Sunday, February 18, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 18 2018

Last week we saw how to remove your crankset and bottom bracket.

If you haven't watched that video yet, I suggest you check it out first.

If you remember, my aim was to find the cheapest 1X drivetrain available so I got the IXF crankset

and the bottom bracket that came along with it.

Firstly, apply generous amounts of grease on the internal threadings. I will be switching to a hollow tech bottom bracket.

"R" indicates the drive side and "L" the non-drive side.

Put on spacers to match your BB size.

Most mountain bikes require 2 spacers, one on each side.

It's still best if you look up your bottom bracket shell size.

Screw on the drive side bearing.

Apply a bit of grease on the ends of the dust sleeve.

If you look closely, you'll see the ends are shaped differently.

This is the drive side and this is the non drive side.

Insert the drive side in first and with a gentle push, it should click right in.

Now screw on the non drive side bearing and tighten both the bearings with a tool like


I have linked all my tools and parts in the description below.

So this is what the crank arms look like out of the box.

Could be just me but the glossy ends look hideous AF.

So i grabbed my spray paint and gave it a stealthy matte black look.

Apply grease on the ends where it will make contact with the bearings.

Using the plastic end of your mallet, hammer the spindle in.

If the other end is potruding out too much or too little, you got your spacer combination


Put the left crank arm at 180 degrees to the right one.

Tighten the bolts alternatively so that one bolt do not take too much stress.

Finally put on your narrow wide chainring, tightening each bolt a little at a time.

And viola!

You have got yourself a sick ass looking crank and chain ring

Tune in next week as i install a wide ratio cassette.

If you like the content of this channel, do hit the subscribe button.

You can also do that by clicking on this globe icon.

If you find this video useful, do like and share!

Thats all for today.

I'm Rakin from Everything MTB and I'll see you next week.

For more infomation >> Installing IFX Crankset and Motguv Chainring: Converting to 1X Drivetrain (Part 2) - Duration: 3:09.


Learn Spanish listening: Flag of Spain - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> Learn Spanish listening: Flag of Spain - Duration: 10:02.


Estallan contra la reina Letizia tras su provocación en el colegio de Leonor - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Estallan contra la reina Letizia tras su provocación en el colegio de Leonor - Duration: 3:00.


Little Jack Horner Sat In A Corner Song For Kids | Children Songs | Baby Hippo Tom Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:23.

Little Jack Horner Sat In A Corner Song For Kids | Children Songs | Baby Hippo Tom Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Little Jack Horner Sat In A Corner Song For Kids | Children Songs | Baby Hippo Tom Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:23.


Belén Esteban contesta a las declaraciones de Alicia Senovilla - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Belén Esteban contesta a las declaraciones de Alicia Senovilla - Duration: 3:16.


Pepa Pig Sing Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Songs for kids - Duration: 14:00.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Pepa Pig Sing Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Songs for kids - Duration: 14:00.


폐쇄되는 한국지엠 군산공장..크루즈⋅올란도 생산 "어쩌나" - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> 폐쇄되는 한국지엠 군산공장..크루즈⋅올란도 생산 "어쩌나" - Duration: 2:37.


Conociendo a Drácula - Duration: 13:42.

Dracula is a character that everyone know, curiously, even many know

who was its author: Bram Stoker.

What is not funny is that this is thanks to the cinema and the magnificent adaptation of 1992

of Coppola that included the name of the writer in the title * Dracula, by Bram Stoker *,

movie that I will analyze soon.

However a tiny percentage will have read the novel, as is usual, neither

I will say the opposite.

This work is special because it happens something very strange: "the cinematographic character

it's better than the literary. "

To be able to understand this risky affirmation we have to deal with many issues beforehand,

I'm going to dedicate a series of videos in the which I will talk about both the character and

of his legacy and adaptations ... Even from certain vampires that shine in the sun that

they became very famous and, even if it costs you to believe it, I will explain why they are not as bad as you think.

First we must have a global vision for be able to be aware of the true impact

that it got.

It was published in 1897 and the idea of ​​a human become a monster who was a great lord

with great riches and could walk between we were something new.

It is also remarkable the fact that it was a Count, remember that before was not conceived

that a "great lord" was a delinquent and even less a vulgar murderer; That always

it was said that he was from the lower classes, a "lord" I could not commit such baseness.

But not only for presenting a novel monster this work became famous, in addition the novel

is masterfully narrated and the narrative in the form of diaries gives you an agility that,

Even to this day, it would fit perfectly.

Before, it was very common to find endless dialogues that seemed monologues chained.

Flamboyant phrases and that for dozens of pages did not make progress in

the plot.

Something that made it impossible not to empathize with some character but a current reader

many times it will be lost and you will not know where he goes, he will not even know they're

talking or who is doing it.

An example that I like to use about this is: "The Count of Monte Cristo", with a

magnificent history and endless dialogues.

As soon as we open the book and start read the way you have to introduce us in

this world is worthy of study; with the use of the newspaper achieves an impossible proximity

to get otherwise.

The narration of the trip, the interaction with the locals, anecdotes about recipes

of food, traditions and folklore make that we put ourselves in the skin of the protagonist

from the first pages.

Through these descriptions they create an environment of constant danger that manages to overwhelm us.

But we do not see any danger, however, we know that something against which we can not

doing nothing controls us.

Also through the use of newspapers we have two realities, ours that we left pointed

in our personal diary, which immediately we identify with the unfortunate protagonist

and what we are telling our fiancee, so as not to frighten her and to strengthen us

more the certainty that we have of the danger and the imminent death of the protagonist.

Seeing the two realities does nothing but help us get into paper, feel

the power and danger that Dracula and the claustrophobia of a huge castle by the

that we can move freely, but which is impossible for us to escape.

This introduction is crucial, in it we discover that Dracula is more than a human though

We do not know what it can be.

Little by little we are collecting data and scenes rocambolescas; like a day that we see as

a village girl arrives desperate crying castle asking her to return her baby.

To that we add the memories of what we told the villagers, the fear they had

to the Count everyone with whom we have crossed, especially the villager that in an inn

with tears in his eyes he gave us his crucifix to protect us from the evil that we were throwing ourselves at.

They have been brushstrokes given with calm those that they have finished drawing a magnificent picture

of terror in our minds.

During our stay in the castle, living together with him, let's look at details for

try to decipher its mystery.

We realize that we never see it during the day, that the castle is uninhabited, when

We eat with us but do not eat anything, enter our room while we shave

we did not see his reflection in our little mirror and the next day we could not find

no mirror ...

These are details that are stuck in us and little by little they generate a tension that

it forces us to continue reading to know that happens.

To this day many can disdain this, but remember that the novel has more than

a hundred years, can you imagine the impression that Should it have caused at that time?

Especially because we immediately say * well, another vampire *, but at that time

nobody knew these beings, it was this novel the one that created this myth.

No matter how hard we try, it is impossible imagine the commotion that this would cause

novel in a person who has never met the myth of the vampire.

When we dare to follow it to discover his secret only serves to make our


We see how he goes out his window walking like a lizard on the castle facade,

we realize its excessive strength, the power that shows to have on the wolves; do not

we are still aware of the kind of monster that has us at his mercy.

And when we meet the three women and see as they devour a small child delivered by

the Count makes us finally lose our heads in the face of such cruelty and power.

But if this were not enough, through conversations with the Count that last all night we see

also a great intelligence, sagacity for business and a brilliant strategy.

Ensures that nobody can know all the possessions you have, the homes that

purchase, the logistics that you create so that It is known what it sends and who receives it.

