Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 14 2018

(Talking before the video)

(What have I done with my life)

-OK, let's... -What have you gotten me into? xD

You brought me into this!

Well let's start


Disgusting flavors challenge :'v

Hello. Good morning, good afternoon, good night or whatever

We are here with Sabrina again

-It's been a while since the last time -And again, she dragged me to something stupid

Well, nobody is going to remember that video we did of the disgusting shakes challenge

Welp, she brought me into another one of those... of disgusting things again

What is this challenge, Sabrina?

oh... yeah..... Hey...

Basi- Oh this is like a presentations, man

Teacher Rodrigo lol


Basically is about combine thing that one can eat on a regular basis

It can be...

From cookies to... hum...idk, honey... fro example. Also Marshmellows...

Practically put togheder some food in a weird way and resist

The person who spits, loses- The cameraman will participate too

-I didn't want to, ok?

Oh, yeah. Introducing...

... to Panchito :3

His face is the same color as his hair: black (we are all used to this, shut up)

With love <3

So yeah, we'll see who holds more

and the one who spits it will have a penance that SOMEBODY was gonna make but didn't come

Frickin' Myranda

Oh wait! Youtube blocks this, right? (For caution :v)

-I have no Idea -Family friendly :V

Pixelate it!

Ok, we are gonna start

So, Panchito will be telling us...

-No I'm not here

Ok, the first one

1.Bread with jam and mayo

Prepare yourselfs

I have to say that I have no idea what is in that list

The only ones who know are Sabrina and Panchito

Dude your hands are shaking

You saved yourself this time

Wait, yoghurt? what?

yeah, that one is gonna be for Panchito and has yoghurt

Look at how it drips over here

-Neither of us likes... -... jam

ok let's do it

I can't!

Go Dany! You can do it!


I still can't

I just swallowed it

-Don't cry, Sabrina, don't cry -I'm crying

Come on, Sabrina

It was your idea, so just take it

It wasn't so bad

-After all the show... xD - She did like 5 heaves

She was like:

"It wasn't so bad"

That shit was disgusting

Panchito's turn

It's all of it, go!

Doesn't taste bad

Sabrina blowing her nose: 1

2. Apple with salt and pepper

Son of a biiiiiiiiihahahahha

And we are gonna use this

Do you want me to give it to you like this?

lol no thanks

Oh man, I'm wearing a white T-shirt I FORGOT

Wait, let's clean this

We don't have apples but we have pears!

I wanna tell you...

... I hates fruits

and sweet things

-AND seet thing -That's why we eat in small amounts

you know... my stomach is already feeling... weird

I'm trying to lower what I have in my stomach...(?

- LET'S GO FOR IT! - NOoooo D:

We are recording :b

Zoom to her face

Can't go down!

Why don't you drink water?

Still can feel it in my tongue

I'm gonna die D:

If could only see his face in this moment

Fuck, It stunged me to my asshole

- Are we in the 3rd one? - What is next?

-Yeah this is the 3rd one

3. Oreos and Tritón with orange juice

-She's gonna die -I'll be right back!

- Just put everything - NOHOHO

It doesn't taste bad

Yeah, not really. I was actually looking for the bad flavor

It taste like the orenge ones, is the same thing

I mean, I don't like it anymore. I'm between a YES and NO

- So indecisive... worst than me


The oreo

One, two and...

Oh ok

Oh this is not...

Idk It taste like...

-Oh dude, Never - No, never again

- Nice, Panchito xD -It's like toothpaste for kids, orange flavored toothpaste

Same flavor

So dumb xD

Taste better

-(Sabrina blowing her nose: 2) -Is it necessary doing it in front of the camera?

I'm gonna zoom there


I don't care, I'm gonna do it anyway. It will take a century but I'll do it

Don't tell her what I did because she will see it

4. Cheetos with Milk

-Can't taste the milk - Ok, 20 more please

I would have done...

Oh you are doing this, u know? :v

The storage of my cellphone is full so now we are recording with Sabrina's cellphone

Are we in the 5th one?

5. Bacon and jam

I don't like bacon or jam, man

Oh, yeah, here we go, goal

Why was I born?

Swallow, swallow, swallow

That was she said

You last night

I did it. It wasn't so bad

I think that from now on Sabrina won't be able to eat anything anymore

Recover, Recover

She's eating it with jam, man, what is wrong with her?

Your moment has come

Go [Chilean word]

- The bad thing is that it will be pixelated - Yeah

-A face. An emoji, please - Oh, ok

It taste like a pancake with jam

WHAT. IS. THE NEXT challenge

6. Coffe with Avocado

Something small, something light

Dany is already assuming her suffering

I'm accepting my reality

I don't get paid by doing any of this

I wanna get paid

Floats! (You'll float too!)

I thought it would sink

Sabrina blowing her nose: 3


How many times have I blowed my nose?

I'll say that...

The avocados are harder than your heart lol

-than her heart


This is different!

*Anouncing a circus down the streets*

shut up!

All the frickin' day


Ok, the last one

The first one

In the ancient China...

- In the ancient China they dinked this

[CHILEAN SWEAR WORD] HOLY SHIT or your mom's shell(vagina)

A bit of avocado please

* Roblox's death*

She can't swallow it

If you don't swallow it this game end and you lose

She's gonna win, Sabrina

Ah, it was delicious

That was your punishment

-Not a tasty flavour -Not at all

Nah, I couldn't do it. It was a very disgusting flavour

Isn't it gross?

It's easy to drink the coffe but then there is the avocado...

I swallowed it!

-Are you kidding?

I chewed the avocado, didn't think in anything else

oh wait

Count them

Sabrina blowing her nose: 4

What's next?

Nothing can be worst

you think so?

We have...

7. Bread with Banana, Ham and ketchup

Oh, you wanna kill me?

All together?

Yeah. Bread with banana... what was it? jam?

oh it was ham, I'm talking nonesense. Ham and ketchup

So, Panchito our producer...

-Slave... -Sexual(slave)

+Cameraman -Director +Whatever

He said we could be having a "Wildcard". Basically form the list we can choose one that...

from the ones coming

+We can... -Pass +say no, and pass it on

But the other ones...

... well fuck it and will have to eat the other ones yes or yes

Then we'll see. Some of the others are not very good tbh



- She's on top of the bird! -Record her!

-Gamusa! -Gamusa, leave the bird alone!

I'm saying this right now. I'll use he Wildcard for this one. It's just, the banana disgusts me

I'm using the Wildcard so bye

I'm gonna have to eat it by myself

- lol you're gonna eat it? - and me too

There are worse thangs-

thangs? lol

-THINGS -Learn how to speak

-I want the tip or idk

And she is spreading it like butter

-I have to eat it all? -Yep

How sweet xD

I can taste the banana...

... the ketchup and ham

And then we have the pizza- OH the pizza!

That shit must be burned already

- Ah, gross -TASTES GOOD

Bannana and ketchup is a NO NO x2

I couldn't... I mean, Sabrina could not be doing this

Ugh, GROSS lol

It's one of the most disgusting, I can assure that

Pancho, Dany could do it


He is eating it, dude, HE IS EATING IT

Ok, that...

AND with this thing here

-With Nutella? -Yeah

8. Bread with Cheese and Nutella


-COOL?! - Is not that bad, I've taste cheese with manjar [Sweet milk-Chile stuff]

Oh, it's melting

-It's just Nutella -Fuck everything

Sabrina doesn't like sweet things~

Eat your bread!

It's something I can eat

*Motorcycle passing by* -GOOOO!!!

what the...?

Oh, did she ate it already?

This part had more cheese

Oh so gross

It's good


Sabrina has a super sensitive stomach and she is the one who wanted to do this

Well, the thing is that....

