Monday, February 19, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 19 2018

Half Tangerine is a Pop/Rock duo.

It's a duo that complements itself very well.

I'm the guitarist, Ana is the vocalist

and together we have created

a great chemistry to make our music

For me, Daniela is one of the most talented

persistent, and detail-oriented people that I've ever met in my life.

We both pursue the same goals...

and work together to achieve them.

One of the things that have made this easy for me is...

sharing this with someone like Ana, because

even when we disagree, I know that we can quickly connect and work it out.

When you actually find someone whom you have chemistry to write music

it's like winning the lottery.

We already had in mind what we wanted

and it was super easy to just sit and write.

It's like... like a strong complement.

<i>(Inside Joke: "Media Naranja")</i>

We named our band after that one!

We play different styles, like Reggae, Pop, Rock and some Folk.

Nothing Until Finished is an album of eleven songs,

written from our own life experiences.

Half Tangerine is a guitar and vocal duo

that started out as an acoustic format, and then grew bigger and bigger,

until now, that we have a full band with talented musicians.

And it's amazing because the energy when playing live with that band is...

And it's amazing because the energy when playing live with that band is... It's incredible. It's such an amazing rush

It's incredible. It's such an amazing rush

It's incredible. It's such an amazing rush Playing your show and feeling the audience singing our songs...

Playing your show and feeling the audience singing our songs...

That is the best in the whole world!

For more infomation >> Half Tangerine EPK 2018 - Duration: 3:17.


Cryptex - by Guizar Brothers [Español] - Duration: 1:27.

[English subtitles]

Meet the Cryptex.

Six digits, one password.

Will you find what's inside?

This elegant wood-crafted artifact, turns complexity into a world of posibilities.

Hide messages.

Store your most valuable items.

Make surprises!

Who will open it first?

And... once opened, you can change the password as many times as you want.

More than a hundred pieces carefully assembled to create the perfect artifact.

Da Vinci must be proud,

Create the most exciting game!

The team is ready but, we need your support to take the next big step.


For more infomation >> Cryptex - by Guizar Brothers [Español] - Duration: 1:27.


La Línea Que Mark Hamill Rogó A George Lucas Que Quite De La Guerra De Las Galaxias - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> La Línea Que Mark Hamill Rogó A George Lucas Que Quite De La Guerra De Las Galaxias - Duration: 3:40.


Lina Warbet | WorkshopOrienta - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Lina Warbet | WorkshopOrienta - Duration: 3:35.


恬妞 Tian Nu - Esperándote bajo la lluvia (Sub Español) · Funk-disco en chino · 等你在雨中 歌詞版 西語字幕 - Duration: 3:59.

"Waiting for you in the rain"

You said you'd come see me this afternoon

and walk while seeing the sunset.

The evening wind shakes my clothes, a chill breeze is blowing

and a drizzle comes blowing to the lakeside.

I say I can wait for you a little longer and then I look once more at the path with falling flowers.

Despite the evening wind shaking my clothes, despite the chilly breeze passing through me

I wait for you quietly in this rain that swirls around me.

A pansy, swaying in the wind, sings about grief, unaware of how much anxiety is there in my heart.

I am waiting for you

in the rain.

I am waiting for you in this hazy curtain of rain.

I say I can wait for you a little longer and then I look once more at the path with falling flowers.

Despite the evening wind shaking my clothes, despite the chilly breeze passing through me

I wait for you quietly in this rain that swirls around me.

A pansy, swaying in the wind, sings about grief, unaware of how much anxiety is there in my heart.

I am waiting for you

in the rain.

I am waiting for you in this hazy curtain of rain.

A pansy, swaying in the wind, sings about grief, unaware of how much anxiety is there in my heart.

I am waiting for you

in the rain.

I am waiting for you in this hazy curtain of rain.

I am waiting for you

in the rain.

I am waiting for you in this hazy curtain of rain.

For more infomation >> 恬妞 Tian Nu - Esperándote bajo la lluvia (Sub Español) · Funk-disco en chino · 等你在雨中 歌詞版 西語字幕 - Duration: 3:59.





Refugees vs The West - The Westerners - Duration: 30:18.

For more infomation >> Refugees vs The West - The Westerners - Duration: 30:18.


Vaca oculta a su bebé recién nacido para evitar que se lo quiten como en el pasado - Animales 360 - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Vaca oculta a su bebé recién nacido para evitar que se lo quiten como en el pasado - Animales 360 - Duration: 3:37.


Amaar - Your Love (Official)

For more infomation >> Amaar - Your Love (Official)


Time to leave - Elif Episode 671 | Season 4 Episode 111 (English subtitles) - Duration: 1:59.

- There you go, Mrs. Hümeyra. - Vildan, mom will be discharged tomorrow.

I want you to prepare everything before we arrive.

Sure thing, ma'am. Whatever you want.

I'm really glad, by the way.

Thanks. Now what was I saying...

Get mom's room ready, change the sheet on her bed, and let some fresh air in the mansion.

Yildiz will take care of the food issue.

Now she has to eat healthy.

- You don't worry. - Take it easy.

By the way, Mrs. Hümeyra,

- Sorry? - Did the results came in, for Mrs. Macide?

I was going to ask about that. Is it clear now, why she fainted?

The meds that doc's given to mom, for her blood pressure might cause some harm for some patients.

That's why she fainted.

I get it.

Whatever, I hope she gets well soon.

- I wish this won't reoccur. - I wish.

I... should get going with all the preparation.

- Say hello to Mrs. Macide for me. - Sure.

So it was all because of the new meds of Mrs. Macide.

So now...

Tarik will get that I didn't give her the poisonous meds.

Now I'm in the hot water.

For more infomation >> Time to leave - Elif Episode 671 | Season 4 Episode 111 (English subtitles) - Duration: 1:59.


How Nomi helps Bill care for his sister Janice - Duration: 3:06.

My name is William Haddad,

and my sister's name is Janice Haddad,

and I'm her caregiver.

I usually see her at least once a week, sometimes more. When there's

an issue I'm there immediately...if she calls and she wants to go out somewhere

I'll take her out to lunch or to a movie.

(Bill) "Hi Jan"

(Jan) "Come on in"

(Bill) "Tea tree and mint"

(Jan) "What's that?"

the concern that drives me the most is

her ability to you know sometimes have a fainting spell or seizure and I'd want

to know when that happens there are another other concerns I have our her

ability to take care of herself Noemi had has been in her home for about

four months it's kind of just

unobtrusive in the background I've seen her pattern of her behaviors when she

gets up and she goes to bed how many times she's going to the bathroom

I have visiting angels visiting her three times a week to help with personal

hygiene and laundry so I can see when they arrive because it tells me know me

tells me when visitors have arrived and when they leave so it's been a great

help in giving me some insight to her behavior her patterns the living

patterns and I can I went to call Nomi has affected my

ability to care for my sister because I know from know me where she is whether

she's in her apartment so nobody's been a great help and and the data that that

it gathers for us to view is not something that I could put together even

if I lived there with her I'd be asleep during the night wouldn't know what

she's doing nobody knows that and it shows me every

day what she's done

are you doing

are you watching it yes oh you're up late

we all want to have peace of mind that our loved one is safe and sound and

Noemi provides that information no me no more care more

For more infomation >> How Nomi helps Bill care for his sister Janice - Duration: 3:06.


How To Keep Customers Happy - Duration: 9:34.

Marianne DeNovellis here with the Six Figure Mastermind now it's time to talk about

how to psych up your customers, keep them happy to come back to you.

