Thursday, February 15, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 16 2018



Run! Grenade!

-Go, go! -Let's go!

-Hey! -Dad!

-Chava! -Chayo!



<i> I'm only interested</i> <i> in the Coyote.</i>

You're the one I want... in exchange for the prisoners.

Owl's the only one who knows...

Pause the video!

-Pause it! -What happened?

Rewind it!



That's what Jose Angel is saying, isn't it?

"I'm sorry. Ranch."

He's telling us our family is at Indio Amaro's ranch!

In that's true, I'll have to thank Pepita personally.

Oh, come on!

Your wife and child are there!

Indio Amaro thinks Owl is dead.

He doesn't know that bastard is our skeleton key to the ranch.


It plays to our advantage that Indio Amaro thinks Owl's dead.

That way he won't suspect he's been betrayed.

That's right.

If Bebote can't get him to talk,

we'll do whatever it takes to make Owl talk.

Chava, even the Tule Tree will fall

if you find its weak point.

While you look for the ranch, I'll set myself as bait

at the meeting point.

You need protection, Vicenta.

You should take at least two snipers.

-What do you think? -Please listen to him.

I'd hate to become a widower before going on my honeymoon.

Please accept this wedding gift.

-No way. -Tickets to the Caribbean.

You two deserve it.

If I have to.


Take as many people as possible, Mendoza.

We'll position them at a distance

so Indio won't suspect anything.

I'll bring some agents. Can you handle the PGE agents?

I want us to remain focused.

They can't know what we're up to.

I'll use myself as bait and draw Indio out

while you go to the ranch.

No, man.

We have a ton of weapons.

But we don't have anyone to fire them

when I go meet Coyote tomorrow.

We have like five guys left.

We lost a ton of people when we attacked the club.

I almost didn't make it!

It's all thanks to that stubborn Colombian.

If I were still in charge, that wouldn't have happened.

We'd have lots of slaves, merch...

And lots of traitors.

Who said you could come along?

No one.

I just wanted to see if you were ready for tomorrow.

But I guess the rats are already here.

This is a private conversation.


Is that so? Private?

You still don't get it, do you?

There's nothing private here.

Nothing happens at Mr. Romero's ranch without his consent.

Where is he?

I'll do whatever I want. How about that?

Feel free to tell him what happened here.

I couldn't care less. Say whatever you want!

But who knows if you'll wake up in one piece tomorrow?

Listen, fool... this is your last warning.

Next time, I'll laugh while you hang from your ankles...

or your -----.

Good day.

Let's go.

We'll save our family while Vicenta distracts Indio.

There's lots to do, so let's get to it.

Don't worry, Chepina. Everything will be fine.

I know.

Life has shown me that our family keeps their word,

even if they must shed blood and tears in the process.

But I can't stop thinking about what Felipito

and Eli are going through now.

They don't know if we'll rescue them or if they'll get out.

I won't be able to sleep tonight, Chenta.

I hope they're able to rest.

No one's going to rest today.

Tomorrow we'll have our family back safe and sound.

We're going to destroy and kill Indio Amaro tomorrow.

Don't get trigger-happy.

I need Vicenta whole and without a scratch, Amaro.

You'll forget any unfinished business you have with her

as soon as you get her in the car.

It won't be easy, boss.

I'd love to bash her skull in with a rock...

but you're the boss.

That's right.

I'm glad you know your place.

You'll get far in life, Amaro.

-Boss. -Yes?

I'm sorry, but there's something I'd like you to see.

Vicenta's room is just how you asked.

She gets her own room? Wow!

Does she get her own bathroom instead of the bucket

we get to use in our "suite"?

Get over your jealousy or you'll lose the bucket

and just piss in your pants.

You're going to torture her in that room, fools!

I thought you didn't want us to hurt her, sir.

You can have your fun once you get here,

but you can't do anything too serious, -------------.

Don't touch her face so she'll look beautiful at our wedding.

You doubt me, Indira?

I wouldn't marry a man who tortures me.

Would you marry one who frees you from said torture?

It's all a show!

You don't get it 'cause you're dumb.

Vicenta is madly in love with Phillips.

Many have tried to separate them and failed.

The seeds of doubt have been sown, Indira.

Who do you think brought Philips,

his ex, and his son together?

You think I did it because I wanted the kid to have a dad?

It's like you don't even know me.

Vicenta and I will get married.

We'll have a huge party!

We'll invite the Aceros. You can come too.

And then... there will be a bloodbath.

It'll be a Kill Bill wedding!

You're running out of time, Owl.

If you can't prove your usefulness,

you're on your way out.

Why do you protect Indio so much, Owl?

He doesn't care about you. He thinks you're dead.

He traded you for another loyal lapdog.

Doesn't that make you angry? Don't you want revenge?

Look, you won't talk by force, so let's do this the nice way.

If you give us the ranch location,

we'll pay you double what that bastard pays you.


I won't say a word. My lips are sealed.

You ------- bastard.

What should we do? He won't let us help him.

This is going nowhere and our family is in danger.

I guess we'll have to try what Lumbre suggested.

Maybe that's his weakness.

Do you have it?


Let's go.

We didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice.

We all have a weakness and I know yours.

We have eyes on her right now.

Does the name Carmencita ring a bell?

I don't know her.

You don't?

I think you do,

but since I know how faulty our memory can be...

I brought you a picture to help.

What's wrong, Owl?

You seem nervous.

You're acting weird, Lumbre.

What's wrong?

What do you mean, Pepa?


I'm not so sure.

You don't say much... you're always checking your phone.

Does that have to do with the Aceros that are here?

Tell me, what is Romero up to?

The seven plagues will come this ranch.

The Apocalypse will seem like child's play,

and I don't plan on sticking around for that.

I won't die.

I won't give you the ranch's address.

You can bring videos, pictures.

Do whatever you want.

I won't tell you where they are.

Maybe I know Carmencita, but I don't give a damn about her!

Unlike you, I don't cry for my women or children.

Let's get real.

I know you helped Carmencita escape from Amaro's ranch.

Don't force my hand.

If you keep delaying this,

I'll have to send your friend, or her family, a message.

-That's not your style. -Listen, ------.

I'll do that and more for my family.

Are you going to talk?

Oh well.

-Rooster. -Yeah?

I didn't want to do this, but...

Call our men.

Tell them we're ready.

I'll gladly call them up.

I'm sorry for everything I said.

Thank you.

I'll never forget this.

I'll make sure this was all worth it.

What's up, man?


Fine! I'll talk.


I'll talk, I'll talk!

I'll call you back.

I'll tell you what the location is.

Leave Carmencita out of this. She's not involved.

Neither was my family.

So spill it, you bastard!

You didn't get any sleep, did you?

I can tell because of the circles under your eyes.

Although sometimes it's just genetics.

Sometimes one can't fall asleep.

That's called insomnia.

It happens when you worry.

I felt better after we talked yesterday.

Are you worried about something?


You can talk to me.

My mom feels better after telling me what worries her.

That's because children are our strength and our world.

We're fine so long as we know you're okay.

That's all you need to know.

Does that mean you'll be able to sleep today?

I see you arrived and found the gift I left so we could talk.

<i> I'm at Piedra del Nagual,</i> <i> you bastard.</i>

I'm on time, but I don't see you here.

Are you running late?

<i> Amaro Rodriguez is never late.</i>

<i> He's always on time.</i>

Wait there, Coyote.

Don't try anything funny.

Two of my men are ready

to cut permanent smiles on your relatives' faces.

<i> I keep my word, ------.</i>

<i>Can we say the same about you?</i>

Let's go, copper. There's a coyote to hunt down.

Amaro, it's up to you now.

Bring her here safe and sound.

If anything goes wrong, put a bullet in them.

-Excuse me? -I must take precautions.

Keep an eye on things.

Yes, sir.

Coyote's attitude will determine if her family walks out of here

or comes out in urns.

Get going.

