Thursday, February 15, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 15 2018






For more infomation >> 30 minutes Virtual Run | Treadmill Video for Running with Music | 160BPM #06 - Duration: 27:29.


ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ - Duration: 1:23.


BMW R-1150-GS - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> BMW R-1150-GS - Duration: 2:21.


The tree of sauce

For more infomation >> The tree of sauce


Uomini e donne, Maria De Filiippi contro Tina e Gemma? L'ultimatum choc | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, Maria De Filiippi contro Tina e Gemma? L'ultimatum choc | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:32.


O que é física quântica? - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> O que é física quântica? - Duration: 7:09.


Uomini e donne,Maria De Filippi contro Tina e Gems? L'annuncio clamoroso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne,Maria De Filippi contro Tina e Gems? L'annuncio clamoroso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.


L'Isola dei famosi,Francesco Monte e Eva Henger hanno fatto pace in tv | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> L'Isola dei famosi,Francesco Monte e Eva Henger hanno fatto pace in tv | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.


Uomini e donne,Tina Cipollari ha lasciato il marito: ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne,Tina Cipollari ha lasciato il marito: ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.





Loredana Lecciso lontana da Al Bano anche a San Valentino | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Loredana Lecciso lontana da Al Bano anche a San Valentino | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:46.


Nova Nativa SPA Ameixa Negra - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Nova Nativa SPA Ameixa Negra - Duration: 0:31.


Tempo de Amar: em reviravolta, Vicente sofre acidente e desaparece no mar - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Tempo de Amar: em reviravolta, Vicente sofre acidente e desaparece no mar - Duration: 2:53.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Cabriolet Automaat Sport Edition | Prestige pakket - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Cabriolet Automaat Sport Edition | Prestige pakket - Duration: 0:54.


Polícia e Ladrão causam acidente. - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Polícia e Ladrão causam acidente. - Duration: 2:41.


Uomini e Donne: Nilufar in lacrime, ecco il motivo - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Nilufar in lacrime, ecco il motivo - Duration: 4:14.


Ana Paula fica impactada com recorde de rejeição no BBB18 e é atendida às pressas - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Ana Paula fica impactada com recorde de rejeição no BBB18 e é atendida às pressas - Duration: 5:27.


Vanilda Bordieri, Trio R3 e Melkinho - Pra Deus É Nada (Ao Vivo) - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Vanilda Bordieri, Trio R3 e Melkinho - Pra Deus É Nada (Ao Vivo) - Duration: 5:11.


Red Train Collect Sports Car (Porsche). Cartoon with cars and trains for Kids - Duration: 3:21.







For more infomation >> Red Train Collect Sports Car (Porsche). Cartoon with cars and trains for Kids - Duration: 3:21.



For more infomation >> RANGE ROVER SPORT | DRAGON CHALLENGE - Duration: 6:10.


A bit of enduro with BMX! Feat Il Gianlu [BiciVlog - Vlog # 2] - Duration: 3:54.

Good luck to everyone

A bit of enduro with the bmx bike vlog # 2

A bit of enduro with the bmx feat The Gianlu bici vlog # 2

I'm going with a friend of mine ...

Where are we going?!

I can not feel my legs anymore!



At that point there are many with the bike & mountain bike


Let's wait for Gianluca ...


GIANLU: Let's explore that house ?!


Look, I'm s******g on me

Change of program ...

Doing this with the bmx is just crazy!

GIANLU: They do not bite! Ok


Oh my God, but what ...

A good hello again to all

This part, I'm recording it after the shoot

Where, I want to apologize if I talked very little in the video, because I was very focused in the

GUIDE, since, the roads we have traveled

they were full of potholes and going over it is not very safe, especially with one

bicycle without shock absorbers. I apologize, too, if the video lasts very little but

unfortunately I had a problem with my action camera, which was interrupted mid-way

recording, but I did not want to tell you just this. The first thing is that if you have the

opportunity to make these outputs take advantage immediately;

Second thing, be very careful and go there with the right bike and

equipment. So, go there with a good helmet, knee pads, ... e

accompanied by people who know the route well;

Third, very important is to be very careful about the presence of animals. He has me

I went well, since, those two dogs were very good, even if among theirs

they were fighting each other for jealousy. Anyway, soon I will propose another video

with Il Gianlu and this time I will try to go with a bike more suitable.

If you liked this video, leave me a beautiful, I LIKE YOU, SUBSCRIBE

so you can see my new videos and FOLLOW ME on social media. Thank you very much for the

vision, see you next time.

For more infomation >> A bit of enduro with BMX! Feat Il Gianlu [BiciVlog - Vlog # 2] - Duration: 3:54.


Gossip U&D: Gemma Galgani contro Tina, la Cipollari innamorata di Giorgio? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Gossip U&D: Gemma Galgani contro Tina, la Cipollari innamorata di Giorgio? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.


Anticipazioni Uomini e donne, Gemma lascia la trasmissione? La ... |Hot News 24h - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Uomini e donne, Gemma lascia la trasmissione? La ... |Hot News 24h - Duration: 3:47.


Episódio 12 | EX-SOGRA. COMO LIDAR? - Duration: 7:23.

For more infomation >> Episódio 12 | EX-SOGRA. COMO LIDAR? - Duration: 7:23.



For more infomation >> CALLING KSI OUT FOR $1000


30 minutes Virtual Run | Treadmill Video for Running with Music | 160BPM #06 - Duration: 27:29.






For more infomation >> 30 minutes Virtual Run | Treadmill Video for Running with Music | 160BPM #06 - Duration: 27:29.



Talk about making your - dance point one you gotta be willing to do it


See you might be waiting for the fear to stop well, Lisa. I heard this so many times, Lisa. I'm afraid. What do I do?

Do it anyway

Lisa I'm afraid I don't quite know if I should move move anyway. I don't know if I should leap leap


And then gather your courage on the way down

And if you don't get it before you hit you it's gonna hit anyway

I'd rather die leaping then on the edge figuring out how to get the courage to leap yes. Yes yes yes

So many times we're waiting we're waiting

I'm waiting I'm waiting to get something rise I see your hands going up you guys know if it's your truth

You can raise your hand just like we did on day zero. You're just kind of waiting. You're waiting to get everything in order

You're waiting, you're waiting so that everything is is Inuits together

You're waiting to not be afraid you're waiting to have the courage you're waiting to have all the money. You're waiting to lose weight

See see if I waited to release my unwanted pounds before I got in front of you Lisa Nichols would be

the secret

Yes, yes I

Thought how about I just leap with my imperfection and then find my form of?