So you're in a really good place, you got customers so how do we keep them and how

do we keep them happy? There's a few things you want to remember and

definitely keep in mind and when you have happy customers, you've got a super

happy business. First thing you want to remember is your customer is

experiencing you but from before they meet you

so the first advertisement they see from you, the first post that they see from

you, the first mention that they have of you from someone else, the first referral

that they have that anytime they hear about you, that experience of you has

officially begun and you want to have a positive experience with them from

beginning to end and if you have happy customers, there's not really an end to

that experience so consider how you want to be seen, how you want to be felt, how

you want to be heard when you're having that, giving that

experience to that customer. So let's start at the very beginning. The first

time a customer hears about you is going to be usually either in paid

advertisement or what I call an organic touch. Organic touch means that you

didn't do anything to find that person, they were a referral from someone else. So

happy referrals come from happy customers so make sure that you're

fulfilling really well as your current customers and make sure that those

customers know that when they refer someone else that they get a little

bonus or a gift for doing that. Happy customers make happy referrals so the

first experience from you is either an organic touch or a paid referral. When

you had a paid referral or an ad, you're going to want to make sure that that ad is

a joyful experience for them, that it's entertaining, that it's fun to watch and

then of course it's relevant to your content. Make sure that experience is one

that uplifts. I'll never forget that after I was done with one of my sessions

with one of my clients, I went to a fast food place on my way home and I drove

through that fast food place and I ordered off the menu

and I was listening to the guy who was talking through the mic box at me and I

was hanging out of my car and I could tell that he had a smile on his face

when he was talking to me even though his coming from a little brown talk box, I

could hear the smile in his voice and when I got around to the corner, he

had this joyful brilliant bubbly personality and yeah, I thought, you know

what, I would love for you to make every sandwich I ever eat because you are

joyfully doing what you're doing. Now I don't know if this guy is going to be

a manager and just go on to run this fast-food thing his entire life, I think

he might be destined for more, I think he's destined for more because

that personality just deserves to be seen more and more and more and over and

over and over again but he loved what he was doing in the moment and guess what

that did in my mind, it locked in my experience of that person and and even

locked in that experience of the company for me, that that company had an employee

that was happy to be where he was at, told me a lot about the company, that the

company was treating their employees well, that they were well-paying them and

that their employees were doing a really good job with what they were doing so I

had a really joyful experience with an employee because I could hear the smile

in his voice, my experience from beginning to end of that transaction was

positive all the way through because of how I interfaced with that employee so

once you've done the advertisement, you feel like the advertisement is joyful,

it's exhuming the kind of lifestyle that you want your client to have, move on to

the transaction. Now that transaction may or may not take place, that client may or

may not choose to invest in what you have to offer. Either way, now listen to

this, either way you want the experience to be a positive one. This is where most

people really mess things up. They get really super conditional with whether

the client's going to sign up with them or not and they say, great, if you're going to

sign up with me, super awesome. I'm going to feel great and I'm going to celebrate that

but if you don't sign up with me, I'm going to be mad and tell you should

have signed up with me and and I think that I don't know what I'm going to do with

you and it just turns into this really super negative experience and that's

because the person is conditional. Now think about this, what kind of review or

reference is that client going to make if you don't keep the same energy no

matter what they choose? If they have had this really yucky perception of you like,

oh, they shifted and something weird happened when I said no it wasn't a fit

for me and they got all bitter and stuff, what kind of message does that send? I

mean, it's no secret that that message sends, oh, I have an agenda and you're

just a number to me and and it doesn't you know, do me any good if you don't

sign up with me and it's all garbage. I have a hard time

even replicating it because it is so not how I am used to working. What I call

that as being conditional. You want to get unconditional with no matter what

your clients choose, if they choose to purchase with you, if they don't choose

to print with you, guess what your reaction gets to be either way? It gets

to be this, awesome! Great, I'm glad you made the right

decision for you. If they sign up if they didn't, it's a beautiful experience

either way and guess what happens. Temember the Miracle on 34th Street, that

movie that we only watch it every Christmas time, made the years and

years and years ago, the Santa from that movie actually made references to the

parents to tell them to go shopping at other stores because maybe they could

get a better deal on a certain product elsewhere. Now one of the department

managers was really flustered about this and said, "You know, if you don't tell

people that they should only buy here, we're going to lose money."

Now that's scarcity talk, that's scarcity and that's a negative experience talking

but the head manager took a bigger perspective, the owner of the store took

a step back and said, "Now let's take a look at what is really going on here.

We've got a Santa with a line out the door, we've got people coming to our

store, leaving other stores to come to our store because our Santa is providing

a positive experience, they trust the Santa, they know that the Santa is going to

tell the parents where the best place to get it is whether it's at our store or

whether it's someone else's why I'm actually okay with this Santa making

outside of references and doing what's best for the client." And really, that's

what the client is picking up on, that's the bottom line. I want you as an

entrepreneur to remember this, if you can cement this in your mind, your success is

inevitable. Cement this in your mind. I mean, write it down in sharpie on the

wall next to you but just don't get me in trouble for telling you to do that so

here's what I want you to remember. I cannot know what's best for another

human being. You got it? I'll say it again, I cannot

know what's best for another human being. They get to choose that, they get to know

that information and I get to be happy with no matter what they choose. When it

comes to my business, I don't care if the client says yes, I don't care if the

client says no, all I care about is I show up and did I serve and did I do

the best by them. Think about that, think about if you were a client on that end,

if you had a salesperson come up to you and say, "Here's what I have to offer, I

totally stand behind my product, I'm excited about it but I can't know what's

best for you, you get to make that decision." As a client, I trust that. I say,

oh, you're not trying to push anything on me, you're just telling me what you have,

you're saying it may or may not be best for me, I get to pick what that

means, maybe I'll come to you with more questions on recommendations. You'd

be surprised at what happens when you can show up in that kind of energy with

your clients so be positive, let them choose, let them be aware of what they

need and let them go get it wherever it is. Another way to keep your customers

happy is to ask lots of questions. Now don't drill him, don't go into

interrogation mode with the creepy light and all that but ask questions relevant

to the talents that you can provide. You know, think about it this way, if you're a

photographer for example, your client is coming to you and wanting to get

beautiful images with their family, don't bow from beyond as a photographer

because that's a photographer, you may be thinking of things that your client

hasn't even considered, think about asking your client, where is this image

going to hang? Does it need to be a portrait?Does it need to be a landscape?

What is the color of the decor where this image is going to hang? Because you

want to be dressed to match the decor where the picture is going to go. You

want your pictures off your hard drive so I'm going to give you a print credit

for your pictures so these pictures can actually be seen by the public and not

just stashed on a hard drive somewhere. What do you want to feel when you see

these pictures? Do you see how all of these questions are might be new to the

client but they're totally relevant to how you show up as a photographer? Put

that in any field whatsoever, put that in the field of of jewelry-making, put it in

the field of of fine art, put it in the field of how to build a camera or

how to build a home or whatever your field is as an entrepreneur, however

you're trying to make money, if you can think of the questions that your

customer hasn't even thought of yet and allow them to answer you, not only is

it going to create amazing experience your customer but they're going to be so

thrilled that you thought of that, that they're going to take an extra step to

make sure your experience is positive as well.

Having an extra positive experience from your client and extra positive

experience towards your client, that creates happy customers which creates

happy referrals which creates even more happy customers. I want to know

what psyches you out about your business, what brings most joy into your world.

I will see you tomorrow.


For more infomation >> How To Keep Customers Happy - Duration: 9:34.


Plecháč 242.273 - Os 4909 - Žďár nad Sázavou - 17.2.2018 - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Plecháč 242.273 - Os 4909 - Žďár nad Sázavou - 17.2.2018 - Duration: 0:30.


BREAKING: Couple Who Florida Shooter Lived With Up Until Massacre Makes Shock Admission - Duration: 4:51.

BREAKING: Couple Who Florida Shooter Lived With Up Until Massacre Makes Shock Admission.

The Stoneman Douglas High School shooter was living with some family friends up until the

day he walked into his former school, he had been expelled from and opened fire in a fit

of rage which had been building for months, if not years.

19-year-old Nikolas Cruz had been taken in by the couple after his adoptive mother died

of pneumonia in November, according to The Palm Beach Post.

Her death left both him and his 17-year-old brother, set to turn 18 next week, as orphans.

Despite Nikolas being a legal adult, he wasn't a stable one, and apparently, neither was

his brother who was just taken into custody on Sunday afternoon from a separate foster

family's home and involuntarily admitted into a mental health facility.

Nikolas planned his horrific attack for months under James and Kimberly Snead's home, after

he was kicked out of his another caretaker's home for not giving up his gun, Palm Beach

Post reported.

The Sneads knew Cruz was collecting weapons in mass and addressed it with him by asking

that he just store them in a locked safe.

However, that's not all that happened in the horrifying months leading up to one of

the deadliest school shootings in our nation's history.

The Sneads just made a shock admission on live televisions that's answering some questions

the FBI apparently doesn't want anyone to know.

The Sneads are an accomplished, seemingly well-established pair who thought they were

doing the right thing for a teen who had nowhere to go and had suffered the loss of both his

father and his adoptive mother in a relatively short time.

The couple's teen son had urged his parents to take his friend in to help him out.

According to BizPacReview, James Snead, 48, is a decorated Army veteran and military intelligence

analyst and his 48-year-old wife, Kimberly Snead, is a neonatal intensive care nurse.

However, the couple insist that they "didn't know" about Cruz's dark side.

Speaking distraught and shocked, Kimberly told the reporter, "We had this monster

living under our roof and we didn't know.