Head to the cars. Get in.

Well, Bebote?

Ready to destroy Indio Amaro at his ranch?

Say the word and we're there.

Look, this is your last chance to tell us everything you know.

Are you keeping any secrets?

Do you have anything to say?

Don't you dare say my name!

You know how I treat snitches.

To the world, Indio Amaro is still king.



Do you have the address?

That's right.

You finally proved useful.

Once we brought up Carmencita, Owl broke and spilled his guts.

How about that!

Is Owl trying to save that chick?

Listen, we don't need you to get to the ranch.

We have its coordinates.

I need you working for me on the inside.

Got it?

Once we're inside, take me to every key spot.

To the places where they keep the guns and money.

Before that, though, you'll take me to my family.

Got it?

One more thing.

This is just in case you think about betraying us.

This right here... has your name on it.

We'll be watching you. Don't try anything fun.

Got it?

Got it.

Let's get to it. There's no time to waste.

-Let's go! -You know the plan!

Do what we said!


For more infomation >> Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 74 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:53.


Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 56 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:35.


I don't believe this.

-I think we've lost them. -Then we'll find them.

Look, it's that one.

Follow him!

What are you doing here?

I came for you.

-You have to rest. -No, I can't rest.

Not with my grandson out there, lost.

I have to go look for him.

There's no point in you looking.

The police have a lead.

A man.

He's a pedophile.

-Officer... -License and registration.

Please listen...

Hands on the steering wheel and don't move.

I told you not to get involved in the investigation,

but you just had to follow the suspect.

If that stupid cop

-had listened to us... -He was doing his job!

You meddled! It wasn't your business!

You should've notified us when you saw Fidelio.


We could've put together an operation.

He'd be here this very moment! Instead, we've got nothing!

But that's not all.

What did your stupid cops and robbers routine accomplish?

Giving the suspect a heads-up.

Could you at least describe the automobile?

We've got more than that. Aurora.

Run the plate and locate the vehicle.

Will do.

Stay out of the investigation.

Go home and please let us do our job.

Juanjo's on his way, Serena.

He'll sign your check and you'll be all set.

Any word on Emilito?

Yes, they have a suspect.

They say he's an accused pedophile.

That's awful.

And the worst part is he's supposedly

an old friend of Juanjo's.

This is the result

-of his prison stay. -Please, Ana.

Sorry I'm late.

I was busy.

I'll sign your check.

We'll leave you.

You know I never wanted for things

to turn out like this.

Spare me your drama and your phony apologies.

And please don't seek me out.

I don't want to look at you.

I can't believe you let Juanjo talk you

into following that pedophile instead of notifying the cops.

Aren't you tired of making the same mistake

over and over again?

I wasn't thinking...


No, you weren't thinking.

You went along with that idiot who has no conscience

and who never considers the consequences.

Because of him, our son almost died

after being given too much medicine,

and now Juanjo is responsible for his kidnapping.

-It wasn't like that, Roberto. -Oh no?

Juanjo didn't give that medicine to our son,

and it's not his fault he was taken!

Of course it is. He hates me!

He hates me and he's using my son to get revenge.

Of course not. Juanjo adores our son.


No, I'm sure he hates him as much as he hates me.

Both of you calm down.

Juanjo and Auris did what they thought best.

And what they thought was stupid

because if they'd notified the police,

they would've caught that guy

and our son would be here with us.

Don't you realize this guy is no good for you?

No good for you at all.

You're going to ruin my business, you know.

I thought you'd left.

No, I can't leave you alone.

What were you looking at?


What do you mean nothing?

I don't recommend you look at that.

He's accused of trafficking children from Central America?


It doesn't specify!

He's also been accused of...


Oh my God.

God no.

Excuse me.


I try to be strong.

Strong for you and everyone else.

One of us has to be strong right now.

You're suffering just like me.

But our son's going to be fine, you'll see.

My God.


I don't want to beat a dead horse,

but every time you're near Juanjo,

you get carried away by...

by his lack of judgment.

I swear it isn't jealousy anymore.

But that man's done nothing but cause your family heartache.

I don't want to talk about that.

All I care about is my son.

Wasn't the crap you pulled this morning enough?

What do you want now, Juanjo?

I know where Fidelio is. I'm looking right at him.

Listen up, Juanjo.

Stop trying to be a hero, you fool.

Don't make a move.

We're on our way. Let us do our thing.

You make sure you do nothing, okay?

If you ruin this operation again I'll throw you in jail!

Ernesto, boys, let's go!

Come in, Nati.

Thank you.

Paloma, please get her some coffee.

No, thanks, honey. I'm fine.

I just came to find out about Emilito

and bring you this lasagna so you wouldn't have to cook.

Oh Nati,

you don't know the burden you've lifted off me.

Plus, it's your lasagna. Delicious.

Yes, cooking must be the last thing on your mind right now.

You're right.

We're all so worried about Emilito.

Nobody wants to eat, and I don't feel like cooking.

Give me a second.

Yes, Paco?

<i> Where are you, honey?</i>

That was fast.

Calling me honey again already?

Plus, you want to know where I am?

<i> I just wanted to know</i> <i> what you want for dinner.</i>

<i> Should I order in</i> <i> or should we go out?</i>

<i> Whatever you want.</i>

I'm not in the mood for anything.

I'll pick something up.

You don't have to pretend to be considerate with me.

I'm sorry.

What's wrong, Nati?

Paco and I aren't doing very well.

What happened?

Paloma knows.

Paco's seeing someone else.

-Who is she? -She won't tell you. Or me.

She's loyal to Paco.

All the same, I'd rather not talk about it.

It hurts too much.

Paloma, leave us.


I more than anyone know how you feel.

I've been there many times.

What are you doing here? I told you to go home.

-I said I wasn't. -Go home! Just do it!

What the hell's your problem with me, bro?

That's the guy who reported me.

You're a nutcase!

Let go of me, fool!

You going to let him hit me?


Come on!

Call my lawyer.

Handle him.

Enough of your nonsense and go home!

Let's go! Now!


This is a public place and I have a right to be here.

Excuse me.

<i> Honey, it's me.</i> <i> I'm at the police station.</i>

Good news.

It's me, Juanjo.

Aurora can't talk right now. She's resting.

Uh... I have something important to tell her.

Can you put her on?

I don't believe you at all.

Aurora hasn't slept in over 24 hours,

and I won't wake her so you can bother her.

If you won't put her on, please tell her

I'm at the police station

and that they're interrogating Fidelio.


I'll keep you updated.

Did you answer the phone?

You're quite the gem.

You began your criminal career at 13,

stepped it up later to armed robbery,

and kept moving up till you became a gang leader.

Vendettas, assault, intimidation,

selling illicit substances,

and for the cherry on top, pederasty.

Where is the boy?

I don't know what boy

-you're talking about. -Yes, you do!

You saw him with Juan Jose Montiel!

-You like young boys, don't you? -What's your problem?

Do I need my lawyer?

What were you doing on the 20th between 2 and 6PM?

Now we're talking.

That's something I'd be glad to tell you.

I was working in the hospital that day

doing community service.

Four of us ex-cons were there.

We were there working from early afternoon

to late at night, all of us together.

You're quite the shining example for the community.

You could say I heard the voice of God,

my God, my Lord, and changed my ways.

What was this doing in your trunk?

I bought it. It's for poor kids.

Why'd you run from Juan Jose Montiel?

Because I don't like that guy.

We've never gotten along.

Last time I saw him was at a mall

where he pushed me and humiliated me

practically knocked me down in front of a bunch of people.

-He didn't tell you... -Does your parole officer know

you're living at a new address?

Look, I'm a free man.

I can move and change my life if I want to.

But you know what?

To prove I'm telling the truth,

I'm staying at The Love Foundation,

run by Reverend James Hill.

Ask him.

Very well.

We're going to verify all the information you gave us.

Do it, officer.

I'll be here waiting, happy as a clam.