Perfecting my imperfection while I'm soaring how about I do that?

How about I'm not how about you not wait to get it right? You look at you figure out

How does it look doing it wrong?

How does that look because you're?

80% of right is somebody else's hundred and fifty nine percent of what they needed

Yes, yes

And what you want to do it, right?

And you want to wait - you're not afraid and you want to wait you ever all together. Oh you made it about you


See Nelson Mandela did it. He just did it not knowing if you were right Mahatma Gandhi

Just did it not knowing if it were right mother Teresa. Just did it not looking for affirmation or confirmation is right

Martin Luther King did it not even knowing if it would happen before his life ended

What are you waiting on are you willing to do it afraid?

Are you willing to do it knowing that you got so much work to do to get it better to get it more perfect?

But are you willing to do it inside your imperfection? Do you realize that in your imperfection you're perfect for the job?

Nothing works the first time when you try something new it probably won't work

When you try something new several times it probably won't work and the turning point in my life came when I would hear good ideas

And I was so eager to be successful in selling I would run out and try the ideas

And they wouldn't work I try a way of getting an appointment or answering an objection or closing a sale

it wouldn't work and my natural response ah

And I think yes to be disappointed

And then I realized nothing

works at least the first few times

So I decided I would try a new idea five or ten times

Before I pass judgment on I would not just try it once and quit like most people do and that changed my whole life

It was a turning point in my life because I realized from then on if you've got a good idea and you've got a good

Goal, and you want to double your income and improve the quality of your life

And you have to try new things in order to get new results

It's not going to work the first time so say well that didn't work try something else and try something else and try something else

Now if you try only two things can happen. What are they?

Succeed or fail if you succeed you do more of it if you fail

You learn from it get smarter and try it again, so you cannot lose by taking action you can only lose by not taking action

Visualization is a gift to your heart and your soul. It's a gift because if the the idea is

the seed

Visualization is the is the it's the fertilizer?

It's the fertilizer

Because when your thoughts are connected with an emotion

See you would visualize yourself winning

And you would feel all the emotion that came with that and all you're doing now is you're not chasing a foreign emotion

You know the feeling and now you're just doing what's necessary to get back to that feeling in real time

And so what what a good friend of mine vision who of the CEO of my value you know I?

Would I did a visualization with him we were in Bali?


He said to me afterwards I never get emotional

Well he was like I cried, I got emotional because I figured it out, it's

Visualization a good visualization brings an emotion. He was like that's how you do it and so I

Love doing visualizations because and and it's really important in the visualization. You can't see it over there you have to see it right here

You got to feel it right here like I am. It's all. I am. I am. I am in my dream home

I am in my dream relationship, and then unpack what that looks like but most importantly

I'm pack what it feels like and when you

Have that that emotion in this moment all of a sudden you stir up something that I don't think will ever go back to sleep

It'll go. Okay. Let's go get that and what it really does is it sets up a state of cognitive dissonance

And cognitive dissonance is when you see something in your mind, and you see yourself in a way that your behaviors are not

Currently leading to us, so your mind becomes disrupted, and it goes okay

Can we get there and stop there right now right now?

And that's not comfortable your mind wants to literally be congruent

what it thinks is what you're doing what it thinks is what you're doing and so when you set up a constant and

Abundant thinkers like you and I we do it unconsciously

We we are constantly keeping ourselves in a state of cognitive dissonance meaning, okay?

What else and I'm seeing Lisa over there? I'm gonna. Okay. Let me go Wow

While being grateful for am I now yeah, it's not in that I'm gonna be holding complete when I get over there

I'm holding complete now

I just know I'm supposed to be over there

so let me do what's necessary to get over there and let me let me evict any behaviors or

Characteristics that are stopping me and let me adopt any new ones that I need

It's hard changing your life

It was hard when just over three years ago in the Penobscot building in Detroit, Michigan

Where I was operating my business, and I fell on some hard times, and I was sleeping in my office

It was hard coming into the lobby and the security said scuse me mr. Brown

Can we see you for a moment and I said yes, and I walked up to the counter, and he gave me an envelope

And he said would you mind reading it here?

And I opened the envelope and the envelope was from management that says this is an office tower

It's not a hotel


Do not sleep in your office

And I say excuse me sir. I said, I just worked long hours in

Creating my business. I'm an entrepreneur and

Right now things are bad for me, but they're not going to be this way always


I just asked for the opportunity to continue to operate like I'm doing I'm not trying to make this my home and

it was hard coming through the lobby and

Sometimes they would laugh. There's a guy talking about becoming successful and look at him

He's bathing in the bathroom upstairs on the 21st floor

He sleeps on the floor

Him and two other dreamers up there look at him

It was hard ladies and gentlemen

Coming to speak to people and I was facing financial difficulties in my own life

I was behind on my bills and my dreams, and I'm saying to them you can live your dream

It was hard ladies and gentlemen

It was very difficult to pick myself up each day believing that I can do it there were times that I doubted myself

And said God why why is this happening to me?

I'm just trying to take care of my children and my mother. I'm not trying to steal a Rob from anybody how?

Did this have to happen to me?

It was very hard and here's what I want to say to you

For those of you that have experienced some hardships

Don't give up on your dream

No, one could have convinced me by holding on

By continuing to push forward by continuing to run toward my dream

that one day I

Would have my own talk show

It's a long shot ladies and gentlemen from Liberty City an abandoned building on the floor

Never knowing my mother or father. It's a long shot being here. We you today in this dome in

Atlanta it's a long shot. No college training labeled educable mentally retarded, but I kept running toward my dream

Goes down


Don't stop running to watch your dream

We talked about living our quest


Think that living my quest really if I look at on a daily basis. It's finding my own voice

It's finding your voice. It's finding the song that only you can sing

off-key or not

It's finding your rhythm

It's discovering what it feels like to walk in your shoes

Today it won't look like it looked 10 years ago

Living your quest

Is what can I do with my life so that my life becomes infectious to someone else?

