Saturday, February 17, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 17 2018

Little Big Stories Prison and Maritime Museum of Ushuaia

"Lasserre, the Lighthouse at the End of the World, and Ushuaia"

"Boundary Treaty Argentina-Chile (1881)" In 1881, Argentina and Chile signed a boundary treaty to set their frontiers.

But, in order to claim sovereignty and populate distant land,

...Argentina needed to secure sailing conditions to Tierra del Fuego.

In 1882 the Argentine Austral Expedition with Luis Piedrabuena and Giacomo Bove

sailed the south seas on the corvette Cabo de Hornos.

In that expeditión they made studies

to find out where to put lighthouses.

The End of the World Lighthouse and St. John Rescue Station.

The aim was safer sailing in the waters of Isla de los Estados.

It should stop being a "shipwreck area."

A light there would facilitate sailing to the feared Cape Horn.

In 1883, President Roca orders the opening of subprefectures.

Isla de los Estados and Tierra del Fuego were chosen.

So, before the foundation of Ushuaia, we occupied Isla de los Estados.

And the Lighthouse at St. John Rescue Station was set up.

Better known as 'The Lighthouse at the End of the World'.

A year later, the South Atlantic Expeditionary Division...

...arrived on Isla de los Estados under the command of Cdre. Augusto Lasserre.

On May 25, 1884, Lasserre inaugurated the lighthouse.

Situated at St. John, it included a subprefecture and a rescue station.

He also organized and made official the rescue station for shipwrecks...

...on Isla de los Estados, which Piedrabuena had created.

The foundation of Ushuaia.

In September 1884, the South Atlantic Division arrives in Ushuaia.

Under Lasserre and with 20 men, they arrived aboard the gunboat Paraná.

"Until then, Ushuaia was a village with 300 inhabitants,

...most of them English and Yaghan."

The main activity in Ushuaia was the Anglican mission.

It was in charge of the English superintendent Rev. Thomas Bridges.

The missionaries wanted to civilize natives and teach them their religion.

Most maps of the time lacked the name Ushuaia.

But many documents showed Oshovia, Ooshovia, Ushuivia, or Usciunaia.

Missionaries and occasional visitors used either of these names.

On October 12, 1884, Lasserre created the Subprefecture of Ushuaia.

This date would later be defined as the Foundation of Ushuaia.

On that day, he lowered the British flag and hoisted the Argentine flag...

...where the mission monolith is now.

Later on, a national decree, declared Ushuaia the capital of Tierra del Fuego.

And Felix Paz was named Governor.

After the foundation of Ushuaia, Bridges put an end to his mission.

Then he set up the Harberton ranch on land the Argentine government...

...granted him in gratitude for his years working for natives and wreckers.

Apart from the foundation of subprefectures and the lighthouse,

...Lasserre built some houses and left 20 people to live in Ushuaia.

"So Ushuaia turned into the first and only Argentine colony...

...founded to consolidate sovereignty in the southernmost part of the world."

One of those first inhabitants was Luis Fique, the first Argentinian... settle down and open one of the first general stores.

He named it "The First Argentinian."

But that's another story.

For more infomation >> MMPU Lasserre, el Faro del Fin del Mundo y la fundación de Ushuaia - Duration: 3:56.



Little Big Stories Prison and Maritime Museum of Ushuaia.

Sobral, the corvette Uruguay and Argentina in Antartica.

In 1900, President Roca agreed to support Nordenskjöld's expedition...

...with coal and provisions for the Sweds provided an Argentinian would join.

So Captain Larsen with the Antartik sailed south from Buenos Aires...

...calling at Puerto Argentino on Malvinas and then disembarking...

...on Snow Hill island in Antarctica.

In February 1902, 2nd Lieutenant José María Sobral turned into...

...the first Argentinian to winter in Antarctica.

"Captain Larsen would pick us up after winter, but the Antartik...

...never sailed back for us."

"Swed Expedition Vanishes in Antarctica" In April 1903, the expedition did not return to Buenos Aires as expected.

No news about Sobral or the Swedish.

"I wonder if the Antartik is near."

