Saturday, February 17, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 17 2018



enjoy ;)








I gave a lot of luck



AFTER 20 DAYS -___- zzZzzzZzZzzZzZZzZzZ ....






For more infomation >> TUTORIAL SOLO WINTER PEASANT'S TUNIC//STARVE.IO - Duration: 11:35.


The Royals Season 4 Promo "Jasper's Rules: On Guard" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> The Royals Season 4 Promo "Jasper's Rules: On Guard" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:25.


Dragon Ball FighterZ : Broly y Bardock Confirmados!! / Que Sabemos del Gameplay de estos Personajes? - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball FighterZ : Broly y Bardock Confirmados!! / Que Sabemos del Gameplay de estos Personajes? - Duration: 4:14.


Carlinhos Lollipop - Team Lollipop (Short Movie,Drama) - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Carlinhos Lollipop - Team Lollipop (Short Movie,Drama) - Duration: 5:25.


Filmes Completos Dublados 2018 - Filmes de ação 2018 Dublado HD - Duration: 1:28:35.

For more infomation >> Filmes Completos Dublados 2018 - Filmes de ação 2018 Dublado HD - Duration: 1:28:35.


Black Panther vs Flash - Wally West - Duration: 5:22.

Black Panther versus the Flash.

T'Challa versus Wally West the second.

The King of Wakanda facing off against one of DC's underrated speedsters.

Who will win?

Let us know your pick with either hashtag Black Panther or hashtag WallyWest in those

comments below.

Hey everyone!

This is Versus – a series we do on top 10 nerd where we take your favourite heroes and

plop them into a battle against one another, a hypothetical brawl to see which one would

come out on top.

Today, for our Black History month series, we're looking at Black Panther and Wally

West the second and speculating who the victor would be.

So before we begin, let's jump into the origins of these two characters.

Wally West the second was a creation of the New 52 reboot at DC Comics.

After the initial Wally West had dominated the Flash mantle, becoming more of a fan favourite

than Barry Allen, his predecessor.

So when the new 52 reboot happened and Barry had been brought back from the dead as the

Flash, people wondered where Wally had gone.

A new Wally appeared - a younger version, who was a black teen.

While the majority of fans didn't have an issue with his race – aside from the backlash

against DC for introducing the character as kid vandalizing private property with graffiti.

He and Iris West were now African American, which was pretty damn cool.

Rather, the issue the fans had with the character more so because they were salty that their

beloved Wally had vanished.

Since then, the original Wally made a return to the DC universe, and people chilled out

a bit more.

In terms of Wally West the second's fictional origin story though, the character in the

future had died trying to repair the speed force, and as a consequence, when his past

self – the teen – was struck by lightning and got his powers, his future self appears

as an apparition and explains that all of the power that was within him in the future

was able to travel back in time and enter into Wally, using the lightning as a catalyst,

becoming the new Kid Flash.

He then joins the Teen Titans.

Black Panther on the other hand comes from a line of royalty.

His ancestors have always ruled Wakanda; an incredibly advanced nation in East Africa

made up on various tribes that have a ton of vibranium, which, over the years through

solid leadership, has led to its people becoming very intelligent.

When his father was murdered, T'Challa was next in line to become King, and after proving

himself with the necessary trials, studying abroad, and making some important political

changes in Wakanda, he took up the mantle of his birthright.

His first appearance in comics was in the Fantastic Four issue 52, where he tricked

the group into coming to Wakanda and neutralized them all separately – all to just test himself

to see if he'd be ready to defeat the man who murdered his father.

Moving on, let's talk abilities.

When it comes to Wally, we haven't seen a whole lot in terms of what he's capable


We've seen his future self, we've seen his present self protect a classmate from

a bully, and we've seen him work with the Teen Titans.

Aside from that, we haven't really seen his powers tested in a big way, or know of

what his limitations are.

He's fairly new to the abilities, and he's connected to the speed force, making him capable

of superhuman speed, reflexes, agility and stamina, he's capable of speed force constructs,

electrokinesis, molecular acceleration, energy absorption, vortex creation, has a frictionless

aura and he can speed steal.

The real question is though, how experienced is he with these abilities, and how confidently

can he use them in battle?

Moving on the T'Challa.

The king ruler of Wakanda is an expert martial artist and hand to hand combatant, he's

a skilled hunter and tracker, has enhanced senses and high tech equipment that includes

a vibranium uniform, has alchemical precognition and protection against mystical attacks.

In recent times, he's also become the King of the Dead, and has the ability to control

the undead.

He has a PhD in physics, is considered to be one of the 8 smartest people on the planet,

and by some critics, has been compared to Batman.

He's also been a member of the Fantastic Four, the Avengers, the Defenders, the Illuminati

and the Fantastic Force.

Not too shabby of a resume.

Now, onto the fight!

Let's assume that neither have had the chance to prepare for this battle.

It's a spur of the moment kind of deal.

Wally West the second is connected to the speed force, meaning he can pull a superior

amount of power.

Meaning he's fast as hell, and that alone would give Black Panther a run for his money.

But Wally is inexperienced.

Does he have full control over the speed force, and if he chose to time travel in the battle,

or speed steal or create a vortex or absorb energy from T'Challa, how well would it


The Speed Force is a complicated entity, and misuse of it on a larger scale has proven

to have dire consequences.

T'Challa, on the other hand, has the experience, and has even at points lost his powers endowed

to him from the Panther God, yet still patrolled and protected Hells Kitchen while he was subbing

in for Daredevil.

He's defeated the likes of Doctor Doom in the past, and his mind is just as powerful

of a tool as his brawn.

If this came down to a fight of hand to hand combat, Wally would be done for.

That being said, Wally is fast.

