Thursday, February 15, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 16 2018

UNFOLDING: Obama Holdover Just Caught Hiding What Wife Received From Secret Hillary Deal.

More drama unfolds within the Justice Department, and it concerns a holdover from former President

Obama's administration.

One person, in particular, was just revealed to be allegedly hiding payments that went

to his wife.

The payments reportedly came from Fusion GPS and went to Bruce Ohr's wife.

According to reports, Ohr was supposed to file for a conflict of interest waiver from

the Department of Justice.

He failed to seek that waiver, and in return, it now appears as though he purposely hid

the payments going to his wife.

That in and of itself is a major conflict of interest.

His wife's name is Nellie Ohr.

She was supposedly working for Fusion GPS while Fusion was apparently caught paying

Christopher Steele to craft a dossier.

Steele is an alleged former British spy who may have used his former or current stats

to take the dossier to the next level and prod a stern finger to trigger people into

a Russian investigation.

Fusion GPS payments to Nellie Ohr were allegedly for her work to analyze and research Russia.

This may have been in connection with the false concept of Russian collusion and now

President Trump and the 2016 Presidential election.

As most people are aware, the only conspiracy there's been evidence of so far is between

Democrats and the Russians, but there's no evidence that Trump was involved in anything.

Trump has been President for over a year, and there's still no evidence of him participating

in wrongdoing or collusion that would interfere with the 2016 election.

Meanwhile, the Ohr's were reported to be in connection with the dossier, Fusion GPS,

and provoking the Russian investigation that they may have hoped was the dagger in Trump's


Conservative Daily Post provided more information on the Ohr situation:

"Top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr failed to disclose that Fusion GPS was paying

his wife and didn't seek a conflict of interest waiver from the department.

Bruce Ohr was demoted from his post as Associate Deputy Attorney General in early December

after an internal probe revealed that he failed to disclose on two occasions that his wife

was working with Fusion GPS.

More importantly, Nellie Ohr was being paid by Fusion GPS to conduct analysis and research

on Russia.

Falsifying government ethics forms and documents can result in jail time if an individual is


Congressional documents and memos reveal Fusion GPS hired Steele to compile his anti-Trump


Fusion GPS was given more than $9 million to fund efforts to compile the dossier by

former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign and the Democratic National


In order to trigger the Russia investigation, Fusion GPS likely used Nellie Ohr to give

the dossier to Bruce Ohr, who then used his senior status at the DOJ to lay the foundation

for the Russia probe.

The FBI then took the dossier from the DOJ and obtained a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence

Surveillance Court to spy on Carter Page, a volunteer to Trump's 2016 campaign.

This paved the way for Special Counsel Robert Mueller to take over the Russia investigation.

That's called collusion, and it's not a coincidence that Ohr lied on two separate

occasions about his wife's role at Fusion GPS."

Now it appears as though Democrats were working together to put the dossier through the wire

and make it into a big thing.

That sparked the nonsensical distractions surrounding the Russian collusion theories,

but their attempted sabotage backfired.

The fingers now point the evidence to wards the Democrats as they're caught in their

own scandal and are burying their heads in the sand as their party panics and fall apart

at the seams.

Former President Barack Obama must be laughing as this unfolds, but he could also be worried

that something points back to wards him or Michelle.

The attempt to knock the Trump train off the tracks has been unsuccessful.

Every time the Democrats throw something shady to wards President Trump, they get it tossed

right back like a hot potato.

There's only so much fake information that the Democrat party can pass around or create

out of their miserable boredom, but none of it is working to remove Trump from the White


If anything, it's making Trump into a stone cold lock pick of the week for the 2020 election.

Everything the Democrats have done to Trump has made him stronger.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> UNFOLDING: Obama Holdover Just Caught Hiding What Wife Received From Secret Hillary Deal - Duration: 4:35.


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Tưng bừng PHÁO HOA ĐÊM GIAO THỪA tết 2018 trung tâm quận 1 CẦU MỐNG SÀI GÒN I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 18:27.

For more infomation >> Tưng bừng PHÁO HOA ĐÊM GIAO THỪA tết 2018 trung tâm quận 1 CẦU MỐNG SÀI GÒN I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 18:27.


5 Overlooked Ways to Get More YouTube Views - Duration: 7:08.

- There are a lot of ways to grow your YouTube channel

that a lot of people aren't really talking about.

They're overlooked, underutilized

and today I wanna share with you guys

what some of them are

so that you can beat out your competition,

grow your YouTube channel's views and subscribers

using some of these tricks, coming up.

Hey, guys, my name is Tim Schmoyer

and welcome to Video Creators.

This channel is all about helping you guys

grow a YouTube audience so you can spread a message

that reaches people and changes their lives

but if your channel's not growing,

you're not really reaching anybody

and changing their life, right?

So while the rest of your competition

is out there tweaking their tags and doing sub for sub

and things like that, let's talk about some of the things

that will actually grow your channel

and get you the results that you want.

Number one is caption your videos.

This is so important because when you manually create

captions and add them to your video,

you are giving Google a lot of information

about what that video contains.