They make it clear that he is not just a person with superhuman powers but even worse, with great

powers and an intelligence at par.

However when he moves to London Dracula disappears, becomes an omnipresent shadow

that lurks but nobody can see.

The used way of telling the story with multiple protagonists is, simply,


Special mention must be made to the intern of the psychiatric hospital through which we can

see the influence that Dracula has on a human, how do you want to have that power and

is willing to do anything to accept us as his disciples and

we can have a mere fraction of said power.

The diaries and correspondence of the two young people, the escape from the castle of the Count

Dracula of which, until that moment, we considered the protagonist, the disappearances of children

that the newspapers show us ... They are small fragments that build a whole world

around us, a world of terror like had not been seen to date.

This is the second third of the novel, where we also know the main character,

the nemesis that can defeat Dracula which is none other than Professor Abraham Van


An old professor who is the only one capable to see Dracula's signals in all the

strange acts and diseases that surround you: a scholar, scholar, teacher ...

It's many things but not that jumping warrior of little time that show us the latest

film deliveries and series, of which I will talk now, be sure of it.

Also the way to connect all the characters It is also worth mentioning because in the end,

in a tangled web all the characters they are related in one way or another.

This part, the knot of the plot, hooks us even more than the presentation where we met

to the Count.

The shadow of Dracula present in all acts is much more shocking than finding it

head on.

Thanks to the professor, we know your points weak and their powers at the same time we understand

the magnitude of what we are facing.

It shows us, in practical cases, how sacred objects hurt him and this does

little by little with masterfully created scenes for this purpose; especially important

is the cemetery scene with the first girl that Dracula turns into one of

his women in London.

To protect young women who are victims from the bites of Dracula puts them bouquets

of garlic in windows and place crucifixes.

And when one of them becomes a being at night we see the effective way to hunt them

to be able to give them eternal rest releasing his body of that demonic possession and that

your soul can rest in peace.

Dracula becomes fog to move without being discovered, it can also be transformed

in animals like a bat and control them as he does with a huge zoo wolf

or control thousands of rats to both defend their territories like to attack.

All the folklore that we know about this character is taken from this novel: What do you need?

rest on the ground where he was buried, its power to hypnotize and control minds

of people, mastery over animals, become fog and other animals like that

as their weaknesses for sacred objects.

Fragments of all this has been used in the innumerable versions that have gone

coming out, but they've always wanted to empower some and forget about others to give it a touch

unique ... And this is understandable because the Character has many shortcomings.

The last third of the novel, the persecution of Dracula so to speak is not the worst

of the novel.

It's superfluous, it's soporific ... It's El Conde of Monte Cristo with endless dialogues,

paragraphs of several pages that do not provide nothing and a feeling of * for god that this

finish now * that make you want to close the book and forget about him.

How is this possible?

Because the character is too good, not just too good but perfect.

We have a Count with great riches, capable to control the minds of people, immortal,

with a force over human, it can become in fog or bat that we know in addition

to be able to control animals to defend it, How can noses be mere mortals

kill him?

In this last part you are trying to find weaknesses ... He's a villain so his

mind is selfish, childish and will make mistakes how?

If at the beginning of the novel he praised his intelligence and strategic genius, now

Is it childish and capricious?

They manage to sanctify all the drawers of land that Dracula brought to London except

one, which used to flee by ship again towards his Castle in Transylvania.

There we see that he is even able to control the weather to make the ship arrive before

of time to your destination and do not have any mishap because of some storm.

His power is even greater than we thought In the first moment.

Obviously, they can not be directly confronted to Dracula, any combat would be something

ridiculous, so after a few hundred pages that are eternal can defeat

to the gypsies who were in charge of moving the coffin to his castle and just before that

The sun is hidden, they manage to destroy it.

It is a terrible outcome, an overloaded narrative that does not contribute anything and an end that we all imagined

for the villain ...

But it could not be otherwise; it could have shortened, make a few dialogues

heavy, its biggest fault is trying to lengthen too much the outcome to give it greater


But there can not be another end because a mere human being, even a dozen or a hundred

of them could never present battle before a monster so masterfully created.

It is what is usually known as * death by success *, has been so good at creating the villain

that now it is impossible to defeat him a credible way

On the cinematographic level, of the old ones, I think the one that represents more faithfully

this is the one of 1931.

Although of course, at the interpretive level, Pretty much to be desired because so much fear,

like mental control, suspense ... they represent it opening their eyes as much as they can without

they get out of their sockets.

But the environment and the atmosphere do what better than they can; if I mention this version

it's because it includes the madman that Dracula uses to perform his subjugation experiments,

something that the other versions obviate considering it a mere unimportant secondary role and,

In my view, it is fundamental to the plot.

This is the introduction, a little review to the novel, its development strengths

and loose.

In future videos we will go deeper into some key aspects and analyzing some movie

or series that you consider not already good, but important for contributing something special.

For more infomation >> Conociendo a Drácula - Duration: 13:42.


Haul de Mi tienda de Arte, Kimidori y Mi tienda de Scrap - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Haul de Mi tienda de Arte, Kimidori y Mi tienda de Scrap - Duration: 3:24.


Prospección geobiológia - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Prospección geobiológia - Duration: 0:34.


עוקבים באינסטגרם לא מזויפים - חייג 0549006307 פרסום לאינסטגרם - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> עוקבים באינסטגרם לא מזויפים - חייג 0549006307 פרסום לאינסטגרם - Duration: 0:41.


봉수황 | 섹시 터지는 중드 사극 | Chinese tv series [한글자막] - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> 봉수황 | 섹시 터지는 중드 사극 | Chinese tv series [한글자막] - Duration: 1:20.


Pocoyo en Español 2018 | Jugar a Saltar la Cuerda | Caricaturas para Niños - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> Pocoyo en Español 2018 | Jugar a Saltar la Cuerda | Caricaturas para Niños - Duration: 6:20.


Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA

For more infomation >> Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA


Sema er ómálefnaleg (English subtitles) - Duration: 6:36.

Hi there and welcome to the Lord Pepe Channel.

We are expecting Tommy Robinson next summer.

I personally think he's a bit abrasive and hot headed ...

but I have to defend him now because he's viciously attacked.

Predictably Sema Erla Serdar attacks him with ad homenims and personal attacks.

Nothing she wrote was even pertinent so my hand is forced when it comes to responding to this.

Well let's get to it.

Tommy Robinson (or Stephen Christopher Lennon epa Andrew McMaster eða Paul Harris or whatever he calls himself)

Everyone knows him as Tommy Robinson don't be childish Sema.

is an English nationalist....

Yes... and shall I tell you who was an Icelandic nationalist?

Jón Sigurðsson [sorta like the Icelandic George Washington]

and a right wing extremist which is known for encouraging prejudice and hatred towards foreigners, especially Muslims in his home country and where ever he goes.

By WHOM is known to spread hate and prejudice?

Did you have someone special in mind?

or are you attributing your personal attacks to some mystery man?

It's like saying "A truthful person told me" just say things directly and stop trying to camouflage your views as something that is "generally known" [weasel words].

He has done this through associations such as the English defense league, the European defense league and Pegida UK, which all have in common to be associations of violent extremists and to be founded by Robinson, which has amongst other things been convicted of threats, violence, masquerading and fraud.a

Don't even mention that he quit leading the English defense league because dubious characters were starting to become prevalent among the membership.

Let's just forgo that Sema that's very fair.

It doesn't look at all like you're trying to present a very one sided image of him as propaganda. Not at all.