Living my quest looks like how do I make my fingerprint?

Matters so big that it lives beyond my transition day

Living your quest is how can I forgive the perceiving Lea?

Unforgivable so I can love the absolute loveable

Living your quest is how do I?

Give myself a thousand second chances and every time I get to 999 press reset

Yeah, yeah

Living my quest is is not some ambiguous

untouchable experience

Living my quest means going back and healing the little girl in me

So that the woman can be free

It's going back at embracing the little boy in you so that the man can show up and give himself permission to cry when necessary

Living your quest is not something that you can't touch

It's not something that requires a stage or lights or cameras living your quest is being

Completing content with who you are in the dark of the night

So who you are in the middle of the day is all right?

Living your quest is as simple as it is complex

Living your quest is about giving yourself permission say permission

On a daily basis to become the next best version of yourself

Living your quest is not holding yourself

Hostage to old decisions not holding yourself hostage to shame

Blame guilt regret and anger living your quest is about recognizing that everyday I can be reborn to my possibility

Living your quest is as

Internal and personal as it is public

Living your quest is about recognizing that you have brilliance in you and not being willing to dim your light one more day

Living your quest means not being afraid of the genius in you even though you have doubt living your quest is

Recognizing that you get to sing your song off tune that you can get to live in perfection while you master

Imperfection you will fail at some point in your life accept it you will lose you will embarrass yourself

You will suck at something. There's no doubt about it

And I know that's probably not a traditional message for a graduation ceremony, but hey

I'm telling you embrace it because it's inevitable

and I should know in the acting business you fail all the time early on in my career I

auditioned for a part in a Broadway musical

Perfect role for me. I thought except for the fact that I can't sing so

I'm in the wings. I'm about to go on stage, but the guy in front of me. He's singing like like like Pavarotti

And I'm just shrinking I'm getting smaller and smaller

So they say oh, thank you very much

Thank you very much, and you will you'll be hearing from us, so I come out with my little music and it was it was

Just my imagination by the temptations

that's what I came up with so I hand it to the the the

Accompany and she looks at it and looks at me and looks at it the director and it's like

So I start you know like I'm gonna sing I'm like

And I'm not saying anything, so I'm thinking I'm getting better, I start getting into it

Running this hour yeah, yeah, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much mr., Washington. Thank you

So I assumed I didn't get the job

But the next part of the audition

He called me back the next part of the audition is the acting part of the audition, so I'm like hey, okay?

Maybe I can't sing but I know I can act

So they pair me with this guy and again

I didn't know about musical theater and musical theater is big

So they can reach everyone all the way in the back of the stadium, and I'm more from


Naturalistic kind of acting where you you know you actually talk to the person next to you

So I don't know what my line was my line was will hand me the cut and his line was well

I will hand you the cup my dear the cup would be there to be handed to you I

Say okay


Should I give you the cup back? Oh?

yes, you should give it back to me because you know that is my cup, and it should be given back to me I

Didn't get the job

But here's the thing I

didn't quit I

Didn't fall back I

Walked out of it to prepare for the next audition and the next audition and the next audition I prayed I

Prayed and I pray

But I continued to fail and fail and fail

But it didn't matter because you know what?

There's an old saying you hang around the barbershop long enough sooner or later. You're gonna get a haircut

So you will catch a break, and I did catch a break

Last year I did a play called fences on Broadway

If someone talked about it won the Tony Award

And I didn't have to sing by the way, but here's the kicker it was at the Court Theatre

It was at the same theatre that I failed that first audition thirty years prior

The point is and I'll pick up the pace

The point is every graduate here today has the training and the talent to succeed

But do you have the guts to

Fail just keep going find that thing you love because it's tough work

And my father gave me this advice when I said I wanted to be an actor. He said have a back-up profession like welding

But I think if you can find that thing that really gives you joy, that'll be it coz that for me

It's always been comedy and stand-up and an acting - because of exploring behavior, but it's tough work

But it's and if you can get it even better my only idea my only focus was to do my one play

And I knew if I could get that to work everything else would come to pass

There's so many people who go in so many directions. They this week. They're doing this the next week

They're doing that and next week. They're doing this and next week. They're gonna be in real estate - the next week

They got a little salon it those those kind of people are all over the place, and I usually try to get them to focus

Focus on one thing one area put all of your energy into watering one area if you spread the water across

Many many seeds you don't have as much water for one seed so

focus on one thing

Make it your priority and stick with it no matter

What no matter how many people told me no no matter how many people lied to me no matter how many times

I put the show up and nobody came

I remember when I did my very first show I worked my butt off and saved 12,000 dollars tax returns

To maintain our block money. I saved it worked hard saved myself ready the 14th Street Playhouse put that show up

thought that

1,200 people would come over a weekend and 30 showed up, and I knew everyone up

But I didn't stop

That didn't deter me that was in


same thing happened at 94 95 96

97 up until 1998

Same devastation nobody's showing up in the audience. I'm still in one show a year

Working with different promoters trying to get the show up and nobody showed up

But I didn't stop and my my what I say to you now

Looking at me now Here. I am a human being

There's no difference between my humaneness and your eminence the only thing is if you're trying to get there

You cannot stop believing in


No matter what anybody says no matter what anybody tells you you have to know it beyond knowing it

And it is a it is a feeling

When something is for you. This is our newest for me when something's for you

There's a feeling that it's deep down inside of you that will not allow you to let it go

You have it will it will keep you going when you can't even keep yourself going

That's why the mantra here at the typewriter studios is your place where even dreams believe?

Because there comes a time in your life where you've worked and dressed and you tried to get there

And you couldn't on your own

But you have a dream and that dream has to take on the belief for you because you can't do it by yourself

So what I would tell you is this?