Google does do an automated job of trying to guess,

but those captions are usually terrible

and they're not weighed very heavily at all

as far as Google's concerned

because they know there's a lot of mistakes in there.

Adding captions also makes your videos more accessible

to a broader group of people.

Whether those people, maybe they're deaf

or maybe they speak English as a second language.

Although, studies have shown that the people

who are most likely to use your captions,

are actually people who do speak English

or speak your language, but they just wanna follow along

and turning the captions on enables them

to read with what's being said,

and it holds their attentions better

and they can follow more closely,

which then leads to more watch time on your videos,

which leads to better audience retention on your videos,

which means your video performs better overall.

Now the service I use for captioning my videos

is, and they are cool enough to sponsor this video

so I could tell you guys about them.

I use them for a few reasons.

One, because it's all humans actually doing the captioning

and not just speech-to-text recognition type software. is 99% percent accurate because of that.

And it's all people who actually speak my language,

speak English, they're from the U.S., Canada,

like 90% of them are.

So I'm supporting jobs here locally as well.

If you wanna check it out, go to

or just click the link in the description of this video.

And you can sign up, and they'll email you a $10 coupon

off your next order of captions or transcriptions.

So go check that out if that's of interest to you.

A second growth hack that I see a lot of creators not doing

is that you need to brighten up your thumbnails.

There needs to be good contrast between the background

and the foreground, so the foreground, the story,

the value you're trying to pitch

in that thumbnail just pops.

It's easy to see in very small resolution

on a mobile device.

I also recommend that you oversaturate the colors

just a little bit to make those colors pop out,

stand out more than all the other thumbnails

that are surrounding your video.

Another thing you can do to make your video stand out

above everyone else's is to test your titles.

I know a lot of creators spend a lot of time

working on their actual video content,

but they don't understand that it doesn't matter

how amazing the video is if that title and thumbnail

don't entice someone to click on it in the first place.

So if you're gonna spend hours on your video,

you should spend a good amount of time

on a title and thumbnail as well.

Now regarding the title, I wouldn't just go

with the first thing that comes to your mind.

I would spend a lot of time listing

a lot of different ideas,

looking at different synonyms for different words.

There's a lot of headline analyzers

that you can go to on the internet

that are just free, just punch it in there

and it'll say, hey, this is kinda weak, it's lacking emotion

or it needs some of these power words in there

that would elicit more of a response from people

than the words that you're using.

And after I've got like 15, 20 different title ideas or so,

then I'll go to other people in my team,

whether it be my editor, my producer, or just friends,

and I would just say, hey, which one of these

is the most enticing to you

or you feel like is the most accurate

or pitches the value the best?

And if you have people on your Facebook page

or just family and friends or just a group of people,

a dorm roommate or something, just say, hey,

which one of these-- just get some feedback, right?

And just think about it so when you put it up there

you know this is a title that is more likely

to get clicks than just a thrown up title

that I was maybe gonna go with.

A fourth thing that's really important

is that you plan the hook of your video

before you even start shooting.

What I mean by that is when someone clicks

on your title and thumbnail, they click on it

because that title and thumbnail set

an expectation for the viewer.

And the viewer clicks expecting a certain value,

a certain story, a certain something.

So that first 15 seconds need to affirm

for the viewer that yes, what you clicked

expecting to get is coming in this video.

So if the title and thumbnail teases something

that doesn't come until eight minutes into the video,

your subscribers may stick around and watch,

but those non-subscribed people who have no idea

who you are, they're gonna be like,

"What did I click on?" And they'll just leave.

And so I recommend you know what your title and thumbnail

is going to be before you even start shooting your videos.

That's the best way, that when you do start shooting it,

you can open it up with something that you know

connects to the title and thumbnail.

Number five, I recommend that you take a cue

from what people in television have learned

and that is you need to cut to something

every five to seven seconds in order to really

visually hold your viewers' attention.

The reason television is cutting to different angles

every few seconds is because every time that happens

the brain needs to reevaluate what's there on screen,

and it's like, oh, something changed

and they gotta take it all in.

Oh, it changed again, and they take it all in,

oh, it changed again, right.

So it holds people's attention visually better.

So whether you're doing that with multiple camera angles

or you're doing it like we way we do here in this video,

it's just adding a lot of B-Roll and visuals

and examples on top.

You can do it however you want,

but the goal is just keep changing things

up visually for your audience.

Another thing that you really need to consider, though,

is learn storytelling; tell better stories.

The thing that gets the human emotions involved,

that enable people to make human connections

with you and your content is based on the stories

that you tell.

The better your storytelling ability,

the more people will want to watch your videos,

the longer they'll watch your videos,

the better signals Google will get about your videos

that will make Google want to promote it even more.

So I highly recommend you learn a lot about storytelling.

Read books on storytelling.

Watch videos here on YouTube about storytelling.

I even hired a storytelling coach not too long ago,

and I gave you guys access to some of that conversation

in an interview with her.

I've gone through storytelling workshops

here in Cincinnati and I brought you guys

along on that journey with me as well.

I put links to a lot of these different kind of resources

in the description of this video,


if you wanna sign up and get your $10 off your next order

for captions or transcriptions emailed to you,

go check that out.

and I wanna hear from you in the comments below

about what has really helped your channel stand out.

