Thursday, February 15, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 15 2018

Today I want to discuss a new service

I found online where we could

defined as one marketplace

lawyers is an online platform

where users can check their

legal doubts lawyers located in

different parts of the world and a

very competitive prices

It will be the disruption of the sector

advocacy and lawyers talk



Hello my name is Juan Merodio and

Welcome to a new video if you

first if you want to learn all

tricks on digital marketing and

cómo ser un emprendedor de éxito o

suscríbete a mi canal como está pasando

en todas las industrias aunque en unas

antes que en otras una nueva realidad y

modelo de negocio modelos de negocios

están imponiendo y el online juega un

papel fundamental en ello el sector de

los abogados podemos decir que empieza

con ello lo que hoy os quiero compartir

mi opinión sobre postigo una nueva

plataforma que descubierto y que permite

disponer de un abogado en cualquier

parte del mundo a un precio muy


vamos a ver sobre la web cómo funciona y

os dejo mis comentarios

entramos en postigo puntocom y fijaos

que el diseño es un diseño bastante


lo que me ha llamado la atención es la

idea en sí no había visto nada igual en

este sector no no sé si será ese el a la

plataforma definitivo no pero la verdad

que me parece bastante interesante no

fijar la manera más rápida de preguntar

un abogado o line donde poder de elegir

el destino de la pregunta no dependiendo

del país en el que te interese fijos

aquí me con estados unidos pero fijaos

todos los países donde tenemos decimos

bueno pues imaginaos hacer la búsqueda a

bolivia por ejemplo ciudad de destino

vamos a ver la paz y le digo confirmar

no y aquí podría hacer una pregunta

vamos a hacer la prueba le digo pregunta

uno le digo obtener respuesta a ver a

dónde llega y en me pegué un un registro

primero tanto con facebook como con e

google 98% las preguntas contestadas en

pocos minutos y miles de abogados en más

de 50 países no e

no sé dónde lo vi en su momento pero

creo que el coste por la consulta eran

unos tres euros y pico lo cual pues

sinceramente me parece muy interesante

desde aquí te puedes crear cuenta y me

parece interesante tanto para las

personas que no son abogados para

consultas no de muchas veces es bueno e

dependiendo el bufete de abogados el

coste es uno u otro pero muchas veces

aquí rápidamente necesitas algo tienes

alguna duda de tipo legal a nivel

personal ya nivel profesional no pues me

parece bastante interesante y para

abogados por supuesto para extender y

captar nuevos clientes a través de

plataformas online

si nos vamos a la parte de abogado

fijaos pues aquí vamos a ver otro aquí

tenemos todos los países donde están

presentes filtros por ciudades filtros

por especialidades y además lo bueno

pues bastante transparente porque puedes

ver quién es cada uno de los abogados

con su número de colegiado en este caso

pues fijaos aquí tenemos en en málaga

alberto postigo rodríguez el colegiado

toda esta información es pública donde

bueno pues los clientes que tienen las

respuestas que ha dado en que está

especializado en internet y de

telecomunicaciones por ejemplo soy

necesitamos a alguien en su ficha de


fijaos que tenemos números de teléfono y

la web directamente yo creo que estas

son los fundadores de esta plataforma

porque está basada en málaga pero bueno

formación experiencia el bloque tiene y

directamente a hacer una pregunta al


teníamos que lo ganase evidentemente

como ha hecho antes pero muy interesante

para distintos temas y nos vamos a

despachos pues volvemos a lo mismo

podemos buscarlos en cualquier sitio

incluso puedes buscar aquí directamente

si por ejemplo digo yo necesito un

abogado o para una pregunta legal en


fijaos que buscó bogotá y me salen

distintas opciones de distintos abogados

donde bueno pues aquí puedo ver cuál es

su especialidad quienes etcétera

etcétera donde está ubicado

bastante transparente bien como os decía

no sé si esto será la revolución o no

del mundo de los abogados pero lo que es

real es que esta disminución el cambio

élite que está provocando en las

plataformas online en los distintos

sectores en el de la música en el de los

abogados en el transporte está pasando e

irá pasando absolutamente a todos esto

es transformación digital no

transformación digital nos estar

presente en redes sociales no es tener

una web mejor transformación digitales

es un estado donde las empresas los

profesionales debemos pensar en

evolucionar y adaptarnos a la realidad

de nuestro cliente a día de hoy y el

sector de los abogados a mí esto creo

que es una realidad donde muchas

personas al final no sabe muchas veces a

quien preguntar y puede solventar un

gran problema no y además de una manera

muy cómoda por lo tanto desde aquí mi

más sincera enhorabuena a los creadores

porque me parece una iniciativa muy muy

interesante al final

lo que más me mandan últimamente es

bueno transformación digital y luego

todo lo relacionado final con marketing

digital estrategia digital lo que puede

lo que puede incluir porque luego a

nivel de sectores por lo tanto para

temas de personajes públicos para

política porque trabajo con ello y luego

sí es cierto que hago cosas no buscadas

pero me han salido de presentador de

eventos y presentador de espacios de

televisión en ciertos eventos y cosas de


no se me han llamado he hecho cosas de

ésas y me gusta la verdad no al final

son eventos obviamente relacionados con

el sector en español me relativamente

sencillo pero en inglés cuando

conferencias al final trabajó también

con un coach de voz en inglés para todo

el tema de pronunciación precedentes me

lleva muchísimas más horas de trabajo

dentro es genial porque ahí al final si

tienes una fuerte competencia y ha

detectado una debilidad que no está


yo buscaría y media por ese camino es

decir al final

hoy es si la mayoría en ejecución de

diseño detalló yo voy a buscar la parte

más estratégica de negocio y al final

como sabes a las empresas les gustas que

se les sables en términos más de negocio

correcto y el rayo les da lo mismo los

pasos no 18 como convierte esto mi

negocio y puedes tener tu hueco pero yo

te digo lo que tienes que hacer yo no me

meto a gestionar tea dúos ni hacer

diseño pero buscar esa parte de

consultor y eso es importante pero eso

es transparencia porque al final no se

puede intentar abarcar todo y es a los

clientes les gustaba y oye mira yo sé de

este tipo ayudar en esto pero en esta no

te puedo ayudar a gente sin techo propio

es eso te va a ayudar porque es una

manera de ser humilde y demostrar

humildad y seriedad a la hora de

trabajar por lo que me comentas es marca

personal lo que buscas y yo creo que es

lo mejor es empezar a trabajar tu marca

alrededor de todo eso como consultor

especializado en estrategia digital de

negocio o un poco el término que tú

consideres que que funciona mejor

totalmente es para eso es amor al final

tú me dices o johan por mirar quiero que

este mes veamos este tema porque tengo

este cliente y no sé cómo abordarlo en

tres al final como con skype además tú

me puedes compartir pantalla por me va

diciendo oye mira piensa en hacer esto

como es estacional

el objetivo de todo esto es ayudarte lo

que tú consideres interesante para tu

negocio tu proyecto un cliente tuyo lo

que tú lo que tú creas conveniente

a ver yo creo que es muy importante el

tema pymes sobre todo que identifiques

cuál es el precio que están dispuestos a

pagar para que tú veas dentro de las

pymes cuál puede ser su cliente y cuál


por qué digo esto porque hay quienes que

para mí no están preparadas para ser tu

cliente porque a lo mejor quieren gastar

y todo cuando hagas el acercamiento yo

te diría que te diferencias de la

competencia hablándoles en términos de


esto es algo muy importante y que muy

pocos profesionales del marketing

digital agencias hacen siempre se

enfocan en una mejor posicionamiento seo

una mayor presencia en redes sociales

volvemos a lo mismo quién te va a

contratar le da igual eso a él si su

objetivo en virtud y por ejemplo es

captar lips hablar en esos términos

oye te voy a ayudar a incrementar la

captación de leads en un 20% los

próximos seis meses oa reducir el coste

de captación de sedicentes eso es lo que

a ellos les va a hacer clic en la cabeza

y otra esto sí me interesa no me habla

de posicionarme google empresa

la web está mal hecha no genera

contenido no vas a tener estrategia en

redes sociales para mí no la hay es

absurdo que estés en redes sociales hay

unas cosas que hay que hacer antes

entonces en esto y utilizó un método que

cree hace muchos años que se llama 16

factos que de hecho dentro de patrián

tienes el libro entero que puede

descargar que son 260 páginas donde te

cuento cómo el método o si quieres usar

los entonces ese método lo que te

ayudamos con diez factores y empieza por

el falso web factor contenido factores

sociales y cómo enganchar unos y otros

creo que lo importante es que cuando

alguien te dice lo de redes sociales

vale pero es que si en redes sociales tú

no tienes a cuál es su objetivo al final

una conversión al y sitúa a derivas

práctico de una red social a tu web pero

tuvo está diseñada para otros objetivos

de negocio que es convertir a liz de que

te vale entonces hay que empezar a

trabajar para señoritas este y y

