Thursday, February 15, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 16 2018

what I have here is my order from Alice's collection it is an Akagidoll Yusri

MSD size so um I think 47 centimeters, larger side um I ordered

during the winter event so there should be a pet doll Luca in here that was $12

I did this on layaway and I paid off the layaway on Saturday

and it is Tuesday and my box is already here so I'm very excited. um not done a

ball jointed doll video and in over a year cuz yeah I haven't I haven't really

had anything to open this is really important so this doll is a re-shelling

of my doll Sen because I decided to go legit, stop buying recast dolls. he's

mostly funded by the sale of the two recast dolls that I did have. One was not

very important to me but Sen is definitely as I I absolutely had to get

them a new body and I really like Akagi Yusri, it's not a very well

known company but a lot of great reviews not that many owner pictures but from

what I saw I really like yeah he'll wear all Sen's clothes which I did not fetch from the

closet yet but I will um so yeah I'm really excited I think

that this marks definitely the beginning of something new with legit dolls

stepping forward as an artist

trying to cut through the package packing slip. So I'm really impressed with the turnaround which I

paid off my layaway Saturday and is here on Tuesday especially with Chinese New

Year just around the corner a lot of shops have already closed up but Alice's

collections is doing great my second thing I've ordered from them I did an

order of shoes last year that I was very happy with.

Okay so what we have here is a canvas bag. The only other box opening I've done was

my Resinsoul song which was also in a bag

kinda thought it would be a doll box based on the exterior box but wow this is a nice case it says Akagidoll on it


mummy doll. I'm gonna open the Alice's collection event thing first. they gave

me a little card with Luca the reindeer doll on it it's laminated I guess this

is a certificate of authenticity for Luca badly laminated but its for my records.

Luca is probably in here. I mean I I've never owned a pet doll and I probably wouldn't

have purchased one definitely not at full price but I mean it's $12 I mean I

might as well if I don't I can't stand him for some reason surely I can sell

him yeah disappointing that they're not included on den of angels can't post any

faceup work I do on them there but we'll see, might be cute. oh he has a like a

sock on his head

oh it's tissue it's a tissue oh oh and I already dropped him. Everything's fine, landed on my lap.

scissors gonna be needed here this is a very pure white resin, very beautiful

I'm not sure what kind of stuff I'm gonna do on this little dude but oh okay

that's the antlers yeah very cute okay yeah oh he's a face plate system okay so

I've never I've never really had tiny dolls didn't think to get eyes for him

so he's gonna be eyeless for the time being. Only pose-ability is on the legs

one joint and hip joins but it's very cute little dude here yeah glad I got

him alright main event Oh big hands big boy solid

doll. Wow, he's big. before this video is over I'm gonna have to go out and get my other

dolls for comparison. Sen's character is supposed to be a little shorter than

Ater who's my Resinsoul song but you know it is what it is. it's getting

these bubblewrap leggings off. he's a very nice color very peachy it definitely has

a strong peach and yellow tone going on. oh dear.

Only place with bubble rap but I mean this this carrying bag he's in is very

protective. Lot of layers of foam. Very impressed with that.

One bubble wrap. Oh, I think I could have just slipped this off. Oh. Real smart. Hm, maybe not. Got it off. Okay that was a lot easier.

really beautiful sculpting on these ABS. Let me get my phone to stop blowing it out. r

Really gorgeous doll wow wow this is really pretty I like I like the joint mechanism

wrist joint is a little hokey that's very large ball but big big

strong hands he's large I'm not sure if... Sen was a

minifee, recast minifee, I'm not sure is the clothes I have are gonna fir but I'm sure I'm gonna try. so also

included with him is I guess this is a CoA it's in Chinese may be able to read

this someday, I am trying to learn Mandarin but as of right now I do not know what is says

this bag very thick this bag has like 2 inches of padding on either side really impressice

definitely would feel comfortable bringing a doll on an airplane in this bag

okay so I got the rest of my resin family here for size comparisons so

this is Ater whose character is Sen's partner and it's supposed to be

a little bit taller but as you can see the Akagi is quite tall this is a very

large MSD sized doll which is kind of nice very solid and I was thinking of

getting an SD shell even though it wouldn't work with Ater um so I mean

I'm happy even if big boy I'm gonna have to get new clothes for. so see if my got

my box of doll stuff here

baggie of eyes eyes I have custom eyes for him from

sindollsbjd on Instagram just a really fantastic

work and be like the glittery doll eye aesthetic but not like Oscardoll

prices so I got these two glitter your blue eyes

I had custom made so I haven't see what internal mechanism just like okay got a

magnet head cat

okay so got the eyes in, looking for Sen's shirt

bracelet... have a lot of random crap in here... necklace, socks a top

here's this wig I do not think that's gonna win the minifee body took a one

sixth size wig and this guy is big. Okay here's the shirt button down. Here's the bloomers, I made them myself

so I can make a new pair I think the shirt will fit because it was a little

bit big on his old shel.l so socks these socks I got from Salem sisterhood in a

giveaway. I'd just started out very nice I also won this shirt which is very cute

and Sen might be wearing if I can't find anything else for him I have to

have some underwear that she made but here's a pretty sizable ding-dong don't

know if he's gonna wear that either I personally don't like to also genitals

particularly because it just makes it awkward to put clothes on them

Granaldo style penises a really freaky. this is just a bump I guess but it's

there. okay, shorts let's see if this is gonna work

he's definitely taller but maybe his legs aren't that much wider

um so I can get them on him the straps are obviously way too short probably

have to make a new pair but for now oh I actually shortens the

straps at one point a safety pin back here most o.f my my secret is most of my

dolls clothes are held on by safety pins in the back. so no these aren't gonna

work where he sit his whole butts out okay

taking these off um he will wear that Salem Sisterhood underwear if I

can get it so that's embarrassing he's gonna be nakey for a while and it's the

dead of winter so who knows what I'm gonna be able to do faceups although I

have been working with liquitex sealant which is supposed to work at all all

temperatures all humidities but you know just have to see so I yeah I

actually I did get mr. super clear for the first time after what I had been

using finally they didn't carry it at Joanns anymore it's frustrating.

everyone recommends a purity seal I've heard touted a lot recently I haven't tried

that out. So, it got some cute undies at least not totally nakey. again, these are

from the Salem sisterhood giveaway only giveaway I've ever won but good one okay so

shirt will probably fit it this is a standard MSD size shirt oo I'm

definitely gonna have to unbutton the sleeves though, that I got from Alice's

collections last year his big hands [unintelligible] his hand hands are not

magnetic or anything, gonna be difficult to get through these. Big Boy

I said okay

hope I still have the fabric I used to make those bloomers if I don't I guess I can

get more so this shirt fits him much better than it did on Sen and

This is Sen, I'm gonna start referring to this is Sen. and Sen's last body and I've been using

the wrong pronoun Sen actually uses "ae" "aer" pronouns but and that's because I

sometimes use "ae/aer" pronouns but I also use he/him so he's some sort of an aspect of

myself therefore the only person I'm misgendering as myself

alright so now I'm going to try this wig. Yeah I really don't think this is gonna work but it is worth a shot. Tiny-ass wig cap's not gonna so anything.

luckily white wigs are not the most difficult to find but this one was only $8so it would be nice if it worked. okay so I could actually get it on so I'm

kind of amazed that it's kind of stretch but

he doesn't really, it's not like as fluffy as it should be I'm definitely

gonna have to get another one um kind of looks like he has a bowl cut so um let's

do the standing test yeah. solid man really nice doll oh and wigs off. yeah,

this wig is probably not gonna work oh I have a long white one this is actually MSDsized

Okay, this looks ppretty bad

okay no giving up on the wig so I've given up on the Wig endeavor um just

not gonna happen I'll have to order him something luckily

I'm I'm good on money right now I got an $800 tax return which is

awesome and I'm trying to keep as much of it in the bank as possible but Sen's

really important to me and there's not really that many dolls I want right now

of course you know I still have my grails I love um holy soseo and all of the

vampire monster Switch dolls they're really quite cool but you know I'm also

going to college soon, education is a big concern but you know he's very cool um

resin soft, smooth, heavy, I really think it's gonna do well in my crew definitely

gonna have to get used to the size, he's hefty I think this is actually I mean

I've only I've had that recast minifees probably a lot smaller than even

real minifees but then minifees are small and I have my Resinsoul song

but they're also smaller in the MSD world so gonna be something to get used

to but kind of nice any standard sized doll um that's trying to make everything

smaller um so thank you for watching um I will do my facup and you can follow

me on instagram at resinprince, all one word. and I'm on den of angels as Juliian

which is the name Julian but with two i 's

Julian was not taken I don't think, that's just me

So, glad to have Sen. :)

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> BJD Box Opening- Akagidoll Yusri (1/4) and pet Luca - Duration: 25:32.


Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk Innovation - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk Innovation - Duration: 1:01.



For more infomation >> CALLING KSI OUT FOR $1000


Jueves 15 - Inicio de Cuaresma – 15d e febrero de 2018 – Ciclo B: 7:00 P.M. - Duration: 1:57:11.

For more infomation >> Jueves 15 - Inicio de Cuaresma – 15d e febrero de 2018 – Ciclo B: 7:00 P.M. - Duration: 1:57:11.


| 愛狂います。(Aicle.) - Visual Kei Wiki Video [#1]『ヴィジュアル系ウィキビデオ』 | - Duration: 21:05.

Hello everyone, I'm Saki !! And this is my friend Haku.

Welcome to the Channel !!! This is the first video of the board "Visual kei wiki video"

And in this premiere we're going to talk about the band 愛 狂 い ま す. (Aicle.)

Aicle, who in fact his official name is 愛 狂 い ま す. (Aikuruimasu.) But is well-known as Aicle.

(In Japanese - ア イ ク ル - -Aikuru-), which means Crazy Love! It was an Oshare Kei band from February 22, 2007.

Everyone in the band was looking for a certain originality in both music and visual.

And they did, the band was different from all others of Visual Kei and other Genres! The band was characterized by ...

mix the Grotesque Style to pop bubblegum, shifting between dark and powerful rock to cheerful pop. 'Bubblegum is a ...

Sub genre of POP music, with a captivating and funny sound! This was also present in the lyrics of their songs, and in the band's visual!

Always in very colorful and bright clothes, with a lot of originality, because the clothes were thought and elaborated by the own

members of the band, starting from a Theme chosen by themselves, from various experiences lived by them,

each Look had a different theme that was combined with the Release of the band. The band was formed by Emiru in Vocals,

Rubi and Keita on Guitar, Saran on Bass and Leon on Drums. Let's now see the details about each member of the band with Saki,

It's with you Saki !! : D

Okay Haku, I'll show you around!

So as Haku already told us, the band was formed in the Beginning by Emiru, Rubi, Keita, Saran and Leon.

So let's start talking about the え み る (Emiru). The vocals.

Emiru had as function in the band, sing and compose the songs.

And he was very obstinate to make his own style and original, and according to him, since small already sang,

and that's what represents him, so it was an easy decision for him to choose to sing as his role in the band!

Emiru is actually named 涼 木 聡 (Suzuki Satoshi), and was born in Tochigi (Prefecture)!

on November 13, 1986 (currently 32 years), with blood type O.

Now talking about ル ビ (Rubi), guitarist of the band.

Rubi says he's addicted to guitar, which leads us to think that it was also an easy decision for him ...

choose to play guitar as your role in the band,

said in an interview that when he was a teenager his father played guitar, so he had a guitar ...

at home, and when he started playing he was in love and admired. He was born on January 29, 1986,

and his blood group is A.

Now talking about 玲 音 (Leon) the Drummer!

who also has a special relationship with his instrument, as he said in an interview that ...

was impressed by the simplicity that the beat on the drums could bring a sound, and further said ...

felt as if "it were part of my body; my hands, my feet, my whole body is included in the action. "

Leon was born on May 2, 1985 (33 years old), with blood group O.

Now let's talk about Saran, Bassist, born on October 4, 1988 (30 years now)

with Blood Group O, Saran says that even before playing Aicle, he already liked Bass!

considered the sound "more natural" and says that it sounds better in his ears. He also said that ...

when he enters a music store, the bass calls him more attention, "it's the coolest instrument."

And finally, let's talk about Guitarist Keita!

Keita was born on June 27, with blood group A.

These are the few information we found about Keita, sorry for that but we researched ..

So much about it, and that was the maximum! Thank you for understanding!

And this was the first Band Formation, the initial formation. Then you will see that some ...

Members have left the band, but Haku will show us this, on time! This was just ...

A presentation from each member, then, is up to you Haku !!

Thank you Saki. And continuing the wiki, the band formed in August 2006.

In December 2006, they started doing LIVE !!

On December 20, he distributed his first DEMO entitled "Choko sand biscuit cream".

It contained only one track, the song "Choko sand biscuit cream".

Only in 2007 that Aicle, in fact began his Band Activities, on 22 February.

Where they held their First Official Concert in Urawa Narcisse. Before that, Aicle was ...

Just an Underground band, it was a Phase of "rehearsals" to define the Band's Destiny, and its characteristics.

Then on March 7, they distributed their first single called 記念 日. (Kinenbi.) It contained two tracks:

The song Choko Sand Biscuit Cream and the song Gomen'nasai.

In September of 2007. The group participated of a V. A Titled "U-20 UNDER TWENTY", next to the ..

Groups: Teddy, Anjyu ', Clearveil, Rosario and FeaDior. The track of Aicle was the music 妄想 マ ル チ (Mousou Multi).

After this, on November 11, the group released another single, called "球形 無限 連鎖 ~ ミ ズ タ マ ~" ...

(Kyuukei Mugen Income ~ Mizutama ~), with only one title track.

Along with that, the band recorded the PV of this song, the first PV of the band.

Then, still in 2007, the band distributed another single: 独 色 マ ー ヴ ル. (Dokushoku Marble.)

On the 19th of December. It contained three tracks: 僕 は 魔王 (Boku wa Maou), C と ソ プ ラ ノ (C to Soprano) ...

and 球形 無限 連鎖 ~ ミ ズ タ マ ~ (Kyuukei Mugen Rensa ~ Mizutama ~) !!

In early 2008, the band released the single "怪 体 新書" (Kaitai Shinsho). This time in two types. Type A and B.

In type A, it contained a CD, with songs 猫 の 刻 参 り (Neko no kiza mairi) and デ ス ロ リ 調 ポ ッ ス (Death Loli Chou Pops).

+ um DVD, com o Segundo PV da banda, da música 猫の刻参り (Neko no kiza mairi).

And in Type B, it contained only one CD, with 3 songs. They are: 眼球 ワ ル ツ (Gankyuu Waltz), 猫 の 刻 参 り ...

(Neko no kiza mairi) and the song デ ス ロ リ 調 ポ プ ス (Death Loli Chou Pops).

On May 25, the band participated in another V.A Along with bands like: Canzel, ClearVeil, Dali, DELUHI,

Kalvary, Kisnate, Lam., Vistlip,, and 【_Vani; lla】. Launching the music くるくる。と胎児は廻る(Kurukuru To Taiji Mawaru)

The V.A was called [URA ★ KAIZOKUBAN] 005. Aicle, in this period was growing and realizing many ...

Live Presentations. And on July 16, they released the Single シ ド ロ モ ロ (Shidoro Modoro). In Type A and B.

In type A, it contained a CD and a DVD. The CD had two tracks: シ ド ロ モ ロ (Shidoro modoro) and 星空, 堕 ち た (Hoshizora, ochita).

In the DVD, the Third PV of the Band, the PV of the music シ ド ロ モ ド ロ (Shidoro Modoro).

In Type B, it included only a CD, with the songs シ ド ロ モ ド ロ (Shidoro Modoro) and 星空, 堕 ち た (Hoshizora, ochita)

After this single, came another, on August 20, still in 2008. The Single ネ ク ロ ノ ミ コ ン (Necronomicon).

Este single também veio em dois tipos, A e B. No Tipo A, um CD e um DVD, no CD as músicas: ネクロノミコン ...

