Friday, February 16, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 16 2018

hello and welcome live 10 where you'll find tips remedies and tips

to relieve your ailments and diseases do not forget to subscribe to our channel ...

Eat cucumbers and heal yourself - 13 magnificent health benefits of cucumbers.

Cucumbers are incredibly vegetable healthy ones that are a rich source of minerals,

especially potassium, eliminate toxins of the body and offer innumerable benefits

to health.

Today I will give you 13 incredible reasons to consume them as natural medicine ..


Treat diabetes, reduce cholesterol and the blood pressure levels.

The juice of cucumbers contains a hormone necessary for the production of insulin,

and the content of magnesium, potassium and fiber It also reduces cholesterol levels

and regulates blood pressure.


Protects the kidneys

Cucumbers support the function of the kidneys, since they reduce urinary acids in the




Cucumber water cleanses toxins of the organs of the body and breaks the calculations



Hydrates the body

Cold cucumbers will help you hydrate the body and treat memory problems.



Cucumbers, especially their peel, stimulate the immune system, because they are rich

in essential vitamins, such as vitamins A, B and C.



Cucumbers are loaded with magnesium, potassium and silica.


Calm the stomach and treat wounds.

Cucumbers soothe stomach upset and they also relieve wounds and cuts.


Fresh mouth

Cucumbers treat infections in the cavity oral and cool the breath.

To destroy the bad bacteria that cause bad breath, just chew a piece

of cucumber in your mouth for 1 minute.


Renew skin and nails.

High silica content increases growth of the hair and makes it strong and bright.


Remove dark circles under the eyes.

Place slices of cucumber in your eyes to reduce swelling and dark circles under

from them.


Relieves arthritis

Cucumbers strengthen the connective tissues, and in combination with carrot juice,

reduces urinary acids and relieves pain due to arthritis.

12 Stop the hangover.

The consumption of a cucumber will provide high amounts of sugar, vitamin B and electrolytes,

so it will effectively treat the hangover in the morning.


It helps digestion and weight loss.

Since they are full of water and have few calories, the cucumbers are perfect for

Help you lose weight and melt fat accumulated in the body.

I hope that the information that has been very useful as I will be uploading

videos often about tips and remedies tips to improve our health

if you liked the video do not forget to subscribe and share it with your friends ...

For more infomation >> 13 great health benefits of cucumbers - Duration: 3:31.


Pilar de la Identidad: Base de una Autoestima Sana y Buena Conducta (4 Pilares de Oro para educar) - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Pilar de la Identidad: Base de una Autoestima Sana y Buena Conducta (4 Pilares de Oro para educar) - Duration: 4:44.


Darwin Quintero y William Da Silva podrían ver el duelo contra Veracruz desde las gradas - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Darwin Quintero y William Da Silva podrían ver el duelo contra Veracruz desde las gradas - Duration: 1:20.


Conozca el Increible Ejercicio Para Curar LA IMPOTENCIA SEXUAL Y LA EJACULACIÓN PRECOZ - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Conozca el Increible Ejercicio Para Curar LA IMPOTENCIA SEXUAL Y LA EJACULACIÓN PRECOZ - Duration: 2:40.





PayPal Percent: descuentos en compras online - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> PayPal Percent: descuentos en compras online - Duration: 6:58.


María de Todos Los Angeles | Albertano tiene un encuentro romántico con María - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> María de Todos Los Angeles | Albertano tiene un encuentro romántico con María - Duration: 1:47.


Los 6 errores que acabaron con la derrota de light Yagami - Duration: 17:13.

For more infomation >> Los 6 errores que acabaron con la derrota de light Yagami - Duration: 17:13.


Don't eat my noodle! Funny eating show, noodle, toy, mart, family. RIWORLD - Duration: 5:22.


It looks so delicious

so good

Can I eat your noodle ?


No. I don't want to do

After RIWON is sleeping, then I will eat

Oh, it is last one

What am I supposed to do?

You can not eat. because she will disappoint to you

Don't hesitate ,before she get up

I made my mind

I am gonna eat this

So delicious~

What is this smell?

Oh my PORORO noodle

Oh my PORORO noodle

Daddy! how could you eat my PORORO noodle?

it was last one

Sorry, I was so hungry

I found it!

Let's cook these noodles

Let's eat now


Can I eat your noodle together?

Of course

So delicious

It is awesome!

Take this

For more infomation >> Don't eat my noodle! Funny eating show, noodle, toy, mart, family. RIWORLD - Duration: 5:22.


【Pokemon GO】 Chinese new year event! Where's the different color Potieena? ! Edition # 79 - Duration: 4:53.

Good afternoon everybody!

Ayahaya is a hay of a channel

It is noisy.

Subscribe thanking you

From today I do not have much familiarity in Japan, In China,Indonesia,Asia

The New Year called Lunar New Year has begun

Haya got a rice cake in New Year and got a new year 's ball?

Today in good evening in China and for about a week You have good night! I envy you


Since four kinds of dog-type Pokemon has appeared from 16th to 17th,let's catch it for a moment

Fourth Generation?

It's third generation

so! It seems that the color difference of Potiena is appearing,so I want that too! Let's get four types of dogs Pokemon first

What kind of ball? May I use blue?

I took it! Great! !

Face is close close! !

I caught the first one

By saying that, It's a simple movie that captures all four types, I would like to try it

Pokemon Go!

Ayahaya channel

Disaster and malfunction (not a color difference)

I took it! Although it was not great

You did it.

Lacraye came out

Shall we catch the blue (Super Bowl)!

Has entered!

You can use only shear

(Now sound) What is this? what's this?

What's on my moment? Perhaps I think the raid fight has begun

Hahaha Oh yeah! I'll catch the blue again

(To Girty) Get it! (Present!)

Let's use only shear

(State of relief) captured! You did it.

Yes! Blue has arrived

Before you came here,how many petienas saw

There is still no color difference yet

Shall we make it a hyper ball?

(I am cutting it but to haya which makes mistakes several times) Can you catch it?

Hooray! Was caught

(In relation to time) Only one more place Because I get close to the place where it gathers a lot With this I give up

(Even though I arrive) Did it go out but it disappeared?

I got past my house. It is the last Potiena

Oh - ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー That's too bad

Have you found the different color of Potiena? Have you been found?

Please tell me when you find it

(I want to go to the toilet Haya) Also please register your channel and good button. Yes yes

Yes! I will give up today. Everyone please do your best,too.

Then I will search for daddy,but I can not find it

Thank you for seeing it to the end

Thank you very much

Subscribe to this video if you like Good button,thank you

There are lots of other videos too,so please watch it

For more infomation >> 【Pokemon GO】 Chinese new year event! Where's the different color Potieena? ! Edition # 79 - Duration: 4:53.


LIGHTS Hold on we're going home - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> LIGHTS Hold on we're going home - Duration: 3:58.


Nuevo Canal.- Bienvenidos - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Nuevo Canal.- Bienvenidos - Duration: 1:04.


Mine Survival #4: Caverna cavernosa (parte 2) - Duration: 11:55.

For more infomation >> Mine Survival #4: Caverna cavernosa (parte 2) - Duration: 11:55.


Relaxing Instrumental Study ...

For more infomation >> Relaxing Instrumental Study ...


15 Facts That Sound Fake, But Aren't - Duration: 6:51.

• What plant is bigger than a Wal-Mart store?

How can you tell the difference between hot and cold… by HEARING it?

Here are 15 completely random facts that sound completely made-up… but they're not, and

we're going to tell you why.

15 –Heroin was marketed to children • In the late 1890s, German drug company

Bayer made a ton of money by selling aspirin as a pain reliever.

• But that's not all they sold.

Bayer also promoted the use of heroin, specifically for children.

• The line between narcotics and medicine has always been a thin one, but Bayer decided

to stop selling heroin to kids once people figured out what heroin actually was.

14 – Silly putty shatters • Silly Putty is rarely subjected to anything

more severe than someone just stretching it in their hands.

• And because it's soft and stretchy, you would expect it to just always be soft

and stretchy.

• Not so.

• Some researchers proved it with an experiment.

They put 50 pounds of Silly Putty together and dropped it 5 stories… and it didn't

splat on the ground.

It SHATTERED, like an ball of glass.

13 – There's a tree bigger than a Wal-Mart • The Banyan tree looks like an entire,

gigantic forest.

• But it isn't a forest.

It's one tree.

One giant, connected tree that covers a surface area of about 156 thousand square feet.

• For reference, the average Wal-Mart covers about 105 thousand square feet – only about

two-thirds of the size of the Banyan tree.

12 – You're twice as likely to be killed by a vending machine than a shark

• The annual risk of being killed in a shark attack is about one in 250 million.

• As a comparison, the risk of being killed by a vending machine is about one in 112 million,

and the risk of being struck by lightning is about one in 7 million.

• By the way, the odds of winning the Powerball jackpot are about one in 292 million.

11 – Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire

• Sure, you probably knew that Oxford University is one of the oldest universities in the world.

But you probably didn't know it was THIS old.

• Teaching started at Oxford in 1096.

Over the next 150 years, it expanded and became a full-fledged university in 1249, and has

been in operation basically ever since.

• Meanwhile, the Aztec empire was founded in 1325, and overrun by Spanish conquistadors

in 1521.

10 – An 18-inch pizza is more pizza than two 12-inch pizzas

• It sounds absurd, but math backs this up.

• Circles increase in area with their length of their radius, so it's true – a 12-inch

pizza gets you twice as much pizza as two 8-inch pizzas, and an 18-inch pizza is more

than two 12-inch pizzas.

• Also, an 18-inch pizza has more than 5 times as much as an 8-inch pizza, but probably

costs half as much.

• Always order the big pizza.

That's the rule.

The challenge now is getting everyone to agree on toppings.

9 – Everest's first measurement was fudged to make it seem more real

• Mount Everest is the tallest above-land mountain on Earth at a height of 29,035 feet.

• But early surveyors who measured it initially measured it to exactly 29 thousand feet.

• With such a round number, they were concerned that people would think they just made it

up, so they actually fudged the measurement and called it 29,002 feet.

8 – A strawberry is not a berry, but a banana is

• It's a simple test.

Berries have seeds inside them.

• Strawberries have their seeds on the outside.

• Bananas have their seeds on the inside.

• You're welcome.

7 – A day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus

• Venus rotates in the opposite direction that Earth does, and very, very slowly.

• It actually rotates slower than it orbits the Sun, which means that its day is longer

than its year.

• That means the Sun rises twice a year on Venus… and also twice a DAY.

6 – You can hear the difference between hot and cold water

• You wouldn't think you could, but if you try, it is actually very easy to tell

the difference between warm water and cold water, simply by listening to it being poured.

• The reason for this is that water has a different viscosity, or "thickness,"

at different temperatures.

• All liquids have this property, which is why warm honey behaves differently than

cold honey.

• And speaking of honey...

5 – Honey has no expiration date • When an ancient Egyptian tomb was excavated,

one of the things archeologists found was a jar of honey.

• The honey was thousands of years old, perfectly preserved – and just as edible

as it would have been on day one.

• Honey never spoils – EVER – due to a combination of its acidity, lack of water

content, and the existence of hydrogen peroxide.

4 – Hot water can freeze faster than cold water

• This is a strange phenomenon called the Mpemba effect.

It has been observed over time by Aristotle, Francis Bacon, and Rene Descartes,but didn't

enter the modern scientific canon until 1969.

• The effect occurs if you take two containers of water, identical in size, volume, and basically

everything but temperature.

• Put those two containers in freezing temperatures, and the warmer one will regularly freeze before

the colder one.

• The conditions have to be just right, and the water has to be close in temperature

– water that's near boiling won't freeze before water that's just above the freezing


3 – France executed its last person by guillotine in 1977

• Just in case you thought Marie Antoinette and her powdered wig were the last people

to be put under the guillotine… nope.

• The last man to be executed by guillotine in France breathed his last on September 11,

1977 – the same day as the premiere of Star Wars.

2 – There is a lost nuclear bomb off the coast of Georgia

• On Feburary 5th, 1958, an Air Force bomber collided with a fighter jet during a training

exercise, damaging both planes.

• The pilot feared the nuclear bomb the plane was carrying might come loose as he

was landing, so he ditched it in the water before landing the plane safely.