-I'll pass this one -Me too

Oh, Sons of your fucking moms (lol)

-You could have told me before -WE TOLD YOU

9. Bread with pickles and...

- Peanut cream - Peanut Butter


I've never actualy tried a pickle

-they are a bit gross

... and I'll never taste it again

Later we have one more disgusting


-"No, want to use my wildcard in this one"

-Are you sure you want to pass that one? -"YES YEAH"

lol That face, can you zoom it later?

Don't cry Sabrina

10. Cheetos with Manjarate (chocolate mousse)

Can you look for a big one for me?

[Impure thoughts] xD


Look at that thing

I could eat it again

I mean, it's not good but I can eat it


Leave the manjarate- MAN

Say it

11. Banana with Mayo

I can't eat Mayo, so I'll eat it with ketchup

Look, the portions are small but goddamn they taste bad

-They will be like: OH too small, you are all pussies - ONE WITHOUT MAYO!

You are making a drawing?

I guess

Is it a dick? :v


I don't know what I did

Let's think that is a little star


Sabrina told me "we are going to eat" and I was like: "Cool, I'll join you"

- You came anyway [oooohhh] -Yeah but I didn't know what we were gonna do

- No, Screw you -Goal :v

Ugh, already swallowed it

lol Sabrina

How could you eat it? It was disgusting

At first I was like UGH

Sabrina blowing her nose: 5

It's like the 7th time [5th]

12. Pizza with Nutella

Hard as a macha(Mollusk)

It's like, pretty hard

Can I start eating it?


Son of a-

Go Dany!

Hey, you were right, it's good

Goal :v


-WOW man -Narnia

Yeah xD

How is there people that likes Nutella??

it has Ice


Oh sorry xD

It's not bad, right?

- He supports me - Look sons of -

13. Cereal and chocolate milk

Ok, I'm gonna finish this shit azap

There you go, thank tyou

what If I do this?

go inside!

- Is it too sweet? - Taste good?

- No it's just... too soft - That's why I did it quickly, so it would still be hard

That's it?

No no it's not

KEEP EATING you have to eat everything


Well, let me tell you

To do this we had to open up the...

... that cereal shit

- You left it open - Sorry, the cereal 'thing'

Just like Pancho last night

I'll do the recreation

oh yeah that

I left it ther and then I called Dany... and then that shit just-

it bounced there and fell

and that's why I steped in my Chococrispy

14. Chicken nuggets with Honey

I told you it would not taste good

Swallowed it

First time

Did you liked it?!

You gotta be kidding me

15. Peanut butter with Oreos or Triton

Is that good?


Shut up

- The peanut butter is a NO - Too salty

didn't like it

It's not bad

You can barely taste it

"can barely taste it" she said


16. Doritos with Marshmellow

Why do I do these things?


I don't even make money out of my videos

Doritos are delicious

(Talking like a friend of ours) -yesh -how meann

Inti I love u <3

shit's bad

wanna eat more doritos now? WANNA EAT MORE DORITOS?

ok, yeah easy, cool

- out the taste -Yeah give me

You should eat it right away

Like that you'll end with your suffering faster

- And like that the video won't be 30min long - That too

Like that I won't have to edit it that much and won't take that much (TOO LATE)

17. M&M in Pizza

-Do you want the nutella? -Sure

Why did I agreed on making this?

I know why you don't want this: 'cause is sweet :v



(why the fuck did I screamed?)

I'm like a monkey

- Do I really have to edit this? - Yep


-fuck u-

Somebody doesn't like sweet things~

Nop, I can't

just like that hEY NOW I LOST THIS

Nop, I can't. Screw you, man. Screw u

The winner, oh wait I'm still left haha

lol Sabrina xD

Sabrina, are you ok? xD


Sabrina is practically dying

And I'm here

Yeah and I'm just recording you while you eat

My job as an editor will be like...


WELL- are you recording?

Of course XD

And that was the video, guess who won...

Why do I tell you to guess if you already know :V

Sad music please

Don't make me laugh. Do you want this sad shit or not?

I don't know why I'm friends with you

- Are you my friend? - Are you my friend?

Well, that was it, give a like


It's the light

For more infomation >> WEIRD FOOD COMBINATIONS CHALLENGE -With Sabri and Panchito - Duration: 20:56.


¿Estaríamos seguros sin la intermediación? - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> ¿Estaríamos seguros sin la intermediación? - Duration: 2:36.


¿Qué debe tener plan de negocios? Negocios exitosos - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué debe tener plan de negocios? Negocios exitosos - Duration: 2:26.


Requisitos base para tener un negocio exitoso - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Requisitos base para tener un negocio exitoso - Duration: 1:45.


La identificación: la magia del Blockchain - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> La identificación: la magia del Blockchain - Duration: 1:04.


Nena - Misael Uicab | Tihorappers Crew - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Nena - Misael Uicab | Tihorappers Crew - Duration: 4:50.


David Hallyday et Laura Smet « protégés » des dettes de leur père ? - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> David Hallyday et Laura Smet « protégés » des dettes de leur père ? - Duration: 1:23.


Entrevista al luchador de WWE Rusev: Benzema lleva 5 años sin hacer su trabajo - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Entrevista al luchador de WWE Rusev: Benzema lleva 5 años sin hacer su trabajo - Duration: 2:34.


FC Bayern's Preparations for Wolfsburg Clash Commence - Duration: 2:09.

Team training at Munich's Säbener Street following a two-day break.

Bayern Munich still has to cope with the absence of Jupp Heynckes,

but the manager's condition is quickly improving and his assistant Peter Hermann was today

able to welcome a full training squad to the pitch

only missing Manuel Neuer and Sven Ulreich who trained individually.

For Bayern Munich's coaching team a near-ideal situation going into busy and important weeks.

We want to win every game in the Champions League,

the Bundesliga or the DFB Cup.

At Bayern Munich you have the pressure and the possibility to win every single game

and that's what we want to do.

Joshua Kimmich and Bayern Munich are in peak shape at the moment.

The team is enjoying great momentum and can't wait for the crucial period of the season to begin.

You can tell that it's heating up when you watch the others play.

Today there are two more games on television and we are feeling ready for the Champions League.

We have one more Bundesliga game to play and then the Champions League recommences.

Bayern can lay the groundwork for a very successful season in the upcoming weeks,

the Bayern women are also highly ambitious and looking forward to the first game after the winter break

on Sunday.

Looking at the first half of the season I think anything is still possible because the teams are taking points away from each other.

We are three points behind Wolfsburg but that's not impossible to catch up.

Nevertheless, we know it will be tough.

We have a demanding start against Essen and Freiburg

who are both strong and have already played twice.

They are definitely already more settled in than we are.

But it's our first game on Sunday,

we will do our very best and the team is well-prepared.

Wolfsburg is currently the number one team in the women's Bundesliga and Wolfsburg is incidentally also

the Bayern men's team's opponent on Saturday afternoon at 3:30 pm.

For more infomation >> FC Bayern's Preparations for Wolfsburg Clash Commence - Duration: 2:09.


¿Qué es blockchain? - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué es blockchain? - Duration: 0:59.


DIY 3 Colorful cards | Valentine's Day Cards | Luisa PaperCrafts - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> DIY 3 Colorful cards | Valentine's Day Cards | Luisa PaperCrafts - Duration: 7:26.


¡Umtiti pide al Barça que iguale la oferta del United para renovar! - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> ¡Umtiti pide al Barça que iguale la oferta del United para renovar! - Duration: 2:49.


Opel Corsa 1.0 Turbo 115pk 5d Cosmo - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0 Turbo 115pk 5d Cosmo - Duration: 0:58.


