Saturday, February 17, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 17 2018

Come to the band festival! It's free! There is music and food. The band will give

a performance

*music playing*

(it's free) It is at Bay City Western High School. The date is march 3rd, Symphony at 2:00, freshmen at noon. (It's free...)

Everyone is welcome! Kids, teenagers, adults,

seniors... The audience will love the performance! Only one show!

(IT'S FREE) Don't miss it!

For more infomation >> Cady y Sergio Commercial - Duration: 0:59.


Cómo ejercitar glúteos sentada fáciles y efectivos aumenta el tamaño natural, - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Cómo ejercitar glúteos sentada fáciles y efectivos aumenta el tamaño natural, - Duration: 6:50.


PEDRITOVM - DIGAN LO QUE DIGAN | #24TrapChallenge - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> PEDRITOVM - DIGAN LO QUE DIGAN | #24TrapChallenge - Duration: 2:02.


Creative Approach - Part 4 - Duration: 8:48.

Hi, I'm really hungover and I thought to make things better I would sit in front

of a very bright window, and then actively encourage my face to

break out by doing some face paint. And I've just sat here like creatively

paralyzed because I don't know what to do - for about half an hour - so I'm just

gonna, I'm just gonna go for it and talk at you for a little bit.

Let's moisturise with my industrial-sized bottle of moisturiser. I think I'm just gonna accept

that this is probably not going to be good, he says his eyes lying slightly

knowing that he really wants it to be good but never mind let's just do it.

Let's just do it, Jon, do it do it do it do it. So some of you remember that I

used to do face painting videos on here and I did it and I called it like creative

process, I think, or approach or something. I was like I kind of want to do

one of those again at some point and then the situation arose last week when

I created the Jon goes running video. I made that and I made a whole load of

notes afterwards because I was just like I have a lot to say about this and how

I'm feeling about it, so basically as I said I have had that video in my head

for about four years. I finished the run, I had this this

shit ton of GoPro footage and I was like I want to do something with this and I

want it to be more than just a compilation of clips I want to do

something special with it because I think it deserves that it's a nice memory.

And that immediately put loads and loads of pressure on me so I was

like I want to be great how do I make it great and I came up with the idea that I

wanted to turn it into a game of some sort but I didn't really know how

to do it. I tried to start that project like at least twice even to the point of

tweeting a still from the video and saying that everyone had to hold me

accountable to making it and then three years later I still hadn't made it.

What am i doing, what am I doing, I was gonna make like a

mask thing but I don't even know if this is... do I wanna do drag makeup? Do I want to

do drag makeup I'm like I'm a bit scared of doing drag makeup because I always

think has to be perfect because I've watched so many perfect Queens on

RuPaul's Drag Race, fuck yeah I'm gonna do drag makeup.

So skip to about two weeks ago and I realized that I

have like two or three full days completely free that I don't have any

responsibilities or work to get done and I was like: now, now is finally the time

to make this bloody video, and so I sat down to do it. I have no idea where this

foundation came from- oh I didn't even prime... To do literally every effect in that

video I had to follow a tutorial on YouTube because I am still learning how

to do like After Effects and stuff which is why like the whole thing is like a

massive mishmash of styles because basically I'm replicating other

people's tutorials exactly without having the time to actually change it to

fit what I wanted. That in itself was a little bit annoying that I didn't feel

like I had time to play even though I'd spent four years waiting to do this

project, 'cos I decided I was like right and really give myself like a week to

make this or something. We're need more coverage! And so I spent about two full

days getting the bulk of the work done and that involved a lot of like ah just

really complicated stuff, really heavy effects and stuff that... I don't

know, like it was good but also I just don't know... like I got to the end of

it I just don't know whether it was worth it or not because like it was so

I could pick so many holes in that video like nothing really makes sense

and it was a very frustrating position to be in and oh I don't know I was just-

and it just got to the point where I was exhausted by it the whole thing that

just made me tired and I was sick of it and I didn't love it. I exported it and

normally a video for me takes about like 15 minutes maximum to export I think

this video took longer than two hours I don't know from experience that like if

you export a video then inevitably there's going to be something wrong with

it, so you always have to treat the first export as the first of several.

I just got to the end of it I looked at I was like you know what I'll just click

publish, cuz I just I'm not going to do any more to it even though there were so

many things I wanted to do to it other funny jokes to put in, or an

adjusting like, I don't need to go into specifics... and it was like

conflict and tension because I was grappling with the perfectionist

in me. I have nothing to glue my brows down or hide them so I'm just gonna try

and paint over them. And there were other things as well like I kind of I'd sent

myself a deadline because I knew that if I didn't I'd just never get the thing done

but also there were lots of other thoughts going into

like I knew that this was actually quite like a personal video that actually I

thought in terms of like views and stuff was never really gonna do very well.

It's like looking at a friend of a friend's wedding photos like don't give a shit.

Let me just buff this out with my old watercolor brush.

You know what, I think I'm being too much of a perfectionist right now I think I'm

gonna stop using brushes let's see how we go with just fingers, it's so messy.

Of course as soon as I decide to make this a fingers-only look my camera

decides to die and I have to you know touch it. I can't even remember where got

to I think I was talking about the fact that in an ideal world I would have

like said goodbye to that video for two weeks and then um come back to it

again and then spend actual time on it but that's just not what happens. I think

I find it frustrating because I always I've never really experienced creative

blocks before and then it's just happening I'm just like oh god it's

actually as difficult as people say it is and I was thinking lol a if someone else

has thought and I always just tell them to like just just do anything just play

something just do something it doesn't have to be good it just it's like make

it shit! I was just telling myself to do that now and I just wasn't doing it

anyway this is what I'm doing it's gonna be shit let's just go run with it.

We'll do eyeliner - eyeliner... - it's gonna be great.

Let's contour for the gods. Let's just use this fecal colour this should be very

easy to do to replicate maybe a five-minute look altogether very

wearable particularly as they are alike different... okay fine.

Apart from like disgusting spot popping videos, like makeup tutorials are one of my

go-to just watching any video on YouTube like something that's going to interest

my fascinates me how people can change their faces and like it's definitely one

of those situations where am i I'm watching it and I get to the end of the

tutorial just like sitting in my pants just watching not doing anything

alongside and I get to the end and I'm like like well I can do that now fine let's

watch another one.

Okay that's a significant amount... it's okay we're gonna

highlight there we go I've just just created a really cute button nose

that's absolutely tiny that's barely there. You know what I'm gonna do with my

vaguely clean fingers, I'm gonna set myself a timer how long should I give myself

I'm gonna say five minutes because I think any longer than that and this is

just gonna... we all know the direction this is going in already...

Lips! Need to think about lips what we're gonna do I feel like lips is like though

I have done quite nice makeup before but then as soon as I put lips on it's like

oh that's definitely a man in drag like it's really pretty, then it's like boom no.

Three minutes three minutes okay where's the black, speed up speed up speed up.

Lets change the angle, okay that's actually quite good. One minute

forty eight, fuck! Let's go. Oh, oh my god. No no fingers left! Oh dear what we need I

need some brows, how do I... let's wow that just ruined everything I mean it was all

going so well... no yeah oh my god that's that ombre brow thing right like nothing

and ah okay do I have any fingers I can turn this off? What do we think? Right I'm

gonna give myself two more minutes because there's more stuff I actually

want to do to this because I'm having fun!

Honestly glitter just improves everything, a little bit of

highlight there you know? Oh everything's so much better now.

Everything's great, look at me. Do I want to do my lashes?

Tacky, Jon, wait until it's tacky. I've

done this so badly. That's quite fun... I feel like I should we do

some kind of like inspiring speech at the end of this about pushing yourself

out of your comfort zone and try new things but like, I just... oh my god.

So thanks for watching my tutorial guys I hope you can replicate this at home

it's very easy the products are very cheap all you need is a bit of shame.

I need to do a thing they do at the end of videos on one side the other side

- completely asymmetrical. I'm trying to do the Detox thing... "Now I read ya!"

Goodbye, I'm still really hungover.

For more infomation >> Creative Approach - Part 4 - Duration: 8:48.



For more infomation >> ARQUERO MÁGICO VS TODAS LAS CARTAS LEGENDARIAS / ÉPICAS / ESPECIALES/COMUNES - Clash Royale [BySixx] - Duration: 12:33.


Joshua - Unión (Audio) - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Joshua - Unión (Audio) - Duration: 2:41.


La durísima acusación de Jorge Javier al Rey que le puede traer serios problemas - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> La durísima acusación de Jorge Javier al Rey que le puede traer serios problemas - Duration: 3:13.


Ninety one - Mooz Reaction - Duration: 6:44.


Don't use that, if you use it as a blooper I'm going to be mad

I'm going to use it

안녕!! (Annyeong!!) Oh, I was too loud sorry

Hola!! Hello!! Xin Chào!!

こんにちわ!! (Kon'nichiwa!!)

Today we're going to be reacting to another QPOP video

And the group is 'Ninety One'

And the song it's called 'Mooz'

One~ Two~ Three!!

Sorry next time, I promise

Beba: I really do Eli: You always say the same thing Beba: Stop

Next time I promise

Wasn't he the one who started the video too last time


Eli: Right Beba: The one who had-- Eli: The really intense gaze


Beba: Don't drink, is he drinking? Eli: He's the one I like, but I have to relax

Beba: Don't drink Eli: I'll calm down

Beba: There was a member who's voice I really liked Eli: I know I that's the one I told you about

Beba: The one at the beginning Eli: The one with the puffy hair, the one you told not to drink

Beba: Ah~ Eli: That's the one. Don't drink

Eli: Get it (Her nick name "Beba" and don't drink "No bebas") Beba: Shut up

It's him x3 Was he the one at the beginning? Never mind he wasn't

I didn't noticed how good his voice was before

Beba: He didn't sing last time Eli: Did he rapped? x2

I think he did in Ah!yah!mah!

It sounds very

Beba: Very tropical don't you think? Eli: This is so good!

I want to dance but I have to calm down a bit

He's the one!

