Friday, February 16, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 16 2018

[ ♪ Intro ♪ ]

The Moon is a little bit chubby.

It might look like a perfect circle when there's a full moon, but the Moon is really a couple

of kilometers wider than it is tall.

And scientists have spent more than two hundred years trying to unravel exactly why.

Now, new calculations indicate that the Moon's wide waist is a remnant of its earliest dances

with young Earth -- back when Earth might've been covered in a single, global ice sheet.

Any spinning sphere will bulge out around its equator, just due to its inertia.

But the Moon's equatorial bulge is a bit of a mystery, because it's about twenty

times larger than it should be based on its rotation alone.

And even though we've learned a lot about the Moon in the centuries since the mismatch

was discovered, scientists still haven't had much luck solving the mystery.

Faster rotation leads to larger equatorial bulges, so we've always just kind of assumed

that the Moon spun faster when it was very young, back when it was closer to Earth and

still partially molten.

Then, as the Moon cooled, the larger bulge must have frozen in place, too.

Still, this idea has been hard to conclusively prove.

There's just so much that we don't know about the early interactions between the Earth

and the Moon.

A new study published this month in the journal Geophysical Research Letters is a first step

in changing all of that.

To try and crack the case, the team used computer models to look back in time.

Specifically, they looked back over four billion years, around the time the Moon first formed.

The authors modeled the interactions between the Earth and the young, solidifying Moon

with lots of different initial conditions -- things like how fast both bodies might've

spun in those first billion years.

What they discovered was a great combination of what everyone expected to find and what

no one had ever even really guessed.

Unsurprisingly, they found that, to produce an equatorial bulge like the one we see today,

the young, partially molten Moon must've been spinning a lot more quickly.

Then, as the molten layers froze, the bulge would've frozen in place.

But the more unexpected results have a lot more to teach us about the Earth than about the Moon.

The models indicate that it took a few hundred million years to form the Moon's equatorial

bulges, which is longer than scientists had guessed.

They also showed that, when the bulges were first formed, the Moon must've still been

a lot closer to Earth than scientists had thought.

That actually says a lot about our planet.

The Moon has been moving away from Earth ever since it formed.

And that recession is driven by complex interactions between the Moon and Earth's tides.

One consequence of these interactions is that the water on Earth sloshes around and rubs

against landforms and ocean floors.

This friction causes the Earth to spin more slowly.

And in turn, that puts more energy in the Moon's orbit, so the Moon moves further

away from us.

So if the young Moon stayed closer to Earth for longer than people thought, that means

that, among other things, those tidal effects couldn't have been nearly as strong as they are today.

The authors point out a couple possible solutions for this.

One is that the Earth could've been covered in a roughly global ocean with very smooth sea floors.

In that case, there wouldn't have been as many features for the water to slosh against,

so there wouldn't have been as much friction.

But it's hard to see why Earth would've been smooth enough for this to work, so it's

not a great explanation.

Still, the other solution the researchers proposed seems a lot more plausible.

And it's pretty cool.

See, there's already a lot of evidence that the Sun was about 30% cooler four billion

years ago, and that Earth probably didn't have enough greenhouse gases to trap much heat.

So, according to the paper's authors, all of Earth's surface water could've been

locked up in a worldwide ice sheet -- known among scientists as a "Snowball Earth" event.

If all the water were frozen, there would be almost none of those complex tidal interactions

between the Earth and the Moon.

So the Moon wouldn't have moved away as quickly.

We have evidence for a Snowball Earth around 650 million years ago, but this is the first

evidence for something like it happening very early on -- around four billion years ago.

The paper's model is one of the first of its kind, so it'll almost definitely be

refined over time.

But for now, it suggests that we should be ready to rethink some of our ideas about the

early history of both the Moon and the Earth.

And look -- all this happened because we were curious why the Moon had a little bit of extra bulge.

And if we hadn't had the moon, we wouldn't have this amazing glimpse into the early history

of our planet.

Thanks Moon!

And thank you for watching this episode of SciShow Space!

If you would like to learn more about Moon research, you can check our video about three

more Moon mysteries we're still trying to figure out.

[ ♪ Outro ♪ ]

For more infomation >> How a Frozen Earth Gave the Moon Its Shape - Duration: 4:38.


Thoughts on patch 1.0e11 - Clicker Heroes Beta - Duration: 3:41.

Hi guys!

What is love?

Let me start from thanking you for letting me know about the offline trick.

I didn't know that when you make a hard reset and then close the game you get idle gold.

It takes around 10 minutes of waiting to get 50 gold for Treebeast and it is totally possible

to play with 0 clicks made throughout the entire game.

You wont be able to reach zone 1 million with idling but still it may be a fun experience.

This is second hard reset I made this month, but I feel its worth to have a fresh start

after recent updates.

I am waiting with first ascension for the next patch to go live.

Let's see what's coming in latest Clicker Heroes patch 1.0e11

I am happy to see they will remove the limit of ruby clickables per ascension.

It felt bad when you had to make a choice between do I loose my progress and farm rubies

or do I loose rubies and continue to progress.

Now you can do both: farm rubies and progress.

For many players zone 1 million will be enough to aim for, so I guess Quick Ascension's nerf

won't be that bad.

Kuma, Borb and monsters per zone penalty I believe are going to be balanced around getting

to zone 1 million.

There is a new achievement for reaching zone 1 million so at least that should be achievable.

It is hard to predict what will be the new zone cap without testing new heroes.

Speaking of which I am always excited to explore new content.

I hope new Heroes will have some cool interactions between their upgrades like Cadu and Ceus.

Ponyboy's nerf will slow down progression.

I think it is going to be good change.

In 1.0e10 progression is so fast that we may miss the opportunity to enjoy growing in power.

The Clickstorm change to work as a bonus autoclicker is an awesome idea.

Reddit users recommended that and I am happy it got implemented.

Now this skill will be viable throughout the whole game.

Previously it didn't do much in the late game.

Another cool feature requested by Reddit community is energized indicator.

I often forget which skill I energized and which is still running in regular mode.

The indicator is especially useful in the late game where skill duration allows for

having all skills running energized at the same time.

There have been so many threads about V clicking that It's totally justified to include an

in game tooltip.

I hope it will help new players.

I remember when I was playing without knowing about V-clicking, my fingers were hurt just

from leveling ancients.

And this is my favourite.

I clicked so many times on the language button instead of the close icon.

Small fixes like that makes me feel like dev team cares about their players.

The beta is still ongoing and some things may be changed before final release.

It feels like the game is going in the right direction.

Let me know which change you love or hate.

Thank you for watching.

Have a nice week and I will see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Thoughts on patch 1.0e11 - Clicker Heroes Beta - Duration: 3:41.


BEST TOP 2 🙃 In PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds - Duration: 1:44.

subscribe pls)

For more infomation >> BEST TOP 2 🙃 In PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds - Duration: 1:44.


Love Little Big Town

For more infomation >> Love Little Big Town


ORAÇÃO PARA ANGÚSTIA E TRISTEZA - (Minuto de Oração) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> ORAÇÃO PARA ANGÚSTIA E TRISTEZA - (Minuto de Oração) - Duration: 1:09.


Al Bano e Romina Power: "Sono in tour solo con i miei figli e senza di lei" | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Al Bano e Romina Power: "Sono in tour solo con i miei figli e senza di lei" | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:50.


Mattino 5, Cecilia Rodriguez e Ignazio Moser commentano il Tapiro e Monte | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Mattino 5, Cecilia Rodriguez e Ignazio Moser commentano il Tapiro e Monte | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:58.


Trono Over, lite furibonda tra Tina e Gemma: il gesto choc | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Trono Over, lite furibonda tra Tina e Gemma: il gesto choc | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:42.


'BBB 18': vídeo de Jéssica e Lucas debaixo do edredom viraliza e impressiona | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> 'BBB 18': vídeo de Jéssica e Lucas debaixo do edredom viraliza e impressiona | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:57.


O COCKTAIL PERFEITO EM DUBLIN 🍸 | Drop Dead Twice | Hevialand#21 - Duration: 11:32.

For more infomation >> O COCKTAIL PERFEITO EM DUBLIN 🍸 | Drop Dead Twice | Hevialand#21 - Duration: 11:32.


Convite Webinar - GED (ECM) e Workflow (BPM) para Instituições de ensino - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Convite Webinar - GED (ECM) e Workflow (BPM) para Instituições de ensino - Duration: 1:13.


BBB18: erro em prova dá vitória a Ana Clara e família Lima está na liderança | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> BBB18: erro em prova dá vitória a Ana Clara e família Lima está na liderança | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:45.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 CDI Elegance Aut. Navi/ECC/Cruise/PDC V+A/Bluetooth/Trekhaak/16'' LMV/156 - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 CDI Elegance Aut. Navi/ECC/Cruise/PDC V+A/Bluetooth/Trekhaak/16'' LMV/156 - Duration: 1:03.


5 coisas para não fazer na decoração do quarto | Mariana Martins - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 5 coisas para não fazer na decoração do quarto | Mariana Martins - Duration: 3:33.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200-500 200 IN TOP STAAT_GEEN ROEST BAK. - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200-500 200 IN TOP STAAT_GEEN ROEST BAK. - Duration: 1:01.


Black Panther, una historia de acción e inclusión | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Black Panther, una historia de acción e inclusión | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:09.


2/15/18 3:48 PM (1171 E Mountain Blvd, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702, USA) - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> 2/15/18 3:48 PM (1171 E Mountain Blvd, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702, USA) - Duration: 0:29.


2/15/18 3:49 PM (1140-1142 E Mountain Blvd, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711, USA) - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> 2/15/18 3:49 PM (1140-1142 E Mountain Blvd, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711, USA) - Duration: 0:29.


PERCA PESO JÁ!! Sem Academia Sem Esforço e Melhor Ainda, Sem Gastar Dinheiro - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> PERCA PESO JÁ!! Sem Academia Sem Esforço e Melhor Ainda, Sem Gastar Dinheiro - Duration: 2:25.


Paola rifiuta le avance di Manetti, Giorgio la lascia: polemica a Uomini e Donne | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Paola rifiuta le avance di Manetti, Giorgio la lascia: polemica a Uomini e Donne | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.


Scandalo droga: Francesco Monte non ha fumato un bel niente? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Scandalo droga: Francesco Monte non ha fumato un bel niente? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:24.


