Thursday, February 15, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 16 2018

Greetings earthlings!

Welcome to the Madqueen Show!

I am your host the MadQueen

On today's menu, we have a pajama rant that's been largely requested, the review of the

Netflix series Altered Carbon

This video is going to have two parts, I'm going to start without spoilers and at some

point, I will warn you very clearly that the spoilers will start for you to stop watching

in case you didn't watch the series

This also goes for the comments, if you're leaving a comment with spoilers please label

the spoilers appropriately and hide the spoiler, so everybody can discuss this without being spoiled

And get comfortable, because this is going to be long

Altered Carbon is the new Cyberpunk Series by Netflix and, in case you're not a usual

suspect in my channel, because if you are you hear about Cyberpunk every week, so you

know what Cyberpunk is

Cyberpunk is a subgenre of Science Fiction that was popularized in

the 80s by the writers Wiliam Gibson, author of the Sprawl Trilogy, and Mike Pondsmith,

author of the roleplaying game Cyberpunk

This genre talks about dystopic futures that are dark and grimy, and explores the relation

that humanity has with such an advanced technology and with their own humanity, and how the definition

of being human changed with this advanced technology

All this set in a background filled with incredibly

powerful structures of power, usually Megacorporations, that rule the world

As a cyberpunk work, these are also the core themes of Altered Carbon, you can't be cyberpunk

only with the aesthetics, and the series explain the story of a distant future, where humanity

found the way to transfer human conscience to a small device called stack, in a way that

the body is no longer considered an essential part of the self anymore, as if you have enough

money to afford it you can switch bodies, that in this universe are called sleeves,

and live forever

Not everybody in this future society is happy that this possibility exists, there are two

groups of people described in this universe that are against it, the religious people

and the envoys

The people of faith are against this practice and they don't want to be resleeved when

they die or being brought back in a virtual reality environment for whatever reason, so

they pushed a law, the law 653, that works according to the beliefs of their religions:

you have one life and one life only, and once you die that's it, you are left alone

if that's what you want, so baptism in here has a new meaning: if you're are registered

as a religious person this law applies to you but if you're not then you can be brought

back over and over

And the second group that is against this practice are the envoys, that are neither

happy with the existence of the soul transfer, but in their case, they don't have enough

with laws and have more illegal ways of doing things

This second group of people is the one that the main protagonist, Takeshi Kovacs belongs

to, he's the last of the envoys as all were wiped out a centuries ago, and even sharing

the vision of the envoys Kovacs sees himself resleeved in a future where he's summoned

to solve a murder

So, Angela Lansbury had a kid with Mike Pondsmith

And we find in this series all the typical cyberpunk archetypes: we have the solo, the

cop, the netrunner, the corporate, the nomad, and by far my favourite character Edgar Allan

Poe, named and characterized after the 19th century writer who was obsessed with this

illness which name I can't remember where you seemed dead but you weren't

It's very relevant that a character like this is in this story, as Poe the writer was

an author whose core themes were death and the impermanence and uncertainty of life,

and in general had a philosophy that was the opposite to the values of the future society

that these series depict and to what the character Poe is but it's close to what he wants to achieve

Poe, the character inside the series, is an AI that wants to be human in a universe where

there's not an exact definition of what being human is anymore

As he's not restrained by reality or his own body as he's a virtual being, he's

immortal like the rulers of this society, the Meths, but while Meths' immortality

is seen as something miraculous, Poe's immortality is taken for granted

Under a storytelling point of view, one of the things I liked about this series is how

they manage to explain a future society that is so different to ours without falling into

the typical thing of making all explanations too obvious an unnatural

Even the little introduction in the first episode, that explains how the stack work,

sounds natural, I was afraid of that before I started watching it, I though they were

going to use the typical and topical literary device of having the main character that comes

from a universe that is very different to the one where the story is set, so this character

needs to be constantly explained about this universe, like they did in Futurama, for instance,

where Fry is an element from a distant past and the constant explanations about how this

universe work are natural, because it's normal to explain everything to a newcomer,

I thought that because in the trailer you see Kovacs being born in his new sleeve, but

fortunately the universe where the old Kovacs comes from works the same way as the universe

where the action takes place

and I was happy about that

Also because as they don't spend the whole series giving you spoon after spoon like a

baby for you to understand the universe there are some things that are not fully explained

and are kinda open to interpretation like the mysticism of the Envoys and where the

action does really take place

And here comes the part with spoilers, so SPOILER ALERT


if you didn't watch the series please come after you watch it

The exploration of the meaning of life and death, what is humanity and the relation between

this humanity with spiritual thoughts are core Cyberpunk themes that in here are very well explained

The general mysticism is something that is not excessively explained, again, spoon by

spoon is not appreciated, thank you

so in one hand we have the most obvious mysticism

in the shape of the religious characters of the series, Ortega's mother who is a Christian

for instance, is one side of this obvious mysticism and the Phantom would be on the

other, both believe in deities but for Christians the deity is their god and for the Phantom

the deities are the people who are rich enough to be constantly resleeving themselves so

they can live forever, but they don't have any kind of superpower like the Christian

god does, the only miracle that they can do is living forever

But differently to "regular gods", the Meths can communicate and give answers to

prayers, I don't know with what or how can they give answers to such prayers, because

as I said they don't have superpowers and can't grant miracles to anybody

But we'll come back to that later

Then there are two more subtle mysticisms, in one hand we have the envoys, who have "mystic

superpowers" like the envoy intuition or incredibly high reflexes that would be closer

to more philosophical religions like the Buddhism, where you need training to achieve this superior self

And this series gives a very clear message of what do they consider

to be the "good" mysticism, as it's explained in a scene in the last episode that I loved

It's beautiful, Miriam


I can't believe that I am looking at the fossil of an actual Elder

It makes you wonder if memories of Elder civilization are what gave us the idea for angels

