Monday, February 19, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 20 2018

We must find de wey

For more infomation >> dO u KNOW De Wey?? - Duration: 0:02.


What is the future of Virt-U and virtual reality gaming? Daniel Doll-Steinberg offers his ideas 🤖 - Duration: 6:13.

What's the next big thing for Virt-U?

We're developing already we have a team of

15 people I think almost 15 people and we are developing already but we're

very focused on on on delivering what we need to deliver in the short term I

think we will have a some platforms out in 2018, summer 2018 but the core

platform that will do everything that we're expecting to do will be in 2019.

And can you tell me about the token? Well as I said before it's used for the

transfer and registration of assets within the platform and what we see

happening is people will be able to create wealth at the moment when you

create wealth in a in a game it stays in the game there's it so it's a one-way

its osmotic you send something in it doesn't come out with this solution

you're able to create assets and value in a in a virtual world and extract

the value back into the token once you've got it in the token you can

you can put it into another virtual world so you can start by you know I

like playing in Camelot and then I don't like that and I want to live on a high

density world I've got some tokens that I can apply or you can exit and take it

to fiat currency and fund a lifestyle in and what I see happening is in you know

very soon after platforms released you would get people in in low income

countries being able to earn a living through this

and then eventually you'll be able to get high income families we're already

talking someone who wants to take us up to Manchester where they're thinking

having told them what they do they're quite keen to start educating people in

how they might work in become a professional in the in the virtual world

rather than the professional in the real world and that's the that's the really

exciting part of this business. And you were talking about the kinds of

people that might come to you who's your customer? So we have two types of

customer the first customers gamers, game developers, game developers who are

building games that want to use our technology to monetize and commercialize

their product and the second is the player the player that works within the

game who needs the tokens to to operate within

those games but uh but our foremost customer that would use the technology

is the developer but the people that would use the token or the other game

player and I say game player quite widely I mean it could be anybody

anybody you know I could be an architect and I just decided I want to be an

architect in a virtual world you know that is in our view a gamer in this

because it's not a real world it's a game world but it still emulates the

real world. You're talking about a lot of things that you know we would see as

real word skills and real world jobs how transferable do you think those kinds of

skills are you know I mean you're talking about an architect is it

realistic that a conventional architect who's struggling to find work now might

be able to transition to the system and become an architect in virtual worlds?

Yes absolutely I mean the the principle when when you first develop games you

know you would have a flight simulator and if someone shot at the plane it

would blow up and it would fall out of the sky that was it one of my one of my

co-founder actually develop his company created the damaged engine

for aircraft which most people use now that damaged engine worked out that if a

bullet hit it this is the damage it would cause to the aircraft and and it

became real once that happened flight simulators became more realistic you

have that with all games you cannot have physics engines and games and the old

days if you people were playing gaming you hit a box the box wouldn't move and

you would just sort of stand there running now you shoot a box or you run

into a box it actually obeys the laws of physics

and it moves the same thing is happening in this you know the the virtue of the

virtual worlds and the MMOs that we've got at the moment obey some sort of

physics in as people develop more and more these engines that emulate the real

world the the virtual worlds will emulate the real world so you can't just

build a house you know you will need to design a house so you will have to

understand the engineering behind the house so you'll have to understand the

architect architecture behind the house and if and if that world was a Camelot

world as I mentioned before then you could only use material that was

available to them in those days and you could only

skills and machinery that was build a house you couldn't build a sort of eye

and strut substructure and a limestone fascia you'd have to build it the way

they did if you were on a high-density world you know maybe building in and

steals not the right way to go because it can't accommodate the stresses and

strains or if it were an underwater world you know you'd have to use

material it was suitable to that so yes I think I see that absolutely I see it

more exciting actually you'll have people that that actually want to

specialize in this because it's the new frontier and then the new frontier is

more exciting than the existing frontier that's why humans do new things. So do

you have competitors that you know of

who are trying to do some of the digital things? No

there's no one trying to do what we're trying to do that we know what I mean

who knows what's under the radar but there's no one trying to do this and and

I think it goes back to the you know my early premise which is if you have

people from the industry and you have people that know how to build this

technology then you're going to build something that's right for the industry

and you know this is a solution the industries and it is needed in fact all

the directors that have joined us have joined us not because they see this is a

new company they see this as solving a need that they've seen in the current

iteration of gaming and that we'll be able to solve it and that's a that's

that's something worthwhile doing

For more infomation >> What is the future of Virt-U and virtual reality gaming? Daniel Doll-Steinberg offers his ideas 🤖 - Duration: 6:13.


General James "Mad Dog" Mattis Breaks The Silence And Drops Major Announcement - Duration: 2:00.

General James "Mad Dog" Mattis Breaks The Silence And Drops Major Announcement

While making a trip to Germany for the yearly Munich Security Conference, General James

"Mad Dog" Mattis suggested clarified that the fundamental issue staring him in the face

is the place to put every one of the ISIS prisoners of war.

He went so far as to recommend that it would be simpler if the ISIS warriors had kicked

the bucket on the war zone like they generally said they wanted to.

Daily Caller revealed that Secretary of Defense Mattis is engrossed with where the U.S. will

put every one of those surrendered forces.

"I needed to lay out the problem," Mattis told reporters assigned to cover him at the

conference, where he will open the session with a speech Friday afternoon.