Don't stop

Narrow your focus to one idea

what a

strange thing I was

at a

Baseball game recently with Stephen King, and he was telling me about this idea. He has for this story

He wants to write, and he was talking about it in a way, and yes what he was telling me was


But it was the way he was telling it that was so

Incredible to me because he was saying

He was saying it like this. He was like well. I know I'm not gonna say what the story was cuz

He would then kill me, but he said I know that there's this person who and he started talking with me

and I know that there and

He's listening to the way. He was saying what he knew because he hadn't worked on it

He hadn't sat down and outlines that he hadn't there was no strategy to it, but it was like he was just

His intuition of what what it should be and he knew enough to know he's got something to take that leap of faith and any

creation any act of creation is a leap of faith and

I just think that it's part of it the fun of it is knowing that

It may work

And and he you know that and the other thing I want to say which is years ago. I was working with

James L Brooks who you know did some of my favorite movies and TV shows and

This is

20-some years ago

But I remember I was reading a book about how he wrote

Broadcast news and how he structured it and how at a certain point in act 2 there was this transition

And then the end of act 2 act 3 he done this and all this stuff

And I said to him when there's like Jim

so I asked you something about broadcasters when you did that transition from the

Second act in the third act you know did you know that Jane was gonna do this you know and he's like

what are you talking about and I said well that thing is like what transition and

What I realized was because it was all bullshit was that the writer of this book and how to write screenplays

Had deconstructed what James L Brooks had written and had written about how he had done it

But he hadn't done it that way

He just wrote and told the story that he believed in and he found it

But you can always deconstruct as companies do left and right what you make and they can go

oh, this is what they did and this is why they did it and they can deconstruct it and then try and

but they're already starting from a place of artifice of of

Duplication as opposed to a place that I know you and I know how you do it of authenticity and I feel this thing

that should exist and

You take that leap of faith that it may work

Depending on how well you want to do in particularly for starting a company you need to work super hard

So what does super-hard mean?

Well when my brother and I were studying our first company

Instead of getting an apartment. We just rented us a small office, and we slept on the couch

and we showered at the YMCA and

we're so hot up we had just one computer so the

The website was up during the day, and I was coding at night

Seven days a week all the time

and I

sort of briefly had a girlfriend in that period and in order to be with me she had to sleep in the office so I

work hard like

It mean every waking hour. That's that's the the thing I would I would say if your particular if you're starting a company


I mean if you do simple math to say like okay, if somebody else is working 50 hours when you're working 100

You'll get twice as done as much done in the course of a year as the other company



BMW R-1150-GS - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> BMW R-1150-GS - Duration: 2:21.


ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ - Duration: 1:23.


The tree of sauce

For more infomation >> The tree of sauce


YouTube Partner Program Requirements 2018 - Duration: 5:40.

How the heck can I get 1000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time to join

the YouTube Partner Program? What are the main benefits of joining the YouTube

Partner Program? What features will I lose if I don't join the program? When

can I reapply if I don't make it? In this video you'll learn the new requirements

for the YouTube Partner Program in 2018 and also our answer the frequently asked

questions. Hello my name is Herman Drost from if you want to

learn how to grow your audience on YouTube and generate traffic leads and

sales on autopilot hit the subscribe button then click the bell icon so you

won't miss any future videos. So what are the main benefits of joining the YouTube

Partner Program? You'll be able to monetize your channel by displaying

Adsense ads on your videos keep in mind though you'll only earn one dollar or a

few dollars per thousand views so you'll need to attract a ton of views to your

videos to generate a little bit of revenue from your channel another

benefit is super chat this allows you to make donations during live streams on

YouTube another benefit is sponsorships which currently only applies to gaming

channels all other features you'll still have access to even though you're not

part of the YouTube Partner Program YouTube has said that associating your

website with YouTube channel will remain even if you're not part of the YouTube Partner

Program let's hold their feet to the fire so everybody can benefit from using

this feature. So what are the new requirements for the YouTube Partner

Program in 2018? Once a channel reaches 4,000 watch hours in the previous 12

months and 1000 subscribers it will be reviewed to join the YouTube Partner

Program once your channel reaches the program threshold your channel activity

is reviewed to make sure your content adheres to the YouTube Partner Program

policies YouTube's Terms of Service YouTube span policies and our Community

Guidelines. Are there any additional requirements?

yes YouTube's released this document about preventing harm to the broader

YouTube community they say we're outlining additional steps we may take

beyond our current strike systems when channels upload videos that result in

widespread harm to our community of creators viewers and advertisers

1. Premium monetization programs promotion and content development

partnerships this only applies to very large channels 2. Monetization

and creator support privileges we may suspend a channels ability to serve ads

ability to earn revenue and potentially remove a channel from the YouTube

Partner Program including creator support and access to our YouTube spaces

so this means that you might lose the monetization and creative support

privileges. 3. Video recommendations we may remove a channels

eligibility to be recommended on YouTube such as appearing on our home page

training tab or watch page here are the community guidelines regarding policies

and safety so no nudity or sexual content no harmful dangerous content

hateful content the violent or graphic content harassment and cyberbullying

spam misleading metadata and scams threats copyright privacy impersonation

and child endangerment one guideline that stands out for me is misleading

metadata. Under spam deceptive practices and scams under misleading metadata

they say please select a reasonable number of tags that most closely reflect

your video content please also only add tags to the tag section of your metadata

adding additional tags to the description of your video may constitute

spam and may result in the removal of your video this means you should only

add relevant tags for your video I'll place a link in the description below

this video so you can review the guidelines yourself as long as you stay

within YouTube community guidelines your channel will do fine. Let's dive into the

frequent asked questions about joining the YouTube Partner Program. What

features will I lose if I don't fulfill the requirements of the YouTube Partner

Program? The only features that you'll lose is the ability to display Adsense

ads on your YouTube videos. No Super Chat and no sponsorships. After your

channel has been approved for the YouTube Partner Program you can start

earning money right away. How long is the review process? According

to YouTube the process takes several weeks. Do you just need 1,000 subscribers

or 4,000 watch hours? You need both of them

to qualify for YouTube Partner status. How can I check my watch hours? Go to the

watch time report in YouTube analytics and click the drop-down select last year

check if you got 240,000 watch time minutes in the past 12 months. What if my

youtube partner program application is suspended? You can reapply to the program

30 days after your suspension. How can I get 4,000 watch hours and 1000

subscribers quickly? Click the card icon to watch my video 7 ways to get 4,000

watch hours and 1000 subscribers fast? How can I make money from my channel

without 4,000 watch hours and 1000 subscribers? Click the card icon to watch

my video on how to monetize YouTube videos without 4,000 watch hours and

1000 subscribers. Let me ask you an important question. What YouTube policy

scares you the most? Post your answer in the comments below I'd love to read them

and I'm sure others would too if you want to learn how to grow your

audience on YouTube and generate traffic leads and subscribers on autopilot click

the subscribe button below and check out the related videos

For more infomation >> YouTube Partner Program Requirements 2018 - Duration: 5:40.


