Saturday, February 17, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 17 2018

Do invisible hands unknown to most the world have such great power they can engineer revolutions

or manipulate economic crises?

Are some of these people hardly even human, reptiles disguised as royals and nobility?

Some people think so, telling us that behind many world-changing events there is a secret

society playing puppet master.

Perhaps the first of these secret societies was the Knights Templar, an organization of

not just brave knights, but a powerful coalition of men that founded towns in England and other

parts of Europe, held considerable political power and were heavily involved in banking.

Were they the precursor to the Freemasons, the ritualistic secret society founded in

London in 1717?

Are we still at the mercy of many rich men that go about their business in secret?

We'll start with the history of the Illuminati and what is generally believed to be the truth

about that group of people – people that did for sure exist and were part of a secret

organization called the Illuminati.

If we forget for a moment conspiracy theories regarding the current real or not real Illuminati,

the first secret society going by that name was the Bavarian Illuminati.

This was a group of men led by Adam Weishaupt, a professor in Bavaria, who believed for the

most part that religious and some social ideas were outdated, and that society needed to

be illuminated to new ideas.

He already had an interest in secret societies such as the freemasons, but decided to create

a society of his own.

This was very different from what we think of when hear the word illuminati today.

To give you an idea, Weishaupt wrote that his secret society was to support freedom

"from all religious prejudices; cultivates the social virtues; and animates them by a

great, a feasible, and speedy prospect of universal happiness."

To join his secret society, you needed to be approved by another member, have wealth

and also have strong social connections.

Once accepted you started at level one, which was Novice.

You could then climb to the next two ranks, which were Minerval, and Illuminated Minerval.

If you were part of another secret society you could not join, and women, monks, Jews

and Pagans were also persona non-grata.

By 1784 it's thought there were around 2-3,000 members, made up mostly of intellectuals,

noblemen, politicians, doctors and even famous writers.

The three levels were made into a 13-grade structure, starting with Novice and ending

with King.

Each member was given a secret name related to antiquity.

Soon the Bavarian state passed an edict to ban the group, and in 1787 the death penalty

could be imposed on any of its members.

Soon after it's thought this Illuminati was disbanded, but as you know, others don't

believe that's true.

How did that secret society become the Illuminati that is proposed as real by today's conspiracy


Well, it's quite complex as different ideas are put forward as to what the present Illuminati

is, if it exists at all.

The general idea is that there is a powerful group, made up of mostly men but some women,

that have considerable wealth and strong social and political influences.

This could be people working as bankers, business leaders, politicians or even celebrities.

Rather than expound ideas relating to enlightenment, the current fear that is expressed concerning

the illuminati is that it supports a New Word Order, population control sometimes by means

of spreading disease, and may even have a secret space program.

All those involved utter nothing about their involvement to outsiders.

But, where do the reptiles come from?

Perhaps the most outrageous of the ideas connected to this secret group?

This idea was threaded into the mainstream consciousness by British conspiracy theorist,

David Icke, a man who is still very popular today.

Icke was a former sports TV broadcaster and a household name in the UK.

In 1991, he appeared on Britain's most popular talk show, Wogan, stating that the end of

the world was nigh, and alluding to the possibility that he was the chosen one to deliver an important

message to mankind.

He has since written over 20 books, made countless DVDs, YouTube shows, and has lectured all

over the world to many, many fans that do indeed believe in his revelations.

The revelations are not always hard-to-believe conspiracy theories, but often relate to social

or political issues and injustice.

However, what about the lizards living in the skins of powerful people, the illuminati

in disguise?

These shapeshifters, or reptilian humanoids, are part of this Illuminati, says Icke.

They weren't anything to do with the Illuminati previously mentioned per se, but have been

pulling strings here on Earth since ancient times.

These reptilian aliens are a hybrid with humans, and Icke says that all royals have this form,

as do many powerful business people and politicians.

Interviewed in 2017, Icke was asked if he still believed in these human reptiles and

he answered with a resounding "yes."

He said he had travelled to more than 50 countries to research this, and had even been told by

CIA insiders that it was a fact.

"It took the form of meeting people who tell of experiences of seeing people, often

in positions of power, change from human form to a reptilian form and back again in front

of their eyes," Icke said during the interview.

He believes that ancient texts all over the world discuss this melding of human and reptile

to create "hybrid bloodlines".

These became our rulers, and they bred with other rulers or elites to keep the bloodline


"The whole obsession of interbreeding among royals and big banking and political families

is to hold the genetic structure together because it would quickly be diluted if they

bred outside it," he said.

Now, this is an illuminati story that cannot easily be exposed if indeed a lizard person

can shift from human to reptile, because that would mean its anatomy could look human.

It may seem outlandish to some, although Vox magazine said in 2015 that "millions"

of Americans believe in Icke's theory.

The article cited a poll which said 4 percent of Americans believed in the theory and another

7 percent said they were unsure, but did hasten to add that often people will answer such

a poll insincerely because it's amusing to them.

Still, millions of people likely weren't fooling around.

According to Icke's fans, you might be able to guess you've come in contact with a lizard

person if you notice their strange green eyes, lizard-like teeth, or notice they have great

hearing or eyesight, or even have low blood pressure.

What do these hybrids want to do?

That's simple, remain in control.

Who are they?

Well, believers in powerful lizard people put forward many names, not always expressed

by Icke.

Some of those names include the Pope, Barack Obama, Madonna, George Bush, Hilary and Bill

Clinton and Angelina Jolie.

The problem with debunking such an outlandish theory is that it's impossible to absolutely

disprove, just as it's impossible to prove.

In that way you could compare it to the existence of fairies or cheese deposits on Pluto.

But then we have much more down to Earth theories regarding secret societies and their existence,

and we don't always agree on what they do or what goals they represent.

One such group is the Bilderberg Group.

The group's members do organize themselves under the "Chatham House Rule", meaning

attendees should not discuss who said what at their yearly meetings.

The names of attendees, though, are not kept secret.

