Friday, February 16, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 17 2018


I'm aware that you came here

the day of Juanjo and Aurora's wedding.

Yes. I came to see my son.

How'd you know he was here?

Because I called to speak with Mercedes beforehand

and she mentioned that she had Emilito, so I came.

When exactly did you drop him off?

Around 10:00 or 10:30 AM.

My salon appointment was at 11:00 AM.

And you can't remember if the sweater was in the diaper bag?

I don't remember, honestly.

There were too many things on my mind that day.

Besides, it didn't matter.

Emilito has lots of clothes here, too.

So you've brought some of his things here.


So it's possible the sweater was already here.

Honestly, I find it odd that the sweater turned up

because he never wears it anymore.

He outgrew it.

Where do you keep Emilio's things?

In Aurora's room. Why do you ask?

Remember this sweater?

According to Aurora, you embroidered his name on it.

Yes, of course.

That's strange.

I haven't seen it around in a while.

Was it in Calistoga?

No, it was at the foundation. In Fidelio's room.

That's odd.

I didn't see it in the diaper bag.

It could've been at the bottom.

Who opened the door when you stopped by?

No one. I used my key.

-You have keys to this house? -Yes.

Back when Aurora placed that restraining order on me,

she changed all the locks on our Calistoga home,

but these remained the same, so I still have the keys.

-Is there a problem? -No, not at all.

Thank you for your time.

The press is here.

Please use discretion and mind what you tell the press.

Any leaked info could put Emilito in danger.

Susan. They found the moving van.

The one Belkis the prostitute saw,

that was allegedly seen at the site of Emilito's kidnapping.

Where was it found?

In an open field near Interstate 5,

which transverses the entire state through to Mexico.

We found Emilito's clothes inside the van.

The same clothes he was wearing when he went missing.

Take it to the lab to get analyzed.


<i> No, ma'am.</i>

<i>The cops are running in circles.</i>

<i> The investigation</i> <i> is at a standstill</i>

<i> and we've yet to hear any news</i> <i> on my grandson.</i>

<i> As you may understand,</i> <i> we're very worried.</i>

<i> That's why we're offering</i> <i> a $50,000 reward...</i>

<i> to anyone with information</i> <i> that'll help us find him.</i>

I'll get it.

No. Let Aurora answer.


<i> Hello! </i>

<i> I have information</i> <i> that might help you.</i>

<i> I saw a kid dressed just like</i> <i> the one on the poster</i>

<i> at a house in Sonoma.</i>


-Do you have the address? -Paper!


What do we do now, though?

Should we go there or call Susan?

I'll get him.

Yes, let's go.

What if they're armed or aren't there anymore?

Aurora, Mom's right. We should alert Susan.

Screw Susan. Let's go get my grandson.



In Saint Helena?


Emilito was seen in Saint Helena.

Hold on.

Sonoma and Saint Helena are in opposite locations.

Doesn't matter, sweetie.

We can split up and cover both areas.



Emilito was seen here in Napa. On Jefferson Street!

It can't be! He must be lying.

Let's split up.

Susan. We have news.

We got calls from Sonoma, Saint Helena,

and Jefferson Street in Napa where my son's been spotted.

Yes, and they're going to keep calling you

with supposed sightings...

but I doubt you'll find him that way.

Oh, God. Susan, how can you say that?

We found the vehicle used to take him out of the county.

His clothes were inside,

the ones he was wearing that day.

Oh, Lord.

My God. No...



What, Mom? What is it?


"We have your son.

If you tell the police, you'll never see him again."

"We'll keep in touch through this cell phone.

No cops or we'll kill the boy."

It's Susan.


How are you, Mercedes?

Good, thanks.


I came to drop off the clothes we found in the van

as well as inquire about any calls you've received.

Anything worthwhile?

No, not really.

Everyone keeps saying the same things

in hopes of getting the reward...

but I'd like to think most acted in good faith.

That's it?


Last night was awful.

Aren't you going to answer?

Yes. Excuse me.

Susan, I'd offer you some coffee,

but if people see the squad car they'll start bugging us.

You know, the press.

Thanks for your help. I'll see you out now.


<i>-Have you spoken to the police?</i> -No.

Where's my son?

<i> Not so fast.</i> <i> If you want to see him again,</i>

<i> you'll have to fork over</i> <i> way more than $50,000.</i>

<i> -I want $500,000. </i> -$500,000?

<i> Is that too steep</i> <i> for your son's life?</i>

No. It's fine.

<i> I'll give you a few hours</i> <i> to scrounge up the money.</i>

<i> Then I'll call back</i> <i> with further instructions.</i>

Hello? Please don't hang up.

This is Emilio's father. How do we know you have him?

We won't give you a single dollar

until we know you really have our son.

<i> Oh, that's easy.</i>

<i> Head to the park with</i> <i> the big fountain downtown.</i>

<i> Take the running path</i> <i> down to the white benches.</i>

There's nothing!

<i> Stop at the second bench</i> <i> and look there.</i>

I found something!

Emilio's cross.

He called from a private number, so it never registered.

They're asking for too much money.

We don't have that kind of cash.


I'll sell it all for him!

Don't worry. I'll handle the money.

<i> The number you have reached...</i>

------- it.

Negron's fallen off the face of the earth!

Roberto, I'm going to his office.

You head to the winery. Bring all the cash we have.


Excuse me.

Lord, please protect him...


Has Negron called?

His office was closed and his house was empty.

Even the dog is gone!

I searched my files

and I can't find my Panama account papers

so I can't transfer money.

-You know anything about that? -No.

You kept me out of it

and put Leonardo in charge of the winery.

That money can't be lost now that we need it so much.

I took the cash from the safe

and it only totals to just $15,000.

------- it.

Negron's disappeared...

and I think he took all the money from my Panama account.

Well, at least we have $150,000.

We're still missing Roberto's money.

How much do you have in your account?

Not much, but there's no time...

-Let's check at least. -It won't add up.

Check your account.

See? $150,000!

We'll have more than half!

Yes, but the police is probably monitoring my account.

If I withdraw all of it, it'll draw attention.

Well, do it quick.

The kidnapper could call at any moment and we need that money.

Right, but we still don't have enough.

I'll get that money if it's the last thing I do.

I'm really glad you're okay.

Quit getting yourself into so much trouble.

You keep scaring us.

Only the good die young.

You should be used to that by now.

-Aurora. -Thanks, Paco.

I need your help.

They've asked for a ransom and we're still short $200,000.

Don't worry. We can check our accounts.

Our winery accounts, too. There must be something.

I promise I'll pay you back, Natalia.

I know, but I'm not sure we have that much money.

Don't worry.

Please be discrete about this.

We're doing this behind the police's back.

My son's life is at stake.

Don't worry.

I'll give you whatever I have.

I could ask Sandoval

for an advance on Small New Wine sales.

The Montiels don't have enough money, either.

Oh, God!

How is my son?

<i> Do you have the money?</i>

Yes, I'll have it. Where do I take it?



You told him you had all the money?

Are you insane?

You should've negotiated the amount

or the time.

What's there to negotiate? He has our son!

I brought the rest of the money.

We have the full amount now. Let's take it.

-I'll come with you. -No way.

You endangered my son's life once.

You won't do it again.

He only wants to help!

Sweetie, it's best he stays home

so as to not cause more trouble.

Let's go.

Come on.

Something wrong?

Everything's wrong.

Don't worry.

I'm just freaking out over the kidnapping.

Tell Mike to come in.


-Paco. -Hey, Mike.

Excuse me.

Paco, I won't take up much of your time.

I know you're all worried about Aurora's son's kidnapping...

but I had to inform you of this.

She quit?

About time.

What's happening, Mike?

Everything's crumbling and it's all my fault.

I don't want to say I told you so, but I did.

I told you many times.

You knew you shouldn't have been with Paloma,

yet you two kept going.

I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

Pass the bag.

No, you stay here.

Roberto, you take it.

-I don't think I should. -What's wrong with you?

Don't be a coward!

It's your son

we're talking about! Give me that.

Aurora, I think we should call the police.

Of course not! Our son's life is at stake.

We aren't calling anyone.

What if it's a trap? We can't just hand over

-all that money. -What if it isn't one?

Come on. Let's go.

For more infomation >> Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 57 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:51.


Hermanos acusados de fabricar explosivos estarían vinculados con la amenaza de un estudiante - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Hermanos acusados de fabricar explosivos estarían vinculados con la amenaza de un estudiante - Duration: 1:59.


Engaño por conveniencia | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 17:41.

For more infomation >> Engaño por conveniencia | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 17:41.


Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 75 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:23.



<i> Today, we will destroy</i> <i> Indio's ranch</i>

<i> and kill every last one</i> <i> of his men.</i>

We must evacuate immediately.

The Acero-Quintanillas are about to breach the ranch.

They've brought a small army with them.

<i> If we're having guests,</i>

<i> then lets welcome them</i> <i> with this little toy.</i>

You're in charge.

Get all the money from the cache.

I'm glad I found you.

We have some unfinished business, huh?

That's how it's done. Good job, guys.

You're all getting a raise. Take these off.

We don't have the keys, sir.

It's dangerous.

-Let's get you out of here. -Dangerous?

I'm Rooster Quintanilla. Don't mistake me for any mayor.

Get this ---- off me.

I like the danger and we have lots to do here.

Got it.

Move it, Chavita!

If you're going to kill me, do it right here.

You know who I am. I'll never forget your face.

You know why I'm here.

We have some scores to settle, don't we?

Yeah, we go back, don't we?

Acero's kid showed up out of nowhere.

I'm going to take him out.

Teca will make me his right hand man if I kill Acero's son.

I was going to kill you on that day, but I couldn't.

You won't get to kill me today either.

Come at me, -------! Like a man, damn it!

Come at me!

Don't burn Thugsy's things.

I thought I'd be able to forgive him...

but it's just too hard, you know?

I've decided to be a part of this world

and I have to surround myself with people I can trust.

People who bring you peace.

If either one of you bitches betray me,

I'll burn everything, right down to your underwear!

This is everything I've gathered for your case.

I've been hard at work, but it doesn't look good.

I can see circles under your eyes.

The worst part is, they want to keep you here

until a trial date is set... you know what that means.


The governor has it out for you.

Please stop.



We know what to do when faced with a case like this one.

We wait. That's all we can do.

We'll wait for me to be sentenced

to a few years behind bars. My word is worthless!

Don't say that.

We have the evidence, recordings, footage.

Did it do any good? It didn't!

Oh, Leonor.

My son Diego has given me the strength

to withstand my two months here.

I think back on the small things.

Like kissing his nose before tucking him in at night.

Or how he's watched 20,000 plus videos already.

How we argue about how he should turn his tablet off.

Dressing him while he's asleep so I can get him to school.

He doesn't eat broccoli.

I make him pancakes in whatever shape he wants.

He is my world.

He's all I think about.

