Monday, February 19, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 20 2018



I heard you'd be using the Rio Bravo Delta.

<i> It's 30 migrants,</i>

so they might use two speedboats.

Salvador will handle it, though.

Will everyone be there?

I knew this day would come.

The day you and I would meet again...

before I go to hell.

You can fool everyone but me.

-What are you talking about? -You're pregnant.

Your face gives you away.

You want to end this?


Let's end this.


Let's go.

We can't leave without Salvador, Rooster!

Pepito has explosives tied to his body!

Damn it! Chayo!

You can't go back there!

Rosario, you have to understand.

Salvador will be fine. He'll make it out alive.

If you go back, you'll make everything worse.

Rooster, the Tijuana Cartel guy is leaving!

Damn it!

Don't worry about him, Rooster!

Let's go!


Did you take a test?

Yes, I took a home pregnancy test.

No one knows, though. Not even Daniel.

You have to tell him.

I will not!

Don't you realize the situation we're in?

You still have to tell him.

No, I have to get those migrants to the States first.

If Daniel finds out, he won't let me board the speedboats.

I don't think you should, either.

Are you crazy?

No, damn it!

It'll be difficult to get that many migrants to the States.

I have to be there to tell everyone what to do!

Promise you won't say a word!

Promise you won't! Don't you say a word!


Fine! I won't!

I'm going to be an aunt!

Coyote was there with an army!

There were only three of us... and a witch!

We left because they were going to kill us.

I saved you, you bitch.

We got away thanks to my idea of changing your clothes.

A little more...

That's it.

It's moving...

Head over there.

I'd love to put a bullet in both your heads.

I've wiped out whole towns for less.

I won't, though.

May I ask why, boss?

My mission in life was fulfilled today.

The worst is yet to come for those people.

Where is that bastard?

Damn you, Indio Amaro!

Let's end this war, Jose Angel.

Once and for all.

I have a different plan. You wouldn't get it.

Just know this.

Neither Indio...

nor his boss will touch you.

You hear?


What the ---- are you talking about?

Who's Indio Amaro's boss?

Goodbye, brother.


No, Jose Angel.

Get them out of here!

Get them home.

-Chayo, get in! -I won't leave without Chava!

Do as I say. Salvador's fine.

I'll go get him now and I'll ---- Pepito up, okay?




Yes, boss?

<i> We're on our way back to the</i> <i> ranch just like you ordered.</i>

<i> We'll gather whatever's left.</i>

You're not allowed back here

without a detailed report of all of our losses.

I especially need to know how those -------

found your supposedly impenetrable hideout.

<i> I smell a rat, boss.</i> <i> Someone sang like a canary.</i>

I have a good nose for traitors.

Some smell like cheap perfume.

I'll give you an update later. Alright.

You must mean your people, right?

I don't know the ranch's location.

I only went there with a hood over my head.

Maybe one of your bodyguards is angry with you.

I think it was Ratface.

He tried to get away.

He must've had his reasons. Maybe he was meeting the Aceros.

Oh, ----!


Is it coming from the ranch?

Those damn Aceros are burning the place.

------- them! Turn the car around!


He who fights and runs lives to fight another day.

Damn them!


What the ----?


Jose Angel, please!

It's my turn to go today.

It's my turn to go!

And you know what? I'm okay with that.

I'll get to see my mom again.

I'll get to see you again too.

But not now.

You have to look after your family and your people.

You never wanted this life.

You didn't deserve this life.

Life's been a bitch to us both.

I hate you,

but I never stopped seeing you as my brother.

It kills me to see you like this!

There's still time.

Take that off and let's leave.

You haven't changed one bit, Salvador.

It's in your name.




Get out!

Leave! Go!

There are 13 of them.

They were held at a ranch that belonged to the Tijuana Cartel,

forced to package drugs for them.

They inhaled toxic fumes all the time.

More than one must be sick.

Yes, narcos are a plague. I despise them.

White Flag and I will make sure

they are moved to Canada legally,

but that will take a while.

Can you guarantee they'll be safe in your shelter?

Thank you. Yes, sir.

I knew you'd help. Very kind of you.

Thank you.


Hey. What's up?

Is everyone inside?

Yeah, all 13 of them.

Chenta said you'd look after them.

You're an angel, Romero. How are you?


It's not every day one gets shot.

How's the family? Were they rescued?


Are the children and Salvador's wife okay?



I heard you took out the Tijuana Cartel headquarters.

How'd you find the ranch? I thought no one knew

-the location. -Well, the Acero-Quintanillas

have their ways.

They leave no stone unturned.

Well, my job here is done. Goodbye.

Take care. See you around.

Thank you. Bye.

Hey, I'm standing outside the shelter

where the 13 migrants are staying.

Kill them as soon as they show their faces.

I don't want any of them saying anything.

Good. You got it.

My son behaved like a man.

I'm very, very, very proud of you, honey.

He never left our side.

Chava... I thought I'd lost you forever.

You were our hero.

Thank you for bringing her home.

I did what any one of us would've done for our family.

-It's no big deal. -It is a big deal.

Thank you for protecting our family,

but you could've been blown to bits with Pepito!

Thank you for taking out that bastard Roscas.

I'm sure Debora's thanking you too.

I wanted to stay at the party! I was having fun.

But I'm happier here with my grandson.


Who would've thought Pepito would die to save our lives?

He ended up atoning for his sins.

That's right, Auntie.

Jose Angel Godoy paid for everything he did.

He can finally rest in peace.

-No? -No, thank you.

I'll have a beer later.

Before we toast, I say we focus on our next mission.

Are we all set?

You have the Matamoros police at your disposal.

Don't let us down, Rooster.

-Have I ever let you down? -Never.

You have my men and weapons.

Chavalon will offer the speedboats and the vehicles.

That's right.

I'm squaring everything off at the port.

But we need to get ICE off our trail.

Things are tough with that damn gringo president.

He has it out for us. What are you going to do?

Don't worry about that.

My contact will clear the area when we make our way through it.

-Good. -I trust Daniel.

At least Indira won't be a problem anymore.

Indio got away, but he doesn't know about this mission.

-No way he could screw us. -That bastard has his ways.

We can't let our guard down.

But Indio Amaro is weaker than ever.

Pepito made sure to take the Tijuana Cartel's merch,

weapons, and money.

That means Indio has no manpower.

Owl can prove to be useful in the future, right, Rooster?

We need to make him our special guest.

Indio is being cornered.

Sooner or later he'll show his face

and we'll take him out.

We have to come together against our last and sole enemy:

Indio Amaro.

We have a great advantage.

We don't have any rats among us.

We're on the winning side.

The Acero-Quintanillas are legit.

We honor the Acero last name.

Why are you doing all this?

Aren't you going to send me... to the slaughterhouse?

The Acero-Quintanillas aren't smugglers

who extort and kidnap migrants.

We pay people back in kind.

You provided us valuable information.

That's why you're still alive.

Who would you rather work for?

The boss who didn't give a damn about you?

Or the Acero-Quintanillas? Think about it.

You'll go in your speedboat... and I'll go in mine.

Every man for himself.

Got it? Don't make a stink!

A stink? No, I'm glad to be on my own.

I won't have to put up with your stench

and I'll be able to capture Phillips.

What's that supposed to mean?

Your men aren't prepared for this mission.

Your boyfriend Owl couldn't do it.

Keep that up and I'll put a bullet in you.

Don't kill each other before the hit.

We lost the ranch, the money, our weapons... everything!

This is all we have left.

If we fail, the boss will kill us all.

So Lumbre's smart after all.

You'd do well to listen to him.

You can settle your differences when you don't owe me anything.

I'll make this simple.

If you succeed...

you'll all be allowed to go free.


We're about to kill Daniel Phillips, right, Amaro?

The Aceros will be dealt a blow they won't recover from.

I'll infiltrate the family and you can do whatever you want.

Amaro, you can start a cartel if you want.

We'll talk business later.

Indira... try to get your son and your brother Fabrizio back.

I'll give you the men to do so.

Now, that wonderful future...

will only come true if you succeed.

The Aceros think they have the Gulf to themselves

because they destroyed the Tijuana Cartel, but we're here!

They forgot a tiny detail.

Still waters...


For more infomation >> Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 76 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:58.


Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 58 | Telemundo - Duration: 14:32.


I never wanted to speak ill of Roberto, the engineer.

He was always nice to me and my kids.

He's my boss at the winery.

Relax, he won't find out about this.

Besides, we've got nothing against him.

Talk to me about Sara Casagrande.

Oh, she's Roberto's girlfriend.

Well, not girlfriend.

The woman I told you he married.

She wouldn't leave his room and she'd bring him food.

She'd even spend the night.

I think she's got her own key.

Tell me more about that marriage.

How do you know Roberto married her?

I saw them leaving the room one day.

She was in a wedding dress and veil and holding a bouquet,

and he was well dressed too.

You spoke to them.

No, I just saw them get in the car and drive away.

Do you know this woman?

No, I don't.

Take a good look.

I told you I've never seen her in my life.

And him?

Do you know him?

I do know him.

He wouldn't leave the engineer's room.

Yes, I know him.

Thank you.

Thanks for being here right now.

I know last time we saw each other was...

Was when you most hurt me.

I need to digest yours and Juanjo's love for each other.

One way or another, I've got to take it in.

You two have always loved each other, and you always will.

But when I felt you insinuating

I could've been a part of Emilito's disappearance,

I felt terrible.

But I know it wasn't like that. Susan explained everything.

How could I not be by your side at a time like this?

You and I are sisters, remember?

Don't you dare light that crap here!

There's a child in the house.

And you're blasting the TV. You'll wake him.

Know what, Sara?

Smoking one of these would do you good.

You look stressed out, girl.

Get out.


And stay out. I need to rest.


Good afternoon to all!

Good afternoon.

We are gathered here today to join in matrimony...


Roberto's in the interrogation room.

Let him wait.

Any word on Sara?

According to the airline,

she left the country before the child disappeared,

traveled to Mexico City alone and then stayed in a hotel.

We know because of her credit card transactions.

She then left the hotel and hasn't used her cards again.

Did you notify the Mexican federal police?

They're trying to locate her.

Son of a bitch!

I don't want to, don't you get it?

Lower your voice. She'll hear us.

She won't hear us.

All she does is sleep with that brat.

That's enough.

You're staying in Mexico and that's final.

Damn, why can't I come with you?