This group states it only discusses world issues and mega-trends, but others think differently.

One such person is Alex Jones, who reported on his InfoWars website that attendees to

these meetings include "bankers, prime ministers and former heads of the CIA and MI6."

His belief has always been that there is something ominous behind this group.

He might well be right, but there is no solid proof such a group is in involved with ultra-nefarious

activities such as ruthless population control.

On its own website the Bilderberg Group states that its first meeting was way back in 1954,

and adds that indeed political leaders and leaders of industry attend.

The last meeting discussed many topics, including Artificial Intelligence, Chemical Weapons

Threats and Current Economic Issues.

The next meeting will discuss The Trump Administration, among many other topics.

Attendees will include mostly politicians and business people, investors, former CIA

chiefs, but also editors of news media.

Does this mean it's part of a powerful global conspiracy?

Well, the fact it's partly secretive is bound to provoke fears and suspicion, and

one could suggest that when many powerful people meet, one of the agendas could be how

to cling on to that power or to bolster it.

But one could also argue that this makes perfect sense.

There might be a conspiracy here, but there's no disprovable sign of a wicked Illuminati.

Perhaps the idea of a New World Order is not so surprising.

It's just how you define this order.

In 2000, British politician Denis Healey, who had taken part in these Bilderberg Group

meetings, did say that part of the emphasis of the group was to form one strong community.

Although, he also said, "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated,

but not wholly unfair.

Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing

and killing people and rendering millions homeless."

Still, until regular journalists are invited into the event and the entire proceedings

are made public, conspiracy theorists may fear the worst.

As some discerning writers have pointed out, while this group may not be the secret illuminati,

these success stories of post-war capitalism are likely not too keen on changing anything,

so may not be very progressive in terms of issues such as human rights abuses, or even

environmental concerns, if it's not good for business.

This is still a very long way from lizard people or even a cover-up of the assassination

of an American president.

What about those that attend the far more ritualistic Bohemian Grove ceremony?

In the past, attendees have included the high and mighty; world leaders, barons of industry

and top media executives.

The Manhattan Project was even cooked-up at one of those meetings in 1942, which led to

the creation of the atomic bomb.

Maybe that sounds ominous, but a spokesperson for these meetings once said that it's mostly

about people getting together that "share a passion for the outdoors, music, and theater."

It does sound like a Pagan ritual, however, with attendees wearing costumes and a ceremony

involving a coffin effigy being delivered to a 40-foot-owl.

Sounds whacky, but that depends on your interpretation of it.

Alex Jones snuck in to one ceremony with popular podcast creator, Joe Rogan, but both had very

different ideas about what was happening.

Rogan believed it to be harmless and kinda weird, like an old boy's club party, if

not rather silly.

Jones on the other hand believed he was watching something much more sinister.

Bill Clinton dismissed these meetings as just a place to get some fresh air.

He said he had never attended, but thought they were "where all those rich Republicans

go up and stand naked against redwood trees."

In 2009, Vanity Fair reported that like most secret societies you must be invited by a

member, likely wait a long time, and then pay $25,000 as an initiation fee.

The magazine also said, "It helps to be patrician, Republican, and white."

It was thought back then that there were around 2,500 members.

Perhaps Bohemian Grove is about elites doing what elites do best, i.e. build and secure

their fortunes, or just boys doing what they do best and spraying trees in the woods with

their urine.

Could these people really be behind the organization that has the Eye of Providence insignia – the

all-seeing eye inside the top of the pyramid, used by the Freemasons and used for American

seals and logos.

The latter has led conspiracy theorists to state that this shows how powerful the freemason's

have been in US politics.

Indeed, many U.S. Presidents were freemasons.

We should also note that in February this year the British press published stories on

UK politicians and political journalists also belonging to the freemasons, but they are

very discreet about it.

There is no strong evidence that an Illuminati exists, but despite that, after Americans

were polled in 2013 it was revealed that 28 percent of the respondents believed such a

group existed.

Were they talking about human-reptilian hybrids, or something far more prosaic in something

such as the trilateral commission?

The latter, founded by David Rockefeller in 1973, now calls itself a think tank consisting

of 100s of people from mostly political, academic and business backgrounds.

Critics of the commission write that it supports one world power, bigger than any government

from where the participants come from.

While it is criticized from both the left and right of politics for being undemocratic

or a consolidation of power, some people said it was responsible for orchestrating the attacks

of September 11.

Others have said that the Skull and Bones secret society of Yale University is a part

of this illuminati, yet another group of men coming from elite families who have gone on

to becoming Presidents, powerful business people or holding important positions in government


Members and former members issued threats to Yale alumna and journalist, Alexandra Robbins,

when she attempted to lift the lid on what happens in this secret society.

Even the most rational of us should ask why such secrets are so ferociously guarded.

We should also mention that there are organizations that claim to be the illuminati, such as whoever

is behind the website

They claim to be "an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, innovators,

artists, and other influential members of this planet."

It's very, very unlikely these people have any connection to the original Bavarian Illuminati,

but their principles are quite similar.

While they don't take donations, some of their critics have said book sales and a YouTube

commercial is very much about making money.

People on forums disagree about the power this organization says it has, with one commenter

stating, "Someone is having fun with the reputation of the Illuminati as an all-powerful

secretive organization, which you and I can join by simply sending an email."

We think they are probably right.

One person that joined this ostensible Illuminati and wrote about the experience said rather

than help make world-changing decisions she just received barrages of emails asking her

to buy Illuminati stuff.

There can be no doubt that mass surveillance, or oppressive martial law, or lack of transparency

regarding what the government does and what it tells us it does, or the engineering of

consent through an imperfect media owned by media barons, are issues which need to be

discussed in depth.

But one group controlling all of this is highly unlikely.

As we've seen in this show, there is no doubt that groups of powerful people meet

secretly, and it's only reasonable to suggest that their interests are partly in maintaining

their wealth and power.

