Monday, February 19, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 20 2018

New Clash of Clans Update information for 2018. Builders Hall level 8 and the

Super Pekka will be released next month. Town Hall 12, new answers in

today's video. New Troops, changes to clan wars, we got a whole heap of information

from supercell today and we're going to cover it all in this video.

I'm your host Judo Sloth, make sure to subscribe to stay up to date with all of

my clash of clans videos. So where has this information came from guys, there is

a ton of updates coming in 2018, it is going to be one exciting year. Darian

the Supercell community manager for Clash of Clans did an ask me anything,

basically a text interview on reddit and basically the first thing he announced

guys was Builders Hall 8 will be coming next month.

We have an exclusive announcement for reddit he said, we're sharing this with

you first, next month Builders Hall 8, level 8 and a ton of new content apart

from the builders base. We're going to get into that in today's video guys so what

do you think, the Super Pekka the Mega Tesla, let me know in the

comments down below if you're hyped for the update, but getting straight into it then

Town Hall 12, many of you guys asking about that there was a bunch of

questions, TH12, when? New Town Hall content will be out this year, the next

answer that Darian gave, we're definitely in the middle of development for the

next main village Town Hall content, notice how he's being very careful here

not to say Town Hall 12, will we get it guys who knows, he talks about not

producing the same thing that same level grind, something new and unique in terms

of aspects moving down the questions then people wanted to hear Town Hall 12,

is it coming? Darian and Clash of Clans confirmed who said anything about Town

Hall 12, so that guy's leaves us thinking that potentially the new content will be

for Town Hall 11, or perhaps all of the Town Hall levels,

it's kind of an extension of the main village perhaps who knows but on this

one very reluctant to actually say TH12, although fingers crossed

that would be my hope, let me know what you think down in the comments section

guys. But many people asking about new troops, so the new troops then Darian had

this to say. Let's just say it's going to be a very fun year, we know there's been

a drought of fun new characters and heroes for the main village, we recognize

that and we'll hope to remedy that situation, so basically guys what he's

seeing here is he understands that there hasn't been any new troops for quite

some time in the game and they're hoping to

rectify that this year. What would you like to see, make sure to let me know

down in the comments I'm certainly excited for that I really want to see

some new troops some new content I mean they even hinted towards new heroes here

so who knows, will that tie in with a possible Town Hall 12, what do you think

but that is the information that we got and like we said make sure to stick

around we have a summary of all of this at the end lots of information given

today guys. So we're moving and moving backwards, towards TH12 there,

we've already provided you with that information, the next information we got

was surrounding Wars, so going to be giving a lot of tools for the war

community, let's read some of the answers in terms of Builder Hall it's someone

asked what would the be for the main village and one of the answers was some

war tools and some new magic items but further down we got a little bit of a

more specific answer. Someone asked will leaders have the option to give badges

to players for special achievements like donation masters, war masters in order to

kind of perk up your clan and say hey, you did great this war, you got a six

pack why don't you have the MVP. Darians reply was it's something that's

in the works, so Clash of Clans is going to implement this guys, it will hopefully

be coming pretty soon. We do want leaders to be able to give recognition to other

clan members like awarding someone the MVP for performing an attack that won the

clan war, how awesome will that be what other clan war features would you like

to see, that's kind of a different way of running clan wars there, being able to

give specific medals if you will to your clan that sounds awesome to me. Moving

from the war tools then we discussed balance in the game, there are some

balances coming to the Builder Hall and the Main Village. New Troop levels for

both the Builder Hall and the main village as well as obviously other stuff

for the builders base, we've obviously mentioned a couple of them there in terms

of Builder Hall 8, let's discuss some of the balance changes that were kind of

announced as well, we do have other things after we've gone through all of

these we have a summary and there were a couple of other kind of very minimal

changes that were announced. So in terms of the main base Darian did confirm that

the multi inferno would need a bit of a buff, and that the single inferno would

actually get a bit of a nerf, so there you are you war guys get prepared for

that, in terms of the builders base we discussed the Sneaky Archer and the

cloak ability, we've all had them mass attacks where people just put one big

Sneaky Archer in and kind of wait for that ability, that is going to change but

no real information on what that would be but make sure to let me know your

thoughts down in the comments section. Swiftly moving along then another

fantastic one for me clan perks. So this is something that they are actively

looking at, currently you want to get perks up to level 10 they do plan on

adding more perks but it depends on what, basically what Darian is saying here is

they don't want to discourage people setting up new clans, if someone sets up

a new clan and they don't have any perks why would someone want to join that when

they could go to someone that has their perks right up to let's say they add to

level 15, so they have to get the bounds correct with this is what Darian is saying

but what would you like to see, let me know in the comments we will be able to

pass these on as well because as we know supercell listen to what we want and

that is what Darian has said, this year they're going to try and fix that. So

many many people have been asking for new single player maps, now

the information we got from the Reddit AMA; any information on single

player new campaigns? Be careful what you ask for. That says to me that we are

getting new single player maps which I am personally absolutely very excited

for, I can't wait to be able to challenge yourselves a bit more, maybe we can even

challenge ourselves alongside our clan mates let me know what you would want to

see, I personally would love to see single player challenges with my clan

mates, I think that would be awesome. Swiftly moving along clouds has always

been an issue Darian goes into a little bit of information here, obviously you

can read the full answer there on the screen but basically they are looking

for a solution and they're going to try and fix it this year. However the whole

way that the system is built it relies on people not being on online, so anyone

watching this that doesn't know about the clouds issue, once you get very high

up in trophies, right the way up there in legends, obviously you only attack people

that aren't online. Once you get to that very small portion of people, most people

are actually online trying to attack and increase their trophies, so you don't

come across many bases. You can literally sit for hours in the clouds waiting to

find someone to attack, they're going to try and address that but has Darian said

it's just very difficult for them, so wait for a solution guys, they are

looking for it but obviously again it's such a tricky

one for them. Another very very common question for the Clash of Clans team is

engineering. Now Darian didn't specifically say,

obviously they're constantly changing the matchmaking to try and change that

advantage they, it's not necessarily against the rules but they don't want

engineered clans to have an advantage. However Darian interestingly did say

here engineers will still be able to engineer, they're going to try and get

whatever they can from the system shall we say but the new feature that

they're looking at this year they won't have a huge advantage, in fact they'll

actually be at a disadvantage, so I'm very intrigued to see what this is,

hopefully it will help with the matchmaking system. Now that is all of

the main things out, he did give a little bit of a summary on the screen as

well for everything that he gave in the

AMA but there's a couple of things not mentioned on that summary as well

guys that I thought was pretty interesting. Let's quickly go down them.