Because that's the plan.

Roberto's plan.

Know what?

I don't like this plan.

Drugging this woman

and crossing the border with her sounds dangerous.

And to top it off,

with that kid that's always coming out on TV.

This is crazy, Reyes!

Don't be such a pessimist. Relax.

How much is Roberto paying you?

Because this ain't no piece of cake.

It had better be good money.

Stay out of it.

Besides, Roberto's always paid me well.

Except for that time he abandoned you

and you got stabbed.

That's not going to happen again.

Besides, this plan is foolproof.

Trust me, it's easy money.

When the police find out this woman committed suicide,

everything ends there.

Oh, Roberto.

You don't know who you're messing with.

Me, married to that lunatic?

Have you been drinking or what?

No wonder.

No wonder you can't do anything right.

My son is missing!

Did you marry her or not?

Of course not.

Then why were you both seen exiting your hotel room

dressed like husband and wife?

That woman showed up in that ridiculous outfit,

claiming she was marrying somebody or other

to make me jealous.

We know Sara left the country the next day.

Why would she leave the country if she'd just gotten married?

How should I know?

I don't know if she got married, who she married, or whatever.

But enough of this subject. Let's drop it.

If you want to know whether or not I'm married,

it's very easy to find out.

What's your relationship to her?

Are you dating?

She wishes.

That woman is obsessed with me and has been

since Aurora and me arrived in Calistoga.

The whole time it was "Roberto this" and "Roberto that."

She'd bring me muffins and cook for me.

That woman is crazy.

Why should I believe you, Roberto?

You don't have to,

but I've got no reason to lie.

Mind telling us who this man is?

Hey, you two.

What if we cook some Mexican food?

We've been cooped up in here for so long.

I could cook.

I think it's a great idea.

I'm starving.

Great, here's the list of ingredients

to buy from the market.

One thing, though. Take your girlfriend.

I don't want her doing any of her crap near the baby.

Know what? Let's go.

It'll be fun.

I can't stand holier-than-thou bitches.

Come on.

He's a friend. His name's Reyes.

I've known him for years.

We grew up in the same neighborhood.

The guy's a loser.

He's dead broke, and he's always asking me for money.

Yes, he came by the hotel to ask for some.

So you see him often.

Of course.

He's a childhood friend.

He's hit a rough patch, and lately he passes by more often

to ask for money to fix his teeth or something like that.

Do you suspect him?

I don't think he'd kidnap a child, much less Emilito.

I've been so good to him.

It'd be awful if he repaid me by pulling something like this.

Do you know where Reyes is?

Any way to locate him?

Yes, I've got his telephone number and address.

Hi, Natalia.

Come in.

Any word on Emilito?

No, same as before, unfortunately.

Did you come to see my mother?


I've come to see you.

I had to give you something that I owe you.

What's wrong with you, you crazy old hag?

Go to your ------- house and hit your father!

Yeah, is that what you think?

Ask this slut why I just hit her.

Tell him!

You don't have the -----, do you, bitch?

Here's everything you asked for.

Thank you.

You'll see how quickly I cook.

Make sure you make guacamole.

Sure thing.

I'm going to the bathroom.

I'm a great cook, hasn't Roberto told you?

Yes, he might've mentioned something.

Be right back. I'm going to get this.


Yes, it's Reyes.

Pachuco said you'd be calling.

No, you tell me how much to cross us over.

It's three of us.

An older lady, a three-year-old, and me.

Pachuco said I could give you half now to set everything up

and the rest when we're on the other side.

I'll give you the address, but don't come near the building.

Stay on the corner and call me from there.

Listen up.

Wait for me in the alley at La Paz and call me.

You've got plenty of time.

I swear I never meant to.

Oh, you swear you never meant to?

I can tell.

You ------- ruined my life, Paloma.

Paloma, what the ---- did you do?

-What'd you do to Natalia? -Know what she did?

Your bitch daughter's been sleeping with my husband

for one year.

One year!

How do you like that?

While you and I fought like maniacs,

they were sleeping together.



What is it?

Your daughter's a whore who's sleeping with Paco Montiel!

Deny it!

Tell me Natalia's lying to slander you, ------- it!

Dad, I swear it's over. I swear!

Calm down, Crisanto.

Paloma and that man ended things.

You knew?

You ------- knew? Why didn't you tell me?

Calm down. Don't you touch my daughter!

He's old enough to be your ------- father!

Wait till I get my hands on you!


Leave her alone, Dad.

Just what I needed, you little bitch.

-What? -Don't mess with my daughters.

Don't mess with my daughters!

I swear if you lay a finger on Mom or Paloma you'll be sorry!

Mom, grab the phone and call 911.

This is domestic abuse, and Susan's been forewarned.

There's no need.

Go to your rooms. Go!

I'll talk to your father.

For wanting to be a lady, you've got some big -----.

It's not about -----.

I'm not letting you or anybody ---- with me again.

Like I said, I'm not afraid of you.

We three ladies are too strong for you.

For more infomation >> Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 58 | Telemundo - Duration: 14:32.


José José | Capítulo 26 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:37.

his isn't witchcraft. -It is.

<i> I know he doesn't love me.</i>

<i> I'm doing this so Jose Jose</i> <i> will stay with you forever.</i>

<i> Lupita, if those photos</i> <i> are published,</i>

<i> I don't see how your career</i> <i> can continue.</i>

Hi, Claudia!

Nobody's called me Claudia in years.

That's the name on the portfolio you dropped off.

And you remembered it.

You know Gonzalo.

He gets a little off-color when he drinks.

Imagine how embarrassing that'd be.

Seems like the one who ends up drunk and off-color is you.

You're accused of masterminding a murder

<i> as well as stealing</i> <i> from the Sosas.</i>

You killed Rodolfo!

------- -------!

I always knew you were worthless!

Give Negro an earful, but don't do anything stupid.

You don't want to regret this.

Shut up! I know what I'm doing.

What's going on here? Why are you manhandling her?

Get back. Stay out of it.

Is it because of Negro? What did that bastard say?

That fool won't get to say anything else.

I wasted him!

Let's go!

You hear? I killed him!

I killed him!

What is it?

-Huh? -What's wrong?

I'm upset.

I can tell. May I know why?

What does it matter, sir? It's a man's world,

and you're a man.

We may have our differences,

but we have to behave professionally.

What's wrong?

Lira got his hands on some nude pictures of Lupita Conde.

The pictures were taken years ago,

but according to Lira and Mr. Manuel

that's enough for her to miss out on winning Best New Artist

and it could end her career.

And you think they're exaggerating.

Am I wrong?

Are you going to give Lupita's award to someone else?

We should nominate another new artist.

Excuse you?

Lupita doesn't work for us.

This is a unique opportunity to keep the award in our label.

Have one of our new talents come in at once.

In the meantime, I'll negotiate with the committee.

At once, Nora.

I feel better.

I won't get over Chumo's loss overnight, but it is a start.

I don't believe you.

I think you're still sad because Jose didn't tell you

-about the funeral. -Not true. We made up.

Plus, I was glad I got to meet Mrs. Margarita.

She's a bright woman.

I wasn't thrilled when Gonzalo up and left me there.

What's with him?

Try to understand. He's been through a lot.

I'll get it.

Hi, cutie! How are you?

-Come in. -I'm glad you're both here.

I have a huge scoop!


You two are going to award the Hidalgo Awards.

No, don't thank me. I'm just doing my job.

You're amazing, Fanny!

Guess who's nominated for Best Singer.

Jose again.

That man is like King Midas.

Everything he touches turns to gold.

I don't know if he's a king or not,

but he's definitely a prince.

Pepe, talk him into going.

Stop it! I'm not going!

What are you going to do?

Drink till you fall asleep?

If only I were so lucky, Pepe.

You think I can sleep after everything I've been through?

Two weeks ago, I was a father-to-be

and I had a pretty girlfriend.

And now...

Don't focus on that.

We all go through things.

I'm not over Chumo's death...

but life goes on, Gonzalo.

That's great. Move on with your life.

You have a cool life. My life is hell.

Stop thinking like that.

Go get your jacket so we can head out.

You think I'll get over it if I put on a jacket

and I pretend to be famous like you?

Stop it.

You passed by and you played the role of the cool brother.


Leave me alone.

Pepe just wants to help you.

How, Mom?

By coming every blue moon to tell us about his successes?

Gonzalo, I talked to Mom.

I promise to spend more time with you guys.

You say that, but then you mysteriously change your mind.

What do you mean by that?

That with a snap of her fingers Kiki has you back at her side.

Isn't that right?

Kiki doesn't tell me what to do.

Are you sure?

I thought you were her puppet.

Oh, cutie! Aren't you excited to be here?

I would be if I were receiving an award.

I'm just giving it away.

Look on the bright side.

These events are perfect to showcase ourselves

for everyone to see.

It's also a great place to find companions.

Are you saying it because of Frenk?

I don't know.

I get a bad vibe from those politicians.

You can say that when you're visiting me at my penthouse.

Say what you want about Frenk,

but at least he's not married like Jose.

I don't plan on dating Jose.

I thought you were dying

-to see him. -Yes, so I could

offer my condolences for Chumo.

That's just an excuse!

Stop it.

Have you seen him anywhere?

No, I haven't. If he's around,

he's probably with that cockroach known as Kiki.

Oh, no! I'll get the bug spray.

You should go see him before the show starts.

It's now or never, Anel.


Come in, Kiki. I'm so glad you came.

I'm not Kiki.

What are you doing here, Anel?

I was invited to present an award,

and I took the opportunity to say hello.

By the way, I went to your house and met your mother.

-She's really nice. -You went to my house?

We agreed nothing could happen between us!

Let me explain.

I heard about Chumo's death

and I wanted to offer my condolences.

-Thank you. -I was shocked by his death.

Imagine how I feel.

I don't know if you know this, but Chumo helped me find work.

He was so generous.

And I know he was like a brother to you.

I'm really sorry.

Thank you.

I'll leave so you can warm your voice up.

And I'd hate for your wife to show up...

Send my regards to your boyfriend.


I read somewhere you have a boyfriend.

Jorge Landa?

We broke up.

I'd rather stay single.

Besides, marriage is like a prison.

You probably know that better than I do.


Over here!

One more! Over here!

Oh, no! The press is too much!

Got it.

Please don't do that! You'll give me a heart attack.

What is it?

The label's launches for the last two years.

