Thursday, February 15, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 15 2018

All greetings from fruit cakes more fans than any other fillings and it seems to me that in the piggy bank

art department should be a wide range of different fillings and today we will prepare a very

delicious cakes which is called caramel pear by the same principle can be made

caramel apple and so we begin to cook for this cake, we will again use a cake biscuit

on kefir which I made in

cake for my mother with a cherry layer, I'm very interested in this biscuit because it fits very well with

yoghurt cream mousse also I used it in a cake

where there was cream cheese and also there was cherry confi also a very tasty mix

it turns out but most of all I'm attracted exactly in combination with yoghurt cream

I need kefir for biscuit here I already added soda and the reaction went, here sugar with vanilla sugar

loose ingredients-starch flour and baking powder

vegetable oil odorless salt 2 eggs begin to beat eggs with sugar and salt

We transfer to the bowl a mixer and set to whip at the highest speed

this process will take us about 7 minutes while we can mix the dry ingredients with each other and

add the kefir vegetable oil finished whipping and now put the mixer on the very low speed

alternately add

flour with starch and

kefir with

vegetable oil

all the dough is ready you can already prepare the forms, the bottom of the form is covered with parchment paper or we use the method

French shirt I will bake immediately in two forms 20 centimeters in diameter in one shape fit

460 grams of dough

on top of every form I cover with foil

shiny side


so as not to form a large

volcanic caps on a biscuit and put immediately two forms in the oven heated to 180 degrees

They will be baked for me exactly forty minutes, I do not even check with a skewer

40 minutes passes we pull out from the oven we take off at once foil a little let cool right form just 5 minutes

5-7 minutes and

we remove from the form, we must not leave a biscuit in the form for a long time it will get wet

then until it is completely cool

we leave on the grate either on the board after full cooling

biscuit wrapped in food film and sent to the refrigerator for the night also in advance we need to cook

caramel layer we need for this sugar sugar cream butter I took 33 percent and cream but it is possible and twenty percent

and also gelatin, sugar pour into the saucepan, the cream we need to heat I will heat up

microwave, as in the cream we must enter the caramel hot necessarily start to heat sugar on medium heat until the appearance of

casserole walls

Such an amber color of already diluted sugar can then be

shake a saucepan from side to side

stir sugar when all the sugar is melted, we pour hot cream over here and

all very, very actively interfere here we send butter and back to the stove and the medium fire

cooked caramel for 5 minutes actively interfere and now let it cool down to about

60 degrees and while you can melt the gelatin in the microwave, cool the mixture and now infuse the vessels with a thin trickle

melted gelatin and actively stir we mix everything up to a homogeneous state and we pour out all the form the form I have

Metal 16 centimeters bottom of the mold

The food film has tightened the sides of the paved acetate film of 6 centimeters and

fill in here

we send to the freezer for five to six hours

usually such blanks send for the night it is very convenient to do in advance even a few of these are the workpieces for cakes

compote of pears and also prepare in advance

you can generally make of apples and make a berry confi as I said that

you can pre-make such billets this is extremely convenient for you then you just need to collect the cake and all

We take a pear absolutely any variety just if you have a very ripe pear, then it is better to make them puree and

accordingly conf, I have this

medium pearls and she keeps the shape pretty well, that is, I will need 350 grams of such cubes

further sugar, gelatin, lemon juice and

butter, on medium heat completely melt butter in a saucepan

then add a pear with sugar and

boil down the whole thing within 10 minutes time

cooking will depend on the rigidity of your pear, that is, the harder it is the more time you will need

while digesting the pear I have a little time to tell you about the dishes in which I have been preparing for several months

it's utensils from an online store, dishes, you have repeatedly seen it literally in each of my videos

Taller is also the sponsor of today's release, you can see for yourself

impeccable quality

an interesting design color in this dish can be washed in a dishwasher

it is made of stainless steel which does not react with products and the cover is also made of heat-resistant glass

silicone inserts on the handles is a guarantee of safety can be used on all slabs

including induction in as we have here our case today, also from this store I have here is such here

split form for baking

it has a very strong case and even if it falls you it does not deform a bit, another plus is

non-stick coating and

resistant to abrasion

glossy here this surface that is it you will always have

look in the same form in which you bought it, I have not yet used it but in the nearest videos you will definitely see it

the mechanism is very light, there is no need to exert any effort and also for the safety of my hands

my hands always suffer from burns from cuts, I bought here is just another silicone

glove now burns to me are not terrible and it's no secret that I'm waiting for

new kitchen studio and I want to completely switch to this kind of quality

dishes if you also have the desire to use the kitchen

beautiful quality dishes you can buy all these products in the online store

tableware and when specifying a promotional code cake one you get a 15 percent discount

pour out lemon juice here

mix and let cool to about 60 degrees and while melting gelatin, add gelatin and everything is fine

mix and pour it into the same shape

16 centimeters

and also with a membrane

evenly distributed and sent to the freezer also for 5-6 hours and before we already collect the cake, we finally prepare

The last component of our cake is the cream of mousse yoghurt

with the addition of baby puree from a pear I need yogurt as always a fat cream of 33 percent

puree from pears and

sugar powder and gelatin yogurt I have natural without any additives

mixed with pear puree and powdered sugar

yoghurt and pear puree should be at room temperature

all mix well and send at this time gelatin microwaves to melt

melted gelatin and when we have about 40 degrees we put it into yogurt

actively we all interfere with a thin trickle we introduce gelatin

we set aside and start whipping the cream

whipped cream

observing all the rules, we start whipping the smallest speed gradually

increasing it and so on until the dense state

now put the mixer at the lowest speed and pour in here

yoghurt mixture and everything is good

mixed and you can already collect the cake of the crust I had already cut after they had spent the night in the fridge

pear and caramel is also ready

they are in my

frozen form in this form, and I will lay them in a cake, I will not soak up anything since they are sufficiently moist and

take their impregnation from the mousse, for 1 cake caused a little

mousse and lay a layer of pears and so add to the mousse the second cake goes and

Now we lay caramel layer deepen it a little we cover from above with mousse

lay out the remains of mousse and

close it all with the last crust I like to like high cakes as decorating

more interesting, that is, a great field for fantasy

the lateral part of the cake, and so it was possible to limit oneself

Well, three cakes are a matter of taste

we send in a refrigerator for the night but that is for 7 8 hours and it will be possible to start decorating

the design will be in the next video that is, with this cake you will still meet

and I, as always, wish good luck in your endeavors to the very, very good

made the second takoyzhe on St. Valentine's Day

For more infomation >> Cake 🍐"Caramel pear"🍐 - I - Tortodel! - Duration: 10:07.


Bonial - Paroles de clients - Pro Plan - R. Attar - Duration: 2:41.

My name is Rajaa, I'm the Senior Brand Manager for Pro Plan, a pet food brand dedicated to dogs.

It's a premium brand, sold in specialized stores

which is used and appreciated by both breeders and vets

Boosting the brand, developing it, increasing its awareness and perception

are my main missions for Nestlé Purina.

The pillars of the communication strategy for Pro Plan

are to continue working with the influencers - the breeders and vets

in choosing a brand

but it's also to communicate towards consumers

through our stores and internet

and to be present in the life of dog owners

throughout the dog's life, whatever their needs are.

The mobile is now

one of the most used devices in France and elsewhere

and we take this fact into account for all our media plans

in order to be « mobile first ».

I can really attract the consumer

who is expecting information, advice and brand attributes

while traditional media are more « mass market ».

It's more difficult to segment and target

and we also have less information and feedback.

The campaign we implemented with Bonial allowed us

to communicate on a 100% free offer

which was completely new in our category and in our distribution channel

and used geolocation to locate stores and other outlets

like veterinary clinics

in which the consumer could benefit from the offer: 100% refunded on a dog grooming.

The campaign was a real success.

What I would like today is to go even further

and try to understand how many people

have chosen to buy thanks to this visibility.

Another aspect of the campaign was to attract other people, « lookalikes »,

who have the same profiles or hobbies

but outside the app…

and that's where the strength is : it allows to increase

the amount of potential customers,

and from a media perspective, this is a really strong result!

For more infomation >> Bonial - Paroles de clients - Pro Plan - R. Attar - Duration: 2:41.


どんな顔でも許せちゃう。なにやらご不満げな子猫たち【癒される】 - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> どんな顔でも許せちゃう。なにやらご不満げな子猫たち【癒される】 - Duration: 2:59.


ПП Пирог с морковью невероятно вкусный - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> ПП Пирог с морковью невероятно вкусный - Duration: 4:30.


Adam, EVA и Bearded l by Cradle mods l ENG SUBS l + РОЗЫГРЫШ l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 13:43.

You know what? I've noticed something. Some russian-speaking youtube reviewers making the videos as if they try to make an excuses. Leave a comment with your guess who is it

So it goes. Now i will know who you like and who don't

I've ordered Homepod recently and after i viewed some reviews i think that was a hasty decision to order it. Well, once it will come we'll see. Maybe i will tell you what i think about it in some live stream

Okay, getting back to the tracks, we have a review of 3 mechanical mods at once, so please give us the intro

I don't know who i asked but anyway, let's roll


Hello everyone! Alex from VapersMD is here

And i'm glad to welcome you on my channel

And today our guests is mechanical mod Adam, mechanical mod Eva and mechanical mod Bearded by Cradle mods. This guys is from Russia

These mechs are made in Russia too

And these are very interesting mods since they look different than other mech mods on Russian market

These mechanical mods have interesting design, of course they have constant contact and some safety features

And great, deep engraving

Look dope, but the size of this thing is rather big and it is pretty heavy

Okay, no more delays. I can show you many things in close up, let's roll

Here they are, this three handsome mechs which today are our guests

Anyway, these mechs have packaging, that i will show you right now

Mechanical mods Adam and Eva came in in this cardboard package with that metal plate

Inside we see a User Manual with some bad printing. Honestly guys from Cradle Mods - you have a bad printer and this manual torn on the bottom.

I don't know why it's torned, but it's good that we have this User Manual

Also we have 2 stickers that is poorly printed. And somehow guys using Gears of War logo

A little bit of paper straw and alien coils for mechanical mods made by Vape Artel. You can see the specs of it right now on the sticker

Mechanical mod Bearded came in that kind of package with some weird sticker which is unreadable

Overall i can say guys have troubles with printing and it should be fixed. But that's not the main thing.

