Friday, February 16, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 16 2018

I'm going to win!

*Tv sound*

Olivia, it's time to go to bed, you have to go to school tomorrow

But mommy, we want to now who's the winner!

You can keep playing tomorrow, but you have to go to sleep right now!


Because... you cannot play with the witches that come out at night...

Which witches?

Don't you know what happen to the kids that doesn't go to bed early and stay up playing games?

They receive the visit of ugly witches that want to play with them, because they all got out at night. Didn't you know that?

Now, be nice and go put your pj's on!

Gerardo, stay here! I'll be right back!



Witches do not bother the kids that obey their parents...

Witches do not exist! I have never seen one in my entire life

Me neither, because I always did exactly what my mother told me to do.

So do I!

Let's pray



Livi, do not turn the light on and stay up all night


It's not real! It's not real!

I promise that from now on I will always do what my mama says!

For more infomation >> LIVI - Short - Duration: 5:25.


La nueva rajada de Paz Padilla a Sálvame que ha indignado a los colaboradores - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> La nueva rajada de Paz Padilla a Sálvame que ha indignado a los colaboradores - Duration: 4:04.


Los cuatro desafíos a los que se enfrenta Ernesto Valverde - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> Los cuatro desafíos a los que se enfrenta Ernesto Valverde - Duration: 5:32.


Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse 180 CDI Lease Edition // Navi / Lichtmetaal 18'' / PDC / Sportstoelen - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse 180 CDI Lease Edition // Navi / Lichtmetaal 18'' / PDC / Sportstoelen - Duration: 0:59.


Star Wars - Rebel Assault | Sub. español | Episodio 01 «Cadete Uno» - Duration: 51:44.

For more infomation >> Star Wars - Rebel Assault | Sub. español | Episodio 01 «Cadete Uno» - Duration: 51:44.


No mires, Melania: se han filtrado las imágenes de Donald Trump que nunca hubieras querido ver - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> No mires, Melania: se han filtrado las imágenes de Donald Trump que nunca hubieras querido ver - Duration: 2:50.


MARS (Proyecto Instituto) en Catalán con Subtítulos en Español - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> MARS (Proyecto Instituto) en Catalán con Subtítulos en Español - Duration: 3:26.


The R&B Artist from The Gard...

For more infomation >> The R&B Artist from The Gard...


Bogdan Bogdanovic eski takımı Fenerbahçe Doğuş'u yorumladı! - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Bogdan Bogdanovic eski takımı Fenerbahçe Doğuş'u yorumladı! - Duration: 0:48.


little kandi raver | meme collab - Duration: 1:27.

Little kandi raver,

she's my number one,

and every time I see her moving,

she's always having fun!

She's my little kandi raver,

see her shake her thing!

I love to see her dance,

and I love to hear her sing!

Kandi boy raver,

he's the one for me,

and when the music starts to play,

we'll be dancing to the beat..!

He's my kandi boy raver,

moving with the flow,

When he holds me tight,

don't wanna let him go!

Little kandi raver,

She's my number one and

everytime I see her moving,

she's always having fun!

She's my little kandi raver,

see her shake her thing!

I love to see her dance and

I love to hear her sing!

Kandi boy raver,

he's the one for me and

when the music starts to play,

we'll be dancing to the beat!

He's my kandi boy raver,

moving with the flow!

When he holds me tight,

don't wanna let him go!

(Won't let you go)

(Don't let me go)

(Won't let you go, oh)

(Don't want to let him go...!)

(Won't let you go)

(Don't let me go, oh)

(Won't let you go, oh)

(Don't want to let him go...!)

For more infomation >> little kandi raver | meme collab - Duration: 1:27.


Joey's World Diabetis - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Joey's World Diabetis - Duration: 2:34.


Sobbing Shooting Victim Takes Over Live Broadcast And Silences Reporter Who Tried To Lie On Air - Duration: 5:21.

Sobbing Shooting Victim Takes Over Live Broadcast And Silences Reporter Who Tried To Lie On


In less than a year our country has had three mass shootings that have taken the lives of

hundreds of innocent victims, and there seems to be no end in sight.

As the American people are grappling to understand what could prompt someone to open fire on

their own citizens, the left has already begun to politicize the newest tragedy to sway public

opinion their way.

The liberal media pundits and politicians have already jumped on their soapbox demanding

stricter gun laws by tugging at the heartstrings of grief-stricken families affected by the

Parkland shooting.

However, while many people have fallen for these manipulative tactics, one shooting victim

didn't and called out the lying reporter live on the air much to the dismay of all

gun grabbers across the country.

Any time there is a tragedy that occurs our nation the mainstream media in concert with

top liberal politicians immediately begin to look for new ways to pass stricter laws

that would infringe on our rights.

That tactic has been seen numerous times over the last several years, especially in gun-related

incidents as these power hungry leftists continue to try and disarm the America people in the

name of security.

And, now another mass shooter, Nikolas Cruz, has just struck at a Florida high school callously

murdering 17 innocent lives and injuring at least 20 others the calls for more gun control

have increased.

The talking heads on CNN are making sure to do their part to incite more fear as seen

in a recent interview with victims of the shooting on national television.

The CNN reporter began to interview David Hogg, a 17-year-old senior at Marjory Stoneman

Douglas High School where she was trying to bait the victim into saying we needed more

gun control.

However, Hogg was not biting and instead chastised the reporter saying that something needed

to be done to make schools safer in America, but never called for more gun control.

Here is more from The New York Times where Hogg describes the terrifying moments of the

shooting and calls for adults to start acting like adults again.

David Hogg stood in the Florida sun on Thursday, not far from his now-shuttered school, and

described the events of the day before.

Mr. Hogg, 17, a lanky senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and the student news director

there, was in his environmental science class when a single shot rang out, echoing down

the hallways.

His teacher pulled the door shut, but soon the fire alarm began to blare.