We didn't see this side of him."

James second that sentiment saying, "Everything everybody seems to know, we didn't know.

It's as simple as that."

However, they described some really strange behavior of Cruz's they saw along the way

that should have led them to question this kid and perhaps look a little more into who

was living in their home.

Despite the extremely odd things they witnessed him do regularly, James said that he just

thought Cruz was a naïve teen, but it looks like the same could possibly now be said of

the couple who took him in.

BizPac Review reports:

Mr. Snead described Cruz as "very naïve.

He wasn't dumb, just naïve."

The young man reportedly had odd eating habits, such as putting chocolate chip cookies in

his steak and cheese sandwiches.

He typically went to bed at 8pm.

The Sneads also said Cruz didn't know how to cook, use a microwave, or do laundry when

he first moved in.

They told the Sun Sentinel he was extremely depressed about his mother's death.

Five days before the shooting, Kimberly Snead accompanied Cruz to a therapist's office.

He told her he was willing to receive therapy, but did not want medication.

The couple said they allowed Cruz to keep his guns in the house, but under strict rules.

The firearms were stored in a locked cabinet and the teenager had to ask permission to

take them out.

James Snead thought only he had the key to the cabinet, but now believes Cruz must have

obtained his own copy.

According to the Sneads, Cruz had only asked to take his guns out twice since November.

They said "yes" once and "no" once.

The couple didn't see the shooting suspect exhibit any signs of animal cruelty, of which

he has been accused by others.

The Snead family owns two dogs and seven cats.

At 2:30pm on Wednesday, the Sneads' panic-stricken son called James and told him of the shooting.

He and classmates had jumped a fence and escaped into a neighboring middle school.

It's easy for others not in the position that the Sneads were and are now in, to question

how they did things in their home.

They did have a rather passive approach to this teen they were housing out of compassion

for his situation, which was perhaps because he was distraught by his mother's recent

death and they didn't want to push him.

However, without him knowing, they could have and should have searched his social media,

as a preventive approach to protect themselves and their family – and ultimately an entire

school full of innocent people.

While it's not always the case that killers make their intentions known on social media,

it was evident in Cruz's scenario.

Also, a background check before or after letting him live with them would have also been effective.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> BREAKING: Couple Who Florida Shooter Lived With Up Until Massacre Makes Shock Admission - Duration: 4:51.


Peugeot 206+ 5 deurs | Airco | 1e eigenaar | 73000 km - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 206+ 5 deurs | Airco | 1e eigenaar | 73000 km - Duration: 0:54.


Rođendanska pesma | Srećan rođendan Aleksa | Birthday Song | Pevaj sa Sandrom - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Rođendanska pesma | Srećan rođendan Aleksa | Birthday Song | Pevaj sa Sandrom - Duration: 2:10.


Čmajzák 29 Snatcher - Duration: 10:47.

For more infomation >> Čmajzák 29 Snatcher - Duration: 10:47.


Настойка на кедровой скорлупе 2018 ПОВЫШЕНИЕ ПОТЕНЦИИ РЕЦЕПТ САМЫЙ ЛУЧШИЙ ДОМА кедровка для потенции - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Настойка на кедровой скорлупе 2018 ПОВЫШЕНИЕ ПОТЕНЦИИ РЕЦЕПТ САМЫЙ ЛУЧШИЙ ДОМА кедровка для потенции - Duration: 3:00.


Grande Fratello VIP: Aida e Jeremias: è nato l'amore? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello VIP: Aida e Jeremias: è nato l'amore? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.


Heal Past Traumas - Emotional Detox - Subliminal Affirmations for PTSD Recovery & Soothing Music - Duration: 8:09.

I now share the curiosity and wonder of my inner child.

I now return to that state of innocent wonder and joy at every day life with my inner child.

My inner child now gives me the joy and excitement of daily life.

I now tell my inner child that it is loved and cared for.

I now validate any neglect and pain of my inner child so that I can learn to trust myself and others again.

I now heal my inner child and give it the love and care I deserved as a child.

I now heal my inner child from all past childhood traumas.

I deserve to be loved for my past my present and my future.

I use my connection with my inner child to live my life to the fullest.

I now have an epic relationship with my inner child.

My inner child trusts me and I trust myself.

I tell my inner child that I love it, so that I can better love myself.

I tell my inner child that I hear it, and I listen to my inner voice so I can take the right path in life.

My inner child is innocent and pure, and I let go of all of the negative emotions of the past to renew myself cleansed and complete.

I forgive my inner child and let go of what is beyond my control.

My inner child forgives me and renews our connection.

I let my inner child play, allowing myself to dream of a better future and enjoy the good moments in life.

I embrace the spontaneous joy of having fun with others and take more pleasure in life.

I apologize to my inner child and forgive myself.

I give myself downtime and rest instead of overworking.

I thank my inner child for trying to protect me.

I recognize counter-productive efforts done to protect myself and choose more constructive ones.

I thank my inner child for always persevering.

My inner child helps me get through the tough moments in life.

I nurture my inner child and give it what it needs, so that my inner child no longer sabotages and undermines me but instead works with me.

I accept my inner child so that I can accept my past and move beyond it.

I turn to my inner child and offer it the support and sympathy it needs so that I can find peace.

I feel compassion for my inner child and use it to generate mindful energy and compassion for others and this energy fills me and heals me.

I listen to my inner child so that I can experience healing and I find peace and self-love by doing so.

I take care of my inner child and learn how to take care of myself.

When I heal myself, my relationships with others improve.

I listen to my inner child so that I can understand my motivations and start to improve my behavioral patterns.

I listen to my inner child so that I can clear my emotional process.

I release the emotions of the past so that I can start anew.

My inner child is my gateway to my higher self, my connection with the universe.

I release any pain from my inner child and it's cries no longer dictate my decisions.

I embrace my inner child and work with it to make the right decisions.

I honor my inner child in order to love the person I was then and who I am now.

I let my inner child heal from the scars of the past so I can move on with my life.

My inner child is now loved embraced and welcomed into my life.

My inner child is part of me and equally valid.

I now embrace my inner child as well as my true self.

I now let the whole world see my inner beauty.

I recognize that my inner child is my truest self and accept myself for who I am.

I now ask my body and mind to work together to fulfill these affirmations.

I now manifest and fulfill these affirmations as fast as safely possible.

All beneficial and desirable changes from these affirmations are permanent.

All the changes take place as fast as safely possible.You now share the curiosity and wonder of your inner child.

You now return to that state of innocent wonder and joy at every day life with your inner child.

Your inner child now gives you the joy and excitement of daily life.

You now tell your inner child that it is loved and cared for.

You now validate any neglect and pain of your inner child so that you can learn to trust yourself and others again.

You now heal your inner child and give it the love and care you deserved as a child.

You now heal your inner child from all past childhood traumas.

You deserve to be loved for your past your present and your future.

You use your connection with your inner child to live your life to the fullest.

You now have an epic relationship with your inner child.

Your inner child trusts you and you trust yourself.

You tell your inner child that you love it, so that you can better love yourself.

You tell your inner child that you hear it, and you listen to your inner voice so you can take the right path in life.

Your inner child is innocent and pure, and you let go of all of the negative emotions of the past to renew yourself cleansed and complete.

You forgive your inner child and let go of what is beyond your control.

Your inner child forgives you and renews our connection.

You let your inner child play, allowing yourself to dream of a better future and enjoy the good moments in life.

You embrace the spontaneous joy of having fun with others and take more pleasure in life.

You apologize to your inner child and forgive yourself.

You give yourself downtime and rest instead of overworking.

You thank your inner child for trying to protect you.

You recognize counter-productive efforts done to protect yourself and choose more constructive ones.

You thank your inner child for always persevering.

Your inner child helps you get through the tough moments in life.

You nurture your inner child and give it what it needs, so that your inner child no longer sabotages and undermines you but instead works with you.

You accept your inner child so that you can accept your past and move beyond it.

You turn to your inner child and offer it the support and sympathy it needs so that you can find peace.

You feel compassion for your inner child and use it to generate mindful energy and compassion for others and this energy fills you and heals you.

You listen to your inner child so that you can experience healing and you find peace and self-love by doing so.

You take care of your inner child and learn how to take care of yourself.

When you heal yourself, your relationships with others improve.

You listen to your inner child so that you can understand your motivations and start to improve your behavioral patterns.

You listen to your inner child so that you can clear your emotional process.

You release the emotions of the past so that you can start anew.

Your inner child is your gateway to your higher self, your connection with the universe.