Let's talk about mechs

So Cradle mods make their mechs of high quality brass and aviation aluminum

Cradle mods decide not to do color coating because they believe that the metal is beautiful by itself

But there is an option to coat brass mech with a Nickel Chrome plating

At the moment Cradle mods have 4 version of mechs - Eva made of aluminum, Adam, Beard and Zmei is made of brass. All mechs have the same button with contant contact and auto-adjust feature

They also feature 510 hybrid connection and powered by 1*18650. And you can see they have different design

Manufacturer claims that cloning of their product is complicated due to the technical solutions of contour machining

Also they recently start to implement 3D engraving for their mech mod Zmei. But unfortunately i don't have one, so i can show you only the picture

Okay, we're done with the specs, it's time for detailed overview

Let's start with Eva mechanical mod. On the top we have 510 hybrid connection with recess and small cutouts

If we look at the tube we can see two waists which is define the name of this mod - Eva

Also this two wings is noticable - they are big and have deep engraving that is made with CNC machining

And on the bottom we have a button . On the button we have engravings with the name and serial number 005. It also have 2 vent holes

The button unscrew counter clockwise. If we look inside the tube we will see the fool-proof protection feature or you can call it anti-idle press protection

I have no complaints about the threads of this aluminum mech mod, everything made well. Yes, it's a bit dirty but the cleaning is easy

The button looks like so and as you can see it have perfect threads as well

On the top we have constant contact brass pin and spring-loaded insulator which gives this mod the auto-adjust feature

This button can be disassembled. In order to do it you have to unscrew that wide part from thin part and it have reverse threading, so you should unscrew it clockwise.

Once this done we have access to the insides of the button and we see the constant contact

I think you noticed that this button is works with a spring and after we removed the spring we can extract the pin with insulator

And the bottom part of the button housing look like

As you can see the button is locked with that brass constant contact part

Of course it is demountable. This brass part hold the button in place and not letting it to fall out. I won't be taking it apart, i thinks it's clear

The constant contact look like so. Spring is rests on the insulator and when you push the button it goes up and make a contact

They all have the same button so obviously i won't be showing you those buttons

So let's get closer to the overview of Adam

I think you noticed that mech Adam have something in common in terms of design with mech Eva, but it looks more manly i guess

This mech also have 510 hybrid connection with recess and small cutouts

The connector itself is slightly protruding out of the main body because the diameter of the tube on that edge is around 27.5mm

Also now we have the engraving with the name of the manufacturer here. And the wings are the same as Eva

But if we look closer we will see the contour machining which give this tube interesting shimmering effect

On the button we have engraving of an apple and serial number, as well as the name of this mod and vent holes

And comparing this button to the button of mech Eva - it's made fully of brass

And the last mech i will show you today is Bearded mechanical mod.

Bearded, bald man. It's a cool and deep engraving - it looks dope

Especially great it will look when it will be covered with patina

And after you give it a good polish, all that recess part will be darker than the tube. So i will say it again - it will look dope

Top part is somewhere the same as previous mechs we saw

Also on the top part we have cutout and the tube itself having that oval shape

Like a bald bearded fat man. And it looks familiar to me...

And on the side of the mech Cradle mods engraved my name - Alex from VapersMD. So it's named mech mod i have

That is one of nice bonus features - you can order your own engraving from Cradle mods - the logo or your name or some word or just some random engraving

It's great that guys have this option

On the button we have engraving Cradle mods, the name of this mech and serial number 005. Again. And vent holes

The button is absolutely the same and i can tell you more - they are interchangeable with each other

Let's compare this mech with other mods size-wise

I can say it's one of the highest mods i have on my desk.

Okay, let's cut the chase and put the gold Phobia on it. It should look sexy

Now let's install the battery - negative up, because vent holes are on the bottom and after - screw the button

The button is screwed flush because we have auto-adjusting for the battery inside and the battery have no rattle at all, which is great

Okay folks, it's time to end this close up and get back to face-time where we will speak about this mods

Thanks for your attention in close up. Let's roll

Zharit(it performs)

It performs great. Lot of vapor, lot of flavor. Thank you Phobia. But today we are gonna speak about mechanical mods

And it performs like a champ

Okay now, we are going to test something - which of those two performs better!

Aluminum or Brass?

It will be fair comparison. I will always saturate the cotton before the test and i will use the same battery

Bearded Brass. Let's hit that button and see - it performs like this

And now let's test the aluminum Eva

I can say i don't see much of a difference. So it's a pro to both of em for having good performance

But for a start there is a nuances we need to speak of

In this segment i will say some things to the manufacturers and some things you should be aware of

Let's start with its height - this mod is quite tall. As you saw it's one of the highest mods i have and i don't really like mods this size

I want mod to be compact. But this is VERY subjective and it's my personal opinion. I'm not imposing anything to you

Leave a comment - what you think about the size of this mechanical mod?

One of the nuances you should be aware of - it's pure brass and it's need to be polished from time to time.

Because after some time of usage it will cover in patina and start to smell bad.

So this mechs that is made of brass requires special treatment and maintenance

Of course, the constant contact isn't the panacea from black dots(aka arcs). They will appear anyway, but not on the battery contacts, they will appear inside of the button contacts

So you have to clean this black dots from the contacts there and take a regular care it. Don't forget about this.

Next nuance is going straight to the manufacturer. Vent holes is real tiny.

When i blow inside this tube...Don't ask why i do this...This is my way to test the vent holes

It takes lot of effort

So i can tell if something bad happens - those tiny vent holes not gonna help you much

So i recommend to Cradle mods to make them bigger

People who are following my channel know that I was engaged in design - i did some 2D design like posters, menus, billboards and stuff.

And for the printing like this i can smash a MAJOR CON. Guys, you should do something about it - this is junk.

Take more time for the package and of course User Manual. This is the face of the mechanical mod, this is the way it will be presented at the shop shelf

So if I see the shabby package like this with bad printing I don't want to even look in the direction of this mod

So guys - fix it

It's time to talk of pros and here's plenty of them

First pro to those mechanical mods i'll give for great machining quality, smooth treads and great fit of all components

There is no battery rattle. Everything screws and unscrews great. Good job and great production quality. Like

Of course pro for an original design. These mechs are very different from the many of the mech mods at the Russian market. So it's a pro for a design.

I will also give a pro for a constant contact. This is becoming mainstream for Russian mech mod makers and it's great that Cradle mods also used it

A pro for constant contact

Next pro i'll give for safety features. Vent holes (need to be bigger though), fool-proof protection feature aka anti-idle press

And there is little cutouts and recess on the connector, that will prevent sticking your atomizer and reduce heat transfer

And last pro like i showed you before i'll give for performance. They all performs great - both aluminum and brass. It's great for everyday vape

MAJOR pro for performance

Let's move forward and it's time to talk about price

Let's start with the cheap to expensive . Mech mod Eva cost 4500 rubles(79$ to this date)

Mech mod Bearded cost 5500 rubles(97$ to this date)

And mech mod Adam cost 6500 rubles(114$ to..this date)

If you decide to get Nickel plating it will raise the price. More detailed info you can get at manufacturer.

Also the price will be affected if you decide to get some custom engraving

But overall these mech mods are great. Production quality is great as well

Design is nice but the package is a letdown. And i guess the package is the only major con there is.

Overall folks, that's all i wanted to share with you today regarding this mech mods.

I want to say big thanks to Cradle Mods for sending me this devices for this review

I wanna thank you for your attention

Don't forget - in this corner we have a voting going - do you like this device or not(да-yes/нет-no)

And of course... The giveaway...For the CIS counties

And now it's time to remind you to subscribe this channel, push that bell to get notified when video is up

And leave a comment if like this review/subtitles or not while Alex will announce the giveaway which is for CIS only

Also share this and other videos with your friends and the news that now it have a subtitles. Spread the word

And now it's time to say farewells, folks

We'll see you soon

I wish you a delicious vape and let the vaping come into your life and stays there for long

Take care of yourself and your mods

Alex from VapersMD was with you. We will see you soon.

Poka poka

For more infomation >> Adam, EVA и Bearded l by Cradle mods l ENG SUBS l + РОЗЫГРЫШ l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 13:43.


Vadaima Koutuk 2018| দাদুর মজার জাদু |হাসির ফানি ভিডিও| Bangla Magic | Badaima Comedy |বাদাইমা কৌতুক - Duration: 5:31.

Vadaima Koutuk

Bangla Magic

For more infomation >> Vadaima Koutuk 2018| দাদুর মজার জাদু |হাসির ফানি ভিডিও| Bangla Magic | Badaima Comedy |বাদাইমা কৌতুক - Duration: 5:31.


[ラップ ビート] フリートラック "Hell A$AP" フリースタイル ビート [トラック提供] (オリジナルビート) - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> [ラップ ビート] フリートラック "Hell A$AP" フリースタイル ビート [トラック提供] (オリジナルビート) - Duration: 5:13.


Day 46: Tesla Powers South Australia - Duration: 1:03.

Hey guys! And welcome to Goodness!

Today's Goodness is about TESLA

creating renewable energy in South Australia!

After a blackout for 1.7 million

residents in 2016,

and another one in the summer of 2017,

Tesla stepped up to help

by creating the world's

largest lithium-ion battery,

to harness electricity generated by the

Hornsdale Wind Farm,

and provide emergency electricity to over

30,000 homes in case of blackout!

In cooperation with the government,

Tesla is installing solar panels,

and Telsa Powerwall batteries

to Aussie homes for free,

to create a Virtual Power Plant!

Not only will these homes be able to

cut down their energy bill by 30%,

excess energy created will be

sent to other buildings

during high usage times to stabilize the grid!

Starting with a trial of just over 1,000 homes,

Tesla hopes to connect up to 50,000 homes

by the end of the project!

So thank you Tesla!

And that's today's Goodness!

See you tomorrow!

For more infomation >> Day 46: Tesla Powers South Australia - Duration: 1:03.


Jason Aldean - You Make It E...

For more infomation >> Jason Aldean - You Make It E...


PIZZA RUSTICA PROSCIUTTO E FORMAGGIO Ricetta Facile - Fatto in Casa da Benedetta - Duration: 3:00.

