Friday, February 16, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 17 2018

For more infomation >> TRAVEL CHANNEL - Adrenaline Kick Events & Tours, Luxury Incentives with Juergen Schreiter #SkyDiving - Duration: 1:06.


RSS Feed - Duration: 1:16.

Hello, my name is Sonny Requejo and today I will show you How to Subscribe to a RSS


There are many RSS readers to choose from I am going to use Feedly for this example.

Simply search Feedly in web browser.

Click on "Get Started For Free."

Choose your preference to create an account.

The nice thing about Feedly is it provides some RSS feeds that users might be interested


I recommend subscribing to a few to start.

To add a RSS feed from a website all you have to do is copy the url and paste it in the

Feedly search box and various options will pop-up.

For my example I would like to have the blog posts retrieved.

You can see there is a brief description of the website and then press "Follow."

You can choose to group it to a feed you have already created or make a new one.

Now on the left hand side you can see the new feed was added.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> RSS Feed - Duration: 1:16.


RANDOM SHADOW CHALLENGE w/ Too Faced Chocolate GOLD Palette! Inspired by Colour Creep Kristen Leanne - Duration: 15:58.

Hey guys! Ashley Elizabeth here with AEHM artistry and I am super super excited

for this challenge video! So a special shout out to Kimberley Margarita with

Colour Creep and Kristen Leanne! They just did this challenge on Colour Creep, which

is Kimberley Margarita's youtube channel. And I was like "oh my gosh girls, I can't

wait to do this, I am so excited!". So what this is, this is the random eye shadow

color challenge! So you pick a palette and then you put all the names of the

eyeshadows, then you put into a bowl and then you pick out one at a time.

I believe they did five. So we'll do five eyeshadows. And you have to do in order

and you have to make the look work. Oh, it's a little nerve-racking! I wanted to

do this because I always map out my eyeshadow looks. There's only like maybe

one time that I filmed something that I didn't think about ahead of time. Well I

thought about, but I didn't like go into great detail. I was like let's just make

it work, whatever. But usually I like know which color I want to build up where,

when, what what, how the look I'm going for.

So this is super exciting because I don't know...I don't know what's gonna

happen! I don't know what to expect. Is it gonna work out or is it gonna be crazy

Daisy? So I had a hard time deciding on which palette I wanted to use but I

narrowed it down and then I came up with the Too Faced Chocolate Gold bar palette. Of

course you can take a lot of risk with these, this Chocolate Gold Palette. As you

know, there are lots of colors. There is this crazy green, these pinks, there's you

know rose gold, there's crazy fried gold, and then you only have mattes. Okay?

Four MATTE neutrals to work with! And then other than that, they are all crazy

glitter shimmer shadows. So we will see if we can come up with a good look today.

So I will link down, the video down, below. As well as their channels. Those girls

are awesome, I love them! I don't know them personally, but you know you feel like

you're connected here on youtube. So go down and check them out as well. And then,

let's let's put these puppies in a bowl! And let's pick it out! Oh

*Title Music for AEHM artistry*

So I have my trusty Bowl here. I'm actually borrowing it from my daughter,

It is from Sugar Factory, which is a place in Vegas. I actually don't know if

they still have Sugar Factories, but if you you've never been to them, they're super cool,

they're just fun, cute. They have candy drinks and stuff like that. And lots of

candy but I want to shake it up real good. And let's pick our first color. Okay?

Oh...I'm a little nervous. Like to get something too crazy, too soon. But, that's

part of the fun. Alright, I got...well if you can see that, it might be too bright.

But I got Decadent. So let's see what decadent... Oh...

decadent is black.

What are the chances?! What are the chances that my first one is black. What?!

Okay, you know what I think that Kristin or one of them got a black shadow as

like their second one. But the decadent in this isn't too crazy intense black.

Not like the one in the Kristen Leanne palette. If I had that palette, I'd be

doing it with that too. But I don't, but I know the black, that one, i swatched

it it is crazy crazy pigmented. But this one is a softer more brownie black, so it

will be a little easier to work with. But come on...first one. Where are we gonna go

from there? Let's go ahead and prime my lids. I actually do use the Urban Decay

All Nighter Concealer to prime and then I will...I will...uh go in with decadent.

I don't get to set it. I don't get to set my lids like I normally do.

Ooookay, let's go

into that decadent. Alright. Oh what am I gonna do guys? What am I

gonna do? I need some brush cleaner spray, for after decadent. I could cheat and like

just go with a basic smoky eye, but I don't want to do that because yeah. I

could totally do a smoky eye with that but I'm not gonna do it, I will persevere!

So let's go in with my like little rounded fluffy brush. Is a little tiny

guy. I'm gonna dip right into decadent.

Ok, I'm gonna just do my corners and

then my inner. So both inner corners. so...

it'll be like an intense kind of.....'s a

little bit darker than I remember, last time. Yeah, it's a little more pigmented.


nervous laughter.


Ooo, you know what I haven't done in a long time? I haven't

done like a crazy, like straight-lined thingy. I'm gonna use this decadent

little guy, and I'm gonna let's do it. Let's go crazy here. Let's do a little

old school like crazy wing look. Wow! Okay Too Faced. I don't think I've used this

black just by itself. I think I used it just to deepen up shades and it is way

way more pigmented that I thought. So that's that's extra cool that it was my

first shade. Haha.

Bring it over like a rainbow.

Grab my favorite blending brush. So I'm gonna blend it the

most I possibly can because who even knows if I'm gonna get like a blendable

shade. You know? And if I can't go back to this, I better make it work. Just feels

like high school again, I'm like only using black to make a look. Because I didn't have that

much back then.

Now smaller pointed brush with that so I can blend up in our corner, right here. Bit more detail

that way. Okay now let's smoke out the bottom

lashline. And I'm gonna do the same just leaving that little space. I know, this

is kind like, a little bit of my go-to look, but not in this order at all. I have

no idea what color look be able to do. So let's go ahead and dress just

Do a little bit.

Because I kind of want to like...if I get fun colors, I kind of want them to

pop on the lower lash line. That might be fun. See I'm already trying to plan my

look and I have no idea what I'm even gonna get from it. Now let me blend out a little bit


Let's see what our next fate holds. Okay? Lets Do Thissss.


We got...I don't think this is showing up...

I did like color pencils, but we have Old Money. So old money is this shade right

here. Which is like a really cool, like penny color. Really neat. So let's create

a nice base for that look. So this little rounded tip brush right here and dip it

right into old money. And pack it on and then place it...hmm I guess I'll place it

all over the middle because I don't know what I'm gonna get next. And...from

here, I can build up something cool, I think. Oh guys the pigment on this is


That's neat, like black and copper. Very cool.

So I won't do my lower lashline. I

will save it for another shade. So I can like use all five colors and be a little

on top. How does that sound? It's looking really cool, actually. I

would wear this look. far.

Let's pick another one! Okay, this one

is So Boujee. Oh cool, so that's a transition one. You probably can't see

that, So Boujee. Which is this perfect little transition shade. Can't get that

first, now can't we?! No but that's alright because it is working. So I will use this

as your transition shade. It'd be really sad, if I didn't get any

others now, I want pretty ones now. I want all the crazy colors because I already

made it work. Okay so lets take that

and just blend a little. That's cool it's kind of warming it up. Making it more of

a brown. I'll do the inside with a smaller fluffy brush to make it blend.

