Thursday, February 15, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 15 2018

Have you ever been so angry you could stomp your feet

Have you ever been so mad you get tears

Have you ever been so angry that your head gets hot

Feels like steam's coming out of your ears?

Well everybody out there feels that way now and then

Everybody out there gets mad

Here's a little trick I think might help you feel better

You might not end up feeling so bad

Breath out, Breath in, take some time, count to ten

Now you're ready to begin

To cool it down

Think about it

Now you've cooled down, it might be easier to think

Think about it

Things might not be so bad

Talk about it

Talking about it might make you feel better

You might not end up feeling so mad

It's hard not to be angry when you break your favourite thing

It's tough when you spill stuff too

For those times when it feels like everything is going wrong

Feels like it's just raining on you


Well here's what you can do

Breath out, Breath in, take some time, count to ten

Now you're ready to begin

To cool it down

Now you're ready to begin

To cool it down

For more infomation >> Popular Animated Kids Series | MAD (పిచ్చి) – Big Block – Episode 21 | Shemaroo Kids Telugu - Duration: 2:18.


Cette femme infecte plus de 100 hommes du SIDA - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> Cette femme infecte plus de 100 hommes du SIDA - Duration: 7:01.



For more infomation >> CALLING KSI OUT FOR $1000


Ivana Raymonda - Ode To A Love Song (Original Song & Official Music Video) - Duration: 2:54.

Sing me, another love song

Show your love, all night long

I love you, I'll always need you

Like a love song, needs a heart

Dance with me, to a pretty love song

Hold me, all night long

I love you, I'll always need you

Like a love song, needs a heart

I love you, I'll always need you

Like a love song, needs a heart

I love you, I'll always need you

Like a love song, needs a heart

I hope you want to support me through Patreon, or my own support site

Or buy something in my web shop, like my CD, or DVD

It would help me a lot to keep making music videos ♥♥♥

For more infomation >> Ivana Raymonda - Ode To A Love Song (Original Song & Official Music Video) - Duration: 2:54.


La FIV del gatto: consigli del veterinario 🤢 - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> La FIV del gatto: consigli del veterinario 🤢 - Duration: 5:52.


GACKTの仮想通貨SPINDLE中止の噂は嘘?2018年注目集めるガクトICOの行方 おすすめなのか詐欺なのか?リスクを理解し最前線投資 - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> GACKTの仮想通貨SPINDLE中止の噂は嘘?2018年注目集めるガクトICOの行方 おすすめなのか詐欺なのか?リスクを理解し最前線投資 - Duration: 3:01.


Best Android Secret Code 2018 Hidden Code - Duration: 1:47.



For more infomation >> Best Android Secret Code 2018 Hidden Code - Duration: 1:47.


সরাসরি আজকের দুপুরের বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ ১৫ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Channel 24 News Today - Duration: 15:19.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের দুপুরের বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ ১৫ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Channel 24 News Today - Duration: 15:19.


ম্যাকাও পাখির অসাধারন রোমান্টিক ভিডিও না দেখলে চরম মিস! HD | Macaw Birds - Duration: 3:58.

ম্যাকাও পাখির অসাধারন রোমান্টিক ভিডিও না দেখলে চরম মিস! HD

For more infomation >> ম্যাকাও পাখির অসাধারন রোমান্টিক ভিডিও না দেখলে চরম মিস! HD | Macaw Birds - Duration: 3:58.


ПП Пирог с морковью невероятно вкусный - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> ПП Пирог с морковью невероятно вкусный - Duration: 4:30.


HomePod - Beat - Apple

For more infomation >> HomePod - Beat - Apple


DEAMN - Without You (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:05.















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For more infomation >> DEAMN - Without You (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:05.


【MUKBANG】 [Taiyaki + Waffles] 12 Yamaguchi's Taiyaki Sweets With Plenty OF Fruits! 3600kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 4:07.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka (eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (Font size color transparency 100% controlled you)

So today! tadaa I'll be eating something called a 'setouchi hanayome' taiyaki (fish shaped sweet)

a friend sent me these as a birthday present TYVM

its apparently made in suo ojima in the yamaguchi prefecture

cream neslted within a taiyaki along with some fruit

these treats are so photogenic don't you think

itadakimasu KAWAII its sitting in a tiny boat

check it out its so jam packed with cream and fruit

the oranges are so sweet tasting

the colors are so pretty as well the taiyaki portion reminds me of a waffle

and its packed with cream and fruit inside


the chocolate cream is yummy as well

this has all sorts of fruit in it

its so gorgeous

this one is matcha with chestnut and choco

the matcha has a mild sweetness to it its such a nice blend of foreign and domestic flavors

I love how they make their taiyaki to sit upright and you can take things with you like this

next is a sweet bean sweet bean and cream looks so yummy

sweet bean and cream taste so nice together

the sweetness from the beans is made creamy from the cream

today I'm using my new thermos to hold my milk tea

but it keeps things hotter than I even expected things are so piping hot

don't get me wrong I'm happy but its so hot

hot things and sweets really make me happy it warms both your body and soul


this is .... what is this? a peach perhaps?

did they add color to the peaches?

its pear.... they probably added color to the pears

and the cream is strawberry flavored

love the strawberry flavor

last one

last mouthful itadakimasu

all done gochisosamadeshita

the taiyaki from 'setouchi hanayome' were so yummy

there were so many varieties and filled with all sorts of fruits

even things like sweet bean the Japanese-y flavors were so yummy as well

Japan has all sorts of yummy things all from many different regions

I'm so grateful to be able to try them

they were so yummy won't you all give them a try as well

and as always thanks for watching and if there is anything you want me to do or eat please tell me in the

comment section if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Taiyaki + Waffles] 12 Yamaguchi's Taiyaki Sweets With Plenty OF Fruits! 3600kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 4:07.