Rustic pizza with ham & cheese

break 2 eggs in a bowl

add 250g of diced sweet provola cheese

add 250g of diced ham

mix well

take a roll of round puff pastry

put it in a baking tin (this is 26cm)

pour the stuffing

take another roll of round puff pastry

cut to size like the tin

cover it

seal edges very well

use puff pastry in excess to decorate (cut rounds or stars, leaves, hearts, etc...)

brush it using egg yolk

riddle using a fork

Baking: static oven, 200° about 35 min; ventilated oven, 190° about 35 min.

this rustic pizza is delicious hot or cold and is perfect for ...

a fast dinner


eat together in friend's house or in your office

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> PIZZA RUSTICA PROSCIUTTO E FORMAGGIO Ricetta Facile - Fatto in Casa da Benedetta - Duration: 3:00.


BMW X3 xDrive 3.0d Aut. M-pakket High E - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 xDrive 3.0d Aut. M-pakket High E - Duration: 0:56.


Dall'analogico al DIGITALE, dalla diapositiva al file - DigitaLife - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Dall'analogico al DIGITALE, dalla diapositiva al file - DigitaLife - Duration: 3:52.


Uma Moça de Fé [Eu Não Perdi a Minha Fé #3] - Duration: 10:29.

For more infomation >> Uma Moça de Fé [Eu Não Perdi a Minha Fé #3] - Duration: 10:29.


Tina Cipollari ufficializza la fine del matrimonio con Chicco Nalli: ..."| STARS NEWS - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Tina Cipollari ufficializza la fine del matrimonio con Chicco Nalli: ..."| STARS NEWS - Duration: 3:55.


Firmare facendo finta che il macchinario sia sicuro - Avv Zaniolo Ing Delaini - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Firmare facendo finta che il macchinario sia sicuro - Avv Zaniolo Ing Delaini - Duration: 2:23.


Learn Spanish: (64) The use of the verb COSTAR - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Learn Spanish: (64) The use of the verb COSTAR - Duration: 3:11.


PASSEANDO NO CEASA⭐ESPECIAL 100K | Nô Figueiredo - Duration: 33:44.

For more infomation >> PASSEANDO NO CEASA⭐ESPECIAL 100K | Nô Figueiredo - Duration: 33:44.


Versativos - Com Versa - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Versativos - Com Versa - Duration: 4:21.


Totul despre cafea - direct din ferma - Duration: 15:22.

For more infomation >> Totul despre cafea - direct din ferma - Duration: 15:22.


【MUKBANG】 [Taiyaki + Waffles] 12 Yamaguchi's Taiyaki Sweets With Plenty OF Fruits! 3600kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 4:07.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka (eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (Font size color transparency 100% controlled you)

So today! tadaa I'll be eating something called a 'setouchi hanayome' taiyaki (fish shaped sweet)

a friend sent me these as a birthday present TYVM

its apparently made in suo ojima in the yamaguchi prefecture

cream neslted within a taiyaki along with some fruit

these treats are so photogenic don't you think

itadakimasu KAWAII its sitting in a tiny boat

check it out its so jam packed with cream and fruit

the oranges are so sweet tasting

the colors are so pretty as well the taiyaki portion reminds me of a waffle

and its packed with cream and fruit inside


the chocolate cream is yummy as well

this has all sorts of fruit in it

its so gorgeous

this one is matcha with chestnut and choco

the matcha has a mild sweetness to it its such a nice blend of foreign and domestic flavors

I love how they make their taiyaki to sit upright and you can take things with you like this

next is a sweet bean sweet bean and cream looks so yummy

sweet bean and cream taste so nice together

the sweetness from the beans is made creamy from the cream

today I'm using my new thermos to hold my milk tea

but it keeps things hotter than I even expected things are so piping hot

don't get me wrong I'm happy but its so hot

hot things and sweets really make me happy it warms both your body and soul


this is .... what is this? a peach perhaps?

did they add color to the peaches?

its pear.... they probably added color to the pears

and the cream is strawberry flavored

love the strawberry flavor

last one

last mouthful itadakimasu

all done gochisosamadeshita

the taiyaki from 'setouchi hanayome' were so yummy

there were so many varieties and filled with all sorts of fruits

even things like sweet bean the Japanese-y flavors were so yummy as well

Japan has all sorts of yummy things all from many different regions

I'm so grateful to be able to try them

they were so yummy won't you all give them a try as well

and as always thanks for watching and if there is anything you want me to do or eat please tell me in the

comment section if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Taiyaki + Waffles] 12 Yamaguchi's Taiyaki Sweets With Plenty OF Fruits! 3600kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 4:07.


Meltem Yaman - Bu Kadarı Fazla (Official Video) - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Meltem Yaman - Bu Kadarı Fazla (Official Video) - Duration: 3:49.


Move To CHINA And Build AUSTRALIA TOWN'S | they did it here - Duration: 2:43.

Please keep in mind my channel has been running for three years March 21st 2015. That's not an accident and three

Three the reason why the channel goes for three years is because three is an important number in China birth

Second year marriage third


Welcome back. I'm Dave and if you wanna know

What's really going on in Australia click that subscribe button and click the bill icon so you get notified every time I upload

And you don't miss out on anything

Wednesday the 7th and

Yesterday. We just had a massive

stock market crash in America and about four trillion dollars

Just fell off the Australian stock market and in my opinion that is to fund this possible upcoming war in March

my subscribers know my theory about this for

Move to China

What what is wrong there? This is like the economic hub of Asia? Why don't you just get up?

Start your business in China use your powerful Australian dollar and move it to China

It's an economic hub right now China right now is one of the safest places to

Put your money and the currency exchange rate is so good right now. Especially because there are mass exporter

They need to keep their money down. There'll be a point of course as I said in in one by

2034 they'll have to become a reserve currency because there are only

internationalization and just all of the manipulation from all the other countries the dodgy countries we know who that is so

There's no reason why you can't get a visa

you can start up a business in Hong Kong and then move to China and and do business with in China, so

And also just start up in Australia town because that's what they do in everyone else's countries right these are startup, China towns

Why can't we have an Australia town over there and?

That is definitely a viable option you can learn

Mandarin you can go move to China you can start up a little Australia town in Shanghai

I would love to come visit one day

And then you come back here with your new Mandarin skills and start up a business after the collapse that

Is a really good option?

It might seem like a bit of a joke, but I'm actually serious

That's a really good idea tips for investing through the Australian economic crash

Uneducated advice, but anyway click that subscribe button if you like this video

And I'll be seeing you guys probably in a few more days depending on whatever else happens

For more infomation >> Move To CHINA And Build AUSTRALIA TOWN'S | they did it here - Duration: 2:43.


Adam, EVA и Bearded l by Cradle mods l ENG SUBS l + РОЗЫГРЫШ l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 13:43.

You know what? I've noticed something. Some russian-speaking youtube reviewers making the videos as if they try to make an excuses. Leave a comment with your guess who is it

So it goes. Now i will know who you like and who don't

I've ordered Homepod recently and after i viewed some reviews i think that was a hasty decision to order it. Well, once it will come we'll see. Maybe i will tell you what i think about it in some live stream

Okay, getting back to the tracks, we have a review of 3 mechanical mods at once, so please give us the intro

I don't know who i asked but anyway, let's roll


Hello everyone! Alex from VapersMD is here

And i'm glad to welcome you on my channel

And today our guests is mechanical mod Adam, mechanical mod Eva and mechanical mod Bearded by Cradle mods. This guys is from Russia

These mechs are made in Russia too

And these are very interesting mods since they look different than other mech mods on Russian market

These mechanical mods have interesting design, of course they have constant contact and some safety features

And great, deep engraving

Look dope, but the size of this thing is rather big and it is pretty heavy

Okay, no more delays. I can show you many things in close up, let's roll

Here they are, this three handsome mechs which today are our guests

Anyway, these mechs have packaging, that i will show you right now

Mechanical mods Adam and Eva came in in this cardboard package with that metal plate

Inside we see a User Manual with some bad printing. Honestly guys from Cradle Mods - you have a bad printer and this manual torn on the bottom.

I don't know why it's torned, but it's good that we have this User Manual

Also we have 2 stickers that is poorly printed. And somehow guys using Gears of War logo

A little bit of paper straw and alien coils for mechanical mods made by Vape Artel. You can see the specs of it right now on the sticker

Mechanical mod Bearded came in that kind of package with some weird sticker which is unreadable

Overall i can say guys have troubles with printing and it should be fixed. But that's not the main thing.

Let's talk about mechs

So Cradle mods make their mechs of high quality brass and aviation aluminum

Cradle mods decide not to do color coating because they believe that the metal is beautiful by itself

But there is an option to coat brass mech with a Nickel Chrome plating

At the moment Cradle mods have 4 version of mechs - Eva made of aluminum, Adam, Beard and Zmei is made of brass. All mechs have the same button with contant contact and auto-adjust feature

They also feature 510 hybrid connection and powered by 1*18650. And you can see they have different design

Manufacturer claims that cloning of their product is complicated due to the technical solutions of contour machining

Also they recently start to implement 3D engraving for their mech mod Zmei. But unfortunately i don't have one, so i can show you only the picture

Okay, we're done with the specs, it's time for detailed overview

Let's start with Eva mechanical mod. On the top we have 510 hybrid connection with recess and small cutouts

If we look at the tube we can see two waists which is define the name of this mod - Eva

Also this two wings is noticable - they are big and have deep engraving that is made with CNC machining

And on the bottom we have a button . On the button we have engravings with the name and serial number 005. It also have 2 vent holes

The button unscrew counter clockwise. If we look inside the tube we will see the fool-proof protection feature or you can call it anti-idle press protection

I have no complaints about the threads of this aluminum mech mod, everything made well. Yes, it's a bit dirty but the cleaning is easy

The button looks like so and as you can see it have perfect threads as well

On the top we have constant contact brass pin and spring-loaded insulator which gives this mod the auto-adjust feature

This button can be disassembled. In order to do it you have to unscrew that wide part from thin part and it have reverse threading, so you should unscrew it clockwise.

