Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 14 2018

Hi everybody, Welcome to Batistenha Homestead. I'm Joselito, and today we're going to make

our second Kombucha fermentation. And we will use

basil with mint, tamarind first time we are experimenting

tamarind with ginger. Blueberry with ginger, mango with ginger. And that's it

in three days, we will try to see how

our Kombucha came out. So let's go

So people look at it, our Kombucha is ready. Three days in the

second fermentation, we have here mango, blueberry, tamarind and

basil with mint. All of them have ginger and let's

tast it. But I wanted to talk to you, a person asked me, Joselito my Kombucha is getting

bitter what's going on? I can not tell but I can tell

some things. The water, look if the amount of water is correct

quantity of water and the quantity of tea bag And also your scoby,

if you already have the scoby for a long time, it may be too large. So

you have to split it for your Kombucha to always be tasty. And let's go

try our tamarind kombucha.

This is the first time, let's see. Good fermentation.

A delight, it's good, so you can make tamarind

that will work. And your Kombucha will tasty good.

I would like to take the opportunity to send a hug to Maria Batista who accompanies us

there from Lisbon in Portugal, just a hug, thank you very much for following us

from Lisbon. And let's do Kombucha. This is what we

we wanted to show you, a lot Thank you for joining us here at

Batistenha Homestead. If you have not registered, sign up for

channel. Give us your like, and share it. I know that you

are sharing our videos, because our channel is growing.

Thank you very much for this, I'm sure it's growing.

It's because you're watching, you're sharing our videos.

So this is your fault, but a lot Thank you very much from the heart. I am

Joselito and I'm Iva.

For more infomation >> Kombucha com Tamarindo? / Kombucha with Tamarindo? - Duration: 3:41.


Greek lessons - The greek alphabet - How to read greek words - part 1 - Duration: 11:02.

Hello, how are you ? Is everything fine ?

First of all, I want to tell you that this video will be exclusively in Greek,

but you will have English and Italian subtitles.

You've asked me many times to create Greek lessons on this channel.

I read some of your comments.

But I couldn't engage, because I didn't have much time.

Not that I have more time now, but...

A few days ago I started a poll on this channel

and I asked you which other languages you would like to learn.

86% of you told me: Italian.

Only 9% of you told me: Greek

but 9% is already enough for me

5% of you told me: French

and 0% of you, that is none of you would like to learn Spanish.

So I decided to start a Greek course

and in this first lesson we'll see the Greek alphabet.

I will speak Greek so that you can get used to it,

but I will try to speak slowly

and of course, as I told you, there will be subtitles.

Let's begin with the alphabet now.

There are 24 letters in Greek which are:

We'll see 6 letters in this lesson,

but we won't follow the exact order of letters in the Greek alphabet,

so we won't see the first 6 letters.

I chose some specific letters so that we can build up our first Greek words

and read them together.

As we said, the Greek alphabet has 24 letters,

but there are more than 24 sounds

that we can create by combining some letters together.

So in this lesson we'll see: 6 letters and a few more sounds.

The first letter is Alpha.

This is how we write the lowercase

and this is how we write the uppercase alpha.

And we pronounce it "aaaa".

Let's see the second letter of this lesson.

The second letter is Mi.

This is the lowercase

and this is the uppercase.

Mi is pronounced "m".

So now we can read our first Greek word:


Now, in Greek all the words that are made up of more than one syllable

take a stress mark so that we know which one of the syllables is stressed.

The word "mamà" is made up of two syllables

but it's the second one that's stressed

and we know that by the stress mark on top of it.

So we won't say "màma", but "mamà".

Let's move on to the third letter.

The third letter is Ni.

This is the lowercase

and this is the uppercase.

And we pronounce it "n".

Now try to read these words yourselves.

So, the first word is "an" (= if).

The second word is "Anna".

The third word is "màna" (= mom).

Let's see the next letter of this lesson now.

The fourth letter of the lesson is Pi.

This is the lowercase

and this is how we write the uppercase Pi.

Pi is pronounced "p".

Try once again to read these words.