One of them was a second name change. Now what Darian said is that they are

looking into this and they will probably be looking for gems you'd have to spend

gems in order to get that name change so anyone that kind of has already used the

name change, they want to change again in the future, in the new updates for this

year, you might be able to purchase one with gems. They did say that The Clash

Figurines, you can see the PEKKA, the Golden PEKKA there and my wizard over

there somewhere, and the Barbarian I have here, they are

looking at introducing more of these figures this year and the year after,

however they just take a long time to actually produce, they have to get the

kind of the molds in place things like that so anyone that is interested in

buying the figurines, more will come and obviously we're gonna try and get some

more for my little collection there. We're nearly finished guys they did as well

say that in terms of events obviously at the minute we have you know the the

Dragon event or the Golem event or the Raged Valkyries something like that,

it all tends to be main village, we did have kind of the Builder, you know what

was it that you've got the extra clock tower boost and things like that, but

they are looking at bringing in Builder Hall events so I'm personally quite

happy about that one, I think it will be definitely helpful for us. And they did

say that the Builders Base, I mean Darian has said this as well, the Builder base

needs some sort of change whether it's wars within the builder base, or just

some way to interact with your clan more, at the moment you can't really do

that too much, so Darien has already said previously that they are looking into

that and he said it again kind of in this interview that the builders base

there will be some new kind of gameplay but at the moment he wasn't able to give

any information, but again let me know what your thoughts are down in the

comments section, maybe we can come up with some sort of idea but they will

have heard this all before guys, your best place is to put your ideas on the

forums, they do see that and again you've kind of had enough time there to read

the summary, but that was the Reddit AMA by the Clash of Clans

team, Supercell community manager Darian, the link again is in the description if

you want to go through and answer, you know have a look at any of the answers a

lot of update information there guys, very much looking forward to 2018. New

Troops, New Town Hall content, changes to Wars, I mean them kind of special badges

if you will, I think they will be awesome you can look at a clan and see oh this

guy we need to watch out for, this guy he got the MVP last war,

it's just something extra for your clan. So much information there but get ready

next month guys, they are planning builder hall 8, the super Pekka,

let me know what you think, but let me know what your thoughts are on TH12

as well, personally I would love to see TH12, but Darian was very

careful in this interview to not mention the words Town Hall 12 so we'll just have

to wait and see what comes of that will it be something completely different,

will it actually be Town Hall 12 and they're just teasing us after all, we'll

have to wait and see, what he did say it's planned whatever it is for this

summer, so that is very exciting guys, again I've been your host Judo Sloth,

make sure to leave a like on the video if you have enjoyed this one and again

let me know what you think down in the comments,

I am super hyped for Clash of Clans in 2018, I think it's gonna be awesome and

again thank you for stopping by, until next time peace out guys.

For more infomation >> NEW "Clash of Clans" UPDATES [2018] - New Troops, ? TH12, BH8, War Tools - Exciting Updates for CoC! - Duration: 12:30.


Baby Shark - Wake Up and M...

For more infomation >> Baby Shark - Wake Up and M...


Mahmoud PERDE o Controle e QUEBRA TUDO no BBB: Eu não aceitei - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Mahmoud PERDE o Controle e QUEBRA TUDO no BBB: Eu não aceitei - Duration: 2:11.


Homilia Diária.775: Terça-feira da 1.ª Semana da Quaresma - Oração: uma iniciativa divina - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Homilia Diária.775: Terça-feira da 1.ª Semana da Quaresma - Oração: uma iniciativa divina - Duration: 5:28.


Uomini e Donne: Andrea Melchiorre e Martina Luchena fidanzati segreti? |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Andrea Melchiorre e Martina Luchena fidanzati segreti? |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:03.


Uomini e Donne: come vanno le cose fra Angela Caloisi e Paolo Crivellin? |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: come vanno le cose fra Angela Caloisi e Paolo Crivellin? |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:00.


Replica e trama del primo appuntamento della fiction Furore 2 |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Replica e trama del primo appuntamento della fiction Furore 2 |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:14.


Una Vita, trame febbraio: Huertas perde il lavoro e Felipe, Celia bacia Cruz |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Una Vita, trame febbraio: Huertas perde il lavoro e Felipe, Celia bacia Cruz |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:00.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat Avantgarde | COMAND | LED | Head-up - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat Avantgarde | COMAND | LED | Head-up - Duration: 0:55.


GABRIELA ROCHA - MEU CORAÇÃO É TEU + PRA TE ADORAR - Legendado(tocado no violão FingerStyle) - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> GABRIELA ROCHA - MEU CORAÇÃO É TEU + PRA TE ADORAR - Legendado(tocado no violão FingerStyle) - Duration: 5:04.


NEW "Clash of Clans" UPDATES [2018] - New Troops, ? TH12, BH8, War Tools - Exciting Updates for CoC! - Duration: 12:30.

New Clash of Clans Update information for 2018. Builders Hall level 8 and the

Super Pekka will be released next month. Town Hall 12, new answers in

today's video. New Troops, changes to clan wars, we got a whole heap of information

from supercell today and we're going to cover it all in this video.

I'm your host Judo Sloth, make sure to subscribe to stay up to date with all of

my clash of clans videos. So where has this information came from guys, there is

a ton of updates coming in 2018, it is going to be one exciting year. Darian

the Supercell community manager for Clash of Clans did an ask me anything,

basically a text interview on reddit and basically the first thing he announced

guys was Builders Hall 8 will be coming next month.

We have an exclusive announcement for reddit he said, we're sharing this with

you first, next month Builders Hall 8, level 8 and a ton of new content apart

from the builders base. We're going to get into that in today's video guys so what

do you think, the Super Pekka the Mega Tesla, let me know in the

comments down below if you're hyped for the update, but getting straight into it then

Town Hall 12, many of you guys asking about that there was a bunch of

questions, TH12, when? New Town Hall content will be out this year, the next

answer that Darian gave, we're definitely in the middle of development for the

next main village Town Hall content, notice how he's being very careful here

not to say Town Hall 12, will we get it guys who knows, he talks about not

producing the same thing that same level grind, something new and unique in terms

of aspects moving down the questions then people wanted to hear Town Hall 12,

is it coming? Darian and Clash of Clans confirmed who said anything about Town

Hall 12, so that guy's leaves us thinking that potentially the new content will be

for Town Hall 11, or perhaps all of the Town Hall levels,

it's kind of an extension of the main village perhaps who knows but on this

one very reluctant to actually say TH12, although fingers crossed

that would be my hope, let me know what you think down in the comments section

guys. But many people asking about new troops, so the new troops then Darian had

this to say. Let's just say it's going to be a very fun year, we know there's been

a drought of fun new characters and heroes for the main village, we recognize

that and we'll hope to remedy that situation, so basically guys what he's

seeing here is he understands that there hasn't been any new troops for quite

some time in the game and they're hoping to

rectify that this year. What would you like to see, make sure to let me know

down in the comments I'm certainly excited for that I really want to see

some new troops some new content I mean they even hinted towards new heroes here

so who knows, will that tie in with a possible Town Hall 12, what do you think

but that is the information that we got and like we said make sure to stick

around we have a summary of all of this at the end lots of information given

today guys. So we're moving and moving backwards, towards TH12 there,

we've already provided you with that information, the next information we got

was surrounding Wars, so going to be giving a lot of tools for the war

community, let's read some of the answers in terms of Builder Hall it's someone

asked what would the be for the main village and one of the answers was some

war tools and some new magic items but further down we got a little bit of a

more specific answer. Someone asked will leaders have the option to give badges

to players for special achievements like donation masters, war masters in order to