You release any pain from your inner child and it's cries no longer dictate your decisions.

You embrace your inner child and work with it to make the right decisions.

You honor your inner child in order to love the person you was then and who you are now.

You let your inner child heal from the scars of the past so you can move on with your life.

Your inner child is now loved embraced and welcomed into your life.

Your inner child is part of you and equally valid.

You now embrace your inner child as well as your true self.

You now let the whole world see your inner beauty.

You recognize that your inner child is your truest self and accept yourself for who you are.

You now ask your body and mind to work together to fulfill these affirmations.

You now manifest and fulfill these affirmations as fast as safely possible.

For more infomation >> Heal Past Traumas - Emotional Detox - Subliminal Affirmations for PTSD Recovery & Soothing Music - Duration: 8:09.


Ultime News: Francesco Monte torna sull'Isola dei Famosi 2018 condotta da Alessia Marcuzzi? - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Ultime News: Francesco Monte torna sull'Isola dei Famosi 2018 condotta da Alessia Marcuzzi? - Duration: 3:35.


Uomini e Donne, arriva una grande novità nel programma: ecco quale | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, arriva una grande novità nel programma: ecco quale | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.


সরাসরি আজকের বাংলা খবর ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 15:48.

sodesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের বাংলা খবর ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 15:48.


Rinaldi vs Henger, dopo L'Isola dei Famosi: l'attrice nel panico, ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Rinaldi vs Henger, dopo L'Isola dei Famosi: l'attrice nel panico, ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:04.


Hindi | Re Enable monetization problem solve | 20 feb 2018| 4000 hours & 1000 subscriber got enable| - Duration: 4:03.

if my work is good then pls subscribe me

if any question create then pls comment me


thanx for watching

For more infomation >> Hindi | Re Enable monetization problem solve | 20 feb 2018| 4000 hours & 1000 subscriber got enable| - Duration: 4:03.


Wife Of A Self-Confessed Sex Addict: 'How Could I Live With Someone For So Long And Not Know Who … - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Wife Of A Self-Confessed Sex Addict: 'How Could I Live With Someone For So Long And Not Know Who … - Duration: 1:53.


NAŠAO SAM 100 EVRA I KUPIO SAM TELEFON 💲💲💲 - Duration: 5:42.


For more infomation >> NAŠAO SAM 100 EVRA I KUPIO SAM TELEFON 💲💲💲 - Duration: 5:42.


Waves of news from Scott regarding books, movies, and the future of Five Night at Freddy's [PL/ENG] - Duration: 8:31.

It's been very quiet from Scott for a long time. But this has changed recently and last week almost every second day throws in some news. Let's see it.

On February 12, the director of the FNaF Movie was confirmed, I showed it in the previous episode, but only for a moment, the director will be Chris Columbus, practically Christopher Columbus.

And besides discovering America (yeah, I know, India), Columbus is known for working on such films as Gremlins, the first three Harry Potters,

Home Alone 1 and 2, Mrs Doubtfire, original Fantastic Four, Night at the Museum, and... unfortunately... Pixels.

Apart from the Pixels, let's forget about them, Chris has made quite a lot of good films, although mostly comedies.

If you look at his films, they are nevertheless very well done, I like a lot most of them, so I do not think it looks doubtfully, it's a person who can make a really good FNaF Movie.

I will remind that once again so there won't be a discussion in the comments - Gil Kenan is not working on the movie since Scott moved from Warner Bros to Blumhouse.

The movie is due to release somewhere at the beginning of 2019.

Then, on the February 14th, a website page for the third FNaF book on Barnes & Noble has appeared.

There was a cover on the page, but it was only a placeholder, no details were given, no descriptions of the book, only a cover with the words "Book 3".

And before you will ask, there is no hidden message in the letter B, it's only the font's fault, the uppercase letters in the HACKED font have such frills.

In general, it was not a big deal, but I've started to wonder. Only two days earlier we've got a huge reveal of the director of the movie, and now there's that.

I've already felt that something was going on. The site on Barnes can only be one element of Scott building hype, and finally, in a few days, we may get the full version of this page, a description of the book and everything.

But well, by now I'm still waiting for it, it wasn't released yet.

But by now, Scott has never stopped with all that crazy stuff.

On February 16th, an announcement from Scott about the future of FNaF has appeared. And it's quite interesting, I would say.

Scott had admitted that the biggest reason why there are no more remakes or console ports for FNaF is the fact that he didn't trust enough for other publishers because he himself wanted to end the story, so none of this did work out.

And now that Scott has finished the story when Scott released FFPS, he doesn't have to be afraid of it anymore. Therefore, it is possible that more FNaF games will appear in the future, but they will no longer be created by Scott.

I don't know exactly how it will look like, is it that Scott intends to sell the rights to FNaF to somebody, or is he just going to cooperate with other studies that will produce his games, but what's what - this is quite an interesting topic.

Scott has simply confirmed here that FNaF is over. That he has created the six games that explain the plot, he wanted to do that alone. FNaF has been finished.

At the same time, he says that this is not the end for FNaF. It may sound stupid, but it's true. Scott has ended FNaF by confirming that there will be more FNaF games.

It's hard to say whether it will be a new story, or FNaF World-like spinoffs or any reboots like the bookverse or something, but apparently, there will be more and it's pretty interesting.

Before you say that FNaF will never end and milking and stuff, as I said before, FNaF is over. We have a few topics to solve, but other than that, the story is complete.

Scott has given us four main games, and 2 bonus ones explaining the unresolved facts and that would be enough. The story that was holding people is now over and you can move on.

And what will happen with FNaF, what will the next games be, it doesn't matter. If Scott won't simply sell FNaF to somebody else and cut any connections with it, then I'm not afraid if what will happen in the future with this series, I'm quite positive about that.

But other than the distant future, Scott has also said about something he plans to do very soon. An update to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator.

But on the February 16th, when he released this announcement, he wasn't yet sure what to add with this update. Either a massive Custom Night with a lot of characters or an Endless Tycoon Mode.

And honestly, I would generally prefer the Tycoon, unless Custom Night would somehow really fix the horror gameplay of FFPS, because, well,

not everyone has liked it, the opinions were very controversial, it was pretty weak, average.

If Custom Night would fix this element of the game, just like in Sister Location the Custom Night was doing 90% of the gameplay in the game, then maybe the Custom Night would be better, but I would really like a Tycoon, I have a lot of fun with this, let alone if it was developed by Scott more.

Maybe you'd be able to buy other animatronics? Characters from other games? If it's non-canon, maybe even Springtrap himself or something else like that?

Seeing that there would be some daily challenges, it looks like a very interesting concept.

But we are reaching the end. February 18th. Scott has given a new teaser yesterday and updated the announcement.

Custom Night has won, Scott asked the community for feedback and it turned out that people have preferred the Custom Night update more. So it will also be Custom Night.

But Scott also mentioned that Tycoon itself may appear at a later date, so it's good. I'm waiting for the Tycoon gameplay much more.

Meanwhile, when it comes to the teaser, Scott has lit up his logo again, it's green or turquoise this time.

The teaser presents 40 rectangles and I think we can guess what's that about. The announcement itself has told about a Huge Custom Night with a lot of characters.

It looks like Scott is planning to add 40 characters here with various mechanics. (It's confirmed by now, but I've did the voice before that).

I wonder if the mechanics will be related to the old games or will it be something completely original, but really, 40 characters in an unbelievable number.

I doubt that the 40/20 mode will be available, rather there will be a limited amount of the animatronics in the game, I also doubt that it will only be some sort of a reskin without changes in mechanics.

If that were the case, Scott could easily do both Custom Night and Tycoon at the same time.

Custom Night will definitely be something interesting, totally changing FFPS gameplay in some new way, (Scott has also asked the community for feedback with the animatronics to appear in the game)

and in the future, we will get this Tycoon in a different update, and later - well, certainly more from Scott.

Even if he had to sell FNaF and leave it, I'm sure he will end up creating other games. We are all still waiting for The Desolate Abandon.

Anyway, that's how the situation looks like now. It's likely that Scott will give us more in the upcoming days, the FNaF book description and other stuff, he will definitely add new things to scottgames.

Recently, there was also an event on Reddit, he has put a post that broke the rules, he just mentioned that his son got his first payment and bought a merch from MatPat for it.

As a result of this post, it turned out that Scott may actually start using the twitter, so that's really promising. The last days seems to be very promising and bring the fandom back to life, so it's really great that Scott is here.

For now, it's all I've got to say, I will keep you updated with the new episodes.