Federica Panicucci offende il collega di Mattino5: ecco il video shock | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Federica Panicucci offende il collega di Mattino5: ecco il video shock | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.


L'Isola dei famosi 2018, lo scandalo droga è una bufala? La rivelazione choc | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> L'Isola dei famosi 2018, lo scandalo droga è una bufala? La rivelazione choc | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.


Thank God or Thanks God? - Duration: 2:10.

We're going to fix a very common and funny mistake today and it won't take long.

Do we say 'Thank God' or 'Thanks God'?

Let's jump straight in and see these phrases in action.

God, I'm late and I can't find my cell phone!

Oh God!

Did you call me?

Who are you?

I'm God.


But I thought God was, you know, a guy.

No, I'm definitely female.

What did you want?

I've lost my cell phone.

Well, when did you last have it?

I can't remember.


I'll call it Ha!

Thanks God.

You're welcome.


Thank God she could help.

If we're thanking people directly, so talking to them in person, we say 'Thanks' or 'Thank you.'

Here's your coffee.

Oh thanks, Jay.

But if we want to say we're pleased about something we say 'Thank God', with no s on


If you say 'Thanks God', it sounds funny because it sounds like you're talking to God directly.

Thanks God!

You're welcome.

So if you're very pleased about something, make sure you say thank without the s.

Thank God I've found my phone.

And that's it.

Make sure you subscribe and see you next Friday everyone.


For more infomation >> Thank God or Thanks God? - Duration: 2:10.


Oscar Parody

For more infomation >> Oscar Parody


How a Frozen Earth Gave the Moon Its Shape - Duration: 4:38.

[ ♪ Intro ♪ ]

The Moon is a little bit chubby.

It might look like a perfect circle when there's a full moon, but the Moon is really a couple

of kilometers wider than it is tall.

And scientists have spent more than two hundred years trying to unravel exactly why.

Now, new calculations indicate that the Moon's wide waist is a remnant of its earliest dances

with young Earth -- back when Earth might've been covered in a single, global ice sheet.

Any spinning sphere will bulge out around its equator, just due to its inertia.

But the Moon's equatorial bulge is a bit of a mystery, because it's about twenty

times larger than it should be based on its rotation alone.

And even though we've learned a lot about the Moon in the centuries since the mismatch

was discovered, scientists still haven't had much luck solving the mystery.

Faster rotation leads to larger equatorial bulges, so we've always just kind of assumed

that the Moon spun faster when it was very young, back when it was closer to Earth and

still partially molten.

Then, as the Moon cooled, the larger bulge must have frozen in place, too.

Still, this idea has been hard to conclusively prove.

There's just so much that we don't know about the early interactions between the Earth

and the Moon.

A new study published this month in the journal Geophysical Research Letters is a first step

in changing all of that.

To try and crack the case, the team used computer models to look back in time.

Specifically, they looked back over four billion years, around the time the Moon first formed.

The authors modeled the interactions between the Earth and the young, solidifying Moon

with lots of different initial conditions -- things like how fast both bodies might've

spun in those first billion years.

What they discovered was a great combination of what everyone expected to find and what

no one had ever even really guessed.

Unsurprisingly, they found that, to produce an equatorial bulge like the one we see today,

the young, partially molten Moon must've been spinning a lot more quickly.

Then, as the molten layers froze, the bulge would've frozen in place.

But the more unexpected results have a lot more to teach us about the Earth than about the Moon.

The models indicate that it took a few hundred million years to form the Moon's equatorial

bulges, which is longer than scientists had guessed.

They also showed that, when the bulges were first formed, the Moon must've still been

a lot closer to Earth than scientists had thought.

That actually says a lot about our planet.

The Moon has been moving away from Earth ever since it formed.

And that recession is driven by complex interactions between the Moon and Earth's tides.

One consequence of these interactions is that the water on Earth sloshes around and rubs

against landforms and ocean floors.

This friction causes the Earth to spin more slowly.

And in turn, that puts more energy in the Moon's orbit, so the Moon moves further

away from us.

So if the young Moon stayed closer to Earth for longer than people thought, that means

that, among other things, those tidal effects couldn't have been nearly as strong as they are today.

The authors point out a couple possible solutions for this.

One is that the Earth could've been covered in a roughly global ocean with very smooth sea floors.

In that case, there wouldn't have been as many features for the water to slosh against,

so there wouldn't have been as much friction.

But it's hard to see why Earth would've been smooth enough for this to work, so it's

not a great explanation.

Still, the other solution the researchers proposed seems a lot more plausible.

And it's pretty cool.

See, there's already a lot of evidence that the Sun was about 30% cooler four billion

years ago, and that Earth probably didn't have enough greenhouse gases to trap much heat.

So, according to the paper's authors, all of Earth's surface water could've been

locked up in a worldwide ice sheet -- known among scientists as a "Snowball Earth" event.

If all the water were frozen, there would be almost none of those complex tidal interactions

between the Earth and the Moon.

So the Moon wouldn't have moved away as quickly.

We have evidence for a Snowball Earth around 650 million years ago, but this is the first

evidence for something like it happening very early on -- around four billion years ago.

The paper's model is one of the first of its kind, so it'll almost definitely be

refined over time.

But for now, it suggests that we should be ready to rethink some of our ideas about the

early history of both the Moon and the Earth.

And look -- all this happened because we were curious why the Moon had a little bit of extra bulge.

And if we hadn't had the moon, we wouldn't have this amazing glimpse into the early history

of our planet.

Thanks Moon!

And thank you for watching this episode of SciShow Space!

If you would like to learn more about Moon research, you can check our video about three

more Moon mysteries we're still trying to figure out.

[ ♪ Outro ♪ ]

For more infomation >> How a Frozen Earth Gave the Moon Its Shape - Duration: 4:38.


Thoughts on patch 1.0e11 - Clicker Heroes Beta - Duration: 3:41.

Hi guys!

What is love?

Let me start from thanking you for letting me know about the offline trick.

I didn't know that when you make a hard reset and then close the game you get idle gold.

It takes around 10 minutes of waiting to get 50 gold for Treebeast and it is totally possible

to play with 0 clicks made throughout the entire game.

You wont be able to reach zone 1 million with idling but still it may be a fun experience.

This is second hard reset I made this month, but I feel its worth to have a fresh start

after recent updates.

I am waiting with first ascension for the next patch to go live.

Let's see what's coming in latest Clicker Heroes patch 1.0e11

I am happy to see they will remove the limit of ruby clickables per ascension.

It felt bad when you had to make a choice between do I loose my progress and farm rubies

or do I loose rubies and continue to progress.

Now you can do both: farm rubies and progress.

For many players zone 1 million will be enough to aim for, so I guess Quick Ascension's nerf

won't be that bad.

Kuma, Borb and monsters per zone penalty I believe are going to be balanced around getting

to zone 1 million.

There is a new achievement for reaching zone 1 million so at least that should be achievable.

It is hard to predict what will be the new zone cap without testing new heroes.

Speaking of which I am always excited to explore new content.

I hope new Heroes will have some cool interactions between their upgrades like Cadu and Ceus.

Ponyboy's nerf will slow down progression.

I think it is going to be good change.

In 1.0e10 progression is so fast that we may miss the opportunity to enjoy growing in power.

The Clickstorm change to work as a bonus autoclicker is an awesome idea.

Reddit users recommended that and I am happy it got implemented.

Now this skill will be viable throughout the whole game.

Previously it didn't do much in the late game.

Another cool feature requested by Reddit community is energized indicator.

I often forget which skill I energized and which is still running in regular mode.

The indicator is especially useful in the late game where skill duration allows for

having all skills running energized at the same time.

There have been so many threads about V clicking that It's totally justified to include an

in game tooltip.

I hope it will help new players.

I remember when I was playing without knowing about V-clicking, my fingers were hurt just

from leveling ancients.

And this is my favourite.

I clicked so many times on the language button instead of the close icon.

Small fixes like that makes me feel like dev team cares about their players.

The beta is still ongoing and some things may be changed before final release.

It feels like the game is going in the right direction.

Let me know which change you love or hate.

Thank you for watching.

Have a nice week and I will see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Thoughts on patch 1.0e11 - Clicker Heroes Beta - Duration: 3:41.


BEST TOP 2 🙃 In PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds - Duration: 1:44.

subscribe pls)

For more infomation >> BEST TOP 2 🙃 In PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds - Duration: 1:44.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


1st Sunday of Lent - Rev. John T. Sica, O.P. '10 - Duration: 4:49.

Hello, I'm father John Sica, and I'm a philosophy professor here at Providence

College. I graduated from Providence College in 2010, and I'll be reflecting

on the readings from the first week of Lent. After John had been arrested, Jesus

came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God. "This is the time of fulfillment.

The kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel."

The Red Sox, like most baseball teams, had their first practice this past Wednesday.

They had only a brief rest after the long slog of the baseball season, and now

it's time to prepare their minds and bodies to be in playing shape. At the

same time, this past Wednesday, hundreds of millions of Christians around the

globe went to church, and in services around the clock received ashes on their

heads while hearing either the words repent and believe in the gospel

or remember that you are dust and to dust you will return.

Words which suggest a spring training of another kind. Life has its own season

even more unrelenting than that of baseball. A season where in every day is

game day, and if life's contest is to love God and neighbor, then life's true

training will be training in love. That's why we need to consider repentance.

Although perhaps even most Christians are unaware that it has anything to do

with love, repentance implies two things. First that we turn away from sin. We can

think of repentance as a turning of our backs on sin, but there's a second part.

It also means that we turn towards God, and these two aspects are necessary and

inseparable. Perhaps at this point you've thought of or even taken on some Lenten

practice. It has become fashionable to say something like, "at Lent don't, don't

give up something. Take something on. The idea is something like this, rather than

punishing ourselves through the denial of some, some frivolous pleasures like

chocolate or coffee, we should do something positive and loving,

like reaching out in service to the less fortunate.