Once this done we have access to the insides of the button and we see the constant contact

I think you noticed that this button is works with a spring and after we removed the spring we can extract the pin with insulator

And the bottom part of the button housing look like

As you can see the button is locked with that brass constant contact part

Of course it is demountable. This brass part hold the button in place and not letting it to fall out. I won't be taking it apart, i thinks it's clear

The constant contact look like so. Spring is rests on the insulator and when you push the button it goes up and make a contact

They all have the same button so obviously i won't be showing you those buttons

So let's get closer to the overview of Adam

I think you noticed that mech Adam have something in common in terms of design with mech Eva, but it looks more manly i guess

This mech also have 510 hybrid connection with recess and small cutouts

The connector itself is slightly protruding out of the main body because the diameter of the tube on that edge is around 27.5mm

Also now we have the engraving with the name of the manufacturer here. And the wings are the same as Eva

But if we look closer we will see the contour machining which give this tube interesting shimmering effect

On the button we have engraving of an apple and serial number, as well as the name of this mod and vent holes

And comparing this button to the button of mech Eva - it's made fully of brass

And the last mech i will show you today is Bearded mechanical mod.

Bearded, bald man. It's a cool and deep engraving - it looks dope

Especially great it will look when it will be covered with patina

And after you give it a good polish, all that recess part will be darker than the tube. So i will say it again - it will look dope

Top part is somewhere the same as previous mechs we saw

Also on the top part we have cutout and the tube itself having that oval shape

Like a bald bearded fat man. And it looks familiar to me...

And on the side of the mech Cradle mods engraved my name - Alex from VapersMD. So it's named mech mod i have

That is one of nice bonus features - you can order your own engraving from Cradle mods - the logo or your name or some word or just some random engraving

It's great that guys have this option

On the button we have engraving Cradle mods, the name of this mech and serial number 005. Again. And vent holes

The button is absolutely the same and i can tell you more - they are interchangeable with each other

Let's compare this mech with other mods size-wise

I can say it's one of the highest mods i have on my desk.

Okay, let's cut the chase and put the gold Phobia on it. It should look sexy

Now let's install the battery - negative up, because vent holes are on the bottom and after - screw the button

The button is screwed flush because we have auto-adjusting for the battery inside and the battery have no rattle at all, which is great

Okay folks, it's time to end this close up and get back to face-time where we will speak about this mods

Thanks for your attention in close up. Let's roll

Zharit(it performs)

It performs great. Lot of vapor, lot of flavor. Thank you Phobia. But today we are gonna speak about mechanical mods

And it performs like a champ

Okay now, we are going to test something - which of those two performs better!

Aluminum or Brass?

It will be fair comparison. I will always saturate the cotton before the test and i will use the same battery

Bearded Brass. Let's hit that button and see - it performs like this

And now let's test the aluminum Eva

I can say i don't see much of a difference. So it's a pro to both of em for having good performance

But for a start there is a nuances we need to speak of

In this segment i will say some things to the manufacturers and some things you should be aware of

Let's start with its height - this mod is quite tall. As you saw it's one of the highest mods i have and i don't really like mods this size

I want mod to be compact. But this is VERY subjective and it's my personal opinion. I'm not imposing anything to you

Leave a comment - what you think about the size of this mechanical mod?

One of the nuances you should be aware of - it's pure brass and it's need to be polished from time to time.

Because after some time of usage it will cover in patina and start to smell bad.

So this mechs that is made of brass requires special treatment and maintenance

Of course, the constant contact isn't the panacea from black dots(aka arcs). They will appear anyway, but not on the battery contacts, they will appear inside of the button contacts

So you have to clean this black dots from the contacts there and take a regular care it. Don't forget about this.

Next nuance is going straight to the manufacturer. Vent holes is real tiny.

When i blow inside this tube...Don't ask why i do this...This is my way to test the vent holes

It takes lot of effort

So i can tell if something bad happens - those tiny vent holes not gonna help you much

So i recommend to Cradle mods to make them bigger

People who are following my channel know that I was engaged in design - i did some 2D design like posters, menus, billboards and stuff.

And for the printing like this i can smash a MAJOR CON. Guys, you should do something about it - this is junk.

Take more time for the package and of course User Manual. This is the face of the mechanical mod, this is the way it will be presented at the shop shelf

So if I see the shabby package like this with bad printing I don't want to even look in the direction of this mod

So guys - fix it

It's time to talk of pros and here's plenty of them

First pro to those mechanical mods i'll give for great machining quality, smooth treads and great fit of all components

There is no battery rattle. Everything screws and unscrews great. Good job and great production quality. Like

Of course pro for an original design. These mechs are very different from the many of the mech mods at the Russian market. So it's a pro for a design.

I will also give a pro for a constant contact. This is becoming mainstream for Russian mech mod makers and it's great that Cradle mods also used it

A pro for constant contact

Next pro i'll give for safety features. Vent holes (need to be bigger though), fool-proof protection feature aka anti-idle press

And there is little cutouts and recess on the connector, that will prevent sticking your atomizer and reduce heat transfer

And last pro like i showed you before i'll give for performance. They all performs great - both aluminum and brass. It's great for everyday vape

MAJOR pro for performance

Let's move forward and it's time to talk about price

Let's start with the cheap to expensive . Mech mod Eva cost 4500 rubles(79$ to this date)

Mech mod Bearded cost 5500 rubles(97$ to this date)

And mech mod Adam cost 6500 rubles(114$ to..this date)

If you decide to get Nickel plating it will raise the price. More detailed info you can get at manufacturer.

Also the price will be affected if you decide to get some custom engraving

But overall these mech mods are great. Production quality is great as well

Design is nice but the package is a letdown. And i guess the package is the only major con there is.

Overall folks, that's all i wanted to share with you today regarding this mech mods.

I want to say big thanks to Cradle Mods for sending me this devices for this review

I wanna thank you for your attention

Don't forget - in this corner we have a voting going - do you like this device or not(да-yes/нет-no)

And of course... The giveaway...For the CIS counties

And now it's time to remind you to subscribe this channel, push that bell to get notified when video is up

And leave a comment if like this review/subtitles or not while Alex will announce the giveaway which is for CIS only

Also share this and other videos with your friends and the news that now it have a subtitles. Spread the word

And now it's time to say farewells, folks

We'll see you soon

I wish you a delicious vape and let the vaping come into your life and stays there for long

Take care of yourself and your mods

Alex from VapersMD was with you. We will see you soon.

Poka poka

For more infomation >> Adam, EVA и Bearded l by Cradle mods l ENG SUBS l + РОЗЫГРЫШ l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 13:43.


Bíblia Sagrada "Imersiva" - Levítico 20-23 // (Mês 2 - Dia 15) - [Ativar Legenda] - Duration: 19:41.

For more infomation >> Bíblia Sagrada "Imersiva" - Levítico 20-23 // (Mês 2 - Dia 15) - [Ativar Legenda] - Duration: 19:41.


LEGO® Marvel Superheroes ...

For more infomation >> LEGO® Marvel Superheroes ...


The Fruit to Reach for When You Need Some R & R - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> The Fruit to Reach for When You Need Some R & R - Duration: 1:50.


Fiat Panda 1.2 Dynamic,1e eign,NAP,Apk - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Fiat Panda 1.2 Dynamic,1e eign,NAP,Apk - Duration: 0:54.


Cake 🍐"Caramel pear"🍐 - I - Tortodel! - Duration: 10:07.

All greetings from fruit cakes more fans than any other fillings and it seems to me that in the piggy bank

art department should be a wide range of different fillings and today we will prepare a very

delicious cakes which is called caramel pear by the same principle can be made

caramel apple and so we begin to cook for this cake, we will again use a cake biscuit

on kefir which I made in

cake for my mother with a cherry layer, I'm very interested in this biscuit because it fits very well with

yoghurt cream mousse also I used it in a cake

where there was cream cheese and also there was cherry confi also a very tasty mix

it turns out but most of all I'm attracted exactly in combination with yoghurt cream

I need kefir for biscuit here I already added soda and the reaction went, here sugar with vanilla sugar

loose ingredients-starch flour and baking powder

vegetable oil odorless salt 2 eggs begin to beat eggs with sugar and salt

We transfer to the bowl a mixer and set to whip at the highest speed

this process will take us about 7 minutes while we can mix the dry ingredients with each other and

add the kefir vegetable oil finished whipping and now put the mixer on the very low speed

alternately add

flour with starch and

kefir with

vegetable oil

all the dough is ready you can already prepare the forms, the bottom of the form is covered with parchment paper or we use the method

French shirt I will bake immediately in two forms 20 centimeters in diameter in one shape fit

460 grams of dough

on top of every form I cover with foil

shiny side


so as not to form a large

volcanic caps on a biscuit and put immediately two forms in the oven heated to 180 degrees

They will be baked for me exactly forty minutes, I do not even check with a skewer

40 minutes passes we pull out from the oven we take off at once foil a little let cool right form just 5 minutes

5-7 minutes and

we remove from the form, we must not leave a biscuit in the form for a long time it will get wet

then until it is completely cool

we leave on the grate either on the board after full cooling

biscuit wrapped in food film and sent to the refrigerator for the night also in advance we need to cook

caramel layer we need for this sugar sugar cream butter I took 33 percent and cream but it is possible and twenty percent

and also gelatin, sugar pour into the saucepan, the cream we need to heat I will heat up

microwave, as in the cream we must enter the caramel hot necessarily start to heat sugar on medium heat until the appearance of

casserole walls

Such an amber color of already diluted sugar can then be

shake a saucepan from side to side

stir sugar when all the sugar is melted, we pour hot cream over here and

all very, very actively interfere here we send butter and back to the stove and the medium fire

cooked caramel for 5 minutes actively interfere and now let it cool down to about

60 degrees and while you can melt the gelatin in the microwave, cool the mixture and now infuse the vessels with a thin trickle

melted gelatin and actively stir we mix everything up to a homogeneous state and we pour out all the form the form I have

Metal 16 centimeters bottom of the mold

The food film has tightened the sides of the paved acetate film of 6 centimeters and

fill in here

we send to the freezer for five to six hours

usually such blanks send for the night it is very convenient to do in advance even a few of these are the workpieces for cakes

compote of pears and also prepare in advance

you can generally make of apples and make a berry confi as I said that

you can pre-make such billets this is extremely convenient for you then you just need to collect the cake and all

We take a pear absolutely any variety just if you have a very ripe pear, then it is better to make them puree and

accordingly conf, I have this

medium pearls and she keeps the shape pretty well, that is, I will need 350 grams of such cubes

further sugar, gelatin, lemon juice and

butter, on medium heat completely melt butter in a saucepan

then add a pear with sugar and

boil down the whole thing within 10 minutes time

cooking will depend on the rigidity of your pear, that is, the harder it is the more time you will need

while digesting the pear I have a little time to tell you about the dishes in which I have been preparing for several months

it's utensils from an online store, dishes, you have repeatedly seen it literally in each of my videos