Así se ve Dulce María en bikini - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Así se ve Dulce María en bikini - Duration: 2:18.


MusicTto Get Rid Of Worries - Music Therapy - Duration: 1:04:55.

MusicTto Get Rid Of Worries - Music Therapy

For more infomation >> MusicTto Get Rid Of Worries - Music Therapy - Duration: 1:04:55.


Indignación en Zarzuela tras una delicada revelación sobre la princesa Leonor - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Indignación en Zarzuela tras una delicada revelación sobre la princesa Leonor - Duration: 3:00.


Sexo en Nueva York: Resulta que en la vida real no son tan amiguitas - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Sexo en Nueva York: Resulta que en la vida real no son tan amiguitas - Duration: 4:07.


Final Journey up the Ashby Canal on Narrowboat - 36 - Duration: 7:25.

As you enter Sutton Wharf there's a cafe and turning circle to the right.

Because the ice was so thick, I took a stroll through Ambion Wood, to the

Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre. If you moor up at the wharf down on the

canal, it's only a what, 10-15 minute walk through this lovely wood

up to the centre.

It's set on the top of a Leicestershire hill to the east of the canal. The centre

tells the story of the Battle of Bosworth on Monday August the 22nd 1485

which marked a major turning point in English history. There are a number of

hands-on displays, lots of activities and you can find out about the medieval

warfare and how the battle unfolded. On that late August day in the summer of

1485, Henry Tudor brought a small rebel army to face the much larger royal army

of the King Richard III. After heavy gunfire and Richards mounted

knights charging across the battlefield, the king was killed. The true location of

the battle was discovered by archaeologists to the southeast of the

centre. I know this story well as in 2012 I was reporting for BBC News at the site

of the former Greyfriars, Friary Church in Leicester. It was there that King Richard III

was found buried beneath that Leicester car park and the news

instantly went global.

The ice had started to melt a bit and a number of other boats had already

navigated up and down the Ashby Canal, so I carried on north.

Just walking down to Market Bosworth with Molly. Towpath is a little bit

slippery and typical, it's just started to rain but I'm just

going to pop into the town.

[Crunching under foot]

Good job this bit is a bit frozen.

Oh I nearly went over then, oh man. Right, it's okay now.

Have you trodden on something? You have, haven't you? Oh dear.

Let's have a look? Oh dear, it's only a thorn. There we go.

Okay! It's a good job Molly walks to heel, as I'd left her lead in the car. Market

Bosworth is just east of bridge 42 and there are a number of supermarkets here,

as well as a bank and a chemist. There is a Post Office in the town, but it only

operates as an outreach service, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So today is my

last day traveling north on the Ashby Canal. I'll reach the end this afternoon.

Just north of Boston Bridge I can turn around and then head all the way back.

Back there between Turn Bridge and Town Bridge there was a farm called Cattows

Farm and lots and lots of boats moored up either side, along the side of the

water. But boy it was windy, like really, really windy and it was quite a

challenge to keep Alice in the middle of the canal and not bash into them. Now

I bet the wind turbine in my last episode would be spinning round and round and round

earning loads and loads of energy. But it's calmbed down a bit now and

the sun's come out, so it's all good.

At Snarestone there's a 228 metre tunnel. Luckily with this tunnel, I can actually

see the end before I even go inside.

It's only wide enough for one boat, but nothing coming and it didn't take me

long to get through.

After bridge 61A is where the canal terminates. There's a winding hole here,

for obvious reasons, elsan, toilet, and water facilities. So that's the Ashby

Canal. Not too difficult, no locks whatsoever, just one tunnel, but boy went

through some wonderful countryside. Really, really peaceful. Thoroughly

enjoyed it. Just so you know, I subtitle, or as you call it in the States

caption all my videos in English. It takes quite a long time for me to do but

I feel, if you're hard of hearing, if you're on a train or you just need to be

quiet, they are there as an option. Just click the subtitle icon at the bottom

right of the video. All three of the Ashby Canal episodes have also been

translated into a number of other languages. So let me know in the comments

below if you find the service useful and what language you use. Until next time,

see you later.

For more infomation >> Final Journey up the Ashby Canal on Narrowboat - 36 - Duration: 7:25.


Relaxing Instrumental Study ...

For more infomation >> Relaxing Instrumental Study ...


Três Irmãs - Capitulo 172 - Duration: 38:47.

For more infomation >> Três Irmãs - Capitulo 172 - Duration: 38:47.


Welcome By Michel Productions - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Welcome By Michel Productions - Duration: 1:06.


Citroën C1 VTi 68 S&S FEEL AIRCO RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 VTi 68 S&S FEEL AIRCO RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:00.


U-KISS's Jun Compliments Fellow "The Unit" Contestant A.C.E's Jun - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> U-KISS's Jun Compliments Fellow "The Unit" Contestant A.C.E's Jun - Duration: 1:58.


Rintje laat 't zien - Gevulde gereedschapskist "Black-Line" - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Rintje laat 't zien - Gevulde gereedschapskist "Black-Line" - Duration: 0:27.


बुरी नजर से बचने के 5 चमत्कारिक टोटके - Buri Nazar Se Bachne Ka Tarika | nazar se bachne - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> बुरी नजर से बचने के 5 चमत्कारिक टोटके - Buri Nazar Se Bachne Ka Tarika | nazar se bachne - Duration: 3:35.


Hyundai ix20 1.4 I Go! Nap Navi Airco - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4 I Go! Nap Navi Airco - Duration: 0:58.


DENİZİN ORTASINDA TEK BAŞINA KALMAK! (Raft Simülatör) - Duration: 12:28.

For more infomation >> DENİZİN ORTASINDA TEK BAŞINA KALMAK! (Raft Simülatör) - Duration: 12:28.


Uomini e Donne: dopo che Lorenzo si è dichiarato, Sara va in esterna con lui | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: dopo che Lorenzo si è dichiarato, Sara va in esterna con lui | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:52.


Tracollo per l'Isola dei Famosi: se ne va il terzo concorrente | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Tracollo per l'Isola dei Famosi: se ne va il terzo concorrente | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.


Tutte le ultime sull'Isola dei Famosi al 14/2 | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Tutte le ultime sull'Isola dei Famosi al 14/2 | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:32.


Cecilia Rodriguez contro Eva Henger: 'Si faccia curare' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Cecilia Rodriguez contro Eva Henger: 'Si faccia curare' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:57.


Uomini e donne, il dramma di Gemma Galgani e l'addio choc | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, il dramma di Gemma Galgani e l'addio choc | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.


276. ЛУК зимнее выращивание - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> 276. ЛУК зимнее выращивание - Duration: 5:08.


Golden Child drop choreography MV for 'It's U'! - Duration: 0:49.

Golden Child drop choreography MV for 'It's U'!

In the MV, the Golden Child members look adorable in their school uniform concept as they perform at the gymnasium,

and fans get another look at their dashing choreography.

Its U is the title track of the groups 2nd mini album Miracle released late last month. .

For more infomation >> Golden Child drop choreography MV for 'It's U'! - Duration: 0:49.


Sexuelle Übergriffe auf Schülerinnen: Drei Männer in U-Haft, ein Täter flüchtig... - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Sexuelle Übergriffe auf Schülerinnen: Drei Männer in U-Haft, ein Täter flüchtig... - Duration: 1:24.


Große Koalition: NRW-Wirtschaft hofft auf Ja der SPD-Basis - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Große Koalition: NRW-Wirtschaft hofft auf Ja der SPD-Basis - Duration: 3:09.


HomePod - Beat - Apple

For more infomation >> HomePod - Beat - Apple


CHEAP LAZY VEGAN'S SAVEG CAFE // What I Ate Vegan #90 | Mary's Test Kitchen - Duration: 3:23.