You'll have him back.

You'll get to hold him, make him pancakes

and sign off on his homework.

You'll get to tuck him in every night.

Yes, I know I'll leave this prison

and I'll get back at the man who sent me here,

the person who separated me from my son.

I swear I will.

I can't fit more money in here, but we'll make do with this.

You've got nothing!

Neither do you!

Your last name is useless! You can't even fight like a man!

You saved Pepa even though he raped your wife.

You should've let him die!

You killed Begoña, ------! And her father!

It's not like I want Roscas to die.

I don't.

But right now I don't know who's good, bad, or who's who!

I don't even know who Mr. Romero really is.

-What's missing? <i> -We're all set, Mr. Romero.</i>

We have the speedboats and the men you requested.

Our men in Mexico are looking for Amaro Rodriguez.

We're also ready to send out a team

who will take you to a place that's safer

<i> and befitting of your stature.</i>

I'm going to stay here for a few days.

I'll make the most of this situation.

Keeping a low profile is what's best for me right now.

These bastards think they've dealt us a strong blow.

They'll let their guard down, and that's good for us.

Understood, Mr. Romero. We'll be ready.

Please tell my partner I'll contact him out soon.

I need him.

He's here, Mr. Romero.

He came as soon as he heard about the situation in Mexico.

Hey, man.

<i> It's nice to hear from you,</i> <i> Mr. President.</i>

Like always, I'm at your service, Mr. Romero.

Look! Tire tracks!

No way! This can't be!

No ------- way! This can't be!

That's Cardenas' body.

They probably lost control of the vehicle and ended up there.

We can't get down there.

I'll give word.

I won't believe they're dead until I see their bodies.

We have to recover their bodies to make sure it's really them.


We don't have enough bullets.

What? We have enough to take them out!

You'll alert the others, Amaro.

We always run that risk.

Those are Romero's people.

They're coming for us. Amaro, let's leave.

Let's take this opportunity to leave.

Come on.

Next time, -------------.

We haven't heard from Rooster or Chava.

Call them again.

<i> This is Salvador Acero.</i>



What's going on, Bebote? Is everyone with you?

Mrs. Victoria is on her way home with some paramilitaries.

<i> I haven't heard</i> <i> from anyone else.</i>


You said everyone was with you and to abort the mission.

-What happened? -I ------- trusted you, man!

I told everyone that we knew where they were.

Where are Chava, Rosario, and the kids?

Daniel? Daniel!


- ----! -That ---- is useless.

For Miriam!

You're a ------- rat, you bastard!

You worked for Teca, Indio. Who else have you worked for?

I work for myself, for the highest bidder, or your hot sis.

Don't talk about my sister!

What'd you do to Vicenta?

What's with all the talking?

I don't want the money anymore.

I want something else.

Vicenta's hot, but Debora was hotter.

It's a shame I had to blow her brains out.

Roscas was ordered to kill your kid, but he didn't.

Like us, he was just doing his job.

Besides, he's really digs you.

He's head over heels for you.

I'm sure Roscas didn't kill my son because he didn't want to,

because it felt wrong and that's why he saved his life.

That's not enough in this business, girls.

Do you know how much our lives are worth?

How many kilos of coke could our lives be worth?

Tell me.


Our lives are worthless.

I'm going to stay in this business,

but it's not because I want to be the queen

of the Tijuana Cartel or anything like that.

I'm staying because I have nowhere else to go.

No, sweetie.

It's okay. It doesn't have to be that way.

Some women in the business live very well

and they lack nothing.

Yes, and we're here for you through thick and thin.

I don't care about material things!

I don't care about any of that!

My back isn't even acting up!

I live for my son.

That's all.

It hurts so much!

I'm so pissed!


You killed Miguelito's mother, ------!

You're going to pay for shedding my family's blood!

You killed a lot of my brothers!

You have to pay for that!

You won't get away this time!

I'm going to kill you with your own gun.

You deserve it, ------------.

I hope you said your goodbyes.

Damn those Aceros!

They really did us in, damn it!

I feel like shooting the first person I see

to blow off some steam.

What's that?



Hold on.

It's Lumbre! Stop.


What's wrong, Lumbre? What's going on?

They took the ranch. You can't go.

It's a bloodbath.

Yeah, they told us.

But we have to get money, weapons

or anything we can salvage to get back on our feet.

Azuceno's over there handling that.

Should we go get him?

Or should we tell him to meet us?

Damn that slowpoke Azuceno!

I feel like leaving him so he'll rot in that hell.


Drop that.

You think I'm going to listen to you, man?

No, I'm on my way out.

Your people are fine.

Jose Angel!

-Jose Angel, don't. -Forget it, Rosario.

Everything's in motion. There's no stopping this now.

Leave the bags and you get to walk out alive.

-Got it? -You got it. Just chill.


Everything's on the floor.

It's all over now...


-Chayo, let's go. -Where to?

You're not going anywhere!

You started it. Let's finish it!


For more infomation >> Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 75 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:23.


Sismo de magnitud 7.2 con epicentro en Oaxaca se sintió en cinco estados de México - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Sismo de magnitud 7.2 con epicentro en Oaxaca se sintió en cinco estados de México - Duration: 1:47.


José José | Capítulo 25 | Telemundo - Duration: 17:12.

It's a boy!

It isn't yours.

You thought I'd let a loser like you get me pregnant?

She planned everything.

The robbery, the beating...

It was Minerva.

Minerva Lopez is hereby detained.

I didn't do anything! I swear!

Not only is she a traitor, she's a thief and a murderer!

-Officers! -Let me go!

I want to die...

I don't drink.

Oh, Chumo. One drink won't hurt.

Do it for me.

Is something wrong with Chumo?

<i> No, Juanita.</i>

I haven't heard from him, though.

He gets so into his work, he forgets to eat sometimes.

Cheers to getting plastered one last time.


No, Chumo! Hold on!

Chumo's disappeared.

It can't be.

Let's go on our trip.

I can't go. Not with Chumo missing.

Fine. I'll go alone.

I'm worried about Chumo.

Honey, what will it take to get an exclusive?

What'd you say?

No, that's not true!

Chumo can't be dead.

What? What car?

That's not true!

Dead? He's dead!

That's not true!

I'm going to catch you! Come here!



What happened?

Did something happen?

Yes, Juanita.

What happened, Negra?



God, no! Please!

It can't be, Negra!

Chumo's like another son to me!

You know how much we care about him.

I can't believe this.

It's true, Margara.

Our Chumo's gone.

Be strong, Negra. Be strong!

Hey Mom, can I borrow some money...?


You ready?


I'm good at giving massages.

You have talented hands.

No, honey!

You promised.

Don't answer.

It could be your family, or mine.


Hey, Pepe.

What's up, Gonzalo? How are you?

Everything alright?

No, bro.

It's Chumo. He was in a car accident.

He didn't make it.

What do you mean he didn't make it?

He's dead, Pepe.


This is a bad joke, right, Gonzalo.

No, Pepe.

I'd never lie about something like this.

<i> Negra just called Mom,</i> <i> who asked me to call you.</i>

<i> He's gone, Pepe.</i>

No. Not Chumo.

Not Chumo! My brother.

<i> I know. </i>

I know you really loved him, man.

I'm really sorry.

I don't believe it.

Tell him we're going to Cordoba.

Hey, Pepe. Mom wants to go see Negra.

I'm going with her.

What happened, honey?

My brother's dead! Chumo...!

Minerva Lopez. Someone's been naughty.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You're accused of being the mastermind of a murder

as well as stealing from the Sosas.

Said accusations were brought to light

during Esteban "Guero" Milan's interrogation.

-You mean Negro. -So you know him.

Look, Rodolfo deserved that for beating his wife.

I had nothing to do with it, though.

What about the accusations of theft

brought upon by your boyfriend Negro?

He made all that up.

So you wouldn't mind if the judge issued a search warrant

for us to search your room in Claveria.

You know what? You're an idiot.

You're a pig just like every other cop!

You're all the same!

You know what? I'm innocent!

I'm getting out of here!

No one keeps me against my will!

Especially not in this pigsty!

Let go! Get lost!


She was taken handcuffed.

I think it's something called hospital custody.

They say she's going to spend a lot of time in prison.

I can't believe it.

There's no easy way to break this.

Chumo's dead.

But... how? What happened?

A car accident. He was driving.

Something along those lines.

Oh, Lord...

Honey, our flight to Mexico City leaves in an hour

and then we're flying to Cordoba.

Darling, I don't want to see you upset.

I know we came here to detox,

but a drink will help you relax.

Grant us, Lord... your mercy.

May he bask in your light,

where there is no suffering or death.

Jesus Christ, our Lord... Amen.

My brother... my Chumo!

You killed him!

It's your fault he's no longer with us!

Look at these poor children.

They're fatherless now because of you!

You killed Chumo...

and I hope it weighs on your conscience

every day of your life!

No, Jose...


Are you Minerva Lopez?

I assume you're aware of your legal situation.

Well, then.

There are decisions you need to make regarding your son.

Your son has three options.

He can be taken in by Child Services,

be given up for adoption, or go to a close family member.

His father's in prison and he's facing a long sentence.

Well, in that case...

the best option is to give him up for adoption.

"On Sundays: A Date With the Greats."

I hope your brother doesn't start drinking again

because of this.

Haven't you taken enough pills, Gonzalo?

It's part of my treatment, Mom.

The doctor prescribed them.

<i> Dear friends,</i> <i> today is a very special day.</i>

<i> Just like every Sunday, </i>

we'll have our country's greatest musical stars

grace our stage to delight your ears

and offer you a fun-filled Sunday.


You're a masochist alright.

Why do you do this?

Why hurt yourself by watching his show?


Admiring a person's work and talent isn't masochistic.

A person's work and talent?

You don't even like Spanish-language music!

I like Jose Jose's music, though.

That by any other name is still...

It's starting!

<i> Today is extra special </i>

because we're welcoming a talented young man

who was practically a boy when he first graced our stage.

Now he's one of our country's greatest stars!

That's right.

Jose Jose, please come on down.

Thank you, Godfather. Thank you very much.

Big thanks to the audience.

I regret to inform you that Raul Ortiz,

also known as Chumo to all those who loved him...

<i> passed away a few days ago</i> <i> in a car accident.</i>


<i> My sincerest condolences,</i> <i> Pepe.</i>

Raul Ortiz was my manager and my friend...

and it's thanks to him I'm standing here.

But more than my friend, he was my brother.

Chumo? No!

<i> He was my confidant.</i>

<i> He always believed</i> <i> in me.</i>

How come no one told me?

Chumo was my friend!

I'm sure that witch Kiki had something to do with it.

Pepe isn't like this.

He isn't.

Pepe's a generous man.

Just look.

He's paying tribute to his friend on national TV.

Not many people would do that.

My dear Jose, I hope you find solace

from the immense pain you're currently feeling.