kind of perk up your clan and say hey, you did great this war, you got a six

pack why don't you have the MVP. Darians reply was it's something that's

in the works, so Clash of Clans is going to implement this guys, it will hopefully

be coming pretty soon. We do want leaders to be able to give recognition to other

clan members like awarding someone the MVP for performing an attack that won the

clan war, how awesome will that be what other clan war features would you like

to see, that's kind of a different way of running clan wars there, being able to

give specific medals if you will to your clan that sounds awesome to me. Moving

from the war tools then we discussed balance in the game, there are some

balances coming to the Builder Hall and the Main Village. New Troop levels for

both the Builder Hall and the main village as well as obviously other stuff

for the builders base, we've obviously mentioned a couple of them there in terms

of Builder Hall 8, let's discuss some of the balance changes that were kind of

announced as well, we do have other things after we've gone through all of

these we have a summary and there were a couple of other kind of very minimal

changes that were announced. So in terms of the main base Darian did confirm that

the multi inferno would need a bit of a buff, and that the single inferno would

actually get a bit of a nerf, so there you are you war guys get prepared for

that, in terms of the builders base we discussed the Sneaky Archer and the

cloak ability, we've all had them mass attacks where people just put one big

Sneaky Archer in and kind of wait for that ability, that is going to change but

no real information on what that would be but make sure to let me know your

thoughts down in the comments section. Swiftly moving along then another

fantastic one for me clan perks. So this is something that they are actively

looking at, currently you want to get perks up to level 10 they do plan on

adding more perks but it depends on what, basically what Darian is saying here is

they don't want to discourage people setting up new clans, if someone sets up

a new clan and they don't have any perks why would someone want to join that when

they could go to someone that has their perks right up to let's say they add to

level 15, so they have to get the bounds correct with this is what Darian is saying

but what would you like to see, let me know in the comments we will be able to

pass these on as well because as we know supercell listen to what we want and

that is what Darian has said, this year they're going to try and fix that. So

many many people have been asking for new single player maps, now

the information we got from the Reddit AMA; any information on single

player new campaigns? Be careful what you ask for. That says to me that we are

getting new single player maps which I am personally absolutely very excited

for, I can't wait to be able to challenge yourselves a bit more, maybe we can even

challenge ourselves alongside our clan mates let me know what you would want to

see, I personally would love to see single player challenges with my clan

mates, I think that would be awesome. Swiftly moving along clouds has always

been an issue Darian goes into a little bit of information here, obviously you

can read the full answer there on the screen but basically they are looking

for a solution and they're going to try and fix it this year. However the whole

way that the system is built it relies on people not being on online, so anyone

watching this that doesn't know about the clouds issue, once you get very high

up in trophies, right the way up there in legends, obviously you only attack people

that aren't online. Once you get to that very small portion of people, most people

are actually online trying to attack and increase their trophies, so you don't

come across many bases. You can literally sit for hours in the clouds waiting to

find someone to attack, they're going to try and address that but has Darian said

it's just very difficult for them, so wait for a solution guys, they are

looking for it but obviously again it's such a tricky

one for them. Another very very common question for the Clash of Clans team is

engineering. Now Darian didn't specifically say,

obviously they're constantly changing the matchmaking to try and change that

advantage they, it's not necessarily against the rules but they don't want

engineered clans to have an advantage. However Darian interestingly did say

here engineers will still be able to engineer, they're going to try and get

whatever they can from the system shall we say but the new feature that

they're looking at this year they won't have a huge advantage, in fact they'll

actually be at a disadvantage, so I'm very intrigued to see what this is,

hopefully it will help with the matchmaking system. Now that is all of

the main things out, he did give a little bit of a summary on the screen as

well for everything that he gave in the

AMA but there's a couple of things not mentioned on that summary as well

guys that I thought was pretty interesting. Let's quickly go down them.

One of them was a second name change. Now what Darian said is that they are

looking into this and they will probably be looking for gems you'd have to spend

gems in order to get that name change so anyone that kind of has already used the

name change, they want to change again in the future, in the new updates for this

year, you might be able to purchase one with gems. They did say that The Clash

Figurines, you can see the PEKKA, the Golden PEKKA there and my wizard over

there somewhere, and the Barbarian I have here, they are

looking at introducing more of these figures this year and the year after,

however they just take a long time to actually produce, they have to get the

kind of the molds in place things like that so anyone that is interested in

buying the figurines, more will come and obviously we're gonna try and get some

more for my little collection there. We're nearly finished guys they did as well

say that in terms of events obviously at the minute we have you know the the

Dragon event or the Golem event or the Raged Valkyries something like that,

it all tends to be main village, we did have kind of the Builder, you know what

was it that you've got the extra clock tower boost and things like that, but

they are looking at bringing in Builder Hall events so I'm personally quite

happy about that one, I think it will be definitely helpful for us. And they did

say that the Builders Base, I mean Darian has said this as well, the Builder base

needs some sort of change whether it's wars within the builder base, or just

some way to interact with your clan more, at the moment you can't really do

that too much, so Darien has already said previously that they are looking into

that and he said it again kind of in this interview that the builders base

there will be some new kind of gameplay but at the moment he wasn't able to give

any information, but again let me know what your thoughts are down in the

comments section, maybe we can come up with some sort of idea but they will

have heard this all before guys, your best place is to put your ideas on the

forums, they do see that and again you've kind of had enough time there to read

the summary, but that was the Reddit AMA by the Clash of Clans

team, Supercell community manager Darian, the link again is in the description if

you want to go through and answer, you know have a look at any of the answers a

lot of update information there guys, very much looking forward to 2018. New

Troops, New Town Hall content, changes to Wars, I mean them kind of special badges

if you will, I think they will be awesome you can look at a clan and see oh this

guy we need to watch out for, this guy he got the MVP last war,

it's just something extra for your clan. So much information there but get ready

next month guys, they are planning builder hall 8, the super Pekka,

let me know what you think, but let me know what your thoughts are on TH12

as well, personally I would love to see TH12, but Darian was very

careful in this interview to not mention the words Town Hall 12 so we'll just have

to wait and see what comes of that will it be something completely different,

will it actually be Town Hall 12 and they're just teasing us after all, we'll

have to wait and see, what he did say it's planned whatever it is for this

summer, so that is very exciting guys, again I've been your host Judo Sloth,

make sure to leave a like on the video if you have enjoyed this one and again

let me know what you think down in the comments,

I am super hyped for Clash of Clans in 2018, I think it's gonna be awesome and

again thank you for stopping by, until next time peace out guys.

For more infomation >> NEW "Clash of Clans" UPDATES [2018] - New Troops, ? TH12, BH8, War Tools - Exciting Updates for CoC! - Duration: 12:30.


Asesino de Parkland llegó a comprar diez rifles | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Asesino de Parkland llegó a comprar diez rifles | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:31.


Trump estaría dispuesto a apoyar mejores controles sobre armas | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Trump estaría dispuesto a apoyar mejores controles sobre armas | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:46.