Hello, friends and not-yet-friends,

Welcome back to What I Ate Wednesday.

On this day, I braved the blustery snow and cold to visit Calgary's newest vegan cafe

by vegan YouTuber Cheap Lazy Vegan, aka Rose.

As far as I know, it's the only 100% vegan cafe in our province of Alberta.

She's trailblazing!

It's called saVeg cafe.

Get it? sa-VEG?

I like puns.

A friend and I went first thing Saturday morning.

First, I got a hazelnut latte with soy milk.

They also have coconut milk and almond milk.

Such luxury to be able to have all these choices and not a drop of dairy in sight!

The price was right so I ordered two meals for myself.

The scrambled tofu and the Breakfast Bagel Sandwich.

I tried the scrambled tofu first.

Which was really similar to what I would make at home.

So cozy and so nice to be able to have this out instead of always making it myself.

And at such an incredible price.

This bagel though.

Is everything.

I wish I lived closer because then I'd never have to make breakfast for myself ever again.

This was so darn good!

In the middle of breakfast, Rose brought over some banana bread for us to try.

I was already kind of full and still had a bagel to eat...but what was I going to say?


Of course not.

Don't be silly.

The banana bread had been heated up so it was nice and warm.

The top has that slightly crisp, kinda sticky top.

Like muffin tops but the best muffin top you've ever had.

You know what I mean?

The whole thing was soft and moist with a light texture and perfect flavour.

Toasty and nutty.

I was already full but, somehow, magically, tasting this made room in my tummy.

I'm still dreaming about it days later!

We wanted to come back for lunch, that was the plan.

We were going to walk around the mall and come back...but I was so full.

I didn't eat again until the evening.

I was back at home and feeling lazy.

It's the weekend, after all, so all I did was pull this soup out of the freezer, heated

it up, and...

This coconut miso noodle soup was such the perfect thing for this blizzardy day.

Not too heavy, just some creamy miso soup with some whole wheat spaghettini, bok choy

and other veggies.

A pretty big serving but most of it was broth.

And by the way, if you want the recipe, I have it linked below.

And if you want to see how it's made, check out last week's What I Ate video.

And that was it.

My Saturday.

If you're in the Calgary area, you have to check out saVeg cafe.

The food is so good, the people are super friendly, and it's such an enjoyable cozy


I can't wait to go for lunch.

Should I bring my camera again?

Do you want to see more like this?

Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks so much for watching this little bit shorter than usual What I Ate video, my friends.

Please give it a thumbs up if you liked it and subscribe if you haven't already.

And tell me what you like to have on Saturdays in the comments below.

Bye for now!

For more infomation >> CHEAP LAZY VEGAN'S SAVEG CAFE // What I Ate Vegan #90 | Mary's Test Kitchen - Duration: 3:23.


What if I can't find a Kundalini Master to Awaken my Kundalini? - Duration: 3:01.

What if I can't find a Kundalini Master to Awaken my Kundalini?

Many followers of our SKY Yoga YouTube Channel comment and send me emails asking what to

do if they can't find a Kundalini Master near their home.

They ask me if they can awken their kundlaini force by themselves using a mantra, tantra,

pranayama or any other meditative technique.

I usually help them find a SKY yoga master near their home.

We have over 2500 SKY Yoga centers around the world.

We have over 11,500 SKY professors and over 60,000 SKY masters around the world.

We can always find one in most major cities across the world in any country.

We don't have a SKY master in all the cities in all the countries of the world.

For instance, we don't have in any centre in most parts of Africa and South America.

We have a few SKY Yoga centers in Europe such as UK, Netherlands and Germany.

Most of Europe is not having access to a SKY Center yet.

We don't have any centers in China while we are available in Malaysia, Japan, and Singapore.

SKY Centers are available in Sri Lanka and UAE, Bahrain and Qatar.

We have many SKY Yoga centers in the United States.

You can visit and click on WorldWide Centers link in the

menu in the website to search for centers around the world.

Our parent website has admin email ids and contact numbers to reach out to.

I would urge you to get in touch with a trained SKY Yoga master near you to awaken your kundalini.

Do not try to awaken your kundalini through your own personal efforts.

Many aspirants get into complications without proper guidance of a trained master.

They often complain of headaches, nervous debilities, weak health, mental weakness etc

after self induced kundalini awakening.

Do visit Learn the world's Simplest and Safest Kundalini


Be Blessed, Krish Murali Eswar.

For more infomation >> What if I can't find a Kundalini Master to Awaken my Kundalini? - Duration: 3:01.



Hi guys, and welcome back to my YouTube channel

Today I'm so happy that I get to share a video with in collaboration with KappAhl

So the entire video is sponsored by them

And it's so fun to finally share this with you

I've been so lucky that I've got to pick out a few faves from their denim collection

Which will be in stores in week 8

I'm also styling these items in five different ways

In a video that will be up next week, so stay tuned for that

That's gonna be so much fun, but first I'll share with you what I picked and

Show you the pieces on very quickly, and then I'll style them in a video next week

Give this video a thumbs up if you like it

So, I'm a huge fan of KappAhl, I have always kind of seen what they have done

But the last 6 months they've really stepped up their game and they now got so many nice pieces

I have a few items for last fall as well that I love

For example a coat that I just love!

So it's really exciting that I get to do this with them

I have a huge bag here

With stuff. And with a lot of denim

And a lot of nice pieces for spring, so if you're longing for spring this is the video for you

So, I'll just start at the top

The first piece I pull out

Is a trenchcoat

And it's this one

It is so nice

And it has such a pretty color

It's not to cold, and not to warm

It's just super nice and will be very nice this spring

I don't have any trench coats like this one in my closet already, so that was about time

It's so nice

I got it in a size S

And it costs 899,- NOK, so that's really budget friendly

And the next item


Is a pair of sunglasses

You know how much I love sunglasses during spring, summer and autumn

And winter for that sake, but there is no sun...

Cool? They are kind of round in the shape

And the glass is kind of pink ish

And they are kind of pinkgold - gold ish

I think they're awesome

Then we have a pair of earrings

And that is


They are also super cool. They are gold and silver, kind of matte

So they really work with a lot

You know that I love earrings

So I love when I find some extra special ones, and I love the sound they make

I'll link everything I can find below, everything might not be in store yet

Then a striped shirt

I know I'm not the typical striped shirt person

But this one is kind of oversized and cool, and I love it with the other pieces I'm styling it with

So I'm excited to show you that

And the color is kind of pink-red, so nice

It's kind of similar to the color I'm wearing today

And it's so nice, also a size S

Oversized shirts like this is so cool during spring in my opinion

And stripes is amazing

Another striped shirt that I think is so great

Is this light blue striped one, with

It's kind of long

And it ties in in the waist, I think it's amazing

Picture this with a skirt and

A pair of cool shoes or sandals this summer

Or just a pair of jeans and pointy shoes this spring

Soooo cool!

Then it's time for the first pair of jeans

And this one is

A little high waisted

And it's a cropped and kind of flared model

It also has a darker part here

As well as the pockets behind

I have it in a size 36, so it runs normal in size

It's super cool, and very me

And then

A very cool red t-shirt

I feel that red is something I can wear more

I started using more red last fall, so I already have a few pieces in my closet

A very cool printed t-shirt, which says "another day" in silver

Which I'm gonna wear, now I'm revealing a little

I think it's so cool with this blazer

And you already know that I love these kind of blazers with this pattern

And this is a little more smart and tailored then the others I have

I have it in a size M to get it more oversized

It's so so nice

And very nice with jeans and during spring

Then jeans pair number 2

It's these ones, which is a straight leg jeans

With this stripe on the side

Normal waistline and a little cropped

Which I love about my jeans

Also a size 36

The striped is blue, light blue and gold, which I think is so cool

Then a knit in an amazing color

Look at this color!