An Argentinian icebound! Let´s go get him and all the expedition!

The rescue commission looked for an Argentine Republic Navy vessel...

...with the neccessary features to sail among ice.

The ARA Uruguay was 152 ft long, 25 ft wide, and embarked 114 men.

She was a sailing or steam corvette.

She was reinforced, insulated, and equipped for severe conditions.

"The corvette Uruguay to the rescue".

In October 1903, President Roca and a cheerful crowd waved farewell... commander Julián Irizar, appointed for the mission.

As planned, the Uruguay would wait in Ushuia for a French and a Swedish expedition.

She would then rescue Sobral in Antarctica and then sail back to Buenos Aires.

"We have the best ship in the Navy, fuel, and provisions for a whole year...

We will bring them back whatever it takes."

Irizar waited for other expeditions in Ushuaia, but they failed to arrive.

So the corvette Uruguay set sail for the south pole.

In the following days, she sailed the route Larsen had reported...

...before the expedition was lost.

In November 1903, the Uruguay reached the Antarctic peninsula.

Irizar and his Lieutenant Youlur found traces of the expedition...

so they disembarked and explored inland.

On the following day, Irizar found Sobral with Nordenskjöld...

...and his crew in a shelter. Soon after this, Larsen and six wreckers were also rescued.

Eventually, after a two-year wait, the expedition would embark...

But leaving Antarctica was harder than expected.

"Topmasts won't stand it – throw them to the sea.

Cut the ropes! Come on!

About a month later, a crowd welcomed the Uruguay in Buenos Aires.

Rescuers and expeditionaries were welcomed as heroes with honors.

And Argentina was definitively settled in south Antarctica...

In 1904, the postal servant Hugo Acuña officially hoisted the Argentine flag...

...for the first time on Antarctic soil.

But that's another story.

For more infomation >> MMPU SOBRAL Y LA CORBETA URUGUAY - Duration: 3:14.


Fitz Roy, Darwin and the discovery of the Beagle Channel - Duration: 3:51.

Little Big Stories Prison and Maritime Museum of Ushuaia

Fitz Roy, Darwin, and the discovery of the Beagle Channel

In 1825, Great Britain ordered a survey of the southern coasts of South America.

In May the following year, the Beagle set sail under Robert Fitz Roy's command.

Have a look at my nice ship!

The HMS Beagle was 90 feet long with 235 ton register.

Her crew had one hundred and twenty men.

The Beagle's first voyage 1826 - 1830

In 1830, the crew made a stop at Orange Bay.

As the end of the voyage was near, they needed more water and firewood.

As they were enjoying fair weather, Fitz Roy sent out officer Murray... explore channels in the area.

We sailed along a narrow channel that took us to another straight channel

...about 2 miles wide running from east to west.

So lieutenant Murray discovered the Beagle and Murray Channels.

The Yaghan natives, nomads on canoes,

...were the inhabitants of the Tierra del Fuego islands.

Before his departure, Fitz Roy embarked four of these natives

The Beagle was probably the largest thing they had ever saw,

...far larger than a whale, for example.

"They look awful, but they don't seem dangerous.

They will come with us to England."

Being very religious, Fitz Roy wanted these lucky Yaghans learn English and the refined European manners.

They would then return as new men.

"No one has had close contact with them – they are worth studying."

The Beagle's second voyage 1831 - 1836

In 1831, the Beagle set off again for Tierra del Fuego.

This time, the young naturalist Charles Darwin joined Fitz Roy.

"This young man has some crazy ideas,

...but I will enjoy having someone cool to chat with on this long voyage."

Fitz Roy had to return the Yaghans to their native place.

He also had to find routes for the Malvinas and Galapagos Islands,

...and sail back to England past the cape of Good Hope.

On the Beagle, Darwin had a chance to have a close look at the Yaghan.

All along the expedition, he took notes and sent them to England with long letters.

All these materials would become his famous travel diary.

Once the Beagle disembarked them on Tierra del Fuego,

...the Yaghans went back to their native habits.

Nothing was left of this European attempt to civilize...

...and teach them English manners.