And I saw that like "Uh?" it really made me want to read the book that this series

is based on to see if this is developed in the book, because it's really interesting

because when they mentioned Elder Civilization before

what I thought they meant was what humans were before the stack was invented,

but obviously this fossil is not human at all, so either they see the Elder civilization

as a whole, or we're talking about an extra terrestrial civilization, in both cases the

meaning still works: this fossil is framed between symbols of mysticism, in one hand

it's hanging from a cross, symbol of Christianity and in the other, when we see the reverse

angle, the floor has a zodiac decoration, the western Mesopotamian zodiac which, by

the way, as a religion were the archenemies of Christians and Hebrews, and that gives

a plus to this angle-reverse angle moment

In this scene Miriam says that the memories of past civilization, looking at this animal,

may be what later evolved as a notion of Angels, symbolizing this way the first systems of

religion in humanity where people worshipped powerful elements of nature like the sun,

or powerful animals, like we see for instance in Ancient Egipt or in the Aztec religion

In this universe, the universe of Altered Carbon

the powerful elements of nature are the Meths, the immortals, so they

are very comfortable with their condition of "gods" to be worshipped, until police

breaks in to say all aloud something that the series has been telling you all along:

I'm sorry, but you're no gods, you're just another version of fascism, you think

of yourselves as the chosen ones, but you're not

And, by the way, you're under arrest, as the mere humans you are

There's a different thing regarding this transhumanist approach that shocked me a lot

and made me realize at what point we're at regarding the evolution of the Cyberpunk

genre, because this is a genre of the 80s and in one hand we can take for granted that

the new Cyberpunk works are going to show a more evolved version of technology, that's

pretty obvious, but not only that, also another evolved vision of transhumanism

See, the original cyberpunk was written more than a decade before the internet was popularized

and everybody was connected, this technology at the 80 was newborn and, as everything that

is in the future and not in the past, was full of possibilities, and there were lots

and lots of speculation of what this net would mean for humanity

The cyberpunk approach expected humanity to transcend their physical body, because you

would have, in one hand, your physical self and in the other your virtual self, that would be more importantand

and your virtual self would be totally detached from physical peculiarities such as race and gender,

because in the Cyberpunk universes race and gender is more obsolete than fax machines

And that's literal

But we're two years away from Cyberpunk 2020 and in the point we're at, race and

gender are so important that even discussing it is considered controversial, the digital

utopia of the 80s is dead, this internet full of possibilities where we would be allowed

to travel places and to be united as a whole turned to be a battlefield where people are

so tied to the physical attributes that they think of them as a part of what defines them

as a person, which is contrary to the original Cyberpunk philosophy, and before I go on,

I just want to make clear that this is not a judgmental perspective, I am not judging

if it's bad or good to be tied to your physical attributes and consider them part of your

identity, I'm just comparing it to the vision that Cyberpunk authors had about that in the 80s

But, as I said, we're living the Cyberpunk future, the original Blade Runner is set in

2019, and the future of Back to the Future was in 2015, so we're living in an alleged

sci-fi universe with no flying cars, I'm so disappointed about that

So, we're already living in this future and humanity is still so attached to their

physical features, and their identity and thus their digital self are so attached to them

This is something that is discussed under a Cyberpunk point of view in, for instance,

the original Ghost in the Shell, under a Cyberpunk but also under a very critical point of view

In the near future - corporate networks reach out to the stars, electrons and light flow though the universe

The advance of computerisation, however, has not yet wiped out nations and ethnic groups

but here in Altered Carbon is something that is depicted totally

unbiased, it has a more neutral point of view

In one hand we have that people is very attached to the sleeve they were born into, and people

who's not, people who want to keep their gender identity and people who really doesn't

give a shit about that

People who build clones of themselves to always look exactly the same and people who are happy

to put their stack in the first body they can lay their hands on as long as it's healthy

In the case of Takeshi Kovacs, he's Japanese, but this is not part of his identity, he doesn't

feel uncomfortable being reesleved in a western body, while her sister, who is also Japanese,

the first thing that she wants to do is putting his brother in a "less gaijin body"

So this new Cyberpunk assumes that humanity didn't totally transcend their physical

attributes as they still consider them part of their identity, in opposition to what Cyberpunk

was in the 80s, even if they have the possibility to constantly switch bodies and to be whatever

they want, there's still an attachment to their original body that prevents them to

embrace the constant physical changes that this new society allows

So, in here, there's a part of mankind that is completely OK with evolving to this and

some other that are still reluctant, and what these series depict is that the ones that

are reluctant seem to be the majority

So, in general, I liked Altered Carbon a lot with regards of structural themes, but not

that much when we go to the development of such

For instance, I found really annoying that writers were constantly forgetting that Ortega

had a cyberenhanced arm, or she was a lot of times making facepalming decisions that

were totally contrary to how they described the character, but this series talk about

a lot more things that what the plot describes and I liked that a lot, I'm not going to

put a number to this "like" because I just don't believe in ratings, but in general

terms I liked it a lot and I'm also glad to see that Cyberpunk, that is a genre that

I adore is now on trend, we have this, we have Electric Dreams based on Philip K. Dick

stories, and we have another series which name I can't remember now that I was told

about shortly ago

I can't remember, but at one point I will, and if it's Cyberpunk we'll talk about it

Well, folks, thanks for watching, don't forget to leave a comment and let me know

your thoughts about Altered Carbon, we also created a new channel in our discord server

called "Altered carbon – Spoilers" to discuss this series in a more agile way than

YouTube comments, you're going to find the link to this server in the description

And we can meet there

See you in next videos and Stay Being Amazing

For more infomation >> Altered Carbon Review - Pijama Rant - Duration: 18:19.


Conoce el perfil del asesino de Parkland - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Conoce el perfil del asesino de Parkland - Duration: 2:40.


Estos son los rostros de la masacre de Parkland - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Estos son los rostros de la masacre de Parkland - Duration: 2:20.


Nuevo episodio de violencia vuelve a elevar las voces sobre las armas - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Nuevo episodio de violencia vuelve a elevar las voces sobre las armas - Duration: 2:41.


El rifle de la masacre de Parkland, protagonista de otros asesinatos - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> El rifle de la masacre de Parkland, protagonista de otros asesinatos - Duration: 3:01.


Realizan vigilia en homenaje a los fallecidos en la masacre de Florida - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Realizan vigilia en homenaje a los fallecidos en la masacre de Florida - Duration: 3:07.


La dura tarea de explicarle la masacre de Parkland a los menores - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> La dura tarea de explicarle la masacre de Parkland a los menores - Duration: 2:25.


The pentatonic scale - Duration: 9:11.

For more infomation >> The pentatonic scale - Duration: 9:11.



