesday

morning, overwhelming her opponents with a stunning aerial display.

She dropped the hammer in her first run.

With the Lady Gaga song "Paparazzi" playing in her earbuds, Kim scored a 93.75, which

was more than eight points higher than the second-place rider, eventual silver medalist

Liu Jiayu of China.

Chloe quickly set a standard that no one would catch.

After sticking that first landing, she hugged her family cheering section.

"Okay, don't cry," she said as they swarmed her.

Though each rider had two more chances to top her, the rest of the day felt like a coronation.

The young rider slipped in her second run, but no one could pass her.

When Liu scored an 89.75 in her last attempt, the gold became official.

The Kims mobbed each other.

American Arielle Gold took bronze, while Kelly Clark, the veteran American who won halfpipe

gold 16 years ago, finished just off the podium in fourth.

Team USA has now swept all three of the snowboard golds at the PyeongChang Games: Red Gerard

and Jamie Anderson won men's and women's slopestyle events the previous two days.

Shaun White notched the top score during the qualifying round of the men's halfpipe event

on Wednesday.

He'll try to make it four in a row for snowboard on Thursday morning South Korea time.

Though already the gold medalist, Chloe Kim still had one run to go.

She could have sauntered down the pipe, taking a victory lap.

Instead she went huge, unleashing back-to-back 1080s — that's three full revolutions

in the air per trick.

Back in 2016, she became the first female athlete to land this difficult maneuver in

an international competition.

She was 15.

Now, she's the first woman to do it in the Olympics.

She's also the youngest woman to win the Olympic halfpipe.

She scored a 98.25 in her third run, nearly 10 points ahead of silver medalist Jiayu.

Why risk injury when you've already won?

Snowboarders are wired to show off.

"I wasn't going to be completely satisfied taking home the gold, knowing I could have

done better," she says.

She also dedicated her performance to grandma.

"I can't wait to go shopping with her," she says.

She arrived at these 2018 Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang, South Korea to unfathomable


Local media mobbed the American snowboarder as she arrived here last week for the Olympic

halfpipe competition.

Officials exited her from the airport discreetly, to avoid the pack.

The pressure from the fans in South Korea, and those back home, would be enough to crush

most high school seniors.

Yet Kim knew the stakes—and she was determined to deliver.

"It's the freaking Olympics," Kim told TIME during an interview before the Games.

"I've got to nail it."

She fiddled on her phone as a distraction.

Between the second and third runs of the final, she tweeted she was "hangry" — hungry

and angry — since she failed to finish of a breakfast sandwich.

During the Monday qualifiers, she tweeted about her craving for a snack.

"Could be down for some ice cream," the teenage boarder wrote.

She also shared her secret to staying calm.

"Oh and I also had 2 churros today and they were pretty bomb so if you ever get nervous

go eat a churro."


Besides fried dough, how did she cope with expectations?

"I don't really think about it as pressure," she says.

"I always try to see it in positive way, like, you know what, the people that are expecting

so much about of me, know I can do it and believe in me.

So I just kind of think about it like that.

And it makes me feel a little better."

She's most calm when she's in the pipe, doing death-defying tricks that astound her


"I don't feel that much fear."

It shows.

After his daughter's victory became official, Kim senior raced from one end of the halfpipe

venue to the other, looking for Chloe so they could embrace.

He thought back to those early days in Southern California, when he took little Chloe to the

mountain because he wanted his wife, Boran Yun Kim, to go snowboarding with him.

"She was what they call they decoy," he says.

About a dozen years later, the Kims are living this wondrous moment.

"The American dream," says Kim, pumping his fists.


Finally he found his daughter.

The dragon, arms around her family, stood smiling in the snow.

For more infomation >> Teen US Olympic Champ Just Issued Massive Message To Every Anti-American Athlete Today! Murica! - Duration: 3:59.


Vtuberのハクヤさん・グミスライムさんとCS:GO! - Duration: 3:58:34.

For more infomation >> Vtuberのハクヤさん・グミスライムさんとCS:GO! - Duration: 3:58:34.