Okay I would not put black and this penny color together, but it looks killer. So I

challenge you guys, whether YouTube channel or not, to try this because it

kind of makes your regular makeup routine I like a little more exciting. If

you feel like you're in a rut. Especially. Take my little E25 brush and dip it into

that so boujee. Put it right in the corners. Let's use this opportunity with So

Boujee to smudge out below our lash line, a little bit. Alright let's pick another

one because that one, although essential, was a little bit boring. I think you

might agree. Let's see...come on winner winner chicken dinner. Now I'm like

excited for the for the crazy ones. Alright Classy and Aassy. So classy and

sassy...oh this little rose gold. Oh that'll look nice. It's not crazy but

classy and sassy is this little rose gold one right there. Super cute. Let's go

in with...but let me clean off one of my brushes. Little pointed guy, right into

Classy and Sassy. Oh okay I'm gonna put it right in the middle. Let's just make

this shade a little more unique, let's make it like transition. Okay so have a

copper towards the center.

Ohhhh I just dipped it into the pink one! Ahhh!

Ok pay attention! Okay so get classy and sassy. So let's make this like more on this

side and the copper is one inner corner. That's cool actually. Really really

freakin pretty. Hope you guys can see that little transition there.


Alright, that's pretty cool. Okay, now I'm gonna do the lower little space

that I left, in case I don't get another fun shade. Like, if I just get Rolling in

Doe, then that would not be very fun in the middle. So let's go ahead put Classy

and Sassy right there. I'll put the base but then I might go in with my finger to

like deepen it up.

Mmm that's so pretty.

And then for fear of the same thing for

the inner corner. Let's go ahead and pop some Classy and Aassy on the inner

corner too.

Occasionally, I'll get a little bit of fallout with the glitters, I'll just

sweep it away.

And then, let's make sure those blend. So clean this brush off.

Doesn't have anything left on it, not adding any color to this. I'm just

blending all the shades together.

Alright, I am four down, I got one more to go.

I'm voting for...I want some New Money or some Money Bags or even Chocolate Gold. I want

something really bright. Let's see what we get. Okay I have Famous. Which Famous is

another gold shade. Okay well, it's not an intense gold, but it is pretty. So I will

make that pop a little bit better. Let's go ahead and...I wonder...I'm gonna wet this

one. We'll wet it so that it comes off like super intense cuz I need something

that just take me there. Okay so let's do my Urban Decay chill spray and wet this

down. Yeah and then let's dip into my Famous? Yeah famous. Let's dip into famous

here. Kind of create like, almost like a glitter paste. Oh yeah. And then let's pop

the top right in the middle there. Basically just glossy-fy it. Do I want to

take it all the way to the corner? Let's do it. Let's just go ahead and bring it

all the way into the inner corner. Why not? That crazy gold filling, oh yeah.

There we go! Some intensity. Almost like a foil lid now. Very neat. Let's go ahead

and do that.

Alright so, that is the five shades in the Random Shadow Challenge. So let me

go ahead and do my liner lashes and then uh yeah...we'll see how this looks all


Alright guys, there's everything together. I popped on my magnetic lashes

and I went ahead and did the Urban Decay Torch liner because, first of all, Urban

Decay 24/7 liners just really friggin take it there. As far as the colors go.

And I love torch, and it helps this look to go there. So if you are new here

watching this, please go down and hit my little SUBSCRIBE button! I post videos

two to three times a week and I also do series videos. What that means is I post

seven videos in a row of a similar theme. So I've done a cruelty free a drugstore

foundation series and I have another one that I'll be posting in March of a new

cruelty free situation. So I won't tell you what it is yet, but somebody who's

followed me for a long time might be able to take a guess at what I am

concocting. Thank you so much for watching, this was super fun and I think

I need to do some more challenge videos. What do you guys think? Are you gonna do

this yourself? I freaking challenge you guys! If you are in a rut with your

eyeshadow palettes and you feel like "oh, I'm so bored and stuff, so over it". Do this

challenge! If not like anything, like you don't have to go through in order, I

would say. Just put them in a bowl have them by your freaking makeup desk or

your bathroom, wherever you get ready, and just pick out five and say I'm gonna

only use these five shadows. Oh & it's a little bit weird not being able to do

like a matte shadow on my upper, you know, well whatever underneath my eyebrow.

That's a little odd. But overall, like I don't think I've ever wet my brush to

use the chocolate gold bar. And it created such a cool foil effect, that had

I not done this...would I be doing it like that? No because the pigmentation was great.

But I felt like this look needed a little shoogeing and wetting my brush

really took that to a next level. So if I didn't do that, wouldI have tried it that

way? So you kind of learn something new

every time you play with makeup, I feel. And that was super cool. If I could fix

it at all, I would definitely do some blending on my brow bone with a matte

white shade. And I would pop in either the green or the pink just to like

freaking to a crazy crazy look. Because you know, just to show off the colors. But

overall, this is a really pretty look and I'm not about cheating. So I just went

with what I was supposed to do and it was super fun. Thank you guys so much for

watching and don't forget to check out the other girls channels, they are super

cute and adorable. I love the looks that they created. Alright, have a great lovely

day! XOXO

For more infomation >> RANDOM SHADOW CHALLENGE w/ Too Faced Chocolate GOLD Palette! Inspired by Colour Creep Kristen Leanne - Duration: 15:58.


Adam 'Say Anything' Schiff Proves He's Stupid With New Claim On Trump Russia Fairytale - Duration: 19:02.

Adam 'Say Anything' Schiff Proves He's Stupid With New Claim On Trump-Russia Fairytale

Democrat California Congressman Adam 'Say Anything' Schiff has just proven once and

for all that he's stupid with a new claim on the Trump-Russia fairytale.

You don't want to miss this.

Adam Schiff (Photo Credit: Twitter/CSPAN) Adam Schiff (D-CA) has been fighting a losing

battle for the better part of a year now since House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin

Nunes (R-CA) first notified President Donald Trump that he was being spied on by the Barack

Obama deep state.

Now, in an attempt to stir the pot, Schiff has a new stupid pill he wants America to


According to The Gateway Pundit, Schiff, who is the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence

Committee and suspected habitual leaker, is now spreading the ridiculous claim that he

has more "non-public evidence" of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.

In addition, Schiff thinks he has substantial evidence to show obstruction of justice and

even money laundering on the part of the Trump campaign.

Schiff spoke at a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor on Wednesday, February

14, 2018, where he told a room full of reporters and liberal debutantes that the panel possesses

"non-public" evidence.

Schiff rattled on for a few moments about the usual liberal talking points but then

turned the narrative a different direction with remarks about obstruction.

"There is certainly an abundance of non-public information that we have gathered in the investigation,

and I think that some of that non-public evidence is evidence on the issue of collusion.

Some of that non-public evidence is evidence on the issue of obstruction," Schiff said.

"And, then, there are other categories where I don't think we've been able to do the

investigative work that we need to do, and probably the most significant category there

is the issue of money laundering.