And for now, thank you very much for watching, remember to leave your own comment on the subject of the current events and see you in the next episodes!

For more infomation >> Waves of news from Scott regarding books, movies, and the future of Five Night at Freddy's [PL/ENG] - Duration: 8:31.


Katey Harvey: "I'll Walk Out Champion And With Your Respect, Blue Nikita!" - GWF WWR7 - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Katey Harvey: "I'll Walk Out Champion And With Your Respect, Blue Nikita!" - GWF WWR7 - Duration: 1:31.


【HNKMV】진열장 (Display Case) // Cinnabar - Duration: 2:08.

ENG translation/lyrics (rough) in CAPTIONS (CC)

I wait for you to come

The darkness remains, alone [Alone in the darkness]

You'll probably never know, never

Even if I break down tonight

I laugh more loudly

I laughed louder

Oh, as a showcase

It remains

We have a wall to face

I cannot reach it even if it is close

She's been pushed into me [Pushed into a trap]

I'm about to break…


We've been away since [Since when have we been moving apart]

I want to see you, very much

I cannot go back


I did not give you the attention

For more infomation >> 【HNKMV】진열장 (Display Case) // Cinnabar - Duration: 2:08.


Because I'm Mexican - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Because I'm Mexican - Duration: 4:50.


Dynamite Dylan ft. Post Malone - You (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:43.

Hey :P

For more infomation >> Dynamite Dylan ft. Post Malone - You (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:43.


Mikołaj Krawczyk i Sylwia Juszczak wzięli ślub. Szczegóły [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 3:25.

Mikołaj Krawczyk i Sylwia Juszczak wzięli ślub. Szczegóły

Ślub Mikołaja Krawczyka i Sylwii Juszczak.

To dopiero nowina! Mikołaj Krawczyk i Sylwia Juszczak wzięli ślub! Para potwierdziła w rozmowie z magazynem Party, że pobrała się w tajemnicy, a o samej ceremonii nie wiedzieli nawet ich najbliżsi przyjaciele i rodzina:.

Tak, jesteśmy małżeństwem od zeszłego roku.

Uroczystość była utrzymana w tajemnicy, nie wiedzieli o tym nawet najbliżsi.

Udział wzięli w niej i najbliżsi, i wszystkie dzieci – czytamy na łamach dwutygodnika.

Dumne małżeństwo, Mikołaj i Sylwia, zaprezentowało swoje ślubne obrączki podczas konferencji promującej nowy sezon serialu Pensjonat nad rozlewiskiem.

Na palcach pary można było dostrzec pięknie mieniące się obrączki.

Choć Krawczyk, trzymając rękę w kieszeni, raczej unikał eksponowania symbolu małżeństwa, to Juszczak z dumą eksponowała złote cudeńko na jej dłoni.

Od kiedy Krawczyk i Juszczak są parą?Przypomnijmy, że Krawczyk i Juszczak po raz pierwszy potwierdzili swój związek na początku 2016 roku, kiedy razem zdecydowali się wystąpić w programie Polsat Café – Celebrity Salon.

Znamy się wiele lat, jeszcze ze Szkoły Filmowej w Łodzi.

Więc kiedy spotkaliśmy się na zdjęciach w Polsat Café, ucieszyliśmy się, że będziemy razem pracować.  Czuję, że zaczynam nowy etap w życiu.

Tu jest moje szczęście – wyznała Juszczak na łamach „Party w 2016 roku.

W przeszłości Mikołaj Krawczyk związany był z Anetą Zając, z którą ma dwóch synów – Roberta i Michała.

Po rozstaniu z aktorką, z którą przez wiele lat występował w serialu Pierwsza miłość, Mikołaj związał się z Agnieszką Włodarczyk.

Z kolei Sylwia Juszczak ma na swoim koncie już dwa rozwody – z Tomaszem Pągowskim i z norweskim przystojniakiem Magnusem Aenresenem.

Z pierwszego małżeństwa aktorka ma dwóch synów.

For more infomation >> Mikołaj Krawczyk i Sylwia Juszczak wzięli ślub. Szczegóły [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 3:25.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play - Duration: 1:01.


I Had A Daddy Dom Stalker - Duration: 8:09.

We are in part two of the infamous Kevin daddy

Incident. in case if you don't know what I'm talking about, because you missed part one.

I will leave part one in the description box.

And I'll also leave it as the one the little clicky links you can click on at the top.

Also, if you're new here, don't forget to hit that subscribe button, because I post new videos every week

and I would love for you to see them all!! as always, for everybody, don't forget to give this video a thumbs up leave a

nice comment down below!!

Share this video if you enjoy!! now where we left off; it all starts when I am starting to plan my trip to go visit

Iowa, because I really wanted to see my little sister graduate high school. Kevin is still continuously bothering me

But at this point, I just tell him to screw off.

And I'm leaving for a few weeks

Because I don't want him driving by my house leaving

Presents and other goodies when I'm gone and getting in trouble with my roommates because I have some creep stalker that won't leave me alone.

Bob takes me leaving as an opportunity to investigate "the

notification". everything is fine and peachy for my first week in Iowa, and tell Bob text me screenings of

Messages he sent to the account Kevin is

Catfishing with, using my pictures. Bob accuses me of cheating on him.

He said that I was lying to him about

Kevin taking my account because the catfished account said that I couldn't meet up with the account Bob was

Messaging from, because they were not going to be in town for a few weeks. along with other

Stupid 'proof of ID' questions like, what's my favorite color? What's my favorite fruit? to be honest,

I don't think Bob even knew the answers to any of those questions, at that point.

I didn't know what to do at the moment because I didn't want to lose Bob.

Oh, honey, you were so much better than him. be thankful you lost him.

I also don't want Kevin going over to the place that I was living and do something stupid. this

Led me to the idea that I should ask Bob

How did he find this account?? Bob told me that he had two of his friends, a boy and a girl,

Message the account. that they were the ones that had sent him screenshots,

And it wasn't bop messaging the catfished account.

I asked to see all the screenies, including the ones that he had already sent me...

The ones that the girl had sent to the catfish account, checked out.

but the ones that the boy had sent did not check out because...

They were fresh

Screenshots. I knew this because the time at the top was the same exact time as the time in California. Bob

Just went onto the account

He was going from, saying it was "a different guy" and took fresh screenshots.... if that makes sense. this led to my own

Investigation where I

Asked Kevin "can I pretty pretty pretty


Have the login info,

for the sites?"

Kevin was so pumped that I was talking to him, that he surrender the info. as long as I promise not to respond to any

Of the messages. I login and bam, there's a lot of messages, but I see the ones immediately!!!!

I know which ones are Bob's. I click on the profile and bam the profile has the picture of the

Cutest boy!! great confidence boost knowing that the cutest boy to hit on you to that date was a fake account.

I scroll down and I read the bio;

And this guy claims to be a Dom looking for a slave to fulfill his kinky desires.

I scroll down more to view with his activity feed, and this is where things get really really juicy. Bob is liking all these

raunchy pics, and leaving distasteful comments on these pictures from "nice tits"

"What's your snapchat?" to "let's meet up."

I notice a large time gap from the

beginning of the account to the now time of it being used, and there was no change in bio in

Between all of this time. I text Bob, "I know that account is you.

Why are you hitting up such raunchy women, and leaving even more raunchy

Comments on their photos?" Bob goes on and on and on about "oh that isn't me."

And I tell him that I know it's him. Bob changes his story to,

He had to make his account look more

Official and realistic, like he was a random user, by leaving those kind of comments. which is

kinda pretty BS, because for every woman that takes a nasty raunchy photo,

There is a woman that takes a sweet innocent HEHE fully clothed photo.

I asked him why he was even on there in the first place back in 2013?? and

Bob said he was looking for friends. you wouldn't be say that you are a Dom looking for a kinky slave, to fulfill your

Desires, if you were just looking for friends!!!! dudes don't go on those kind of sites looking for friends. maybe a submissive can become

Friends with another submissive. but doms claiming to be looking for slaves,

Don't go on to the kind of sites looking for friends!!!

Bob is just freaking out at this point, telling me that I need to listen to him cuz he knows what he's doing blahblahblahblah!!!

And turns his whole trying to hook up with others argument against me.

So I just stopped talking to Bob at this point, because there's no point in trying to

Change the opinion of a wall.

I just went on to the account that Kevin had taken over's settings and straight-up

Deleted the account.... and Kevin freaked out on me, because, he was using that account to guilt-trip

Daddy Doms into buying me stuff off an Amazon wishlist, that was set to deliver to Kevin's house.