Robinson goes quite far in spreading prejudice and hatred towards Muslims and promoting violence, discrimination and their exclusion.

How far does he go and how?

It's incredible how unscrupulous Sema is when it comes to calling him bad names.

Let's hold on a second... Does she support her charges with something?

I can't see anything of the sort.

He is therefor one of the brightest stars of nationalists and muslim-haters in Europe and even further. One of his fans is the terrorist Darren Osborne which was recently sentenced to life in prison for driving into people and murder in front of a mosque in London last year.

and Leoncie called him a hero. before the attack he had been in contact with Robinson which amongst other things encouraged him to "stand up against Muslims" and Osborne read material by Robinson prior to the attack.

If there is something typical for Sema it is that she employs guilt by association.

She finds a far fetched connection of someone to someone else which is without controversy perceived as bad and uses that to discredit the first person.

What Sema calls being in "contact with Robinson"

is to get mass mail from him.

so Darren Osborne was on the mailing list of a rather well known person in the media?

What should Tommy do? Should he just forgo criticizing the effects of multiculturalism because some soon to be terrorist might look at his material'

Exactly how much responsibility does Tommy Robinson hold for this terror attack?

About as much as the BBC

they covered a grooming gang in Rochdale and a witness said that sparked his obsession

of course the BBC isn't responsible for his actions and Robinson isn't either.

Sema finds it totally reasonable to associate her opponents with murder and acts of terror.

That's very pertinent to the discussion. Bravo Bravo.

and since you're so interested in reading....

one could mention that a certain religious text from the 7th century is surprisingly very widely read by terrorists.

as incredible as that may sound...

and btw one expects "colorful" comments from Leoncie. I don't think people are very worried about what she says.

This unimportant cardboard box obviously has adherents in Iceland and now someone amongst them has invited Robinson to Iceland to give Icelandic nationalists and Muslim-haters inspiration but that meeting will probably not concern itself with human rights rather it will concern itself with their mutual hatred of Muslims and how to "stop the invasion of Muslims into Europe and stand up to things of that nature."

This is just conjecture and no one will ever say that you are very charitable.

Maybe he'll talk about the trouble that Britain's immigration policy has made.

I wonder if you make a distinction between that and hating Muslims?

even though there aren't many that come to mind my attention has been drawn to that no one has acknowledged inviting this dangerous man to the country and Robinson doesn't respond who invited him when asked. I have asked him on both twitter and Facebook without getting any answers That's how cowardly they are.

You shouldn't really call people cowards when you don't seem do dare to actually address anyone's argument.

I hope you're capable of something beside ad hominem and personal attacks.

but I can't say that I've noticed that so far.

Excuse me but we have nothing to do with men like Robinson here, nor his hate speech, incitements to violence. How about finding a different hobby than hate and importing disgusting propagandapreachers to this country


Well excuse me we have no use of a woman like you.

and neither your personal attacks and non pertinent arguments.

How about if you tried just once actually addressing someone's argument instead of trying to undermine their credibility and attack their character.

You did the exact same thing When Robert Spencer came here and I addressed that.

You have nothing to offer beside ad homenins and personal attacks.

You don't address any arguments you only attack people's character.

You don't seem to have learned anything because you are doing the exact same thing.

You don't make pertinent argument and anyone with a grain of critical thought sees right through you.

So excuse me, you should simply retire yourself.

until you actually address someone's argument.

Either address someone's argument or simply don't express yourself since you only provide us with defamation.

I encourage you to look a few videos by Robinson on Youtube...

and then judge for yourself...

then ask yourself whether or not Sema was trying to mislead people.

Thx for watching and see ya.

For more infomation >> Sema er ómálefnaleg (English subtitles) - Duration: 6:36.


ESSENCE MAKE-UP TESTEN • demi lisanne ( + subs ) - Duration: 8:34.

hi everyone

welcome to my new video

today i have a make-up testing video for you

are you curious

what i am testing?

then keep watching

at first i have the essence make me brow

in the colour browny browns

it's an eyebrow gel

it has to make your eyebrows look thicker

it's a bit clumpsy

but you can brush it out

it brushes really good

it might be a little too dark for me

but if i use it as a finish it would look better

it fills indeed my brows

i think i'll add it to my make-up stash

i also have this eyebrow designer

it's a really simple brow pencil

actually i never use a eyebrow pencil

it is really pigmented

but really dark

there were only two colours

blonde and this one

blonde would be too light anyways

it's not ugly, i think when you are going out it'd be nice

i know that an eyebrow pencil doesn't really work for me

you do get straight lines

if you would use it only for the outlines only i would like it

but the colouring is too harsh

i wouldnt buy it

unless you would use it for the outlines

i could try, so i start with the outlines

it is a straight line

now i'll use my normal brow powder

i always use this wax and powder

its already better in my opinion

on camera it might look like there isn't much difference but there is

maybe you can see it if i zoom in

the right one is harsher

but the conclusion; i'd leave it in the stores

let's move on to the next product

this prismatic holographic highlighter stick

i was really curious

because it has to give a holographic glow

idk if you guys can see it

but it really gives a nice glow

i don't think it is holographic

but it really has a nice glow

a really nice colour, a little pink

and purple-ish

i really like the glow

it isnt really holographic

the stick does tho

i really like it

i'd recommend it

next i have this mascara

joe focus

it has a little curve in the brush

it does give a lot of volume,

compared to my natural lashes

i do feel like i have to apply a lot mascara

it does give length

and also volume

i'd definitely recommend it

for this price it is really good, it was only 2 or 3 euros

it does what it says it does

it does curl and give length to your lashes

so yea i'd buy it

i also got the all about matt fixing powder

probably a lot of you know it already but i never used it

so now i am gonna test it

so let's try it

it does give a nice matt finish

i also see my highlighter through it

so i wouldnt get this one. it is the eyebrow designer

i would get this

it gives a really nice texture to your brows

the highlighter stick isnt holographic but close

and i really like it so i would totally reccomend this

i would also recommend the mascara

and the all about matt powder

i would also get this one

thanks for watching, i hope you liked this video

please give me a thumbs up

aren't you subscribed yet, please do

do you have any questions, let it know in the comment section below

i'll see you guys in the next video, bye

For more infomation >> ESSENCE MAKE-UP TESTEN • demi lisanne ( + subs ) - Duration: 8:34.


Keep Calm and So Smooth - Humor and Music - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Keep Calm and So Smooth - Humor and Music - Duration: 1:38.


Video blues - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Video blues - Duration: 3:44.


Little Jack Horner Sat In A Corner Song For Kids | Children Songs | Baby Hippo Tom Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:23.

Little Jack Horner Sat In A Corner Song For Kids | Children Songs | Baby Hippo Tom Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Little Jack Horner Sat In A Corner Song For Kids | Children Songs | Baby Hippo Tom Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:23.


Installing IFX Crankset and Motguv Chainring: Converting to 1X Drivetrain (Part 2) - Duration: 3:09.

Last week we saw how to remove your crankset and bottom bracket.

If you haven't watched that video yet, I suggest you check it out first.

If you remember, my aim was to find the cheapest 1X drivetrain available so I got the IXF crankset

and the bottom bracket that came along with it.

Firstly, apply generous amounts of grease on the internal threadings. I will be switching to a hollow tech bottom bracket.

"R" indicates the drive side and "L" the non-drive side.

Put on spacers to match your BB size.

Most mountain bikes require 2 spacers, one on each side.

It's still best if you look up your bottom bracket shell size.

Screw on the drive side bearing.

Apply a bit of grease on the ends of the dust sleeve.