It is true, we can't turn away from anything unless we turn towards

something, if not penance would indeed be cruel, a pure negative, but it isn't. It is

denial aimed at love, but such advice is misleading precisely because the

converse is true. We cannot turn towards God unless we also turn away from sin,

and sin is the obstacle, the spiritual flabbiness that makes real love

impossible. And that's the point behind those little Lenten penances. A practical,

small, and repeated insistence on denying ourselves the small things that

functions as a training in love. After all, sin doesn't mean not loving but

loving in the wrong order, loving things more than people, loving anything more

than God. Through penitential practices, we train ourselves to love things in the

right order, putting our own comfort even after the love of God, self, and neighbor.

So that when the real contest happens, we will love God more than self, and our

neighbors more than our own bodies. Indeed, the word exercise or training

is precisely the meaning of the word asceticism, the word the church uses to

talk about her penitential practices. Penance is training in love. That means

that Lent is spring training for the soul. For the Red Sox, as for all of

baseball, the first game of the season this year falls on March 29th. For good

or for ill at that point, there's no more time for preparation. The real contest

begins. Conveniently, March 29th is also the

first day of the Easter Triduum, Holy Thursday. The training of Lent is

meant to prepare us precisely for that day and those that follow. When we

celebrate with intensity the saving life, suffering, death,

and resurrection of our Lord, so that with freshness, we may grasp the reality

of the Lord's saving love. Do you want to love more deeply this Lent, this Easter,

this year? Then hear our Lord's words, repent and believe in the gospel

For more infomation >> 1st Sunday of Lent - Rev. John T. Sica, O.P. '10 - Duration: 4:49.


White House Refuses To Discuss Immigration Status Of Melania's Family - Duration: 2:05.

It turns out that the White House doesn't want us to know the immigration status of

Melania Trump's parents.

See, Melania Trump's parents are living in the United States, and they came here as immigrants,

but this week they actually ... The White House, spokespeople for Melania Trump, refused

to answer questions about her parents' status as immigrants in the United States.

They wouldn't answer how they got into the United States, if it was on a tourism visa,

if it was on a work visa, or if they're now considered permanent resident aliens.

They refused to tell us what's going on with Melania's parents.

To an extent, I understand this.

I understand it's probably none of our business as American citizens.

We don't need to know.

But at the same time, we kind of need to know.

Again, Donald Trump has built his entire presidency on hating immigrants.

Yet now we're seeing that his companies are hiring nothing but immigrants.

We see that his wife, who's obviously an immigrant, the daughter of immigrants, and they won't

tell us how these people are in the country?

When you're literally ripping families apart while they're on their way to school because

you hate immigrants so much, don't you think that at this point we have a right to know?

You're tearing families apart.

You're taking parents away from children because you hate immigrants so much, and you won't

even allow us to know how and why Melania Trump's parents are in this country.

If you ask me, something smells a little fishy there.

When that happens, it's usually because they're trying

to hide something.

For more infomation >> White House Refuses To Discuss Immigration Status Of Melania's Family - Duration: 2:05.


Alfa Romeo GT 1.8 T.SPARK COLLEZIONE leder vol opties - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo GT 1.8 T.SPARK COLLEZIONE leder vol opties - Duration: 0:56.


Former DOJ official: 13 Russian nationals won't face justice - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Former DOJ official: 13 Russian nationals won't face justice - Duration: 5:11.


Black Panther ENDING EXPLAINED, Marvel & Avengers Infinity War Theory - Duration: 11:37.

Black Panther gave us a spectacular big-screen introduction to Wakanda with a politically-charged

and emotional thriller that has important implications for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers, it's Jan here and today I'm discussing the thrilling ending

to Black Panther and what it all means for future Marvel movies.

In case you don't know already, I do regular videos about superhero movies, and I'm currently

also running a Black Panther giveaway.

For a chance to win, be sure to subscribe and leave a comment below about the movie.

Obviously spoilers ahead, so take care if you haven't seen Black Panther yet.

There are a number of themes woven into Black Panther that get some resolution by the end

of the movie, but let's start with the very final scene before the credits, which is when

T'Challa and Shuri visit the basketball court and apartment block in Oakland where the movie's

opening flashback scene was set.

There's an interesting symmetry between the beginning and the end of the film which demonstrates

T'Challa has made a concrete decision to lead a positive change in the world and correct

the wrongs committed by his father T'Chaka and Zuri, aka James, back in 1992, when they

confronted T'Chaka's brother about helping Klaue steal vibranium.

It was in Oakland where T'Chaka killed his brother N'Jobu.

Though he did this to save Zuri, his actions sowed the seeds of anger and resentment in

Prince N'Jobu's son Erik, aka Killmonger, when they chose to abandon him rather than

take care of him.

Unlike his father, T'Challa is determined to stop operating in secret and he openly

lands his Royal Talon Fighter on the basketball court.

Both in this scene and the subsequent mid-credits scene, T'Challa proves that he's ready to

reveal the truth about Wakanda.

He also wants Wakanda to have a positive impact on the world by converting the apartment block,

which was the location of the tragedy in the flashback scene, as well as the buildings

either side of it, into a Wakandan outreach centre, and he appoints Nakia as head of social

outreach while Shuri will spear-head a science exchange.

Of course, it's just coincidence, but given that Sterling K. Brown plays N'Jobu, this

moment made me think of the TV drama This Is Us and how Brown's character Randall buys

the run-down building where his father had lived so he could improve life for everyone

living there.

That final Oakland scene also shows the culmination of T'Challa's arc in the movie by proving

that he could be king and still be a good man.

If you're wondering what I mean by this, remember when T'Challa visited his father on the ancestral

plane after ingesting the Heart-Shaped Herb for the first time?

Well, T'Chaka told his son, "You're a good man, with a good heart.

And it's hard for a good man to be king."

T'Challa later learned what his father meant by this when Zuri revealed how he'd helped

T'Chaka hide the truth about what happened to N'Jobu and his son Erik.

Finally, during their second meeting on the ancestral plane, T'Chaka admitted to his son

that he'd chosen Wakanda and its people over his nephew.

And that lie about the events in Oakland, that truth which T'Chaka chose to bury for

many years actually, as T'Challa puts it, ended up creating a monster in the form of


These moments of revelation in Black Panther reminded me of Thor: Ragnarok – spoiler

alert if you've not seen it – because we discovered in that film that Odin had hidden

his daughter Hela and her role in violently conquering the Nine Realms.

Each of these stories involves concealing both the existence of relatives – T'Challa's

cousin and Thor's sister – and the violence sometimes used to maintain seemingly benevolent


And of course, in both stories, it's the sons who are left dealing with the damage caused

by their fathers' actions.

T'Challa is appalled by what T'Chaka did and takes Nakia's advice not to let his father's

mistakes define him.

As she said, "you get to decide what kind of king you are going to be."

And that's exactly what T'Challa does when he refuses to stay with his father in the

ancestral plane the second time they meet there.

Instead of joining his ancestors, T'Challa chooses to return to Wakanda and prove he

can be a good man and a good king by affecting real change in the world, sharing his nation's

resources and technology for the betterment of others.

By the end of the film, T'Challa's eyes have been opened by both Nakia, who told him she

had "seen too many in need to turn a blind eye" any longer, and also by the events that

led Erik on the path to become Killmonger.

Killmonger's death is another crucial moment in Black Panther.

In keeping with his beliefs, he preferred to die than be imprisoned, and his death in

front of the Wakandan sunset was an emotional link back to the words he shared with his

father about Wakandan sunsets being the most beautiful in the world.

In addition to the symmetry between the film's opening and closing scenes in Oakland, there's

also a certain symmetry around the fates of Killmonger and his father N'Jobu, each of

whom died in complicated circumstances at the hands of a relative.

T'Chaka had wanted his brother to face Wakanda's council for his crimes, but ended up killing

him to save Zuri.

While T'Challa was defending himself from Killmonger and Wakanda from his rule, but

ultimately offered his cousin the healing power of Wakandan technology.

As the movie's main antagonist, Killmonger's world view was very much in opposition to

Black Panther's outlook, but then the two men had very different upbringings.

T'Challa was raised in Wakanda, which due to the vibranium meteorite, was able to isolate

itself from the world and was therefore never subject to the colonialism experienced by

their African neighbours.

On the other hand, in many ways, Killmonger represents the African experience as a result

of colonialism, slavery and racism.

Erik was brought up in Oakland, which is both the birthplace of the film's director Ryan

Coogler and the city where, in 1966, the real-life Black Panther Party began with a focus on

combating police brutality against the black community.

By the way, 1966 was also the year Black Panther first appeared in Marvel comics.

In Coogler's film, as we learn from Zuri, Killmonger's father N'Jobu experienced discrimination

in Oakland and that led him to act against Wakandan policy by smuggling out vibranium

in an effort to fight back.

When Killmonger takes over as ruler of Wakanda, he declares that the sun will "never set on

the Wakandan empire", echoing the phrase used to describe the former Spanish and British

Empires, which were so large it was said always to be daytime somewhere.

Killmonger further overturns Wakandan traditions when he orders the burning of the heart-shaped

herb, and director Ryan Coogler reflects Killmonger's revolution and the fact he is turning how

Wakanda operates completely on its head by having the camera revolve 180 degrees from

an upside-down position as the new king enters the throne room.

Michael B. Jordan has said of Killmonger that, "He is always ten steps ahead.

He's very patient.

That's a very dangerous attribute to have as a villain because he's going to sit and

wait, and he's going to plan and calculate every move."

Killmonger gained both tactical and military skills on combat missions in countries such

as Afghanistan and Iraq, and he appears to kill his girlfriend and then also Klaue, who

he'd been collaborating with, seemingly without hesitation when he deemed it necessary to

getting into Wakanda.

Killmonger is incredibly effective and ruthless in carrying out his plan to take over the


Yet, despite his extremes, you can empathise with his grievances.

In short, he's an incredible antagonist.

And although, ultimately, Killmonger fails to complete his plans, the fact that T'Challa

was deeply affected by the experiences of N'Jobu and Killmonger and the actions of T'Chaka

means that other kids from Oakland can now believe in Wakanda and its incredible technological

advances without thinking it's just a fairy tale.

It really is good to see Marvel developing their villains better in recent movies and,

Michael B. Jordan is such a fantastic actor who brought so much to this film that it's

a real shame to think he won't be returning, but Killmonger did have a great arc.

The other great secondary villain in the movie was Ulysses Klaue, played in a brilliantly

unhinged and humorous way by Andy Serkis, and again, it's a pity his character is dead.