Even if he didn't dive into some of his more complex speed force abilities, the fact

that he can move faster than the speed of light would give him the ability to evade

T'Challa, and ultimately wear the king of Wakanda down.

Black Panther just can't compete at those kinds of speeds, despite how inventive his

intellect may allow him to be.

And the winner?

Wally West.

Perhaps the outcome would be different if the two had time to prepare and T'Challa

could pull a Batman and whip up a weapon or a plan to stop this speedster in his tracks,

but on a chance meeting, Wally would definitely have the advantage.

Alright, there we have it!

Do you agree with our picks?

Or do you think Black Panther should have won?

Let us know your choice in those comments below.

As always, if you dug this video, please show us some love by hitting that like button,

and if you're new, why not subscribe and stick around for more nerdy videos?

We've got a whole playlist with other Versus matches flashing on your screen right now.

Give it a click!

In the meantime, thanks for watching!

I've been Kelly Paoli and this has been top 10 nerd.

Catch you all in the next one.

For more infomation >> Black Panther vs Flash - Wally West - Duration: 5:22.


Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #23: Help Standing with Foot Pounding - Duration: 1:34.

Hello! My name is Amy Sturkey. I'm a pediatric physical therapist. I have been

working in Pediatrics for almost 30 years now. I'm here with my friend, Myla,

who is my co-instructor. She specializes in treatment of children with low tone.

She has Down syndrome and is about ten and a half months old. She's not thinking

weight-bearing through her legs is such a grand plan. So, I'm just giving simple

ideas to help let her think that weight bearing through her legs are okay. I do

something I call foot pounding. So I just take their legs they go...boop a boop. Just to start

getting that weight-bearing through her legs in a way that's not standing but a

little bit safer down on the floor. You can hold here. You can go above the knees, so

you get some weight through the knees too. boop-a boop-boop-boop boop boop boop.

So it's just a simple idea to start working on weight-bearing through

the legs when it might be a little bit more tolerable for someone who

thinks it's no fun. Thanks a lot! And I'll see you later!

For more infomation >> Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #23: Help Standing with Foot Pounding - Duration: 1:34.


Florida Shooting Victim Calls Trump A Piece Of Sh*t After - Duration: 3:28.

Donald Trump's message of condolence on Twitter fell on deaf ears after the incident

yesterday February 14.

Trump offered his 'prayers and condolences' to the families of the dead, but the alleged

student, among others, were not accepting of either.

Trump tweeted:

My prayers and condolences to the families of the victims of the terrible Florida shooting.

No child, teacher or anyone else should ever feel unsafe in an American school.

The user who replied, who is known simply online as Sarah, quoted Trump's tweet in

her reply to the president.

I don't want your condolences you fucking price of shit, my friends and teachers were


Multiple of my fellow classmates are dead.

Do something instead of sending prayers.

Prayers won't fix this.

But Gun control will prevent it from happening again.

She wrote:

I don't want your condolences you f*cking price [sic] of sh*t, my friends and teachers

were shot.

Multiple of my fellow classmates are dead.

Do something instead of sending prayers.

Prayers won't fix this.

But Gun control will prevent it from happening again.

At time of writing the tweet has been retweeted 132,000 times, and liked by over 316,000 people.

President Trump's tweeted response to the Florida school shooting bears an eerily familiar

self-centred response he gave to the Las Vegas mass shooting in October.

Following the Las Vegas massacre which took 58 innocent lives, Trump tweeted:

My warmest condolences and sympathies to the victims and families of the terrible Las Vegas


God bless you!

There has been an outpouring of support for Sarah, who called the incident the 'worst

day of my life'.

She wrote:

Today has been the worst day of my life.

I've been crying helplessly for hours.

Thank you to everyone for your support.

I'm going to try to sleep now.

The suspected gunman has been arrested, and has been identified as 19-year-old Nikolas

Cruz – he has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder.

Broward School District Superintendent, Robert Runcie, confirmed there've been 'numerous

fatalities' in a brief press statement, saying:

There are numerous fatalities.

It's a horrific situation.

It's just a horrible day for us.

We have no evidence at this point there was more than one shooter.

It's a day you pray every day you never have to see.

We didn't have any phone calls or threats that we know of that were made.

We cannot live in a world built on fear, we have do what we can to provide the greatest

safety measures for our kids.

Mental health issues in this country are growing and it's certainly something that needs

to be addressed in our school system.

The school shooting is now the eighteenth such shooting to take place in a US school

this year.

Our thoughts are with all those affected by this tragedy.

For more infomation >> Florida Shooting Victim Calls Trump A Piece Of Sh*t After - Duration: 3:28.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Style edition - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Style edition - Duration: 0:59.


Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 e-VTi Shine Navi/Automaat/Lichtmetalen velgen/Stoelverwarmin - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 e-VTi Shine Navi/Automaat/Lichtmetalen velgen/Stoelverwarmin - Duration: 0:54.


Understand the Excel 2016 Display | Oppadu Excel FirstStep #1-1 - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> Understand the Excel 2016 Display | Oppadu Excel FirstStep #1-1 - Duration: 6:44.


Scontri Bologna: agenti feriti,2 denunce - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Scontri Bologna: agenti feriti,2 denunce - Duration: 1:46.


Aggressive Hard Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | "Flex" | Lil Pump Type Beat (Prod. Slay J) - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Aggressive Hard Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | "Flex" | Lil Pump Type Beat (Prod. Slay J) - Duration: 3:01.


Volvo V60 R-DESIGN AUTOMAAT | Navi | Leder | P.Hulp V+A | BTW-auto | - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 R-DESIGN AUTOMAAT | Navi | Leder | P.Hulp V+A | BTW-auto | - Duration: 0:58.