What things are you trying to really make sure

that your channel is thriving above all

of the other videos here on YouTube.

And I want the rest of you guys to read those comments.

You'll learn a ton from everyone down here.

This community is amazing.

So go check them out.

And if this is your first time here,

I would love to have you subscribe.

Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday,

multiple times a week we've got new videos coming out

just to help you learn how to grow your YouTube audience

so you can reach people and impact their lives

with the stories and the messages that you're spreading.

So thank you for letting me be a small part of that.

Subscribe, and I'll see you guys again on Monday.

See ya then, bye.

For more infomation >> 5 Overlooked Ways to Get More YouTube Views - Duration: 7:08.


【風】I'm not a nice guy (JP Voice Acting) - Duration: 2:50.

Please use headphones!

For more infomation >> 【風】I'm not a nice guy (JP Voice Acting) - Duration: 2:50.


Why I Left the Military - Anabaptist Perspectives Ep. 007 - Duration: 27:05.

Hello everybody! Welcome back to another episode of Anabaptist Perspectives!

I'm here with Dean Taylor..

Dean and I, well, we've done a of couple video projects

I guess back a few years ago.

You wrote a book actually called "Change of Allegiance". You used to be in the military, then

became a Christian and started believing in nonresistance and

the teachings of Jesus.

You did a whole video series on this, so we'll try to cover it in one short episode.

Basically (for me especially) I'm really intrigued. How did you go from being

actively involved in the military, and then make that decision

to decide, "Jesus actually says not to be involved in war"?

What were some things that contributed to that? Were you just reading the Bible and said,

"Okay, let's live this out." or did somebody else influence you?

It's a great question.

I was raised very patriotically, and when I joined the Army, I did it very patriotically.

I enjoyed my time in the army. There was some certain things that I think

God used in my life: one of them interestingly enough was about a year before the Scripture reading started.

I've been to Berlin twice in my life. The first time

I went to Berlin, my wife was in basic training, and I went with my mother. When I went there it was

1988. It was a classic "Checkpoint Charlie," the Cold War thing,

the concertina wire, and the machine guns, and the Russians and the East Germans and all that. It's very intimidating.

So I came out of that, but then my wife came out of the army. We got a chance to go to Berlin again.

We were there, and it's 1989. If you know your history, from 1989

was when the Berlin Wall was coming down. We were right there, and it was incredible.

You know, we were there

watching the same place that I was there just a year before. Now we're there, and there's literally these guards

looking through a hole in the wall and trying to pass champagne and

trying to kiss you through there. There was just this feeling in the air of "there's been a change."

My friend even tried to drive his car into the wall. There was just this sense that this wall was coming down.

I guess as I took it all in,

the thing that hit me was just simply the concept: what changed?

Why could I have been called on last year to kill these guys? They are my enemies. This year

I'm shaking hands through a hole in the wall.

I think I started to think about

that a few political leaders somewhere made us some decisions, and now my enemy has become my friend.

So, now fast-forward it a little bit when my wife got out of basic training,

and got to the army, we got this double housing allowance. We went from this little house in

one town into this really big nice house in another town. It was a great place, but the one

so-called defect of the place: it was in this really pretty valley, but it couldn't get

TV reception.

So, for the first time in my life, I'm quiet and

I started to read. At the time, we were actually in a rock band.

That was our job in the army. To be honest, this lifestyle was

really dragging us down. It was our official job, but we were active in the evangelical church in town.

Nevertheless, you'd just go be playing for all these different troops, all these rock songs and all these types of things. Eventually then,

"Hey, it'd be fun to go play at this bar!" That lifestyle really began to drag us down.

We were just wrestling with this very superficial Christianity.

What does it mean? We've said a "sinner's prayer," we were genuine, we were sincere.

An idea of actually being a disciple of Jesus Christ was foreign to us.

We began to read. One of the first books I read was a book

by Keith Greene called "No Compromise". It was just about a radical life of living for Jesus.

It was about, honestly, one of the first books I'd ever read in my life.

Like I cheated through high school or something like that. So just reading that book about somebody, just no compromise.

If Christ says it, I'm going to do that. So we were actually up in North Germany at a place

called Monchengladbach. As we were there,

it was a terrible thing called Fasching (the Germans do it before Lent).

It's kind of a bunch of sinful place, and we were playing concerts for that.

It was just sin everywhere. Finally my wife and I came to our hotel room,

and we said, "We've got to either give up on this fake Christianity or take it. No compromise"

Praise be to God! By the grace of God,

we kneeled in our hotel room and completely surrendered our lives over to Jesus Christ. When we got up

we had this banner over our head: No Compromise. We're gonna live for Christ.

First thing we did was get out of the rock band. That was relatively easy

There's always people waiting for a job like that.

Then I was reading. We began to read different things at nighttime.

We'd read to each other. You know get excited about something to read. I'll never forget the night I was reading to my wife.

I looked over at Tania, and I said, "Tania, I want you to have a completely open mind,

and I want to read something to you."

I was reading from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew Chapter 5.

