Saturday, February 17, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 17 2018

Just at that moment where you started mentioning

the interpretation of that reality that makes the person

arises the issue of hermeneutics precisely.

In which authors and what is the basic idea?

The first one that began to delve into this line was Ludwig Lachmann,

when Lachmann begins to remember that there is a strong influence of Max Weber in Mises

by the issue of understanding of social phenomena

and it is one of the starting points of contemporary hermeneutics,

i.e., hermeneutics pass if you want by authors like William Dilthey and Max Weber

and Max Weber is giving its rotation "ontological turn" as the philosophers say,

in authors like Heidegger and then there are authors who attempt to return to a hermeneutics

that does not have the deep problems of Heidegger such as Gadamer or Ricoeur.

Lachmann starts remembering all this issue,

and Lachmann in '80 at NYU influences a lot in Don Lavoie

and Lavoie in turn influences a lot in certain authors such as, at its time were

Richard Ebeling, Roger Garrison and Don Lavoie was in turn important austrian professors today,

who are around 50 years old like Peter Boettke and [David] Prychitko, [Steven] Horwitz,

and they are trying to follow the Don Lavoie path.

Don Lavoie tried to incorporate the hermeneutical continental theme, especially Gadamer and Heidegger,

into the Austrian School.

But that's where the main references of the Austrian School at the time, put their alarm,

mainly, for various reasons, Rothbard and Kirzner,

Kirzner because believed that Lachmann practically became skeptical

towards the possibilities of coordination in the market

and Rothbard because thought that all this hermeneutics line was inevitably linked to a kind of historical relativism.

My theory is that maybe there wasn't enough time to deepen

a hermeneutics that could clear the problem of historical relativism

which would have brought back the famous problem of historicism, the classic enemy,

as I like to say, the archenemy of the Austrians in the "Austrian Gotham City".

Then one of the main archenemies is historicism

and if historicism returns, they would have to fight back against the Joker and could not be that.

Then everyone a little scared but why?

Because there was no time perhaps, Don Lavoie died young at 51, finished doing that project.

And now somehow the only ones which, according to my vague references keep trying,

say my vague references not for them but for me, are Peter Boettke and his group of core friends,

which they are Prychitko, Horwitz.

There may be more and if I forget important one is very unfair,

of course there are previous generations.

Not to mention Alfred Schütz

and I forget an author who is very important that I owe to you,

that studied the relationship between Husserl and the Austrian School very well, I think it's Barry Smith.

But as for the new ones is this line. But this line continues to work at this point.

What is the point to be secure?

An anchored hermeneutic in the Husserl's phenomenology. What does this mean?

I give an example:

Suppose the Mises definition of money.

He says: The money is a general exchange medium, a medium of exchange is generally a good,

we know, no demand for direct consumption, but to exchange for other goods

and so we will use for direct consumption.

What Mises is doing in this case?

He is taking what from Husserl's phenomenology would call a phenomenological description

of essence or nature of the coin.

And that can be done only in social sciences in principle,

where we can know what the ends of the actions being crosslinked are, or

what is the purpose of this inter-subjetive relationship that we call monetary exchange.

The end is precisely that which is placed in the definition, none other.

And this doesn't imply relativism. But go to the nature of the inter-relationship.

In turn What is the relationship of this with the historical?

The historical is that this inter-subjetive relationship we call currency

always really occurs in historical worlds of life.

What does it mean? That is not the currency in a cloud

but is the Roman currency, the currency in New York, the currency of the late nineteenth century, etc.

However none of these historical perspectives is contradictory to what the currency is in itself,

which means that what a hermeneutic phenomenology sets up

is that the very nature of the instersubjetives relationships,

that in the case of the economy we call interest rate, currency, price, etc.,

always historically is given without contradicting the general essence.

What makes the economy as a universal science

Is try to describe what these inter-relationships in themselves are

and then that can be easily applied to the specific economic circumstances.

Where they are given.

Where these "exist".

And that's the reason why von Mises could interact so well, he, as a theoretical economist and cojunture economist.

Because the historical circumstances is not refuting their phenomenological descriptions

but it allowed him to apply them to different circumstances.

I think this is what we need to finish making

to place the Austrian School on, one side, in the Husserl's phenomenology,

and this is related to Aristotle and the Scholastics

which they are also philosophies that have to do with that intentional human action.

And ultimately it would have relationship with a perspective that integrates the nervous system

to the the 'spiritual world' as would the neo-Kantians say,

because we are not talking about a human being who has an intentional human action

detached from his corporeal action.

This Husserl had already said at the time ...

but I say all this to connect it with the famous Hayek's book 'The Sensory Order.'

For more infomation >> The hermeneutics and methodology of the austrian economists | Gabriel Zanotti - Duration: 7:45.


Risto Mejide rompe con su representante y le ofrece el puesto a Laura Escanes - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Risto Mejide rompe con su representante y le ofrece el puesto a Laura Escanes - Duration: 2:15.


You´re gorgeous ; #HappyJhopeDay (3/3) - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> You´re gorgeous ; #HappyJhopeDay (3/3) - Duration: 2:18.


¿Cómo tener suerte? | Para tener éxito - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo tener suerte? | Para tener éxito - Duration: 4:51.


Road to 100% Star Fox 64 - Especial: Comparemos Aquas - Duration: 9:51.

Let's talk about Aquas... Yes, that one planet in which we must go underwater, using the Blue-Marine, with limited visibility...

Said level has limited visibility, but in some cases, it seems that the bad visibility worsens. In fact, the way we see the level depends on which system we're playing Star Fox 64 on.

In this special video, my goal is to do a comparison on how the Aquas level looks like in each of the playable versions of the game.

The versions that will be considered are: 1. Original Nintendo 64 console; 2. Emulation via Project64; 3. Wii/Wii U Virtual Console; 4. Star Fox 64 3D, for 3DS

I'll show how each version looks like, one by one, and the changes in comparison with the original. If there's something important, I'll indicate it throughout the video.

Original N64 console

Generally, the starting segment of the level is the one that looks more "lighter". Items and enemies are well distinguishable.

The "light" of the level ends here. Due to pollution, the water darkens, hindering the visibility.

Of course, we can use and abuse the torpedoes, to light up our path a little.

Sometimes, even without torpedoes, we can identify some enemies and obstacles, like in this case.

Let's see this level's boss: Bacoon.

Per se, in original console, Bacoon is visible without the need of torpedoes. However, you must use them to defeat it.

Project64 emulator on PC

Compared to the original, this version looks much darker, even in the starting segment of the level.

This level get much, much darker, once we get into the polluted area. So much, that we can't even see the Blue-Marine.

Practically, the torpedoes are mostly useless, because their lighting is deficient. You must make an effort to see in the shadows.

In the original version, we could at least see something in this area, but here, we can't see a damn thing. You need to use torpedoes.

It's so dark, that walls and obstacles can't be distinguished without the constant use of torpedoes.

Except for Bacoon's eye, if you're emulating this game, you'll be in the dark when you confront him. Use the torpedoes constantly.

Wii Virtual Console

This version looks very much like the original console, because their lighting is quite similar

However, as you may have noticed, there's something different: the "flashing" effect that appears when we crash or the enemy hits us.

We see that the flash, instead of red, is a dark blue tone, which begs the question: Why does this happen in the VC?

Personally, I don't have a clear answer, but there is a reasonable argument for this modification:

In the 90s, the cases of seizures in children skyrocketed, and the main cause was the bright flash effects.

I suppose that, to avoid this, Nintendo decided to reduce the flash effects, so it doesn't harm the kids that played this game in 2011.

Beside the flashes when we take damage, or when we hit the enemies, there are no other major changes to the lighting.

Now, let's look at Bacoon. When we get close, we can identify a faint silhouette, but it can be seen without the need of torpedoes.

As a consequence of the anti-seizure measures, when we hit Bacoon (or any other enemy), it will flash in a dark blue tone.

Star Fox 64 3D

There's a huge difference between the original, and the 3DS version, and it notices. Star Fox 64 3D fixed many issues, and this was one of them.

The complaints about the low lighting in Aquas are now a thing of the past. The starting segment looks quite brighter on 3DS.

Even the polluted area is better illuminated in this version. We seemingly don't need the torpedoes

However, even with the improvement of lighting, in areas like this one, you need the torpedoes to identify some enemies.

Now, in this area, we can't distinguish the walls and obstacles so well, unless we use the torpedoes.

It's also interesting to see some changes to some of the dialogues, not only in Aquas, but in the entire game.

Another detail: in the battle against Bacoon, the area is way darker, due to Bacoon being the source of the pollution.

Even so, it's still visible and distinguishable on plain sight. Anyways, you have to use the torpedoes to defeat Bacoon.

As a final note, there's something I don't like: the "Motion Blur" effect seen throughout the level. I find it uncomfortable to my eyes.

I hope you managed to distinguish the differences between each version of the game.

That's it for now. See ya later!

For more infomation >> Road to 100% Star Fox 64 - Especial: Comparemos Aquas - Duration: 9:51.


[UNBOXING] Vinyl Records: PLANET ROCK!! (Afrika Bambaataa) REMIX - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> [UNBOXING] Vinyl Records: PLANET ROCK!! (Afrika Bambaataa) REMIX - Duration: 5:06.


Belén Esteban sorprende al enzarzarse en una pelea con una conocida presentadora - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Belén Esteban sorprende al enzarzarse en una pelea con una conocida presentadora - Duration: 3:38.


iTunes Purchase History [2018] - Duration: 2:48.

Hey guys, welcome back to AppleFrendly channel!

Today you'll learn how to view purchase history on iTunes as well as on iPhone!

If this video helps, share it with your friends and loved ones!

And consider subscribing to the channel if you haven't already.

So, without any further delays, let's dive right into it!

First we will see how to view purchase history on iPhone.

So, launch SETTINGS

Scroll down

and select iTUNES & APP STORE

Tap your Apple ID

and select VIEW APPLE ID

Now provide Apple ID password, Touch ID or Face ID if it asks for.

Now you should be on your Apple ID account page.

Scroll all the way down and look for PURCHASE HISTORY

and tap it.

Now you should see all your purchased apps right from the day you started using your Apple ID.

You can see all the purchased apps including free and paid ones.

It also shows the amount you paid for your active subscriptions.

And you can tap this little arrow to see more details of your purchased order.

And when you scroll all the way to the top, you have an option to view your purchased history

for past years.

As you can see, this is my purchase history since 2013.

So, that's how easy it is to view purchase history on iPhone.

Now we'll see how to view purchase history on iTunes.

So, launch iTunes on your Computer or Mac.

Tap ACCOUNT on the main menu bar.


Provide your Apple ID password

and hit SIGN IN

And now, you should see your Apple ID account page.

Scroll down and look for PURCHASE HISTORY.

And hit this SEE ALL option here.

You should see all your purchased apps including free, paid and active subscriptions.

If you wish, you can select this menu on the top left corner and choose the year

to view the purchased apps in that particular year.

So, that's how easy it is to how to view purchase history on iTunes.

Now go and checkout purchase history on your iPhone or iTunes and see if you have any unpaid dues.

I hope this video helps to keep track of all your purchased apps and credit card dues.

And that's all for today!

If this video helped, share it with your friends and loved ones.

And consider subscribing to the channel, if you haven't already!

I'll see you in the next one.

Till then, take good care of yourself and Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> iTunes Purchase History [2018] - Duration: 2:48.


La durísima acusación de Jorge Javier al Rey que le puede traer serios problemas - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> La durísima acusación de Jorge Javier al Rey que le puede traer serios problemas - Duration: 3:57.


¿Indicó Anna Duggar que está volviendo a la televisión en Instagram? - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> ¿Indicó Anna Duggar que está volviendo a la televisión en Instagram? - Duration: 3:06.


Devi Mahime Latest Dubbed Movie 2018 | Latest Tollywood Devotional Movies in Hindi - Duration: 2:01:19.