Why You Should Trust Your Sense of Smell - Vibrant Blue Oils, Jodi Cohen - Duration: 3:17.

so I get a lot of questions should you use an essential oil that doesn't smell

good to you the answer is actually no we are intuitively drawn to what our body

means both in our sense of smell and in our sense of taste for example you may

crave a hamburger if you need iron or chocolate if you need magnesium it's

important to trust your intuition and your sense of smell because it's always

a good guide of what your body really needs hi I'm Jodi Cohen I'm the founder

of Vibrant Blue Oils and I have helped over 20,000 people regaining their

vibrant health through this specific and targeted use of essential oils and I

want to help you start feeling better with less work so when I'm working with

a client I'll always have them smell a blend and make sure it smells good to

them this is really important before you start using it the blend you need most

will often smell delicious to you which kind of validates that your body needs

it right and it's interesting as clients begin to heal the oils seem to change

their fragrance like one client shared that the intestinal mucosa always smells

the best so divine that I just want to eat it up which makes sense right

because my small intestine suffered the most damage with my

colitis but when I began using the gall bladder she reacted to it in the same

way she couldn't get enough of it and kept craving the fragrance but then

after her gallbladder started to heal she suddenly stopped craving it and

didn't find the smell as enticing you may know that our sense of smell is

critical to our survival and it's the first of all of our senses to develop

even before we are born our sense of smell is fully formed and functioning

research also shows that smell is the most sensitive of the senses interesting

right people can remember smells with 65% accuracy after a year while visual

recall is about 50% after three months it's interesting to note that

a woman's sense of smell is much stronger than a man's and is heightened

even more during the first half of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy so trust

when you crave a fragrance it's your body's innate intelligence communicating

what it needs to be healthy and this does not necessarily mean that an oil

will not be beneficial to you if you don't enjoy the fragrance but you may

find yourself inexplicably drawn to a particular oil or oil blend because your

body is asking for it

hi I'm Jodi Cohen founder of Vibrant Blue Oils thank you so much for watching this

YouTube video please don't forget to subscribe by clicking the circle at the

bottom of this screen and if you want to access more free essential oil trainings

just visit you can find this link

in the video description thank you again

For more infomation >> Why You Should Trust Your Sense of Smell - Vibrant Blue Oils, Jodi Cohen - Duration: 3:17.


Toy Dinosaurs Zoo and Learn Dino Names Video For Kids - Duration: 6:34.

Welcome to Racetoytime!

Hi Guys! It's Racetoytime!

Today we're going to see some dinosaurs at the zoo

Now, let's check out the dinosaurs

Oh, a Nigersaurus is walking. It looks like it's going to eat some plants

Here's a Brachiosaurus, looking for something to eat

Here's Parasaurolophus

Here's a giant dinosaur, Apatosaurus

And here's another giant dinosaur, Barapasaurus

Now, let's go to the other side

Here's a Styracosaurus, looks like it wants to drink water

And here's a Triceratops

Oh, a Stegosaurus

And next we have Torosaurus

There's also a Vagaceratops

It's eating some plants

Here is a Dracorex

A Kentrosaurus

Now let's see some carnivorous dinosaurs

Here's Acrocanthosaurus

Ooh, a big T-Rex!

Here's Giganotosaurus

An Oviraptor

There's a Herrerasaurus

A Velociraptor

Oh, a Spinosaurus caught a fish

There is an Allosaurus

Oh, a Carnotaurus

Okay, well, I hope you guys enjoyed that video,

And if you do, please subscribe to Racetoytime channel,

And also, click on those links above to watch more fun videos here at Racetoytime channel

Thank you for watching! Stay tuned!

Bye, bye!

For more infomation >> Toy Dinosaurs Zoo and Learn Dino Names Video For Kids - Duration: 6:34.


How to Get Rid Of Chickenpox Scars Naturally & Faster | Chicken Pox Fast Recovery - Duration: 4:54.

How to Get Rid Of Chickenpox Scars Naturally & Faster | Chicken Pox Fast Recovery

if you want to get more exciting videos then please click on the subscribe

button right corner below the video

chicken pox scars are the blisters that occur because of the infection that

happens because of the itching when chicken pox occurs no one wants to live

with any type of marks or scars on their body

these marks might take few weeks to a few months to disappear home remedies

for chicken pox scars though there are many chicken pox scar removal treatments

but by following these home remedies for chicken pox scars you can remove these

scars quickly lavender essential oil lavender essential oil not only contains

antifungal and anti-inflammatory

coconut oil or olive oil 1/2 2 tbsp lavender essential oil 1 to 2 drops how

to apply for children add one drop of lavender oil - 2 tbsp of carrier oil for

adults add two drops of lavender oil - 1 tbsp of carrier oil apply this to your

chicken pox spots apply this tip 2 to 3 times per day tomato and lemon juice to

remove chickenpox marks these juices are the natural bleaching agents and it

reduces the black and white spots on the skin and makes the skin soft and

beautiful apply these juices without touching the scars with the help of

cotton balls leave it there for 10 to 15 minutes or until it dries now wash the

face with normal water repeat this process twice a day until

you get the desired result homemade scar removal cream when learning how to get

rid of chicken pox scars naturally at home you should also know about the

powerful properties of coconut oil vitamin E cocoa butter and lemon it is

really amazing that these ingredients can help in healing process of wounds as

well as keep the skin hydrated the following recipe for making scar removal

cream at home will help you with simple steps ingredients lemon essential oil

1/2 a TSP vitamin E oil 2 tablespoons coconut oil 12 tablespoons cocoa butter

1/2 cup how to apply place cocoa butter and coconut oil in a saucepan use low

heat to warm the mixture just to allow the mixture to melt once the blend is

melted turn off the heat and take the saucepan out

add lemon essential oil and vitamin E oil to this melted butter and oil

mixture allow it to cool until it gets solid and then store it in a jar or a

container use this cream to apply directly onto your scars three to four

times per day on a daily basis aloe vera gel aloe vera is one of the best ways to