You know what they say, right?

Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.

For more infomation >> Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 56 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:35.


Control de armas: Lo que no dijo Trump en mensaje a víctimas del tiroteo en escuela de Florida - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Control de armas: Lo que no dijo Trump en mensaje a víctimas del tiroteo en escuela de Florida - Duration: 2:05.


José José | Capítulo 24 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:57.


This man, Armando, wants to be named director of public works

for the state.

I want that position.

You think I was born yesterday?

That I don't know girls like you?

My husband turned you down, didn't he?

What do you want?

Mr. Frenk.

If Armando withdraws from consideration,

can you assure me that Frenk will make those concessions?

Don't touch me!

Calm down! You're scaring me!

Let go, idiot!

We've got a serious drinking problem

and if we don't address it we're done for.

I found a rehab facility.

Just give me one more chance.

Now we've done it. Let's go.

Mine, the police nabbed Negro.

Your husband's looking at years behind bars.

I need a stretcher!

What happened, honey?


The patient had a heart attack.

You can save her and the baby, right?

Given the circumstances of your husband's death,

you'll have to come in and make a statement.

She planned it all.

The robberies, the beating. It was Minerva.

Go to your appointment.

I'll see you tonight at the bar.


<i> I waited for Chumo</i> <i> but he never showed up.</i>

You don't deserve Jose Jose, Grandma.

Leave him alone!

Jose, your wife's out there and your fans won't let her in.

I appreciate it, but please be respectful.

Excuse me. Thank you.

Forgive me, Jose, but I can't believe

people let patients be treated in a hospital like this one.

This is the reality for many Mexicans.

Poor people.

How's your sister-in-law?

She's having emergency surgery. A C-section.

Are you serious?

You're going to let her undergo surgery here?

In this place?

No, darling.

We've got to get her out of here.

Don't worry about the money.

I can't allow a family member

to give birth in a place like this.

I feel bad for the others, and I understand,

but we do have the money.

I really appreciate it, but they're already treating her.

And you know what I think?

That it's because of comments like that

that fans attack you.

Jose, I came here to support you and show solidarity,

and you side with those women?

Please calm down. I don't want to fight.

Especially not in a time of family crisis.

I'm sorry.

And if you're so uncomfortable,

I'll walk you to the car where you can stay.

No! I came to be with you.

None of you have any idea how the fight started?

Look, when I got there, Negro was already being taken away,

and Leti's husband was on the ground very badly hurt.

Oh Lord.

What can you tell me about Minerva Lopez?

The attacker named her the mastermind behind this

and other robberies.

It's a boy.

Come in.

Thanks very much.

I heard you really played hardball in the negotiations.

What can I say?

I've got many qualities, not all of them noticeable

in plain sight.

You're just full of surprises.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

Is that so?

What haven't I seen yet?

Here's a sample.

Is that why you came?

I came because I've been doing a lot of thinking,

and I believe my involvement, if I'm not mistaken,

got you the contract with the party,

meaning you'll be putting on tons of events, right?

Well, we've got to promote the new talent.

In fact, I was thinking of making you a presenter.

Oh, thanks so much, sweetie.

But tell me something.

Are you sure that's all you've got for me?

Because I was wondering about all those millions.

What are you referring to?


The thing is, I'm thinking I have to pick up my commission

from someone here at the label, right?

Probably your secretary. I won't bother you anymore.

The C-section was a success.

The baby's in delicate condition, but stable,

which is normal for a preemie.

It's a boy?

A strong boy. He's going to make it.

Thank you very much, doctor.

It's a boy, Mom! You have a grandson.

I'm a father!

The Holy Virgin heard my prayers.

Congratulations! You're a dad!


We'll let you spend some time with your kid.

We're leaving, right?

Yes, honey.

What a scare, ma'am.

I want you both to know

you have the Herrera Calles family's full support.

Thank you.

-Goodbye. -Bye.


Thank you very much for being here.

Don't thank me.

I'll always be there for both of you.

Of course, son.


Bye, Pepito.

Don't worry, dear.

I've arranged for a smooth exit.

You sure?

Yes, honey. Let's go.

I'm so happy.

Thank you for everything, ma'am.

My deepest condolences.

Let's go, Andrade.

Leti, forgive me for asking, but why didn't you tell him

Minerva said she'd put a stop to your husband?

To not get her in trouble.

Sorry, but if she's guilty of anything,

she's already paid for it, don't you think?

God's justice is one thing.

Man's justice, which is different, is quite another.

All I ever got from Minerva were her blessings,

and it'd be unfair to blame her.

Especially not knowing anything with certainty.

There's been a lot of bad news, but I do have some good news,

which is that my grandson was born

and Minerva's fine.

Praise the Lord.

Ma'am, I hate to bother you,

but we must begin the process of handing over the body.

Come on, Kiki.

I don't want us to be upset with each other.

Then why do you put others before me?

I was tense, I don't know what happened.

Please forgive me.

Let's celebrate that we have a nephew.

I don't want to get my hopes up.

Tomorrow you'll just do the same thing to me.

-Come on, Kiki. -Are you?


We're an aunt and uncle.

You're hopeless.


That's what I love about you.

What? My kisses?

Yes, but also that you have a quick solution for everything.

Where's the car?

Over there.

Shall we?

You get your payments from me and you know it.

What's going on with you?


But a little birdie told me that between how much

the party is paying, how much comes into the label

and how much the artists get, some of it doesn't make it

into the books and falls through the cracks.

Sure, there are administrative costs,

travel and other expenses.

It's a lot of money.

You sure it's not going toward your land in Acapulco?

What are you talking about?

Like I said, I have my charms, and my contacts.

Are you threatening me?

Heavens no.

Not at all.

My lips are sealed.

But I could be very useful in these kinds of business deals.

What do you want in return?

Cheer up. It's a boy.

May God bless him double

because with that mother the poor kid's stuck with...

Don't be like that.

Poor thing was in there all day.

So that makes her not a thief anymore?

You don't know what I just heard.

Negro's in jail, and he blamed Minerva

for planning the attack on Leti's husband

as well as for some robberies.

Open your eyes, dear.

The patient needs rest. Please don't be too loud.

Sure thing.

I just want to be here when she wakes up.



You really did it.

Even though you weren't trying to,

you've made me the happiest man in the world.

Everything's going to be better now.

I'm going to be better.

For you.

So you'll be proud of me.

Like I am of you.

Mili, please call every phone number I just gave you

and find out what info they have on Chumo.

Yes, sir.

It's very important that information

remain between you and me.

I ask for your discretion.

Of course.

I'll get started on these calls.

-Thank you. -You're welcome.

Hi, Claudia. How are you?


Nobody's called me Claudia in years.

That's what it says on the portfolio you dropped off.

And you remembered it.

Let's just say I've got a good memory for what matters to me.

What brings you here?

I came to see one of your bosses

about a matter that concerns the two of us.

Oh yeah? Ancona?

Are you doing something with him?

You could say that.

But I actually love coming here.

The décor is just... gorgeous.

It was just remodeled.

So what are you doing with Ancona?

Promoting something?


Something else.

-It's great to see you. -Likewise.

I like you.

Come by more often.



See you.

We're bringing Minerva Lopez into custody.

She's my patient, she just gave birth, and this is a hospital.

Have some respect.

I'm just doing my job.

I must speak to her.

She's suspected of committing several crimes.

I'm sorry to hear that, but regardless,

I cannot let you pass.

She's in a common area, and every patient there

needs to rest.

You're putting me in a pickle because I need to see her.

Let me speak to my superior

to determine protocol in cases like this.

Don't worry about us. We're not going anywhere.

Andrade, let's find a cop to keep watch by her room.

Yes, sir.

I knew this would happen sooner or later.

It's my fault for not watching her more closely.

No, it's my fault for letting myself be blinded.