It's not like super red-red, it's more like coral red ish

With some white in it, and it's so nice

And it's so perfect to have for spring as well

When you want to wear something warm, but not a thick jacket

Then this is perfect, and a lighter jacket over

Such a nice and fresh color


A denim jacket. You know I love denim jackets

I actually have a size L, so get it extra oversized

I think that looks better then if they are short and tight

It has some embroidery here

Which I also am a huge fan of, this flower embroidery

And it's just oversized

So cool. And then

The last piece

Which kind of comes together with the jacket, but I'm not styling them together

That's too much for me, but these are all slim jeans

With also embroidery here. I have a kind of similar jeans from Hallhuber already

But this is kind of different in the style

Also really nice, a size 36 and very stretchy

It's soooo cool

As I mentioned, I'll link everything I can find below

And I'm excited to show you how I style these pieces in a video that will be up next week

All these pieces will be styled into five outfits

So it's three jeans, three jackets

A knit, two shirts and a t-shirt, all is to become five outfits

I'm so excited to share that with you

I hope you liked the video, give me a thumbs up if you did

And comment below which item you liked the most

Thanks to KappAhl for collaborating with me on this video

I'll see you very soon again, thank you so much for watching


For more infomation >> SPRING HAUL & TRY ON - KAPPAHL AD I KAJA-MARIE - Duration: 6:52.


I've Inherited a WordPress Website - Now What? - Duration: 10:00.

- Hey ya'll, welcome to another WordPress Wednesday.

- My name is Kori Ashton and this week I get to answer

question from one of our subscribers.

Rebecca reached out and said, "Hey Kori, I am inherited

a WordPress website, now what the heck do I do?

Can you give me kinda of a punch list of

what I should be doing."

And I know this is the case for a lot of us freelancers

out there, a lot of the folks who are maybe trying to

help a friend or family member, or you know,

somebody who already has a website in place.

Somebody else built it,

somebody else put it all in WordPress and you have no idea

how they built it or what you should even be doing

the moment you first log in.

So, let's go through a little bit of a check list

that I have, hopefully this will give you some clarity

of some things you can be doing to,

to basically overall have success when you're inheriting

somebody's WordPress website.

Alright, so the first thing, I need you to have a game plan

about is, do you know where the domain name,

the, whatever it might be.

That domain name, do you know where it was registered?

And who's name was it registered to?

You also need to know when that domain name expires.

Now, you might be saying "hold on, hold on.

I just want help with the website."

Well, the address is part of being a great manager

of that environment so you really need to know,

where is that domain name registered?

When does it expire and need to be renewed?

Is it set to auto renew, right?

And whose name is it in?

And you can find those things out by doing a Whois search

and I'll put the link to that

in the description box below as well.

You also need to know where this website is being hosted.

Are they on WP Engine, are they on Go Daddy,

Hostgator, where are they?

Where do they live?

You need to know that and you need to get access to that

account, because you will need probably potentially set up

FTP access for yourself.

So please be sure, even very much out of the gate,

early on in the process

to go get access to these areas.

You'll also wanna see if perhaps the past developer

of this project was generous enough to

create a developer environment,

or what we call as a stagging site.

So that you might be able to test some of these things

that we're gonna go through inside of that environment first

versus working on a live website

where you might have visitors there

and you don't want to interrupt anything there.

You'll also wanna take note to see if the website is running

a content delivery network, which is called a CDN

or a secure server, so do they have a SSL in place.

And those types of things you need to just kind of have on

a check list, yes they're running Mac CDN,

or yes they're giving a CDN through the hosting company.

Whatever that might be,

or yes they have a SSL and it's set to renew in December.

You know, you'll have to know those things again in order to

just be a really good as a webmaster in a sense, right?

Helping them with their website.

The next thing is backups in place.

Do they have a backup running?

Does your hosting company provide that solution,

because they might, that's another reason you need to know

who they're hosting with,

because they might have some sort of automated 24 hour

backup in place that allows you to easily access it.

What I want you to know though is once you have that checked

off and say, "Yes backups are in fact running."

I need you to for sure talk to your hosting company

and ask them what is the process if I have to click restore,

because now you're gonna get into the website.

I'm gonna show you some things that you're gonna have to

start doing in order to manage this site

and what you don't want to do is have to call up

the owner of that site and say, "Hey I broke your website."

So you absolutely need to make sure you have a backup

in place and that we're not deleting anything,

not losing anything.

And you need to know how to restore it.

Ask your hosting company,

"Are you gonna charge me to click that button for me?

What are the fees associated with this?"

Okay once you have all that in place.

Well let me say this, if you do not have backups running,

before you do any of the rest of this,

I need you to go install a backup plugin, okay?

And I will put a link to a video

that teaches you how to do that.

So do not move further past this video until you know for

a fact that you have a backup and you know how to get to it.

You need to be backing up your database

and all of your files.

Alright, so the next thing I want you to do is go

take a check list or screenshot of what plugins are running.

What are the active plugins inside of your dashboard?

Now you can have inactive plugins sitting there as well,

but for the sake of now,

I'm more concerned about what active plugins are running.

And then does the author currently support those plugins?

So each and every one of those, I need you to go see,

especially if there is an alert sitting there that says

there's an update that's needed.

So what we want to be sure is that okay, is the plugin

currently being supported, is it still safe to use?

Do you need a license for it?

Is it a free plugin or was a paid plugin?

If it's a paid plugin,

do you have access to that license key,

because in order to click that update button,

you might have to have that license key.

You'll have to know when that license renews.

These are just little quick tips that you might want to

go look at and if you're running an e-Commerce part,

or a shopping store inside your WordPress website,

you'll probably need to go in there digging around and find

out who the payment gateway is, is it authorized .net,

is it Paypal, who are they using and again,

do you have log in permission to that account in case

there's a break in the payment process while

we're doing these other steps, okay?

So go do your diligence there.

The next thing is, what theme is running, so

jump over into appearance, click on themes, get in there

and go find out what theme is running,

again is it currently being supported by author,

click on the tab that talks about the theme.

Go over to the author's landing page.

Be sure that there's still selling it

and that there's an updated version that you can be using.

Check to see what version you're running,

so do you need to update your theme?

And if its a paid theme, I have a video that can teach you

how to update that safely,

I'll put all these videos in the description box below.

If its just a free theme that's just in the repository,

you should be able just from your dashboard

to click update without any sort of breaks.

You will wanna be sure though to confirm whether or not

you're running a child theme

and of course that will be there in that dashboard,

so that you're not deleting

or messing up any custom code that might've been done

by the previous development team.

So then here's the big deal.

This is the big one.

Are all update current?

SO you know its kinda of scary when we reopen that dashboard

you kinda don't wanna look in there and see

how many plugins are running

and how many updates are needed,

because you know if they're running

an outdated version of WordPress,

that clicking update could absolutely break things.

So I want you to be very, very cautious.

We know we have a backup in place,

we know how to get to that backup,

and click restore if anything breaks.

Ideally, we're doing all this in a staging environment,

not even tinkering around live sites,

that would be incredible.

But right now, its time to deal with all of your updates.

So the way I process this

and I have a video that specifically talks step by step

on how to update your website.

I'll put that as well in the description box below,

but I want you to do plugins first, then your theme,

then your core.

And if you watch the video,

I'll explain why I have that process in place.

Once you've done all of that,

then we can go have a little bit more fun

now that you've know nothings broken,

pressure off, woo!

Now you can go on searching around,

taking a look at your pages.

Can you easily access all of the content

that lives on the homepage?