• The Navy conducted a two-month search for the bomb, but was never able to find it.

So it still just sits there, at the bottom of the ocean.

1 – A headless chicken lived for 18 more months

• In September of 1945, Lloyd and Clara Olsen were just doing their usual farm activities

– chopping the heads off of chickens and cleaning them out for sale.

• But one of those chickens, after having its head chopped off, got up and continued

walking around.

So they put it in a box overnight and waited… and in the morning, it was STILL alive.

• They turned their headless chicken into a sideshow attraction, feeding it by dropping

liquid food directly into its esophagus.

• Miracle Mike the headless chicken lived another 18 months before – of all things

– choking to death in the middle of the night.

For more infomation >> 15 Facts That Sound Fake, But Aren't - Duration: 6:51.


Iron & Wine - Bitter Truth [OFFICIAL VIDEO] - Duration: 3:01.

♪ Our missing pieces walked between us ♪

♪ When we were moving through the door ♪

♪ You called them mine ♪

♪ I called them yours ♪

♪ You would make me ♪

♪ Get so angry ♪

♪ Then I'd stay there on my own ♪

♪ We've both made peace ♪

♪ But all alone ♪

♪ Some call it talking blues ♪

♪ Some call it bitter truth ♪

♪ Some call it getting even in a song ♪

♪ I kept reading ♪

♪ Hidden meanings ♪

♪ You would rage how I was wrong ♪

♪ And life was too short ♪

♪ And you'd stay too long ♪

♪ Let's be honest ♪

♪ We were strongest ♪

♪ Until I let you drag me down ♪

♪ I was sorry then ♪

♪ I'm not now ♪

♪ Some get a garden heart ♪

♪ Some get a riverside ♪

♪ Some get a house ♪

♪ that lets the years go by ♪

♪ That life has ended ♪

♪ You seem contented ♪

♪ While the graveside flowers die ♪

♪ I call them yours ♪

♪ You call them mine ♪

♪ Nothing makes silence ♪

♪ Like experience ♪

♪ There's a message in my eyes ♪

♪ You better love yourself ♪

♪ 'Cause I tried ♪

♪ Some call it talking blues ♪

♪ Some call it bitter truth ♪

♪ Some call it getting even in a song ♪

For more infomation >> Iron & Wine - Bitter Truth [OFFICIAL VIDEO] - Duration: 3:01.


TOP 3 SOMALI RAPPERS 2018 (Mo G, Puffy L'z, Top5) - Duration: 3:20.

This is Mo G, a rapper from Toronto, Canada.

He is very talented, and can both dance and rap at the same time

He speaks about in this thing "Akhria Mode" about the feud with drake, and not rocking with those type off people.

Puffy L'z also a somalien rapper from the same area as Mo G

He is very talented and has got a shout out from drake himself.

great rapper

sorry i dont have a great screenrecorder and need to work on my youtube skill...


the one and only top5

he is one of the big guys in the game

he brings out a vibe and is also very good dancer...

yup thats what i said...

other than his cringy fucking dance moves

he actually make good music

i hope u liked all of this so far... please sub if you would like to see more.

For more infomation >> TOP 3 SOMALI RAPPERS 2018 (Mo G, Puffy L'z, Top5) - Duration: 3:20.


How to: Background Music - TakeInspiration #1 - Duration: 1:22:38.

Subtitles available soon

For more infomation >> How to: Background Music - TakeInspiration #1 - Duration: 1:22:38.


🔴Tyrosine Transaminase Deficiency by German Oscillatory Medicine.|428Hz. - Duration: 11:02.

It is a healing video channel that can experience the frequency which is said to increase self healing power by listening with earphones.

This sound source contains frequencies of bands that can not be heard much.

Early disabled people can expect effects by vibration from the earphone.

After exiting, please take enough moisture. Please turn off the fluorescent light.

To obtain the effect of this video please listen for at least 5 minutes.

All videos are posted on the official page "428 Hz Hybrid Sound".

We are waiting for requests.

Please register your channel.

Thank you very much.

For more infomation >> 🔴Tyrosine Transaminase Deficiency by German Oscillatory Medicine.|428Hz. - Duration: 11:02.


After Special Counsel Finds ZERO Evidence Against Trump, Mueller BUSTED By Federal Court - Duration: 6:22.

After Special Counsel Finds ZERO Evidence Against Trump, Mueller BUSTED By Federal Court.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller announced the indictment of 13 Russians, and the leftists

were going nuts.

Then, reality hit them hard as Mueller's report said, "No Americans involved."

In fact, this bullcrap indictment of 13 Russians, who aren't even in the United States, means

millions in tax dollars have been wasted.

In response, the federal court is busting Mueller big time as he viciously set up a

military hero to be the fall guy.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russian Nationals today and found they engaged

in a social media campaign to cause "discord" by backing Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.

Mueller's investigation is a bust.

There's no evidence any Americans were involved — no hacking, no collusion, a huge nothing


But, there's one man whose life was ruined by Mueller over this farce of an investigation.

Remember General Mike Flynn?

He was known to be a huge enemy of Barack Obama.

In fact, the former president fired Flynn when the general disagreed with his bogus

foreign policy of giving in to the Islamic State.

Then, when Donald Trump ran for president, Flynn jumped on board the Trump Train, and

that pissed off Hillary Clinton.

So, what happened to Flynn? Trump won and made him his National Security Adviser.

Then, when that hack, Robert Mueller, was appointed to save Barack Obama, James Comey,

and the rest of the deep state with their illegal spying scheme on Trump, Mueller found

out Flynn spoke to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Mueller decided to set Flynn up, even though he did not break the law.

"Because Flynn was a Trump transition official and incoming national-security adviser, there

was nothing at all inappropriate about his discussing Obama-imposed sanctions against

Russia with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak," reports the National Review.

You may be thinking, "Didn't Flynn plead guilty?"

Yep, to lying to the FBI, but so did Hillary Clinton.

It really isn't something people go to jail for.

Now, it's coming out that Flynn did not lie at all and was set up by a vicious and

vindictive Robert Mueller — and the federal court is busting Mueller over this now.

"Comey," Byron York reports, "told lawmakers that the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn

did not believe that Flynn had lied to them, or that any inaccuracies in his answers were


So, even Comey couldn't find anything to charge Flynn with.

Way back in December 2016, he reported, "Flynn did not lie."

But, that was before Comey was fired.

Something really funny happened after Comey got fired and his best buddy Robert Mueller

became the Special Counsel.

All of a sudden, Flynn is indicted for lying to the FBI.

Isn't that strange?

This military hero, who did nothing wrong, is set up by these rats, and they held Flynn's

son over his head to get the general to plead guilty.

They wanted Flynn to turn on Trump.

They wanted Flynn to lie and say Trump colluded with the Russians.

As a man of honor, Flynn took the fall, and at that point, he was running out of money

to pay his defense lawyers and Mueller knew it.

The National Review reports, "Mueller decided to charge Flynn with lying to the FBI anyway.

And Flynn decided to plead guilty — perhaps because he was guilty . . . or perhaps because

he lacked the resources to sustain the legal fight . . . or perhaps because he feared Mueller's

team would otherwise prosecute his son."

The judge who accepted Flynn's guilty plea was Rudolph Contreras.

Mysteriously, just days after taking Flynn's plea, Judge Contreras recused himself from

the case.

Now, we know why.

Judge Contreas was also the FISA court judge who signed off on the illegal FISA warrants.

See how that works?

But, never fear, the new judge recently appointed to Flynn's case just busted Mueller.

The jig is up for ole' Robert Mueller.

The court was getting ready to sentence Fynn, but all of a sudden, boom, Mueller gets jumpy.

He knows Devin Nunes and the GOP House Intel Committee are hot on his trail.

So, Mueller postponed the sentencing.

The Daily Caller reports, "Notably, the recent postponement of General Flynn's sentencing

provides an opportunity for more evidence to be revealed that will provide massive ammunition

for a motion to withdraw Flynn's guilty plea and dismiss the charges against him."

They add that Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, the new judge on the Flynn case, "immediately

issued what is called a 'Brady' order requiring Mueller to provide Flynn all information

that is favorable to the defense whether with respect to guilt or punishment.

Just today, Mueller's team filed an agreed motion to provide discovery to General Flynn

under a protective order so that it can be reviewed by counsel but not disclosed otherwise."

The Daily Caller goes on to say that this new judge, Emmet G. Sullivan, doesn't like

dirty prosecutors and that, in the past, he has excoriated dirty dogs like Mueller, and

it looks like Mueller is "crapping his pants."

Former Federal Prosecutor Sidney Powell reports, "Emmet G. Sullivan is one judge who is ready,

willing and able to hold Mr. Mueller accountable to the law and who has the wherewithal to

dismiss the case against General Flynn — for egregious government misconduct — if Mueller

doesn't move to dismiss it himself."

This is just another indicator of how dirty the Special Counsel was from the very beginning.

As the idiot Democrats continue to insist "President Donald Trump colluded with the

Russians" to keep Hillary Clinton from getting elected, the entire case has fallen apart.

You can't tell them that, though, because losers like Adam Schiff continue to lie, and

to think these swamp creatures would have let a military hero, an honorable man like

General Michael Flynn, go to prison knowing he did no wrong — what kind of people do


It's the worse kind of people who in another time would have been shot for treason.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> After Special Counsel Finds ZERO Evidence Against Trump, Mueller BUSTED By Federal Court - Duration: 6:22.


Don't eat my noodle! Funny eating show, noodle, toy, mart, family. RIWORLD - Duration: 5:22.


It looks so delicious

so good

Can I eat your noodle ?


No. I don't want to do

After RIWON is sleeping, then I will eat

Oh, it is last one

What am I supposed to do?

You can not eat. because she will disappoint to you

Don't hesitate ,before she get up

I made my mind

I am gonna eat this

So delicious~

What is this smell?

Oh my PORORO noodle

Oh my PORORO noodle

Daddy! how could you eat my PORORO noodle?

it was last one

Sorry, I was so hungry

I found it!

Let's cook these noodles

Let's eat now


Can I eat your noodle together?

Of course

So delicious

It is awesome!

Take this

For more infomation >> Don't eat my noodle! Funny eating show, noodle, toy, mart, family. RIWORLD - Duration: 5:22.


Maybelline Superstay Foundation Review Part 2 - Duration: 7:35.

Hi this is Monique and today I'm going to do a beauty review on Maybelline makeup

products if you saw one of my reviews a couple of weeks ago I did one on the

superstay full coverage foundation and the one that I used was truffle and that

this one so you can't really tell in the bottle the accurate shade I put it up

like when I was in the store I put it up against my skin and I thought it was a

little bit dark but it wasn't until I took photos that I realized that it was

super super dark when I was sitting next to one of my sisters so in the winter my

skin is like brighter than it is in the summer it's darker so I'm keeping

truffle I'm not throwing it away but I'm going to be doing a review with

3:56 warm coconut and with 360 mocha

so I'm sure if you put them side by side you can tell the difference you can tell

that it's a progressive shade darker on the left

compared to the right so first off the packaging I love great job Maybelline

the only thing that I don't like is on the newer ones or which one is it so on

the two darker shades on 360 and 362 the writing is white so you can read it on

the front of the bottle but on a brighter shade it's it's great you can't

read what color the makeup is in the bottle you have to turn the bottle

around so when you're in the drugstore you have to actually pick it up take it

out and turn it around to see that it is warm coconut on the back so that's the

only thing that I don't like about the bottle but I think it's amazing that

they have a pump sorry I'm gonna use this one it's a pump which is pretty

cool I've got to put this one side so I don't use it so today I'm gonna use I

don't know I think I'm gonna use 360 because I think this one is way too many

for me the 356 but maybe on a different day I'll take a picture and just show

you the difference between 360 and 356 so put that one over I am going to be

using some primer by NYC New York colored it's like a pore minimizer

primer i'm gonna be using covergirl concealer for under my eyes because as

you can see i'm not sleeping very well so even though i'm drinking a ton of

water i'm actually gonna be using this Maybelline kind of lipstick and I think

this one is 70 amazonian yeah you have to look on the bottom which kind of

sucks but it's super stay matte pink I've never tried that before so yeah I'm

going to try that maybe it's Maybelline okay I'm gonna be using also the blush

nudes by Maybelline to do my eyes and the primer for that is gonna be Urban

Decay even though I have raved on this for a while I'm not using my Mac Paint

Pot which I should actually use but I just can't find the Paint Pot right now

so I'm gonna be using that okay so keep watching don't forget to subscribe to my

youtube channel and I'm just gonna speed things up as we go along



so I'm going to take some pictures and then I'll put some more pictures on my

Instagram but don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel

and I'll take some high-gloss pictures to you with my professional camera so

that you can see what the makeup looks like all finished

For more infomation >> Maybelline Superstay Foundation Review Part 2 - Duration: 7:35.