These words are pronounced "a pa pa" (= oh good grief !).

The next letter is Taf [no, it's not ;)]

This is the lowercase

and this is the uppercase.

Taf is pronounced "t".

Try once again to read this word yourselves.

The word was: patàta (=potato).

Let's see now the last letter of this lesson.

The last letter is Delta.

This is the lowercase

and this is the uppercase.

Delta is pronounced "th"

like the English article "the".

So try to read this word.

The word is "thatha" (=torch).

We said that there are 24 letters in Greek

but even more sounds.

And we can obtain these sounds

by combining some letters together.

The first combination that we'll see is: Mi with Pi.

Mi + Pi together are pronounced "mb" or "b"

Now try to read this word.

The word is: banana.

I will give you another example now, so read this word.

This word is: "babà" (=dad).

The second combination is Ni with Taf.

Ni + Taf together are pronounced "nd" or "d".

So read this word.

This word is: "dadà" (=nanny).

Read this word too now.

This word is: "madàm" (=madam)

To sum up, we have: alpha which is pronounced "a",

Mi which is pronounced "m" - mamà,

we have Ni which is pronounced "n" - màna,

we have Pi which is pronounced "p",

Taf which is pronounced "t" - patàta,

Delta which is pronounced "th" - thatha

and we have these combinations:

Mi+Pi which are pronounced "b" - banàna

and Ni+Taf which is pronounced "d" - dadà.

I hope you liked this video.

If you did, give it a thumbs-up,

subscribe to this channel,

but most of all share it with your friends

and with anyone who would like to learn Greek.

Thanks so much for your attention and I'll see you soon. Bye !

For more infomation >> Greek lessons - The greek alphabet - How to read greek words - part 1 - Duration: 11:02.


SALADA DE GRÃO DE BICO COM BACALHAU - 🍎 "Receitas do Paraíso" - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> SALADA DE GRÃO DE BICO COM BACALHAU - 🍎 "Receitas do Paraíso" - Duration: 5:46.


British Brother's Journey "After We Gave Our Daughter's Name, I Found Out..." - Duration: 4:36.

Before I was Muslim I used to I was a typical what you could class as a British lad I used

to go out drinking on a Saturday evenings all that kind of thing about five years ago

I I was going on holiday to Greece and they have obviously you know we go to an airport

you've got loads of books in your backpack ready to go sit by the side of the swimming

pool large beer sit there reading where you don't know but yeah it sit there reading your

book with a large beer at this ideas sunbathing and you never got enough you've never got

too many books I thought I'd go to WH Smiths I pick up a nice book that I could read and

I couldn't find anything I've got my rucksack on my back and as I turned around to leave

I knocked a bookshelf and all the books fell off and not want to be a bit awkward so I

picked everything up and the books were all one book and it was an by a Western author

called Barnaby Rogerson and he wrote a book called an autobiography of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)

and I read the first page and it looked interesting read the second page took to the

counter i bought it and I took it on holiday with me so I I read the book and I thought

yeah I want to learn more so I came back and I yeah I started to go through go to the local

masjid and I spoke to them and I said I want to learn more and the Imam who

took my Shahada he said well to tell you the truth the best way to understand Islam is

to become I didn't think anything think twice about it i just took my Shahada there and

then as a revert muslim you find that you sort of a yourself to somebody within

the Sahaba you know you can relate to them because they were revert Muslims too and

you can I my relation was Hamza because of the way that he lived his life before he was

a hard-drinking hard-living enjoyed life to the full obviously still enjoyed his life

to the full after he became a Muslim but and I related a lot to him so when I went on Hajj