"I had never seen more despicable or miserable beings" (19th century ideas)

"Those poor savages are very short, with white-painted disgusting faces. (19th century ideas)

Their skin is dirty and greasy, their hair tangled, (19th century ideas)

...and they show violent gestures." (19th century ideas)

"And on top of it, they are cannibals!" (19th century ideas)

Some of Darwin's remarks were very unfortunate and wrong.

Still, they are useful to understand the way of thinking of the time.

Notes and specimens Darwin collected during the Beagle's voyage

...were the basis for his evolutionary theory, which gave him world renown.

Back in England, Fitz Roy became famous for his meteorological research.

Fitz Roy and Darwin were no longer friends

...after the publication of "The Origin of Species."

The three surviving Yaghan would play a lead role in important events.

But that's another story.

For more infomation >> Fitz Roy, Darwin and the discovery of the Beagle Channel - Duration: 3:51.


The Walking Dead Toucha My Spaghet - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> The Walking Dead Toucha My Spaghet - Duration: 0:59.


Arantxa Sánchez Vicario, abandonada por su marido, Josep Santacana - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Arantxa Sánchez Vicario, abandonada por su marido, Josep Santacana - Duration: 3:14.


MMPU CANOA YAGAN - Duration: 2:53.

Little Big Stories Prison and Maritime Museum of Ushuaia

The Yaghan Bark Canoe

The Yaghan people were nomad canoeists of Tierra del Fuego.

They lived on hunting, fishing, and collecting on the coasts...

...of the Beagle Channel on their canoes.

Canoes were their most valuable tool. They were light and easy to repair.

Yaghans found sailing the easiest way to travel.

They looked for food and sailed the labyrinth of channels.

Their canoes carried everything they needed for living.

Males joined men from other families to get bark and materials.

They built canoes all together. They used three long planks...

...of guindo bark.

They molded bark using water and fire.

The inner frame shaped the vessel.

All parts were sewn together with tendons or whale baleens.

Then unions and holes were sealed with...

...caulker made with a mixture of fat, clay, and a sturdy grass.

This made the structure stronger.

Paddles were used both as propellers and rudders.

They avoided entanglement with the floating algae called cachiyuyos.

That's why their spear-like points.

The whole family sailed with every member having a task.

Women steered and rowed at the back. They also collected shellfish...

...and used to swim in the cold waters to tie canoes to seaweeds on the coast.

Men were hunters. They sailed at the bow, with their harpoons ready.

They hunted sea lions, dolphins, and other preys.

Young girls and boys were at the center of the canoe... they provided stability.

Also, they bailed water out.

Fire was difficult to make, especially with rain and humidity.

So keeping fire was very important.

They put fire on an upside down piece of turf with pebbles... isolate the bark.

They used harpoons, slings, and clubs to hunt sea lions.

And bows and arrows for birds.

Canoes carried various baskets to catch fish and shellfish.

They also carried oars, bark bowls, and ropes made of rush and baleen.

They used guanaco tendons for ties and repairs in canoes and harpoons.

The canoe building technique was a tradition passed down

in families with practice.

Yaghans were the only natives in Argentina to develop...

...their own vessel building technique.

They evolved with trial and error on the basis of experience.

This tradition was lost when Europeans arrived... Tierra del Fuego.

Yaghans learned other techniques involving white man tools.

Their delicate balance and harmony with nature was forever transformed.

With farming came sedentary life...

...and the sea was no longer their main resource.

But that's another story.

For more infomation >> MMPU CANOA YAGAN - Duration: 2:53.


Čmajzák 22 Snatcher - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> Čmajzák 22 Snatcher - Duration: 10:07.


Arc North - Raging [Subtitle By TMSC] - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Arc North - Raging [Subtitle By TMSC] - Duration: 3:24.


Todos los detalles sobre la salida de Sálvame de Mila Ximénez - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Todos los detalles sobre la salida de Sálvame de Mila Ximénez - Duration: 2:57.


Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI Business Ed Navigatie Rijklaar - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI Business Ed Navigatie Rijklaar - Duration: 1:00.