Character (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:30.

Likewise you wise you wives should be subordinate to your husbands so that even if some disobey

the word they may be won over without award they may be won over without award by their

wives conduct when they observe your reverent and chaste behavior Your adornment should

not be an external one braiding the hair wearing gold jewelry or dressing in fine clothes but

rather the hidden character of the heart expressed in the imperishable beauty of a gentle and

calm disposition which is precious in the sight of God for this is also how the holy

women who hoped in God once used to adorn themselves and were subordinate to their husbands

thus Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him Lord you are her children when you do what is good

and fear no intimidation Likewise you husbands should live with your wives in understanding

showing honor to the weaker female sex since we are joint heirs of the gift of life so

that your prayers may not be hindered

For more infomation >> Character (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:30.


Volkswagen Touareg 3.0 V6 TDI R-LINE 263PK - LUCHTVERING - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Touareg 3.0 V6 TDI R-LINE 263PK - LUCHTVERING - Duration: 0:59.


Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI quattro 252pk S tronic Sport - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI quattro 252pk S tronic Sport - Duration: 0:58.


Volkswagen Golf Sportsvan 115pk Comfortline I € 2.500,- Inruilpremie!! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Sportsvan 115pk Comfortline I € 2.500,- Inruilpremie!! - Duration: 1:01.


Victor (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 3:02.

The way we come to know love was that he laid down his life for us so that we ought to lay

down our lives for our brothers If someone who has worldly means sees a brother in need

and refuses him compassion,how can the love of God remain in him?

Children,let us love not in word or speech but indeed and truth

Beloved God so loved us we also must love one another No one has ever seen God yet if

we love one another God remains in us and his love is brought to perfection in us.

This is how we know that we remain in him and he in us that he has given us of his spirit

moreover we have seen and testify that the father sent his son as savoir of the world

whoever acknowledges that Jesus is the son of God God remains in him and he in God

There is no fear in love but perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with

punishment and so one who fears is not yet perfect in love we love because he first loved

us if anyone says i love God but hates his brother he is a liar for whoever does not

love a brother whom he has sen cannot love God whom he has seen.This the commandment

we have from him whoever loves God must also love his brother.Everyone who believes that

Jesus is the Christ is begotten by God and everyone who loves the father loves also the

one begotten by him In this we know that we love children of God when we love God and

obey his commandments For the love of God is this that we keep his commandments and

his commandments are not burdensome for whoever is begotten by God conquers the world and

the victory that conquers the world is our faith who indeed is the victor over the world

For more infomation >> Victor (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 3:02.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK Move up! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK Move up! - Duration: 1:01.


Škoda Octavia 1.4 TSI 140pk Greentech Ambition Business Line - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Škoda Octavia 1.4 TSI 140pk Greentech Ambition Business Line - Duration: 0:58.


Škoda Fabia Combi 1.2 TSI Greentech 90pk Drive | Navi | Nieuw - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Škoda Fabia Combi 1.2 TSI Greentech 90pk Drive | Navi | Nieuw - Duration: 0:58.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90PK 5drs Comfortline Executive Plus | Navigatie | Airco - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90PK 5drs Comfortline Executive Plus | Navigatie | Airco - Duration: 1:00.


Audi Q5 New Q5 2.0 TDI 190pk S-Tron. Sport - Virtual cockpit - leder/alcanta - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Audi Q5 New Q5 2.0 TDI 190pk S-Tron. Sport - Virtual cockpit - leder/alcanta - Duration: 0:56.


Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 TSI 125PK Comfortline Business - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 TSI 125PK Comfortline Business - Duration: 0:59.


Audi A3 Sportback 1.2 S-TRONIC AUTOMAAT AIRCO NAVI - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 1.2 S-TRONIC AUTOMAAT AIRCO NAVI - Duration: 0:57.


I Pierced my WHAT?! || Nipple Piercing Experience - Duration: 13:15.

Okay guys, I am here with Makenna today, and we are getting piercings done!

I am getting my nipples done.

Okay wait, pause. I know that nipple piercings are

not everybody's cup of tea. Some people think they look horrible, some people

think they look really trashy. Personally, I think they look really hot, and I've

actually been wanting them done for a long time now.

I've done a ton of

research when it comes to getting my nipples done,

I actually plan on doing

like a full in-depth video on my channel about this so

if you're not subscribed

to my Caty Culp channel, the link is in the upper right hand corner.

But this video is kind of going to be more of a

my experience with everything this is a

play-by-play of what's happening, and if nipple piercings are not your thing,

that's totally cool! You can skip to this mark in the video to skip ahead of all

of this stuff. And at that point we'll probably get into the rest of the vlog.

Though I will not lie, that the nipple piercings thing will be a dominating

factor in this vlog, pretty sure. So I just wanted to throw that out there and

let's get back to this!

And if you want to know what Makenna is getting done,

step on over to her channel, link in the upper right-hand corner. It's gonna be,

it's gonna be wild. Also, this car is like "what are you people doing?"

Look at how

beautiful all of this is! Oh my gosh. I love these little gold pieces those are

gorgeous. Look at how pretty these are.

I'm filling out the release right now, and I'm terrified.

Picking out jewelry right now. So exciting, and so cool!

It's such a hard decision!

I know they're so cute!

It's happening. I'm like chilling out.

Everything's being autoclaved right now, and all sanitized. It's gonna, it's gonna

get really real here, really quick.


Just laughing at us.

I know! This is so crazy.

I'm like getting nervous for you, I just didn't want to say anything.

Is this how they would rest if you didn't have a shirt on?

Yeah, I would probably just take it... all the way down?

I would do it the other way.

Oh, like this?

Ohhh, that makes sense.

We're doing horizontal, right? Yes, horizontal.

Just marking up.

You said you did three of these today, already? Yeah.

That's nuts.

It's been a busy day!

Right now, we're just marking them out.

Having it even is the most important thing,

which is kind of why I had you adjust that shirt a little bit.

The reason I'm kind of like, flaying these lines out

is just for you, when you look at them. I'm focused just on the center part,

where I'm piercing. But I want you to kind of visualize

how those angles are gonna be.

Placement's pretty key too.

If I go too far back, we're into your areola, which means you're really never going to heal properly.

Too far forward, then they're shallow.

I'm so scared.

Which one do you want to do first?

I hadn't thought about it! Which one do you want to do first?

I normally start with your right.

Okay, that's fine, let's do it.

I'm just gonna get lined up. Okay.

When I do that, you're going to have a little pinch.

You'll just kinda breathe through that.

When I'm ready to go, I'm gonna let you know.

And then you're gonna let me know when you're ready. Okay.

We're just gonna focus on our breaths.

Big, deep breath in. Then out.

On our second exhale is when I pierce you.

Okay. So you're kind of letting me know when you're ready. Okay.

I'm just gonna get lined up. 'Kay.

I'm ready, are you ready?


Big, deep breath.


And again.

All the way out.

Keep breathing, good job.


Hey, I did it! Wow.

You did really good. Thanks!

There's still one more to go.

I can't believe I just pierced my nipple.

Worse than you thought?

No, actually.

I thought it would be worse than that. I kinda

It was quick! I don't really remember it now, to be honest. Even though it just happened a second ago.

Oh that's nice and cold!

Yeeeah. You already know!

You have a slight inversion on this side.

I think I knew that, actually.

This is gonna correct that.

Oh! Well that's a nice benefit. Oh, whoa!

You ready? Yeah.

And, out.

Good job!

Oh that one was way worse!

That brain! Oh, dang!

Getting everything off, and the beads on. Okay, cool.

You did so good!

Oh my gosh, I can't believe I did that.

Just enjoy the adrenaline! Yeah, I'm all shaky, it's great!

It's over! I know! I'm glad you drove.

I know!

I'm all sweaty. My hands are so sweaty.

That first one, I was like, I totally... it was like I forgot about the pain immediately

It was so weird.

That one hurt, though.

That actually looks really cool. Does it look cool? It looks really cool!

Oh I'm excited to see it!

I haven't even looked down yet. I'm kind of like, waiting for a minute. Yeah! I'm excited for you to see.

It's like they're numb. Like, I can't really feel them.

I'm gonna feel them, though.

Oh my gosh, that is SO cool!

Those look SO good!

That's awesome, thank you SO much! Yeah! Thanks for sitting so well.

Oh that's awesome.

That's awesome!

It's fine. It's all good. We did it! Nice!

Guys, if you need piercings done, you need to come

to Ryan. Ryan is the greatest person in the entire world, and he does such good work.

All of his links are in the description bar below, so definitely check him out.

Right now, he is at Higher Ground Tattoo, and he does awesome. We love you Ryan!

Yeah! Ryan's the best!

Oh-kay, I cannot believe I went through with that. I thought it was one

of those things that I'd be like "oh yeah, I'll do that one day!" and then not because

it's terrifying. But I went through with it and everything is good. Right now

everything feels like it's on fire, a little bit sting-y. My left one hurts a

little bit more than my right one, but that was the second one he pierced, and

the second one definitely hurt more than the first. The first one, it was a really

weird thing that happened because, he pierced it, and it was like I almost

immediately forgot about the pain. It hurt pretty bad, I remember it hurting,

but like, I can't remember the sensation, the exact sensation. Pretty weird. So, for

now, I'm gonna take some ibuprofen, because I know

gonna be hurting later. And honestly, I might park myself right in front of the

TV, and just sit on my butt all evening, and taking it really easy. Kitty!

Do you hear this cat? She's going crazy. We also got boba on the way home. It's so

good. I always get taro. So good. I love it.

Well, somebody dumped out all of the clean clothes again. It looks like she

tried to make a nest, and then just gave up and went to her actual nest. Is that what

happened? It's a new day. A quick nipple update: actually they don't hurt at all

right now. I slept basically on my back and kind of

like 3/4 turned, cause usually I'm a side sleeper, so I was really nervous, like how

am I gonna get through sleeping, but I actually did really well. I just slept on

my back, kind of, and turned a little bit but not too much.

Actually, I woke up early on my own. It's only 7 o'clock right now, I didn't even

have an alarm to wake me up. But for the past two days, I've also been waking up

at the crack of dawn to go to the gym, so I think my body is kind of used to it,

which is good. Today is my gym rest day, anyway, so I

timed this really well, because I didn't want to workout right after getting them

done, because that sounds like the most painful thing in the entire world.

Okay, somebody needs food right now.

There you go!

Noel, you want breakfast? You gettin up?

I gotta clean up all the clothes that you knocked over. So right now, they actually

don't hurt at all. I'm actually kind of amazed, because I thought they'd be a lot

more sore. Honestly, right now it just feels like it's a really cold day. Ladies,

you know what I'm saying? And so I expect when it's actually cold outside, it's

going to be like that sensation times like a million, but right now that's like

the only thing that I'm feeling. And I'm so stoked about that! No pain? I'll take it!

For aftercare, it's really easy, basically don't touch

it, leave it alone, don't use your hands to like do anything with it, don't twist

it, don't like move it back and forth. When I was young and I got my original

ears pierced, I got these pierced, these are my first piercings I got when I was

13 I think. I went to Claire's and I got it done with a gun, which, PSA, don't ever

do that. Don't get your piercings done with a gun.

There's a lot of different reasons, I'll link in the description bar below a huge

write-up of like all of the different reasons why you shouldn't ever get a

piercing done with a gun and you should absolutely go with a needle.