I wanted to go to the back to see where Uhud where he died so I went to I went to

the cemetery they got off the bus and as I was walking across I was like I was walking

through treacle it was kind of it was so I felt so emotional and I couldn't tears were

just streaming down my face that I couldn't stop them and I didn't know why so I kept

going and I got off this like sandy patch on to the curt onto a little paved area

when and I thought that was strange and i went to to the cemetery i make my Duas for

the martyrs and Hamza and my way back to the boss where they said come on it's time to

go my way back to the boss and I said walked across that Patrick man it happened again

just crying him looking at me what's the matter so I told them and milana that was there next

to me because he translating for me he said when our prophet found out that what had happened

to his uncle he just cried just wept and wept and I said well maybe he just left something

there for somebody who wanted to find it and I felt in here for Hamza so it hit me both

so when I got home I said it for have we have our son because my wife was pregnant

at the time if we have a son I want to call him Hamza and we had a little girl so obviously

before I went to see my mom I went on to the internet see if i could find a female relation

of Hamza to give her a second name and i couldn't find anything so she said asking mom so I

asked my mom and my mom went away in a couple of days later she'd gone through

the internet and she says I found three names for you and she said one of those

can't remember the other two but the one that we liked was Sofia so okay then we'll give

a Sofia and a few months after we've done that I was feeling pretty depressed I've got a book

and I was i'd just open it up just to

read and see what there is in there and i was reading about the aftermath of

Uhud it just opened are there and it was talking about them going

wrapping them up and burying them and then it starts talking about Hamza's sister coming

with two pieces of cloth and Hamza's sister was called Sofia

For more infomation >> British Brother's Journey "After We Gave Our Daughter's Name, I Found Out..." - Duration: 4:36.


Shami - Непростая (2018) - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Shami - Непростая (2018) - Duration: 3:23.


MILITARY FILMS ABOUT "PARTIZAN ORDER" 1941-45! Military Movies # military films - Duration: 2:05:36.

MILITARY FILMS ABOUT "PARTIZAN ORDER" 1941-45! Military Movies #military films

For more infomation >> MILITARY FILMS ABOUT "PARTIZAN ORDER" 1941-45! Military Movies # military films - Duration: 2:05:36.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Shami - Непростая (2018) - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Shami - Непростая (2018) - Duration: 3:23.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


BØRNS - I Don't Want U Back - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> BØRNS - I Don't Want U Back - Duration: 4:13.


How to Treat Fatty Liver Disease Naturally at Home - Duration: 3:47.

nash, nafld, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, fatty liver, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,

signs of liver disease, fatty liver treatment natural, fatty liver home remedies

Liver disease is serious.

And, while most people traditionally associate liver disease with the long-term abuse of

alcohol, doctors are discovering that isn't the sole culprit of damage to one's liver.

Obesity is also to blame for increased liver problems.

As our diets worsen and our sedentary lifestyles increase, ailments that used to be caused

by one harmful habits are being replaced by others.

That's exactly what happens with NALFD, or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

The most recent estimates believe that between 20-30% of all adults, and more than 10% of

all children in the US have a fatty liver not derived from drinking alcohol.

Sadly, in already obese adults and children, rates are much higher, causing great concern

among medical practitioners.

NAFLD takes place when fat gathers around people's liver who drink very little or

no alcohol at all.

It leads to NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis).

Although what exactly causes NASH to develop has yet to be discovered, there are a few

hints out there.

Evidence suggests that this more serious form of nonalcoholic liver disease could come from

the death of liver tissues, from inflammation, from an imbalance of bacteria in the digestive

system, or from the proteins released by our bodies which are toxic to the liver.

Perhaps the worst part about NALFD is that it seems to arise with little to no symptoms.

Since the fat that accumulates does so around the liver, oftentimes it can go unnoticed,

especially in those who are overweight.

With no symptoms, the patient isn't aware of any abnormal health issues.

Although, medical professionals are beginning to understand, that there may signals which

point to the presence of NALFD.

Some of these signs are obviously connected to the abdominal area, such as abdominal pain

and rapid weight loss.

However, others and completely separate, such as skin discoloration (a common sign of liver

disfunction) and difficulty concentrating.

If you suspect that you might have NALFD or NASH, please consult your doctor quickly.

But, if you simply want to perform your due diligence and keep your liver clean and detoxified,

then consider these homemade remedies:


Black Seed Oil Research suggests that black seed oil can

cut down on oxidative damage done to the liver, and slow down the development of fatty liver



Turmeric Highly touted for its anti-inflammatory properties,

this fantastic spice used widely in India aids in digestion and reduces inflammation

in the body.