But to suggest they are hardly human or are machinating to forge a world of their liking

and do that without facing public scrutiny, is unlikely.

We can only hope for more transparency and rigorous investigations of power when needed,

and hope the public can always exercise its right to shares its views.

The right to do that without the fear of arrest, too.

We've only touched the tip of the iceberg today regarding the illuminati and the related

conspiracy theories out there, so we hope you'll continue the discussion in the comments.

Thanks for watching, and as always, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

For more infomation >> The Truth About The Illuminati Revealed - Duration: 15:38.


ESCAPE in ROBLOX.lion Tosh play in the game, icebreaker - Duration: 21:44.

For more infomation >> ESCAPE in ROBLOX.lion Tosh play in the game, icebreaker - Duration: 21:44.


TURBO Sesli GTR Modu! | SPEC GTR! | 220 KM/H | ETS | Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Duration: 11:35.

For more infomation >> TURBO Sesli GTR Modu! | SPEC GTR! | 220 KM/H | ETS | Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Duration: 11:35.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


DON'T JUDGE - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> DON'T JUDGE - Duration: 2:55.


Funny Fails 2018 Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Fails Compilation 2018 | Best Winter Fails - Duration: 10:24.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

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For more infomation >> Funny Fails 2018 Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Fails Compilation 2018 | Best Winter Fails - Duration: 10:24.


Has WWE BOTCHED Dolph Ziggler? | WrestleTalk Opinion - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Has WWE BOTCHED Dolph Ziggler? | WrestleTalk Opinion - Duration: 5:10.


The Average Member Of Congress Is 12 Times Wealthier Than The Average Citizen - Duration: 4:33.

If you're wondering why it seems like politicians in Washington, D.C., have such a disconnect

between voters and their constituents and average American citizens, it's because there

is a massive disconnect between people in Washington, D.C., and people in the rest of

the country.

It's not because they're removed from it, not because they're in D.C. and not in their

home states.

It's because they live in a world where most of them are extremely, exceedingly wealthy

and have been for most of their lives.

According to a new report, which is based off of the financial filings of members of

the House and Senate, the average member of Congress is more than 12 times wealthier than

the average American citizen.

See, average median income in the United States is right around $50,000, median household

income, which means that the average family that you see on the street, they're pulling

in about 50 grand a year for their household.

Meanwhile, for the Senate, the average net worth, not including any property, just cash

value of a Senator is 3.2 million.

The average cash value of a member of the House of Representatives is $900,000.

Meanwhile, the average American citizen in cash value is walking around with 20 maybe

30, depending on how much they have in savings or how much they have in their retirement


Yes, there is a massive disconnect and, yes, it plays a huge role in how these people govern.

They don't know what it's like to struggle.

They have never gone into the grocery store, tried to buy $12 worth of groceries and had

their debit card declined.

Now, maybe some of them have, but, as a whole, the majority of them, the vast majority of

them, they don't know what that's like.

I do.

It's happened to me.

It's happened to a lot of people in this country.

It happens every single day.

How can we expect these people, who live in these wealthy little bubbles, to understand

our struggles and to represent us accordingly?

The answer is: We can't.

We have to not only get outside money out of politics.

We have to get inside money out of politics, because when you are wealthy, and this current

Congress is a prime example, the only thing you care about is that wealth.

That's why everything that they have done for the last year has been to protect the

wealthy and screw over the poor.

Donald Trump's budget that came out this week does exactly that.

It preserves the tax breaks for the wealthy; it cuts programs for the needy; and it's because

everybody sitting there in Washington, D.C., or almost all of them, are worth 12 times

more than you and me, so they don't care about us.

They know that we're not going to fund their campaigns but, more importantly, they don't


They wouldn't care if we did, because some of us will donate money to these idiots.

They only care about what they know: preserving their own wealth, preserving their own career.

They honestly don't care if we live or die.

They don't care if we're struggling.

They don't care if our debit cards get declined.

They don't care if they cut our food stamp programs or if we can't get Medicaid because

it's not funded anymore.

They don't care, because they don't have to.

Let's make them have to care.

Let's talk about these issues more.

Let's keep this talking point alive as we head into the 2018 midterm elections.

We need average people running for Congress.

I don't care if they have political experience or not.

It would be great, but what's more important is that they understand the struggle, because

if you put somebody in office that was born with a silver spoon in their mouth, has always

been worth a couple hundred thousand dollars, has never had to worry about where their next

meal is coming from, then they're not going to worry where your next meal is going to

come from.

If we want change in this country, that's the first thing that we have

to change.

For more infomation >> The Average Member Of Congress Is 12 Times Wealthier Than The Average Citizen - Duration: 4:33.


11-Yr-Old Bullied For Uniform, Then Neighbor Does Something That Leaves Him In Tears - Duration: 2:54.

11-Yr-Old Bullied For Uniform, Then Neighbor Does Something That Leaves Him In Tears

Our military members sacrifice so much for us.

They train hard, have to spend months away from home, and, if necessary, they will even

give their lives.

But they're not the only ones it is hard on.

The loved ones they leave behind also have a difficult time.

For children especially, the long absences can be confusing and heartbreaking.

Eleven-year-old Isaiah Picklesimer's brother Aaron was recently deployed with the Navy

and Isaiah misses his brother a lot.

On the day after 9/11, Isaiah wanted to do something special to honor him, so she asked

his mom, Mellanie, if he could wear Aaron's Navy uniform to school.

"I encouraged him to do what made his heart feel better, but warned him some kids may

have something negative to say," Mellanie said.

"Well I just picked him up and he informed me of all the hateful bullying things that

were said to him.

'Hey pajama boy', 'nice costume stupid', 'you look like a joke.'"

Isaiah stood up for himself and explained to the bullies that he was proudly wearing

the uniform in honor of his brother, but it was clear their taunting hurt him deeply.

Mellanie shared a picture of her son wearing the uniform on Facebook and wrote a message

she hoped would get back to his cruel schoolmates.

"I am livid that my son was mocked all day for supporting his Navy brother," she wrote.