Aikido Documentary - Kobayashi Yasuo Shihan 8th Dan - Part 3/3 - Duration: 17:24.

How did you begin teaching in your own dojo?

Well, I thought about that at some point,

whether I would open a Dojo or stick to my path as a Budoka,

and if it would become popular that way.

But I thought about it on my own, as I always do,

and I opened a dojo here to offer a place for practice.

to those students who were having a lockout at their school

So I invited those students

and there were 10 to 20 people eating and living around here.

And as there was a need for financing,

some people joined to take charge of that and that was the beginning of Kobayashi Dojo.

Since then we've had more people, and we just do what we do.

I don't give lectures and I don't explain at all how to do techniques,

but interestingly it still spreads. Right?

It's a bit like that abroad too.

But it still spreads so I guess what we do is not wrong.

How did things grow from there?

Me and Hiroaki started and some students started to come.

And what I'm grateful for is

that some people built a dojo and offered to let us use it

or they had some land and allowed us to build a dojo on it.

There were five or six of such people.

I guess it was because I was training hard at aikido and they liked me.

Yeah so there were five to six people and from there, it spread like this.

And the two of us, we were teaching at Kodaira and Tokorozawa,

Wednesdays and Fridays here and Tuesdays and Thursdays there, like that.

But because of those people, we had uchideshis like Igarashi coming.

So it has worked out fine and spread thanks to those people who made offerings, and others.

as well as those people who stopped working to become sort of uchideshi.

I always try new things in Aikido.

You know about Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers right?

Koyabashi dojo was the first to do it.

Members of the Kobayashi Dojo are the only ones to take exams at Hombu Dojo.

Yeah we do a lot of new things like that.

In how many countries are there Kobayashi Dojos?

I guess it's around 40 or more?

It's not written there, I haven't written it down lately.

I think around 40 came to my 80th birthday.

I guess it's more than 50 countries in total.

How do you conduct gradings in such a large organization?

There was a dan system when I opened my dojos

and each dojo was doing it on its own.

Like we did what we did here, Tokorozawa was doing its thing, and so was Hachioji.

So there were not many people right?

We taught them ourselves day to day so we were like you can't do it today but you usually can so it's okay.

But then there were more instructors and things became different by region.

When there were few people, we let all of them pass because we felt bad about failing them.

And there were differences between Igarashi Dojo's shodan and Horikoshi Dojo's Shodan

and people started to compare them.

So I called all of them to Hombu Dojo one day.

I asked them to perform in front of me and I failed half, 50 percent of them.

So a lot of them failed right?

Those who taught at regional dojos complained and blamed me for hurting their reputation

and said they would leave Kobayashi Dojo.

And I said alright, alright.

Then next occasion, I failed half of them again.

But that was actually a good call.

People thought we were serious and didn't compromise.

We had more people coming and it just kept increasing.

It's good that we failed them rather than passing them.

Those who leave will leave anyway.

I thought we could always start again, my son Hiroaki and I, like we did before.

But I guess people were actually impressed with it.

And the second time, everyone actually disagreed with failing half of them

but I told them that these people can't pass and they are not even close.

But then no one ended up leaving.

The world is interesting.

Well if you fail, you can just start over.

How do you manage to spread Aikido so much?

I don't just talk about its ideals, I promote it through hard work.

We also established musubukikin.

Isn't it in that newspaper?

We invite those who are facing financial challenges to Kobayashi Dojo.

What do you think about the aging of the Aikido population?

It might not be attractive for young people.

There are no competitions.

They want matches where the strong win, like win or lose.

But after a time, people won't care about things like that and start to do Aikido.

Well in my time, aikido was rare.

But now is the era of information technology and there are a lot of things.

Jujutsu is pretty popular in America and Europe right?

Aikido is also one of the waves.

Those who like this kind of thing gather naturally so I don't think we have to worry too much.

Well it's true, young people are not really interested, population is declining too.

In America and Europe, it's usually older people, you see old people at seminars too.

Well I think that's fine too though.

Young people are doing some other things like working out

but I think they will be interested and start joining us.

Worrying about it is not going to help.

What s your long term hope for Kobayashi Dojo?

In the future, I want more and more people to get along and enjoy practice,

and also talk about whatever we want like today.

Well there are different levels;

there are people who have been doing this for 30 to 40 years and complete beginners.

So I tell them a little bit personally but I don't demonstrate in front of them.

They can do it by themselves and senpais can also teach them.

It's like that abroad too, a similar teaching style.

I don't explain it.

Some people ask me if I'm going to explain it but I'm like it's self-explanatory.