14 balladeers and 11 bands.

We're looking for someone who can be Best New Artist.

None of them spent more than three weeks on the airwaves.

We can't use any of them.

They could still attend the event.

Keep looking through the catalogue.

There must be someone who fits the bill.

Hurry! Get to it!

Yes, I'd better hurry so you can stare at her comfortably.

Come in.

Is everything okay? Do you need anything?

No, Pedro. I'm fine.

I could use a rum and cola, no ice.

-Sure. -Thanks.

I'll have someone get it to you.

Pedro, have you seen Kiki?


Is everything okay?

Well, we had an argument.

Things aren't well between us, especially after Chumo's death.

Yes, that was a huge loss.

I haven't found anyone at the label who can replace him.

Because of the tours.

No one knows Mexico's best singer lost his manager

and his money.

Don't remind me.

I worked hard for months and Peraza stole it all.

And I can't believe the stunt he pulled with the house.

-The house? -I'll get your rum and cola.

No, Pedro.

Is this about the house in Satelite?

Yes, Pepe.

Peraza never made the payments

and you accrued a ton of penalties and fees.

It's very likely that you'll lose the house.

No, don't say that.

I made my mother a promise! I can't let her down!

I could never forgive myself if I did.

May I come in?

Yes, I'm almost done. Do you need the dressing room?

No, that's not why I'm here.

Thanks for standing up for me when you don't even know me.

I don't need to know you to know you're talented.

That won't do me any good.

My label's execs are going to void my contract.

I'm really sorry, Lupita.

It's not your fault.

Your past actions are not linked to your talent.

It's not like you killed anyone.


When are they voiding your contract?

Tomorrow. Why?

Would you like to sign with us?

Of course! But what about the pictures?

We have a junior executive who puts talent above all else.

Her name is Nora Diaz.

Guadalupe Corrales. Lupita Conde is my stage name.

Nice to meet you.

Now that we've been formally introduced,

let's work together to put this behind us

and re-launch your career. Sound good?

No, you don't have to call. I settled it.

That's very kind of you. Thank you.


Is everything okay, Mr. Manuel?

We need to settle something right away,

but we can't find a way to do so.

Why don't you tell me about it? Maybe I can help.

We no longer have a winner for the Best New Artist award.

We're going crazy trying to find a replacement.

It would look awful if we didn't give out the award.

What about Anel?

Anel Noreña?

Well, the award is meant for the best new artist.

It could be a musician or an actor.

Yes, and she's an actress and presenter.

I don't know, Jose.

She's been working for a long time

and she's landed a few roles.

She has great comedic timing

and this award could propel her career.

Hello, Alfonso.

Mr. Salas, RVG.

To what do I owe this honor?

Execs usually only come up to complain

about how I badmouth the artists.

I come in peace, Lira.

I just had a question for you.

Do you know Victor Frenk, the politician?

I know who he is. Why?

As you can see, a dazzling blonde accompanies him.

Do you know her?

Don't tell me you like Claudia Lozano.

-What a woman, huh? -She's beautiful.

I'm sorry to say this, but you're not man enough for her.

Come in!

Hello, Mr. Gomez.


I have the new candidates for the Best New Artist category.

Relax, the committee selected a new winner.

So crisis averted?

I think so.

That was scary, huh?

In that case..


I loved your character in Mauricio Garces' movie.

You're great! You deserve a lead role.

Thank you, dear. You're too sweet.

Well, if you'll excuse me.

Go ahead.

She's so sweet.


Told you!

You'll get your big break any moment now.

In fact, tonight you could've won Best New Artist.


Yes, we didn't have a winner and Jose Jose nominated you.

He spoke very highly of you and your career.

Jose nominated me?

Yes, but sadly the committee decided otherwise.

That's the one! Smile just like that on stage!

You're making me blush!

Is she an actress or a model?

Blondie deals with merchandise

and her body is her main currency.

-What's that supposed to mean? -You're old enough to know.

Blondie goes from one event to the next

and from one politician to the next.

Show her your bank account and she might give you...

ten minutes of her time.

I still can't believe Jose nominated me

for Best New Artist.

-Are you getting the award? -No!

Don't you see what this means?

He thinks about me.

He likes my career, he respects my career.

Yes, but it would be nicer if you got the award.

Don't you realize what this means?


Wait here. I'll be right back.

There's something I have to do.

Excuse me, Mr. Manuel.

Come in, Anel. Are you ready?


Who's going to hand Jose his award?

Well, that's for the host to decide.

May I give him his award?

I want to thank him for saying such great things about me.

You gave him an award in Los Angeles.

And everyone said we looked great on stage.

I think the press would love to see you two together again.

Okay, you'll present him with his award.

Thank you!

For more infomation >> José José | Capítulo 26 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:37.


Winter Words & Cold Expressions ⛄ - Duration: 9:32.

Winter is coming.

Actually that's a lie. It's already here.


Nice and cold outside.

So today, I figured it'd be a good time to talk about some cold words and winter expressions.

Cold words. What do you mean? What are cold words?

What are cold words?

Words that have to do with the cold?

I think we should go out there.

So we decided to do this lesson today

because it's cold outside.

And...well, it's a good time to talk about the cold.

Ioana really likes the cold, but...

I like snow.

I'm not a huge fan.

Where did you go?

I'm here.

There was so much more this morning.

The first word is bundle up.

Which is this what I'm doing right now.

Bundle up means to take all the clothes that you have

in the closet and put them on.

Just kidding, but it means to just really, really, really put on some warm clothes.

Because it's cold. So you have to bundle up.

Put on a hat, a scarf, gloves, jacket, boots.

I don't know. Just bundle up.

Put on...put on some warm clothes because it's cold outside.

You feel cold?

No. It's not that cold.

Because you're all bundled up.

I'm bundled up so I'm not that cold.

Wait. Don't tell them that it's not that cold.

It's supposed to be really cold outside.

Yeah. It's freezing.

Did you just throw a snowball at me?

Often in winter, when it's snowing, people will build...

...a snowman.

Gummy nose.

Another common winter word, especially when there's

snow outside is slush.

And slush is just when the snow starts to melt.

And it's kind of...yeah, makes this weird sound.

And we have slush.

In the slush.

Are you having fun?

Wait. Are you going to be? What are you doing?

Where are you going?

I was just hiding.

So when we're talking about the weather, and it's

cold outside, there are varying degrees that we can use depending on how cold it is.

So the first one, if it's not really that cold outside,

somebody might say that it's chilly.

Or you could say that it's also nippy.

Nippy outside. Do you ever say it's nippy outside?

Nippy. Nippy.

And actually I don't think that one's as common.

Just so you know in case you might hear it.

So chilly and nippy are kind of like it's just a little cold out.

And of course, probably the most common thing to say is's cold.

Like today. It's cold outside.

You can see the snow.

But if you want to say it's really cold and emphasize just how cold it is.

You could say, it's freezing outside.

Like wow. It is really, really cold. It's freezing.

We could also use a simile to talk about how cold it is.

And that's when we just compare two things that are not alike.

So you could say that it is as cold as something.

And frequently people might say it's as cold as ice.

Because ice...

Ice is really cold.

You could also say, maybe it's as cold as...

What would you think? It's as cold as...

Canada. The North Pole. I don't know.

And depending on how informal you want to be

you could also throw some profanity at the end there.

And just say, it's cold as f#@%.

Now this one, everyone uses.

It's true. Cold AF. You could also say that.

You want to get out there?

Yeah. Let's go!

Go! Go! Get out there.

Well, I don't have skates.

A common word that comes up all the time

when we're talking about winter is ice.

So I have an expression for you that has to do with ice.

It is on thin ice.

So when somebody is on thin ice, we say that

they're in the kind of a dangerous situation.

For example, when Wes keeps saying stupid things

many times I'll say to him, "Wes you're on thin ice."

Which means if you say something stupid one

more time, I'm going to get really, really mad at you.

But I never fall through the ice and that's very important.

So that's a great use of you're on thin ice.

If he says one more stupid thing, he'll end up sleeping on the couch.

That's not true.

Yes, it is.

That's not true. You're on thin ice.

You're on thin ice.

Another expression that has to do with the cold is to give someone the cold shoulder.

And this just means to ignore someone or not pay attention to them.

You would give them the cold shoulder.

And, sometimes when Ioana is on thin ice, I will give her the cold shoulder.

That's not how that works.

I just don't pay attention to her.

Not true.

I give her the cold shoulder.

True story.


True story.

You can't just say it's a true story. It doesn't make it true.

It does make it true. It does make it true.

Alright. Put my hat on. It's cold.

You can just say AF.

You don't have to...

Cold AF.

Yeah, you don't have to say...

I'm not that cool to say cold AF. I don't think.

No, you're not. That's true.

You're not cool. You're cold. Get it.

I'm like full of puns today.

Full of funs?

PUNS! Word play.

I thought you said funs.

PUNS! What, it's a word in the English language.

I said you're not cool. You're cold. Get it.

He doesn't get it.


Oh, gosh.

Oh no.

She's so slow.

She's so slow.

I can run with the camera, and she still won't catch me.

Stop. I'm not as fast.

Hit the brakes. They fly right on by.

Did you like my Top Gun reference right there?

This is it Maverick.

I'm going to hit the brakes. He'll fly right by.

Yes, it was pretty lame.

I tried to ignore it, but you wouldn't let it go.

You think it's going to freeze our butts if we sit on this bench?

Which bench? There's no bench.

Okay. So another expression that's related to the cold is cold feet.

And of course this means that your feet are so cold.

No. It's not. It's not really what it means.

So cold feet...

You say...we say cold feet like we get cold feet.

So many times it means that you are...

How do I put this.

So we say that you get cold feet before like a major event?

You get nervous.

You have a lot of anxiety about this event.

And many times, especially now, people refer to

getting cold feet before they get married.

So, it's very common.

Everyone's always asking, "Did you get cold feet before you married Wes?"

And I answer, "Yes, of course. I was terrified."

He's so scary. Look at him.

I had cold feet.

Did you?

Well, my feet...well, literally my feet were literally cold.

It was a very cold day in New York.

It was a very cold day when we got married.

But you can also get cold feet before like a...

Really big presentation, or like a speech.

But just about always it's used to talk about marriage.

Yeah now, mostly marriage.


Also, if you guys are wondering what's this

gorgeous background behind us.

We are in Budapest.

It's a beautiful city and we love it.