"We have hundreds of prisoners who don't have quite the same amount of zeal they once

pronounced when they were winning that they would fight to the death.

It seems like hundreds of them are not quite that committed."

He went ahead to state that ISIS prisoners are cooling their heels in a temporary holding

tank at this moment and that he means to raise the issue at the Munich meeting.

Mattis clarified that he is "under no illusion" that any convenient solution can be found

to reduce the requirement for more jail space.

The general at that point said that endeavors to expand the per capita defense of NATO nations

to be spot on course, as eight member states will accomplish the two percent target this

year while another 14 are on track to arrive by 2024.

"Year-on-year across the alliance, 2017 saw the largest growth … as a percentage

of GDP, and the largest real growth in a quarter century," Mattis declared.

We're happy that we at long last have an administration that isn't reluctant to make

a move against ISIS.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> General James "Mad Dog" Mattis Breaks The Silence And Drops Major Announcement - Duration: 2:00.


NARACHAN do MONT - Pops In Seoul [Legendado PT-BR] - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> NARACHAN do MONT - Pops In Seoul [Legendado PT-BR] - Duration: 4:25.


10 Amazing Benefits of Onions that you didn't Know - health and fitness | Life Care - Duration: 4:48.

We all know that vegetables are good for a person's overall health.

However, onions, in particular, are special.

This type of produce can provide for a lot of benefits that most people don't even

know about.

Benefit Number 1: Immunity Booster.

Onions contain high levels of phytochemicals; and these can boost a person's immune system


Said components can also improve the overall effect of Vitamin C inside the body; and this

vitamin is another immunity booster.

Because of said effects, your body will become more resistant to infections and diseases.

This is one of the reasons why you should constantly include this type of ingredient

in your recipes.

Moreover, you will also benefit from faster recovery and healing time from illnesses.

Benefit Number 2: Diabetes Control.

Chromium is one of the active components in onions; and this element is helpful to people

who are afflicted with diabetes.

As it can regulate a person's blood sugar levels, complications that can arise from

said illness can be avoided or minimized.

Benefit Number 3: Anti-Inflammatory.

A piece of onion is loaded with vitamins and minerals that make the body resistant to infections.

When the level of infection inside the body is suppressed, and the risk of developing

inflammations, is lessened too.

That's why this vegetable is very helpful to sufferers of arthritis and those who are

prone to inflammations and joint pain.

Allergy sufferers who are often affected by inflamed airway passages will also benefit

from eating large amounts of this vegetable.

Benefit Number 4: Healthy Heart.

Consuming onions, particularly in its raw form, can stimulate the production of good

cholesterol inside the body.

This helps in the proper regulation of cholesterol levels so that one's blood pressure is kept

at the right level too.

All of these can contribute to one's cardiovascular health so that heart problems and diseases

can be avoided.

Benefit Number 5: Cancer Prevention.

Onions are high in flavonoids, particularly Quercetin.

This element is known for its cancer fighting abilities as it can reduce DNA damage and

can prevent the formation of tumors too.

Studies show that an increase in Quercetin intake can reduce a person's chances of

developing colorectal and ovarian cancer.

Benefit Number 6: Pain Relief.

Fresh onion juice is effective in relieving pain and burning sensation from insect bites.

This is true even for bee stings as the substances from onions carry anti-inflammatory properties


Benefit Number 7: Antioxidants.

Vegetables are naturally high in antioxidants; and onions are no exception.

In fact, this type of produce is loaded with antioxidant properties that make it effective

in strengthening the body's immunity against stress, free radicals, and cell damage.

Studies show that including onions regularly into one's diet can help prevent gastric

ulcers, tumors, and other ailments.

Benefit Number 8: Bone and Tissue Health.

The calcium content of onions can help in the maintenance of strong bones.

Furthermore, this vegetable is also rich in sulfur content which can keep connective tissues

healthy and strong.

The combination of these 2 elements is effective in preventing bone loss especially in aging


Women who are undergoing menopausal stage will also find relief from the symptoms of


Benefit Number 9: Mental Health.

When mixed with the already existing proteins inside the system, the sulfur component of

onions works in stimulating the production of amino acids in the brain.

This process is helpful for the proper functioning of the nervous system so that incidences and

symptoms of stress, depression, and other mental problems can be minimized.

Benefit Number 10: Proper Digestion.

Onions are rich in fiber; and this is an essential element in maintaining a healthy digestive


With enough fiber in the system, harmful chemicals are released through defecation of waste products

so as not to cause health problems.

A well functioning digestive system also facilitates proper digestion so that nutrients from food

can be efficiently absorbed by the body.

For more infomation >> 10 Amazing Benefits of Onions that you didn't Know - health and fitness | Life Care - Duration: 4:48.


🔥SSF2 Batallas Online:#5 👊Un Dia Loco👊 - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> 🔥SSF2 Batallas Online:#5 👊Un Dia Loco👊 - Duration: 6:30.



For more infomation >> Chef-D'oeuvre


This Is Who I Am 080817 edit 1080p - Duration: 11:40.

(singing in foreign language)

(suspenseful music)

(water splashing)

- [Anishinaabe Woman] As an indigenous youth,

I sometimes feel strained in expressing my identity here.