Add it to your favorite recipe or make a homemade tea from it.

Using it in some form everyday is the best way to take full advantages of its benefits.


Ginger Another ingredient used on the Indian subcontinent

is ginger root.

It's often added to spice up tea, but has powerful medicinal properties as well.

It can help prevent a fatty liver by flushing toxins from the body.

Since it's high in fiber it's good for digestion too.


Milk Thistle Milk Thistle tea not only helps heal the liver

and reduce inflammation, but it also has the ability to lower cholesterol levels.

It can invigorate an already damaged liver.


Dandelion Root Because it's a natural diuretic, dandelion

root speeds up the liver's job of flushing the body of toxins.

It's been known to treat infections and digestive issues too.

For more infomation >> How to Treat Fatty Liver Disease Naturally at Home - Duration: 3:47.


RARE Conditions That Turn People Into SUPERHEROES! - Duration: 12:37.

From healing quickly to being completely resistant to disease, here are 11 conditions that turn

people into superheros!



Also known as highly superior autobiographical memory, or HSAM, hyperthymesia is a condition

wherein a person remembers an abnormally vast number of their life experiences in detail.

As of now, only 60 people in the world have this condition.

Patients can describe any day of their life in vivid detail, even from their childhood,

and can recite from books they've read from years ago.

Wouldn't that be awesome?

I would love to remember all the books I've read!

The first case of hyperthymesia was reported in 2006 in the journal Neurocase.

The article described a woman referred to as "AJ" who could recall events and dates

from her life with superhuman accuracy.

Researchers interviewed and tested her for five years prior to the article.

Eventually, the patient was revealed to be a woman named Jill Price, who later published

a memoir called The Woman Who Can't Forget.

Despite how amazing it sounds, it wasn't what you might think.

Price said that she didn't find it helpful in school and reported problems with rote


Once, researchers asked her to close her eyes and recall what clothes she was wearing at

the moment.

She couldn't.

Well, that's kind of like the rest of us who can't even remember what we had for


People with hyperthymesia report a superior memory for dates and that the past often feels

like the present when they recall it.

Memories also tend to feel very emotionally intense.

They also feel burdened and isolated by their gift.

It just gets to be too much.

People with hyperthymesia tend to have traits similar to OCD, where they can't stop thinking

about certain events or dates.

Interestingly, they are still susceptible to "false memories".

Scientists found that they were just as suggestible as normal people and could be manipulated

into incorrectly remembering news footage.


Myostatin-Related Muscle Hypertrophy

This disease reduces body fat and can double muscle mass.

It's caused by a deficiency in the MSTN gene, which is responsible for the production

of a protein called myostatin.

Myostatin helps the body control the development and growth of tissues.

Essentially, when the gene goes wrong, the body can't control how much muscle is grown.

This condition is so rare scientists aren't even sure how many people have it.

Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy was first discovered in the 1990s but it was only recorded

in Belgian Blue cattle.

These cows are known for their unusually large muscle mass.

To learn more check out my video on "bizarre creatures created by science"

Then, in 2000, a German boy was reported to have this condition.

However, it wasn't officially entered into any medical literature for another four years.

The boy, Liam Hoekstra, was diagnosed at age three when he began displaying superhuman


This kid is all muscle!

Despite his age, he could lift five-pound dumbbells and perform multiple chin-ups.

Liam possesses almost 40 percent more muscle mass than other kids of his age, an extremely

fast metabolism, and very little body fat.

As of yet, the condition has not had an adverse effect on his health.

His parents shield him from media exposure so that he can have a normal childhood.

Liam is a real life superhero!


Congenital Analgesia

People born without the ability to feel physical pain have a condition known as congenital


However, despite its rarity, one village in Sweden has reported 40 cases of people with

the same condition.

Not being able to feel pain sounds like the best superpower to have.

However, it's extremely dangerous, especially for little children.

A person who cannot feel pain won't know if they're injured or have an illness that

causes pain.