And that's all I wanted to say.

If you're wondering where we are and it's so cute and pretty.

The last cold expression that I have for you is a very, very common one.

And that is just to catch a cold.

So cold is a word that has multiple meanings.

It could be talking about the weather, but it could also mean when you are sick.

And you say that you have a cold, or you can get a cold, or even catch a cold.

This is an expression that we often use.

Getting a cold.

I just wanted to say that from the outside it looks like

there's a crazy man just kind of giving a lecture to a phone.

It's pretty funny.


Oh. You're talking about me.

Yes, I was talking about you.

So we hope you enjoyed this lesson about

winter and the cold, and the words and expressions.

So in the comments, we want you to write

what is your opinion about the cold.

Do you love it like me? Or indifferent to it like Wes? Or do you hate it?

Okay. So let us know. Write it in the comments.

Love hearing from you guys.

And as always, please like and share this video.

And...that's all I got. We'll see you next time.

Stay warm. Stay warm.

And bundle up.

For more infomation >> Winter Words & Cold Expressions ⛄ - Duration: 9:32.


La estrategia independentista que pretender quitarse de en medio a Puigdemont - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> La estrategia independentista que pretender quitarse de en medio a Puigdemont - Duration: 3:54.


Xiaomi Redmi 5 Pro Vs Redmi Note 4: In-Depth Comparison | - Duration: 4:29.

Hey guys welcome to and Xiaomi has announced a successor to the

Redmi Note 4 called the Redmi Note 5 and the Redmi Note 5 Pro. Yes there are two

successes this time around and with the Redmi Note 5 Pro, we not only get a new design

but new internals and a camera setup that looks a lot like the iPhone 10 and

in this video we are gonna tell you the Redmi Note 5 Pro is a worthy successor

to the Redmi Note 4 and what's changed. So let's take a look. Now one of the main

facial upgrades over the Redmi Note 4 is the display. The Redmi Note 5 Pro sports

at all a taller 5.99-inch 18:9 display that's the in thing right now.

The panel on the Redmi Note 5 Pro is brighter sharper and has more screen

real estate for better multitasking and watching content. It does make the phone

a little taller than its predecessor but thanks to a lesser width and sleek body

the Redmi Note 5 Pro feels more ergonomic. When we reviewed the Redmi

Note 4 last year we noted that the phone sunlight visibility was sub-optimal. That

has changed this time as the Redmi Note 5 Pro has a maximum luminance rating of

620 nits. It's still a glossy display but the

extra brightness does the trick. It also makes content on the screen look more

vivid but at peak brightness you will likely lose out on a few details. Overall

the panel on the Note 5 Pro is still quite warm with deeper contrast and

darker blacks that has become a xiaomi standard and it was the same on the

Redmi Note 4 as well, so some things never change. Now when it comes to the

design the Redmi Note 5 Pro has some more changes in the design department

and it may not be for the best if you are finicky. The taller display now takes

up more of the screen real estate on the front and unlike the Redmi Note 4 there

are no physical capacitive buttons to accommodate the extra screen real estate.

There is a camera bump on the Note 5 Pro very reminiscent of that of the iPhone

10 but when placed on a table the Note 5 Pro rocks

easily and this may not appeal to some. However the problem can be solved with a

case. Going purely by the design the Redmi Note 4 looked much better during

its time with the symmetrical alignment of the elements on the phone and the

minimalistic finish. While the Redmi Note 5 runs on the same hardware as its

predecessor the Redmi Note 5 Pro is a whole new beast. The Note 5 Pro is the

first phone in the world to be powered by the Snapdragon

636 that relies on custom Kryo cores clocked at 1.8 gigahertz for better

performance and energy efficiency. They're the same cause used in the

flagship grade 8 series chipsets by Qualcomm. That's a 40% increase in

performance over the previous Snapdragon 630 which by the way powers the Moto x4

and you can actually see the performance boost in your day-to-day usage. Right

from the app load times to playing games browsing social media to taking photos

everything is faster on this phone. Moving to the camera the Note 5 Pro is a

great camera phone for the price but so was the Redmi Note 4. The Note 5 Pro has a

dual camera setup and it uses the secondary 5 megapixel sensor to capture

depth information while the primary 12 megapixel camera features a large 1.25

micron pixel size and an F 2.2 aperture. The larger pixel size absorbs more light

and results in better details and deeper contrasts. The overall performance was

however inconsistent. When compared to its predecessor however it's safe to say

that the Note 5 Pro has a much better camera. When it comes to battery life the

primary reason why the Redmi Note 4 sold like hotcakes was because of its

astonishingly long battery life. The 4000 mAh battery in the node fold lasted for

over a day and then some more and the Note 5 Pro continues the legacy of

having a stellar battery life. For example we played Injustice 2 for 2

hours straight on the Redmi Note 5 Pro and the battery discharge was just 20%.

The improvement in battery life on the Note 5 Pro can be attributed to the

newer more power efficient processor which allows the phone to consume less

power. The battery life however overall is at

par with the Note 4 and that is a good thing. So the bottom line is this that

yes if you are looking to upgrade from the Redmi Note 4 then the Redmi Note 5

Pro is definitely a worthy upgrade. It's also a worthy upgrade if you're coming

from an entry-level budget phone or any other budget phone that you may have

picked up more than a year go. However if you are looking for that

first smartphone experience and have a strict budget of 10,000 rupees then you

can always consider the Redmi Note 5. As always you can let us know what you

thought of this video in the comment section below you can hit the like

button if you liked it and for more videos like this one you can subscribe

to our channel,

For more infomation >> Xiaomi Redmi 5 Pro Vs Redmi Note 4: In-Depth Comparison | - Duration: 4:29.


Sylvie Vartan va balancer sur Laeticia Hallyday chez Laurent Delahousse - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Sylvie Vartan va balancer sur Laeticia Hallyday chez Laurent Delahousse - Duration: 1:35.


Elegir epígrafe del IAE | #IAResponde - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Elegir epígrafe del IAE | #IAResponde - Duration: 4:01.


Ventajas e Inconvenientes de la SL | El foco de Infoautónomos - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Ventajas e Inconvenientes de la SL | El foco de Infoautónomos - Duration: 6:26.


New Artist To Watch

For more infomation >> New Artist To Watch


HeartCatch Pretty Cure ! 2010-2011 36 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> HeartCatch Pretty Cure ! 2010-2011 36 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:31.


One Two Three Number Song | Junior Squad | Cartoon Videos By Kids Tv - Duration: 43:29.

Number Song

For more infomation >> One Two Three Number Song | Junior Squad | Cartoon Videos By Kids Tv - Duration: 43:29.


Tandartsen ontslaan - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Tandartsen ontslaan - Duration: 1:50.


সরাসরি আজকের সারাদিনের বাংলা খবর ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 11:47.

sodesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সারাদিনের বাংলা খবর ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 11:47.


কালো রাজহাঁস পাখির ডিম থেকে বাচ্চা ফোটানোর ভিডিও | রাজহাঁস পাখির গল্প | Black swon Story | FULL HD - Duration: 3:28.

কালো রাজহাঁস পাখির ডিম থেকে বাচ্চা ফোটানোর ভিডিও | রাজহাঁস পাখির গল্প

For more infomation >> কালো রাজহাঁস পাখির ডিম থেকে বাচ্চা ফোটানোর ভিডিও | রাজহাঁস পাখির গল্প | Black swon Story | FULL HD - Duration: 3:28.


Audi A4 1.4 TFSI 150pk S tronic S Line Edition - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 1.4 TFSI 150pk S tronic S Line Edition - Duration: 0:59.


Lenormand Rückführung zur Spiritualität für Marion - Duration: 36:35.

For more infomation >> Lenormand Rückführung zur Spiritualität für Marion - Duration: 36:35.


LEGO® Marvel Black Panther...

For more infomation >> LEGO® Marvel Black Panther...


Fail of a 1v5, the reason I hate glaz... (Watch in Closed Captions) - Duration: 2:59.

Think I'll place the barbed wire here

Geez Finally...

Wait Wth

I don't see any Shock Drone...

Oh well... At least I got one normal one

I'll just reinforce this


dang it

Right I forgot i was doc...


Screw this I'm out!

Oww... Kinda hurt :(

Random acts of stupidity Rainbow Six Siege style???

I'm a bit selfish, meh screw smoke

R.I.P Smoke (I never cared for you...)

The pressure kicks in....

R.I.P Jackal (My main)

Oh no you don't

Hi Fuzey, Hiya Twitch....

R.I.P Fuze


R.I.P Twitch (bet you didn't see that coming)

13 Reasons why... I don't care about my team XD

Welp dealing with a window shooting Ash....

C'mon come back (pls)

K den

thought she would go through Jackals entrance

I hear Glaz....

Dat Aim Though

Welp here we go gotta be the easiest part...

Nope..... Nevermind

Maybe I should wait until the timer is up??

Nah I wanna peak him...

Cmon my only chance





This video is why I am against Glaz mains...

For more infomation >> Fail of a 1v5, the reason I hate glaz... (Watch in Closed Captions) - Duration: 2:59.


I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz (Violão Cover) Tradução BR - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz (Violão Cover) Tradução BR - Duration: 1:34.


Volvo V70 2.4D EDITION I - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.4D EDITION I - Duration: 0:56.


Hyundai i20 1.2I I-MOTION 5DRS AC/CV+AB/AFN.TREKH/ELEK.RAMEN - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2I I-MOTION 5DRS AC/CV+AB/AFN.TREKH/ELEK.RAMEN - Duration: 0:55.



For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.1I SKY RADIO, 5-DEURS, AIRCO, CRUISE CONTROL, ELEK-RAMEN, CENT-VERGRENDELING, RADIO-CD - Duration: 0:54.


Tao Long Tutorial - Giochi per due - La ludoteca #51 - Duration: 13:24.

For more infomation >> Tao Long Tutorial - Giochi per due - La ludoteca #51 - Duration: 13:24.


IF时尚 胡一天 If I Know 采访 [EngSub] Hu Yi Tian IF Fashion Interview - Duration: 3:26.

if i know, I'm Hu Yi Tian

Hu Yi Tian, Hello, I'm your fans mahjong, so excited to interview you

Because you're Hu Yi Tian, so we're mahjong, why did your father and mother give you the name?

At that time, my parents wanted to remember that I born in a special day

Of course, my parents love to play mahjong.

and give name randomly

that's why called Hu Yi Tian

This is your first time to Milan Men's Week, watch the show and preview, how do you feel?