He's so crazy but I love it

I really loved his gaze at the end

I love the video

I really do

Eli: It's a bit more sentimental Beba: I know

I don't know how to explain it

Are they going to dance?

You already know

They're going to have a show

His voice it's just wow~

No! What's going on?




That scared me

Eli: Well-- Beba: What did the computer do?

Okay, someone told us in the comments

All the things they went through

Eli: I don't know if you read it Beba: I haven't yet

Beba: But it may represent that Eli: Does this video has anything to do with that?

Like with the struggles they went though in the beginning

Eli: It might have something to do-- Beba: They were the first group right

Well they were the group that

Made QPOP known they are the founders of this genre you know

Beba: I imagine they went through a lot Eli: Yeah

I mean artist struggle as it is imagine

To debut somewhere where music wasn't as

Beba: Recognized Eli: Well at least this genre Beba: Yeah

The vacant chairs though

Both: Let us know Eli: Yeah let us know if this has something to do with

What I read is a long story but I'll talk a bit more about it at the end of the video

Beba: goosebumps Eli: Yeah


Beba: I feel like-- Eli: It's over Beba: It was four minutes but I felt like it was too short

I definitely think it has something to do with their struggles

I know that at the beginning

People were not accepting them cause

it was something new

But they got back on their feet and succeeded

For sure it was hard for them so

I feel like this video has something to do with that

Because of what a viewer told us

And yeah I loved this video

Definitely especially when

I saw that scene with the empty chairs, it broke my heart

There has to be a meaning behind it

Beba: They are talented Eli: Exactly Beba: So I hope

They of really far and we will root for them too

I don't know x2 This video was a bit more like

Really touching

It was very sentimental I felt like, and I like that

Beba: It was very profound Eli: Exactly

We loved thank you so much for requesting this song

We were debating if we should react to this one or

'Bayau' but we decided on 'Mooz' because

I remember some of you suggested for us to react to this song

And I know why now

So thank you

You can expect more reactions about them we are really interested in them and

Yes, we hope you guys liked this

Video if you did don't forget to like, comment, subscribe


We'll see you in our next one bye~ 💚

For more infomation >> Ninety one - Mooz Reaction - Duration: 6:44.


【Kaito V3】 Eine Kleine 【Vocaloid Cover】 + VSQx - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> 【Kaito V3】 Eine Kleine 【Vocaloid Cover】 + VSQx - Duration: 5:16.


¡RESULTADOS DEL SORTEO! 2018 :v - Duration: 2:22.

good people, I apologize for not having raised the draw on February 14: v I was too lazy to put subtitles :v

good people, I apologize for not having raised the draw on February 14: v I was too lazy to put subtitles :v

For more infomation >> ¡RESULTADOS DEL SORTEO! 2018 :v - Duration: 2:22.


WHY I LEFT MY CHANNEL? Questions & Answers #4 - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> WHY I LEFT MY CHANNEL? Questions & Answers #4 - Duration: 3:09.


ROBTOP IN ONE MINUTE - Duration: 1:38.

RobTop in one minute? YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES

(You are copying Rubius, bit*h!)

Robert Nicholas Christian Topala, 'RobTop' for the friends

Its a developer which got famous with very original games and different from each other



He loves community so much and he releases updates in a very less time...

Like one year and a half per update (I'M A VERY WORKING MAN XD)


In fact, he has very famous sentences on this contemporary world, like...

Or the burning chicken, YES, THE FUC**** CHICKEN

But when you are so desesperated because you've waited 132 more or less since last update

That RobTop message which you were dreaming appears

You think it will be, you think you will get it, finally, it's done

Too many streaming "waiting the update" appears, OMG WTF

Prepare to beat that level first that you've practised because a hacker leaked it 5 months ago

And get ALL that update has in 5 minutes...

But it's only to tell you that he made another game... yes...

Another game...


It will be easier to hire workers and it won't be cost nothing to him because HE'S A FUC**** MILLIONAIRE

But nope, everything for me, you'll be waiting till you die all

My servers NEVER got down and EVEN HACKERS could not enter on it

Definitively, it's your internet

And if this weren't enough, If you are an unknown creator from any of my ORIGINAL GAMES

No matter you do awesome arts, I will not pay attention to you

I will not see what you write, and I will not answer any email you send to me because I have it as an ornament

And who do you think I am, if not?

Oh true, I told you on the intro of this video


Please a like is appreciated! Share with your friends if you liked it, thanks!

For more infomation >> ROBTOP IN ONE MINUTE - Duration: 1:38.


[Creative Commons Music] Jens East - Nightrise [Electronic] - Duration: 3:11.

BreakingCopyright: Music for videos Free YouTube Audio Library

BreakingCopyright: Music for YouTube Free YouTube Audio Library

Today on BreakingCopyright: Jens East

No Copyright Music (Non Copyrighted Music) Jens East - Nightrise

For more infomation >> [Creative Commons Music] Jens East - Nightrise [Electronic] - Duration: 3:11.


Comparing Lithuanian and Latvian food. - Duration: 5:42.

hello my name is Ilona and I am a Latvian but I recently found out that

maybe I am more Lithuanian than Latvian well I don't know about that my family as far

as I know from my mother's side are Latvian and little bit some ancestors from Poland

but actually I have a lot of Lithuanian matches and this is not a surprise

because especially that region where I am from which is Latgale it's very

close to Lithuania and when I grow up I used to listen to Lithuanian radio stations or

even Lithuanian TV stations or channels today I wanna compare maybe Lithuanian

Latvian food what we eat and actually our food is very similar I live in UK

and we have shops from Lithuanian food shops I don't mind to eat Lithuanian food

it's almost the same different type of meat mostly pork potatoes in various ways

and sour cream of course and that other dairy products like made from I don't

know how it's really in English I think cottage cheese also spoiled milk it's

like there's some similar it's kefir but I grow up like in a farm and we just

waited a few days when that milk goes like I cannot explain well it's old and

it's actually very good at summer especially I like with sugar but I know

some people withk with salt of course rye bread for example also what goes good

with rye bread especially if you live in farm this is like this type of meat

which is fat and of course onion and garlic will be good so from this type of meat

I am usually bake like this type of pies and actually this one is frozen wthat is different

actually for example cepelīni we don't help cepelīni

and like this cake šakotis it's actually delicious but we don't have

anything like this and what we like Latvian which i didn't found in Lithuanian

is sklandu rauši but we don't in my like territory in Latgale we don't eat them so I

don't know how they taste Jāņu siers which is a cheese I don't

know if Lithuanians make like something like this or maybe maybe they

have something like this Lithuanian like food which is very good it's made from like this type of

bread we are making them as Lithuanian know it's the cold soups like from beets

with also spoiled milk (fermented milk) and I think eggs and greens but I don't really like this soup

cucumbers also goes and also which is common is

fermented cabbages or sauerkraut this is also very good and actually it's good

especially now in winter or early spring because it's a great source of C vitamin also

Lithuianian and Latvian cuisine was influenced in recent history by

different Soviet foods and this food we of course have in common kvas I

really love kvas but not all types of kvas for example I found this Lithuanian kvas

and this one is the best of all kvases which you can buy in shop of course

there are some like maybe homemade and this type of kvas is better which is very

natural and there is also like 1.2 alcohol but it's still suitable for

children ok I think that's enough for today

I hope you found this video interesting enough but if no I am sorry

For more infomation >> Comparing Lithuanian and Latvian food. - Duration: 5:42.


Dale presencia a tu negocio - Duration: 0:07.

For more infomation >> Dale presencia a tu negocio - Duration: 0:07.


Tyler Gomez- Without You

For more infomation >> Tyler Gomez- Without You


Vonn Blames TRUMP For Her First Olympic Loss In 8 Yrs, Then Is Immediately Handed MORE Bad News - Duration: 5:05.

Vonn Blames TRUMP For Her First Olympic Loss In 8 Yrs, Then Is Immediately Handed MORE

Bad News.

Olympic downhill skier Lindsey Vonn went into the 2018 winter games with a massive chip

on her shoulder for President Donald Trump.

She made this known on multiple occasions through public verbal attacks to ward him,

including announcing that she wasn't representing him at the Olympics, despite being on Team


She wore her anti-Trump attitude proud, even incorporating her hate into a custom ski uniform

to compete in as "Captain America," which had a subliminal message that she's the

captain of this country, not Trump.

Vonn was the frontrunner in her sport, having won eight Olympics in a row and going into

this one with the same expectation.

After spending months of her preparation time spewing divisive message about our president

and proving herself to be a loser, she suffered a catastrophic loss in South Korea yesterday.

Rather than coming out as the winner, she came in fifth place and realized she was the

latest victim of the "Trump Curse."

The only person Vonn can blame is herself for promoting hate and negativity and bringing

that to the slopes which resulted in exactly what results from that kind of mindset.

She also chose to ignore the impact that an openly anti-Trump attitude has on athletes

by partnering with the NFL who just experienced fan and revenue loss in devastating proportion

for this same reason, rather than realizing the same would happen to her.

Trashing the president always proves end badly for public people and that's not Trump's


Vonn's first loss coming on the heels of her disrespect and divisiveness is no coincidence.

However, just as she was learning of her massive failure in fifth place, she was handed more

bad news.

The reality of having lost had to have been a tough one for the ego-centric athlete, but

who won the gold in the Super-G race instead of Vonn, makes her failure even better.

Beating her at her own sport was the new gold medalist who isn't even a skier but decided

to give it a try.

Ester Ledecka from the Czech Republic didn't even have a pair of skis in South Korea and

had to borrow a friend's when she entered into the Super-G race against Vonn…and ultimately

took the gold medal from her.

The Guardian reports of what's being considered the "biggest upset" in the 2018 Winter


Ester Ledecka, the world champion snowboarder from the Czech Republic, delivered one of

the biggest upsets in Winter Olympics history on Saturday afternoon, coming out of nowhere

to win the women's super-G by the slimmest of margins, as Lindsey Vonn failed to deliver

an expected medal in her opening race of the Pyeongchang Games.

Ledecka, who is the first ever athlete to compete in both skiing and snowboarding at

the Olympics, finished with a winning time of 1min 21.12sec to pip Austria's Anna Veith

by one-hundredth of a second.