The biggest reason being that you can't properly sterilize a gun like you can

with a needle, and there's a lot less trauma to the area when you use a needle,

and it's quicker, it's faster to heal, and the people who are doing it are properly

trained, there's literally a million reasons why, but anyway, when I originally

got my lobes done when I was young, they told me like twist it, like move it back

and forth, but I know now that is like the complete opposite thing that you're

supposed to do. The more you touch it and the more you play with it and the more

you move it around, the longer it's going to take to heal, and especially nipple

piercings, they told me that it's going to take between like six to nine months

to have like be fully healed, and it'll probably take even longer than that. I've

been reading a lot of stories online and people with their experiences and stuff,

and most people said like they were feeling 100% healed like after about a

year or so, so that's kind of what I'm expecting. And that's actually exactly

why I decided to get it done now, when Blake isn't here, because when he's not

here, I mean nobody's gonna be up in there for multiple months in a row, so

it's like the perfect time to get it done. And then, Noel you gotta go potty?

Come on, let's go outside.

But for now, I'm going to make some coffee and a saline

solution to soak the area and I start editing a video.

And I'm heating up a little bit of saline solution, basically it's just

water with some sea salt to soak my nipples so that way, they can heal.

Also, I mentioned yesterday that obviously I was spending money... bending over is weird.

When I got them done, I was thinking like, oh man, I should probably have some like

comfortable bras to wear around that are clean. Because I only have a couple bras.

I really like the ones I have, and I use them constantly, I wash them constantly,

but they're getting a little stretched out. I probably just need to go straight

up like bra shopping soon. I wasn't sure what kind of level of compression was

going to be comfortable. I wasn't sure if like a padded bra would feel more

comfortable, or a sports bra, or something a lot more light, so when I left after I

got them done, I was actually just wearing a normal bra. It's a, it's a

Panache bra like by Cleo, and it's like molded cups and it fits really well, and

I love that bra to death. By the way, OG subscribers know, but if you guys

haven't seen my bra fitting video from years and years and years and years ago

and me and Blake we're just dating, you should definitely check it out because

chances are you're not wearing the right size bra, and that will be linked in the

upper right hand corner. It's from my old channel, but anyway, I was thinking like

oh, you know what, I should get some of those like Calvin Klein bralettes, the

ones that are really thin and obviously are really like popular right now,

especially on like Instagram and stuff. But they're not sports bras, they're

they're like bralettes, they're a lot thinner, they don't have like the

compression that like sports bras do, so I figured maybe that would be a good

idea. It was like a whole ordeal because I was thinking like I think I've seen

them at Costco, I looked online and then they didn't have it at Costco, and so I

was like alright, well, I'm just gonna look on Amazon Prime Now and see if they

have it, and they did! So I literally got like three of these bralettes on Amazon

Prime Now and they were delivered to my house like two hours after I ordered

them. So I got a gray one, a white one, and I'm actually wearing the black one right

now, and this texture is legit! So comfortable after getting your nipples

pierced. I slept in this bra last night and

it was so comfortable! It didn't feel like I was wearing a bra at all!

So like that is awesome. Okay guys, it is time to end the vlog. I hope I didn't

scare too many of you away! This was something that although I had been

thinking about for a really long time, I know that I never really talked about it

in the vlog, so it might have been maybe a shock. But I'm hopefully not too

shocking, and I hope you guys enjoyed the vlog anyway. For today's question of the

day, tell me all about your piercings! What do you have done? What was the most

painful piercing? What was the easiest piercing? What do you want to get in the

future? Anything else? Tell me about all the piercings, or maybe

the coolest experience that you ever had with a piercing. Let me know all your

piercing stories in the comments down below, and I hope you guys enjoyed this

vlog, if you did, make sure you give it a big thumbs up, and subscribe if you

haven't already, and I'll see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> I Pierced my WHAT?! || Nipple Piercing Experience - Duration: 13:15.


HALF-ASIAN REACTS TO KPOP (BTS, 2NE1, Monsta X, Red Velvet & MORE!) | FIRST TIME BTS REACTION - Duration: 4:50.

okay hear me out just for a second I know reaction videos aren't the most

productive thing I could be doing with my time but hear me out

yeah never mind I don't know how to justify making non quality content again

I'll promise I'll get better if you're new here welcome to my channel I don't

normally do reaction types of videos but I mean if everyone else is jumping off

the bridge of YouTube I should too as in the bridge being the land of kpop I'm

sorry you know I'm not the biggest super fan

when it comes to capons and I don't know anything about kpop so please don't come

for me but if there's one person I know with my boy tape also chunk should

mostly because I'm sure out and I'm also dead inside

hopefully kpop revives me from the dead now that would be some entertaining

content I just wanted the heavily is your day today yeah I feel like that's

enough justification to making another trash video it's not first galaxy slime

now this I promise I'll hit you with that original content again hopefully I

don't know speaking of jungkook I'm gonna react

disappea TS now No okay I'm not gonna lie I've seen this before

when I become a magician just drop the mic got a drop yo BTS condensed

something that I can't do

whoa everything's on fire with everything around you is on fire but you

just dance it out reverse that what was that go Illuminati confirmed

girl huh got that down probably not oh that might drop sleigh

when you watch the concert to make it drought you're there but you're not

really there because you're socially awkward

okay so the next group that we're gonna be doing is to anyone because I'm

obsessed with okay the way I've set obsessed might be unhealthy and obsessed

with them like I said I'm just slightly obsessed when she drives a better car

than me yo those dreads though no I'm not obsessed Illuminati confirmed begin

oh my god I should stop the next group on this list is Monster X because I feel

like I have a lot of monsters inside if you're new here I have anxiety hi this

beat yo ha not me I'm broke if only I could dance that good dad I just well

talk to a camera and react to a video quality content I spend this wig flew

wow my wigs off my wig is gone you know that was cool I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure

me in the mornings ooh not me in the mornings when someone

spills the tea do the production values though in these videos yo where they're

going where are they going where are they going the production value okay

next on the list is red velvet mostly because it's my favorite type of cake

right next to chocolate actually you know what I just like cake in general

peekaboo rich people be like I asked for ten diamonds on my pizza

not 11 two stars whoa what are you doing with that knife oh my god yo me when my

parents see my grades Illuminati confirmed begin this is cult ish but I

love it kick it boo or coming to kill you

this should be recreating kpop moves because half of this video was just me

dancing to it well on that note I think I might end it there sorry this wasn't

like the best video I could have possibly offered you guys I just wanted

to have it more likely surely day today I just want to have a leisure day can

you guys just let me have that please just this one time I promise I won't do

it again shout out the key thank you for being so squirting sure follow me that's

been stupid I'm not the best reactor literally react videos for me are just

like sit there and watch you watch me watch this you like what you see on this

channel make sure to hit that subscribe button oh mike this asian boy very happy

to the point where he can't see anything out of his eyes i promise i'll hit you

guys up with that quality content again Who am I kidding none of my videos are

called e-content bye

For more infomation >> HALF-ASIAN REACTS TO KPOP (BTS, 2NE1, Monsta X, Red Velvet & MORE!) | FIRST TIME BTS REACTION - Duration: 4:50.


Lawn care quote - What to look for and what to do - Duration: 11:11.

hey guys Johnny with Blades of Grass Lawn Care

I'm heading over to an estimate it's currently 80 degrees and people are

calling us people are calling us new customers we just picked up four brand

new properties snowbirds people that only come down here during the winter

time but we are we are extremely excited for this new year coming up we we are

tightening up our route extremely extremely tight making it nice and tight

compacted minimizing that windshield time and windshield time is that time where you

spend driving around so I want to just kind of show you on this specific

property I mean there's a lot of things that we look for but on just on this

specific property I want to show you what I look for and what I do and how I

do it so yeah you guys can basically have a guidance on what to do

when people start to call you in your location all right so let's see if I can

film anything Guys enjoy

okay guys I'm doing a quick estimate but I want to show you this is what you need

to document when you first come to a property to do an estimate okay this way

is all over there all of that is ripped

and okay let's go in the back

you need to pay close attention to the siding see that that's all chewed up

make sure the window is not cracked make sure the siding is good see here's

another example see that it's going back see that and then you walk around and

you're sure that there's no damage to the house you have a bow and big dog in

the back all right another thing I do is measure the gate see if I can do it one

hand here

oh sorry about that

okay 39 and a half close to 40 inches so I know for a fact I'm Vantaged 36 will

fit through there

alright let's go in the front


now this is a rental so we're gonna put pine straw all over that

and let's check the other side

and this is a property line you want to walk it and ensure that we don't have

any damage now pay close attention to this also guys see that

that's a cable and it's a cable that goes all the way across and you're

looking at back there's more cable coming through right there and something

that I do guys is I will spray here we round up and I will spray right here but

I will let the customer know because you don't want to string trim around the

property like this because what happens is you mess around and you hit that the

next thing you know you're going to be buying them or having it repaired same

thing with this once we come in here if we do get the property we'll take this

and tuck it on there see that took it on there and you got to make

sure you let your crew know because the last thing you want to do just to hit

that another thing that we do guys is there's usually we're here in the south

there's usually a grounding rod that sticks up around here I don't know for

some reason they do it but I don't I don't feel it I don't see it

good also good everything looks good

We always leave a card on the door then the customers know that we came by

alright guys so that's basically what I look for just you know in this specific

property what I usually do is I want the premises because you want to ensure that

you are walking a complete yard and you know you don't have any holes you don't

have any pipes sticking out you don't have any grounding rod sticking out you

don't have any roots sticking out or whatever the case might be because you

don't want to send your crew oh you want to you don't want to show up

or have the grass start to grow and you don't know exactly what is where

anything that you find you need to annotate it and take pictures and inform

the customer prior to you know going to the first time in mowing the yard we're

gonna get this property because they know how much we charge for is property

like this and again don't don't actually how much I charge you for this property

because it all depends on your location it depends on your type of grass it

depends on what your surroundings will actually pay for this type of services

okay you want the rock sprayed and then we're

gonna just put pine straw on top of it this way when it comes time for her to leave

she can just um take the pine straw off you know blow it off and leave it back

again this is a rental property also reminder guys small things that you need

to look at when you're doing a walkthrough let me show you something

real quick okay you see they have trees that's a crape myrtle and that right

there is a deciduous tree I'm not sure exactly what it is but then there's

another crape myrtle so during the fall you're gonna have small little leaves

and stuff like that so that's something to consider another thing is you know

you also have to be aware of that you know you have people looking out the

windows and and they're looking at you you know you have a letter truck I have

my vest I don't have my shirt you know but I have

and I always leave a card at the door to let them know that I was physically here

I personally go to every property that we quote on I'm not the type of guy

that'll go online and and see look at it from Google Maps or whatever the case

might be I like to physically look at the property because sometimes if you

think about it those pictures are taking different times of the year okay all

right guys just wanted to show you because I had this opportunity and

spring is coming up pretty soon and the last thing I want you guys to do is to

go to these properties and start shooting out a number without even

visiting the property walking the property or taking pictures okay

make sure you take pictures of what you're looking at all right all right

guys um leave in the comments below let me know what else do you guys do and

again there there's other things that we do but for this specific location this

is what I'm doing okay again guys have a great one stay motivated pop smoke peace

For more infomation >> Lawn care quote - What to look for and what to do - Duration: 11:11.


BMW X3 2.0I XDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE 59000KM Panorama dak Leer Navi - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 2.0I XDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE 59000KM Panorama dak Leer Navi - Duration: 0:59.


Hyundai Tucson 2.0I 4WD STYLE - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 2.0I 4WD STYLE - Duration: 0:56.


Testing Weird AMAZON Products - Strange and Ridiculous Items | Mar - Duration: 13:33.

For more infomation >> Testing Weird AMAZON Products - Strange and Ridiculous Items | Mar - Duration: 13:33.


Volkswagen Golf Sportsvan 115pk Comfortline I € 2.500,- Inruilpremie!! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Sportsvan 115pk Comfortline I € 2.500,- Inruilpremie!! - Duration: 1:01.


🔴 Kingdom Come: Deliverance | Henry simulator | live stream - Duration: 4:03:29.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Kingdom Come: Deliverance | Henry simulator | live stream - Duration: 4:03:29.