<i> All the signs were there,</i> <i> and I refused to see them.</i>

<i> She committed the crimes.</i> <i> It's her fault.</i>

She's the mother of my grandchild

and my son's wife.

Oh God, what will Gonzalo do when he finds out the truth?

My baby...

He's fine, sweetie.

The baby's fine.

He's little because he came out before his time.

He couldn't wait to start having some fun.

But he'll be big and strong before you know it.

I'm very tired.

Go to sleep.

Hey, what are we going to name him?

Gonzalo like his dad?


Negro, Negro. I'll take care of that traitor.

His luck's about to run out.

That's if they don't take care of him in jail first.

Shut up.

What? I'm just saying.

I might be a lot of things, but I'd never turn on anyone.

Little Gonzalo's never hanging out with punks like him.

Shut up! You're making my head spin.

I understand.

It's not every day a Sosa is born.

Shut up already!

I'd never let an idiot like you get me pregnant.


It's not yours.

No, I understand.

So he hasn't been there.

Thanks very much. Goodbye.

<i> How are you?</i>

Fine and you?

Distressed. It's one calamity after another.

Don't scare me.

Did something happen to my Chumo?

<i> No, nothing like that,</i> <i> Juanita.</i>

Although I haven't heard from him.

Have you?

No, but you know what he's like.

He gets so into his work he even forgets to eat.

He'll call me tonight, you'll see.

If you hear anything, please call me.

Of course. Bye.

Tragedies never strike just once.

<i> Careful, son.</i>

<i> You know </i> <i> what alcohol does.</i>

<i> It's not something</i> <i> to be trifled with.</i>

For more infomation >> José José | Capítulo 24 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:57.


Mochilas a prueba de balas, la industria basada en el temor a la inseguridad - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Mochilas a prueba de balas, la industria basada en el temor a la inseguridad - Duration: 2:02.


Por qué no han regulado en EEUU el arma AR-15, que se habría usado en tiroteo en escuela de Florida - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Por qué no han regulado en EEUU el arma AR-15, que se habría usado en tiroteo en escuela de Florida - Duration: 2:09.


Yoga para niños: La postura del árbol o Vrksasana 🌲 | Asanas de yoga para la familia - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Yoga para niños: La postura del árbol o Vrksasana 🌲 | Asanas de yoga para la familia - Duration: 3:22.


Robo Muy Costoso 🙅☠🙏 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 17:22.

For more infomation >> Robo Muy Costoso 🙅☠🙏 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 17:22.


Qué necesitan las marcas para tener un propósito real: Gail Heimann, presidenta de Weber Shandwick - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Qué necesitan las marcas para tener un propósito real: Gail Heimann, presidenta de Weber Shandwick - Duration: 4:27.


" EL TIEMPO DIRÁ " - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> " EL TIEMPO DIRÁ " - Duration: 0:51.


Susanna Griso recuerda con ternura a su madre en 'El Hormiguero' - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Susanna Griso recuerda con ternura a su madre en 'El Hormiguero' - Duration: 2:38.


Aviatrans Hotel in Yerevan, Armenia (Europe). The best of Aviatrans Hotel in Yerevan - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Aviatrans Hotel in Yerevan, Armenia (Europe). The best of Aviatrans Hotel in Yerevan - Duration: 5:02.


Zapping #27 - Duration: 7:57.

For more infomation >> Zapping #27 - Duration: 7:57.


Food Quiz

For more infomation >> Food Quiz


চরম দৌড়ের উপর তারেক জিয়া !! খালেদাকে মা মা বলে কিভাবে চিৎকার দেখুন !! Latest Bangla News - Duration: 2:18.

Tarek Rahman Latest News

For more infomation >> চরম দৌড়ের উপর তারেক জিয়া !! খালেদাকে মা মা বলে কিভাবে চিৎকার দেখুন !! Latest Bangla News - Duration: 2:18.


Kia Picanto 1.0 Plus pack | lm velgen | airco | 7 jaar garantie !!! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 Plus pack | lm velgen | airco | 7 jaar garantie !!! - Duration: 1:00.


Američania priniesli pôvodným obyvateľom rezervácie a Rusi rozvoj a štátnosť - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Američania priniesli pôvodným obyvateľom rezervácie a Rusi rozvoj a štátnosť - Duration: 4:28.


Kia Rio 1.2 CVVT Plus Pack,Airco,Trekhaak - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.2 CVVT Plus Pack,Airco,Trekhaak - Duration: 1:00.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI COMFORTLINE | Airco | Cruise control - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI COMFORTLINE | Airco | Cruise control - Duration: 1:00.


How to create behance account ? Behance Tutorial _ 2018 New HD - Duration: 1:57.

How to create behance account

Click sign up option for creating a new Behance account

1st face

Enter your 1st name (without space)

Enter your 2nd name (without space)

Enter your Valid Email

Make your passward ( Must use a Capital latter and at list 8 carecter)

Setup your date of Birth

Click sign up

Select where are you want to work (must item select)

Than finish your proccess

For more infomation >> How to create behance account ? Behance Tutorial _ 2018 New HD - Duration: 1:57.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90PK Comfortline|NAVI|Bluetooth|Srt/stp|Cruise - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90PK Comfortline|NAVI|Bluetooth|Srt/stp|Cruise - Duration: 1:01.


Audi A4 2.0 TDI Ultra 163pk Business Edition - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 2.0 TDI Ultra 163pk Business Edition - Duration: 0:54.


Мультик про Сокровища для Детей💰 Новый Развивающий Мультфильм 2018. Обучающее Видео для Детей - Duration: 3:47.

Мультик про Сокровища для Детей💰 Новый Развивающий Мультфильм 2018. Обучающее Видео для Детей

For more infomation >> Мультик про Сокровища для Детей💰 Новый Развивающий Мультфильм 2018. Обучающее Видео для Детей - Duration: 3:47.



For more infomation >> CALLING KSI OUT FOR $1000







For more infomation >> I'M NOT DEAD BUT APPARENTLY THE YOUTUBE VIDEO EDITOR IS - Duration: 0:21.


Malattia di Parkinson, Quali Sono i Primi Sintomi da Riconoscere - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> Malattia di Parkinson, Quali Sono i Primi Sintomi da Riconoscere - Duration: 6:02.


Self- Care Valentienstag in Hongdae und Gwanghamoon (enable ENG SUBs below!) I sedameansstrong - Duration: 12:39.

Today is a day that I have waited for a long time, today is VALENTINES DAY!

and I am so excited and I am in such a good mood

I already had coffe and I had a great breakfast

and yeah I don't know about you but I definitely belong to the "Single-Club"

To the club that probably celebrates more of a "GALENTINESDAY" today

And thats why today, like on every valentinesday, I will love myself instead

by doing many things for myself which I usually never do

I recommend this to everyone, It actually even changed my life

I think its better than a valentinesday with a boyfriend or girlfriend

and I will just... oh its so quiet here..

yeah.. I will start firstly with..

I didn't initially plan this but I have quite backpain and stomach too, so first I will go to your chinese miracle doc...

and get treated

So the first you will notice when you come to korea.. are these stairs..

there are endlessly many stairs... and it doesnt stop

So guys I am done now.. and I feel DABOMB

So forget your orthopedist, forget your masseur, forget your physiotherapist

forget everything youve ever seen, this is crazy!

I couldn't move my head this morning, now see... it doesn hurt

so cool.. so if you come to Seoul, you definitely have to try this!

ehm so its crazy... I got a massage, I got the akupunkture and he put my bones into place and all of it was only 40-50 $

So considering what you're getting for this price, its crazy! Just crazy!

so now lets get it started! I am hungry... lets go to Hongdae!

We finally made it, we are in Hongdae, and...

and it is veryy busy! This is nothing, it goes up to exit number 9

And it is always this busy.. but considering its Valentines Day, it is still quite empty

Thats probably because tomorrow is Seolnal (Chinese New Year), and everyone goes to their families

And look what I found

There I take 12 Bars of chocolate from Germany and now...