The streets, the buildings,

the bustling cars,

this fast-paced multitude of people

seem like overwhelming obstacles

that makes it difficult for me to connect with my past,

to realize my present,

to find my way.

(mysterious music)

I feel as if

the cement structures surrounding me

were blocking my connection to the land,

to mother earth,

to my universe.

The regret of not speaking my mother tongue

haunts me everywhere I go,

manifesting itself in a feeling of dishonor,

a dishonor that threatens my people with the loss of wisdom

important for future generations.



I feel as if I don't belong anywhere.

Being apart from my own community,

the feeling of loneliness grows

with the awareness of my surroundings

and the way my footstep's path gets lost in the pavement.

(bells ringing)

- [Woman] Well if you're not sure,

why don't you not.

(cars bustling)

- [Anishinaabe Woman] I wonder,

what my ancestors would do.

(subway rattling)

(suspenseful music)

(crowd murmuring)

(purse jingling)

(upbeat music)

(speaking foreign language)

And then it comes to me.

(speaking foreign language)


(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> This Is Who I Am 080817 edit 1080p - Duration: 11:40.


Citroën Berlingo 1.4i Multispace - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.4i Multispace - Duration: 0:49.


Toyota Celica 1.6 ST-i TC 16 NAP DEALER ONDERHOUDEN! - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Toyota Celica 1.6 ST-i TC 16 NAP DEALER ONDERHOUDEN! - Duration: 0:57.


Mazda MX-5 1.6i lederen bekleding alle onderhoud history! - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Mazda MX-5 1.6i lederen bekleding alle onderhoud history! - Duration: 1:02.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs X-Play Parkeercamera - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs X-Play Parkeercamera - Duration: 1:00.


Music Advice - Duration: 0:44.

Hello, it is me.

My model is almost finished.

This is half the model as you can see.

I think I am going to finish it by this week and start making the video which would take

an additional week.

Video editing takes a long time.

I need to ask you a question.

I am running out of ideas about a good song or music for this tank.

If you have a good idea what type of music or a song.

Please write it down below to give me your idea.

I might take your advice.

Take care.

For more infomation >> Music Advice - Duration: 0:44.


What Is APRA's Next Move? Commentary from Ben Kingsley - Duration: 6:57.

In this How-To Session we're going to explore what the potential move from APRA might be

after the macro-prudential regulations they introduced in late 2014.

Firstly, who is APRA?

APRA stands for the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority, and their job is to

regulate the lenders who lend money out into the marketplace.

Now, when you've got historically low interest rates, you obviously have cheap cost of money

— the risk with cheap cost of money is asset bubbles and asset appreciation.

So, what actually happened in 2014 was in the marketplace — especially in Sydney and,

to some degree, in Melbourne and some other parts of Australia — property prices were

moving very, very quickly.

We all understand that property prices are set by supply and demand — so, when demand

is high but, obviously with property it takes a while for supply to come online, we potentially

have this risk where we get ahead of ourselves and we create a property bubble.

So what APRA did once they realised that, really, the RBA had no movement — in terms

of they needed to keep interest rates really low to try and stimulate business investment,

which will obviously stimulate jobs and keep the economy growing — APRA had an idea.

Their idea is they wanted, basically, to shave away some of the demand in the marketplace.

How they did that was this: they focused in on the investment lender, and the first thing

they did was they introduced a speed limit.

We talked about this in late December 2014, but they really started to introduce it in

early 2015.

That speed limit meant that the lenders couldn't move the amount of money they were borrowing

by greater than 10%.

So they couldn't grow their loan book greater than 10% per annum.

Obviously, this meant that the amount of investment lending coming to them, potentially, they

couldn't handle — so they had to put a brake on it.

How did they put a brake on?

Well, effectively, what they did as part of the story —if you think about the banks,

they're a business, and they've got to return money to shareholders and effectively APRA's

told them they can operate with one hand behind their back — is they started to lift investment

lending rates.

They argued that the risk was getting higher and the cost of money was getting higher,

which isn't really true because when you lend to an investment lender, the default rates

are actually lower than the lending to owner occupiers — but we'll talk about that

on another day.

Let's focus on this: they basically put this speed limit on, then they looked at the banks

— how confident they were around the amount of capacity, in terms of servicing capacity

of the borrowers — and they thought the lenders were a bit too relaxed.

So they started to claw back the amount of borrowing capacity people had by increasing

what they call the Risk Rating, or The Servicing Assessment, that they were doing.

They did this, again, to lessen demand.

The final thing they did was introduce interest-only lending, which meant — at that time, interest-only

lending was growing at over 30%, in some cases 40% — they wanted to bring this down.

They said to the lenders, "We want to cap that at around 30%, or less."

Now, this automatically happened because what we then saw was the price of interest-only

loans went up, which meant a lot of people switched from interest-only to principal and

interest repayments.

So, that's clearly worked —we've definitely seen a big reduction.

Now, we have levels of 10 ¬– -20% interest-only in new lending.

It has definitely balanced the book out.

That's all been well and good, and it has certainly served a purpose in bringing them

that level of demand.

So, as we move through 2018, we are going to see that level of demand starts slow down

and we're definitely seeing more supply coming to the market.

That's going to put pressure on property prices, but it's going to be a gradual "smooth landing"

as opposed to any significant correction, which is what they were worried about.