"I am angry that he had to be put down for something that made him feel less sad today.

I am sad that kids are so cruel to others KNOWING they wouldn't want anything like

this done to them.

I am disappointed that parents don't teach their children that bullying is wrong.

"So to the kids who don't know my son, I hope this post finds your parents.

I hope you learn how your rude, hateful words made a kid already sad feel even worse.

I hope you learn that bullying is not ok.

I hope you aren't treated the way you treat others."

Mellanie's post quickly went viral.

Thankfully the school saw it and assured her they would take action against the bullies.

They encouraged Isaiah to wear the uniform whenever he would like.

Isaiah was even invited to a Navy Chief Pinning Ceremony that weekend.

But perhaps the sweetest show of support came from the Picklesimer's next-door neighbor,

a 7th grader named Nate.

When Nate heard Isaiah was being bullied, he reached out and told him he would wear

his grandfather's Army uniform to school with Isaiah.

The next day, the two middle schoolers proudly showed up to school together in their uniforms.

Isaiah and Mellanie were touched by all the support he had received, but there was one

more surprise that would surpass them all.

Isaiah had a school dance coming up and Aaron got permission to drive the seven hours home

to surprise his little brother.

Their reunion was one neither one of them will soon forget.

Bullying has become an epidemic in our society, but thankfully there are people willing to

take a stand against it.

If only more people would show kindness and compassion instead of hate, our world would

be a much better place.

Thankfully, Isaiah has a friend and supporter in Nate.

The two now plan to wear their uniforms to school every Friday.

We all have a little good inside us.

So share it!

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For more infomation >> 11-Yr-Old Bullied For Uniform, Then Neighbor Does Something That Leaves Him In Tears - Duration: 2:54.


Tiberium Crisis Red Alert 2 - GDI Mission 7, Downfall - Duration: 1:00:53.

Tiberium Crisis modification for Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge

Mission 7 - Downfall of the GDI Campaign

Music - Tiberium Crisis Soundtrack (From Tiberium Wars, Kane's Wrath and C&C 4)

Mission Location - Near the ruins of Rome, Italian Red Zone

For the best comfort, it is recommended to watch the video in fullscreen.

The Scrin have been pushed back all across the Blue and Yellow Zones, they are no longer a threat.

But it seems that it was a diversion, they started to construct quite strange towers in the Red Zones.

The penultimate mission of the GDI campaign features a quite known thing - fight against two enemies at once.

You are against both Scrin and Nod that rather don't fight so much against each other.

Sometimes the Nod won't use its own Tiberium Missile against you, not sure why but seems that AI might be bugged in this case.

When the mission begins, use all of your Zone Troopers and harass the Scrin base close to your main position.

Destroy the Rift Generator, shame you can't capture it because it would make the mission a lot easier and faster.

With Rift Generator gone, you can proceed to one of the following choices - destroy the Nod base first or head directly to the Tower.

The Nod enemy returns back to the map all the time with its Crawler, can be quite annoying for the player when he appears again and again.

When you approach these Shield Nodes... oh my god, that idea to instantly teleport TONS OF SCRIN UNITS is so weird that it can get you off guard.

The mission also appears to be bugged, I tried twice to use the Ion Cannon on the Tower however it didn't finish the mission, it seems that hitbox is corrupted :/.

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For more infomation >> Tiberium Crisis Red Alert 2 - GDI Mission 7, Downfall - Duration: 1:00:53.


Far-Left Organization Tries to Restrict Voting Rights of US Troops Serving Overseas - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Far-Left Organization Tries to Restrict Voting Rights of US Troops Serving Overseas - Duration: 3:45.


Steve Bannon Is Afraid That Women Are About To "Take Charge Of Society" - Duration: 3:42.

According to a new book called Devil's Bargain by author Joshua Green, Steve Bannon is absolutely

terrified of women.

Now, I don't mean terrified of seeing them on the street and he runs and hides.

I mean Steve Bannon, according to Joshua Green, is terrified of women taking over this country.

You see, Green says that Bannon was terrified when Oprah hinted maybe that she was going

to run for president.

He believed that Oprah would absolutely trounce Donald Trump in the election and that she

represented a huge threat to the president, but the bigger threat, Bannon believes, is

the #MeToo movement.

All of these women suddenly being empowered to come forward and tell their horrible stories

about these horrible men in this country, Bannon believes that this has the power to

take down Donald Trump and get more women elected into politics, which would then result

in women rising up and taking charge of this country, to which I say, good.

That's actually what we need as a country, and I'm not just talking about taking down

Donald Trump.

I'm talking about women being put in positions of power.

We have a country right now that's pretty evenly split in population, men and women,


Women represent about 10% of all elected officials throughout this country at the local, federal,

state levels, 10, and Steve Bannon thinks that that might even be too many.

Let's cut that number back to five, or three, or one, or less.

That's what Steve Bannon wants.

He doesn't want to see an even split in D.C., 50/50, men and women.

He doesn't want to see a representative government that is truly representative, but that's what

we need as a country.

We can't have a bunch of old white guys sitting in D.C. in the House and Senate making the

rules for men, women, everybody in this country, regardless of skin color, religion, sexual

orientation, everything.

A bunch of white Christian guys calling all the shots for everybody, telling us what we

can and can't do with bodies, what we can and can't do with our free time, and that

has to change.

Women, like so many other groups in this country, except for white guys, have been oppressed

for too long.

It's systemic oppression.

We see it in corporations.

We see it in the pay gap.

We see it in elected officials.

It's time to end that, and if that makes Steve Bannon a little uncomfortable or a little

scared, it's because he should be.

People like Donald Trump should be scared.

Anyone who's spent their lives trying to keep women down or anyone, whether they're African

American, Hispanic, Muslim, homosexual, it doesn't matter.

If you have spent your life trying to keep others down to raise yourself up, then you

should be worried, because change is on the horizon, and those of us who haven't spent

our lives oppressing people, we welcome it.