For more infomation >> Summertime


Redmi Note 5 vs Redmi Note 5 Pro 👍😍📱 | Actual Differences | Must Watch Before Buy | Dual Camera - Duration: 7:34.

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For more infomation >> Redmi Note 5 vs Redmi Note 5 Pro 👍😍📱 | Actual Differences | Must Watch Before Buy | Dual Camera - Duration: 7:34.


How to Mine Garlicoin ($GRLC) Allium Hardfork (Nvidia/AMD) with Awesome Miner - Duration: 11:38.

What's up, John Charette here and today I'm going to teach you how to mine garlic

coin. Yeah, you heard me.

Alright, welcome back! Today we're talking about garlic coin the cryptocurrency

I kind of, I came across. I don't know a whole lot about. I know it's been out for

a little while and they actually have a whole section on what is garlic coin? And

they say garlic coin is 'hot out of the oven and ready to serve you with its

buttery goodness' Not really sure what that means. What I do know is that it's a

fork of Litecoin. Back in the main page here it talks about the new friendly

decentralized cryptocurrency that you've never heard of so I'm not really sure

what it's all about yet and this isn't use this style I do with mining but

because they are doing a hard fork as of February 16th I wanted to create a video

start to finish on how to you guys mining I know when a currency switches

like this it's a really good time to start mining for really give it

potential to get a lot of coins before it goes up in value so first thing first

is need a wallet so on this medium post here they talked about the hard fork

they have a wallet link and I will save that it ends up just being a single file

so I have put that into my wallet folder when you double click that it will open

much like about other standalone Windows based wallets it needs to touch base

with the blockchain and synchronize so you see here you can see I haven't

synchronized a couple hours I'm two hours behind it will connect

with its peers and then get up to date so it did that pretty quick you can see

this a tact of connections when it first did it when I first downloaded the app

it took and maybe 10-15 minutes so ok once you have that that's fine we can

leave that as is ok next thing you want to do is we need

to get mining software so because garlic coin did a hard fork they actually

changed algorithm they went from a script' algorithm to a

new algorithm they that created called Allium ok and do you need new miners for

that so this guy lenez 0 0 1 2 has created an nvidia based CC miner that

supports it as well as an SG miner that for Andy that both support this new

algorithm so depending which one if you have any video cards down oh this one if

you have MB cards please download the X G minor I have an NVIDIA GTX 1080 in

this rig so I will be down in the S the CC minor ok and I want to get the 64-bit

version because I'm running Windows 10 64 bit please notice is here this is a

minor antivirus might block it I had a huge problem with my Windows Defender it

would not work it kept saying virus virus trojan I

literally had to turn it off so that I could get it going and start mining so

everyone's a little different with your antivirus but just know you may have to

make an exception for this miner it's very common for - offer so we do down

with that I put it into a nice garlic folder and literally it would just be

this single file in the folder what I would like you to do is create new up

you see there's my antivirus I wonder if it's gonna delete it I thought I'd turn

my into ours off but let's try that again energy virus

is yeah let's go turn this off all right perfect

let's turn off okay let's see if this survives so what I'll do is I will

download it again and I'll put it right into this folder

so you guys me around in the same thing with your antivirus miners put it in my

garlic folder or yes please yeah it didn't say it wanted to

overwrite it so it definitely looks like it was probably not there so okay so now

that you have a miner right-click and create a new text file

call it garlic garlic coin and then we're gonna use the pool supernova it's

my favorite mining pool because it uses a username based solution so what

happens is you actually mine into your username and then you cache up from

username into your wallet so because this is a brand new coin they would do

want you to read register with a new account even if you already have an old

super elf account so I've already registered let me just log in great so

I'm in you have no miners working on the right side here first thing first go

into edit account scroll down and this payment address is normally missing so

what I'd like you to do is go back to your garlic coin core wallet go to file

receiving addresses and there's your address hit the copy button come back

put your address in there put the for to Japan that you had to create when you

paid your account done so now at least supernova knows where to deposit your

money once you have some coins next go to my workers you see here I've created

three workers for the three different rigs that I have Johnny Minnie and

Mickey all using the default password password up to you if you want to change

that doesn't really matter you literally just go on

the left side here and you type in George and you can add a new worker and

it shows up so I'm gonna delete him for now okay so now we have a wallet we have

a supernova account we've created our workers now let's go back to that text

file I started creating change the file extension to be 80 if for some reason

you don't see file extensions go up to view view and you see here it's just

filename extensions check this off you want to see the file name so you can

actually change it to a bat file now right-click on and go to edit okay it's

just it's just a blank file that's totally normal come back to super Nova's

website go to the help along the left side and go to get started here they

give you a sample script to run I'll copy that open up our file paste that in

and then we're gonna customize it a little bit because we know our liner is

a little bit different from what they have they're just using CC my under 18

we're gonna use CC minor - x64 Exe then it says okay what's the algorithm it's

the Allium algorithm okay what's the server this is the server address it

came right from supernova so we know that's right then he was like oh what's

the web login your web login is your username that you created and then it's

the dot your worker so this rig is called Johnny and then my password is

password that's it save that file minimize

opposed it doesn't matter you double click on here and that's it it's

checking the card and boom there's your for share and your money I can go back

to the dashboard of supernova it's very fast see here I already see Johnny show

up and I can see a hash rate that Hatchery updates right away it'll take a

little time for DAP to give you the proper hash rate but right now you're

good to go you could technically leave this running for as long as you want

and and it's totally good what I like to do is I like to use especially in a

Windows environment is awesome liner I'm super happy with that I only discovered

it about a month ago it allows me to manage multiple rigs at the same time so

here let's close this off it's open up awesome liner I've set up two miners

already this is Johnny here I stopped him because he was mining some Zee

Classic Mini is down and she is going strong so I would like to to get Johnny

set up right click on Johnny go to properties and he see what your miner is

he was set to this kutas e cash miner because if that's what Z does he classic

uses switching over to CC minor when you see how it says CC minor two point two

point four we need to use CC minor two point three point zero that's the one

that allows for the Allium algorithm so we need to do is by default is set to

automatic down located to specific or existing path browse to CC miners 54 ok

you don't have to where did we lose mining pool down here cuz what we're

gonna do is we're gonna trick it a little bit go open up your text file

that you're created copy the whole thing come back to awesome line or go to the

command line copy and paste it into here so you put the whole thing in there and

hit OK now if I start this up it looks just like I did before but now I have at

least a bit of visibility with awesome liner I can see the temperatures of the

card what the hatchery soon as it accepts one there you it accepts it I

can see what hash rates happening on the right side this typically gives you what