It is a tried and true maxim; as a former prosecutor, you follow the money," he added.

"We have not been able to adequately follow the money," he continued.

"And, I think the allegations on money laundering are credible enough that we ought to, in the

exercise of due diligence, see if this was one of the other vectors of the Russian active

measures campaign," Schiff went on.

"We know that, in other places, they use money laundering as a way of entangling people,

as a way of compromising people.

To me, that is far more potentially compromising than any salacious video."

According to Daily Caller, Schiff also admitted that he and his Democrat counterparts on the

House Intelligence Committee did include classified sources and methods in their junk response

memo which was knocked down by Trump when they asked for permission to release it.

In regard to what needed to be done to release the memo, Schiff replied, "We need to go

through that and identify that which remains classified and would implicate sources and

methods or investigative interests."

This guy has definitely lost his mind.

If anyone has something to hide, it's the Democratic Party.

They are responsible for fixing a primary election and weaponizing our federal law enforcement

and intelligence agencies to carry out political surveillance on Trump.

The simple fact of the matter is that Democrats are scared to death of the truth coming out,

so much so that they need clowns like Adam Schiff to sit there and literally say anything

to draw attention away from their mountain of corruption.

Sometimes I wonder how long Democrats will allow Schiff to make them the laughing stock

of the country.

Schiff continually spits out a stream of garbage and nonsense, and the shocking part of it

all is that Schiff really does think he's credible.

The ugly truth is that the Democrat from California is doing a great disservice to the voters

who hired him to do something worthwhile.

For more infomation >> Adam 'Say Anything' Schiff Proves He's Stupid With New Claim On Trump Russia Fairytale - Duration: 19:02.


Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA

For more infomation >> Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA


Homilia Diária.773: Sábado depois das Cinzas - Maria, compadecida de Cristo e de nós - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Homilia Diária.773: Sábado depois das Cinzas - Maria, compadecida de Cristo e de nós - Duration: 5:26.


Gabriel Soto e Irina Baeva más cerca que nunca | GyF - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Gabriel Soto e Irina Baeva más cerca que nunca | GyF - Duration: 3:05.


Madre e hijo quemados viven un calvario y piden ayuda | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Madre e hijo quemados viven un calvario y piden ayuda | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:08.


日産 新型 セレナ e-POWER EVハイブリット「Pure Drive e-Power」採用 プロパイロット搭載 2018年2月28日発表 2018年3月1日発売 - Duration: 22:37.

For more infomation >> 日産 新型 セレナ e-POWER EVハイブリット「Pure Drive e-Power」採用 プロパイロット搭載 2018年2月28日発表 2018年3月1日発売 - Duration: 22:37.


Isola dei Famosi 2018: Marco Ferri e Jonathan Kashanian sempre più vicini |Hot News 24h - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Isola dei Famosi 2018: Marco Ferri e Jonathan Kashanian sempre più vicini |Hot News 24h - Duration: 3:46.


Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI DYNAMIQUE - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI DYNAMIQUE - Duration: 1:00.


Isola dei Famosi 2018: Marco Ferri e Jonathan Kashanian sempre più vicini |Hot News 24h - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Isola dei Famosi 2018: Marco Ferri e Jonathan Kashanian sempre più vicini |Hot News 24h - Duration: 3:46.


Peugeot 5008 1.6 E-HDI STYLE 5P.AUT, NAVI,PANO,LEDER,CRUISE C,LM VELGEN - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 5008 1.6 E-HDI STYLE 5P.AUT, NAVI,PANO,LEDER,CRUISE C,LM VELGEN - Duration: 0:56.


Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE 5-drs. Airco , dealeronderhouden. Zeer nette auto - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE 5-drs. Airco , dealeronderhouden. Zeer nette auto - Duration: 0:59.


Peugeot Partner 120 1.6 E-HDI L1 XT PROFIT + Airco/Cruise/Schuifdeur - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot Partner 120 1.6 E-HDI L1 XT PROFIT + Airco/Cruise/Schuifdeur - Duration: 0:54.


Anticipazioni U&D, Tina umilia Gemma: il gesto shock nella prossima puntata | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni U&D, Tina umilia Gemma: il gesto shock nella prossima puntata | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:36.


Cores de Aidê - Bloco de mulheres em Florianópolis - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Cores de Aidê - Bloco de mulheres em Florianópolis - Duration: 4:13.


Is science and religion always in conflict? - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Is science and religion always in conflict? - Duration: 2:54.


Types of Friends - Part 1 - Duration: 3:37.

Where's my money scammer you haven't paid until today

- Hi all good? - All

Merry Christmas To you too

- Where are my real ones you didn't return? - What 30 reais?

The real 30 you asked for last week

30 Reais last week?

- that you asked to buy a panties - never even saw

My God, where is that boy?

Hello Luana

- Hello? Grandbaby, where are you, boy? Are you leaving now?

- I'm leaving already

- I'm almost done already, I'm going

- All right, I'm ready to go.

- See you in a bit, bye

- Oushi haven't even taken a shower yet.

- Did you see Sabrina cut her hair?

I remembered a business here now. Do you know who left the church? Talita

She went to the carnival party uhummm

I'm going to tell you something

What's the dog's religion?


How much does this gem of infinity cost?

My God look Bannerji missing

Hi Allysson

Look at the picture I made, Netinho!

But look what I did OH

Look I bought a cell phone

Look what I won arrived now

What beauty

Look at the bag I bought to work

Look at the backpack I bought to go to New York

- Netinho

-Where are you, boy? Such coming out already?

Have to come walking towards me it was not there not

-Hello Luana?

I'm leaving already

For more infomation >> Types of Friends - Part 1 - Duration: 3:37.


Gambiarra Flakes v1.1 test - Duration: 15:48.

This video shows me testing the Gambiarra add-on to see if everything is running properly.

It was recorded with version 1.1 of this add-on for Flakes Doom, a very good GAA1992's, who also worked

on this PWAD with me. I didn't cheat or anything, in order to try to reproduce the experience of the

regular player, and, therefore, it doesn't show the Plasma Rifle Prototype, since I only played three

Doom II maps that have no spawner for this weapon. But I've already recorded other videos that shows it,

including Gambiarra's show case, published when we released its first public version. With v1.1, this

add-on leaves, officially, its beta stage, by the way. I corrected some bugs, including one that made the

Zombieman guts float if the add-on was loaded with enemy packs like the Brutal Doom

Monsters Only, among other minor things (I added a changelog too). Anyway, I'm really liking what

this thing is turning into and it seems that everything is running smooth. Certainly, we will continue

working here, adding more weapons, altfires and stuff. You can download Gambiarra as well as having

more information, as always, in the description. P.S .: This match was played with Kriegsland

Enemies Pack, the monsters only version of Kriegsland, which is also a GAA1992's mod. Have a good time!

Ah! I was almost forgetting to thank RiboZurai as well. His help was invaluable to this mod.

For more infomation >> Gambiarra Flakes v1.1 test - Duration: 15:48.


BBB18: "Não quero controlar meus sentimentos", dispara Jéssica sobre Lucas - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> BBB18: "Não quero controlar meus sentimentos", dispara Jéssica sobre Lucas - Duration: 2:33.