Thank you, Godfather. I hope so too.

This song's for you, brother.

For the care and respect I feel for you...

and above all, for the brotherly love.

This song also goes out to my dear fans.

He was such a happy man.

Raul "Chumo" Ortiz.


He came into my life like a beam of brotherly love.

Things are finally working out for us.

Thanks to your voice.

He taught me so much.

He was such a gentleman. So educated, so joyful...

He was a hard worker who lived for his career.

He was such a special person.

Only God knows why He called him to heaven so quickly

at such a young age and so soon.

How could I have been so ignorant?

Why'd I make him start drinking?

It was an accident! You know that.

It wasn't an accident, Pedro.

He wouldn't have died if I hadn't pushed him to drink.

Honey, please!

You didn't know he was an alcoholic.

That doesn't make me any less responsible for his death.

My brother shouldn't have died.

Chumo was my best friend.

You understand that, right?

Pepe, no!

This is what killed him.

I'll carry this with me the rest of my life.

For more infomation >> José José | Capítulo 25 | Telemundo - Duration: 17:12.


Kenwood TK-D240, VHF analógico y DMR - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Kenwood TK-D240, VHF analógico y DMR - Duration: 7:11.


BRUDER TOYS 2018 Tractor Truck NEWS unboxing | Video for kids - Duration: 11:24.

Bruder news 2018 | Bruder truck | Toy tractor | Video for Kids | World of toys channel

For more infomation >> BRUDER TOYS 2018 Tractor Truck NEWS unboxing | Video for kids - Duration: 11:24.


Pourquoi Domi­nique Besne­hard a retiré son message de soutien à Laura Smet -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi Domi­nique Besne­hard a retiré son message de soutien à Laura Smet -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:38.


Johnny Hally­day aurait donné 300 000 euros à David lors de ses ennuis - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Johnny Hally­day aurait donné 300 000 euros à David lors de ses ennuis - Duration: 3:42.


McDonald '【Happy meal】 I tried playing with Snoopy and Jijiro' s unique toy - Duration: 7:51.

Yes! I bought it.

Oh no! It's McDonald's that I'm looking forward to!

Is this my? Is this my? What?

Because I do not know

Ooooo! this is!!

I'm so happy!

Shall we eat? Yup

Let us eat

 that? lost! !

Did anyone eat?

older sister! There is a Happy Meal toy on top

Even on top of the hay ... Uhufu

Ah! there were.

(Thank you for attending my farce)

Ayahaya channel

Good afternoon everybody! Ayahaya Aya is a channel

It is noisy.

Subscribe thanking you

I bought Happy Meal at McDonald's today and I will introduce you.

This Happy Meal Toy

Shimeji! & Snoopy are two kinds

Which would you like to buy? I was worried I bought two as usual

Mom wished Snoopy was good when he saw a toy

Because the goods which can be got by weekends only seemed to be good I decided to buy two kinds

let's! Try it! !

Well then,open the direction of Shizzuru

Ah! He who I wanted

Shizuro's Restaurant Card Menu books and menu cards are inside

"To those with the color of Shimajiro Turn it over and set it! "

What do you mean?

"Play with the same place as the color of the menu card"

This is the principle of diet (3 major nutrients)

I place red ones in red

So,what was green?


Yes Yes! Green becomes vegetables

Hayaya,did you want this?

This is to remember firmly and eat it


Japanese cuisine

It's not Japanese cuisine

Well,it is said to be a carbohydrate Noodles or rice or something

I will eat "I will ship it!"

Pakpaku Pakpaku (Munugu Munugu)

There was an answer in such a place

Ah! After all it is a carbohydrate


Protein,vitamin with vegetables

This is fish or something. And this is rice,noodles,etc.

"Let's go dusk of Shizukuro"

Mutsu no Mutsu (About) that is about to accompany It is said that they will tie together together while watching

Ah! This seems easy

Aya has not tied his shoes yet


It is likely to be practice

Finally a butterfly knot

hate! !

Aya says,"Please practice poor weaning ties" It will be a toy called

Moreover,I can hang on my bag

Ah! I have a face of Shizzuru

Did you tie Aya?

I can not tie it. Something's going to be strange

What is this?

that? I am looking at the instructions!

Next will be towards Snoopy here you go!

Ah ah what's this?

It seems they have not suffered

Haya people say "Shine! Beagle Scout"

I will shine! !

Is it a switch here?

Yup. Try pressing ON · OFF

Aya glowed shining! Mommy> Shining?

It shines brightly.

Other than that,just like a while ago "You can hang on your bag"

it's true is not it. I was asking you to multiply here.

Aya got a gift (a toy) It is called Flying Ace of Snoopy

It seems to move if you move it back and forth by hand

It is said that it can be hanging on a bag as well

What shape is this! What?


It's a bone. cute

Is the direction of the house a house shape? Like the roof of the house ...

Darling GO! Who will be number one

(Laughing without moving) Who will be number one. (Aya:Stop it ....)

Wait a minute! (Impatient Mom)

Can you see the neck moves?

Wow subtle

Aya Haya who struggles fighting hard

Basically this toy has many specifications that I can carry around

When you go buy on this weekend,please add more There are gifts you can give

When you buy a snoopy person You can get this seal book

Seal collaborated with Snoopy It seems I could get a lot of it


Those who do not have a "challenge" DVD

DVD is good,is not it. You can see it even while you are out,you can also see it at home.

What is it like? Dance · English · Challenge · Hiragana There are lots of stuff

Actually I'd like to see with you guys

Ayahaya will have fun later

Toy plus α Saturday-and-part limited toys want I can get it tomorrow,too.

you can get Yes. I will still receive it,so please go if you want it

Good movie with this video Subscribe thanking you

Thank you for your consideration.

I will upload a video tomorrow,too.

Thank you for seeing it to the end.

Subscribe to this video if you like Good button,thank you.

Thank you

There are lots of other videos as well.

For more infomation >> McDonald '【Happy meal】 I tried playing with Snoopy and Jijiro' s unique toy - Duration: 7:51.


The Ministry of Health recommends 4 ways to choose candy to avoid poisoning Tet - Duration: 3:43.

Health Network, For Public Health

Hi, you are listening to audio on website

The Ministry of Health recommends 4 ways to choose candy to avoid poisoning Tet

The Food Safety Agency recommends that consumers also be cautious about eye-catching foods, as they may contain harmful coloring or additives.

Due to the demand for food during the Tet holidays, especially for essential food items such as meat, nuts, sweets, confectionery, alcohol, beverages and so on,

Tet market is always the opportunity for counterfeit goods, imitation goods, poor quality goods circulating traffic fool the consumer.

Therefore, the Department of Food Safety, Ministry of Health said the recommendation, consumers should be careful when choosing to buy and use food to protect the health, for themselves and their families.

The basic rule is to choose foods of provenance, dates of manufacture, shelf life, labeled information, not bad mold, and bad odor.

Consumers should also be very cautious with eye-catching foods, as these products may contain coloring additives that are harmful to health.

And importantly, people should actively cooperate with the authorities

When detecting suspected counterfeit or fake foods as well as food production, processing or trading establishments failing to ensure food safety

To authorities, such as market management agencies, Department of Industry and Commerce, commune authorities, etc., to take measures to check, monitor and timely prevent.

People should be wary of the eye candy. Artwork.

Confectionery is in the list of common food, must meet the conditions of food safety.

In particular, the products, when circulated on the market, must be declared in conformity with the food safety regulations at competent medical agencies.

So, when choosing to buy candy during the Lunar New Year we should:

To buy confectionery products that have been declared conforming to food safety regulations, see on the labeled labels:ordinal number / year of granting YT, abbreviated name of province or city-enterprise.

Selection of confectionery of prestigious brands, origin of clear origin, avoid buying the imitation of designs, trademarks.

Observe carefully the information on the confectionery packaging, place of manufacture, date of manufacture, expiration date, ingredients, how to preserve the product.

Buy a gift basket to note the quality of the candy inside, should choose the candy and then ask the owner to put a gift basket.

To welcome the New Year, to ensure health for themselves and the whole family

Every citizen should pay attention to buying and using food at fixed premises, clear and reputable addresses, being allowed to trade in food, implementing regulations on business conditions food sales.


The content of this post is ending, you have questions, questions please share the comments below this article.

Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.

Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

For more infomation >> The Ministry of Health recommends 4 ways to choose candy to avoid poisoning Tet - Duration: 3:43.


BAĞLAMA DUASI - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> BAĞLAMA DUASI - Duration: 3:32.


Diriliş Ertuğrul 107.Bölüm 3.Fragman - Noyan Geri Dönüyor - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Diriliş Ertuğrul 107.Bölüm 3.Fragman - Noyan Geri Dönüyor - Duration: 0:30.


El emotivo mensaje del marido de Débora Pérez Volpin - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> El emotivo mensaje del marido de Débora Pérez Volpin - Duration: 3:35.


Baby Shark - Wake Up and M...

For more infomation >> Baby Shark - Wake Up and M...


Shuvo Jonmodin Baha'u'llah - Baha'i song in Bangla (Subtitles) - Duration: 3:18.

Earth is illumined with Your coming,

we woke up after darkness of night,

Darkness vanished with Your coming

Mankind is one, Earth is their country.

Women found right from your words,

Mothers will be literate is your promise

No more national dispute, no more fighting

Peaceful earth is your teaching.

Happy birthday.Baha'ullah

Happy birthday.

You came, O great noble,

You declared His coming,

He is Glory of God, the Great Messenger,

Brought new era of world unity.

He is Glory of God,

Hope of the World,

All expectations are fulfilled today,

Our lives are dedicated for You,

Always shower us with Your blessings

Happy birthday, Great Ba'b

Happy birthday.

Happy birthday.Baha'ullah

Happy birthday.

For more infomation >> Shuvo Jonmodin Baha'u'llah - Baha'i song in Bangla (Subtitles) - Duration: 3:18.


Did you just throw my M&M? - Duration: 0:09.

there's an *RACCCEEEE*


For more infomation >> Did you just throw my M&M? - Duration: 0:09.


Valentine's day??? - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> Valentine's day??? - Duration: 7:19.


How to Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes - Skin Care Routine in Urdu - Duration: 10:39.

How to Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes - Skin Care Routine in Urdu

For more infomation >> How to Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes - Skin Care Routine in Urdu - Duration: 10:39.


Opel Astra INNOVATION 1.0T 105PK | NAVI | 18" | AGR | CAMERA - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra INNOVATION 1.0T 105PK | NAVI | 18" | AGR | CAMERA - Duration: 0:57.


How to install White Board Animation Software Free | Video Scribe | Best for making YouTube Videos | - Duration: 4:01.

Smash that Subscribe Button to Subscribe!

Software or Crack link are given in description!

Download the software or crack i already downloaded follow the step to install and crack

Install the software don't launch it if launch automatically close it!