Statutory Warning

For more infomation >> Devi Mahime Latest Dubbed Movie 2018 | Latest Tollywood Devotional Movies in Hindi - Duration: 2:01:19.


Interview with Maria Mikhailova, Life Coach in London - Duration: 7:39.

I guess my first question to you is: What is it that you chose to

become a Life Coach? Well, that's a good question! Thank you! So I have my own

personal story behind it. I was struggling through all my life of having

a low self-esteem and low self-confidence. I was looking for something external

that will make me happy, like career achievements, relationships, other

aspects of life. I found it's very powerful to build your

self-confidence in order to have a sense of fulfillment and to

understand what is your purpose what are your interest what's

your passion. Having low self-esteem it's really challenging because you

always focus on others - what others think about you. You become concerned about a lot

of things, you have a lot of fears:

fears of judgment. You can start to have dependencies.

So once you get rid of all this stuff and become more self-aware

and self-confident, you can achieve great things

So this was first part of the story - my struggle with all these things and

the second reason why I'm doing coaching because I really love

helping people, I love to inspire people to achieve

their best self, if you wish. It's really interesting to help them to unblock

their potential and to discover what else is there inside them that they are

not using! Imagine that you have a gift for New Year but you've never opened it,

because you're too shy or too closed, or you're just afraid to open up,

and to show your your beautiful soul to others because of this fear of

judgement. This is actually why I'm doing coaching and I'm really passionate

about it! I would say that this is not like a career for me, but it's more a vocation or

my life calling. I'm super excited to be on this journey because it's very

much rewarding!

Wow, this is a truly inspirational and powerful message

thet you're bringing to people! So in your experience as a life coach what

challenges do your clients usually bring to you?

The the key challenge are.. when clients

clients are attracted to me with the issue of self-confidence. Typically my

clients have the challenges with low self-esteem, lack of self-love or they're

not really aware about what kind of patterns they're running. And sometime

they could have dependencies or some negative behavior that they want to

get rid of. But these are some kind of symptoms why they're coming to me.

But in the nutshell self confidence is a really big issue. Some of them could

never live their own life, they could just follow other's thoughts - the

patterns how they have to live, but never discover their own way.

And my target is to help them to reconnect with what is right for them,

to reconnect with their own emotions, with their own interests and find their own

purpose. And yes - this is very scary journey! It's really hard to go out from

the comfort zone and dare to chase something else. Because there is a lot of

uncertainty and people have the need for certainty. Sometimes they can

just stay in their comfort zone because it seems comfortable, but it's not really

comfortable in reality! Life is constantly evolving life and changing and nothing is

stable. So I help them to find their own empowerment within themselves and to use it

as a as a tool, their driver to go through and embrace all the different life

challenges and to find their own way of doing things!

What is it that you've noticed how do your clients benefit from your Coaching?

That's a really good question! First, they benefit just for being in the safe

space where they can reflect on everything what is happening with them.

They're not going to be judged or interrupted or criticized

Only the way that they can deliver and this information and to have

another look at what they've said outloud - things that are bothering them

- is already making a big sense for them. Also, I reflect back a lot and I help

them to understand through my own words, recaping and mirroring

what is happening for them. And when they heard everything that they said to me

they can have a look from the different perspective.

If this is something that really relate to them or it may be

something else, for example things their parents told them, or they learned from society.

Secondly, I also help them to

find their own resources. How they can become resourceful in order to reach their own

targets, how they can find it within themselves rather than seeking it

outside. So we're building great self-confidence. we're focusing on creating

a healthy self-esteem. We also speak about self-love and importance of being

self-aware and taking action to manifest these changes in their life.

Lastly, I would say, coaching helps them to be more alive, to see

that the life is beautiful, to see a lot of opportunities around them, and

to be fully happy! So far as they are on this journey of self-exploration

and finding the sense of self-fulfillment, they can achieve their

self-realization and actualization in their life, they can find their own

purpose. These are the benefits of doing

coaching and I'm doing it one-on-one and in groups as well. I'm also running

an Instagram channel, Facebook and LinkedIn. So there's a lot of ways to

reach me out :) Actually I propose a first free discovery session

aiming to understand whether my coaching style, my coaching approach will

be a good thing for them. I believe that almost everyone can benefit from

coaching. We all have a need to receive this kind of support, an opportunity to have our own

invaluable time just for ourselves, and just to be as we are, and to

accept ourselves as we are. Then to understand where we are actually heading..

That sounds really inspirational, Maria! Thank you very much for taking this time

to talk about your coaching!

For more infomation >> Interview with Maria Mikhailova, Life Coach in London - Duration: 7:39.


Video 1 Lenguaje de señas peruanas Lucila Pastor Molina - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Video 1 Lenguaje de señas peruanas Lucila Pastor Molina - Duration: 2:44.


CJay - Thottie Mad (Official A...

For more infomation >> CJay - Thottie Mad (Official A...


Meet The Olympics' Zamboni Driver - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Meet The Olympics' Zamboni Driver - Duration: 0:30.


Who's J-HOPE? Turkish ARMY Presents - Happy Birthday J-HOPE / #GoldenHobiDay - Duration: 4:24.

I'm J-hope

He was born on February 18


"Hello" for short


J-HOPE is our "hope"

He's the joy, hope and dance teacher of the group. He's everything.

He smiles a lot, when you look at him you smile spontaneously

I first met BTS with Run Music Video. And J-hope's perfect smile got my attention in that video.

I think he's an angel but looks like a human.

When i was becoming an Army, i watched their performances at MAMA 2016.

I cannot lie... I fell in love with their Boys Meet Evil performance.

He always tries to teach dance to Jin and RM. He really works hard for them.

Along with his smile,

His unique and abrasive dance attracts me so much.

He's so friendly and warm-blooded. He always gets along with others.

Everyone says the same thing about him.

-I have a friend named J-hope -J-hope?

Unique name. Is he from racially-drivers family?

No, he's a horse.

J-horse! J-horse! I've changed my name, it's J-horse now.

They call him "horse"

I'm gonna draw a horse.

How should i draw a horse?

You should look at the mirror.

Don't make me swear in front of cameras.

They think that he looks like a horse.

But deffinitely not his face. I can say that he looks like a horse physically.

Just because he doesn't want to look sad for Army, he smiles and waves at them at the end of the concert.

This is one of those that i like about him.

Some fans (not fans) were exclusioning him before.

Who are they?

- Bitchez. - Which bithcez?

- Hater bithchez. - Oh, those bithcez.

Also J-hope is also loved a lot by another fans from another fandoms.

I always cry in J-hope's part when i listen their 둘! 셋! (2! 3!) song.

I don't know why but especially i cry over with "For being a flower in the most beautiful moment of life" part.

And it always happens.

I love J-hope so much and i want to hide him in a box. (it's a Turkish expression)

Oh handsome. OMG.

I love him so much. Best loves from here.

J-hope. I love you.

J-hope, we love you.

Enshrine in my heart. I love him so much.

J-hope we love you!

Thanks for watching.

Hope, you'll keep loving J-hope.

For more infomation >> Who's J-HOPE? Turkish ARMY Presents - Happy Birthday J-HOPE / #GoldenHobiDay - Duration: 4:24.


Homescapes Level 327 - How to complete Level 327 on Homescapes - Duration: 4:36.

"How to play level 327 on Homescapes"

"How to beat level 327 on Homescapes"

"Homescapes how to complete level 327"

For more infomation >> Homescapes Level 327 - How to complete Level 327 on Homescapes - Duration: 4:36.


iTunes Purchase History [2018] - Duration: 2:48.

Hey guys, welcome back to AppleFrendly channel!

Today you'll learn how to view purchase history on iTunes as well as on iPhone!

If this video helps, share it with your friends and loved ones!

And consider subscribing to the channel if you haven't already.

So, without any further delays, let's dive right into it!

First we will see how to view purchase history on iPhone.

So, launch SETTINGS

Scroll down

and select iTUNES & APP STORE

Tap your Apple ID

and select VIEW APPLE ID

Now provide Apple ID password, Touch ID or Face ID if it asks for.

Now you should be on your Apple ID account page.

Scroll all the way down and look for PURCHASE HISTORY

and tap it.

Now you should see all your purchased apps right from the day you started using your Apple ID.

You can see all the purchased apps including free and paid ones.

It also shows the amount you paid for your active subscriptions.

And you can tap this little arrow to see more details of your purchased order.

And when you scroll all the way to the top, you have an option to view your purchased history

for past years.

As you can see, this is my purchase history since 2013.

So, that's how easy it is to view purchase history on iPhone.

Now we'll see how to view purchase history on iTunes.

So, launch iTunes on your Computer or Mac.

Tap ACCOUNT on the main menu bar.


Provide your Apple ID password

and hit SIGN IN

And now, you should see your Apple ID account page.

Scroll down and look for PURCHASE HISTORY.

And hit this SEE ALL option here.

You should see all your purchased apps including free, paid and active subscriptions.

If you wish, you can select this menu on the top left corner and choose the year

to view the purchased apps in that particular year.

So, that's how easy it is to how to view purchase history on iTunes.

Now go and checkout purchase history on your iPhone or iTunes and see if you have any unpaid dues.

I hope this video helps to keep track of all your purchased apps and credit card dues.

And that's all for today!

If this video helped, share it with your friends and loved ones.

And consider subscribing to the channel, if you haven't already!

I'll see you in the next one.

Till then, take good care of yourself and Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> iTunes Purchase History [2018] - Duration: 2:48.


TABLA LESSON for beginners,Tabla lesson #2 - Duration: 6:25.

hi everybody this is again Ravi was in my first lesson I tried to teach how to

play the card on number one and the part of the table and how you keep your hand

how to make the sound ology so I'm gonna teach today the variation of it which we

call pandas of the Qaeda so the first color what I thought is goes like okay

okay okay so if you want to know it housework you can have what you can try

to watch my first video and today we're gonna work on the compiler the variation

of that compositions which is called pandas so the first part on will go gay

gay gay gay gay that pay gay gay gay gay nah nah okay okay that day okay okay

that day gay gay the day gay gay now now so I'm

gonna plate

so the next falta work like gay gay that day that day that day

gay gay that day gay gay nah nah okay okay

that day that day that day gay gay gay gay gay nah nah I'm gonna play

so the I tell you the Qaeda the one Panthers the summer - Panthers now I

tell you how to play behind well tonight we have to play for every compositions

after when we want to finish it so there is a lot of more partez if you want to

learn you can write me in comment down below so I teach you more and more

Panthers I can send you one comment and or you can try to get to my email and

then you can ask for more questions about the Tablas so in order to pay too

high we have food defense wise we use like

it's more like mathematics I'll explain you in future but let's do it more easy

way so you will be able to learn and you will be able to practice after you

understand it it's better to go more with more complicated Yaga

so the most is you see how it goes like it so I will play it one more time so I

will play everything like car da da da and behind so you will see how its work


so this is how the cult but a sweet try de volta

and the high works with so there are many more things we have to talk in

future but I would like to make it much easier to in order to understand in

order to explain it's easy for us to begin the things and then of course in

future we will go more complicated things so make sure you're not allowed

to make paljah with any things you want to do because there are rules and

regression was we have to follow which also I will tell you envision so thanks

a lot I hope you understand all this if there is some conclusion please write me

in comments I will answer soon Bhavana

For more infomation >> TABLA LESSON for beginners,Tabla lesson #2 - Duration: 6:25.


Uomini e donne , Gemma lascia il programma con Giorgio? Ecco le novità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne , Gemma lascia il programma con Giorgio? Ecco le novità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.


Devi Mahime Latest Dubbed Movie 2018 | Latest Tollywood Devotional Movies in Hindi - Duration: 2:01:19.

Statutory Warning

For more infomation >> Devi Mahime Latest Dubbed Movie 2018 | Latest Tollywood Devotional Movies in Hindi - Duration: 2:01:19.


EID ! Special feet mehndi design by sania malik - Duration: 1:58.