(Necronomicon) and 裏 姫 (Urahime). And on DVD, the PV of the song ネ ク ロ ノ ミ コ ン (Necronomicon).

And in Type B, it contained only one CD, with songs ネ ク ロ ミ コ ン (Necronomicon) and 裏 姫 (Urahime).

And on September 24, 2008, Aicle released another single, ト ウ メ イ ニ ン ゲ ン (Toumei Ningen).

This one came in two Types also, A and B. In Type A, a CD + DVD, on the CD had two songs:

ト ウ メ ニ ン ゲ ン (Toumei Ningen) and ス イ マ セ ン で た. (Suimasen Deshita).

And in the DVD, the PV of the song ト ウ メ イ ニ ン ゲ ン (Toumei Ningen).

And on October 15, the band Aicle, participated in another V.A Called "Shock Edge 2008"

With again, the song く る く る. と 胎 児 は 廻 る (Kurukuru, to taiji wa mawaru).

Also participating in, the bands: ALiBi, D = OUT, DaizyStripper, Glacier, irokui., LuLu, meth., Moran, SINCREA, Sugar, vistlip, and

Already in 2009, the band released their first album. A great Marco in the band's career.

The album was released on March 25, 2009. And it was titled 心 臓 (Shinzou). It was divided into Type A and B.

In Type A, a CD + DVD, the CD had 10 songs. Check them all out on the Screen behind me.

And on DVD, the PV of Music 心 臓 (Shinzou).

And in Type B, only one CD, with 10 songs. The same as the Type A CD.

Now ... a sad news that rocked the band's fans back then. Keita, the guitarist, left the band.

On May 5 where he made his last live performance at Shinjuku MARZ. Keita left the band for personal reasons.

However, the release of a new single was already planned. He was named 地球 戯. (Chikyuugi.).

It was released on August 5, still in 2009. The single came in two types, this time in "Regular ...

Edition "and" Limited Edition. "In Regular Edition there was only one CD with three songs.

And in the Limited Edition a CD + DVD, in the CD only two songs, and in the DVD the PV of the song Hammer ≦ Head.

On 18 October Aicle made her European debut. Where he was invited with the groups: Dio, vistlip, SCREW and GOTHIKA

At the Tsukicon event, which was held in Finland. Soon after, Aicle released another single titled "Psycho × Letter"!

Which came out, as usual, in two versions: "Limited Regular Edition" and "Limited Edition".

In Limited Regular Edition, it contained only a CD with three songs.

And in the Limited Edition a CD + DVD, in the CD two songs and in the DVD the PV of the Music サ イ コ × レ タ ア (Psycho × Letter)

Soon after this single, came another one, on May 17, 2010. It was titled "ケ セ ラ: セ ラ (Que sera sera sera").

It was also divided into two parts, in the first, a CD with Three songs.

E no segundo tipo "Limited Edition", um CD + DVD. No CD duas músicas, e no DVD o VideoClip da música ケセラ:セラ (Que Sera:Sera).

And on May 26, Aicle participates in another V.A which was titled "NEO VOLTAGE". With the song 春夏 秋冬 (Shunkashuutou)

And it does not end there, Aicle released another Single on 11August 2010, titled "エ キ ゾ チ ッ ク. (Exotic.)"

It came in two types, A and B. In type A, a CD + DVD. In the CD two songs, and in the DVD the PV of the music ス タ ー マ イ ン (StarMine)

And in type B, a CD with only two songs. StarMine and the music ゴ メ ン な さ い. (Gomen'nasai.)

And on August 11, the band released another single: ド ラ マ チ ッ ク. (Dramatic.). Which came in two versions.

Type A and B. In Type A a CD + DVD, in the CD had two songs and in the DVD the PV of the song C と ソ プ ラ ノ (C to Soprano)

And in type B, only a CD with two songs: C と ソ プ ラ ノ (C to Soprano) and ネ ジ リ ウ ム (Nejiriumu).

And already at the beginning of 2011, on January 19, Aicle launches its first LIVE DVD, titled "Tokyo Roman Teikoku"

It contained 15 songs, check them all on the screen behind me !!! And on March 9, Aicle released their second album.

It was titled ア ル ク (Ark). And it was released in two parts, the first one had only one CD with 10 songs.

In Part Two, it contained a CD + DVD, the CD had 10 songs, and on the DVD the PV of ひ ら り. (Hirari).

On August 10th Aicle released a new single! Named "皇帝 ペ ン ギ ン (Koutei Penguin)". It came in two versions:

"Regular Edition" and "Limited Edition". In the Regular Edition, only one CD with three songs.

And in Limited Edition a CD + DVD, on the CD only two songs and in the DVD the PV of the song 皇帝 ペ ン ギ ン (Koutei Penguin)

And on July 26, 2011, Leon left the band ... In 2012 Emiru left the band, and Aicle announces his separation.

That was predicted for February 22, after having spent five years together. On this day, Aicle released a Best-Album.

It was titled "愛 狂 い ま す .2006-2012 (Aicle 2006-2012)" It came in two types, A and B. In Type A came three Disks: 2 CDs and 1 DVD

And in Type B it contained 3 Discs: 3 CDs.

Aicle performed his last performance on February 22, 2012, on the band's 5th anniversary.

Since the band made its first official appearance on February 22, 2007.

The members of Aicle said they had discussed a lot about the future of the band, but they agreed that they should ...

To separate. They apologized for this sudden news and expressed their gratitude for their fans. The members...

band members shared comments on the official website of Aicle, where they asked for the support of their fans during

the rest of the band's time. Many fans speculated that the breakup was due to internal misunderstandings,

after the band took their music in a different direction. According to Emiru, the decision was more ..

a "separate growth" than a "break".

No one knows the whereabouts of the members of Aicle. But Emiru formed a visual kei band called Yeti.

The band was formed in 2012, and Emiru assumed his true name in the band, being called Suzuki Satoshi.

The band is active until today, and has very distinct characteristics of the band Aicle.

And this is,The End. Thanks for watching, check out this video as I like it and sign up for the channel. Until the next <3 !!

For more infomation >> | 愛狂います。(Aicle.) - Visual Kei Wiki Video [#1]『ヴィジュアル系ウィキビデオ』 | - Duration: 21:05.


Homilia Diária.772: Sexta-feira depois das Cinzas - Como devo praticar o meu jejum quaresmal? - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Homilia Diária.772: Sexta-feira depois das Cinzas - Como devo praticar o meu jejum quaresmal? - Duration: 5:26.


Grupo Malê - Faixa de um diário: Pagina II [Prod. Bassment Ent] (WEBCLIPE) - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Grupo Malê - Faixa de um diário: Pagina II [Prod. Bassment Ent] (WEBCLIPE) - Duration: 3:30.



For more infomation >> LEGO® NINJAGO SONS OF GARMADON EPISODE 7: HATRED - Duration: 5:13.


Claudemir Lima Poesias - Quanto amor ( Legendado) - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Claudemir Lima Poesias - Quanto amor ( Legendado) - Duration: 3:20.


Karamat e Ghous e Azam | No7 | Which Tree Start Give Fruits On Ablution and Prayer Of Ghous Pak (RA) - Duration: 2:34.

Which Tree Start Give Fruits On Ablution and Prayer Of Sarkar Syedna Ghous e Azam (Razi Allah o Taala Anhu)

Hazrat Sheikh Abul Muzafir Ismail (RA) narrated that whenever

Shiekh Ali Bin Abi Nasar (RA) ail then come to my garden.

Once came to my garden in day of illness. Mehboobe Subhani, Shahbaze La Makani,

Sarkar Syedna Abdul Qadir Jilani came to my garden to nursung him.

Two trees of date were in garden which weere became dry

and were not given fruits from four years.

Aiming to cut them. Ghous Pak (Raziallahu Taala Anhu) stand up and

do ablution on under one tree and pray two rakat prayer under

second tree. In one week fruits start coming on them

even there was no season of fruit of date that time.

Reference Book ( Karamat e Ghous e Azam {Razi Allah o Taala Anhu} )

For more infomation >> Karamat e Ghous e Azam | No7 | Which Tree Start Give Fruits On Ablution and Prayer Of Ghous Pak (RA) - Duration: 2:34.