So I don't need an interpreter.

And everyone enjoys it and that's what matters I guess.

So yeah I think it'll be even more popular.

And now it's about communication.

It's no longer like Senseis go there and teach.

If you want to come, you come and learn from each other.

There is a plenty of Senseis with 7 or 8 Dan abroad too.

And we, especially young ones, go back and forth, enjoying it.

Like Ueshiba Sensei said: "Aikido is fun".

Well even if you hold here instead of here, kotegaeshi is kotehaeshi anyway.

We would have a problem if you started calling it shihonage though.

Anyway, I guess it's okay the way it is.

That's like my ideology.

Some people might criticize it but since it's becoming more popular, I don't think it's the wrong way.

For more infomation >> Aikido Documentary - Kobayashi Yasuo Shihan 8th Dan - Part 3/3 - Duration: 17:24.


Ivana Raymonda - Ode To A Love Song (Original Song & Official Music Video) - Duration: 2:54.

Sing me, another love song

Show your love, all night long

I love you, I'll always need you

Like a love song, needs a heart

Dance with me, to a pretty love song

Hold me, all night long

I love you, I'll always need you

Like a love song, needs a heart

I love you, I'll always need you

Like a love song, needs a heart

I love you, I'll always need you

Like a love song, needs a heart

I hope you want to support me through Patreon, or my own support site

Or buy something in my web shop, like my CD, or DVD

It would help me a lot to keep making music videos ♥♥♥

For more infomation >> Ivana Raymonda - Ode To A Love Song (Original Song & Official Music Video) - Duration: 2:54.


Adam, EVA и Bearded l by Cradle mods l ENG SUBS l + РОЗЫГРЫШ l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 13:43.

You know what? I've noticed something. Some russian-speaking youtube reviewers making the videos as if they try to make an excuses. Leave a comment with your guess who is it

So it goes. Now i will know who you like and who don't

I've ordered Homepod recently and after i viewed some reviews i think that was a hasty decision to order it. Well, once it will come we'll see. Maybe i will tell you what i think about it in some live stream

Okay, getting back to the tracks, we have a review of 3 mechanical mods at once, so please give us the intro

I don't know who i asked but anyway, let's roll


Hello everyone! Alex from VapersMD is here

And i'm glad to welcome you on my channel

And today our guests is mechanical mod Adam, mechanical mod Eva and mechanical mod Bearded by Cradle mods. This guys is from Russia

These mechs are made in Russia too

And these are very interesting mods since they look different than other mech mods on Russian market

These mechanical mods have interesting design, of course they have constant contact and some safety features

And great, deep engraving

Look dope, but the size of this thing is rather big and it is pretty heavy

Okay, no more delays. I can show you many things in close up, let's roll

Here they are, this three handsome mechs which today are our guests

Anyway, these mechs have packaging, that i will show you right now

Mechanical mods Adam and Eva came in in this cardboard package with that metal plate

Inside we see a User Manual with some bad printing. Honestly guys from Cradle Mods - you have a bad printer and this manual torn on the bottom.

I don't know why it's torned, but it's good that we have this User Manual

Also we have 2 stickers that is poorly printed. And somehow guys using Gears of War logo

A little bit of paper straw and alien coils for mechanical mods made by Vape Artel. You can see the specs of it right now on the sticker

Mechanical mod Bearded came in that kind of package with some weird sticker which is unreadable

Overall i can say guys have troubles with printing and it should be fixed. But that's not the main thing.

Let's talk about mechs

So Cradle mods make their mechs of high quality brass and aviation aluminum

Cradle mods decide not to do color coating because they believe that the metal is beautiful by itself

But there is an option to coat brass mech with a Nickel Chrome plating

At the moment Cradle mods have 4 version of mechs - Eva made of aluminum, Adam, Beard and Zmei is made of brass. All mechs have the same button with contant contact and auto-adjust feature

They also feature 510 hybrid connection and powered by 1*18650. And you can see they have different design

Manufacturer claims that cloning of their product is complicated due to the technical solutions of contour machining

Also they recently start to implement 3D engraving for their mech mod Zmei. But unfortunately i don't have one, so i can show you only the picture

Okay, we're done with the specs, it's time for detailed overview

Let's start with Eva mechanical mod. On the top we have 510 hybrid connection with recess and small cutouts

If we look at the tube we can see two waists which is define the name of this mod - Eva

Also this two wings is noticable - they are big and have deep engraving that is made with CNC machining

And on the bottom we have a button . On the button we have engravings with the name and serial number 005. It also have 2 vent holes

The button unscrew counter clockwise. If we look inside the tube we will see the fool-proof protection feature or you can call it anti-idle press protection

I have no complaints about the threads of this aluminum mech mod, everything made well. Yes, it's a bit dirty but the cleaning is easy

The button looks like so and as you can see it have perfect threads as well

On the top we have constant contact brass pin and spring-loaded insulator which gives this mod the auto-adjust feature

This button can be disassembled. In order to do it you have to unscrew that wide part from thin part and it have reverse threading, so you should unscrew it clockwise.