Then, he said, came the sound of thousands of student footsteps, and Mr. Hogg and his

classmates raced out the door, joining a giant wave of teenagers.

"There was a tsunami of people running in one specific direction away from something,"

he said, "and that's what we were doing.

It was almost like there was a shark coming along and we were a school of fish.

And we were running from that armed man."

A janitor appeared, he said and began to wave.

"Stop, stop!" he said, "Go over here!"

Then the school chef opened a door to her office and hurried the teenagers in — first

10, then 20, then some 30 or 40 students crowded into the office.

They shut off the lights.

And then students turned to their phones and began the horrifying experience of watching

a school shooting unfold at their own school — through the news apps on their phones.

"On a national scale, I'm not surprised at all," he said of the shooting.

"And that's just sad.

The fact that a student is not surprised that there was another mass shooting — but this

time it was at his school — says so much about the current state that our country is

in, and how much has to be done."

The violence must stop, he said, issuing a call to pressure lawmakers to act to make

schools safer.

"We need to do something.

We need to get out there and be politically active.

Congress needs to get over their political bias with each other and work toward saving

children's lives."

In an interview with CNN earlier on Thursday, Mr. Hogg expressed his frustration with politicians

in simpler terms: "We're children," he said.

"You guys are the adults."

It is clear that Hogg was not calling for more gun control but for the adults in this

country to put political differences aside and protect the youth.

The reason that we see mass shooting on school campuses is simple, it is a gun free zone,

and there are not enough people there to protect our young students from harm.

Instead of liberal lawmakers fighting to keep Dreamers and illegals immigrants here in our

country why don't they fund our veterans to patrol our schools to keep them safe?

Oh, but that would go against their narrative and desire to control the population, and

they can't let that happen.

Our children deserve to feel safe in school, and the only way that will happen is when

these schools are adequately equipped with ways to protect these innocent lives.

It is time that politicians and the mainstream media stop with the same tired gun control

argument and look for better ways to keep our schools safe, and they only way that will

occur is when we demand it.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Sobbing Shooting Victim Takes Over Live Broadcast And Silences Reporter Who Tried To Lie On Air - Duration: 5:21.


Foods for anemia | 7 foods for anemia - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Foods for anemia | 7 foods for anemia - Duration: 3:14.


Clouded Room Drake Type B...

For more infomation >> Clouded Room Drake Type B...


Four Different Approaches in Dealing with North Korea - Duration: 8:43.

On February 8, just one day before the start of the Olympic Winter Games in South Korea

- North Korea held a military parade showing off their latest rockets.

And based on the timing of this, it is clear that this is meant to send a message to the

outside world.

Nonetheless, the country also is gaining more knowledge every year and is making rapid progress

in their missile development.

"So between 1994 and 2007 North korea did 16 missile tests and 1 nuclear test.

From January 2008 to September of 2016 they did 80 missile tests and 4 nuclear tests.

And at the rate they are going in 4 years of Trump they're gonna be well over 100."

Even though North Korea was not part of the eastern bloc and it's collective defense

treaty knows as the warsaw pact.

As a socialist state, China and the Soviet Union naturally have always been it's strongest


In the 1950s, the North Koreans asked them for help in developing their own nuclear weapons,

but both countries refused.

The soviets did however help the North Koreans in building their first nuclear research reactor.

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the alliance became almost worthless at a stroke

and the North Koreans saw the threat of their country being absolutely powerless against

the outside.

They then used the reactor to reprocess plutonium to create nuclear weapons.

And they announced to leave the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty that allowed international

observers to inspect the countries reactors.

Ever since, there have been 4 different US presidents in power and all of them tried

different approaches in keeping North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.

In Order to keep the North Koreans from leaving the Treaty on Non-Proliferation, Bill Clinton

offered to in return suspend some of the military exercises done by the US army together with

South Korea.

The North Koreans accepted to negotiate, and both countries worked out an Agreed Framework.

The main ingredient of this deal was for the North Koreans to shut down their Yongbon reactor.

Which they officially used as an energy reactor, but was not connected to the power grid and

was suspected to be used to create Plutonium.

According to the Framework, the reactor should be replaced by two light-water reactors and

as a compensation for the theoretical loss in shutting down the Yongbon reactor, the

Koreans were promised 500 thousand tons of heavy fuel-oil each year.

And the Clinton administration was open to accepting and recognizing North Korea in case

of implementation of the full framework.

"The united states and international inspectors will carefully monitor North Korea to make

sure it keeps its commitments.

Only as it does so will North Korea fully join the community of Nations."

But Implementation of the Agreement was slow.

Intelligence findings revealed that North Korea had violated the deal and started working

on another method of developing nuclear material through uranium enrichment.

The new incoming President was opposed to the Agreement reached by his successor.

When George Bush became President he went for a much harder course.

In his first State of the Union Adress in January 2000, he put North Korea on the Axis

of Evil, rendering them as an enemy of the US.

"States like these and their terrorist allies constitute an Axis of Evil arming to threaten

the peace of the world."

His administration terminated the supply of fuel-oil and the North Koreans responded by

kicking out International Observers and resuming their weapon programs.

And they left the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 2003, which freed them from any

foreign controls on their nuclear sites.

The bush administration was under pressure to react and started to negotiate again with

the Six-Party-Talks.

Many of the things that were essential to Clintons Agreed Framework of 1994 were now


The talks didn't lead to results - and the US made heavy concessions in order to convince

the North Koreans to stop their nuclear tests.

So when Barack Obama came into office he wanted to turn around that policy.

His approach was quickly dubbed Strategic Patience.

In the hope of reducing tension, the administration waited out North Korea.

Neither threatening as aggressively as Bush did, nor engaging in talks and negotiations.

"The fact that before I came into office you had a pattern in which North Korea would engage

in some provocative action.

Countries would then try to placate them by giving humanitarian aid or providing other

concessions or engaging in dialog."

However Obamas approach didn't stop the North Koreans from further improving their


And when Donald Trump came into office, the US foreign approach in dealing with North

Korea was once again turned around completely.