Tina Weirather of Liechtenstein, who finished 0.11sec off the pace, won the bronze.

"Until today," Ledecka said, "I thought I was a better snowboarder."

Veith, the defending Olympic champion in the super-G, was in first after the top 20 racers

had completed their runs with a successful defense of her Sochi title all but assured.

Indeed, NBC had already named her as the winner before Ledecka's run and later had to apologize.

The incredible defeat proves that what Vonn is experiencing is a massive case of the "Trump

Curse" which everyone back at home in America was quick to "congratulate" her on.

KSDK reports:

Team USA athletes who have expressed their personal displeasure for President Donald

Trump are receiving hateful Tweets, and viewers at home in the United States are telling them

they've fallen victim to the "Trump curse."

As USA TODAY first pointed out, Lindsey Vonn received numerous Tweets after stumbling near

the finish line at the women's super-G.

The defending bronze medalist finished in fifth place.

Many of the viewers on social media didn't mourn the disappointing performance by Team

USA, nor did they try to console Vonn.

Instead, they laughed.

They poked fun.

They said she fell victim to the 'Trump curse.

Before the games, Vonn told CNN she would not visit the White House if she were invited.

In addition, she said she was going to the games to represent the people of the United

States but not the president.

That angered Trump's support base.

Several athletes have fallen victim to the "curse," according to social media.

Adam Rippon, who finished tenth in men's figure skating, has allegedly fallen victim

to it after criticizing the selection of Vice President Mike Pence to lead the U.S. Olympic


Rippon is an openly-gay man and said Pence supports gay conversion therapy.

You don't have to like who is in the White House or have voted for him, but sports is

no place for politics.

Americans have proven without a shadow of a doubt that they don't appreciate athletes

ruining their sports and entertainment with offensive messages about our country and Commander-in-Chief.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Vonn Blames TRUMP For Her First Olympic Loss In 8 Yrs, Then Is Immediately Handed MORE Bad News - Duration: 5:05.


Ford Transit Connect 1.5 TDCI L2 Ambiente Powershift | Nu met Upgrade voordeel en nieuw voor U te be - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Ford Transit Connect 1.5 TDCI L2 Ambiente Powershift | Nu met Upgrade voordeel en nieuw voor U te be - Duration: 0:58.


Land Rover Discovery 3.0 SDV6 HSE - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Land Rover Discovery 3.0 SDV6 HSE - Duration: 0:55.


Endometriosis treatment | When blood in the stool can be Endometriosis - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Endometriosis treatment | When blood in the stool can be Endometriosis - Duration: 3:30.


Pes 2018 / Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 / FC Barcelona - Man Red / 18.02.2018 - Duration: 10:15.

For more infomation >> Pes 2018 / Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 / FC Barcelona - Man Red / 18.02.2018 - Duration: 10:15.


Princess for kids How to draw

For more infomation >> Princess for kids How to draw


Joyce...I Need Your Help! - Duration: 2:02.







































































For more infomation >> Joyce...I Need Your Help! - Duration: 2:02.


How it FEELS to Play Scout in TF2 - Duration: 11:37.

Demoman: LEEEET'S DO IT!!

That's the way ya do it!

MOVE IT lads!

Real nice effort, chucklehead

I don't think I saw that one comin'...

Soldier: Nooooo!


Scout: Yo, heads up!

I cannot see!

Medic: Soldier, no!


Oh what's up!

I cannot move!

Soldier: Aughh, my head

Atta boy!

Come to daddy.


That was a re-creation of a 6v6 clip that shows

just how insanely powerful scout can be when he's in the right place at the right time,

with the right place being behind you and the right time being

whenever you're doing something else

Wait isn't that kind of Spy's thing?

Spy: WHAT?

Come to think of it, every class in the game would perform better if their opponents were

always turned away doing other things

Spy: F*** you, Scout. My job SUCKS

Okay, but Scout and Spy care the most about being behind their opponents right?

especially because they both have the tools to get there!

Spy with his on-demand invisibility cloak and ability to disguise as the enemy team...

and scout with his... uh...

Being... really... fast...


*Sounds of enemy team dying*


But let me be clear: you shouldn't play the mid-fight this way.

Yes, the clip is a little contrary to what I'm saying.

Yes, I did kill three of them and single-handedly win the mid fight.

See, what I didn't show you is what it took to get there

At this point here, I'm forcing my team to fight 5v6 for at least 10 seconds,

Which might be how long the fight lasts!

This clip is from the round right after the last clip,

and you can see I'm a little nervous that they'll be ready for my cheesy flank this time

It is basically an insult to their intelligence for me to try this again, and-


But you don't have to bait your team to get behind the enemy

Scout's speed lets him take all sorts of aggressive routes,

and when you get your chance... you wait as long as you can for the peeerfeeect-

Stop. This is it.

This is the moment.

If you play any scout at all, this image is causing your brain to release dopamine

You got him. That Demo's as good as dead! You carried this teamfight.

What's that? You wanna shoot, don't you?

There's no need, we all know you hit the shot.

Just look at the crosshair! It's luscious curves are overflowing with his hitbox

It's screaming out that every pellet will connect!

We can move on to the next scene




Then show us...

Show us how it FEELS to play Scout

Scout can go for all sorts of super aggressive flanks using the alternate routes throughout the map.

Like I always say,

you're not out of position if you can kill the medic and two clean shots

But really, there's nothing better than two-shotting the enemy medic and announcing to your team:

Yes! I got their-


I'm supposed to say that...

That's my line, I killed the medic!

That was gonna be like...

my one social interaction for the day...

I'm kind of painting the wrong picture here, though.

You don't need to be behind people to be effective as Scout.

in fact, he is without a doubt one of the most powerful

Head-to-head combat classes in the game.

In this clip, my team got pushed back to second,

so I start capping middle to make space

This is the opposite of being sneaky. I am basically announcing:

(Over a megaphone): "Attention BLU team:

I am on the middle point and prepared

to engage in fisticuffs galore, at your discretion

You would think that there's no way I get out of this one, but...

HA! you screwed up now,

If you can't hit scout, but... he hits you, eventually well

you look pretty dumb! And if Scout can kill you before he even touches the ground,

well those are tough beans!

Looks like another close call for our hero with only-


How're you missing these shots??

I only have TWO HEALTH!

Oh my god, it's a home run ladies and gentlemen!

That's something that I love about being the ULTIMATE life-form....

No matter how low my health is, I can still destroy my enemies....

Shadow: Farewell!

Sonic: I found you, faker!


Sonic: Wow, he's fast!

Shadow: I'll show you my true power...

Sonic: No way!

Shadow: How pathetic...

The difference between a soldier with three health and

the ULTIMATE LIFE-FORM with three health is enormous...

Scout can take that three health to the finish line, whereas slower classes are easy pickings

I was the only one who survived this team fight, but I'm used to being alone...

it suits me...

*crickets chirp*

Whether it's three health or two-hundred, I'm an unstoppable force

Shadow: HA! you're not even good enough to be my fake.

Soundsmith: Alright, yeah, I respect that

But the craziest thing is that Scout can often avoid these marginal situations

thanks to one of the most powerful abilities in any multiplayer game:

the ability to pick your fights

Soldier: Hello, Scout!

Scout: Come on, man!

Soldier: What did I say?

It shouldn't come as a surprise that Scouts most powerful trait is his speed,

but it is surprising just how many ways a 33% increase in speed

changes the way Scout interacts with the game!


I can run around and be like:

Whoa, nope, that's not a good situation,

Then wait a second and say

"just kidding, this is a great situation"

Of course, I'm a little out of position in the enemy spawn so I'm gonna have to rely on my speed

to get me outta there...

Are you seeing this?

One wrong move and I was toast!

These were over here, and they were going this way like *plane noises*

And I was going this way, so we were crossing paths!

So I would've died if I went straight

I would've died if it was a little more to the left

and I would've died if I turned a little later

Point is: I survived

Then this guy's like:

Sonic: I found you!

Okay look, that jokes over, you're done here

But my thirst for blood has only begun.

I'm back in there lickety-split running circles around them,

I'm practically unstoppable at this

Scout: Hit the bricks pal, you're done.

Aright look, no one's perfect.

Another benefit of picking your fights

is that you can completely ignore classes you can't deal with.

Here, I'm trying to be sneaky but get spotted by their sniper right away.

I know I shouldn't do it,

I know I've been called out.


I know I'll get caught but...


I don't care what they throw at me, even if it's-


Scout: Nice hustle tons of fun, next time eat a salad

Heavy: WHAT?

Sometimes your only responsibility is to go fast you may be a lean mean killing machine

But you win the game of tf2 by capturing the objective and boy

Are you equipped to capture that objective with your speedy little legs and double capture rate, you can single-handedly win some games on your own

And it's not uncommon that you're the only one that can save the game by reaching lost ejected

And guys


Barely made it okay. I will not tolerate a single common thing that I was not the difference maker there in fact

I'm so petty that I did the math which you can see here

Hey, if you want you can download the video and check it yourself you won't but you could

Let's get the show on the road one more thing that your speed does for you is allow you to act as a punish

Being a dangerous mobile threat gives you a large territory in which you can punish multiple classes that overextend such as the medic or demo

It's very tempting to just rush in guns blazing whenever you see a lonely demo man

And it's usually a pretty easy kill unless there are god, holy

Soldiers have a similar ability to cover a radius

But they have to fully commit with a rocket jump while rocket jumping can be very flexible sometimes

It's just not as pointed his mind this matter

They said so job damage powders are holy and if you listen closely the entire world is your territory

Yeah, oh hey

Yeah, gotcha incoming my oh ho no gun can buy an inch wide I

Love this guy he's taken me from my first ever five kill streak in a pub to trying my heart out in competitive leagues


That was the reason that I picked up tf2 in the first place

Something about running around with a shotgun and being a devil a annoyance seemed really novel at the time

Even though his gameplay can be boiled down to just running and shooting it

Honestly feels like the skill cap with this guy never ends Scout is just fast enough to be in control of how much damage he

takes and his shotgun based gameplay constantly rewards pinpoint accuracy

I actually could not write along enough conclusion to fill out the rest of this clip it honestly

It's it just keeps going until I die

It's I was shaking off some rust and one of you one MGE server when who walks in but

Looking you in my jammies long story short this guy

2002 me it was a nightmare, but you know what he wasn't rude

And he didn't leave and disgust he politely stuck around and I improved by playing against him

And it was a great reminder of how high Scout skill cap really is so thanks looking cute in my jammies

Thanks for showing me and everyone else how it feels


Look man couldn't you have just let me win one oh?