Joven hispano ayudó a sus compañeros a escapar del horror | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Joven hispano ayudó a sus compañeros a escapar del horror | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 1:31.


Dil Woh Abad Nahi Jis Mein Tere Yaad Nahi | वो दिल आबाद नहीं , जिसमें तेरी याद नहीं - Duration: 14:28.

वो दिल आबाद नहीं , जिसमें तेरी याद नहीं

For more infomation >> Dil Woh Abad Nahi Jis Mein Tere Yaad Nahi | वो दिल आबाद नहीं , जिसमें तेरी याद नहीं - Duration: 14:28.


Jeff Sessions Found This Smoking Gun In The FBI - Duration: 20:10.

Jeff Sessions Found This Smoking Gun In The FBI

When the FBI announced they had lost five months worth of text messages sent by two

high ranking anti-Trump FBI officials, Americans smelled a cover up.

Those suspicions only grew when it was revealed that the missing texts covered a crucial time

period stretching from December 2016 to the day Robert Mueller was appointed special counsel.

But that all changed when Jeff Sessions and the Department of Justice found the smoking

gun in the FBI's anti-Trump conspiracy.

The Department of Justice's Inspector General announced he had been able to recover the

missing text messages.

This came after Congress exercised their oversight powers.

Fox News reports:













FBI officials tried to lean on a "technical glitch" and claim the texts were lost to


But this has been a standard crutch for federal agencies caught up in scandal, especially

during the Obama era.

It was the same excuse the IRS used for Lois Lerner's missing hard drives, and the reason

Hillary claimed her emails were gone forever.

But it was fake news.

The texts have been recovered and now the American people will see the truth about the

anti-Trump bias that corrupted the FBI.

In fact, some of the recovered texts already reveal that the FBI rigged the Clinton investigation.

The Daily Wire reports that Lisa Page wrote to Peter Strzok and said they should take

it easy on Clinton because she would be their future boss:










Other messages showed that Strzok knew the Russian collusion investigation was bogus

but took the assignment anyway because it could lead to Trump's impeachment.

We will keep you up to date on any new developments



the FBI's anti-Trump conspiracy.

For more infomation >> Jeff Sessions Found This Smoking Gun In The FBI - Duration: 20:10.


Rescue Workers Find 10 Newborn Puppies In Trash Bin - Duration: 2:11.

For the last ten years, Stacey Silverstein has been rescuing abused and neglected dogs.

She has seen some really horrific sites, but a recent incident really got her steamed—someone

had left 10 puppies in a bin outside a shelter on a cold day.

"They were left in that bin like trash," Silverstein, co-founder of Rescue Dogs Rock

NYC said.

"They were just thrown in there — piled like garbage, thrown in like trash.

There was no care, no respect.


When a worker at a rural shelter in Del Rio, Texas, opened the door, she discovered the

bin with the puppies near the entrance.

It was freezing that day about 30 degrees Fahrenheit and had the puppies stayed outside

any longer, they would have perished.

The puppies were sickly and skinny.

"We thought that they were like a week or two old, but in fact, they're 3 or 4 weeks

old," Silverstein said.

"They're so malnourished, they look like they're a week old."

The word spread when a shelter volunteer wrote a post about the puppies on Facebook.

Leslie Ysuhuaylas, who volunteers for Rescue Dogs Rock NYC in Texas, picked up the puppies

and placed them into a good foster home.

Unfortunately, one of the puppies died, but the others are still holding on.

"They look good; they're in great hands and they've had medical treatment," Silverstein


"One is not doing well, so [the foster mom is] basically carrying that one wherever she


Silverstein explained it will be awhile before they are adopted because they need to regain

their health, and they have a lot of growing up to do.

Silverstein and her rescue partner, Jackie O'Sullivan, will move the puppies to New

York City, and ensure that they find good stable homes and that no one will dump them

ever again.

For more infomation >> Rescue Workers Find 10 Newborn Puppies In Trash Bin - Duration: 2:11.


Cristian Seidler | Moțiune simplă USR&PNL | 5 adevaruri despre Lia Olguța Vasilescu - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Cristian Seidler | Moțiune simplă USR&PNL | 5 adevaruri despre Lia Olguța Vasilescu - Duration: 5:19.


Due uomini e mezzo - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Due uomini e mezzo - Duration: 0:57.


Massimo D'Alema Pietro Grasso contro Romano Prodi e Pier Ferdinando Casini - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Massimo D'Alema Pietro Grasso contro Romano Prodi e Pier Ferdinando Casini - Duration: 2:16.


Epica at The Orchard Blank Infinity - acústico legendado pt-br - Duration: 4:01.

Trying to keep myself afloat upon this stream

But a thought is pulling me down

Pulling me all the way down

We are wandering towards a blank infinity

And extinguishing will now be the only way

To diminish your sins, this vortex can't be

Filled up again, a hole in space and time

Do you cry to the heaven's high when you're confined in here?

Do you not ever wonder why these leaden tears will never dry?

They'll leave behind so many shadows in my mind

High in the sky, all of the clouds are passing by

Wait for this storm, wait for the rain, And wait for the tears...

We are wandering towards a blank infinity

And extinguishing will now be the only way

To diminish your sins, this vortex can't be

Filled up again, a hole in space and time

Do you cry to the heaven's high when you're confined in here?

Do you not ever wonder why these leaden tears will never dry?

They'll leave behind so many shadows

Living in me, living in all the memories in my life

Do you cry to the heaven's high when you're confined in here?

Do you not ever wonder why these leaden tears will never dry?

They'll leave behind so many shadows

This substance in time forced into life

Still exists because it's here

living in me, living in all the memories,

in my life..

For more infomation >> Epica at The Orchard Blank Infinity - acústico legendado pt-br - Duration: 4:01.


NEW "Clash of Clans" UPDATES [2018] - New Troops, ? TH12, BH8, War Tools - Exciting Updates for CoC! - Duration: 12:30.

New Clash of Clans Update information for 2018. Builders Hall level 8 and the

Super Pekka will be released next month. Town Hall 12, new answers in

today's video. New Troops, changes to clan wars, we got a whole heap of information

from supercell today and we're going to cover it all in this video.

I'm your host Judo Sloth, make sure to subscribe to stay up to date with all of

my clash of clans videos. So where has this information came from guys, there is

a ton of updates coming in 2018, it is going to be one exciting year. Darian

the Supercell community manager for Clash of Clans did an ask me anything,

basically a text interview on reddit and basically the first thing he announced

guys was Builders Hall 8 will be coming next month.