✔Cómo Crear Una Página Web Para Mi Negocio En 7 Pasos (2018) - Paso 2 / 7 - Instalar WordPress - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> ✔Cómo Crear Una Página Web Para Mi Negocio En 7 Pasos (2018) - Paso 2 / 7 - Instalar WordPress - Duration: 6:01.


✔Cómo Crear Una Página Web Para Mi Negocio En 7 Pasos (2018) - Paso 1 / 7 - Duration: 24:19.

For more infomation >> ✔Cómo Crear Una Página Web Para Mi Negocio En 7 Pasos (2018) - Paso 1 / 7 - Duration: 24:19.


✔Cómo Crear Una Página Web Para Mi Negocio En 7 Pasos (2018) - Paso 5.5 / 7 - Página de Contacto - Duration: 29:38.

For more infomation >> ✔Cómo Crear Una Página Web Para Mi Negocio En 7 Pasos (2018) - Paso 5.5 / 7 - Página de Contacto - Duration: 29:38.


✔Cómo Crear Una Página Web Para Mi Negocio En 7 Pasos (2018) - Paso 5.1 / 7 - Diseñar Página Inicio - Duration: 1:13:50.

For more infomation >> ✔Cómo Crear Una Página Web Para Mi Negocio En 7 Pasos (2018) - Paso 5.1 / 7 - Diseñar Página Inicio - Duration: 1:13:50.


✔Cómo Crear Una Página Web Para Mi Negocio En 7 Pasos (2018) - Paso 7 / 7 - Optimizar Para Móviles - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> ✔Cómo Crear Una Página Web Para Mi Negocio En 7 Pasos (2018) - Paso 7 / 7 - Optimizar Para Móviles - Duration: 8:27.



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Trump floats gas tax to pay for infrastructure - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Trump floats gas tax to pay for infrastructure - Duration: 3:05.


Should social media companies track potential shooters? - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Should social media companies track potential shooters? - Duration: 4:47.


Lawmaker continues push for investigation into electricity billing - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Lawmaker continues push for investigation into electricity billing - Duration: 2:34.


Rapo - De mi para ustedes [Con Subtitulo CC] - Duration: 4:31.

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BJD Box Opening- Akagidoll Yusri (1/4) and pet Luca - Duration: 25:32.

what I have here is my order from Alice's collection it is an Akagidoll Yusri

MSD size so um I think 47 centimeters, larger side um I ordered

during the winter event so there should be a pet doll Luca in here that was $12

I did this on layaway and I paid off the layaway on Saturday

and it is Tuesday and my box is already here so I'm very excited. um not done a

ball jointed doll video and in over a year cuz yeah I haven't I haven't really

had anything to open this is really important so this doll is a re-shelling

of my doll Sen because I decided to go legit, stop buying recast dolls. he's

mostly funded by the sale of the two recast dolls that I did have. One was not

very important to me but Sen is definitely as I I absolutely had to get

them a new body and I really like Akagi Yusri, it's not a very well

known company but a lot of great reviews not that many owner pictures but from

what I saw I really like yeah he'll wear all Sen's clothes which I did not fetch from the

closet yet but I will um so yeah I'm really excited I think

that this marks definitely the beginning of something new with legit dolls

stepping forward as an artist

trying to cut through the package packing slip. So I'm really impressed with the turnaround which I

paid off my layaway Saturday and is here on Tuesday especially with Chinese New

Year just around the corner a lot of shops have already closed up but Alice's

collections is doing great my second thing I've ordered from them I did an

order of shoes last year that I was very happy with.

Okay so what we have here is a canvas bag. The only other box opening I've done was

my Resinsoul song which was also in a bag

kinda thought it would be a doll box based on the exterior box but wow this is a nice case it says Akagidoll on it


mummy doll. I'm gonna open the Alice's collection event thing first. they gave

me a little card with Luca the reindeer doll on it it's laminated I guess this

is a certificate of authenticity for Luca badly laminated but its for my records.

Luca is probably in here. I mean I I've never owned a pet doll and I probably wouldn't

have purchased one definitely not at full price but I mean it's $12 I mean I

might as well if I don't I can't stand him for some reason surely I can sell

him yeah disappointing that they're not included on den of angels can't post any

faceup work I do on them there but we'll see, might be cute. oh he has a like a

sock on his head

oh it's tissue it's a tissue oh oh and I already dropped him. Everything's fine, landed on my lap.

scissors gonna be needed here this is a very pure white resin, very beautiful

I'm not sure what kind of stuff I'm gonna do on this little dude but oh okay

that's the antlers yeah very cute okay yeah oh he's a face plate system okay so

I've never I've never really had tiny dolls didn't think to get eyes for him

so he's gonna be eyeless for the time being. Only pose-ability is on the legs

one joint and hip joins but it's very cute little dude here yeah glad I got

him alright main event Oh big hands big boy solid

doll. Wow, he's big. before this video is over I'm gonna have to go out and get my other

dolls for comparison. Sen's character is supposed to be a little shorter than

Ater who's my Resinsoul song but you know it is what it is. it's getting

these bubblewrap leggings off. he's a very nice color very peachy it definitely has

a strong peach and yellow tone going on. oh dear.

Only place with bubble rap but I mean this this carrying bag he's in is very

protective. Lot of layers of foam. Very impressed with that.

One bubble wrap. Oh, I think I could have just slipped this off. Oh. Real smart. Hm, maybe not. Got it off. Okay that was a lot easier.

really beautiful sculpting on these ABS. Let me get my phone to stop blowing it out. r

Really gorgeous doll wow wow this is really pretty I like I like the joint mechanism

wrist joint is a little hokey that's very large ball but big big

strong hands he's large I'm not sure if... Sen was a

minifee, recast minifee, I'm not sure is the clothes I have are gonna fir but I'm sure I'm gonna try. so also

included with him is I guess this is a CoA it's in Chinese may be able to read

this someday, I am trying to learn Mandarin but as of right now I do not know what is says

this bag very thick this bag has like 2 inches of padding on either side really impressice

definitely would feel comfortable bringing a doll on an airplane in this bag

okay so I got the rest of my resin family here for size comparisons so

this is Ater whose character is Sen's partner and it's supposed to be

a little bit taller but as you can see the Akagi is quite tall this is a very

large MSD sized doll which is kind of nice very solid and I was thinking of

getting an SD shell even though it wouldn't work with Ater um so I mean

I'm happy even if big boy I'm gonna have to get new clothes for. so see if my got

my box of doll stuff here

baggie of eyes eyes I have custom eyes for him from

sindollsbjd on Instagram just a really fantastic

work and be like the glittery doll eye aesthetic but not like Oscardoll

prices so I got these two glitter your blue eyes

I had custom made so I haven't see what internal mechanism just like okay got a

magnet head cat

okay so got the eyes in, looking for Sen's shirt

bracelet... have a lot of random crap in here... necklace, socks a top

here's this wig I do not think that's gonna win the minifee body took a one

sixth size wig and this guy is big. Okay here's the shirt button down. Here's the bloomers, I made them myself

so I can make a new pair I think the shirt will fit because it was a little

bit big on his old shel.l so socks these socks I got from Salem sisterhood in a

giveaway. I'd just started out very nice I also won this shirt which is very cute

and Sen might be wearing if I can't find anything else for him I have to

have some underwear that she made but here's a pretty sizable ding-dong don't

know if he's gonna wear that either I personally don't like to also genitals

particularly because it just makes it awkward to put clothes on them

Granaldo style penises a really freaky. this is just a bump I guess but it's

there. okay, shorts let's see if this is gonna work

he's definitely taller but maybe his legs aren't that much wider

um so I can get them on him the straps are obviously way too short probably

have to make a new pair but for now oh I actually shortens the

straps at one point a safety pin back here most o.f my my secret is most of my

dolls clothes are held on by safety pins in the back. so no these aren't gonna

work where he sit his whole butts out okay

taking these off um he will wear that Salem Sisterhood underwear if I

can get it so that's embarrassing he's gonna be nakey for a while and it's the

dead of winter so who knows what I'm gonna be able to do faceups although I

have been working with liquitex sealant which is supposed to work at all all

temperatures all humidities but you know just have to see so I yeah I

actually I did get mr. super clear for the first time after what I had been

using finally they didn't carry it at Joanns anymore it's frustrating.