And as I begin to read that I said, "Okay now,

I want you to stay open." She's looking at me kind of weird, but okay, alright. I said, "Okay,

here's what He says:

You have heard that it has been said an eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth,

but I say unto you, that you resist not evil

but whosoever shall smite thee on the right cheek, turn to him the other also, and if a man shall

sue thee at the law and take away your coat,

let him have your cloak also, and whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him two.

Give to him that asketh, and for him that would borrow from thee, turn

not away. You have heard that it has been said, thou shalt

love thy neighbor and hate your enemy, but I say unto you, love your enemies.

Bless them that curse you. Do good to them that hate you, and pray for them

which despitefully use you and persecute you." I looked over at her. I said, "So what do you do with that?"

And she goes, "It sounds pretty simple."

I said, "Yeah, that's the problem. We're in the army."

So, you asked the question, "What different sources?"

Well, you know I was raised with this concept. Everybody thought this way. I didn't know of anybody

that took these teachings literally. I went to the chaplain.

I said, "You've got to help me with this." So, he gave me a book written by the head of The Chaplain Corps

on the just war theory. This is so good. The theologians got this figured out.

I began to read that book and I said, "Okay, this is gonna explain

why this obviously says this, but for a long time (it looks like in all history)

we're not doing this. They'll explain it." I began to read that book and by the time

I got to the end of the book, I was scared. I was scared because before I read the book,

I just assumed everybody has good answers. When I heard the good answers, I went,

"Wow, we're in trouble because these are terrible answers." Because Augustine...

They mentioned this whole concept of the first 300 years of the church in the book.

They said, "Yes, they all talked that they were pacifists and they love their enemies, but they were very naive.

They're very childlike." It was further

theologians like Augustine and the different ones that really gave us this just war theory. I started thinking, "Well, so for

300 years people just believed Christ, and now it's different?

That began to shape us, and

I began to realize, "Well, I'm gonna have to take this more seriously."

Again, by the grace of God, there was a kind of radical bookstore in town.

He was a bad businessman.

He went out of business and sold all of his radical books to the local

evangelical bookstore in town. I went in there, and there was things by Mennonites.

I found the Martyrs Mirror. I found things on the early Christians.

I saw stuff from David Bercot on the early church, and as I began to read these things

I was like, "Wow, so I'm not crazy! There has been other people that have thought this way."

That worked out really well for you.

Yeah, it worked out really well.

So after a lot of time of searching, obviously you came under that conviction of, "Love our enemies. Military is not the correct path to take."

Well, then the question is did you really have to get out of the military? Couldn't you just take a non-combat

position or something?

Yeah, it's a great question. The whole thing was a journey.

We were studying these things.

At this time (when it was first starting) there was no Persian Gulf War even yet. We had gone through a relatively long time of peace.

So I began to talk to my different Christian friends. I remember one literally said,

"Dean, you're asking questions that should never be asked."

I said, "I'm not comfortable. What do you do with this?"

I began to ask these things. Even my first sergeant began to get nervous.

He took me out of being an armor. I was an armor also other than a musician.

For instance, one time as I was working my way through this, one of the books

I was reading was a book called "20 Hot Potatoes Christians Are Afraid to Touch" by Tony Campolo.

As I was reading that, he had this idea on "What would Jesus do?" I had this job as the armor to install

M203 grenade launchers onto machine guns. As I did that, I remember asking the question,

"What would Jesus do?"

I thought, "It's confusing." I was working my way through.

Eventually then, we started hearing about Saddam Hussein. We started hearing about things. Things started going really

crazy around there.

We came into a room, and the first sergeant called us all in there to have what he was gonna

call a "deadly force briefing." He said (he's given us all these military assignments),

"If somebody comes in here," and he pointed to me, looked right at me,

he said, "You must use deadly force to protect this particular area." I realized, "Okay, my

funny theology is now...I'm going to end up getting somebody else hurt.

As I thought through that, I

actually wrote to Herald Press, and I wrote him a letter. We said, "We're two soldiers

We don't know what to do. We're just gonna go. We're gonna go AWOL." I sent this letter to them.

It's the 1900s. This is before email.

We sent this letter to them. They forwarded it to

Mennonite Central Committee in Lancaster County.

They sent it to some counselors over in Germany, and they really helped to get us out.

Your question: "Did you have to get out?"

The thing with the military that I began to understand more and more,

was not just a matter of nonresistance, of not killing, but to be a part of the cure for

humanity. Jesus is teaching to love your enemies.

Nonresistance is a passive word. One theologian, John Howard Yoder,

once said, "Calling it nonresistance is like calling marriage "non-adultery."

We are to run to this, giving the cure of Jesus Christ to humanity.

I wanted to be part of that, and I wanted to be part of that Kingdom.

I still love my country, and I love to be

honorable and upright to my country. This concept of these two kingdoms made the difference.

Instead of the doctrine of nonresistance just being by itself ("don't kill"), the two kingdoms-

the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of the world- began to be something that really worked on me

(and how they interact). Matter of fact one of the funny stories: The most confrontational

person that I went to was a psychologist. When you become a conscientious objector, you have to do several things: you got to write a paper

you have to speak to your commander of course, you have to go see a chaplain, you have to see a psychologist, you have to do

a court trial. Then they send your paper to somewhere in the States or where I was in Germany.