Wait wait wait wait wait first of all I can subscribe if you enjoyed please and thank you and

Boom patreon if you didn't already know patreon. It's a way for you to support me every time I upload new content

I have to be totally honest with you guys

I need your support on patreon to continue putting this much effort into my videos

There's a ton of rewards available

Depending on how much you put

I hope that rewards like patron only streams and discord chats will help me get to know somebody better hmm. Just a quick note

I've set the payments to be per video rather than per month because



no, I'm planning to upload one high effort video and one medium effort variety video a month so feel free to set your pledge to

Only activate once a month if that's what suits you and that's it

Here's some fan art for my discord server that I really appreciate please join my discord follow my Twitter and have a great day

Thanks, bye

For more infomation >> How it FEELS to Play Scout in TF2 - Duration: 11:37.


The Beautiful Find And A Coin Spill | Metal Detecting In The Woods - Duration: 54:06.

This is my "new" coil.

No, I just painted it brown, to blend better into the environment.


Let's begin.

I have to delete my previous GPS track.

First signal.

I started detecting on a path.


A coin.

"1 Reichspfennig" (1939).

This one doesn't look like made of zinc...

This "hole" in front of me was made by a boar.

Just foil.

A bullet.

Pull tab.

A tube.

Another pull tab.

I think it's time to enter the woods.

Part of a can at the surface, and a hole next to it. Hmm...

Today I updated the Deus remote control with firmware "4.1" (from 4.1 b1?).

I haven't read anything about changes.

There is this new "Ground Sensitivity", let's see what it does.

I'm decreasing it.

Now increasing.

The only difference I could hear was probably caused by position of the coil.

* I found out at home that this has no affect in manual G.B. mode. :)

Enough "testing", let's get back to business.

The signal was very bad.

It's a coin, I'm surprised.

It actually is a French token (from 1800s?).

I will show you pictures at the end.

GPS (POI) #2.

A piece of lead.

A lead bullet.

It's a huge nail.

I'm moving further (no plan - intuition only)...

That was iron.

It was just a shotgun cartridge (sorry for not showing - it went straight into the pouch).

Is this a watch?

I found something similar looking recently.

These plants are very annoying.

Everything gets stuck.

This was a bullet case.

When I'm in "hunting mode", time is going slower...

...when I hold an object in front of the camera, the short moment feels like ages.

WWII remains.

Two targets.

One - I don't know what it is.

Two - the rest of it.

So far everything is typical for this area - walking & no finds.

I will try this section.

A lead bullet.

Another bullet.

Decisions, decisions...

I think this is the perfect color for this coil.

You can hardly see it.

I could go further with some fancy shades etc. but there is no need.

My "favorite" object - .50 cal. bullet.

...I often find it in the "wrong" layer of soil (which is misleading and annoying).

A coin, "finally".

"10 Reichspfennig" (1880-1916).

In bad shape.

Another bullet.

At least the weather is nice...


Another path.


Another shrapnel.

A coin!

"1 Reichspfennig" (1924-1936).

Made of bronze.


Another coin.

"1 Reichspfennig" (1940-1945).

Made of zinc.


I'm annoyed with my GPS.

I'm on a path - the soil is compressed.

Another coin.

Same time period and denomination as the previous one.

I will come back to the spot in a second.

I just have to check this portion.


I'm back...

Next coin.

"1 Reichspfennig" (1924-1936).

Hmm, what is this and why in this depth?...

Another signal right next to it.

A worm...

Another worm.

Another signal...

Have they done something to the 4.1 version, or why is it so "deep" today?

It looks like another coin spill!

"1 Reichspfennig" (1890-1916).

With weed and leaves attached to it...

Was this coin originally dropped somewhere else and brought here with different soil? looks like it doesn't belong here.

The worms first.

I really enjoy finding coin spills. It is every time a highlight.

This coin doesn't want to leave the hole.

"1 Reichspfennig" (1890-1916).

I will show you all coins at the end.

It's that small.

Maybe I should say "thin".

I have no idea, what it is.

Just foil.

Very close to the last coin.

One moment please.

A coin at the surface.

"1 Reichspfennig" (1924-1936).

The coin spill continues...

This coin is on edge.

I will try to extract it carefully and look at the angle.

Coins on edge are harder to pinpoint.

There it is.

I see it.

Let's take a look.

It wasn't laying flat, that's for sure...

"1 Reichspfennig" (1888).

No more coins? I guess that's it.


Let's remove it anyway.

A small can.

It's a ring from a bird.

Made of aluminum.

Iron everywhere.

This target sounds awful, but let's take a look.

I can't believe it...

It's a pocket watch!

How cool and unexpected is that?

GPS #13 (the lucky one).

Noooo, I dropped it...

I don't know if it is gold plated.

It has a nice pattern.

I still can not believe it...

No chain.

I detected on my way out, but this was the last good target.

Lead bullets.

Ring "from a bird".

"1 Reichspfennig" (1940).

Similar coin.

The better version from 1939.

"10 Reichspfennig" (1880-1916).

The first watch...

"1 Reichspfennig" (1925).

"1 Reichspfennig" (1932).

"1 Reichspfennig" (1924).

"1 Reichspfennig" (1906).

"1 Reichspfennig" (1888).

In excellent condition.

"1 Reichspfennig" (1906).

The mysterious French token.

I haven't cleaned it much.


Still uncleaned.


And treasure - hunting time: 2h:35min

For more infomation >> The Beautiful Find And A Coin Spill | Metal Detecting In The Woods - Duration: 54:06.


Peter Webb - Understanding dutching and variable dutching - Duration: 8:36.

so I slipped a comment into one of the videos last week about touching and that

I had a touching strategy in that fired off a few comments and I thought oh yeah

that's fine because I'll just link to the blog post in the video that I did in

that and it turned out there's been absolutely years since I've actually

done one I was pretty shocked and amazed actually how long had been since I last

talked about about it because the dutching calculator in vet angel is a

really useful tool it was introduced a long time ago we'd first introduced in

2006 and went through several upgrades but I don't think I've really covered it

very properly so that's what I'm going to do in this video please like and

comment on the video below that will allow me to produce better quality

videos and more of them in the future if you're interested in learning to trade

successfully in sports then why not visit the potential Academy where we

have more detailed videos so touching is something you're probably familiar with

and on a previous video I was talking about how the over rounds is basically

shrunk and shrunk and shrunk and shrunk to the point where it's like negligible

it's absolutely tiny and the great thing about vet angel is we have a very

advanced dutching calculator contained within it it not only does touching but

it does other things and very clever things within that calculator stuff that

maybe you're not aware of because I haven't really covered it at all and one

of the benefits of the over round shrinking and shrinking as that dutching

becomes a really really viable strategy now if you're not familiar with touching

basically traditionally you woods will look at a very competitive horse race

and you'd sort of say well is the winner gonna win or not because if he's gonna

win I'll back him and if he's not gonna win I'll lay him but the advantage that

you get with dutching is and I'll save you the story of why it's called

touching that can be for another video but the advantage of dutching is that

you can actually cover more than one selection within a market so for example

you could have a ten runner race and you can actually say to it okay I want to

win thirty pound if any of those first four win it's it's a powerful thing to

do because rather than having to pick the winner you can just sort of say well

I think the winners going come out of this group of four or five

horses and therefore you just say okay I'm going to place a bet that covers

those four or five horses out of that field of ten and the great thing about

what we did with dutching is traditionally what you would do is you'd

place two bets or more within the market and then you would get a variable return

so you'd say his mistake fifty pounds how much am I going to win if I cover

all those three or four horses out of this twenty-eight run a competitive

handicap basket or somewhere and then it would basically throw back a potential

return for you but when we look to Dutch and we introduced the dutching tool back

in 2006 believe it or not it's twelve years old although it's changed a lot

since the first introduction because we introduced that version of dutching

returning so you have basically place about you'd say how many selections you

wanted to cover in the field and then it would return some money to you so the

first thing that we did of many is we actually flipped that completely on its

head and we sort of said well how much do you want to win if any of those four

or five go on to win that particular race see we completely turned it on its

head rather than you putting a stake down a fifty pound and then wondering

what your return would be because it could be five it could be ten it could

be twenty all dependent upon the price at which you choose to back in the

market we've flipped it totally around and we said how much would you like to

win if this happens and then Bettinger calculates the stake and then you decide

if you want to place your bet so it's really simple you go into the market you

click on you the selections that you want you nominate that you want to say

win twenty pounds and then bet angel does the calculation for you new press

the place bets button and away it goes now you can actually automate Dutch

capabilities it's not as quite as much as the Moneo tool because the manual

tool is designed to be very highly refined but it is possible if you want

to automate some element of dutching that you can do that through the

automation so check out the forum and the scripts that are available so the

rules files that are available in the forum that will allow you to do that

so yeah the basic Dutch position was back these two these three these four

runners and you're gonna get some money back we

turned it totally on its head and said how much would you like to win if this

occurs now of course you can do on racing you can do it on football because

you could say I want to back 1 nil 1 or 2 1 1 2 and but we're not going to cover

that position there and it works exactly the same way you can say if any of these

correct scores come in I want to win 20 quid and it's in a competitive handicap

in racing you could say if any of these four horses when I want to win Tony quid

so you flip everything on its head effectively you say this is how much I

like to win and this is what's going to make this occur that's the essence of

the way that we created the dutching tool within betangel but it gets better

because we then took it up another level I can't remember when we did that

probably a year or two after we introduced the tool and you can actually

nominate how much you want to win on each individual selection and this was

incredibly complex to do and it took a lot of pain and effort and fiddling

around with spreadsheets to work out how this was going to happen so the great

thing about the way that this works is you can say ok I want to win 30 30

pounds 20 pounds if the any of the first 3 runners go on to win this race however