everyone recommends a purity seal I've heard touted a lot recently I haven't tried

that out. So, it got some cute undies at least not totally nakey. again, these are

from the Salem sisterhood giveaway only giveaway I've ever won but good one okay so

shirt will probably fit it this is a standard MSD size shirt oo I'm

definitely gonna have to unbutton the sleeves though, that I got from Alice's

collections last year his big hands [unintelligible] his hand hands are not

magnetic or anything, gonna be difficult to get through these. Big Boy

I said okay

hope I still have the fabric I used to make those bloomers if I don't I guess I can

get more so this shirt fits him much better than it did on Sen and

This is Sen, I'm gonna start referring to this is Sen. and Sen's last body and I've been using

the wrong pronoun Sen actually uses "ae" "aer" pronouns but and that's because I

sometimes use "ae/aer" pronouns but I also use he/him so he's some sort of an aspect of

myself therefore the only person I'm misgendering as myself

alright so now I'm going to try this wig. Yeah I really don't think this is gonna work but it is worth a shot. Tiny-ass wig cap's not gonna so anything.

luckily white wigs are not the most difficult to find but this one was only $8so it would be nice if it worked. okay so I could actually get it on so I'm

kind of amazed that it's kind of stretch but

he doesn't really, it's not like as fluffy as it should be I'm definitely

gonna have to get another one um kind of looks like he has a bowl cut so um let's

do the standing test yeah. solid man really nice doll oh and wigs off. yeah,

this wig is probably not gonna work oh I have a long white one this is actually MSDsized

Okay, this looks ppretty bad

okay no giving up on the wig so I've given up on the Wig endeavor um just

not gonna happen I'll have to order him something luckily

I'm I'm good on money right now I got an $800 tax return which is

awesome and I'm trying to keep as much of it in the bank as possible but Sen's

really important to me and there's not really that many dolls I want right now

of course you know I still have my grails I love um holy soseo and all of the

vampire monster Switch dolls they're really quite cool but you know I'm also

going to college soon, education is a big concern but you know he's very cool um

resin soft, smooth, heavy, I really think it's gonna do well in my crew definitely

gonna have to get used to the size, he's hefty I think this is actually I mean

I've only I've had that recast minifees probably a lot smaller than even

real minifees but then minifees are small and I have my Resinsoul song

but they're also smaller in the MSD world so gonna be something to get used

to but kind of nice any standard sized doll um that's trying to make everything

smaller um so thank you for watching um I will do my facup and you can follow

me on instagram at resinprince, all one word. and I'm on den of angels as Juliian

which is the name Julian but with two i 's

Julian was not taken I don't think, that's just me

So, glad to have Sen. :)

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> BJD Box Opening- Akagidoll Yusri (1/4) and pet Luca - Duration: 25:32.


Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk Innovation - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk Innovation - Duration: 1:01.


How I Make Money Online

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How A Narcissist Deals With A Break up: The 6 Stages and After Effects - Duration: 4:02.

How A Narcissist Deals With A Break-up: The 6 Stages and After Effects

Breaking up with anyone, including the person who has done bad thing to you, is always heart-breaking


How is it not?

You've been in a relationship with him, or her for a while, and there is no denial

that you love him, or her unconditionally.

Eventually, such seemingly beautiful relationship should end because you don't think it will

bring something good to you.

Moreover, you also need to consider that your partner may be willing to commit damaging

or hurting actions to themselves or others.

No matter how hurtful it is, you should know that the other person you are striving for

does not feel the same.

They actually want to use you by doing irrational things or beautiful things for you.

Don't be trapped again.

Narcissists or any kind of toxic people actually do not feel the same.

There are some things that you should note.

But before we see the whole lists, If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the

subscribe button below, and don't forget to like this video if you find this information

is helpful to you.

#1 - Breakup means threats

It is worth noting that narcissists are basically toxic people.

Toxic people want you to die slowly from their poison.

They don't want you to leave because it takes time to make their magic work.

They need time to make you suffer the worst.

They really do not want to be separated from you because they will lose power.

To get you back, they will do many harmful acts such as suicide attempt.

This is what narcissists actually feel when you are trying to run away from their grasp.

#2 - Being patient

Narcissists will take every single opening from you as advantage.

You may not know that they are beast.

They will observe you like a prey, and they will swallow you later.

In doing that, they will be hiding in bushes as if they are going for a war.

They will wait until everything is perfect to take action.

It may take months or even years, and they will still wait.

They don't want to go away from you because they know your weakness.

To avoid this, you should threaten them back by revealing the secret of narcissists.

#3 - Bouncing back

They actually want more from you.

You are the best toy for them.

However, you should be in the game before they can enjoy the game.

Narcissists usually start by some pre-texts.

They want you to take the bait with their wordsmith skills.

You should be aware of this, and you need to make sure you are not going back.

#4 - Breaking-up is daily medication

For narcissists, breaking up is one of the joyful experience that they enjoy.

Their level of excitement is even greater if you actually accept them back in a relationship.

That is why it is highly recommended to just stay away from this kind of person no matter

how sweet they are.

They basically never regret.

#5 - You are the drug

Narcissists do love taking advantage over you.

Your suffering is their blessing and medicine.

Your energy and your affection are also the source of their power.

That is why you are worthier than the black-market drug ever created.

#6 - Trickery

Another stage of narcissist is basically they have rhythmical cycle of trapping people.

They will convince their target that they are kind and nice person before they turn

into monster.

They are really good at manipulating facts and people.

If you know that the person is narcissists, you really cannot trust anything anymore.

All in all, that's all the 6 stages and after effects for narcissist when dealing with a


Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How A Narcissist Deals With A Break up: The 6 Stages and After Effects - Duration: 4:02.


5 Clear Signs That Your Life Is About To Do A 'One Eighty" - Duration: 5:10.

5 Clear Signs That Your Life Is About To Do A �One-Eighty�

by Conscious Reminder

There are moments in life when we believe that everything is falling apart.

What we actually don�t know is that, at times like these, when we feel hopeless and

at a point of no return, everything is falling to its place.

Change is not always welcome but it�s inevitable and often when we believe that our life is

a complete chaos, it�s because everything is being arranged in order to synchronize

with our true passions and desires.

1.The things you don�t like have become unbearable.

There is nothing worse than feeling annoyed.

It comes out of the blue, like a mosquito while you�re asleep, and it�s starts itching,

making you scratch your skin till it bleeds.

When little, meaningless, things in life start bugging you be sure that a change is about

to happen.It has to happen.

There is a certain amount of negativity that we can deal with before the last straw breaks

the camel�s back.

Something snaps and we take action.


You feel lost.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself.

We�ve all heard these words.

It kinda sounds backwards, but that�s only until we figure out why.

When you�re lost you have no direction and when there is no direction there is no desire.

When there is no desire you don�t need anything and when you don�t need anything, that�s

when your soul starts to speak.

Even though things might see out of control, in this moment you are in a perfect disposition

to accept everything that your heart is completely and unconditionally trying to show you.

You�re now tracing your new path and maybe what you really need is that radical change

that will help you get your mind, body, heart and soul in sync.


Leave the incubator.

Have you ever noticed that there are periods when your schedule is completely packed with

adventures, parties with your friends and family, and trip to a point when you feel

that you are barely keeping up?

On the other hand the rest of year you spend isolated, even depressed, going through deep


The length of these cycles varies but we all go through momentum shifts during our lives.We

need these cycles to form our perspective of the world.

Moments spent introspecting offer us emotional, psychological and spiritual growth, while

the outward pulses manifest as new experiences, traveling and broadening our horizons.

When you break free from the incubator period, it feels like you are being reborn.

This means that you took your time to recharge your batteries, take a step back and reevaluate

the things and people that surround you, in order to set another goal and trace a new

path towards a better life.


You feel scared, excited and anxious at the same time.

The incubator stage you have been going through is finally coming to an end and now you have

a new course in life.

So, what�s next?

When something feels scary and exciting at the same time�.you shod go and do it.