Tres aplicaciones que te ayudarán a dormir como un bebé | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Tres aplicaciones que te ayudarán a dormir como un bebé | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:57.


Griffin House - Yesterday Lies (SUBTITULADO AL ESPAÑOL) - Duration: 4:05.


Can't believe what my eyes seem to see, all the thoughts trapped up in my memory

Something up in my head says I'm better where I used to be

Not try to solve every mystery but there's no luck stuck in your history

Evil tricking my mind into seeing what it wants to see

"Yesterday lies"

When I leave it in my hands

"Yesterday lies" to me

Yeah! it's just an illusion caused by the thoughts trapped up in my memory

Voices telling me everything is better how it used to be

"Yesterday lies"

I'm looking in front of me

Ain't going to let those old bad thoughts get the best of me

"Yesterday lies" to me

Hard to believe how the story unfolds when your heart's so warm and your love's so cold

I gotta say it was bold of us to begin at all

I used to feel so invincible

Found it easy to convince you all

Take a look at me now who are you after all?

"Yesterday lies"

It's better than it used to be

"Yesterday lies" to me

Little by little they try to keep testing me

Little by little you try to get the best of me

You might have got me once but you won't get the rest of me

I'm looking in front of me

I'm looking in front of me

"Yesterday lies"

It's better than it used to be

Ain't going to let my thoughts get away with thinking less of me

I ain't messing with destiny

I'm looking in front of me

Don't know why my memory keeps playing tricks on me

"Yesterday lies" you see

"Yesterday lies" to me

For more infomation >> Griffin House - Yesterday Lies (SUBTITULADO AL ESPAÑOL) - Duration: 4:05.


Críticas a Marco Rubio por comentario controversial | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Críticas a Marco Rubio por comentario controversial | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:11.


Sicario balea en plena calle a dos adolescentes | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Sicario balea en plena calle a dos adolescentes | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.


Renault Captur 90pk TCe Dynamique | Climate Controle | R-LINK | Navigatie | Cruise Controle | L.M. V - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 90pk TCe Dynamique | Climate Controle | R-LINK | Navigatie | Cruise Controle | L.M. V - Duration: 0:54.


TRAVEL CHANNEL - Adrenaline Kick Events & Tours, Luxury Incentives with Juergen Schreiter #SkyDiving - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> TRAVEL CHANNEL - Adrenaline Kick Events & Tours, Luxury Incentives with Juergen Schreiter #SkyDiving - Duration: 1:06.


RSS Feed - Duration: 1:16.

Hello, my name is Sonny Requejo and today I will show you How to Subscribe to a RSS


There are many RSS readers to choose from I am going to use Feedly for this example.

Simply search Feedly in web browser.

Click on "Get Started For Free."

Choose your preference to create an account.

The nice thing about Feedly is it provides some RSS feeds that users might be interested


I recommend subscribing to a few to start.

To add a RSS feed from a website all you have to do is copy the url and paste it in the

Feedly search box and various options will pop-up.

For my example I would like to have the blog posts retrieved.

You can see there is a brief description of the website and then press "Follow."

You can choose to group it to a feed you have already created or make a new one.

Now on the left hand side you can see the new feed was added.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> RSS Feed - Duration: 1:16.


RANDOM SHADOW CHALLENGE w/ Too Faced Chocolate GOLD Palette! Inspired by Colour Creep Kristen Leanne - Duration: 15:58.

Hey guys! Ashley Elizabeth here with AEHM artistry and I am super super excited

for this challenge video! So a special shout out to Kimberley Margarita with

Colour Creep and Kristen Leanne! They just did this challenge on Colour Creep, which

is Kimberley Margarita's youtube channel. And I was like "oh my gosh girls, I can't

wait to do this, I am so excited!". So what this is, this is the random eye shadow

color challenge! So you pick a palette and then you put all the names of the

eyeshadows, then you put into a bowl and then you pick out one at a time.

I believe they did five. So we'll do five eyeshadows. And you have to do in order

and you have to make the look work. Oh, it's a little nerve-racking! I wanted to

do this because I always map out my eyeshadow looks. There's only like maybe

one time that I filmed something that I didn't think about ahead of time. Well I

thought about, but I didn't like go into great detail. I was like let's just make

it work, whatever. But usually I like know which color I want to build up where,

when, what what, how the look I'm going for.

So this is super exciting because I don't know...I don't know what's gonna

happen! I don't know what to expect. Is it gonna work out or is it gonna be crazy

Daisy? So I had a hard time deciding on which palette I wanted to use but I

narrowed it down and then I came up with the Too Faced Chocolate Gold bar palette. Of

course you can take a lot of risk with these, this Chocolate Gold Palette. As you

know, there are lots of colors. There is this crazy green, these pinks, there's you

know rose gold, there's crazy fried gold, and then you only have mattes. Okay?

Four MATTE neutrals to work with! And then other than that, they are all crazy

glitter shimmer shadows. So we will see if we can come up with a good look today.

So I will link down, the video down, below. As well as their channels. Those girls

are awesome, I love them! I don't know them personally, but you know you feel like

you're connected here on youtube. So go down and check them out as well. And then,

let's let's put these puppies in a bowl! And let's pick it out! Oh

*Title Music for AEHM artistry*

So I have my trusty Bowl here. I'm actually borrowing it from my daughter,

It is from Sugar Factory, which is a place in Vegas. I actually don't know if

they still have Sugar Factories, but if you you've never been to them, they're super cool,

they're just fun, cute. They have candy drinks and stuff like that. And lots of

candy but I want to shake it up real good. And let's pick our first color. Okay?

Oh...I'm a little nervous. Like to get something too crazy, too soon. But, that's

part of the fun. Alright, I got...well if you can see that, it might be too bright.

But I got Decadent. So let's see what decadent... Oh...

decadent is black.

What are the chances?! What are the chances that my first one is black. What?!

Okay, you know what I think that Kristin or one of them got a black shadow as

like their second one. But the decadent in this isn't too crazy intense black.

Not like the one in the Kristen Leanne palette. If I had that palette, I'd be

doing it with that too. But I don't, but I know the black, that one, i swatched

it it is crazy crazy pigmented. But this one is a softer more brownie black, so it

will be a little easier to work with. But come on...first one. Where are we gonna go

from there? Let's go ahead and prime my lids. I actually do use the Urban Decay

All Nighter Concealer to prime and then I will...I will...uh go in with decadent.

I don't get to set it. I don't get to set my lids like I normally do.

Ooookay, let's go

into that decadent. Alright. Oh what am I gonna do guys? What am I

gonna do? I need some brush cleaner spray, for after decadent. I could cheat and like

just go with a basic smoky eye, but I don't want to do that because yeah. I

could totally do a smoky eye with that but I'm not gonna do it, I will persevere!

So let's go in with my like little rounded fluffy brush. Is a little tiny

guy. I'm gonna dip right into decadent.

Ok, I'm gonna just do my corners and

then my inner. So both inner corners. so...

it'll be like an intense kind of.....'s a

little bit darker than I remember, last time. Yeah, it's a little more pigmented.


nervous laughter.