Taller is also the sponsor of today's release, you can see for yourself

impeccable quality

an interesting design color in this dish can be washed in a dishwasher

it is made of stainless steel which does not react with products and the cover is also made of heat-resistant glass

silicone inserts on the handles is a guarantee of safety can be used on all slabs

including induction in as we have here our case today, also from this store I have here is such here

split form for baking

it has a very strong case and even if it falls you it does not deform a bit, another plus is

non-stick coating and

resistant to abrasion

glossy here this surface that is it you will always have

look in the same form in which you bought it, I have not yet used it but in the nearest videos you will definitely see it

the mechanism is very light, there is no need to exert any effort and also for the safety of my hands

my hands always suffer from burns from cuts, I bought here is just another silicone

glove now burns to me are not terrible and it's no secret that I'm waiting for

new kitchen studio and I want to completely switch to this kind of quality

dishes if you also have the desire to use the kitchen

beautiful quality dishes you can buy all these products in the online store

tableware and when specifying a promotional code cake one you get a 15 percent discount

pour out lemon juice here

mix and let cool to about 60 degrees and while melting gelatin, add gelatin and everything is fine

mix and pour it into the same shape

16 centimeters

and also with a membrane

evenly distributed and sent to the freezer also for 5-6 hours and before we already collect the cake, we finally prepare

The last component of our cake is the cream of mousse yoghurt

with the addition of baby puree from a pear I need yogurt as always a fat cream of 33 percent

puree from pears and

sugar powder and gelatin yogurt I have natural without any additives

mixed with pear puree and powdered sugar

yoghurt and pear puree should be at room temperature

all mix well and send at this time gelatin microwaves to melt

melted gelatin and when we have about 40 degrees we put it into yogurt

actively we all interfere with a thin trickle we introduce gelatin

we set aside and start whipping the cream

whipped cream

observing all the rules, we start whipping the smallest speed gradually

increasing it and so on until the dense state

now put the mixer at the lowest speed and pour in here

yoghurt mixture and everything is good

mixed and you can already collect the cake of the crust I had already cut after they had spent the night in the fridge

pear and caramel is also ready

they are in my

frozen form in this form, and I will lay them in a cake, I will not soak up anything since they are sufficiently moist and

take their impregnation from the mousse, for 1 cake caused a little

mousse and lay a layer of pears and so add to the mousse the second cake goes and

Now we lay caramel layer deepen it a little we cover from above with mousse

lay out the remains of mousse and

close it all with the last crust I like to like high cakes as decorating

more interesting, that is, a great field for fantasy

the lateral part of the cake, and so it was possible to limit oneself

Well, three cakes are a matter of taste

we send in a refrigerator for the night but that is for 7 8 hours and it will be possible to start decorating

the design will be in the next video that is, with this cake you will still meet

and I, as always, wish good luck in your endeavors to the very, very good

made the second takoyzhe on St. Valentine's Day

For more infomation >> Cake 🍐"Caramel pear"🍐 - I - Tortodel! - Duration: 10:07.


Bonial - Paroles de clients - Pro Plan - R. Attar - Duration: 2:41.

My name is Rajaa, I'm the Senior Brand Manager for Pro Plan, a pet food brand dedicated to dogs.

It's a premium brand, sold in specialized stores

which is used and appreciated by both breeders and vets

Boosting the brand, developing it, increasing its awareness and perception

are my main missions for Nestlé Purina.

The pillars of the communication strategy for Pro Plan

are to continue working with the influencers - the breeders and vets

in choosing a brand

but it's also to communicate towards consumers

through our stores and internet

and to be present in the life of dog owners

throughout the dog's life, whatever their needs are.

The mobile is now

one of the most used devices in France and elsewhere

and we take this fact into account for all our media plans

in order to be « mobile first ».

I can really attract the consumer

who is expecting information, advice and brand attributes

while traditional media are more « mass market ».

It's more difficult to segment and target

and we also have less information and feedback.

The campaign we implemented with Bonial allowed us

to communicate on a 100% free offer

which was completely new in our category and in our distribution channel

and used geolocation to locate stores and other outlets

like veterinary clinics

in which the consumer could benefit from the offer: 100% refunded on a dog grooming.

The campaign was a real success.

What I would like today is to go even further

and try to understand how many people

have chosen to buy thanks to this visibility.

Another aspect of the campaign was to attract other people, « lookalikes »,

who have the same profiles or hobbies

but outside the app…

and that's where the strength is : it allows to increase

the amount of potential customers,

and from a media perspective, this is a really strong result!

For more infomation >> Bonial - Paroles de clients - Pro Plan - R. Attar - Duration: 2:41.


どんな顔でも許せちゃう。なにやらご不満げな子猫たち【癒される】 - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> どんな顔でも許せちゃう。なにやらご不満げな子猫たち【癒される】 - Duration: 2:59.


ПП Пирог с морковью невероятно вкусный - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> ПП Пирог с морковью невероятно вкусный - Duration: 4:30.


Adam, EVA и Bearded l by Cradle mods l ENG SUBS l + РОЗЫГРЫШ l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 13:43.

You know what? I've noticed something. Some russian-speaking youtube reviewers making the videos as if they try to make an excuses. Leave a comment with your guess who is it

So it goes. Now i will know who you like and who don't

I've ordered Homepod recently and after i viewed some reviews i think that was a hasty decision to order it. Well, once it will come we'll see. Maybe i will tell you what i think about it in some live stream

Okay, getting back to the tracks, we have a review of 3 mechanical mods at once, so please give us the intro

I don't know who i asked but anyway, let's roll


Hello everyone! Alex from VapersMD is here

And i'm glad to welcome you on my channel

And today our guests is mechanical mod Adam, mechanical mod Eva and mechanical mod Bearded by Cradle mods. This guys is from Russia

These mechs are made in Russia too

And these are very interesting mods since they look different than other mech mods on Russian market

These mechanical mods have interesting design, of course they have constant contact and some safety features

And great, deep engraving

Look dope, but the size of this thing is rather big and it is pretty heavy

Okay, no more delays. I can show you many things in close up, let's roll

Here they are, this three handsome mechs which today are our guests

Anyway, these mechs have packaging, that i will show you right now

Mechanical mods Adam and Eva came in in this cardboard package with that metal plate

Inside we see a User Manual with some bad printing. Honestly guys from Cradle Mods - you have a bad printer and this manual torn on the bottom.

I don't know why it's torned, but it's good that we have this User Manual

Also we have 2 stickers that is poorly printed. And somehow guys using Gears of War logo

A little bit of paper straw and alien coils for mechanical mods made by Vape Artel. You can see the specs of it right now on the sticker

Mechanical mod Bearded came in that kind of package with some weird sticker which is unreadable

Overall i can say guys have troubles with printing and it should be fixed. But that's not the main thing.

Let's talk about mechs

So Cradle mods make their mechs of high quality brass and aviation aluminum

Cradle mods decide not to do color coating because they believe that the metal is beautiful by itself

But there is an option to coat brass mech with a Nickel Chrome plating

At the moment Cradle mods have 4 version of mechs - Eva made of aluminum, Adam, Beard and Zmei is made of brass. All mechs have the same button with contant contact and auto-adjust feature

They also feature 510 hybrid connection and powered by 1*18650. And you can see they have different design

Manufacturer claims that cloning of their product is complicated due to the technical solutions of contour machining

Also they recently start to implement 3D engraving for their mech mod Zmei. But unfortunately i don't have one, so i can show you only the picture

Okay, we're done with the specs, it's time for detailed overview

Let's start with Eva mechanical mod. On the top we have 510 hybrid connection with recess and small cutouts

If we look at the tube we can see two waists which is define the name of this mod - Eva

Also this two wings is noticable - they are big and have deep engraving that is made with CNC machining

And on the bottom we have a button . On the button we have engravings with the name and serial number 005. It also have 2 vent holes

The button unscrew counter clockwise. If we look inside the tube we will see the fool-proof protection feature or you can call it anti-idle press protection

I have no complaints about the threads of this aluminum mech mod, everything made well. Yes, it's a bit dirty but the cleaning is easy

The button looks like so and as you can see it have perfect threads as well

On the top we have constant contact brass pin and spring-loaded insulator which gives this mod the auto-adjust feature

This button can be disassembled. In order to do it you have to unscrew that wide part from thin part and it have reverse threading, so you should unscrew it clockwise.

Once this done we have access to the insides of the button and we see the constant contact

I think you noticed that this button is works with a spring and after we removed the spring we can extract the pin with insulator

And the bottom part of the button housing look like

As you can see the button is locked with that brass constant contact part

Of course it is demountable. This brass part hold the button in place and not letting it to fall out. I won't be taking it apart, i thinks it's clear

The constant contact look like so. Spring is rests on the insulator and when you push the button it goes up and make a contact

They all have the same button so obviously i won't be showing you those buttons

So let's get closer to the overview of Adam

I think you noticed that mech Adam have something in common in terms of design with mech Eva, but it looks more manly i guess

This mech also have 510 hybrid connection with recess and small cutouts

The connector itself is slightly protruding out of the main body because the diameter of the tube on that edge is around 27.5mm

Also now we have the engraving with the name of the manufacturer here. And the wings are the same as Eva

But if we look closer we will see the contour machining which give this tube interesting shimmering effect

On the button we have engraving of an apple and serial number, as well as the name of this mod and vent holes

And comparing this button to the button of mech Eva - it's made fully of brass

And the last mech i will show you today is Bearded mechanical mod.

Bearded, bald man. It's a cool and deep engraving - it looks dope

Especially great it will look when it will be covered with patina

And after you give it a good polish, all that recess part will be darker than the tube. So i will say it again - it will look dope

Top part is somewhere the same as previous mechs we saw

Also on the top part we have cutout and the tube itself having that oval shape

Like a bald bearded fat man. And it looks familiar to me...

And on the side of the mech Cradle mods engraved my name - Alex from VapersMD. So it's named mech mod i have

That is one of nice bonus features - you can order your own engraving from Cradle mods - the logo or your name or some word or just some random engraving

It's great that guys have this option

On the button we have engraving Cradle mods, the name of this mech and serial number 005. Again. And vent holes

The button is absolutely the same and i can tell you more - they are interchangeable with each other

Let's compare this mech with other mods size-wise

I can say it's one of the highest mods i have on my desk.