They already have it here now

So I am going now to meet my BFF and we will have a Galentinesday

I am so excited! Lets go!

We are spotting the Beauty now.. there she is!

As long as its quiet

I will tell you guys something about Hongdae thats a little Insider,

a lot of people come here to shop, eat and drink- but not many people know that you can get the best, cheapest beauty-selfcare here

Very good quality eyelash extensions for example, nails, hair... anything you can imagine... waxing

But I am on a budget today, so I will just get my nails done

they really need care... if you can see it..

very bad! And my friend is coming with me... my bestie

And I am not sure what we will do after that, we are both very tired

I didn't expect it but this chinese medicine thing drained me completely

After a few hours so I actually wanna sleep

but we wanna be fit, we wanna enjoy Hongdae, and we will go get some nails done

Ok Guys... Lego Burgers! How awesome is that???

so... when you really ran out of other ideas haha ' Block Burger' oh man haha

So we now hope they even have time, because it is actually quite busy

or whether they are even open.. because of the holiday tomorrow, you cant be sure in korea

Eunnie is laughin her butt off haha

So I will dip almost everything in Glitter... very hardcore!

My Friend said "no dont do it" but I was like "no, why not?"

We are out of the nailshop now and we... or my friend is hungry

Thats why we are at Pizza Hut now... yes.. which is a little more expensive in Korea (than in Germany)

You can see it here a Medium Pizza costs about 19... yea.. 16 Dollars which is more than in our country

Unfortunatelly despite everything I still need to work today

thats why... and I will actually work now at the Pizza Hut guys..

because.. at home I currently dont have a good wifi and I can work from anywhere too.. I already told my students

yeah its a bit weird, but I have a lesson soon

and later in two hours more lessons, but luckily its the last day

before the holidays, and I am so happy I have to really sleep

Ok so we ordered 2 salads... and they seriously told us that 2 salads mean

that we have to share THIS plate!

this plate is "two salads"

for 3.90 each

We are done! And I think thats enough for today... I will (buy) a little beauty and make up... Its to loud!

Hi Guys this is me one day later

eh yea.. I just didnt manage to finish shooting the video yesterday, like so often

I don't know why... I am just super busy lately

I wanted to finally explain to you in the end how Valentinesday works in Korea... maybe youre interested

In our case its that we give each other gifts

and I am sure many of you, who are already interested in korea, know that

that only females give a present to males which is mostly chocolate

but I notices that nowadays also here, men make women some presents

naturally I guess its because females are generally more interested in these kind of holidays

specially.. and men enjoy making presents too

by the way I have no make up on today.. I hope you dont mind

if yes, then just close the eyes

In case you want a boyfriend or girlfriend, then korea is probably not ideal for you

because here you will... the couples often really show that they are a couple

be it when they dress similarly or cuddle (in public)

be it... well they just show each other a lot of affection

which probably a lot of people cant believe so much, because they think korea is so conservative

its actually not like that and it gets more openminded in time

Its a big deal to be in a relationship in korea, everyone wants to be in one all the time

so whether you want or not, whether you are a happy single or not... you will kind of want a relationship here

Yeah with this Video I wanted to actually show you that you can have a good day as a single too

I cannot even imagine it otherwise anymore...

If I had a boyfriend and I would celebrate this day with him, he would be a great Bonus

and I would think of nice activities

but this selfcare, this treating yourself to something nice, will always be a part of my valentines from now on

and thats why I recommend it for you too

Finally I have one more thing I wanted to talk to you guys about...

So it is that, lately, I am super duper stressed

For more infomation >> Self- Care Valentienstag in Hongdae und Gwanghamoon (enable ENG SUBs below!) I sedameansstrong - Duration: 12:39.


22-latek udawał kobietę i dotarł do finału konkursu piękności [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 2:41.

22-latek udawał kobietę i dotarł do finału konkursu piękności

W kazachskim konkurskie piękności wybuchł niemały skandal, gdy okazało się, że jedna z uczestniczek jest. mężczyzną!.

22-latek Eli Diagiliew na co dzień pracuje jako model.

Tajniki makijażu i możliwości programów graficznych nie są mu obce, a zdobyte podczas sesji zdjęciowych doświadczenie postanowił wykorzystać w praktyce, przygotowując prowokację.

Eli Diagiliew zaczął od makijażu, który pozostawał w trendach.

Konturowanie twarzy, rozświetlacz, eyeliner, mocne brwi i powiększone optycznie usta za pomocą szminki i konturówki.

Do modnego makijażu dobrał perukę z brązowymi włosami do ramion.

Następnie nadał stworzonej przez siebie kobiecie nazwisko Arina Aljewa i zgłosił ją do wirtualnego konkursu piękności.

Największym zaskoczeniem dla Diagiliewa było.

dojście do finału konkursu! Wtedy uznał, że to zaszło za daleko i postanowił przyznać się do prowokacji:.

Zawsze opowiadałem się za naturalnym pięknem.

Teraz masz wrażenie, że wiele dziewcząt wygląda tak samo, wszystkie jednakowo się malują, ubierają i wierzą, że jeśli podążają za trendami, to są piękne.

Nie sądzę - powiedział.

For more infomation >> 22-latek udawał kobietę i dotarł do finału konkursu piękności [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 2:41.


Kia Sorento 2.4I LX LPG G3 4WD Airco Trekhaak Nieuwe APK Rijklaarprijs Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Kia Sorento 2.4I LX LPG G3 4WD Airco Trekhaak Nieuwe APK Rijklaarprijs Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:04.


Transferring tomato saplings to my garden-Some Tips- Urdu - Duration: 7:47.

Hello, viewers, I hope all of you will be fine.

In today's episode, I will transfer tomato saplings to my garden.

This time I am interested in tomatoes so I am planting many varieties.

I have prepared the spellings of all varieties in these disposable cups.

Best way to grow tomatoes id first prepare their saplings separately and then...

transfer them to your desired place when plants are 4 5 inches.

I have 5 varieties now.

All these five varieties are indeterminate.

So their vines will grow as big as I can provide space.

First I should tell you their names.


Green tiger



Brandy wine

I am planting five different varieties and I will see this time which ones grow well in our place.

The method to grow saplings in disposable cups is very simple.

You have to purchase some seeds.

Now for this summer season plants, I have done their seedling in mid-December.

Tomato plants can't handle the frost so you have to do their seedling...

in cover before winter ends so that you have your saplings ready when the weather is moderate.

I have planted them in a tunnel made with a plastic sheet.

Now our weather is moderate and time has now come that I should transfer them outdoor.

Now as their roots are developed so when I will plant them in open place I hope they will grow quick.

The mud I have used is 2(mud): 1 (compost) : 1 (sand).

I have used rive sand so if you don't have it you can use normal sand but then mix some more compost.

Seeds are easy to plant just bury them little deep and then water them with a sprayer.

Plant multiple seeds in each cup so that no cup goes missing from a plant.

After planting seed keep them cover from night cold weather and let daylight come to them.

So now I will transfer them in my garden.

I will plant three plants of each variety.

Let's do it.

[next day] yesterday it get too late so now I am planting them in morning.

Before taking out the plant water the cups so that they come out easily.

I have also watered these cups and hopefully, now they will come out easily.

It has rained here 2 days ago so the soil is moist.

One tip to successfully transfer saplings is water them immediately after transplanting.

Although my soil is moist still I will water it so that my no plant get missed.

I am using a ruler type metallic piece to loosen the cup soil from sides.

I will give a distance of at least two feets between each plant as indeterminate plants need space.

Taking out the plant.

Even if all the soil get dropped from roots of tomato they will still grow fine.

After taking out plant them quickly and then water them.

I have already mixed compost in the soil and I have softened it.

Soft and fluffy soil will give bigger plants.

Press the soil around the plant so that no gaps are left with roots.

So, viewers, that's it hopefully now they will grow good.