coin you're doing and what the value is because garlic coins so new-and-all so

the Allium algorithm is brand brand-new they don't have it in there yet I expect

that awesome liner will eventually update their software to have it in

there but that's that's it now I can easily duplicate the same thing if I

want to do it for the other minor same idea stop that for a moment same idea

right-click on it change it to C C minor put the command line in I would change I

would use this exact same string the same line here this command for me my

other minor except I would change Johnny to mini

that's it so close out of here and that is how you can mind garlic coin so hope

that helped please leave a comment like subscribe I'll try and close as many of

these have to busy up videos as I can thanks but thanks again for watching if

you want to learn more about earning passive residual income please subscribe

I'm here to pass on my knowledge so you can take action see you next time

For more infomation >> How to Mine Garlicoin ($GRLC) Allium Hardfork (Nvidia/AMD) with Awesome Miner - Duration: 11:38.


সরাসরি আজকের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বাংলা খবর ১৬ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 11:04.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বাংলা খবর ১৬ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 11:04.


Volkswagen Golf Plus 1.2 TSI 105pk BMT 105pk Navi - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Plus 1.2 TSI 105pk BMT 105pk Navi - Duration: 1:00.


Collection of cool and tracked all-terrain vehicles made their hands - Duration: 9:54.

For more infomation >> Collection of cool and tracked all-terrain vehicles made their hands - Duration: 9:54.


Brishna Amil new albam pashto song 2 برشنا امیل نوی البوم ښکلی مصري ٹپے پښتو سندره - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> Brishna Amil new albam pashto song 2 برشنا امیل نوی البوم ښکلی مصري ٹپے پښتو سندره - Duration: 10:06.


We Ask You (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 3:43.

We ask you brothers to respect those who are laboring among you and who are over you in

the Lord and who admonish you and to show esteem for them with special love on account

of their work Be at peace among yourselves.

We urge you brothers admonish the idle cheer the fainthearted support the weak be patient

with all.See that no one returns evil for evil rather always seek what is good both

for each other and all.Rejoice always.

We ask you brothers to respect those who are laboring among you and who are over you in

the Lord and who admonish you and to show esteem for them with special love on account

of their work Be at peace among yourselves.

Support the weak be patient with all seek that no one returns evil for evil rather always

seeking what is good before each other and all rejoice always

We ask you brothers to respect those who are laboring among you and who are over you in

the Lord and who admonish you and to show esteem for them with special love on account

of their work Be at peace among yourselves.

Pray without ceasing in all circumstances give thanks for this is the will of God for

you in Christ Jesus.

Do not quench the spirit.Do not despise prophetic utterances.Test everything retain what is

good Refrain from every kind of evil.

We ask you brothers to respect those who are laboring among you and who are over you in

the Lord and who admonish you and to show esteem for them with special love on account

of their work Be at peace among yourselves.

2 Thessalonians 2 warning against deception concerning the Parousia Christ and the lawless


Encourage your hearts and strengthen them in every good deed and word.

We ask you brothers to respect those who are laboring among you and who are over you in

the Lord and who admonish you and to show esteem for them with special love on account

of their work Be at peace among yourselves.

1 Timonthy 2 first of all i ask that supplications prayers petitions and thanksgiving be offered

for everyone for kings and for all authority that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life

in all devotion and dignity

This is good and pleasing to God our Savior who wills everyone to be saved and to come

to knowledge of the truth.

For more infomation >> We Ask You (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 3:43.


Drake Type Beat 2018

For more infomation >> Drake Type Beat 2018


You won't believe this... I got a girl pregnant - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> You won't believe this... I got a girl pregnant - Duration: 7:08.


What's your opinion on the music of "Pokemon the Movie: I Choose You!"? - Duration: 1:07.

Steven: Well, with that being said, our next episode...we're taking a little bit of a

detour here-we're not gonna be doing "Arceus and the Jewel of Life" next.

Instead we're going to be covering Pokemon movie 20-"I Choose You!" and its ending themes. So,

on the Japanese side we have a variant of Oracion from the 10th movie-

it has vocals with it now. It's called "Let's Walk Together", and it's performed

by a familiar name-Asuca Hayashi comes back after a, I guess 14-movie absence.

That'll be kind of interesting. On the English side we have Haven Paschall-"I

think I may have said that right, I'm not sure, but she performs "I Choose You".

Of course, Haven was also the voice of Serena in the series, so we have a couple

returning folks there, so that's gonna be an interesting comparison and I very

much look forward to it. That's gonna be our next discussion.

For more infomation >> What's your opinion on the music of "Pokemon the Movie: I Choose You!"? - Duration: 1:07.





Happy Valentine's day IGOT7!💚 :speedpaint: - Duration: 5:32.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Follow me on twitter @Zig_Tan

For more infomation >> Happy Valentine's day IGOT7!💚 :speedpaint: - Duration: 5:32.


Alan Walker - Love - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Alan Walker - Love - Duration: 2:57.


taegi; is it too late to call you? [+eng sub] - Duration: 0:47.

call me later

call me just to say you miss me

that it wasn't enough and one night left you craving

that it was crazy and want more of my pleasure

that want everything and more

just call me, it's late

and i'm thinking about you until late

is it late to stop thinking about us?

i miss you so much

i miss us so much

i miss you so much, yeah

baby just tell me why not now

sometimes we fight and lose our minds

you know how i am when i see you cry

and who loses with [all of] that is our relationship

(i need to talk to you, hyung)

For more infomation >> taegi; is it too late to call you? [+eng sub] - Duration: 0:47.


420 smoke sesh with Mookie 2-15-18 (:Bow-ties are cool: ) S2,E43 - Duration: 18:03.

For more infomation >> 420 smoke sesh with Mookie 2-15-18 (:Bow-ties are cool: ) S2,E43 - Duration: 18:03.


$100K in marijuana found in car driven by retired deputy - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> $100K in marijuana found in car driven by retired deputy - Duration: 1:24.


Some random spelling - Duration: 0:19.