Extremely excited when watching preview

Because I never thought of me have any connection with fashion week.

Did you see any items you like very much?

I prefer something casual

don't like clothes that bling bling

I may still prefer plain colour

You worked as a model for some times, how do you understand "fashion"?

Fashion does not mean every single season has a style

Basically i will remain a particular personal style, more simple style

Do you think you have fashion sense?

I don't dare to

because I'm still more to casual style and take into account of keep warm

Height 188cm of you, have you ever buy a pants online and found out it was too short upon received?

Yes, especially clothes shopping online

because their sizes are different with our normal sizes.

their XXXXXXL is almost the same as L in real stores.

Length is not enough when buying pants

People say Jiang Chen is unapproachable, are you unapproachable in real life?

A little bit, because like to tease people

How do you evaluate your character?

Seems like a typical Capricorn

A little bit unapproachable and cold

When is the best moment in your life?

The best moment should be the campus life.

It was really worry less.

Do you have any happy things recently?

Travelling around the world while working and not so busy is a happy thing.

During shooting of <A Love So Beautiful>, have you ever thought of this drama will have such a popular?

Not only me, everyone in the team never thought of that.

Out of everyone's expectation.

What do you think the most resonating point from this drama?

It makes us recall our school time, first love experiences during youth time.

and someone we have been loved before.

Nowadays, more and more people recognize you, like you, any changes to your life?

I seldom go out.

When no working, I will stay at home mostly.

Most of the time, I use internet to connect with people.

Do you think you are popular?

I don't dare to

Thank you everyone for your attention to me.

Will you worry you are popular for a short time only?

With this speedy form everyone recognize me, I have such a worry

How do you plan your acting career?

In the future, I will be more cautious in selecting works [shoot more good works]

Scenario-based question:

If a girl confess her love to you, you would like to politely reject her, you will say ____.

I already have children.

My kid already 5 years old.

If your girlfriend acted pity and said, "I'm not feeling well today". You would like to comfort her, you will say ____.

Little baby, drink more water.

Enough? I take another glass of water to you.

My romantic word is limited but I will try my best to comfort her.

You were shopping with a female friend. She were trying clothes and asked your opinion.

You feel that the clothes do not look good, but you dont want to hurt her, you will say ____.

I think I will tell her my grandma has a similar style,

it looks very similar to your clothes

IF Fashion, you deserve a better life.

For more infomation >> IF时尚 胡一天 If I Know 采访 [EngSub] Hu Yi Tian IF Fashion Interview - Duration: 3:26.


Citroën C2 1.4I VTR VOORZIEN VAN AIRCO + LM VELGEN !!! VESTIGING LIMMEN !!! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C2 1.4I VTR VOORZIEN VAN AIRCO + LM VELGEN !!! VESTIGING LIMMEN !!! - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I Aspiration | Navigatie | Airco | 5 Deurs! | - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I Aspiration | Navigatie | Airco | 5 Deurs! | - Duration: 0:49.


Heart Shaker! ♡ || Full Danganronpa Shipping MEP (#1) - Duration: 3:06.

I stand still with my head full of thoughts

Am I really doing the right thing?

Well, whatever

(So crazy) *"My name is Shuichi"

Should I just say hi?

This is my phone number

Should I give you a note and run away?

What do I do?

This is the time (Girl you can do it!)

Our eyes are meeting

Love is timing!

You might regret it if you miss this chance

Love is coming, coming - Have a bit more courage

Don't hesitate anymore!

Though you may think that it's weird

I can't help it because I fell for you

Don't wanna miss this chance

What do I do?

I won't wait around like a fool

I want to tell you I fell for you

That I like you

That I miss you all day long

Would you be my love?

Because I fell for you!

Control your expression, don't make it awkward

Keep the tone cool, cool

No need to get nervous

(Stay focused and concentrate)

(What do I do, I can't look at them in the eye) - This is the time

(Girl you can do it!)

Our eyes are meeting

You might regret it if you miss this chance

Have a bit more courage

Don't hesitate anymore!

Though you may think that it's weird

I can't help it because I fell for you

Don't wanna miss this chance

What do I do?

I won't wait around like a fool

I want to tell you I fell for you

That I like you

That I miss you all day long

Because I fell for you!

In the end, you'll want me too

You'll end up loving me

I really hope that you feel the same...

Don't hesitate, go closer

Say your love, don't hold back!

Come baby be my, be my, be my love!

Though you may think that it's weird

I can't help it because I fell for you

Don't wanna miss this chance

What do I do?

I won't wait around like a fool

I want to tell you I'm into you

That I like you

That I miss you all day long

That I love you

That I fell for you

I'm going to say I like you

I fell for you!

For more infomation >> Heart Shaker! ♡ || Full Danganronpa Shipping MEP (#1) - Duration: 3:06.


タンポポ Tampopo (1985) - Duration: 1:54:20.


So you're at a movie too.

What are you eating?

You know the noises people make in cinemas...

eating potato chips, crumpling wrappers.

I really can't stand it...

Are they good?

Sure. Curry-flavored.

I'll kill you if you make that noise once the movie starts.



I also don't like watch alarms going off.

I don't want interruptions.

They say when you die you see something like a movie.

A life kaleidoscoped into a few seconds

I look forward to that movie.

A man's last movie. I definitely don't want it interrupted.

"Darling, don't die!" and tears...

I can do without that.

Hey, our movie's starting.

Tsutomu Yamazaki

Nobuko Miyamoto

Koji Yakusho

in Juzo Itami's


One fine day...

I went out with an old man.

He's studied noodles for 40 years.

He was showing me the right way to eat them.


soup first or noodles first?

First, observe the whole bowl.

Yes, sir.

Appreciate its gestalt. Savor the aromas.

Jewels of fat glittering on the surface.

Shinachiku roots shining.

Seaweed slowly sinking.

Spring onions floating.

Concentrate on the three pork slices...

They play the key role, but stay modestly hidden.

First caress the surface...

with the chopstick tips.

What for?

To express affection.

I see.

Then poke the pork.

Eat the pork first?

No. Just touch it.

Caress it with the chopstick tips.

Gently pick it up...

and dip it into the soup on the right of the bowl.

What's important here is to...

apologize to the pork by saying...

"See you soon."

"See you soon"? What a fool.

What a book!

Makes me hungry for noodles.

Hang on. Only two more hours.

Let's finish and then eat.

Shall we?

Keep reading.

Finally start eating, the noodles first.

Oh, at this time...

while slurping the noodles, look at the pork.


Eye it affectionately.

The old man bit some Shinachiku root and chewed it awhile.

Then he took some noodles.

Still chewing noodles, he took some more Shinachiku.

Then he sipped some soup.

Three times.

He sat up...

sighed, picked up...

one slice of pork as if making a major decision in life...

and lightly tapped it on the side of the bowl.

What for?

To drain it. That's all.

Let's stop.


Your foolish book is making me hungry.

"Lai Lai Noodle Restaurant"

Looks like a naruto and noritype.

Yeah, shoyu-flavored.

Kind of light.

Hey, what's this?

You okay?

Do you live here?

Cheer up.


Pork in mine.

Special for me.


That's a bad sign.


It's not boiling.

Hey, kid, you'll catch cold.

Oh, you're home, Tabo.

What's wrong? Got beat up again?

Who was it this time, Ryuta?

You're soaked. Go dry and change.

I'll say it again. Leave this dump.

Move in with me. That kid won't be bullied any more.

Come with me to Paris.

I'll buy you furs, jewelry, anything.

You're so stubborn.

Pork for you.

Special for you.

Special - like hell.

Why use smelly naruto?

You're out of date. That's why business is bad.

Why don't you quit?

I'll help you.

Shut up.

What I do is my business.

My shop has nothing to do with you.

I'm just trying to be helpful.

I'm offering to buy you out of this crummy shop.

Hey, you, be quiet. We're trying to eat.

Stay out of this.

Hey, Ken. I'm sorry.

Stop it, Pisken. Leave my customers alone.


You don't need smelly truck drivers.

- Stop it! - Shut up!

Hey, man.

If you want to fight, try me.

Okay, I think I will.

Take the truck, Gun.


I'm okay. Go ahead. They're waiting.

Okay. Good luck.

Let's go outside.

Good morning.



- Are you okay? - I think so.

How did I end up here?

Don't you remember?

I tried to put you to bed.

But you wouldn't move.

You fight good.

No. I got beaten up.

That's okay.

There were five of them. That's not fair.

- Do you win? - No, not me.

Do you lose?

Always. There are three of them.

Ryuta, Yohei and Uchida.

Three? That's not fair.

But I don't run.

A man should never run, my dad used to say.

Your dad was tough.

Yes, and Mom is great too.

She's a good cook.

Yes. Haven't had such good pickles in years.

The best pickles in Japan.

Her noodles too.

Her noodles? Her noodles are, well...

I've got to go.

- Got your notebook? - Yes.

- Pen? - Yes.

Is the denominator top or bottom?

Top, of course. I know more math than you do.

Or is it?

No. It's the bottom one. Bye.

Leave his hat!

Were my noodles that bad?

No, I didn't mean that.

Please. Be honest.

Since my husband died, I've been trying so hard.

But I'm not confident. I'm never sure.

Please tell me the truth.

Oh, I haven't even told you my name.

I'm Tampopo.

- I'm Goro. - My name is Gun.

So, how are my noodles?


They've got sincerity, but they lack guts, they're...

Frankly, they're bad.

Uh, Miss Tampopo.

- No. Just Tampopo. - Okay, Tampopo.

Go make noodles.

- Gun, you're the customer. - Okay.

No. Come in the door.

Okay? We'll give it a try.

Ready? Go!

- Welcome! - Stop!

If you say "welcome," look at him.

- If not, just keep working. - Yes, sir.

Carry on.

Plain noodles.

Now, look at the customer while he's not looking.

Wait a minute.

What did you see?

- He's young and cute... - No, no. That's not the point.

Is he in a hurry? Is he hungry?

Is he a new customer?

Is he drunk?

- Is he a customer you want? - I see.

Now take care of the noodles.

Cutting the pork there is good.

That's how my husband did it.

- The slices are too thick. - But thicker is better.

No, not at all.

- Three 3mm slices are best. - OK.

- No. That's too thin. - I see.

Now, quick, look at the customer!