Communist California High School Bans "Racist" National Anthem, Gets Brutal Surprise - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Communist California High School Bans "Racist" National Anthem, Gets Brutal Surprise - Duration: 5:28.


Do Bodies of Some Saints Transform Into Flowers After Death? | Mother Mirra & Swami Vivekananda - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> Do Bodies of Some Saints Transform Into Flowers After Death? | Mother Mirra & Swami Vivekananda - Duration: 8:19.


Hannity 02/14/18 9PM | February 14, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 45:19.

For more infomation >> Hannity 02/14/18 9PM | February 14, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 45:19.


Severe fire season predicted, firefighters prepare for the worst - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Severe fire season predicted, firefighters prepare for the worst - Duration: 1:42.


Tucker Carlson Tonight 02/14/18 8PM | February 14, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 54:37.

For more infomation >> Tucker Carlson Tonight 02/14/18 8PM | February 14, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 54:37.


Kelsey Sings - "Out of my Mind" by Seth Malvin - Duration: 3:03.

Skip to 1:05 to hear me singing! (ew)

For more infomation >> Kelsey Sings - "Out of my Mind" by Seth Malvin - Duration: 3:03.


유방암에 대해 모두가 알아야 할 사실 - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> 유방암에 대해 모두가 알아야 할 사실 - Duration: 5:31.


AMD's 2200G and 2400G: Ultra-Budget Gaming - Duration: 9:12.

For more infomation >> AMD's 2200G and 2400G: Ultra-Budget Gaming - Duration: 9:12.


Why Isn't 'Riverdale' on Tonight? When Does It Return? | SML TV - Duration: 4:58.

Why Isn't 'Riverdale' on Tonight? When Does It Return?

If you tuned in tonight to see the latest episode of Riverdale on The CW, then you were very disappointed.

Instead of Riverdale, The CW is airing Relationships Just for Laughs, followed by The Top 14 Greatest Valentine's Day Movies.

Originally, tonight was going to at least be a rerun, but now we don't even have that.

So why isn't Riverdale on tonight and just how long are we going to have to wait for the show to return? (This post has spoilers through the Riverdale episode that aired last week.).

Unfortunately, we're going to be waiting quite a while for Riverdale to return.

The show is off for three weeks and Riverdale won't return with a new episode until Wednesday, March 7.

You'll also be waiting this long to see Riverdale again even if you're watching it outside the U.S.  Internationally,Riverdale is released on Netflix every Thursday the day after it airs in the United States.

So international viewers outside the U.S.

will be waiting until March 8 to see Riverdale again on Netflix.

And yes, you're right, that's practically a month without a new episode.

It's going to be a really long break.

But why are we having to wait so long? Although The CW hasn't released an official statement about it, the reason is pretty easy to guess.

The CW likely doesn't want to compete with The Olympics right now.

The Olympics will be airing until February 25.

If that were the only reason, Riverdale could have at least come back on February 28, a week early.

But the show is likely also building in some time to catch up on filming, and to make sure that the best episodes air during sweeps.

The CW often builds hiatuses strategically into its series to make sure they can take advantage of sweeps later in the spring.

Riverdale's last episode was "The Telltale Heart," where Betty and the rest of the Coopers went into a big tailspin trying to deal with the man who attacked them and was killed in their house.

(Or was Chic really as innocent as he pretended to be? That's doubtful.) After Betty opened up to Jughead, they finally brought in FP, who was able to help them get a handle on things.

But it wasn't an easy task for him.

It did, however, bring him and Alice closer.

Meanwhile, Hal is spending a lot of close time with Cheryl's mom and things are getting a little strange at the Blossom household.

We also got to see Archie and Veronica get closer than ever, and we learned that Agent Adams wasn't an FBI agent after all.

(Many of us suspected that was the case.) He was actually a plant by Veronica's parents to test Archie's loyalty.

And he passed with flying colors.

The rest of the season is going to be really interesting, as we further explore all the strangeness that is Chic, learn more about the Lodges' plan, and maybe — just maybe — finally find out who the Black Hood really is.