Then they make the decision.

The psychologist was only supposed to see if I was mentally able to stand trial. I go in there, and

(to answer your question that you were just asking me) she says,

"You can come on in, but you don't even need to sit down."

I said, "Why?" She said, "Because I've got you."

I was like, "Wow! This is weird." I said, "What do you mean you got me?"

She said, "I've got all you conscientious objectors."

"Well, what do you mean?"

She said, "Okay. I'll ask you two questions.

There were some of you conscientous objectors in here the other day." She said, "I'll ask you two questions.

You say you went out of the army because you can't

support what the American forces are doing. Is that correct?" I said, "Yes, ma'am, that's correct." She said, "Okay, next question:

Do you believe in paying your taxes?" I said,

"Well, yes ma'am. I believe in paying my taxes." She said, "See, you're inconsistent.

Absolutely. You have no basis." I was a new Christian, but I thought, "Okay, Lord." I said, "Well, ma'am,

here's something I need to explain to you. You may not understand this,

but I live by the way of a book and a teaching of Jesus Christ. This teaching

teaches me to love my enemies and to pay my taxes.

I don't necessarily have to understand all the details of that, but I do need to obey it."

Suddenly, she got really upset with that, and she started saying, "Do you know who I am?"

She began to explain all the volunteer things she does and going through all this: "I volunteer. I'm a Sunday school teacher."

I kid you not, and then she said, "And besides all that, I am a card carrying Methodist."

And I shouldn't have done this. I was young and stupid. I said, "Ma'am, could you just repeat all that?"

She got really mad and kicked me out the room.

Her concept of this two kingdoms is very important.

While I believe the doctrine of nonresistance, I don't want to embrace it just as a negative view,

but be a part of the cure for humanity that

brings in righteousness, brings in peace, brings in the theology of martyrdom,

brings in the cross to a world that's hurting.

We need to link the episode we did with Cliff Schrock because he talks a lot about

how "nonresistance" is really not a very good word for it. It's more like radical love.


He used a couple of different words.

I just have to link that up, but it was really powerful about, that's not the right concept.

It's something proactive. That's a whole other topic.

That's good.

Okay, so that makes a lot of sense. Well then, the question is (after you went through that whole process,

all those things you had to do to become a conscientious objector), what was the response of

your friends in the military, your commanders, and then more importantly than that, your family?

That was tough. In some ways it's still tough.

I really wanted people to talk me out of it. One of the first things I did

is I went to my Baptist teacher. I had a great job. I went to my pastor and

I said, "Can you help me with this?" My wife and I showed him the scriptures.

"Help me with this!" He said, "You're not changing my mind." I said, "No, no I want you to convince me why

Jesus says this?"

To the chaplain I went to (one of the things you have to do is see a chaplain, an official visit),

I went there, I said, "Honestly," I said, "You've been to seminary school.

You've been to all these things.

Can you look me in the eyes and

look at the scriptures and tell me that I'm wrong for taking Jesus' words like this?"

He said, "Honestly, I can't."


My pastor after I tried to talk to him,

eventually said, "You know, I think you'd be more comfortable worshiping elsewhere."

And it hurt. Yeah, it was good for me. I needed to hear that, but it hurt.

My father was really tough.

He's very patriotic. We were grown up in the South, and going to Confederate war sites

and this type of thing was my childhood.

I've seen my father cry twice in my life, only.

Once was when he told me that his father died in a car accident when I was very little.

The other was when I told him I was gonna be a conscientious objector.

It was very hard. I think every son desires to have the blessing of his father over him.

Yeah, that was tough. It was really tough. It still is tough. We have a great relationship, but it was tough.

My Christian friends interestingly at the end, one of them who was really against me, at the very end he came to me and said,

"You know, if you would have waited on me,

I would have went with you." Some of them longed to see this.

At the time, no one thought this way, but the war

causes a soldier to think about it. See for most people, it's a theological issue.

It's, well, whether you view this view of baptism or that it's.... but when you're a soldier,

it becomes either, you shoot somebody and you're a good guy,

or you shoot somebody, and you're not a good guy. It becomes very serious.

Perhaps the most interesting

change I saw in someone was the very man who gave us our court trial. He was a young

very articulate African-American lawyer, a JAG office. He's in charge

He just had a very good presence about him.

He was very articulate, and he drilled me with everything. We each had to go on our own.

My wife had to go in on her own.

I did. We helped these other two, and they did. You have to answer all these questions.

They asked about this war, about hunting, about all kinds of stuff, they asked you questions about.

It seemed like his questions begin to be almost

leading, you know. I remember one time he asked me, "So you know you believe in...

and you said you're getting persecuted a little bit with this and that. Do you like that?" I showed him the scriptures.

As we testified to him and gave him our heart of what we believe, we tried to just let everything be real, not scripted,

but real. Just tell our testimony to him.

It was actually eight months after that til it's all said and done. The first Persian Gulf War is over. Since then

we're left into some kind of

menial jobs and awaiting the decision. Until that time,

there's an agreement that they don't make you do anything until they make the decision.