Take the leap, as you definitely feel something big is about to happen and the momentum is

building.You have no idea what to expect, but you feel that you are on the right path

and you are anxious to see what is waiting for you at the end of the tunnel.

At moments as such, there is no point in making big plans, as they are probably going to get

canceled or postponed and it will only give you headaches and frustration.

You�ve set your goal, but the energies are still aligning as the many possible outcomes


You need to explore and evaluate every single one of them before you decide to follow the

path your higher self had already chosen.Be patient, stay open and go with the flow.

These are exciting times.



Is there anything better than the subtle clues left by the universe, pointing that you are

on your true path?

Synchronicities serve as soft assurances that your actions, thoughts and feelings are aligned

with your higher self.

When you are about to undergo a major shift, you will start seeing number 5 everywhere

you turn.

Number 5 is the clearest of signs that you need to change yourself, or the things around

you, because you are going through times of change that will transform you forever.

Nevertheless, a change should never be perceived as positive or negative.It�s simple necessary

and it�s bound to happen.

05:55 It�s time to wake up, Neo.

For more infomation >> 5 Clear Signs That Your Life Is About To Do A 'One Eighty" - Duration: 5:10.


Dallas Police Chief Dons Uniform For First Time - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Dallas Police Chief Dons Uniform For First Time - Duration: 0:28.


FBI will be blamed for Florida shooting: Oliver North - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> FBI will be blamed for Florida shooting: Oliver North - Duration: 2:51.


Florida shooting sparks debate over privacy and security - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> Florida shooting sparks debate over privacy and security - Duration: 5:55.


Frozen - Let It Go | Cinderella - Strong (CinderElsa) Disney Mashup ft. Lauryn Judd - Duration: 6:15.

In a perfect storybook

The world is brave and good

A hero takes your hand a sweet love will follow

But life's a different game

the sorrow and pain

Only you can change your world


Let your smile light up the sky keep your

Spirit soaring high

Trust in your heart and your soul shines forever and ever

Hold fast to kindness, your

light shines forever and ever

I believe in you and in me

We are strong

When once upon a time

In stories and in rhyme a moment you could shine

And wear your own crown

Be the one that rescues you

Through the clouds you'll see the blue

It's funny how some distance

makes everything

Seem small and the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all

It's time to see what I can do to test the limits

And break through no right no wrong no rules for me

I'm free

Let it go, let it go. I'm one with the wind and sky

Let it go, let it go, you'll never see me cry

Here I stand and here I'll stay

Let the storm rage on

A bird all alone on the wing

Can still be strong and sing, sing

(Elsa) Let it go, let it go, can't hold me back anymore

(Cinderella) Trust in your heart and your soul shines forever and ever

(Elsa) Let it go, let it go, that little girl is gone

(Cinderella) Hold fast to kindness your light shines forever and ever

(Elsa) Here I stand, in the light of day

(Cinderella) I believe in you and in me

(Elsa) Let the storm rage on, the cold never bothered me anyway

(Cinderella) We are strong

(Together) Here we stand, and here we'll stay

We are strong

We hope you liked our mashup of Cinderella and Frozen

It was really fun to write this arrangement together, and I believe those two princesses, Cinderella and Elsa represents strength in two very different ways

Cinderella through kindness and a positive attitude and forgiveness and Elsa through being Queen and

Learning to master her magical powers and just being herself

Let us know what you thought of this mashup in the comments if it worked and as always leave more

Suggestions for new mashups that you want us to do

We've got a lot of fun stuff planned for 2018 and we even have some

Dresses on display behind us for some of the things coming up

so maybe you can get a hint of what's coming with some of these and

Huge thanks to Josh sales

he's a guy that did the amazing video that you just

Watched you can check him out all his links are down below and Lauren Judd wasn't she?

Absolutely fantastic we were so so honored to get to work with her and have her be our Elsa for this music video

She has a YouTube channel. She's got some awesome covers already up

You can watch all of her covers you can watch her debut on the voice. She is incredibly talented. Yes, also huge

Thank you to our patrons

If you hear... our daughter is running around right now

But our patrons make all this possible their names are somewhere on the screen right now. You can check that out

What that is at

There's cool prizes. You can be you start at just $1 per month helping us out

there's cool prizes that are associated so check that out my brain's in scrambles because our daughter is running around my

camera equipment it might fall over at any moment but the links down below

K, we'll see ya, bye!

For more infomation >> Frozen - Let It Go | Cinderella - Strong (CinderElsa) Disney Mashup ft. Lauryn Judd - Duration: 6:15.


Success Reveal - Carlos Slim Helu biography in Khmer - Duration: 12:35.

Success Reveal - Carlos Slim Helu biography in Khmer

For more infomation >> Success Reveal - Carlos Slim Helu biography in Khmer - Duration: 12:35.


Special Report With Bret Baier 02/15/18 6PM | February 15, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 43:27.

For more infomation >> Special Report With Bret Baier 02/15/18 6PM | February 15, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 43:27.


24 Hours After Florida Shooting, Gunman's REAL Motive Surfaces It's Not What Media Told You - Duration: 4:42.

24 Hours After Florida Shooting, Gunman's REAL Motive Surfaces It's Not What Media

Told You.

It has now been one day since the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, which left seventeen

innocent people dead.

Now, the gunman's real motive has finally surfaced, but it's not what the media told


On Wednesday afternoon, a gunman opened fire at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland,


As always, in the wake of such a tragic event, we ask what can be done to prevent this sort

of needless violence in the future.

And, as usual, this question has been met with calls for more gun control.

Despite having more gun control now than at any other time in the history of our great

nation, we also have more gun violence.

Furthermore, we know that gun control does not work.

Just take a look at cities like Chicago, which has some of the strictest gun control laws

in the country.

The residents are murdered with guns on a daily basis.

It is more dangerous to live in Chicago than almost anywhere else in the United States,

but it's nearly impossible to acquire a gun legally there.

So, perhaps the issue is not with guns.

After all, if the Florida gunman did not have access to a firearm, he could have inflicted

harm in any number of other ways.

He could have set off a bomb.

He could have plowed a truck into pedestrians.

The list goes on and on.

Thus, we come to a conclusion difficult for many to face.

This is a morality issue not a gun issue.

According to a study released by the Congressional Research Service, the average rate of mass

public shootings defined by the FBI as "a multiple homicide incident in which four or

more victims are murdered with firearms, within one event, in at least one or more public

locations" has gone up from being a singular, annual tragedy in the 1970s (a 1.1 incidence

rate) to about 4.5 incidences per year between 2010 and 2013.

Unfortunately, those numbers are only increasing.

It is just February, and we're already on track to have more mass shootings in 2018

than in any other year in U.S. history.

Guns have been in existence for roughly 200 years.

So, why the alarming spike in mass shooting just within the time span of a few decades?

To answer that question, we should look to what other major event coincided with the

statistical rise in mass shootings.

What else happened in the 1970s, after which time a period of increasingly violent events


The most notable event was the decision of Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion.

Since that 1973 ruling, it has become more and more socially acceptable for women to

kill their own children in the womb.

Think about that.

In 1973, we sanctioned the slaughter of our most helpless citizens, and ever since, our

society has only become more violent.

Now, we have devolved to a point where deranged and morally corrupt individuals take dozens

of lives at a time.

Make no mistake, this is not about guns.

It is a direct result of society lacking a moral compass.

Even if the Florida gunman had no access to guns at all which, of course, is impossible

he still would have been a deranged and morally corrupt individual.

We can say with near certainty that he still would have gone on to murder innocent people

through some other means.

He was intent on taking lives.

His history makes that perfectly clear.

Nearly four decades ago, as a nation, we turned our backs on the sanctity of life.

Now, we are shocked as we watch unspeakably violent acts unfold on a seemingly weekly


But, if we give this matter the deeper reflection it is due, then how can we really be so surprised

by these mass shootings?

We no longer value life.

The only probable consequence of that is violence.

We cannot sanction the killing of innocents and then rightfully be surprised when innocents

are killed en masse.

By the same token, if you are outraged that seventeen people were killed yesterday in

Florida, you should also be furious that millions of babies were murdered by their own mothers

before they even had the opportunity to take their first breaths.