For more infomation >> ASÍ SUENA LA VERSIÓN DEFINITIVA DE 'TU CANCIÓN' PARA EUROVISIÓN 2018 - Duration: 1:11.


Cómo llevar una rutina de ejercicio para no hipertrofiar los músculos - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Cómo llevar una rutina de ejercicio para no hipertrofiar los músculos - Duration: 3:46.


Érections capricieuses? Il y a des méthodes naturelles! - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Érections capricieuses? Il y a des méthodes naturelles! - Duration: 3:48.


Presentation of the keys separator, the Keyboard users' hero, the invention of the century. Typing - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> Presentation of the keys separator, the Keyboard users' hero, the invention of the century. Typing - Duration: 5:57.


舒淇御用替身曝光!長得竟然跟本尊一樣漂亮,她的真實身份的來歷太驚人!連舒淇都驚嘆! - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> 舒淇御用替身曝光!長得竟然跟本尊一樣漂亮,她的真實身份的來歷太驚人!連舒淇都驚嘆! - Duration: 1:41.


The R&B Artist from The Gard...

For more infomation >> The R&B Artist from The Gard...


BTS (방탄소년단) - CYPHER 3 "Killer" Live (Feat. Supreme Boi) | REACTION - Duration: 21:05.

What's up guys at your boy OKAYtinashe, I'm here with the SQUAD! (KPOP tuesdays)

Kpop Tuesday group message when you call it reaction Tuesday?

So today, what are we reacting to?

BTS! Cypher

Okay so today. We're we have to do BTS - Cypher pt 3

Before we get started, please, please everyone make sure to subscribe make sure to

Subscribe you say yeah, it's a good point yeah, I'm already started no no


And please by the way comment below who your favorite reactor is okay?

Okay comment the comments like I liked him and him him he had a lot of love last one


For more infomation >> BTS (방탄소년단) - CYPHER 3 "Killer" Live (Feat. Supreme Boi) | REACTION - Duration: 21:05.


2/17/18 2:35 PM (I-81, Pittston, PA 18643, USA) - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> 2/17/18 2:35 PM (I-81, Pittston, PA 18643, USA) - Duration: 0:29.


Get Brown Hair Subliminal - Light Brown Hair Color Transformation - Positive Subliminal Affirmations - Duration: 4:03.

My natural hair color is changing and transforming to chestnut brown.

All my hair on my scalp now grows in a chestnut brown color.

My eyebrows grow in a perfect color to go with my chestnut brown hair.

My hair is transforming every day until it is fully chestnut brown.

My hair is changing every day until it is fully chestnut brown.

The hair on my scalp is now growing in chestnut brown.

My chestnut brown hair is healthy soft and strong.

My chestnut brown hair shimmers and shines in the light.

My chestnut brown hair is smooth and silky.

My chestnut brown hair is incredibly attractive.

My chestnut brown hair is incredibly thick and easy to manage.

My chestnut brown hair grows incredibly fast.

My skin tone transforms to perfectly compliment my chestnut brown hair.

My skin tone is perfect for my chestnut brown hair.

My skin tone transforms to have the most attractive color and undertones.

I love my chestnut brown hair.

I am rapidly and quickly manifesting chestnut brown hair.

I can see my new hair growing in chestnut brown.

It is incredibly easy for my hair follicles to transform and change to grow chestnut brown hair.

My hair roots are now growing chestnut brown hair.

My hair papilla transforms to grow chestnut brown hair.

My hair matrix transforms to grow chestnut brown hair.

My hair root sheath transforms to grow chestnut brown hair.

My hair bulb transforms to grow chestnut brown hair.

My hair follicles now grow in a gorgeous chestnut brown color.

I now ask my body and mind to work together to fulfill these affirmations.

I now manifest and fulfill these affirmations as fast as safely possible.

All beneficial and desirable changes from these affirmations are permanent.

All the changes take place as fast as safely possible.Your natural hair color is changing and transforming to chestnut brown.

All your hair on your scalp now grows in a chestnut brown color.

Your eyebrows grow in a perfect color to go with your chestnut brown hair.

Your hair is transforming every day until it is fully chestnut brown.

Your hair is changing every day until it is fully chestnut brown.