Don't you want to see how he reacts?

Yes, sir. I'm sorry.

- What's he doing? - Sipping soup.

Isn't that strange?

- Well... - It's very strange.

How could he sip the soup? It's supposed to be boiling hot.

I see.

- A fatal flaw! - Yes, sir.

- The soup must be hot. - Yes, sir.

Wait. Wait, please...


Please be my teacher.


Please. I'll be a good student.

Meeting you makes me want to be a real noodle cook.

For my son too.

I'll do anything. So please, please teach me.

Teach you? But we're...

Only when you're free.

I'll keep pickles ready for you.

One, two!

"Closed Today"

One, two!

Come on!

Don't be such a weakling.

One, two!

One, two!

Okay, ladle the noodles out.

Into six bowls.

Get set. Go!


What's that? Put it back.

- Keep going. - Yes, sir.

Get set! Go!

Get set! Go!

Almost there! 3 minutes 15 seconds.

- You have to beat 3 minutes. - Yes, sir.

Come on! It takes muscles!

Don't give up!

You must be better than a man.

Go! Go! Go!

Yes, sir!

Okay, now some stretching exercises.

Why am I doing this?

This place is famous for seafood.

Your order, sir?

What would you like, sir?

Just a moment.

And you, sir?

I'm not too hungry. Something light.

Let me see...

Sole meunière, please.

Some soup or salad, sir?

Consommé. No salad.

- A drink, sir? - Beer.

- Heineken. - Yes, sir.

And you, sir?

I'll have sole, too.

Soup or a salad, sir?

Consommé. No salad.

- Something to drink, sir? - Beer too.

And you, sir?


Maybe I'll try the sole, too.

- Soup or salad, sir? - Well...

Maybe Consommé.

- A drink, sir? - Well...

Maybe a beer.

Same for me.

Me, too.


- And you, sir? - One moment.

So you have quenelle.

Boudin style...

That's quenelle prepared in the shape of sausage?

Yes, sir.

I think Taille-Vent in France serves this.

You're well-informed.

Our chef trained at Taille-Vent.

Then it's served with caviar sauce?

That's correct, sir.

And the escargots wrapped in pastry.

In fond-de-veau?

Yes. Escargots and mushrooms simmered in Madeira.

And then stewed in fond-de-veau, sir.

Yes. I'll have that.

And apple-and-walnut salad.

A perfect match, sir.

A drink, sir?


I think I feel like some Corton Charlemagne.

Do you have a 1981?

I'll call the sommelier.

Thank you.

Today we learn how to eat Spaghetti.

You use grated cheese only on certain spaghetti dishes.

This is spaghetti alle vongole. So...?

That's right, no cheese.

Fork and spoon, everybody.

Spoon in your left hand.

Catch three or four strings of spaghetti with your fork...

and gently turn it around on your spoon.

You wind your spaghetti like this.

And then you have do eat them how?

Right. You must not make the slightest noise.

Remember: It's important not to make any noise!

No noise, whatsoever!

Listen carefully to hear if you make any noise.

Sometimes people don't know they make noise.

Let's try it.

Listen carefully.

Even a very faint noise... this is taboo abroad.

This shop is so near to yours...

but look at the queue.

If your noodles are good, you'll get all the customers you want.

That's right.

This place is not so great.

You've eaten here before?

No, I can just tell.

See? Too much wasted motion.

And they talk too much. Only their "welcome" has clout.

Who ordered pork and wonton dumplings?

See? They can't remember who ordered what.

You can beat them in a month.

Tampopo, look.

Watch closely.

See how he changes the water.

See how they switch positions?

No wasted motion.

And they're quiet too.

This is a good place.

Their customers feel good too.

See? They keep on drinking right down to the last drop.

Look, when they return their bowls.

Watch closely. The old man looks at every empty bowl...

to see if the soup is finished.


It's the soup that animates the noodles.

That's why he checks so carefully.

He remembers exactly who orders what and when.

Am I right?

Yes. That's part of being good.

Another train just arrived. Watch...

With pork.

Plain noodles. No bean sprouts.

With dumplings.

Extra noodles.

Shinachiku noodles, please.

Garlic noodles.

I want soft noodles.

How much?

480 yen.


Great, isn't he?

See? He knows exactly who ordered what.

I want fatty pork in mine.

Here's my money.

Plain, with firm noodles.

Plain but no Shinachiku.

I can remember. That guy ordered the pork noodles.

And that guy gets straight noodles, without bean sprouts.

And he gets the large noodles, but...

- Uh... - What?

The dumplings guy gets served before Mr. Big Noodles.

- Is that right? - Yes.

With dumplings.

Large noodles.

Shinachiku noodles.

Garlic noodles.

Soft noodles. Fatty pork.

Firm noodles.

No Shinachiku.

This is it.

This is it!

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Excuse me, please!

Please, tell me your soup recipe.

How to make my soup? Never!

You're a professional. I can tell by your eyes.

I don't tell competitors my secrets.

Please. I'll pay you for it.

How much?


50,000 yen or so.


If you want to pay money, you loan me one million yen...

to be paid back in a year, no interest...

then I'll tell you the secret of my soup free.

One million yen...

Don't lend him anything.

He's crazy about the horses. You'll never get it back.

You give me 30,000 yen. I give you the secret of his soup.

My shop is next door.

Tonight come back with the money.


Come this way.

- Where to? - This way. This way.

Where are we going?

There, there.

What's happening?

You can't learn soup-making here.

Look through here.

How much?

Hey, why didn't you finish it?

Sorry, but I'm full.

What? Why did you order it if you're not hungry, you jerks?

You're from Lai Lai, aren't you?

Why did you come here? To steal our secrets, you lousy bastards!

We've been in this business for 40 years.

We don't need comments from beginners.

Apologize right now.

Or finish every drop of our soup before you go.

Now we can't leave without a last word, can we?

I didn't finish the soup because I couldn't. It stinks!


How dare you!

The soup tastes like overcooked pork bones.

The vegetables you use to hide the pork stink are too sweet.

The kombu is too strong.

Yeah, and you use dried seguro sardines.

Those fish are not fit to eat. Their innards stink.

How dare you!

You stupid amateurs could never appreciate my noodles!

But people who eat noodles are all amateurs.

So why make noodles amateurs can't appreciate?

She's right. You let the dough sit too long. It smells like soda.

After it rains, go easy on the soda.

That's right. And the overcooked pork is like cardboard.

The Shinachiku aren't pickled. So they're soggy and bland.

You goddamn big mouths! You think you make better noodles!

We just make normal noodles in a normal way.

Okay. We'll come try your normal noodles.

We'll be there in the morning.

It'd better be good, or else...

The pork is okay. Is the water boiling?


How's the soup?

- Oh, God! - What's wrong?

I let the soup boil.

- It's not clear. - What can we do?

- They're coming. - Mom, they're here!

Okay, let's have some of your normal noodles.

- Wait a minute. - Wait?

It won't take long.

No, we want it now. A promise is a promise.

Get moving.

What's that smell?


Let me see the soup!

Wait! Please, wait a minute!

Leave my mom alone!

Don't! Stop it!



Goro, help!

Oh, damn it!

"Closed Today"

Closed again, eh?

It's not good for business.

So you still can't get the soup right.

We'll just have to ask the old master.

Goro, we're over here! Come join us.

There they are.

Come on.

Hello, hello.

Come on.


Come here.

Come here.

Come share our meal.

This is our master. He was a doctor.

While he was selling noodles for fun...

...his partner stole his wife and practice.

Now he's our resident gourmet.

Nice to meet you.

You came just in time.

We just got our hands on some of Carlton's boeuf bourgignon.

It's slightly burnt, so you can't call it perfect.

French cooking is a constant battle with burns.

Ummm. Good.

How's the sake? Pretty good, isn't it?

Yeah. But what is it? I can't tell the brand.

No, you can't. It's a blend.

The base is a semi-dry Nada.

But we blended it quite a bit.

He's been studying this for 15 years.

It's a pork cutlet from Kitaro. But I can't recommend it.

Their quality has gone down.

They used to use good pork from Kagoshima. But not now.

Now they even use machines to shred cabbage.

No more soul in their food.

It used to be good, though.

They tend to be fussy.

What's the story about this wine?

You mean this Medoc, a 1980 Chateau Pichon Lalande.

The weather was bad in 1980...

and it was a bad year for Bordeaux.

The other day I was in the alley behind Chat Qui Peche...

and found some empty bottles...

including this particular Chateau Pichon Lalande.

There was still 5cm left.

So I brought it home and decanted it.

They say that 1980 is a bad year for the Médoc...

But no. A pleasant surprise!

It was a bit light. But such a firm flavor!

The tail that trailed down my throat was... endless!

They live deeply, these vagabonds.

You're not eating much, sonny. Can I fix you something?

What do you want?

- A rice omelet. - Rice omelet? Hmm.

Okay, follow me.

We want to borrow your master for a while.

So long.

I'm so grateful, master.

Good luck!

Why don't we sing our master off.

# How precious #

# Our teacher's teachings #

# Time flies swiftly #

# In this garden of learning #

# So swiftly #

# After all these years #

# We must part #

# Goodbye #

What did you catch?



Let me see.

Sell me one.


Shall I open it?


Here, let me help.

It tickles.


God, what a huge abscess.

What a stink. Didn't you smell it?


A little bit.

Whew! I thought I'd vomit.

You can eat anything now.

But start with something soft.

"I only eat natural food."

"Do not give me sweets or snacks."

"A message from my mother."

Do you want this? OK.

It's good.


Listen carefully.

Noodles are synergetic things.

Every step is crucial for the final result.

Don't forget that.

Well, let's review the basic rules of soup.

Fowl spoils quickly. So use only the freshest chicken.

Both chicken and pork have strong smells. So parboil them first.

Then rinse them well in cold water.

Don't cut the vegetables.

The difficulty is to control the heat.

Heat releases the soul of the ingredients.

But never allow it to come to a full boil like that.

If you boil it, the soup will never clear.

And keep skimming the scum off.

Today I have a most interesting addition.

Isn't he beautiful?

This is...

Sorry. It's just the way it looked at me.

Here's your 14 servings of mori noodles.


How nice to see you, sir.

Please, come this way.

No shiroko, darling.

Or kamonamban or tempura soba either.

They almost got you last time.

I'm just going to the bank now.

Come, Shohei.

One kamonamban here.