I'm going to break even on the 4th I'm going to make 50 quid on the fifth and I

want to lose 100 if the six runner comes in because that's unlikely to happen but

that's the loss that I'm prepared to take so the variable dutching that we've

got within the bet angel dutching calculator allows you to do that so

again you could do it on football you can say well I think they're gonna win

so I'm gonna win 20 pounds if they win 1 nil 2 1 3 1 2 now or you know you could

decide however you want to mix that up but if they end up drawing I'm willing

to break even and if they lose then you can cap your loss effectively with that

as well you can actually nominate for each individual selection what you're

willing to gain or lose and you can even set it at a break-even as well and so

you can say it's say you're looking a really competitive race and you think 5

horses have got a chance out of 20 but only three of them have got a real

chance you can basically say I want to win 50-pound on the front three and I'm

willing to break even on the next two because they've got

and if they come on would be unexpected but I want to cover them off on and make

sure that I don't lose money so yeah it's very very flexible there's an awful

lot that you can do with it there are additional functions as well that I'm

not going to explain specifically in this video because they almost sit in

two different categories of strategy they're not considered sort of basic

touching strategies but if you want to understand exactly how to use the

calculator I'm going to do another video which will go alongside this one this

week and I'll include it at the end of this video that can link to it which

would just walk you through that particular process going from basic

touching to touching to a predefined profit target to variable touching so

I'll include that at the end of this video and on a separate video but yeah

check it out because it is very flexible and the big advantage you've got

nowadays when you're done qing is that the book curve around is absolutely tiny

when we invented the tour back in 2006 it was quite large but the markets so

efficient now that rather than just betting on one thing you can bet on a

whole host of things and the over round has effectively spread amongst the book

on this selections that you bet basically the amount of commission that

you pay is spread across those runners as well and it's just a very very

efficient way of covering multiple selections getting a relatively high

winrate and doing it in a very very efficient manner simply because the book

percentage is so tiny but anyway what I suggest to do is far better you'll go to

the dutching tab and then follow the instructions that's included in the

other video


For more infomation >> Peter Webb - Understanding dutching and variable dutching - Duration: 8:36.


Try On Clothng HAUL 2018, Brandy Melville, John Galt, Pac Sun, Forever 21 | TILLY BEE - Duration: 10:07.

hey guys what's up welcome back to my channel ok so today's video is going to

be a collective haul because I've been buying a lot of clothes lately yeah I have a

problem I have 4, 5 piles 4, 3 piles in front of me right now I have a lot of

clothes I'm gonna just haul for you guys there you go show your pretty face ok so

we are gonna start with forever 21 because I have been buying a lot of

clothes there so let me show you so the first shirt I got this was the

stuff I got the longest go I think I was in Nevada so like for Christmas I bought

this shirt I have yet to wear it really really cute but I just need to wear it

and I just don't and I don't know why I don't cuz it's really really cute I

guess I just really don't know what to style it with because it's just like

something that I don't usually wear so you know it was only like 10 bucks I got

it but yeah here's the first shirt it's just striped and it's cute

second thing I got was this shirt right here oh my gosh naa thank you okay so

basically it's Alice in Wonderland now has like all the characters it's really

really big too when I'm linking ready for the dance I don't want or

jeans I wear this with leggings this is so soft so comfy I love it okay so next

three items right here the first thing I got was this humongous like so big jean

jacket because I've been wanting one of these for a while now it's like the

thing to have them right now like I've gotta be on-trend because I'm cool

but you guys it's really cute and I think every single day this week i

wore it because it was really cute. this stuff I just bought like a week ago I

want to say well two weeks when you're watching this but a week ago when

I'm filming this so yeah next thing I got is really say about this I

absolutely love this oh how cute is this it's so cute so it's like this cropped

white t-shirt and this is like an actual like elastic of its own which is so cool

and I think this is very 80's 90's you know

i wore it to school one day and I was like oh my gosh this is cute.

last thing I got I got this for Valentine's Day and

I'm sure I'll wear it some other time but you guys this is cute so

cute like Daisy and it's pink and I just oh my gosh I love it so much I think is

gonna be really cute for Valentine's Day even like with this it's gonna be really

cute for Valentine's Day so yeah now the things I've thrifted so if you guys

didn't see my thrifting video you should go check it out guys have all been

requesting for me to do like a thrifting haul first thing I bought was this

jacket this is the cutest thing ever so this is like an old-style bomber jacket

it's so cute and it's like from the cowboy days you know and I think it's so

yep I didn't thrift this, my aunt thrifted this for me so Lisa if you're

watching it props you so here it is it's this camo, I actually wear this in my

thrifting video it's this camo long-sleeve and I actually rolled up the sleeves and

I cut it because it was just a tad bit too long for my liking

um but yeah I love this so so so much it's so cute and um I love camo I think

it's really really cool so yeah thanks aunie. so then I also got this

shirt right here this shirt so I haven't yet to wear this to school cuz I cut it

and I cut it way too short so I can't leave school but I've worn it to my

friend's house when it cut around the house and I think it's so cool and like

pretty and I love the sleeve so yeah this was only like three bucks so you

know okay this sure I actually just wore yesterday this is a shirt that I

absolutely love it says hi chew on it I love the color I love hi chew like I

love hi chews. my mom and I are like obsessed with high chews. I was so cool

like I would never expect to find this but I love it so so much last clothing

piece I got was this like I don't know what this is it's like a jacket that's

like a pullover in and it says tiger and literally don't really know what this is

from I can get some baseball team I don't really know sports that well so

you know but I think this was really really cute and I haven't yet to wear

it because i have too many clothes to wear but yeah I really like this. then I

got this like police hat.

everybody's been wearing these and I finally found

one and the problem is though it has this like cardboard in and I really want this

to come out because it's just way too pokey in the front now this is probably

the best purchase I think I've ever made in my whole entire life I think they're

so cute these are the clout goggle glasses I found these and I was

just like I need these so much okay so so a couple random things so first of

all from PacSun I just got this t-shirt I got another t-shirt but I never ever

wear i really regret buying it and i were writing this one tear actually but

this one's actually really really cute but i never wear it um but i can't find

the other t-shirt so i just i'm showing this one so this event oxide it says los

angeles on it and i think this is really cute and it's really cute i but you guys

it is so see-through link look do you see that that is so see-through so kind

of like hard to wear and then this i'm so excited okay so i finally bought one

of these oh this is one of those patagonia like

hole over sweatshirt i don't want to miss for lucky years and I finally got

one okay last store if you guys don't know my Brandy Melville is in my PacSun so

that's why this says PacSun. every single piece of clothing in here is from Brandy Melville

so for the first clothing pieces I'm gonna pick out I

want to say where I got them. My cousin, Summer Mckeen's boyfriend

Dylan Jordan one day he woke me up from school and he took me to the mall

and he bought me some Brandy Melville clothes which is like so sweet and I

love him so much I love him I just love him so much and I love these clothes so

so much and he was like a late Christmas gift and like it's so so sweet

so the first thing he bought me was this t-shirt right here this say Los Angeles

with the little flag and 1984 I know you know what that stands for if you do

let me know um I love this t-shirt because it's like um cropped and it's

just so it can go with anything and like I wear this all the time so yeah thank

you Dylan Jordan so much. the second shirt he got me I've been looking at this shirt for like

a long long time but I just never really brought myself to buy it but I got this

shirt and it's like it's cropped it's like big and it says good vibes I love this

shirt like so so so much um I wear this all the time as well I thought this

shirt so so much so thanks Dylan Jordan, Summer Mckeen's boyfriend and then the last thing

he bought me wear this pair of jeans okay

these are probably my favorite jeans I have they're so cute so these ones these

are the like the frayed ones at the bottom and they're high-waisted mom

jeans and they're so...I smell fudge, why do I smell fudge? these are so so so cute and

I love them so much these are probably like I said my favorite pair of jeans okay so

the other things um I have here I bought by myself first thing I bought were this

pair of pants oh these are Brandy Melville sweatpants and there's cute as

heck and they're so comfortable so they're red and then they have the white

stripes down them and I have had my eye on them for a long time and I finally

tried them on I was just like you know what I kind of want to stop wearing just

leggings and jeans all the time so I bought these and I'm really happy I did.

Then I also bought this t-shirt.

Oh so I got this t-shirt I've had my eye on this and I've never seen it in stores

but it's like these Chinese characters with these Tigers and it's yellow and

you show freaking cute I love it I love it too much like I'm missing clothes and

then I also bought this t-shirt so this says a USA and it's like it's not a

mortar but it's like a different type of material and it has an embroidered flag

I love this t-shirt this is probably one of my favorite t-shirts I wear all the

freaking time yeah I really really like this one and I think I love the color

love it and then I also got this yellow t-shirt it looks

like so I know this was a different teacher actually I want to get like the

tie one like this one and that's just plain all yellow but this one's cute ooh

I'll probably get the just plain old yellow one that's like tight some other

time but for now I have this one and this is really really cute. I'll pair it with

some black leggings and you know I love wearing black with the yellow because it reminds

me my youtube channel so I'm just happy all day when I wear black and yellow

honestly . okay so I got two things last night so I bought this

t-shirt it says Los Angeles and like this cool

writing it reminds me of reputation of Taylor Swift but it's so cute and I saw

this girl my school wear it and she had the white version I was like oh my gosh

I really wanna go find that t-shirt so I found the red version and I'm so happy I

got the red version because i want more red t-shirts but yeah I really really like this

t-shirt last thing I bought from brandy melville are a pair of jeans so I finally

just broke down and bought these jeans so these are the other mom jeans these are

cuffed on the ends I finally bought them I have been wanting these jeans ever

since Fiona frills got them yeah and I just was seeing a lot of people wear them yeah

I'm so excited I'm just like ecstatic about these so yeah so guys that was my

haul I hope you guys enjoyed it I thought it love my stuff but apparently not.

i just had been buying a lot of things lately I just wanted to kind of

show you guys so you know I did I hope you enjoyed so that's kind of it for my

video I hope you guys enjoyed this try on haul it was really collective I got

this over the past couple of months month or so a couple weeks um so yeah I

love you guys so so much and also I really want you guys to comment down

below what kind of videos you guys want to see because 2018 new me new videos

new ideas and I love you guys so so much and don't forget NEVER STIP BUZZING YOUR OWN BUZZ!