The hair on your scalp is now growing in chestnut brown.

Your chestnut brown hair is healthy soft and strong.

Your chestnut brown hair shimmers and shines in the light.

Your chestnut brown hair is smooth and silky.

Your chestnut brown hair is incredibly attractive.

Your chestnut brown hair is incredibly thick and easy to manage.

Your chestnut brown hair grows incredibly fast.

Your skin tone transforms to perfectly compliment your chestnut brown hair.

Your skin tone is perfect for your chestnut brown hair.

Your skin tone transforms to have the most attractive color and undertones.

You love your chestnut brown hair.

You are rapidly and quickly manifesting chestnut brown hair.

You can see your new hair growing in chestnut brown.

It is incredibly easy for your hair follicles to transform and change to grow chestnut brown hair.

Your hair roots are now growing chestnut brown hair.

Your hair papilla transforms to grow chestnut brown hair.

Your hair matrix transforms to grow chestnut brown hair.

Your hair root sheath transforms to grow chestnut brown hair.

Your hair bulb transforms to grow chestnut brown hair.

Your hair follicles now grow in a gorgeous chestnut brown color.

You now ask your body and mind to work together to fulfill these affirmations.

You now manifest and fulfill these affirmations as fast as safely possible.

All beneficial and desirable changes from these affirmations are permanent.

All the changes take place as fast as safely possible.

For more infomation >> Get Brown Hair Subliminal - Light Brown Hair Color Transformation - Positive Subliminal Affirmations - Duration: 4:03.



For more infomation >> [VIETSUB] TÂN TẦM TẦN KÝ TẬP 33 PHIM XUYÊN KHÔNG 2018 HD - Duration: 45:52.


Top 10 New Android Games February 2018 - Duration: 7:14.

Top 10 New Android Games February 2018

For more infomation >> Top 10 New Android Games February 2018 - Duration: 7:14.


Princess for kids How to draw

For more infomation >> Princess for kids How to draw


'I changed myself for the better,' says woman who is using her past to help other - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> 'I changed myself for the better,' says woman who is using her past to help other - Duration: 2:10.


I Luv It Challenge Dance 🔥 Best Viral Lit Dances Compilation #kiddluvit - Duration: 3:06.

I Luv It Challenge Dance 🔥 Best Viral Lit Dances Compilation #kiddluvit

For more infomation >> I Luv It Challenge Dance 🔥 Best Viral Lit Dances Compilation #kiddluvit - Duration: 3:06.


Deming to Silver City, New Mexico on I-10 West, Luna to Grant County, 11 August 2016 GP022352 - Duration: 26:05.

Interstate 10 West, New Mexico


John Christner Trucking

Horse Trailer pulled by Semi-Trailer Truck




Wrong Way

Do Not Enter

One Way, No Right Turn


Car Carrier



Grey Nissan Car passes

White Honda SUV

C.R. England

RV trailering SUV

MVT, Mesilla Valley Transportation

Black GMC 4x4 Truck


Cell Tower

Balkan Express LLC




Broad xxx Express


RV pulling Jeep

Petro Stopping Center Gas-station convenience-store chain, with snacks, drinks & hot food, plus travel & maintenance gear. 14150 Hwy 418 SW, Deming, NM 88030 (575) 546-7070




Safety Corridor, Speed Limit 75





2 Ambulances on Flatbed

Yucca Plants

Francis Produce


Long 5th Wheel Flatbed Trailer


Exxon, 3890 Gage Station Rd, Deming, NM 88030 (575) 546-8511


Pegasus Transportation

Speed Limit 75

The Thing?