Of course, these are comic book movies, so technically any character can still come back

from the dead.

In fact, there is one Marvel villain I do think could make a stunning return in the

MCU for a very good reason, and that's a certain green goddess and you can check out my theory

on why I think we'll see her again right here.

An important recommendation that T'Challa followed from his father was to surround himself

with good people and it was his little sister Shuri who played a huge role in helping him

take back the throne.

She and Nakia are extremely loyal to T'Challa though both of them have a rebellious streak

and they encourage the young king to push beyond the status quo.

Shuri herself is constantly pushing herself to another level, actively developing and

improving her tech; indeed, as she told her brother, "just because it works, doesn't mean

it can't be improved."

In fact, that's something I think T'Challa takes on board in opening up Wakanda.

And it was great to see Shuri so excited in the final scene when her brother announced

she was going to lead the Wakandan technology exchange with the rest of the world.

I can't wait to see what tech she gets to develop in Avengers: Infinity War and I'd

love to see her meet Tony Stark at some point as I think their banter and talk about her

amazing inventions could be fantastic.

There's also the possibility she could don a Black Panther suit of her own in the future

and there's a hint at that via the toothed neckpiece she wears in some scenes in the


By the way, I think it's interesting that the new Wakandan centre will be established

in Oakland because the next Marvel movie after Avengers: Infinity War is Ant-Man And The

Wasp, which is set in San Francisco and, geographically, Oakland is just across the bay.

In fact, the Oakland Bay Bridge made an appearance in the first Ant-Man And The Wasp trailer,

and I wonder whether there's a chance we could see Black Panther or some Wakandan characters

cross over into that movie later this year?

Another thing T'Challa achieves by the end of the film is a sort of repairing of relations

with the Jabari tribe, whose leader M'Baku does not take kindly to his request that they

join him against Killmonger as previous kings have not bothered to visit them in centuries.

T'Challa spared M'Baku's life during their ritual combat for the throne, but M'Baku already

repaid that debt when he helped save T'Challa after Killmonger flung him off the side of

a mountain.

Still, in the end, M'Baku and his people do rally to T'Challa's cause of saving Wakanda

from Killmonger, because they realise, as Black Panther explained, that this affects


And in doing this M'Baku and his tribe have a huge impact on the final battle.

And talking of the final battle, the Dora Milaje also play a key role with Okoye literally

bringing a rhino to a standstill by fearlessly confronting her love W'Kabi as soon as she

realises that Killmonger is not the rightful king.

She's an incredible fighter, as are her Dora Milaje sisters, and I can't wait to see more

of them on screen.

Now, I spoke about how important the final scene is in showing how T'Challa is transforming

and opening up Wakandan society to the wider world.

And this could have a big effect on the rest of the MCU which we see the beginnings of

when T'Challa addresses the United Nations in the first end-credits scene.

And I've actually got a separate video with a full breakdown of that scene plus the final

stinger scene with Bucky and what it all means for Avengers: Infinity War, and you can watch

that by tapping right up here, or clicking the link in the video description below.

So, were you impressed by Black Panther's first solo movie and are you hyped to see

more of Wakanda in a sequel and in Avengers: Infinity War?

And which were your favourite characters in the movie?

I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below and don't forget to also subscribe to

enter my Black Panther giveaway!

The winner of my Deadpool 2 giveaway is on screen right now, so if that's you make sure

you private message me with your details.

I really appreciate all your support so if you enjoyed this do hit the like button and

share the video.

And why not join the notification squad by clicking the bell for all my new Black Panther

and other videos coming very shortly?!

Also tap any of the links here to check out more videos you might like.

Thanks for watching and see ya next time!

Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!

For more infomation >> Black Panther ENDING EXPLAINED, Marvel & Avengers Infinity War Theory - Duration: 11:37.


Andrew Zimmern Cooks: How to Kill a Lobster - Duration: 2:15.

Dispatching a lobster is something that prevents most people from actually

cooking lobster at home and yet eating lobster at home is probably the place that

you should be eating lobster more often than eating it in restaurants. Why?

Because it's so much cheaper. There are two common ways to dispatch a lobster.

This is Omaris Americanos. It lives off the coast of Maine and Canada in the

North Atlantic. It is, simply put, the best-tasting Lobster on planet Earth. The

most humane way to dispatch a lobster and the one that separates the

dispatcher from the act, is to simply put the lobster in the freezer for five to

ten minutes and let it go to sleep. What the freezer does, the lobster slowly,

slowly, slowly, goes to sleep and if you left it in there for long enough, it

would actually kill the lobster, but it would also freeze the meat and the final

product would be much less delicious. By just placing it in there for four, five,

seven, eight minutes, it depends on how crowded your freezer is and how cold it

is, you can then just go right ahead and boil it, split it, bake it, grill it and

you're not going to have the lobster thrashing around. The fastest way to

dispatch a lobster and one that does no more harm, emotionally or physically to

the lobster itself, is to simply plunge a sharp knife directly back from the

carapace, in between that first joint at the back of its shell and its eyes. So if

you just place a knife tip right there, a kitchen knife that has a broad blade, and

simply drive it through till you reach the cutting board, the lobster is already

done for. At that point, you can simply

boil, steam, poach, shell, whatever you like.

And you notice I did my lobster work on a towel. It did two things. It soaked up

all the liquid from the lobster and also kept the lobster from sliding around on

my cutting board, so safety and just good diligence in the kitchen.

For more infomation >> Andrew Zimmern Cooks: How to Kill a Lobster - Duration: 2:15.


What The Cast Of Andromeda Looks Like Now - Duration: 4:12.

Although he's best remembered for his contributions to sci-fi television as creator of Star Trek,

many of Gene Roddenberry's show concepts never got off the ground.

After his death in 1991, his widow Majel Barrett discovered a stash of Roddenberry's scripts

and notes for some of these proposed shows—one of which became Sci-Fi Channel's hit series,


With over 100 episodes wrapping up over a decade ago in 2005, here's what the stars

of Andromeda are up to today!

Kevin Sorbo

As one of the elite High Guard of the Systems Commonwealth, Kevin Sorbo's Captain Dylan

Hunt and his starship Andromeda Ascendant were responsible for protecting the planets

and inhabitants of three galaxies, until his leap 300 years into the future.

After the series ended, Sorbo, who was previously best known for playing Hercules, continued

building upon his prolific acting career with appearances in The O.C., Meet the Spartans,

and many other films and TV shows.

Additionally, Sorbo lent his voice to several video game characters in titles like Skylanders:

SuperChargers, and has reprised his role as Hercules in the God of War game franchise.

Most recently, you can spot Sorbo in Supergirl.

Lisa Ryder

Lisa Ryder's Beka Valentine had never been interested in saving the galaxy—until she

crossed paths with Captain Dylan Hunt, and she became a loyal member and First Officer

of the Andromeda crew.

These days, the Canadian-born Ryder is still working as an actress.

She's appeared in over a dozen different roles in TV and film — most recently, Nurse Greenwood

in the FX horror series The Strain.

Additionally, Ryder has returned to theatre where she got her start.

Her play Wild Oxen was featured in a workshop reading during the 2017 Groundswell Festival

in Toronto.

Laura Bertram

At the start of the series, the purple-skinned humanoid alien Trance Gemini—played by Canadian

actress Laura Bertram—had a bubbly and effusive personality, only later transforming to reveal

her true nature.

Since the end of the series, Bertram has enjoyed a successful acting career.

You may have spotted her in guest roles on the popular shows Supernatural and Once Upon

a Time, or in her recurring role on the Hallmark Channel's When Calls The Heart.

Additionally, Bertram is a high school teacher in British Columbia, as well as an instructor

at Biz Studio screen-acting school in Vancouver.

Gordon Michael Woolvett

After the fall of the Commonwealth, Boston-born Seamus Harper, played by Gordon Michael Woolvett,

escaped from the Nietzscheans, and eventually ended up as a crewman for Valentine.

Woolvett has since appeared on Supernatural, the Canadian drama The Guard, and the CW horror-comedy

series, iZombie.

Woolvett is also comfortable behind the camera as a director, as evidenced by his 2017 documentary

Around the World in 80 Anthems.

Lexa Doig

Known affectionately by the crew as "Rommie," the android avatar of the powerful artificial

intelligence within the ship Andromeda Ascendant was portrayed by Toronto native Alexandra


Following her stint on Andromeda, Doig has continued to work on several sci-fi TV shows,

including Supernatural, Stargate SG-1, V, and Continuum.

Fans may remember her from the 2002 horror film Jason X.

Most recently, Doig appeared on Arrow as well as The Arrangement.

Keith Hamilton Cobb

Among the Andromeda crew, ruthless Nietzschean mercenary Keith Hamilton Cobb's Tyr Anasazi

was a fascinatingly complicated character to pin down.

Cobb left the series after the fourth season, and immediately transitioned into his role

as Damon Porter on The Young and the Restless.

Cobb then moved on to Logo's Noah's Arc, and CSI: Miami.

In recent years, Cobb has returned to the theatre, penned a number of short stories

and other written works, and is currently touring his one man show, American Moor.

Steve Bacic

Nietzschean weapons officer Telemachus Rhade, played by Steve Bacic, was a latecomer to

the Andromeda crew, having joined Captain Dylan Hunt in season two.

Following his spot on the series, Bacic continued in his career with Hallmark's All for Love,

Blade: The Series, The Guard, and HBO's Big Love.

Most recently, he reunited with Lexa Doig, in an episode of Arrow.

Brandy Ledford

The android Doyle, played by Brandy Ledford, debuted on the show when she was built by

Seamus Harper while he was stranded with a malfunctioning Rommie.

After the series, former model Ledford appeared on Canadian mystery drama Whistler, Stargate:

Atlantis, Modern Family, and NCIS: Los Angeles.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> What The Cast Of Andromeda Looks Like Now - Duration: 4:12.