remove the scars and spots from the skin directly apply aloe vera gel to the

scars and leave it there for some time or until it dries then wash your face

with the cool water it nourishes the skin and makes it beautiful and healthy

apply this gel twice or thrice a day until the chickenpox marks become

invisible coconut oil for chickenpox marks removal coconut oil contains the

fatty acid that heals the wound quickly and gives a speedy recovery take few

drops of coconut oil and massage gently on the affected area for 10 to 15

minutes so that the oil penetrates into your skin repeat this process thrice a

day to get the quick result if you'd like to get up-to-date information about

brand new videos as they become available

make sure that you subscribe because then you'll be notified as soon as brand

new content is available thanks so much and happy viewing

How to Get Rid Of Chickenpox Scars Naturally & Faster | Chicken Pox Fast Recovery

For more infomation >> How to Get Rid Of Chickenpox Scars Naturally & Faster | Chicken Pox Fast Recovery - Duration: 4:54.


SELAMAT TAHUN BARU IMLEK 2018 - Duration: 1:15.

This all about coexistent

Between you and me

Sharing places

Sharing stories

and living in a tolerant life

Your admiring culture

Your typical food

and your hard working character that I adore so much

Xin Nian Kuai Le from me to you

For more infomation >> SELAMAT TAHUN BARU IMLEK 2018 - Duration: 1:15.


Manga Chess - Chess Puzzles - Chess Puzzle 48 - Duration: 0:31.

Never give up, my friend.

Our story will never end.

I'm here every day with something new.

I'm David Cortese and this video is for you.

Don't forget to visit my website

Gens una sumus.


For more infomation >> Manga Chess - Chess Puzzles - Chess Puzzle 48 - Duration: 0:31.


Talking Tom and Friends - Landlord in Love | Season 2 Episode 23 - Duration: 11:07.

-Lamp shot! -Wah!

[Hank] Couch shot!

[Angela] Fridge shot!

Ow! Hey!

Whoa! A computer-Ben-juice-cup shot! That's game!

-Woo hoo! Yeah! -[Angela] Good job, Tom.

-Are you guys still playing garage-pong? -Uh...

-Aw, man! I missed it! -[Tom] Sorry, Ginger.

-♪ Pajama, pajama... ♪ -I was practicing all day.

But Ms. Vanthrax made me stay after school

because I was distracting people - with my mad skills!

Throwing a ball in a classroom is distracting? Since when?

She just loves punishing me!

I'll tell you what, Ginger, I'm ready to go another round.

Because this garage will always be a place where garage-pong is not a crime!

-Hey! -Oh, no! It's the landlord!

Tom, you hit His Highness right in the eye-ness.

Prithee, m'lord, do not kick us off your lands for this grand offense.

Kick you out? For playing pong-ping? Never!

[all] Phew!

I am kicking you out because I am selling this place.

- What?! - So, you have to leave. Bye bye!

-Wait! -Oh!

♪ Wa-oah ♪

Why are you selling your house?

Uh... real estate deals are complicated and boring.

But maybe it will make sense to you if I explain it in song.

[♪ tropical music]

♪ I want to live on tropical island ♪

♪ Eat coconuts and frolic on semi-dry land ♪

♪ Oh, party and play aboard yachts on the seas ♪

♪ Ride down the lava on tiki skis ♪

♪ And most of all ♪

♪ Finally find love of my life! ♪

-Aw! -This is our home! What will we do?

"Wah, wah, wah." You are soft and weak.

When I was boy in mountain village, I sleep on thorn bushes

with blankets made of rocks.

Oh, but you whine when I sell garage.

Cos it's also our office!

Maybe new owner lets you stay.

You know, he says you guys are best friends.

Really? Who's the new owner?

Er, something like eh, starts with C, like the sound a bird makes. C.O.O--

What?! The CEO?!

He's not our best friend. He's our worst enemy.

Eh. When I was your age we had real enemy -

the people-biting-fury-fish that would bite us when we swim in Lake Ouchie.

Why would you swim in Lake Ouchie?

Believe me, much safer than Lake Yikes. [thunder claps]

Please! No! Anybody but the CEO. Landlord, come back!

Call me by my island name now - Sandlord.

-[chuckles] -Ugh.

-Uh, Hank. Why are you gardening? -I'm not gardening, Tom.

I'm digging up my plants so I can take them with me.

Hank, don't give up yet, okay? We're not leaving without a fight.

Okay. Back you go, little buddies.



CEO, what are you doing here?

Gloating. I've beaten you, Tom,

-Barton, Fredo, Minnie. -Uh...

Don't correct me. Your names don't matter.

-[helicopter whirrs] -[Ben] Whoa! What is that?

It's the first piece for my Museum of Me!

[CEO] That's what I'm putting in here when I kick you to the curb.

I think it will look good in the place where your hopes and dreams used to go,

don't you?

[evil laugh]

I will not let him get this garage.

Hey there, Landlord. I'm the CEO's brother.

He told me to buy the garage for him. So let's close this deal. What do you say?

If you are CEO's brother, why are you so hairy?

Uh... shaving is for poor people!

Whatever you say, brother of CEO.

-[Landlord laughs] -Yes!

As long as you bring me the bathtub full of money as payment,

we can close the deal.

How about we close this deal with a trusting business handshake?

No handshake. We agreed, bathtub full of money!

I see. Good day, sir.

We need another plan.

[♪ tropical music]

Aloha, Landlord. Sit down, have a coconut!

And now we present a song guaranteed to make you want to keep the garage.

♪ You don't need to go to a tropical island ♪

♪ We have coconuts and fake sand, too ♪

♪ No need for the big waves of the ocean

♪ We can leave the garden hose running for you ♪


Now, point me to the love of my life and maybe I stay.

We don't have that part yet, but have you ever tried skimboarding?

Hm. All right. Show's over.

-No? -Start packing.

Are you actually giving up on the garage, after all it's done for you?

It's over, Ginger. We tried everything.

-Coconuts, sand, disguises... -Even skimboarding.