Subscribed my channel

For more infomation >> EID ! Special feet mehndi design by sania malik - Duration: 1:58.



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For more infomation >> BABY TĂM CÙNG SLIME NHIỀU MÀU SẮC - TRÒ CHƠI TRẺ EM - Duration: 11:32.


Brishna Amil new albam pashto song 4 برشنا امیل نوی البوم پښتو سندره - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Brishna Amil new albam pashto song 4 برشنا امیل نوی البوم پښتو سندره - Duration: 4:33.


Princess for kids How to draw

For more infomation >> Princess for kids How to draw


Hitchhiking: How do I convince my Mother! - Duration: 15:01.

After 21 hours, finally I've made it to the highway!

Now I'll ask people, till where they can take me.

I have a feeling that they'll help me.

We are just joking around!

It's very hot right now. The sun is too strong. I'm sweating!

They are waiting for someone.

Finally, it's time to go!

They are over-speeding and haven't put the seat belt on.

During hitchhiking, often there are times that you do not know with whom you are travelling.

This is one of the risks of hitchhiking.

This is not a very safe way to drive.

I've reached Sungai Perag's R&R.

If I had a cardboard with me during hitchhiking, then I wouldn't have faced so many problems.

If I had a cardboard with me, I could have written Penang, Langkawi, etc. on it.

And that would have helped me in hitchhiking.

While hitchhiking if you have a display board with some of your details, it can save a lot of time and effort.

Now I'm going in a store to borrow a cardboard.

He helped me.

I could have used a translation app, but I didn't.

I'm trying to see if I can convey my message without using the help of technology.

I've been provided with a paper and a marker.

We've got something!

Now it's time for mission hitchhiking!

R&R and Petrol Stations are ideal places for hitchhiking in Malaysia.

Very well organized. Just stand at the exit and you'll be able to find something.

I have hope that I might be able to reach Langkawi by today.

People are at least acknowledging. That's a good thing!

This board helped me!

Once they saw the board, they approached me.

Hafeez, Akmal and Ismail are my 3 friends who'll take me to Kedah.

Aamir Khan is my favorite actor.

Always wear seat-belts while driving. Especially while on the highway.

They are also over-speeding at 130 km/hour

The maximum limit here is 110 km/hour.

Whenever you drive on a road, make sure you follow the safety instructions and drive within the speed limit.

The road is always designed as per the maximum speed limit.

If you go beyond that, it could land you in trouble.

Always care for yourself because there are people counting on you back home.

While I was booking a hostel bed in Langkawi, Google informed me about an accident on the same road.

Based on the crash alert, I can probably change my travel route.

WhatsApp helps me stay connected to my mother who worries a lot about me.

Once in a day, I send her a picture of me. This keeps her satisfied.

Kuala Keda and Kuala Perlis are 36 kilometers apart.

You can find ferries for cheap from Kuala Perlis at about 18 Ringgit.

Whereas from Kuala Kedah, it costs 23 Ringgit.

Touts have gathered here.

I can smell fish which means, the sea is somewhere near!

For more infomation >> Hitchhiking: How do I convince my Mother! - Duration: 15:01.


Violet Evergarden - Violet Snow - Akano (Piano Arr. by DarkAngelWJ) - Duration: 2:48.

Violet Snow Vocals: Akano Piano: DarkAngelWJ

Life is a journey

Feelings of hopelessness, loneliness...

She sweeps them all away

Able, graceful, and she always keeps her promises

Every ending has a new beginning

Unexpected things will happen

There will always be a silver lining

Time heals all sorrows

Get over no worries

Cause nothing is more precious than love

Noble, faithful, she's as pure as that driven snow

Oh dear how so sweet

It's her way of life

No one doubt her and her sincerity

A fragile beauty, one and only

She's not only gentle but brave

With honest eyes, it's true

Lost in the labyrinth

Never know what love means

She's truly a treasured piece of mine

No fears no more tears

Set the spirit free and stay alive

Oh dear heart, so please

Time heals all sorrows

Get over no worries

Cause nothing is more precious than love

Noble, faithful, she's as pure as that driven snow

Oh dear how so sweet

For more infomation >> Violet Evergarden - Violet Snow - Akano (Piano Arr. by DarkAngelWJ) - Duration: 2:48.


3 Minute Makeup Using 3 Products - Duration: 7:40.

hey guys and welcome back to my channel in today's video I'm really excited to

be sharing with you my 3 minute makeup routine I don't even know if you can

really consider this a makeup tutorial but sometimes I just need to go run

errands at the grocery store or sometimes my husband and I want to go

out to lunch and I want to look a little bit more presentable but I don't have

tons of time to like get full-on ready nor do I want to I just want to look a

little bit more polished a little bit more naturally flawless and so I have

three steps that I do in 3 minutes probably actually less than 3 minutes

this video is obviously gonna be a little longer than 3 minutes because I'm

gonna kind of explain to you what I do and why and I'm gonna give you some tips

on how it may be you can make this 3 minute makeup routine fit your lifestyle

and fit you a while back I took a poll on Twitter literally my phone is about

to die it's at 1% but the 3-minute on-the-go makeup is what 1 so that is

what caused me to film this today let's just get right into it so my philosophy

behind this type of makeup look is I choose three things my top 3 things that

I want to take care of every day so for me to feel beautiful and more confident

I personally really like a nice even or more even skin tone it doesn't have to

be flawless or completely you know one color as long as it's just a little bit

more even I feel a little better to go out and go to Target or to lunch or

whatever it is the next thing for me is my eyebrows however when I'm in a rush

because I don't have that big of I browse and they're not naturally very

full I don't fill them in because it will take me way more than three minutes

and well probably more around 30 minutes to fill my brows that's why a lot of

times I actually do my brows off-camera when I'm filming tutorials even just

because it takes me a long time I'm really particular so with this tutorial

I know it that my brows take too long so instead my little hack the thing I do

first is I throw on a baseball hat and even though other people can probably

see my eyebrows it makes me feel better and I feel like there's kind of a shadow

cast on my brows boom brows check done so now after I've done that and the

reason I do this is because I can kind of see depending on what hat I'm wearing

how far I need to blend up the foundation I don't even always take it

up here but now I'm just gonna even out the skin

tone the foundations that I like to use for this one that I really really love

for a situation like this is the Make Up For Ever Ultra HD foundation this is

gonna give you like a light to medium coverage but it's gonna still kind of

look like skin so I just really want to look like I'm naturally a little bit

more flawless and so this is a great foundation for that another option that

is more affordable is from NYX this is their BB cream

really really great and a lot of coverage out of this right here so I

really like that one too sometimes I will also use the it cosmetics CC cream

this is kind of in that same family of just kind of a lightweight but it still

gives you a nice natural more full coverage look so I'm gonna go with the

Make Up For Ever Ultra HD foundation because that is the one that I tend to

use the most it's just easy and it looks really nice foolproof and really quick

so the shade I have is why two to five and I just put one pump on the back of

my hand and when I'm in a rush I don't have time to do a sponge so I'm just

gonna go ahead and take a brush and I work so fast when I'm in a rush I worked

so fast but obviously I'm talking with you guys so I'm gonna kind of move

through this quickly but I could do it faster if I'm not chatting to you and

basically I just blend it out all over the skin sometimes I'll kind of prop my

hat up a little bit like this so I can get in between the brows and

then like kind of in this inner corner here and I'll take it all the way up to

underneath the eyes because I don't have time to do concealer and I don't have

like major major dark circles most of the time some days I do so I skip

concealer altogether if you don't have a brush you can totally use your hands

that works just as well so there you have it a little bit more of an even

tone complexion it's not perfect but this is all I need to feel like a little

bit more confident when I go out I don't care if there's a little bit of

blemishes showing through just as long as like the front of my face looks a

little bit more fresh that's all I need and that's what I really like so since

complexion is a priority for me if you guys have really great skin you can

totally skip this step and maybe your top three things might be like to brush

up your brows and fill those in a little bit if you have more full brows maybe

you don't like to leave the house without mascara that could be something

that you might want to throw on maybe you like highlight I don't know it just

depends on you guys and your complexion and your personal preferences so the

next thing since we've evened everything out I like to add a little bit more

color you guys know how much I love blush and bronzer and things like that

this has been my go-to for these quick kind of makeup looks this is from

benefit it's the rocket or blush and the reason why I choose this is because it's

a little bit of a deeper tone it's not gonna be super bright and like to

attention-grabbing but it's like deep enough to kind of be

a bronzer and blush and highlight and one it's kind of like a one in done

situation and I just use the brush that comes with it ain't nobody got time to

go fishing around add a little bit of blush to my cheeks and it just kind of

makes me look like I went for like a little jog or something I don't know

just brings a little bit more color back to the face but doesn't look unnatural

brings a little radiance back as well and it's just really pretty boom they're

on a roll so after that I really can't leave the house without something on my

lips and since we did apply foundation on the lips sometimes it kind of like

lightens them and I feel like since you know we've got a shadow going down on

the brows and the eyes I don't worry about that the complexion is showing but

it looks a little bit better than before so I'm happy with that

who's out there the whole time oh dear so for lips I love to use a tinted lip

balm I was trying to find it might be one of my purses I love the Burt's Bees

original like pomegranate chapstick it has the slightest like pink tint to it

and it just works really well for situations like this

so if you want something from like the drugstore that's an amazing option I've

been using that for years it's one of my favorites but recently a fresh scent

over this new sugar advanced therapy dream tinted moisturizer or tinted lip

balm sorry and it's just the prettiest pink I've never used this for a three

minute tutorial like in real life yet but this was definitely what I have been

using on a daily basis was just my normal makeup so now I just apply a

little bit of this to the lips and you guys that is it that completes my

three-minute makeup look honestly you guys when I'm headed out the door I can

do this in three minutes or less because it's only three products just like boop

boop put a hat on and I'm good to go and I just feel like it just adds a little

bit more it just adds a little something and it mostly is just for me like it

mostly just makes me feel like a little bit more polished and like cute to go

out so anyways I hope you guys found this helpful again this is just

inspiration and figure out what works for you if you're

rush like figure out what you want to kind of play up and what you have

naturally that you can kind of let be natural and then the other things that

like really matter to you like for me the complexion working on evening out

the skin or maybe putting on some mascara or a lip color just whatever

works for you so I hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial I definitely had a lot of

fun sharing with you my tips and tricks that I genuinely do use when I'm in a

rush or want to get out the door quick so if you haven't already joined the

family please join it by hitting the subscribe button and if you guys want to

be notified every time I post a video since I post three times a week just

click on the little bell after you subscribe and you'll be notified every

time I post thanks again for watching you guys share in the comments below if

you guys have any quick tips for getting out the door

what you like to do in the morning I know some of you might not even wear

makeup but if you do if you if there's just something that you always have to

do before you leave the door let me know what it is in the comments below have a

fabulous weekend and I will see you in my next video love you

For more infomation >> 3 Minute Makeup Using 3 Products - Duration: 7:40.


I Hit It! (1,000 Subscribers!!!) - Duration: 0:56.

Cause y'all are not hitting?

Watch, everyone will go one more time, and then-

OH! OH! OH MY GOD! YES I HIT IT! (No no no...)

YES! YES! (No no...)

Oh my God, uh-

Oh my God!


For more infomation >> I Hit It! (1,000 Subscribers!!!) - Duration: 0:56.


What is the ROI of a logo - Return on Investment - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> What is the ROI of a logo - Return on Investment - Duration: 3:23.


Niche Sites vs Authority Sites (COMPARED) - Duration: 14:39.

the other day someone asked me if they should even bother building a Mitch site

or if they should just focus all their time and effort on an authority site and

I had to stop them right there the thing is you really have to define what you

mean when you say a niche site or an authority site that's what we're gonna

talk about in this video today my name is Doug Cunnington I'm the founder of

niche site project and I talk about Amazon affiliate marketing productivity

and project management by the way are you new to the channel if so take a look

around if you like what you see please subscribe back to niche sites vs.