If you look closely, you'll see the ends are shaped differently.

This is the drive side and this is the non drive side.

Insert the drive side in first and with a gentle push, it should click right in.

Now screw on the non drive side bearing and tighten both the bearings with a tool like


I have linked all my tools and parts in the description below.

So this is what the crank arms look like out of the box.

Could be just me but the glossy ends look hideous AF.

So i grabbed my spray paint and gave it a stealthy matte black look.

Apply grease on the ends where it will make contact with the bearings.

Using the plastic end of your mallet, hammer the spindle in.

If the other end is potruding out too much or too little, you got your spacer combination


Put the left crank arm at 180 degrees to the right one.

Tighten the bolts alternatively so that one bolt do not take too much stress.

Finally put on your narrow wide chainring, tightening each bolt a little at a time.

And viola!

You have got yourself a sick ass looking crank and chain ring

Tune in next week as i install a wide ratio cassette.

If you like the content of this channel, do hit the subscribe button.

You can also do that by clicking on this globe icon.

If you find this video useful, do like and share!

Thats all for today.

I'm Rakin from Everything MTB and I'll see you next week.

For more infomation >> Installing IFX Crankset and Motguv Chainring: Converting to 1X Drivetrain (Part 2) - Duration: 3:09.


陳小春想讓Jasper來看日出,看見兒子超可愛的睡姿後,改變了主意 - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> 陳小春想讓Jasper來看日出,看見兒子超可愛的睡姿後,改變了主意 - Duration: 6:42.


Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 TSI 125PK Comfortline Business R | R-Line | Active info disp - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 TSI 125PK Comfortline Business R | R-Line | Active info disp - Duration: 1:02.


ABC Marketing con Video - Social LiveStreaming - Video branding - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> ABC Marketing con Video - Social LiveStreaming - Video branding - Duration: 4:59.


Nhạc phim remix 2018 ║ Liên khúc nhạc trẻ remix lồng phim võ thuật hay nhất - Duration: 29:18.

For more infomation >> Nhạc phim remix 2018 ║ Liên khúc nhạc trẻ remix lồng phim võ thuật hay nhất - Duration: 29:18.


Talking Tom Gold Run vs Temple Run 2 vs Subway Surfers NEW UPDATE 2018 New Character PRINCESS ANGELA - Duration: 10:17.

Talking Tom Gold Run vs Temple Run 2 vs Subway Surfers NEW UPDATE

For more infomation >> Talking Tom Gold Run vs Temple Run 2 vs Subway Surfers NEW UPDATE 2018 New Character PRINCESS ANGELA - Duration: 10:17.


Audi A3 1.0 TFSI 85KW SPORTBACK S-TRONIC - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 1.0 TFSI 85KW SPORTBACK S-TRONIC - Duration: 0:58.


লিঙ্গ মোটা লম্বা ও শক্তিশালী করে নিন খুব সহজ উপায়ে ১০০% গ্যারান্টি সাথে সাথে প্রমান #HealthCare - Duration: 4:02.


For more infomation >> লিঙ্গ মোটা লম্বা ও শক্তিশালী করে নিন খুব সহজ উপায়ে ১০০% গ্যারান্টি সাথে সাথে প্রমান #HealthCare - Duration: 4:02.


Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI 95pk Comfortline - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI 95pk Comfortline - Duration: 0:44.


Dizaro - To U - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Dizaro - To U - Duration: 3:16.


AQW (How to get the scarlet sorceress class) - Duration: 4:45.

Guys, im sorry I didnt put music

I will put music on another vedio dont worry

Scarlet Sorceress class

For more infomation >> AQW (How to get the scarlet sorceress class) - Duration: 4:45.


hack any whats app free | how to hack whats app without mobile access | whats app hack - Duration: 3:12.

Subscribe - crazyyy tech

For more infomation >> hack any whats app free | how to hack whats app without mobile access | whats app hack - Duration: 3:12.


MGK - Young Man Freestyle (...

For more infomation >> MGK - Young Man Freestyle (...



Hi everyone and welcome back to my YouTube channel

Today I thought I'd do a highly requested video for you

2017 was the first full year that I've done YouTube

So it therefore felt right to do this video now

I have gone through my designer purchases from last year

To pick out my three best

And my three worst buys

It kind of hurts to pick out the three worst

Because I don't regret buying any of these

Or wish I never had in my closet

But there might be other factors that make them less of a good buy then the top three ones

And I also have a few items in my closet that is kind of in between

Some was bought just before christmas, so it didn't feel right to include them

It was a little hard remembering what was bought last year

I think what I have picked out here actually is bought in 2017

If you like this kind of video please give it a thumbs up

I can do more of these kinds of videos

My best and worst bags, shoes, clothes, sunglasses, jewellery

So give me a thumbs up if you like these kinds of videos

And comment below if there are any kinds of videos you wanna see in the future

I'm planning March now, so please comment below what you want to see

Especially now with spring around the corner and all the spring news

And don't forget to subscribe for three videos a week

Let's start with the positive ones. Top three

I'll do all three right way

First a pair of sandals from Aquazurra

In 2017, the only things I spent a lot of money on, that is designer pieces

That is bags and shoes, that's what I like to use money on

I much prefer to buy my clothes high street

And I'll stick to more expensive bags and shoes

But these

Has been a huge favorite. I'm so excited to start using them again

They are so pretty and they are super comfortable

I actually think I'm gonna wear them to a wedding this summer

Because it has the perfect heel for that

And I want these in another color, but I can't justify that

But these are definitley on my top three buys from 2017

Then a bag that probably come as no suprise that this is on my top three list

And that is my dark blue Gucci Marmont in velvet

I have used this so much. I bought it last summer

But it has been used a lot since then

So this is without a doubt on my top three from last year

And it will probably be used a lot this year as well

I love it so much

I can see that it looks really dark on camera, but it's really dark blue

It's a little much light in here today

The sun also goes in and out of the clouds, so if the light is a little weird that's why

And another pair of shoes on top three

These ones

My Chloé shoes

I love these so much that I bought them in a second color when I was in London this winter

I bought them in burgundry then, and I can't wait to wear them. I bought them on sale

Last summer I think, at Vincci and I have used them a lot

Also a perfect heel height

Which is amazing to wear on an everyday basis

They are so easy to slide on, and the are super comfortable

So these are also on top three

That was my top three best buys

I also really love my JW bag

But I bought that as we were going into 2018, so I didn't feel that it was ok to bring that one in here

Then we can start on my three worst

And it does hurt a little

To look at the ones that are in the pile, because it's not bad buys

But it's just that

They don't get used that much

First off I can mention this one

Which is one of my favorite bags

But it might not be the best buy I've ever done

When it comes to the fact that it's very small

I knew that, and that's also why I waited so long with buying it

And it doesn't even fit my phone. As you can see my phone is to big

For the bag, it's on the outside

So I can't fit my phone, but I get just what I need other then that

So it's not very practical

And that's why I end up picking other bags, because this is so small

But it is super nice and I wanted it for a long time

But I kept holding off on buying it because it's so small

So it might not be one of my best purchases, but I still love it

Then we have this one

Which I have talked a little about lately

I'm also really happy with this one, I love the bag

I just it a lot in the beginning and I still use it of course

But the thing is that it gets very torn here

On the clasp

Don't know if I'm able to show it to you


And that does not look nice in my opinion

This is designed to move back and forth here

And then think it's stupid that it ends up looking like this

So that's why it ends up in my three worst buys of 2017

Just because it gets really ugly on the clasp

Other then that it's used a lot

Because I have room for a lot

And it's probably gonna we worn a lot this spring as well

I just think it's a little to bad that it gets black and discolored here

Then the last item, which I'm actually also a huge fan of

Which I bought in May or something I think

It's this one, my Loewe clutch

It's super nice

I love the color of it, and the print

I dreamt of this bag for a while

But I almost never use it

At leats not enough

It should get used a lot more

So that's the reason why it ended up in the bottom

The size doesn't have anything to do with it on this one, it fits a lot

But it's never practical to wear a clutch

I might use it tonight actually, but

It's not practical to carry around

I'm very practical when it comes to bags

And this one needs to be carried in the hand

I guess I haven't been to enough parties lately to get the wear out off it

That's why it ended up in my bottom three

That was my three best and three worst purchases of 2017

As I said I don't regret buying any of the ones that ended up in the bottom

But there are other reasons to why the ended up there

That was my three best and three worst buys in 2017

I hope you liked the video, give it a thumbs up if you did

And if you want me to make more of these kinds of videos

Don't forget to subscribe for three videos a week

Thank you for watching, I'll see you soon. Bye!