That's why they've introduced this regulation over time, to reduce the level of demand;

and we're potentially going to have a soft landing when it comes to property prices.

But, after that point, what if property prices start to slow?

What if construction starts to slow?

What if the economy and jobs relating, both directly and indirectly, to the property market

start to slow?

The regulator is going to have to loosen those grips, those regulation measures, those levers

they've put in place.

And if we have any indication of what might potentially happen, we only need to look to

our neighbor in New Zealand, where they're starting to ratchet back some of those macro-prudential


So, what is next?

What are they going to do?

Well, in my view, they've got a couple of choices, which is going to be dependent on

how competition in the lending market works.

If we see some banks start to reduce the margin between investor lending and owner-occupied

lending, this may increase the stimulus, which may increase the number of people back into

the marketplace.

That's one way.

But then APRA may not necessarily need to do anything because the market forces will

adjust accordingly as competition gets tougher and tougher for your lending business.

So we may see that creep back.

If that doesn't happen, we would certainly see APRA start to talk about reducing or removing

their 10% speed limit on growing their investment loan book — opening themselves up to more


And this obviously stimulates more competition.

Hopefully, once there's more competition, it means the interest rates that we, as retailers

and consumers, will pay will actually drop down.

One thing I don't think they'll have an appetite to do, is to relax the borrowing power for


I think, ultimately, interest rates are going to stay lower for longer.

So I think they'll still be prudent in the amount of money that people can borrow.

Like most people, they can't trust the broader community, in terms of money management.

So that's what we think APRA are going to do next.

We think if they are going to pull a lever, it's going to be reducing that speed limit

to try and increase competition.

Hopefully, what we will see, is new entrants coming into the lending market space who are

going to offer competitive interest rates for investment lending as opposed to just

owner-occupied lending.

We know that there will be some challenges there with Basel III.

We've seen some new report papers come out, talking about risks of how servicing calculators

are using rental income to assist in that.

So, you might see a change in risk rating, which APRA will also talk to the banks about.

That's a real risk.

But I hope to think that competition will win out and lenders will identify that property

investors, on the whole, are a pretty good risk compared to owner-occupiers.

So that's what we think APRA's next move may be.

Thanks for watching.

If you'd like to check out more of our How-To videos, we have beginner videos, intermediate

and advanced videos to educate you in how to invest in property.

If you like what you hear, make sure you write a comment below:

For more infomation >> What Is APRA's Next Move? Commentary from Ben Kingsley - Duration: 6:57.


420 smoke sesh with Mookie 2-18-18 (:Chill'n: ) S2,E47 - Duration: 32:00.

For more infomation >> 420 smoke sesh with Mookie 2-18-18 (:Chill'n: ) S2,E47 - Duration: 32:00.


Meditation To Control Your Mind From Dr. Pillai - Duration: 2:44.

Close your eyes and close your lips tightly.

And feel the air inside the mouth.

There is an air buildup inside the mouth.

Feel it on the palette, on the sides and on the throat.

Feel the air rotating inside like a whirlpool.

It goes around and round and round.

Keep on doing this; and you will find that you are able to control your Mind.

And there will be Peace.

Even within, say, three minutes to five minutes time, you will be able to accomplish a lot,

which you won't be able to accomplish with other techniques, even after 20 minutes of

fighting with your thoughts and the Mind.

So I thought that I would share with you this. God bless.

For more infomation >> Meditation To Control Your Mind From Dr. Pillai - Duration: 2:44.


Why Everyone Hates Millennials [CC] - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> Why Everyone Hates Millennials [CC] - Duration: 5:46.


Triggered Batting Practice. Laser Strap ℗ ™ - Duration: 2:32.

Alright lets go

As I drop my arm turn your front knee in

As I raise my arm stride and plant your front foot

Reset, step out of the batter's box and step back in

Focul point

Front knee in, stride

Reset, step out of the batter's box and step back in

Front knee in, stride

Next time swing at that pitch, I don't care if you get jammed on an inside fastball; I want you to try hit it.

Focal point

Front knee in, stride

You're overswinging, keep your head down and focus on the hats after contact

Front knee in, stride

Step out and reset, you swung at a bad pitch, out of the strike zone. It was a ball.

Front knee in, stride

Make sure you stride and plant your foot on the inside balls of your feet.

Don't plant of the tip of your toes. Get your foot down and track the ball.

Front knee in, stride

Front knee in, stride

Great job, if it is not a strike; don't swing. Excellent!

Front knee in, stride

Excellent!! Perfect!

Front knee in, stride

Don't overswing, track the ball, make contact closer to your body,

"nice and easy" swing and hit it up the middle

Turn your front knee in, stride

Excellent, right back up the middle!

Front knee in, stride


For more infomation >> Triggered Batting Practice. Laser Strap ℗ ™ - Duration: 2:32.


Rishtey Motivational Lines ( Inspiring Quotes ) WhatsApp Status Video - Duration: 0:32.

Whatsapp Status Video

For more infomation >> Rishtey Motivational Lines ( Inspiring Quotes ) WhatsApp Status Video - Duration: 0:32.


How to Score Over 200,000 | Bubble Shooter | Gameplay | Skillz | How to Win Games in Bubble Shooter - Duration: 8:57.