For more infomation >> Try On Clothng HAUL 2018, Brandy Melville, John Galt, Pac Sun, Forever 21 | TILLY BEE - Duration: 10:07.


Hyundai ix20 1.4I I-VISION - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4I I-VISION - Duration: 0:54.


Sam Valladares - I Need To Know It's You - Duration: 3:08.

Sometimes I'm right, sometimes I'm wrong Sometimes what I'm looking for is something

I've had all along I'm always misunderstood, no one understands

me My life's not bad but it's not where I

want it to be How am I supposed to know those words I hear

are Yours coming from Your lips

Just know that I'll always be true I just need to know it's You

I need to know it's You

My morning is my dusk, my night is my vice

A life I left behind to remember a finer delight Your words are truth, Your message is pure

I found myself coming back to everything I once heard

How am I supposed to know those words I hear are Yours

coming from your lips

Just know that I'll always be true I just need to know it's You,

I need to know it's You

I won't let myself be separated from Your touch

I won't stray, I know it's fate to end up somewhere in Your love

So let me know, let me know how to listen when You talk

Let me know, let me know

And how am I supposed to know those words I hear are Yours

coming from Your lips

Just know that I'll always be true, I just need to know it's You,

I need to know it's You

For more infomation >> Sam Valladares - I Need To Know It's You - Duration: 3:08.



For more infomation >> COSA NOSTRA PARLANO I PRIMI PENTITI - Duration: 7:44.


How to get a FLAT BELLY with no scar & no workout! | Fat Loss with CoolSculpting - Duration: 13:56.

it's not as bad as I oh my god I can't do this

hi guys I went and sought CoolSculpting to help with my double chin and if you

haven't watch that video go check it out I take you on the journey on how I get

rid of it and so I thought why not try CoolSculpting on my stomach and see

whether it can also help reduce the fat in that area so I want to take you on a

journey so you can experience with me how I went through the whole

CoolSculpting experience hi guys so today is Tuesday 19th of December as you

can see behind me there's a Christmas tree we are going to help reduce the

fatness on my stomach in preparation for the New Year's so let's go

so we're almost at the laser wave flagship store which is in Flatiron if

you guys told me on my vlog channel you know that I went to the consultation at

the Upper West Side store which is actually new so this one is basically

the one that I'll be doing my procedure on today and we'll see how that goes so

we're finally here and this is exactly what I'll be doing today CoolSculpting

which is to help to tug a stubborn fat and my appointment is right now so let's

go hi thanks okay so you're gonna change into this outfit shorts and the bra you

haveno removing your regular bras keep your underwear on yep and then I'll come

back and then we'll do the 360 degree photos okay cool awesome thank you

so sometimes our swollen

and then after that none up to a month oh wow Wow okay that's normal it is

I'll bet more so I can still like do regular exercises or mobile retain

everything normally yeah exercise you go to work you can touch it no activity

restrictions okay so this is what we're targeting yeah yeah and also it like I

have I don't know what these are I know we

have an opportunity for this but then that would be six oh really

yeah so you can do this and this yeah this is like more important like it will

show up on camera more right cuz this is so obvious yeah like what does this come

from a lot of people have it what the heck what it is go wrong

it's perfect everything is overlapping and all of this is going to be reduced

by 25% yes that's what I want to hear energy is ma the pretreatment skin the

skin Sookie

oh wow that is that's cold

so this is like the insulation that kind of protects the skin from the coldness

yes protects your skin and not the skin

Wow you see all that fat go in ooh I feel the cooling we should be able to

let it go okay feels weird it's like I can feel it like slowly sucking and then

it's like cold like just that area like a really weird sensation basically I

have to stay in this position for 35 minutes because each section in study

five minutes it's like holding a baby so do you want to make sure this section

doesn't fall off because once it falls off you have to stop 35 minutes again

and it's cool that it gave you this little light you got cold button you

have a butler in your life please bring me some water

wayside is a painful massage and getting your channel

it just feels weird all gods

I thought as bad as I

oh okay just do that all over again well that's a lot of that just fucked in


oh my god I'm watching guys I can't do this

thank you the biggest perks you get to eat the snack bugs while lying down why

not so let's choose and see what we have here um monkey bake peanut butter for

the Kevin Kling I'm literally putting the fat back into my stomach right now

is there any like specific products I shouldn't be using or coughs

that rocks

like on acid

should be fine some people in maceió the dead figure bought their body tries to

wall off the dead fat tissue creating and the treatment for that it's just

more time and massage I was too much I think because the other pot is sore

yay success it's a fact

and then

really okay cool awesome okay so that was it I finished

my first session of the CoolSculpting on my stomach that took a roughly about

four hours so it feels a little bit smaller at the moment I think that's

just normal people usually resume back to their normal activities I'm just

gonna head back to work usually you see results within like six to 12 weeks so

maybe the longer we wait the more results we'll see I'll probably still

keep up with my usual diet out and then we'll definitely see the results then

it's 10:15 which is technically six hours after my CoolSculpting session I

just wanted to give you guys a quick update as to how I'm feeling it is a

little bit difficult to maneuver around especially what it feels like I had a

really hard question at the gym and then somebody punched me in the stomach

repeatedly so it has been a little bit difficult like bending down and whatnot

it's probably something I wouldn't want to do again because I would rather do

the normal gym session and like really sweat it out and and obtain the muscles

that way especially after they removed the applicator and I had to use the

actual massager to break down the fat I think that kind of pain is no comparison

to like muscle soreness so that's my current update I don't know how I feel

tomorrow right now there's still Sharpie marks all over my stomach so I don't

know whether arm there will be any bruising okay so it's gonna give you

guys a quick update what's happening and how I feel the day after the procedure

so today my stomach is definitely a lot less swollen than yesterday cuz

yesterday I feel like my stomach was twice the size and it was I'm like oh my

god it's going backwards but now it's actually um not as crazy actually

flatter and because it's still sole so I've just been wearing like

thai-style pants I like more Lewis I'm so surprised at how quickly your body

actually heals and I feel like tomorrow or the next day up over won't even

realize it's there they say that this soreness or the

numbness last lasts about two weeks to a month so I'll let you guys know how I go

after a week but so far it's a lot a lot better I just wanted to show you could

clean my stomach at the moment as you can see my stomach is just kind of more

red and it's actually time to feel a little bit itchy um so it's still numb

but it still saw at the same time in terms of swelling it's totally gone down

it's not as sore as the first day I can feel like this this whole area here is

like dead fat and it just takes time for my body to absorb the fat and get rid of

it at this stage it's not looking any small or anything like that it's been

about a week since my CoolSculpting all my stomach's used my face I look like

I'm really tired it's actually just makeup that I'm not having washed off

properly as filming today my stomach is definitely not swollen

anymore it has sort of flattened out a little bit I know it's kind of in the

healing stage for this sometimes like it gets a bit cheap I can still feel that's

really numb in that region please um excuse the red mark because I actually

wore stockings today so it's definitely it's a lot smaller a lot more flatter

reduced in size it still feels really numb and weird but it's sometimes a

little bit itchy I don't know if it's a coincidence I feel like like I'm pooping

and fighting a lot whether it's like my buddies trying to like expel all the fat

or that I'm just being eating these things that's making me poop and fought

a lot that's just my update not sure if you

really need to know that hi guys I'm back in Australia it's summer here and

I've just been eating as normal I haven't really done

extra exercise or anything like that I specifically warned a crop top so I can

show you basically I don't wear crop tops never really do because I've always

had conscious about my stomach but so far it's been surprisingly flat I don't

know when the last time my stomach has been this flat so if you look at from

the side it's actually not bulging out I've mentioned about this section here

where I felt that this has always been a section that is always been a little bit

more fatty than normal I've considered having this area done when I was doing

it because the rest was so painful I was like no I think I'll skip I'm pretty

excited and pretty happy about the results I feel like now that I've seen

what it looks like I can kind of justify the pain that you have in the beginning

because honestly when I was going through I was like oh my god this is so

not worth it it's so painful as you can see there's still marks here because I'm

clearly I'm not skinny I'm not like dropping away - so I actually look

skinny I still eat the same I still do the same things it's just that this area

has definitely flattened a ton I'm not even sucking my stomach in like this is

just me normally so yeah I hope you guys enjoy this kind of video if you like

this sort of like experience blog style make sure you hit the thumbs up because

we like to know and also leave you comments down below anyways thank you

guys for joining this kind of video and I will see you guys in my next video bye

For more infomation >> How to get a FLAT BELLY with no scar & no workout! | Fat Loss with CoolSculpting - Duration: 13:56.


Honda Jazz 1.4 i-VTEC 102pk CVT Comfort Carkit 24 Mnd Gar. - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.4 i-VTEC 102pk CVT Comfort Carkit 24 Mnd Gar. - Duration: 1:01.


Hyundai I 30 - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Hyundai I 30 - Duration: 1:07.


Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort My18 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort My18 - Duration: 1:01.


Honda Jazz 1.3 i-VTEC 102pk CVT Elegance/ NAVI/ Rijklaarprijs/ € 1500,- Kor - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.3 i-VTEC 102pk CVT Elegance/ NAVI/ Rijklaarprijs/ € 1500,- Kor - Duration: 0:42.


Kasia Warnke i Piotr Stramowski osobno na okładkach. Dlaczego? [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 2:30.

Kasia Warnke i Piotr Stramowski osobno na okładkach. Dlaczego?

Kasia Warnke i Piotr Stramowski na dwóch osobnych okładkach.

Marcowe numery Womans Health i Mens Health należą do najseksowniejszej pary polskiego kina! Kasia Warnke i Piotr Stramowski  pokazali swoje piękne, wysportowane ciała.