When they will grow tomatoes I will hopefully make a new video please subscribe for them.

Take care bye

For more infomation >> Transferring tomato saplings to my garden-Some Tips- Urdu - Duration: 7:47.


DROELOE - BACKBONE (ft. Nevve) [Cover Art] - Duration: 3:15.

Flat on the floor of my life

The world just leaves me behind

I wanted more at this point

But I keep losing my voice

I don't wanna be like that though

Better grow a fucking backbone

I don't wanna be like that though

Better grow a fucking backbone

Hit me like a train

Novocaine to the face all day

Lock it like a chain in my brain

lace it in my veins

Flat on the floor of my life

The world just leaves me behind

I wanted more at this point

But I keep losing my voice

I don't wanna be like that though

Better grow a fucking backbone

Better grow a fucking backbone

Better grow a fucking backbone

Hit me like a train

Novocaine to the face all day

Lock it like a chain in my brain

lace it in my veins

For more infomation >> DROELOE - BACKBONE (ft. Nevve) [Cover Art] - Duration: 3:15.



today I'm gonna show you guys how to use a perspective grid when designing a logo

in Adobe Illustrator you can move the timecard in the corner if you want to

skip the intro so follow along and learn how to use the perspective grid to

design this style of logo in Adobe Illustrator

what are up people welcome back to Satori graphics the home of graphic design

content right here on YouTube so I hope everyone is doing well today and that

you're ready to design a logo in adobe illustrator using the perspective grid

I left a poll on my youtube channel not

long ago asking why you guys prefer to see on this channel now love you said

you'd like all of my content which is really really great but most of you said

that you really like logo design tutorials so today I have a logo design

tutorial for you all to follow along and to recreate yourself if you new to my

channel here at Satori graphics go ahead and give me subscribe if you like my

content I post three to four videos per week on graphic design related topics

that can be tutorials graphic design tips on the business side of things and

much much more also if you enjoyed this video give me a like and share on social

media could it really does help out my channel but anyway let's jump right into

this tutorial on how to design a logo using the perspective grid in adobe

illustrator in a new document in Adobe Illustrator we need to first create a

perspective grid for the logo design tutorial you can show the grid here but

you need to locate the perspective grid tool to actually edit it it may take a

little bit again used to but for this look at as I'm you want to have a kind

of angle view looking down on the logo using the perspective grid

you can extend the length of the grid here but you also want to increase the

amount of squares like so

when you have you perspective grid ready press P to locate the pen tool and then

check the stroke option only in the color palette make a path around like so

in a kind of reversed L shape and then click the path at the very end

you can press me to select off of the pen tool path then again with the pen

tool draw another shape to the other side of the perspective grid you want to

connect the corner like so so it gives a good impression of a 3d shape and a good

perspective the circle icon lets you know when you can close the path

properly now flip the strokes of the shapes over to fills but make sure to

have two different colors but it doesn't matter what the colors actually are at

this stage in the logo design tutorial

then hold down the alt option key and click and drag to duplicate the two

shapes with them post still selected reflect the shapes like so and then

position them perfectly next to the original shapes as you can see the logo

starting to take shape finally use the pen tool to finish up the last shape

along the top and another third color to the shape I use to grid squares for the

apex of the right hub


you can then hide the perspective grid as you didn't actually need to use it

anymore in this logo design tutorial

now we need to adjust the colors as a shadow and highlights is depicted

properly you can use the eyedropper tool to help with this and the shark eyes eye

on your keyboard so once you have your shading highlight sections correct it's

a good idea to add the final colors I'm gonna use shaded blue for my design and

you can hold down shift to select multiple objects at once

you know need to hold down shift to select three shapes and then using the

alt option key duplicate them over to the right and perfectly align them in


then also duplicate the top section and if you have them perfectly in place the

logo design symbol is now finished on this tutorial on using the perspective

grid now to add some finishing touches

take the pen tool and create a shape like so you can use a direct selection

tool to edit the position of the anchor points flick the stroke over to a fill

and then send the shape to the back

you can then have agreed into the shape

you won the gradient to be 90 degrees and you want the lighter side to have a

0% opacity and the dark side should be a kind of dark gray judicata shape a word

and reflect it nicely on the other side of a logo design

so lastly you need to draw in a shape in the middle to finish up the shadow

section of your logo

and the absolute final stage here is to add some logo type to complement the

logo design in today's perspective grid tutorial I chose to use logo type of the

dark gray color as if it looks more professional than black the font I'm

using is actually a fun and made myself called Satori sans and it's a link in

the description below if you want to download it for yourself

and they have it this is today's tutorial on how to design a logo with

the perspective grid in illustrator

so there is today's tutorial on how to design a logo using the perspective grid

in Adobe Illustrator let me know what you guys thought of this video in the

comment section below and also be sure to drop a like and a comment on you AR

subscribe to to Tory backlinks for weekly graphical design content just

like today's video and if you really enjoyed it share this video on social

media but it does help our channel have an awesome weekend everyone and until

next time design your future today peace



Elektronikklubben - ingeniørstudentenes lekerom - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Elektronikklubben - ingeniørstudentenes lekerom - Duration: 3:40.


BAHAMUT | Final Fantasy X Gameplay Walkthrough Commentary | Part 33 - Duration: 12:51.

Welcome back everyone.

I am Nick Melville, also known as MelvinNation five kay (5000).

And this is part 33 of Final Fantasy X remastered.

So last time on Final Fantasy X: we were able to get through the Cloister of Trials, which

I skipped.

So, we got some information about Seymour and Spira.

Also from Auron.

We're trapped inside of a cage.

We're about to drown.

So let's go ahead and continue this journey.

That sounded really creepy.

It kinda reminds me when...

...when someone is about to kick someone off his ship.

They do like a similar thing to this, except they do it with a sword, not a gun.


Let's go ahead and regroup with everyone then.

Hell yeah!

To kick their ass.

Yeah, there is an exit.

We can get through this (BLEEP).

Uh, no she isn't.


...just leave her alone, dude.

Go the (BLEEP) away.

Yeah, what he said.

Maybe this guy gets it.

No she isn't.

(BLEEP) you, dude.

Of course...he does have a point there.

Seymour just needs to (BLEEP) off.

Okay good now we're playing as Yuna.

This is interesting.

Okay, says here.

Whatever that word is.


Okay, so the red

arrow is telling us to go this way.

Okay, let's go over here and get a chest.



Let's go over here.

Okay here's also another chest.

Let's move down here.



Let's explore.

There's Sir Auron.

Of (BLEEP) course.

Got an overkill there.

Let's use Bahamut this time.

Let's go in here and kick some ass!

Not a problem.

I know I can do this.

I'm pretty confident.

Yeah yeah yeah.

Oooo, 4,000 damage.

Can you beat that?

Within 2 hits, it got an overkill.


What did I tell ya.

We're kickin' some ass!

Oh yeah!

This one is gonna be a no biggy.

And I'm just gonna kick you in the face by using Infrit.

The Aeon you literally just used.

Now you're (BLEEP).

That did 3,000 damage.

Another 3,000.


Extract Powa (Power).

Okay, he's apparently immune to that.

BLK Magic.


Now we got an overkill on him.


I bet his Bahamut is weak against mine.

But then again, who knows?

Let's see.

Screw it.

Let's do this.

Okay, 4,000.



Countdown 5.


Okay good we're getting him.

We're getting him.

Aerospark, let's see if this finishes him off.

Good, overkill.


We're doin' really good.

That's what I thought.

Damn straight it is.

Alright let's get on with this.

Alrighty guys I'm gonna stop right here.

Stay tuned, because part 34 is comin' up next.

Make sure you give this video a thumbs up if you like it.

Subscribe to my channel if you wanna see some more let's plays.

Thank you for watching and have a good day everyone.

For more infomation >> BAHAMUT | Final Fantasy X Gameplay Walkthrough Commentary | Part 33 - Duration: 12:51.