Okay, let's cut the chase and put the gold Phobia on it. It should look sexy

Now let's install the battery - negative up, because vent holes are on the bottom and after - screw the button

The button is screwed flush because we have auto-adjusting for the battery inside and the battery have no rattle at all, which is great

Okay folks, it's time to end this close up and get back to face-time where we will speak about this mods

Thanks for your attention in close up. Let's roll

Zharit(it performs)

It performs great. Lot of vapor, lot of flavor. Thank you Phobia. But today we are gonna speak about mechanical mods

And it performs like a champ

Okay now, we are going to test something - which of those two performs better!

Aluminum or Brass?

It will be fair comparison. I will always saturate the cotton before the test and i will use the same battery

Bearded Brass. Let's hit that button and see - it performs like this

And now let's test the aluminum Eva

I can say i don't see much of a difference. So it's a pro to both of em for having good performance

But for a start there is a nuances we need to speak of

In this segment i will say some things to the manufacturers and some things you should be aware of

Let's start with its height - this mod is quite tall. As you saw it's one of the highest mods i have and i don't really like mods this size

I want mod to be compact. But this is VERY subjective and it's my personal opinion. I'm not imposing anything to you

Leave a comment - what you think about the size of this mechanical mod?

One of the nuances you should be aware of - it's pure brass and it's need to be polished from time to time.

Because after some time of usage it will cover in patina and start to smell bad.

So this mechs that is made of brass requires special treatment and maintenance

Of course, the constant contact isn't the panacea from black dots(aka arcs). They will appear anyway, but not on the battery contacts, they will appear inside of the button contacts

So you have to clean this black dots from the contacts there and take a regular care it. Don't forget about this.

Next nuance is going straight to the manufacturer. Vent holes is real tiny.

When i blow inside this tube...Don't ask why i do this...This is my way to test the vent holes

It takes lot of effort

So i can tell if something bad happens - those tiny vent holes not gonna help you much

So i recommend to Cradle mods to make them bigger

People who are following my channel know that I was engaged in design - i did some 2D design like posters, menus, billboards and stuff.

And for the printing like this i can smash a MAJOR CON. Guys, you should do something about it - this is junk.

Take more time for the package and of course User Manual. This is the face of the mechanical mod, this is the way it will be presented at the shop shelf

So if I see the shabby package like this with bad printing I don't want to even look in the direction of this mod

So guys - fix it

It's time to talk of pros and here's plenty of them

First pro to those mechanical mods i'll give for great machining quality, smooth treads and great fit of all components

There is no battery rattle. Everything screws and unscrews great. Good job and great production quality. Like

Of course pro for an original design. These mechs are very different from the many of the mech mods at the Russian market. So it's a pro for a design.

I will also give a pro for a constant contact. This is becoming mainstream for Russian mech mod makers and it's great that Cradle mods also used it

A pro for constant contact

Next pro i'll give for safety features. Vent holes (need to be bigger though), fool-proof protection feature aka anti-idle press

And there is little cutouts and recess on the connector, that will prevent sticking your atomizer and reduce heat transfer

And last pro like i showed you before i'll give for performance. They all performs great - both aluminum and brass. It's great for everyday vape

MAJOR pro for performance

Let's move forward and it's time to talk about price

Let's start with the cheap to expensive . Mech mod Eva cost 4500 rubles(79$ to this date)

Mech mod Bearded cost 5500 rubles(97$ to this date)

And mech mod Adam cost 6500 rubles(114$ to..this date)

If you decide to get Nickel plating it will raise the price. More detailed info you can get at manufacturer.

Also the price will be affected if you decide to get some custom engraving

But overall these mech mods are great. Production quality is great as well

Design is nice but the package is a letdown. And i guess the package is the only major con there is.

Overall folks, that's all i wanted to share with you today regarding this mech mods.

I want to say big thanks to Cradle Mods for sending me this devices for this review

I wanna thank you for your attention

Don't forget - in this corner we have a voting going - do you like this device or not(да-yes/нет-no)

And of course... The giveaway...For the CIS counties

And now it's time to remind you to subscribe this channel, push that bell to get notified when video is up

And leave a comment if like this review/subtitles or not while Alex will announce the giveaway which is for CIS only

Also share this and other videos with your friends and the news that now it have a subtitles. Spread the word

And now it's time to say farewells, folks

We'll see you soon

I wish you a delicious vape and let the vaping come into your life and stays there for long

Take care of yourself and your mods

Alex from VapersMD was with you. We will see you soon.

Poka poka

For more infomation >> Adam, EVA и Bearded l by Cradle mods l ENG SUBS l + РОЗЫГРЫШ l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 13:43.


Vadaima Koutuk 2018| দাদুর মজার জাদু |হাসির ফানি ভিডিও| Bangla Magic | Badaima Comedy |বাদাইমা কৌতুক - Duration: 5:31.

Vadaima Koutuk

Bangla Magic

For more infomation >> Vadaima Koutuk 2018| দাদুর মজার জাদু |হাসির ফানি ভিডিও| Bangla Magic | Badaima Comedy |বাদাইমা কৌতুক - Duration: 5:31.


[ラップ ビート] フリートラック "Hell A$AP" フリースタイル ビート [トラック提供] (オリジナルビート) - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> [ラップ ビート] フリートラック "Hell A$AP" フリースタイル ビート [トラック提供] (オリジナルビート) - Duration: 5:13.


Day 46: Tesla Powers South Australia - Duration: 1:03.

Hey guys! And welcome to Goodness!

Today's Goodness is about TESLA

creating renewable energy in South Australia!

After a blackout for 1.7 million

residents in 2016,

and another one in the summer of 2017,

Tesla stepped up to help

by creating the world's

largest lithium-ion battery,

to harness electricity generated by the

Hornsdale Wind Farm,

and provide emergency electricity to over

30,000 homes in case of blackout!

In cooperation with the government,

Tesla is installing solar panels,

and Telsa Powerwall batteries

to Aussie homes for free,

to create a Virtual Power Plant!

Not only will these homes be able to

cut down their energy bill by 30%,

excess energy created will be

sent to other buildings

during high usage times to stabilize the grid!

Starting with a trial of just over 1,000 homes,

Tesla hopes to connect up to 50,000 homes

by the end of the project!

So thank you Tesla!

And that's today's Goodness!

See you tomorrow!

For more infomation >> Day 46: Tesla Powers South Australia - Duration: 1:03.


Lady and the Tramp

For more infomation >> Lady and the Tramp


Don't Ask Don't Tell - Duration: 57:47.

For more infomation >> Don't Ask Don't Tell - Duration: 57:47.


Hyundai Kona 1.0 T-GDI 120pk 2WD PREMIUM FULL OPTIONS OPEN DAK NAV ECC - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Kona 1.0 T-GDI 120pk 2WD PREMIUM FULL OPTIONS OPEN DAK NAV ECC - Duration: 0:57.


Kingdom Hearts III Русский Трейлер песни Don't Think Twice (Субтитры) - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Kingdom Hearts III Русский Трейлер песни Don't Think Twice (Субтитры) - Duration: 2:11.


How to Predict the Weather - Foil Arms and Hog - Duration: 2:12.

Okay, what have we got?

Okay so we got areas of high pressure from the East,

Then we got a cold front coming from the North,

which should settle in the West of Ireland around Midday.

Okay and what does that mean?

Haven't a clue.


Okay why don't we go with rainy?

It's a bit definitive, if its doesn't rain they'll know we've made it up.

Of course.

Why don't we say,

"scattered showers"?

I think we can we do better?

Right, lets look at the chart.

Why don't we go with two days of...

Oh! You used a specific time period there.


Lets say a spell...

of patchy scattered showers.


I'm thinking lows of minus -3 and highs of 10.

Hmmm... Doesn't leave us much wiggle room.

Highs of 35?

We're not the Sahara.


Works for me.

Okay Wind Speed. John you're up.

Oh, triple 20.

60 mile per hour winds!

OK we're going to need another storm name.

Ciarán Ahern?

Oh ye?

He stole my milk in primary school then spread a rumor I was adopted.

Storm Ciarán.


No we're not just making it up!


Quick question: Are fog and mist the same thing?


What's the difference?

I'm not really sure... but they are definitely different.

What's smog then?

Similar to haze I think

Haze? What's that?

Quite like smoke.


I would have said smokey.

Why don't we go with

"poor visibility"

I think that's everything, pints?

Oh, the 5 day forecast.

How about:

Rainy, Cloudy, Cloudy, Rainy, Cloudy- Rainy?

I think we had that last week.

Could I suggest:

Cloudy, Rainy, Rainy, Cloudy, Cloudy-rain.

Oh, I see what you did there.

If I may:

Cloudy, Rainy, Rainy, Cloudy...


Beautiful. You're an artist.


This is the best job in the world.

We are so unaccountable.


Hey we're Foil Arms and Hog we have a new video every Thursday.

We also do live shows in front of real people.

All our dates are in a link in the comments.

For example we are playing in such places as Chester, Durham, Exeter, Birmingham and London.

And also this weekend in Ennis and Tralee

And if you want to make sure you don't miss a video please subscribe to our Youtube channel


Areas of varied pressure

with occasional haze.

Spells of mixed patchy scattered showers

throughout the...


Winds of up to 60 mph

As we await the arrival of Storm Ciarán Ahern...

Storm Ciarán

For more infomation >> How to Predict the Weather - Foil Arms and Hog - Duration: 2:12.


The 3-Minute Instagram Comment Strategy That Really Works For Churches | Pro Church Daily Ep. #034 - Duration: 8:42.

For more infomation >> The 3-Minute Instagram Comment Strategy That Really Works For Churches | Pro Church Daily Ep. #034 - Duration: 8:42.


DEAMN - Without You (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:05.















♪ 🛎 ♪









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♪ ♪ ♪













♪ 🛎 ♪









♪ ♪ ♪


♪ ♪ ♪










♪ ♪ ♪


♪ ♪ ♪


♪ ♪ ♪


♪ ♪ ♪


For more infomation >> DEAMN - Without You (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:05.


Obama CONNED By Portrait Painter – Smithsonian About To Rip Painting Off The Wall - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 30:14.