Small children can easily hurt themselves while playing and continue hurting themselves

without realizing they're doing it.

One especially chilling example of this comes from Steven Pete, who grew up in Washington


Pete's parents knew something was wrong when, at four or five months, he started chewing

his tongue while teething.

He was taken to a pediatrician, who ran needles up and down his back, as well as held a cigarette

lighter under his foot, before determining that Pete had the rare condition.

By that point, he had chewed off a quarter of his tongue.

This rare superpower would be incredible as an adult but if you can't feel pain, then

what would stop you from causing pain to others??


Williams Syndrome

Affecting one in ten thousand people worldwide, Williams Syndrome is a genetic condition caused

by the spontaneous deletion of 26-28 genes on chromosome #7.

It causes cardiovascular disease, developmental delays, and learning disabilities.

What about this syndrome, though, can make someone into a superhero?

If happiness, cheerfulness, and kindness are superpowers, then sufferers of Williams Syndrome

are X-Men.

Their optimism really knows no bounds, just like Pollyanna.

It's actually a little eerie.

They also have an enormous affinity for music.

In fact, their talent for music is so great that there are entire programs and centers

dedicated to teaching music to those with Williams Syndrome.


Savant Syndrome

People with savant syndrome are extremely talented in music, painting, calculations,

cartography, and constructing 3D models.

Extremely talented to a degree that seems superhuman.

One psychiatrist attributed these extreme skills to a near-perfect memory.

Most people associate savant syndrome with autism because television and movies often

associate the two.

Forrest Gump, Rain Man, and A Beautiful Mind are only three famous examples of this.

However, anyone with a neurodevelopmental disorder can have savant syndrome.

Only 10 percent of autistic people have savant syndrome and only half of the people with

savant syndrome have autism.

Remarkable Savants include mathematician Jedediah Buxton, scientist Temple Grandin, artist Gottfried

Mind, and numerical genius George Widener.


Marfan Syndrome

Marfan Syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects connective tissue.

It causes people to grow taller and have longer limbs and fingers.

The tissue also weakens as it grows, which causes pain and discomfort.

If left untreated, the average lifespan drops to thirty-two.

How, though, could it possibly turn someone into a superhero?

Marfan Syndrome opens the way for people to be extremely talented musicians because it

grants the sufferer long fingers and exceptional dexterity.

It's believed that Sergei Rachmaninoff, a famous Russian pianist, had Marfan Syndrome.

Other sufferers include violinist Niccolo Paganini, actor and musician Bradford Cox,

and composer John Tavener.

People have repeatedly accused Olympic medalist Michael Phelps of having Marfan Syndrome,

not that he's a musician obviously, but he has repeatedly denied this.

What do you think?

Do you think Michael Phelps has a syndrome that makes him such a good swimmer?


Urbach-Wiethe Disease

If you weren't afraid, what do you think you would be able to accomplish?

If you have Urbach-Wiethe disease, you wouldn't have to ask yourself that question.

This rare genetic disorder leads to a complete absence of fear.

Scientists only know of 300 cases and strangely enough, a quarter of them occurred in South


How does this disease cause fearlessness?

It damages or destroys the amygdala, which is the part of the brain that controls our

"fight or flight response".

That response usually presents itself as fear.

Fear helps us to evaluate a situation on our most basic animal level.

Should we fight or run??

The most famous Urbach-Wiethe patient is an American woman known simply as S.M.

Researchers have repeatedly tried to frighten her.

They've given her poisonous snakes and spiders.

They've showed her horror films and locked her in haunted houses.

None of that has scared her once.

In her real life, she's been subjected to experiences that would terrify the most courageous

person, including a nighttime knife attack.

The head of the research group in charge of evaluating her has reportedly stated that

it's surprising S.M. is still alive, since she had no ability to evaluate danger.

This would be amazing if she were a spy!

But since she's not I don't know if it's more a weakness or a strength?



Have you seen the movie Unbreakable?

It's about a man who cannot be injured.

Well, something like that already exists in real life.

It's a genetic mutation called sclerosteosis and it makes bones several times denser than

the average human's.