necesitas inversión entonces es algo que

yo siempre digo no no lo mires como

intentar crear una marca personal en 12

meses porque en mi caso personal yo te

digo que tardé cuatro años en monetizar

la inversión que hizo marca personal y

en un momento que había menos

competencia por lo tanto era más fácil

entre comillas

yo me dediqué a invertir

pero en recursos en personas de mi

equipo tal y no me no me convertía me

gastaba más que ganaba 0 tarde cuatro

años y así es como una empresa es el

punto de equilibrio

entonces yo tengo yo te diría que

destines parte de los ingresos a

trabajar tu marca personal y su

presencia y sobre todo que las bases en

generar contenidos que la marca personal

para mí todo es contenido contenido y

contenido lo primero es que tengas tú tu

web o blog

eso porque si al final es tu tu centro

digital vale luego las redes sociales

van a estar alrededor de ellas pero tú

tienes que manejar tu propia marca

uno de los grandes problemas que les

está pasando o que les va a pasar a

muchos influencers ahora que son

facebookeros instagram euros o youtubers

es que ellos han centrado su negocio

alrededor de youtube y eso es un error

porque youtube no es de ellos

entonces en cualquier momento se

desmontan testuz entra a tu negocio en

tu web de su visibilidad y a partir de

ahí apóyate en redes sociales para

llegar a más gente

yo te recomendaría lindín porque está

cada vez con más fuerza yo diría las

acciones de marketing te lo digo como

lado a nivel de marca personal en cosas

que me hoy me dan negocio y cosas que

espero que me den negocio en tres años

algunas de ellas me funcionarán y otras

no pero al final es ir haciendo pensar

en el corto y en el largo plazo

quiero conocer tu opinión por lo que

dejan los comentarios con el hashtag


qué opinas de esta nueva plataforma y

sobre todo de este nuevo modelo de

negocio en el sector de los abogados lo

usarías entre todos los comentarios de

los videos del mes sortear en mi curso

on line de estrategia de marketing


si te ha gustado este vídeo y quieres

que siga haciendo más vídeos da me gusta

y suscríbete a mi canal y si quieres

descargarse gratuitamente mis libros

pues hacerlo ahora mismo desde el enlace

mi blog que te dejo en la descripción

del video

estoy ahí me pican phone 7

For more infomation >> El AMAZON de los ABOGADOS ¿La reinvención del sector? - Duration: 11:10.


La ex de Gustavo González se harta de ser la cornuda de España y quiere hablar - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> La ex de Gustavo González se harta de ser la cornuda de España y quiere hablar - Duration: 5:00.


¿Van a existir profesiones que no existen hoy? - Guudjob Personal Branding Academy - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> ¿Van a existir profesiones que no existen hoy? - Guudjob Personal Branding Academy - Duration: 1:26.


¿Qué profesiones actuales desaparecerán? - Guudjob Personal Branding Academy - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué profesiones actuales desaparecerán? - Guudjob Personal Branding Academy - Duration: 1:31.


Entrevista a Cali P. 'The Herbalist Reggaeman' - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Entrevista a Cali P. 'The Herbalist Reggaeman' - Duration: 3:56.


Soft and Chewy Low Carb Peanut Butter Cookies – Keto Cookies - Duration: 4:07.

Welcome all! Papa G here. Today I present my soft and chewy low carbohydrate peanut butter

cookies. Some version of this classic cookie have a tendency to be a little on

the dry side. I've replaced one or two ingredients to help soften the texture,

while still keeping that great peanut butter cookie taste. Let's get started.

Standard peanut butter cookie recipes call for brown sugar, which is simply

just white sugar mixed with a bit of molasses. To help mimic that flavor, we're

gonna create our own maple syrup by adding a third of a cup of tapioca syrup

and a teaspoon of real maple extract. Mix together well and set aside. Add a

half a cup of vegetable shortening to a mixing bowl and a granulated sugar

substitute equal to 3/4 of a cup of regular sugar. Cream both together. We're

using shortening instead of butter in this recipe. Shortening is a hundred

percent fat, whereas butter is about eighty-five percent. This extra fat will

give our cookies a softer texture. Add one lightly beaten egg and a half a cup

of natural creamy peanut butter. Mix with a spatula to incorporate. Use a downward

motion, pressing the mix to the sides of the bowl to help mix in the shortening

and sugar substitute. Now add our homemade maple syrup and give that a mix.

Add some salt; some baking powder; and some baking soda.

Once everything is mixed together, add one and a half cups of almond flour. Stir

and mix the almond flour in. Once our batter is thoroughly mixed, cover with

some plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for at least an hour to

overnight. Once our batter has a time to chill, remove from the refrigerator and

we'll begin to construct our cookies. Grab some cookie dough with your hands

and roll into a ball, measuring no more than about an inch. Repeat until all the

dough is rolled. This batch rendered 24 cookies. You may get a little more or

less depending on the size of your dough balls.

Place the dough balls on a parchment lined baking sheet. Be careful not to

overcrowd, as these cookies will spread just a bit when cooking. Gently push the

dough balls down with your hands to form a small circle. Now traditional peanut

butter cookies have an obligatory crisscross pattern on the top. I didn't

want to get in trouble with the cookie police, so I decided to add it to the top

of mine. If you add this step, you may want to oil the fork to help prevent it

from sticking to the cookie. Place the cookies in the middle of a preheated 375°F

oven for 12 to 17 minutes, or until the outer edges of the cookies

begin to brown. If you're baking two sheets at a time, rotate the cookies

halfway through the baking process. When they're done, it's important to let them

cool completely before handling them. At least 20 to 25 minutes. These peanut

butter cookies have a great texture and taste; perfect for when you want a little

something sweet. There you have it folks. My soft and

chewy low carbohydrate peanut butter cookies. A great keto or low carbohydrate snack. I hope you

enjoyed this video. If you did, please like and consider subscribing. I'll have

something new every week. Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Soft and Chewy Low Carb Peanut Butter Cookies – Keto Cookies - Duration: 4:07.


FIM Enel MotoE World Cup: the sound of silence - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> FIM Enel MotoE World Cup: the sound of silence - Duration: 1:46.


How to make CROCHET BAG "Valentina" - Tutorial NEW STITCH [SUB ENG] ● Katy Handmade - Duration: 41:18.

Buy on

I have already carried on with the work, but I will show you how to work the base.

Initial loop

Start from the short side, and 2° hole on the right.

Work 2 sc in each hole, and 3 sc in the hole of each corner.

After finishing the lap, cut and close with a closing buttonhole as shown in the video.

In this way the work will be perfect!

Hide the yarn

Now work the sides.

Initial loop

Initial loop

First row: single crochet back loop only

Start from the center stitch of the corner

and make 1 sc back loop only

1 sc back loop only in each next st (14 total stitches)

Now we will continue the processing of the lateral, making rows of sc.

Turn, 1 ch.

1 sc in each st below (x34 times)

Cut and hide the thread

Now work frontal and back panel

Initial loop

1 sc back loop only in each st starting from the center st of the corner (worked previously) - 39 total stitches

At this point you can use the processing that you like most. Or you can follow my steps.

1 ch, turn.

Skip first st, in the next st make 1 sc and 1 dc

Skip next st, in the next st make 1 sc and 1 dc. Repeat until the end row.

Turn, 1 ch.

and repeat same process.

Skip first st, 1 sc and i dc in next st.

Skip next st, 1 sc and i dc in next st. Repeat until the end row.

Continue working in same way of this row for the entire panel (24 total rows)

Now we're going to finish the edge

Turn, 1 ch.

Skip first st, 1 sc in each next st

Cut and hide the thread.

Repeat the same steps for the other panel

Take the measurement of the bottom to cut out the fabric for the lining

Assemble all the parts from the back of the bag

Sew with sl st.

1 ch, cut and hide the thread

This is the effect that will be created outside the bag.

Sew all the parts

Cut out the fabric following the measurements of the facades of our bag, but leaving about 2 cm of excess fabric

Follow the video

This is the result

Reverse the bag

Apply the handles

Finish the edge of the bag

Initial loop

1 sl st in each st of the edge

Cut and hide the thread

Lining the bag following the video.

Cut the thread

The bag is ready! Choose you favorite clousure and wear the bag of love! :)

I hope this tutorial will help you and you like it. Let me know with a comment below

You can buy the kit in my Etsy shop (if you do not find your country on the list contact me, we ship worldwide)

Like, subscribe and share if you love my bags :)

A big kiss for all of you, bye!

For more infomation >> How to make CROCHET BAG "Valentina" - Tutorial NEW STITCH [SUB ENG] ● Katy Handmade - Duration: 41:18.