We had all these menial type of jobs. Finally the Persian Gulf War's over, and now finally the time he's called

us back into the office. So we come up there (the four of us).

I'm a sergeant. We come up there. We come up there and say, "Okay, yes, sir. We're here to report."

He has those four manila envelopes on the table. He says, "Okay I have your results for conscientious objector on this."

And it was, "Oh, okay". He said, "But hey,

the war is over. I have the authority just to completely wash these away, and you can go back.

You've got a great job

and you can continue here. So of course we're all thinking, "He's trying to let us off easy."

But I looked at the others,

and I knew what they were thinking. No, sir, we feel very clear that we want to go forward."

He said, "Well, I thought you'd say that. Well

I just want to let you know you've all been approved to be conscientious objectors."

So, we kind of rejoice in sort of a military way.

Then he stopped us.

He said, "But wait!" he said, "There's

something else that I now need to tell you. There's something else that I need to tell you." He said,

"I too now am leaving the army for the very same reason."

It's one of the most stunning moments in my entire life.

So this is what I've come to find out is that people from my background, people in America have never

really taken Jesus seriously. That's why I like to say, "What if Jesus really meant every word He said?"

You know in Matthew Chapter 13, it talks about the Kingdom of Heaven being like a seed. Once it gets into us, it grows.

If anybody takes the words of Jesus seriously and believes that He meant what He said, and that it's meant to be

practiced today in just a seed form,

that will grow in you and grow in you until finally you just can't stop it.

It's the grace of God.


So, that was impressive. Since then we've been on a journey and God still is

working in us.

We've tried to have good relationships with different people from different perspectives, but

I have seen that God's promise is true: that when you give up lands and families and

things on this earth, that you'll receive a hundredfold in this earth (with persecution)(Matthew 19:29). I have found that coming into

the entire Anabaptist world (again many different denominations of that Anabaptist world):

lands and friends and family and in several different ways at a very deep level.

I'm very blessed. It was a good decision.

So, you don't regret your decision?

No, I really don't. It was the most life-changing thing ever happened to me.

The biggest thing was that (over the scriptures and particularly over the words of Jesus) it's as if

(I don't think I heard anything audibly), but it's as if Jesus was just saying,

"I mean that."

That's been something that I've tried to live out ever since.

Wow, okay I just have to ask: this other guy that decided to become a

conscientious objector through your testimony, have you ever followed up on him?

It's a great question. People ask me that often. Okay, so we were stunned.

So, now he was an officer, and we were enlisted. So afterwards, we got home, we asked the same question:

"Wait a minute. We got to go do something!"

So we got a few of our books, and we tried to go talk to him.

In those days (I don't know if it's still this way)

the officer quarters were fenced off, and enlisted men cannot get into the officer quarters.

So we couldn't get in there; they wouldn't let us into this place.

So we didn't. Then they gave us like ten days to get out of the country, and

next thing, our life was on a roll. We never got to. I have wondered frequently.

It's a little different for an officer.

There's ideas of renouncing your commission and different things like that. I've wondered that myself many times.

Like how did that story end? Maybe he'll see this video and send you an email.

And write me a letter!

That's amazing though!

It really was.

I don't know who all is gonna watch this,

but maybe there's someone out there who is also considering taking the same path you did

by following these teachings of Jesus and is making that decision to leave the military.

What would you say to them?

I would say, "Keep yourself completely

grounded in Jesus Christ." One of the biggest things that troubled me is when we were becoming conscientous objectors,

is that some people were doing this,

I don't know, in sort of a hippie peacenik kind of way.

You can actually hold on to a doctrine of nonresistance, but miss Jesus. Or just be some sort of a

theologian or this type of thing.

Jesus has these answers for us, and nonresistance is part of it. It's not the entirety.

There's the whole teachings of Jesus Christ. Allow yourself to be permeated by the teachings of Jesus,

Think of your life and bring yourself before Jesus Christ. Remember Jesus said, "Unless you're born again,

you won't see the Kingdom of God." (John 3:5) I honestly believe that when Tania and I kneeled in that hotel room up in

North Germany and completely surrendered our lives to Jesus Christ,

we were allowed then to see the Kingdom, to understand the Kingdom.

So, if there's sin in your life, if you're living a compromised life, first of all get right with God.

Get right with God and allow Him to save you from your sins.

Then from that become a true

follower of Jesus Christ, a disciple of Christ. Allow all the teachings to saturate you.

As far as the details of war, I've heard so many great testimonies of different brothers that have written me through the different things.

It's such a fun journey

because when your eyes open to this, it's like the whole Bible comes alive in a new way.

It begins to give you this excitement.

Share your faith! Share your faith there in the Army, in the Marine Corps, Air Force

where you are. Also, I will give you advice that there's help. I will say that when they forwarded our letter to

The Mennonite Central Committee (there's other organizations that have helped us),

there's people out there that know the regulations. I tell you, those two counselors Andre and Kathy Stoner,

knew the regulations, so when I came the first time, we saluted and said,

"Sir, we're here to present our application for conscientious objector," because of those counselors, I laid the regulation 600-43 right there on the desk.