Hey guys, it's Mikey Slice here, I got a replay over


On the scoreboard. I'm gonna show you that replay and break it down

first I'm just gonna run through it let you see it and

Then I'm gonna go through and tell you exactly what I did, and how I did it

All right, so as you can see we scored over two hundred thousand two hundred fourteen thousand to be exact and

What we did that you're probably not doing


Paying attention to the next bubble that's coming out and

Shooting in the center

And clearing out as many colors as you can

Your ultimate goal is to get down to two colors. That's the goal one hundred percent


we start off the game and

As you can see there wasn't very many matching bubbles off the start, so you got to throw those bubbles towards bubbles that

are single; by themselves and

Make sure there's two of them so that when the third one comes out you can pop them. If you can shoot directly

You can shoot directly through two bubbles without an issue because they kind of bounce off of each other and go through

Like you can see with these off-the-wall shots that I'm pulling off

Like that shot right there. How we went

Through three different bubbles straight up the gut

You know that's that's some important stuff right there. You just really got to get a feel for how you can shoot these bubbles because

Obviously accuracy is a big part of this game

Notice how I haven't shot anything over on this left side

I've been working all on the right side that's because I see that all those orange

Well yellow orange ish

Bubbles on the left are connected and once I get a orange bubble I could just pop it over there

Now this part of the game right here when you get down to three rows of bubbles

But you have all the colors still it's super important to pay attention to what bubbles aren't able to be shot at

So right here we notice that

Every color can be shot at right?

But later on when that light blue bubble up at the top right

IS the only light blue bubble left

you have to focus on trying to get rid of that purple bubble or the

Orange bubble. So that when you do get a light blue, bubble you can put it over there and then

Eventually clear it off the board

But this is where I see a lot of beginners make the mistake of not making sure that all the colors can be shot at.

Okay, so it was giving me trouble on pausing it right there, but

Towards that last little bit you really have to focus on what color bubbles coming up next because

if you don't...

You're gonna clear out a color, but that same color is gonna be in the chamber.

So you didn't actually clear the bubble. So you really have to focus

on getting...

That bubble out of the way and making sure that you have both colors

Cleared because....

You want to do like I did and throw off and then connect the bubbles...

Now this is the most important part of the game...

the two color game. So notice that I didn't try to clear them, I just

Shot em, missed, and dopped the board down. Now that I have five bubbles to miss now

I'm gonna clear the board down to

less than five rows of bubbles

Once I have five or less rows now I can start shooting off again, and then I'm gonna shoot off again...

And then I'm gonna get to five colors to be able to miss again. And repeat the process

And the reason I say five or less bubbles...

Rows of bubbles is because there's 15 rows of bubbles that fit on this screen. When you have two colors left

five rows of bubbles fall down

So you can fit up to 15 rows of bubbles before the board goes too far and you lose the game.

And I not had a green bubble lined up...

I would have lost the game. Well not lost it, but that would have...

If that was a blue bubble in my chamber instead of a green one I

Would have been forced to clear the board and double my score with more than a minute left on the clock

So always be conscious of what your next level is because if you're not...

This situation, it's gonna arise and you're gonna end up screwing yourself


Always make sure you're conscious of your nice bubble. I can't stress that enough

Clearing the board...

Even though I still have more than a minute left

That reason is because whenever you have five bubbles to miss you always want to clear the board down to five or less rows of


Because if you don't...

you will get in a situation where you get too many bubbles of the same color and the board comes down on you and

it's the worst. So when you have a chance...

Or when you have five chances to miss. You want to clear the board down to five or less rows and then throw off twice

two sets in a row and then clear the board down to five or less.

And then...

I'll go over some more in a second

And I could have shot off...

I would have not shot off, and I would have tried to clear the board

Since I had more than 40 seconds left on the clock...

I know that I have enough time to be able to clear the board down to one color drop the board down

Shoot and end the game before two seconds are up

That's why I dropped the board one more time, but you never want to drop the board intentionally....

With less than 40 seconds on the clock

There you have it, there's the

Bubble Shooter tips and tricks, I hope you enjoyed the video don't forget to subscribe and

like and

follow the links in the description for how to follow me and

Get more notifications

And/or more advice on how to be a better Skillz player. Thanks for watching!!!

For more infomation >> How to Score Over 200,000 | Bubble Shooter | Gameplay | Skillz | How to Win Games in Bubble Shooter - Duration: 8:57.


JGivens - Take Off With Me (ft. John Givez) [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 4:01.

[Verse 1: JGivens] Then Uncle Sam got my Uncle Tom a cab in Lower

Manhattan Cause when you black you gotta flash different

color arms Sam laughed at the fact Tom sees nothing wrong

My Aunt Hill still workin' hard Got another job, quit that other other job

Aunt Jemima cryin', Uncle Luke got her twerkin' hard

Uncle Ben died while Peter parked the car My relative left evidence, now he up at San

Quentin Squeeze the clip

Seen a East coast kid visitin' Chino Hills like it was really nothin'

Pursued Tom runnin', and then you shoot your cousin

I wonder will Sam's undercover skills catch a relative

Left evidence at the scene again Cause his fingertips left stain on the steel

Sam found fresh prints, how that uncle feel?

[Hook: John Givez] Sky might die and just hit the floor

I might fly on my tippy toes I really don't know

So much under me Sky might die and just hit the floor

I might fly on my tippy toes I really don't know

Sure feels good to me Sky might...