Ooo, you know what I haven't done in a long time? I haven't

done like a crazy, like straight-lined thingy. I'm gonna use this decadent

little guy, and I'm gonna let's do it. Let's go crazy here. Let's do a little

old school like crazy wing look. Wow! Okay Too Faced. I don't think I've used this

black just by itself. I think I used it just to deepen up shades and it is way

way more pigmented that I thought. So that's that's extra cool that it was my

first shade. Haha.

Bring it over like a rainbow.

Grab my favorite blending brush. So I'm gonna blend it the

most I possibly can because who even knows if I'm gonna get like a blendable

shade. You know? And if I can't go back to this, I better make it work. Just feels

like high school again, I'm like only using black to make a look. Because I didn't have that

much back then.

Now smaller pointed brush with that so I can blend up in our corner, right here. Bit more detail

that way. Okay now let's smoke out the bottom

lashline. And I'm gonna do the same just leaving that little space. I know, this

is kind like, a little bit of my go-to look, but not in this order at all. I have

no idea what color look be able to do. So let's go ahead and dress just

Do a little bit.

Because I kind of want to like...if I get fun colors, I kind of want them to

pop on the lower lash line. That might be fun. See I'm already trying to plan my

look and I have no idea what I'm even gonna get from it. Now let me blend out a little bit


Let's see what our next fate holds. Okay? Lets Do Thissss.


We got...I don't think this is showing up...

I did like color pencils, but we have Old Money. So old money is this shade right

here. Which is like a really cool, like penny color. Really neat. So let's create

a nice base for that look. So this little rounded tip brush right here and dip it

right into old money. And pack it on and then place it...hmm I guess I'll place it

all over the middle because I don't know what I'm gonna get next. And...from

here, I can build up something cool, I think. Oh guys the pigment on this is


That's neat, like black and copper. Very cool.

So I won't do my lower lashline. I

will save it for another shade. So I can like use all five colors and be a little

on top. How does that sound? It's looking really cool, actually. I

would wear this look. far.

Let's pick another one! Okay, this one

is So Boujee. Oh cool, so that's a transition one. You probably can't see

that, So Boujee. Which is this perfect little transition shade. Can't get that

first, now can't we?! No but that's alright because it is working. So I will use this

as your transition shade. It'd be really sad, if I didn't get any

others now, I want pretty ones now. I want all the crazy colors because I already

made it work. Okay so lets take that

and just blend a little. That's cool it's kind of warming it up. Making it more of

a brown. I'll do the inside with a smaller fluffy brush to make it blend.

Okay I would not put black and this penny color together, but it looks killer. So I

challenge you guys, whether YouTube channel or not, to try this because it

kind of makes your regular makeup routine I like a little more exciting. If

you feel like you're in a rut. Especially. Take my little E25 brush and dip it into

that so boujee. Put it right in the corners. Let's use this opportunity with So

Boujee to smudge out below our lash line, a little bit. Alright let's pick another

one because that one, although essential, was a little bit boring. I think you

might agree. Let's see...come on winner winner chicken dinner. Now I'm like

excited for the for the crazy ones. Alright Classy and Aassy. So classy and

sassy...oh this little rose gold. Oh that'll look nice. It's not crazy but

classy and sassy is this little rose gold one right there. Super cute. Let's go

in with...but let me clean off one of my brushes. Little pointed guy, right into

Classy and Sassy. Oh okay I'm gonna put it right in the middle. Let's just make

this shade a little more unique, let's make it like transition. Okay so have a

copper towards the center.

Ohhhh I just dipped it into the pink one! Ahhh!

Ok pay attention! Okay so get classy and sassy. So let's make this like more on this

side and the copper is one inner corner. That's cool actually. Really really

freakin pretty. Hope you guys can see that little transition there.


Alright, that's pretty cool. Okay, now I'm gonna do the lower little space

that I left, in case I don't get another fun shade. Like, if I just get Rolling in

Doe, then that would not be very fun in the middle. So let's go ahead put Classy

and Sassy right there. I'll put the base but then I might go in with my finger to

like deepen it up.

Mmm that's so pretty.

And then for fear of the same thing for

the inner corner. Let's go ahead and pop some Classy and Aassy on the inner

corner too.

Occasionally, I'll get a little bit of fallout with the glitters, I'll just

sweep it away.

And then, let's make sure those blend. So clean this brush off.

Doesn't have anything left on it, not adding any color to this. I'm just

blending all the shades together.

Alright, I am four down, I got one more to go.

I'm voting for...I want some New Money or some Money Bags or even Chocolate Gold. I want

something really bright. Let's see what we get. Okay I have Famous. Which Famous is

another gold shade. Okay well, it's not an intense gold, but it is pretty. So I will

make that pop a little bit better. Let's go ahead and...I wonder...I'm gonna wet this

one. We'll wet it so that it comes off like super intense cuz I need something

that just take me there. Okay so let's do my Urban Decay chill spray and wet this

down. Yeah and then let's dip into my Famous? Yeah famous. Let's dip into famous

here. Kind of create like, almost like a glitter paste. Oh yeah. And then let's pop

the top right in the middle there. Basically just glossy-fy it. Do I want to

take it all the way to the corner? Let's do it. Let's just go ahead and bring it

all the way into the inner corner. Why not? That crazy gold filling, oh yeah.

There we go! Some intensity. Almost like a foil lid now. Very neat. Let's go ahead

and do that.

Alright so, that is the five shades in the Random Shadow Challenge. So let me

go ahead and do my liner lashes and then uh yeah...we'll see how this looks all


Alright guys, there's everything together. I popped on my magnetic lashes

and I went ahead and did the Urban Decay Torch liner because, first of all, Urban

Decay 24/7 liners just really friggin take it there. As far as the colors go.

And I love torch, and it helps this look to go there. So if you are new here

watching this, please go down and hit my little SUBSCRIBE button! I post videos

two to three times a week and I also do series videos. What that means is I post

seven videos in a row of a similar theme. So I've done a cruelty free a drugstore

foundation series and I have another one that I'll be posting in March of a new

cruelty free situation. So I won't tell you what it is yet, but somebody who's

followed me for a long time might be able to take a guess at what I am

concocting. Thank you so much for watching, this was super fun and I think

I need to do some more challenge videos. What do you guys think? Are you gonna do

this yourself? I freaking challenge you guys! If you are in a rut with your

eyeshadow palettes and you feel like "oh, I'm so bored and stuff, so over it". Do this

challenge! If not like anything, like you don't have to go through in order, I

would say. Just put them in a bowl have them by your freaking makeup desk or

your bathroom, wherever you get ready, and just pick out five and say I'm gonna

only use these five shadows. Oh & it's a little bit weird not being able to do

like a matte shadow on my upper, you know, well whatever underneath my eyebrow.

That's a little odd. But overall, like I don't think I've ever wet my brush to

use the chocolate gold bar. And it created such a cool foil effect, that had

I not done this...would I be doing it like that? No because the pigmentation was great.