"I will not repeat the mistakes of past administrations that got us into this very dangerous position."

Trump wants to completely isolate North Korea and he is engaging in a sort of war or words,

tweeting out threats to Kim Jong Un.

Because of its smallness and economic weakness - North Korea sees its nuclear program as

the only way to secure lasting independence.

The regime knows that despite their troop strength it's militarily is inferior to

that of it's neighbors

Dr. Victor Cha, who wa the Head of the american delegation at the Six Party Talks, said that

the North Koreans themself explained this to him during the negotiations.

"And he said this without even blinking he said: You attacked Iraq because they didn't

have nuclear weapons.

You attacked Afghanistan because they didn't have nuclear weapons.

You will never attack Iran.

And you will never attack us."

Now North Korean testing is more than just a show for the outside.

They have been able to steadily increase the range of their missiles in the last few decades.

It is unclear how reliable these missiles really are.

While one challenge is to increase the missiles range and accuracy in hitting targets - they

also have to be able to withstand re-entry into the atmosphere.

And they have to carry the weight and size of a nuclear warhead.

So there are a lot of unclear variables that make it hard to form an accurate judgement

on what North Korea is currently capable of doing.

Yet, North Korea is already trying to change the situation with what we know they can do.

"They want to decouple the Security of South Korea from the United States and Japan.

By being able to reach the continent of the United States the North Koreans want to instill

doubt in the minds of South Koreans, Americans and Japanese that the United States and Japan

are not willing to risk Tokyo or Los Angeles or Chicago in order to defend Seoul."

Interestingly though, while North Korea's relationship with the United States is even

more tense than before, North Korea and South Korea have recently come closer again.

At the Olympic Winter Games in South Korea, the two countries walked in together at the

opening ceremony and have put together one combined Korean ice hockey team.

And along the games, South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong Un's sister met for

a diplomatic meeting.

There she invited the President to a meeting with Kim Jong Un in North Koreas capital Pyongyang.

We will have to see whether a future dialogue will this time bring real disarmament and

demilitarization, or whether the talks will not lead to results like in the previous attempts.

It is clear though that we are in a deciding decade for North Korea and that the coming

developments will have a big impact on the peninsula - one way, or the other.

For more infomation >> Four Different Approaches in Dealing with North Korea - Duration: 8:43.


little kandi raver | meme collab - Duration: 1:27.

Little kandi raver,

she's my number one,

and every time I see her moving,

she's always having fun!

She's my little kandi raver,

see her shake her thing!

I love to see her dance,

and I love to hear her sing!

Kandi boy raver,

he's the one for me,

and when the music starts to play,

we'll be dancing to the beat..!

He's my kandi boy raver,

moving with the flow,

When he holds me tight,

don't wanna let him go!

Little kandi raver,

She's my number one and

everytime I see her moving,

she's always having fun!

She's my little kandi raver,

see her shake her thing!

I love to see her dance and

I love to hear her sing!

Kandi boy raver,

he's the one for me and

when the music starts to play,

we'll be dancing to the beat!

He's my kandi boy raver,

moving with the flow!

When he holds me tight,

don't wanna let him go!

(Won't let you go)

(Don't let me go)

(Won't let you go, oh)

(Don't want to let him go...!)

(Won't let you go)

(Don't let me go, oh)

(Won't let you go, oh)

(Don't want to let him go...!)

For more infomation >> little kandi raver | meme collab - Duration: 1:27.


7 Reasons Why YOU Should Start an Amazon Affiliate Niche Site for Passive Income - Duration: 15:11.

I'm gonna tell you why you should start an Amazon affiliate niche site my name

is Doug Cunnington I'm the founder of an inch side project I talk about affiliate