[Verse 2: John Givez] Evil Kenievel's what they call him

Calluses from the carryin Iverson of all-in, call me Allen

I'd like to do a show for you jimmies, this here is Fallon

I see fallacies, fathom the phantom of fancy operate

I shunned your god today, the one that got the lowercase

Gee, I'm gettin' comfortable, tell my people to ándale

Understand the complicate, you know, the complicated Conversation takin' place whenever I attempt

to stunt Words weigh a ton

Is that the lie You could stay up in the dark or you could

step to light I prayed up in the park so I could bless the

sky Quit your stressin' and guessin' I'm a special

guy Ask my cousin Jeremiah

[Hook: John Givez] Sky might die and just hit the floor

I might fly on my tippy toes I really don't know

So much under me Sky might die and just hit the floor

I might fly on my tippy toes I really don't know

Sure feels good to me

[Verse 3: JGivens] It's one side to every story

The other version is perverted and distorted Unless of course the former is a metaphor

or an allegory Aye what's an allegory?

That's an Italian word for lively drop the "Y" please

Depending where the "O" lay And we just matador'd your category

Sabotaged your genre with the truth Watch it battle for me

Leave that bull up in the lavatory A bitter something is a sweet nothin'

Faith is the substance of an optical reluctance Neither is it magic nor is it average to have

it Y'all throw them stones, I'm backin' my cousin

In the Pac-12 2Pac sells, but when that mac fails

Watch the P-I-M-P C user ask Dell The El, the Father, the author, the one who

made it Created us creatively, so be creative


[Hook: John Givez] Sky might die and just hit the floor

I might fly on my tippy toes I really don't know

Sky might die and just hit the floor I might fly on my tippy toes

I really don't know

For more infomation >> JGivens - Take Off With Me (ft. John Givez) [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 4:01.


Our California Dream - Duration: 1:01.

My family has worked the pathway of the American Dream.

You know, I truly believe we must keep this pathway open for all Californians.

Unfortunately, for many Californians the Dream feels like it's slipping away.

The platform that I intend to bring to Sacramento as California's Lieutenant Governor

Has been crafted by being out on the road, and listening to people, hearing their stories,

and understanding the urgency of their priorities.

I'm going to fight to build an economy that works better for everyone,

To bring down the cost of housing in higher education,

To ensure that Californians have access to quality, affordable health care,

and to ensure that California continues to lead the way in the fight against global warming.

Together, we're going to lead California to a better, stronger future.

My name is the Eleni Kounalakis and I'm running for California Lieutenant Governor.

For more infomation >> Our California Dream - Duration: 1:01.


여자 팀추월, 김보름·박지우는 왜 노선영을 두고 갔나 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> 여자 팀추월, 김보름·박지우는 왜 노선영을 두고 갔나 - Duration: 3:52.


김보름-노선영의 팀추월 탈락, 당연한거 아닌가요? - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> 김보름-노선영의 팀추월 탈락, 당연한거 아닌가요? - Duration: 5:34.


한국여자컬링팀 선전에 다른나라 선수·외신들 '찬사' - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> 한국여자컬링팀 선전에 다른나라 선수·외신들 '찬사' - Duration: 4:11.


"최악의 경우 교체" 고현정, '리턴' 감독과 다툼[종합] - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> "최악의 경우 교체" 고현정, '리턴' 감독과 다툼[종합] - Duration: 4:41.


Smirking/smiling Klaus Mikaelson (TVD and TO) - logoless HD scenes - KILLER WITH A SMILE - Duration: 3:14.

KLAUS: "Well, it's a pleasure to see you, too, Camille."

CAMI: "Don't... don't do that crooked smile thing, ok?"

See the world through a cryptic mind,

can't say I'm sorry.

I walk along in a twisted line.

Now this weight is a heavy load.

Caught in the middle.

I'm a saint with a tainted soul.

You don't belong, so tell me what your aim is.

You say I'm wrong, so tell me why you're staying.

I'm a killer

with a smile.

Hold me closer,

play with fire.

I'm a killer

with a smile.

Hold me closer,

stay a while.





(I'm a)





Hear a voice calling me tonight,

in my head and I'm haunted.

Now I'm running for your life.

See I'm stuck in my selfish ways

but you're all that I wanted.

And I only got myself to blame.

You don't belong, so tell me what your aim is,

You say I'm wrong, so tell me why you're staying.

I'm a killer

with a smile.

Hold me closer,

play with fire.

I'm a killer

with a smile.

Hold me closer,

stay a while.









I'm a killer

with a smile.

Hold me closer,

play with fire.

I'm a killer

with a smile.

Hold me closer,

stay a while.

For more infomation >> Smirking/smiling Klaus Mikaelson (TVD and TO) - logoless HD scenes - KILLER WITH A SMILE - Duration: 3:14.


Tayo the Little Bus meets the ...

For more infomation >> Tayo the Little Bus meets the ...


Report: Texas gets a "D" grade for election security - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Report: Texas gets a "D" grade for election security - Duration: 2:00.


Trump asserts no Russian collusion amid Mueller indictments - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> Trump asserts no Russian collusion amid Mueller indictments - Duration: 8:32.