Ford Focus 1.0 EcoBoost Titanium 125 pk | BIG SALE | ALTIJD DE BESTE DEAL | VOORRAAD OF BESTELLEN |R - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.0 EcoBoost Titanium 125 pk | BIG SALE | ALTIJD DE BESTE DEAL | VOORRAAD OF BESTELLEN |R - Duration: 0:54.


Ford Focus 1.0 EcoBoost Titanium 125 pk | BIG SALE | ALTIJD DE BESTE DEAL | VOORRAAD OF BESTELLEN |R - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.0 EcoBoost Titanium 125 pk | BIG SALE | ALTIJD DE BESTE DEAL | VOORRAAD OF BESTELLEN |R - Duration: 0:54.


IMOT 2018 - MotorradMesse München - Eventbericht | Motorrad Nachrichten - Duration: 8:21.

For more infomation >> IMOT 2018 - MotorradMesse München - Eventbericht | Motorrad Nachrichten - Duration: 8:21.


Дуэльный турнир 1x1 на ! Scourge Tournament 1s ! - Duration: 3:55:11.

For more infomation >> Дуэльный турнир 1x1 на ! Scourge Tournament 1s ! - Duration: 3:55:11.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Opel Mokka 1.4 T Cosmo - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4 T Cosmo - Duration: 0:56.


9 Genuine Signs of Intelligence That People Can't Fake – How Man - Duration: 5:50.

9 Genuine Signs of Intelligence That People Can�t Fake � How Many Do You Possess

Do you consider yourself to be an intelligent person?

Have you been applauded for your creativity and smartness even after having a score sheet

that says �Below Average�?

If no, then you need to reconsider your definition of �Intelligence�.

It is a sad truth that our education system focuses too heavily on marks and grades everyone

on the same scale.

This type of system is never able to identify true intelligence.

There are kids who are able to mug up all the details and put it all out on the test,

they get an �A� in the test and are considered as highly intelligent by everyone.

Whereas, a kid having a �B� or a �C� can also be equally or even more intelligent

than the kid who is supposedly intelligent!

As Einstein once famously said that our education system tests everyone to like- �Testing

the ability of a monkey, a fish, and an elephant to climb a tree!�

Well clearly, this type of system cannot tell you if you are smart or not.

So we have compiled a list of some subtle signs of intelligence.

See for yourself where you stand!


Psychologists now believe that having a high emotional quotient is very important to be

called an �intelligent person�.

Intelligent people are generally in tune with the emotions of the people around them.

You are super aware of things in your surroundings and thus you can catch any energy nearby.

Empathy connects two people at a very personal level and thus to be able to do so, a high

level of intelligence is very necessary.

2) YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH YOU DON�T KNOW This means that you are a true learner, a

person who is open to new ideas and new things.

Your inner tendency to learn more allows you to look at all the tangential aspects of an


You are never afraid of accepting your mistakes and of learning new things every day.

Also, by being open-minded, you are able to make a well-informed choice and thus are able

to defend your view better.

This clarity of idea makes you feel safer, as you know where you are standing.


Many studies have proved that a curious and an open child is more likely to become a more

intellectually curious person later in his/her life.

Curiosity not only gives knowledge but also new experiences.


You must have encountered people, who think they know everything.

They develop a very biased viewpoint about everything.

The thing with these people is that they are not able to grow fully as an individual.

In a study, it was proved that less intelligent people overestimate their cognitive abilities.


It might be surprising to know that people making silly jokes are much more likely to

be �Intelligent� than an average human.

One reason behind this can be that only an intelligent person can improvise on the go.


Since ancient times, people have believed that the ones who do not talk to others are

very intelligent.

Introverts just want to fulfill their needs with the bare minimum and while doing so,

they form a sacred bond with the mind.

Thus the brain works a little differently for them.


Well, many religious authorities might condemn this point but studies have clearly shown

that the people who sleep late and get up early in the morning are much more likely

to be of higher intellect.

The sleeplessness can also be a medical condition and thus we request you to take this seriously

if you are facing troubles due to lack of sleep.

8) YOU LIKE TO CHEW �GUMS� Yes, most of the studies conducted on chewing

gums have shown that the habit of chewing a gum can be a sign of a very high intelligence.

The chemicals in the gum are said to help your blood circulation.

Another study showed that if you chew a chewing gum while preparing for your test, you can

use the links created by your brain to store the information.

Intelligent people feel even this slightest of the difference and thus choose to eat a

chewing gum to memorize stuff easily.

9) YOU TAKE SMART AND SHORT NAPS OFTEN Well, you can think, what is up with intelligence

and sleep?

Many studies have shown that people who take naps are smarter.

So if you are taking these short naps already, you�ll automatically be ahead of others.

In many cultures of the east, taking a nap is considered very good.

They believe that small sleep connects you with the higher authority.

There is no rocket science with this one!

You must have felt the positive effect of a nap yourself.

After a nap, you feel more fresh and aware.

So, never forget to take a small nap whenever you can, it�ll go a long way in improving

your intelligence.

Just remember to keep the nap �small�!

For more infomation >> 9 Genuine Signs of Intelligence That People Can't Fake – How Man - Duration: 5:50.


Florida Shooting Victim Calls Trump A Piece Of Sh*t After - Duration: 3:28.

Donald Trump's message of condolence on Twitter fell on deaf ears after the incident

yesterday February 14.

Trump offered his 'prayers and condolences' to the families of the dead, but the alleged

student, among others, were not accepting of either.

Trump tweeted:

My prayers and condolences to the families of the victims of the terrible Florida shooting.

No child, teacher or anyone else should ever feel unsafe in an American school.