marketing and productivity and project management and I'm gonna tell you the

seven reasons why you should start an Amazon affiliate site the number one

reason you should get started with Amazon affiliate marketing is you can

make extra money so I don't know many people who wouldn't like to have a few

extra hundred dollars per month you can pay off debt you can go on more

vacations you can eat out more often or whatever you happen to need you get save

for your kids college fund whatever but most people would prefer if they could

to have a little bit extra spending money in the cool part with the Amazon

affiliate sites is a couple hundred dollars is quite doable even for a

beginner I'll place some links in the description to other videos where

they're basically case studies and success stories of you were just like

you some of these success stories are about people that are still in college

other people may be you know professionals maybe they're engineers

and other folks are you know musicians or teachers so there's quite a diverse

set of people that have found Amazon affiliate marketing interesting and

profitable number two you get to learn about internet marketing and I didn't

know anything about internet marketing until I found the smart passive income

podcast by Pat Flynn before that I was super into like beer brewing podcast I'm

very into beer in general craft beer home brew beer and and so on I'm just

into the craft of beer so at some point I got overwhelmed with all this beer

content and beer podcast and I was browsing around I found the smart

passive income podcast and I was hooked I learned all about

this whole other world out there where people were making money online I didn't

even know you could and I mean when you look back I didn't know anything about

WordPress or I didn't even know what WordPress was let alone like created a

website with it or anything like that but I learned all about internet

marketing through niche sites if you wouldn't learn about this huge industry

of internet marketing then a niche site is a great way to get a taste of it and

sort of see it in different areas of course you know affiliate marketing like

an Amazon affiliate niche site is a subset of internet marketing but it

teaches you the core set of skills which are highly marketable now number three

is learning about SEO that search engine optimization again when I first got

started in 2013 I didn't know anything about the topic in fact if you would

have quiz me I wouldn't have known what SEO even stood for the thing is you

could create a whole company around SEO there are literally SEO agencies out

there that help companies rank in search engines so as you could imagine it's

it's fairly profitable because it helps companies make money if you have this

core set of skills about SEO then you're in great shape to provide that service

in fact I know a lot of people that got started with internet marketing or niche

sites in general and they found that they were really good at SEO they were

interested in starting a service and they moved forward they started a

service business around SEO some people do sort of like local SEO for local

businesses like locksmiths or plumbers or electricians and other people maybe

they don't do local SEO but there are many different flavors of SEO and there

are all sorts of companies that need help with SEO yeah number 4 you can

learn about starting a website WordPress and hosting WordPress themes and

basically all that infrastructure kind of stuff that you have to deal with when

you start a niche site as mentioned before I didn't know anything

about this world of WordPress before I found smart passive income and niche

sites and affiliate marketing and all that stuff and it turns out you can you

know have a whole company that all you do is work on WordPress sites so you

know one of the reasons I'm framing it this way is because even if niche sites

aren't for you at the end of the day if you started a niche site maybe you'll

make a few bucks but you'll be learning all these skills that you can apply in

other areas in fact you may find that you really love WordPress themes you

start dabbling in you know creating your own themes and you become a wordpress

developer or something like that basically that sort of a skill is highly

valuable and you could you know dedicate your efforts to just WordPress

development or WordPress plugins or themes or whatever and you know you

become a software company that has WordPress plugins versus you know

running niche sites just an example but a niche site will expose you to that

whole side of the infrastructure of WordPress websites hosting domains all

that kind of stuff number five is outsourcing you can learn

all about hiring vs hiring writers working with you know marketplaces like

upwork now that's where I hire most of my assistants whether it's a video

editor who's editing this right now or if it's a Content writer or a content

editor or WordPress developer so there's a certain skill set that you have to

develop to effectively hire people where they're you know they're not located

near you or anything you can't sit down and talk to them so you have to

understand how to create a job listing interview the person if you need to hire

them and then work with them communicating via you know messages

whether it's email or within the up work platform so again it's a whole skill set

to be able to hire people again you may be able to run a whole agency based on

you know your skills as you know hiring manager for outsourcing

work you could have a Content service where you for example write content for

niche sites for your customers right you can have clients that need content and

maybe you're able to hire a Content team and put a system in place where you're

providing a valuable service for them because you know they don't know how to

hire people on up work but you do obviously you can become a pretty big

business there are actually you know business models out there for content

specifically another example maybe around SEO maybe you're able to hire SEO

folks from up work and then package up their services and essentially provide a

service to your clients because you're able to hire the VA is more effectively

number six is you learn about writing and creating content so I've alluded to

this a couple times even in the last example but if you start a niche site in

your budget slow you're probably gonna have to do a lot of the writing yourself

upfront that's what I did I actually wrote most of the content for the first

eight months or so of me working on niche sites why well I didn't have faith

that I would be able to invest the money and get an ROI in return but after I had

more experience I realized that you know it's okay if I hire people nevertheless

it was a great experience writing the content because I hadn't done much

writing other than you know in college and then all the writing that I did as a

professional was that kind of technical it was very business oriented as a

project manager it wasn't very interesting writing for niche site us

it's more copywriting than sort of technical business writing like I was

doing before and copywriting of course is a whole other you know topic to get

into but essentially you know you're writing something to sell the product at

some point or something like that you you need to sort of convince people to

do something it's persuasive writing if you will if you get into the content

you may find that you really enjoy this type of writing and maybe you get into

copywriting if you become a highly skilled copywriter you can charge a lot

of money for your services or you know for example again around the service

business idea you could develop a you know content service where you do the

writing and if you develop your skills well enough then you'd be able to charge

quite a lot for your content quick example you know if you have a

specialized skill let's say you're a electrician or something like that and

you find a you know site that needs someone who has the skills and knowledge

of an electrician you could charge a lot for your content a lot more than you

know a general writer on up work so if you have skills you could charge more

for Mises I know about project management and HR and you know hiring

people I could probably charge a lot as a Content writer for project management

topics I'm a PMP right so my skills and my knowledge are sought-after and people

would pay a lot more for that content so you can look and figure out what skills

you have if you have any you know unfair advantage where you know more than other

people and you're an expert well then you could probably charge more for your

writing again just another example of being able to you know find a skill that

you're good at and then maybe niche sites aren't for you you could do

something else with it and number seven this is the most important one if you

get started with niche sites and you make you know a few dollars here a few

dollars there maybe you build up your income to you know a couple hundred or a

couple thousand dollars per month you realize that you don't need a corporate

job you realize that you can work for yourself and make your own decisions now

that's a whole other set of you know problems that you may have if you're an

entrepreneur but there are countless examples of people who got started with

niche sites and then they went on to work for themselves they they either got

laid off like Pat or myself I actually got laid off in

2015 luckily I was into internet marketing

you know was able to take my hobby of internet marketing and the skills that I

learned from niche sites and work for myself so I am currently working for

myself and have been for about two-and-a-half years at the time of this

recording but there are a lot of other people a lot of other examples out there

where they realized they didn't need a corporate job my transition was a little

faster since I got laid off I didn't really have to make the decision but

there are other people who eventually you know build up enough income on their

side projects that it actually exceeds their full-time income at their

corporate job a lot of times when you hit that point you realize that you want

to quit your you know your day job and stop moonlighting and make your

moonlighting job your full-time gig I'm sort of grateful then I got laid off

when I did because I was able to accelerate my entrepreneurship endeavors

and actually I learned a lot more I learned a lot more faster and it was

definitely you know trial by fire but it's one of those things once you

realize that you can make money on your own it's hard to go back to you know a

corporate job where you know you don't make the decisions you're potentially

doing work that isn't meaningful for you and you know if you're commuting that's

the worst if you're sitting in a car and you're spending time away from your

family or something like that it's not cool now

Georgie's back here that's my dog Georgie in the background but I'm really

fortunate I get to hang out with her all the time I could take her for plenty of

walks all day long and get lots of exercise those are a couple high

priority things for me and if you have a family of course you know you want to

spend time as much time as you can with your family if you have kids then

obviously you want to spend a lot of time with

especially as they're growing up so just wanted to throw that in for point 7 once