We have an exclusive announcement for reddit he said, we're sharing this with

you first, next month Builders Hall 8, level 8 and a ton of new content apart

from the builders base. We're going to get into that in today's video guys so what

do you think, the Super Pekka the Mega Tesla, let me know in the

comments down below if you're hyped for the update, but getting straight into it then

Town Hall 12, many of you guys asking about that there was a bunch of

questions, TH12, when? New Town Hall content will be out this year, the next

answer that Darian gave, we're definitely in the middle of development for the

next main village Town Hall content, notice how he's being very careful here

not to say Town Hall 12, will we get it guys who knows, he talks about not

producing the same thing that same level grind, something new and unique in terms

of aspects moving down the questions then people wanted to hear Town Hall 12,

is it coming? Darian and Clash of Clans confirmed who said anything about Town

Hall 12, so that guy's leaves us thinking that potentially the new content will be

for Town Hall 11, or perhaps all of the Town Hall levels,

it's kind of an extension of the main village perhaps who knows but on this

one very reluctant to actually say TH12, although fingers crossed

that would be my hope, let me know what you think down in the comments section

guys. But many people asking about new troops, so the new troops then Darian had

this to say. Let's just say it's going to be a very fun year, we know there's been

a drought of fun new characters and heroes for the main village, we recognize

that and we'll hope to remedy that situation, so basically guys what he's

seeing here is he understands that there hasn't been any new troops for quite

some time in the game and they're hoping to

rectify that this year. What would you like to see, make sure to let me know

down in the comments I'm certainly excited for that I really want to see

some new troops some new content I mean they even hinted towards new heroes here

so who knows, will that tie in with a possible Town Hall 12, what do you think

but that is the information that we got and like we said make sure to stick

around we have a summary of all of this at the end lots of information given

today guys. So we're moving and moving backwards, towards TH12 there,

we've already provided you with that information, the next information we got

was surrounding Wars, so going to be giving a lot of tools for the war

community, let's read some of the answers in terms of Builder Hall it's someone

asked what would the be for the main village and one of the answers was some

war tools and some new magic items but further down we got a little bit of a

more specific answer. Someone asked will leaders have the option to give badges

to players for special achievements like donation masters, war masters in order to

kind of perk up your clan and say hey, you did great this war, you got a six

pack why don't you have the MVP. Darians reply was it's something that's

in the works, so Clash of Clans is going to implement this guys, it will hopefully

be coming pretty soon. We do want leaders to be able to give recognition to other

clan members like awarding someone the MVP for performing an attack that won the

clan war, how awesome will that be what other clan war features would you like

to see, that's kind of a different way of running clan wars there, being able to

give specific medals if you will to your clan that sounds awesome to me. Moving

from the war tools then we discussed balance in the game, there are some

balances coming to the Builder Hall and the Main Village. New Troop levels for

both the Builder Hall and the main village as well as obviously other stuff

for the builders base, we've obviously mentioned a couple of them there in terms

of Builder Hall 8, let's discuss some of the balance changes that were kind of

announced as well, we do have other things after we've gone through all of

these we have a summary and there were a couple of other kind of very minimal

changes that were announced. So in terms of the main base Darian did confirm that

the multi inferno would need a bit of a buff, and that the single inferno would

actually get a bit of a nerf, so there you are you war guys get prepared for

that, in terms of the builders base we discussed the Sneaky Archer and the

cloak ability, we've all had them mass attacks where people just put one big

Sneaky Archer in and kind of wait for that ability, that is going to change but

no real information on what that would be but make sure to let me know your

thoughts down in the comments section. Swiftly moving along then another

fantastic one for me clan perks. So this is something that they are actively

looking at, currently you want to get perks up to level 10 they do plan on

adding more perks but it depends on what, basically what Darian is saying here is

they don't want to discourage people setting up new clans, if someone sets up

a new clan and they don't have any perks why would someone want to join that when

they could go to someone that has their perks right up to let's say they add to

level 15, so they have to get the bounds correct with this is what Darian is saying

but what would you like to see, let me know in the comments we will be able to

pass these on as well because as we know supercell listen to what we want and

that is what Darian has said, this year they're going to try and fix that. So

many many people have been asking for new single player maps, now

the information we got from the Reddit AMA; any information on single

player new campaigns? Be careful what you ask for. That says to me that we are

getting new single player maps which I am personally absolutely very excited

for, I can't wait to be able to challenge yourselves a bit more, maybe we can even

challenge ourselves alongside our clan mates let me know what you would want to

see, I personally would love to see single player challenges with my clan

mates, I think that would be awesome. Swiftly moving along clouds has always

been an issue Darian goes into a little bit of information here, obviously you

can read the full answer there on the screen but basically they are looking

for a solution and they're going to try and fix it this year. However the whole

way that the system is built it relies on people not being on online, so anyone

watching this that doesn't know about the clouds issue, once you get very high

up in trophies, right the way up there in legends, obviously you only attack people

that aren't online. Once you get to that very small portion of people, most people

are actually online trying to attack and increase their trophies, so you don't

come across many bases. You can literally sit for hours in the clouds waiting to

find someone to attack, they're going to try and address that but has Darian said

it's just very difficult for them, so wait for a solution guys, they are

looking for it but obviously again it's such a tricky

one for them. Another very very common question for the Clash of Clans team is

engineering. Now Darian didn't specifically say,

obviously they're constantly changing the matchmaking to try and change that

advantage they, it's not necessarily against the rules but they don't want

engineered clans to have an advantage. However Darian interestingly did say

here engineers will still be able to engineer, they're going to try and get

whatever they can from the system shall we say but the new feature that

they're looking at this year they won't have a huge advantage, in fact they'll

actually be at a disadvantage, so I'm very intrigued to see what this is,

hopefully it will help with the matchmaking system. Now that is all of

the main things out, he did give a little bit of a summary on the screen as

well for everything that he gave in the

AMA but there's a couple of things not mentioned on that summary as well

guys that I thought was pretty interesting. Let's quickly go down them.

One of them was a second name change. Now what Darian said is that they are

looking into this and they will probably be looking for gems you'd have to spend

gems in order to get that name change so anyone that kind of has already used the

name change, they want to change again in the future, in the new updates for this

year, you might be able to purchase one with gems. They did say that The Clash

Figurines, you can see the PEKKA, the Golden PEKKA there and my wizard over

there somewhere, and the Barbarian I have here, they are

looking at introducing more of these figures this year and the year after,

however they just take a long time to actually produce, they have to get the

kind of the molds in place things like that so anyone that is interested in

buying the figurines, more will come and obviously we're gonna try and get some

more for my little collection there. We're nearly finished guys they did as well

say that in terms of events obviously at the minute we have you know the the

Dragon event or the Golem event or the Raged Valkyries something like that,

it all tends to be main village, we did have kind of the Builder, you know what

was it that you've got the extra clock tower boost and things like that, but

they are looking at bringing in Builder Hall events so I'm personally quite

happy about that one, I think it will be definitely helpful for us. And they did

say that the Builders Base, I mean Darian has said this as well, the Builder base

needs some sort of change whether it's wars within the builder base, or just

some way to interact with your clan more, at the moment you can't really do

that too much, so Darien has already said previously that they are looking into

that and he said it again kind of in this interview that the builders base

there will be some new kind of gameplay but at the moment he wasn't able to give

any information, but again let me know what your thoughts are down in the

comments section, maybe we can come up with some sort of idea but they will

have heard this all before guys, your best place is to put your ideas on the

forums, they do see that and again you've kind of had enough time there to read

the summary, but that was the Reddit AMA by the Clash of Clans

team, Supercell community manager Darian, the link again is in the description if

you want to go through and answer, you know have a look at any of the answers a

lot of update information there guys, very much looking forward to 2018. New

Troops, New Town Hall content, changes to Wars, I mean them kind of special badges

if you will, I think they will be awesome you can look at a clan and see oh this

guy we need to watch out for, this guy he got the MVP last war,

it's just something extra for your clan. So much information there but get ready

next month guys, they are planning builder hall 8, the super Pekka,

let me know what you think, but let me know what your thoughts are on TH12

as well, personally I would love to see TH12, but Darian was very

careful in this interview to not mention the words Town Hall 12 so we'll just have

to wait and see what comes of that will it be something completely different,

will it actually be Town Hall 12 and they're just teasing us after all, we'll

have to wait and see, what he did say it's planned whatever it is for this

summer, so that is very exciting guys, again I've been your host Judo Sloth,

make sure to leave a like on the video if you have enjoyed this one and again

let me know what you think down in the comments,

I am super hyped for Clash of Clans in 2018, I think it's gonna be awesome and

again thank you for stopping by, until next time peace out guys.