It's only the people that believe they're better than everyone else that are scared,

and they should be.

For more infomation >> Steve Bannon Is Afraid That Women Are About To "Take Charge Of Society" - Duration: 3:42.


Mercedes-Benz CLK-Klasse Coupé 240 Elegance -LEER-NAVI-XENON- NWE APK !! APK T/M 17-12-2018!! - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz CLK-Klasse Coupé 240 Elegance -LEER-NAVI-XENON- NWE APK !! APK T/M 17-12-2018!! - Duration: 0:58.


How Celeste Teaches You Its Mechanics - Good Game Design - Duration: 11:36.

Alright guys, we've talked A LOT about rage games and challenging platformers lately,

I think it's time we take a break, ya know?

I mean it's not like a nearly perfect one has come out recently or anything...

...Aw crap.

Jokes aside, Celeste has quickly become a force to be reckoned with and easily one of

the most recommended titles to be covered here on Good Game Design.

I'll admit that at first, I was having a hard time loving it, the controls seemed

a bit inconsistent and I wasn't too sure about the combination of art styles going on.

But as I persevered through each chapter, something elegant started to form.

I gained an understanding of every technique as well as the charming tale it was trying

to tell.

Today on Good Game Design, let's talk about how Celeste presents such a beefy amount of

gameplay and manages to nail every aspect.

Like all great platformers, Celeste isn't complicated.

There's only 3 core abilities, jumping, dashing and climbing walls - that's all

you need to conquer the ominous mountain that lies before you.

But the way it manages to stay fresh from start to finish is due to the sheer amount

of varying gimmicks.

Every single chapter has at least 3 new elements that switch up the gameplay, but often even

more than that.

From fluid space blocks that you can glide through to grumpy stone-face guys that can

be moved with a dash, to the freeflowing feather that allows you to move in any direction for

a short time.

Just when you think you have a particular skill mastered, it'll throw in more curve

balls and build on top of the previous mechanics to test you even further.

What surprised me, however, was how wonderfully the story fit right into the gameplay.

Of course climbing Celeste Mountain won't be easy, so along the way your doubts and

fears manifest themselves into what I can only describe as your dark side.

And this demon-like version of yourself will tease and torment as you try to complete chapters,

eventually leading to a full confrontation of an epic boss battle.

As you become more adept at tackling the obstacles in your way, the protagonist, Madeline, overcomes

her own fears and leads to a phenomenal final chapter where not only do you reach the summit,

but learn to believe in yourself and trust that you can defeat anything that stands in

your way.

It'll still be extremely tough, and believe me there is a lot more waiting for you when

you finish the base experience, but in a lot of ways, we have to vanquish our own doubts

in our ability to finish these types of games.

Probably the coolest example of this is Madeline thinking about keeping a feather afloat to

calm herself down, and then implementing that concept as an actual system later on - a clever

way to tell the PLAYER to keep their cool as well.

While we may not be able outrun these negative thoughts, we can learn from our mistakes and

become a stronger person because of them.

It's a powerful message, and done in a tastefully captivating way.

But now, after finishing everything this game has to offer, from collecting all the strawberries,

to the B Side and even C Side challenges, what I appreciate more than anything else

from a game design perspective, is how flawlessly Celeste teaches you about its massive arsenal

of mechanics.

Let's break it down a little bit.

Right from the first stage, your shown the basic features of springs, spikes, and diamonds

that replenish your dash, but it also has these moving traffic lights that fit the city

theme aesthetically, but conveniently also teach you about momentum, which becomes a

primary focus of traversal later on.

Straight into world 2 it introduces those goopy space blocks I mentioned earlier to

get around, but before you can feel comfortable with that, your shadow starts following behind

you so you have to complete increasingly difficult rooms along with the looming threat of moving

too slowly or retracing your steps and meeting your demise.

Chapter 3 might be one of the most cohesive stories in itself as you journey through Mr.

Oshiro's hotel, cleaning up junk to clear pathways and realizing it's Oshiro's own

insecurities that are causing the chaos around you.

More and more of these black fuzzy blobs start appearing the deeper you get into the resort,

and it caps off with a final chase sequence where you have to avoid Oshiro himself while

going through a gauntlet of what that stage has taught you.

The Golden Ridge is also quite cohesive - beginning with clouds to bounce on, green bubbles that

give you a boost, pesky wind to throw off your sense of speed, and these arrow blocks

that have adjustable trajectories as you cling on for dear life.

But by the end, it will expand your knowledge of how they operate - pink clouds disappear

after one bounce, wind can be used as an advantage just as much as a disadvantage, and sometimes

you'll have to move obstacles out of the way to keep those necessary platforms alive.

And then, of course, it melds them all together.

You see this is the recurring theme I started to notice with Celeste - each chapter will

propose new pieces to the puzzle, but they're taught individually at first, and then built

upon as you progress, so eventually you're flying through insane tests of endurance like

it's nothing because it prepared you for the journey every step of the way.

Chapter 5 and 6 continue the trend - red bubbles are similar to their green counterparts but

they continue the current path until they hit a wall.

These gem-covered outcroppings move on a track every time you dash, expanding on the momentum

taught in world 1, but this time you control when the platforms move, leading to some

mind-bending puzzles.

The finale involves spooky beholder monsters that'll swallow you whole, making it start

to feel similar to the Oshiro chase scene, but now they home in on you in any direction.

The next area, entitled "Reflection", starts in a serene garden while presenting

the aforementioned feather and grumpy blocks, as well as these bumpers that can launch you

great distances or into a wall of spikes if you're not careful.

And yup, you guessed it, this leads to combinations of all 3, bumpers into feathers into moving

blocks, all while tackling a climactic boss sequence against your darker self.

Now Chapter 7 and 8 decide to switch things up by adjusting your core abilities in addition

to new features.

You gain a 2nd dash maneuver for the final ascent as you go back through harder versions

of all the previous levels, but using this newfound freedom to reach even higher heights

along the way, ending with wind that moves up and down instead of left and right for

a final test of everything you've learned up until this point.