The user who replied, who is known simply online as Sarah, quoted Trump's tweet in

her reply to the president.

I don't want your condolences you fucking price of shit, my friends and teachers were


Multiple of my fellow classmates are dead.

Do something instead of sending prayers.

Prayers won't fix this.

But Gun control will prevent it from happening again.

She wrote:

I don't want your condolences you f*cking price [sic] of sh*t, my friends and teachers

were shot.

Multiple of my fellow classmates are dead.

Do something instead of sending prayers.

Prayers won't fix this.

But Gun control will prevent it from happening again.

At time of writing the tweet has been retweeted 132,000 times, and liked by over 316,000 people.

President Trump's tweeted response to the Florida school shooting bears an eerily familiar

self-centred response he gave to the Las Vegas mass shooting in October.

Following the Las Vegas massacre which took 58 innocent lives, Trump tweeted:

My warmest condolences and sympathies to the victims and families of the terrible Las Vegas


God bless you!

There has been an outpouring of support for Sarah, who called the incident the 'worst

day of my life'.

She wrote:

Today has been the worst day of my life.

I've been crying helplessly for hours.

Thank you to everyone for your support.

I'm going to try to sleep now.

The suspected gunman has been arrested, and has been identified as 19-year-old Nikolas

Cruz – he has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder.

Broward School District Superintendent, Robert Runcie, confirmed there've been 'numerous

fatalities' in a brief press statement, saying:

There are numerous fatalities.

It's a horrific situation.

It's just a horrible day for us.

We have no evidence at this point there was more than one shooter.

It's a day you pray every day you never have to see.

We didn't have any phone calls or threats that we know of that were made.

We cannot live in a world built on fear, we have do what we can to provide the greatest

safety measures for our kids.

Mental health issues in this country are growing and it's certainly something that needs

to be addressed in our school system.

The school shooting is now the eighteenth such shooting to take place in a US school

this year.

Our thoughts are with all those affected by this tragedy.

For more infomation >> Florida Shooting Victim Calls Trump A Piece Of Sh*t After - Duration: 3:28.


The Biggest Unanswered Questions In Black Panther - Duration: 6:04.

The biggest question leading into the release of Marvel's superhero blockbuster Black Panther

was: can it possibly live up to the massive amount of hype?

Well, that question has been answered with a resounding yes, as millions of ecstatic

fans around the world can attest.

But as great as the film is, there are some other questions it never quite got around

to addressing.

So grab your vibranium and hold on tight, because here's a spoiler-filled look at some

of the biggest unanswered questions in Black Panther.

Why didn't they bring the kid to Wakanda?

After King T'Chaka kills his brother, he heads home to Wakanda, leaving his suddenly orphaned

nephew Erik behind in Oakland.

This ends up being a terrible mistake, as the embittered boy grows up to become the

conquering invader Killmonger.

Sure, hindsight is 20-20, but you have to ask: why did T'Chaka leave the boy behind?

In the film, it's said multiple times that he did it to protect the veil of secrecy surrounding


But how exactly would adopting an orphaned little boy threaten national security?

It doesn't seem like anybody in Oakland would have missed him, and bringing the child — and

his father's body — back to Wakanda would have tied up loose ends instead of leaving


Plus, it's just the right thing to do.

Leaving the boy behind is a real head-scratcher — not to mention a total jerk move.

Is T'Challa the last Black Panther?

In a pivotal scene, after Killmonger becomes the new king of Wakanda, he orders the botanists

in the garden of heart-shaped herbs to burn the country's entire supply of the magic plant

that gives their monarchs the power of the Black Panther.

So does that actually mean that T'Challa is the last of the Black Panthers?

The comics tell us that the super-plants exist in the first place because vibranium mutates

the local flora — so wouldn't the presence of a massive mountain of vibranium mean it

would just… create more?

Plus, Nakia shows just how easy to simply walk out the door with one in your pocket,

so there could be a supply pretty much anywhere.

But is there?

Or is this the end of the Black Panther legacy?

We just don't know enough about how the whole Black Panther thing works to say.

Speaking of which…

How does the whole Black Panther thing work?

So, according to the movie, the powers of the Panther-goddess Bast are bestowed upon

the reigning monarch of Wakanda after they eat the magic heart-shaped herb.

Then the monarch is buried alive while their spirit travels to the afterlife to commune

with the spirits of their ancestors, before being reborn as…the Black Panther!

One big question, though: in Captain America: Civil War, it seems as though T'Challa has

already become Black Panther before his father's death, something verified by the official

prequel comics.

So who exactly can become Black Panther?

The movie suggests only the king is allowed to eat the heart-shaped herb, but that's clearly

not true.

It doesn't seem hereditary either, considering the kingship is sometimes determined by ritual

combat and not bloodlines.

So can anyone become Black Panther if the king appoints them to the role?

And if so, doesn't it seem negligent for the nation's supreme leader to be constantly courting

death by battling supervillains, instead of delegating that responsibility to someone

more expendable?

This is one area where we're more confused than before the movie started.

What does vibranium actually do?

It's supposed to be the hardest metal in the world.

But vibranium also seems to have magic powers, like mutating the plants in Wakanda, and enabling

Wakandan technology to do all sorts of random things that, well, maybe don't make much sense.

For instance, how does jamming a wad of vibranium into an open gunshot wound stabilize a spinal


It seems as though vibranium's main property is covering over plot holes, which makes it

a very valuable resource indeed.

And then there's that suit...

Does every Marvel hero need a super suit?

Thanks to the heart-shaped herb, Black Panther possesses inhuman speed, agility, strength,

and stamina.