7 Reasons Why YOU Should Start an Amazon Affiliate Niche Site for Passive Income - Duration: 15:11.

I'm gonna tell you why you should start an Amazon affiliate niche site my name

is Doug Cunnington I'm the founder of an inch side project I talk about affiliate

marketing and productivity and project management and I'm gonna tell you the

seven reasons why you should start an Amazon affiliate site the number one

reason you should get started with Amazon affiliate marketing is you can

make extra money so I don't know many people who wouldn't like to have a few

extra hundred dollars per month you can pay off debt you can go on more

vacations you can eat out more often or whatever you happen to need you get save

for your kids college fund whatever but most people would prefer if they could

to have a little bit extra spending money in the cool part with the Amazon

affiliate sites is a couple hundred dollars is quite doable even for a

beginner I'll place some links in the description to other videos where

they're basically case studies and success stories of you were just like

you some of these success stories are about people that are still in college

other people may be you know professionals maybe they're engineers

and other folks are you know musicians or teachers so there's quite a diverse

set of people that have found Amazon affiliate marketing interesting and

profitable number two you get to learn about internet marketing and I didn't

know anything about internet marketing until I found the smart passive income

podcast by Pat Flynn before that I was super into like beer brewing podcast I'm

very into beer in general craft beer home brew beer and and so on I'm just

into the craft of beer so at some point I got overwhelmed with all this beer

content and beer podcast and I was browsing around I found the smart

passive income podcast and I was hooked I learned all about

this whole other world out there where people were making money online I didn't

even know you could and I mean when you look back I didn't know anything about

WordPress or I didn't even know what WordPress was let alone like created a

website with it or anything like that but I learned all about internet

marketing through niche sites if you wouldn't learn about this huge industry

of internet marketing then a niche site is a great way to get a taste of it and

sort of see it in different areas of course you know affiliate marketing like

an Amazon affiliate niche site is a subset of internet marketing but it

teaches you the core set of skills which are highly marketable now number three

is learning about SEO that search engine optimization again when I first got

started in 2013 I didn't know anything about the topic in fact if you would

have quiz me I wouldn't have known what SEO even stood for the thing is you

could create a whole company around SEO there are literally SEO agencies out

there that help companies rank in search engines so as you could imagine it's

it's fairly profitable because it helps companies make money if you have this

core set of skills about SEO then you're in great shape to provide that service

in fact I know a lot of people that got started with internet marketing or niche

sites in general and they found that they were really good at SEO they were

interested in starting a service and they moved forward they started a

service business around SEO some people do sort of like local SEO for local

businesses like locksmiths or plumbers or electricians and other people maybe

they don't do local SEO but there are many different flavors of SEO and there

are all sorts of companies that need help with SEO yeah number 4 you can

learn about starting a website WordPress and hosting WordPress themes and

basically all that infrastructure kind of stuff that you have to deal with when

you start a niche site as mentioned before I didn't know anything

about this world of WordPress before I found smart passive income and niche

sites and affiliate marketing and all that stuff and it turns out you can you

know have a whole company that all you do is work on WordPress sites so you

know one of the reasons I'm framing it this way is because even if niche sites

aren't for you at the end of the day if you started a niche site maybe you'll

make a few bucks but you'll be learning all these skills that you can apply in

other areas in fact you may find that you really love WordPress themes you

start dabbling in you know creating your own themes and you become a wordpress

developer or something like that basically that sort of a skill is highly

valuable and you could you know dedicate your efforts to just WordPress

development or WordPress plugins or themes or whatever and you know you

become a software company that has WordPress plugins versus you know

running niche sites just an example but a niche site will expose you to that

whole side of the infrastructure of WordPress websites hosting domains all

that kind of stuff number five is outsourcing you can learn

all about hiring vs hiring writers working with you know marketplaces like

upwork now that's where I hire most of my assistants whether it's a video

editor who's editing this right now or if it's a Content writer or a content

editor or WordPress developer so there's a certain skill set that you have to

develop to effectively hire people where they're you know they're not located

near you or anything you can't sit down and talk to them so you have to

understand how to create a job listing interview the person if you need to hire

them and then work with them communicating via you know messages

whether it's email or within the up work platform so again it's a whole skill set

to be able to hire people again you may be able to run a whole agency based on

you know your skills as you know hiring manager for outsourcing

work you could have a Content service where you for example write content for

niche sites for your customers right you can have clients that need content and

maybe you're able to hire a Content team and put a system in place where you're

providing a valuable service for them because you know they don't know how to

hire people on up work but you do obviously you can become a pretty big

business there are actually you know business models out there for content

specifically another example maybe around SEO maybe you're able to hire SEO

folks from up work and then package up their services and essentially provide a

service to your clients because you're able to hire the VA is more effectively

number six is you learn about writing and creating content so I've alluded to

this a couple times even in the last example but if you start a niche site in

your budget slow you're probably gonna have to do a lot of the writing yourself

upfront that's what I did I actually wrote most of the content for the first

eight months or so of me working on niche sites why well I didn't have faith

that I would be able to invest the money and get an ROI in return but after I had

more experience I realized that you know it's okay if I hire people nevertheless

it was a great experience writing the content because I hadn't done much

writing other than you know in college and then all the writing that I did as a

professional was that kind of technical it was very business oriented as a

project manager it wasn't very interesting writing for niche site us

it's more copywriting than sort of technical business writing like I was

doing before and copywriting of course is a whole other you know topic to get

into but essentially you know you're writing something to sell the product at

some point or something like that you you need to sort of convince people to

do something it's persuasive writing if you will if you get into the content

you may find that you really enjoy this type of writing and maybe you get into

copywriting if you become a highly skilled copywriter you can charge a lot

of money for your services or you know for example again around the service

business idea you could develop a you know content service where you do the

writing and if you develop your skills well enough then you'd be able to charge

quite a lot for your content quick example you know if you have a

specialized skill let's say you're a electrician or something like that and

you find a you know site that needs someone who has the skills and knowledge

of an electrician you could charge a lot for your content a lot more than you

know a general writer on up work so if you have skills you could charge more

for Mises I know about project management and HR and you know hiring

people I could probably charge a lot as a Content writer for project management

topics I'm a PMP right so my skills and my knowledge are sought-after and people

would pay a lot more for that content so you can look and figure out what skills

you have if you have any you know unfair advantage where you know more than other

people and you're an expert well then you could probably charge more for your

writing again just another example of being able to you know find a skill that

you're good at and then maybe niche sites aren't for you you could do

something else with it and number seven this is the most important one if you

get started with niche sites and you make you know a few dollars here a few

dollars there maybe you build up your income to you know a couple hundred or a

couple thousand dollars per month you realize that you don't need a corporate

job you realize that you can work for yourself and make your own decisions now

that's a whole other set of you know problems that you may have if you're an

entrepreneur but there are countless examples of people who got started with

niche sites and then they went on to work for themselves they they either got

laid off like Pat or myself I actually got laid off in

2015 luckily I was into internet marketing

you know was able to take my hobby of internet marketing and the skills that I

learned from niche sites and work for myself so I am currently working for

myself and have been for about two-and-a-half years at the time of this

recording but there are a lot of other people a lot of other examples out there

where they realized they didn't need a corporate job my transition was a little

faster since I got laid off I didn't really have to make the decision but

there are other people who eventually you know build up enough income on their

side projects that it actually exceeds their full-time income at their

corporate job a lot of times when you hit that point you realize that you want

to quit your you know your day job and stop moonlighting and make your

moonlighting job your full-time gig I'm sort of grateful then I got laid off

when I did because I was able to accelerate my entrepreneurship endeavors

and actually I learned a lot more I learned a lot more faster and it was

definitely you know trial by fire but it's one of those things once you

realize that you can make money on your own it's hard to go back to you know a

corporate job where you know you don't make the decisions you're potentially

doing work that isn't meaningful for you and you know if you're commuting that's

the worst if you're sitting in a car and you're spending time away from your

family or something like that it's not cool now

Georgie's back here that's my dog Georgie in the background but I'm really

fortunate I get to hang out with her all the time I could take her for plenty of

walks all day long and get lots of exercise those are a couple high

priority things for me and if you have a family of course you know you want to

spend time as much time as you can with your family if you have kids then

obviously you want to spend a lot of time with

especially as they're growing up so just wanted to throw that in for point 7 once

you figure out that you can make money on your own and you don't need that

corporate job the genie is out of the bottle right and you can't get it back

in so it's one of those deals and it's enlightening again once you make your

first couple bucks you realize that it's possible and the sky's the limit at that

point there's no there's no upper limit with a corporate job there's pay scales

that you're sort of stuck in there's experience levels and most of the time

almost always your income and your raises are not really based on your

performance and that's hard to get your head around where if you're an

entrepreneur almost like everything is based on your performance and how well

you're able to focus and be effective and do the things that actually make a

difference like that's everything we're at a corporate job you can get away with

goofing off and you know spending a lot of time answering emails that don't

matter or goofing around in meetings that don't matter so anyway I hope I

convinced you to take a look at Amazon affiliate niche sites if you're looking

for like a task list on how to get started with Amazon affiliate niche

sites check out the description there's a link you'll basically be able to go to

niche site project com click on the green button and you'll be able to enter

your email address and your name and then I'll send you a link that'll have

like a bunch of keywords that'll help you get started with a niche site there

will be a task list so that you can see the steps that you have to do and

basically a bunch of information that helps you get started with niche sites

again I'm Doug Pennington if you like what you see on the channel subscribe

and if you learned anything in this video click the like button and here's

the question of the day do you have any other reasons why people should get

started with Amazon affiliate niche sites let me know in the comments below

and be sure to check out the comments by the way because some of the best

suggestions and best ideas there from the audience or not for me so be sure to

check it out and can with other people in the community


For more infomation >> 7 Reasons Why YOU Should Start an Amazon Affiliate Niche Site for Passive Income - Duration: 15:11.


Bendy and the Ink Machine Chapter Two: How Mike Mood and TheMeatly Saved The Old Song - Duration: 12:06.

TheMeatly was panicking.

Mike Mood was buried in a mound of code.

Everything was a disaster.

Bendy and the Ink Machine Chapter Two was supposed to launch in just a few short hours.

Everything had been going according to plan…until the game had suddenly broken.

Hundreds of miles apart, Mike and TheMeatly shot terrified messages back and forth over

the internet.

They had to get this to work.

Everything they'd built up over the past few months, the past few years even, hinged

on them getting the game out the door immediately.

This was all devolving into a horrible mess, and they had nobody to blame but themselves.

If they didn't fix the game soon, this might well be the end of Bendy and the Ink Machine.

In retrospect, TheMeatly and Mike Mood had been far too ambitious with their work schedule

on Bendy and the Ink Machine Chapter Two.