I said these are the regulations that guide the whole process of becoming conscientious objector.

We had our act together because of those counselors. I will say there is help that can be

received through that. Claim the promises. One other quick thing.


When we were about to go to the trial,

the Mennonite Central Committee sent us this little white book they have which is a great book on

how to answer the typical questions they ask you in this. The four of us were

looking through this, and all of a sudden, I said, "Hey, wait a minute.

Jesus said, "When you're brought before magistrates, do not prepare beforehand what you shall say,

but the Holy Spirit will give you utterance." (Matthew 10:19)

So let's chuck this book and just go and testify of what God has done in our life.

We did that, and I think that made a difference. We weren't just giving pat answers.

We were telling what Jesus had done in our life.

That's the important thing: if you go through all this, and you just become a conscientious objector, and

don't know Christ genuinely, you're wasting your time.

Wow, that's a really good note to end on.

You know this all circles back around to Jesus. That's what it's all about. Fantastic.

Thank you so much for sharing that, for sharing your story. For all of you watching,

make sure you get his book. It's a really, really good book. Honestly.

Thank you.

Yeah, a lot of really practical things in there as well.

A Change of Allegiance. You can get that on Scroll Publishing and different things.

Thank you, everyone, for watching. Thank you very much, Dean, for sharing your story.

If you have any thoughts or inputs or opinions on what was shared today,

make sure and email us or let us know. Maybe we'll do a follow-up episode on this at some point.

I would like to say, please, pray for me. The journey is not over.

I've made the decision to try to follow the teachings of Jesus in reality in my life, and that's been my journey.

Please, if you think of it pray for me, pray for my family that we'll stay on this journey to follow Christ.

Sounds like quite the journey. Wow. Thank you again, everyone, for your attention.

We'll see you guys in the next video.

For more infomation >> Why I Left the Military - Anabaptist Perspectives Ep. 007 - Duration: 27:05.


(ENG CC) 난생 처음하는 댓.글.읽.기!!!! || I Read Comment for the first time - Duration: 15:55.

Hi, This is Han

I have two good news.

First, I changed my phone finally

Changed it i Phone X

The reason I changed is because the video is supported up to 4k.

Actually, I was looking for a camera these days,

I changed my cell phone when it was time to change.

So I found that this phone supports up to 4k.

I do not want to shoot separately because I have to set it up separately.

I thought it was inconvenient because there was no place for fingerprint recognition.

But it is very convenient because the phone is unlocked even if I look at only the phone like this.

So I use it very very very well.

Also I can do this now.

When you appreciate a face like this

Hey, I'm the Pig

Piggy Piggy

I can do this.

Buy i Phone X.

It's really good

There are not many phones that support up to 4k.

It is good in such a way, and seems to be good in many ways.

And the second

I have over 1000 subscribers.

The number of subscribers is nearing 1,200.

I have dreaming to have more than 1,200 subscribers on my channel.

It keep rising from red velvet video

It come a lot from Seventeen,

I read every single comments of the Seventeen music reaction.

I really think that Seventeen fans are very sincere.

I feel sincere in every single word.

Of course, other comments may be the same, But especially the Seventh video.

I'm so glad to read that.

Seventeen release the song "Thank you"

I wanted to thank Seventeen myself.

But this is not today's topic.

I appreciate Seventeen's comments.

I have a lot of comments this time, so I posted these comments.

I have a lot of comments this time and I have a comment that I will take 'Read Comments'.

I taking a video for new year's day

Today's video is <New Year's holiday special 'Reading Comment'>.

Let's read randomly selected comments now.

Who is Stary Kids?

left it like this, So let's take a look at Stary Kids.

Ahh, I think it's an idol.

Let me see the "Hellevator" M/V

Ah, the idol from JYP.

He is very good at rapping!

Why didn't I notice them?

Even jyp, why did not I know?


That rap ...

As an elevator to hell so it called Hellevator.

Dancing is really great.

This is it.

Let me take more at it later.

Wow .. the guy who rap before ..

I'll see it again.

It seems to be doing very well tightly.

It was Stray Kids from JYP, even I don't notice.

I think it's better to listen to the full version of the song.

It seems that the flow keeps dropping because you edit only the part that you say.

I think this is probably a comment on Suzy's music video.

For more infomation >> (ENG CC) 난생 처음하는 댓.글.읽.기!!!! || I Read Comment for the first time - Duration: 15:55.


cam + carly | wildest dreams - Duration: 0:55.

You and Carly are a great couple.

But if you are serious about her... have to put in a little effort.

For more infomation >> cam + carly | wildest dreams - Duration: 0:55.


Hyundai ix35 1.6I GDI I-LIGHT - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 1.6I GDI I-LIGHT - Duration: 0:48.


[Eng Sub] [中字] What is Jinyoung's happiness? (feat. Yugyeom) - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] [中字] What is Jinyoung's happiness? (feat. Yugyeom) - Duration: 1:25.


MSNBC Grills Student On Guns - They Weren't Ready For His Answer - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> MSNBC Grills Student On Guns - They Weren't Ready For His Answer - Duration: 2:14.