But I felt like this look needed a little shoogeing and wetting my brush

really took that to a next level. So if I didn't do that, wouldI have tried it that

way? So you kind of learn something new

every time you play with makeup, I feel. And that was super cool. If I could fix

it at all, I would definitely do some blending on my brow bone with a matte

white shade. And I would pop in either the green or the pink just to like

freaking to a crazy crazy look. Because you know, just to show off the colors. But

overall, this is a really pretty look and I'm not about cheating. So I just went

with what I was supposed to do and it was super fun. Thank you guys so much for

watching and don't forget to check out the other girls channels, they are super

cute and adorable. I love the looks that they created. Alright, have a great lovely

day! XOXO

For more infomation >> RANDOM SHADOW CHALLENGE w/ Too Faced Chocolate GOLD Palette! Inspired by Colour Creep Kristen Leanne - Duration: 15:58.


Adam 'Say Anything' Schiff Proves He's Stupid With New Claim On Trump Russia Fairytale - Duration: 19:02.

Adam 'Say Anything' Schiff Proves He's Stupid With New Claim On Trump-Russia Fairytale

Democrat California Congressman Adam 'Say Anything' Schiff has just proven once and

for all that he's stupid with a new claim on the Trump-Russia fairytale.

You don't want to miss this.

Adam Schiff (Photo Credit: Twitter/CSPAN) Adam Schiff (D-CA) has been fighting a losing

battle for the better part of a year now since House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin

Nunes (R-CA) first notified President Donald Trump that he was being spied on by the Barack

Obama deep state.

Now, in an attempt to stir the pot, Schiff has a new stupid pill he wants America to


According to The Gateway Pundit, Schiff, who is the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence

Committee and suspected habitual leaker, is now spreading the ridiculous claim that he

has more "non-public evidence" of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.

In addition, Schiff thinks he has substantial evidence to show obstruction of justice and

even money laundering on the part of the Trump campaign.

Schiff spoke at a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor on Wednesday, February

14, 2018, where he told a room full of reporters and liberal debutantes that the panel possesses

"non-public" evidence.

Schiff rattled on for a few moments about the usual liberal talking points but then

turned the narrative a different direction with remarks about obstruction.

"There is certainly an abundance of non-public information that we have gathered in the investigation,

and I think that some of that non-public evidence is evidence on the issue of collusion.

Some of that non-public evidence is evidence on the issue of obstruction," Schiff said.

"And, then, there are other categories where I don't think we've been able to do the

investigative work that we need to do, and probably the most significant category there

is the issue of money laundering.

It is a tried and true maxim; as a former prosecutor, you follow the money," he added.

"We have not been able to adequately follow the money," he continued.

"And, I think the allegations on money laundering are credible enough that we ought to, in the

exercise of due diligence, see if this was one of the other vectors of the Russian active

measures campaign," Schiff went on.

"We know that, in other places, they use money laundering as a way of entangling people,

as a way of compromising people.

To me, that is far more potentially compromising than any salacious video."

According to Daily Caller, Schiff also admitted that he and his Democrat counterparts on the

House Intelligence Committee did include classified sources and methods in their junk response

memo which was knocked down by Trump when they asked for permission to release it.

In regard to what needed to be done to release the memo, Schiff replied, "We need to go

through that and identify that which remains classified and would implicate sources and

methods or investigative interests."

This guy has definitely lost his mind.

If anyone has something to hide, it's the Democratic Party.

They are responsible for fixing a primary election and weaponizing our federal law enforcement

and intelligence agencies to carry out political surveillance on Trump.

The simple fact of the matter is that Democrats are scared to death of the truth coming out,

so much so that they need clowns like Adam Schiff to sit there and literally say anything

to draw attention away from their mountain of corruption.

Sometimes I wonder how long Democrats will allow Schiff to make them the laughing stock

of the country.

Schiff continually spits out a stream of garbage and nonsense, and the shocking part of it

all is that Schiff really does think he's credible.

The ugly truth is that the Democrat from California is doing a great disservice to the voters

who hired him to do something worthwhile.

For more infomation >> Adam 'Say Anything' Schiff Proves He's Stupid With New Claim On Trump Russia Fairytale - Duration: 19:02.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


"Political Issues" Don't Exist... - Duration: 2:49.

If you haven't said it yourself, you've definitely heard someone say it.

We don't get involved in "political issues".

Churches say this all the time.

For Americans, it's a polite way of breaking up with a conversation we don't want to have.

"It's not you, it's me."

But there's one little problem with this argument, there's no such thing as a "political issue."

There are economic issues, environmental issues, criminal justice issues, educational issues,

and transportation issues, but there are no political issues.

That's because politics is not a category of issues but a process used to resolve discussions

about every kind of issue.

Is this semantics or does it actually matter?

Here's why I think it matters, especially in the church.

By creating an artificial line between things that are "political" and not political

we create an excuse to avoid things we don't want to deal with.

But is it a good excuse?

For Christians, the answer is "no" because for us the line that actually matters is biblical

or not biblical.

God probably doesn't care which side of the road we drive on, but He does care about

how we understand marriage, human sexuality and gender.

Fortunately, no one who says "I don't get involved in political issues" actually

means it.

Many of the same churches that refuse to talk about marriage or gender are the first to

talk about racial injustice or human trafficking—as they should.

But the church's selective willingness to have an opinion or engage a conversation indicates

that when we say "I don't get involved in politics" what we probably mean

"I don't say things that people aren't going to like."

That sounds pretty bad.

That is pretty bad.

The result is as ironic as it is troubling.

In an effort to not be political, churches have committed themselves to the most annoying

political habit there is; only doing things that we believe will be popular.

Yes, there is a balance in all of this.

We shouldn't pick fights or be obnoxious, but we should stop pretending there's honor

in avoiding difficult conversations.

The church exists to help people deal with difficult questions, so let's do that.

If we think we have the answer, let's not be afraid to give some answers.

At the very least, stop saying "I don't get involved in political issues".

That's not true and there's no such thing.

For more infomation >> "Political Issues" Don't Exist... - Duration: 2:49.


Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 T QUADRIFOGLIO VERDE 170pk QV Bluetooth/Navi/PDC - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 T QUADRIFOGLIO VERDE 170pk QV Bluetooth/Navi/PDC - Duration: 1:00.


Dark Harvest + Drakthaar + Crit + Statikk + Draven Axe + Trinity Passive - Duration: 10:15.

For more infomation >> Dark Harvest + Drakthaar + Crit + Statikk + Draven Axe + Trinity Passive - Duration: 10:15.


McMafia: 'Shadow Economy' Season Premiere Sneak Peek - Duration: 2:06.

[Mouse clicks]





[Speaks in Arabic]



[Speaking foreign language]


[Conversation in foreign language]


[Speaks in foreign language]



[Indistinct chatter]

[Speaks in foreign language]



[Mouse clicks]



For more infomation >> McMafia: 'Shadow Economy' Season Premiere Sneak Peek - Duration: 2:06.


McMafia: 'What Does it Take to Corrupt You?' Season Premiere Sneak Peek - Duration: 5:03.

[Men speaking in Hebrew]




[Israeli accent] Are you here for business?

I don't know why I'm here.

Maybe you're here to meet me.


[ Giggles ]


You have soft hands.

Let me guess -- you're a gangster.

[ Chuckles ]






Close again.


American girl?


British women are tough, huh?

Tougher than Israeli women?


[ Chuckles ]

God, what does it take to corrupt you?


Let me get you a drink.


[Siren wails]

What? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, come on!