Then, if your resourceful enough to collect 4 colored hearts by either completing B Side

challenges or scouring the areas for cryptic secrets, it unlocks The Core which is my favorite

level in the entire game.

Yet again it changes your default capabilities by not recharging a dash when you touch the ground.

So now the only way to get those dashes back is by collecting a replenish diamond.

But that's simply the tip of the iceberg, as it hurls you through a cavern of fire and

ice, swapping the temperatures with the flick of a switch and changing everything about

the rooms constantly.

Fireballs that should be avoided become stepping stones of ice, bouncy platforms that launch

you high into the air now are brittle and shatter upon impact, and track pads that formerly

lifted you up slip under your fingertips.

It's everything I wanted out of a final stage and had some incredibly tense moments

near the end.

But little did I know, that there was so much more waiting under the surface.

I mentioned B Sides, which can be unlocked by finding cassette tapes in the regular levels,

and these show off slick remixes of the music tracks (which are FIRE by the way), as well

as more challenging forms of the stages you've completed.

However, unlike most games, Celeste CONTINUES to teach you new mechanics and abilities that

were previously untouched here, such as being able to jump out the end of the space blocks

to gain more distance, or that you can attain a boost from a beholder by jumping near it

when it respawns, or my personal favorite, an upward wall dash that is utterly hard to

pull off, but can give you exceptionally more height if you time it right.

What's so cool about this is that they've always been available in the game, you just

didn't know about them.

So now if you go through the original stages, you have even more mastery over the obstacles

and can find new or faster ways to best them.

But indeed, it doesn't end there.

After an incredible Core B Side level that utilizes all previous mechanics at once, it

unlocks C Sides, and while these are the true final challenges, they unbelievably continue

to teach new techniques.

Most notably, this downward dash boost that without the knowledge of how to execute would

make this area's puzzles seem impossible to complete.

What I love about Celeste is all of the hidden capabilities just begging to be discovered,

like how you regain a dash by exiting and re-entering a screen transition, or that you

move faster in the air by holding down.

These are remarkably useful for speedrunning, which I have to assume is the final goal the

devs want the player to do after finishing all of its trials.

But unlike most speedruns, these tools for mobility are not only intentionally left in

the game, but explicitly taught to you by the game itself.

So why does all of this matter?

Certainly Celeste isn't the first game to show new elements and then build on them,

in fact it's very reminiscent of other platforming giants like Super Meat Boy, which also seemed

to have a never-ending supply of pain.

But because of how much Celeste keeps going, long past anyone would expect it to, and reuses

old methods in newer ways, it feels like it leaves no stone unturned and that everything

at your disposal had been used to its full potential.

I never said to myself "oh man, I wish I saw more of THAT!" or "It would've been

cool to see this thing COMBINED with that thing" because it actually DID all of it.

Plus, Celeste gets rewards right, by giving you more game to play when you best the tasks

it places in front of you.

And while I never used it, it has a robust assist mode that can turn off hazards or slow

down game time, which I think is important, so everyone can experience the amount of game

they want to.

And the way it's presented fully encompasses the narrative it's trying to tell.

If the goal from the very start is to conquer our mountains, both physical and mental, the

game needs to show you that you're capable of doing it, by encouraging you every step

of the way, and making sure you're fully equipped to tackle the road that lies ahead

- which is exactly what Celeste achieves so perfectly.

If you've played Celeste, tell me why you've enjoyed it so much.

Like I said, I've gotten a lot of requests to see an episode covering it, so I'm curious,

what were the parts that stuck out to you the most?

Tell me in the comments below and let's talk about it.

I don't think I've ever had another game give me literal blisters on my thumbs, and

yet I'm a little sad that now there isn't more to experience - and I think that's

a surefire sign of a truly memorable adventure.

Thanks for watching another episode of Good Game Design.

I'll see you guys next time, stay frosty my friends!

Hey guys, I just wanted to remind you that if you ever want to help support the channel

and get some cool merch in the process, you can check out the Snoman Gaming Store!

We have shirts, phone cases, mugs, stickers, all kinds of stuff, and if you ever want to rep

your favorite snowman, hey this is a great way to do so.

Thanks to everyone for their continued support, I've officially gotten our 100k plaque here,

which blows my mind, it's been a wild and crazy ride.

Here's to 100k more and even more in store for 2018.

I'll see you guys later! Buh-bye!

For more infomation >> How Celeste Teaches You Its Mechanics - Good Game Design - Duration: 11:36.


TOP "10' Bollywood Movies Songs. - Duration: 3:51.

Ak Yeahia

For more infomation >> TOP "10' Bollywood Movies Songs. - Duration: 3:51.


How to Turn Passion into Profit | Tips to Turn Your Dreams into a Killer Career - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> How to Turn Passion into Profit | Tips to Turn Your Dreams into a Killer Career - Duration: 2:12.


Tips and Tricks - 5 Tips for Monster Hunter: World - Duration: 5:20.


>> Everything about Monster Hunter: World is huge.

From the Monsters, weapons,

and world, to the IRL fan base.

The creators over at Capcom have made it

easier than ever to pick up a Monster Hunter game,

but even still, some gamers see it as a challenge.

While we've all heard the learning curve is

steep and the grind is real,

don't let that intimidate you and definitely don't let it

stop you from playing this rich and beautiful game.

So for those of you new to this beloved franchise,

here are five crucial tips to help you get started on

Monster Hunter: World. Tip number one.

Right time, right place.

If your plan was to jump into this game halfheartedly,

you might want to reconsider your approach.

Because of the size and

the moderate complexity of this game,

you'll want to set aside a decent chunk of

time to truly grasp the fundamentals.

The beginning requires a lot of reading and learning,

so if you're not able to

give the game your full attention,

you'll likely miss out on some key information

required for progress.

Another thing to note is that

this is the type of game that could

leave you completely lost if you set it down too quickly,

so it's important to spend

quality time getting comfortable with the mechanics.