Moreover, we should all be sickened by the fact that society considers this socially

acceptable, nay "empowering."

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> 24 Hours After Florida Shooting, Gunman's REAL Motive Surfaces It's Not What Media Told You - Duration: 4:42.


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The Story With Martha MacCallum 02/15/18 7PM | February 15, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:26.

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Master Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 | Digital Painting Tips [Photoshop 101] — Customize Toolbar - Duration: 4:31.

Okay, we're live, so we're gonna get into custom toolbars today

So what that means is we gonna strip them down and we can also make them more complicated we can minimize it but um

Let's just get into it

Now let's just go over customizing the toolbar

Let's scroll over here to the side and

We discuss this in a module, but previously

But let's go ahead and actually do this now so if we click on this you can see we have an edit toolbar, okay

So let's go ahead and pop this open

Now how this works is two things

This first box here is your toolbar

This is essentially the toolbar that's on your left side, so let me just pull this up here a little closer

So you can see them side by side

So what you see here is what you're going to see over here, okay?

When you see them grouped in sections like this. This is telling you. What is going to be?

inside of that

Initial tool the tools that are going to sit up underneath

Extra tools, this is where we're just clicking on the three dots so when you click on that if

There's a tool that I want it to sit inside of here. Let's just say for example. I wanted a magic eraser in there

Let's just say I want it

Let's just say history brush

Anything that I want to sit within that small section

And I don't want them to sit inside of this large section you drag and drop right here, okay?

You can also once you have all of this set up. You can go ahead and hit save preset

You can hit restore defaults if you want to go backwards you can also hit clear tools

What this will do is if you look to the top left all we have right now


This little popup menu, which is your?

Extra tools there's nothing really in the toolbar yet, so what you would have to do is come over here and manually drag

the tools that you will want

To sit inside your toolbar, okay?

This is the main idea okay, you're gonna drag over

If you drag on top it drags so that it will sit underneath

So let's see and let me just show you again you put it right on top see that little blue line and

That allows you to drop underneath, okay?

So if you continue to go through this whole process let me just show you you can hit a save preset

You can save this to desktop just gonna call this and again. I typically would be something like rebels

Test and actually I'm gonna do underscore trash because I'm not gonna use this

I just remind myself later on to get rid of it

Hit save and now I'll have that on the desktop if I needed it. Okay what I had done

Now you'll see I have tools here if I click on this right here

This will show me full access of all the other tools now right now. I made something this really

not user friendly, but it was just a demonstrate point of how to

Manually set this up

If you go back in here and a tool bar

Restore defaults and it sets everything right back to the basic default

Okay hit done, and you're good as new okay

So that's toolbar and let's go ahead and move on to the next module

Okay, so if you're new to digital paying tips make sure you

Hit subscribe hit the bell button also go ahead and and visit my website and see what?

Stuff I have over there as well on the meantime. I'll see you next time and keep aim

For more infomation >> Master Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 | Digital Painting Tips [Photoshop 101] — Customize Toolbar - Duration: 4:31.


Sad Shayari In Hindi For Lover | तेरी याद बहुत आती है | हिंदी शायरी विडियो - Duration: 5:07.

Shayari On Love In Hindi

For more infomation >> Sad Shayari In Hindi For Lover | तेरी याद बहुत आती है | हिंदी शायरी विडियो - Duration: 5:07.


Witnesses: Man Shot And Killed After Fridley Crash Threatened Others With Knife - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Witnesses: Man Shot And Killed After Fridley Crash Threatened Others With Knife - Duration: 2:07.


Gugudan - The Boots Reaction - Duration: 6:22.

Eli: I can't say it Beba: When I come back... Eli: Say it

No! Boots and what?!


안녕!! (Annyeong!!) Hola!! Hello!!

こんにちは!! (Kon'nichiwa!!)

Today we're going to react to Gugudan's new song "The Boots"

Official MV let's start

One~ Two~ Three!!

There are days where I am just too energetic. I don't know what's wrong with me

I love the hat

I love the boots and the hat

Eli: Gugudan the boots Beba: Did she wink at me? Don't do that~

Some of the members were in I.O.I


Beba: Did you see that effect Eli: Of course Beba: Now I like the hat even more

Is it going to do that If I buy it?

That was lame

I really love the whistling, I love when they do that in songs

Eli: I know you have mentioned that to me before Beba: Really? Eli: Yup

She was in I.O.I

I didn't expect the chorus to be like that

Why does-Why does she wants to blow that up

Did you see that?


Both: Lipsticks Beba: Okay

I love it

Eli: You know what's funny she... Beba: I was like I've seen her somewhere

Beba: But then I remembered you told they were in Both: I.O.I

I really like her, her personality is really

Cool and funny but to see her here

I don't know she seems different (In a good way)


Eli: Did you see that!!!! Beba: Noooo!!!!

Don't play with me

I have to watch the live performances

Did you see that?!

I definitely have to add this song on my playlist

And I have to watch this video again

I love that scene

That does remind of like an anime like Sailor Moon

That part

She can be Sailor Moon

She was there

I'm still in shock sorry

A cat~

Don't start

What can I say about this video

If I didn't see this

I would have missed something great

Eli: It was amazing Beba: It was amazing Eli: Unbelievable

Beba: That's enough Eli: Okay

But really we loved it

Beba: I didn't expect this Eli: I'm still dumbfounded I didn't expect the chorus

Eli: I didn't expect the breakdance I-I mean the Beba: Breakdance Eli: Yes

The chorus was so smooth

I loved it

Beba: It was perfect Eli: I really loved the visual of the video and I loved the moon too

I just think it was so cool when they were there in front of the moon

I don't know I really loved it, it reminded me of an anime and I loved it

Eli: It was amazing I loved it Beba: Me too

Beba: I'm going to add it Eli: Gugudan we likey

We likey likey

Okay I'll stop

But anyways, thank you so much for watching this video

If you liked it don't forget to like, comment, subscribe


We'll see you in our next one Bye~ 💚

For more infomation >> Gugudan - The Boots Reaction - Duration: 6:22.


DHS Just Admitted Mainstream Media Has "Misrepresented Facts" on - Duration: 7:27.

DHS Just Admitted Mainstream Media Has �Misrepresented Facts� on Russian Interference

By Matt Agorist

Since late 2016, in instance after instance, the narrative on Russia hacking the election

has been slowly exposed as a massive farce. Last year, that slow crawl toward death turned

into a full on sprint as CNN, not once, but twice admitted that they pushed fake Russian

news with no proof � for ratings. Shortly after CNN, in their magnificent fall from

the fake news pedestal, the New York Times quietly admitted their �bombshell� backbone

to the entire Russian narrative was simply not true.

Now, the Department of Homeland Security has even stepped in to lay the rumors to rest

put out by NBC last week claiming that Russia �successfully penetrated� the voting system

in several states.

According to NBC, in an �exclusive report� they received information from Jeanette Manfra,

the head of cybersecurity at the Department of Homeland Security, who said she couldn�t

talk about classified information publicly, but in 2016, �We saw a targeting of 21 states

and an exceptionally small number of them were actually successfully penetrated.�

However, this week, Manfra came forward to call NBC out for spinning her words to make

it seem like the US had been hacked. �Recent NBC reporting has misrepresented facts and

confused the public with regard to Department of Homeland Security and state and local government

efforts to combat election hacking,� DHS cybersecurity chief Jeanette Manfra said on


Despite the fact that Manfra said an �exceptionally small number� of states were targeted successfully,

NBC�s headline on its website reads �Russians penetrated US voter systems, top US official

says,� which Manfra has accused of being misleading.

NBC has yet to issue an update on their story and, in fact, has fired back�in spite of

the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS), which represents a group of

chief election officials�who have similarly criticized NBC for misleading reporting.

�It�s hard to believe DHS actually watched or read NBC�s report. Our story is accurate,

and makes all of the very same points this statement accuses us of not making,� an

NBC spokesperson told The Hill.

Whatever the blowhards in the media and the government claim over Russian hacking, the

fact remains that they have presented no proof to the people. In fact, last year, even the

former director of the FBI, James Comey admitted he never once saw any of the evidence of Russian

interference in US elections.