In fairness, they had been flush with success, and the phenomenal fan reaction to the first

chapter of their game was enough to make anyone feel a little overconfident.

Following the release, and subsequent explosion, of Bendy Chapter One, the pair had sat down

for a brainstorming session to figure out what to do next.

They had a big hit on their hands, and people were demanding a second instalment.

The initial game demo had been thrown together more or less over a weekend, so by all rights,

they should be able to make another chapter relatively quickly, right?

The problem was that the pair didn't want to stop with simply making something that

was the same size and quality as Bendy Chapter One.

They wanted to up their game, create a more complex, well-built game, and even go back

and improve some elements of their initial demo that they felt they could polish up a

little more.

Together, TheMeatly and Mike came up with a new direction for their fledgling saga,

outlining a five chapter story that they could tell episodically.

This didn't bear much resemblance to what TheMeatly had originally planned for his first

little game experiment, but that didn't matter.

He was happy to try new things now that he had a little more time to plan out the story

for the game series as a whole.

Feeling flush with success, Mike and TheMeatly announced to the excited, ever-growing Bendy

fanbase that the second chapter of the game would be ready in just six weeks.

It was only after they began work in earnest that they realized just how foolish this timescale

would prove to be.

As it turned out, the new, complex, more advanced version of Bendy that the pair wanted to make

was going to take a lot more time.

For one thing, it was becoming very apparent that neither Mike nor TheMeatly were really

within their element when it came to building horror games.

Bendy had only ever turned into a creepy experience when TheMeatly had been playing with a lighting

rig, and he wasn't a fan of horror himself.

He knew that there ought to be jumpscares in there somewhere, but it wasn't clear

to him where they should go.

The same was true for Mike, who did his best to come up with ideas for making the game

scary, but was figuring things out as he went.

The pair decided to focus, rather than filling the game on sudden spectacles of terror, on

creating a creepy, spooky ambience that would leave the player feeling constantly slightly

on edge.

This they could do, and it meant working to TheMeatly's personal strengths of building

compelling artwork and atmosphere, rather than trying to do something that they weren't

all that good at.

For his part, as he tested, Mike attempted to imagine that he was playing the game for

the first time, without any prior knowledge of what was coming.

This didn't work very well.

He was painfully aware of where every planned jumpscare was in the game, and as such, he

couldn't really get all that worked up when spooky things happened.

There was one moment when Mike managed to actually scare himself.

At one point while testing, he dropped a Bendy model into a scene and then forgot about it.

When he played through the level, he went into what he expected to be an ordinary part

of the level, only to be greeted by a smiling character who was not where he should have


While Mike and The Meatly did their best, it was becoming readily apparent that they

didn't have the time they needed to finish the game that they had in mind.

They pushed through, staying up late into the night, until three or four in the morning,

in order to try and finish the game's second chapter, as well as add more polish to their

original release.

This only got more difficult when TheMeatly ended up getting sick, further slowing down

his efforts.

Besides, both of the pair were still only doing this part time.

TheMeatly was still hard at work on his day job in marketing, which took a lot out of

his ability to work on his own side projects.

Meanwhile, Mike had an ongoing project for a mobile games developer that was taking a

big chunk of his time.

It was clear that the pair needed help – preferably from someone who was able to provide some

needed visual improvements for the game series as a whole.

As such, TheMeatly and Mike brought on Pascal Cleroux, an accomplished visual artist, to

create character models for the game.

Pascal's job was to bring TheMeatly's designs to life.

He carefully created 3D models for all of the various creatures and cartoon animals

that appeared in chapter two, and TheMeatly and Mike even got Pascal to go back into chapter

one and started adding in new elements.

Things were beginning to take shape, but it was taking a lot of effort, and everyone involved

was rushing tremendously in order to get everything done.

That said, as the six week deadline on the title drew closer, Mike and TheMeatly had

an important event to attend.

TheMeatly packed his bags and headed up to Canada for the Capital Gaming Convention,

where Bendy and the Ink Machine chapters one and two would be on display.

It was time for Mike Mood and TheMeatly to finally meet in person.

CGC was a big deal for everyone in Mike's house.

While Mike would be attending in order to show off Bendy, this convention was arguably

a more important event for his wife, Jillian.

Jillian Mood had long been involved in the gaming scene, and ran her own company dealing

with public relations and event management for video game companies.

Now, in the third year of CGC, Jillian was in charge of organizing the entire convention,

making this period of time even more hectic for the entire Mood family.

For TheMeatly, this convention was an opportunity to take some time enjoying Canada, trying

poutine for the first time, and meeting plenty of Bendy and the Ink Machine enthusiasts.

It was also an opportunity for him to do something he'd never done before, revealing his face

in public for the very first time – albeit still behind his puppet avatar.

Together, Mike and TheMeatly set up a booth filled with early Bendy merchandise, and watched

as con attendees tried playing their existing game and the brand new prototype for Bendy

Chapter Two.

This was absolutely fascinating for the pair.

For the first time, they could get real, visceral feedback about how the game made people react.

It was one thing to hear reviews online, but it was a totally different experience to watch

someone's eyes bulge as they played the game.

TheMeatly and Mike both took mental notes as they watched people play.

The version of Bendy Chapter One that was on display was their new, updated game, and

it was interesting to see how people responded to their improved content.

One new scene involved Bendy bursting through a wall, tearing down planks of wood in order

to attack the player.

TheMeatly and Pascal had worked hard on it, and were fairly pleased with how it looked,

but watching players react to the scene, it was clear that it didn't quite work.

Nobody got scared.

Nobody even realized that they were supposed to run away from Bendy at this point.

The attempt to add new animation and detail into the game actually seemed to be sapping

away some of the tension and terror involved in the experience.

This being the case, when TheMeatly and Mike got back to work after the convention, the

scene had to go, as they chose to revert it to the way it had originally appeared in the

first version of Bendy Chapter One.

The pair continued their hard work, as they rushed to complete their ambitious deadline.

In fairness, they could have postponed the launch.

They could have announced that the game needed a little more time.

Having been on the other side of this, though, the pair agreed that they never liked it when,

as fans of games, they were told they had to wait longer.

Delays were never any fun, and as they'd committed to getting Chapter Two out at a

certain time, they really ought to stick to their promise.

Things ended up coming down to the wire.

Just five hours before the scheduled launch, Mike was still tweaking the game, trying to

perfect the experience.

Then, disaster struck: the game broke.

Mike and TheMeatly didn't know what to do!

Suddenly, for no discernible reason, Chapter Two simply ceased to work.

Either the game wouldn't boot up at all, or it would run for a little while before


TheMeatly panicked, pacing back and forth in his bedroom as be messaged back and forth

with Mike.

At this point, there was nothing he could do to help.

TheMeatly wasn't a programmer.

Not really.

He'd built the first draft of Chapter One, but by this point, Mike had taken things so

far beyond TheMeatly's basic skills, and he could do nothing to help.

For his part, Mike didn't have a clue what was going wrong either.

Everything he tried to fix the game seemed to be in vain.

Then, a bolt of inspiration struck.

"Wait", he texted to TheMeatly, "I have an idea!"

TheMeatly waited with baited breath.

He didn't know what Mike was doing.

All he could do was hope for the best.

Then, Mike messaged again.

The game was working.

Somehow, he'd figured out what had gone wrong, and he'd managed to get things running


Bendy and the Ink Machine Chapter Two was released to the world, along with an update

to Chapter One.

The version of the game that was released at this point didn't contain everything

that Mike and TheMeatly had wanted to include, as plenty of stuff had needed to be left on

the cutting room floor for now.

Nevertheless, the pair had achieved their ambitious goal, and managed to get the game

ready for their deadline.

In celebration, hundred of miles apart, TheMeatly and Mike sat watching Let's Plays and reaction

videos online.

There was something wonderfully satisfying about seeing people respond to their work.

It became clear that Bendy Chapter two had hit a chord, and the pair were pleased with

what they'd managed to achieve.

This new installment of the game wasn't perfect, but they were satisfied that they'd

done the best they could.

Although perhaps they'd give themselves a little longer to make Chapter Three.

The moral of the story is that you should be ambitious as you aim to achieve your goals.

Perhaps it's not wise to set yourself quite such tight deadlines as Mike Mood and TheMeatly

did for Bendy and the Ink Machine Chapter Two.

It's not always possible to do your best work when you're rushing.

But, when you try to challenge yourself, and set out to accomplish things that you're

not sure you can do, you're going to learn a lot faster.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter if your finished product isn't perfect.

As with Bendy Chapter Two, it's sometimes necessary to accept your own limitations and

admit that you won't get things just right on your first, or second, or hundredth try.

As you push yourself, as you go out of your way to expand your horizons and achieve difficult

milestones, you'll grow as a result.

You can do it.

You just need to try.

For more infomation >> Bendy and the Ink Machine Chapter Two: How Mike Mood and TheMeatly Saved The Old Song - Duration: 12:06.


A man injured by a paranormal force | Static by Adolpho Navarro | TPN Horror Vol 2 - Duration: 2:48.

The budget of the film was $30 and we use basically all that to just

supplement what we already have I kind of have my own equipment some basic

lights and a camera it makes you be more creative figure out different ways and

different aspects to tell a story I feel like it shouldn't really limit to what

your idea is going to end up being the film took approximately about six hours

to shoot we found some great theater actors that I had worked with from the past

* Breathes Hard*

Day two at the Sanchez's residence.

24 hours ago my team encountered a hostile presence.

I was gathering some readings and the next thing I know I'm

immobilized on the ground I'm not sure if I fell. Pretty sure my back is broken.

My neck and arms have limited movement for the first two hours all I could hear

from my colleague screaming in various rooms of the house.

Everything is stopped now and I fear the worst.

For the past 12 hours something has been in this room with me.

I can hear it breathe

I've tried communicating but it's non-responsive this is real. This is real

*Phone ringing*

*Phone ringing*

*Back cracks as he turns*

*phone ringing*

Thank you for watching my film Static. Here on the El Rey Network if you want

more great content. Click here to subscribe and check out these videos here.

Also don't forget to comment below and give a thumbs up. Thanks Guys.

For more infomation >> A man injured by a paranormal force | Static by Adolpho Navarro | TPN Horror Vol 2 - Duration: 2:48.


Marriage Requirements - Duration: 3:17.