Patrimonio de Begíjar, Jaén - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Patrimonio de Begíjar, Jaén - Duration: 0:37.


Testament de Johnny Hally­day : Claude François Jr. défend David Hally­day face à Laeti­cia - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Testament de Johnny Hally­day : Claude François Jr. défend David Hally­day face à Laeti­cia - Duration: 3:12.


Wonderful Salad! Very tasty and very fast! - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Wonderful Salad! Very tasty and very fast! - Duration: 1:49.


3 Falsos Mitos ❌❌❌ sobre Slots 🎰 ¡Son Mentira! | - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> 3 Falsos Mitos ❌❌❌ sobre Slots 🎰 ¡Son Mentira! | - Duration: 1:56.


De la exclusiva de Kiko Hernández a la confesión lésbica de Mila Ximénez - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> De la exclusiva de Kiko Hernández a la confesión lésbica de Mila Ximénez - Duration: 5:07.


Monika Krzywkowska. Wraca do „M jak Miłość" - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Monika Krzywkowska. Wraca do „M jak Miłość" - Duration: 1:23.


Fabio Quartararo nos habla de sus pruebas en Valencia - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Fabio Quartararo nos habla de sus pruebas en Valencia - Duration: 0:23.


Źle z Rodowicz. Koncert odwołany [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 3:14.

Źle z Rodowicz. Koncert odwołany

Niepokojące doniesienia na temat zdrowia Maryli Rodowicz.

Piosenkarka odwołała walentynkowy koncert na warszawskim Bemowie.

Niektóre media w alarmistycznym tonie informowały o fatalnej kondycji artystki.

Ale - jak przyznała w rozmowie z nami sama Rodowicz - obyło się bez hospitalizacji.

Pewne jest jedno: piosenkarka jest chora i nie wystąpi publicznie póki nie stanie na nogi.

Co jej dokładnie dolega?.

Walentynkowy koncert Maryli Rodowicz miał się odbyć w hali OSiR na ul.

Obrońców Tobruku na warszawskim Bemowie.

Występ, którym chwaliły się władze dzielnicy jednak został odwołany przez chorobę artystki (piosenkarkę zastąpił zespół Perfect).

Jak czytamy na stronie Maryla Rodowicz przed koncertem źle się poczuła i została zabrana przez pogotowie do szpitala.

Zaniepokojeni tą informacją, zadzwoniliśmy do artystki, by dowiedzieć się jak się czuje.

Piosenkarka na szczęście zdementowała część tych rewelacji. - Nie zabrało mnie żadne pogotowie, bo nie przyjechałam nawet na miejsce koncertu.

Odwołałam go wcześniej ze względu na zapalanie krtani. Powoli dochodzę do siebie.

Nie wyjdę z domu dopóki nie wyzdrowieję.

Dziękuję za życzenia zdrowia - powiedziała Faktowi Maryla Rodowicz. .

For more infomation >> Źle z Rodowicz. Koncert odwołany [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 3:14.


YÉMEN : l'URGENCE HUMANITAIRE au coeur des combats - Monkey - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> YÉMEN : l'URGENCE HUMANITAIRE au coeur des combats - Monkey - Duration: 4:11.


Funny Animated cartoon for Kids - Cartoon Caillou - Caillou's grounded - Cartoons for Children

For more infomation >> Funny Animated cartoon for Kids - Cartoon Caillou - Caillou's grounded - Cartoons for Children


U$15 cheap studio lighting setup - how to shoot a fashion editorial - #9 - どのようにファッション誌を撮影するか - Duration: 3:34.

hey everyone. how's it going? My previous video was about a $50 lighting

setup. Today is even cheaper! it's 15 dollars. You're gonna buy this

one, a 200 Watts lamp, which costs five dollars, and one of those, let me show

you, one of these fluorescent lamps, which costs around ten dollars. you're gonna

set the 200 watt lamps behind the model, somewhere around here, and have this one

here, on a tripod, pointed to the model, as close as possible. this time as

the lights are not so strong. this one is only 60 watts. you're gonna have to

rise your ISO. I have a photometer here and it is set to ISO 6400. I'm gonna

switch this lamp here off, and I'm gonna read only this one. ISO 6400. let's have a

look. 5.6 and a half. speed 125. let's switch this one on, and as it is

200 Watts it should be much stronger than the other one. let's read

somewhere on here. 125 speed, 11 aperture, and ISO 6400.

what are you gonna do? you're gonna set your camera to 5.6 and half, 125, and don't forget

to set the white balance to fluorescent. what's gonna happen? this part

of the models skin is gonna be what's supposed to be, and this part here

is gonna be orange. which is a great effect!. I love it!. check this

out. 1, 2, 3, 4....boom!

was that too quick? you wanna see it slower? ok, let's go!

one by one.

man $15 dollars! is that cheap or what ?you have no excuses!!. just go out get two of

these lamps, find a corner in your place, somewhere, a nice

backdrop, or maybe a blind, maybe a curtain, maybe a wooden backdrop .whatever

backdrop you have at your place. boom!! just get it together!! get a nice girl or

a handsome guy. boom!!. take the pictures!! so easy!! you have no excuse!!

and now, before I show you the preview of the next video gonna be uploading here,

on YouTube, I wanna ask you to subscribe and comment

and click like!! all that bullshit that you know!! we, new creators on

YouTube, we need at least 1000 subscribers, so YouTube will promote our

videos. without subscribes we get nowhere!! please click the button there.

comment. like. give us a help!! would you? here's the next video!!

it is gonna be a nice one!!. don't miss it!!. because the girl is beautiful, and the

pictures were nice!! very simple setup again! so don't miss yeah??.

I am gonna be posting pretty soon!! nice to have you here, thanks for watching, and

Hasta la vista, baby

For more infomation >> U$15 cheap studio lighting setup - how to shoot a fashion editorial - #9 - どのようにファッション誌を撮影するか - Duration: 3:34.


Charleston girl found safe in Alabama - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Charleston girl found safe in Alabama - Duration: 0:51.


Porto 0–5 Liverpool: Player Ratings - Duration: 11:15.

Porto 0–5 Liverpool: Player Ratings

Liverpool produced a sensational performance to breeze to a 5-0 first-leg win over Porto, with a host top-class displays in the Champions League.

Loris Karius – 7 (out of 10).

Rightly retained for European duties as Jurgen Klopp abandoned rotation, but certainly didn't have the expected thorough examination of his recent improvement.

Literally had nothing do throughout bar collect the ball a couple of times and distribute, but was generally alert to danger inside the box throughout.

Trent Alexander-Arnold – 7.

This was the biggest test of the youngster's career so far, and after a nervy start he settled to deliver an accomplished performance.

Had a tough opening against the sharp Yacine Brahimi but to his credit quickly got to grips with the direct Algerian winger with some strong pieces of defending one-against-one.

Nothing spectacular on the night but it was a completely solid performance which was more than enough on this sort of occasion.

Dejan Lovren – 8.

Restored to partner Virgil van Dijk as Klopp switched his central pair, and the Croatian continued what is developing into a promising partnership with the Dutchman with a great performance.

Was strong in the air and aggressive in his challenging as he defended on the front foot throughout to win possession back with ease numerous times.

This was best highlighted in his fine work for Sadio Mane's crucial opener, as Lovren expertly read the Porto 'keeper's throw before winning the ball and distributing forward to set the move up.

Virgil van Dijk – 9.

Another big occasion for the Dutchman with his Reds Champions League debut, but once again he handled it with the utmost confidence and with a top-class display.

Won some big headers clearing lines in the box from corners and showed his class in possession with some raking cross-field passes alongside sensible distribution into feet to get the Reds moving.

Constantly organised and instructed team-mates, which helped set the tone for such a complete team display, which also showed his credentials for the captaincy long-term and that he's well and truly settled in at Anfield.

Made a great block at 4-0 which perfectly illustrated his desire to defend and keep a second successive clean sheet.

Andy Robertson – 9.

Seemingly now first-choice left-back as Alberto Moreno watched on from the bench again, and showed why that's the case on a superb Champions League debut.

Showed his defensive qualities when required early on with some sharp covering and good one-on-one play, and also displayed impressive decision-making in when to support attacks.

Clearly enjoyed himself bombing on as the game opened up and he could not have asked for a better bow in Europe's elite competition.

Jordan Henderson – 7.

A big performance was needed from the refreshed captain on return to his No.

6 role and Henderson enjoyed an efficient if unspectacular night.

Tidy and simple in possession throughout to keep the Reds in control and get the play moving, and was sharp to close the hosts down in midfield to stop Porto developing dangerous attacks.

Gini Wijnaldum – 9.

The Dutchman has well and truly come to life away from Anfield.