For more infomation >> BEST & WORST DESIGNER PURCHASES IN 2017 - GUCCI, YSL, CHLOE ++ I KAJA-MARIE - Duration: 6:21.


RUPRISE AS3E02 - DIVAS (AND STEVIE NICKS) - Duration: 12:41.

For more infomation >> RUPRISE AS3E02 - DIVAS (AND STEVIE NICKS) - Duration: 12:41.


[PANGYA MOBILE] - Story #3 - 1-2 I Need More Sleep [CC TH] - Duration: 8:28.

For more infomation >> [PANGYA MOBILE] - Story #3 - 1-2 I Need More Sleep [CC TH] - Duration: 8:28.


DIY How to make Easter palm decoration out of tissue paper (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #454 - Duration: 4:58.

Hi. Today I will show you how to make Easter palm out of ribbon and crepe paper.

Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.

Cut a strip out of crepe paper. 7cm in width.

Stretch it a little.

Fold a corner.

Hold it and twist the edge in the same manner as candies are wrapped.

Move your thumb forward and twist the edge again.

Do the same with entire edge of the strip.

Next, roll up entire strip to make a flower.

Secure it by using thread.

Make several flowers in a couple of colors.

Cut a strip out of crepe paper. 7cm in width.

Stretch it a little,..

...fold it a few times...

...and make the incisions.

Twist all the petals.

Glue the strip to a wooden skewer and wrap it. Start from top.

Make 3 more of this but in different colors.

Wrap a wooden stick by using green tissue paper.

Cut a strip out of crepe paper. 20cm in width.

Stretch it a little,..

...fold it a few times...

...and cut a shape of leaves.

Glue the strip to the wooden stick.

Attach the skewers to the top of stick.

Cut the strips out of ribbon. 2.5cm x 20cm.

Fold a piece of ribbon in a half and attach it to the stick.

Attach more ribbon pieces around the stick.

Attach a row of flowers below the ribbons.

Now add another row of ribbon pieces.

And another row of flowers.

Make as many rows as you need to make a wanted size of palm.

Secure the last row by using thread. Do it tightly.

Cut 2 pieces of ribbons.

Use them to hide the thread...

...and make a bow.

And it's done.

Easter palm is a traditional Polish and Lithuanian symbolic decoration associated with Palm Sunday.

The palm should be colorful so you should use at least 3 colors of ribbons and crepe paper.

Please give a like to this video and subscribe to my channel.

Thanks for watching. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> DIY How to make Easter palm decoration out of tissue paper (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #454 - Duration: 4:58.


Best Time to Workout? How to Find Time to Workout in Your Busy Schedule - Duration: 7:30.

you ready to go alright this is where we're starting hmm what's going on guys

so this is David Bracetty he's usually behind the camera but I kept making

jokes and not actually taking things seriously so he decided to sit next to

me so we can get this video done actually before I begin this microphone

is absolutely nothing there's what I use for my podcast there's actually a

microphone on the camera but today David and I spent about two and a half hours

outside in New York City in Washington Square Park excuse me miss not trying

to sell you anything or do anything on environmental yeah

no no we're one convincing people I wasn't actually trying to sell him

anything excuse me sir not trying to sell you anything I promise yeah I run it I

run a fitness company I wonder if I could ask you a couple questions yeah

and number two just getting people to tell me about their biggest fitness

struggles Oh a nutrition I think I really don't pay attention to what I'm

eating I said basically my line was if you could talk to the Dumbledore of

fitness like what would you ask him everyone had different paths when you

want to get into the gym or do anything motivation wise one of the biggest

things you can do is sort of like a mental mind hack but all the paths led

to the same question which I thought was very interesting and by the way we spoke

to people from all different backgrounds we spoke to a guy from Australia who is

visiting his his partner we spoke to a young woman in law school who's the head

of a Muslim student organisation spoke to a young woman who is I think she was

from Panama and spoke to a young guy from New York as well so I spoke to a

bunch of different people a lot of different backgrounds and they all had

different starting points and different places where we began the discussion but

they all ended up coming back to time that the biggest issue they had with

working out and fitness and nutrition was time I don't know time don't work

out you know I thought listen man you tell me how come you know that time what

time you go to work they say 11 a.m. she me you know yet you fucks what they

struggle with and it's funny because as soon as that answer comes up rather than

me saying exactly well here you can work out for ten minutes a day and it's fine

or saying well why don't you like get stuff at your house I like to ask more

questions because really time is not the issue and it's funny because if you look

at marketing and sales for fitness industry products time is always the

selling point because people think it's time people actually logically think in

their own head it's time that's why like Bowflex commercials are like three times

a week for 20 minutes a day and that's all you need or like you have these

workout programs that are like like that's why I hit sell so is what sells

so else because like you can get an amazing workout in in seven minutes or

less or whatever and it sounds very sexy and it sounds very good because the less

amount of time the greater the convenience and convenience you can

really charge for that but time is really not the issue and when I talk

with people who say that time is the issue and I really dig deeper and deeper

and deeper and I did this with each person today it really boiled down to

that it wasn't either a priority and or they didn't know what exactly to do and

or they didn't have the motivation to do it so for example one young woman one of

the issues was it wasn't actually time as that when she was consistent with the

gym before she had a personal trainer to keep her accountable and even though she

has equipment in her basement right in her house she has dumbbells she

has all this equipment that her her fiance has there she she's not really

motivated because there's no accountability and then what was another

one one of the guys he was talking about how at first she said it was time but

then it really just came about that like he wasn't really sure what he should be

doing he knew that it would be good to have a plan but he didn't know what the

best plan was and so that was keeping him from starting at all because he was

like well I don't know what to do and so he just didn't do anything

so there reality is time is generally not the

issue it's a way of disguising what your issue actually is and what I would

encourage you to do is number one we like really have a conversation with

yourself and say like okay listen odds are I could find 15-20 minutes here to

do something like and you know something is better than nothing

so really figure out what is the major number one thing keeping you from doing

it and I would say probably eight to nine times out of ten it's not time it's

more motivation it's more actually just getting up and doing it because once

you're there once you're in the gym once you're going you're fine it's usually

the just getting up off your couch and turning off netflix and going to workout

that is what is like the hardest part is actually just doing it making that move

so one of the recommendations that I give is just doing something and saying

okay here's the deal so for example one of the common recommendations I give is

let's say you want to start working out you even have equipment in your house

and you're having trouble doing it give me make yourself a promise that you'll

do 60 seconds of stretching that when it's time to work out and you don't want

to just promise yourself make a rule you'll do 60 seconds of stretching if

after 60 seconds of stretching you decide you know what I'm still not gonna

do it fine done at least you did 60 seconds of stretching but what usually

happens is just standing up and doing a hip flexor stretch or jumping jacks or

whatever you want to do do something for 60 seconds usually by doing that and

standing up and forcing yourself into that position you're gonna be like you

know what like all right I'll go I'll make it happen because you've gotten

past that first barrier and that first barrier is the toughest so this video

already went on a little bit longer than I wanted but basically I hope this video