Fani Kasi będą zachwyceni jej zdjęciem.

Na okładce Womans Health Warnke wygląda powalająco! Aktorka zapozowała ubrana tylko w cieliste figi i sportowy biustonosz w kolorze wrzosowym.

Jej pięknie wyrzeźbione ramiona, zgrabne uda i płaski brzuch robią wrażenie.

Stramowski na okładce Mens Health w niczym nie ustępuje Kasi.

 Jego spektakularne mięśnie świetnie prezentują się w szarej koszulce.

Fani nie ukrywają swojego zachwytu nad sylwetkami i dwiema okładkami z udziałem słynnej pary.

Wspólna (?) sesja wzbudziła ogromne poruszenie. Nic dziwnego, w końcu dotychczas na czołówkach mogliśmy oglądać ich tylko razem.

Ciekawe, czy przygotowując się do tych okładkowych sesji zdjęciowych, Kasia i Piotr ćwiczyli razem?.

Publiczność zaniemówiła! Katarzyna Warnke NAGO na pokazie mody! Pokazała wszystko!.

For more infomation >> Kasia Warnke i Piotr Stramowski osobno na okładkach. Dlaczego? [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 2:30.


Hyundai i30 1.6 GDI i-Motion 17 inch velgen. - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.6 GDI i-Motion 17 inch velgen. - Duration: 0:54.


Creative Approach - Part 4 - Duration: 8:48.

Hi, I'm really hungover and I thought to make things better I would sit in front

of a very bright window, and then actively encourage my face to

break out by doing some face paint. And I've just sat here like creatively

paralyzed because I don't know what to do - for about half an hour - so I'm just

gonna, I'm just gonna go for it and talk at you for a little bit.

Let's moisturise with my industrial-sized bottle of moisturiser. I think I'm just gonna accept

that this is probably not going to be good, he says his eyes lying slightly

knowing that he really wants it to be good but never mind let's just do it.

Let's just do it, Jon, do it do it do it do it. So some of you remember that I

used to do face painting videos on here and I did it and I called it like creative

process, I think, or approach or something. I was like I kind of want to do

one of those again at some point and then the situation arose last week when

I created the Jon goes running video. I made that and I made a whole load of

notes afterwards because I was just like I have a lot to say about this and how

I'm feeling about it, so basically as I said I have had that video in my head

for about four years. I finished the run, I had this this

shit ton of GoPro footage and I was like I want to do something with this and I

want it to be more than just a compilation of clips I want to do

something special with it because I think it deserves that it's a nice memory.

And that immediately put loads and loads of pressure on me so I was

like I want to be great how do I make it great and I came up with the idea that I

wanted to turn it into a game of some sort but I didn't really know how

to do it. I tried to start that project like at least twice even to the point of

tweeting a still from the video and saying that everyone had to hold me

accountable to making it and then three years later I still hadn't made it.

What am i doing, what am I doing, I was gonna make like a

mask thing but I don't even know if this is... do I wanna do drag makeup? Do I want to

do drag makeup I'm like I'm a bit scared of doing drag makeup because I always

think has to be perfect because I've watched so many perfect Queens on

RuPaul's Drag Race, fuck yeah I'm gonna do drag makeup.

So skip to about two weeks ago and I realized that I

have like two or three full days completely free that I don't have any

responsibilities or work to get done and I was like: now, now is finally the time

to make this bloody video, and so I sat down to do it. I have no idea where this

foundation came from- oh I didn't even prime... To do literally every effect in that

video I had to follow a tutorial on YouTube because I am still learning how

to do like After Effects and stuff which is why like the whole thing is like a

massive mishmash of styles because basically I'm replicating other

people's tutorials exactly without having the time to actually change it to

fit what I wanted. That in itself was a little bit annoying that I didn't feel

like I had time to play even though I'd spent four years waiting to do this

project, 'cos I decided I was like right and really give myself like a week to

make this or something. We're need more coverage! And so I spent about two full

days getting the bulk of the work done and that involved a lot of like ah just

really complicated stuff, really heavy effects and stuff that... I don't

know, like it was good but also I just don't know... like I got to the end of

it I just don't know whether it was worth it or not because like it was so

I could pick so many holes in that video like nothing really makes sense

and it was a very frustrating position to be in and oh I don't know I was just-

and it just got to the point where I was exhausted by it the whole thing that

just made me tired and I was sick of it and I didn't love it. I exported it and

normally a video for me takes about like 15 minutes maximum to export I think

this video took longer than two hours I don't know from experience that like if

you export a video then inevitably there's going to be something wrong with

it, so you always have to treat the first export as the first of several.

I just got to the end of it I looked at I was like you know what I'll just click

publish, cuz I just I'm not going to do any more to it even though there were so

many things I wanted to do to it other funny jokes to put in, or an

adjusting like, I don't need to go into specifics... and it was like

conflict and tension because I was grappling with the perfectionist

in me. I have nothing to glue my brows down or hide them so I'm just gonna try

and paint over them. And there were other things as well like I kind of I'd sent

myself a deadline because I knew that if I didn't I'd just never get the thing done

but also there were lots of other thoughts going into

like I knew that this was actually quite like a personal video that actually I

thought in terms of like views and stuff was never really gonna do very well.

It's like looking at a friend of a friend's wedding photos like don't give a shit.

Let me just buff this out with my old watercolor brush.

You know what, I think I'm being too much of a perfectionist right now I think I'm

gonna stop using brushes let's see how we go with just fingers, it's so messy.

Of course as soon as I decide to make this a fingers-only look my camera

decides to die and I have to you know touch it. I can't even remember where got

to I think I was talking about the fact that in an ideal world I would have

like said goodbye to that video for two weeks and then um come back to it

again and then spend actual time on it but that's just not what happens. I think

I find it frustrating because I always I've never really experienced creative

blocks before and then it's just happening I'm just like oh god it's

actually as difficult as people say it is and I was thinking lol a if someone else

has thought and I always just tell them to like just just do anything just play

something just do something it doesn't have to be good it just it's like make

it shit! I was just telling myself to do that now and I just wasn't doing it

anyway this is what I'm doing it's gonna be shit let's just go run with it.

We'll do eyeliner - eyeliner... - it's gonna be great.

Let's contour for the gods. Let's just use this fecal colour this should be very

easy to do to replicate maybe a five-minute look altogether very

wearable particularly as they are alike different... okay fine.

Apart from like disgusting spot popping videos, like makeup tutorials are one of my

go-to just watching any video on YouTube like something that's going to interest

my fascinates me how people can change their faces and like it's definitely one

of those situations where am i I'm watching it and I get to the end of the

tutorial just like sitting in my pants just watching not doing anything

alongside and I get to the end and I'm like like well I can do that now fine let's

watch another one.

Okay that's a significant amount... it's okay we're gonna

highlight there we go I've just just created a really cute button nose

that's absolutely tiny that's barely there. You know what I'm gonna do with my

vaguely clean fingers, I'm gonna set myself a timer how long should I give myself

I'm gonna say five minutes because I think any longer than that and this is

just gonna... we all know the direction this is going in already...

Lips! Need to think about lips what we're gonna do I feel like lips is like though

I have done quite nice makeup before but then as soon as I put lips on it's like

oh that's definitely a man in drag like it's really pretty, then it's like boom no.

Three minutes three minutes okay where's the black, speed up speed up speed up.

Lets change the angle, okay that's actually quite good. One minute

forty eight, fuck! Let's go. Oh, oh my god. No no fingers left! Oh dear what we need I

need some brows, how do I... let's wow that just ruined everything I mean it was all

going so well... no yeah oh my god that's that ombre brow thing right like nothing

and ah okay do I have any fingers I can turn this off? What do we think? Right I'm

gonna give myself two more minutes because there's more stuff I actually

want to do to this because I'm having fun!

Honestly glitter just improves everything, a little bit of

highlight there you know? Oh everything's so much better now.

Everything's great, look at me. Do I want to do my lashes?

Tacky, Jon, wait until it's tacky. I've

done this so badly. That's quite fun... I feel like I should we do

some kind of like inspiring speech at the end of this about pushing yourself

out of your comfort zone and try new things but like, I just... oh my god.

So thanks for watching my tutorial guys I hope you can replicate this at home

it's very easy the products are very cheap all you need is a bit of shame.

I need to do a thing they do at the end of videos on one side the other side

- completely asymmetrical. I'm trying to do the Detox thing... "Now I read ya!"

Goodbye, I'm still really hungover.

For more infomation >> Creative Approach - Part 4 - Duration: 8:48.



I think the train is coming bro!


Welcome back to the vlog guys!

Yo yo yo my "It's Lit" hat fell on the ground

Just gotta dust it off...

It got to dirty bro!

I hope you guys are doing great!

I hope your day is lit!!!

And if it's not lit...bro change it!

Make every single day lit!


We got Parker Dude filming this video!

Shoutout to my boiiii!


First off, can we please point out

I got a flippin palm tree on my shirt bro!

How do you feel about that?


Wait can't have my shoes on...

I tried to take them off and do a backflip at the same time...

I kinda died...



oh my!

I this is a good time to say...

if you're not part of the Jaysquad...


Smack it!

Am I right!?


That actually really hurt... XD

For more infomation >> BACKFLIPS IN PUBLIC! (AT THE BEACH!) *BACKFLIP CHALLENGE* - Duration: 11:56.


Using the RCF M18 with in ears. How to set it up tutorial - Duration: 4:52.