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[Siren continues wailing]

Follow me, please.

[Man speaking Hebrew over PA]

[Siren continues]

[Conversations in Hebrew]




[Speaks Hebrew]

Alex, Semiyon. -Ah!

[Speaks Hebrew]

I'm afraid I don't speak Hebrew.

Ah, your uncle tells me you are very good with money.

He's my uncle.

[ Laughs ]

I don't hear so great.

Are you afraid?

-Of what? -Bombs?

I feel pretty safe down here.

Let's go up on the roof.

We can hear better.


[ Thunder rumbles ]

Don't worry about the bombs.

It's a practice drill.

My friends at the IDF warned me.

We're more likely to be hit by lightning.

So, I want to invest $100 million in your fund,

but your uncle says I need to convince you first.

I have to be able to tell the financial authorities in London

where the money comes from.

Well, my understanding is that funds like yours

aren't subject to the usual level of scrutiny.

Within the confines of the law.

He also tells me your business is in trouble

and you need me more than I need you.

I took a look at your profit margins.

It doesn't seem to me like you need any help.

And if I come to you with

an interesting investment opportunity?

[ Thunder rumbles ]

For example?

For example, I have a friend in Mumbai

with shipping interests, huge potential.

But he is getting blocked by a bigger rival

who is paying off the port authorities.

With a small investment,

my friend outbids his rival and triples his profit.

How would you facilitate that?

That's not what we do.

I'm just trying to get an idea of your expertise.

We would set up a special-purpose vehicle

in a low-intervention jurisdiction, like the Caymans.

The SPV would lend money to similar funds

in the Bahamas, Panama,

until it becomes impossible to trace

and reaches your friend in Mumbai.

Would his rival know where the money is coming from?

We would structure it so that

your name wouldn't appear on the share register.


But, like I said, that's not what we do.

For more infomation >> McMafia: 'What Does it Take to Corrupt You?' Season Premiere Sneak Peek - Duration: 5:03.


Lauda Describes Vibrating High Enough To Walk Through - Duration: 2:26.

Lauda Describes Vibrating High Enough To Walk Through A Wall When She Was A Child

In this video, Lauda (also known as Soverign Ki) talks about a quantum experience she had

as a child which describes her first hand knowledge of this holographic matrix reality.

Lauda says that when she was a child, the atoms in her body would begin to vibrate so

fast that her physical body would literally disappear.

She would then see that Earth is a hologram occurring within a dark matter void and that

she could see all the way through Earth.

It puzzled her as to why she did not fall through the Earth, i.e. she questions what

was keeping her in the space she was occupying.

One time in school she experimented by walking through a wall.

She didn�t consciously know she was walking through a wall, as to her there was no wall,

it was only space.

The children and teachers saw her do this.

She said that it is as if time slows down or completely stops for her and she can�t

hear anything going on, but apparently all of the children were screaming.

When she rationalized that she had walked through matter, she began to get very concerned

that she might get stuck inside the matter if her atoms were to slow down.

She moved herself over and the children saw her going back through the wall.

She was expelled from school and was forced to have sessions with a psychologist, but

she didn�t say anything to them because she did not trust them.

Lauda says that she no longer had these extreme episodes when she was a teenager and older.

I started the video at the point that Lauda talks about this experience, however you can

always go back and listen from the beginning as what they are discussing is relevant to

the times that we are

in now.

For more infomation >> Lauda Describes Vibrating High Enough To Walk Through - Duration: 2:26.


'They Didn't Get It Right On This One': Fmr. US Atty. On FBI's Tip Failure - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> 'They Didn't Get It Right On This One': Fmr. US Atty. On FBI's Tip Failure - Duration: 3:11.


Toronto Real Estate Market Update February 2018 - Duration: 3:24.

- Hello, Toronto.

I'm Chris Cuchoch, and this is your

Toronto market update for February 2018.

As an added bonus today,

I have included my free report,

Buyer Tips on How to Find Your Dream Home.

Just click the link below, you can download

the PDF to get a copy for yourself.

In January, the average sale price

on the Toronto real estate board

was $736,000.

Now sales themselves were down

over last year, but you have to

consider a couple of things.

One, we started off this year with

some freezing cold weather.

Not very many people were wanting

to go outside and look at houses.

And two, there were not a ton of

new listings and the new listings

that we did have, they sold pretty quickly.

So I don't know if this is quite

indicative of what we have to come in 2018.

Let's take a look at the micro markets.

In the detached market in the 416,

the average sale price in January

was $1.28 million.

Now that's down 3.9% from last year.

In the semi-detached market,

the average price was $936,000,

which is up 3.7% from last year.

Now that tells us that in the

detached and semi-detached markets,

we're pretty much back where we

were in January of last year.

Now we're seeing 3.4 months of inventory

in detached and 2.3 months of inventory in semis,

which are creeping up towards

that balanced market area,

the detached homes in particular.

If you take a look at the Toronto

condo market, it's at $543,000,

which is up 15% year over year,

and we're down to only 1.8 months of inventory.

In the townhouse market,

$712,000 average price last month,

which is up 8% over last year,

with two months of inventory.

Now the reason this is happening

in the condo markets in particular

are the low months of inventory.

Now, the higher the months of inventory goes,

the more choices there are out there.

When there's less choices, you have

to pay a little bit more to get what you want.

The analogy I like to use for this

is the grocery store analogy.

If you can picture walking into the

grocery store and half the shelves are empty,

you'd be competing with the rest

of the people in the store for the

items that were left.

The same thing is going on in the

housing market right now,

with the condo market in particular.

I want you to keep in mind that over

the next four months you're gonna see

some pretty scary headlines in the newspaper

and on TV.

Remember that January to April of last year

was the busiest market with the fastest

appreciation in Toronto real estate history.

Once fair housing came out in April,

things slowed down a little bit,

but the year over year comparison

versus that crazy time is not really fair.

Now, I'm not saying it's fake news,

but it is definitely taken out of context.

Now you've probably heard me say this before,

but real estate was never intended to

be looked at on month over month

or even a year over year basis,

which happens to be the way that

we report it in the newspaper and on TV.

It needs to be looked at in a multi-year

or even decade over decade basis.

Now if you extend the time horizon out

to even two years, I suspect you'll find

your investments doing just fine.

It's much more important to focus

on the economic indicators that

drive the housing market.

Now there's three main fundamentals

you wanna keep your eye on.

Those are the interest rate,

the employment rate, and the immigration.

And all historically are very strong right now.

If you have any questions at all,

or wanna know how this information

applies to you specifically,

don't hesitate to reach out.

I'm never more than a phone call away.

Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Toronto Real Estate Market Update February 2018 - Duration: 3:24.


Special Report With Bret Baier 02/16/18 6PM | February 16, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 42:31.

For more infomation >> Special Report With Bret Baier 02/16/18 6PM | February 16, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 42:31.


Success Reveal - George Soros Biography in Khmer - Duration: 8:59.

Success Reveal - George Soros Biography in Khmer

For more infomation >> Success Reveal - George Soros Biography in Khmer - Duration: 8:59.


Woman Becomes First Human With Eye Worms - Duration: 3:16.

Abbey Beckley has become the first known human to have an infestation of worms in her eye.