Trump slams FBI for missing warning signs about the Florida shooting - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Trump slams FBI for missing warning signs about the Florida shooting - Duration: 4:33.


Homilia Diária.775: Terça-feira da 1.ª Semana da Quaresma - Oração: uma iniciativa divina - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Homilia Diária.775: Terça-feira da 1.ª Semana da Quaresma - Oração: uma iniciativa divina - Duration: 5:28.


Question 6 - Hon Nathan Guy to the Minister of Agriculture - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Question 6 - Hon Nathan Guy to the Minister of Agriculture - Duration: 5:27.


Novela Tempo de Amar - Resumo da semana de 19 a 24 de Fevereiro / Ligados na Telinha - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> Novela Tempo de Amar - Resumo da semana de 19 a 24 de Fevereiro / Ligados na Telinha - Duration: 6:51.


💓HOW TO LOVE HOW YOU LOOK|自分のルックスを好きになる方法|PlaythislifeAzusa - Duration: 21:22.

Hey guys, it's Azusa.

I'm gonna talk to you guys doing my makeup today. (I call it "MAKE&TALK")

I've done my bases so the rest is my eyes.

BTW I kinda lost my voice, so

my voice is so raspy that

it might be hard for you to understand what I'm saying.

I'm gonna try amap to make it easy for you to understand so...

Bear with me!

So, today...

I got something that I wanna talk about today.

In Japan,

well maybe not only in Japan, but

In Japan, there are a LOT of people who

can't love how they look. Including faces and/ or bodies.

I've noticed that for the longest time.

I've also been in that place before.

EVERYONE, even though "perfect looking" people,

have the phases in their lives where

they have insecurities on how they look.

I think 98% of us (lol) have that in our lives.

But I've seen lot of full adult people who have gone through that phase for ages and

still can't figure out how to deal with it.

I shouldn't say it's happening only in Japan,

but especially in Japan, I see it's really prominent and grave.

Actually these days, I've received several messages

asking me how to get a self-esteem, self-love,

or to be confident and feel comfortable

mainly on how they look

via direct messages (IG) or Emails.

So today I'm gonna talk about that topic.

How to love how you look!

Let me jump in my makeup. I'm gonna use this.

There are more than just few ways to love how you look,

but I'm pretty sure that major part of it

is about your habit of thought pattern and mind set.

Like I just said,

even "world's most prettiest" person

highly possibly experience their own periods

where he/she can't feel beautiful (enough).

It's almost impossible for anyone to get by their entire lives

without a day of doubting how they look.

Yah it's pretty rare if you can do that.

Even people who everyone think are beautiful,

like super models...

Well, on the other hand, they can experience even more relentless times

since they're always in the place

where to be compared each other and judged.

So they sure can sometimes feel severe insecurities.

Back to the main road,

Just know that there're only few people who don't

experience feeling insecured on how they look.

Really, just a few.

Everyone has their own insecurities

even if it doesn't seem like it at all.

So, we all start from the same place.

Degrees can vary, but still what each of us get is fair.

I think it's so natural for human being

to have insecurities on how we look.

We live in a certain community where

you can't help but comparing yourself to others

without even noticing it.

And above all, we got all this social media thing.

TV, Instagram,

whatelse, Twitter....


TV. (yah I said it twice)

They produce you what the "pretty girl" look like,

and the images of what is good and what is lame.

You look at them all the time and

start feeling like you should be just like them

without being aware of it.

And, it's bad.

I mean, it's one of the causes why

you easily feel insecurities on how you look (if you do!).

Overall, first of all, remember that feeling insecure is natural.

Everyone including most pretty/ good looking people possible

might do!

Today, I wanna give you some tips,

well maybe not lol,

but I'm just gonna talk about my experience or

how I overcame this issue- how I got to love how I look.

It's based on how I did it and how I worked on by myself.

I'll be glad if it helps you guys in some way!

I'm gonna use this palette.

As a first step, I recommend you to do is this.

(yah I know correctly, it's "ROLE models" lollll)

But what I gotta warn you to choose the RIGHT ones.

If not, it'll end up having the opposite results.

In my case, my role models were like Beyonce,

or Kurara Chibana as fellow Japanese woman. Love her.

They were my rolemodels

based on how they looked.

Well I know, right now you're like

"Yah of course, Beyonce is a perfection!"

But what I like about her is that

she is....

well, gotta admit she's perfect lol, but

for example after giving birth, her body got "bigger" for a while,

which to Japanese people, is called "fat",

but even in that period,

she's always smiling, happy and beautiful.

What I learned from her is that

even your body is something that's not "ideal"/ "perfect"

I mean, she got little bigger,

but she stayed happy and beautiful as ever.

I found her so beautiful that way.

And it was so inspiring to me.

As for Kurara,

she's former Miss Universe Japan, so

she might've been lucky to be "perfect" looking, but

her face looks so natural.

For example, her face is not perfectly symmetrical.

(said it 'cause human being finding symmetrical face beutiful is scientifically proven.)

For instance, she got different size of eyes. (*I know almost everyone does)

That's makes her face so cute though.

I somehow find her face really attractive.

She's just pretty in the most natural way.

The idea of having big eyes is essential to be pretty

is happening ONLY IN JAPAN or

only few other Eastern Asian countries.