Authority sites so for me I mean my site is called niche site project so I'm

gonna use the term niche site most of the time but when you get down to the

nitty gritty I think they're the same thing and this is why it's so important

to get into the definition of what you really mean when you use certain terms

everyone has a different perspective they have different sources for their

information they have different ideas about what terms mean it just depends on

what the perspective is so when you get a question whatever it is you should

definitely make sure you and whoever is asking it or if you're asking it that

you define the components of the question otherwise you could be talking

about two different things so for me my perspective on niche sites

versus authority sites is at this point in 2018 it's merely a branding idea so

again my sites a niche site project I talked about niche sites but really when

you think about it at the core an authority site and a niche site are the

same thing they are an affiliate site of some kind I usually talk about Amazon

affiliate marketing but other people may sell other affiliate products it could

be a Clickbank info product it could be you know another info product from

another company or it could be through affiliate market places like ShareASale

something like that but at its core an authority site and a niche site are both

affiliate sites the misconception that I think a lot of people have is when I

talk about a niche you think very small and very thorough

perhaps maybe it's ten pages and it can't earn much money however if you

just sort of flip it on its head and take a look for my perspective an

authority site is really just a niche site that's grown a a lot of people in

their head they think an authority site is a site with a lot of pages and a lot

of information and that sort of thing very long posts in a lot of posts

however let's take a look at an example that is totally different so backlinko

dot-com is an SEO authority site and if we look at the number of posts that

backlinko has we see there are not that many right it's a smaller site however

almost all the posts are quite authoritative and long and they have

lots of information and brian dean is you know one of the biggest influencers

as far as SEO goes and his site has a lot of authority most people would agree

it's an authority site on the other side of the coin we can find many examples

i'm not going to point a specific one out here since it would sort of be in a

negative light but there are many sites that have a lot of posts that maybe they

hit a topic pretty well but it's not very high quality and it's just sort of

a site where they churn through posts that are low-quality and i see a lot of

these out there and just because there's a lot of posts on the site just because

they are long post doesn't mean it's an authority site there's more to it than

just that and that's you know where my definition of a niche site and an

authority site being the same thing it's just a branding sort of idea those are

two examples you know backlinko where it's a site with few posts but a lot of

authority and then there are many sites if you just start hunting around you'll

find sites that have a ton of content they're not that high in authority and

you know they haven't obtained a lot of backlinks they're just not an influencer

in their specific niche so those are two examples that sort of

you know prove my point here additionally the other way to look at it

when we remember that a Mitch site can grow up to be an authority site if you

put enough time and effort into it all authority sites start off as smaller

sites so they all start off with you know handful of posts they don't have

many backlinks and they're just trying to grow so all of these authority sites

do start as niche sites and why am i emphasizing this so much it's because if

you try to follow an authority site model right the branding of an authority

site you may end up biting off more than you can chew particularly if you are

just getting started online the danger is you will think I need to create a

site with a lot of keywords a lot of posts the posts need to be very long and

I need to get a lot of backlinks each one of those steps is overwhelming and

if you put that all on yourself you may run out of steam you probably will run

out of steam because everything gets harder as you move along and when you

are trying to find a bunch of keywords but you're just learning how to find

keywords using a keyword research tool and you're trying to publish a lot of

content and you're just learning how to hire people to help you write it it

becomes overwhelming and most people will quit before they hit the level of

authority site where they have a hundred posts or 150 posts other similarities

when it comes down to the process they're very similar so you have to do

keyword research and you have to do keyword research in the same way where

you end up finding buyers keywords eventually you want to sell something

you want it to be a commercial keyword and a buyer's keyword is something that

a searcher will use prior to making a purchase those are the ones you want

since it indicates that they're further down the sort of buyers funnel or a

selling funnel if you will the content on an authority site in a niche site is

probably going to be pretty similar you can use

you know review format like the perfect Amazon review format and you know

recommend products not recommend other products and essentially you're trying

to help someone make a decision on both type of sites it doesn't matter if it's

authority or if it's a niche site as far as promotion for each of the sites

you're gonna have to get backlinks at some point probably in a similar way

most likely you're gonna get guest post if you're a grey hat SEO maybe you'll

get private blog network links but that's totally up to you I do recommend

the guest posting route and blog commenting networking within your niche

and getting white hat backlinks through white hat outreach some differences if

we're gonna operate on the definition of an authority site and a niche site where

an authority site is is big with a lot of content and very long content as well

a lot of backlinks I kind of highlighted a few of them they're an authority site

may have a lot more posts and a lot longer content however again when we

look at the Bryan Dean example just because a site is considered an

authority site doesn't mean that it has to have a lot of posts so remember that

it could just be very high quality post and the site being sort of an

influential site within the you know overall industry or niche or whatever

you want to call it an authority site potentially would have more frequent

posting maybe once a week twice a week once a day twice a day

there's no set a mail but a lot of people may think hey I have to post a

certain amount of times per week just to be considered an authority site my

argument of course is you don't need to do that and I have what many people

would consider an authority site and I do Sprint's of work it's just what I

like to do so maybe I'll publish 200 articles in a few months and then maybe

I don't publish anything for eight months or ten months because I'm

focusing on promoting that content a very important part of the puzzle

there so basically you don't necessarily have to publish all the time you could

publish infrequently again backlinko is a great example

he doesn't Bryan Dean doesn't publish content that often but when he does he

promotes it very heavily that's one of the reasons why he's considered an

authority aside from being you know super knowledgeable and a practitioner

in his craft of SEO what about micro niche sites now this is a term that used

to be thrown out a little bit more often but it's kind of an old an old idea

micro niche site and these are sites that typically had very few pages like

five to ten pages they probably focused on one product a very narrow set of

keywords this was back in the day when people used to buy these exact match

keyword domains if the keyword that you were targeting was best ballpoint pen

for journaling the domain you may get could be the best ballpoint pen for

journaling com because you're literally targeting that specific term and there

was a day if you could believe it that if you just got the exact match domain

you were very likely to rank for that term that was a long time ago that was

even before I got into SEO and niche sites in 2013 but there was indeed a

time where you could just buy the exact match and then you could rank just based

on your domain and keyword stuffing it was like the Wild West so I hear the

problem with these micro niche sites even if they do still work today and we

could see a couple of examples of that in fact there's one that I did a niche

site teardown review on I'll link to it in the description but it was a very

narrow niche and I won't go into too many details now but it was a football

snack helmets right super narrow and it's pretty hard to expand a site with

that specific domain name could they do it

maybe but when you think about these micro niche sites with only a few pages

that can be profitable that can be an interesting case study but you run into

an issue when you think hey this site is doing pretty good I want to grow it I

want to add more products and I want to add more reviews and have more content

but if you think too short-sighted and you buy a domain name that is you know

very specific and you're targeting just a couple products it's really hard to

grow so the important part is to brand your site and find a domain name that

you could expand and you could add other products too because if you can't add

other products then you're stuck you've painted yourself into a corner and then

you really can't expand anymore so if you find a really good keyword it

doesn't mean you have to you know paint yourself in a corner just remember brand

your site in a general way so that you can grow if you want to you don't have

to expand the site if you don't want to write but you want to give yourself the

option additionally right to think a little bit

longer term let's say you grow the site to $300 a month and you don't want to

keep it anymore you want to sell it if you create a site where you have the

ability to grow by picking a more general domain name so that you could

expand you'll be able to sell it at potentially a higher price because the

site has more potential to grow where if you get a domain name that's like super

narrow again you've painted yourself in the future owner in a corner and you've

sort of limited the potential growth so overall to tie in the bow here a niche

site and an authority site basically the same thing it's just a niche site many

people could consider smaller but it's really just a branding thing from my

perspective and when you look at other what other people are teaching my niche

site is the same as other people's authority sites my sites have you know

hundreds of pieces of content it's a very thorough there's a you know

brandable name behind it and that's what you should aim for in general another

thing is you don't have to grow your niche site into a huge site but if you

start small and grow into it it makes it much more doable the problem and one of

the cons when you think about the authority site model is you

think to yourself I need to find 100 or 200 or 500 keywords that I can grow into

but with the niche site model you can get started with like 20 keywords and

only use about half of them I recommend you launch your site with ten pieces of

content half of it informational half of it affiliate reviews and then after you

publish ten pieces of content go out there start promoting it and network in

your niche get some guest posts start getting traffic it's really important to

get started getting traffic getting a small win making some sales early on

versus you know trying to power your way through it by putting your head down

thinking you're gonna publish 200 posts in six months and then hopefully in ten

months or twelve months you can make your first profits that's crazy if you

ask me you know I'm much more I mean it comes from my project management

background where I want to see you know agile project management in play with

niche sites so that's why I'm saying publish ten pieces of content start

promoting it start making sales prove that works and you'll gain momentum as

you do another sprint avoid whole other story when we put project management an

agile project management on top of niche sites but super interesting to do

because you end up with a repeatable process sort of a blueprint to do this

over and over again and if you can make one sprint of work profitable then you

can do it over and over again my name is Doug Huntington a founder niche site

project and have a look at some of the other videos if you liked it please

subscribe and if you learned anything like the video would really appreciate

it thanks


For more infomation >> Niche Sites vs Authority Sites (COMPARED) - Duration: 14:39.


Subaru XV 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Premium de Prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Subaru XV 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Premium de Prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 1:00.


Citroën Berlingo 1.6I MULTISPACE ATTRACTION - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.6I MULTISPACE ATTRACTION - Duration: 0:59.



welcome Jimbo's garage good evening everyone welcome back to Jimbo's garage

well today we're gonna be taking a look at the HTP inverarc 200p LP but before

we get started I just want to say this is not a paid endorsement from HTP I did

call them I let them know that I'd be interested in doing a video on this

machine because I wanted to just explain to my viewers what an incredible piece

of equipment this really is they said that they would be interested in

offering a discount on this machine to my viewers which are you guys and I'll

mention more about that later on in the video so I want to talk about this

machine right here because you know I've been sick world instance as a freshman

in high school and I've welded with just about every type of machine every color

machine you can you can use and I've never I've never used a stick welding

machine that has an arc quite like this right here it is truly amazing

it comes in about 15 pounds and about the size of a lunch boxes is extremely

lightweight very portable the cables on here are the stick the stick cable on

this thing is an impressive 13 feet long where the ground cable is 10 feet long

speaking the ground cable this thing is you've got a super-strong clamp on it

right here that's copper conductors right here and the cabling is really

thick and really good-quality on both the Stinger and the ground clamp lead

now this machine offers quite a few functions right here obviously stick

welding mode it also offers cellular stick welding which is you guys but you

guys know that that was the 60 10 a 60 10 electrode does not well very well

with certain machines this one has that capability we'll put it in that livery

we'll give it a try it also has that DC lift arc TIG mode if you choose to use

that it has that function as well and one thing that this thing now is that a

lot of machines don't hit out is pulse stick and we're going to be dealing with

that now we're pulse it comes in handy and I don't use a lot

of it and I haven't used it a lot here but we're going to give it a try is if

you have a thinner thinner material that he normally would stick well with it

gives you the ability to to stick well with some low heat but good penetration

or let's say you have a gap of the fit up isn't really good you've got a bit of

a gap then the pulse mode would come in there allow you to actually slow the

heat down yet get good penetration we'll take a look at that the downfall with

this machine right here it is 220 volts only is not a dual voltage machine so

you'll need to have in your shop your workspace or your garage 220 volts or a

220 volt generator on your truck for mobile use but that's not broad for me

in the shop I got plenty of 220 power and it's all good so I've got some

coupons right here and we're gonna be doing a couple of different wells we're

doing a tea joint a lap joint and a butt joint and we're going to be operating

off of a couple of different electrodes most popular the 78 18 8 inch this is a

lincoln Excalibur we're going to be using that and then also the 6010 we're

gonna try that on the cellular mode I've also got some 5/32 7018 we might try

those as well because a lot of you guys maybe use if I 332nd I should say we got

guys use that at the very end I've got a 5/32 17 18 we're gonna crank

this thing up to about 160 amps and just and use this thing and just see what

that's all about and before we get started that's don't want to talk a

little bit about the duty cycle on this the duty cycle is really impressive

this thing will well 45% at 200 amps now I don't know about you but you know for

me here in the shop it's very rare I'm sick welding that I'm going to go over

125 135 amps you know most of the stuff that I use is right around 125 amps 78

18 that's going to cover just about everything I do in the shop but I mean

for you guys you need more than that this machine is fully capable

all right so we get started right here and I'm just going to hit the Select

mode right here and put it to arc and we're going to turn this up to a hundred

and 25 amps and I'm going to be using a lincoln excalibur 70 eighteen eight inch

thick electrode on a lap joint right here and you can see that well you can't

really see because I can't provide you an arc shot but this is super smooth got

a little bit of fluctuation in the amps right here but hovering right around the

125 amps and just super smooth and this is the the result of that and I am chip

the slag off right here and you know and getting it a little bit harder than and

I should I know you know so it's a you know bang it that hard but for the sake

of the video I'm just getting things cleaned up right here

as best I can and there it is that that's what it looks like super smooth

and that that worked out really good you know just really effortless welding and

not a lot of work just dragging that electrode through there and that's where

they ended up with so now we're going to bump this to the sella a cellular mode

right here cellulous mode right here and when I did that is preset it in about 80