you figure out that you can make money on your own and you don't need that

corporate job the genie is out of the bottle right and you can't get it back

in so it's one of those deals and it's enlightening again once you make your

first couple bucks you realize that it's possible and the sky's the limit at that

point there's no there's no upper limit with a corporate job there's pay scales

that you're sort of stuck in there's experience levels and most of the time

almost always your income and your raises are not really based on your

performance and that's hard to get your head around where if you're an

entrepreneur almost like everything is based on your performance and how well

you're able to focus and be effective and do the things that actually make a

difference like that's everything we're at a corporate job you can get away with

goofing off and you know spending a lot of time answering emails that don't

matter or goofing around in meetings that don't matter so anyway I hope I

convinced you to take a look at Amazon affiliate niche sites if you're looking

for like a task list on how to get started with Amazon affiliate niche

sites check out the description there's a link you'll basically be able to go to

niche site project com click on the green button and you'll be able to enter

your email address and your name and then I'll send you a link that'll have

like a bunch of keywords that'll help you get started with a niche site there

will be a task list so that you can see the steps that you have to do and

basically a bunch of information that helps you get started with niche sites

again I'm Doug Pennington if you like what you see on the channel subscribe

and if you learned anything in this video click the like button and here's

the question of the day do you have any other reasons why people should get

started with Amazon affiliate niche sites let me know in the comments below

and be sure to check out the comments by the way because some of the best

suggestions and best ideas there from the audience or not for me so be sure to

check it out and can with other people in the community


For more infomation >> 7 Reasons Why YOU Should Start an Amazon Affiliate Niche Site for Passive Income - Duration: 15:11.


10 Coolest Custom Beyblade Stadiums on YouTube! Best Beyblade Burst Stadium Compilation! - Duration: 4:02.

hi guys welcome back to the Blast Zone. I have an awesome video for you guys I'm

gonna show you the top 10 coolest custom beyblade stadiums on YouTube

I build my own but I couldn't so I just used this wooden stadium

get into this awesome video be sure to subscribe to our newest giveaway 3 new

t-shirts from my merch Blast Zone you should go on teespring and check these

designs cuz you never know if you're gonna win and if you win you get to pick

your design and just in case wanna buy one now on to the top ten coolest custom

beyblade stadiums on YouTube some of these guys are about to me put a lot of

work in these stadiums that shows that they really love beyblade let's go these

two brothers have got a great stadium for family battle see I made it out of a

satellite dish it looks like a small team and they added some walls to it

nice graphics - really cool the next stadium comes from one of my favorite

baits hoover's TL for Team the Stardust later this backyard stadium can handle

huge battle royale be sure to check out his channel by the way our third stadium

is one anyone can make at home check this out the beyblade keeps you

something called a shade light to add lights underneath mr. carretoni stadium

tell everybody how we did it look at the stadium right now it's on white light I

continued to blue worry about the Icarus do Spriggans any colors you aren't

really just controllable on this bone this had some really cool effects to

your battle the fourth course stadium features a slide that's been placed in

this custom wood box this awesome design allows you to put Bay's on the side too

next Stadium is truly homemade and the video shows you how to build it from

scratch the final custom Stadium is really cool

and colorful and as you can see from this video it's perfect for 6th blader

Battle Royale welcome everyone from the Bey Bey battle

check out the ultimate double-decker beyblade Stadium these brothers came up

with an awesome way to use this to their triple decker beyblade stadium that's

right these dudes came up with a three deck stadium it's awesome with this

Stadium there's grab lots of tonight battles to

the next level for the design similar to the other stadiums this one amazing

battle I'm sure I just finished building Clank Connect beyblade stadium the next

one is probably the craziest beyblade stadium I've ever seen been right 20 of

a stadium or the left and now I will show you a quick bow made with paint

next toy this stadium actually spins while the Panthers battle it sank here

we got a guest Lamar we're gonna do some anime base stadium battles now for the

coolest custom beyblade stadium on YouTube thank you anime Stadium this one

is for the record book team zenki built this huge Stadium based on the anime and

it looks just like the one on the beyblade app this thing can handle 10

even 20 people as if you want it we also made one deeper for more intense awesome

battles so amazing great jobs in here off as always have an awesome versatile

day thank you guys for watching the top 10 coolest custom beyblade savings on

YouTube bye guys Tefilin and remember to

subscribe to our newest giveaway

For more infomation >> 10 Coolest Custom Beyblade Stadiums on YouTube! Best Beyblade Burst Stadium Compilation! - Duration: 4:02.


I'm Actually CRYING - Getting Over It 2 - Duration: 12:56.

hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G and welcome back

to Getting Over It

aka the bane of my fucking existence

I am here with Gary-Gare

and we

are gonna do this

this time

we are gonna get

back up

on this mountain

come on Gary


and catch- oh no

way to be a dick, Gary

way to be a dick

we're just starting and Gary's already a shit head

there we go

alright Gary

puuuulll yourself up

pull- NO

bad Gary!

BAD oh fuck you

(sigh) we're starting out great here (sigh) um

I don't know why I kinda have the urge to play this

partially because it's addicting

and partially because I paid money for this (laughing)

so you kinda want to see

what happens

ok, come here

get you


no, no, nope, nope

other way

there we go


reach up

anndd swing yourself in

cause mouse acceleration is a fucking stupid thing

and why the hell would you ever do this?

um, also I'm still using the track pad


I hate life, evidently

I don't really know

if it's a good idea, but it's what I'm going with, and this is not really a game that you kind of-

aaahh shit

this is a game

that the more you play it

the less you know how to play it



I can get up

this frikin hill, this is not the hard part, Amanda

this is the easy part

ok come on Gary

come on

no, no



NO Gary, come on!