Sneaked Snakes In The House 🐍 | STORYTIME - Duration: 11:21.

hey everyone I hope you guys are having a great Valentine's Day or you had a

great Valentine's Day depending on when this video goes up but I kind of want to

do a little bit of a story time as you guys know in my last story time I if you

did not watch that video I highly suggest you watch that video I'll put

the link up here or is it over here um but basically I am going off on the

story time that I have been just sneak some snakes into my parents home and

that was not a good idea I never suggest you guys do it it's just

a funny little story so as you guys know in my last story time I let you guys

know that I'm obsessed with snakes I've been obsessed with snakes for a really

really long time and I know some of my viewers here has pet snakes and I don't

have pet snakes at the moment I wish I could get get my hands on a couple of

snakes that I want but unfortunately my circumstances is that it's a no-go for

sure so me and my husband loves to go to the reptile expo here in Sacramento we

have it every I think every September and then they have a Lodi wine which is

not too far from sac sometime in the spring to summer area and at these

reptile Expos they are massive they are their their place where you can look at

animals and see what you like they have everything from leopard geckos to

turtles to tortoises every reptile and every invertebrate in

every bug species you can think of they have it usually so at these Expos me and

my husband in love with a spider that happens a

spider ball python and you know I really really wanted one I happen to have

purchased her from the expo because she was on sale due to her head tilting ways

so she was really pretty and we got hurt and then we were going to expose left

and right and we fell in love with a cinnamon and we named him bonbon and he

was really really cute the spider was named Starfire and she was really pretty

and so we we were getting our collection up and so we found a designer who had

this racking system but it wasn't just your typical racking system it was me to

look like furniture so it was like a drawer type situation I don't have any

pictures of it and it basically looks like like your normal drawer and then in

the back I had heat tape and it was already wired for heat tape we didn't

have to put a heat tape on it we just had to plug it up and we were good to go

so that's what we did and we kept them safely in my room we had gotten a ball

python from a person on Craigslist and he what did not or she did not want her

I believe a passed out female ball python and she was massive she was

bigger than Starfire she was bigger than bonbon and we had an extra space for her

so we decided to get her as well because she was being rehomed and she just

wanted a person that knew about snakes so I told her what my setup was what

temperature that we keep her at keep ours at and that she would be safe with

us and we know we've done a research and got the space so we go ahead and

purchase her and we went to I think all the way to Stockton or something like

that somewhere around the NorCal area we've

kept them all safely and soundly in our rocking system and I like to take out my

snakes or take out my animals and so does my husband I was cleaning something

I don't know what I was doing but I think I was cleaning out her cage and I

put her on the bed unfortunately things went haywire

she had slithered away and we couldn't find her anywhere we looked up and down

the room and we did not tell my parents at the time that we had ball pythons so

we were looking and looking and looking and unfortunately we couldn't find her

and we were just bummed out at the time we weren't really making ends meet with

my family so we were getting ready to pack up and go on our way to marriage

life or going to be marriage life and into an apartment of her own so we moved

out into an apartment and we just never saw I just thought she escaped she went

underneath the foundation or she escaped somehow and we've looked everywhere like

everywhere so we forgot about her for like a couple of months or whatever and

we've been working really really hard and paying our rent and everything like

that and then I get a phone call saying my mom's saying did we have snakes in

the house and of course I was like no oh I would never where did you hear that

I mean we have snakes right now at our apartment but I don't have them there

and she was like well dad saw a big snake

in your room and it was on top of the laptop that I was charging in that room

because we're gonna make it into a office for me and I was like I don't

think I don't know what you're talking about

and so she was like okay then what do we do we have to put it in a trash can or

get a trash can or get it capture it or something because we are freaking out

over here it's not just laughing and going crap they found Athena and Athena

is really big she's a girl pastel ball python she was fully grown she's huge

like she's freaking out so I tell my husband my husband comes home from his

work and I tell him what my mom had found and he goes oh and I'm like yeah

we're gonna have to go pick her up sometime soon and so what my dad did was

I guess put a wire trashcan over the top of her so she wouldn't go anywhere

flipped her upside down and put the lid a lid on it and she took it to or he

took it to my cousin's house and we picked her up there I was like oh my god

you scared the bejesus out of me and everything like that was crazy and I I

actually went ahead and told my mom yes we kept snakes in the house and she was

always oh I'm like I know I didn't tell you because you're gonna freak out and

she was like

and I'm like yeah that wouldn't have gone well and so long story short is

well this is a long story but basically if you're gonna get a pet please tell

your roommates your family members whoever you're staying with that you

have a pet just in case they happen to go missing cuz if we would have told my

mom at the time yeah she would yelled at me yelled at my husband but we would

have been able to find her definitely don't put your pets in danger

hopefully that you guys will learn from my mistakes she was fine and she was she

ate vigorously after or ferociously not vigorously but ferociously after when we

picked her up she acclimated to our apartment and everything like that

unfortunately um we had to read home all of our snakes due to being back in my

parents home so that's that's why we don't have our snakes anymore

they found loving homes with other people that can have snakes and I wish

them all the best and wish them the healthiest so I hope you guys liked my

story time I know that I promise but I know I was gonna get to this story times

so if you want to know more about the last story type I'll have them linked

down below as well as don't forget to subscribe and don't forget to put

notification on or hit that Bell button right there oh wait

and don't forget to leave me a nice little comment love love love hearing

about your comments and I love hearing from you and I love supporting everybody

so don't forget to leave me a comment and us

see you in my next video like always Stacy pursuit bye guys

For more infomation >> Sneaked Snakes In The House 🐍 | STORYTIME - Duration: 11:21.


Happy Valentines - Duration: 0:30.

Have a happy Valentines!

For more infomation >> Happy Valentines - Duration: 0:30.


Twilight Syndrome – Saikai, Part 22: The Monument (English Subtitles, No Commentary) - Duration: 22:03.

ATSUSHI: "This is... really bad..."

YUURI: "Uhm..."

YUURI: "What should we do...?"

ATSUSHI: "......"

ATSUSHI: [A] "I have to make sure, Masa is okay!" [B] "First of all, let's get out of here..."

ATSUSHI: [A] "I have to make sure, Masa is okay!" [X] [B] "First of all, let's get out of here..."

ATSUSHI: "I have to make sure, Masa is okay!"

ATSUSHI: "She'll be in trouble all by herself!"

YUURI: "And... what about me...?"


YUURI: "... You're still here?"

MASA: "Why... Why me..."

MASA: "This is all Yuuri's fault!"

MASA: "Huh...? I went the wrong way..."

MASA: "This is the second floor..."

MASA: "Well, whatever... What bugs me more is how stupid I was!"

MASA: "I should've never listened to any of Yuuri's plans in the first place!"

MASA: "Sigh... After all, this is what happens, when I go along with her idiotic ideas..."




ATSUSHI: "Damn it! Where'd she go?!"

ATSUSHI: "Masa...? Why on earth are you upstairs?!"

ATSUSHI: "That scream came from this floor..."

Middle School, Class 2-A

Middle School, Hallway, 2F

Middle School, Class 2-C

Middle School, Hallway, 2F

Middle School, Class 2-E

ATSUSHI: "What the hell! She's nowhere to be found!"

ATSUSHI: "Masa... Where did you go...?"

GET OUT OF HERE YUURI: "What... What should I do?"

GET OUT OF HERE YUURI: "He doesn't really feel... dangerous, though..."

YUURI: "Hey, why do you want us to get out of this school?"




YUURI: "Huh?!"

YUURI: "What the hell!"

YUURI: "This is..."

YUURI: "Err... Is this the... forest around our school...?"





OLD MAN: «Why? Why do I suddenly have to leave this place?!»

OLD MAN: «I've told you before that I'm not selling this land!»

OLD MAN: «And yet...»

OLD MAN: «You're taking advantage of the fact that that sanatorium burned down...»

SLY VOICE: «Say what you will...»

SLY VOICE: «The official papers clearly state that this land has now fallen into our hands.»

SLY VOICE: «Therefore, I would really appreciate, if you could just leave already... Or else, we might see ourselves forced to use some... well... force...»

SLY VOICE: «Well, we will come back in one week. It would be great, if you could be gone by then.»

OLD MAN: «I'd rather die...»

OLD MAN: «...than leaving this place!»

SLY VOICE: «Do as you please. As long as the land falls into our hands, we do not really care.»

SLY VOICE: *nasty laughter*

MASA: "Damn... This is the 3rd floor!"

MASA: "But I don't want to go back the way I came..."

MASA: "Still, I gotta get out of here, and quick!"

MASA: "......"

MASA: "No, I'm not going back the way I came..."

Middle School, Hallway, 2F

Middle School, Hallway, 1F

MASA: "......"

MASA: "I can use this classroom to get out..."

MASA: "Finally, I can get out..."

MASA: "But..."

MASA: "Yuuri and Atsushi are still..."

MASA: [A] "I should wait a little bit..." [B] "No, I'm leaving!"

MASA: [A] "I should wait a little bit..." [X] [B] "No, I'm leaving!"

MASA: "I should wait a little bit..."

MASA: "They might show up any minute..."

MASA: "......"

MASA: "No one's coming..."

ATSUSHI: "Seems she's not on the second floor..."

ATSUSHI: "Maybe we missed each other and she's already downstairs now?"




ATSUSHI: "Damn it... Why is it following me now?!"

ATSUSHI: "Anyway, where's Masa?"

ATSUSHI: "Masa! There you are!"

MASA: "Atsushi...!"

ATSUSHI: "Are you okay?"

MASA: "No, I'm NOT okay!"

MASA: "Come... Let's get out of here..."

ATSUSHI: "......"

ATSUSHI: "Hold on a second... What about Yuuri?"

MASA: "I don't know..."

MASA: "I just... I can't take this anymore!"

MASA: "Come on, we just have to leave, right?"

MASA: "That's all it wants! We just have to leave and all the weird things will stop!"

ATSUSHI: "......"

ATSUSHI: [A] "No, that won't solve the problem!" [B] "I guess so. Let's do that..." [C] "I feel like that's not the whole truth..."

ATSUSHI: [A] "No, that won't solve the problem!" [X] [B] "I guess so. Let's do that..." [C] "I feel like that's not the whole truth..."

ATSUSHI: "No, that won't solve the problem!"

ATSUSHI: "Think about it! We can't just stop going to school forever! We have to go back to school eventually!"

ATSUSHI: "We need a more... fundamental solution!"

MASA: "Then..."

MASA: "What can we do...?"

ATSUSHI: "You know, actually..."

ATSUSHI: "I have a feeling, the ghost isn't telling us to just leave the school, anyway."

MASA: "Huh? What do you mean?"

MASA: "No..."

MASA: "Please... Go away... Stop..."


MASA: [A] "What do you mean when you say that?" [B] "Are you saying, we should leave the school?" [C] "... Do you want us to leave this entire town?!"

MASA: [A] "What do you mean when you say that?" [X] [B] "Are you saying, we should leave the school?" [C] "... Do you want us to leave this entire town?!"

MASA: "What do you mean when you say that?"



ATSUSHI: "......"

ATSUSHI: "Seems like just leaving the school won't solve this, after all..."

MASA: "Yuuri! We have to find Yuuri!"

ATSUSHI: "Yeah! She's probably still upstairs..."

YUURI: "Wh-what? He... He's gone."

YUURI: "But that sure was strange..."

YUURI: "So that old man was living in the forest surrounding this school?"

YUURI: "But... so what?"

YUURI: "......"

YUURI: "I don't get it!"

YUURI: "That's got nothing to do with me! ...Right?"

YUURI: "Whatever. I've gotta go after Masa and Atsushi."

YUURI: "How dare they just leave me here all alone! Not cool!"

YUURI: "Wait, what? You're still here?"

YUURI: "I don't have time for this! I'm leaving!"

OLD MAN: «Just let me rest here...»

OLD MAN: «Let me rest here forever...»

YUURI: "What the..."

YUURI: "This old man..."

YUURI: "He committed suicide in our city?"

YUURI: "But what did I do? Why would he hold a grudge against me?!"

YUURI: "Who on earth..."

YUURI: "...made him so angry...?"


MASA: "We have to hurry up and find her..."

MASA: "I have a bad feeling about all this..."

ATSUSHI: "Yeah, she's all alone... That might be really dangerous... Let's go!"

ATSUSHI: "..."

ATSUSHI: "Did you hear that? I think it came from there."

MASA: "Yeah..."

MASA: "This feeling... This is really bad..."

ATSUSHI: "Yeah, I feel it, too... Come on..."

*Yuuri screams*

ATSUSHI: "That..."

ATSUSHI: "That was Yuuri's voice, wasn't it?!"

MASA: "Yeah... Quick!"