For more infomation >> NEW "Clash of Clans" UPDATES [2018] - New Troops, ? TH12, BH8, War Tools - Exciting Updates for CoC! - Duration: 12:30.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Flu season just got longer and doctors say don't ignore symptoms - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Flu season just got longer and doctors say don't ignore symptoms - Duration: 1:51.


Games You Didn't Know Take Place In The Same Universe - Duration: 5:50.

Video game franchises are usually self-contained.

But once in a while, developers and publishers sneak in hidden clues suggesting that some

games actually co-exist in a shared universe.

Sometimes, the connections make sense; other times, not so much.

Here's a look at some games you didn't know take place in the same universe.

Red Dead Redemption and L.A. Noire

Rockstar Games' Western action-adventure Red Dead Redemption takes place in 1911.

Their neo-noir action-adventure L.A. Noire takes place 36 years later — and you can

bet your ten-gallon hat they share a universe.

While playing L.A. Noire, not only can you uncover the iconic hat worn by Red Dead Redemption

protagonist John Marston, you can also catch glimpses of his face… on toast.

Just chalk it up to a breakfast miracle.

Gone Home and BioShock

While discussing shared universes on his podcast, The Fullbright Company co-founder Steve Gaynor

explained how Gone Home and BioShock actually take place in the same universe.

In BioShock 2's DLC, Minerva's Den, you can find and play a fictional, vector graphics

Asteroids-esque title called Spitfire.

Some 50 years later in Gone Home, you can uncover various faux Super Nintendo cartridges

in Sam's room, including one for Super Spitfire.

Close inspection reveals the game-within-a-game was actually published by none other than

Minerva's Den protagonist Charles Milton Porter.

Gaynor also mentioned some other connections.

"The airline that Katie takes to go to Europe, we never named the airline, but their logo

is an '80s brand update to the airline that Jack's plane crashes into Rapture."

Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, and Doom

The Blazkowicz family has a fairly storied history of violence, and it all canonically

starts with the Nazi-massacring protagonist William J. Blazkowicz in 1992's Wolfenstein

3D, which occurs during World War II.

After the family surname is changed to Blaze, his grandson and namesake stars in 1990's

sci-fi themed Commander Keen series under the name Billy Blaze.

And then there's the Harbinger of Doom, a big baddie who gets his left arm and right

leg maimed by B.J. in Wolfenstein RPG.

He vows to torment the Blazkowicz family for all eternity - and apparently does just that,

appearing centuries later in multiple Doom games as the formidable "Cyberdemon," hobbling

on one robotic leg and swinging one robotic arm.

So it's safe to assume that the heroic "Doomguy" is actually himself a Blazkowicz, thus tying

together all three of id Software's famous franchises.

Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X-2

On the surface, Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 10-2 couldn't appear more different.

The world of Final Fantasy 7 is largely dominated by the Shinra Electric Power Company, which

uses the planet's own life force to create an energy source.

The world of Final Fantasy 10-2... isn't.

But that's because it's apparently a prequel!

Yep: at the end of Final Fantasy 10-2, players can activate a cutscene by talking to someone

who claims to be researching the planet's life force, which he hopes to someday harness

and fuel cities with.

And guess what the boy's name is?

That's right — Shinra.

Sure, Final Fantasy games have a habit of reusing character names, but this seems too

plot specific to be just a coincidence.


Donkey Kong, Banjo-Kazooie, and Conker

Though we rarely see them together, the characters from Rare's Donkey Kong Country, Banjo-Kazooie,

and Conker franchises all inhabit the same universe.

Besides multiple easter eggs hinting at the connection, the link between these three games

is made explicit in Diddy Kong Racing, in which the titular character recruits the help

of both Banjo the bear and Conker the squirrel to defeat an evil intergalactic wizard pig

— appropriately named Wizpig.

"You can't beat me!"

Unlike the Super Smash Brothers series, which features Nintendo's superstar lineup of characters

duking it out as toys, Diddy Kong Racing explicitly implies that Conker, Banjo and the Kongs not

only share the same universe, but actually might be neighbors.

Hard Corps: Uprising and Contra

First released on Xbox Live Arcade in February 2011, Hard Corps: Uprising is a Konami-published

run-and-gun video game that feels a lot like Contra.

Because it is.

In fact, the game is not-so-secretly the 13th installment in the Contra franchise.

Game producer Kenji Yamamoto told Siliconera in 2010, "The game is really inspired by Contra:

Hard Corps," and it seems to be a direct prequel, as one of the playable protagonists of Hard

Corps: Uprising, a soldier named Bahamut, later becomes the big bad guy Colonel Bahamut

in Contra: Hard Corps.

Bomberman and Lode Runner

Although you wouldn't know it from any of their recent installments, Lode Runner and

Bomberman actually stem from the same universe.

In fact, Lode Runner is Bomberman!

The proof comes from the ending of the original version of Bomberman on the Nintendo Famicom,

which shows the robotic Bomberman escaping from bondage and becoming human.

But not just any human - he becomes the Lode Runner himself!

Therefore, the original Bomberman is technically the prequel to the original Lode Runner, which

itself features a whole slew of Bomberman sprites.

Since then, the two series have gone their separate ways, but they'll forever be linked

by a long-forgotten metamorphosis.

Thanks for watching!

Click the SVG icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Games You Didn't Know Take Place In The Same Universe - Duration: 5:50.


Geeky Teebag Marvel Black Panther Theme - T Shirt Subscription February 2018 Unboxing Review - Duration: 5:23.

Geeky Teebag Marvel Black Panther Theme - T Shirt Subscription February 2018 Unboxing

Review - We are a young and passionate geeky team that are here to bring you exciting and

creative tees every month.

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mystery bag before the end of every month!

The Double Teebag is the ultimate tee subscription, with 2 amazing

geeky tees every month!

Please Subscribe and Support the channel!!

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For more infomation >> Geeky Teebag Marvel Black Panther Theme - T Shirt Subscription February 2018 Unboxing Review - Duration: 5:23.


RAYCOP Lite UV and HEPA Vacuum and Fabric Sanitizer - Duration: 18:17.