Dance Special Dj Mashup 2018 🔥 Old Hits 🔥 Best Party Dance Mix || Nonstop Dj Remix Song 2018 - Duration: 4:45.

Dance Special Dj Mashup 2018 🔥 Old Hits 🔥 Best Party Dance Mix || Nonstop Dj Remix Song 2018

Dance Special Dj Mashup 2018 🔥 Old Hits 🔥 Best Party Dance Mix || Nonstop Dj Remix Song 2018

Dance Special Dj Mashup 2018 🔥 Old Hits 🔥 Best Party Dance Mix || Nonstop Dj Remix Song 2018

Dance Special Dj Mashup 2018 🔥 Old Hits 🔥 Best Party Dance Mix || Nonstop Dj Remix Song 2018

For more infomation >> Dance Special Dj Mashup 2018 🔥 Old Hits 🔥 Best Party Dance Mix || Nonstop Dj Remix Song 2018 - Duration: 4:45.


3LAU - Worlds Away (Lyrics) feat. Emma Hewitt - Duration: 3:53.


For more infomation >> 3LAU - Worlds Away (Lyrics) feat. Emma Hewitt - Duration: 3:53.


3LAU - Touch (Lyrics) feat. Carly Paige - Duration: 3:26.


For more infomation >> 3LAU - Touch (Lyrics) feat. Carly Paige - Duration: 3:26.


Dutch minister resigns, Boris Johnson's credibility, and bad Valentines (Tweets of the Week, Ep. 35) - Duration: 3:46.

Hello and welcome to EU Tweets of the Week.

This week the Dutch Foreign Minister resigns, Boris Johnson's credibility declines,

and Twitter is awash with bad Valentines!

Dutch Foreign Minister Halbe Zijlstra stepped down on Tuesday, just one day after admitting

he lied about attending a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Zijlstra claimed that at a 2006 meeting, Putin said he considered Belarus,

Ukraine and the Baltic states a "Greater Russia."

This lie became lore, said Glenn Greenwald.

The resignation means the Netherlands still has its values intact,

according to Joseph Barri. Unlike you know who.

Alice Stollmeyer thought it was good that some politicians

still have the decency to resign over telling a half-truth.

Looking at you, Putin, Erdogan and Trump.

Joris Luyendijk saw it as proof that the UK needs another

"Glorious Revolution where the Dutch come over to sort them out."

Wolfgang Blau said Zijlstra's resignation sets the bar extremely high for Boris Johnson.

And on Wednesday Bojo gave a speech trying to convince Remainers

and Brexiteers to come together to back Brexit.

Good luck with that!

That's like a Labrador with a chewed-up slipper in its mouth

telling people not to be upset about dogs destroying stuff.

Johnson said reversing Brexit would be a "disastrous mistake".

Well, it would be for him, according to Chris Smith.

"If Brexit doesn't happen, Johnson's political career will be over.

He's hitched himself to a catastrophe," he said.

As for Johnson's hope for a "liberal Brexit," most liberals don't want Brexit

and most Brexiteers aren't liberal, said Stephen Bush.

Matt Turner said that Johnson's speech was all foam and no beer.

And John Rain summed up the entire thing in one GIF.

Finally Wednesday was Valentine's Day and of course every man and his dog

wanted to get in on the action by shoehorning romance

into even the most tedious marketing messaging.

But first the winners.

I wanted some glamour Like Marilyn or Doris

But my Valentine's Day Was spent watching Boris

tweeted spoof account Martini Seltzermayr.

Following up with:

Brexit is daft But I've found something dafter

Real Donald Trump Wants to pull out of NAFTA

MEP Antanas Guoga‏ said there should be "no borders for love and happiness."

And as a chocolate lorry arrived outside the Berlaymont,

Tom Moylan‏ commented that "someone went all out this year!"

Digital rights group EDRi said

Roses are red, violets are blue,

you have a dating life, your data has too.

And in the same vein, the UK Information Commissioner's Office

also tweeted‏ "We love GDPR because it gives individuals increased rights

to access their data" and asked people to tell of their GDPR romance!

Now, I love the GDPR as much as anyone, but even I think that's a bit OTT!

Others jumping on the bandwagon include the European Commission,

The European Emergency Numbers Association

Commissioner Carlos Moedas

DG Environment, who get a special dispensation for their "love is in the air" line,

The European LPG Association

and so many, many more.

But the most cringeworthy award goes to the British Department of Work and Pensions,

who thought Valentine's Day was a great chance to draw attention to benefit fraud!

This week we're supported by eurelectric.

They've just had a rebrand, so check out their new look at

That's it for this week.

But join me again next week for more chuckles, cringes and comebacks

in the Brussels Bubble Twittersphere.

and send in your suggestions using the hashtag #EUTweets.

For more infomation >> Dutch minister resigns, Boris Johnson's credibility, and bad Valentines (Tweets of the Week, Ep. 35) - Duration: 3:46.


Kwanza Osajyefo Talks BLACK at the Sixth Annual Black Comic Book Festival - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Kwanza Osajyefo Talks BLACK at the Sixth Annual Black Comic Book Festival - Duration: 4:58.


NASA footage taken in 1968 on a circumlunar orbit - Duration: 1:39.

The network is hotly discussing a shot from the video shot 24 December 1968 on a circumlunar orbit during the mission NASA - Apollo 8 and leaked into the network. Allegedly, in the frame, on the reverse side of the Moon, which From the Earth it is impossible to observe, astronauts are sealed MOON CITIES ...

Conspiracy experts are sure that these are cities of aliens, which they specifically hid on the reverse side Moon, so that we can not detect them

Scientists also insist that this is some kind of geological activity the surface of the moon ...

For more infomation >> NASA footage taken in 1968 on a circumlunar orbit - Duration: 1:39.


L.A. Colors Shadow By Number: Dollar Tree Gold? - Duration: 8:09.

everybody welcome back to my channel so today's video is a dollar tree gold and

it is on the LA Colors shadow buy number step by step tutorial I shadow palette I

did get it in foxy formulas looks really really pretty

I haven't tried this yet so there's gonna be a first impression see if it's

a dollar tree Gold if you'd like to see that then please keep on watching make

sure you subscribe to my channel hit that notification bell I upload a video

every single day of the week and I don't want you to miss any so let's go ahead

and get started okay so they had quite a few different little quads but I thought

this one looked really really pretty it looked perfect for Valentine's Day

so and obviously I've been trying more and more la colors and they do seem to

be pretty good quality so I'm excited to see this so you know packaging is a

little cheap but guys at the dollar so

guys that is pigmented and then this is number two of like kind of topi shade oh

that is gorgeous

number three is kind of like a raspberry very nice and light and then number four

is the darkest shade and it's kind of more of like a purpley tone to berry

really really pretty those are gorgeous so um I definitely think it's cool that

you can definitely do this by number like a plain number one it kind of gives

you like a little instructions on the back so that's really really cool but

I'm just gonna go ahead and apply it how I would normally would apply my makeup

so I'm gonna take number one that very lightest shade and I'm just oh guys a

lot of kick up a lot of fall out okay and I'm just going to write the brow

sorry guys I'm not wearing any face makeup um I just got done doing like a

mask and exfoliating and I like to give my skin some

time before I put me like face makeup on so did some eyebrows a little bit broken

out but you know it's all good okay and then I think I'm gonna go in with

number three and just start using that as kind of like a crease color and I'm

just using my wet and wild brush number three definitely doesn't seem to have as

much fall out and there is still some but it's not as bad for sure okay it did

prime my eyes I always do with some concealer and powder that is nice and

pigmented I'm surprised because swatches are gorgeous you know

so watches can be really really nice but that doesn't mean that's what they're

gonna look like so

I'm really pretty like a soft wash of color almost we'd go ahead and pick up

number four that dark yes berry shade I'm just gonna use that to build up my

crease a little bit more

really really pretty I definitely do think you know you would need to bring

some other shadows into this I think like a black would really offset these

colors I mean for a dollar I mean formula is really really nice

they're pigmented they're blending great

really pretty okay and I'm gonna go in with that number two which is kind of

like that topi champagne shade okay and I'm just gonna do it on my finger pack

sound nice

there's really really pretty champagne shade really really pretty actually it's

really creamy awesome

I think this shade would be perfect we're doing like us like a spotlight

effect I

really really pretty okay I'm gonna go in and go in with that darkest number

four again real quick and I just want to pack this on the outer corner just to do