amps I'm going to bump it up to 90 amps right here and this is a sixty ten

electrode eight inch and again the same thing I mean it's just super smooth

welding there's no spitting or spattering or fluctuation too much in

the amps it was just very consistent through here and it was very fluid and

it just laid down a really nice consistent bead so here it is right here

and I'm just chipping off the slag now that came off pretty easy you know

usually that it's a little bit difficult to get the slag off of sixty ten or

sixty allowed and vistas came off really smooth and easy and you can see the

consistency here of the bead profile it's just laid in there really nice I'm

brushing that off and you can get a better look at that I'll clean these up

at the end of this video and we'll get a really good

look at how all these profiles turned out alright so I'm gonna hit the select

mode we're going to go to arc we're going to go over to function and we're

going to go to pulse frequency and you can see that's flashing at 1 pulse per

second at 125 amps and we're going to go ahead and try to fill this gap this is

about a 3/16 to 1/4 gap on a butt joint and if you listen or close you can keep

them you can you can hear the fluctuation and the amps and you can

also see it on the display right there from one hundred and about 125 to about

sixty sixty-two amps it's about 50% fluctuation on the pulse right there

and you know it's super smooth welding and I just love when you can just that

that slag just peels up like this and you can just knock it off and it's a

finished product it's that's really cool alright we're gonna get out of that

pulse mode and go back to the arc mode and you can see I just hit that select

mode to arc and we're gonna bump this up to a hundred and seventy amps and we're

going to try that 5/32 electrode 7018 on this and again just you know striking

the arc right here and just going is as smooth as it can possibly be it almost

seems like that that the higher that amps you go on this machine the smoother

it welds now I'm not much for a guy that that welds you know much more than like

I said about 125 amps you know eight-inch 70 18 is about the best I do

in my shop but you know here is a good example of just bumping it up a little

bit on some thicker material and you can just see how clean everything comes off

and how it cleaning that profile looks again not a lot of work everything super

smooth and the machine performed flawlessly at 170 amps I'm just gonna

brush it off right here and I'm gonna spin around and take a

look at that you know pretty impressive all right so here's the first one we did

yeah just a lap joint here this is a 70 18 eighth inch 70 18 Lincoln xcalibur

and you can just see how smooth and fluid the arc is right here it is

effortlessly nice and clean this is just beautiful really a good really a good or

cranky a really good shot and then moving over right here this is the 60 10

on the cellulose mode and I know if you can see the lighting may not be good but

you can just see how clean and fluid that worked on the cellular cellular

modem at this is a sixty ten net every machine can can lay down like that this

is this turned out really nice and then the this one over here is the pulse

stick mode and this is where we had that gap of about 3/16 of an inch gap right

there and you can see that that really worked out really nice and filling that

gap really cool and then over here this is the big 5/32 70 18 just laid that

right in there at 170 amps and you can see how smooth and clean everything

turned out really right there okay well there it is short little review of the

HCP in varrock 200 TLP you know this is an awesome machine if you have a shop or

a garage or workspace and you've got 220 power it's a great it's a great machine

to have to add your arsenal as my regular viewers know it sits on my

workbench right over here and takes up very little space so if this is

something they're you're interested in you can call HDPE at 1-800 USA well and

if you mention you saw this um Jimbo's garage you'll get a 300 dollar discount

hope you guys enjoyed the video and don't forget to check out my website it

Jimbo's garage comm I made some changes over there and it's pretty cool thanks

for watching don't forget to rate comment and subscribe for more videos

say next time on Jimbo's garage

For more infomation >> HTP INVERARC 200 TLP REVIEW | JIMBO'S GARAGE - Duration: 10:52.


Hyundai Tucson 2.0I STYLE SUPREME - Duration: 0:59.

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BMW Z4 Roadster 2.0i Exe ed. M - sport pakket - Duration: 1:00.

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Mitsubishi i-MiEV Wegenbelasting Vrij! Automaat! ECC/Elek-Ramen/CV/Mistl./Electr. verw.voorstoelen/R - Duration: 1:01.

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Citroën C3 1.4i Exclusive - Duration: 0:57.

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Citroën C3 1.4i-16V Exclusive - Duration: 1:39.

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Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs X-play Airco-Parkeercamera - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs X-play Airco-Parkeercamera - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs X-Play Parkeercamera - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs X-Play Parkeercamera - Duration: 0:59.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs Now Airco - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs Now Airco - Duration: 1:02.


Official Rampage Trailer

For more infomation >> Official Rampage Trailer


VEDA 16 I crashed my car and watched Winter Olympic Games | daily vlog - Duration: 2:39.

Now I'm here at the coffee shop and I'm going to drink my little coffee

I'm watching the Winter Olympic Games and this girl here, she screams a lot

I'm gonna show she screaming

I'll explain to you how this game works

those people throw the iron

one throw the iron to iron the clothes and the other one cleans the floor with the broom

commentator says - we don't know if it has some kind of inclination or if it's totally plan

Are they discussing if the Earth is plan? I'm not understanding

For more infomation >> VEDA 16 I crashed my car and watched Winter Olympic Games | daily vlog - Duration: 2:39.


ALBÁNEC - TUNG TUNG! (616 Official Video) - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> ALBÁNEC - TUNG TUNG! (616 Official Video) - Duration: 3:08.


SOLSTICE Orlando Premium Outlets com PREÇOS no Viajar Muda Tudo! - Duration: 20:36.

For more infomation >> SOLSTICE Orlando Premium Outlets com PREÇOS no Viajar Muda Tudo! - Duration: 20:36.


Tribulação é uma ponte para a vitória - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> Tribulação é uma ponte para a vitória - Duration: 8:43.


Lahore qalandar playing squad for PSL 2018 | Lahore Qalandars Full squad of PSL 2018 - Duration: 2:52.

Lahore qalandar playing squad for PSL 2018 | Lahore Qalandars Full squad of PSL 2018

For more infomation >> Lahore qalandar playing squad for PSL 2018 | Lahore Qalandars Full squad of PSL 2018 - Duration: 2:52.


Jiří Tkadlčík - ČT1: Cesta [Pořad Gejzír, EN sub] - Duration: 5:26.

Strongmen who were lifting heavy weights, bending horseshoes or tearing chains, used to be stars of circuses back in 19th century.

Roughly 100 years later they started to compete on the field.

And in the 1977 was the first World Strongest Man in California.

Nowadays competes even Czech representative Jiří Tkadlčík from Přerov.

He's even a world champion and record breaker in a discipline called Deadlift.

Petr Švihovec went for a trip to his gym.

1st place Australia.

3rd place Russia.

1st place Africa.

2nd place America.

1st place Ukraine.

1st place Philippines.

Jiří Tkadlčík has medals from all over the world.

His journey to the title of Czech Republic's strongest man wasn't easy at all.

As soon as pre-school he was diagnosed with diabetes...

It began in summer, I was starting to faint, wasn't feeling well so I went to the hospital and it turned out I had diabetes...

I was at work at the time, they called me that my kid is at hospital, that he has diabetes

I said: "Screw you, only old people have diabetes."

His mom had to regularly travel to his school to inject him insulin.

Despite all that Jirka had a childhood like any other kid.

And in spite of worries of his closest he was playing sports.

He used to play hockey and as 14 years old he started to go to the gym.

He wanted to become a professional body-builder.

Only for that you need an approval from your doctor.

Top-level sport can hurt the patient but obviously can bring some positives too.

It's a drug for the patient and a certain compensation for the sickness he's carrying his whole life.

So I surely wouldn't forbid it.

If It wasn't for a strict regime by which I mean injecting insuline 4 times a day and abiding a diet, the diabetes would destroy me.

He was spending hours in the gym and was getting ready for the first body-building competitions.

But then he discovered powerlifting, sport with 3 disciplines - squats, benchpress and deadlift.

Classic gym suddenly stopped being enough.

Together we have built his own gym so he can train everyday and prepare for the competitions.

Even most of the equipment they made themselves, dumbbells they got where they could.

Jiří saw a chance to succeed in powerlifting.

He quit college and started to work as a personal trainer in a fitness center.

He was getting ready for a World Championship in his basement and won it.

But that wasn't enough for him - he shifted to strongman, the most difficult sport on the planet.

There is lot of strongman disciplines, about 60

This is loglift - overhead discipline, my personal record in this discipline is 175kg.

This is deadlift, when I started I lifted barely 100kg, now my personal record is 400kg.

Strongmen also lift one-hand dumbbells, Jirka's record in this discipline is 110kg.

They also flip 400kg tires, run with a 150-180kg weights in each one of a hand or pull a 40tons truck on a rope.

This discipline is called an Atlas stone and the biggest stone is about 200kg.

After such an enormous workload Jiří has to regularly refill energy and minimalize the risk of hypoglecemic condition.

But he's not alone with this condition between successful athtletes

For example young Canadian hockey player Max Domi, who plays in NHL, also has diabetes.

Or British rower Steve Redgrave, 5 times Olympic winner

I admire him a lot, until recently he was trying to keep the sickness a secret and didn't want people to pity him.

I think in some mysterious way it works for him, all the exercise and the love for the sport keeps him above the water

and I'm so proud of him for that.

Jirka, as a first Czech, won Arnold Schwarzenegger's prestigious competitions in Australia and Africa.

He also became Europe's Strongest Man

And he placed second in a World's Strongest Man competition

But his biggest dream is to have his favourite sport in an Olympic games program.

Performances of the likeable strongman are followed daily by over 50 thousand people on social media.

I think my brother is inspiring lot of people and I'm one of them.

I'd like to become a strongman as well because I think it's a beautiful sport

Not only the laurels and medals but also motivating the people and showing them the way is what I consider my biggest success.

For more infomation >> Jiří Tkadlčík - ČT1: Cesta [Pořad Gejzír, EN sub] - Duration: 5:26.


Katsucon Attendee Spotlight 01 - Johnny Nguyen - Cosplayer/Youtuber - Duration: 1:34.

my name is Johnny nyan cosplaying the blood the blood born hunter from the

game blood-borne officially I've been cosplaying for

about three years now

three including this one yeah and I'm looking to actually expand so I can

travel to more cons I'm okay with it I'm a pretty social sociable person I'm

friendly if they if they leave my stuff alone I'll leave their stuff alone we'll

meet in the middle and go from there

the most I would actually spend is 500 that's like my max that's like my max

limit but most of the time it's about two to three hundred one roommate is

partly as preferable but if other people join and I know that they're okay with

it and they're clean and such then yeah I'll allow it

I heard that this con was the con to go to but I never had time to go to so this

is my first and hopefully it will be the most memorable

For more infomation >> Katsucon Attendee Spotlight 01 - Johnny Nguyen - Cosplayer/Youtuber - Duration: 1:34.