Had a key role to play as the midfield knitter and performed his role superbly.

Produced a purposeful run for Mane's opener which caused panic in the Porto defence, and was a different player thereafter, visibly buzzing with confidence.

Made vital contributions going forward with good runs from deep and did the same with great tracking back to regain possession a number of times, while also playing sensibly when on the ball.

More of the same please, Gini.

James Milner – 8.

Brought into the team to provide more solidity in midfield, and delivered with a performance that showcased the vital experience Milner offer.

Went about his work brilliantly, breaking up play with quick pressing and tackles in midfield, while his use of possession was crisp and intelligent throughout.

Produced a great piece of the play for the second goal, which was so nearly his own after his shot cannoned off the post before Mo Salah scored.

Sadio Mane – 9.

Mane is back! And he could not have picked a better moment to do it and deliver such a decisive performance.

If you're nit-picking his final ball was frustrating at times and he was slightly fortunate with his finish for his first of the night.

But he more than made up for it with superb strike for his hat-trick goal and with his general performance—as he was key in all that was good about the Reds going forward with his runs and movement.

Nice to have you back, Sadio.

Mohamed Salah – 9.

Roses are red, violets are blue, I love Mo Salah and I know you do too.

Showed on Valentine's night why Kopites have fallen in love with him as he struck his 30th, yes, THIRTIETH goal of the season as his remarkable campaign just rumbles on.

The finish was just out of this world, and he also played a key role in the counter-attack for Mane's second.

A truly remarkable footballer.

Roberto Firmino – 9.

Said pre-match he wanted to make Porto suffer, and boy did he as the Brazilian once again led the line with an expert display.

As usual, got the Reds on the front foot with his relentless work off the ball, and provided a constant mobile outlet to build attacks all night, springing some delightful first-time passes to set up breakaways.

Capped a superb performance off with a goal he deserved for the fourth of the night, and came off early as Klopp rightly looks to wrap him up in cotton wool.

What a footballer.

Starting XI Average Rating:8.

Substitutes. Joel Matip (on for Henderson, 74′) – 7.

On to help see the game out in the final 15 minutes, and slotted in easily with some tidy play passing out from the back.

Jurgen Klopp – 9.

Understandably picked a 'safety first' selection boasting graft rather than craft in midfield, and it worked a treat, providing defensive security and a threat on the break.

Set the team up perfectly to start methodically before growing into the game, which is exactly what happened as the Reds opened steadily then took control with two devastating quick strikes.

Clearly instructed at half-time for absolutely no step off in the second half and got exactly that as his side showed no mercy to go 4-0 up before he switched shape and used subs to see out the game.

An absolutely superb tactical display from Klopp who was rewarded for his work with the perfect night.

For more infomation >> Porto 0–5 Liverpool: Player Ratings - Duration: 11:15.


Ten In Bed & More |Kindergarten Kids Songs |Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children | Toddlers - Duration: 37:00.

Ten In Bed & More |Kindergarten Kids Songs |Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children | Toddlers

For more infomation >> Ten In Bed & More |Kindergarten Kids Songs |Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children | Toddlers - Duration: 37:00.


Soft and Chewy Low Carb Peanut Butter Cookies – Keto Cookies - Duration: 4:07.

Welcome all! Papa G here. Today I present my soft and chewy low carbohydrate peanut butter

cookies. Some version of this classic cookie have a tendency to be a little on

the dry side. I've replaced one or two ingredients to help soften the texture,

while still keeping that great peanut butter cookie taste. Let's get started.

Standard peanut butter cookie recipes call for brown sugar, which is simply

just white sugar mixed with a bit of molasses. To help mimic that flavor, we're

gonna create our own maple syrup by adding a third of a cup of tapioca syrup

and a teaspoon of real maple extract. Mix together well and set aside. Add a

half a cup of vegetable shortening to a mixing bowl and a granulated sugar

substitute equal to 3/4 of a cup of regular sugar. Cream both together. We're

using shortening instead of butter in this recipe. Shortening is a hundred

percent fat, whereas butter is about eighty-five percent. This extra fat will

give our cookies a softer texture. Add one lightly beaten egg and a half a cup

of natural creamy peanut butter. Mix with a spatula to incorporate. Use a downward

motion, pressing the mix to the sides of the bowl to help mix in the shortening

and sugar substitute. Now add our homemade maple syrup and give that a mix.

Add some salt; some baking powder; and some baking soda.

Once everything is mixed together, add one and a half cups of almond flour. Stir

and mix the almond flour in. Once our batter is thoroughly mixed, cover with

some plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for at least an hour to

overnight. Once our batter has a time to chill, remove from the refrigerator and

we'll begin to construct our cookies. Grab some cookie dough with your hands

and roll into a ball, measuring no more than about an inch. Repeat until all the

dough is rolled. This batch rendered 24 cookies. You may get a little more or

less depending on the size of your dough balls.

Place the dough balls on a parchment lined baking sheet. Be careful not to

overcrowd, as these cookies will spread just a bit when cooking. Gently push the

dough balls down with your hands to form a small circle. Now traditional peanut

butter cookies have an obligatory crisscross pattern on the top. I didn't

want to get in trouble with the cookie police, so I decided to add it to the top

of mine. If you add this step, you may want to oil the fork to help prevent it

from sticking to the cookie. Place the cookies in the middle of a preheated 375°F

oven for 12 to 17 minutes, or until the outer edges of the cookies

begin to brown. If you're baking two sheets at a time, rotate the cookies

halfway through the baking process. When they're done, it's important to let them

cool completely before handling them. At least 20 to 25 minutes. These peanut

butter cookies have a great texture and taste; perfect for when you want a little

something sweet. There you have it folks. My soft and

chewy low carbohydrate peanut butter cookies. A great keto or low carbohydrate snack. I hope you

enjoyed this video. If you did, please like and consider subscribing. I'll have

something new every week. Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Soft and Chewy Low Carb Peanut Butter Cookies – Keto Cookies - Duration: 4:07.


Вкуснейшее печенье розочки - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Вкуснейшее печенье розочки - Duration: 3:43.


TALKING TOM GOLD RUN vs Subway Surfers 2018 Chinese Version vs Despicable Me: Minion Rush UPDATE - Duration: 10:22.

TALKING TOM GOLD RUN vs Subway Surfers vs Minion Rush UPDATE

For more infomation >> TALKING TOM GOLD RUN vs Subway Surfers 2018 Chinese Version vs Despicable Me: Minion Rush UPDATE - Duration: 10:22.


Chủ đề về ( Mùa ) : trường học vtv 7 - 5 từ tiếng anh cơ bản dành cho các bạn nhỏ - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> Chủ đề về ( Mùa ) : trường học vtv 7 - 5 từ tiếng anh cơ bản dành cho các bạn nhỏ - Duration: 6:18.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 5drs 75pk High Up! Executive Automaat - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 5drs 75pk High Up! Executive Automaat - Duration: 0:57.


Rita Dalla Chiesa parla di Fabrizio Frizzi e va contro Romina Power, ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Rita Dalla Chiesa parla di Fabrizio Frizzi e va contro Romina Power, ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.


Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 TSI 150pk Comfort & Design | Navi | - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 TSI 150pk Comfort & Design | Navi | - Duration: 0:59.


Škoda Yeti 1.2 TSI 105pk Comfort Airco - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Škoda Yeti 1.2 TSI 105pk Comfort Airco - Duration: 0:54.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 44KW/60PK 5-DRS Move Up! Airco - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 44KW/60PK 5-DRS Move Up! Airco - Duration: 0:54.


Volkswagen Polo 1.4-16v 85pk 5drs Highline Executive DSG - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.4-16v 85pk 5drs Highline Executive DSG - Duration: 0:59.


HomePod - Beat - Apple

For more infomation >> HomePod - Beat - Apple


(Recycled Art Supplies) Shop Updates #4 What Can I do with This? - Duration: 12:00.

Hi, everybody, jerry bellini here from recycled parts for art and today's video is shop updates and the first thing i'm going to show

You in the shop updates is smashed, bottle caps


Aren't they cute i think you could do a lot of things with, these i've seen them

Nailed or glued on to like a birdhouse roof, and i've seen, them glued around


I've seen them glued on boxes i've seen, them as jewelry

Use your imagination i think there's 25 of them here i'm gonna put them in the shop and

I have a lot of regular, bottle caps too and i'm gonna

I think i'm gonna start listing those in the shop i'm not sure if i'll

Do that this week or not alright next thing i want to show. You

Is this really neat embroidery

Label book alright it's in kind of sad shape but i wouldn't use the book

Per se as the buckle though you know i might use some of these papers for ephemera and

What it is and i'm gonna flip through the, whole book so you can, see it it's little patches, and i'm not really sure

What the age is of it i didn't really see, oh?