Middle School, Hallway, 3F

Middle School, Class 1-D

Middle School, Hallway, 3F

Middle School, Class 1-B

Middle School, Hallway, 3F

MASA: "Yuuri!!"

ATSUSHI: "Yuuri?! Hang in there!"

YUURI: "Mh..."

YUURI: "Hnngh..."

YUURI: "Hmmm...?"

MASA: "What's with the exhausted voice?"

YUURI: "Huh? What's going on here?"

ATSUSHI: "That's what we want to know! What happened here?"

YUURI: "I think I'm understanding all this a little bit better now! That old man..."

YUURI: "Apparently he died here..."

MASA: "Here? What do you mean, here? At our school?!"

YUURI: "No, no! It was probably..."

YUURI: "...long before this school was even built! It seems he was the owner of this land back then."

ATSUSHI: "And how on earth would you know that?"

ATSUSHI: "Aren't you just making things up again?"

YUURI: "Hey, now! No need to be so suspicious!"

YUURI: "I clearly saw it all in my head!"

MASA: "In your... head..."

MASA: "Since when do you have supernatural powers? That's news to me."

YUURI: "Who said I had supernatural powers!"

YUURI: "It was that old man! He showed me a vision!"

ATSUSHI: "Even so, what does all that mean?!"

ATSUSHI: [A] "So he owned this land?" [B] "Why did he die?" [C] "What does any of that have to do with us?"

ATSUSHI: [A] "So he owned this land?" [X] [B] "Why did he die?" [C] "What does any of that have to do with us?"

ATSUSHI: "So he owned this land? But then he lost it? Or what did you mean by that?"

YUURI: "Yep. Seems like he was somehow tricked by some shady businessman and eventually lost his land."

MASA: "That happens often enough... They probably sweet-talked him into some sort of shady contract."

YUURI: "Yeah, and well... later, our school was built on this very land!"

ATSUSHI: "That's..."

ATSUSHI: "Well, I can see how he would hold a grudge against those people, but what does it have to do with us?!"

YUURI: "My thoughts exactly!"

YUURI: "If he wants to bear a grudge against someone, then why us? Why not that shady businessman from back then?!"

ATSUSHI: "So, you're saying, he died, because of that businessman, right?"

YUURI: "Uhm...Yeah, seems like it?"

YUURI: "He said he wanted to rest forever in his own land, before he... hung himself."

MASA: "You..."

MASA: "You actually saw him hang himself?!"

ATSUSHI: "Well, for now, let's get out of here first."

MASA: "Yeah, it seems like it's calm again right now. Let's think some more, once we're outside..."

MASA: "Then again..."

MASA: "He wanted us to get out of this land, so just leaving the school probably won't be enough..."

Middle School, Hallway, 3F

Middle School, Hallway, 2F

Middle School, Hallway, 1F

YUURI: "Aaah!!"

ATSUSHI: "What is it?!"

YUURI: "Ugh... Remember how I slipped and my hand landed in the toilet earlier? I was so shaken by that, I actually forgot to wash my hands afterwards... Yuck..."

YUURI: "Wait here! I'll be right back!"

MASA: "Ah! Wait!!"

MASA: "Jeez, what an idiot! Now is not the time for that!"

ATSUSHI: "Oh well..."

ATSUSHI: "It's always the same with her..."

WORKER 1: «Hey!»

WORKER 1: «Stop the construction for a second!»

WORKER 1: «Look... over there...»

WORKER 2: «Ah...!»

WORKER 2: «That's...»

WORKER 1: «It's that old man...»

WORKER 1: «He had suddenly disappeared, so I thought he had just left the land...»

WORKER 2: «To think he'd actually commit suicide here...»

WORKER 1: «He really didn't want to leave this place...»

WORKER 1: «Let him down!»

WORKER 2: «Okay...»

WORKER 1: «We should... hold a memorial service for him...»

WORKER 1: «In this land...»

MASA: "Did you... experience that, too, just now?"

ATSUSHI: "Yeah... I think it was about that old man that Yuuri had talked about..."

ATSUSHI: "Does that mean, he was buried somewhere close to our school?"

MASA: "Oh god..."

MASA: "But you might be right, they did say they'd hold a memorial service for him in his own land..."

ATSUSHI: "Wouldn't there usually be a stone monument or something, then?"

YUURI: "I'm baaack!"

YUURI: "Well? Shall we?"

YUURI: "What? Did something happen?"

MASA: [A] "Just now, that old man showed us a vision..." [B] "Say... Have you seen a stone monument around here?"

MASA: [A] "Just now, that old man showed us a vision..." [B] "Say... Have you seen a stone monument around here?" [X]

MASA: "Say... Have you seen a stone monument around here?"

YUURI: "Err, what? That's a bit random..."

YUURI: "So, a stone monument, huh... You mean, some kind of big rock, yes?"

ATSUSHI: "Exactly."

ATSUSHI: "Well, I mean, I don't know about the size, but it's usually some kind of rock with letters carved in it."

ATSUSHI: "Apparently... the body of that old man was found and those who found it held a memorial service for him in this land..."

YUURI: "......"

YUURI: "Some kind of rock..."

MASA: "So, you've seen one?"

YUURI: "Can't say I HAVEN'T... Although I think it's probably something else..."

ATSUSHI: "Where was it?"

YUURI: "First off... Let's go to the front yard..."

MASA: "...?"

ATSUSHI: "And now? Where is this stone that you've seen?"

YUURI: "That way! Next to the school building!"

YUURI: "I still think, it's something else, though... I mean, I didn't see any letters carved into it or anything..."

MASA: "Let's just go and have a look!"

MASA: "What is this place?"

MASA: "I don't think I've ever been here..."

YUURI: "Uhm, well... That stone is further in... Just keep going..."

MASA: "......"

MASA: "It's so dark here, it's really uncanny..."

MASA: "Yuuri... What were you doing in such a place?!"

YUURI: "Well... I just..."

YUURI: "Does it really matter? Just keep going!"

YUURI: "Ah! There, that thing there!"

YUURI: "See? I told you! No matter how you look at it... That's clearly not a stone monument for some dead guy!"

MASA: "Uhm... This IS a stone monument, isn't it?"

ATSUSHI: "......"

ATSUSHI: "Here, see? It's pretty dirty, but this should be it..."

YUURI: "What?! No, no, no, no, nooo!"

YUURI: "That can't be!"

YUURI: "Look closely! There's no way that's a stone monument!"

YUURI: "......"

YUURI: "Wait a second, there ARE letters carved into the stone... Were they here before...?"

MASA: "There's garbage everywhere, though! Not exactly befitting of a resting place for the dead."

ATSUSHI: "Yeah, that's pretty disrespectful..."

ATSUSHI: "If you did that to someone, no wonder they'd be mad!"

ATSUSHI: "I really wonder who did this..."

ATSUSHI: "Hey, what's with that face, Yuuri? We found the old man's stone monument, so lighten up a little!"

ATSUSHI: "......"

ATSUSHI: "Wait... Don't tell me..."

YUURI: "Yep..."

YUURI: "That was me..."

YUURI: "I left all that trash here..."

MASA: "What the hell! Did nobody ever teach you any manners?!"

YUURI: "Guess I can't blame this on our parents, huh..."

ATSUSHI: "You know..."

ATSUSHI: "THIS is probably, why that old man is so angry..."

ATSUSHI: "Using the spirit board didn't really have anything to do with it."

YUURI: "What? I mean...Yeah, probably..."

MASA: "Even though that old man committed suicide, he must have been happy in the end..."

MASA: "Because he could rest forever in his beloved forest..."

MASA: "And then you come along and defile this place with your trash? No wonder he got angry!"

YUURI: "......"

ATSUSHI: "And then he wanted us out..."

ATSUSHI: "Not just the school..."

ATSUSHI: "But the entire land, since it had once belonged to him..."

MASA: "Yuuri..."

MASA: "What will you do?"

YUURI: "What will I do...? I'll... clean up the trash, of course..."

ATSUSH: "Naturally! Get right to it!"

ATSUSHI: "Here, we'll help, too."

YUURI: "Uuuh..."

YUURI: "Phew! That's much better!"

YUURI: "A clean place is the best place, after all!"

MASA: "You're one to talk! You're the one that made it so dirty in the first place!"

MASA: "It's still covered with gras, though..."

ATSUSHI: "True..."

ATSUSHI: "Hmmm..."

YUURI: [A] "Let's leave it like that!" [B] "Let's clean that up, too!"

YUURI: [A] "Let's leave it like that!" [B] "Let's clean that up, too!" [X]

YUURI: "While we're at it, why don't we clean that up, too?"

MASA: "Hm..."

MASA: "Is that really okay?"

YUURI: "Sure is! We just gotta make it nice and tidy!"



NAOKO: "Ever since that day..."

NAOKO: "...those three never came back to school."

NAOKO: "Even so, days would pass by, as if nothing had happened..."

NAOKO: "But..."

NAOKO: "You would often hear rumours of people claiming to have seen the three somewhere..."

For more infomation >> Twilight Syndrome – Saikai, Part 22: The Monument (English Subtitles, No Commentary) - Duration: 22:03.


Comparing MOOG to OEM Sway Bar (Stabilizer Bar) Bushings - Duration: 3:50.

Welcome to my video about Moog vs. OEM stabilizer or sway bar bushings and

today I just swapped out these are the Moog bushings and just bought these

probably four weeks ago put them on my car and drove it for about two to three

weeks with them and one of the reasons I changed them out is because I was

noticing a knocking noise on both sides kind of under my feet I Drive a Toyota

previa so kind of an older car anyway when I swapped out my really old ones

for these Moogs the issue did not go away so I decided to bite the bullet and

by OEMs from my local Toyota dealer and they cost twice as much as these Moogs

so it was kind of hard to spend the money but anyway I bought them this

morning swapped them out and the noise went away so I do like Moog products I

think they do make a lot of good quality products unfortunately these bushings

for my Toyota previa as much as these look ok the the split here is actually

in a different place than on the OEMs the OEMs are more at an angle and I

don't know if that makes a difference but I felt the difference between these

mooks and the OEMs and the rubber and the OEM definitely felt more rigid and

might have been a little bit thicker too so that may play into this and I think

the diameter on these mooks ended up being a little bit bigger than the OEMs

which would allow the sway bar to move around a little bit more in there and

possibly knock so not a hundred percent on why the OEMs

take away that clunking or knocking noise issue that I was having but anyway

I'm glad to know that the money was well spent even though they cost close to $50

at the dealer but they were definitely worth it so glad you took the time to

watch my video and be sure to look for more repair videos in the future

maintenance videos and and when you're shopping for bushings it's always better

to spend more money and go with OEM in my opinion because I this isn't the

first time I've had this issue had this issue on a camry as well just made the

difference in the quality of the ride and the steering felt firmer hope this

can help you out and it just allow you to save some

trouble with when you're swapping out different bushings and parts in your car

be sure to always do a comparison between om and aftermarket sometimes

aftermarket parts do make sense and they can save you money but I think with

bushings and other critical parts of the car it is worth the extra money to go

with the original parts thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Comparing MOOG to OEM Sway Bar (Stabilizer Bar) Bushings - Duration: 3:50.


He PARTIED for 72 Hours Straight But WON NBA All Star Game MVP - Duration: 4:24.

The All Star game is coming up.

It's supposed to be a time of rest , but this NBA all star partied for 72 hours straight

and won All Star game MVP.

What is up dudes, dudettes, ballers, players, it's ya boi MJ.

In honor of the all star weekend, today I wanted to talk about the time Allen Iverson

partied for 72 hours straight and then won All star game MVP.

Let me know in the comments if Allen Iverson has the best handles of all time and if you

a savage.

Alright let's get into it.

It's 2001.

Allen Iverson is having a pretty good year and by pretty good I mean amazing.

He was averaging 29.7 points per game before the All Star break.

All star weekend back then was not this week long break that we have now.

The All Star game was on Sunday, February 11th in Washington D.C. and Iverson's last

game before the break was on Wednesday, February 7th in Houston.

Iverson flew into Washington D.C. right after the game.

See Iverson had spent two years at Georgetown, dominating college basketball and Georgetown

was in Washington D.C.

He had many friends in the area and so Iverson made plans to have a fun time, a lot of plans.

They went to clubs, they went to college parties, and did much more than what would be publicized.

Let's just say they weren't just drinking.