How would you make changes if the owner asked you,

hey can you make this change or add this slide

or into the slideshow, you know?

Take off that coupon.

Go in there and start tinkering around and just seeing okay

what is my access point to all of this content.

Are the inner pages built with a page builder?

Do I know how to use that page builder?

And go get yourself familiar with those things.

Widgets, what lives inside of your sidebars?

So again, going to appearance and going to widgets

going in that area to see,

OK how did the previous developer use widgets

in this website and just kinda open up each drawer,

if you will,

and figure out what lives in each little section.

Then go look here, menus, appearance menus.

Dig over there and see how are your menus set up?

How are they assigned?

Are there a ton of menus?

Where do those live?

Again, just again just try to familiarize yourself

to be able to make faster changes if the owner says,

"Hey can you add a new link to my drop down menu."

You'll know how to get in there and do that.

And then finally, the last thing I want you to

take a look at are the users.

So, drop over into settings,

go into the users area and I want you to see how many users

are there, what type of roles are they assigned to,

are they old developers that don't need access anymore.

Always remember that fewer people logging into a website,

the more secure that website is.

So please, please be sure to delete, remove, reassign

users and minimize who has access.

Especially admin access to your website,

if that makes sense.

The last thing, if you want to deal with anything else

on top of this, is just to be sure that you have

some sort of security in place, whether you're running Sucuri, the free version or some other type of plugin

that you're running specifically for

added security to the website.

I got tons of videos listed down below to

kinda help you through each one of these steps.

I hope this does help you,

Rebecca thanks again for sending in the question.

And if you have WordPress questions,

give me a tweet, send me an email, connect with me,

leave a comment below.

I'll try help you out with a video.

Hope you're having a great WordPress Wednesday. Bye y'all.

For more infomation >> I've Inherited a WordPress Website - Now What? - Duration: 10:00.


21 hours, No lift : Hitchhiking in Malaysia - Duration: 18:23.

After 21 hours I've been able to come back to this highway!

I'm back to Cameron Square. From here I'll hitchhike to Ipoh.

I'm standing here so that I'll be visible from a farther distance.

I'm grateful to this gentleman for giving me a lift.

The things at the back are flowers which are going to be exported to countries like Thailand & Vietnam.

Nandri means 'Thank you' in Tamil.

This was taught to me by the priest in Batu Caves.

He'll drop me at a petrol station which is 200 metre ahead.

I've finally reached Ipoh

Thanks to the family which brought me here in their BMW car.

They asked me to have lunch with them.

The thing that I'm going to eat now, is called Tosai here.

There's no sambhar or chutney!

Have to manage with daal.

Malaysia is a great place for Indians Vegetarians.

You can find South Indian food very easily here.

Thanks to the Malaysian Tamils here.

You'll find Tamils everywhere in Malaysia!

This is their entire family!

Now they'll leave me at a petrol station in Ipoh.

From here, I have to go to the highway.

I'm in car belonging to an American couple.

Now they'll drop me at some petrol station along the highway.

I've left Ipoh some time back.

Since the past 1 hour I was trying for lifts but couldn't find any.

He is not able to understand what I'm saying.

The major mistake that I committed was that I was not on the highway.

Had I been on a petrol station on the highway, I would have easily gotten a lift for Penang.

While hitchhiking, it's very important to be at the right place and at the right time.

Otherwise you'll face a lot of problems.

From this petrol station, I'm going to the traffic signal.

This is because I haven't been to reach the petrol station along the highway that I had been searching for.

It is quite far from here.

It's really hard to explain to those people who don't understand hitchhiking.

I'm really tired now.

It's 5:20 PM right now and I'm not in a very good state.

Thankfully, I'm allowed to sit and rest in the supermarket.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, come to the such supermarkets next to the petrol stations.

It's 9:30 PM and I'm in Ipoh.

I found a Gurudwara.

I reached here at around 5:30 PM.

I thought of taking a short nap but ended up sleeping for three good hours!

My morning breakfast here at the Gurudwara consists of paratha, tea and curd.

Today I've planned to reach Langkawi.

Bikers are not able to give a lift because helmet is compulsory for the passenger sitting behind as well.

A Toll Plaza can often be a great spot for hitchhiking.

Finally, I've made it to the highway!

It took me 21 hours to make it to the highway!

For more infomation >> 21 hours, No lift : Hitchhiking in Malaysia - Duration: 18:23.


RAISING THIRD CULTURE KIDS 🌍 New Zealander in Germany - Duration: 7:20.



I'm born in Germany but i'm also half New Zealander



Three times


Yes yes yes

New Zealand beach


New Zealand

Of course it is

A Germany picture, a bakery

A bakery

A girl with rainbow hair and a flag

Germany flag


That we can speak different languages and we have more friends

it also makes me different to other people


For more infomation >> RAISING THIRD CULTURE KIDS 🌍 New Zealander in Germany - Duration: 7:20.


Daria Ładocha & Gabi Drzewiecka - Kuchnia na dwa głosy - Miska warzyw - Duration: 8:06.

For more infomation >> Daria Ładocha & Gabi Drzewiecka - Kuchnia na dwa głosy - Miska warzyw - Duration: 8:06.


'I Don't Like Romance' | Book Recommendations [CC] - Duration: 4:19.

Hi everyone, Happy Valentine's Day. Now if you are like me, you don't really read a

lot of romance. So today I want to talk about a few books that I really like

that have some sort of romantic elements in them but they're not super gushy or

there's enough tragedy to sort of balance out the gushiness.

And I think the relationships these books are portrayed in a very realistic manner.

First up is a new favorite of mine and that is 'If Beale Street Could Talk' by

James Baldwin now I always hear Hélène from books by leynes talk about James

Baldwin and she's practically in love with him, and this is one of her

favorites of his works. And I was really excited to pick this up because this is

my first Baldwin as far as novels go; I read one short story of his before.

And I really really enjoyed this; I'll probably talk about this in a video in

the near future. I just want to highlight that I really loved the romantic

relationship depicted in this novel which is between Tish, the main character,

and Fonny. Tish is pregnant with Fonny's baby and Fonny is in jail

because he's being accused of rape. So just from that alone you can tell that

this is a very hard story to read about but I really loved the romance between

Tish and Fonny. They're both fairly young so you can tell that this is their

first true love and the interactions between them just made my heart flutter.

I felt like I was a teenager again. And I also really loved the relationship that

they had with their family members because you can tell that the bond

between Tish and Fonny is really strengthened by the bond that they have

with the people around them. The next book I want to talk about is 'A Little

Life' by Hanya Yanagihara. I read this book towards the end of 2016

and it was one of my favorite books of that year. It follows the lives of four

friends who meet in college and the main focus is on one of the friends whose

name is Jude. As the story progresses we learn more about Jude's life before

he met the other three and that he has led a very traumatic childhood and

adolescence, and you can see how this affects the relationships that he has

with people around him and how his sense of self-worth is pretty much

non-existent. But Jude does end up developing early beautiful relationship

with someone else and that made me really think about unconditional love

and what it means to receive that sort of love when you don't think you deserve

it. The next book is 'This is How You Lose

Her' by Junot Díaz. So this is a short story collection line Junot Díaz.