Kevin even links me to the wishlist, and shows me a bunch of stuff that he managed to con out of daddy Dom's.

Kevin goes on about how he was looking forward to spoiling me,

But brats don't get spoiled or get presents. Oh darn!!!

I was really looking forward to wearing diapers. a couple weeks later,

I do end up messaging Bob, telling him that I need a ride home from the airport.

He messages me with a picture of us in our "better relationship times" saying, oh

He would pick me up if I started acting like the happy and nice girl that he thought I was. I just agreed to it,

And the time passes. Bob comes to picks me up from the airport, even brings a couple of his friends to "meet his girlfriend",

in reality we haven't even gotten back together yet. after

Meeting his lit AF homies, and dropping them off. Bob explains to me why he had broken up with me in the first place.

He said I didn't value him, and the only way he could prove to himself that he was valued is if he broke up with

Me... to see if I ran into Kevin's arms. Bob


Really wanted me to listen to him more, and not ever tell him no, when he asked for something.. whether it be sexual or non-sexual...

*cough* A slave. but most importantly he wanted our anniversary to fall on a 14th, to make our Valentine's Day all more

*romantic and magical*

He couldn't wait the extra week

Originally, because he thought I was gonna go run off with some other dude. by the way, Bob didn't even do anything magical for Valentine's

Day. he got me a flower and a balloon, which was nice.

But the only reason he did it was because his cousin told him so. he actually ended up working that night,

Which is understandable..

He works at a restaurant.

But he never did end up taking me on a magical romantic date to make up for it. That is is all for this video!!

Thank you so much for watching!! if you enjoyed it,

Don't forget to give this video a thumbs up!! subscribe to my channel!!! leave a comment down below!!!

Have you ever had a crazy daddy DOM stalker?? have you ever had a crazy stalker in general? leave your stories...

Tell me what's up, down below.

Don't forget to share this video as it does help me out bunches, and thank you so much for watching!!

I hope to see you again here at my channel real soon. Bye!!!!

For more infomation >> I Had A Daddy Dom Stalker - Duration: 8:09.


Volvo V70 2.4D Edition I Airco Clima Elektrisch Pakket Leuke KM Stand - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.4D Edition I Airco Clima Elektrisch Pakket Leuke KM Stand - Duration: 0:55.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I Aspiration | Navigatie | Airco | 5 Deurs! | - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I Aspiration | Navigatie | Airco | 5 Deurs! | - Duration: 0:51.


Citroën C3 1.1i Ligne Séduction - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.1i Ligne Séduction - Duration: 1:01.


Jennifer Aniston i Justin Theroux spotkali się po raz ostatni. [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 3:25.

Jennifer Aniston i Justin Theroux spotkali się po raz ostatni.

Jak wyglądało ostatnie spotkanie Jennifer Aniston i Justina Theroux?. To się nazywa rozstanie z klasą.

Justin Theroux i Jennifer Aniston spotkali się na romantyczne sam-na-sam w Walentynki, tuż przed ogłoszeniem światu, że ich związek przestał istnieć.

Para, która uchodziła za jedną z najzgodniejszych i najlepiej dobranych w Hollywood, oświadczyła, że nadszedł czas na separację. Potem poszło już w górki.

W mediach pojawiła się lawina plotek i doniesień na temat ich związku, a Jenny wystawiła na aukcję luksusowy dom w Bel-Air, w którym w 2015 roku wzięli ślub.

Skąd więc pomysł na spotkanie?.

Spotkali się późną nocą w Walentynki, w Los Angeles.

Zdecydowali, że razem wystosują oświadczenie następnego dnia.

Justin przyleciał do Los Angeles prywatnym samolotem, by zobaczyć Jenny ten jeden, ostatni raz – wyznał informator People.

Mówi się, że ich związek był skończony już od miesięcy.

Skąd więc to opóźnienie w poinformowaniu świata o separacji? Aktorka postanowiła, że nadszedł najwyższy czas tuż po swoich 50. urodzinach.

Ona i Justin spędzili ten dzień oddzielnie, a media natychmiast zawrzały:.

Jennifer chciała uniknąć konieczności konfrontacji ze światem tak długo jak to było możliwe, a to ze względu na zainteresowanie mediów.

Miała nadzieję, że Justin nie będzie się wychylał w jej urodziny by nikt nie wiedział, że spędzili je oddzielnie, ale to po prostu nie było w jego stylu.

Chciał mieć to już za sobą i żyć dalej – dodaje źródło gazety.

Wszystko co dobre kiedyś się kończy.

W wypadku Jennifer i Justina uczucie wygasło, ale czy aktorka nie może już liczyć na szczęśliwe zakończenie? Jakby nie było, Brad Pitt i Angelina Jolie właśnie rozpoczynają sądową batalię o rozwód….

For more infomation >> Jennifer Aniston i Justin Theroux spotkali się po raz ostatni. [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 3:25.


Citroën C2 1.4I VTR VOORZIEN VAN AIRCO + LM VELGEN !!! - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Citroën C2 1.4I VTR VOORZIEN VAN AIRCO + LM VELGEN !!! - Duration: 0:56.


Batallan contra deportación de compañero de clase | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Batallan contra deportación de compañero de clase | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 3:19.


🔴 Kingdom Come: Deliverance | Henry simulator | live stream - Duration: 1:41:13.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Kingdom Come: Deliverance | Henry simulator | live stream - Duration: 1:41:13.


Хиджаб Таг МиссШуми | Hijab Tag MissShumi - Duration: 6:43.

Hi, my name is Palina and welcome to my youtube channel.

I will try today something new and film a video in russian

I have some problems with russian, so Im sorry if I forget some words

or if I say something weird.

Because I couldn't find videos like this on youtube

in russian so I decided to make it myself

I wanted to make it for a long time but never managed to

Since its been 3 years since I put my hijab on

I finally decided to make it

Many of u asked me about it and asked me to do the video but I never managed to do it but finally its here

So lets begin the video

In hijab tag is 10 questions which I shall be answering

All the questions will also be in the downbar

first question is

1. How old were you when you started wearing hijab?

I was 18, I am 21 now. So its been 3 years

2. What/who influenced you to wear hijab?

Obviously I was influenced by my conversion to Islam

and even before I converted I knew I wanted to wear hijab when I would convert

I always saw hijab being beautiful and very modest

3. How has hijab changed your life?

Obviously a lot

Hijab changed how I talk to people, how I see myself

And gave me completely different view on life, on people, on everything.

4. What does hijab mean to you?

To me hijab means support

I too obviously have not so good days

And in those moments hijab helps me

I feel like..

I am safe.

Everytime I put hijab on I feel like I am safe and nobody or nothing can hurt me

5. How do you deal with rude comments/stares you get due to being a hijabi?

Honestly in the beginning of me wearing hijab

It was really harsh for me, it hurt me a lot

I would always notice them and it was really hard

And how I dealed with them? I didn't.

I would just listen to them and continue my life without saying anything

And then there was a period when If someone would stare at me I would stare back

But now I just no longer notice them

Specially the stares

Because I realize that they may have another reason for staring

Maybe they look at you just because you are georgeous

And in second who cares if they stare or say something

As long as it doesn't get physical you should just ignore them

This what I do

6. What is your favourite thing about wearing the hijab?

To me its how people treat you

Atleast those who knows what hijab means

7. What is your hijab must have accessory?

Honestly I don't have just one must have that I would always use

For example even now I don't have safety pin

Buuut I would still say safety pins would be my must If I had to say one

What advice would you give a newbie hijabi?

I would give this advice:

There are different types of hijabis

And you have to find such way that will be pleasing for you

And realize what hijab means to you

Don't ever wear it because someone else asked you to

Or because it just looks nice

Understand what hijab actually means and what it means to you

Because you can put it on

But then in future completely loose yourself. You will feel like you completely changed

Because you just put the hijab on

So don't forget even in the hijab to be yourself

And realize what hijab means to you

9. What is one hijab trend you never understood?

I don't really have one

I think I tried them all

And the last 10. What question do you get asked the most due to wearing hijab?

For me its "where are you from?"

Because its difficult to guess where I from with my hijab on

Tha was the last questions, I hope you enjoyed video!

And please leave comment below how you liked this video in russian

Should I continue doing more russian videos?

Please don't forget to subscribe, like this video and comment!

Don't forget to follow me on my social media which is down below!

And I will see you in my next video insha Allah. Bye!

For more infomation >> Хиджаб Таг МиссШуми | Hijab Tag MissShumi - Duration: 6:43.


$56 - Duration: 0:56.