Now copy the other file and paste it into installation directory!

now software is crack you can use it now by following steps shown in videos

For more infomation >> How to install White Board Animation Software Free | Video Scribe | Best for making YouTube Videos | - Duration: 4:01.


{AMV-Yêu Một Người Có Lẽ} _ Hoàng Ngân Channel - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> {AMV-Yêu Một Người Có Lẽ} _ Hoàng Ngân Channel - Duration: 4:11.


How to Remove Facial Hairs Easily - Skin Care Routine in Urdu - Duration: 10:54.

How to Remove Facial Hairs Easily - Skin Care Routine in Urdu

For more infomation >> How to Remove Facial Hairs Easily - Skin Care Routine in Urdu - Duration: 10:54.


Opel ADAM 1.2 Rocks ** IntelliLink, Climate, Apple CarPlay ** - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Opel ADAM 1.2 Rocks ** IntelliLink, Climate, Apple CarPlay ** - Duration: 1:00.


Opel Corsa 5drs 1.0 Turbo 90pk Online Edition | 17 inch - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 5drs 1.0 Turbo 90pk Online Edition | 17 inch - Duration: 0:59.


Opel Astra 1.4 TURBO Edition 140PK 5drs ** Navi, AGR Stoelen, LMV ** - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.4 TURBO Edition 140PK 5drs ** Navi, AGR Stoelen, LMV ** - Duration: 1:03.


American GIrl Doll

For more infomation >> American GIrl Doll


I made a contract with Naver Trip+ - Duration: 8:15.

I have something to tell.

And, to me, this is more important thing anything else so far.

I'm gunna tell you 3 things.

Let me do this real quick.

A month ago, I got a contact from a company that operates 'Trip' tab of Naver front page,

and had a meeting.

You see there are different tabs on Naver page.

News, entertainment, sports, cars... you know what I mean?

And here, there's 'Trip' tab.

This is like a daily magazine.

Trip+ was looking for creators.

There was one PD who was my subscriber,

and he contacted me.

Now it a month passed since then so I'm really calm,

but it was really my honor and excitement.

Now I can't write properly 'cuz my hand is hurt.

Trip+ needed creators,

and me, a creator, needed a stage.

Now I already have a stage called 'Youtube',

but if I get to have a different stage with different character,

I thought I'd be able to make different videos fitting to that.

But to see if I Trip+ fit to me,

and also if I really can contribute to them,

we tried putting one of my videos on their page.

That was 'Louisa video'.

These are videos of Trip+.

If you arrange them by view counts, my video is number 2.

And by 'like' counts, it's the first.

Youtube has a trending page, you know,

and NAVER TV also has the real-time chart.

There's 'life' category there, and this video...

After being exposed on the front page,

it ranked no. 1 on that 'Life' section chart.

I'm really thankful to Lousia above all.

I could tell that special story thanks to the help of Louisa that day,

and people who knew about this ran to the Naver TV video

and left comments to support me.

And all of those became huge helps to me.

Thank you so much.

As a result,

yeah, my new series is coming up on Naver Trip+.

It's once a week,

and the first episode will come out on Wednesday, Feb 28.

The channel trailer will come out earlier than that,

and actually that's already made and uploaded in advance.

We're still getting ready for many things like the channel art and logo, but...

for the trailer, I requested them to upload it in advance.

I tried to ask them because...

I wanted you to check out the trailer right after this video.

I won't be make a spoiler by telling what the channel is about.

Hope you watch it after this video.

I was hurt a while ago.

Sorry, it might not be clean to watch.

Did you watch the movie, 'The Truman Show'?

I've felt my channel is like the Truman Show in many aspects.

You know what my most personal stuff to reveal to people is?

It's the fact that I'm on the age to get a job but ignoring all I've prepared for,

and trying to walk on my way.

Revealing this to people is really embrarassing to me, because...

I'm naturally a person who doesn't tell this kinda stuff even to my friends.

It's my personality.

But from last year, I sort of promoted this aspect of me on the Youtube world,

and made videos to make people around world to watch me.

This is a personal thing, but the theme story of Mickey Seo channel that I wanted.

And this channel was for those who try to listen to their genuine inner voices.

But I know some people are not satisfied.

For some, it's only important to check out the updates of Mandy,

and for others, they subscribed just to see 'foreigner stories',

but unhappy because it's not consistently about foreigners.

The foreigner stories was the main part of my stories so far,

and maybe it'll be in the future, too.

But I can't really tell what it's gunna be about for sure,

because this is the Micman Show.

This is not a processed series.

This is 100% a story of a person trying to overcome his paradox and problems.

Of course, there'll be foreigners in this channel.

Whether it is foreigners or aliens,

as long as I want it, I'll be shooting with them.

But only when I want.

But the videos I'm gunna make for Trip+ is more like 'planned series'.

It's a little different from my channel.

Of course, I'm not gunna put away the genuine vibe of my videos,

but in that Naver TV channel,

I'll be focusing on the stories of foreigners and cultural exchanges,

which are the ones that most of my audience really loved so far.

So if you've waited for that type of videos from me,

I really hope it could be a good news for you.

And I'll try hard for that.

Then what happens to Mickey Seo channel?


That's my no. 1 priority.

No. 1

No.1, no matter what I do later on.

It'll always be my no.1 priority.

This is a place I'm doing new experiments with my videos,

and a place to communicate with you,

and my first portfolio to come up with better and better videos.

This is my no.1 principle to keep Youtubing, and it won't change.

'Maverick' once used to be my nickname.

This refers to a person who has an independent color not belonging to anywhere.

I was making a musical when others were joining musical clubs,

I went to bed when others were staying overnight for the exams,

and when others are seeking for jobs I'm doing this crazy thing.

I just had to do in my own ways no matter what they were.

I wanna be a filmmaker who makes videos that have never existed.

It's like a TV show but you've never seen it on TV,

and it's like a movie, but it's different from the movies in theaters,

and it's like a documentary, but it's not the type of one they you used to know.

I know I have a long way to go,

but that's the ultimate goal that I'm looking forward to.

So putting videos on Trip+ is a really meaningful to me, as a video maker, not just as a Youtuber.

Now I'm telling stories in different place in a different way,

And I hope I can show up in more places later on.

I'd like to give you new fun and inspirations with the videos I'll make for Naver Trip+.

And happy new year!

For more infomation >> I made a contract with Naver Trip+ - Duration: 8:15.


I Don't Like Showers - Duration: 4:25.

I really don't like showers

cut-away: (Bawling in shower water pelting at my face) Why must I subject myself to this


Hygeine is an illusion!

I have over 100 trillion micro-organisms currently living in or on my body!


Huh, that wasn't actually too bad.

I feel better now.

I can mostly attribute this to my chronic, episodic mental illness which has at times

rendered the act of showering impossible to me for no visible reason.

In aged care, there's something that is referred to as the eight "Activities of

Daily Living", and the eight "Independent Activities of Daily Living" that are used

to assess the level of function a person has.

I'll put them up on the screen here.

Now, you can see how if you apply these to assessing the functioning of a young person

with an invisible illness, the lines can get blurred.

There are things on this list that I, as a younger adolescent, never did (see maintaining

your housekeeping).

In periods of un-wellness however, there is a difference between what I didn't do and

what I couldn't do.

In the history of my invisible illness, a combination of all of the above have been


(Yay for living with family that loves and supports you and will help you with your meds

when you can't get out of bed!)

And that's why I hate them.

Because I learned to see the shower as an inaccessible enemy that I must struggle with

but never defeat.

Left alone in the glass prism with my thoughts, water being pelted at my one day corpse, I

will emerge victorious- clean- liberated.

Only to turn around and realise the fucker is going to whoop my ass the very next consecutive


It was, and still is, a nightmare.

I am currently employing a strategy of avoidance.

It involves changing clothes as often as possible, deodorant, make-up removal wipes, dive bombing

into the farm lake (which probably does more harm than good as the bottom is mud) and sleeping


For now, this is working fine for me.

I'm enjoying my new live living on a farm

side to camera follow my dostagram @briannakatemitchell if you'd like to see more on that note WINK

But I am officially in the shit because I just got a job.

zoom in camera zoom In closer to dun dun DUN music


My one saving grace is it is only a casual position.

I don't know how well I'm going to do at this.

I haven't REGULARLY showered in ….

Crickets *…*

cutaway to scrolling through iCalendar ….it would have been before that….


cut back to me- staring at camera with doe eyes


So its been a while.

But you know, I can do this.

I got a gold star.

For a drawing I did of a dolphin.

When I was seven.

It's all in the mind.

Literally, cause that's where my brain is and that's where my mental illness resides.

So, we'll see.

I'm not pressuring myself to do anything drastic.

Just meet like basic social standards.

Like conforming to society's expectations has ever been an issue for me?

cutaway Two of me, one filing nails, one watching

computer slouched and "There she goes with the existentialist

banter to distract from her lack of personal hygiene."

"Sigh, eeevery time" cutback

My name is Brianna This has been disgustingly introspective

Please send me money I'll use it to buy soap.

For more infomation >> I Don't Like Showers - Duration: 4:25.


Valentines Day Special | 10 Couples Song | Nursery Rhymes for Kids Children I Hippy Hoppy Show - Duration: 27:09.

Skidamarink a dink a dink skidamarink a doo, I love you.

Skidamarink a dink a dink skidamarink a doo, I love you.

I love you in the morning and in the afternoon,

I love you in the evening and underneath the moon.

Oh! Skidamarink a dink a dink skidamarink a doo, I love you.

Skidamarink a dink a dink skidamarink a doo, I love you.

Skidamarink a dink a dink skidamarink a doo, I love you.

I love you in the morning and in the afternoon,

I love you in the evening and underneath the moon.

Oh! Skidamarink a dink a dink skidamarink a doo, I love you.

Skidamarink a dink a dink skidamarink a doo, I love you.

Skidamarink a dink a dink skidamarink a doo, I love you.

I love you in the morning and in the afternoon,

I love you in the evening and underneath the moon.

Oh! Skidamarink a dink a dink skidamarink a doo, I love you.

Skip skip skip to my Lou,

skip skip skip to my Lou,

skip skip skip to my Lou,

skip to my Lou my darling.

Flies in the buttermilk shoo fly shoo,

flies in the buttermilk shoo fly shoo,

flies in the buttermilk shoo fly shoo,

skip to my Lou my darling.

Hey hey skip to my Lou,

hey hey skip to my Lou,

hey hey skip to my Lou,

skip to my Lou my darling.

Lost my partner what will I do,

lost my partner what will I do,

lost my partner what will I do,

skip to my Lou my darling.

Hey hey skip to my Lou,

hey hey skip to my Lou,

hey hey skip to my Lou,

skip to my Lou my darling.

I'll get another one just like you,

I'll get another one just like you,

I'll get another one just like you,

skip to my Lou my darling.