This sounds like a blessing.

However, the excessive bone growth can cause pressure on the brain and cranial nerves.

This sometimes leads to hearing loss.

So far, there are only about forty reported cases in the whole world.

Sclerosteosis is caused when a certain protein fails and no longer slows or stops bone growth.

Scientists believe that if the effects of this mutation could be mimicked, then they

could counter osteoporosis.

If the DNA of people with sclerosteosis could be harnessed, they could be worth billions.

Osteoporosis affects 3 million people a year and is a condition that cannot be cured.

At the moment, osteoporosis is treated with a group of drugs called bisphosphonates.

These mimic a molecule that inhibits cells taking away bone.

However, it's hoped that with a better understanding of sclerosteosis and similar conditions, better

treatments involving the protein that controls bone growth can be developed.


Stone Man Syndrome

Also known as Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, Stone Man Syndrome is a rare disease that

causes people to heal faster!

That sounds like the best superpower ever!

Unfortunately, the healed tissue hardens like stone.

Also, ligaments and tendons are slowly replaced with bone, hence the name "stone man syndrome".

As the syndrome progresses and the patient injures themselves, the body slowly hardens

like stone.

This includes minor injuries and any injuries to the internal organs.

Eventually, the patient becomes immobile, becoming, in essence, a living statue.

Any attempt to remove excessive bone growth only leads to more growth.

The body shuts down and they die.

There are only 800 known patients worldwide.

People with this syndrome tend to not live for very long.

How long they live depends on how well they can prevent injury.

People with Stone Man Syndrome are also unable to have children.

In 2016, a one-year-old boy in Oklahoma was diagnosed with this condition.

However, as long as the disease is managed properly, the boy has a good chance of living

into his forties.

His parents just have to be super careful that he doesn't hurt himself.

If they let him play with tablets and video games, they should be good to go!


Tertiary Neurosyphilis

It doesn't exactly raise a person to superhero status but someone with tertiary neurosyphilis

receives a surprising benefit.

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease.

When left untreated, it reaches a stage called "tertiary".

At this point, the patient will suffer things like paralysis, blindness, dementia, seizures,

and rotting flesh.

It is not pretty.

BUT, it will also turn you into a creative genius.

I'm not making that up.

Before the disease begins to break the person down, someone with syphilis who is also creative

may experience what is known as "euphoric creativity".

It's almost as if a door is opened in their minds and they can suddenly create masterpieces

of their chosen art.

Many believe that the negative effects, for a short time, heighten senses and allow for

insights that were otherwise unavailable.

For example, Beethoven had tertiary neurosyphilis.

His hearing was destroyed by the disease but, at the same time, he wrote the famous and

unfinished Ninth Symphony.

Some believe Nietzsche was inspired by syphilis as well.

Of course I've saved the best for last but first, be sure to subscribe and click the

notification bell so you don't miss out on the latest videos!!


Superhero DNA

This last one is not a disease or condition but rather the opposite.

In 2016, it was revealed that 13 people possess what has been called "superhero DNA".

After studying close to 600,000 people, an international team of scientists discovered

this small group of people with an amazing gene mutation.

The research, part of an overall study called "The Resilience Project", didn't focus

on people who succumbed to illness but those who beat the odds.

These people were born with a predisposition for a serious and debilitating condition,

only for something in their DNA to cause them to be resistant to that condition.

Unfortunately, these people don't know they have this ability.

Because of a quirk of the consent forms they signed, the researchers cannot contact them.

A new study is going to be relaunched but this time, participants will donate samples

with the understanding that they will be contacted again.

It's hoped that by understanding why these people didn't get sick when they should

have, scientists will be able to cure the incurable.

Thanks for watching and keep an eye out for these real life super heroes.

They may be among you.

Be sure to subscribe and see you next time!


For more infomation >> RARE Conditions That Turn People Into SUPERHEROES! - Duration: 12:37.


Greek lessons - The greek alphabet - How to read greek words - part 1 - Duration: 11:02.

Hello, how are you ? Is everything fine ?