For more infomation >> RAYCOP Lite UV and HEPA Vacuum and Fabric Sanitizer - Duration: 18:17.


Motivational Lines ( WhatsApp Status Video ) Heart Touching Lines in Hindi - Duration: 0:33.

Whatsapp Status Video

For more infomation >> Motivational Lines ( WhatsApp Status Video ) Heart Touching Lines in Hindi - Duration: 0:33.


How to Get Financial Freedom in Khmer | Success Reveal - Duration: 6:27.

How to Get Financial Freedom in khmer

Successs Reveal

For more infomation >> How to Get Financial Freedom in Khmer | Success Reveal - Duration: 6:27.


Act of Congress needed to expand Florissant Fossil Beds - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Act of Congress needed to expand Florissant Fossil Beds - Duration: 2:03.


playing random games - Duration: 52:22.

For more infomation >> playing random games - Duration: 52:22.


Why Sitting is Bad For Your Soccer Performance And Health - Duration: 5:21.

What's up guys, and thank you again for watching another episode of footballers advice in today's video

I wanted to go over why soccer players should avoid sitting for long periods of time

After talking with a really good friend of mine named Adam we discussed how his future profession of being a physical

therapist can help soccer players Adam is also a really good person to talk with this about because he also played at the

Collegiate and high school level so as a player

He can relate how being flexible and injury free is critical in order for everyone to perform at their best

Since Adam has interned and worked with many patients we discussed why sitting for a long period of time is actually detrimental

To not only your soccer performance, but your overall general health and just as a disclaimer guys

Please advise that I am NOT a doctor and that I do not hold any degrees or certifications

within the medical or fitness field this video is just my personal experience and

Doing my own personal research

Always make sure to consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program

That way you can determine if it's right for your needs

One of the reasons why sitting is bad for your overall general health and your soccer performance is

Because when you're sitting your body isn't able to burn as many calories as it would if you were standing up or even

moving by sitting for long periods of time throughout the day and

Continuing this behavior over a span of a couple months or even a couple years this could also then lead to weight gain

Sitting for long periods of time also puts a lot of pressure on your spine, which could then lead to lower back problems


It allows your hip flexors to tighten so if you don't take the proper time to stretch before you exercise

This could be a problem because it could cause injury

So some of the things that you can do as a player if you're working a nine-to-five job

And you want to exercise

afterwards is


try to avoid sitting as much as

possible you can either just stand up from your desk or try to move that way you can burn a couple more calories so if

you can get up from your chair every 15 to 30 minutes and

Either just stand up or even just move around the office or even go to the break room to

Get a glass of water to drink this can help reduce those problems and another way

That's helpful that can remind you to stand up from your chair is actually

Setting a reminder on your phone like I said every 15 to 30 minutes what you could also

Do then is actually get a standing desk that way you're always standing when you're working

And you don't have to sit down for a long period of time and also have any

Reminders or alarms on your phone just to remind you to stand up

Another thing that you can do during the workday is actually remember to stretch and keep your muscles loose this way when you decide to

Go work out later in the day it can help

actually prevent injury from sitting for long periods of time and then what I would do when you go to the gym is

actually incorporate lunges into your workout

lunges help strengthen and

Stretch your hip flexors that become tight over long periods of time when you sit and when your hip flexors are tight this actually

Limits your body's range of motion that also

Constricts your ability to perform different soccer movements along with certain gym exercises so as you guys can tell

Sitting for a long period of time can not only be detrimental to your soccer performance

But it also is bad for your overall general health

So make sure to take the time during your work day to either stand up

Move around and also stretch those muscles out make sure that your hip flexors are loose that way when you go to the gym

you're not restricted in your range of motion and the reason why I wanted to talk about this topic is because I was doing the

Exact same thing I was working a nine-to-five job

And then afterwards I would go and try to exercise and during that 9:00 to 5:00

I was sitting for long

periods of time

and then afterwards even after my workout or before I would take the time to then go back sit on the couch and

Write emails whether it be to coaches or scouts or agents or whoever it was just so I could get a professional

Tryout or be seen in some way, so not only would I be sitting from 9:00 in the morning to 5:00

I would then be sitting for later in the day as well

Which is definitely not good and after I was talking with my friend Adam about this about how my performance in the gym

Or even on the field just wasn't where it needed to be he described how actually sitting for that long of a time was

Detrimental to my performance on the field and then also my ability to workout in the gym

That's why it's so important for you to incorporate standing up moving around during your day

And then also incorporate the lunges that way you're stretched and you're loose when you perform different

Exercises so when I decided to implement these ideas I definitely noticed a change in my workouts in the gym

And then also on the field when I would practice and so that actually wraps up today's video guys on why you should avoid sitting

For long periods of time that way you maximize your soccer performance so as always guys don't forget to subscribe to the channel

that way you can check out more great videos that I have for you here in the future and I will see you in the

next video, thank you guys!

For more infomation >> Why Sitting is Bad For Your Soccer Performance And Health - Duration: 5:21.


Do Your Words Lift Weights or Place Weights? - Duration: 3:35.

Hi and welcome back to daily Bible promises with the twist and today as always we'll start

off by reading the New International Version and we'll be reading Deuteronomy 33:27 - "The

eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms."

And today we're going to be reading verse 27 in a context using the new American Standard

Bible but we're going to be reading from verse 26 to verse 29.

These are the very last words of Moses to the nation of Israel.

"There is none like the God of Jeshurun, Who rides the heavens to your help, And through

the skies in His majesty.

The eternal God is a dwelling place, And underneath are the everlasting arms; And He drove out

the enemy from before you, And said, 'Destroy!'

So Israel dwells in security, The fountain of Jacob secluded, In a land of grain and

new wine; His heavens also drop down dew.

"Blessed are you, O Israel; Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord, Who is the

shield of your help And the sword of your majesty!

So your enemies will cringe before you, And you will tread upon their high places."

Moses could have taken this very last opportunity to speak to the people that he had led for

over 40 years.

He could have reminded them of the really important laws and regulations, just making

sure that they remembered all of the rules and the commands and the things that he wanted

them to do.

He could have scared them to death by reminding them of all the bad things that would happen

if they dared break the covenant that they had made with Yahweh.

But he didn't do that either.

Instead, he chose to bless every one of the tribes of Israel.

He spoke life and promise and hope into them.

He called out their destiny.

He reminded each tribe of who they were and the unique blessings that God was pouring

over them as a tribe.

He was also reminding the corporate nation of Israel of who they were,whose they were,

and the favor that was on their life because of the goodness of God.

His blessings lifted a heavy weight off of their shoulders because they knew Moses would

not be going with them into the Promised Land.

So, how do you want people to remember your last conversation with them?

Do you want them to remember your hope-filled, truth-infused words of blessing and encouragement

or do you want them to remember the heavy weight that you placed upon their shoulders?

For more infomation >> Do Your Words Lift Weights or Place Weights? - Duration: 3:35.


The Story With Martha MacCallum 02/19/18 7PM | February 19, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:07.

For more infomation >> The Story With Martha MacCallum 02/19/18 7PM | February 19, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:07.