It's one of my favorite short story collections of all time by one of my

favorite writers. And you can pretty much tell it's not meant to be a happy book

just from the title but the portrayals of relationships in these stories are so

honest and brutal and they just kick you right in the gut. Also, fun fact: I met Junot

Díaz and had this book signed along with my copy of 'The Brief Wondrous Life

of Oscar Wao' and that book signing/book reading is also where I met

my yeah. Lastly I want to talk about a

short story that's included in this issue of Granta magazine called 'Legacies

of Love' and this is the summer 2016 issue. The story is called 'Whatever

Happened to Interracial Love?' by Kathleen Collins and I talked about it briefly in

a different video so I will link that down below, but it's basically about a

black woman who is in a relationship with a white freedom rider during the

civil rights movement era. As you can probably tell it is very tragic but it

is also so so beautifully written. And yes it is about the relationship but it

also reflects and represents something that is much bigger than just the two of

them, which I really like. So those are some of the recommendations

I have for Valentine's Day for the anti-romantic.

I think that's all for today. Thank you guys so much for watching. Talk to you

very very soon. Bye!

For more infomation >> 'I Don't Like Romance' | Book Recommendations [CC] - Duration: 4:19.


Can I claim Tax Relief on Professional Subscriptions? - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Can I claim Tax Relief on Professional Subscriptions? - Duration: 2:20.


Ford Fiesta 1.6i 16v Ghia - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.6i 16v Ghia - Duration: 1:00.


Honda CR-V 2.0I ES AT 1e eigenaar - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0I ES AT 1e eigenaar - Duration: 0:54.


Citroën C2 1.4i VTR ,1e eigenaar,clima,cruise controle. - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C2 1.4i VTR ,1e eigenaar,clima,cruise controle. - Duration: 0:54.


Hyundai ix20 1.4i blue 90pk i-Magine - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4i blue 90pk i-Magine - Duration: 1:00.


Honda Jazz 1.3 i-VTEC Comfort - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.3 i-VTEC Comfort - Duration: 1:01.


SÀI GÒN 29 TẾT chợ hoa DÂN DÃ xưa nhất SÀI GÒN TRÊN THUYỀN DƯỚI BẾN QUẬN 8 I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 22:53.

For more infomation >> SÀI GÒN 29 TẾT chợ hoa DÂN DÃ xưa nhất SÀI GÒN TRÊN THUYỀN DƯỚI BẾN QUẬN 8 I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 22:53.


Seat Cordoba Vario 1.6i SXE - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Seat Cordoba Vario 1.6i SXE - Duration: 0:50.


Pastiglie deodoranti per il gabinetto - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Pastiglie deodoranti per il gabinetto - Duration: 7:03.


Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-I SOL | TREKHAAK | TWEEDE EIGENAAR | ELEKTRISCH PAKKET | APK T/M 05-02-2019 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-I SOL | TREKHAAK | TWEEDE EIGENAAR | ELEKTRISCH PAKKET | APK T/M 05-02-2019 - Duration: 1:01.


Hyundai ix20 1.6I I-MOTION TREKHAAK Hoge zit en AUTOMAAT! - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.6I I-MOTION TREKHAAK Hoge zit en AUTOMAAT! - Duration: 1:02.


Macka B's Wha Me Eat Wednesdays 'Calcium Without Cows Milk?' 14/2/2018 - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Macka B's Wha Me Eat Wednesdays 'Calcium Without Cows Milk?' 14/2/2018 - Duration: 1:02.


Final Space On TBS

For more infomation >> Final Space On TBS


FACELIFT: Tudo o que que você precisa saber! - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> FACELIFT: Tudo o que que você precisa saber! - Duration: 3:21.


O Canada - Ottawa Catholic School Board Choir - Duration: 1:26.

O Canada!

Our home and native land!

True patriot love in all of us command

Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,

Il sait porter la croix!

Ton histoire est une épopée

Des plus brillants exploits,

God keep our land glorious and free!

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

For more infomation >> O Canada - Ottawa Catholic School Board Choir - Duration: 1:26.


Shallah Jivain O Chan Asmanan Da | Shafaullah Khan Rokhri | Best Punjabi Saraiki Audio Song - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> Shallah Jivain O Chan Asmanan Da | Shafaullah Khan Rokhri | Best Punjabi Saraiki Audio Song - Duration: 7:15.


BBB18: Caruso coloca o dedo na cara de Mahmound, o chama de moleque e o clima esquenta - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Caruso coloca o dedo na cara de Mahmound, o chama de moleque e o clima esquenta - Duration: 4:06.


Minutes After Trump Was Sworn Into Office, Susan Rice Sent Herself an "Unusual Email" - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Minutes After Trump Was Sworn Into Office, Susan Rice Sent Herself an "Unusual Email" - Duration: 3:29.


Jovem aprendiz e estagiário no banco Bradesco: vagas e inscrições abertas - Duration: 9:46.

You who are interested in being young trainees or trainees at Bradesco?

Opportunities are open. No exit, watch the entire video

To get your place. [music]

The reason for this video is that colleagues started sending messages

saying that they are being called without even knowing about Bradesco.

What all is indicating class is that all the processes selective for the

Bradesco will be at the beginning of this year. So I'll try to be very fast and

show you the way both to trainee.

Remembering that people are saying that many opportunities are emerging

Bradesco as a young apprentice. It may be your chance.

So let's split the screen and I'll go straight here to the place where you have to do

your registration. Let's talk one little about the process

selective for Bradesco.

Dividing our canvas, and you can you see that I'm already on the page

of the young apprentice in the institution, Bradesco Bank. And here you see the page

the apprentice; I'll leave the link to you soon

description of the video. OK? If you tries to be an intern, here you are already

page that specifically talks about stages. Coming back here for young

Apprentice, I'm going down for you. see some interesting things.

Here shows, in this part you view now, what do they offer.

So, you will have training, that will to train, will be a good professional,

will develop skills, will have the transport aid, in some cases

four hours of work there, in another six hours. Remember Itaú is six hours?

Here you have the possibility to stay only four.

So be aware of this opportunity. Worth the meal / food,

guarantee fund and all that. What need to be a young apprentice there

in Bradesco? A little further down, in the Japanese girl,

is the answer. See: study or be formed in high school. No need to be

attending high school. Just to have attended high school and you can already be an apprentice. OK?

Be between 16 and 23 years old. So realize it's great.

That underside that says that preferably a student or a student in the network

public means that they have two people and only a vacancy, they will give

priority for the person who studies in public school. But gang try.

Because there are very few young people they try. If you have an idea of

How many people who do not go. Most is of the particular network. The student in the network

public are often afraid to go. If you are in the public network, go! Because the

opportunities are given to you that have less experience, which does not have everything

that knowledge, they want to develop the potential in you in the public network.

But if you do not have them take the private network.

It is very common to observe half of private network personnel and

half of the public network. Then public or private network. Go!

Go. Because there are many opportunities. OK? I'll talk to you again

apprentice in a little while. OK? The law of the apprentice, but I'll take a break

Talk about trainee. Trainee is the same way. This site is only regarding the internship,

shows what you're going to have to benefit. There various things, aid-transport,

a very interesting remuneration, it earns more than the young apprentice, it's good

know that, and without saying that you left get a job anywhere.

Speak that you were an intern at Bradesco

my friend, opens many opportunities. Our Japanese friend will talk again what she needs.

Watch. In case the trainee has to being in higher education. OK?

And the age has to be greater than 18 years, but there is no such limit for 23, 24,

or twenty-five years. So look how interesting. With any

age above 18 you can be trainee at Bradesco.

And notice how interesting: there is the possibility of creating a career.

So you finished your internship can be hired by the bank.

So run after because you can do difference in your life. Understood class

Let's say, if you want to Click here and go to where you

if you register as a trainee. If you want to be a young apprentice. Remember if

that we were there, I'm going down the page you will see ...

and I have to also: "Sign up". The page of the register is this and I can not go forward.

You put your CPF, and this top: "Register my resume".

You register, enter the numbers of the documents, says what you know how to do,

What do you have? They're going to ask questions. that you do not have, and in this case

you do not put it because you do not have it. There's nothing to do. You will not lie. Be honest. OK? And send.