Once this done we have access to the insides of the button and we see the constant contact

I think you noticed that this button is works with a spring and after we removed the spring we can extract the pin with insulator

And the bottom part of the button housing look like

As you can see the button is locked with that brass constant contact part

Of course it is demountable. This brass part hold the button in place and not letting it to fall out. I won't be taking it apart, i thinks it's clear

The constant contact look like so. Spring is rests on the insulator and when you push the button it goes up and make a contact

They all have the same button so obviously i won't be showing you those buttons

So let's get closer to the overview of Adam

I think you noticed that mech Adam have something in common in terms of design with mech Eva, but it looks more manly i guess

This mech also have 510 hybrid connection with recess and small cutouts

The connector itself is slightly protruding out of the main body because the diameter of the tube on that edge is around 27.5mm

Also now we have the engraving with the name of the manufacturer here. And the wings are the same as Eva

But if we look closer we will see the contour machining which give this tube interesting shimmering effect

On the button we have engraving of an apple and serial number, as well as the name of this mod and vent holes

And comparing this button to the button of mech Eva - it's made fully of brass

And the last mech i will show you today is Bearded mechanical mod.

Bearded, bald man. It's a cool and deep engraving - it looks dope

Especially great it will look when it will be covered with patina

And after you give it a good polish, all that recess part will be darker than the tube. So i will say it again - it will look dope

Top part is somewhere the same as previous mechs we saw

Also on the top part we have cutout and the tube itself having that oval shape

Like a bald bearded fat man. And it looks familiar to me...

And on the side of the mech Cradle mods engraved my name - Alex from VapersMD. So it's named mech mod i have

That is one of nice bonus features - you can order your own engraving from Cradle mods - the logo or your name or some word or just some random engraving

It's great that guys have this option

On the button we have engraving Cradle mods, the name of this mech and serial number 005. Again. And vent holes

The button is absolutely the same and i can tell you more - they are interchangeable with each other

Let's compare this mech with other mods size-wise

I can say it's one of the highest mods i have on my desk.

Okay, let's cut the chase and put the gold Phobia on it. It should look sexy

Now let's install the battery - negative up, because vent holes are on the bottom and after - screw the button

The button is screwed flush because we have auto-adjusting for the battery inside and the battery have no rattle at all, which is great

Okay folks, it's time to end this close up and get back to face-time where we will speak about this mods

Thanks for your attention in close up. Let's roll

Zharit(it performs)

It performs great. Lot of vapor, lot of flavor. Thank you Phobia. But today we are gonna speak about mechanical mods

And it performs like a champ

Okay now, we are going to test something - which of those two performs better!

Aluminum or Brass?

It will be fair comparison. I will always saturate the cotton before the test and i will use the same battery

Bearded Brass. Let's hit that button and see - it performs like this

And now let's test the aluminum Eva

I can say i don't see much of a difference. So it's a pro to both of em for having good performance

But for a start there is a nuances we need to speak of

In this segment i will say some things to the manufacturers and some things you should be aware of

Let's start with its height - this mod is quite tall. As you saw it's one of the highest mods i have and i don't really like mods this size

I want mod to be compact. But this is VERY subjective and it's my personal opinion. I'm not imposing anything to you

Leave a comment - what you think about the size of this mechanical mod?

One of the nuances you should be aware of - it's pure brass and it's need to be polished from time to time.

Because after some time of usage it will cover in patina and start to smell bad.

So this mechs that is made of brass requires special treatment and maintenance

Of course, the constant contact isn't the panacea from black dots(aka arcs). They will appear anyway, but not on the battery contacts, they will appear inside of the button contacts

So you have to clean this black dots from the contacts there and take a regular care it. Don't forget about this.

Next nuance is going straight to the manufacturer. Vent holes is real tiny.

When i blow inside this tube...Don't ask why i do this...This is my way to test the vent holes

It takes lot of effort

So i can tell if something bad happens - those tiny vent holes not gonna help you much

So i recommend to Cradle mods to make them bigger

People who are following my channel know that I was engaged in design - i did some 2D design like posters, menus, billboards and stuff.

And for the printing like this i can smash a MAJOR CON. Guys, you should do something about it - this is junk.

Take more time for the package and of course User Manual. This is the face of the mechanical mod, this is the way it will be presented at the shop shelf

So if I see the shabby package like this with bad printing I don't want to even look in the direction of this mod

So guys - fix it

It's time to talk of pros and here's plenty of them

First pro to those mechanical mods i'll give for great machining quality, smooth treads and great fit of all components

There is no battery rattle. Everything screws and unscrews great. Good job and great production quality. Like

Of course pro for an original design. These mechs are very different from the many of the mech mods at the Russian market. So it's a pro for a design.

I will also give a pro for a constant contact. This is becoming mainstream for Russian mech mod makers and it's great that Cradle mods also used it

A pro for constant contact

Next pro i'll give for safety features. Vent holes (need to be bigger though), fool-proof protection feature aka anti-idle press

And there is little cutouts and recess on the connector, that will prevent sticking your atomizer and reduce heat transfer

And last pro like i showed you before i'll give for performance. They all performs great - both aluminum and brass. It's great for everyday vape

MAJOR pro for performance

Let's move forward and it's time to talk about price

Let's start with the cheap to expensive . Mech mod Eva cost 4500 rubles(79$ to this date)

Mech mod Bearded cost 5500 rubles(97$ to this date)

And mech mod Adam cost 6500 rubles(114$ to..this date)

If you decide to get Nickel plating it will raise the price. More detailed info you can get at manufacturer.