I'm mainly talking to you my fellow Japanese viewers so

that's why I'm gonna say what I'm gonna say now, but

as for Kurara,

if she'd got smaller eyes,('cause it's fucking mortal to Japanese women lol)

of she'd got little bigger waist let's say,

I'm sure she's still pretty and beautiful.

Because her beauty is made of her personality and aura-

she's simply beautiful. And sexy.

I think women like them got beauty that's not

taken away from by putting some more weight or aging.

I just can imagine they'll stay beautiful.

That's why I put them as my rolemodels back in the day.

Here's my advice to choose youw own rolemodels;

1. Don't choose anyone who you think they're PERFECT.

If you think they're flawless ALL the fucking time,

then you shouldn't pick them.

2. Don't pick just one, pick few. (2 to 3)

3. Never idolize your rolemodels.

Just use them as a reference, and be inspired by them.

I feel that's how it should work.

If you worship them too hard and being like

"OMG I gotta be just like them!"

is not what helps you.

It's not healthy for you.

So I recommend you to quit being like that.

Don't go too far from

getting inspired from their vibes (including looks),

or analyzing why they stay pretty even if

they gained some weight.

I think Rhianna is one of them too.

Well she's got a beautiful face and body, but

just like everyone else, she got her tides of weight,

for example.

But even in those phases, she's just beautiful.

She's got this unbreakable aura, so

you really can learn a lot from people like her.

Not only people who got a "flawless looking"

are beautiful or pretty, or attractive.

I think just learning that helps you a bunch.

Tip #2 is;

I KNOW that it's the hardest thing if you're

born and raised in Japan.

Believe me, I get it.

I've lived in Japan for like 25 fucking years.

Well then I definitely recommend you to go abroad.

Even a little long (more than a week?) traveling will do.

Just an experience of being in the new world

with different common senses,

different sense of beauty or different values of life

will make it much easier for you to achieve this Tip.

In daily life in Japan,

the people's feeling of necessity or obsessions about

considering what other thinks and feel about

everything you say and do, is WHOLE OTHER LEVEL.

It's just an essential part of our daily life.

And I can say, it's the WORST. (if it's extreme, of course)

It's just such a stress.

At the end, it's your own life.

You just can live it how you like,

as it makes you the happiest. (don't harm others tho)

That's the only thing you should do with your life.

You got it just one time.

So worrying about what other think about you is

really a waste of time to me.

This is the final result I got

after considering for long time.


I want you to take your time and think about it.

Because I think that should be the way that

works best for yourself in a radical way.

So, if you're in trouble, think about it.

How do you wanna live your life.

You wanna live it as you want it to be,

or you'd rather want it to be as how others want it to be.

But remember, others' expectations always change.

With time, the trend, aesthetic standards...

all those things change.

You see, that's why living your life

to impress others is waste of your energy and time.

In my opinion.

Why it's important for you to get rid of caring

what others think about you is that

relating to loving how you look

is because, at the end,

being beautiful/ pretty is relative.

Well "absolute beauty" do exists, but

talking about human being, people ALIVE,

when you're attracted by someone

not just by how he/she looks

but also by his/her aura, vibes, how he/she talk and act,

all of that.

Even if you find someone physically flawless

like a mannequin,

let's say, if he/she doesn't say a word to you or

he/she talks or thinks the way you don't like, then

you're not really attracted or impressed by this person

even if he/she looks flawless.

What I meant when I said "being pretty is relative"

is that as for just an appearance,

we all got the different tastes and types.

Let's say, I think Beyonce looks so beautiful but

maybe you don't.

That's just how it is.

The form or way of being beautiful isn't something fixed.

I'm saying this because if you're born & raised in Japan,

it's extremely hard to realize that. (You have no idea!)


I've said this phrase so many times in my videos, but

Japan is a mono-ethnic country.

We haven't had a variety of ethnic groups or races

in Japan, historically.

Unlike other countries in Europa or American continents,

we haven't had the experience of being in

the environment where there're many kinds of races,

all the blends of them.

Japan is not the one of those countries.

So that makes Japan be so left behind when it comes to

understanding the diversity of each one of people,

that each one of us are simply different.

It appears in the aesthetic standards too.

Women who's approved to be pretty/ beautiful in Japan,

models, actresses, whoever it is,

they look similar.

They got a similar skin tones (preferably light),

and the hair should be this kind of color and style, etc.

There's almost no diversity.

Thus, Japanese society still doesn't have an

capacity to adopt diversity in beauty.

It's natural because Japan hasn't had the experience.

That makes Japanese women lean toward and aim to

similar kind of look.

"If you're cute kinda gal, then this fashion model,

if you're classy kinda gal, then that actress

will do your role model."

"Imma cute kinda gal, then my face (makeup)

should be like this."

Something like that.

It all happens unconsciously

somewhere in our brains, you know.

By something we can't really control.

Back on track,

what I said was that being beautiful/ pretty is NOT

some form/ way that's absolute or fixed.

What we find and feel, beautiful/ pretty is different.

So taking this into consideration,

our goal should be being able to approve of yourself

as pretty/ beautiful by yourself.

Well, you don't have to think you're crazy beautiful,

(well if it's not hard for you, you definitely should tho!!)

at least when you look at yourself in the mirror,

you don't have to have a crush on you, but

you should feel comfortable looking at you or

finding yourself (how you look) favorable.

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