Senator Richard Burr, (R) North Carolina opened the inquiry into Comey in June of last year.

After a series of entirely led questions which allowed Comey to assert � over and over

again � that he has �no doubts Russia interfered with the US election,� Burr asked

the most important question of all. He wanted to know if Comey had ever seen any evidence

of the interference.

Burr: �Did you ever have access to the actual hardware that was hacked? Or, did you have

to rely on a third party to provide you the data that they collected?�

Comey: �In the case of the DNC, we did not have access to the devices themselves. We

got relevant forensic information from a private party�.a high-class entity that had done

the work. But, we didn�t get direct access.�

Burr: �But no content?�

Comey: �Correct.�

What makes this case all the more ironic is while DHS is now claiming the facts have been

misrepresented on Russian election interference, in late 2016 and early 2017, they were accused

of doing the hacking.

As the Free Thought Project previously reported, the Department of Homeland Security, under

the Obama administration, attempted to hack the Indiana State electoral system nearly

15,000 times.

Prior to the hacks in Indiana, it was the state of Georgia that exposed DHS meddling

in their elections.

Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson, who also served as president of NASS, pointed

the finger squarely at the Obama administration�s DHS, saying she believed the scans were possibly

retaliatory since the state chose not to allow DHS to get their hands on Indiana�s electoral

infrastructure. �We declined their assistance,� she said but added, �our voter registration

system was not penetrated.�

In reality, the case against Russia, as we�ve previously reported, is alleged to have been

contrived mere moments after Clinton lost the election. Last year, WikiLeaks detailed

the contents of the book Shattered � written by Jonathan Allen � which lays out the plan

quite clearly.

WikiLeaks uploaded a picture from a page of Allen�s new book which destroys the Russian

hacking narrative immediately.

The page uploaded by WikiLeaks explains how the Clinton spin machine was set in motion

in the minutes following her loss to Trump. Allegedly, John Podesta (Clinton�s campaign

manager), collaborated with Robby Mook (fellow member of the Clinton campaign) to make the

argument the election was rigged by the Russians � an argument which was put forward when

it was revealed in early 2016 the Democratic National Committee�s emails had been hacked.

Building on that narrative, the Clinton camp reportedly put out the notion to members of

the media that the election was anything but fair. The suggestion was apparently made that

�Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.�

The narrative has spiraled so far out of control that even the Trump administration is fear

mongering over it now. Last week, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson went on FOX News to

pump fear into the right over Russian meddling in the US elections.

�There�s a lot of ways that the Russians can meddle in the elections,� he said. �A

lot of different tools they can use.�

Despite the constant tornado of half-truths, lies, and propaganda filling the airwaves,

even some of the mainstream media has been forced to admit it is all a facade. On a broadcast

of MSNBC�s Rachel Maddow Show last year, Andrea Mitchell, NBC�s Chief Foreign Affairs

Correspondent and the host of MSNBC�s Andrea Mitchell Reports, stated a fact which went

under the radar and contradicted everything they reported this week, but lays it all out

perfectly clear � Russiagate is a �conspiracy theory� created by Hillary Clinton.

For more infomation >> DHS Just Admitted Mainstream Media Has "Misrepresented Facts" on - Duration: 7:27.



Alright im done building

Let's see..


aha hes a n00b






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Dollar tree make up review and make up mirror with LED light review ok4kidstv video 100 - Duration: 11:07.

For more infomation >> Dollar tree make up review and make up mirror with LED light review ok4kidstv video 100 - Duration: 11:07.


Avengers Infinity War 2018 | 100 Days | Official Trailer | Marvel | MCU | Ready For Infinity War - Duration: 0:12.

Avengers Infinity War 2018 | 100 Days | Official Trailer | Marvel | MCU | Ready For Infinity War

For more infomation >> Avengers Infinity War 2018 | 100 Days | Official Trailer | Marvel | MCU | Ready For Infinity War - Duration: 0:12.


Learn Technical Analysis in 8 minutes! WTC Waltonchain - Lightning Analysis - Duration: 7:39.

Hello traders Lord reigneth - cryptic calm in this video we're gonna be taking a look at Walton coin

Not because of popularity just more so because I'm kind of excited about

Breakout that has occurred that's occurring right now, and I just wanted to get into bull flags and measure moves with you

So if you like this video, please hit like and subscribe below check out our discord check out our website

So without further ado we're gonna be doing the lighting analysis on


Alright so Walton coin you know it's been consolidating for a while now

what I think we've got going on is a

bull flag

You know an establishment of consolidation off a larger run and so we did this multiple times

Not taking into consideration so much that

You know the exaggeration wick we had right here, so

something about bull flags, and this is just

You know knowledge of ta

you have

Measure moves and you have pretty much normal retracements on bull runs

So if Walton had a nice run up from this swing low to the swing high

We could measure it and we could see how much it retraced now according to

Ta rule the most common form of a retrace is 50% on bull runs

So let's measure this real quick, and we're not touching this


mess with our fibs

There you go so from swing load to swing high without the

Exaggeration we have a 50% retrace

Wow how how insane is that?


When you have a 50% retrace, and you're trying to trade that that's normally your buy area for

for like buying

bull flags

Because what happens is after you have a 50% retrace you have something called a measure move, okay

And so I'm just gonna get rid of these bids real quick and show you a measure move

So from where this started?

Drawing a trendline, and I'm not taking a consideration

This right here, which I could but it's probably gonna be wrong so

when we move this

To this spot look at that look at the measured move that that occurred from its previous run out

Said I I mean there's not much to it

but you know if you didn't know this you're not gonna know how to take profit sometimes on these these run ups so if

We wanted to take a look

At kind of what's going on right now. We have a bigger bull flag, and there's things to theorise here because

though we had you know a swing low right here I

Don't know this was a complete exaggeration the RSI was too hot and we had to just consolidate to continue to run up

or if it

was for real so

What why I say, this is because when we fibbed right here, and we fibbed to the top bottom to top we retrace

61.8% of the way, which isn't really you know normal. It's not cookie cutter. We want to see 50% retraces, but

while I'm a little skeptical and

Intrigued is if I move to my swing load down to this level

And use this top it's my second plot

Look look what we have here. We have a 50% retrace so

there's there are things to consider here if we don't if we think this was an exaggeration and was just

Consolidation so we can continue our run up


Measured move

Would look something like this

That's that's what we could be looking at as the next run if this is validated if this theory is correct

Now that is like

The most liberal way of looking at it if you wanted to be conservative, and you just wanted to say hey

You look you know what we're just gonna use these swing lows right here

Just because we want to say this is a valid

Impulse wave up, and then we came down and were made our second big move. Okay, that's fine

We can we can also use that as logic so logical

Observations, so we'll use our measuring move up right here, and then we'll move this

Here and we could use this as our measured move up, but regardless

This is overall really bullish I mean we had

We had a huge run up here at the beginning

we consolidated from


These are low right here, I guess we could say and we have like 73 days of consolidation

And then we just kept going yeah, we made mid higher lows right here

And this is a hundred days of consolidation for our next run-up, so

It it would make sense if Waltons overall bullish people liked it

Why it would not be on the upswing right now. It's been consolidating since


28th so we've had a good two-week consolidation period off our multiple run ups could be one run up

Or it could be considered one run or two run ups one two so

These are things to can take to take into consideration when you're looking at bull flags and overall bullish charts

so I

Mean so we've got two theories right we've got one that's a

Much larger measure move based on you know us measuring our fibs that that's kind of like the decision-making processes we had so

You know something. I really like about

Walton on the 4-hour we're not we're not close to overbought right now

We're building positive momentum

Right here. We've broken out of this downward sloping channel or this bull flag, so

yeah, there are multiple levels of thought to take into consideration when you're

theorizing measured moves so

This is this wasn't supposed to be a very long video. I just wanted to kind of update you show you a breakout

That's occurred and then give a little education on measured moves and bull flags and FIB retracement

So guys again if you liked this video, please hit subscribe

You know in the like button below

It just lets me know that you like what I'm doing and you want me to keep doing it so until next time stay out


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