Also the price will be affected if you decide to get some custom engraving

But overall these mech mods are great. Production quality is great as well

Design is nice but the package is a letdown. And i guess the package is the only major con there is.

Overall folks, that's all i wanted to share with you today regarding this mech mods.

I want to say big thanks to Cradle Mods for sending me this devices for this review

I wanna thank you for your attention

Don't forget - in this corner we have a voting going - do you like this device or not(да-yes/нет-no)

And of course... The giveaway...For the CIS counties

And now it's time to remind you to subscribe this channel, push that bell to get notified when video is up

And leave a comment if like this review/subtitles or not while Alex will announce the giveaway which is for CIS only

Also share this and other videos with your friends and the news that now it have a subtitles. Spread the word

And now it's time to say farewells, folks

We'll see you soon

I wish you a delicious vape and let the vaping come into your life and stays there for long

Take care of yourself and your mods

Alex from VapersMD was with you. We will see you soon.

Poka poka

For more infomation >> Adam, EVA и Bearded l by Cradle mods l ENG SUBS l + РОЗЫГРЫШ l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 13:43.


SSO SHORTMOVIE- H E R O (English spoken, Dutch subtitles) - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> SSO SHORTMOVIE- H E R O (English spoken, Dutch subtitles) - Duration: 3:38.


Frank Flo - The Barcode Feat. Reman (Official Audio) (Prod. By SakroBeat's) - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Frank Flo - The Barcode Feat. Reman (Official Audio) (Prod. By SakroBeat's) - Duration: 3:46.


What Dads and Kids Really Think - Super Funny Epic Trending Rap Song - Duration: 1:26.

Steady rap beat playing very cool tempo

Funny rap song lyrics kid friendly

I work from 9 to 5 I never get the time

Never get the time never never get the time

to Rest oh yeah oh yeah

My kids make a mess I Got slobs in my nest

I Got slobs in my nest I Got slobs in my nest

Oh yeah oh yeah

Dad dad dad Gimme gimme gimme'gimme

Dad dad dad Gimme gimme gimme'gimme

Dad dad dad gimme gimme gimme gimme

oh yeah oh yeah

I got underwear and dishes on my floor underwear and dishes on my floor

Gimme gimme gimme gimme Gimme gimme gimme gimme

some more oh yeah

take out the trash Dad are you crazy

do a load a dishes No I'm just lazy

yeah oh yeah

Dad I just broke it gimme a new one Dad I just broke it gimme a new one

I'm on facebook gimme a snap chat Dad I need cash

So tell me where your wallet at yeah oh yeah

(Joking Voice) Go Get A Job And do It Yourself

Jeepers What is with these kids today Man

For more infomation >> What Dads and Kids Really Think - Super Funny Epic Trending Rap Song - Duration: 1:26.


Eileen Shiffrin, Mikaela's Mom: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know || CACAO TV - Duration: 12:24.

Eileen Shiffrin, Mikaela's Mom: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Eileen Shiffrin, Mikaela Shiffrins mother, travels with her daughter, and is one of her coaches.

Mikaela Shiffrin developed into one of the most impressive skiers in the world thanks in part to hard work, but Mikaela has also benefited from a team of people who have helped her succeed.

Mikaela credits hermother, Eileen Shiffrin, for her dedication, and traveling with her daughter to help her perform at her best.

"I have a team around me, my physio, coaches, my mum, serviceman — all have very selfless personalities, all seem to be very much motivated to help me succeed and work towards my goals without an ulterior motive," Mikaela told CNN.

It is no accident that Mikaela has a chance to take home multiple medals at the 2018 Olympics.

Eileen along with her husband, Jeff Shiffrin, developed a training regimen for their two children, and the training seems to have worked.Mikaela's brother Taylor skied at the University of Denver on two national title teams before pursing other business interests.

Mikaela became the youngest Olympian ever to win a gold medal in slalom.

Eileen's presence on the slopes has not always been well-received by other coaches, but it has been effective.

"You have to have a couple of coaches who don't have huge egos, who aren't territorial and all alpha-male macho about it," Eileen explained to The New Yorker.

Learn more about Mikaela's coach, mother and best friend.

Eileen Studied Nursing at the University of New Hampshire, But Was Not Allowed to Ski Collegiately.

Mikaela Shiffrin pictured with her mother and grandmother.

Eileen is originally from Lanesborough, Massachusetts then went to college at the University of New Hampshire.

She learned to ski when she was three, and her family was a regular at area ski clubs.

According to The New Yorker, the family volunteered at Mount Greylock Ski Club where they would help clear off trees and brush.

Eileen skied in high school, but it was not the obsession it later became.

"I got good results, but had little formal training and didn't take it seriously,"Eileen told The New Yorker.

"For me, it was totally social.".

At the University of New Hampshire, she was not permitted to ski while studying nursing, but picked the sport back up when she met her husband Jeff.

Mikaela's Parents Skied Competitively on an Adult Circuit After Meeting While Working Together at St.