1976 forgive me


so that's a cool, picture

So there are little patches and sometimes they blew, down and sometimes they're not of?

Embroidery and aren't they cute

They're, adorable they, would be awesome in some kind of collage i think or stitched onto something

Okay, some of the pages are a little ripped or more than a little ripped but

But the patches are still there

And there's all kinds of patches and there's some children's patches and flowers and oh that tree is really beautiful?


easier to show you here in a video than to take photographs of this so i would you know i would repurpose, these patches and

There you have it so look, for that in the shop this week

This, my friends is the

Techies out of here is a bucket of goodness

Vintage buttons from anywhere from the 60s 70s

80s and they are vintage plastic old plastic and some of them have shanks

And some of them are flat they're all different shapes and sizes, we sell these

by, the pound, they are sold one pound three pounds and five pounds i

Believe and we sell a lot of these, and have a

Lot and i love them, and they're just vintage buttons and you can, use them for a million things you could, use them for collage


You can, use them unaltered books

You, could certainly use them on clothing on little hand stitch things what-have-you but

That's right it's not gorgeous i love that and check, these out

These are gorgeous there are there will be a few of these big ones and this is pretty big let me show. You

So that's a quarter, and that's the button

And there'll be a few of those in there and if you just like, these, because, these, make really great

Altered book, buttons

They're really interesting on on an ultrabook

I, do believe these are sold separately in the shop and a lot of these buttons are sold separately in the shop as, well

Take a, peek see and those listings

Expire the separate ones are probably going to just sell the buttons, by the pound


We just sell so much of them by the pound is so much easier let's just share with

You, some storage that i have some storage things, and they're. These plastic vials

these are five inches i believe and these are i

Think, they're eight

Let me see i don't want to lie

Nope, they're six, sorry those are six, and these are four gosh, jer it drink, some coffee

anyway, these are have been used and

So they have this really nice top that

It's just a plug

That you can put all kinds of beads sequins whatever little

Little trinkets to store and these are called, hang-up plugs

They, have a hole in the top

And so you can hang them on something, we used them in the store and these have not been used

The next thing i wanted to show. You is these

are these


pieces and

They, were handmade by a lady

that lives out in california i believe and

Her the name of her company is the face by, diane

wrigley, and

I used to carry, these in the shop

and some of them are flat like this one's flat and it has two holes and so it's that one and

Some of them have this

this, little ceramic

Thing in the back so that you can put a chain or a rope or something and you can hang it on on something so

they're, very interesting i

Always, thought, and we did sell quite a bit of them we actually all

also have

Which these are not listed in the shop yet but

We, also have these faces that she made and i do plan on getting these in the shop

And I did Get some Listed last night!!!

This is this is what we used to, do with them, we used to beat around them and?

They're, very aren't they beautiful

This is a small one?

And here's another one i just

We just love them and you would wear them as a pin this one has a pin back on it you could

Wear it as a pin you could pin it on to a hat

it could be the center for

you know

A collage and assemblage art you could use it in and these you could use also as

Assemblage art and i'm just, gonna pop the tray over here see i have a, whole tray of them and

i i

hope to get some of these listed this is an awesome book alright it is

7 and 3/4. By five and a half and it is rather thick and i have never seen anything, like, this

About an inch and a half i've never seen anything, like, this before

Signs of my friends and it says signs it's hot it's the horoscope



It's a little it's embossed

Ok, and the back is nice?


It says signs of the friends of teresa hill and in the beginning it explains to you, how. To use the book and it's dated

1945 and

It looks like

There is some writing in it so the person

Who, owned the book put their friends names down here and then the things that the people liked and it's fascinating

And it talks about

The horoscope of those, born under the sign of sagittarius, blah, blah blah


Don't know i thought somebody i predict, why, personally don't do horoscope things but i found it to be a

Interesting book, that back in the in the 40s

That they were doing stuff like, this and they actually made books on it so you can

See that there's some writing in here and each month it tells you a little bit about

You know you are thoughtful, and prudent blah blah

Blah if you're if you're libra that kind of thing so i just found the book to be very fascinating

So there you have it so there's some writing in pen and pencil and

lots of empty pages

people's names

When he was, born or that says cissy, fisher 1932, oh?

And it has different things about different people

That were born on that day rembrandt, was born on june 15

Very interesting anyhow. Look for this in the shop

Okay, i'm downsizing let me move you up so you can see the whole box and

This is this is just one of the many many things that i have that i have too much of and?

I have got to get rid of some of this stuff so i've made a category in my shop, called d stash

supplies, and that is

stuff that i previously owned and

You're, gonna see i hope a lot of stuff in there so this is a big box of ribbons and this is vintage ribbon here

it's acetate ribbon

So it's a little it's a little different and it says it's got 100 yards on it and it's probably it's almost about full

There's some velvet ribbon here there's some more acetate down here there's some really nice satin ribbon

This is really pretty look at the size of this roll i mean really and it's beautiful ribbon

All different kinds of ribbon this is more acetate down here this really wide one i can tell. By feeling it and

Yep this is 2 and 3/4 inch wide

So alright so look for this in this store i'm going to just

Bag it up probably

This will make a couple bags i don't know, and look at this a, whole roll of this beautiful?

grosgrain ribbon

Alright so look, for stuff like, that i have a, whole box at the house little house

Fabric that i've been folding refolding, my fabrics and stuff and so i've got all these little pieces that i am

Putting in a big box, and i'm gonna, baggy, them up and sell them as fabric

Scraps all right so this, is some more ribbon but it's got wire in it so i'm going to keep this separate

Okay, so this will be a separate listing five yards this is an entire

25 yards i believe is on this one burgundy wire ribbon

Is it wire ribbon

yes it's wire ribbon, okay, so you get the gist i

Have, this plastic i think kids

make lanyards or something with it so i have some of that i

Have, white is this is round this is flat and i have a? Gray, one that's flat too?

Look, for that in the store

under d stash


I think that's about it for today guys i'm gonna keep it short i have to go over to the little house and unpack some

More fabric and i will have, some more stuff to show. You

in a couple

Days all right thanks for watching i hope you have a blessed day full of love and recycled art i almost forgot to say that

For more infomation >> (Recycled Art Supplies) Shop Updates #4 What Can I do with This? - Duration: 12:00.


[College VLOG] My first day of rehearsal for the musical and I meet the crew! - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> [College VLOG] My first day of rehearsal for the musical and I meet the crew! - Duration: 6:42.


Come eliminare i punti neri in modo naturale - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> Come eliminare i punti neri in modo naturale - Duration: 6:00.


2-Minute Neuroscience: Taste - Duration: 1:58.

Welcome to 2 minute neuroscience, where I explain neuroscience topics in 2 minutes or


In this installment I will discuss taste.

The tongue is covered with many little bumps, which are sometimes mistakenly called taste


These small lumps of tissue, however, are known as papillae.

Taste buds are found in the walls of papillae and the grooves surrounding them.

Each taste bud contains anywhere from 50 to 150 taste receptor cells.

Extending from these cells are fine microvilli, sometimes called taste hairs or gustatory

hairs, which protrude through an opening called the taste pore into the mouth.

These microvilli come in contact with substances in the mouth that can be tasted, also known

as tastants.

Tastants interact with taste receptor cells through a number of different mechanisms to

depolarize the cells.

When taste cells are depolarized, they release neurotransmitters that stimulate sensory neurons

that travel in cranial nerves VII, IX, and X.

These neurons terminate on neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract in the medulla.

From there, taste information is sent to the thalamus.

Then, taste information is sent to the gustatory cortex, which is a region of the cerebral

cortex found along the border between the anterior insula and a structure called the

frontal operculum.

The gustatory cortex allows us to consciously discriminate different taste stimuli.

The taste information sent along these pathways is thought to encode for basic tastes, such

as sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and savory or umami (whether there are others is still

being debated).

However, the actual flavor of a food---which is what we typically define as taste---is

created by a combination of taste and olfactory information.

For more infomation >> 2-Minute Neuroscience: Taste - Duration: 1:58.


Canım Sana Gurban Şehim Gavs-i Sani - Menzil İlahisi Çok Güzel Bir İlahi - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Canım Sana Gurban Şehim Gavs-i Sani - Menzil İlahisi Çok Güzel Bir İlahi - Duration: 3:59.


#Shadowhunters | I trailer #Clace e #Malec per San Valentino! [SUB ITA] - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> #Shadowhunters | I trailer #Clace e #Malec per San Valentino! [SUB ITA] - Duration: 1:00.


Hyundai ix20 1.6i i-Vision Climate en Cruise control - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.6i i-Vision Climate en Cruise control - Duration: 0:59.


SEO i SmartWebs pakker? Q&A #16 - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> SEO i SmartWebs pakker? Q&A #16 - Duration: 0:57.