Gary, UUGGGHHH Gary you suck

Gary you suck so much

can you be better, please?


please, please?

pretty please?

pretty please be better?

pretty please make this easier on me

pretty please don't be a dill hole

is that something that we can, is that something we can agree on, Gary?

can you agree to not be a dill hole?



turning the mouse sensitivity up


that will help us

maybe this will hinder us

I have no frikin clue

all I know is this game sucks

and I'm terrible at it

come on Gary

come on Gary, come on

ok, come on

come on


and down

put yourself down

no, no, not that much



down, down, down you go, down you go with your little stupid pot

aahhhhh Gary

can you push yourself just like a little bit?



oh you fucking stupid game, oh I hate you

oh I hate you so much

I hate this game

I hate- no I don't

I don't hate this game

I hate the fact that I can't play it

NOOOO this is not-


we are


it's fine


is wonderful


ok Gary

come on

(sing-song) who's a beautiful little merman?

(sing-song) Gary's such a happy boy

(sing-song) and everybody's super thrilled

(sing-song) to be playing Gary's game

see Gary-Gare?

everybody loves you

so put your butt down

drop down the cauldron

put it down

put it down


now- NO!

and around, and life sucks

cause we're not at the right spot

and- now we're back here

oh please Gary

I just wanna get past this point

I don't know why this is so hard this time around

ah, no, no, no


calm yourself

calm yourself

bring it around

ok, ok, lower

around, Gary

come on Gary-Gare

come on Gary-Gare

there we go

good job Gary

good job

get this

now the thing is, this takes a lot of strength, so dude's gotta be buff as shit

ok, ok, ok, lower





and here, get it

get it

pick yourself up and go




that's right, this is the house

and the house sucks


we're gonna come here

and we're gonna put ourselves



there you go

and then SHOVE OFF

and catch it, NO

shove around, catch it!






I hate mouse acceleration so much!

it's the worst thing ever, why would you put it in a game?

I haaaaaate the dev of this game

I hate him so much

oh my god

oh my god, no, no, no


ok, ok

ok, ok

at least

the thing that I learned

at a very young age

is you DON'T have to finish every game

and sometimes

you just play it until you're about to kill somebody

and then you just give in


(frustrated whining) no you didn't just do that!

nooooooo (whining) I wanna go backwards and you can't!

(high-pitched) this game is just so mean

why are you so mean to me?

I'm a good person

I'm nice

unless you're a dill hole and then I'm a jackass, but, you know, you deserve it


catch it



yo- no!






no, I refuse to let this be the way that this goes

I refuse

to let this be

the way that it goes, come on Gary

you have to not be a dill hole


don't, oh god

ok, ok, ok

get it


yeah- NO!

NO! aaagghhh


everything is about

doing it


calm and then not, calm and then not

oh god, oh god


come on

come on

ok, ok, ok, you know what? we're gonna get here

come on

there we go


nope, nope

nnnnnnooo, ok

fling yourself around Gary!

catch it! yes!

that's a good little merman, look at that


I just needed

to utilize the mouse acceleration there, yes



ok, back to the pipe

that's a good sign


come over here

we're back to the pipe

that didn't take me

forever to do

there are speed runs of this, by the way

those people are insane

I don't understand how you do that

to save my life


they know what they're doing

and I don't






oh god, oh god, no

over here, Gar, slowly put yourself down

put yourself down (gasp)

barrel oh my god!

I need the coffee, I need the coffee

I need that coffee

Gary we need to go get that coffee

Amanda needs that coffee

like right now

Amanda's been up for a very long time

and has only had like 5 cups of coffee today, which is nowhere near enough

I don't have a problem

it's only a problem if there's something wrong with it

there's nothing wrong with my coffee consumption

it's not a problem

come on

get on top of the barrel

put your butt down

put your butt down

there, oh, no, no, no



fling it up!

catch it!



well, there goes the coffee


oh god

(panicked laughter)

here's a ledge, let's see what we can do

oh my god he talked again, that scared me




it really scared me when the narrator started talking again









(crying) noooooooooo no no no no no no no no noooooooooooo

(crying) it was so much work and it's all gone, I hate you so much

(wailing noises)

(desperate wailing)

(soul-crushing wailing)

(broken) wwhhhhhyyy?

(broken) wwhhhhyyy?

(high-pitched) I'm gonna cry

I'm getting to the level where I'm about to cry

so I know it's time for me to stop right now

I wanna cry and I wanna break something

so before I break something and before I bust into tears

we're back at the beginning

of the damn mountain

and Gary's a dill hole

that's it for this episode


Getting Over It

with Bennet Foddy

let me know if you want me to play more

I may or may not, I don't know

I wanna cry right now

if you liked this video, click the like button

and subscribe to my channel

I make a new video every Tuesday and Friday

thank you guys so much for watching


I really wanna cry

I really wanna cry, this game is so frustrating

For more infomation >> I'm Actually CRYING - Getting Over It 2 - Duration: 12:56.


LandboNord om prognoser i landbruget - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> LandboNord om prognoser i landbruget - Duration: 2:19.


Top 10 Dumbest Facebook Posts – Part 5 - Duration: 8:12.

Hello you most amazing beauts!

Welcome back to the most amazing channel on the internet…I am your Most Amazing host,

Rebecca Felgate and today we are reviving an old favourite – we have the Top 10 Dumbest

Facebook posts part 5.

Of course, you all know and love the glorious Danny Burke's Dumbest Twitter series….he

is on like…part 43 or something now and he is king of all dumb twitter…but, with

his blessing, I am going to be talking about some of the dumb stuff that happens over on

facebook… it seems people don't just save their stupidity for twitter!

Before we get into this, I want to quickly remind you that we have some awesome Merch

on sale at Most Amazing and you should go check it out!

Also, please do let me know if you like this video, if we get over 10 thousand likes, we

will make a part 6!

Okay facebook…what you got for me!

Let's jump right on in to number 10.

Falling in love can be a special time…but it can also send people a bit mad.

It turns out it can also make people significantly dumber, too.

One lovesick romantic posted on facebook: I think about him 31/7 cause he's on my

mind even when I'm sleeping.