Do you want to use the RCAF m18 as a personal in-ear system will than stick

around and watch this video. Hi I'm Max Haze from the band Psyckadeli today I

actually received the RCF M18 I'm gonna use it pretty much like an ordinary

digital mixer board but I would like to use the aux send so that each member in the

band can have their own mix in their in ear system I was looking around for a

video about this topic to use it as an in-ear monitor system but I couldn't

really find one and now trying out the M18 I've actually found a couple of

guidelines that I would like to share with you in this video. The first thing

with the M18 is of course there you have a headphone jack that you could actually

sign anything to and that would be the first in ear system that I can use for

that but I will use the oAux sends to map out three more stereo system to be used

as a in-ear monitor system. So because all these settings is done on an iPad I

will no hook up so you can see the iPad and we're gonna run through some of the

settings as you can see here I have all these setups that you need for in the

iPad so if we head on over to the iPad you're gonna see that I've already

mapped out a couple of channels the first thing to notice is that you

might be tempted to go to settings and then basically do the input stereo links

here but that was probably the first problem that I ran into because when I

was listening to the Aux send it was just giving me a mono signal so

whatever you do do not use the input stereo links to be able to do this in

stereo with all your band mates. So the first thing that I would do was

basically to go back to faders on faders you can see that I have signed guitar

left and right to channel 5 and 6 what I need to do first is basically to take

all these stereo tracks and pan them to the side so I'll pan this one to left

and I'll pan this one too right and I'll do that for all the stereo that I

have here so I'll pan this one and this one all right after doing that we will

go to the settings we'll go to output and here you can see that we're just

gonna leave them Aux. That's basically what you need to do then we head back to

faders and here we can see that aux 1 and aux 2 is here the only difference

from this one is that you're only going to use one side on each Aux track so

what that means is that on aux 1 we would have guitar left for example but

on aux 2 we would have guitar right what happens then is that it basically just

sends one signal and that is the pan signal that is panned out to the left so

as we did before on the input channel we took the guitar left and panned it to

left guitar right and panned 2 right so what we'll do now is we go to aux 1 we

pan that we just used to guitar left on the aux 1 and then on aux 2 we use the

guitar right basically what this does is that it actually sends just one

signal to each channel if you start actually you're moving this one up then

you would add that too as well and then the stereo signal goes away so the cool

thing now is that all band members can get their own mix in their iPhone for

example if you hook it up to the mixer it will even display the names of the

channels as well on the iPhone you basically have to do the same thing as I

showed you before you have to go to aux 1 and then on aux 1 you will just use

the one and then go back to there and go to box 2 and then basically use the

right signal aux 2 but with this system all people in the band can have their

own listening and that is basically what I was after

if you have any questions or comments to this video then please let me know

the comment section below and I hope you have a great use for this mixer because

it sounds like a really cool thing and I'm just about to go to the rehearsal

room and hook everything up. I hope this video has helped you and if you liked

the video give it a thumbs up and please subscribe to the video to know more

about our bands and stuff that we use as well. And as always folks use it for good not

for evil

For more infomation >> Using the RCF M18 with in ears. How to set it up tutorial - Duration: 4:52.


Comparing Lithuanian and Latvian food. - Duration: 5:42.

hello my name is Ilona and I am a Latvian but I recently found out that

maybe I am more Lithuanian than Latvian well I don't know about that my family as far

as I know from my mother's side are Latvian and little bit some ancestors from Poland

but actually I have a lot of Lithuanian matches and this is not a surprise

because especially that region where I am from which is Latgale it's very

close to Lithuania and when I grow up I used to listen to Lithuanian radio stations or

even Lithuanian TV stations or channels today I wanna compare maybe Lithuanian

Latvian food what we eat and actually our food is very similar I live in UK

and we have shops from Lithuanian food shops I don't mind to eat Lithuanian food

it's almost the same different type of meat mostly pork potatoes in various ways

and sour cream of course and that other dairy products like made from I don't

know how it's really in English I think cottage cheese also spoiled milk it's

like there's some similar it's kefir but I grow up like in a farm and we just

waited a few days when that milk goes like I cannot explain well it's old and

it's actually very good at summer especially I like with sugar but I know

some people withk with salt of course rye bread for example also what goes good

with rye bread especially if you live in farm this is like this type of meat

which is fat and of course onion and garlic will be good so from this type of meat

I am usually bake like this type of pies and actually this one is frozen wthat is different

actually for example cepelīni we don't help cepelīni

and like this cake šakotis it's actually delicious but we don't have

anything like this and what we like Latvian which i didn't found in Lithuanian

is sklandu rauši but we don't in my like territory in Latgale we don't eat them so I

don't know how they taste Jāņu siers which is a cheese I don't

know if Lithuanians make like something like this or maybe maybe they

have something like this Lithuanian like food which is very good it's made from like this type of

bread we are making them as Lithuanian know it's the cold soups like from beets

with also spoiled milk (fermented milk) and I think eggs and greens but I don't really like this soup

cucumbers also goes and also which is common is

fermented cabbages or sauerkraut this is also very good and actually it's good

especially now in winter or early spring because it's a great source of C vitamin also

Lithuianian and Latvian cuisine was influenced in recent history by

different Soviet foods and this food we of course have in common kvas I

really love kvas but not all types of kvas for example I found this Lithuanian kvas

and this one is the best of all kvases which you can buy in shop of course

there are some like maybe homemade and this type of kvas is better which is very

natural and there is also like 1.2 alcohol but it's still suitable for

children ok I think that's enough for today

I hope you found this video interesting enough but if no I am sorry

For more infomation >> Comparing Lithuanian and Latvian food. - Duration: 5:42.


B.B. King - Austin, TX, USA - Oct 5, 1982 - HD - Duration: 47:20.

For more infomation >> B.B. King - Austin, TX, USA - Oct 5, 1982 - HD - Duration: 47:20.


Official Rampage Trailer

For more infomation >> Official Rampage Trailer





PEDRITOVM - DIGAN LO QUE DIGAN | #24TrapChallenge - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> PEDRITOVM - DIGAN LO QUE DIGAN | #24TrapChallenge - Duration: 2:02.


🔴✅Aprende A Curar De Hoy Para Mañana Tu Estomago De La Acidez, La Gastritis Y El Reflujo - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> 🔴✅Aprende A Curar De Hoy Para Mañana Tu Estomago De La Acidez, La Gastritis Y El Reflujo - Duration: 5:56.


AGU Explica - Elegibilidade - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> AGU Explica - Elegibilidade - Duration: 1:49.


Pokémon Shuffle - end of Main Stage and start of UX Stage! - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Pokémon Shuffle - end of Main Stage and start of UX Stage! - Duration: 1:37.


マーベラス小宇宙(仮) (Ma–Berasu Shouchu (Kari) Full Maxi Single Sound Horizon English Subtitles - Duration: 10:09.

"Welcome to The Marvelous Super Dimension,"

"Absorbing all in its path, The Black Hole"

"Not even light can escape the grip of..."


That is... the place where not even light can escape from

Or in simpler terms-


Even if you never reach it, you can draw closer to it for eternity...

The place that never allows the simple passage of time


Now if you wish...

Let us cross over to The Event Horizon!

"In the year 2015, mankind flies away to the galaxy"

"If you think 'Isn't it too early?'"

"Then your Civilization's Horizon is out of date..."


(The Super☆Tunnel Between the Stars...)


(The Super☆Tunnel Between the Stars...)

The Babylonian Exile and The Road to Canossa

The Reconquista and The Magna-Carta

The Witch Hunts and The Inquisition

The Acts of Apartheid and The Caste Systems

The Oil Shock and The Lehman Shock

Plauges and AIDS and Influenza

Out of all of this, We've managed to overcome everything History threw at us...

Although when we are starving we turn violent on each other,

When we lose someone close to us, we'll still cry all the same

Ah... surely your star is similar to this, right?

We shall all conquer the History we've walked through together

That is... through The Super☆Tunnel Between the Stars...

The Code of Hammurabi and The Napoleonic Code

The American [Wild] Frontier and The Holocaust

The Industrial Revolution and The I.T. Revolution

The World Wars and Racial Conflict

Earthquakes and Tsunamis

Volcanic Destruction and Tornados

Starvation and Drought, and Nuclear Pollution

Out of all of this, We've managed to face everything This World has thrown at us...

Although when it starts to get boring, we start fighting,

When a Beautiful Flower withers away, we'll all feel pain deep in our hearts

Ah... surely your star is similar to this, right?

We shall all acheive the Wishes we've carved together

That is... through The Super☆Tunnel Between the Stars...

"War! War! It's War Again!"

"War! War! It's War Again!"

"War! War! It's War Again!"

"War! War! It's War Again!"

"War! War! It's War Again!"

"War! War! It's War Again!"

"War! War! It's War Again!"

"War! War! It's War Again!"

"War! War! It's War Again!"

"War! War! It's War Again!"


Amongst our stars exists many sad [Past Moments] Conflicts as well

However, this doesn't mean that the future is futile... Never...

[Laurants, that's what we believe in-]

In this world, not all your wishes will come true

Even though, today as well, we struggle without losing hope

Ah... surely you as well, who I have yet to see, have the same feelings, right?

We shall all conquer the future with the dreams we've all carved together

That is... through The Super☆Tunnel Between the Stars...

"There is a pick-up line;"

"You are my sunshine"

"But the actual sun is hot, really hot"

"And it sends out too many fatal cosmic rays"

"So if there's no magnetic field, we'd have no time to fall in love..."

You, his, and her circumstances...

What gives birth to these connections is... The Square of Love and Friendship...

It used to be stable... in perfect equilibrium... who was it that first broke that balance?

The Lagrange Point [The Safe Area where the Attractive Forces Balance Each Other Out] is lost and now I fall...

That is... The Super Prominence that Engulfs Asteroids

These feelings of love that I simply can't hold back burn vigorously...


I shut my heart away... behind a smile...

Protecting my weak self... from getting hurt... or experiencing loss...

In that frozen, solitary darkness... who was it that sparked a flame?

As I become enthralled by your Photosphere [Dazzling Sunny Smile] I begin to fall...

That is... The Hidden [Dark Filament] that deceives Light...

These feelings of love that I simply can't hide anymore burn me vigorously...


Ah... even those saddening seasons... where I cried over unrequited love...

Can become beautiful memories... someday, in time...

So, never be afraid... because those shining stars in the night sky... embrace their own solitude...

Within every person's heart Is a Marvelous ★Mic☆ro☆cosm★

I'll weave a new song... and maybe, someday we'll meet again somewhere...

Someday, I'll be able to Love this Light [Ninth Reality that didn't become what I expected...] too!

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