What I've Learned from My First 15 Vlog Episodes - Duration: 6:46.

This is my 15th blog episode, and I want to share what I've learned.

It's hard.

It's harder than I thought!

I'm gonna dig in to this episode of what I've learned over 15 episodes of vlogging,

and what you can learn when you're getting into vlogging or if you're already vlogging,

what I think as I move forward with this vlog.

Alright. So, it has been 15 episodes of this vlog and honestly,

I thought it was gonna be so much easier.

I have been telling people as a social media guide for years:

"You need to be creating videos.

Let's go moving towards video.

It's not that hard, just get out your phone and make video!"

You know what? It's hard, and this is a lot of work.

It's a lot of work to capture.

It's a lot of work to edit.

It's a lot of work to distribute.

It's a lot of work to promote.

Vlogging is not easy!

So, I want to share that very transparently, that creating this vlog has been fun,

but it has been a lot of hard work; and honestly,

it's been so much harder than I thought.

But, I want to dig into my feelings about the vlog.

Later, I want to talk about what I learned about the vlog first.

So, here's the first thing that I learned about vlogging:

Talking and communicating on camera is not natural for me.

Writing is probably the most natural form of communication for me.

I'm an introvert by nature. I like being behind a keyboard; and so that's the most natural way.

I have begun public speaking, probably about five years ago, significantly on a much more regular basis

and really began enjoying that.

And so, I can feel the energy of an audience when I'm public speaking and teaching in that way.

So I can feel a room. Or even consulting in a room,

I can interact with the person that I'm sharing with.

Communicating through camera,

it's hard to know how people are responding to the content you're creating.

And while computer in writing is similar in that way for whatever reason,

it just was more natural for me to write, than it has been for me to communicate through video.

Now I'm growing. I'm learning. I'm getting more comfortable.

I have to just do it and honestly,

I feel like I tell clients it's gonna take you a hundred videos before you feel comfortable.

I'm only on 15!

And so, I know it's gonna take me more time to feel more comfortable on camera,

and I'm only getting started here.

So, it is harder though than I thought.

I want to confess to those of you who are clients who I've said

"Just get in front of your camera, hold up your phone."

I get it. Communicating through camera is harder than it seems.

The second thing that I learned about vlogging 15 episodes in is that:

It's more complicated than I thought.

There are more steps than I thought,

or at least that I anticipated in the complexity of each of those steps,

and so the first step was capture.

I initially tell a lot of clients,

"Just get your phone out and do it!"

There are videos you can create. And a lot of videos I've created in the past,

I just got my phone out, and I did it, I edit it in Splice,

and that uploaded it right to social media and that works.

But, I wanted a higher quality for this vlog.

I wanted to take video to the next level with this vlog.

I wanted better video quality. So, I bought a good webcam.

I wasn't ready to invest or even go to the extent of the effort with a DSLR camera or higher production camera,

but I wanted simplicity and I still wanted better quality that I was getting from a mobile device,

or some cameras that I have like a GoPro.

And so, I got a good webcam,

but even lighting and getting lighting right, and audio and audio right,

so the capture is tough, but then the capture is just the beginning.

Then there's the editing and editing is more complicated than it seems.

More than half the time is done in editing,

I would say probably, exceed four times the time spent from

capturing or even creating and thinking through the ideas of the videos

goes into the editing side of it and the detail that goes into high quality editing,

and honestly, we still want to get a lot better.

We feel like we're just figuring out the editing and the systems of the process to editing this well.

And then, you're just getting started still because you've got to distribute it.

You got to give it a good title.

You got to give a good description.

You got to give it the right tags.

You've got to promote it out on email or through other social networks.

And so, getting all of the steps involved in creating, editing, distributing optimizing and promoting.

There's a lot of steps involved in vlogging, and so, it was more than I thought.

Now, the third thing that I've learned about vlogging 15 episodes in is that:

Consistency is important.

A lot of people are bugging me:

"When's your next episode coming out?"

And they've developed the rhythm of the expect that new episode every week.

They wanted to be consistent. They wanted even more consistent than once a week.

And so, I have tried to be as consistent as I can,

releasing a new vlog episode on a weekly basis.

Seeing how valuable and important that seems to be

for the community that's growing around this content.

And so I knew that. I understood that before vlogging,

but I understand even more significantly now that I'm vlogging.

Honestly, I learned it more significantly when I took a little break from vlogging,

over the Christmas, New Year's time.

Taking a little break from the vlog,

people asking me for new content.

Where is it?

They're paying attention to it,

and I know that if I don't start releasing more content,

I'm going to lose that audience.

So, I have to be consistent if I'm going to keep an engaged community and audience with this vlog.

The last thing that I want to say and last point I want to make about the vlog:

is that it's been worth it.

It's absolutely been worth it.

It has been a blast to learn out loud on this vlog.

It has been a blast to meet so many new folks that have been responsive,

and engaging, with the content that I've been creating here.

The feedback I've got in comparison to any other social media initiative I have done historically,

from podcasting, to blogging to just tweeting.

I have gotten more feedback from this vlog than anything else I've ever done.

And so I'm grateful for this medium that has allowed me,

to engage in the most effective way possible for me.

I love video.

I love what it allows me to be able to communicate, through video, through audio,

and just being able to connect in the most personal way possible here on YouTube.

And so, I'm grateful for you watching these episodes and joining this community and following this vlog.

I look forward to a hundred vlogs that are ahead and continuing to learn out loud.

So, I appreciate the privilege of allowing me to be your social media guide.

And I look forward to the journey that is ahead for this vlog,

and the many vlogs that are ahead.

And I hope you'll begin to learn from this vlog,

and begin vlogging yourself.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> What I've Learned from My First 15 Vlog Episodes - Duration: 6:46.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION 5-drs | Airco | Bluetooth | Dealer onderhouden | 1e eigenaar - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION 5-drs | Airco | Bluetooth | Dealer onderhouden | 1e eigenaar - Duration: 0:54.


Honda CR-V 2.0i VTEC 4WD Executive - Automaat - Navigatie - Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0i VTEC 4WD Executive - Automaat - Navigatie - Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 0:54.


Volvo S40 1.6 EDITION I Climate Control Leder Trekhaak 17Inch - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo S40 1.6 EDITION I Climate Control Leder Trekhaak 17Inch - Duration: 0:54.


Hyundai i10 1.1 i-Drive - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.1 i-Drive - Duration: 0:54.


Hyundai Accent 1.5i LS Automaat met Airco - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Accent 1.5i LS Automaat met Airco - Duration: 1:01.


I 5 migliori antinfiammatori naturali per trattare il liquido nel ginocchio - Salute 365 - Duration: 7:18.

For more infomation >> I 5 migliori antinfiammatori naturali per trattare il liquido nel ginocchio - Salute 365 - Duration: 7:18.


Why I Love...EdPuzzle - Duration: 4:55.

Hi everyone. My name is Layal Olive and I am a seventh grade social studies

teacher and an educational technology coach and I'm here to talk to you about

Edie puzzle student projects. All teachers love using videos. They're a

great way to engage your students and it's not note-taking, it's something

different, they feel like they're getting rewarded because they get to watch a

movie. We all do it. The problem is, do we do it too much? I've noticed that my

students get really bored every time I'm like, "Okay, login to EdPuzzle, time to

watch another movie." And it's made me wonder when you look around every

teacher shows at least one or two small movie clips a semester, so what happens

if they have to come up with the movie instead. Well, that's what EdPuzzle

student projects allows us to do. Basically, you create a project within

EdPuzzle, so your students go to EdPuzzle, they have to look for different

with movie clips and different documentaries, and then they select the

movie that they want to create. They can trim it to make it shorter, they can add

audio notes, they can add comments, and they can add the questions that we would

normally. So it's the perfect way because in reality they're doing more work than

they realize because they have to do the research, they have to find the video

that they think fits our requirements. Then they have to come up with the

questions which means they have to watch the video, probably multiple times, and

they have to know the answers as well. This is a phenomenal way to engage your

students because not only are they still getting the material, but now they're in

charge of their learning. They get to be mini teachers for the day and they get

super excited about it. And they still get the material. but it's

actually a little bit less work on us because we don't have to sit there and

plan out the film and then plan out the questions. Instead all we do is grade

their work, something we would do normally. So this is a great way to

involve your kids in their own learning process and allows them to take charge

and they get to have fun while doing it. Up

next you're going to see a video clip on how to create in EdPuzzle student projects

followed by some examples from my classroom. Enjoy! Hello. This is how you

create an EdPuzzle student project. So when you log in to your EdPuzzle account

you're going to click up here on the My Content button. Once you're here you're

going to hit the blue Create button and instead you're going to hit Students

project. Basically what happens is it allows you to assign your students a

project where they then have to create their own EdPuzzle video with their

own questions, they can create audio notes, trim it just like you would. So

basically they get all of the functions that the teacher would in EdPuzzle

and they can assign it. They can also then take it themselves and have to make

sure they get the questions right. Same thing with you, you can go through them

and make sure they got all of the questions right. So you would describe

the subject of what you want them to teach, so for me I would do Vietnam. Goal -

they even give you an example, "Hey students! Find a video and synthesize the

last lesson you explained in class." You can keep that, you can make it more

detailed, or you can do something as simple as, "Hey, I want you to show me

different perspectives on this topic." Instructions - I would definitely

recommend giving them a length of video. You don't want them assigning you an

hour-long video to review. That would take a very long time to grade. So I'd

recommend doing videos that are around five minutes long. You don't want

anything too short so it doesn't give them a lot of material to work with

question wise and same thing, you don't want them to make it too long. And then I

would also make sure they have to include a certain amount of audio notes

and a certain amount of questions as well and they are welcome to trim down

the length movie to five minutes if they would like. And then you're simply going to

hit save project and then you would assign it like you would any other video.