Lou Lou skip to my Lou,

Lou Lou skip to my Lou,

Lou Lou skip to my Lou,

skip to my Lou my darling.

Off to Texas two by two,

off to Texas two by two,

off to Texas two by two,

skip to my Lou my darling.

Bye bye skip to my Lou,

bye bye skip to my Lou,

bye bye skip to my Lou,

skip to my Lou my darling.

Skip skip skip to my Lou,

skip skip skip to my Lou,

skip skip skip to my Lou,

skip to my Lou my darling.

Oh, I went down South for to see my Sal, Sing Polly Wolly doodle all the day.

My Sal she is a spunky girl,

Sing Polly Wolly doodle all the day.

Fare thee well, fare thee well,

Fare thee well my fairy fay.

I'm going to Lousiana for to see my Sussyana,

Sing Polly Wolly doodle all the day.

Oh, my Sal she is a maiden fair,

Sing Polly Wolly doodle all the day.

With curly eyes and laughing hair,

Sing Polly Wolly doodle all the day.

Fare thee well, fare thee well,

Fare thee well my fairy fay.

I'm going to Lousiana for to see my Sussyana,

Sing Polly Wolly doodle all the day.

Behind the barn down on my knees,

Sing Polly Wolly doodle all the day.

I thought a chicken sneeze

Polly Wolly doodle all the day.

Fare thee well, fare thee well,

Fare thee well my fairy fay.

I'm going to Lousiana for to see my Sussyana,

Sing Polly Wolly doodle all the day.

a grasshopper said on a rail road track

Sing Polly Wolly doodle all the day.

picking his teeth, with a carpet tat

Sing Polly Wolly doodle all the day.

Fare thee well, fare thee well,

Fare thee well my fairy fay.

I'm going to Lousiana for to see my Sussyana,

Sing Polly Wolly doodle all the day.

Oh! I went to bed,But it wasn't any use,

Sing Polly Wolly Doodle all the day.

My feet stuck out,Like a chicken roost,

Sing Polly Wolly Doodle all the day.

Fare thee well, fare thee well,

Fare thee well my fairy fay.

I'm going to Lousiana for to see my Sussyana,

Sing Polly Wolly doodle all the day.

Fiddle dee dee fiddle dee dee,

The fly has married the bumble bee.

Fiddle dee dee fiddle dee dee,

The fly has married the bumble bee.

Says the fly says he, "will you marry me

And live with me sweet bumble bee?"

Fiddle dee dee fiddle dee dee,

The fly has married the bumble bee.

Fiddle dee dee fiddle dee dee,

The fly has married the bumble bee.

Fiddle dee dee fiddle dee dee,

The fly has married the bumble bee.

Fiddle dee dee fiddle dee dee,

The fly has married the bumble bee.

Says the bee says she, "I'll live under your wing

And you'll never know I carry a sting."

Fiddle dee dee fiddle dee dee,

The fly has married the bumble bee.

Fiddle dee dee fiddle dee dee,

The fly has married the bumble bee.

Fiddle dee dee fiddle dee dee,

The fly has married the bumble bee.

Fiddle dee dee fiddle dee dee,

The fly has married the bumble bee.

So when parson beetle had joined the pair,

They both took off to take the air.

Fiddle dee dee fiddle dee dee,

The fly has married the bumble bee.

Fiddle dee dee fiddle dee dee, The fly has married the bumble bee.

Fiddle dee dee fiddle dee dee,

The fly has married the bumble bee.

Fiddle dee dee fiddle dee dee,

The fly has married the bumble bee.

Oh the flies did buzz and the bells did ring,

Did you ever hear a merrier thing?

Fiddle dee dee fiddle dee dee,

The fly has married the bumble bee.

Fiddle dee dee fiddle dee dee,

The fly has married the bumble bee.

Wadaleeacha wadaleeacha doodle dee doo, doodle dee doo.

Wadaleeacha wadaleeacha doodle dee doo, doodle dee doo.

Simplest things there isn't much to it,

All you gotta do is doodle dee doo.

I like the rest of it but what I like best ,

Is doodle dee doo doo dee doo.

Wadaleeacha wadaleeacha doodle dee doo, doodle dee doo.

Wadaleeacha wadaleeacha doodle dee doo, doodle dee doo.

Simplest things there isn't much to it,

All you gotta do is doodle dee doo.

I like the rest of it but what I like best ,

Is doodle dee doo doo dee doo.

Wadaleeacha wadaleeacha doodle dee doo, doodle dee doo.

Wadaleeacha wadaleeacha doodle dee doo, doodle dee doo.

Simplest things there isn't much to it,

All you gotta do is doodle dee doo.

I like the rest of it but what I like best , Is doodle dee doo doo dee doo.

As I was walking down the street, down the street, down the street,

a very good friend I happened to meet,

Hi ho Hi ho Hi ho.

Rig a jig jig and away we go, away we go, away we go,

rig a jig jig and away we go, away we go, away we go,

Hi ho, Hi ho, Hi ho.

We clapped our hands and stomped our feet, stomped our feet, and stomped our feet,

we clapped our hands and stomped our feet,

Hi ho Hi ho Hi ho.

ready to take and where we go , when we go, where we go

ready to take and where we go

Hi ho Hi ho Hi ho.

We jumped up high and came back down, came back down, came back down,

we jumped up high and came back down,

Hi ho Hi ho Hi ho.

ready to take and where we go , when we go, where we go

ready to take and where we go

Hi ho Hi ho Hi ho.

We climbed on a train and tooted the horn, tooted the horn, tooted the horn,

we climbed on a train and tooted the horn,

Hi ho Hi ho Hi ho.

ready to take and where we go , when we go, where we go

ready to take and where we go

Hi ho Hi ho Hi ho.

Kissed my Ma and hugged my Pa, hugged my Pa, hugged my Pa,

kissed my Ma and hugged my Pa,

Hi ho Hi ho Hi ho."

ready to take and where we go , when we go, where we go

ready to take and where we go

Hi ho Hi ho Hi ho.

Here we go looby loo,

here we go looby light.

Here we go looby loo,

all on a Saturday night.

You put your right hand in,

you take your right hand out.

You give your hand a shake shake shake,

and turn yourself about.

Here we go looby loo,

here we go looby light.

Here we go looby loo,

all on a Saturday night.

You put your left hand in,

you take your left hand out.

You give your hand a shake shake shake,

and turn yourself about.

Here we go looby loo,

here we go looby light.

Here we go looby loo,

all on a Saturday night.

You put your right foot in,

you take your right foot out.

You give your foot a shake shake shake,

and turn yourself about.

Here we go looby loo,

here we go looby light.

Here we go looby loo,

all on a Saturday night.

You put your left foot in,

you take your left foot out.

You give your foot a shake shake shake,

and turn yourself about.

Here we go looby loo,

here we go looby light.

Here we go looby loo,

all on a Saturday night.

You put your whole self in,

you take your whole self out.

You give yourself a shake shake shake,

and turn yourself about.

Here we go looby loo,

here we go looby light.

Here we go looby loo,

all on a Saturday night.

Here we go looby loo,

here we go looby light.

Here we go looby loo,

all on a Saturday night.

Sally go round the sun,

Sally go round the moon,

Sally go round the chimney top

on a Saturday afternoon.

Sally go round the sun,

Sally go round the moon,

Sally go round the chimney top

on a Saturday afternoon.

Sally go round the sun,

Sally go round the moon,

Sally go round the chimney top

on a Saturday afternoon.

Sally go round the sun,

Sally go round the moon,

Sally go round the chimney top

on a Saturday afternoon. boom

Sally go round the sun,

Sally go round the moon,

Sally go round the chimney top

on a Saturday afternoon. boom

Sally go round the sun,

Sally go round the moon,

Sally go round the chimney top

on a every afternoon. boom

Sally go round the sun,

Sally go round the moon,

Sally go round the chimney top

on a every afternoon.

Yankee doodle went to town,

Riding on a pony.

Stuck a feather in his cap,

And called it Macaroni.

Yankee Doodle keep it up,

Yankee Doodle Dandy.

Mind the music and the step,

And with the girls be handy.

Father and I went down to camp,

Along with Captain Gooding.

There we saw the men and boys,

As thick as tasty pudding.

Yankee Doodle keep it up,

Yankee Doodle Dandy.

Mind the music and the step,

And with the girls be handy.

Yankee doodle went to town,

Riding on a pony.

Stuck a feather in his cap,

And called it Macaroni.

Yankee Doodle keep it up, Yankee Doodle Dandy.

Mind the music and the step,

And with the girls be handy.

Yankee doodle went to town,

Riding on a pony.

Stuck a feather in his cap,

And called it Macaroni.

Yankee Doodle keep it up,

Yankee Doodle Dandy.

Mind the music and the step,

And with the girls be handy.

Father and I went down to camp,

Along with Captain Gooding.

There we saw the men and boys,

As thick as tasty pudding.

Yankee Doodle keep it up,

Yankee Doodle Dandy.

Mind the music and the step,

And with the girls be handy.

Peter Peter Pumpkin eater,

had a wife but couldn't keep her.

Put her in a pumpkin shell,

there he kept her very well.

Put her in a pumpkin shell,

there he kept her very well.

Peter Peter Pumpkin eater,

had a wife but didn't love her.

Peter learned to read and spell,

and then he loved her very well.

Peter learned to read and spell,

and then he loved her very well.

Peter Peter Pumpkin eater,

had a wife but couldn't keep her.

Put her in a pumpkin shell,

there he kept her very well.

Peter Peter Pumpkin eater,

had a wife but didn't love her.

Peter learned to read and spell,

and then he loved her very well.

Peter Peter Pumpkin eater,

had a wife but couldn't keep her.

Put her in a pumpkin shell,

there he kept her very well.

Put her in a pumpkin shell,

there he kept her very well.

For more infomation >> Valentines Day Special | 10 Couples Song | Nursery Rhymes for Kids Children I Hippy Hoppy Show - Duration: 27:09.


LAPS! - ENDURO / DOWNHILL IN THE SNOW -subtitled- - Duration: 5:28.

lets see how this trail handles snow

fozen ruts



ground is frozen... sick!

last chestmount clip was with stabilisation enabled - now turned off

looking forward towards the next section

unfortunately not that much snow as I thought...

still awesome...?


so far so good


next lap

got led by the rut

as you can see I did a few more runs down here


obviously that didn't work

so nice.. and another lap

weather is really nasty... snow would have been gone by now if the ground wasn't frozen.. dripping from the trees

but cause of the frozen ground it's ok to ride

can't see a line

worked well

oh getting greasy

kinda expected that

well last lap for today

track gets icy

oh here's ice

took a good exit

last segment .. hopefully free of ice

that was lame

one more try

no wonder it's loose here.. really deep rut

now focus

uh muddy

that's ok

For more infomation >> LAPS! - ENDURO / DOWNHILL IN THE SNOW -subtitled- - Duration: 5:28.