We couldn't give the landlord what he wanted most of all.

♪ The love of his life ♪

The love of his life, huh?

I have an idea that might solve both our problems.

Something happened at detention today with Ms. Vanthrax.

I was cleaning the masks that she uses to scare the children into behaving.

Some of them are of her.


Ms. Vanthrax, this is a creepy punishment

when all I did was draw a picture of you - as a cyclops!

-[Ginger giggles] -Hm! Thanks for noticing.

I live alone, so I've got nothing to do

but think of creative ways to punish children!

[evil laugh]

Ms. Vanthrax is single and the landlord wants to mingle.

So if we get them together, she'll be too busy to punish me.

And if the landlord is in love,

he won't want to leave, which means he won't sell the garage.

I think you're on to something.

[violin scraping tunelessly]

Well, I guess people do need lessons to play these things.

Let me try. I watch a lot of violin-based television.


[plays a beautiful scale]


TV, you've never failed me. [knock on door]

She's here! Guys, remember - be romantic.

I'm here about your ad for the masks that can scare children--


I never thought I'd see you in the fast-paced world of scary masks.

I think you'll find that this night is full of surprises.

I just want the masks.

What's your hurry? Please, come on in.

Oh, no. I see what's going on here.

You arranged this romantic situation

to set me up with an available gentleman, didn't you?

-[♪ Da-da-da-duh!] -Er, no.

Everyone assumes a beautiful, sophisticated gal like myself

is looking for a man - well, I'm not!

-[♪ Da-da-da-duh!] -But you said...

I mean, I heard you just sit around all day thinking of punishments!

-[Hank playing "Beethoven's 5th symphony"] -Yes! That's what I love to do.

And that's what I'll be doing for the rest of the evening!


Okay, Tom, show me this rare mold you found growing in kitchen.

What's going on here?

-[Hank plays romantic tune] -Did you arrange this romantic situation

to set me up with this distinguished lady?

Absurd, isn't it?

-Oh, no. It's not working. -They just need a little more of a push.

[clears throat] Wow! You guys really figured us out!

Darn! We hoped tricking you would be easy.

Easy? That's the problem with you! You want everything to be easy!

Mm, so true! Kids these days are soft and weak.

Yes, they are.

[landlord] You tell me more about how kids have it these days.

Well, they're always complaining.

Such complaining, right? Yes, yes. [chuckles]

When I was a child, we never complained.

And we used to sleep on rocks with thorn bushes for blankets.

-Ah, tell me more... Yes. -[flirtatious laugh]

It's working. We're going to get to keep the keep the garage!

[laughing] This is crazy.

But tell me, how do you feel about... tropical islands?

I've always wanted to live on one.

[♪ tropical music]

♪ I finally live on tropical island ♪

♪ Cos I found the love of my life! ♪

♪ I'm the love of his life! ♪

But guys, if they run away to a tropical island, we still lose the garage.

Agh! After a series of nail-biting ups and downs,

our plan is ultimately just a down, down, downer!

But Ms. Vanthrax is going away, so half the plan worked - my half!

-[Tom] Good for you, Ginger. -[Ginger] Ugh.

I'm going to regret this!

-Oh! -Take that, Vanthrax!

Ginger! I don't know what you were thinking,

but you've just arrowed yourself into a week's detention.

Oh, no, a week's detention?

Well, I guess I deserve it for being rambunctious. Wait a minute!

♪ You can't give me detention ♪

♪ You're going to be on a tropical island! ♪


Oh. I'm sorry, handsome.

I can't leave this town when everything I love is here.

Specifically, I mean many children that need to be punished.

I understand. In that case...

I'm not selling.

-I can't leave this remarkable woman. -Woo-hoo!

-Yes! All right! -You did it, Ginger!

-You saved the garage! -Watch out!

You're about to get detention from a beautiful lady!


-And after that, dinner? -I'd like that.

And I hope you like third grade, cos you're never leaving it!

[Ginger screams]

Remember my sacrifice!

Wow. That was one brave kid.

[finishes with flourish]


For more infomation >> Talking Tom and Friends - Landlord in Love | Season 2 Episode 23 - Duration: 11:07.


FOX & Friends 02/15/18 6AM | February 15, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 41:12.

For more infomation >> FOX & Friends 02/15/18 6AM | February 15, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 41:12.


[Korean ASMR] Tingles Earrings Store RP ㅣ SR3D PRO & Yeti - Duration: 42:21.


Are you here to see the earrings?

Have you heard of our earrings store?

You have probably listened to ASMR for a long time.

Because of that, you wouldn't feel Tingles very well.

Many people visit our store to look for Tingles.

Every earring is different in design.

The sounds of the earrings are different, too.

If you find and wear a Tingles Earrings through Tingles Test. You can feel the constant Tingles.

I've listened to ASMR for a very long time, just like you. So now I'm using Tingles Earrings.

Let me show you Tingles Earrings.

This is the most popular earrings.

It's like the Little Mermaid.(Aerial)

The sound of the earrings is so good that many people look for them.

This is a new product from our store.

It's very pretty.

The sound from these earrings is not strong.

Because it sounds relatively quiet, It is a sound that can be heard easily.

Pearl earrings, marble-patterned earrings.

And for those of you who think that having your ears pierced is a little scary,

It also sells Fake Earrings.

Nowadays, people tend to look for Fake Earrings more than earrings.

Fake Earrings is also very good.

This is Fake Earrings too.

The shape of left and right is different.

Some people feel Tingles in only one ear, even if they hear the same noise.

If they wear them, they will have a good balance between the Tingles of their right ear and their left ear.

I'll start the Tingles Test.

ASMR is a micro-recorded video that you can hear with your earphone.

That's why I don't do Tingles Test directly on your ears.

We'll do a Tingles Test using an ASMR microphone.

You put on the earphone at the front. Perform the Tingles Test by monitoring it real time.

Would you please wear earphones for me?

Yes.. So from now on... Tingles Test...

Let's get started.

What kind of earrings would you like to purchase?


Yes. I'll wrap it up.

For more infomation >> [Korean ASMR] Tingles Earrings Store RP ㅣ SR3D PRO & Yeti - Duration: 42:21.