What are you going to be doing while you wait for Riverdale to return? Let us know in the comments below.

For more infomation >> Why Isn't 'Riverdale' on Tonight? When Does It Return? | SML TV - Duration: 4:58.


Onboard Emergency Drills and Survival at Sea - Duration: 30:53.

Fishing is not only hard work it can be dangerous every year fishermen dive when

their boats catch fire take on water or capsize others die when they fall

overboard and can't get back if you leave survival to chance you often leave

your livelihood and your family to chance as well

survivors take nothing for granted they prepare for emergencies by having proper

equipment and using realistic and frequent fire Man Overboard flooding and

abandoned ship drills studies show that people have a better chance to survive

when they're trained to respond to emergencies other industries use regular

safety training drills to prepare for accidents there's a direct relationship

between recent training and survival without practice on how to react to

emergencies people have several tendencies at first we tend to do the

wrong thing or to do nothing at all this can't be happening to me

another tendency is to react with frantic and ineffective behavior however

when people have regular drills and safety training they respond more

effectively and quickly fishermen get lots of experience fixing mechanical

problems at sea but safety drills are the most effective way to be ready for

emergencies take the time to do the drills you think you're never going to

need it but when you do it sure makes your life sure makes it worthwhile doing

I mean it makes your life a lot easier keeps things from being scary it's it's

a little bit of time well-spent when the chips are down this video shows how to

do hands-on emergency drills on fishing vessels

it is divided into four parts so you can stop and discuss it with your crew

then practice one drill before actually moving on to the next it is not a

substitute for actually doing the drills nor does it cover everything you have to

do in an emergency you need to practice procedures that will work for your crew

on your vessel

to respond effectively to emergencies at sea you need to make sure that all crew

regardless of crew size get a safety orientation which includes their duties

during in emergencies all documented commercial fishing vessels regardless of

crew size operating beyond the boundary line are required to do safety

orientations boundary lines are generally outside the most seaward

points of land documented fishing vessels are also required to have

emergency instructions and ensure that certain monthly drills are performed

this is also true for any vessel with more than 16 people on board whether

they're inside or outside the boundary line a safety orientation should include

the location of all the vessels equipment that may be needed in

emergency and how to use it it should also cover safe practices on your vessel

a book of specific emergency instructions is required to be on board

if your vessel has four or more people on board the following four instructions

need to be displayed emergency duties

location of survival equipment donning immersion suits and issuing a mayday

it's also a good idea for crew members to sign a log after they've received the

orientation even if it's not required for your vessel safety orientations and

emergency instructions are a good idea they are your first steps in responding

to emergencies another part of your safety orientation is a review of the

station bill a station bill should use the skills of your crew to the best

advantage and include everybody's job in emergencies I'll be rigging a safety

line I'll be in an immersion suit because I'm the rescue swimmer how about

you Carla needed and I'll be the messenger

when writing a station be sure to include what needs to be done in a

specific emergency who is the best person to do the job and what they

should bring with them when they respond

everyone on board should know his or her duties in an emergency

remember your station bill spells out the immediate actions needed to save

your life with practice you're more likely to do

the right thing even experienced crew will not be official in emergencies if

they've not practiced I've been fishing for 16 years and I've done girls many

many times and that does help you bet I think that a lot of times it is hard

getting started and and getting organized and and the time in fact

everybody's off doing you know ten different things at once and getting

everybody together to do a drill it's so it has to be yeah you have to really

want to do here

the master must ensure that four drills are conducted at least once a month by

someone formally trained in how to conduct emergency drills on fishing

vessels the drills are fire on board

recovering a person from the water

flooding or damage control and abandoning ship everyone on board must

be able to launch and recover survivalcraft

put on immersion suits and other personal floatation devices make radio

calls and use distress signals activate the general alarm report inoperative

alarm and fire detection systems and put on self-contained breathing apparatus if