Scorza di limone: i sorprendenti benefici per la salute - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Scorza di limone: i sorprendenti benefici per la salute - Duration: 2:26.


Squishy Food vs Real Food CHALLENGE - Duration: 13:50.

Hey! Hey! We're doing a challenge today.

If you want to see more challenges on our channel press thumbs up. Yes! Mommy's the waitress.

That's right. I will serve Alma and Harry a plate each. One has real food and the other one squishy food.

We did gummy food vs real food challenge a few weeks back and asked our viewers who the winner was.

Many wrote they were both winners and we find that really cute.

It's the same set up today. You decide who the winner is. Alma, Harry or both, post a comment! Are you ready?


Let's go!

Move them around, move them around.

Which one do you want?

That one.

One, two three..

A squishy banana and a real banana. Can I feel it?

Can I have some of Alma's banana?

You can have all of it.

Thank you.

It's super soft and slow rising. I really like it.

It's tasty.

I haven't eaten anything. It's all gone.

Move them around, move them around..

Which one?

That one.

Ok, hold on.

One, two, three...

You got real popcorn and I got squishy popcorn. I hope you like them Harry.

I take a popcorn and eat it.

I like this one, it's pretty slow rising and it lets out air on my hand.

You seem a bit hungry Harry.

I am hungry. Thanks for the food, would you like some?

Thank you. Popcorn with butter.

All squishies are from Banggood, and you find links to each one in the description box below.

Move them around, move them around...

Which one?

That one.

One, two, three.

You got a real corn on the cob and I got squishy corn on the cob.

It's tasty, eat it from the middle.

Is it corn?

Yes. Can you taste corn?

It smells corn.

This is how you eat it.

When will it get bigger?

It rises slowly.

Can I have it!

Don't you want to eat your corn?

No, not that one! Are you crazy?

I'm not crazy.

Eat your corn. Take a real bite. Do you like it?


Move them around, move them around...

Which one?

That one. One, two three.

Would you like a carrot? Are you hungry?


No, not that one. Have this one, it's a real carrot.

This is a carrot rocket!

I don't understand anything.

This squishy is quite hard, but I like it.

Move them around, move them around..

Which one?

That one.

One, two, three.

You got a squishy hamburger and I got a real hamburger.

But I'm hungry!

Here you go. You can remove the salad if you want.

I only like the bread.

Eat the bread.

Thanks Harry.

It's bouncy.

Can I have some of your bread?

Yes, and I can bounce with this one.

Nice bread, thank you.

It's very slow rising.

Very slow rising.

Move them around, move them around..

Which one?

That one.

One, two, three.

I got salad!

This is real salad. That's a squishy.

A squishy salad.

Do you like salad?


Pretty nice actually. Very nice.

Mum, would you like some?

Try it yourself.

Nice salad. Why don't you try the salad Harry?

It's disgusting!

Hold on.

Try a tine piece.


Swallow it. Do you like it?

It's nice. I'll have another bite.

We take a short break to answer Question of the Day. We get this question very often and we've answered before.

But we will answer it again. The question is: How old are you and when is your Birthday?

15th of September.

That's right, and how old will you be?



You turn four.

That's right, I turn 4.

Harry will be four years old the 15th of September.

My Birthday is 4th of April.

How old will you be?

I turn six.

That's right. Daddy Axel is at work and he turns 35 on the 7th of June.

I'm the oldest in the family. I turn 36 the 3rd of August.

Move them around, move them around..

Which one?

That one.

One, two, three.

I got a real donut, yes.

Can I have some of yours Alma?

This one is really hard. It's hard plastic on top.

This is what it looks like, front, back and on the side.

This is not a good squishy, it's too hard.

This squishy is good, it's very soft.

Lean on me.

Move them around, move them around..

Which one?

This. One, two, three.

Alma got a real coke.

This is coffee with milk.

Drink from the little hole in the lid. Do you like it?

It's disgusting.

I'm impressed that you tasted coffee with milk. I didn't expect that.

It is coffee!!

Yes, it's coffee with milk. Alma was right. You get a big..


Exactly, two big points.

Turtle power!

This is quite a good squishy. It's soft and slow rising.

Move them around, move them around..

Which one do you want?

That one.

One, two, three.

Alma, can I hold your cake?

This is not a real cake. You got the real cake.

Here you are.

The real cake got a bit squeezed as a cycled home with it today. It looked better before.

This is the prize of today's challenge. Congratulations Alma and Harry.

Comment who the winner is, Alma or Harry.

Or both.

We have a giveaway. We have 20 mini squishies, if you want one have a look at our Instagram.

We will contact 20 viewers via Instagram direct message to get the addresses.

Thank you for watching this video!

Keep posting questions and don't forget to subscribe.

Don't forget to philosophize as well. That's right. Take care. Bye! Bye!

For more infomation >> Squishy Food vs Real Food CHALLENGE - Duration: 13:50.


Tie Yann(铁阳) - 当我什么都不想做 When I Wanna Do Nothing - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Tie Yann(铁阳) - 当我什么都不想做 When I Wanna Do Nothing - Duration: 2:49.



For more infomation >> BİZ AŞKI DUDAK BÜKÜMLERİNDE KAYBETTİK I MELANKOLİK BEAT 2018 (FREE) - Duration: 4:17.


Dragonfire Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 40:15.

For more infomation >> Dragonfire Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 40:15.


【Mew】Pretty Kitty【Original song】 - Duration: 4:07.

I wanna be your Pretty Kitty

Do you love me?

If you hurt me, I will disappear again in the dark night.

Yes, I can be your Pretty Kitty

Sometimes I will annoy you with this claw.

The wind is comfortable tonight and the sky is clear.

Tonight I will invite you into my dreams.

Everything I got with this hand is all in the past.

That's why I have no interest in these things any more.

So please come and catch me.

The darkness hides us.

"Find me"

I wanna be your Pretty Kitty

Do you love me?

If you hurt me, I will disappear again in the dark night.

Yes, I can be your Pretty Kitty

Sometimes I will annoy you with this claw.

I'm bored tonight because it is raining.

I pretend to touch the drop of rain on the outside of the window gently with my index finger.

That star has already been thrown away.

Because it no longer shines.

So please get a new one for me.

A shooting star that can fly through the dark.

Can you give it to me?

I wanna be your Pretty Kitty

Don't let me down

You take me high, the fragrance of silver vine hangs in the air by night wind.

Yes, I can be your Pretty Kitty

I have no choice, so I will be purring contentedly and raise my tail.

Everything I got is all in the past.

That's why I have no interest in these things any more.

So please get a new one for me.

A shooting star that can fly through the dark.

Can you give it to me?

I wanna be your Pretty Kitty

Do you love me?

If you hurt me, I will disappear again in the dark night.

Yes, I can be your Pretty Kitty

Sometimes I will annoy you with this claw.

I wanna be your Pretty Kitty

Don't let me down

You take me high, the fragrance of silver vine hangs in the air by night wind.

Yes, I can be your Pretty Kitty

I have no choice, so I will be purring contentedly and raise my tail.

For more infomation >> 【Mew】Pretty Kitty【Original song】 - Duration: 4:07.


Dragonfire Final Thoughts - Duration: 21:04.

For more infomation >> Dragonfire Final Thoughts - Duration: 21:04.


la vie en rose// a late valentine's cover by andrea - Duration: 1:41.


Me & sister : Happy (belated) St.Valentine Day!

If you like that video, don't forget to give a thumbs up

and if you want to see more do subs..

Sis:...scribe *laughs*

You talk

Don't forget to subscribe and like

leave a comment

For more infomation >> la vie en rose// a late valentine's cover by andrea - Duration: 1:41.


Valentine's day??? - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> Valentine's day??? - Duration: 7:19.


How to install White Board Animation Software Free | Video Scribe | Best for making YouTube Videos | - Duration: 4:01.

Smash that Subscribe Button to Subscribe!

Software or Crack link are given in description!

Download the software or crack i already downloaded follow the step to install and crack

Install the software don't launch it if launch automatically close it!

Now copy the other file and paste it into installation directory!

now software is crack you can use it now by following steps shown in videos

For more infomation >> How to install White Board Animation Software Free | Video Scribe | Best for making YouTube Videos | - Duration: 4:01.


Graves Montage - Best Graves Plays | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:20.

Graves Montage - Best Graves Plays | League of Legends Top

For more infomation >> Graves Montage - Best Graves Plays | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:20.


边远(Bian Yuan) - Beyond Love - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> 边远(Bian Yuan) - Beyond Love - Duration: 3:42.


Dragonfire Extended Gameplay - Duration: 44:25.

For more infomation >> Dragonfire Extended Gameplay - Duration: 44:25.


We've Been Married A Year - Duration: 3:41.

What's going on everybody? Welcome back to the channel! So first things first,

this right here. Just kind of ignore that! if you're a fan of the channel,

then you knew that Mari and I were gonna have our anniversary pretty soon. Now, you

can ask Mari, I've never been really, like, the the romantic kind of person, but

since we had been married a year now, I really did want to impress her! So the

video actually starts a little bit earlier in the week -- it was like a

Tuesday or something. I had a lesson; I was helping somebody with their English.

I knew I wasn't gonna be going anywhere else the rest of that week, so this was

my only chance to go get something. And so after the lesson, I actually went to the jewelry store.

I love my wife, but she does have one fatal flaw! We have a very dirty room and...

it's-it's a combined effort between the both of us! But neither of us really

clean that much...But in this case, it was actually a good thing because I knew she

wouldn't be able to find where I hid the gift!

So yeah, just fast forward a few days, and it was actually our anniversary.

Neither of us went to bed very early, so we ended up giving each other our gifts,

like, at midnight or something. And this is just a little sidebar -- I didn't know

that in Japan you could sell, like, chocolate with alcohol in it!

Mari ended up getting me that -- it was, like, some Whiskey Bonbons and, like, some-

some Sake chocolate. It was really good! So later that night, we actually went on

our anniversary dinner. I'm not really sure what the name of it was, but it was

really, really fancy! It's like this boat. I guess it was, like, docked in the

station or something, but it was like sitting over the ocean and you can see

all the fancy lights and the city. It was really nice.

I will say, you know, being married a year's's really crazy, you know?

Mari and I get into arguments a lot -- we actually had an argument yesterday! But

at the end of the day, you know, I can't think of anybody who I would rather

spend my life with! So anyway guys, that's what happened on our dinner. I hope that

you enjoyed the video. But that's all the time I have for this one, so until the

next one, I'll see you in the next video! Peace!

* Voice Cracking Humor *

For more infomation >> We've Been Married A Year - Duration: 3:41.


McDonald '【Happy meal】 I tried playing with Snoopy and Jijiro' s unique toy - Duration: 7:51.

Yes! I bought it.

Oh no! It's McDonald's that I'm looking forward to!

Is this my? Is this my? What?

Because I do not know

Ooooo! this is!!