BBB: câmera mostra detalhes de possível ato íntimo entre Jéssica e Lucas - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> BBB: câmera mostra detalhes de possível ato íntimo entre Jéssica e Lucas - Duration: 3:53.


Never Been Kissed - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Never Been Kissed - Duration: 1:22.


¿Cómo tener suerte? | Para tener éxito - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo tener suerte? | Para tener éxito - Duration: 4:51.


Laserdisc: Features, Follies, & Evolution - Duration: 24:14.

OK, now that we know what laserdiscs are and why they never achieved mass-market adoption,

let's look at some of the technical details of the format as well as how it evolved overtime.

So first, I haven't yet made the exact distinction between CAV discs and CLV discs.

These stand for Constant Angular Velocity, and Constant Linear Velocity.

Their names explain the difference.

A CAV disc rotates at constant 1,800 RPM.

Each rotation contains exactly one frame of video.

This encoding method was simpler and let the player do some neat things, but it limited

recording time to 30 minutes per side.

A CLV disc slows the disc's rotational speed as it progresses.

See, as the laser moves towards the edge of the disc, the circumference of the disc along

the spot it's reading continually increases.

Constant Linear Velocity encoding slows the disc down as the laser progresses to keep

the speed of the disc relative to the laser constant, rather than keeping its absolute

rotational speed constant.

This allowed recording an hour per side of the disc.

But it also could increase crosstalk noise, and because the number of encoded frames per

revolution was constantly changing, the trick-play features of the CAV disc were eliminated.

Pioneer would reduce crosstalk by modifying CLV into CAA, which slowed the rotational

speed in steps.

CAA, standing for Constant Angular Acceleration, was more of a behind-the-scenes alteration,

though, and these discs were still marked as CLV on their sleeves.

Real cinephiles want CAV discs.

There are a number of reasons for this, but one of the most interesting is the way the

discs are indexed.

Play a CLV disc and the display acts like you would expect.

You get the chapters available, and the time counts up from zero.

But a CAV disc, well just watch.

That's right, these are frames.

In a CAV disc, each frame is directly accessible by number, and you can simply type in a frame

number and the player will nearly instantly get to it.

And that freeze frame is perfect.

This opened up a lot of interactive possibilities.

Of historical note is the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago's use of Laserdiscs

to allow guests to view every front page of the Chicago Tribune newspaper.

This was back in 1980.

There were also arcade games--and even home video game systems--developed which used laserdisc

as a random access video system.

Remember how I said the collector's market saved laserdisc from dying completely?

Well, much of that was due to special editions like this Pocahontas box set.

I know, there could be better films to explore, but this box set is actually perfect for showing

what Laserdisc had to offer.

Look at all this extra stuff!

The first three sides are the film itself in CAV format.

The analog soundtrack contains a commentary track on the left channel, though it's mastered

very, very poorly for some reason.

[COMMENTARY: Yeah the Turkish sword on John Smith's back, that was, uh, I think John

Pomeroy was the one who, uh, who led the character in animation.]

The right channel contains dolby digital sound.

[Digital static sounds]

--more on that briefly.

The fourth side is in CLV, as it's an hour long making-of feature.

But the third disc is where it gets really interesting.

First of all, look at all these chapters.

There are 48 alone in special features.

But the Laserdisc was able to tell the player to freeze the frame.

This was used extensively in box sets like this to organize collections of still images.

I'm not going to show you much of the actual content, because I don't really want to

get in trouble with Disney, but I will go through some of the title cards so you can

get an idea of how this is navigated.

After a brief intro, the disc automatically stops and you see the little leaf with STEP appear.

That's because what follows is a sequence of still frames.

If you press play, the player will just resume normal playback and you'll get an infoblast-style

mess until it receives the next command to stop.

But on the remote, the STEP button allows you to advance just one frame at a time.

And since each of these frames has a discrete number, you can get back to it simply by entering

the frame number.

When there's a segment of actual video, the leaf instead says PLAY so you know what

to do next.

You'll see that there are also a lot of commentaries here as well on the analog tracks.

Sure, the special features section on a DVD can do all these same things, but it's really

something that an analog format from so long ago can do it, too.

And I'm left to wonder if there's anything on these Laserdiscs that hasn't made its

way onto a DVD or Blu-Ray release.

In fact, there's a lot of content on Laserdisc that hasn't left the realm of Laserdisc.

And one more thing before we move on, the search-by-chapter nature of the laserdisc

made it prime material for the education market.

This disc here, well it's a weird one.

A showcase of computer generated imagery from 1986.

I kid you not, this disc is the vaporwave community's dream, and I know this because

when I learned what vaporwave was, there was a video featuring this laserdisc's opening clip.

[Distinctly 1980's, synthesized Jungle-like music]

Ah but there's more.

There's this:

[NARRATOR: This time consuming process creates highly detailed and spectacular images]

...and this...

[INTERVIEWEE: Where you're trying to get across a look and a feeling in ten seconds,

you can pick some perfect blue for your object… but you don't know what color it's really

going to be until you light it]

...and it also features this creepy talking head!

[Fulfilling absolute decree in casual simplicity]

I'm fairly sure this was meant as an educational disc, but I'm not certain.

Oddly enough, the Voyager Company, the producers of the disc, was the publisher of the Criterion Collection,

perhaps the most famous collector's edition laserdiscs.

Anyway, having near instant random access to any part of the disc made Laserdisc great

for teachers.

If there was a particular clip that would easily show a concept, you could cue it right up.

This was particularly useful in science classes, to show experiments quickly.

A VHS tape would require a lot of effort and patience to cue up, but if the lesson on Newton's

Third Law of Motion was Chapter 14 of a Laserdisc, just type in 14 and you're ready to go.

On that note, CLV discs took significantly longer to cue up a new chapter.

Because of the disc's enormous size, it takes a while to speed up and slow down.

So when searching for a chapter that's well away from the start, the disc needs to slow

down a lot to get to the correct speed.

The laser doesn't take much time to get from one chapter to the next, but it has to

wait for the disc to get to the right speed before it can actually play.

Now I've stepped a little far ahead here, showing discs with digital sound and Dolby Digital.

Let's take a step back and look more at the evolution of the format.

I had mentioned in my introductory video on Laserdisc that while the format began its

life as a product of a joint venture between Philips and the Music Corporation of America

called Discovision, the Pioneer company of Japan would sort of take over the format.

They were part of the official renaming of the format to Laservision, and they were the

ones that branded their own players as LaserDisc.

From the mid 1980's until the end of its life, Pioneer was almost the only manufacturer

of Laserdisc players.

There were others, with Sony producing a good show, but it was Pioneer that kept pushing

the format and adding new innovations.

Perhaps the first major innovation was the use of a solid state laser.

You might have noticed that this machine is massive.

It's a lot wider that the VCR we were putting it up against, which itself is big and bulky,

and this by far the largest piece of A/V equipment I have ever run across.

Much of its width comes from the laser carriage.

Initially, Laserdisc players used a helium-neon laser tube as its source of laser light.

This tube is quite large, and so is the necessary optical path the beam has to make to be focused

onto the disc and reflected back to the light sensor.

I'll be doing a teardown of this machine in a later video, but let's take a quick peek.

This entire carriage moves left and right as it scans the disc.

Oddly enough, this tiny little motor is responsible for moving this whole thing.

And yes, that black crud is from the completely disintegrated belt that was on here when I

got this machine.

I have a somewhat suitable replacement on here, but it seems to have trouble reversing

the carriage.

It advances just fine, though.

Inside this black plastic shield are a pair of mirrors attached to small wiggly things,

and by shifting the angle that the beam hits the glass ever so slightly, you could maintain

fine tracking on the disc.

See, unless the disc is exactly perfectly centered, which with this fine of a data stream

it most certainly won't be, the laser will need to be constantly moving left-right-left-right

to follow the spiral groove of pits.

I strongly suspect that's what's wrong with this player, as it exhibits severe crosstalk

when playing a CAV disc.

It does appear to be able to maintain focus distance, as the objective lens can move and

it produces a picture, but without fine tracking control the output will be a mess.

I don't want to get started on this project quite yet, though.

That will have to wait…

In either 1983 or 1984--it seems there's some date disagreement--Pioneer introduced the

LD-700 player which incorporated a solid state laser.

This was also the first player to introduce a tray-loading system.

By switching to a solid-state laser, the machines could be much smaller as the laser assembly

was a small fraction of its previous size.

But there was a small compromise made.

The helium neon laser produced a red-orange light, but the laser diodes used in Laserdisc

players shared the same infrared light of the compact disc audio format.

The longer wavelength of the infrared light couldn't be focused quite as tightly as

the shorter wavelength red-orange light.

This meant a player with a solid state laser would be more susceptible to crosstalk, and

scratches or other damage to the disc would affect its ability to read the pits to a greater


However, the many advantages of a solid-state laser pickup system greatly outweighed this

single disadvantage, and thus infrared became the way to go.

By 1984, it was clear that Laserdisc would stay in the realm of the videophile, as the

videocassette recorder seemed perfectly fine for the masses.

With that in mind, Pioneer started adding new features to their players and updated

the format along the way.

The first main addition was that of DIGITAL SOUND!

Hah, you thought FM stereo wasn't enough, how about uncompressed 16 bit stereo PCM audio!

When introducing a player with digital sound capabilities, Pioneer killed two birds with

one stone by also letting it play the newly introduced Compact Disc.

The digital audio on a laserdisc is encoded much the same as a CD, so Pioneer already

had the circuitry onboard to process the digital audio from a CD.

Thus the CLD-900 could play both.

Weirdly, though, this player contained an odd mechanism with two separate spindles with

one for holding a CD and the other a Laserdisc.

Looking on the laserdisc archive, it seems many early players were designed this way.

I'm guessing this was due to difficulty in designing and controlling one spindle motor

capable of spinning both the massive LaserDisc and the tiny CD correctly.

Eventually, though, a single spindle with a collapsible center was used for both CDs

and Laserdiscs.

Because laserdiscs held two separate audio tracks in NTSC discs, one of these could be

replaced with the digital soundtrack while the other could remain as an analog conventional


A signal on the disc would indicate to the player that the disc contained digital sound,

and it would switch to the secondary soundtrack containing the data.

The analog soundtrack stayed on the primary channel, and older players would just ignore

the signal to switch to the secondary track.

But the addition of digital audio caused some compatibility issues.

For one, PAL discs didn't have two separate audio tracks.

Not sure why, but they didn't.

This meant that a PAL laserdisc was either digital or analog, and an analog only player

could not play a disc with digital sound.

This probably didn't help the already poor sales in Europe…

At first, pioneer had to sacrifice playing time to fit digital audio on the discs.

The first digital audio discs only held 55 minutes per side, which left some titles like

this copy of Back to the Future released as analog-only even though digital sound was

available at the time of its release.

Because this film is one hour and 56 minutes, it would fit on a single disc with analog

sound, but would need a second disc for digital sound.

So they stuck with analog to keep it on a single disc.

[DOC BROWN: This is truly amazing.

A portable television studio!]

By 1987, Pioneer had figured out how to get an hour runtime and still have digital sound.

Hey look, MCA!

Then we get to surround sound.

Laserdisc was pretty much the only way to get true surround sound until DVD came along,

but the way surround was encoded was, to put it kindly, messy.

If a disc contained a Dolby AC-3 soundtrack, the AC-3 data was FM-modulated on the right

channel of the analog track, and required the use of a receiver capable of demodulating

this into a digital output.

Modern receivers don't have this functionality, so to get the Dolby AC-3 soundtrack off a

laserdisc requires an external AC-3 demodulator.