Guy: D

Maegan: ot

Both: Dot

Guy: B

Maegan: et

Guy: Bet

Maegan: I-I knew that, slow it down

Guy: P

Maegan: it

Guy: Pit

Maegan: C-Come on pal, it's my first day!

Guy: F

Maegan: at

Guy: Fat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Maegan: Oh! That's it buddy!!!

(B.I.H or R.I.P guy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

For more infomation >> Some random spelling - Duration: 0:19.


How to Stay Fit for Tryouts (Soccer/ Football Tips) - Duration: 6:29.

What's up guys, and thank you again for watching another episode of footballers advice in today's video, I wanted to go over

How you can stay fit for tryouts

Whether it be you're a former professional soccer player looking to break back into the game

or if you're a player looking to sign their first professional contract as we all know fitness is vital in order to compete at the

Professional soccer level if you're out of shape coaches and Scouts will not take you seriously

This is why you need to practice and improve upon your fitness and not just your technique and tactical

Understanding if you're not playing at a high level for a long period of time

It gets harder and harder as you grow older to stay fit and sharp for your next opportunity

This is definitely true if you're working a nine-to-five job, but if you're ever in this situation like I was after graduating college

I'm going to go over a couple different ideas and ways that you can stay fit and that way you're sharp for your next chance now

A couple of the different fitness tests that a lot of players talk about is running two miles in 12 minutes

And then also the shuttle test

Even though these are great fitness tests in order to see if you're actually fit for the professional level if you're working a nine-to-five

Job, this is really hard to stay motivated every day in order to reach that level of fitness

So what can you do in order to switch up your workouts and actually keep you motivated to work out every day

That way you maintain that level of fitness and also guys when making this video

I'm taking on the perspective that you're working a nine-to-five job, so a player. That's in this situation

These are the different ideas that I would suggest to you that

Way you can stay motivated and challenge your body in different ways also guys as a disclaimer

I am NOT a doctor, and I do not hold any degree or certifications within the medical or fitness field

Everything in this video is from my own personal experience and/or research

Always make sure to consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this and/or any other fitness program

That way you guys can determine if it's right for your needs so with that being said

How can you improve your fitness levels and stay motivated well, let me go over a couple ideas

That would be best suited for you the first thing that I would do is actually play pickup games

or men's league games whether it be soccer or another sport like basketball or

American flag football the benefits of playing pickup games is that you're getting your fitness in while you're having fun playing

This is especially important when you've had a long day at work, and you don't feel like working out

Or you're not motivated to work out after that long day knowing that you have a game later on in the day actually keeps you motivated

It doesn't allow you to focus on the running that you're going to be doing after a long day of work

So it keeps you motivated

And you're less likely to skip that day's

Fitness the second activity that I would recommend to help improve your fitness levels and as a total body workout

Is swimming swimming is something I think a lot of players overlook

but it's a great way to increase your fitness levels and challenge your body and vary up your workout routine swimming is also a

Low-impact exercise that reduces the amount of pressure that you put on your joints

So this is why it's always good to mix up your workouts

If you're definitely going to the gym a lot and putting a lot of stress on your joints

Or you're going outside to the field and putting a lot of stress on your knee the third activity that I would recommend is actually

Going on the treadmill and varying up your workouts there by doing sprint's or interval training

So instead of just going on the treadmill and just running a couple miles

Vary up your workout with interval sprints what I would do when I go to the treadmill is actually vary up your workout by first

Starting off with running a mile you can run this mile in anywhere from 8 to 7 minutes from there

You can either run another mile

Or you can opt to then go right into interval training if you decide to run the second mile

I would actually try to run this one at a faster pace

This one I would try to run anywhere in between 7 to 6 minutes

And then the interval training that I would recommend is

Actually running on the treadmill at a sprint speed for 30 seconds and then getting off the treadmill and resting

The rest time can either be from 30 seconds to a minute depending on your fitness level and then from there what I would do

Is repeat this process of getting back on the treadmill

Running at a sprint speed for 30 seconds you want to keep continuing to do this until you can no longer

Stay on the treadmill at a sprint speed for 30 seconds the fourth activity that I would recommend to you is actually

Biking biking is another great way to help increase your fitness level and endurance biking outside is preferred

But if you have to go into the gym and bike on a stationary bike that's okay biking like swimming

also is a

Low-impact exercise which allows you to not put as much pressure or force on the joints like you would if you were practicing outside

Or if you are lifting weights in the gym, and then the last and fifth activity that I would recommend to you guys is actually

plyometrics plyometrics focuses on your ability to exert

maximum force in a short amount of time which by incorporating and practicing plyometric workouts

This actually can help strengthen the leg muscles that you use in soccer practicing plyometrics will also help

Increase the amount of power your legs can generate a common plyometric training

Exercise is actually being in a standing position and then jumping on top of something whether it be a box or an elevated platform

Plyometrics is also a dynamic form of exercise which helps incorporate different muscle groups when you're working out the reason why

Plyometrics is beneficial for soccer players is because it mimics a lot of the things that soccer players do during the game this includes

Jumping and out competing your opponent for a header

and then also quickly creating separation that way you can receive the ball and then also quickly running and

Closing down a short amount of space in a very quick time frame

So those are the five things that I would recommend to you guys in order to stay fit for tryouts

By using those different ideas you can vary up your workouts that way you stay motivated and that way you're also engaging

Different muscles and strengthening them as well, so as always guys that wraps it up for today's video

Don't forget to subscribe that way you can check out more great videos here to come in the future

And I will see you in the next video

For more infomation >> How to Stay Fit for Tryouts (Soccer/ Football Tips) - Duration: 6:29.


Melania Trump Sparks Liberal Outrage With What She Did On Valentine's Day - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Melania Trump Sparks Liberal Outrage With What She Did On Valentine's Day - Duration: 5:00.



Hey guys! I'll get to the winner in just a second; I just wanted to quickly clear something up.

In the end, a total of 15 people commented on the video, and of those 15 people, only

four of them did NOT have public subscriptions - I could not see these four people on my subscription list.

So I replied to all four of those people, replied to their comments, and let them know

that, "hey, I can't see you in my subscriptions, I need you to be-- have your subscriber list

public" so that I could enter them into the giveaway.

And unfortunately, only one of those four people actually went ahead and made their subscriber

list public.

So it ended up that, out of the 15 people that commented, I was able to enter 12 of them.