Yet over the course of Black Panther, most of the major butt-kicking moves he pulls off

during the fight scenes are possible because he's wearing a technologically advanced super

suit that allows him to stop bullets and then redirect the absorbed kinetic energy into

concussive blasts.

Which would be totally cool in Iron Man 4.

But does every single Marvel hero need a super suit?

It's fine for Iron Man and War Machine.

And Ant-Man.

And the Wasp.

And the Falcon.

But when Marvel sticks characters like Spider-Man and Black Panther into super suits, it all

starts to feel very samey-samey.

And ironically, the most compelling and gripping fights in Black Panther are the ritual challenges

where T'Challa is stripped of his powers and gizmos.

So why does Marvel insist on giving everyone these super suits?

T'Challa seems pretty super without it, y'know.

How does Wakanda function?

According to the movie, Wakanda has been isolated for centuries, hiding itself away to make

sure nobody else gets any of its precious vibranium.

But if they're unwilling to trade their most valuable resource, where do they get… everything


Sure, vibranium can do all sorts of amazing things, but you can't build an entire technologically

superior society out of one rock...can you?

They seem to have a massive amount of wealth, but where does it come from if they really

are as isolated as they claim to be?

And if they're so peaceful and insular, why exactly do they have enclaves of highly trained

spies and soldiers secretly stationed in all the major centers of the world?

And not just major centers — they have so many "war dogs" around the world that they

even have a base in Oakland, which isn't even among the top one-thousand largest cities

in the world.

So why does Wakanda really have such an extensive worldwide military operation?

Now what?

Maybe the biggest question left unanswered from Black Panther is one they never intended

to answer in this movie.

Namely, what comes next?

We know from the trailer to Avengers: Infinity War that Thanos is going to attack Wakanda

— presumably because an Infinity Stone is there, or somehow ends up there.

We also know from the trailer that Captain America and a team of Avengers are on hand

in Wakanda when this happens.

So how does that all come about?

And what's going to happen to T'Challa and Wakanda?

Is their big push to become an open nation going to end before it even gets a chance

to start?

Or are they just going to be left sharing a huge pile of rubble?

It seems there's only one way to find out, and all we can say is that we can't wait to

see what unanswered questions are still left after we watch Avengers: Infinity War — and

Black Panther 2.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Biggest Unanswered Questions In Black Panther - Duration: 6:04.


SUNMI - Heroine MV (Greek subs) - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> SUNMI - Heroine MV (Greek subs) - Duration: 3:36.


Black Panther vs Flash - Wally West - Duration: 5:22.

Black Panther versus the Flash.

T'Challa versus Wally West the second.

The King of Wakanda facing off against one of DC's underrated speedsters.

Who will win?

Let us know your pick with either hashtag Black Panther or hashtag WallyWest in those

comments below.

Hey everyone!

This is Versus – a series we do on top 10 nerd where we take your favourite heroes and

plop them into a battle against one another, a hypothetical brawl to see which one would

come out on top.

Today, for our Black History month series, we're looking at Black Panther and Wally

West the second and speculating who the victor would be.

So before we begin, let's jump into the origins of these two characters.

Wally West the second was a creation of the New 52 reboot at DC Comics.

After the initial Wally West had dominated the Flash mantle, becoming more of a fan favourite

than Barry Allen, his predecessor.

So when the new 52 reboot happened and Barry had been brought back from the dead as the

Flash, people wondered where Wally had gone.

A new Wally appeared - a younger version, who was a black teen.

While the majority of fans didn't have an issue with his race – aside from the backlash

against DC for introducing the character as kid vandalizing private property with graffiti.

He and Iris West were now African American, which was pretty damn cool.

Rather, the issue the fans had with the character more so because they were salty that their

beloved Wally had vanished.

Since then, the original Wally made a return to the DC universe, and people chilled out

a bit more.

In terms of Wally West the second's fictional origin story though, the character in the

future had died trying to repair the speed force, and as a consequence, when his past

self – the teen – was struck by lightning and got his powers, his future self appears

as an apparition and explains that all of the power that was within him in the future

was able to travel back in time and enter into Wally, using the lightning as a catalyst,

becoming the new Kid Flash.

He then joins the Teen Titans.

Black Panther on the other hand comes from a line of royalty.

His ancestors have always ruled Wakanda; an incredibly advanced nation in East Africa

made up on various tribes that have a ton of vibranium, which, over the years through

solid leadership, has led to its people becoming very intelligent.

When his father was murdered, T'Challa was next in line to become King, and after proving

himself with the necessary trials, studying abroad, and making some important political

changes in Wakanda, he took up the mantle of his birthright.

His first appearance in comics was in the Fantastic Four issue 52, where he tricked

the group into coming to Wakanda and neutralized them all separately – all to just test himself

to see if he'd be ready to defeat the man who murdered his father.

Moving on, let's talk abilities.

When it comes to Wally, we haven't seen a whole lot in terms of what he's capable


We've seen his future self, we've seen his present self protect a classmate from

a bully, and we've seen him work with the Teen Titans.

Aside from that, we haven't really seen his powers tested in a big way, or know of

what his limitations are.

He's fairly new to the abilities, and he's connected to the speed force, making him capable

of superhuman speed, reflexes, agility and stamina, he's capable of speed force constructs,

electrokinesis, molecular acceleration, energy absorption, vortex creation, has a frictionless

aura and he can speed steal.

The real question is though, how experienced is he with these abilities, and how confidently

can he use them in battle?

Moving on the T'Challa.

The king ruler of Wakanda is an expert martial artist and hand to hand combatant, he's

a skilled hunter and tracker, has enhanced senses and high tech equipment that includes

a vibranium uniform, has alchemical precognition and protection against mystical attacks.

In recent times, he's also become the King of the Dead, and has the ability to control

the undead.