One tempura soba here.

And one shiruko. All for you.

Turn him upside down.

Good, we've done it.

Today, in thanks for saving my life...

I'd like to treat you to some delicacy.

Thank you for coming.

Just a touch more salt today, Shohei.

Yes, sir.

Want to watch?

Is it from Lake Hamana?

No, from the Kuma River. Finally I got a wild one.

Watch out, ma'am!

Be careful. Suppon have teeth like razors.

They can bite your finger clean off.

See that? Unless you kill it in one stroke...

the muscles contract, the blood congeals and it won't taste as good.

Since my rescuer is having trouble, I feel I must do something.

Will you let this old man help?

Shohei, come here!

Yes, sir. Nothing special, but...

please sample my noodles.

Where did you acquire such skill?

When I was young, an old man at the local noodle stand taught me.

What do you think? If he'll be of use, take him.

Today we start making Lai Lai a "three-star" noodle joint.

Master, you handle the soup.

Shohei, starting today, you're responsible for the noodles.

Gun and myself, we will take charge of the atmosphere.

Our philosophy of taste:

with depth, but clear and shoyu-flavored.

We'll only add roast pork, Shinachiku roots and spring onions.

The menu will only offer plain noodles and pork noodles.



What about a new name?

Since the noodles will change, maybe we should change the name.

- Right. - Let's change it.

All right.

Any good ideas?

- Something different. - Easy to say.

- Feminine too. - And taste-tempting.


Why not call it...




- Clever. - Not bad at all.


Yes... "Tampopo Noodles".

"Tampopo Noodles"!


Take a look. Chicken, pork, kombu and dried sardines.

Unusual. They use fish heads too.

The noodles are superb. So smooth, but with great body.

You're right. Smooth but strong.

Noodles can be so different.

When you make noodles, you must have a precise recipe.

An exact combination of different flours, kneadings, everything.

To make noodles this smooth, they must do an extra rolling.

They probably let the dough sit before they roll it.

But the key question is exactly how long.

The soda water may be a bit different too.

I'll ask.

They'll never tell you.

It won't hurt to try.

Say, did you make the noodles I just had?

Yes, I did.

They weren't as good as usual.

No good?

They're the same as always.

Maybe you didn't let the dough sit long enough.

Nonsense! I kneaded it yesterday, and let it sit overnight.

Strange. Maybe you skipped a rolling.

No. Three times, as usual.

Did you change the soda water?

No. I use the very best soda water, the same as back home in Guangxi.

No. 1 Chinese Spring Water from Guangxi.

Really? Maybe it was just me.

It must be.

- Thank you! - You're welcome.

Hey, I hear you're hanging out at Tampopo's place these days.

Listen, big-mouth.

It's none of your business where I hang out.

I guess not.

Got a minute though?

Last time I was drunk so I forgot to stop my boys from helping.

Basically I'm a fair guy.

I felt bad about it. Probably worse than you did.

What do you say?

How about fighting one-on-one now?

Oh? You changed the noodles.

The soup's new too.

You noticed? How is it?

Umm. Pretty good.


- You okay? - Yeah.

But damn... You're pretty good.

A long time ago I boxed welterweight.

That's not fair.

I thought your left hook was too good.

Yours is fast too.

Are you sweet on Tampopo?

I just want to make her place a good one.

Let me help.

What can you do?

I'm a contractor. I do interiors too.

Bars and nightclubs mostly.

Okay. You do the interior.

I'll do my best.

Make sure she pays for it, okay?

Okay. My name is Pisken.

I'm Goro.

Oh, no! Not again!


He's going to redecorate.

That's why I brought him.

Is that true?

I like the name "Tampopo". It'll do.

We grew up together, you know. I'll do my best.


Do you have any savings?

One million yen.

The decoration will cost... around two million.

That's more than I have.

If you sell 200 bowls and net 200 yen each, ...

you'll make 40,000 per day and one million per month.

You can pay me in no time.

We'll rebuild all these to fit the lady's size.

Hey, Goro. Give me a bowl.

This is too high.

The counter is too narrow.

Noodles need the right space too.

You need 40cm.

But make it 45cm to be safe.

Out of my way!

She's just fine as she is.

- What are you doing, you idiot? - I'm no idiot.

Can't you see. She needs redecorating, too.

Don't bother! She's fine as she is.


She's pretty enough.

She may be pretty to you because you're...

sweet on her.

Stop joking. I'm not...

No, no. You may think she's pretty but...

to other people she's just a dowdy old middle-aged woman.

A mouse, to be frank.

You shut up!

Just sit back and watch.

Let's get started.

Come on, Tampopo.

All right.

She's finished!

I'll stay here.

What do you mean, "stay here"?

She's all done. Take a look!

But I told you...

Don't be stubborn! Come on!


How do I look?

Like a film star... a French movie.

Do you like it?

I see you don't.

Not that... but you look hard to talk to now.

Come on, Goro... Let's go out!

Am I trying hard enough?

- Sure you are. - Am I good?

- Sure. - You really think so?

- Sure. - I'm so glad.

- Goro. - Uhm?

Why are you doing this for me?


Why do you try so hard?


It's like...

everybody has their own ladder.

Some climb the rungs to the top.

But some don't even know they have one.

And you Goro, ...

you helped me find my ladder.

What was your husband like?

A good man.

A jolly fellow, always in a hurry.

In restaurants, he ordered sake while walking to the table...

and ordered food while sitting down.

And your wife?

She left with the kids.


Don't know.

I grew up in a bad home.

I wanted to make my own home the best there was.

I got married.

We had kids.

I finally built a decent home.

But I was never comfortable.

I don't know how to act in a decent home.

Before I knew it, my wife was gone.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm really human.

Hey, taxi!

It was raining the day I met you.

Damn it, we're wet.

Got a cigarette?


I'll fill the bath.

I'm so happy.

It's been fun tonight. Thank you so much.

Not at all, sir.

It is my honor doing business with you.

More sake?

I'm very interested in ...

this investment opportunity.

I don't know all the details.

But if you say so, it must be good and safe.

Can I leave everything to you?

Certainly, sir.

I'm honored to be helping such a famous professor.

However, we must be quick. If word gets out, everyone will buy.

Yes, I understand.

Unfortunately, tomorrow is Sunday.

But first thing on Monday I'll withdraw all my savings.

Mind you, it's not all that much.

I'm just a professor.

If you'll excuse me, I must call the office.

It'll be Monday.

He has millions.

Have the getaway car ready.

He's a famous professor.

He's retiring. So he's wants to...

Yeah, that's right.

A sucker, a real sucker!

Kumada, you're playing the college professor again?

Don't you ever get tired of that role?

The other hand too.

Please, sir.

One more taste of this before I go. I'll miss it so.

Hurry up.

That's odd. I wonder where your victim went?

What'll happen to me?

Come on, darling!

Don't die! We need you!

Come on!

Don't sleep! Or you'll die!

Say something! Sing!

Do something! Anything.

Get up and cook!

Go get dinner ready!


Thank you, Mom.


It's delicious.

I'm sorry.

She died at 9:22.

Keep on eating!

It's the last meal Mom cooked!

Eat, eat while it's hot.

How is it?

Better luck next time.

How can you guys be so mean?

Can't you taste the difference? I think it's much better.

Can't you encourage her?

We understand...

but we want customers to queue up for them.

They're beginning to have depth, but they still lack substance.

They're not alive enough. They lack vigor.

And they still lack profundity.

I'm sorry.

Don't look so sad, Tampopo.

You're making something good, right?

When you do that you should look happy.

You're right.

Okay. Now I'll show you my secret recipe.

Cut the onions like this.

Shred the pork.

Fry them lightly, put them on the noodles.

Add a dash of sesame oil.

Um. It's good.

- Yes, very good. - Wonderful.

Let's sell it.

We should name it. How about "Spring Onion Noodles"?

Or "Spring Onion Special"?

"Spring Onion Special". That's good.

Customers will love it.

Do you feel better now?

With pork. Here.

It was good. Thanks.

Thank you very much.

With pork for me, please.





You're looking serious, Mom.

I'll pass their test today.

After they eat these noodles...

and if they drink all my soup at the end, ...

then I've succeeded.

Let's begin.


This is perfection.

- Wow! - At last!

- Superb! - Perfect!




Come on, darling! Don't die!


Have I told you about it?


About hunting wild boars in...


There's nothing much for them to eat, so...

they dig up yams.

That's all they eat.

When you shoot a boar...

you immediately...

slit its belly...

and take its guts...

and grill them.

The intestines are full of yam.

Yam sausages, you see?

You grill them over open fire.

And then slice them and eat them hot.

Sound good?


They'd be nice with soy sauce and horseradish.


What's wrong?

Please hold on!

I would have loved... to eat them with you.

We'll do that someday.

We'll go hunt boars in the winter.

Darling, come on!

Please don't die!

Shhh. Be absolutely silent.

My last movie is starting.

Good morning.

Good morning. And congratulations!

Thank you.

I don't believe this.

And look at this beautiful counter!

The lighting is perfect.

Tabo, did you write the menu?


It's great too.

Hey, Tabo.

Hi, Ryuta, Yohei, Uchida! Let's go. Bye, Mom!

See you later!

Are you comfortable working here?

It's a dream. I feel like a master chef.

Frankly, I never thought a woman could become a good noodle cook.

But look at her.

She's doing great.

Yeah, and she looks so beautiful too.

We'll drift away when the customers start coming.

Thank you so much.

I feel like starting a noodle business myself. Goodbye.

Here they come.


Tampopo Noodles for me. Lots of spring onions.


Plain noodles, please.

Same for me.

With lots of Shinachiku.


Thank you for all your help.

He can't have roast pork. So a plain one for him.

I'll be at the bank.

Come on, Shohei.



A Spring Onion Special.

Pork noodles for me.

We did it, didn't we?

Yeah, we sure did.

So long... good luck.

For more infomation >> タンポポ Tampopo (1985) - Duration: 1:54:20.


Shocking Result in One Use-Remove Dark Spots,Pigmentation, Acne Marks & Uneven Skin Tone in Urdu - Duration: 6:55.

Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

For more infomation >> Shocking Result in One Use-Remove Dark Spots,Pigmentation, Acne Marks & Uneven Skin Tone in Urdu - Duration: 6:55.