Tip number two. Areas to focus on.

Because there's so much

thrown at you at the start of this game,

it's good to focus on

a couple key parts instead of

trying to remember everything.

So, here are a few quick suggestions to keep in mind.

Upgrade your weapons and Palico gear early and often.

Keep track of Scout Flies for discovering

your quest objective and collect all the things.

And lastly, check the mini map in the Hub and watch for

exclamation points and red markers

to identify who to talk to next.

Another good thing to remember is to

register your bounties as often as possible.

If you don't, you'll be missing out on two key rewards.

Research points, which can be used to purchase meals,

fertilizers for your harvest boxes,

and armor for your trusty Palico,

and Armor Spheres which are used to upgrade, well, armor.

>> Oy.

>> Hoo-ah.

>> Tip number three. Weapon of choice.

Like we mentioned in the last tip,

understanding the weapon system is

an important part of Monster Hunter: World.

The best way to get familiar with the weapons

is to go to the hecking training grounds.

Take time to practice with all the different types of

weapons because each has it's own unique power,

combos, play style, and perks.

Find the weapons you like and

take them out into the field to learn how they

work against actual monsters

and if it jives with your play style.

There are some awesome weapon mechanics,

but if you don't spend the time getting to know them,

you could be missing out on

some serious damage-dealing tricks.

And don't forget to upgrade your weapons and

gear as often you can at the Smithy.

One last thing, keep your weapons in top shape.

Blades and blunt weapons need to stay

sharp or else they won't do as much damage.

But since it takes a few moments to sharpen,

make sure you can afford the time.

A good starter weapon is the bow.

While it does less damage,

the mechanics are simple

and you don't need to sharpen it.

Plus, it allows you to keep

your distance from the monsters during a hunt.

Tip number four. Before battle.

As you get deeper into the game,

hunts are going to get tougher and tougher.

So, to ensure success,

you may need to do more than just upgrade your gear.

Eat at the canteen before every battle.

It'll boost your attack and defense which will give you

the extra defense needed to take

down some of the more difficult monsters.

Plus, the food looks incredibly appetizing.

And if you forget to visit

Meowskulars Chef before leaving Astera, don't worry.

You can still get a hot meal at

the camp before you start your mission.

However, you'll miss out on

your Palico pal's wonderful theatrics.

Besides food, make sure your gear's

upgraded and you have bounties registered.

Lastly, don't forget to

loot the chest once you get to camp.

The items are free and it usually

has a few potions, traps,

or other items that'll make getting the job done that

much easier. Tip number five.

Patience is a legit virtue.

That grind we mentioned earlier is very real.

Players have put hundreds upon hundreds of hours into

the previous Monster Hunter games

and considering the main quest

of this game is supposedly around 40-50 hours long,

it'll likely be the same for this one.

As with most big games, sometimes it just takes

some good old fashioned time to learn and love.

If you don't completely understand this game right away,

just stick with it and be patient.

It's more of a matter of time and experience.

There is no shortage of charm in this game.

From the quirks and puns,

to the characters and personalities,

it all adds fun, color,

and lightheartedness to a seemingly intimidating game.

But the developers worked hard to ensure that they

hit the sweet spot of being deep and challenging,

yet ready to be played and enjoyed by the masses.

We think they've done exactly that.

So, good luck on the hunt, Fifths.

May your swords stay sharp and may you

find the monsters before they find you.


For more infomation >> Tips and Tricks - 5 Tips for Monster Hunter: World - Duration: 5:20.


Bombshell: Obama DOJ Official Actively Hid Fusion GPS Payments - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Bombshell: Obama DOJ Official Actively Hid Fusion GPS Payments - Duration: 4:14.


3 Reasons Why You Should Pee in The Shower - Duration: 2:18.

If you've never peed in the shower before, you probably think it's gross or weird.

But this is more normal than you might imagine: an poll administered to over one hundred thousand

people by Glamour magazine, shows that 75% of them normally pee in the shower.

No matter what you think about it, you probably had no idea that this simple act could have

so many benefits.

Here are 3 good reasons to pee in the shower:

It saves water

Did you know that flushing the toilet normally uses from 6 to 10 liters of water?

If we consider that a person pees 7 times a day, on average, and multiply that number

times the population of the USA, then we're talking billions of liters of water a day,

just to flush the toilet.

Showering also takes up a lot of water, so peeing while showering is a great way to save


In order to avoid bad odors, pee close to the drain and let all the soapy water wash

it down once you're done.

You be saving water and taking care of the planet at the same time!

It keeps your bathroom cleaner for longer

Every time we use the restroom, we're one step closer to having to clean it.

And if you're a man, some accidents tend to happen, no matter how great your aim is.

No one really likes to clean the bathroom, so peeing in the shower will keep your bathroom

cleaner, for longer.

It could help you get rid of athlete's foot

Even though it hasn't been scientifically proven, this home remedy has been passed down

for centuries, and many people swear by it!

Since it contains urea, a substance that is used in several anti fungal creams, urine

is frequently used to treat athlete's foot and other fungal infections.

For more infomation >> 3 Reasons Why You Should Pee in The Shower - Duration: 2:18.


WTF Is It Going to Take for You to Take Control of Your Life | A Gary Vaynerchuk Original - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> WTF Is It Going to Take for You to Take Control of Your Life | A Gary Vaynerchuk Original - Duration: 4:46.


Fauxcahontas Warren Makes Shocking Admission About Her Native American Heritage - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Fauxcahontas Warren Makes Shocking Admission About Her Native American Heritage - Duration: 4:12.


Cavuto Live 02/17/18 11AM | February 17, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:53.

For more infomation >> Cavuto Live 02/17/18 11AM | February 17, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:53.


BREAKING: DC Just Rocked By 13 INDICTMENTS From Mueller - Duration: 3:35.