required drills don't have to be tedious but to be effective they should be

realistic keep them interesting and true to your

vessel use emergency scenarios from your own and others experience spontaneous

don't always announce drills ahead of time but always do say this is a drill

do them under different circumstances day and night

calm and moderate weather hands-on practicing with equipment is the most

effective way to learn how to use it right when the chips are down your crew

will remember a lot more of what they've done and what they've heard you're

trying to build muscle memory or automatic responses to be effective

drill should be progressive start with a simple drill once your crew has

experienced you can create more complicated scenarios the

confidence and then throwing curves to make the drills more challenging be safe

don't endanger the crew during drills no running

guard open hatches ensure no one does anything to hurt themselves or others

build teamwork all hands including the master should practice in the drills

cross train so everyone knows each other's jobs drill should build teamwork

in your crew be positive drills can be a welcome break in your crews routine make

the drills fun don't use drills to harass intimidate or frustrate your crew

debrief drills should end with a debriefing this is a chance for everyone

to speak up and improve the station bill as needed log the drill after the drill

complete a written log entry with a date and the participants is in the middle of

the night we're halfway across the Bering Sea which is about a hundred

miles offshore weather came up punch to hold the boat with the anchor believe it

or not basically filled up full of water and sink out from underneath this it

went down and away we went nobody got hurt it wasn't that scary

because we all know what we were doing we've done drills in the on a regular


now let's go through the four required drills drill one fire a fire at sea is

your worst nightmare it can expand 25 times in the first minute and a hundred

times in the first two minutes at sea your crew is the only fire department

for drills use a red rag or strobe lights or even a cardboard sign to

simulate smoke and flames put this in a high-risk area when ready to do drills

when they find a simulated fire the crewman shouts fire drill and the drill

starts it is critical to alert everyone on board maneuver right away to minimize

wind on the fire and hit the general alarm radio power may also be cut off so

give a mayday as soon as possible to prevent a false mayday be sure the mic

is not keyed during the drills a

messenger should communicate between the wheelhouse and the firefighters the

firefighter should always have a backup and use the right extinguishers

shut off all fuel and electrical power and close all ventilation to isolate the

fire make sure everyone knows how to do this early intervention is critical

don't breathe the smoke it's probably toxic stay low for best air and

visibility and use a self-contained breathing apparatus if available

remember crew with self-contained breathing apparatus should always work

in pairs and wear firemen's outfits or protective clothing firefighting gear

should be accessible in good working order and located away from potential

fire hazards do regular boundary checks to prevent the fire from spreading if

you find new hotspots remove safety gear and flammable materials it makes sense

for the deck hose to be long enough to reach any potential hot spots look for

fire hazards and ways to improve response be prepared to abandon ship if

the fire can't be controlled account for all crew after the drill do a debrief

and ask questions I was really pleased with the way you grabbed that gas can

and got it away from the fire area we had plenty of fire hoses to come back

from the bow so I had a lot to work with it was no problem yeah if it's not

backing me up in the wheelhouse thanks yeah I might have been a little

quicker I think we might need to move that extinguisher up out of that hatch

way a little bit so we can access it from that from the bridge we're all fire

suppression and alarm systems in working order

was the fire monitored for reef life

survival equipment protected from the fire after the drill is debrief make

sure the gear is checked for damage and properly stowed don't ring your gear in

a drill and don't forget to log the drill drill - Man Overboard

almost 1/3 of all fishing fatalities in the US are the result of people falling

overboard during normal vessel operations rarely are they wearing a

life jacket practice greatly improves your chances of quickly and safely

recovering anyone who falls in

there's no sense taking risks just for a drill

start the drill by throwing a buoy I'm not crate or anything that floats

overboard milk crates unlike buoys float low and her heart to

see more like a person in the water use a strobe light for night drills let the

crew know this is just a drill make sure whoever sees the person go overboard

always keeps him in sight and points to them they should immediately throw a

marker sound an alarm and say what side of the vessel the person fell from

a messenger should relay the man-overboard location what the crew is

doing and steering directions as needed

remember a Man Overboard drill is more important than just returning to the

spot in the water it is a vital importance that you regulate or recover

someone quickly and safely if you use a rescue swimmer they should put on an