a little bit more definition they're all pretty shimmery too there's not really

any matte shades in this so I definitely do think you would have to bring in some

mats and some darker shades but it's really really pretty they're really

pretty actually

but but no guys I'm super impressed but guys you can see how creamy it is it's

actually like starting to like kind of it's that that champagne II shade is

just so pretty I mean it's just a really really pretty palette you know they're

pigmented but it's more like a sheer wash of color I mean they're pretty I

think that they had definitely worth a dollar so the LA Colors shadow buy

number yeah guys I'm definitely saying it is a Dollar Tree gold I think it's

really really pretty that champagne shade and there is stunning I definitely

think that you know with a full you know look I think this would be really really

pretty a little bit of liner and some mascara and stuff but I mean it is

really really pretty blends out beautifully and yeah I don't

think you could I think for a dollar you know getting a little quad I think it is

a great deal so but yeah I think it's really really pretty I think it's

gorgeous but yeah I would definitely recommend going and checking out your

local Dollar Tree to see if they have these they had like three or four other

quads I definitely think that this one is beautiful like I said it kind of

reminded me of Valentine's Day so next time I go the dollar store I'll

definitely see if they have any more and I would I'm personally gonna pick them

up but yeah this is a 36 month shelf life on it which is really really good

it has the little instructions on how to use this on the back but I think it's

really really pretty thumbs up Dollar Tree Gold for sure but

you guys thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this week's Dollar

Tree Gold if you did then please go ahead and give it a thumbs up make sure

you also share this video loving LA Colors they are doing an awesome job

with the makeup and it's super super affordable make sure that you also

follow me on my other social media twitter facebook Instagram and snapchat

is all at budget glam babe and I will see you guys tomorrow for another video

have a great one guys


For more infomation >> L.A. Colors Shadow By Number: Dollar Tree Gold? - Duration: 8:09.


Mary Had A Little Lamb | Plus Lots More Nursery Rhymes | By HuggyBoBo - Duration: 12:57.

Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb Mary had a little lamb his fleece was white as snow

And everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went, everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go

He followed her to school one day, school one day, school one day, he followed her to school one day which was against the rules

It made the children laugh and play laugh and play, laugh and play, it made the children laugh and play to see a lamb at school

The three little kittens, they lost their mittens

And they began to cry

Oh, mother dear, we sadly fear

Our mittens we have lost


Lost your mittens, you naughty kittens

Then you shall have no pie

Meow, meow, meow, meow

We shall have no pie

The three little kittens, they found their mittens

And they began to cry

Oh, mother dear, see here, see here

Our mittens we have found

Put on your mittens, you silly kittens

And you shall have some pie

Meow, meow, meow, meow

We shall have some pie

The three little kittens, they washed their mittens

And hung them out to dry

Oh, mother dear, do you not hear

Our mittens we have washed


Washed your mittens, you¬タルre good kittens

But I smell a mouse nearby

Meow, meow, meow, meow

We smell a mouse nearby

Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating her curds and whey.

Along came a spider who sat down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away.

Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating her curds and whey.

Along came a spider who sat down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away.

Twinkle twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are

Twinkle twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are

Mary, Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow?

With silver bells and cockle shells and pretty maids in a row.

Mary, Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow?

What secrets, tell your magic spells, the pretty maids want to know.

Mary, Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow?

With silver bells and cockle shells and pretty maids in a row.

Mary, Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow?

What secrets, tell your magic spells, the pretty maids want to know.

I had a little nut tree, nothing would it bear, but a silver nutmeg and a golden pear

The King of Spain's daughter came to visit me and all for the sake of my little nut tree

Her dress was made of crimson jet-black was her hair she asked me for my nutmeg and my golden pear

I said, "So fair a princess never did I see I'll give you all the fruit from my little nut tree"

Pat a cake, pat a cake baker's man bake me a cake as fast as you can

Pat it and shape it and mark it with "B" and bake it in the oven for baby and me

Pat a cake, pat a cake baker's man bake me a cake as fast as you can

Pat it and shape it and mark it with "B" and bake it in the oven for baby and me

Pat a cake, pat a cake baker's man bake me a cake as fast as you can

Pat it and shape it and mark it with "B" and bake it in the oven for baby and me

For more infomation >> Mary Had A Little Lamb | Plus Lots More Nursery Rhymes | By HuggyBoBo - Duration: 12:57.


DIY Makeup Storage and Organization | DIY Pringles Multi-purpose Storage Stand - Duration: 3:53.

hello friends and welcome to today's video. So today's video is the third part of our DIY makeup

organizer series / DIY recycle do to as we are going to use products that usually

go into the bin but we have made them into useful product so if

you're interested to find out more please keep on watching but first we

don't forget to click on subscribe button and a little notification bell . let's make

this family grow and yea without further ado let's get started with the video

you can use it for various thing in the kitchen as a makeup organizer as a

stationary holder it is a multi-purpose product so yeah the star of today's

video is a Pringle box to make this easy DIY you will need a Pringle box ONE TIN (optional)

some decorative paper double-sided Tape and a pair of scissors

STEP number one once you have your long pringle container cut it in half with

the help of a scissor it is something that I thought it was not possible but

eventually it worked so go ahead and cut the pringle box into half step

number two measure your decorative paper according to the size of your box it

should not be too long eventually if you get it according to

the real size it's better but yeah you you should measure it out don't go by

estimation do a proper measuring with a ruler etc number three you have to glue

the paper onto the pringle box now eventually you can use the traditional

paper glue but it did not work that much because I'd left the packaging of the

Pringle box on so you may want to get rid of the packaging of the Pringle box

or if you like me just go and look for a double-sided tape a transparent one and

just place it around the box and you won't need any other glue so once

you re done with the glue just roll around the box around these decorative

papers and if you have excess paper on both sides as you can see on the video

I'm using my scissors to cut bits of the paper all around and then gluing them

individually please see the video well and do the same if you're going to just

put put everything in it is not going to be beautiful

mine is not that beautiful yet but it is going to be worse if you do it the other

yeah that's all I got for you guys today I think that this DIY container

actually can help us in many ways and use it in your kitchen you can use it to

put some flowers and plants into it you can also

other makeup organizer you can also use it as a stationary organizer so many

options with just a box of pringle and don't forget to click on the subscribe button and

the little notification bell to be notified every time our video comes up

Till next , take care

For more infomation >> DIY Makeup Storage and Organization | DIY Pringles Multi-purpose Storage Stand - Duration: 3:53.


Tomapork Caveman style / Pork Tomahawk steak - Duration: 3:56.

Welcome at BensBQ.

Would you like to make Toma Pork steaks, like these?

Stay tuned!

Because we use the caveman style, we first heat the charcoal

And we will prepare these beautiful tomaporks.

I have wrapped the bones in foil so that they don't burn.

But believe me the fat on the tomaporks will certainly cause a lot of smoke.

We flip the steaks after 4 minutes.

We take the steaks off after another 4 minutes.

It's going to look good already

We place the grate and a drip tray.

Until we reach a core of 55°C / 131°F.

And if my steaks are on it

we do braaisout on it.

On this side.

Then flip.

And on the other side.

We close the lid.

when it reaches the right core

they go directly on the charcoal for another minute.

Then they can go off.

And if the tomaporks have rested, we will cut it.

And we will taste.

Juicy, tender, Toma pork


I would say until BensBQ.

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