Polls show we're closing the gap on JB Pritzker and guess what?

He just wrote his campaign another $7 million check, bringing the total to $56 million for

the campaign so far.

That's more than Donald Trump spent in his entire presidential primary and that is insane.

Oh, and Chris Kennedy just wrote his campaign another quarter-million dollar check too,

bringing his total to well over a million for the campaign.

Now look, money can buy a lot of things: ads, fancy mailers, and more.

But it can't buy grassroots love, and it can't buy a progressive record to stand on.

So I can't afford to give my campaign a $56 million contribution, but I'm gonna write

a $56 check.

Match my contribution if you want an Illinois government on the side of the middle class

and working people.

For more infomation >> $56 - Duration: 0:56.


Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - zapowiedź filmu i reklamy z 10 listopada 2017 roku - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - zapowiedź filmu i reklamy z 10 listopada 2017 roku - Duration: 5:31.


Janette Sadik-Khan – O futuro do planeta está nas cidades - Duration: 1:22.

I think what's really exciting is that the future of the planet

is in cities. And when you think about it,

over half the world's population lives in cities right now.

And that number is expected to get to 70% by 2050.

So, the future of our planet is in cities. And

how we make our cities so that they are safe, and attractive,

and environmentally sound for people is one of the big challenges.

And you're seeing cities around the world actually compete

for who can be the greenest. Who can be the most sustainable.

And I think that's a wonderful competition to have. Because,

if we are going to accommodate the millions and millions of more people

that are coming to live in our cities,

we need to make them as affordable, as equitable,

as healthy, and environmentally sound as they can be.

And I really do think it's very hopeful to look at

the work that's being done by mayors around the world

to transform their cities,

whether it's with bike lanes, whether it's with bus lanes,

whether it's working on safety interventions.

It's an incredibly exciting moment in time for cities.

For more infomation >> Janette Sadik-Khan – O futuro do planeta está nas cidades - Duration: 1:22.


[Szok] Kinga Rusin o ślubie z Markiem Kujawą. Szpila dla Tomasza Lisa || LVTszok - Duration: 3:36.

Kinga Rusin o ślubie z Markiem Kujawą. Szpila dla Tomasza Lisa

Kinga Rusin o ślubie z Markiem Kujawą.

Po małżeńskim fiasku, jakie czekało na nią w związku z Tomaszem Lisem, Kinga Rusin na chwilę zwątpiła w miłość i uczucia.

Na szczęście tylko na chwilę, bo radość, zaufanie i partnerstwo znalazła u boku przystojnego prawnika Marka Kujawy, który swojej partnerce dałby gwiazdkę z nieba, gdyby tylko tego zapragnęła.

Uchodzą za jedną z najpiękniejszych i najbardziej zgodnych par w show-biznesie, a choć rzadko pokazują się razem na salonach, nikt nie wątpi w ich uczucia.

Od miesięcy co jakiś czas na jaw wypływają plotki o zaręczynach i ślubie, który podobno planują po kryjomu, w tajemnicy przed całym światem.

Gdy Marek zabrał Kingę w bajeczną podróż jej marzeń, fani liczyli, że wróci z pierścionkiem na palcu i z duszą na ramieniu powędruje do ołtarza.

Kinga długo nie komentowała tych doniesień, wreszcie jednak postanowiła zabrać głos, zmęczona nieustannym zamieszaniem wokół jej życia uczuciowego:.

Co to za obsesja z tym ślubem?! Nie rozumiem tego.

Już miałam jeden ślub.

Czy to coś zmieniło na lepsze, zadecydowało o moim szczęściu? Nie.

Nad drugim się w ogóle nie zastanawiam.

Mam mnóstwo innych rzeczy do zrobienia – zapewnia w rozmowie z „Fleszem".

Wygląda na to, że na białą suknię i córki Rusin w roli druhen nie mamy na co liczyć w najbliższym czasie, ale kto wie?.

Może gdy Kinga przestanie się realizować, osiągnie zawodowo wszystko, co sobie wymarzyła i nie będzie już goniła za żadnym wyśnionym sukcesem?.

Wszystko przed nią.

Najważniejsze, że się kochają.

Do tego nie potrzeba przecież żadnego papierka.

For more infomation >> [Szok] Kinga Rusin o ślubie z Markiem Kujawą. Szpila dla Tomasza Lisa || LVTszok - Duration: 3:36.


Bruna Marquezine é flagrada descendo até o chão; veja o que ela aprontou - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Bruna Marquezine é flagrada descendo até o chão; veja o que ela aprontou - Duration: 4:18.


MOONSPELL - interview with Fernando in Prague - Duration: 9:56.

For more infomation >> MOONSPELL - interview with Fernando in Prague - Duration: 9:56.


Homilia | Padre João Batista de Almeida - Missa de Aparecida - Santuário Nacional - - Duration: 14:13.

For more infomation >> Homilia | Padre João Batista de Almeida - Missa de Aparecida - Santuário Nacional - - Duration: 14:13.


BBB18: Ayrton beija a filha, implora seu amor e causa revolta no Twitter - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Ayrton beija a filha, implora seu amor e causa revolta no Twitter - Duration: 3:40.


Homilia | Padre Daniel Antonio da Silva - Missa de Aparecida - Santuário Nacional - - Duration: 12:12.

For more infomation >> Homilia | Padre Daniel Antonio da Silva - Missa de Aparecida - Santuário Nacional - - Duration: 12:12.


BBB18: Globo aborda situação de Kaysar no Encontro com Fátima Bernardes - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Globo aborda situação de Kaysar no Encontro com Fátima Bernardes - Duration: 2:39.


Piripkura: Por que assistir? - Tica Minami - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Piripkura: Por que assistir? - Tica Minami - Duration: 1:13.


A origem do Capitalismo e do Socialismo - vídeo 11 - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> A origem do Capitalismo e do Socialismo - vídeo 11 - Duration: 5:37.


✏ZELUNE!! - MEUS DESENHOS #6 - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> ✏ZELUNE!! - MEUS DESENHOS #6 - Duration: 2:20.


Homilia | Dom Orlando Brandes - Missa de Aparecida - Santuário Nacional - 18 de fevereiro de 2018 - Duration: 16:57.

For more infomation >> Homilia | Dom Orlando Brandes - Missa de Aparecida - Santuário Nacional - 18 de fevereiro de 2018 - Duration: 16:57.


Ferramenta Super Poderosa De Envio De E-mails Na Velocidade Da Luz Faça Um Teste Grátis - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Ferramenta Super Poderosa De Envio De E-mails Na Velocidade Da Luz Faça Um Teste Grátis - Duration: 1:37.


TJ Aparecida | Santuário Nacional recebe a 10ª Romaria do Terço dos Homens - - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> TJ Aparecida | Santuário Nacional recebe a 10ª Romaria do Terço dos Homens - - Duration: 4:06.


BBB18: por Jéssica, Kaysar e Lucas tiram a sunga e mostram tudo - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> BBB18: por Jéssica, Kaysar e Lucas tiram a sunga e mostram tudo - Duration: 3:37.


La Línea Que Mark Hamill Rogó A George Lucas Que Quite De La Guerra De Las Galaxias - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> La Línea Que Mark Hamill Rogó A George Lucas Que Quite De La Guerra De Las Galaxias - Duration: 3:40.


Prepara esto para eliminar la grasa de la barriga, brazos, muslos y espalda - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Prepara esto para eliminar la grasa de la barriga, brazos, muslos y espalda - Duration: 3:58.


Waves of news from Scott regarding books, movies, and the future of Five Night at Freddy's [PL/ENG] - Duration: 8:31.

It's been very quiet from Scott for a long time. But this has changed recently and last week almost every second day throws in some news. Let's see it.

On February 12, the director of the FNaF Movie was confirmed, I showed it in the previous episode, but only for a moment, the director will be Chris Columbus, practically Christopher Columbus.

And besides discovering America (yeah, I know, India), Columbus is known for working on such films as Gremlins, the first three Harry Potters,

Home Alone 1 and 2, Mrs Doubtfire, original Fantastic Four, Night at the Museum, and... unfortunately... Pixels.

Apart from the Pixels, let's forget about them, Chris has made quite a lot of good films, although mostly comedies.

If you look at his films, they are nevertheless very well done, I like a lot most of them, so I do not think it looks doubtfully, it's a person who can make a really good FNaF Movie.

I will remind that once again so there won't be a discussion in the comments - Gil Kenan is not working on the movie since Scott moved from Warner Bros to Blumhouse.

The movie is due to release somewhere at the beginning of 2019.