DRUNK Street Magic at Food Truck Festival - Duration: 3:39.

what's up guys it's Keelan, today we're gonna go to Crown Point, Indiana for the

indoor food truck festival it's interesting that food trucks are inside

well it's because we live in Indiana and it's winter so it's kind of better to

enjoy some tacos and burgers and whatever they have inside we're gonna

have tons of activities I'm gonna be browsing the lines doing magic for

people so it's get some magic done let's get some food done let's get some beers

and let's have some fun let's go what's up guys it's Keelan and we're here at the

food truck festival in Crown Point, Indiana probably can't hear me because of music. Im here with Megan

we are gunna try a little something here with static electricity, you wanna check that out?

she did not know what just happened she does not even know that

like that was floating she's just like a I thought I just grabbed it

Megan: Im really drunk too

Keelan: Subscribe guys!

Check out how these cool smores are made

Im not gunna like that smores was really good!

I hope you guys enjoyed that be sure to hit that subscribe button I'm

gonna put it right here it's actually gonna be below though so hit that

subscribe button smack it really hard

Give this video a like comment what your favorite food truck is thank you for watching and hope

to see you guys soon

For more infomation >> DRUNK Street Magic at Food Truck Festival - Duration: 3:39.


[Destiny6 Indonesia]Pentingnya|The Importance of Skill Reading[Guide][English Sub] - Duration: 7:23.

Hi guys, back with Ditya here and in today's video I'm going to talk about skill reading

Okay let's go back to today's topic, apparently regardless of the skill's description in each hero that I think are crystal clear already

I'm seeing that it's still difficult to player especially the new ones on determining things such as orbs, crests, or suitable heroes to pair each others with and so on

It's actually pretty easy guys as long as you read each hero's skills carefully and thoroughly

I actually thought that this video would've been better if it were made and uploaded before the orbs and crests vide

But I realized just now that there are simple questions that were being asked too many times

And most of them I think because of the lack of willingness to read heroes' skills that you guys have

I'm hoping that by understanding how skill works in the game, you will have a better experience in playing Destiny6

Then how skill readings in Destiny6 benefit you as the player?

The first one is defining what orb suits which hero

I already made a detail explanation of this in the previous video

So I'll just explain them briefly in this one

In case you guys haven't had a look at it, I put the link in the description

The point is by reading the skills, actually you can define the orbs and crests yourself without relying on 3rd source

The source of information about orbs/crest that you can find out there from say, tier list, were actually come from players

That are willing to exert themselves more to enjoy the game better by learning the skill mechanics that heroes have

The second is optimizing the skill usage

Assuming that you only have to use 1 hero in a team

Sometimes it is important to pay attention on which skill to use first before the other on every hero

The order on using the skills might not matter in some cases, but in other cases it could determine the outcome of your encounter

So you can't simply just spamming them

I'm going to use Rock Julian for the first example

His first skill could give spotlight debuff which could increase the rate of enemies receiving critical hit

For me it's the same as increasing our own critical rate

And also increases the critical damage

His second skill ignores defense upon critical hit

So it would seems right to use his first skill first to try to land that spotlight debuff on the enemies

Then the second skill to increase the chance that the damage would be a critical damage

Which then activates the ignore defense effect in the skill's damage

Next example is Paper Fransisca, her first skill gives damage based on the number of buffs

Her second skill can give 2 buffs, one incease damage dealt, the other decrease damage taken

So it would be better to use her second skill first to activate buffs

Then use the first skill for it at least reach its second tier damage

Not to mention if the team actually consist of 4 heroes instead of 1

The team that before only has 2 skills will then have 7 skills

And I guarantee that the sequence in using the skill are going to be so important in every Destiny6 content

I will discuss this more detail in the future video, so stay tuned on this channel

The third and also will be the last reason is pairing heroes

As you guys already know there are 4 slots in a team

And of course with the amount of heroes you're going to have, the possible combination will be almost unlimited

Then how to determine which heroes I want to put together

Again, skill reading

By understanding the skills, you can actually determine the combination yourself

Is the hero versatile enough to be paired with any heroes

Or the hero will shine greater if you pair it with another specific hero

Healers like Paper Eve would have no problem paired with anyone

Heroes that have defense based skills like Rock Jun or Paper Fransisca would excel more if paired

With heroes that can give defense increase buff like Paper Soho for example

Heroes that have skills based on critical rate like Rock Julian would be better paired

With heroes that have critical rate or damage among their skill such as Paper Gunter or Rock Tyler

Heroes that specialize on debuffs would be better off paired with

Heroes that have activation chance buff in their skill like Paper Helga or debuff duration buff like Scissor Zhao Chi

I also want to give you guys a small tip on building heroes

Start with your favorite, actually start with any 5* you have if you lack options

If it's not clear already, I'm going to say that every 5* hero is a good hero

You can check the tier list that I put in the description if you don't believe me

And in there you will find that the only 5* that is rated C, in fact C- in terms of damage, is Rock Yona

Why?, I believe the answer is clear

Is it clear enough guys?

If there are still questions don't hesitate to write them down on the comment section below

I hope this video can benefit you and gives you a better understanding in playing Destiny6

I guess that's all for now guys

If there are questions, inputs, game you'd like to see in this channel, or anything

I really appreciate it if you can write them down on the comment section below and I'd gladly respond them all

If you like my works don't forget to keep supporting me by hitting the like and subs button

And share this video to you friends

This is Ditya saying farewell, GLHF and don't let gaming mess up your studying

For more infomation >> [Destiny6 Indonesia]Pentingnya|The Importance of Skill Reading[Guide][English Sub] - Duration: 7:23.


Lets try taking on Super Battle Road My Super INT VS. Extreme TEQ!!! | Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle - Duration: 2:32:43.

For more infomation >> Lets try taking on Super Battle Road My Super INT VS. Extreme TEQ!!! | Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle - Duration: 2:32:43.


Promenade à l'Orangerie / Stroll in Orangerie - Duration: 5:05.

Stroll in Orangerie

Thanks for watching!

Music: 'November' - Bensound

Follow me on my blog and my social medias!

Please subscribe if you enjoyed the video! :3

See you soon for more! :D

For more infomation >> Promenade à l'Orangerie / Stroll in Orangerie - Duration: 5:05.


Boating on Madiwala Lake || Bangalore Visits Ep.9 - Duration: 5:16.


We're turning again.

We're going....ah no we're supposed to go down there.

Hello everyone, today I'm in Madiwala, Madiwala lake actually.

It's in Bangalore and here you can do some boat so yeah, let's go try it.

Bangalore was once called the garden city but also the lake city.

It had like more than 250 lakes.

A lot of them disapeared but the big ones are still there and this is one of them.

It's pretty big, you have a small island on it and a lot of birds are coming since they

started cleaning the water.

The water is still disgusting but I mean it's cleaner than it used to be.

One thing I find funny in the parks in India is that often it's full of couples who come

here to kind of hide from the general public who don't always approve of relationships

outside of the mariage.

What's nice in this park is that you can see a lot of birds.

I forgot to mention: you have to pay to enter this park.

Appart from really early morning and evening, during the day you have to pay.

It's 10 rupees and if you want to take pictures it's 100 rupees extra.

It's fun to come at different seasons because last time I came it was during the monsoon

and this part behind me, you couldn't see it, it was completely flooded.

The park is not really wide but it is really long.

There's always work going on so I don't know what they're doing but it would be great if

they could do a path that goes all around the lake.

For jogging it would be perfect.

Too bad they don't accept children otherwise we would have come with the kids.

We're finally on the boat.

And look who joigned.

Yeah it's Sravya.

Say hi!


OK this thing is really not made if you have really long legs.

I don't have really long legs but still it's not easy to pedal.

Sravya can you explain how to turn?

Aaaaaah turn turn turn...

We're supposed to go down there.

It's been 10 minutes and I realize now that my wife has no idea on how to drive a boat.

Bye bye pelican.

So how did you like it Sravya?

It's nice.


We're turning again.

We're going....ah no yeah we're supposed to go down there.

Well, that's it for this video.

A really short one but I was a littke sick I didn't feel like going out of Bangalore

this time.

So yeah, see you next week.

I don't know where I'll go but I'll find a nice place.

See you bye.

Bye bye.

For more infomation >> Boating on Madiwala Lake || Bangalore Visits Ep.9 - Duration: 5:16.


हॉट चॉकलेट | Hot Chocolate | हॉट चॉकलेट बनाने की विधि - Duration: 1:06.

Hello friends welcome to Parul Ka Zaika

Today I am going to make Hot Chocolate

And to make this recipe the ingredients we required are

500 ml milk

2 tablespoons of coco powder

2 tablespoons of fresh cream

8 pieces of dark chocolate

2 pieces of cinnamon stick

And 1 tablespoon of sugar

First in a saucepan put milk, cinnamon sticks and keep it for boiling

We are using cinnamon sticks to add the flavour to milk

Once boiled add fresh cream, sugar, dark chocolate

Coco powder and stir well and boil it for 2 to 3 minutes

Yummy Hot Chocolate is ready to serve

If you have liked this recipe

Then please don't forget to click subscribe button on this side

And click on this side to watch my other videos

Soon l'll be uploading more recipes

Till then stay foody and stay healthy

For more infomation >> हॉट चॉकलेट | Hot Chocolate | हॉट चॉकलेट बनाने की विधि - Duration: 1:06.


Santa Clarita Diet, 2 sezon. Nowa obsada - kiedy premiera? - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Santa Clarita Diet, 2 sezon. Nowa obsada - kiedy premiera? - Duration: 2:15.


Hot Chocolate | हॉट चॉकलेट | Delicious Hot Chocolate | Tasty Hot Chocolate | Easy Recipe - Duration: 1:03.

Hello friends welcome to Parul Ka Zaika

Today I am going to make Hot Chocolate

And to make this recipe the ingredients we required are

500 ml milk

2 tablespoons of coco powder

2 tablespoons of fresh cream

8 pieces of dark chocolate

2 pieces of cinnamon stick

And 1 tablespoon of sugar

First in a saucepan put milk, cinnamon sticks and keep it for boiling

We are using cinnamon sticks to add the flavour to milk

Once boiled add fresh cream, sugar, dark chocolate

Coco powder and stir well and boil it for 2 to 3 minutes

Yummy Hot Chocolate is ready to serve

If you have liked this recipe

Then please don't forget to click subscribe button on this side

And click on this side to watch my other videos

Soon l'll be uploading more recipes

Till then stay foody and stay healthy

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