*People talking*

why are they here?

What are they doing here?

They here for you

They here for you..


He's here, Omg I'm so excited

Okay, okay, take easy, take easy

Men open door

Men open door, take easy

May peace be upon you uncle!

May peace be upon you

Please come in, come in

Come in, come in, welcome!

Enter, this is your house


I know what to do

I know what to do

*Door knock*

May peace be upon you



I got all the marriage requirements


I got everything they asked for

For more infomation >> Marriage Requirements - Duration: 3:17.


Découvrez votre mois le plus chanceux en 2018 selon votre signe du zodiaque - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> Découvrez votre mois le plus chanceux en 2018 selon votre signe du zodiaque - Duration: 7:35.


Dad's Blunt Message About Illegal Children Goes Viral - Duration: 19:02.

Dad's Blunt Message About Illegal Children Goes Viral

Liberals call them "Dreamers."

But for Jamiel Shaw Sr., they've been his nightmare for nearly a decade.

It was almost 10 years ago to date – March 2, 2008 — that Shaw's 17-year-old son,

Jamiel Jr., was shot to death by an illegal alien brought into the country from Mexico

as a child.

It's been six years since that alien, Pedro Espinoza, was sentenced to die for the murder,

according to The Associated Press.

But for Shaw Sr., with the debate swirling around President Donald Trump's effort to

get rid of former President Obama's obscene accommodation for illegal immigrants known

as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, the event might have been yesterday.

Shaw Sr. is no stranger to the immigration debate.

An outspoken Trump supporter, he spoke at the Republican National Convention that nominated

Trump to the presidency in 2016; he was a guest at Trump's first address to Congress

in February 2017 (even though The Washington Post scoffed).


Liberals Moving to Release 10,000 Sex Offenders Onto Streets

And on "Fox & Friends" Saturday, Shaw recounted the events that led up to his son's

killing with the ease of a story told too often, but with a lesson he's trying hard

to convey.

The current negotiations on Capitol Hill about Trump's offer to provide a path for citizenship

for up to 1.8 million DACA recipients in exchange for real immigration reform with teeth, is

missing the point entirely:

"Childhood arrivals" of today can easily become the street criminals of tomorrow.

"I don't believe we owe them anything, you know," Shaw Sr. told "Fox & Friends"

in an interview that has been "liked" more than 42,000 times and shared more than

13,000 times by Sunday afternoon.

"They seem to believe just because they were brought over that that makes them a child

of God … The guy that murdered my son was brought over at 3 years old.

He didn't stay 3 years old."

No, he didn't.

Eighteen at the time of the killing, Espinoza reportedly mistook Shaw Jr. – a high school

athlete – for a Bloods gang member because he was a young, black man carrying a red backpack.

"He had three gun charges, his last one was assault with a deadly weapon, battery

on a peace officer, and they only gave him eight months in the county jail.

Let him out four months early …"

Check out the interview here:

This sentence summed it up:

"Our family members are dead.

And when we complain, we're a racist."

Real Americans like Jamiel Shaw Jr., like Kate Steinle, are dead thanks to the actions

of illegal immigrants.

In the Steinle case, it was a repeated border-crosser, in Shaw Jr.'s case, the killer was a young

man who'd been brought into the country as a small boy.

But the point is the same in both – American citizens killed by people who literally had

no business being in the country in the first place.

And Americans who point out what is only the obvious, undeniable truth, are somehow being

smeared by liberals and their allies in the mainstream media, as irredeemable racists

for wishing innocent people were not dead.

But the United States is a democratic form of government, and that usually means compromise

by all parties to get any laws passed.

Shaw Sr. understands that.

That's why he supports Trump's compromise to deal with the DACA recipients, even though

he hates what it will mean.

"I'm happy what he's doing.

I wish he wouldn't give them the amnesty.

I wish he would make them earn it.

You know, one by one, they get vetted one by one.

Not just a blanket amnesty, just because you were brought over.

"I don't like that part, but, you know, I'm willing to take a little medicine to

get what I want."

Actually, what Shaw would really want, probably, is his son's life back.

But that's impossible.

It's shouldn't be asking too much, though, for his country to restore some sense of sanity

to its immigration laws.

But for Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, and their uncountable, ignorant allies

in the media and the liberal American electorate, apparently it is.

Like and share on Facebook and Twitter if you think everyone should hear this.

What did you think of Jamiel Shaw Sr.'s words?



to comment below!

For more infomation >> Dad's Blunt Message About Illegal Children Goes Viral - Duration: 19:02.


Woman Swallows Her Phone To Stop Boyfriend From Stealing Her Memes - Duration: 2:37.

Reports are circulating about a 19 year old girl who was forced to swallow her phone to

prevent her boyfriend from stealing her memes.

What is good this is IO, where we overload you with information.

I'm charlotte dobre, and don't forget to like and subscribe for the weirdest trending

news on youtube.

We are living in the age of memes.

And although you cant open your phone these days without cracking a smile, its getting

harder and harder to find memes that are not mainstream.

Its like normies have taken over and they've started regurgitating old memes and dead memes

like a seagull feeding its young.

That being said, truly dank memes have become somewhat of a commodity.

Many of us are hoarding some seriously spicy memes in our camera rolls.

Which brings me to this next story about a brazillian teenager named Ella who had a treasure

trove of spicy memes in her phone.

Definitely something to be jealous of.

Especially for her boyfriend.

Last week, when ella was in the shower, he decided to steal ellas phone while she was

in the shower.

As he was attempting to unlock her phone, Ella came out of the shower, snatched the

phone out of her boyfriends hand, and swallowed it.

I know you probably have a lot of questions.

The main one being…damn what kind of phone was it?

Theres no way she could have swallowed most smart phones.

And also…why not just put your memes in a password protected folder

Well friends as funny as this story is, I am sad to report that it originated on a viral

satirical news blog.

It is safe to say that this story itself is a meme.

A meme that you are probably going to rip me apart for in the comment section.



Just so this video wasn't a complete waste of your time, did you know that people have

swallowed their cellphones before?

In 2016, An irish prisoner swallowed an entire cell phone and was rushed to the hospital.

The x ray revealed that there was a cell phone in his stomach.

Unfortunately, the phone did not pass through the mans system, so he needed surgery to remove


Alright, its time for the part of the video you're really here for.

Comment replies.

Hale Salman – Been subscribed for 5 years now and I've never missed a single vid.

Love your channel.

Aw wow thanks for beng such a loyal subscriber!

Fred Smith – What do you call a cow with NO legs….ground beef GOOD ONE.

Callum O leary – love this place.

Best place to get the news.

Before I learned about this channel, I used snapchat, but I cant work that anymore.

Hey thanks callum.

Just so you know, if you want to revert to the old snapchat, this video will teach you


Click it to find out more.

As always make sure notifications are turned on so you never miss a video.

For more infomation >> Woman Swallows Her Phone To Stop Boyfriend From Stealing Her Memes - Duration: 2:37.


Nerd & Ashens go to Blackpool Play Expo | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 8:32.

Allow me to share with you the Nostalgia Nerd story of Play Expo Blackpool 2018.

A story of excitement, tiredness, shock, further tiredness, wind and glee.

It starts in Norwich at 4.30pm on Saturday 10th Feburary 2018, with myself and Stuart

Ashen as we prepare for the 6 hour journey to the other side of the UK.

As it happens, this journey was rather pleasant.

I'd hired a car for the occasion.

A Volkswagen Golf, and it was incredibly nice all round.

That is, apart from the Sat-nav, whose voice seemed to emit from a muffled potato bag.

She also insisted on using the term "Turn half left", which I was unsure how to perform,

given any turn left, is indeed, a turn left.

Another favourite was...


Adding a sense of disturbing urgency to motorway lane changes.


Our destination was soon enough upon us, and by god, if someone had of warned me of unbelievable

Blackpool winds, I still wouldn't have been ready for the unbelievable Blackpool winds.

The Norbreck castle was our destination.

A vast, sprawling hotel which resembles a castle built by DIY Dave, from the local ad-trader


We arrived for check in at approximately 10.30, with myself reaching reception first.

I was then handed a keycard for a shared twin room, for myself and Mr. Ashen.

Which was a LITTLE BIZARRE, and somewhat unexpected.

But what was more unexpected was the room itself.

I don't know if it's possible to have a room with greater wind volume than the building

exterior, but by god.

This one did.

It also had no heating, and was all round disturbing.

Myself and Mr. Ashen then proceeded to catch the end of the Saturday night party, where

we met various tremendous people, such as the Retro Hour podcast guys, Kim Justice,

DJ Slopppppeeeee, Ms Mad Lemon, Kieran Hawkin (aka Retro Laird), Mr. Biffo (just before

he headed to bed), and the almighty OCTAVIUS KITTEN...

Who was the only person I actually got a photo of before my phone battery died.

I can't stress how incredibly nice ALL of these people are... but then, the room situation

once again dawned, and it was decided to try and find alternative accommodation... because,

clearly we're fussy bastards.

This ultimately ended in a 2 hour tour around Blackpool finding hotels, which were all booked,

whereby Stuart gave up and stayed in Norbrek's windiest room, but I soldiered on, and thankfully

found somewhere else, with heating, and without the wind.

I should note that other people had no issues with their Norbrek rooms, so I presume we

just got the very, very, very short straw.

Which was nice.


After an hour of sleep, the panel day had arrived.

But it began with meeting some other tremendous folks, such as Andrew from the Back Office,

and even some of my patrons, which was extremely pleasing.

Some kind of 10am cabaret performance then kicked off, which disturbed me enough to head

to the main room.

The arcade area of the exhibition was vibrant and rammed even this early in the AM, and

was really something to behold.

So many cabinets, so little time.

In what seemed like minutes, it was time for our Youtube panel, of which I obtained zero


But thankfully, some other splendid folks did, and you can go and view it if you'd like


I believe it'll also be on the Retro Hour podcast in the imminent future.

You can also catch the ZX Spectrum, DMA Design and Oliver Twins talks, all of which I regretfully


With the panel over, this left a few more hours to sign some of Ashen's Attack of the

Flickering Skeleton's books, check out the trading floor, meet further truly splendid

people, have a jolly around the home systems, including Kim testing her skill with Bomb

Jack, have a quick chat to the Oliver Twins, who are just incredibly fun to hang around

with, and then grab several bites to eat from the green room, before beginning the 6 hour

trip back to Norwich.