There is something here that will be fine. interesting for you.

Imagine that you have noticed that you needs to take a five-hour course now,

by Bradesco himself. Realize how interesting. Make your resume and send

Why are you calling and then you do? course of five hours and realize that

the bottom, in this place here: "Change the curriculum already registered"

You can then register that you have a course more. But at the beginning it is important to

the curriculum! Then you come and adds that it has a course,

adds that he has a certificate language or something. OK?

Comment this, I know you will ask me: "But I have no course, no

Is it interesting to take a course? "Why? Because you end up being more

attractive to the bank. "The teacher, what course do I do?" This site

that I am and the tips I give, and no one should I have told you that in the

other pages, in the other videos that you saw on the bench, they already give the

tip of what they want. Just realize how interesting. Here class,

On this bottom, okay, right in the corner. You have to go there in the left corner and find:

"Financial education". I'm going the mouse here in the pig (safe)

Are you seeing? Here in financial education, if you click, you will be sent to this

page. I'm going up, notice that you already talk about some

tips they give of what you can do to become familiar with the financial area.

financial management. So the courses they expect are from

financial part. "But what course I I do?"

If you go down a bit more, you have suggestions of links, books and also

Budget control. Group, note that cool if you come in control ... budget,

You have books, actually. are very small booklets,

which would be interesting to read. OK? But do the curriculum, register, read more before

read will do the following: Note that in the right corner, has "Online Courses". I already told

of courses of the Bradesco foundation. But these are specifically for whom

wants to work in the bank. There is this tip for those who stayed until now

watching the video There are people who with two minutes giving up watching.

See the tip here, which is very important. These are the courses they want for those who go

work as trainee, as trainee or as an effective employee.

Clicked here you will reach that other page. And there, there's a lot of course that

they expect you to know. Because I wake up spelling Because a person does not

can write wrong in the bank. OK? But I would suggest to you:

planning ... Business planning and budgeting,

Introduction to computer science, which is the fourth that appears here in the list, and those who

I've spoken since I made the site here, or rather the channel of Professor Alexandre. Have to

to know Word and Excel at least! So you do not? Do it!

Look on the monitor. "Start now", you do the register, do the course, and it's fast you complete,

returns and informs that they have a new course. OK? But class this is very important.

Take the courses that are here. "All of them?" DO NOT. Make Word, Excel,

that second I showed you. I came back here,.

"Business Planning and Budgeting". Take these courses and also

Introduction to basic informatics. It will help you a lot.

Personal finance is also very well viewed. And do one about Canvas.

This way when you see your curriculum will realize that you are

struggled, ran back, that you are a person initiative and you hardly ever

will get a spot. But remembering, it's a complicated week, which the staff wants

do many things. But the class is being call now. Maybe until the end of the month.

So run and do your registration. I go

leave the links in description of the video. Go there do (the register and the courses),

Let's hope you get a spot. of young apprentice who knows at Bradesco

if he did not get a vacancy in the Itaú bank or Caixa Econômica Federal bank.

A hug to everyone and until the next video.


For more infomation >> Jovem aprendiz e estagiário no banco Bradesco: vagas e inscrições abertas - Duration: 9:46.


Alimentación y gastroenteritis (5 consejos) - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Alimentación y gastroenteritis (5 consejos) - Duration: 2:06.


Kaysar dorme ao vivo no BBB18, fica sem graça e é surpreendido por Tiago Leifert - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Kaysar dorme ao vivo no BBB18, fica sem graça e é surpreendido por Tiago Leifert - Duration: 3:41.


Gangmaster convicted of human trafficking - Duration: 0:20.

Modern-day slavery is a blight of modern society praying as it does on the most vulnerable of victims

CPS West Midlands is dedicated to robustly prosecuting these cases

Working with our partners in the criminal justice system, and we welcome the sentence of imprisonment handed out in this case

For more infomation >> Gangmaster convicted of human trafficking - Duration: 0:20.


Edição Especial Na Integra guiair(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 16:39.

The best throws of the FIFA in Xbox 360. Presents !

guiair special edition in full

Thank you for watching,sign up for the channel.

For more infomation >> Edição Especial Na Integra guiair(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 16:39.


(February 14, 2018) Lupita Nyong'o ("Black Panther"). - Duration: 30:03.

For more infomation >> (February 14, 2018) Lupita Nyong'o ("Black Panther"). - Duration: 30:03.


Final Journey up the Ashby Canal on Narrowboat - 36 - Duration: 7:25.

As you enter Sutton Wharf there's a cafe and turning circle to the right.

Because the ice was so thick, I took a stroll through Ambion Wood, to the

Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre. If you moor up at the wharf down on the

canal, it's only a what, 10-15 minute walk through this lovely wood

up to the centre.

It's set on the top of a Leicestershire hill to the east of the canal. The centre

tells the story of the Battle of Bosworth on Monday August the 22nd 1485

which marked a major turning point in English history. There are a number of

hands-on displays, lots of activities and you can find out about the medieval

warfare and how the battle unfolded. On that late August day in the summer of

1485, Henry Tudor brought a small rebel army to face the much larger royal army

of the King Richard III. After heavy gunfire and Richards mounted

knights charging across the battlefield, the king was killed. The true location of

the battle was discovered by archaeologists to the southeast of the

centre. I know this story well as in 2012 I was reporting for BBC News at the site

of the former Greyfriars, Friary Church in Leicester. It was there that King Richard III

was found buried beneath that Leicester car park and the news

instantly went global.

The ice had started to melt a bit and a number of other boats had already

navigated up and down the Ashby Canal, so I carried on north.

Just walking down to Market Bosworth with Molly. Towpath is a little bit

slippery and typical, it's just started to rain but I'm just

going to pop into the town.

[Crunching under foot]

Good job this bit is a bit frozen.

Oh I nearly went over then, oh man. Right, it's okay now.

Have you trodden on something? You have, haven't you? Oh dear.

Let's have a look? Oh dear, it's only a thorn. There we go.

Okay! It's a good job Molly walks to heel, as I'd left her lead in the car. Market

Bosworth is just east of bridge 42 and there are a number of supermarkets here,

as well as a bank and a chemist. There is a Post Office in the town, but it only

operates as an outreach service, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So today is my

last day traveling north on the Ashby Canal. I'll reach the end this afternoon.

Just north of Boston Bridge I can turn around and then head all the way back.

Back there between Turn Bridge and Town Bridge there was a farm called Cattows

Farm and lots and lots of boats moored up either side, along the side of the

water. But boy it was windy, like really, really windy and it was quite a

challenge to keep Alice in the middle of the canal and not bash into them. Now

I bet the wind turbine in my last episode would be spinning round and round and round

earning loads and loads of energy. But it's calmbed down a bit now and

the sun's come out, so it's all good.

At Snarestone there's a 228 metre tunnel. Luckily with this tunnel, I can actually

see the end before I even go inside.

It's only wide enough for one boat, but nothing coming and it didn't take me

long to get through.

After bridge 61A is where the canal terminates. There's a winding hole here,

for obvious reasons, elsan, toilet, and water facilities. So that's the Ashby

Canal. Not too difficult, no locks whatsoever, just one tunnel, but boy went

through some wonderful countryside. Really, really peaceful. Thoroughly

enjoyed it. Just so you know, I subtitle, or as you call it in the States

caption all my videos in English. It takes quite a long time for me to do but

I feel, if you're hard of hearing, if you're on a train or you just need to be

quiet, they are there as an option. Just click the subtitle icon at the bottom

right of the video. All three of the Ashby Canal episodes have also been

translated into a number of other languages. So let me know in the comments

below if you find the service useful and what language you use. Until next time,

see you later.

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