immersion suit and use a line to tether to the vessel whoever is on watch

maneuvers the vessel and marks the position electronically

have the crew practice a simple circle turn visibility's good try another drill

in poor visibility try a Williamson turn put the vessel on a reciprocal course


this is the real thing

after you've finished the recovery it's time to debrief was your recovery device

accessible and ready to use did your crew put themselves at risk if an extra

person was available did they help if you gave the man overboard crate or buoy

a medical condition how did the crew react we need to discuss how we treat

someone who is severely hypothermic well we're gonna have to get him out of there

what clothes we're gonna have to get him wrapped in a warm blanket we're not

gonna give him a warm shower okay but we got to treat them really gently and we

won't give him anything to eat or drink that's good so how'd we do I I think we

did a really good job I had a difficult time tracking that that crate though it

was pretty deep in the water and really hard to see no but that was a big help

having you in the companionway and shouting directions plus I could look

out the wheelhouse door and see Carla pointing you did a great job pointing to

that person not losing track of in the water

okay let's log this drill but before we log the drill let's put the gear away

remember a drill is not over until it's debriefed and logged

drill three flooding

flooding is common at sea and it happens quickly 20% of fishing vessel losses are

due to flooding a three inch hole two feet below the waterline will let in two

hundred and fifty gallons a minute one way to start a flooding drill is to

place a piece of cardboard with the word flooding on it in a location such as the

bilge or lazarette when the crew finds the sign the drill starts this will also

reinforce the idea of regularly checking these spaces

bloody drill you got a flooding drill you could also start the drill by

testing the general and high water alarms Mayday Mayday Mayday make a

simulated call for help on the radio flooding problem quickly find ways to

plug the hole with water is available to slow the rate of flooding every vessel

should have a damage control kit your crew should know where all through-hole

fittings are located close watertight hatches pump the water out everyone

should be able to operate the dewatering pumps whether your own or delivered by

the Coast Guard this is the time to make sure your own pumps work if you use

gasoline pumps below decks be sure to vent all carbon monoxide use

all extra pumps and even buckets to D water

beware of entrapping people

do whatever you can to improve stability and watertight integrity including

tossing fish and gear overboard clearing freeing ports limiting free surface

effects and tanks and on deck and the new ring into the Seas prepare survival

equipment in case you have to abandon ship

as with all drills you should debrief talk about how the drill could have been

better and discuss operations of pumps or other safety gear well how do you

guys feel the flooding drill will I think it went great this time it was

nice to have everything in one place and that DC kit so we could get at it you

know I think we should get a socket driver that's exactly the right size for

the hose clamp how about some of that underwater epoxy

one thing about the dewatering pump the hose needs to be a little bit longer so

we can get it all the way down into the bilge all hands should participate in

the drill and don't forget to log it

drill for abandoned ship

a fishing vessel has lost every 60 hours in the US a well practice plan will

greatly increase the chances of your crews survival let your crew know that

this is a drill abandoned ship can also be done as an extension of the fire or

flooding drill

abandon ship drill get your gear now

make a simulated made a call on the proper radio channel be sure to include

name location the nature your problem and the number of people on board the

fishing vessel Cherokee were outside Samson Cove going down with four people

aboard make sure all crew you know how to find the proper radio channel and can

determine the vessels position critical points in an abandoned ship drill are to

account for all crew members the crew should gather flares the abandoned ship

kit water and food the logbook and extra clothing if time

allows watertight doors and hatches should be secured before abandoning the


everyone should be able to get into the right-sized immersion suit in 60 seconds

or less

crews should assist each other with emergencies different-sized immersion

suits should be easy to identify even in the dark life rafts are usually mounted

where they fit not where they're most accessible the crew should know how to

get to the life raft and how to launch it make sure the crew knows how to

recover one - all the crews should know how to operate the vessels eeper do not

activate the eeper during your drill this is also a good time to test your

epub and log it as well as check your survival search push it over to where it

says test all right while we're at it we'll check the battery date and then

we'll check their lights on each of our eachother suits again debrief the drill

talk with your career about what can be done better well how did it go could any

of the gear been more accessible I think it was fine but I know I'm gonna have to