So if you don't see your name on the list of entrants in just a second, when I show

you the footage from when I picked the winner, I am really sorry, I am, but I had to be fair

to the people that did follow the rules, right?

So, on a happier note, let's go and see who won!

Hey guys, so I'm just picking the winner of my 100 subs giveaway.

I have 12 people listed here who followed the rules and I was able to enter them in

the giveaway.

Also, I'm hoping I didn't miss any comments; there was-- at one point I'd seen a notification

for a comment, and then I was looking at the comments in the video and the comment wasn't

showing up.

And I didn't see it until I went to my notifications and went to the comment from there.

So I'm hoping I didn't miss anyone else!

But I'm going to go to now, and we will pick a winner!

Okay, so I'm at, and I have my numbers here, one to 12.

I'm going to hit enter and we'll see who wins!


It's number 12!

Look at that! [laughs]

So number 12 is Jeca M, who I believe is a new subscriber as well, so that's awesome.

Congratulations to Jeca; I hope I'm pronouncing that right - I'm so sorry if I'm not!

If you could just send me a message on YouTube, or you can email me at,

and let me know where to send the package, and I will send it out right away!

Thanks again to everyone who entered; again, I really appreciate everybody subscribing,

and entering, and being excited about this giveaway.

And I hope… maybe once I'm employed again, I'll be able to do giveaways more frequently,

because it is fun, it's just…

I'm poor… okay [laughs].

Thanks again guys, and I'll see you soon. Bye!

For more infomation >> 100 SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY WINNER! - Duration: 2:37.


Tosse e raffreddore: tisana al timo, limone e miele - Salute 24h - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Tosse e raffreddore: tisana al timo, limone e miele - Salute 24h - Duration: 6:06.


Bette Midler Tells Trump & Supporters 'F*ck Your Prayers', Gets BURNED Big Time - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> Bette Midler Tells Trump & Supporters 'F*ck Your Prayers', Gets BURNED Big Time - Duration: 7:04.


Eight Reasons Why INTJ and INTP are Great Match - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Eight Reasons Why INTJ and INTP are Great Match - Duration: 4:31.


Mind Maps for Freelance Writing Success: Dating & Relationships, Part 2 - Duration: 7:09.

Hi everybody, Mariana Abeid-McDougall with the MultiTalented Writers Variety Channel here. In Part

1 of this video, I did a mind map for dating and relationships and all sorts

of topics that could relate back to it. In this video, we're going to look at

that mind map and at the last step of the process, which is looking at all those

topics and thinking about what kinds of companies and publications might be

interested in writing about that topic. The secret here is to think outside of

the box. For example, someone looking at a boyfriend or girlfriend and who asks who

topic might immediately think of teenage magazines such as Seventeen or magazines of

this sort, but if you think about it from a different angle, you could think about,

for example, who asks who when you're an older person. So, for a women's magazine, you

could do an article addressed at someone who's older, say in their late 30s, and

still single, and you could write an article about how a woman who is

somewhat shy might be able to make the first move or something like that. So

what we do is we look at each individual section and we start thinking about

companies or publications that might be interested in the topics. So I'm going to

start over here with single parents and dating. How children cope, how your

child, your child's in your partner's relationship will go. So you could think

about a magazine for--directed at women, or men in this case, and you could also

think about magazines directed at the child. But you could also think about

companies. For example, online dating. It is likely that people who are single

parents might possibly use online dating, so you could pitch an online dating

company to write blog posts or copywriting

for their audience. So I'm going to write that here, and I'm going to put it in a

rectangle and I'm going to say online dating websites.

And then you can think about particular online dating. One that comes immediately to mind

is, it's a huge one.

There are also religious based ones such as,

and you can research more companies that do online dating and then of course for

any of these topics, magazines are fair game. And you can think about what kinds

of magazines would be interested in those topics. Let's talk about dating

when you're older. You could look at magazines directed at seniors or older


You could also look at any companies that cater to older adults. For example,

there's a whole slew now of hostels-- adult hostels, so older adults hostels

and/or are they sometimes called senior hostels and for single seniors who love

to travel, you could write something about finding love during travel and

write that either in a blog post for a senior hostel company or in a magazine

that's directed at older adults. So I'm gonna say senior hostels. With having

children and discussing how they affect relationships, you could write for

parenting magazines and you could write articles about what it's like to have

your first baby and how your relationship changes around that. So

parenting magazines. You could also think outside of the box and think about

clever ads for, say, diapers, bottles, anything that has to do with babies... and

cloth diapers, whatever it the case may be. So I'm gonna write... could be baby food,

baby... basic baby items companies

and romance after children, you could write for any magazine that deals with

relationships, but you could also think outside of the box and for example cruises,

cruising companies that are child friendly. Some parents who enjoy going--

some affluent parents who like going on cruises sometimes stop going to those

because there are a lot of cruising companies that aren't exactly

child-friendly. But you could write an article for a cruise company about how

it is child friendly, and do a copywriting piece for those people. So

you could do cruise companies.

and you could put the spin on it that the cruise with that company will help

to bring the romance back even when you have your kids in tow. This is

particularly true of companies, like Disney, which have babysitting services

on board. I'm going to stop there but you kind of get the idea. You look at a mind

map, you think outside of the box about topics that could relate back to your

initial one and that's how you can continue to be a multi-niche writer even

while still relating back to one topic. No matter what companies and

publications you write for, you can still establish yourself as a dating and

relationship writer if that's what you'd like to do. Personally I choose to to

pitch myself as a multi-niche writer unless I'm targeting a specific company,

and when I'm targeting a specific company, then I bring in the experience I

have in that particular field. Because I'm a multi-niche writer and a person

with multiple interests and a variety of work experience, it's easy for me to see

the connections. The idea here is that you take two fields and you find the

intersection to come up with new ideas that you can sell and get more writing

gigs. What mind map do you think I should do next?

Leave me a note in the comments and maybe that'll be the next video. Have

a great day!

For more infomation >> Mind Maps for Freelance Writing Success: Dating & Relationships, Part 2 - Duration: 7:09.


3-gatsu no Lion Episode 28 Takahashi Intervention - Duration: 2:41.

I couldn't finish eating everything.

Is this what they call a stomach ache?

Why didn't you show up?



Um, thanks, Takahashi.

But today, I…

Uh, I think we were in the same class first year.