This particular species of worm infests the eyes of cattle.

So how is it possible that they found their way into the eye of a human?

I'm going to fill you in here on IO.

Welcome back to inform overload where we overload you with disgusting information.

And occasionally trending news.

Just kidding.

I'm charlotte and I'm your host.

26 year old Abbey Beckley is from Oregon.

In August of 2016, she was out on a fishing boat in Alaska, when she felt something irritating

her under eyelid.

At first, she thought it was an eyelash, but when she took a closer look in the mirror,

the skin on the inside of her heyelid was enflamed.

Then she saw it.

A wiggling worm.

She proceeded to pull it out, and it was about half an inch.

It died within about 5 seconds In her hand.

Over the next 20 days, she experienced migranes and her left eye began to droop.

abbey pulled out no less than 14 worms from her eye.

The really lame thing is, she was on a fishing boat in the middle of nowhere, she had to

wait 5 days before she could get on land to see a doctor.

Once she did manage to get to a hospital, doctors didnt believe her.

Several doctors examined her eye, and in about half an hour, a worm made an appearance.

They had no idea what they were dealing with.

They had never seen anything like it.

She was transferred to an eye specialist in Portland, who took some samples.

The US Center for disease control and prevention had to look in a book of creatures from 1928

to figure out what they were.

The parasites that were in abbeys eye were parasites that are found in the eyes of cattle.

They are spread by those flies that you always see buzzing around farm animals.

The worms feed off the actual eye lubrication.

Right before her fishing trip, abbey was horseback riding in Oregon.

That's when her eye started feeling irritated.

The really messed up thing is, the worms could really do some damage.

What if they got into Abbys brain or cause her to go blind.

The only thing that she could do, was to keep taking the worms out of her eye one by one

until they were gone.

I am happy to report that 2 years have gone by and she's totally fine.

She suffered no complications and her eyesight is great.

And shes also become the first person to have this happen to her so now if anyone else gets

eye worms, they will have a lot easier time dealing with it.

In a previous video I asked you guys an animal you couldn't imagine the world without.

Here were some of your responses.

Really Rodents – I cant live without bees nothn can really.

Very true, but the world population of bees is really declining, it's a bit scary to

be honest.

Timothty Boyette – I do not think we could live without the cow.

The cow poop makes fertilizer and without fertilizer we wouldn't be able to exist

as potatoes.

Go cows.

Actually cows and their toxic farts are on eof the leading contributers of greenhouse


It would be tough to live without steak though

James bennet Mcnulty – Im worried that potatoes will die out.





Ok fine

The video is over!

For a link to the comments from this video, check out this one over here.

Experts are predicting that we are currently experiencing the 6th mass extinction.

Click it to find out more.

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For more infomation >> Woman Becomes First Human With Eye Worms - Duration: 3:16.


Adam 'Say Anything' Schiff Proves He's Stupid With New Claim On Trump Russia Fairytale - Duration: 19:02.

Adam 'Say Anything' Schiff Proves He's Stupid With New Claim On Trump-Russia Fairytale

Democrat California Congressman Adam 'Say Anything' Schiff has just proven once and

for all that he's stupid with a new claim on the Trump-Russia fairytale.

You don't want to miss this.

Adam Schiff (Photo Credit: Twitter/CSPAN) Adam Schiff (D-CA) has been fighting a losing

battle for the better part of a year now since House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin

Nunes (R-CA) first notified President Donald Trump that he was being spied on by the Barack

Obama deep state.

Now, in an attempt to stir the pot, Schiff has a new stupid pill he wants America to


According to The Gateway Pundit, Schiff, who is the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence

Committee and suspected habitual leaker, is now spreading the ridiculous claim that he

has more "non-public evidence" of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.

In addition, Schiff thinks he has substantial evidence to show obstruction of justice and

even money laundering on the part of the Trump campaign.

Schiff spoke at a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor on Wednesday, February

14, 2018, where he told a room full of reporters and liberal debutantes that the panel possesses

"non-public" evidence.

Schiff rattled on for a few moments about the usual liberal talking points but then

turned the narrative a different direction with remarks about obstruction.

"There is certainly an abundance of non-public information that we have gathered in the investigation,

and I think that some of that non-public evidence is evidence on the issue of collusion.

Some of that non-public evidence is evidence on the issue of obstruction," Schiff said.

"And, then, there are other categories where I don't think we've been able to do the

investigative work that we need to do, and probably the most significant category there

is the issue of money laundering.

It is a tried and true maxim; as a former prosecutor, you follow the money," he added.

"We have not been able to adequately follow the money," he continued.

"And, I think the allegations on money laundering are credible enough that we ought to, in the

exercise of due diligence, see if this was one of the other vectors of the Russian active

measures campaign," Schiff went on.

"We know that, in other places, they use money laundering as a way of entangling people,

as a way of compromising people.

To me, that is far more potentially compromising than any salacious video."

According to Daily Caller, Schiff also admitted that he and his Democrat counterparts on the

House Intelligence Committee did include classified sources and methods in their junk response

memo which was knocked down by Trump when they asked for permission to release it.

In regard to what needed to be done to release the memo, Schiff replied, "We need to go

through that and identify that which remains classified and would implicate sources and

methods or investigative interests."

This guy has definitely lost his mind.

If anyone has something to hide, it's the Democratic Party.

They are responsible for fixing a primary election and weaponizing our federal law enforcement

and intelligence agencies to carry out political surveillance on Trump.

The simple fact of the matter is that Democrats are scared to death of the truth coming out,

so much so that they need clowns like Adam Schiff to sit there and literally say anything

to draw attention away from their mountain of corruption.

Sometimes I wonder how long Democrats will allow Schiff to make them the laughing stock

of the country.

Schiff continually spits out a stream of garbage and nonsense, and the shocking part of it

all is that Schiff really does think he's credible.

The ugly truth is that the Democrat from California is doing a great disservice to the voters

who hired him to do something worthwhile.

For more infomation >> Adam 'Say Anything' Schiff Proves He's Stupid With New Claim On Trump Russia Fairytale - Duration: 19:02.





Dirt bikes stolen from Warren shop 'price for being in business' - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Dirt bikes stolen from Warren shop 'price for being in business' - Duration: 1:49.


Training for the 2018 Winter Olympics - Duration: 1:26.

What is Hashtag Zoe doing? she's training for the 2018 Winter Olympics..the ski jump!

Zoe I am so proud of you keeping up with your chores and cleaning up.

Mom! I'm not cleaning, I'm training for the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang!

obviously it's called curling look it up! oh well I thought that was like curling

your hair! good luck sweetie. I'm just practicing for the Winter Olympics yeah

okay guys well one of you pushed me I need to train for bobsledding. I'm

training for the Winter Olympics I'll do it.

Training for the Winter Olympics 2018

Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang

Hashtag Zoe

For more infomation >> Training for the 2018 Winter Olympics - Duration: 1:26.


MrTomski's Livestream | League of Legends |【1080p 60FPS】 - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> MrTomski's Livestream | League of Legends |【1080p 60FPS】 - Duration: 1:12.


Hindi Shayari On Love | हिंदी शायरी विडियो - Duration: 3:40.

Shayari On Love In Hindi

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