I'm so happy!

Shall we eat? Yup

Let us eat

 that? lost! !

Did anyone eat?

older sister! There is a Happy Meal toy on top

Even on top of the hay ... Uhufu

Ah! there were.

(Thank you for attending my farce)

Ayahaya channel

Good afternoon everybody! Ayahaya Aya is a channel

It is noisy.

Subscribe thanking you

I bought Happy Meal at McDonald's today and I will introduce you.

This Happy Meal Toy

Shimeji! & Snoopy are two kinds

Which would you like to buy? I was worried I bought two as usual

Mom wished Snoopy was good when he saw a toy

Because the goods which can be got by weekends only seemed to be good I decided to buy two kinds

let's! Try it! !

Well then,open the direction of Shizzuru

Ah! He who I wanted

Shizuro's Restaurant Card Menu books and menu cards are inside

"To those with the color of Shimajiro Turn it over and set it! "

What do you mean?

"Play with the same place as the color of the menu card"

This is the principle of diet (3 major nutrients)

I place red ones in red

So,what was green?


Yes Yes! Green becomes vegetables

Hayaya,did you want this?

This is to remember firmly and eat it


Japanese cuisine

It's not Japanese cuisine

Well,it is said to be a carbohydrate Noodles or rice or something

I will eat "I will ship it!"

Pakpaku Pakpaku (Munugu Munugu)

There was an answer in such a place

Ah! After all it is a carbohydrate


Protein,vitamin with vegetables

This is fish or something. And this is rice,noodles,etc.

"Let's go dusk of Shizukuro"

Mutsu no Mutsu (About) that is about to accompany It is said that they will tie together together while watching

Ah! This seems easy

Aya has not tied his shoes yet


It is likely to be practice

Finally a butterfly knot

hate! !

Aya says,"Please practice poor weaning ties" It will be a toy called

Moreover,I can hang on my bag

Ah! I have a face of Shizzuru

Did you tie Aya?

I can not tie it. Something's going to be strange

What is this?

that? I am looking at the instructions!

Next will be towards Snoopy here you go!

Ah ah what's this?

It seems they have not suffered

Haya people say "Shine! Beagle Scout"

I will shine! !

Is it a switch here?

Yup. Try pressing ON · OFF

Aya glowed shining! Mommy> Shining?

It shines brightly.

Other than that,just like a while ago "You can hang on your bag"

it's true is not it. I was asking you to multiply here.

Aya got a gift (a toy) It is called Flying Ace of Snoopy

It seems to move if you move it back and forth by hand

It is said that it can be hanging on a bag as well

What shape is this! What?


It's a bone. cute

Is the direction of the house a house shape? Like the roof of the house ...

Darling GO! Who will be number one

(Laughing without moving) Who will be number one. (Aya:Stop it ....)

Wait a minute! (Impatient Mom)

Can you see the neck moves?

Wow subtle

Aya Haya who struggles fighting hard

Basically this toy has many specifications that I can carry around

When you go buy on this weekend,please add more There are gifts you can give

When you buy a snoopy person You can get this seal book

Seal collaborated with Snoopy It seems I could get a lot of it


Those who do not have a "challenge" DVD

DVD is good,is not it. You can see it even while you are out,you can also see it at home.

What is it like? Dance · English · Challenge · Hiragana There are lots of stuff

Actually I'd like to see with you guys

Ayahaya will have fun later

Toy plus α Saturday-and-part limited toys want I can get it tomorrow,too.

you can get Yes. I will still receive it,so please go if you want it

Good movie with this video Subscribe thanking you

Thank you for your consideration.

I will upload a video tomorrow,too.

Thank you for seeing it to the end.

Subscribe to this video if you like Good button,thank you.

Thank you

There are lots of other videos as well.

For more infomation >> McDonald '【Happy meal】 I tried playing with Snoopy and Jijiro' s unique toy - Duration: 7:51.


Sunday Riley C.E.O. Rapid Flash Brightening Serum: Skincare Saturday - Duration: 5:46.

hey everybody welcome back to my channel so today's skincare Saturday is on the

Sunday Riley CEO rapid flash brightening serum if you'd like to see my in-depth

review then please keep on watching make sure you subscribe to my channel hit

that notification balle upload a video every single day of the week I don't

want you to miss any so let's go and get started so I did receive this full-size

one ounce bottle of the Sunday Riley CEO rapid flash brightening serum in an

allure box guys this thing retails for $85 okay I've never used skincare this

expensive before but I have to say I've been using it for almost a month and

guys I'm seeing serious changes in my skin so I have hyper pigmentation

because I did have acne as a teenager and I also picked my skin so I did have

quite a bit of hyperpigmentation and old acne scars from my youth okay this stuff

is amazing kay it is so gentle it doesn't tingle or

stink at all okay I love this stuff it has a locking top so okay so I just

locked it okay and it won't pump so if you travel a lot this is a great thing I

love this design kay so you just turn it okay and it has a pump obviously guys it

comes out like a lotion okay but it is a serum okay it smells like oranges like a

real orange like you just started peeling an orange guys I use this at

night it says to use it once a day you can use it in the morning

personally I like to use it at night because it gives it more time for it to

absorb into the skin guys this stuff is not greasy okay it does not break me out

and it has really started to fade those spots and it has also started to tighten

up my pores which is weird but guys that this does have

I want to totally totally butcher this okay it contains 15% of tetra exid

ichael absorb it it's a vitamin C derivative it penetrates the skin better

it also has the glycolic acid in it okay and I've used glycolic acid before and

that has burned my skin but this stuff does not Kay when I first put it on you

might have seen that my skin turned a little bit pink but guys it's back to

normal color guys it is so nice I love this stuff so much it yeah I get up in

the morning gently rinse off my face and I'm ready for makeup application but

this stuff is amazing it moisturizes and it has definitely started to fade those

dark spots and discoloration it has started to type my pores and even my

forehead wrinkles are starting to improve so if you are looking for a good

vitamin C treatment I would definitely recommend the Sunday Riley CEO rapid

flash skin brightening serum it is amazing anyway so that big long word I

can't pronounce it's a stable vitamin C and it's supposed to quickly fight the

visible signs of dullness dark spots and discoloration at the source okay while

diminishing the first signs of aging okay it brightens and illuminates the

skin instantly okay this stuff I love it absolutely love it

apply one to two pumps to clean morning or night it's awesome stuff do I

think it's worth eighty five dollars that's the big question because eighty

five dollars is a lot okay guys I really really do would I be able to afford to

buy this again no okay I don't know if you can see it but guys I like because

I've been almost using it for almost a month once a day and guys you guys can

see how much I've used kay you don't mean much I definitely don't do two

pumps it's only the one but it is so nice it's amazing

if you have the money I would definitely recommend this $85 I think it is worth

it it is a great skin care product I am starting to definitely see the perks of

buying more expensive skincare so CEO Riley or the Sunday Riley CEO rapid

flash brightening serum is thumbs up for me I love it

I kind of hope I get it in next month's allure beauty box I probably won't but

you know a girl can dream but this stuff really is amazing

definitely definitely recommend it it's awesome but you guys thank you so much

for watching this week's skincare Saturday I hope you did enjoy it if you

did then go ahead and give it a thumbs up also share it I don't hear much about

Sunday Riley I think it is because they're more of a pricey brand but it is

awesome absolutely love it I love the packaging is just so cute so

and anyway guys make sure you also follow me on my other social media

twitter facebook Instagram and snapchat is all at budget glam babe and I will

see you guys tomorrow for another video have a great one guys bye


For more infomation >> Sunday Riley C.E.O. Rapid Flash Brightening Serum: Skincare Saturday - Duration: 5:46.


Black Panther - Watch Now

For more infomation >> Black Panther - Watch Now


Paulo & Miguel 09 Heart Afloat (EN.ES.FR.IT.DE.EΛ.SR.中文) - Duration: 21:14.


Oh, little bro, I'm so glad you came back! - I was away only for one night! - I know, but we didn't speak and...

... the last 24 hours weren't peaceful...

- You're talking about Nelson?...

Can you tell me what really happened?

I was home when he came to pick his stuff, we spoke but I really didn't get what... - What have he told you?

- He told me he had a daughter, he wanted to fight for her and he also told you'd never understand that.

- Bastard! Son of a... - Hey, calm down, Teresa!

- Do you know what he told me?

He told I couldn't understand what it feels like to have to attend to a son's request.

- But, that's true, Teresa. You don't have kids.

- Ok, but that doesn't mean I don't know what's like to have to tell them that parents will slipt up.

- Ok, that's true.

- Nobody deserves what he did to me.

He told me he had left home, that everything was solved, the only thing missing was to explain to his kid...

But the truth is that he moved in to this house and he didn't even told his wife!

- Seriously?

That guy is a coward! What he did was nasty. - He should have been honest with me.

If I knew he had doubts, things wouldn't have been so difficult...

- Teresa, If he did that to you, he surely doesn't deserve you, don't you think so?

- But, why do people don't realize that when they lie they hurt the others?

- Come on... You're strong!

- You'll get over this! I know you will! I'll be always here by your side! You know that!

- I know. But I'm tired...

I'm tired of being always solving hard situations. I need a bit of piece in my life, you know?

- Do you remember what mother used to say?

'God gives great battles only to great warriors!' And you're a warrior!

- But I'd prefer not to be.

I'd prefer to have a calmer life with less deceptions...

- Well, I'm gonna make some tea for both of us. What do you want: chamomile? balm?

- Chamomile.

- So, how was your trip with Miguel?

- Just another trip like all the others...

- Did you talk?

- About what?

- There's nothing to talk about.

- There's a lot to talk about.

- Well, I'm tired... I'm gonna take a bath and let the tea be cool...

- But you don't even like cold tea? Where are you going, Paulo? Don't run away!

- Can I take a bath?

- Yes, you can! It's not the first time we speak through the bathroom glass.

- What do you want?

- You're feeling bad for having lied to Miguel, aren't you?

- Yes, Teresa. I am. It's unavoidable!

- But you were not well on that night!

- You had just find out about Leo's dead. You were disturbed...

- Yes, Teresa. I was sad and drunk but I know exactly what happened.

- We never spoke about that. - You're right.

But know it's irrelevant, isn't it? - No.

Leo is dead. Nothing is irrelevant.

- You right. Leo is dead. It doesn't matter what I feel. It won't change a thing. He's not coming back.

- But you liked him. - No, I didn't like him that much for him to have made something so stupid like this!

Seriously, I don't get it! I'm trying to take it quietly an lightly but... - Paulo!...

- No, It's true, Teresa! I Don't get it! Seriously!

- It doesn't fit in my mind neither my heart how Leo has made a thing like this!

Are you following me? How could he commit suicide? I thought he didn't like me like that!...

I didn't like him that much... I've always told him the truth...

I thought he was thinking in someone else, but in the end of the day, No... He didn't.