First of all, I want to tell you that this video will be exclusively in Greek,

but you will have English and Italian subtitles.

You've asked me many times to create Greek lessons on this channel.

I read some of your comments.

But I couldn't engage, because I didn't have much time.

Not that I have more time now, but...

A few days ago I started a poll on this channel

and I asked you which other languages you would like to learn.

86% of you told me: Italian.

Only 9% of you told me: Greek

but 9% is already enough for me

5% of you told me: French

and 0% of you, that is none of you would like to learn Spanish.

So I decided to start a Greek course

and in this first lesson we'll see the Greek alphabet.

I will speak Greek so that you can get used to it,

but I will try to speak slowly

and of course, as I told you, there will be subtitles.

Let's begin with the alphabet now.

There are 24 letters in Greek which are:

We'll see 6 letters in this lesson,

but we won't follow the exact order of letters in the Greek alphabet,

so we won't see the first 6 letters.

I chose some specific letters so that we can build up our first Greek words

and read them together.

As we said, the Greek alphabet has 24 letters,

but there are more than 24 sounds

that we can create by combining some letters together.

So in this lesson we'll see: 6 letters and a few more sounds.

The first letter is Alpha.

This is how we write the lowercase

and this is how we write the uppercase alpha.

And we pronounce it "aaaa".

Let's see the second letter of this lesson.

The second letter is Mi.

This is the lowercase

and this is the uppercase.

Mi is pronounced "m".

So now we can read our first Greek word:


Now, in Greek all the words that are made up of more than one syllable

take a stress mark so that we know which one of the syllables is stressed.

The word "mamà" is made up of two syllables

but it's the second one that's stressed

and we know that by the stress mark on top of it.

So we won't say "màma", but "mamà".

Let's move on to the third letter.

The third letter is Ni.

This is the lowercase

and this is the uppercase.

And we pronounce it "n".

Now try to read these words yourselves.

So, the first word is "an" (= if).

The second word is "Anna".

The third word is "màna" (= mom).

Let's see the next letter of this lesson now.

The fourth letter of the lesson is Pi.

This is the lowercase

and this is how we write the uppercase Pi.

Pi is pronounced "p".

Try once again to read these words.

These words are pronounced "a pa pa" (= oh good grief !).

The next letter is Taf [no, it's not ;)]

This is the lowercase

and this is the uppercase.

Taf is pronounced "t".

Try once again to read this word yourselves.

The word was: patàta (=potato).

Let's see now the last letter of this lesson.

The last letter is Delta.

This is the lowercase

and this is the uppercase.

Delta is pronounced "th"

like the English article "the".

So try to read this word.

The word is "thatha" (=torch).

We said that there are 24 letters in Greek

but even more sounds.

And we can obtain these sounds

by combining some letters together.

The first combination that we'll see is: Mi with Pi.

Mi + Pi together are pronounced "mb" or "b"

Now try to read this word.

The word is: banana.

I will give you another example now, so read this word.

This word is: "babà" (=dad).

The second combination is Ni with Taf.

Ni + Taf together are pronounced "nd" or "d".

So read this word.

This word is: "dadà" (=nanny).

Read this word too now.

This word is: "madàm" (=madam)

To sum up, we have: alpha which is pronounced "a",

Mi which is pronounced "m" - mamà,

we have Ni which is pronounced "n" - màna,

we have Pi which is pronounced "p",

Taf which is pronounced "t" - patàta,

Delta which is pronounced "th" - thatha

and we have these combinations:

Mi+Pi which are pronounced "b" - banàna

and Ni+Taf which is pronounced "d" - dadà.

I hope you liked this video.

If you did, give it a thumbs-up,

subscribe to this channel,

but most of all share it with your friends

and with anyone who would like to learn Greek.

Thanks so much for your attention and I'll see you soon. Bye !

For more infomation >> Greek lessons - The greek alphabet - How to read greek words - part 1 - Duration: 11:02.


How To Build A Raised Garden Bed - Minimum Tools, Maximum Awesome - Duration: 4:58.