Elizabeth Hospital Outside Boston.

Eileen and Jeff Shiffrin pictured with their daughter.

According to The New Yorker, Eileen finished college, and went to work in the I.C.U.

at St.

Elizabeth Hospital located outside of Boston.

While working there, Eileen met an anesthesiologist from New Jersey who just happened to enjoy skiing as well.

Jeff opened Eileen up to a whole new world by introducing her to Masters racing, a skiing circuit for adults.

After first being reluctant to go, Eileen fell in love with the competition, and The New Yorker detailed her newfound dedication to skiing.

Eileen, a meticulous and studious woman, was soon obsessed.

She pored over videos of World Cup champions, read everything she could about the art of carving a turn, and mastered the methodical process of tuning skis.

'I learned as much as a lot of the racers had in their ski-academy days,' she said.

Before long, she was winning national and international Masters championships.

Jeff liked to tell her that she could probably walk on to the national team.

'Hey, she might have been an Olympic skier,' Jeff told me.

In a sport where the top competitors are often still in high school, it was not in the cards for Eileen to become a professional skier.

What she learned is that if she had a bit of a head start, it could have changed things, and this revelation impacted the way she raised Mikaela.

Eileen & Jeff Started Training Their Kids to Ski at a Young Age.

One of Eileen's biggest regrets was waiting too late to begin seriously training.

The couple made sure to do things differently with Taylor and Mikaela.

They began training both at a young age, sometimes in very unorthodox ways like the time Eileen purchased a unicycle for her kids to work on their balance.

"She thinks it's so normal," Mikaela told Time.

"No. People don't do that, Mom.

I get on the unicycle, and people are like,'That's incredible.'We were a very strange family.".

Eileen now travels with Mikaela as both her coach and mother.

Sometimes it can be difficult for Mikaela to understand which role Eileen is playing when she is talking to her.

"If she's talking to me as my coach and I'm listening to her as her daughter, that's one of the most heartbreaking, painful things," Mikaela told Time.

"Those conversations can be terrible.

Just because she might be hard on me on the slopes, which I ask her to be, because that's the only way I can keep improving, doesn't mean she doesn't love me as a mom.

I'm starting to really grasp that.

And it's awesome.".

Mikaela Enjoys Binge Watching Shows Like Madam Secretary & Blue Bloods With Her Mother.

Mikaela puts in the time to get better on the slopes, but she enjoys binge watching shows with her mother in the rare moments when she is not training.According to Outside, two of their favorites to watch are Madam Secretary andBlue Bloods.

Eileen was also been known to pick up a text book, and study alongside Mikaela when her daughter was still in high school.

"Probably one of the factors that has made a difference between my career and anybody else is having her to keep me on track, to help me stay sane, to be my best friend, to be my mum, to be my coach," Mikaela told CNN.

Eileen may be friends with her daughter, but she is not ready to give her the title of better athlete.

Eileen spoke with Outside about how her skiing ability compared with her daughter.

"With skiing? I don't know," Eileen explained to Outside.

"Mikaela says when she was 11 or 12—which is… no.

But I don't race against her.

I never really compared or had that situation.

I still ski pretty fast, faster than a lot of people are comfortable with me skiing.

They are always like, 'Why aren't you wearing a helmet?' So, I'm not sure.".

Eileen Loves Watching Film of Ski Runs.

Part of the reason Mikaela has enjoyed success is the dedication her mother has put into helping her daughter perfect her craft.

Mikaela's former coach Brandon Dyksterhouse spoke with The New Yorker about Eileen's dedication to watching film.

"Eileen watches more video than any coach on the planet," Brandon told The New Yorker.

The New Yorker described how seriously she takes being a coach.

At times, Eileen is up early watching film, and tries to resist the urge to wake up her daughter to show her something she found on tape.

The New Yorker details her dedication to film.

She texted Mikaela at all hours with observations from her sessions.

Dyksterhouse remembers getting a text from Eileen at 5 a.m.

the day before the 2015 World Championships, in Vail, saying that she had noticed something.

She wanted to wake Mikaela up to show her.

Dyksterhouse objected.

('She knows better but she can't help herself,' one ski-team official told me.) On a few occasions, anticipating that Eileen might pick apart the footage from a day's session, Dyksterhouse would speed the video up, just enough to elide certain flaws and perhaps shield Mikaela, or, more to the point, Dyksterhouse and his assistant, from an inquisition.

For more infomation >> Eileen Shiffrin, Mikaela's Mom: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know || CACAO TV - Duration: 12:24.


During the mission "Apollo 11" on the moon, a bird was captured - Duration: 1:52.

Fragment of shooting NASA with disembarkation astronauts "Apollo 11" on the Moon

BIRD! ... Moonbird! Or, more likely, NASA's flight to the moon has passed on the Earth ...

For more infomation >> During the mission "Apollo 11" on the moon, a bird was captured - Duration: 1:52.


✔✔ 트럼프 변호사, 트럼프 성관계설 배우에 13만달러 지급 시인 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> ✔✔ 트럼프 변호사, 트럼프 성관계설 배우에 13만달러 지급 시인 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 4:31.