mark my immersion suit bag so I can tell it from the other bags yeah boy those

plastic bags made my it really easy to get into my suit

check maintained and properly store all safety gear in an accessible location

after the drill logged the drill remember this video is not a substitute

for doing drills your crew will remember more with hands-on learning than by just

talking or watching a videotape

after your cruise experienced effective drills take only an hour to an hour and

a half a month an alternative is to conduct one 15-minute drill a week one

problem at a time adjust your station bill to spread

responsibilities crew should not be too busy while that is you're not doing

anything drills can be made more challenging by adding Medical Response

or getting ready for a helicopter evacuation be creative if you have

difficulty role-playing with your crew think of other emergencies and use a

story in the media remind your crew that just like fishing survival requires a

team and the better your team the better your chance of beating the odds

pay attention to to what what you're learning because

because it could save your life one thing I would have done and I was

thinking about this is going through a more intensive drill on everything I

don't know that you can ever fully anticipate everything nothing is if it's

never going to be exactly the same as you you drill it I don't think I mean it

can get darn close and that's probably why your drill you never know how your

day is going to hand prepare for the unexpected by practicing for the

unexpected go ahead do the drills it'll save you a lot of chaos later

For more infomation >> Onboard Emergency Drills and Survival at Sea - Duration: 30:53.


Real Madrid vs PSG Live Stream: How to Watch Without Cable || CACAO TV - Duration: 5:04.

Real Madrid vs PSG Live Stream: How to Watch Without Cable

We're only in the Round of 16 in the Champions League, but it doesn't get much bigger than Real Madrid vs PSG, who meet Wednesday for the first leg of their massive battle.

In the United States, the match starts at 2:45 p.m.

ET and will be broadcast on Fox Sports 1.

If you don't have cable or a cable log-in, you can watch the game live online by signing up for a free trial of one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.

FuboTV: Fox Sports 1 is included in the "Fubo Premier" channel package.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial, and you can then watch the game live on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming devicevia the FuboTV app.

DirecTV Now: Fox Sports 1 is included in each of the four main channel packages.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial no matter what package you choose, plus you can get a free Amazon Fire TV if you prepay two months.

Once signed up, you can watch the game live on your computer via the DirecTV Now website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the DirecTV Now app.

Sling TV: Fox Sports 1 is included in the "Sling Blue" channel package.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial, and you can then watch the game live on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming devicevia the Sling TV app.


One might think that back-to-back Champions League titles and three trophies in four years would afford Real Madrid a little grace, but there remains immense pressure on Zinedine Zidane's squad.

17 points behind Barcelona in La Liga and already eliminated from the Copa del Rey, Real Madrid is looking at a long stretch without meaningful football if they're unable to advance past PSG.

PSG, meanwhile, is headed for more domestic success, but after the expensive signings of Neymar and Kylian Mbappe in the summer, Les Perisiens will also be expected to make a deep Champions League run.

That's especially the case after last year's epic meltdown against Barcelona in the Round of 16, but they are confident they've learned from those mistakes.

"Our preparation began after the game at the Camp Nou," Unai Emery said.

"We have spoken little but very clearly about those moments.

I think we are better prepared to compete at this level [than last year].

I plan on facing Madrid's best and I am sure that, just as our XI will be our best possible, they will do the same.".

On top of the high stakes, you have tons of goal-scoring potential.

While Cristiano Ronaldo struggled with some inconsistency early in the La Liga season, he still leads the Champions League with nine goals and is obviously a threat for magic anytime he steps on the pitch.

PSG, who has gotten six goals from both Neymar and Edinson Cavani, found the back of the net a whopping 25 times during group play, which was the most in the tournament.

Put it all together, and you have what is undoubtedly the most anticipated matchup of the Round of 16.

The second leg will be played at the Parc des Princes on March 6.

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