BREAKING: DC Just Rocked By 13 INDICTMENTS From Mueller

Washington, D.C. has just been rocked by stunning news that Robert Mueller has handed out 13

indictments in relation to his special investigation.

Mueller, who's been investigating President Trump and his associates for over a year now,

still hasn't been able to find anything on them despite putting forth his best efforts.

However, you know who he was able to find some dirt on?

A bunch of Russians. Yes, you read that correctly.According to numerous reports, Mueller handed out 13

indictments against Russian nationals and another three indictments against Russian

businesses, charging them with an elaborate plot to interfere in the 2016 presidential

election. In his indictments, Mueller claims the individuals aimed to use social media

to influence Americans to vote in favor of the President and against Hillary Clinton,

FOX17 reported.

The indictment, brought by the office of special counsel Robert Mueller, represents the most

direct allegation to date of illegal Russian meddling during the election. It says Russians

created bogus Internet postings, posed online as American political activists and fraudulently

purchased advertisements — all with the goal of swaying political opinion during the

bitterly contested race.

The intent of the meddling, the indictment says, was to "sow discord in the U.S. political

system, including the 2016 presidential election."

The indictment arises from Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the election

and whether there was improper coordination between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.

The charges are similar to the assessment of the U.S. intelligence community, which

months after the election described a Russian government effort to meddle in the election

on Trump's behalf.

According to the report, the "strategic goal" of the Russians™ was to "sow discord,"

the indictment said, although it made no mention of the violent leftists rampaging through

the streets all on their own and attacking anything and anyone who supported then-candidate

Trump. Leftist violence aside, the indictment claims that Russian operatives communicated

with "unwitting individuals" within the Trump campaign and other political activists.

More from FOX17:

According to the indictment, the Internet Research Agency, a Russian troll farm, started

interfering as early as 2014 in U.S. politics, extending to the 2016 presidential election.

The defendants, "posing as U.S. persons and creating false U.S. personas," operated

social media groups designed to attract U.S. audiences by stealing U.S. identities and

falsely claiming to be U.S. activists.

"Over time, these social media accounts became defendants' means to reach significant

numbers of Americans for purposes of interfering with the U.S. political system," the indictment


All of this allegedly happened, yet it was liberals and Hillary supporters marching through

the streets with flags representing socialism and otherwise supporting the communists'

way of life.

Advertisement – story continues below Sorry, but Trump didn't need any help from

the Russians! ™ in defeating Hillary. She and her supporters did a fine job of that

all on their own.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: DC Just Rocked By 13 INDICTMENTS From Mueller - Duration: 3:35.


Just In Trey Gowdy Prepared to Unleash Hell Fusion GPS Caught Hiding 112 Bank Transactions and Recor - Duration: 19:04.

Just In: Trey Gowdy Prepared to Unleash Hell: Fusion GPS Caught Hiding 112 Bank Transactions

and Records

It's truly disheartening to know that the truth is somewhere out there in the world,

but we are never told the truth.

In the case of the phony Trump dossier that was made to ruin President Trump's reputation,

we were left in the dark completely.

We now know that Trump had no ties to Russia involving the 2016 Presidential Election.

The fake dossier was just a small piece of one of the most publicized presidential races

in our country's history.

It's important to keep in mind that there was not much that Hillary Clinton wouldn't

have done in order to win the election against Donald Trump.

Hillary felt that she was exempt from even being considered as someone who was in charge

of her actions.

Then there was Donald Trump who wouldn't stand for being bothered with anything that

upsets him.

The level of contention was a given.

The investigative firm that was serving the Democratic Party, Fusion GPS, played a big

part in the election drama.

Fusion GPS is still at the center of the entire dossier scandal.

Now, on the slight chance that administrators as well as staff from Fusion GPS didn't

do anything incorrectly like they claim, we are in need of some clarification.

There is an issue of conduct when it comes to the company attempting to withhold bank

records that were subpoenaed by the House.

112 transactions were also missing from what Fusion GPS released.

Now, Congressman Trey Gowdy is coming out with arms swinging.

The Washington Times reported:

"Fusion and the House at first worked out a deal for relevant banks records.

But House lawyers say they learned that Fusion withheld 112 transactions pertinent to the

Russia probe.

"The suspect transactions, House lawyers say, deal with two Russia issues.

One is the dossier.

The other is Fusion's payments from another law firm, BakerHostetler.

That money came from the Russian firm Prevezon Holdings which is lobbying Washington to repeal

a law that brought stiff economic sanctions on President Vladimir Putin's regime.

"In that vein, the House committee wants copies of Fusion bank transfers with other

law firms in addition to Perkins Coie and Hostetler."

"'Fusion has established a pattern and practice of using law firms as intermediaries

to mask the true beneficiaries of its research,' the House filing says."

Fusion has had the goal of serving its Democratic recipients since the start, so they have formed

a very confused entanglement of money transactions.

Why are they rearranging money among law offices in order to hide records from the House subpoena?

There has to be more to the story that we are not being told.

While Fusion GPS's Democratic customers would lean a different way, a government judge

has just opened up records that have shown us a little more about what was going on at

the firm.

A federal court opened sealed Fusion GPS bank records on Tuesday which have given us new

information about the Russia-related payments that were made by Fusion involving the Trump


The records were unsealed by Judge Richard Leon, a Bush appointee.

These records showed 112 transactions which all involved Fusion GPS.

The law firm which represented the Clinton campaign as well as the DNC, Perkins Coie,

paid Fusion GPS $1,024,408 between the dates of May 24, 2016 and December 28, 2016.

The documents that have been unsealed also show details of the House committee's requests

for records directly related to payments to journalists made by Fusion GPS.

The committee was searching for records that related to five specific Fusion GPS payments

made to a research and Russia expert as well as production of three other payments.

While justice may not be served as swiftly as we would like, you can bet that there will

be some serious repercussions for the phony dossier and all of the corruption that went

along with it.

Things are not looking good for failed candidate Hillary Clinton or Fusion GPS.

Trey Gowdy is about to bring the hammer down big time.

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