Thank you for watching! (Student 1)This is awesome! (Student 2) I love this project! (Student 3) EdPuzzle rocks!

(Video clip) We all wanted to represent the Vietnamese perspective, but we weren't

sure we'd be able to. If we didn't find a way to do it,

our whole film's gonna not be what we wanted it to be. There are North

Vietnamese soldiers and Vietcong guerrillas and South Vietnamese

civilians and you go in always realizing that the first thing you have to do is

shed what you thought you knew.

(Music playing)

For more infomation >> Why I Love...EdPuzzle - Duration: 4:55.


Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - 2 bloki reklamowe i zapowiedzi z 6 listopada 2017 roku - Duration: 13:50.

For more infomation >> Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - 2 bloki reklamowe i zapowiedzi z 6 listopada 2017 roku - Duration: 13:50.


Hyundai ix35 1.6I GDI I-LIGHT - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 1.6I GDI I-LIGHT - Duration: 0:53.


Toyota Aygo VVT-I 5DRS COMFORT NAVIGATOR PLUS - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo VVT-I 5DRS COMFORT NAVIGATOR PLUS - Duration: 0:54.


LEGO car polybags: City Police Car 30352 & Juniors Fire Car 30338! - Duration: 6:49.

everybody I realized I had these two poly bags from last year 2017 and they

looked pretty similar they're both from roughly the same time and ones fire ones

police why not review them together in the same video first let's look at this

fire car which is actually a junior set however surprisingly it doesn't really

use any normal juniors style junior rised building techniques it uses just

regular sized pieces it doesn't have a single piece chassis or anything I mean

it does have a single piece chassis but it's not like the whole car is one piece

you know this is a a specific part that's actually been used for a lot of

regular lego city or town cars over the course of a number of decades and in

fact there have been a number of fire cars or fire chief cars that were pretty

much this simple to build in just the regular Lego lines even when they didn't

have juniors specific stuff or the course of at least a few decades I think

by now and it's a perfectly fine little car has a print there so that's kind of

a a juniors style thing it's a little bit better than the the older kids stuff

to have a print rather than stickers and it's yeah it's just a perfectly fine

little car you could potentially put a second person on the back if you just

take off that bar piece with the light on it it's quaint it's cute it goes

together fairly quickly you can definitely customize it there are plenty

of places to attach other things and it comes with a single figure I'll show you

that a little bit more closely in just a second it also comes with this little

little plate just a 2 by 4 plate a little bit of fire next to a tree it's

nice to get that tree piece in just a little poly bag you know it makes for a

nice miniature Christmas tree at the very least something folks don't like

those I think they're they're pretty cool but it's mostly in nostalgia let's

go ahead and take a look at that figure this is just a regular firefighting dude

he has the high visibility vest on there although the print isn't quite as as

strong as I would like to see that's just something that Lego has been

struggling with a little bit more recently and you see

around the edges it's just a little bit on the thin side but from any kind of

distance I think it actually looks looks fine it's just a little bit of change in

quality relative to the excellence that we're used to from Lego it's interesting

that he has a fire extinguisher with what looks like a water bottle at the

base of it so you kind of see it as just being a classic old squirt bottle style

of thing you know and just a little bit different normally they would give us a

yellow 1 by 1 cylinder piece for that and the the head just has a single face

which is nice it's confident but it's you know it's happy and he's got the

fireman's helmet on as well yeah it's it's cool this lego City police car has

50 pieces compared to the 32 pieces of the juniors fire car so it might take

you an additional minute to assemble this but the assembly is remarkably

similar to the juniors fire car it actually uses the exact same main

chassis piece beneath there and then it also has one large fender piece at the

front and the rear same pieces used but then there's just some additional

smaller parts that make up for the additional piece count including the

clips to hold on to a couple of accessories at the back that's good with

the traffic control signal baton or a paddle they're also a pair of handcuffs

that can be attached nicely they include a spare in the set as well you get a

couple of traffic control cones back there so those are intended to be used

you know put out on the street as you need light bar up above this one also

does have a single printed piece used for the hood Lego lately has been

including one single printed piece in each of their city their new cities

sub-themes as they come out with them so this is the one that gets shared within

that year's police themed sets and I think this is just missing a windscreen

really could've used a windshield there it's just something that I personally am

really used to seeing with course of quite a number of years the

is totally sensible I mean I completely understand what they went for here with

the the choice of parts can where they spent them but it still would have been

nice to have a windscreen even if it didn't have a roof you know ideally it's

nice to have a roof also but just kind of creating a windshield creates more of

more of the face of a car and once again you get a single figure that just fits

in the single seat it's very convenient that the heavy one by three panel pieces

now that fit perfectly onto this all chassis and then here's that police

minifigure up more closely and I really like that torso just that uniform that

they they came up with for this version of LEGO City police I think is one of my

favorites that they've done ever it it has nice detail the color is not all

that common you know I don't I don't use that range that much especially for for

uniforms you know they're going to be used across multiple figures and yeah it

just has nice detail on it has the the bright metallic silver and the bright

metallic gold and it's generic enough it looks like something that could be used

across multiple years it doesn't have anything that makes it specific to any

particular incarnation of police now the actual police wording on the back there

is a little bit fuzzy with the printing you know a really fine really small

nitpick and I actually think I would have preferred a smiling face for this

one especially given that it's more of an impulse buy set and is more likely

than usual to be put into the hands of extra young kids who may actually be

within the juniors age range or just beyond it and it's I think it's just

nice to put smiling faces in front of kids whenever you get a chance but I

understand the serious expression here you know he's doing serious work and

that's that just to emergency service polybag car sets from 2017 not all that

much more to say about them so thank you for watching hope you enjoyed this and

I'll talk to you soon


For more infomation >> LEGO car polybags: City Police Car 30352 & Juniors Fire Car 30338! - Duration: 6:49.


Official Rampage Trailer

For more infomation >> Official Rampage Trailer


O Θεός των κενών (με υπότιτλους) - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> O Θεός των κενών (με υπότιτλους) - Duration: 5:45.



For more infomation >> 7 EXERCÍCIOS FÁCEIS PARA PERDER BARRIGA E AUMENTAR BUMBUM RÁPIDO! Perder Barriga e Definir Gluteos - Duration: 9:14.



For more infomation >> SÓ 1 COLHER DE MEL POR DIA E VOCÊ NUNCA MAIS VAI TER ALERGIA - Duration: 3:47.


Homilia | Dom Orlando Brandes - Missa de cinzas - Basílica Velha - 14 de fevereiro de 2018 - Duration: 12:00.

For more infomation >> Homilia | Dom Orlando Brandes - Missa de cinzas - Basílica Velha - 14 de fevereiro de 2018 - Duration: 12:00.


SELIC: Acabou a mamata dos 14% ao ano - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> SELIC: Acabou a mamata dos 14% ao ano - Duration: 1:23.


El horror vivido por un adolescente testigo de la masacre - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> El horror vivido por un adolescente testigo de la masacre - Duration: 2:01.


"BBB18": Lucas faz pedido a Jéssica: "Se afasta de mim" - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> "BBB18": Lucas faz pedido a Jéssica: "Se afasta de mim" - Duration: 2:41.


Verdade sobre Ayrton e Ana Clara antes do BBB aparece. Veja fotos polêmicas - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Verdade sobre Ayrton e Ana Clara antes do BBB aparece. Veja fotos polêmicas - Duration: 3:47.


Ten In Bed & More |Kindergarten Kids Songs |Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children | Toddlers - Duration: 37:00.

Ten In Bed & More |Kindergarten Kids Songs |Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children | Toddlers

For more infomation >> Ten In Bed & More |Kindergarten Kids Songs |Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children | Toddlers - Duration: 37:00.