Then, on the February 14th, a website page for the third FNaF book on Barnes & Noble has appeared.

There was a cover on the page, but it was only a placeholder, no details were given, no descriptions of the book, only a cover with the words "Book 3".

And before you will ask, there is no hidden message in the letter B, it's only the font's fault, the uppercase letters in the HACKED font have such frills.

In general, it was not a big deal, but I've started to wonder. Only two days earlier we've got a huge reveal of the director of the movie, and now there's that.

I've already felt that something was going on. The site on Barnes can only be one element of Scott building hype, and finally, in a few days, we may get the full version of this page, a description of the book and everything.

But well, by now I'm still waiting for it, it wasn't released yet.

But by now, Scott has never stopped with all that crazy stuff.

On February 16th, an announcement from Scott about the future of FNaF has appeared. And it's quite interesting, I would say.

Scott had admitted that the biggest reason why there are no more remakes or console ports for FNaF is the fact that he didn't trust enough for other publishers because he himself wanted to end the story, so none of this did work out.

And now that Scott has finished the story when Scott released FFPS, he doesn't have to be afraid of it anymore. Therefore, it is possible that more FNaF games will appear in the future, but they will no longer be created by Scott.

I don't know exactly how it will look like, is it that Scott intends to sell the rights to FNaF to somebody, or is he just going to cooperate with other studies that will produce his games, but what's what - this is quite an interesting topic.

Scott has simply confirmed here that FNaF is over. That he has created the six games that explain the plot, he wanted to do that alone. FNaF has been finished.

At the same time, he says that this is not the end for FNaF. It may sound stupid, but it's true. Scott has ended FNaF by confirming that there will be more FNaF games.

It's hard to say whether it will be a new story, or FNaF World-like spinoffs or any reboots like the bookverse or something, but apparently, there will be more and it's pretty interesting.

Before you say that FNaF will never end and milking and stuff, as I said before, FNaF is over. We have a few topics to solve, but other than that, the story is complete.

Scott has given us four main games, and 2 bonus ones explaining the unresolved facts and that would be enough. The story that was holding people is now over and you can move on.

And what will happen with FNaF, what will the next games be, it doesn't matter. If Scott won't simply sell FNaF to somebody else and cut any connections with it, then I'm not afraid if what will happen in the future with this series, I'm quite positive about that.

But other than the distant future, Scott has also said about something he plans to do very soon. An update to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator.

But on the February 16th, when he released this announcement, he wasn't yet sure what to add with this update. Either a massive Custom Night with a lot of characters or an Endless Tycoon Mode.

And honestly, I would generally prefer the Tycoon, unless Custom Night would somehow really fix the horror gameplay of FFPS, because, well,

not everyone has liked it, the opinions were very controversial, it was pretty weak, average.

If Custom Night would fix this element of the game, just like in Sister Location the Custom Night was doing 90% of the gameplay in the game, then maybe the Custom Night would be better, but I would really like a Tycoon, I have a lot of fun with this, let alone if it was developed by Scott more.

Maybe you'd be able to buy other animatronics? Characters from other games? If it's non-canon, maybe even Springtrap himself or something else like that?

Seeing that there would be some daily challenges, it looks like a very interesting concept.

But we are reaching the end. February 18th. Scott has given a new teaser yesterday and updated the announcement.

Custom Night has won, Scott asked the community for feedback and it turned out that people have preferred the Custom Night update more. So it will also be Custom Night.

But Scott also mentioned that Tycoon itself may appear at a later date, so it's good. I'm waiting for the Tycoon gameplay much more.

Meanwhile, when it comes to the teaser, Scott has lit up his logo again, it's green or turquoise this time.

The teaser presents 40 rectangles and I think we can guess what's that about. The announcement itself has told about a Huge Custom Night with a lot of characters.

It looks like Scott is planning to add 40 characters here with various mechanics. (It's confirmed by now, but I've did the voice before that).

I wonder if the mechanics will be related to the old games or will it be something completely original, but really, 40 characters in an unbelievable number.

I doubt that the 40/20 mode will be available, rather there will be a limited amount of the animatronics in the game, I also doubt that it will only be some sort of a reskin without changes in mechanics.

If that were the case, Scott could easily do both Custom Night and Tycoon at the same time.

Custom Night will definitely be something interesting, totally changing FFPS gameplay in some new way, (Scott has also asked the community for feedback with the animatronics to appear in the game)

and in the future, we will get this Tycoon in a different update, and later - well, certainly more from Scott.

Even if he had to sell FNaF and leave it, I'm sure he will end up creating other games. We are all still waiting for The Desolate Abandon.

Anyway, that's how the situation looks like now. It's likely that Scott will give us more in the upcoming days, the FNaF book description and other stuff, he will definitely add new things to scottgames.

Recently, there was also an event on Reddit, he has put a post that broke the rules, he just mentioned that his son got his first payment and bought a merch from MatPat for it.

As a result of this post, it turned out that Scott may actually start using the twitter, so that's really promising. The last days seems to be very promising and bring the fandom back to life, so it's really great that Scott is here.

For now, it's all I've got to say, I will keep you updated with the new episodes.

And for now, thank you very much for watching, remember to leave your own comment on the subject of the current events and see you in the next episodes!

For more infomation >> Waves of news from Scott regarding books, movies, and the future of Five Night at Freddy's [PL/ENG] - Duration: 8:31.


GALATASARAY | Mehmet DEMİRKOL: "Galatasaray'daki En Önemli Problem Şu..." | Youtube - Duration: 20:08.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Mehmet DEMİRKOL: "Galatasaray'daki En Önemli Problem Şu..." | Youtube - Duration: 20:08.


Bitcoin Q&A: Criminalization of ownership - Duration: 5:38.

Somebody asks, "What are your thoughts on the U.S. Senate Bill S.1241

to criminalise concealed ownership of bitcoin?"

I have read the language of the bill. First of all, in order for this to become law,

it has to be considered by the Senate, then the House, reconciled in committee if there's two different versions,

voted on by both the House and Senate, signed by the President or included in another bill [that is signed],

and translated into regulatory rules for agencies.

Then the government and regulatory agencies get sued,

and the courts get to interpret the latitude this bill has to actually criminalise this behaviour.

There's a very long road and a lot of things can change. Over the years, we've seen many people freak out about

proposed language for a proposed bill in one of the two houses that will do 'XYZ.'

It [would take] a long time for that to actually affect bitcoin holders.

What Senate Bill S.1241 does, is it has some language that extends some of the requirements for

anti-money laundering (AML) and controls for counter- terrorist financing. [Also], know-your-customer (KYC).

It extends some of those explicitly to organizations that manage digital currencies;

that includes exchanges and things like that.

It also extends some of the AML laws that already exist, in terms of structuring and concealing transactions,

to the use of digital currencies -- which means that this may make it illegal to run a mixer in the United States.

For example, CoinTumblr, as it's known. [The keyword is] 'may.' Who knows where this goes?

Who knows how far it goes? Who knows what comes out once it's challenged in court?

These things take a long time, so I'm not particularly worried.

This doesn't really criminalise concealed ownership [of] bitcoin. It criminalises certain activities that

indicate concealed ownership of bitcoin. For example: if you have an obligation to report for other reasons

and you failed to do so or if you are running a tumbler or an exchange in a way that is violating AML rules.

La Résistance asks, "If bitcoin is criminalised in your country, will you continue to publicly advocate for it?

[What is the] best [way] to prepare for this possibility?"

If simply owning bitcoin was criminalised in...

I'm assuming by my "country," you probably mean the U.S., where I spend some of my time nowadays.

But I'm not affiliated with one country; if you are, that's the first of your problems.

If simply the ownership was criminalised, that would tell me one thing:

I no longer live in a country where there is respect for individual rights.

There is absolutely no logical reason why simply the ownership of numbers, digital keys, and control over

[an amount of] digital currency, without any relationship to committing an actual crime against anybody else...

If that was criminalized, I would consider that criminalisation of speech, of association, of expression,

of political affiliation. That would, in my mind, violate the fundamental tenants of liberty.

I would use my bitcoin to purchase the first and most accessible airfare, to get the fuck out of that hell hole.

Now, everybody can't do that. But if your country criminalises simply the possession of numbers,

and the means you used to express yourself, associate yourself, with other political organisations,

you do not live in a free country. You're already quite far down the slippery slide.

You should maybe exit before things get really difficult.

The second part of the question is how to best prepare for this possibility.

Be prepared to travel. Have a valid passport. Keep a clean record.

Be ready to exit, even when others are mocking you for being "paranoid."

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