Love's, Subway

Cell Tower



Exxon, This Exit


MSC, Mediterranean Shipping Company,



national carriers, The Elite Fleet

RV Luxury Bus

MTS, Martin Transportation Systems, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Knight Transportation






John Christner Trucking

Central Transport

Overloaded Pickup Truck and Trailer

Pepsi, Born in the Carolinas


Exit 55, Interstate 10

Denny's, Exit 82

End Safety Corridor

Lights on for Safety

Crete Carrier Corp., CCC

Car Carrier

Luna County Line

Oversized Load

ATL, Aman Truck Lines LLC, Tracy, California



New Mexico Rest Area, Deming, NM 88030 (505) 827-5100

Grant County, New Mexico, 32.202120, -108.252527


Pickup Truck with 5th Wheel Flatbed Trailer

RL Carriers, Available Liftgate Service,



Knight Transportation


Speed Monitored by Air

Safety Corridor, Speed Limit 75

RV towing SUV

Compressed Gases


Pearl Harbor Memorial Highway

Knight Transportation


NM SR 146


Fed Ex


Exit 49

Speed Limit 75

Semi-Trailer Truck towing Black SUV & Silver Pickup on Flatbed Trailer



White Pickup with 5th Wheel Car Carrier towing Red Jeep, Yellow Jeep and White SUV

Blue Horizon Transportation Inc,


RV towing Motorcycle

Roadrunner Transportation Systems,





Windmill, Penske

Panther, Life Science Logistics, On Time, On Target, No Exceptions,



R.E. Garrison Trucking Inc

Silver SUV parked on Shoulder with lady looking in the open Hatch


Cell Site

For more infomation >> Deming to Silver City, New Mexico on I-10 West, Luna to Grant County, 11 August 2016 GP022352 - Duration: 26:05.


Hyundai ix20 1.6i i-Vision - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.6i i-Vision - Duration: 0:54.


T'Challa | Make Myself a King [possible spoilers] - Duration: 1:26.


Your highness.

I'll kill him myself.

Move, Captain.

I won't ask a second time.

Your highness.

We haven't met yet.

I'm Clint.

I don't care.

For more infomation >> T'Challa | Make Myself a King [possible spoilers] - Duration: 1:26.


BTS (방탄소년단) - CYPHER 3 "Killer" Live (Feat. Supreme Boi) | REACTION - Duration: 21:05.

What's up guys at your boy OKAYtinashe, I'm here with the SQUAD! (KPOP tuesdays)

Kpop Tuesday group message when you call it reaction Tuesday?

So today, what are we reacting to?

BTS! Cypher

Okay so today. We're we have to do BTS - Cypher pt 3

Before we get started, please, please everyone make sure to subscribe make sure to

Subscribe you say yeah, it's a good point yeah, I'm already started no no


And please by the way comment below who your favorite reactor is okay?

Okay comment the comments like I liked him and him him he had a lot of love last one


For more infomation >> BTS (방탄소년단) - CYPHER 3 "Killer" Live (Feat. Supreme Boi) | REACTION - Duration: 21:05.


Hyundai ix35 2.0I STYLE /Clima/Panorama/Trekh/1e Eig/NAP/Garantie - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 2.0I STYLE /Clima/Panorama/Trekh/1e Eig/NAP/Garantie - Duration: 0:54.


Mazda 6 Sport 1.8i Exclusive Nav. - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mazda 6 Sport 1.8i Exclusive Nav. - Duration: 0:54.


Hyundai ix35 2.0i i-Catcher/Autom./Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 2.0i i-Catcher/Autom./Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:00.


Hyundai i30 1.4I 99PK I-MOTION | AIRCO | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.4I 99PK I-MOTION | AIRCO | - Duration: 0:54.


Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI Business Ed Navigatie Rijklaar - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI Business Ed Navigatie Rijklaar - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-pose - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-pose - Duration: 0:42.


2/17/18 2:34 PM (I-81, Pittston Township, PA, USA) - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> 2/17/18 2:34 PM (I-81, Pittston Township, PA, USA) - Duration: 0:28.


2/17/18 2:39 PM (I-81, Moosic, PA 18507, USA) - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> 2/17/18 2:39 PM (I-81, Moosic, PA 18507, USA) - Duration: 0:29.


2/17/18 2:35 PM (I-81, Pittston, PA 18643, USA) - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> 2/17/18 2:35 PM (I-81, Pittston, PA 18643, USA) - Duration: 0:29.


2/17/18 2:32 PM (I-81, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702, USA) - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> 2/17/18 2:32 PM (I-81, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702, USA) - Duration: 0:29.