Military Films "SOVIET DESIGNS" - FORTRESS 1941-45! Military Movies # military films - Duration: 1:23:00.

Military Films "SOVIET DESIGNS" - FORTRESS 1941-45! Military Movies # military films

For more infomation >> Military Films "SOVIET DESIGNS" - FORTRESS 1941-45! Military Movies # military films - Duration: 1:23:00.


LEGO car polybags: City Police Car 30352 & Juniors Fire Car 30338! - Duration: 6:49.

everybody I realized I had these two poly bags from last year 2017 and they

looked pretty similar they're both from roughly the same time and ones fire ones

police why not review them together in the same video first let's look at this

fire car which is actually a junior set however surprisingly it doesn't really

use any normal juniors style junior rised building techniques it uses just

regular sized pieces it doesn't have a single piece chassis or anything I mean

it does have a single piece chassis but it's not like the whole car is one piece

you know this is a a specific part that's actually been used for a lot of

regular lego city or town cars over the course of a number of decades and in

fact there have been a number of fire cars or fire chief cars that were pretty

much this simple to build in just the regular Lego lines even when they didn't

have juniors specific stuff or the course of at least a few decades I think

by now and it's a perfectly fine little car has a print there so that's kind of

a a juniors style thing it's a little bit better than the the older kids stuff

to have a print rather than stickers and it's yeah it's just a perfectly fine

little car you could potentially put a second person on the back if you just

take off that bar piece with the light on it it's quaint it's cute it goes

together fairly quickly you can definitely customize it there are plenty

of places to attach other things and it comes with a single figure I'll show you

that a little bit more closely in just a second it also comes with this little

little plate just a 2 by 4 plate a little bit of fire next to a tree it's

nice to get that tree piece in just a little poly bag you know it makes for a

nice miniature Christmas tree at the very least something folks don't like

those I think they're they're pretty cool but it's mostly in nostalgia let's

go ahead and take a look at that figure this is just a regular firefighting dude

he has the high visibility vest on there although the print isn't quite as as

strong as I would like to see that's just something that Lego has been

struggling with a little bit more recently and you see

around the edges it's just a little bit on the thin side but from any kind of

distance I think it actually looks looks fine it's just a little bit of change in

quality relative to the excellence that we're used to from Lego it's interesting

that he has a fire extinguisher with what looks like a water bottle at the

base of it so you kind of see it as just being a classic old squirt bottle style

of thing you know and just a little bit different normally they would give us a

yellow 1 by 1 cylinder piece for that and the the head just has a single face

which is nice it's confident but it's you know it's happy and he's got the

fireman's helmet on as well yeah it's it's cool this lego City police car has

50 pieces compared to the 32 pieces of the juniors fire car so it might take

you an additional minute to assemble this but the assembly is remarkably

similar to the juniors fire car it actually uses the exact same main

chassis piece beneath there and then it also has one large fender piece at the

front and the rear same pieces used but then there's just some additional

smaller parts that make up for the additional piece count including the

clips to hold on to a couple of accessories at the back that's good with

the traffic control signal baton or a paddle they're also a pair of handcuffs

that can be attached nicely they include a spare in the set as well you get a

couple of traffic control cones back there so those are intended to be used

you know put out on the street as you need light bar up above this one also

does have a single printed piece used for the hood Lego lately has been

including one single printed piece in each of their city their new cities

sub-themes as they come out with them so this is the one that gets shared within

that year's police themed sets and I think this is just missing a windscreen

really could've used a windshield there it's just something that I personally am

really used to seeing with course of quite a number of years the

is totally sensible I mean I completely understand what they went for here with

the the choice of parts can where they spent them but it still would have been

nice to have a windscreen even if it didn't have a roof you know ideally it's

nice to have a roof also but just kind of creating a windshield creates more of

more of the face of a car and once again you get a single figure that just fits

in the single seat it's very convenient that the heavy one by three panel pieces

now that fit perfectly onto this all chassis and then here's that police

minifigure up more closely and I really like that torso just that uniform that

they they came up with for this version of LEGO City police I think is one of my

favorites that they've done ever it it has nice detail the color is not all

that common you know I don't I don't use that range that much especially for for

uniforms you know they're going to be used across multiple figures and yeah it

just has nice detail on it has the the bright metallic silver and the bright

metallic gold and it's generic enough it looks like something that could be used

across multiple years it doesn't have anything that makes it specific to any

particular incarnation of police now the actual police wording on the back there

is a little bit fuzzy with the printing you know a really fine really small

nitpick and I actually think I would have preferred a smiling face for this

one especially given that it's more of an impulse buy set and is more likely

than usual to be put into the hands of extra young kids who may actually be

within the juniors age range or just beyond it and it's I think it's just

nice to put smiling faces in front of kids whenever you get a chance but I

understand the serious expression here you know he's doing serious work and

that's that just to emergency service polybag car sets from 2017 not all that

much more to say about them so thank you for watching hope you enjoyed this and

I'll talk to you soon


For more infomation >> LEGO car polybags: City Police Car 30352 & Juniors Fire Car 30338! - Duration: 6:49.





BBB18: com dedo na cara e muita agressividade, Caruso ameaça Mahmoud: 'Moleque' - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> BBB18: com dedo na cara e muita agressividade, Caruso ameaça Mahmoud: 'Moleque' - Duration: 3:53.


TALKING TOM GOLD RUN vs Subway Surfers 2018 Chinese Version vs Despicable Me: Minion Rush UPDATE - Duration: 10:22.

TALKING TOM GOLD RUN vs Subway Surfers vs Minion Rush UPDATE

For more infomation >> TALKING TOM GOLD RUN vs Subway Surfers 2018 Chinese Version vs Despicable Me: Minion Rush UPDATE - Duration: 10:22.


GET 200,000+ CROWNS IN GDMO IN 1 WEEK!! || UNLIMITED FREE CASH [EVENT] - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> GET 200,000+ CROWNS IN GDMO IN 1 WEEK!! || UNLIMITED FREE CASH [EVENT] - Duration: 2:12.


Soft and Chewy Low Carb Peanut Butter Cookies – Keto Cookies - Duration: 4:07.

Welcome all! Papa G here. Today I present my soft and chewy low carbohydrate peanut butter

cookies. Some version of this classic cookie have a tendency to be a little on

the dry side. I've replaced one or two ingredients to help soften the texture,

while still keeping that great peanut butter cookie taste. Let's get started.

Standard peanut butter cookie recipes call for brown sugar, which is simply

just white sugar mixed with a bit of molasses. To help mimic that flavor, we're

gonna create our own maple syrup by adding a third of a cup of tapioca syrup

and a teaspoon of real maple extract. Mix together well and set aside. Add a

half a cup of vegetable shortening to a mixing bowl and a granulated sugar

substitute equal to 3/4 of a cup of regular sugar. Cream both together. We're

using shortening instead of butter in this recipe. Shortening is a hundred

percent fat, whereas butter is about eighty-five percent. This extra fat will

give our cookies a softer texture. Add one lightly beaten egg and a half a cup

of natural creamy peanut butter. Mix with a spatula to incorporate. Use a downward

motion, pressing the mix to the sides of the bowl to help mix in the shortening

and sugar substitute. Now add our homemade maple syrup and give that a mix.

Add some salt; some baking powder; and some baking soda.

Once everything is mixed together, add one and a half cups of almond flour. Stir

and mix the almond flour in. Once our batter is thoroughly mixed, cover with

some plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for at least an hour to

overnight. Once our batter has a time to chill, remove from the refrigerator and

we'll begin to construct our cookies. Grab some cookie dough with your hands

and roll into a ball, measuring no more than about an inch. Repeat until all the

dough is rolled. This batch rendered 24 cookies. You may get a little more or

less depending on the size of your dough balls.

Place the dough balls on a parchment lined baking sheet. Be careful not to

overcrowd, as these cookies will spread just a bit when cooking. Gently push the

dough balls down with your hands to form a small circle. Now traditional peanut

butter cookies have an obligatory crisscross pattern on the top. I didn't

want to get in trouble with the cookie police, so I decided to add it to the top

of mine. If you add this step, you may want to oil the fork to help prevent it

from sticking to the cookie. Place the cookies in the middle of a preheated 375°F

oven for 12 to 17 minutes, or until the outer edges of the cookies

begin to brown. If you're baking two sheets at a time, rotate the cookies

halfway through the baking process. When they're done, it's important to let them

cool completely before handling them. At least 20 to 25 minutes. These peanut

butter cookies have a great texture and taste; perfect for when you want a little

something sweet. There you have it folks. My soft and

chewy low carbohydrate peanut butter cookies. A great keto or low carbohydrate snack. I hope you

enjoyed this video. If you did, please like and consider subscribing. I'll have

something new every week. Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time!

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