WELL that might be the case babe, and that's cute and everything, but, as this young dreamers

friend points out…a day has 24 hours, sleep or no sleep.

Like…how…how are they not aware of that?!


What about clocks?

Do they never look at clocks?

I am so confused.

Moving on to number 9 Nature is beautiful – I love taking pictures

of moments of natural beauty, and the sky above us sometimes offers us some moments

of exceptional beauty ….so I can't blame this facebook user for documenting it in this

delightful snap….which they have captioned Morning Sunset….

Morning sunset…if only there was a word for that…oh…wait…sunrise….because

the sun is rising….. a morning sunset would actually be pretty disturbing and would mean

things had somehow gone horribly wrong.

Things are getting frosty at number 8 Don't you love the first snowfall of the


It makes the world look so pretty and shiny and magical.

The problem is, people get so excited about the thought of it snowing, they start seeing

snow when it isn't there.

Marissa snapped this picture and said OMG there's snow on the ground….I'm sooooo


But, yeah…it's salt, as Marissa's friend Tyler points out.


Surely Marissa must have been wondering why it had only snowed in a really specific area

…. Also…if that was snow…is that really enough to be excited about?

Let's crack into number 7! Payten took to facebook to share how very

over someone she is.

She wrote: 1 Universe, 9 plants, 204 countries, 7 seas, 6 billion people and you think I need



I mean, I am glad you're a strong independent sasspot, but can we talk about these 9 plants?

All 9 of them.

9 very important plants.

I get it though, sometimes I'd rather have 9 plants than a life partner.... but let's

take a wild guess and assume she meant to say planets.

But….I mean, I don't want step on Peyton's sass wagon or anything…although….in that

universe she mentions…urm, there are more than 9 planets…and plants!

Without getting into the whole Pluto debate, there are 9 planets in our solar system alone…

and it is thought our galaxy alone has 100 billion planets in it.

So….I mean….

Lots to learn.

Number 6 Sometimes we all need a little extra encouragement

in life….especially when we're going through a hard time, although Nichole missed the mark

a touch when she wrote: What kills you makes you stronger…..


I mean, that's a nice idea and everything, but what kills you…kills you.


Can't come to the phone right now.


let's move on to number 5 I love a good reptile…from a safe distance

anyway…snakes are pretty cool, I love me a lizard and I can dig a turtle… but this

gal, she's indecisive … She posted: OMG, so I don't like Dolphins


Squirrels are my new favourite reptiles…sooooooo cute.

*sigh* Double fail….

As her mate points out….

Neither dolphins or squirrels are reptiles…so luckily for our cold-blooded scaly friends,

the position is still open!

It seems like reptiles are baffling more than just one person on this list….

At number 4 Jonathan saw THIS picture on facebook….and


That bird is fat……

Like, firstly Jonathan, did your mother never teach you that if you have nothing nice to

say, you should probably just say nothing at all….and secondly, Jonathan, that is

clearly a chuffing turtle.

Awkward turtle.

**** We have some 4th of July confusion at number 3.

I get it…dates can be very confusing... like Easter, for example, has a different

date each year because of some pretty intense moon calculations.

Some holidays, however fall on the same day every year…which makes things much easier….not

for Nini though….Nini is lost…

She posted…is the 4th of July on the 16th or 15th


I mean…read it aloud in your head before posting, hun….. is the 4th of July on the

15th of 16th?!

The 4th July is on the 4th July!

But the plot thickens as Nini's friend response – the 15th I think.

Like…what is this alternate universe?!

I actually love this at number 2 So, one bright spark wanted to raise a little

extra cash so thought they'd sell their phone via facebook.

When it got to the bit where they were going to take a picture of their phone to show off

to potential buyers, they realized they had a bit of a problem….

Check out their post….

It is priceless… they wrote "phone is not in the picture because I used it to take

the photo, but it's that exact height, length and width…

Hit me up if interested…



I can't even?!

IS it the exact height and measurement, if so, those hand positions are impressive…

but like, dude….

Just google the phone and post an image of the model..or like…work it out…borrow

a friends phone to snap a pic…

Finally, let's see what number 1 has in store for us?

Oh dear, someone is going to be sorely disappointed at the end of the year.

They have started a 365 day penny jar, saying if they put a penny a day in it for a year,

they'll have 667 dollars and 95 cents…which….well I mean it doesn't take a genius to tell

you that if you put a penny in a jar each day for three hundred and 65 days'll

have three hundred and sixty five pennies….which is three dollars and 65 cents…which is barely

enough to buy a sandwich.

If you want the advertised 667.95, you'll need to save a dollar and 83 cents a day…which

is 183 pennies…a day…so…I guess they're gonna need a bigger jar.

So that was the Top 10 Dumbest Facebook posts part 5!

Shall we make a part 6?

Let me know in the comments section below!

Please do share any dumb facebook posts you see with me on my facebook…

Rebecca felgate official….

Merch etc – out

For more infomation >> Top 10 Dumbest Facebook Posts – Part 5 - Duration: 8:12.


World's BEST Doctors For Fibromyalgia! - Duration: 9:56.

You may have trouble hearing me later in this video, whenever you do hit CC on the box of the video

nobody calls me...nobody....ever!

but if Im trying to record a video.

Everyone and their mother wants to call


Hey you, it's Evie!

I have some very happy news

We have finally just reached 3000 of you!!

Can you believe that?

Its just crazy.

I know, that's not a lot on the internet

But to me that's a lot

it's crazy

Thats kinda like thinking of 3000 people in my house! lol

And that's more then the population of my little town...crazy

Look what I got :)

A little microphone

Allright before we jump into the video I just wanted to show you something

I hope it works


I know some of you have a hard time hearing me

I never really realized how quiet I was until I started youtube.


Allright, now I hope you notice a difference

Guess we'll see what happens..