Obama CONNED By Portrait Painter – Smithsonian About To Rip Painting Off The Wall And Destroy


Has the con man finally been conned himself?

The Gateway Pundit is now reporting that the god-awful portrait painted by the rabid racist

artist, Kehinde Wiley, which Former President Barack Hussein Obama hand chose to do his

official presidential portrait is also a scam artist.

After yesterday's official unveiling art specialists took time to study the painting

and found something very interesting.

As you can see above the pattern repeats.

This is a common technique used by "Chinese labor painters" who mass produce artwork

at neck-break speeds.

They repeat a pattern over and over again in order to create a scene and save time.

This fills up space so the artist can save time and go on to the next painting.

The scam doesn't stop here though, the artist conveniently has a studio in Beijing China

where he has been known to employ as many as 10 local artists and a studio director

depending on how high the demand for his art becomes.


Via NY Mag:

There's nothing new about artists using assistants—everyone from Michelangelo to

Jeff Koons has employed teams of helpers, with varying degrees of irony and pride—but

Wiley gets uncomfortable discussing the subject.

"I'm sensitive to it," he says.

When I first arrived at his Beijing studio, the assistants had left, and he made me delete

the iPhone snapshots I'd taken of the empty space.

[…] "I don't want you to know every aspect of where my hand starts and ends"


Producing work in China cuts costs, but not as much as it used to, Wiley says.

These days in Beijing he employs anywhere from four to ten workers, depending on the

urgency, plus a studio manager, the American artist Ain Cocke.

Let's be honest with ourselves, did anyone ever believe anything to come out of Barack

Hussein Obama wouldn't be a scam?

It's only logical that an empty suit would also choose a fellow empty suit to paint his


Kehinde Wiley is not only a con artist but also a bitter racist, just like Barack Obama

was has been his whole life.

Wiley is a gay black artist so he gets away with it, Obama is a black president so he

got away with it.

One conned a former president, the other conned an entire nation.

But neither was questioned because it would be "racist" to do so.

We know the drill well and we know how it goes.

Let's hope the American people finally woke up to the scam that was Barack Obama and everything

that surrounded him so something like this will never happen again.

Via Freedom Daily:

Former President Barack Obama and his old lady Michelle Obama just had their portraits

debut to the world and the results were hilarious.

As with most Presidents of the United States, they get professional portraits done and they're

supposed to represent the professionalism and great American standard.

Barrack and Michelle went another route, and their portraits came out a bit different.

Their paintings look like they were paid for with an EBT card and don't look "Presidential"

one bit.

Barack Obama sits on a wooden chair surrounded by flowers.

He must have sat there for eight years and watched the plants grow around him.

Michelle Obama sits on a chair floating in a realm of blank emptiness, which amounts

to the level of contributions she's made to the country.

Ruining a school lunch program does not count as a contribution.

People on social media had a lot to say about the awkward paintings.

People pointed out how odd they were and how they barely resembled the former White House


We gaze at Barack Obama surrounded by flowers and imagine the scene where Homer Simpson

fades into a bush, only to hope that Obama one day fades into a bush as well, but doesn't

resurface unless he's on a deserted island.

Michelle Obama's portrait looks like another woman.

It doesn't resemble her in the least.

Perhaps the painter felt bad and tried to make her look better.

It looks like an Aunt Jemima was painted in the 1700's and does not look anything like

what the First Lady should look like in a professional painting.

The portraits were so terrible that people kept asking "who painted this" and a quick

Google search provided an immediate answer.

Kehinde Wiley painted the pictures.

Next people wondered who that was and if it was a male or female.

Another quick Google search, and we find out that Kehinde Wiley is an African American


It looks like Kehinde Wiley has a lot of other portraits that are beautiful.

He does some fantastic work!

But that's when we noticed something that stuck out like a sore hitchhiker thumb.

This is something that would make me not particularly fond of hiring him if I was a former President.

This is turning out to be an absolute public relations nightmare for the Obama family.

We found that Kehinde Wiley has painted a portrait of a black person holding decapitated

white person head.

That seems very racist and morbid.

This is not someone I would hire if I was a former President.

It looks as though the Obama family just found out the hard way.

Either that or they

just don't care.

For more infomation >> Obama CONNED By Portrait Painter – Smithsonian About To Rip Painting Off The Wall - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 30:14.


Comedy Central Presents: Dave Attell - Find the Smell - Duration: 2:24.




( laughing, groaning )


















( laughter )


( laughter )




( laughter )









( laughing )






( laughter )









For more infomation >> Comedy Central Presents: Dave Attell - Find the Smell - Duration: 2:24.


What Is The White Powder in Easy Mac Bowls Cups - Duration: 1:15.

what is the white powder in easy mac bowls cups kraft mac and cheese velveeta shells and cheese

hi it's Alaska Granny have you ever seen these little cups of instant pasta easy mac kraft velveeta shells and cheese you

can look on the package of the easy mac little bowls or cups you cook it in the cup container bowl to prepare

the Kraft Velveeta shells mac and cheese easy mac you tear open the package and take out the cheese

packet what is the white powder in the bowl with the instant mac and cheese velveeta shells and cheese

if you look on the directions to make easy mac Kraft Velveeta shells and cheese easy mac it says you will see loose white powder in the pasta when you open the packet

this is necessary for proper cooking what is this white powder it's modified

food starch it thickens the water while it's cooking to keep it from boiling

over and making a mess in your microwave check out the little bowls of easy mac kraft macaroni

and cheese velveeta shells and cheese and other little instant to prepare meals you microwave in the container and see if they wouldn't

be something you'd like to have put away in your pantry for a quick meal or for meals in an emergency

learn more at please subscribe to the AlaskaGranny channel

For more infomation >> What Is The White Powder in Easy Mac Bowls Cups - Duration: 1:15.


The Symphony Is Going to the South - Duration: 3:57.

The Symphony Of Possibilities

Is Going South...

To Charleston, SC, USA

Hey everybody, this is Dr. Dain from lovely Venice.

Where it is very cold by the way, can you see my breath?

No, I'm not vaping, I'm breathing.

Holy cow... man apparently you do have moisture in your breath

whether you if you didn't know that or not.

Here to warmly invite you to the first SOP of the year,

which will be in Charleston, South Carolina.

So, I'm going to be talking like this...

No that's more like Kentucky, isn't it?

Anyway, here to invite you warmly to the SOP

where we are going to explore changing the world by your very touch.

For those of you have never been to an ESB, sorry an SOP

but you have been to an ESB,

it's....well it's totally different but it's similar.

It's same-same but different.

During the SOP is where you start to explore your unique gifts

to do something similar to what I do in these energetic sessions.

What you may not realize is

as you start to do these energetic sessions

and you be with somebody

and even if you think you can't do this by the way – don't worry about it,

most of the people that come to the SOP the first time think,

"I can't do that"

And in fact, pretty much everybody who's ever gone,

"I can't do it" by the time we get through class they're like,

"Oh my god, I could do this!"

So, that's why you go to the class.

I had a friend one time who was going to take algebra class

and she made her dad get her a math tutor to learn algebra and I said,

"Sweetie, you don't have to know algebra

before you go to the algebra class, that's what the class is for..."

Same thing with SOP, okay?!

That's what the class is for.

And as with all of these being classes,

ESB, Being You, Changing The World...

it's like it just winds it's way through and things change,

almost as if by magic – as you probably already know by now.

This takes it to a whole other level with all of you contributing to each other.

With all of you receiving from each other

and all of you starting to open up to your unique gifts and possibilities.

And it's created this space in the world

where there's this universe of SOP energies that people have contributed to

of things that you can actually tap into

to help change what goes on for people,

in the most brilliant and wonderful of ways.

The thing is it's easier now than it ever has been before.

The first several SOP classes I did,

it was it was kind of hard work let's put it that way,

to get people to be able to access this energy.

Well, it's hundreds of times, if not thousands of times easier

than it ever has been and the class just starts with you

stepping into these abilities

and then you just expand them more and more as you go.

For me, I'm extremely excited and I cannot wait to be in the 'salle'

to be having this class and that's all my saying that accent

because I don't know if it's my best choice.

I really adore you guys, I cannot wait to see you there.

We're going to have so much fun together,

I really, really look forward to this adventure.

What can we change for the people we care most about in our lives?

and what can we change for this beautiful planet,

by participating in this class?

and what can you change and what contribution can you be

and what contribution are you, that you've haven't acknowledged?

That it is now finally time to step into and be?

So, it is starting in Charleston, it's a four-day class.

More fun than you ever thought you could have

– changing the world by your very touch.

What if you truly being you are the gift,

the change and the possibility this world requires?

You are my beautiful friends.

Can't wait to see you there, bye!

For more info:

For more infomation >> The Symphony Is Going to the South - Duration: 3:57.


Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-I SOL | TREKHAAK | TWEEDE EIGENAAR | ELEKTRISCH PAKKET | APK T/M 05-02-2019 - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-I SOL | TREKHAAK | TWEEDE EIGENAAR | ELEKTRISCH PAKKET | APK T/M 05-02-2019 - Duration: 0:54.


Baby Elephant Song | Sing & Dance with Baby Elephant | Educational Songs & Rhymes Booga Boo Animals - Duration: 19:28.

Baby Elephant doo doo doo Baby Elephant doo doo doo

Baby Elephant doo doo doo Baby Elephant

Mama Elephant doo doo doo Mama Elephant doo doo doo

Mama Elephant doo doo doo Mama Elephant

Daddy Elephant doo doo doo Daddy Elephant doo doo doo

Daddy Elephant doo doo doo Daddy Elephant

Grandma Elephant doo doo doo Grandma Elephant doo doo doo

Grandma Elephant doo doo doo Grandma Elephant

Grandpa Elephant doo doo doo Grandpa Elephant doo doo doo

Grandpa Elephant doo doo doo Grandpa Elephant

Elephant family doo doo doo Elephant family doo doo doo

Elephant family doo doo doo Elephant family!

For more infomation >> Baby Elephant Song | Sing & Dance with Baby Elephant | Educational Songs & Rhymes Booga Boo Animals - Duration: 19:28.


Study Delaying Solid Foods Unnecessary for Infants - Duration: 2:17.