When it was all said and done, Allen Iverson had not slept in 3 days.

In fact, he had partied for 72 hours straight into the All Star game practice.

And yes we talkin about practice, just like we talking about this savage sports case and

more dope cases so check out Athletic cases in the description.

Their savagery is unreal.

Now the 2001 All Star Game was no ordinary all star game.

It is considered by many to be one of the most competitive All Star games ever.

Dikembe Mutombo said that the game was like a championship game.

It was an all star game like no other.

The East was supposed to be outmatched by a dominating West with bigger size.

It looked like that for 3 quarters of the game.

The West scored the first 11 points of the game and were up by 21 at the end of the third


All the young guns were trying to seize the spotlight in a post-Jordan era.

AI had scored 15 points up till that point, but then the East made a run.

Ai would score in bunches, distribute the ball, and the East would claw their way back

into the game.

Vince Carter and Jerry Stackhouse hit 3s. Iverson would score 5 straight points and

the game would be tied on a Tracy McGrady putback.

The crowd chanted MVP for AI and then Kobe got fired up.

He started making shot after shot and Iverson butted heads.

Kobe hit jumper after jumper.

Marbury would hit 2 crucial 3s and the East would come back to win 111-110 and Allen Iverson

won All Star Game MVP.

This was an Allen Iverson that had not slept in 3 days.

He had been partying, drinking it up, and probably even more.

He might have even been hungover during the game, but he was able to out perform NBA stars.

And it wasn't like they weren't playing defense.

As I said earlier, it was like a finals game so there was tight defense being played.

Apparently, Allen Iverson didn't sleep to dominate.

Not only that but on February 13th, AI would go on to score 49 points.

I guess the normal rules just don't apply to AI.

Out of all the iconic moments in his career, this is up there.

He would go on to win MVP that season and reach the NBA finals.

Kobe and Iverson would dual in the finals.

Iverson won All Star Game MVP and is the legend that everyone chalks him to be.

But what do you think?

Is Allen Iverson human?

Does Allen Iverson have the best handles of all time?

Let me know in the comments down below.

Drop a like if you liked this video and if you a savage like AI.

The instagram shout of the day goes to jaycrazy and the ALLDAY notification squad shout out

goes to Ian Paulino.

Thanks for the ALLDAY support.

Make sure to hit the bell for ALLDAY notifications and if you're not a sub, hit that subscribe

button to join the ALLDAY community for more fire content and ALLDAY support.

It's ya boi MJ.

We Out!

For more infomation >> He PARTIED for 72 Hours Straight But WON NBA All Star Game MVP - Duration: 4:24.


🐟🐬🐠🐡 Baby Shark doo doo doo 🎶 HIT 2018 💃 Try not to dance 😜 - Duration: 2:22.

doo doo, doo doo doo doo

Baby Shark doo doo, doo doo doo doo

Mama Shark doo doo, doo doo doo doo

Papa Shark doo doo, doo doo doo doo

Grandma Shark doo doo, doo doo doo doo

I went swimmin doo doo, doo doo doo doo

I Saw a fin doo doo, doo doo doo doo

I swam faster doo doo, doo doo doo doo

Safe at last doo doo, doo doo doo doo

For more infomation >> 🐟🐬🐠🐡 Baby Shark doo doo doo 🎶 HIT 2018 💃 Try not to dance 😜 - Duration: 2:22.


IHCR Le Bouveret Retirement of Mr. Antosch - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> IHCR Le Bouveret Retirement of Mr. Antosch - Duration: 4:54.


The BEST Meatball Subs Recipe ~ How to Make Meatballs & Sub Sandwich Hoagie - Duration: 4:51.

Meatball subs are the most popular deli subs. I'm Tess and I'm going to show you how

to make the meatballs, the sauce and then put this yummy sub together from start

to finish. Stay tuned!

(intro music)

I'm starting by making the meatballs. I need 1/2 a cup of

bread crumbs for this recipe. I'm using panko crumbs and you can use regular or

seasoned crumbs. Adding a little milk, stirring and setting to the side for

about 5 minutes so the crumbs soak up the milk. I have a pound of ground turkey.

You can use beef, chicken or pork in this recipe. Adding in some diced onions, the

panko crumbs, fresh chopped parsley and you can use dried, a couple eggs,

Worcestershire sauce, a little ketchup, salt, black pepper, garlic and onion powder and a

little more flavor with some Italian seasonings and oregano. Just a reminder

that you'll be able to find this recipe, the list of ingredients and much more in

the show more section below. I've also included links where you can purchase

online some of the ingredients and equipment that I use in this video recipe.

If you have a chance please check it out. Giving everything a good mix,

covering and refrigerating for 30 minutes so all the flavors mix and the

meat firms up. Once refrigerated I'm forming the meat into balls. Just using

the palm of my hand and making about 1/2 to 2 inch meatballs... about the size of a

golf ball. Placing those on a foil lined baking sheet and baking at 400 degrees

Fahrenheit for 15 to 20 minutes and this all depends on the size of the balls.

Mine took about 15 minutes.

Now for the sauce. In a pan on medium heat I'm adding in some extra virgin

olive oil, some finely diced onions, green bell peppers, a little salt and black pepper.

Cooking and stirring for a couple minutes.

Adding in some tomato paste and minced garlic. Giving everything a stir and

cooking for about 30 seconds and then I'm going to add in my tomato sauce.

Turning my heat up to a medium-high and bringing up to a simmer.

Now the spices. I'm adding in some Italian seasonings, oregano, basil and

this is optional but I'm adding in a little heat with some red pepper flakes.

Giving it a good mix and letting that simmer for about five minutes. I'm adding

in the cooked meatballs and making sure that they are all coated with the sauce.

I'm going to bring this back up to a simmer, cover and let that cook for about

fifteen more minutes.

So let's make this sub! I'm using these hoagie rolls but you can use any sub roll

of your choice. You want the roll to be able to hold up to all that sauce. I have

my oven preheating to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. First I'm laying in some cheese.

And for one sub I'm using mozzarella and the other I'm using

provolone cheese. Laying in some cheese first we'll help hold the sub together.

Next are the meatballs. My hoagie rolls will hold about four meatballs.

Spooning on a little of the sauce and not much. And finally we're going to top

these with some more cheese. I'm going to bake these at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for

about eight to ten minutes or until the cheese melts.

And these are my meatball subs. Making these homemade makes all the difference

in the world. You can taste all the seasonings in the

meatballs and in the sauce. Make it your own by adding the seasonings that you like.

You can make these meatballs ahead of time... cook and freeze and then when you're in a

hurry you can heat them up in your favorite sauce.

These meatball subs are delicious and I hope you give them a try and enjoy.

If you like this recipe please hit the LIKE and SUBSCRIBE button. Remember to

hit the BELL next to the SUBSCRIBE to make sure that you get my future video recipes.

You can also find me on Steemit, Facebook and at my website. Feel free to

SHARE this recipe and my channel with your friends and family.

And until next time, Much Love!

For more infomation >> The BEST Meatball Subs Recipe ~ How to Make Meatballs & Sub Sandwich Hoagie - Duration: 4:51.


Olympic skeleton athlete Katie Uhlaender hopes this is her year to medal - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Olympic skeleton athlete Katie Uhlaender hopes this is her year to medal - Duration: 2:24.


TOP 3 SOMALI RAPPERS 2018 (Mo G, Puffy L'z, Top5) - Duration: 3:20.

This is Mo G, a rapper from Toronto, Canada.

He is very talented, and can both dance and rap at the same time

He speaks about in this thing "Akhria Mode" about the feud with drake, and not rocking with those type off people.

Puffy L'z also a somalien rapper from the same area as Mo G

He is very talented and has got a shout out from drake himself.

great rapper

sorry i dont have a great screenrecorder and need to work on my youtube skill...


the one and only top5

he is one of the big guys in the game

he brings out a vibe and is also very good dancer...

yup thats what i said...

other than his cringy fucking dance moves

he actually make good music

i hope u liked all of this so far... please sub if you would like to see more.

For more infomation >> TOP 3 SOMALI RAPPERS 2018 (Mo G, Puffy L'z, Top5) - Duration: 3:20.


How to: Background Music - TakeInspiration #1 - Duration: 1:22:38.

Subtitles available soon

For more infomation >> How to: Background Music - TakeInspiration #1 - Duration: 1:22:38.


What is DTI Ratio {How to Calculate Your Debt to Income} - Duration: 4:07.

hey there welcome to my channel I'm Melissa Blevins from

where I teach practical money tips to the free-spirited nerd. if this is your

first time here I want to welcome you and thank you so much for taking the

time to watch this video today we're going to be talking about debt to income

ratio and why it's so important when buying a house or obtaining any type of

financing so you have two different types of DTI or debt to income ratios

and the first one is the front end ratio and the front end debt to income ratio

is pretty simple it's simply your housing costs so let's say your gross

monthly income is six thousand dollars per month and your house payment or your

rent payment is twelve hundred dollars a month now if you're calculating this

based on your house payment you want to go ahead and add in principle interest

taxes and homeowners insurance so if your homeowners insurance and taxes or

not escrowed into your monthly payment then you'll want to add in those costs

as well because that does affect your DTI on the front end so let's say that

you grow six thousand dollars a month and your house payment is twelve hundred

dollars per month with all of those factors added in there your DTI would be

debt divided by income or debt to income so you take the total amount of your

house payment twelve hundred and divide it by six thousand and that would be

twenty percent so your house payment is twenty percent of your income so that's

a really good DTI on the front end and very affordable house payment for that

income on the back end ratio it is the total of the house payment including

principal interest taxes and insurance with all of your debts and other

obligations added in such as alimony or child support so if you have to pay

child support court-ordered every month or alimony those are added in to your

debts listed when you're listing your liabilities

on an on an assets and liabilities sheet with a banker so you want to calculate

the total added up of all of your debts including your house payment and let's

just assume with the same numbers that you grow six thousand dollars a month

and your debts total three thousand dollars a month including your house

payment your car payment let's say you pay some child support every month and

you've got a couple of credit cards and car payments so your total debts is

three thousand dollars per month three thousand divided by six thousand

equals fifty percent so that debt to income ratio on the back end is a lot

higher so this is a good calculation to figure on your own whether or not you're

getting a loan because you want to know how much of your income is actually

being eaten up by debt child support and alimony are something that are

calculated by the courts and determined by divorce decrees so that's nothing

there's nothing that you can do to change that number but you can pay off

your debts and make some changes to start moving towards financial freedom

so when you apply for a home loan a lot of lenders will go up to about 42

percent on the debt to income ratio so it's always good before you even sit

down with a lender to take a look at what your debt to income ratio is before

they pull your credit and if your liabilities are up there and pretty high

you probably want to pay off some debt before you even consider purchasing a

home it's just always better to be prepared and make sure that you've got a

good emergency fund built up and that you are setting yourself up for

financial success rather than inviting Murphy to come and destroy your world so

I hope you enjoyed this video if you liked it give it a big thumbs up don't

forget to subscribe to the video this is part of a three-part series on banking

terms and definitions and you don't want to miss out on the next one have a good


For more infomation >> What is DTI Ratio {How to Calculate Your Debt to Income} - Duration: 4:07.


Official Rampage Trailer

For more infomation >> Official Rampage Trailer


10 Chances: VW Polo MSI 1,6 anda bem e gasta pouco | Avaliação | Best Cars - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> 10 Chances: VW Polo MSI 1,6 anda bem e gasta pouco | Avaliação | Best Cars - Duration: 5:39.



For more infomation >> A HISTÓRIA OCULTA DA AMÉRICA DO SUL - Duration: 15:03.


Conozca el Increible Ejercicio Para Curar LA IMPOTENCIA SEXUAL Y LA EJACULACIÓN PRECOZ - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Conozca el Increible Ejercicio Para Curar LA IMPOTENCIA SEXUAL Y LA EJACULACIÓN PRECOZ - Duration: 2:40.





quatro vereadores em Paulinia tem os bens bloqueados - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> quatro vereadores em Paulinia tem os bens bloqueados - Duration: 4:20.


Zeze Ribeiro - Eu te Amo - lançamento 2018 - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Zeze Ribeiro - Eu te Amo - lançamento 2018 - Duration: 4:26.


I Pierced my WHAT?! || Nipple Piercing Experience - Duration: 13:15.