Hey, Takagi. That's you, right?

You want to play catch too?

Here I go! You ready?

You go first, Megu!

No way! I'm scared!

It'll be fine! Go on!

Here I go!


Jerk! You suck!

I'm out of here! That guy's insane!

Megu, wait!

Huh? What, you're leaving already?

Hey, what's wrong?




They tossed my glove on the ground and ran off.

The one who changed schools was Chiho Sakura, right?

During the overnight field trip in second year,

the wind blew my bento box over and sand got all over my food.

Then she gave me half of her bento.

She smiled and said, "Here."

As the time, I thought that anyone who shared their own food was a good person.

So let's play catch anytime.

I kind of feel like it's a good idea to show them that there are allies too.

For more infomation >> 3-gatsu no Lion Episode 28 Takahashi Intervention - Duration: 2:41.


Princess Samiah Speeedpaint on Sketch - Draw and Paint! - Duration: 5:10.

Hey guys, what's up? It's Funtime Playground and today

I was just creating Samiah from Princess Samiah!

Check out her channel because she has about 700 hundred -- I mean one hundred subscribers and over 100 videos!

So I had a really hard time making the face, as you can see.

So I'm starting on the eyes.

Giving them long luscious lashes -- Giving them long luscious lashes! (Tongue Twister)

And then..Just trimming off parts of the eye!

And I'm gonna make her eyes brown.

A dark brown because--that's how most of my characters look like.

And then..I am going to be adding a button nose...(Voice trailing off)

And I tried drawing the smile and it didn't really work out that well until I finally

found the perfect smile--a smile that shows her teeth, which is adorable!

And then...I was just going to trim off parts of her head because--it looks like it's to big (chuckling) -- not to be rude.

Subtitle Person #2: What u talkin' about?! The head looks like a bobble-head there!

It took me a while to make this video--like this video itself took me 50 minutes like just to do the speedpaint (Slight PAUSE) and the editing took much more than that!

You do not know -- how it feels...

'Kay uhh....And then I started on the hair...(Voice trails off..)

And...I decided that I'd just go with a classic ponytail because...--that's what she usually wears!

..for her hair...

By the way... for this sketch (*drawing*) I used "Sketch - Draw and Paint" Check it out! Link is in the...description below!

But umm... I had 7 likes on this sketch. So..that's pretty rare for me because I usually get 2,3,4, or 5! (Okay! I'm done speaking and stuff)

I added some streaks to the hair-- I mean I added some like shading to the hair and I think it looked REALLY horrible -- all that shading together.... Not to be rude but I think it looks horrible (The shading only) Right?

Like some random gray clunks of hair out of nowhere! (SERIOUSLY?! DID I HAVE TO SAY THAT?!)

And then I kind of blended it together to make it look a little bit better (*MUCH BETTER*)

..To make it look like it's AAALL mixed in one hairstyle! ( Samiah Style BOOYAH!)

Sorry for the background noise....(Under my breath: But..) Now for the blush and neck!

I mixed together different shades of color(WTH?!) and then I went ahead and umm.. color-picked them and put it on her cheeks!

....and then blended make it look adorable (EVEN THOUGH SHE DOESN'T HAVE BLUSH!)

And then added a little neck and that's all..! (what.:0)

And then.... I had to -- get a tank top and hands!

So I made her wear her favorite a tank top and shorts?

So this is the blue tank top.

If you watched her "How I Started YouTube," (*Video*) she'll say that this is one of her favorite outfits!

...that's why I'm making her wear this in the picture!

And for the hands... I put one... I put her right hand up to make it look like she's waving

And the other hand...I made it just be against her side because that's how most people put their hands in when they're walking.

I tried to make her shoulders kind of realistic.................

And....that's all for the hands and tank top!

Next, I did the shorts! (Laughs)

The shorts looked green. They were like, kind of like an ivy green!

I tried to make the perfect shade of green...but..I didn't really turn out--(Me: Spill the BEANZ!)

Okay, now it's the legs and boots!

For the boots, I wanted to resemble how I wear my boots. There are--a few laces and then at the end....they just pop out!

And then.. I had to do the outline and text!

So basically, I always do an outline for my characters.

So I give a paint outline for the first coat of outline.

And then I give them a light outline for the second coat.

For more infomation >> Princess Samiah Speeedpaint on Sketch - Draw and Paint! - Duration: 5:10.


✔✔ '진화론은 틀렸다?'…8억년 전 관에서 발견된 여인 (영상) ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> ✔✔ '진화론은 틀렸다?'…8억년 전 관에서 발견된 여인 (영상) ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 4:07.


Alarming Billboards Just Popped Up All Over Black Neighborhood – The Rest Of The Country Is FURIOUS - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> Alarming Billboards Just Popped Up All Over Black Neighborhood – The Rest Of The Country Is FURIOUS - Duration: 6:51.


Official Rampage Trailer

For more infomation >> Official Rampage Trailer


Spanish ASMR 🎁4 NEW triggers🎁 Tapping massage! ( Man, binaural) - Duration: 23:45.

For more infomation >> Spanish ASMR 🎁4 NEW triggers🎁 Tapping massage! ( Man, binaural) - Duration: 23:45.


Bette Midler Tells Trump & Supporters 'F*ck Your Prayers', Gets BURNED Big Time - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> Bette Midler Tells Trump & Supporters 'F*ck Your Prayers', Gets BURNED Big Time - Duration: 7:04.


The pentatonic scale - Duration: 9:11.

For more infomation >> The pentatonic scale - Duration: 9:11.


Internautas acusam Lucas 'e' Jéssica no BBB18 - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Internautas acusam Lucas 'e' Jéssica no BBB18 - Duration: 3:57.


How to Mine Garlicoin ($GRLC) Allium Hardfork (Nvidia/AMD) with Awesome Miner - Duration: 11:38.

What's up, John Charette here and today I'm going to teach you how to mine garlic

coin. Yeah, you heard me.