But because a Dolby AC-3 encoded disc uses one channel of the analog track and leaves

standard stereo digital sound in place, these discs can only be played in mono on an analog

only laserdisc player.

Not that many of those stuck around for very long, as once digital sound was introduced

nearly every player manufactured could utilize it.

Then there's DTS audio.

A DTS encoded disc uses the digital tracks, so to play it on a normal player required

switching back to the analog tracks.

As an example, this copy of Casper has a DTS soundtrack because if there's any movie

that needs DTS surround, it's Casper.

When you play it, the player doesn't know it shouldn't be reading the digital track,

and it's producing a garbage output.

You need to manually switch back to the analog soundtrack if you want to hear the movie.

So, if you wanted digital surround sound, you'd need to match your player to a compatible

receiver, and then also make sure you're buying the right discs.

There certainly are people who are that dedicated, but not many.

OK, so aside from format technicalities, let's look at some of the more clever things Pioneer did.

My personal favorite is what they dubbed Both Side Play.

Just as auto reverse cassette recorders came on the scene to save you the trouble of flipping

the tape, Pioneer also developed laserdisc players that can play both sides of the disc.

And the way they go about it is, just so awesome.

Seriously, Both Side Play is my favorite example of forced engineering--I'll explain what

I mean there but first let's have a look at a machine with this feature.

This is a Pioneer CLD-D502.

Their model naming scheme, by the way, helps explain what the machine can do.

It wasn't entirely consistent over the years, but in general the C in CLD means it can also

play audio CDs and CD-Video discs--not video CDs, though.

The D means it plays both sides.

And the 502 is the model number, with higher numbers generally having more features.

For example, the CLD-D702 added extra AV out ports, featured an altered VFD display, and

had better video performance.

A model like the CLD-S201 could only play a single side.

There were also the CLD-M models, which featured a 5 disc CD changer alongside normal laserdisc


This channel used to have a video featuring one of those machines, however I've taken

it down temporarily because I want to re-do that video properly and not in the very rambly

style of the first incarnation.

Stay tuned for its replacement.

Anyway, you might know what's involved in playing the second side, but for those who

don't, see if you can guess.

I'll start this disc on Side A.

[Various mechanical noises]

OK, so it spun the disc

up and is now playing.

But listen to what happens when I switch to Side B.

[More mechanical noises, with a pronounced whirring added]

You probably noticed it stopping the disc, then the motor that moves the tray

in and out did some moving about, and there was a third sound you haven't heard yet,

along with the disc spinning back up.

Obviously a good deal of stuff just happened, so let's look inside.

In addition to usually being a little bit taller than a single-sided laserdisc player,

Both Side Play models generally have this protrusion out the back.

This houses the laser turn mechanism.

That's right, in these machines, the entire laser assembly is moved to the top side of

the disc.

This is some pretty crazy engineering in a number of ways.

So let's see it in action.

The laser assembly normally sits here and rides along the bottom rails.

But when it needs to read Side B, it travels all the way to the rear of the machine, where

it enters a sort-of ferris wheel like contraption.

This lifts the laser to the top as well as flips it upside down, and then the laser moves

forward and engages with a second set of rails on the top.

The disc stops to reverse direction, as it would otherwise be spinning the wrong way.

Let's look at that in slow motion.

Because why not.

This is no simple feat, as the laser needs to derail itself from the bottom and re-attach

to the top.

It also requires a relatively complex and delicate ribbon cable situation to actually

send power and retrieve signals from the laser head assembly.

But the fact that this was necessary hints to yet another reason laserdisc didn't achieve

mass market success.

See if someone were interested today in making a CD or DVD player that could read both sides

of a disc --which admittedly isn't really ever necessary-- almost certainly the cheapest

and simplest way to do it would be to place a second laser assembly on the top, and simply

change which one was being used.

In fact, there were a number of stylized CD changers available that simply had multiple

CD player mechanisms stacked in a tower.

Obviously it was pretty cheap the make a CD player assembly.

But clearly there was something about the laser assembly of a laserdisc player that

made it much more expensive.

And I'm not talking about the rails or the motor that moves it, I mean this guy itself.

If it were easy to make, why not just use two of them?

Why bother with engineering and manufacturing this elaborate mechanism?

I suspect that the analog nature of the laserdisc meant tighter tolerances and higher quality

components were required here.

See, with a digital format, the "clarity" of the signal coming from the laser is pretty

much irrelevant.

So long as a pit can be distinguished from a land, the output would be the same.

In other words, a fuzzy and hard to decipher

[volume diminished with added static sound] one-zero-zero-one-one-one-zero-zero

[static ends and volume returns] means the same thing

to a digital to analog converter as a strong and clear one-zero-zero-one-one-one-zero-zero.

In OTHER other words, the signal to noise ratio is irrelevant in a digital format.

Either the signal is there or it isn't.

Signal to noise ratio can get really bad before the data is not recoverable.

But since laserdisc was an analog format, the signal to noise ratio did matter.

If the pits become harder to distinguish from the lands, then the picture it produces gets

less clear as well.

I suspect that the laser assemblies of compact disc players could be made much more cheaply

than laserdisc players due to this fundamental advantage of a digital format.

If you look at the list price of a basic CD player made around the same time as this Laserdisc

player, you'll see that they could be had for about 100 dollars.

This laserdisc player is listed at $459, and the CLD-S201, a single side machine, is listed

at $319.

Now if manufacturers could turn a profit on a CD player at just over $100 dollars, that

laser pickup probably didn't cost more than $30 or so to make.

Of course, a laserdisc player has much more circuitry and a larger spindle motor than

a CD player, but the way the data is read from the disc is the same.

I'm sure if Pioneer could have figured out how to make an acceptable analog laser pickup

for $30, this mechanism would have been ditched for a second laser permanently attached to

these upper rails.

But that clearly wasn't possible, as pioneer was forced to keep using similar laser transfer

mechanisms until the end of Laserdisc.

Digital formats were also helped by the implementation of error correction.

A CD player can detect errors and correct them through Cross-interleaved Reed-Solomon

coding, and it can also use interpolation to mask a very large error.

In fact, I have a copy of Lincoln by They Might Be Giants which has a bunch of small

holes in the aluminum layer.

You can hold it to a light and see right through them.

But it still plays fine, as even with chunks of missing data the CD player's robust error

correction allows it to make it through.

A Laserdisc enjoys this sort of redundancy in its digital soundtrack, but the video has

no such error correction.

A large enough scratch on the disc will be visible, sometimes as a simple black spec.

In a CAV disc, the speck would briefly stay on screen in the same place, but in a CLV

disc, it would dart around the screen.

And then there's laser rot.

Ah yes, laser rot.

Someone in the comments noted that it's called disc rot as it has nothing to do with

the laser, which is technically correct, but Laser Rot is the term used when specifically

talking about disc rot occurring on laserdiscs.

The original Discovision manufacturing plants made their discs very sloppily.

It wasn't uncommon for the aluminum reflective layer to start to oxidize and lose its reflectivity,

likely due to poor adhesive which didn't seal the discs correctly.

You can forgive them a little though, as they were literally writing the book on how to

make an optical disc.

Oxidation of the aluminum layer would cause a disc to exhibit more and more visual artifacts,

and eventually become unplayable.

This copy of Star Trek the Motion Picture from 1980 exhibits severe laser rot.

You can see that this disc is completely gone just by looking at it.

It should NOT look like that.

But its companion, while not showing physical signs of rot, doesn't play well at all.

Take a look.

[COMPUTER: Intruder unidentified.

Believe luminescent cloud to be enormous power field surrounding alien vessel...]

[Star Trek theme plays with choppy static and noise...]

[CHEKOV: Photon torpedo load status...]

[UHURA: Transporter system fully repaired…]

Aside from the frequent signal dropouts, the player isn't able to maintain tracking and

sometimes gets locked reading the same spot.

[You haven't logged a single star hour in two-and-a-half years.

That plus your unfamiliarrrrrr (disc becomes locked here)]

Most discs don't rot so badly

that you can simply tell at a glance.

This disc is a true disaster.

Laser rot wasn't that common, possibly affecting as few as one percent of discs according to

the Laserdisc Database--of course that exists-- but certain factories were notorious for producing

discs that are rotting today.

The DADC plant in Terre Haute, Indiana seems to have been the worst offender, with 1,490

titles from this factory known to have rot.

Including this disc of Fargo, the 21st most commonly reported disc with rot.



Think I'll take a drive down there, then.]


Twin cities?]

[NORM: Oh yeah?]

[JERRY: No, Wade, they were real clear.

They said they'd call tomorrow with instructions and it's gotta be delivered by me alone.]

[WADE: It's my money, I'll deliver it.]

Wow, this video got long quickly.

We're almost done with this saga on laserdisc, and I'll leave you with this machine.

This is a Pioneer DVL-700.

The D at the beginning means it can also play DVDs.

This is a very early DVD player, from 1997.

As we know, DVD was a huge success, and they continue to sell in large numbers.

Already DVD is as old as Laserdisc was when it died, but DVD shows no signs of dying quite yet.

In the next video, we'll look at some of Laserdisc's features that we didn't get

in the States, and we'll also see why DVD was able to succeed where Laserdisc failed.

Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed the video!

If this is your first time watching this channel and you liked what you saw, please consider subscribing.

This channel is made possible by supporters on Patreon.

Patrons of the channel are what keeps these videos coming, in fact with the support of

viewers like you, I now spend more time working on this channel than I do at work.

If you're interested in helping out as well, please check out my Patreon page through the

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Thanks for your consideration, and I'll see you next time!

[NARRATOR: With the advent of three-dimensional computer animation, different looks and styles

have evolved]

For more infomation >> Laserdisc: Features, Follies, & Evolution - Duration: 24:14.


American Girl Bitty Baby Valentina Ganha Kit Sweet Love ToyToysBrasil em Português - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> American Girl Bitty Baby Valentina Ganha Kit Sweet Love ToyToysBrasil em Português - Duration: 6:43.


EV Charging in Multi-Residential Buildings: One Success Story - Duration: 13:31.

This video is quite a bit different from my usual subject matter.

I know my subscribers largely didn't subscribe for this, but I hope you'll find it at least

somewhat interesting and/or thought provoking.

Anyone who's browsed my older videos knows that I drive a Chevy Volt, and when it came

time to get my own place to live, I ended up signing the next 30 years of my life over

to a bank and "bought" a condo, or at least will have done so by 2046.

That hurts to say out loud.

Now a large part of why I got my Volt (a used 2013 model) back in 2015 was that I didn't

know what living situation I'd be in when I got out of school, and I didn't want to

discover I couldn't get around with a pure EV.

From when I moved in September of 2016 until May 1st of 2017, I could only charge it at

work, which still got me around 70 miles per gallon as the 8 and a half hours of charging

from a 110 outlet would pretty much take me one way.

But it felt like a waste as my 70 mile commute could have been 100% electric if only I could

also charge at home.

I really wanted to install an EV charging station in my parking spot, but didn't really

know how to get that done.


This is my parking spot, and as you can see, there's an EV charging station on the wall.

In this video, I want to share my experience with you.

More than anything this is storytime, but I hope that this video can serve as both an

inspirational video to those who want to install an EVSE and are in a situation like mine,

and as a resource for property owners/managers who would like ideas of how to handle a request

from a unit owner or renter to install a charger.

First, who should you talk to?

This will obviously depend on your building's ownership and management, but a good place

to start is almost certainly your building's management company if you have one.

I'll start out by saying that currently, condo owners will probably have it much easier

than apartment renters.

Because condominium owners generally have a percentage ownership of the real property

itself, you have more weight on the decisions that get made.

For example, in the deed to my unit is exclusive use of the portion of the common area that

is my parking space.

Essentially I own easement rights to this space, and so long as I don't break any

rules, it's mine to deal with.

People in rental apartments have to convince the owners that installing a charging station

would be a good investment for encouraging new rentals or maintaining current residents.

That might be hard.