Study delaying solid foods unnecessary for infants

a study published in the archives of pediatric and adolescent medicine is reporting that the introduction of cow's milk cans of hut's tree

nuts sorry for him to children before the age of six months is not associated with increased

incidence of accent or wheezing in a either infancy or later childhood

the study researched in the Netherlands followed 7000 children from infancy to age four to see whether introducing allergenic foods

correlated with heightened rates of axman and wheezing

those and other allergenic diseases are common in childhood

but the study found no increase in their occurrence among children who were

presented with milk and eggs sorry or the other allergens to 46 months

the findings held true even after factoring in parental history of eczema and wheezing this goes against the medical conventional wisdom

of which generally advises parents to delay a solid foods until age six months to prevent food allergies and Maher general allergic conditions

the American academy of pediatrics bell has recommendations more in line with the Dutch study

many pediatricians recommend against giving eggs and fish and the first year of life because of allergic reactions

that there is no evidence that introducing these nutrient dense foods after 4 to 6 months of age

determines whether your baby will be allergic to them

give your baby one new food at a time

and wait at least 2 to 3 days before starting another after teach new food

watch for any allergic reactions such as diarrhea

rash or vomiting if any of these occur have stop using the new food and consult with your

child's Dr. Of what do you think about introducing solid foods to infants

did you delay or do you plan to have



to have

For more infomation >> Study Delaying Solid Foods Unnecessary for Infants - Duration: 2:17.


Fox News @ Night 02/15/18 3AM | February 15, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 34:18.

For more infomation >> Fox News @ Night 02/15/18 3AM | February 15, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 34:18.


【MUKBANG】 [Taiyaki + Waffles] 12 Yamaguchi's Taiyaki Sweets With Plenty OF Fruits! 3600kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 4:07.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka (eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (Font size color transparency 100% controlled you)

So today! tadaa I'll be eating something called a 'setouchi hanayome' taiyaki (fish shaped sweet)

a friend sent me these as a birthday present TYVM

its apparently made in suo ojima in the yamaguchi prefecture

cream neslted within a taiyaki along with some fruit

these treats are so photogenic don't you think

itadakimasu KAWAII its sitting in a tiny boat

check it out its so jam packed with cream and fruit

the oranges are so sweet tasting

the colors are so pretty as well the taiyaki portion reminds me of a waffle

and its packed with cream and fruit inside


the chocolate cream is yummy as well

this has all sorts of fruit in it

its so gorgeous

this one is matcha with chestnut and choco

the matcha has a mild sweetness to it its such a nice blend of foreign and domestic flavors

I love how they make their taiyaki to sit upright and you can take things with you like this

next is a sweet bean sweet bean and cream looks so yummy

sweet bean and cream taste so nice together

the sweetness from the beans is made creamy from the cream

today I'm using my new thermos to hold my milk tea

but it keeps things hotter than I even expected things are so piping hot

don't get me wrong I'm happy but its so hot

hot things and sweets really make me happy it warms both your body and soul


this is .... what is this? a peach perhaps?

did they add color to the peaches?

its pear.... they probably added color to the pears

and the cream is strawberry flavored

love the strawberry flavor

last one

last mouthful itadakimasu

all done gochisosamadeshita

the taiyaki from 'setouchi hanayome' were so yummy

there were so many varieties and filled with all sorts of fruits

even things like sweet bean the Japanese-y flavors were so yummy as well

Japan has all sorts of yummy things all from many different regions

I'm so grateful to be able to try them

they were so yummy won't you all give them a try as well

and as always thanks for watching and if there is anything you want me to do or eat please tell me in the

comment section if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Taiyaki + Waffles] 12 Yamaguchi's Taiyaki Sweets With Plenty OF Fruits! 3600kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 4:07.


Frank Flo - The Barcode Feat. Reman (Official Audio) (Prod. By SakroBeat's) - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Frank Flo - The Barcode Feat. Reman (Official Audio) (Prod. By SakroBeat's) - Duration: 3:46.


Cake 🍐"Caramel pear"🍐 - I - Tortodel! - Duration: 10:07.

All greetings from fruit cakes more fans than any other fillings and it seems to me that in the piggy bank

art department should be a wide range of different fillings and today we will prepare a very

delicious cakes which is called caramel pear by the same principle can be made

caramel apple and so we begin to cook for this cake, we will again use a cake biscuit

on kefir which I made in

cake for my mother with a cherry layer, I'm very interested in this biscuit because it fits very well with

yoghurt cream mousse also I used it in a cake

where there was cream cheese and also there was cherry confi also a very tasty mix

it turns out but most of all I'm attracted exactly in combination with yoghurt cream

I need kefir for biscuit here I already added soda and the reaction went, here sugar with vanilla sugar

loose ingredients-starch flour and baking powder

vegetable oil odorless salt 2 eggs begin to beat eggs with sugar and salt

We transfer to the bowl a mixer and set to whip at the highest speed

this process will take us about 7 minutes while we can mix the dry ingredients with each other and

add the kefir vegetable oil finished whipping and now put the mixer on the very low speed

alternately add

flour with starch and

kefir with

vegetable oil

all the dough is ready you can already prepare the forms, the bottom of the form is covered with parchment paper or we use the method

French shirt I will bake immediately in two forms 20 centimeters in diameter in one shape fit

460 grams of dough

on top of every form I cover with foil

shiny side


so as not to form a large

volcanic caps on a biscuit and put immediately two forms in the oven heated to 180 degrees

They will be baked for me exactly forty minutes, I do not even check with a skewer

40 minutes passes we pull out from the oven we take off at once foil a little let cool right form just 5 minutes

5-7 minutes and

we remove from the form, we must not leave a biscuit in the form for a long time it will get wet

then until it is completely cool

we leave on the grate either on the board after full cooling

biscuit wrapped in food film and sent to the refrigerator for the night also in advance we need to cook

caramel layer we need for this sugar sugar cream butter I took 33 percent and cream but it is possible and twenty percent

and also gelatin, sugar pour into the saucepan, the cream we need to heat I will heat up

microwave, as in the cream we must enter the caramel hot necessarily start to heat sugar on medium heat until the appearance of

casserole walls

Such an amber color of already diluted sugar can then be

shake a saucepan from side to side

stir sugar when all the sugar is melted, we pour hot cream over here and

all very, very actively interfere here we send butter and back to the stove and the medium fire

cooked caramel for 5 minutes actively interfere and now let it cool down to about

60 degrees and while you can melt the gelatin in the microwave, cool the mixture and now infuse the vessels with a thin trickle

melted gelatin and actively stir we mix everything up to a homogeneous state and we pour out all the form the form I have

Metal 16 centimeters bottom of the mold

The food film has tightened the sides of the paved acetate film of 6 centimeters and

fill in here

we send to the freezer for five to six hours

usually such blanks send for the night it is very convenient to do in advance even a few of these are the workpieces for cakes

compote of pears and also prepare in advance

you can generally make of apples and make a berry confi as I said that

you can pre-make such billets this is extremely convenient for you then you just need to collect the cake and all

We take a pear absolutely any variety just if you have a very ripe pear, then it is better to make them puree and

accordingly conf, I have this

medium pearls and she keeps the shape pretty well, that is, I will need 350 grams of such cubes

further sugar, gelatin, lemon juice and

butter, on medium heat completely melt butter in a saucepan

then add a pear with sugar and

boil down the whole thing within 10 minutes time

cooking will depend on the rigidity of your pear, that is, the harder it is the more time you will need

while digesting the pear I have a little time to tell you about the dishes in which I have been preparing for several months

it's utensils from an online store, dishes, you have repeatedly seen it literally in each of my videos

Taller is also the sponsor of today's release, you can see for yourself

impeccable quality

an interesting design color in this dish can be washed in a dishwasher

it is made of stainless steel which does not react with products and the cover is also made of heat-resistant glass

silicone inserts on the handles is a guarantee of safety can be used on all slabs

including induction in as we have here our case today, also from this store I have here is such here

split form for baking

it has a very strong case and even if it falls you it does not deform a bit, another plus is

non-stick coating and

resistant to abrasion

glossy here this surface that is it you will always have

look in the same form in which you bought it, I have not yet used it but in the nearest videos you will definitely see it

the mechanism is very light, there is no need to exert any effort and also for the safety of my hands

my hands always suffer from burns from cuts, I bought here is just another silicone

glove now burns to me are not terrible and it's no secret that I'm waiting for

new kitchen studio and I want to completely switch to this kind of quality

dishes if you also have the desire to use the kitchen

beautiful quality dishes you can buy all these products in the online store

tableware and when specifying a promotional code cake one you get a 15 percent discount

pour out lemon juice here

mix and let cool to about 60 degrees and while melting gelatin, add gelatin and everything is fine

mix and pour it into the same shape

16 centimeters

and also with a membrane

evenly distributed and sent to the freezer also for 5-6 hours and before we already collect the cake, we finally prepare

The last component of our cake is the cream of mousse yoghurt

with the addition of baby puree from a pear I need yogurt as always a fat cream of 33 percent

puree from pears and

sugar powder and gelatin yogurt I have natural without any additives

mixed with pear puree and powdered sugar

yoghurt and pear puree should be at room temperature

all mix well and send at this time gelatin microwaves to melt

melted gelatin and when we have about 40 degrees we put it into yogurt

actively we all interfere with a thin trickle we introduce gelatin

we set aside and start whipping the cream

whipped cream

observing all the rules, we start whipping the smallest speed gradually

increasing it and so on until the dense state

now put the mixer at the lowest speed and pour in here

yoghurt mixture and everything is good

mixed and you can already collect the cake of the crust I had already cut after they had spent the night in the fridge

pear and caramel is also ready

they are in my

frozen form in this form, and I will lay them in a cake, I will not soak up anything since they are sufficiently moist and

take their impregnation from the mousse, for 1 cake caused a little

mousse and lay a layer of pears and so add to the mousse the second cake goes and

Now we lay caramel layer deepen it a little we cover from above with mousse

lay out the remains of mousse and

close it all with the last crust I like to like high cakes as decorating

more interesting, that is, a great field for fantasy

the lateral part of the cake, and so it was possible to limit oneself

Well, three cakes are a matter of taste

we send in a refrigerator for the night but that is for 7 8 hours and it will be possible to start decorating

the design will be in the next video that is, with this cake you will still meet

and I, as always, wish good luck in your endeavors to the very, very good

made the second takoyzhe on St. Valentine's Day

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