After Oklahoma Officer Breaks Neck, Carrie Underwood Has A Shocking Response - Duration: 4:14.

After Oklahoma Officer Breaks Neck, Carrie Underwood Has A Shocking Response

When a Checotah, Oklahoma, police officer was crushed by a truck, he suffered many severe

injuries, including a broken neck.

Now, country music fans across the country have been left stunned after they heard what

their "sweetheart" Carrie Underwood did in response.

Checotah Assistant Police Chief Justin Durrett was driving to work when his truck suddenly

slid off of the road and he was ejected from his seat.

Unfortunately, as a result of being thrown from his vehicle, his truck landed on top

of him.

According to the GoFundMe set up in his honor, "He had been underneath the truck for at

least 45 minutes.

Misty Johnson a sheriff found him.

She never takes the route she did but something told her to.

She then seen his vehicle seen glass busted out and then heard his phone ringing.

So she ran to him and called for help and never left his side.

Thanking God for her!"

The fundraising site continues, "Injuries he is suffered from are broken neck, to many

staples to count on his head.

He went under surgery last night and the vertebrae's affected were c3-t2.

His spine was bruised but still a waiting and watching as of now.

He cannot feel from chest down, Legs nothing."

It adds, "We would like to help anyway possible.

Since he isn't gonna be able to work he has bills and two children.

Not to mention the cost of the medical bills and what he may have to do after whether rehab

what not.

Any donations are greatly appreciated I know Justin and his family could use the extra

help not even just financially if u don't have please share and just say a prayer."

As soon as country music star Carrie Underwood heard about what happened, she was saddened

like many other Americans — but she felt something much more.

Come to find out, Underwood is a childhood friend of the wounded assistant chief, according

to Blue Lives Matter.

Being the sweetheart that she is, she instantly took action and donated $10,000.

The GoFundMe has currently amassed more than $12,500 of Durrett's $20,000 goal reached,

$10,000 of which came from Underwood, according to Inquisitr.

On the account, it shows that Underwood — who's still recovering from a few injuries of her

own — made the donation to her childhood friend's fund to help him pay for medical

bills under her married name of Carrie Fisher.

It just goes to show what kind of person she is.

She has done several good deeds over the years and isn't about to stop.

She's donated generators to the local fire department in her hometown, given $50,000

to fund the area's first community splash pad, and has even gifted the town music equipment

for school children.

In addition, she even set up the C.A.T.S (Checotah Animal, Town, and School) Foundation in 2009,

which aims to raise funds to improve Carrie's hometown of Checotah, Oklahoma.

"I don't think that people really realize what all that she has done," Checotah Mayor

Daniel Tarkington said of Carrie's hometown efforts back in November.

"So much, because she doesn't go around bragging on herself.

She just goes about and does things."

Even though she is arguably one of the most famous and gorgeous stars in the country music

industry, she continues to be a good person who tries to follow her Christian beliefs,

spreading God's word through Christ-like action.

Like many in Checotah, Assistant Police Chief Justin Durrett and his family will forever

be grateful for Carrie's kindness and generosity.

Carrie Underwood is one of the few people in the celebrity spotlight who has allowed

her relationship with God to grow since achieving success.

She's exactly the kind of role model our children need in our sinful society, and as

long as she continues being as generous and selfless as she's been in the past, she's

going to continue to do great things, setting a great example for us all.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> After Oklahoma Officer Breaks Neck, Carrie Underwood Has A Shocking Response - Duration: 4:14.


Meditation || Darth Tenodris - Duration: 3:35.

Welcome back my apprentice, You heard me mention mediation in my last

video, let me expand a bit more on this subject.

I also invite you to make your own research about the benefits of meditation and make

your own mind about it.

There is plenty information online and there is a ton of books about it like this one,

or this one, or this one.

So, when I've mentioned "pure raw" meditation I was talking about Zazen

from the Sōtō School.

It is the most straightforward you can find, no koan, no mantra, nothing.

You simply sit there and you breathe.

I like because it is simple and efficient, no fluff and sparkles.

Here's some guidelines.

The posture of zazen is seated, with folded legs and hands,

you can also do it kneled with a zafu.

Position yourself with an erect but settled spine, imagine you have a string

on the top of your skull pulling you up.

It is a bit uncomfortable but for a reason, you won't fall asleep.

The hands are folded together into a simple mudra over the belly.

Have your eyelids half-lowered, the eyes being neither fully open nor shut,

look at the floor without focusing on it at an angle of 45 degree,

this way you won't be distracted by external

stimuli or by imagery in your head.

Now breathe from the belly and not from your chest.

That's it, that's all you have to do, sit there and focus your attention on your breath.

If you find yourself having some thoughts simply refocus your attention on your breath

and you're good to go.

Start small, do 10 minutes every day, then when comfortable with it go up in increments

until you reach 30 minutes, that's the magic number for the best results.

Note that it take around 8 weeks to see the full on effects on the brain, so don't discourage

yourself and keep doing it!

Do it in the morning or the evening I don't care, just do it!

Now go on my apprentice and reap the benefits of this ancient practice.

For more infomation >> Meditation || Darth Tenodris - Duration: 3:35.


Roaring Fork Aspen (170 Sq Ft) | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Roaring Fork Aspen (170 Sq Ft) | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:34.


General James "Mad Dog" Mattis Breaks The Silence And Drops Major Announcement - Duration: 2:00.

General James "Mad Dog" Mattis Breaks The Silence And Drops Major Announcement

While making a trip to Germany for the yearly Munich Security Conference, General James

"Mad Dog" Mattis suggested clarified that the fundamental issue staring him in the face

is the place to put every one of the ISIS prisoners of war.

He went so far as to recommend that it would be simpler if the ISIS warriors had kicked

the bucket on the war zone like they generally said they wanted to.

Daily Caller revealed that Secretary of Defense Mattis is engrossed with where the U.S. will

put every one of those surrendered forces.

"I needed to lay out the problem," Mattis told reporters assigned to cover him at the

conference, where he will open the session with a speech Friday afternoon.

"We have hundreds of prisoners who don't have quite the same amount of zeal they once

pronounced when they were winning that they would fight to the death.

It seems like hundreds of them are not quite that committed."

He went ahead to state that ISIS prisoners are cooling their heels in a temporary holding

tank at this moment and that he means to raise the issue at the Munich meeting.

Mattis clarified that he is "under no illusion" that any convenient solution can be found

to reduce the requirement for more jail space.

The general at that point said that endeavors to expand the per capita defense of NATO nations

to be spot on course, as eight member states will accomplish the two percent target this

year while another 14 are on track to arrive by 2024.

"Year-on-year across the alliance, 2017 saw the largest growth … as a percentage

of GDP, and the largest real growth in a quarter century," Mattis declared.

We're happy that we at long last have an administration that isn't reluctant to make

a move against ISIS.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> General James "Mad Dog" Mattis Breaks The Silence And Drops Major Announcement - Duration: 2:00.


Birthday Animation J-HOPE - Duration: 0:31.

My Apologies for bad animation

Im Trash

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