2/17/18 2:33 PM (I-81, Pittston, PA 18640, USA) - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> 2/17/18 2:33 PM (I-81, Pittston, PA 18640, USA) - Duration: 0:29.


2/17/18 2:37 PM (I-81, Pittston, PA 18641, USA) - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> 2/17/18 2:37 PM (I-81, Pittston, PA 18641, USA) - Duration: 0:29.


2/17/18 2:34 PM (I-81, Jenkins Township, PA 18640, USA) - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> 2/17/18 2:34 PM (I-81, Jenkins Township, PA 18640, USA) - Duration: 0:29.


2/17/18 2:36 PM (I-81, Dupont, PA 18641, USA) - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> 2/17/18 2:36 PM (I-81, Dupont, PA 18641, USA) - Duration: 0:28.


Official Rampage Trailer

For more infomation >> Official Rampage Trailer


O QUE É ACORDO DE LENIÊNCIA? - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> O QUE É ACORDO DE LENIÊNCIA? - Duration: 1:00.


BBB18: Caruso GANHA a Prova do Anjo e diz quem vai IMUNIZAR do PADEDÃO - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Caruso GANHA a Prova do Anjo e diz quem vai IMUNIZAR do PADEDÃO - Duration: 1:03.


Čmajzák 24 Snatcher - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> Čmajzák 24 Snatcher - Duration: 8:49.


IH! LASCOU! - Duration: 5:42.

Hello! My name is Cristiane Amarante,

an archaeologist, and our subject for today's video is:

IH! It's chipped!

You must have been curious to know why this

video has this name. In fact,

sometimes, in archeological sites,

the pieces are not found whole;

they are found in parts. They are

part of a process.

How do we, archaeologists, find out

that piece was in the middle of a process?

Well, I'm not going to tell you that, otherwise I'll spoil

the video's surprise. Archaeologist João

Carlos Moreno is performing an experimental

archeology action and we discovered

about the stones that...

surprise, you will see.

My idea is to make a spearhead

with this flint material.

It's already... the work is already started, there was a splinter,

several other chips were already removed,

and it was getting a shape.

And to continue the work on it I'll use

this little pebble, which is a small pebble, but it's

very sandy,

which helps me to scorch the edges

that I'm going to use,

where I'm going to strike and where I'll press to get a splinter.

And to flake I'm going to use that striker

made of elk horn.

Here I have prepared the place where I want to hit,

I made a nice angle, so now I want to try

to hit here with the elk horn

to try to remove a splinter

that comes at least until half of the piece.

This was not quite what I wanted, because it came out very thick

and it reflected. Reflected is what we call when it gets that step.

It can be a problem if you want to try to take another splinter

that is longer than that, otherwise it will stop here.

But I can use the strategy to come

from the other side and take another splinter that gets here,

which will reduce the thickness much more.

The splinter broke all here now, but

did exactly what I had said.

It came up to that piece that was here,

cut it reflected and went there.

You can see here, there are several waves;

as if they were waves of water, but frozen in the stone.

These waves are created every time I

strike the piece.

And here we can see what the problem is, why this break happened:

there was this step here.

That is, if it broke here,

it means that the flake that left here took that thickness.

Generally, the splinter, when it leaves,

where the energy comes, passes

and ends up going up;

in which case it made a downward turn.

And when it turned that down,

you can even see the wave bending down here.

You can see the wave here.

Which means that, in fact, it was already chipped;

it just finished expanding now that I

hit that spot.

Did you understand now what happens?

Sometimes a piece was being made, and

in the middle of the process it splintered. It's not

the archaeologist's fault, it's not the fault of the one who was doing

it in the past. But this also brings important information

about these pieces that are found in half

or broken in archaeological sites. By the way,

this is a very important information, because people,

when they go to the museums, see the whole pieces,

and they have the idea that most of what is in the

archaeological site is the whole piece. And often it's not;

it's a piece that went wrong, or many splinters

from a place where a piece was produced that was

carried to another place. You find the splinter,

not the piece, in that place, which we call the workshop

site. I hope you enjoyed

this video. If you liked it, give your "like",

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see you next time!

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