Yes, you should be replacing your lawn with more garden beds.

Wait, that wasn�t the question?

You just want to learn how to make a garden bed?

Well, we can do that too!

Welcome to The Hippie Geeks!

If you enjoy this video, be sure to subscribe and leave a comment below!

Building a new garden bed is easier than you think.

Some guides I have seen make it way more complicated than it needs to be.

All you need to make this happen is the lumber, a handful of screws and a drill.

That�s it!

The first thing you need to decide is what size to make your swanky new garden bed.

The space you have available is going to determine that, the width should be maxed out at four


This makes it so that you can work the entire bed from the sides, without having to get

up in it.

The length is up to you but is going to be determined by the space you have, or the lumber

you buy.

Most of our beds are eight feet long, but we have some extra room with this one so we

made it ten feet long.

The last thing you need to decide is how deep you want it to be.

It can be as little as six inches, or up to three feet if you are feeling a little nutty.

Personally, we like our beds to be 18 inches tall, which we get pretty close to by using

a two by six stacked on top of a two by twelve, or three two by sixes stacked up.

When buying you lumber, remember that your width is only going to be four feet, so have

the hardware store cut an eight-foot board in half before you even leave the store.

This removes the need for a saw, so that you only have to worry about putting it together

once you get home.

For this build we bought a single 2�x12�x8� board and a single 2�x6�x8� board both

cut in half for the ends.

For the sides, we bought two 2�x12�x10� boards and two 2�x6�x10� boards.

I already had plenty of screws, so we tossed the boards into the van and headed home.

If you were curious, a 2001 Honda odyssey has no problems holding all those boards plus

Lindsay, Noah, Sam and I inside.

Mini-vans can be pretty amazing.

Now Once you have everything home, its time to find a flat spot and start putting the

bed together, I am just going to use one of our existing beds.

On the four end pieces, pre-drill the screw holes that are going to connect the pieces

of wood.

I like to put three into the end of a 12 in board and two into a six in board.

You want to come in from the edge three quarters of an inch as that will line up with the middle

of the side boards.

Once you have all of the holes pre-drilled, go ahead and start the screws in the holes.

I prefer to use three or three and half inch screws to make sure that I have enough of

the screw grabbing into the side boards.

Butt the ends of the boards together and sink the screws in all the way around.

Get it as close to flush as you are able to, though it is not a huge deal as this is a

garden bed not a cabinet.

Once I had the bottom section put together, I slid it over into place and then assembled

the second layer on top of the first.

I am not going to bother leveling this bed as it is close enough, but this would be the

time to do that if you need to either by digging down for the end that is high or propping

up the end that is low.

Once the second layer is assembled, it is time to get them connected.

The way that I like to do that is by making four-foot-long risers out of one by twos that

go on each corner, and in the middle.

This allows me to connect the layers together and gives us a place to run bird netting around

the entire bed in the spring.

We have two dogs and six cats, and it is impossible to get anything started in the beds unless

you keep the animals out.

Now that the bed is together, its time to get it filled up.

As we are just putting it right on top of the grass, I am going to grab the weed eater

and scalp the lawn down to the ground.

I am going to leave the grass clippings in there as they will help coax the worms up

into the bed, and we love the worms.

Once the grass is scalped, its time to cover it up with some cardboard.

This will just help make sure that the grass stays dead while the bed gets going.

After that I went over to the coop and grabbed a layer of their bedding, which is mostly

straw and chicken poo.

This makes great fertilizer, and again the worms love it.

After that I headed over to the medicinal side of the garden and grabbed a wheel barrow

load of dirt from each bed.

I needed to make room in those beds and I needed dirt for this bed, so it worked out.

Once I got all of that dirt smoothed out, I headed over to our leaf pile and grabbed

enough leaves to fill up the rest of the bed and then spread those out as well.

At this point I was running out of daylight, and this is as far as we are going to take

it for now.

Once we are closer to the last frost date we will fill the bed with a bit more dirt

and some fresh compost, then get it all mixed together and ready for spring planting.

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Thanks again, and we will see you on the next one.

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