helped it I hope it opened up a new light in regard to what might be keeping

you from working out or starting to eat better or maybe even like if you're

looking at this one business perspective if you're you haven't really been as

kids with posting on social media whatever it

is that first step is always the toughest we all have time it's just a

matter of understanding where you're really prioritizing that time and if

you're having trouble breaking past that first barrier what mine hack can you use

to really make yourself do it no matter what and sometimes just doing something

as simple as jumping jacks for 60 seconds beforehand could be what you

really need to get back in the jammer and do anything at all so hope this

helps physically give this video a thumbs up if you liked it subscribe if

you don't already love you talk to you soon

no that's good


For more infomation >> Best Time to Workout? How to Find Time to Workout in Your Busy Schedule - Duration: 7:30.


Opel Corsa 1.4i Strada - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.4i Strada - Duration: 0:42.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Dynamic Multidrive CVT 21.000 km - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Dynamic Multidrive CVT 21.000 km - Duration: 1:00.


Seat Leon 1.6 TDI LIMITED EDITION I Navi Airco 18'' LM - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon 1.6 TDI LIMITED EDITION I Navi Airco 18'' LM - Duration: 0:57.


Honda CR-V 2.0I ELEGANCE Navi Soundsystem 18"LM FULL 150PK! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0I ELEGANCE Navi Soundsystem 18"LM FULL 150PK! - Duration: 0:59.


LEGO Star Wars Kylo Ren's Shuttle polybag review 30380 - Duration: 2:54.

everybody this is a quick look at the poly bag version of Legos kylo ren's

shuttle released for the last Jedi now obviously this is in some way is much

more accurate than the larger sized original set that they did for minifigs

given that first of all this is mostly black and it has the red pieces to

represent the windscreen canopy section and the wings actually fold unlike that

first one so I'm more convinced than ever that it was 100% lucasfilm's fault

for Lego not getting the design right or not knowing what the correct design

would be other toy companies fell victim to that as well but it's a lot better

this time around nice to be able to have the folding wings these are taller more

more accurate in there in there there I guess length the individual wings

there's nothing to hold them though into place like there's there's no stopping

point it's too bad they weren't able to get something into this scale to make it

so you could just push down on on them to a certain point and then they would

just stop you know for the the folded out angle so you can't have to

approximate that yourself and of course you can bring it up to the full vertical

position at least that does have kind of a stop it's a little bit a little bit

inward of where it ought to be but it's not bad it's it's close enough I think

the thing actually looks better from the back then it does from the front the

canopy area I mean it's just it's such a small scale it's really difficult to get

something like this to look appropriate and accurate but I like the use of the

newer one by one modified round plate pieces with the bar sticking off to

represent a couple cannons there and they also used another relatively recent

modified 1 by 1 plate piece there on the top to give it a little extra depth to

the body yeah it's just it's just a cute little thing to put on a desk it's

really not that great of a display model don't I feel like somehow it does not

manage to capture the majesty of that ship I feel like it looks too much like

a like a simple bat here not even a sci-fi about I think it's

because of the shape of these wings here they're just a little bit broad at the

top relative to the bulk of the fuselage but it is just a polybag it is just

30-some pieces it's not all that much you can do with it but I wanted to show

it because I found the set for sale so I bought it and there it is so if you

liked it cool if you didn't like it sorry but at least you've seen it now

and thanks for watching and I'll talk to you soon


For more infomation >> LEGO Star Wars Kylo Ren's Shuttle polybag review 30380 - Duration: 2:54.


Florida RV Supershow 2018 Recap - Duration: 12:58.

For more infomation >> Florida RV Supershow 2018 Recap - Duration: 12:58.


BMW X3 2.0i xDrive M-Pakket/ Half-Leder/Navi/Xenon/Clima/Cruise - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 2.0i xDrive M-Pakket/ Half-Leder/Navi/Xenon/Clima/Cruise - Duration: 0:57.


O odnosima,o bolesti i moralnom kodu svemira Bentinho Massaro (hrvatski titlovi) - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> O odnosima,o bolesti i moralnom kodu svemira Bentinho Massaro (hrvatski titlovi) - Duration: 10:34.


Toyota Corolla 1.4 VVT-I 5DR LINEA TERRA Terra - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla 1.4 VVT-I 5DR LINEA TERRA Terra - Duration: 1:00.


CLAD, I found a huge bronze treasure, 2-3 century AD. A treasure of bronze ornaments. - Duration: 5:36.

here she sees these little ones here

Look, what to take, too?

Friends, I've always dreamed of finding a treasure

This thought did not leave my head for the very childhood, and finally my dream came true many years later

I found a treasure, I found it at night, so I had to pick it up only the next day

this treasure is unusual, those times of money have not yet been

this treasure of the beginning of our era

there were women's ornaments of bronze and glass beads with gilding inside

approximate dating of these finds the second third century AD

the treasure was on the edge of the cultivated field at a depth of not more than 40 centimeters

usually such artifacts are found in ancient burial grounds, but I managed to find in the field

all the objects were transferred to our museum of local lore, this discovery opens a lot of new information about the history of our region

now on the screen you see how I get this remaining treasure and then I will show all the items of these ancient ornaments

do not forget to rate my videos and write comments

Happy viewing friends!

For more infomation >> CLAD, I found a huge bronze treasure, 2-3 century AD. A treasure of bronze ornaments. - Duration: 5:36.


How To Recognize And Resist Manipulative People - Duration: 3:47.

How To Recognize And Resist Manipulative People

When you make a relationship with others whether as friends or other purposes, of course you

need to know their characteristics deeply.

Why is that so matter?

Because by knowing them, you can understand and make a proper approach of what you can

do to be more intimate with them and have a good advantages for each other.

However, knowing someone's characteristics is sometimes difficult to do.

There are some kinds of manipulative people living around you.

They basically live to take advantage over your weakness, and they will make you suffer.

Fortunately, there are some ways to recognize such people.

Here is how they affect your body and soul

#1 - Your body

You can feel that you are nearby manipulative people through your heartbeat.

It goes faster and faster, and you will experience some signs of depressed.

That includes sweaty hands, nausea, and dry mouth.

After, that you will like your energy is depleted quickly.

You experience those symptoms regards the fact that you do not know them.

#2 - Your mind

If you are suddenly unable to think straight or clearly, you should look at your surroundings.

There may be manipulative people who are trying to absorb your energy.

When they are near or in a group with you, you will experience difficulties in communicating

such as stuttering, dry mouth, and quiet.

#3 - The soul

Your soul feel empty when they are around.

You also feel weak, defenseless, and exhausted.

You also lose your self-esteem and confidence.

Now it is time to know how to deal with that kind of people.

Sometimes, you need to refuse request from people who are willing to manipulate you.

You already know how to spot the manipulative people, and it is time to avoid their attempt

to trap you.

It is better if you know their characteristics behavior of manipulating others from their

close people.

Tying to know their manipulative way among others will make you to be more defensive.