If you live in a condo building, the management company is probably gonna tell you that you

need to bring this up with the homeowners association.


To make this as frictionless as possible, you should make clear that you in no way want

to be a burden to the association or your fellow owners.

I think in general no one should expect the association to pay for even part of your installation,

particularly since you'll probably be the only one who can use the charger, at least


I approached the condo board in two steps, which will probably be how you'll have to

do it, too.

The first thing I did was find a good contact.

It turns out that the board member who gave me my welcoming orientation and who in general

was an awesome resource was board president.

So that was handy.

I worked with her as well as the property manager to explain what I wanted to do, and

asked if I could arrange for some electricians to investigate how we would get power to the

spot, and how much the installation would cost.

We worked together to create a proposal for the board, and at the meeting in February,

the board approved my request.

So I started looking for electricians.

Note that they did not approve the installation, merely the information search.

Here's a word of advice: look for far more bids than you think you want.

I contacted four electricians, and only one actually managed to show up.

I don't know if this was due to the fact that they didn't want to work with a condo

building or what, but keep that in mind.

The one electrician who did show his face gave me a proposal that was unsettling, but

this was largely due to distance.

On that note, a bit about technicalities.

Every building is unique.


And there are a whole lot of factors that will influence how your installation gets


The biggest among them is how power is distributed in the building.

Ideally, the electric meters for the units would be located in or near to the garage.

If this were the case, it would be pretty straight forward for an electrician to run

a new circuit from that meter.

If your building is set up like this, congratulations!

You've got it easy.

If the supply can be tapped from the unit owner's (or renter's) meter, the only

thing to get sorted is how to run the wiring.

I wasn't so lucky.

My building is pretty old, circa 1975-ish, and as such the need for metered electricity

to parking spots was in nobody's mind at the time it was built.

Inside this electrical room, you will find only one electric meter--that for the common

supply of the building--hallways and parking lot lights, common area A/C, the garage heaters,


And therein lies the biggest issue.

You see, the electric meters for the units are on the floors, with this area only having

these large Buck-Rodgersy Zinsco service disconnects that each feed two floors.

The meters for individual units are on the floors, and there was no feasible way to run

wiring back downstairs into the electrical room.

Like most large buildings, we've got a three phase electrical supply.

Three phase electricity is, weird, at least to someone who has never dealt with anything

but general household split phase service.

But, it's not a concern for EV charging.

In fact, you might want to make this clear to your electrician.

When he gave me my first estimate, my electrician thought I would need a step-up transformer

to bring the 208v supplied by the three-phase panels up to 240V.

You should know this is completely unnecessary.

You see, the people who were coming up with the standards for EV charging, namely the

Society of Automotive Engineers, knew that 208/120 three phase power is common as dirt

in large industrial buildings in the US, and as such, it would really suck if EV's couldn't

charge from this voltage.

So, they made sure that they can, and most if not all EV charging units will accept this


The fact that my electrician apparently didn't know this was, shall I say, concerning.

To his credit, upon showing him in the installation instructions for my EVSE that it can in fact

be run on two legs of a three-phase supply, he quickly corrected the estimate.

As a side note, if you are working with 208 volts for your installation, you should know

this will have an impact on charge time.

My Clipper Creek HCS-40 supplies the car with 32 amps, which is 7.7 kW of power at standard

split phase 240.

At 208 volts, this is only 6.6 kW charging, or about 86% of that at 240.

When sizing your charger, you should keep this in mind.

My Chevy Volt only accepts 3.3 kW so this is a bit overkill at this point, but I like

to keep the future in mind.

Back to the installation.

My initial estimate was about 5 thousand dollars.

That made my heart sink a lot.

I was prepared to spend around 2 thousand, especially since local code requires hard

pipe conduit for the entire install, with armored cable being out of the question.

But 5 was outlandish.

Turns out, more than half of that cost was due to installation length.

Back to that tricky logistics crap.

This is a map of our garage's layout, not to scale.

My spot when I moved in was here.

That meant electricity had to get all the way from the electrical room to this spot.

The longer you go, the beefier your wire gauge has to be, which means not only is more conduit

and labor needed, but the wire gauge had to go from 8 gauge up to 2 gauge.


As I was singing the blues to our board president about how expensive it would be, I jokingly

offered to switch spots with her.

You see, this is her spot.

Much closer to the electric room.

And much to my surprise, she was on board.

In fact she was elated because her spot kinda sucks.

You have to navigate your car between a column and a wall, like this.

With her Ford Edge, her car at the time she bought her unit, this was a chore to say the


She actually downsized to the Escape because of her spot.

We agreed to change spaces, and this brought the cost of my installation down to just under

two thousand dollars.

This was certainly a matter of luck, so I don't expect your experience to be the same.

But in case you do run into a similar opportunity, you should know that because the use of the

space is included in the deed, we had to send a form to the County Recorder's office to

legally change spaces.


This is the last part unique to my installation, and then I'll spin the focus a bit back

to the side of property managers and HOA boards.

Because we could only get power from the common supply, it would only be fair to account for

my electricity use and reimburse the association.

I don't want anyone paying for my fuel, and neither does the board.

Initially, I thought it would be easy to use the reports generated from OnStar to determine

my usage, but there were two headwinds.

First was that this shows consumption from the battery, not from the wall, so the consumption

here will be low.

Second was that I also charge at work.

In fact close to 50% of this figure comes from my free electricity at work.

I had worked out a way to account for the number of charges at work in a month, and

even built a Google Sheets doc to calculate this, but I realized this would be a pain

and it also might leave room for suspicion of false accounting.

Therefore, I asked my electrician how much it would cost to install a sub-meter on the

charger, where everyone could see the amount of electricity my vehicle was responsible


It would add about $500 to the install, which I thought was reasonable.

So, I approached the board at the next meeting with my proposal, estimate, certificate of

insurance from the electrician, and a little something else.

If your board is only familiar with the giant display-like EV charging stations at malls,

they might be put-off by thinking about that monstrosity being in the garage.

I had already purchased my EVSE from Clipper Creek, and decided to use a little photo-shop

trickery to allow the board to see roughly what this would look like when finished.

And with no hesitation, it was approved.

On May 1st the install was completed, and since then I've driven over 6,000 miles

and since roughly half of my charging is free at work, it's cost me about 90 bucks.

With gas prices around $2.50, this is like driving a car that gets 166 mpg.

And that's why I wanted to do this.

At the beginning of each month, I send in my latest consumption figure along with a

check to cover the cost to my association via the management company.

I'm sure we could work out a deal where my monthly assessments are increased by 25

dollars or so to cover my charging, but I'm worried that when I sell my unit, the assessment

amount won't be corrected back.

For now, I'm content spending a few minutes to write and mail a check to save over 75

bucks every month.

And now, here's some things for property managers to consider.

Firstly, who pays for it?

If this is for one individual, obviously that individual.

You should also make clear who's responsible for the actual charging station.

As I financed the installation, the charging station, wires, conduit running to it, and

the circuit breaker inside the electrical panel are all essentially my property and

my problem.

Although it's in the common area, I know that should anything go wrong with it, that's

on me.

It may be wise to have that established in writing if you're worried about someone

pulling a fast one.

But here's another angle: especially for those apartment building owners, you could

make this a profit center.

If you install a bank of charging stations, you could charge a premium parking fee for

these spots.

Combined with time-of-use metering, this could be a significant profit center if charging

were limited to off-peak hours.

Condo associations could do the same thing, perhaps to boost reserves.

However, you should be careful with your fees.

If your fees make operating an EV approach the cost of conventional fuels, you won't

get any takers.

One of the central issues will be that of expansion.

What happens when someone else wants to do this?

Well, there's no reason the next person couldn't go through the same process as

the person before.

However, there will eventually be the issue of building capacity.

From my untrained eye, the capacity of our electrical room suggests that perhaps another

4 to 5 people could install a 40 amp charger before something else has to be done.

There are some chargers available now that can share a set capacity supply, and they

automatically halve the charging rate between two cars if both are plugged in simultaneously,

and will provide the full output if only one is plugged in.

This could potentially double the number of available chargers, at the occasional expense

of speed.

For the record, I will totally let the next person in my building who wants an EV share

my installation's supply.

So person in the spot next to me, let me know.

Still, 10 chargers in a 57 spot garage is not too impressive.

I suspect that as EVs become more popular, local utility companies will have to start

adding infrastructure and coming up with new service schemes in garages and parking lots

with metered EVSE solutions.

To be honest, I'm surprised utilities aren't going hog wild to start these sorts of programs.

Their product is essentially electricity after all, so why not find new ways to sell it?

If they built a bank of chargers and arranged a way for the owner of a particular car to

be billed for their usage, that's just more money for them.

But I digress.

Reimbursing the association for electricity consumption might require creating a new line-item

in the budget.

If residents want to pay for electricity as it's consumed, as I do, a new source of

income has appeared.

Might I suggest coding it as miscellaneous revenue, if such a line-item doesn't already

exist, or simply add it to the operational fund since it is in effect a supplemental


Lastly, anyone worried that the electric bill will go nuts from a unit owner going this

route, may I suggest you hold your horses.

Last year, my condo association spent $17,000 on electricity Just for the common elements.

At the rate I'm going, my car will add less than 2 percent to that amount.

No big deal.

I hope you found this video useful, informative, thought provoking, or something along those


I'm a real advocate for electric vehicles for many reasons, and cost is a big one.

I may have spent $2,500 getting this installed, but I spend much less money on fuel compared

to my old car (a 36 mpg compact).

If I don't change my commute or charging habits, this station will have paid for itself

in less than 3 years assuming gas stays around $2.50 per gallon.

And I'll tell you a neat trick to beating that premium price point of electric cars:

buy a used one.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> EV Charging in Multi-Residential Buildings: One Success Story - Duration: 13:31.


Bomba: noiva de Lucas pode entrar no 'Big Brother' e detalhes surpreendem - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Bomba: noiva de Lucas pode entrar no 'Big Brother' e detalhes surpreendem - Duration: 3:43.


iTunes Purchase History [2018] - Duration: 2:48.

Hey guys, welcome back to AppleFrendly channel!

Today you'll learn how to view purchase history on iTunes as well as on iPhone!

If this video helps, share it with your friends and loved ones!

And consider subscribing to the channel if you haven't already.

So, without any further delays, let's dive right into it!

First we will see how to view purchase history on iPhone.

So, launch SETTINGS

Scroll down

and select iTUNES & APP STORE

Tap your Apple ID

and select VIEW APPLE ID

Now provide Apple ID password, Touch ID or Face ID if it asks for.

Now you should be on your Apple ID account page.

Scroll all the way down and look for PURCHASE HISTORY

and tap it.

Now you should see all your purchased apps right from the day you started using your Apple ID.

You can see all the purchased apps including free and paid ones.

It also shows the amount you paid for your active subscriptions.

And you can tap this little arrow to see more details of your purchased order.

And when you scroll all the way to the top, you have an option to view your purchased history

for past years.

As you can see, this is my purchase history since 2013.

So, that's how easy it is to view purchase history on iPhone.

Now we'll see how to view purchase history on iTunes.

So, launch iTunes on your Computer or Mac.

Tap ACCOUNT on the main menu bar.


Provide your Apple ID password

and hit SIGN IN

And now, you should see your Apple ID account page.

Scroll down and look for PURCHASE HISTORY.

And hit this SEE ALL option here.

You should see all your purchased apps including free, paid and active subscriptions.

If you wish, you can select this menu on the top left corner and choose the year

to view the purchased apps in that particular year.

So, that's how easy it is to how to view purchase history on iTunes.

Now go and checkout purchase history on your iPhone or iTunes and see if you have any unpaid dues.

I hope this video helps to keep track of all your purchased apps and credit card dues.

And that's all for today!

If this video helped, share it with your friends and loved ones.

And consider subscribing to the channel, if you haven't already!

I'll see you in the next one.

Till then, take good care of yourself and Thank you for watching!

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