Okay guys, I am here with Makenna today, and we are getting piercings done!

I am getting my nipples done.

Okay wait, pause. I know that nipple piercings are

not everybody's cup of tea. Some people think they look horrible, some people

think they look really trashy. Personally, I think they look really hot, and I've

actually been wanting them done for a long time now.

I've done a ton of

research when it comes to getting my nipples done,

I actually plan on doing

like a full in-depth video on my channel about this so

if you're not subscribed

to my Caty Culp channel, the link is in the upper right hand corner.

But this video is kind of going to be more of a

my experience with everything this is a

play-by-play of what's happening, and if nipple piercings are not your thing,

that's totally cool! You can skip to this mark in the video to skip ahead of all

of this stuff. And at that point we'll probably get into the rest of the vlog.

Though I will not lie, that the nipple piercings thing will be a dominating

factor in this vlog, pretty sure. So I just wanted to throw that out there and

let's get back to this!

And if you want to know what Makenna is getting done,

step on over to her channel, link in the upper right-hand corner. It's gonna be,

it's gonna be wild. Also, this car is like "what are you people doing?"

Look at how

beautiful all of this is! Oh my gosh. I love these little gold pieces those are

gorgeous. Look at how pretty these are.

I'm filling out the release right now, and I'm terrified.

Picking out jewelry right now. So exciting, and so cool!

It's such a hard decision!

I know they're so cute!

It's happening. I'm like chilling out.

Everything's being autoclaved right now, and all sanitized. It's gonna, it's gonna

get really real here, really quick.


Just laughing at us.

I know! This is so crazy.

I'm like getting nervous for you, I just didn't want to say anything.

Is this how they would rest if you didn't have a shirt on?

Yeah, I would probably just take it... all the way down?

I would do it the other way.

Oh, like this?

Ohhh, that makes sense.

We're doing horizontal, right? Yes, horizontal.

Just marking up.

You said you did three of these today, already? Yeah.

That's nuts.

It's been a busy day!

Right now, we're just marking them out.

Having it even is the most important thing,

which is kind of why I had you adjust that shirt a little bit.

The reason I'm kind of like, flaying these lines out

is just for you, when you look at them. I'm focused just on the center part,

where I'm piercing. But I want you to kind of visualize

how those angles are gonna be.

Placement's pretty key too.

If I go too far back, we're into your areola, which means you're really never going to heal properly.

Too far forward, then they're shallow.

I'm so scared.

Which one do you want to do first?

I hadn't thought about it! Which one do you want to do first?

I normally start with your right.

Okay, that's fine, let's do it.

I'm just gonna get lined up. Okay.

When I do that, you're going to have a little pinch.

You'll just kinda breathe through that.

When I'm ready to go, I'm gonna let you know.

And then you're gonna let me know when you're ready. Okay.

We're just gonna focus on our breaths.

Big, deep breath in. Then out.

On our second exhale is when I pierce you.

Okay. So you're kind of letting me know when you're ready. Okay.

I'm just gonna get lined up. 'Kay.

I'm ready, are you ready?


Big, deep breath.


And again.

All the way out.

Keep breathing, good job.


Hey, I did it! Wow.

You did really good. Thanks!

There's still one more to go.

I can't believe I just pierced my nipple.

Worse than you thought?

No, actually.

I thought it would be worse than that. I kinda

It was quick! I don't really remember it now, to be honest. Even though it just happened a second ago.

Oh that's nice and cold!

Yeeeah. You already know!

You have a slight inversion on this side.

I think I knew that, actually.

This is gonna correct that.

Oh! Well that's a nice benefit. Oh, whoa!

You ready? Yeah.

And, out.

Good job!

Oh that one was way worse!

That brain! Oh, dang!

Getting everything off, and the beads on. Okay, cool.

You did so good!

Oh my gosh, I can't believe I did that.

Just enjoy the adrenaline! Yeah, I'm all shaky, it's great!

It's over! I know! I'm glad you drove.

I know!

I'm all sweaty. My hands are so sweaty.

That first one, I was like, I totally... it was like I forgot about the pain immediately

It was so weird.

That one hurt, though.

That actually looks really cool. Does it look cool? It looks really cool!

Oh I'm excited to see it!

I haven't even looked down yet. I'm kind of like, waiting for a minute. Yeah! I'm excited for you to see.

It's like they're numb. Like, I can't really feel them.

I'm gonna feel them, though.

Oh my gosh, that is SO cool!

Those look SO good!

That's awesome, thank you SO much! Yeah! Thanks for sitting so well.

Oh that's awesome.

That's awesome!

It's fine. It's all good. We did it! Nice!

Guys, if you need piercings done, you need to come

to Ryan. Ryan is the greatest person in the entire world, and he does such good work.

All of his links are in the description bar below, so definitely check him out.

Right now, he is at Higher Ground Tattoo, and he does awesome. We love you Ryan!

Yeah! Ryan's the best!

Oh-kay, I cannot believe I went through with that. I thought it was one

of those things that I'd be like "oh yeah, I'll do that one day!" and then not because

it's terrifying. But I went through with it and everything is good. Right now

everything feels like it's on fire, a little bit sting-y. My left one hurts a

little bit more than my right one, but that was the second one he pierced, and

the second one definitely hurt more than the first. The first one, it was a really

weird thing that happened because, he pierced it, and it was like I almost

immediately forgot about the pain. It hurt pretty bad, I remember it hurting,

but like, I can't remember the sensation, the exact sensation. Pretty weird. So, for

now, I'm gonna take some ibuprofen, because I know

gonna be hurting later. And honestly, I might park myself right in front of the

TV, and just sit on my butt all evening, and taking it really easy. Kitty!

Do you hear this cat? She's going crazy. We also got boba on the way home. It's so

good. I always get taro. So good. I love it.

Well, somebody dumped out all of the clean clothes again. It looks like she

tried to make a nest, and then just gave up and went to her actual nest. Is that what

happened? It's a new day. A quick nipple update: actually they don't hurt at all

right now. I slept basically on my back and kind of

like 3/4 turned, cause usually I'm a side sleeper, so I was really nervous, like how

am I gonna get through sleeping, but I actually did really well. I just slept on

my back, kind of, and turned a little bit but not too much.

Actually, I woke up early on my own. It's only 7 o'clock right now, I didn't even

have an alarm to wake me up. But for the past two days, I've also been waking up

at the crack of dawn to go to the gym, so I think my body is kind of used to it,

which is good. Today is my gym rest day, anyway, so I

timed this really well, because I didn't want to workout right after getting them

done, because that sounds like the most painful thing in the entire world.

Okay, somebody needs food right now.

There you go!

Noel, you want breakfast? You gettin up?

I gotta clean up all the clothes that you knocked over. So right now, they actually

don't hurt at all. I'm actually kind of amazed, because I thought they'd be a lot

more sore. Honestly, right now it just feels like it's a really cold day. Ladies,

you know what I'm saying? And so I expect when it's actually cold outside, it's

going to be like that sensation times like a million, but right now that's like

the only thing that I'm feeling. And I'm so stoked about that! No pain? I'll take it!

For aftercare, it's really easy, basically don't touch

it, leave it alone, don't use your hands to like do anything with it, don't twist

it, don't like move it back and forth. When I was young and I got my original

ears pierced, I got these pierced, these are my first piercings I got when I was

13 I think. I went to Claire's and I got it done with a gun, which, PSA, don't ever

do that. Don't get your piercings done with a gun.

There's a lot of different reasons, I'll link in the description bar below a huge

write-up of like all of the different reasons why you shouldn't ever get a

piercing done with a gun and you should absolutely go with a needle.

The biggest reason being that you can't properly sterilize a gun like you can

with a needle, and there's a lot less trauma to the area when you use a needle,

and it's quicker, it's faster to heal, and the people who are doing it are properly

trained, there's literally a million reasons why, but anyway, when I originally

got my lobes done when I was young, they told me like twist it, like move it back

and forth, but I know now that is like the complete opposite thing that you're

supposed to do. The more you touch it and the more you play with it and the more

you move it around, the longer it's going to take to heal, and especially nipple

piercings, they told me that it's going to take between like six to nine months

to have like be fully healed, and it'll probably take even longer than that. I've

been reading a lot of stories online and people with their experiences and stuff,

and most people said like they were feeling 100% healed like after about a

year or so, so that's kind of what I'm expecting. And that's actually exactly

why I decided to get it done now, when Blake isn't here, because when he's not

here, I mean nobody's gonna be up in there for multiple months in a row, so

it's like the perfect time to get it done. And then, Noel you gotta go potty?

Come on, let's go outside.

But for now, I'm going to make some coffee and a saline

solution to soak the area and I start editing a video.

And I'm heating up a little bit of saline solution, basically it's just

water with some sea salt to soak my nipples so that way, they can heal.

Also, I mentioned yesterday that obviously I was spending money... bending over is weird.

When I got them done, I was thinking like, oh man, I should probably have some like

comfortable bras to wear around that are clean. Because I only have a couple bras.

I really like the ones I have, and I use them constantly, I wash them constantly,

but they're getting a little stretched out. I probably just need to go straight

up like bra shopping soon. I wasn't sure what kind of level of compression was

going to be comfortable. I wasn't sure if like a padded bra would feel more

comfortable, or a sports bra, or something a lot more light, so when I left after I

got them done, I was actually just wearing a normal bra. It's a, it's a

Panache bra like by Cleo, and it's like molded cups and it fits really well, and

I love that bra to death. By the way, OG subscribers know, but if you guys

haven't seen my bra fitting video from years and years and years and years ago

and me and Blake we're just dating, you should definitely check it out because

chances are you're not wearing the right size bra, and that will be linked in the

upper right hand corner. It's from my old channel, but anyway, I was thinking like

oh, you know what, I should get some of those like Calvin Klein bralettes, the

ones that are really thin and obviously are really like popular right now,

especially on like Instagram and stuff. But they're not sports bras, they're

they're like bralettes, they're a lot thinner, they don't have like the

compression that like sports bras do, so I figured maybe that would be a good

idea. It was like a whole ordeal because I was thinking like I think I've seen

them at Costco, I looked online and then they didn't have it at Costco, and so I

was like alright, well, I'm just gonna look on Amazon Prime Now and see if they

have it, and they did! So I literally got like three of these bralettes on Amazon

Prime Now and they were delivered to my house like two hours after I ordered

them. So I got a gray one, a white one, and I'm actually wearing the black one right

now, and this texture is legit! So comfortable after getting your nipples

pierced. I slept in this bra last night and

it was so comfortable! It didn't feel like I was wearing a bra at all!

So like that is awesome. Okay guys, it is time to end the vlog. I hope I didn't

scare too many of you away! This was something that although I had been

thinking about for a really long time, I know that I never really talked about it

in the vlog, so it might have been maybe a shock. But I'm hopefully not too

shocking, and I hope you guys enjoyed the vlog anyway. For today's question of the

day, tell me all about your piercings! What do you have done? What was the most

painful piercing? What was the easiest piercing? What do you want to get in the

future? Anything else? Tell me about all the piercings, or maybe

the coolest experience that you ever had with a piercing. Let me know all your

piercing stories in the comments down below, and I hope you guys enjoyed this

vlog, if you did, make sure you give it a big thumbs up, and subscribe if you

haven't already, and I'll see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> I Pierced my WHAT?! || Nipple Piercing Experience - Duration: 13:15.


BBB18: Após polêmica, Jéssica vai parar no confessionário e Lucas questiona - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Após polêmica, Jéssica vai parar no confessionário e Lucas questiona - Duration: 2:52.


Don't eat my noodle! Funny eating show, noodle, toy, mart, family. RIWORLD - Duration: 5:22.


It looks so delicious

so good

Can I eat your noodle ?


No. I don't want to do

After RIWON is sleeping, then I will eat

Oh, it is last one

What am I supposed to do?

You can not eat. because she will disappoint to you

Don't hesitate ,before she get up

I made my mind

I am gonna eat this

So delicious~

What is this smell?

Oh my PORORO noodle

Oh my PORORO noodle

Daddy! how could you eat my PORORO noodle?

it was last one

Sorry, I was so hungry

I found it!

Let's cook these noodles

Let's eat now


Can I eat your noodle together?

Of course

So delicious

It is awesome!

Take this

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