- What about Miguel?

- Do you like him enough?

You've risked a lot for him...

You got lucky that he didn't remember anything...

You've never risked like this for Leo or anyother boyfriends...

- I never had boyfriends...

- Ok, Relationships, whatever...

- What does Miguel has that's different, Paulo?

- What does Miguel has that's different from all the others? Explain it to me!

- I'm in love with Miguel for years...

- Good morning! - Hello, bro!

You came just in time for breakfast! Sit down!

- I don't want, thank's. I ate in the plane.

- Have you been flying all night?

- A football businessman had to be yesterday night in Moscow.

He had some contract that must had been delivered until midnight...

... And this morning... We were already back in Madrid.

- Great lives! - Only for them!

For us, who have to transport them, it's an all night long flight...

I really need to stop. Otherwise I'm risking to lose my flying license. - So, go and rest.

- I'm tell Josefa not to use the vacuum cleaner, not to make noises. - Thank's!

Is everything fine around here?

- We're a bit tired as well.

We're working all night long, but with our feet on the ground.

- We're going to launch the mall's new website! - Really? I wanna see that!

- You could pass by the mall this afternoon.

- This afternoon?

I don't know. If I wake up on time. - You must rest, Miguel...

You must rest. You need to...

- Yes, I really need to rest. My head is exploding.

- See you later! - See you later!

- Fernando, he was a bit weird. - He was, wasn't he?

He's not weird. He's tired because he's working to much.

He can get sick, as I told you.

And you should rest too!

- It makes sense!

That's why you never wanted to get serious with anybody.

Because you liked Miguel.

- It's not that easy...

- It's very easy, Paulo...

You never wanted to get close to another person...

... Because you were in love with your best friend...

- No. I never wanted to get close to another person, because I don't wanna have to show 'this' to everybody.

- 'This' is what? - The fact that you're an homosexual?

- You know what? I hate that word! - Gay! - Gay!

But why does it have to be a word to define what I am?

Why? Why there's not a word to define what you are. Teresa?

And... By the way, you're also a person who falls in love with the wrong people.

I don't find it fair, do you? - No, I don't. You're totally right!

- You're always asking me why I don't get out of the closet?...

I don't do it, because nobody has nothing to do with who I am or who I'm not...

... nobody has nothing to do with what I do or what I don't do...

... And nobody has nothing to do with what I feel or what I don't fell!

- Not even Miguel?

- Especially Miguel!

- But he should know!

- How do you think he'd react?

He'd never look to me again! - You can't be sure about that!

- Believe me! When it comes to Miguel, I'm absolutely sure!

- But you should tell him! You'd get over that heavy thoughts in your mind!

- Teresa, believe me. Miguel would never forgive me.

Actually he usually says...

... In life there are 3 things for him that don't work...

One of them is...

... men with men...

- He says that just by saying...

- He's a homophobe, Teresa. - You're exaggerating!

- It's the truth, Teresa! He may not know it, but he is an homphobe indeed!

Everything that lies beyond his world is totally out...

And believe me, this is miles away from his world...

so... things will be just the way they are...

I always lived like this... I'm used to bear it... for so long...

- So, you'll keep on suffering?

- And what's the alternative?

Teresa, it's not worth it...

Don't tell me I should say the truth because...

... It didn't work out with Leo...

I told him the truth about my feelings and look where it took me!...

I gave myself to Miguel and...

... see how my life is right now!

See, Teresa!

- Did you get hurt, Miguel?

Do you feel alright?

- Miguel! Is everything fine? - No!

- What's up?

- I had that strange dreams again.

- About what? - 'About what'? About us, man!

- Look, Miguel, the expert about dreams in this house is my sister. If you wanna talk to her...

She's at work right now, but... - I'm not kidding, Paulo...

And this time the dreams were really intense!

Me and you ended up in bed!

- Hey... calm don't...

- What happened that night? If you know something you have to tell me.

You're my best friend...

I trust you...

- I already told you everything about that night. At least what I can remember...

- So, can you explain this to me? Me and you in bed?

- I don't know...

- Do you wanna tell me something?

- Ah? Something like what?

- I don't know...

- Do you have feelings for me?

- Are you fool, man? I don't like men!

- Ok, Miguel. I'm just Trying to help, ok?

- I know. I'm the one who needs to apologize, because I came to your house with this nonsense.

- Listen to me, this kind of dreams can be related to a person's kind of insecurities.

I don't know, Miguel...

... We work together... It's normal for these kind of thoughts to come from your unconscious mind...

- This time the dream was quite real!

I woke up with chills! That was disgusting! - Oh!!!

Calm down!

I don't mind you dream of me, but saying that's disgusting?... I cannot allow you to say that!

- You know exactly what I meant...

Look, after this... I don't see any solution other that going out tonight, meet some girls and go to an hotel.

At least, tonight, I'll have real dreams to dream of!

Are you in or not?

- I don't know. - Come on! Are you my wingman or not?

- Yes, I'm your wingman...

- Look, this dreaming stuff stays between us, ok? If this bullshit gets to Jaques' ears, I'll be fired.

- Why? Do you think Jaques would fire you just because you dream with men?

- Of course! He hates fagots!

- Ok, I'm going! I'll be in your house in 10 minutes!

See you, Rita. Kiss!

You should never had lied to Miguel! - But how, Teresa? How?

Miguel's not gay! He hates gays!

Actually, he thinks that dreaming of him and I in the same bed is... disgusting!

- But he slept with you!

- Teresa, we were drunk! I already told you...

I'm getting in panic here! I don't know what to do! What if he remembers it all?

He thinks that his memories from that moment are a nightmare! He'll freak out with me!

- Miguel is your best friend! You have to open the game with him! I'm sure he'll undestand!

- That's impossible, Teresa! Don't you get it?

He'll think that... that I raped him or some savagery like that...

He'll find a way for me to lose my job, Teresa! - Paulo, You're getting obsessed!

You can't stop being who you are just because your boss!

- No, Teresa! I'll not throw out everything because of this! I fought a lot to be where I am! You know that!

- Paulo, what if Miguel remembers everyhting by himself?

You really like him! Are you giving up everything because of that?

You can still amend this situation!

Are you going out? - Yes, I'm going out with Miguel.

What are you reading? Humm, very well...

Look, it must be him!

It's him! How are you? - Hi! How are you?

Are you ready? - Couldn't be more!

- Hi, Teresa! How are you? - Hi, Miguel!

So, may I know where are you going tonight?

- We're going to walk around, to have some drinks. I need to relax a bit, Teresa.

- We both need to relax a bit!

- You always need to relax a bit, don't you Miguel?

- At least, while I'm alive!

- Teresa, we'll have an intense working week, you know... - Oh, poor boys...

- It's true! Don't you make fun of us! We'll be up and down in trip, trip, trip...

I'm a bit tense, I need to have some fun and to forget the world...

- Ok, go and have fun!

- Don't worry, I won't be home late!

If you need something, just call me. - Kisses!

- Kisses, see you later, Teresa!

- Good morning! - Good morning!

- Good morning and goodbye! I'll be out for a few days.

- I know. You were partying during two days, with that excuse!

- Yes, Teresa. That's because I don't wanna think about some issues.

And there's nothing better than going from party to party with Miguel.

- Yes, you're starting to look much like him!

- What a nonsense! You're exaggerating!

More or less parties... It doesn't matter. Your problems won't disappear! You know that, don't you?

- I know that! But I just don't wanna deal with my problems right now. Ok?

- Will you be fine? - Sure!

Have a nice flight! - Thank's!

If you need something, just call me!

- Come in! Be my guest!

Let me check if Teresa is inside! - Ok.

Teresa, I'm home!

She must be at her office.

Do you wanna eat or drink something?

- Actually I could eat something. - Ok.

- Look, I need to ask you something? Is there something bothering you today?

- No... but... why are you asking?

- Because you have been pretty quiet... You didn't even respond to the old venezuelan woman flirts.

... And she was pretty interesting...

the old venezuelan woman...

The old venezuelan woman as you say is an important client.

I don't like to mix things... You know how I am...

... And by the way... I never was so talented as you, for old woman...

- That's true.

You have a lot to learn from me, my friend!

- You can be sure about that. On that field, l'll never be close to your level...

- It's just a matter of self esteem... and self-reliance, Paulo. It always must be up there, up there, up there!

- Yes... that's it!

Let me pick something to eat. - Ok.

- Hello, little sister in law! Do you need something?

Rita, I can't understand a thing. Calm down, Rita! I can't understand if you're crying. Calm down and speak.

You wanna go to Lloret del Mar?

But what... Right now? - Yes, Miguel... Right now! Can I count on you? If you need I can call your boss!

- No, there's no need for that! I'll talk to him, don't worry. Can you just tell me what's happening?

Rita, why are you crying? What's happening?

André what? - André is missing. No one knows where he is.

I need to go there immediately. I know you must be tired from your trip, Miguel, but please, please, please!

- Of course I'll do it! Give me one hour! One hour the maximum, and I'll call you back! Ok? See you soon, Rita!

Paulo, I must go... actually we both must go! - We must?... But... what's happening?

- It was Rita on the phone... My nephew André is missing and she wants to fly right now! Can we go?

- Yes, of course! Lets go! - I have to call Jaques! - Calm down!

- Did you get the plane? - Yes! Everything is arranged!

- Thank you, thank you! Hi, Paulo! - Do you know anyhting else?

- No. Just what I told to Miguel. - You're taking only this little baggage?

- Yes, I don't need much. Let's go! I'd like to be in Lloret before it's dinner time!

- Sure! Let's go the aerodrome. Me and Paulo will be your pilots!

- Good! Let's go! Thank you! - Be calm, ok?

How are you? - Hi, sis!...

- How was your trip?

How is Rita?

- She's devastated...

- I imagined so... I should go to talk to her!

I don't believe Rita would want company at this moment...

She's totally focused in search for André and find him!

- I'm so distressed with all this situation...

- She's totally desperate...

Believe me: She'll do everything to find André!

- I have no doubts...

Rita is a really strong woman and she won't give it up! Especially with the bond she has with André.

Yes, but the problem is Lloret del Mar is crowded with kids, at this moment. So, if André wanted to disappear...

... It's going to be really complicated to find him!

- How are things with Miguel?

- It's everything fine...

- He didn't tell you anything?

- No, he didn't.

- He didn't start any weird conversation, anything?...

- Nothing, Teresa. Absolutely nothing. We are as we are.

We've been with so much work... I think that he's not thinking much about it...

- I don't know...

Teresa, André is missing...

... I guess he's not worried with our issue at all...

- So, maybe you should be the one saying something about it, don't you think?

- Forget it, ok?

- You know you're just avoiding the unavoidable, don't you?

Sooner or later, you'll have to assume things with him.

- You know what? I'm really tired to discuss, so I'm gonna lay down...

Sleep well... - Sleep well.

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