One Tree For Prevent 300 Health Problems | Powerful Benefits Of Moringa Every Day - Duration: 3:47.

the miracle tree that could cure 300 diseases including cancer tumor and

diabetes the Moringa tree is called the miracle tree in many parts of the world

due to its rich nutrient density it contains fats protein vitamin C iron

carotenoids potassium and other helpful nutrients which can improve your health

all of the trees parts are used in different nutritional supplements and

are also added to cosmetic products certain chemical compounds found in

Moringa have beneficial biochemical activities which can fight at a low

chlorosis and boost your immune system besides possessing powerful antiviral

antioxidant and anti-tumor properties the tree is rich in antioxidants which

clean up your gut and remove any excess waste left over from a greasy meal one

formula to lose weight while you sleep Maringa has powerful antibiotic

properties which can eliminate bacteria in the gut the Torah is possible for

gastritis ulcers and gastric cancer the Moringa seeds are great for purifying

water and work better than most synthetic materials used for these same

purpose mowing a leaves are rich in vitamins minerals and essential amino

acids just 100 grams of the tree's leaves contain 9 times more protein than

in yogurt ten times more vitamin A than in carrots 15 times more potassium than

in bananas some times more calcium than in milk 12 times more vitamin C than an

orange juice and 25 times more iron than spinach the leaves also contain

chlorogenic acid which can slow down sugar absorption in the body

Moringa can regulate your thyroid function and help it work properly

one the tree is rich in fiber that will clean your intestines and remove excess

waste from your body to the Moringa is a powerful antibiotic agent which is very

efficient in eliminating bacteria that cause gastritis ulcers and gastric ulcer

three marina safes are very beneficial as well especially when it comes to

purifying water they even work better than most synthetic materials used for

these same purpose for the Moringa leaves are rich in essential nutrients

just 100 grams of the leaves contain nine times the protein in yogurt 15

times more potassium than bananas ten times the vitamin A in carrots 17 times

more calcium than milk twelve times more vitamin C than oranges and 25 times the

iron in spinach five the leaves also contain chlorogenic which can slow down

the sugar absorption insults six Moringa has shown anti tumour and anti-cancer

effects due to the presence of the compound called Nia's Immonen 7 the tree

can regulate your thyroid function thank you for watching this video like and

subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> One Tree For Prevent 300 Health Problems | Powerful Benefits Of Moringa Every Day - Duration: 3:47.


Move To CHINA And Build AUSTRALIA TOWN'S | they did it here - Duration: 2:43.

Please keep in mind my channel has been running for three years March 21st 2015. That's not an accident and three

Three the reason why the channel goes for three years is because three is an important number in China birth

Second year marriage third


Welcome back. I'm Dave and if you wanna know

What's really going on in Australia click that subscribe button and click the bill icon so you get notified every time I upload

And you don't miss out on anything

Wednesday the 7th and

Yesterday. We just had a massive

stock market crash in America and about four trillion dollars

Just fell off the Australian stock market and in my opinion that is to fund this possible upcoming war in March

my subscribers know my theory about this for

Move to China

What what is wrong there? This is like the economic hub of Asia? Why don't you just get up?

Start your business in China use your powerful Australian dollar and move it to China

It's an economic hub right now China right now is one of the safest places to

Put your money and the currency exchange rate is so good right now. Especially because there are mass exporter

They need to keep their money down. There'll be a point of course as I said in in one by

2034 they'll have to become a reserve currency because there are only

internationalization and just all of the manipulation from all the other countries the dodgy countries we know who that is so

There's no reason why you can't get a visa

you can start up a business in Hong Kong and then move to China and and do business with in China, so

And also just start up in Australia town because that's what they do in everyone else's countries right these are startup, China towns

Why can't we have an Australia town over there and?

That is definitely a viable option you can learn

Mandarin you can go move to China you can start up a little Australia town in Shanghai

I would love to come visit one day

And then you come back here with your new Mandarin skills and start up a business after the collapse that

Is a really good option?

It might seem like a bit of a joke, but I'm actually serious

That's a really good idea tips for investing through the Australian economic crash

Uneducated advice, but anyway click that subscribe button if you like this video

And I'll be seeing you guys probably in a few more days depending on whatever else happens

For more infomation >> Move To CHINA And Build AUSTRALIA TOWN'S | they did it here - Duration: 2:43.


Nhạc Phim Anime Remix ▶ Cậu Bé Phép Thuật ✔ Anime Hành Động Phép Thuật Phiêu Lưu Viễn Tưởng | Phần1 - Duration: 1:32:49.

For more infomation >> Nhạc Phim Anime Remix ▶ Cậu Bé Phép Thuật ✔ Anime Hành Động Phép Thuật Phiêu Lưu Viễn Tưởng | Phần1 - Duration: 1:32:49.


Camera Movements in Film: An Introduction with examples - Duration: 10:31.

For more infomation >> Camera Movements in Film: An Introduction with examples - Duration: 10:31.


Jezelf introduceren in een video: slim of niet? - Duration: 6:26.

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Pasta a i Carciofi : Paccheri Saltati con Carciofi e Pecorino - Duration: 4:47.

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Eakattor TV Live News Bangla, 15 February 2018,(Bangla Sangbad Online)Bangladesh News,Bd Live News - Duration: 12:12.