I don't know why I waited so long to finally make this video

I got my notes

So many of you that have this for a while now

You know, it can take forever to get diagnosed (average of 5 years)

Becuase there can be so many overlapping symptoms or illnesses

Let's say someone with Fibromyalgia can be diagnosed with something else like IBS

crohns, or something else

There are so many

For more infomation >> World's BEST Doctors For Fibromyalgia! - Duration: 9:56.


Ford Focus 1.8i 92KW WAGON NAVI,CLIMATE - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.8i 92KW WAGON NAVI,CLIMATE - Duration: 1:00.





Subaru Outback 2.5i 4WD AIRCO ECC OPEN DAK CRUISE BLUETOOTH LMV TREKHAAK . - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Subaru Outback 2.5i 4WD AIRCO ECC OPEN DAK CRUISE BLUETOOTH LMV TREKHAAK . - Duration: 0:59.



For more infomation >> Fiat 500 1.2i LOUNGE ECC NAVI BLUETOOTH PANODAK PDC LMV NIEUW MODEL - Duration: 1:01.


Volkswagen Polo 1.4i-16v Cross met Climatic / Cruise Control / Navigatie. - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.4i-16v Cross met Climatic / Cruise Control / Navigatie. - Duration: 0:57.


Hyundai ix20 1.4i I-VISION AIRCO ELECTROPAKKET CD 22.000KM! * 2 JAAR GARANTIE! * . - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4i I-VISION AIRCO ELECTROPAKKET CD 22.000KM! * 2 JAAR GARANTIE! * . - Duration: 1:03.


Hyundai Atos 1.1i Active Cool met Airco / Stuurbekrachtiging / Centr. Vergrendeling / Elek. Ramen / - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos 1.1i Active Cool met Airco / Stuurbekrachtiging / Centr. Vergrendeling / Elek. Ramen / - Duration: 0:54.


BMW X3 2.5I Executive Automaat - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 2.5I Executive Automaat - Duration: 0:52.


Audi A4 Avant 1.8I Turbo 120KW Pro Line Automaat - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 Avant 1.8I Turbo 120KW Pro Line Automaat - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Dynamic Business // Bluetooth / Navi / Camera / PDC / Keyless - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Dynamic Business // Bluetooth / Navi / Camera / PDC / Keyless - Duration: 0:54.


Chevrolet Aveo 1.2i 16V LS+ 3-DRS AIRCO ELECTROPAKKET CD LMV 61.000KM - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Aveo 1.2i 16V LS+ 3-DRS AIRCO ELECTROPAKKET CD LMV 61.000KM - Duration: 0:59.


Citroën C3 1.4I-16V AMBIANCE - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4I-16V AMBIANCE - Duration: 1:01.


American GIrl Doll

For more infomation >> American GIrl Doll


O COCKTAIL PERFEITO EM DUBLIN 🍸 | Drop Dead Twice | Hevialand#21 - Duration: 11:32.

For more infomation >> O COCKTAIL PERFEITO EM DUBLIN 🍸 | Drop Dead Twice | Hevialand#21 - Duration: 11:32.


[VINNE | Ao vivo no Green Valley] Vitor Kley - O Sol (VINNE, Double Z Remix) - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> [VINNE | Ao vivo no Green Valley] Vitor Kley - O Sol (VINNE, Double Z Remix) - Duration: 2:21.


Ley 21.066 Extracción de naves hundidas o varadas - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Ley 21.066 Extracción de naves hundidas o varadas - Duration: 1:09.


🔴¿Sabes cuán beneficioso es un masaje en los pies? Prueba este truco casero y alivia los dolores - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> 🔴¿Sabes cuán beneficioso es un masaje en los pies? Prueba este truco casero y alivia los dolores - Duration: 5:27.


ISTO É MUITO SÉRIO! (NÃO IGNORE) Sinais de FALTA DE VITAMINA D Que Você JAMAIS Deve Ignorar - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> ISTO É MUITO SÉRIO! (NÃO IGNORE) Sinais de FALTA DE VITAMINA D Que Você JAMAIS Deve Ignorar - Duration: 3:18.


Documentos TV | Un mundo sin trabajo. - Duration: 51:29.

For more infomation >> Documentos TV | Un mundo sin trabajo. - Duration: 51:29.


BBB18: Simone tome atitude após ser detonada na internet por incentivar agressão - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Simone tome atitude após ser detonada na internet por incentivar agressão - Duration: 3:32.


#0011 Tesla Model S [Dark Grey] (Hotwheels 2016) - Duration: 2:30.

Hello Friends, Welcome to Wheels-O-Rama !!

In today's program I show you a fabulous TESLA Model S of Hotwheels at scale 1:64

in Dark Gray metallic color.

This model can be seen in the catalogs of Hotwheels since 2015 and as usual

There are many variations of color.

It has the plastic roof that joins the windshield with the rear window,

making it totally panoramic.

My favorite is the Red version, although accustomed to see them circulate in Madrid in Black, it's

another version that I also like a lot.

And what about the White?

It is another version that remains very well to this model.

And since we're talking about white, you've seen the video of the Tesla that has been removed

the interiors lightening it and winning races to other very powerful cars?

If you have not seen it, in the description I leave the link for you to see, is a

last ... In fact, when the target came out I bought another one just to modify it inside

and leave it like that, in Custom.

And if you do not know anything about the Tesla, how much A little about him:

This car is completely electric, Accelerates from 0 to 100km in 2.7 seconds, It has 2 electric motors,

autonomous driving, yes, you can let it drive by you on the road and many other things,

which is a luxury vehicle ... The bad is autonomy, depending on the speed,

outside temperature, wheel size, if you have the air conditioner on or not,

and also depending on the model, you can Do with each recharge between 350 to 500 kilometers.

A car very much in tune with the time when we live but unfortunately not suitable for

all pockets ... I hope you liked the video and I read you

on the comments.

Subscribe to the channel and activate the chime to be informed of my new videos.

You can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram with more news about the channel. Thanks

for visiting and greetings to all!

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