It is also practically possible to reveal their mask blatantly, and they will withdraw

slowly since they are afraid of being noticed by someone else.

They are afraid that their real identity will be revealed, and that is how to resist them.

In addition to saying no, you should consider to be logical and not emotional.

Manipulative people tend to seek the weakness of other people and their compassion offered

to them.

That is why you should be straight-forward and be logical against manipulative people.

No need to put your trust in manipulative people.

To be easy to trust people may be manipulated easily as your weakness.

You would not be aware that you are being manipulated.

Here, the manipulative people would take advantage from your weakness for making you consider

that it is kind of helping each other.

On the other hand, if you already recognize to their characteristics of being manipulative

people, you may try be manipulative as well to know how far they will act so.

This would be as preparation for defense when they want to manipulate you.

A manipulative people tend to always try to be close to those whom they want to manipulate.

They want to get all information about you to be used for the weapon of manipulation.

So, before they come to you, it is better to avoid them immediately.

Well, that's some tips on how to recognize and resist manipulative people.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How To Recognize And Resist Manipulative People - Duration: 3:47.


Exclusively Breaking : Meghan Markle Reportedly distress hysterically As Wedding Day Approaches... - Duration: 10:06.

Please press the bell icon on YouTube app and never miss another update

stubborn newsChannel please subscribe for updates

Megan Markel reportedly suffering jitters as wedding-day approaches

meagan Markel is suffering a few last-minute jitters with her wedding day

just weeks away

Megan whoo Harry on May 19th is said to have been

feeling overwhelmed lately and sources say an instruction issued from the very

top ordered all staff aides and senior Royals to do everything they can to make

her feel at ease as she adjusts to Palace life

all accounts the IVA jovial and down-to-earth Camila 70 was only too

happy to oblige

Camila told me to get herself to Clarence house so they

could have a good long chat I'm told

the aim was for Megan to be able to air any worries or grievances

and for Camilla to help alleviate them

Megan may appear confident when on royal walkabouts but she does have some

pre-wedding butterflies not about Harry but about her new life

as Diana once famously said there is no manual so Camila is the best thing Megan


Camila is happy to help

the meeting was warm and open and the main worry that emerged was that Megan

36 feels too constrained by the court of Kensington Palace

KP is beautiful but when Megan wakes up she has nowhere to go

really she can't Potter

high-street attend gym classes or jog around Hyde Park

instead she is confined to yoga at home or visits to Kate and William in

apartment 1a

tangibly que to give Megan her undivided attention

although she is happy to advise Megan she is busy with her two children and of

course she is way into her third pregnancy


she better gets used to it cause her life will ne veut be the same all the

fun of being free is gone even now living a sheltered life it is from now


please subscribe our channel stubborn news for latest

news thanks for watching


press the bell icon on YouTube app and never miss another update

and in the end a humble request that please subscribe our channel stubborn

news for latest updates thank you

For more infomation >> Exclusively Breaking : Meghan Markle Reportedly distress hysterically As Wedding Day Approaches... - Duration: 10:06.


How To Make Chocolate Cake Style 2018 💚💚💚 The Most Satisfying Cake Decorating Tutorial Ideas - Duration: 10:51.

The Most Satisfying Cake Decorating Tutorial Ideas

For more infomation >> How To Make Chocolate Cake Style 2018 💚💚💚 The Most Satisfying Cake Decorating Tutorial Ideas - Duration: 10:51.


This Week in Unnecessary Censorship - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> This Week in Unnecessary Censorship - Duration: 1:37.


Ancient Pixels - Excitebike - Duration: 8:23.


Yeah, that was really fair!

You can't pass next to them ...



♫ (intro music) ♫


Finally, it's time to to talk about this thing.

I receive this cartridge as a gift from YouTuber

DoubleA Tutorijali

almost 2 years ago.

And on this occasion I would like to thank you once again.

But why did I wait for 2 years to talk about this cartridge?


Just look at it!

This is the most typical cartridge that you can typically find it in a typical shop

with a typical Chinese merchandise!

Allegedly, it has 83 games on it,

but we all know it is a lie!

And most of the images are inaccurate.

Tank and Formula is okay, but the rest is just wrong.

Dr. Mario is not dressed as a doctor

and he has a proton pack on his back for ghosts busting,

Galaxian has these retarded bees from cartoon...

If you didn't watch that cartoon, don't! This is my recommendation!

Excitebike is misspelled

and it has a car on the picture instead of the motorcycle.

And for Super Mario they didn't knew what to do.

First, Luigi is on the picture,

Second, it is labeled as "New" Super Mario Bros.

Well, the game is certainly not new!

It was made back in the 80's.

In fact, it doesn't really matter.

What really matters is what game do we have on it.

Well, we have the ones I mentioned.

And that is that!

I have all these games on other cartridges

and I've already talked about most of them.

Well, honestly, I've just mention them in episode 950 in 1

and maybe I'll talk more about some games.

But for now, let us focus on games

which I have not yet spoken.

You already could assume

today's topic is Excitebike.

From the beginning we have 3 options.

You have a time trial,


or you can design your stage.

which was a rarity in games at the time

but we'll talk about that later.


how this game is called it

are more or less the same thing.

You have 5 stages

and the goal is to reach finish line whit in time limit.

The only difference in that,

in selection A you are driving by yourself,

while here you are racing against other people.

Like I said there is five tracks,

and each track is full of impediments

which you must avoid, cross or jump over.

Except that the obstacles are different,

the color of the tracks and backgrounds are changing.

which doesn't add up nothing in itself,

but it's an interesting detail.

When we are talking about the background,

We have these cameramen and these others people who don't do anything special.

But it was always amusing to me how they move in relation to you.

More precisely, they just rotate around there axes when you pass by them.

The game itself is pretty clear.

Drive! And that is that.

Even if it looks easy,

some stages are so hard

that you can hardly get to finish line in time.

If you screw up on jumping over an obstacle,

you are falling from the motorcycle, waste precious time.

Fortunately, you have the option to drive faster.

More precisely, A button is normal speed, and B is higher speed.

Although, if you drive fast, The engine is heated

and you have to watch how you drive,

because if your engine overheats, you have to wait to cool down.

If you've ever played this game,

you will notice that you will fall, fall and fall off the motorcycle.

Which is very comical for me and frustrating at the same time.

It is still very funny how does a guy roll over with a motorcycle,

and after that he runs to it.

Of course, if you play against other people,

then it's a crazy race!

[Mockingly laughing and groaning]

[Mockingly laughing and groaning]

This is how you end a race whit style!

[motor overturn]

Yes, it was the an epic finishk!

Yahoo! I'm 15th!

Look at that guy celebrating.

It doesn't matter where you end up,

he will celebrate no mater what,

even if he is 20th!

Actually, I have no idea how I end up on that place

when only four of us are starting the race,


as if it was important.

As far as I figured, you have time for which you need to finish a race,

and game, somehow based on your time, decide on what place you end up.

which led me to think ...

Hmm ...

What if I leave the game and do not move for 2 hours?

On what place shall I finish then?

In fact, I tried it,

but I did not manage to stand for 2 hours.

Because the game has a time limit of 9 minutes.

Disappointing, I know ...

But I've finished as a #127.

And the guy is still celebrating!


One thing I still have not mentioned

is that the people that you are competing against

have the ability of teleportation.

When you start the race, one always rides of in distance that you can't follow.

But despite that, I am in lead and now I'm the first, and ...

What the fuck! What is this now?

How did they show up in front of me?