It should be noted I was almost asleep on this return journey, but the sheer mite of

the Golf led us on to victory, and home was achieved.

and that, my friends, is my experience of Blackpool's Play Expo 2018.


must say, the highlight for me, was just meeting so many people from the Retro community, who

really are the nicest people you could ever hope to meet.

I do apologise that I can't offer any more footage, mainly because I was absolutely and

completely slack on this occasion, but if you'd like to see more, check out the links

I've included below for a more detailed look at this weekend of frivolous entertainment.

For more infomation >> Nerd & Ashens go to Blackpool Play Expo | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 8:32.


Let's Play Light Crusader - 04 - Frostmourne - Duration: 25:20.

For more infomation >> Let's Play Light Crusader - 04 - Frostmourne - Duration: 25:20.


Corvo's revenge | Dishonored | Part 7 - Duration: 41:06.

Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en

Welcome back to Dishonored. Let's continue this game

Oh right. Let's go to the party

Oh, it's Emily

How many people did I kill? I lost the count. I don't know

I wonder who is Emily's father? No, it's not me

Ah, it's my bedtime

What did they do to me?

Did I drink the poison?

I'm gonna die

They betrayed me

Traitors... They used me!

They will dump me out like the garbage

Should I kill the traitors?


Where am I? The flooded district

What will they do to me? Will I work for them? What about Emily?

What is this place?

Who are you?

I'm in the dream again

Ew, the rat

Oh, I still have my mask. Good

Oh, of course

Hurry up

Let's go to... Daud's base and... my stuff

I need more runes

Go upstairs

How do I get there?

Do I have to dive into water?

I see fish

Sorry we're closed

The gross plants

Oh, the fish

Is that out of the map?

Oh, it should be fine

That's a weeper

Oh, the rune

Stay away from the weepers. They're gross and spit on my face

I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything!

That's oil

I see the weird plants

Almost there

Too many of them. I don't have the gun and crossbow

That's weird

My stuff is over there

Stair control


Don't fall down. Come on, wrong way

Who said that?

This is sparta!

I almost - -

I almost fall down!

Need oil

Need to refill

Oh right

It said whale oil. That's weird. How does it work?

Go down. Please don't fall down

Be careful. Take your time. Slow down

That's a weeper

Oh, that's all

Stay away from me. I don't want to get sick

My gear

I miss you guys

Now what?

Go to Daud's base

What happened? Did I miss anything?

Tell me, what is going on?

Why didn't you talk to me? You should answer my question first then you can die in peace

Tell me, what happened? Hello?

Oh, you're bleeding to death. Great

What the hell is going on?

Where is everyone?

He doesn't notice me

I got the key for the rail station

Where is Daud?

Central Rudshore

More people

That's his base. Let's go into the window

Go to Daud's lair

I have five runes

I can control human

Oh, that - -

Daud's key. I have to get the key

Do I have to Daud too?

Deliver the message? Wait how? Do I have the message?

Too many of them

It doesn't work

They're really good

Should I end his conversation?

His body is gone right away

Go to the tunnel entrance

Need the rune


How do I get there?

Is that the rune? Yeah, I see it

So far, I have one rune. Ok

Let's get out of here

Go to Rudshore gate

The rune is on the roof

There you are

Get on the train and go to the gate

Don't fall down

This is really fun

That's easy

I could die from that

The tall boys. Throw the tank

Nothing happened. Weird

He can't come in. Ok, good

Let's run

We will go in the sewer

There is a sewer entry

One rune. I will get that rune

A bone charm

Found you

Having your weapons out doesn't slow you

Take out the weapons quickly

I need that

Oh, I can't have more than three charms

I think we should be good

Right, I need to find the rune


Where did they come from?

Thought so

It's getting closer

Sewer gate

Don't ever touch me. Oh, there is more

Yeah, berserk

There you are

How many runes do I have? Three

I definitely need that

It's longer

Oh, there is more... Really...

I have two bullets

Don't miss it

The exit

There you are. Let's get out of here

Oh, go to Hound Pits Pub. Ooh, it's time to kill the traitors

And rescue Emily

Let's stop for now. I will continue this game for the next video. Thank you for watching

Please click Subscribe, Like, Share, or whatever that will help me a lot. See you in the next video

For more infomation >> Corvo's revenge | Dishonored | Part 7 - Duration: 41:06.


Top 10 Dumbest Facebook Posts – Part 5 - Duration: 8:12.

Hello you most amazing beauts!

Welcome back to the most amazing channel on the internet…I am your Most Amazing host,

Rebecca Felgate and today we are reviving an old favourite – we have the Top 10 Dumbest

Facebook posts part 5.

Of course, you all know and love the glorious Danny Burke's Dumbest Twitter series….he

is on like…part 43 or something now and he is king of all dumb twitter…but, with

his blessing, I am going to be talking about some of the dumb stuff that happens over on

facebook… it seems people don't just save their stupidity for twitter!

Before we get into this, I want to quickly remind you that we have some awesome Merch

on sale at Most Amazing and you should go check it out!

Also, please do let me know if you like this video, if we get over 10 thousand likes, we

will make a part 6!

Okay facebook…what you got for me!

Let's jump right on in to number 10.

Falling in love can be a special time…but it can also send people a bit mad.

It turns out it can also make people significantly dumber, too.

One lovesick romantic posted on facebook: I think about him 31/7 cause he's on my

mind even when I'm sleeping.

WELL that might be the case babe, and that's cute and everything, but, as this young dreamers

friend points out…a day has 24 hours, sleep or no sleep.

Like…how…how are they not aware of that?!


What about clocks?

Do they never look at clocks?

I am so confused.

Moving on to number 9 Nature is beautiful – I love taking pictures

of moments of natural beauty, and the sky above us sometimes offers us some moments

of exceptional beauty ….so I can't blame this facebook user for documenting it in this

delightful snap….which they have captioned Morning Sunset….

Morning sunset…if only there was a word for that…oh…wait…sunrise….because

the sun is rising….. a morning sunset would actually be pretty disturbing and would mean

things had somehow gone horribly wrong.

Things are getting frosty at number 8 Don't you love the first snowfall of the


It makes the world look so pretty and shiny and magical.

The problem is, people get so excited about the thought of it snowing, they start seeing

snow when it isn't there.

Marissa snapped this picture and said OMG there's snow on the ground….I'm sooooo


But, yeah…it's salt, as Marissa's friend Tyler points out.


Surely Marissa must have been wondering why it had only snowed in a really specific area

…. Also…if that was snow…is that really enough to be excited about?

Let's crack into number 7! Payten took to facebook to share how very

over someone she is.

She wrote: 1 Universe, 9 plants, 204 countries, 7 seas, 6 billion people and you think I need



I mean, I am glad you're a strong independent sasspot, but can we talk about these 9 plants?

All 9 of them.

9 very important plants.

I get it though, sometimes I'd rather have 9 plants than a life partner.... but let's

take a wild guess and assume she meant to say planets.

But….I mean, I don't want step on Peyton's sass wagon or anything…although….in that

universe she mentions…urm, there are more than 9 planets…and plants!

Without getting into the whole Pluto debate, there are 9 planets in our solar system alone…

and it is thought our galaxy alone has 100 billion planets in it.

So….I mean….

Lots to learn.

Number 6 Sometimes we all need a little extra encouragement

in life….especially when we're going through a hard time, although Nichole missed the mark

a touch when she wrote: What kills you makes you stronger…..


I mean, that's a nice idea and everything, but what kills you…kills you.


Can't come to the phone right now.


let's move on to number 5 I love a good reptile…from a safe distance

anyway…snakes are pretty cool, I love me a lizard and I can dig a turtle… but this

gal, she's indecisive … She posted: OMG, so I don't like Dolphins


Squirrels are my new favourite reptiles…sooooooo cute.

*sigh* Double fail….

As her mate points out….

Neither dolphins or squirrels are reptiles…so luckily for our cold-blooded scaly friends,

the position is still open!

It seems like reptiles are baffling more than just one person on this list….

At number 4 Jonathan saw THIS picture on facebook….and


That bird is fat……

Like, firstly Jonathan, did your mother never teach you that if you have nothing nice to

say, you should probably just say nothing at all….and secondly, Jonathan, that is

clearly a chuffing turtle.

Awkward turtle.

**** We have some 4th of July confusion at number 3.

I get it…dates can be very confusing... like Easter, for example, has a different

date each year because of some pretty intense moon calculations.

Some holidays, however fall on the same day every year…which makes things much easier….not

for Nini though….Nini is lost…

She posted…is the 4th of July on the 16th or 15th


I mean…read it aloud in your head before posting, hun….. is the 4th of July on the

15th of 16th?!

The 4th July is on the 4th July!

But the plot thickens as Nini's friend response – the 15th I think.

Like…what is this alternate universe?!

I actually love this at number 2 So, one bright spark wanted to raise a little

extra cash so thought they'd sell their phone via facebook.

When it got to the bit where they were going to take a picture of their phone to show off

to potential buyers, they realized they had a bit of a problem….

Check out their post….

It is priceless… they wrote "phone is not in the picture because I used it to take

the photo, but it's that exact height, length and width…

Hit me up if interested…



I can't even?!

IS it the exact height and measurement, if so, those hand positions are impressive…

but like, dude….

Just google the phone and post an image of the model..or like…work it out…borrow

a friends phone to snap a pic…

Finally, let's see what number 1 has in store for us?

Oh dear, someone is going to be sorely disappointed at the end of the year.

They have started a 365 day penny jar, saying if they put a penny a day in it for a year,

they'll have 667 dollars and 95 cents…which….well I mean it doesn't take a genius to tell

you that if you put a penny in a jar each day for three hundred and 65 days'll

have three hundred and sixty five pennies….which is three dollars and 65 cents…which is barely

enough to buy a sandwich.

If you want the advertised 667.95, you'll need to save a dollar and 83 cents a day…which

is 183 pennies…a day…so…I guess they're gonna need a bigger jar.

So that was the Top 10 Dumbest Facebook posts part 5!

Shall we make a part 6?

Let me know in the comments section below!

Please do share any dumb facebook posts you see with me on my facebook…

Rebecca felgate official….

Merch etc – out

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