He has a PhD in physics, is considered to be one of the 8 smartest people on the planet,

and by some critics, has been compared to Batman.

He's also been a member of the Fantastic Four, the Avengers, the Defenders, the Illuminati

and the Fantastic Force.

Not too shabby of a resume.

Now, onto the fight!

Let's assume that neither have had the chance to prepare for this battle.

It's a spur of the moment kind of deal.

Wally West the second is connected to the speed force, meaning he can pull a superior

amount of power.

Meaning he's fast as hell, and that alone would give Black Panther a run for his money.

But Wally is inexperienced.

Does he have full control over the speed force, and if he chose to time travel in the battle,

or speed steal or create a vortex or absorb energy from T'Challa, how well would it


The Speed Force is a complicated entity, and misuse of it on a larger scale has proven

to have dire consequences.

T'Challa, on the other hand, has the experience, and has even at points lost his powers endowed

to him from the Panther God, yet still patrolled and protected Hells Kitchen while he was subbing

in for Daredevil.

He's defeated the likes of Doctor Doom in the past, and his mind is just as powerful

of a tool as his brawn.

If this came down to a fight of hand to hand combat, Wally would be done for.

That being said, Wally is fast.

Even if he didn't dive into some of his more complex speed force abilities, the fact

that he can move faster than the speed of light would give him the ability to evade

T'Challa, and ultimately wear the king of Wakanda down.

Black Panther just can't compete at those kinds of speeds, despite how inventive his

intellect may allow him to be.

And the winner?

Wally West.

Perhaps the outcome would be different if the two had time to prepare and T'Challa

could pull a Batman and whip up a weapon or a plan to stop this speedster in his tracks,

but on a chance meeting, Wally would definitely have the advantage.

Alright, there we have it!

Do you agree with our picks?

Or do you think Black Panther should have won?

Let us know your choice in those comments below.

As always, if you dug this video, please show us some love by hitting that like button,

and if you're new, why not subscribe and stick around for more nerdy videos?

We've got a whole playlist with other Versus matches flashing on your screen right now.

Give it a click!

In the meantime, thanks for watching!

I've been Kelly Paoli and this has been top 10 nerd.

Catch you all in the next one.

For more infomation >> Black Panther vs Flash - Wally West - Duration: 5:22.



For more infomation >> TÜRKLER CS-GO OYNARSA MONTAJ #2 - Duration: 7:35.


Super Saiyan SILVER Goku !!【 Mastered Ultra Instinct VS Jiren】Power levels - Duration: 4:26.

Thanks for Watching!

ultra instinct 70%

Mastered ultra instinct

super saiyan + ultra instinct

super saiyan silver

Jiren Full Power

Thanks for Watching!

For more infomation >> Super Saiyan SILVER Goku !!【 Mastered Ultra Instinct VS Jiren】Power levels - Duration: 4:26.


America's News HQ 02/17/18 2PM | February 17, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 41:07.

For more infomation >> America's News HQ 02/17/18 2PM | February 17, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 41:07.


Liberals Come Out in Favor of Voter Suppression – They Want to Block U.S. Soldiers from Voting! - Duration: 2:27.

Liberals Come Out in Favor of Voter Suppression – They Want to Block U.S. Soldiers from


Have you ever noticed that it's only ever been Democrats who've advocated for giving

felons the right to vote?

Virginia's Democrat governor Terry McAuliffe last year said that his "greatest achievement"

in office was restoring the voting rights of 156,221 felons.


Because 7 in 10 felons lean Democrat, while only ten percent lean Republican.

That's why you see places like the Center for American Progress bemoan the fact that

there are 3.1 million Americans ineligible to vote as a result of their own crimes.

"There are currently more Americans barred from voting due to past felony convictions

than the populations of North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming combined.

The laws that prevent 3.1 million citizens who have completed their sentences from voting

are outdated, irresponsible, and unjust," they write.

But how committed are they to "voting rights" when it's a demographic that votes Republican?

As the Washington Times reported,

After years of accusing states of "voter suppression," the Center for American Progress

wants to make it tougher for overseas military to vote in the name of election security.

The left-wing public-policy group issued Monday a report, "Election Security in All 50 States,"

that called for stricter standards to prevent cyber-meddling in elections by foreign governments,

including banning military stationed abroad from submitting ballots via email or fax.

One state that allows such vote-casting is Colorado.

The center called on the state to "prohibit voters stationed or living overseas from returning

voted ballots electronically."

"Regardless of the state's secure ballot return system for electronically voted ballots,

we recommend that all voted ballots be returned by mail or delivered in person," said the

245-page report.

What could possibly be motivating their inconsistent position?

Could it be the fact that Republicans outnumber Democrats 2:1 in the military?

You bet.

So liberals are officially for the voting rights of felons, but not those in the armed


Not a great look, guys.

What do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Liberals Come Out in Favor of Voter Suppression – They Want to Block U.S. Soldiers from Voting! - Duration: 2:27.


Darius Montage 14 - Best Darius Plays | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:09.

Darius Montage 14 - Best Darius Plays | League of Legends Top

For more infomation >> Darius Montage 14 - Best Darius Plays | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:09.


Ford Fiesta 1.1 TREND 5 drs 85PK | Black & White uitgevoerd | Navigatie Ford garantie t/m Nov 2019 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.1 TREND 5 drs 85PK | Black & White uitgevoerd | Navigatie Ford garantie t/m Nov 2019 - Duration: 1:00.


Ford Ka + 1.2 TREND ULTIMATE *Airco/ lm-velgen/Sync carkit/ Elek. ramen* Ford garantie t/m Sept 2018 - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Ford Ka + 1.2 TREND ULTIMATE *Airco/ lm-velgen/Sync carkit/ Elek. ramen* Ford garantie t/m Sept 2018 - Duration: 0:59.