It is impossible that I pass them for the whole lap, when I didn't even complete a single lap.

Actually, you are driving in a laps, even if you don't have a single curve ...

And if this teleportation doesn't make any sense,

I think it's better this way that they are randomly appear in front and behind you,

because, realistically,

once you are in lead,

it would be the same as if you play the selection A of this game.

This selection B a lot improves the game,

because if you had only a section A

after a while you would feel lonely

♫ [sad melody] ♫

and even if there are people in the audience

and by the terrain

You don't have any interactions with them

♫ [sad melody] ♫

All this soulless beings who are there ...

without emotions...

stare whit empty eyes ...

But that's why selection B is here, so you can hit others and drag them under the your wheels!

YEAH!!! HA-HA!!!

And like a cream on a cake, In this game you have a designer

where you can make your own sadistic creations

and give it to your friends to play that!

As I said, at that time it was rare to see a games giving such an option.

In addition to this game, you can make stages in Tanks and Milk & Nuts.

There may be other games on this console that had editors

but for these three I know for sure.

I, sometimes, used to spend more time making stages,

rather than playing a game.

Honestly, this more refers to: Warcraft II,

Heroes of Might and Magic III,

Elasto Mania, Red Alert

and other games that had an editor in it.

Most of the stages are, unfortunately, lost.

But some had survived!

For example, these for Elasto Mania

or this for Heroes where I am made the entire Azeroth before Cataclysm.

Unfortunately, it's not complete yet

Maybe one day I decide to finish,

but now I'm really went side track of the topic.

Now what is interesting, allegedly you can save and load your tracks.

Unfortunately it doesn't work.

'SAVE' kind of work, but ...

'LOAD' does nothing.

It literally does nothing!

The game is just tilted and you have to reset it

because it will never do anything.

First I thought that these functions don't work

because they are on a Chinese copy of the cartridge.

and that the original had batteries in it,

and that you really could to save your tracks.

as, for example, in the Legend of Zelda

where you really have this option

which was fascinating at that time!

That would be great if you could insert the battery into the cartridge

and I save your fucking tracks.

Although I read little about it on forums

and it turns out that it never worked.

Isn't that a little weird?

I wonder why the didn't simple remove those two buttons?

And is it worth it to play this game?

Of course!

It's an extremely fun game

Especially when are sabotaging other motorcyclists!

but, for me, the biggest disadvantage of this game is that

there is no two player mod.

Imagine how much more fun it would be if you could compete together,

interrupt and fucking over each other.

Thank you for watch this video!

If you liked it, don't forget to give it a thumbs up

and share it with your friends.

Subscribe for more videos from my channel and follow me on social networks.

Thanks again for: DoubleA Tutorijali

who sent me this cartridge.

Also visit his channel and tell him that Peter greeted him.

For more infomation >> Ancient Pixels - Excitebike - Duration: 8:23.


Lady and the Tramp

For more infomation >> Lady and the Tramp


O odnosima,o bolesti i moralnom kodu svemira Bentinho Massaro (hrvatski titlovi) - Duration: 10:34.

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[AMV] Overlord - O' Death - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> [AMV] Overlord - O' Death - Duration: 2:02.


CZ_Chybová zpráva o zaplnění odkládacího disku při oříznutí obrazu aplikaci Photoshop - Duration: 1:50.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,

When you try to crop an image in Photoshop and enter width, height, And resolution values in the crop options,

You receive the error that the scratch disk is full and are unable to crop the image. If you leave the crop options blank,

you can crop the image successfully. Solution 1: Specify measurement units when cropping.

Enter the desired measurement units in the width and height crop options.

For example, enter 100px for pixels, or 1in for inches.Solution 2: Set the default measurement units.To set the default measurement units:

1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Units & Rulers 2. Select a measurement unit for Type under the Units section of the Preferences dialog box.

For example, select Pixels. 3. Click OK. The error, "Scratch disk is full", occurs when the

resulting file is too large for the scratch disk to process. This error can occur if a file was created in pixel

dimensions but the crop options are entered in inches (the default measurement unit). If you leave the crop options blank,

Then Photoshop will crop the image to the specified area using the same measurement units in which the image was created.

Hope, this information, is helpful, Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like,

Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> CZ_Chybová zpráva o zaplnění odkládacího disku při oříznutí obrazu aplikaci Photoshop - Duration: 1:50.


拍賣二手衣物!全部賣光光!?你們最喜歡瓦攸哪裡|士林舊街市集 瓦特阿攸 寒假日更#21 - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> 拍賣二手衣物!全部賣光光!?你們最喜歡瓦攸哪裡|士林舊街市集 瓦特阿攸 寒假日更#21 - Duration: 10:02.


LEGO Star Wars Kylo Ren's Shuttle polybag review 30380 - Duration: 2:54.

everybody this is a quick look at the poly bag version of Legos kylo ren's

shuttle released for the last Jedi now obviously this is in some way is much

more accurate than the larger sized original set that they did for minifigs

given that first of all this is mostly black and it has the red pieces to

represent the windscreen canopy section and the wings actually fold unlike that

first one so I'm more convinced than ever that it was 100% lucasfilm's fault

for Lego not getting the design right or not knowing what the correct design

would be other toy companies fell victim to that as well but it's a lot better

this time around nice to be able to have the folding wings these are taller more

more accurate in there in there there I guess length the individual wings

there's nothing to hold them though into place like there's there's no stopping

point it's too bad they weren't able to get something into this scale to make it

so you could just push down on on them to a certain point and then they would

just stop you know for the the folded out angle so you can't have to

approximate that yourself and of course you can bring it up to the full vertical

position at least that does have kind of a stop it's a little bit a little bit

inward of where it ought to be but it's not bad it's it's close enough I think

the thing actually looks better from the back then it does from the front the

canopy area I mean it's just it's such a small scale it's really difficult to get

something like this to look appropriate and accurate but I like the use of the

newer one by one modified round plate pieces with the bar sticking off to

represent a couple cannons there and they also used another relatively recent

modified 1 by 1 plate piece there on the top to give it a little extra depth to

the body yeah it's just it's just a cute little thing to put on a desk it's

really not that great of a display model don't I feel like somehow it does not

manage to capture the majesty of that ship I feel like it looks too much like

a like a simple bat here not even a sci-fi about I think it's

because of the shape of these wings here they're just a little bit broad at the

top relative to the bulk of the fuselage but it is just a polybag it is just

30-some pieces it's not all that much you can do with it but I wanted to show

it because I found the set for sale so I bought it and there it is so if you

liked it cool if you didn't like it sorry but at least you've seen it now

and thanks for watching and I'll talk to you soon


For more infomation >> LEGO Star Wars Kylo Ren's Shuttle polybag review 30380 - Duration: 2:54.


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For more infomation >> Prodotti di bellezza da non condividere mai - Duration: 7:58.


GALATASARAY | Erman TOROĞLU: "Galatasaray Gibisi Yok, Çok Büyükler, Parasızken Bile..." | Youtube - Duration: 10:04.

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Pepa Pig Sing Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Songs for kids - Duration: 14:00.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Pepa Pig Sing Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Songs for kids - Duration: 14:00.


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Talking Tom Gold Run vs Temple Run 2 vs Subway Surfers NEW UPDATE

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For more infomation >> ABC Marketing con Video - Social LiveStreaming - Video branding - Duration: 4:59.


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Little Jack Horner Sat In A Corner Song For Kids | Children Songs | Baby Hippo Tom Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Little Jack Horner Sat In A Corner Song For Kids | Children Songs | Baby Hippo Tom Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:23.


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