건강한 간을 위한 자연치료법 및 팁 - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> 건강한 간을 위한 자연치료법 및 팁 - Duration: 7:07.


Google App - Recipe Answers Made Easy - Duration: 0:31.

How many did you say?


I wasn't sure he'd be able to do it.

Well…you were the one who laid the bet, You should probably get started on the preparations.

But I've never tried it, Do you know how to make it?




Whether it's Butter Chicken or Pav Bhaji, just ask the Google app and get any recipe.

You want to eat butter chicken right?

Then run, Go and get the chicken first.

For more infomation >> Google App - Recipe Answers Made Easy - Duration: 0:31.


Immigration to the UK: who has a chance to find work in England - Duration: 13:05.

For more infomation >> Immigration to the UK: who has a chance to find work in England - Duration: 13:05.


Construction toy videos for Children (2018). The road was dug through the mountains - PaGo Toys - Duration: 4:19.

Construction toy videos for Children (2018). The road was dug through the mountains - PaGo Toys tag_faces

For more infomation >> Construction toy videos for Children (2018). The road was dug through the mountains - PaGo Toys - Duration: 4:19.


Amazing Cake Decorating Compilation 2018 - How To Make Chocolate Cake Decorating Video - Duration: 10:59.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Amazing Cake Decorating Compilation 2018 - How To Make Chocolate Cake Decorating Video - Duration: 10:59.


FOX & Friends 02/15/18 7AM | February 15, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 30:43.

For more infomation >> FOX & Friends 02/15/18 7AM | February 15, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 30:43.


How to look 10 years younger - Top 10 Home Remedies To Reduce Wrinkles - Duration: 4:14.

how to look 10 years younger top 10 home remedies to reduce wrinkles women and

ladies are very conscious of that wrinkle problem in order to reduce

wrinkles they used to adopt various chemical and dangerous approaches like

dermal fillers and Botox injections etc but they are harmful for skin so for

them natural home remedies to reduce wrinkles is best because of no side

effect property please subscribe and watch this video until the end to know

the complete information if you want to reduce wrinkles fast and without using

any artificial products than you are on right place we are going to share top 10

natural home remedies to reduce wrinkles which definitely help you in removing

wrinkles from face eyes etc also with the help of natural remedies to reduce

wrinkle you can look more younger one ginger the first remedy is use of ginger

it has effective and very popular anti wrinkle remedy it consists a very large

amount of antioxidants that help to suppress and breakdown the elastin that

cause wrinkles and fine lines mixture of ginger and honey how to use one take a

pinch of grated ginger and 1 tablespoon of honey and mix them take this mixture

every day 2 or choose small pieces of ginger throughout a day to get clear

wrinkles slowly 2 pineapple it consists of an active enzyme known as Brahma lean

which is an anti-inflammatory agent and a natural form of alpha hydroxy acid

that will help us to treat wrinkles it has astringent properties which help in

improving blood circulation how to use one take a pineapple pulp and apply on

your skin to we'll leave it for 10 minutes and wash it 3

take food having wrinkle fighting elements take food having trace minerals

like copper and selenium plant compounds that is i softly phones retinol forms of

vitamin A C and E and iron for example eggs liver green and white e vegetables

like tomatoes cucumber nuts like almonds and walnuts sunflower seeds in oil soy

foods whole grain like oats brown rice for olive oil it helps in hydrating and

returning the lost moisture to the skin how to use take olive oil and few drops

of lemon and apply on face it will make skin fried and wrinkle free use this oil

and cooking and on salads 5 aloe vera it consists of malic acid and will help to

reduce wrinkles by enhancing the elasticity of your skin how to use cut

in aloe vera leaf from the plant and extract as a gel apply this on face and

leave it for 15 to 20 minutes rinse it with lukewarm water sinks facial

exercise this exercise will treat wrinkles make a magnify eat of a

position with your mouth and hold for 30 seconds 7 avoid stress it is very

harmful and cause emergence of wrinkles so avoid stress it can cure your wrinkle

problem 8 turmeric it is very helpful in treating wrinkles how to use make a

turmeric paste in what it with sugarcane juice

apply this regularly 9 coconut oil coconut oil is very helpful to keep this

skin young use the warm oil on the skin regularly and prevent your skin from

wrinkles 10 tomato if you eat tomato regularly then it will tie the skin and

also provide the natural redness to the face this will not only prevent the skin

from wrinkles but also improve the beauty

How to look 10 years younger - Top 10 Home Remedies To Reduce Wrinkles

For more infomation >> How to look 10 years younger - Top 10 Home Remedies To Reduce Wrinkles - Duration: 4:14.


Suffrage Tales - Duration: 15:04.

For more infomation >> Suffrage Tales - Duration: 15:04.


kitchen table becomes junk journal page - Duration: 3:02.

In this video I'll show you how I got this tile pattern

to this old purple table

first: clean it

then sand with a metallic cleaning sponge

to get a little vintage look

print out the tile pattern

find the right place to begin

glue it on the table with mod podge

remove the paper with water and fingers

add more tile patterns

at this point my printer has given up

but I used it anyway

paper removed (still wet in this picture)

some coffee...

here it is painted with green and yellow acrylic paint

rubbed it off after drying a little bit

to get this effect on it

little details of the pattern are coming out through the paint

add some golden paint (sorry, looks brown in the video)

now I wanted to come out the tiles a little more

and add some more visible parts of the pattern

I taped the table and painted narrow lines

and that's it!

For more infomation >> kitchen table becomes junk journal page - Duration: 3:02.


The Baked Bear, Custom Ice Cream Sandwiches - Astrid's Reluctant Reviews - Duration: 1:28.

Ta-da! Ice cream sandwich fantastic.

Can you say that?

Uh...The cookie AND the ice cream.

And what topping is the best?

[off-screen] Sprinkles!

And what other topping?

This one and the sprinkles?

[off-screen] Do you want to taste mine?


Yours and mine is so yummy. And I like both of them.

Um. You?


You do.

[off-screen] I agree.

Daddy has the best ice cream sandwich.

And you have the best ice cream sandwich.

And *I* have the best ice cream sandwich.

Ice cream? I don't want ice cream.

I don't want... I don't want you to die, and

I don't want anymore ice cream...

you know?

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