Why I Almost Quit Interpreting! ⎮ ASL Stew - Duration: 8:32.

Hello, I'm Jill. This is ASL Stew!

(hand slap) ♪♪♪


So today I kind of wanted to tell you a story,

the reason I almost quit interpreting.

Yeah, so I actually almost...

was really, really close to want to quit interpreting just overall.

You might be wondering why

because I'm involved in this channel

and I support interpreting that way.

I interpret at a school and a lot,

but I kind of wanted to warn people,

or a PSA for all of you interpreters especially young interpreters.

Not to I guess get stuck or make a mistake like I did.

Let me explain.

So let me start with when I graduated from my interpreter training program, my ITP.

Um, I was getting close to graduating

and I was starting to look for potential work.

At that time I was living... let me think 2009...

so I think Jenna and I were living together at that time.

I was I guess the main bread winner.

She was working too, but I needed to have stable work.

Cause we had rent and things like that.

So around that time I was trying to look for work

and I graduated from RIT.

So I thought maybe I would try to get a job there full-time,

nice benefits as staff, stuff like that.

But back then, in 2009, they had what's called a hiring freeze.

So for a couple years they were not hiring anyone, no interpreters at all.

So that option was out.

I could freelance and do quite a bit of work there,

but it's not necessarily stable work.

If a student quit working...

I mean if a student quit their school,

then that means my work's done.

Um, but whatever it wasn't stable.

Then I decided to go ahead and apply for VRS work.

Now I had just graduated... well I was soon to graduate from my ITP

and most people would say don't work VRS.

It's too hard. It's not a good fit for a recent graduate.

But I decided to discuss with a former mentor

and some other people that I know

to see if they thought I was ready and everything.

Everyone I spoke to said yes I was.

So I went ahead and applied

and I'm not gonna say which company,

but that's not important.

But I applied and I got hired.

I started working so to speak "full-time".

Back then that company didn't have full-time work with benefits and stuff.

But I was working pretty much 24 to 28 hours a week doing VRS work.

Then I had other freelance work on the side at RIT.

So then as I was going along,

I would say maybe less than five years later,

I decided... well understand... let me back up.

The money is really good for VRS.

I'm gonna be totally honest, it's really good money.

Way better than freelance, better than university/staff,

K-12 definitely.

And it's easy to get a lot of hours.

I mean you can work a ten hour day.

So it's really easy.

Whereas in freelance it's harder.

But anyways, so I was going along working

and I noticed that I wasn't as happy as I was before.

Working freelance and doing that I really enjoyed it.

But I just felt like something wasn't right.

Like maybe I wasn't a good fit for interpreting.

I mean I did know I had good skill, but I don't know.

Then I just started to really, really hate work.

I didn't like interpreting. I didn't want to go to work.

I just felt crabby and I don't know, I was having a lot of issues.

I thought, well maybe I just don't want to be an interpreter anymore.

Maybe I just want to work with Deaf people,

or do sign language but in a different field.

So I actually went back to school,

not at RIT but a different local university.

Went through there and got a second Bachelor's degree.

It took me two years part time.

So I got my Bachelor's degree in anthropology.

Got that, thought maybe I'd be involved in archaeology

cause I had actually went and done a dig in Jordan, the country of Jordan.

I really liked it, or I thought

maybe just do something in general with anthropology,

maybe get a Master's (degree).

But then I started thinking.

Why do I want to stop interpreting?

I have skill and some things I like.

What is it that I just don't like right now?

So I really took a look at myself and I thought you know what,

I just don't like VRS work.

Again, it's not the company I worked for.. they're great.

But just in general, the VRS industry does not fit me at all.

For some people it's great.

They really enjoy it and work for many years,

but for me, I just didn't like it to be honest.

I'm not gonna say the reasons, it's not important.

But I realized that I wanted to quit interpreting

because I was working almost full-time in a niche that I didn't like.

That meant mentally I wasn't happy.

So I decided I needed to switch to a different type of interpreting.

At that time RIT was hiring

and so it took me a few times.

I applied multiple times, but finally I was hired.

Now in general I feel a lot more happy.

Obviously we all have bad days or whatever,

but I just realized that it's not that I don't like interpreting,

I just don't like that niche of interpreting.

So I guess I wanted to tell you this story just to warn you

whether you're young and in an ITP, graduating,

few years, or many years experience, it really doesn't matter.

If you're feeling just not satisfied, "I don't like interpreting", "I'm not happy",

first take a step back and think about it.

Is it because you don't like your work?

Maybe you're in K-12 and now you feel like

"I don't like interpreting anymore".

Maybe you need to switch to university work, or freelance,

or medical, or try and work so you can do legal, or VRS, something.

There's so many different options for work right now!

Don't quit right away or switch to a totally different field.

I mean if you want to, that's perfectly fine.

You do not have to interpret for the rest of your life.

But just think about it first.

So that is the story of why I almost quit interpreting.

I'm curious, have any of your guys had a similar story, experience.

You almost stopped interpreting?

Wanted to quit and then continued anyways?

What is your story?

I'm just curious if anyone else has had the same experience as I have.

Or am I the only one?

Hopefully you have enjoyed this video.

If you liked it, click LIKE.

Remember to subscribe and hit the bell

so you know when the next video comes out.

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We have our ASL Stew merch store

where we have a bunch of different shirts, long sleeve, hoodies, cups, totes,

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So definitely check that out.

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Thanks so much and see you in the next video. Bye!


For more infomation >> Why I Almost Quit Interpreting! ⎮ ASL Stew - Duration: 8:32.