Eakattor TV Live News Bangla, 15 February 2018,(Bangla Sangbad Online)Bangladesh News,Bd Live News

Eakattor TV Live News Bangla, 15 February 2018,(Bangla Sangbad Online)Bangladesh News,Bd Live News

For more infomation >> Eakattor TV Live News Bangla, 15 February 2018,(Bangla Sangbad Online)Bangladesh News,Bd Live News - Duration: 12:12.


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Official Rampage Trailer

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VOCÊ TEM O GPS ESPIRITUAL? (Espírito Santo) - #97 Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:14.

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For more infomation >> Dorota Gardias: Czy jest zazdrosna o Edytę Herbuś? - Duration: 2:50.


【MUKBANG】 [Taiyaki + Waffles] 12 Yamaguchi's Taiyaki Sweets With Plenty OF Fruits! 3600kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 4:07.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka (eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (Font size color transparency 100% controlled you)

So today! tadaa I'll be eating something called a 'setouchi hanayome' taiyaki (fish shaped sweet)

a friend sent me these as a birthday present TYVM

its apparently made in suo ojima in the yamaguchi prefecture

cream neslted within a taiyaki along with some fruit

these treats are so photogenic don't you think

itadakimasu KAWAII its sitting in a tiny boat

check it out its so jam packed with cream and fruit

the oranges are so sweet tasting

the colors are so pretty as well the taiyaki portion reminds me of a waffle

and its packed with cream and fruit inside


the chocolate cream is yummy as well

this has all sorts of fruit in it

its so gorgeous

this one is matcha with chestnut and choco

the matcha has a mild sweetness to it its such a nice blend of foreign and domestic flavors

I love how they make their taiyaki to sit upright and you can take things with you like this

next is a sweet bean sweet bean and cream looks so yummy

sweet bean and cream taste so nice together

the sweetness from the beans is made creamy from the cream

today I'm using my new thermos to hold my milk tea

but it keeps things hotter than I even expected things are so piping hot

don't get me wrong I'm happy but its so hot

hot things and sweets really make me happy it warms both your body and soul


this is .... what is this? a peach perhaps?

did they add color to the peaches?

its pear.... they probably added color to the pears

and the cream is strawberry flavored

love the strawberry flavor

last one

last mouthful itadakimasu

all done gochisosamadeshita

the taiyaki from 'setouchi hanayome' were so yummy

there were so many varieties and filled with all sorts of fruits

even things like sweet bean the Japanese-y flavors were so yummy as well

Japan has all sorts of yummy things all from many different regions

I'm so grateful to be able to try them

they were so yummy won't you all give them a try as well

and as always thanks for watching and if there is anything you want me to do or eat please tell me in the

comment section if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Taiyaki + Waffles] 12 Yamaguchi's Taiyaki Sweets With Plenty OF Fruits! 3600kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 4:07.


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One Tree For Prevent 300 Health Problems | Powerful Benefits Of Moringa Every Day - Duration: 3:47.

the miracle tree that could cure 300 diseases including cancer tumor and

diabetes the Moringa tree is called the miracle tree in many parts of the world

due to its rich nutrient density it contains fats protein vitamin C iron

carotenoids potassium and other helpful nutrients which can improve your health

all of the trees parts are used in different nutritional supplements and

are also added to cosmetic products certain chemical compounds found in

Moringa have beneficial biochemical activities which can fight at a low

chlorosis and boost your immune system besides possessing powerful antiviral

antioxidant and anti-tumor properties the tree is rich in antioxidants which

clean up your gut and remove any excess waste left over from a greasy meal one

formula to lose weight while you sleep Maringa has powerful antibiotic

properties which can eliminate bacteria in the gut the Torah is possible for

gastritis ulcers and gastric cancer the Moringa seeds are great for purifying

water and work better than most synthetic materials used for these same

purpose mowing a leaves are rich in vitamins minerals and essential amino

acids just 100 grams of the tree's leaves contain 9 times more protein than

in yogurt ten times more vitamin A than in carrots 15 times more potassium than

in bananas some times more calcium than in milk 12 times more vitamin C than an

orange juice and 25 times more iron than spinach the leaves also contain

chlorogenic acid which can slow down sugar absorption in the body

Moringa can regulate your thyroid function and help it work properly

one the tree is rich in fiber that will clean your intestines and remove excess

waste from your body to the Moringa is a powerful antibiotic agent which is very

efficient in eliminating bacteria that cause gastritis ulcers and gastric ulcer

three marina safes are very beneficial as well especially when it comes to

purifying water they even work better than most synthetic materials used for

these same purpose for the Moringa leaves are rich in essential nutrients

just 100 grams of the leaves contain nine times the protein in yogurt 15

times more potassium than bananas ten times the vitamin A in carrots 17 times

more calcium than milk twelve times more vitamin C than oranges and 25 times the

iron in spinach five the leaves also contain chlorogenic which can slow down

the sugar absorption insults six Moringa has shown anti tumour and anti-cancer

effects due to the presence of the compound called Nia's Immonen 7 the tree

can regulate your thyroid function thank you for watching this video like and

subscribe for more videos

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