Alright, welcome back! Today we're talking about garlic coin the cryptocurrency

I kind of, I came across. I don't know a whole lot about. I know it's been out for

a little while and they actually have a whole section on what is garlic coin? And

they say garlic coin is 'hot out of the oven and ready to serve you with its

buttery goodness' Not really sure what that means. What I do know is that it's a

fork of Litecoin. Back in the main page here it talks about the new friendly

decentralized cryptocurrency that you've never heard of so I'm not really sure

what it's all about yet and this isn't use this style I do with mining but

because they are doing a hard fork as of February 16th I wanted to create a video

start to finish on how to you guys mining I know when a currency switches

like this it's a really good time to start mining for really give it

potential to get a lot of coins before it goes up in value so first thing first

is need a wallet so on this medium post here they talked about the hard fork

they have a wallet link and I will save that it ends up just being a single file

so I have put that into my wallet folder when you double click that it will open

much like about other standalone Windows based wallets it needs to touch base

with the blockchain and synchronize so you see here you can see I haven't

synchronized a couple hours I'm two hours behind it will connect

with its peers and then get up to date so it did that pretty quick you can see

this a tact of connections when it first did it when I first downloaded the app

it took and maybe 10-15 minutes so ok once you have that that's fine we can

leave that as is ok next thing you want to do is we need

to get mining software so because garlic coin did a hard fork they actually

changed algorithm they went from a script' algorithm to a

new algorithm they that created called Allium ok and do you need new miners for

that so this guy lenez 0 0 1 2 has created an nvidia based CC miner that

supports it as well as an SG miner that for Andy that both support this new

algorithm so depending which one if you have any video cards down oh this one if

you have MB cards please download the X G minor I have an NVIDIA GTX 1080 in

this rig so I will be down in the S the CC minor ok and I want to get the 64-bit

version because I'm running Windows 10 64 bit please notice is here this is a

minor antivirus might block it I had a huge problem with my Windows Defender it

would not work it kept saying virus virus trojan I

literally had to turn it off so that I could get it going and start mining so

everyone's a little different with your antivirus but just know you may have to

make an exception for this miner it's very common for - offer so we do down

with that I put it into a nice garlic folder and literally it would just be

this single file in the folder what I would like you to do is create new up

you see there's my antivirus I wonder if it's gonna delete it I thought I'd turn

my into ours off but let's try that again energy virus

is yeah let's go turn this off all right perfect

let's turn off okay let's see if this survives so what I'll do is I will

download it again and I'll put it right into this folder

so you guys me around in the same thing with your antivirus miners put it in my

garlic folder or yes please yeah it didn't say it wanted to

overwrite it so it definitely looks like it was probably not there so okay so now

that you have a miner right-click and create a new text file

call it garlic garlic coin and then we're gonna use the pool supernova it's

my favorite mining pool because it uses a username based solution so what

happens is you actually mine into your username and then you cache up from

username into your wallet so because this is a brand new coin they would do

want you to read register with a new account even if you already have an old

super elf account so I've already registered let me just log in great so

I'm in you have no miners working on the right side here first thing first go

into edit account scroll down and this payment address is normally missing so

what I'd like you to do is go back to your garlic coin core wallet go to file

receiving addresses and there's your address hit the copy button come back

put your address in there put the for to Japan that you had to create when you

paid your account done so now at least supernova knows where to deposit your

money once you have some coins next go to my workers you see here I've created

three workers for the three different rigs that I have Johnny Minnie and

Mickey all using the default password password up to you if you want to change

that doesn't really matter you literally just go on

the left side here and you type in George and you can add a new worker and

it shows up so I'm gonna delete him for now okay so now we have a wallet we have

a supernova account we've created our workers now let's go back to that text

file I started creating change the file extension to be 80 if for some reason

you don't see file extensions go up to view view and you see here it's just

filename extensions check this off you want to see the file name so you can

actually change it to a bat file now right-click on and go to edit okay it's

just it's just a blank file that's totally normal come back to super Nova's

website go to the help along the left side and go to get started here they

give you a sample script to run I'll copy that open up our file paste that in

and then we're gonna customize it a little bit because we know our liner is

a little bit different from what they have they're just using CC my under 18

we're gonna use CC minor - x64 Exe then it says okay what's the algorithm it's

the Allium algorithm okay what's the server this is the server address it

came right from supernova so we know that's right then he was like oh what's

the web login your web login is your username that you created and then it's

the dot your worker so this rig is called Johnny and then my password is

password that's it save that file minimize

opposed it doesn't matter you double click on here and that's it it's

checking the card and boom there's your for share and your money I can go back

to the dashboard of supernova it's very fast see here I already see Johnny show

up and I can see a hash rate that Hatchery updates right away it'll take a

little time for DAP to give you the proper hash rate but right now you're

good to go you could technically leave this running for as long as you want

and and it's totally good what I like to do is I like to use especially in a

Windows environment is awesome liner I'm super happy with that I only discovered

it about a month ago it allows me to manage multiple rigs at the same time so

here let's close this off it's open up awesome liner I've set up two miners

already this is Johnny here I stopped him because he was mining some Zee

Classic Mini is down and she is going strong so I would like to to get Johnny

set up right click on Johnny go to properties and he see what your miner is

he was set to this kutas e cash miner because if that's what Z does he classic

uses switching over to CC minor when you see how it says CC minor two point two

point four we need to use CC minor two point three point zero that's the one

that allows for the Allium algorithm so we need to do is by default is set to

automatic down located to specific or existing path browse to CC miners 54 ok

you don't have to where did we lose mining pool down here cuz what we're

gonna do is we're gonna trick it a little bit go open up your text file

that you're created copy the whole thing come back to awesome line or go to the

command line copy and paste it into here so you put the whole thing in there and

hit OK now if I start this up it looks just like I did before but now I have at

least a bit of visibility with awesome liner I can see the temperatures of the

card what the hatchery soon as it accepts one there you it accepts it I

can see what hash rates happening on the right side this typically gives you what

coin you're doing and what the value is because garlic coins so new-and-all so

the Allium algorithm is brand brand-new they don't have it in there yet I expect

that awesome liner will eventually update their software to have it in

there but that's that's it now I can easily duplicate the same thing if I

want to do it for the other minor same idea stop that for a moment same idea

right-click on it change it to C C minor put the command line in I would change I

would use this exact same string the same line here this command for me my

other minor except I would change Johnny to mini

that's it so close out of here and that is how you can mind garlic coin so hope

that helped please leave a comment like subscribe I'll try and close as many of

these have to busy up videos as I can thanks but thanks again for watching if

you want to learn more about earning passive residual income please subscribe

I'm here to pass on my knowledge so you can take action see you next time

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