You've Been Using Your Toaster All Wrong - Duration: 4:45.

Toasters often cost no more than a couple lattes, and usually feature less controls

and set-up than a Roomba.

But when it comes to actually toasting something, these tips just might lead you to the grub

of your dreams.

Keep it clean, people

"There's somethin poppin up for breakfast these days, it just might be the latest craze."

Every single piece of toast leaves crumbs inside your toaster.

But did you know this growing pile of crumbs could actually catch fire?

To avoid burning more than just your Wonderbread, unplug your toaster, pull out the tray, and

trash the crumbs.

You can even go all in, and shake the toaster upside-down to remove any bits that are still

clinging on.

Then replace the tray, plug it back in, and toast on.

Know your dough

"Now fix any size toast to order… thick or thin, long or short, even odd shapes in

the General Electric toaster oven."

Sliced bread is the greatest thing since, well, sliced bread — but if you're using

it for toast, you're doing it wrong.

That's because bread comes in all kinds of varieties, from light and fluffy, to dense

and heavy.

And since your toaster probably has only one temperature setting, the only way to affect

the final outcome is with the thickness of the bread.

"Come on, come on."

"Oh she's talking to me.

For so long I felt so unappreciated, so unloved."

The perfect piece of toast is crispy on the outside, but soft and moist on the inside.

And to nail that, you need to heat the bread so that the outside gets crisp before the

inside dries out.

So slice up your own — and make that soft bread an inch thick.

Heavier bread should be cut thinner to avoid a doughy center.

"Hmm hm hmm!"

Dial it in

"There's no better way to start the day, than with a delicious piece of perfectly crunchy


Despite what some British tabloids would have you believe, there's no one way to make a

perfect slice of toast.

Some toasters cook hotter, and others cook colder.

And we already know bread isn't one size fits all.

"You've got bread, and a toaster of some kind?"

"I don't make the rules."

Dualit USA sales director, Wesley E. Smith, tells Huffington Post that you shouldn't just

use one setting for every toasting.

Different breads toast at significantly different rates.

Sweet breads — like cinnamon raisin — and white breads — toast the fastest.

And heavier breads take more time.

In general, you'll win at toast when you turn down the dial if the bread is softer, older,

warmer, or thinner than the last piece.

If the bread if fresher, denser, colder, or cut thicker, feel free to let it run longer.

You can't bagel

When it comes to toasting bagels, things get a little more complicated.

Since bagels are denser than most other breads, it can take a bit more time to get good and


While most toasters add time to the cycle when the "bagel button" is pushed, some toasters

also reduce the temperature of the outer heating elements to prevent burning the drier crust.

Insert the bagel soft side facing in, and then put an egg on it, or some shmear, or


You do you.

Totally Toastabags

Putting cheese in a toaster is asking for a fail.

"Some cultures are defined by their relationship to cheese."

"Is that a thing?"

But toasters are just too convenient to be bad at grilled cheese.

That's why the universe gave us Toastabags.

Made from a Teflon-like material, Toastabags are fireproof pockets that allow you to make

a grilled cheese, reheat pizza or a panini, or make French toast.

Now the only limit is your imagination — and the width of your toaster slot.

"How did you manage this?"

"I bought it.

With money."

...What the what, toaster?

If you're still having issues, you might want to look at the appliance itself.

Toasters aren't created equal, and getting the right one for the job is tougher than

you might think.

"So this is breakfast?"

"Uh huh.


If you're mostly going to be using it for bread, get a standard pop-up toaster.

But if you're going to be using this for things like bagels, waffles, hamburger buns, or Texas

toast, you're going to want to invest in a pop-up toaster with extra-wide slots.

"Alright, this chick is toast!"

And if you're doubling down on functionality, consider a toaster oven.

You'll have all the toast you want, plus that sandwich you tried to hack your toaster into


It's also an ideal gadget for pizza bagels — which no one can be mad about.

So take these tips, plug in, and get toasted!

"This toasts bread while you're slicing it.

We're on a spaceship Arthur!"

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> You've Been Using Your Toaster All Wrong - Duration: 4:45.


The Journal Editorial Report 02/17/18 3PM | February 17, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:10.

For more infomation >> The Journal Editorial Report 02/17/18 3PM | February 17, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:10.


coyotte subs - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> coyotte subs - Duration: 0:41.


OMG! Really poor newborn baby Sherri fall down many time & mom without take care | Monkey Daily 271 - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> OMG! Really poor newborn baby Sherri fall down many time & mom without take care | Monkey Daily 271 - Duration: 10:02.


Brother Waheed '' Islam can't be from God '' - English subtitles - Duration: 0:27.

So , anyone ( Muslims ) who says that '' I hate you ( non-Muslims ) for Allah '' in that case , we tell them '' Then , you don't know God '' and why is that ? because God is love (1 John 4:8 )

or when they say to non-Muslims ( especially to Christians and Jews ) '' We hate you for Allah and we kill you for Allah '' !

the Lord Jesus Christ ( all glory belong to him ) said '' in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you , will think they are offering a service to God '' ( John 16:2 )

so , such people ( Muslims ) who say and believe in those teachings ( of Islam ) , are serving another god who is no one but Satan !

For more infomation >> Brother Waheed '' Islam can't be from God '' - English subtitles - Duration: 0:27.


【MMD||BATIM】Overtime【Bendy|Boris|Alice】 - Duration: 0:55.

I don't believe in no devil

Cause I done raised this hell

I've been the last one standing

When all the giants fell

I won't shiver

I won't shake

I'm made of stone

I don't break

Start me up

Open my eyes

Turn me loose and you'll see why

I was born

born ready

I was born

born rea...

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