School metal detectors just part of safety solution - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> School metal detectors just part of safety solution - Duration: 1:35.


PRAY FOR ME - the weeknd, kendrick lamar (SAX/RAP/PIANO cover remix) - Duration: 3:28.

I fight the world, I fight you, I fight myself

I fight God, I fight to see the life and death

I'll fight even if my rights are all that's left

I fight until I can't survive without a breath

Everybody else around me says that I'm just killing time

Every lyric I write, every second and minute timed

But I'm just spending all my hours trying to get to finish lines

Everybody give up on dreams and I'll be out fulfilling mine

But a face like mine don't fit in this industry

This race of mine don't play with no Christmas trees

I ain't wasting time trying to search for stability

I need to make a living on my own without people hurting the positivity

You could believe in God, but we have to wait and see

Believe in what you want, people be hating on me

But you need to believe in yourself if you want to chase your dreams

Because who else in this world is going to pray for me

For more infomation >> PRAY FOR ME - the weeknd, kendrick lamar (SAX/RAP/PIANO cover remix) - Duration: 3:28.


Illegal Immigrants Flee America Like The Plague Thanks To Swift Trump Maneuver - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Illegal Immigrants Flee America Like The Plague Thanks To Swift Trump Maneuver - Duration: 2:37.


Sad Shayari In Hindi For Lover | तेरी याद बहुत आती है | हिंदी शायरी विडियो - Duration: 5:07.

Shayari On Love In Hindi

For more infomation >> Sad Shayari In Hindi For Lover | तेरी याद बहुत आती है | हिंदी शायरी विडियो - Duration: 5:07.


Choose the Extraordinary! - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Choose the Extraordinary! - Duration: 3:33.


how to meditate and control your thoughts - how to meditate and control your thoughts - Rating ★★★★★ - Duration: 5:00.

will welcome 3-minute meditations my name is Adam Michael brewer and I am

thrilled that you have found your way to this site and perhaps to an opportunity

beyond what you might have thought you were getting into

you see meditation is a practice that has been around for thousands of years

it's a healing modality that has allowed people to feel or a peace of mind or joy

or connection more compassion than they could have ever imagined and it comes

through something very very simple it's called stillness you see it's in this

stillness that we step away from the external world the world that often has

stressors worries concerns to do less and we take some time to go within where

we focus on our breathing and in this we can't breathe in the past and we can't

breathe in the future we can only breathe in the present moment but now

moment in this space we have an opportunity to open ourselves up

declarative thought peace of mind joy more connection more compassion we're in

a society right now which has become so high tech and low touch that we've

forgotten how to sit still to be calm 3-minute meditations ask you to do this

for only 180 seconds at a time so when you purchase the 3-minute

meditations package you are going to get an e-book this is simply a downloadable

digital PDF file it is a very brief introduction to the practice of

meditation it is as uncomplicated as you can get because my goal is to get you

practicing as soon as possible in the book there's a 28 day challenge and in

this 28 day challenge I encourage you to sit for three minutes a day over the

course of 28 days following one of nine audio meditation files that I present to

you each of them is very unique and gives you a different experience within

your meditations these files are downloadable to any of our modern

technologies so it's very user friendly who's this 3-minute meditations for well

it would be for anyone who's never meditated before or perhaps someone

who's tried but they've been unsuccessful they haven't been able to

stay with it for whatever reason this is the product for you

I want to be completely upfront with you and say that this is not a quick fix it

is not a magic bullet 3-minute meditations is not a secret method that

has never been used before but what makes it very special is that it's only

three minutes in duration most meditation programs that you're gonna

encounter are gonna ask you to sit for 10 15 20 maybe even 30 minutes a day I

know you're a busy person so I want you to only come in 180 seconds to sitting

in doing so hopefully we'll be able to find as much consistency as we possibly

can because that's where the real gifts of meditation will come it is

compounding interest my friends the more you do this the greater the results you

will experience to that end I want you to run the experiment and what I mean by

that is don't design that meditation isn't for you after one or two sittings

sit for 28 days 3 minutes a day and if by the end of that you're not feeling

different you're not experiencing Meah a facts and benefits that I've described

before or if people aren't responding to you in a far more affirmative manner I

want you to feel fully confident that I will give you a full refund of your

money but run the experiment give it 28 days

and see how you feel in closing I'd like to assure you that I have poured my

heart and soul into this project meditation is my passion and my

intention is to share with as many people as possible if you have any

questions concerns or issues along the way reach out to me I want to be as

accessible to you as I can be so that your experience with meditation

can be as life-changing as mine has been thanks for joining me for 3-minute

meditations I look forward to seeing you on the other side


For more infomation >> how to meditate and control your thoughts - how to meditate and control your thoughts - Rating ★★★★★ - Duration: 5:00.


UNITARY LUNA - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> UNITARY LUNA - Duration: 5:17.


"고마워요 H.O.T"..'무도' 17년만 무대완료 'TV서 만나요 - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> "고마워요 H.O.T"..'무도' 17년만 무대완료 'TV서 만나요 - Duration: 4:33.


Good news update! - Duration: 0:29.

Hey everyone this is Kristin Sherry with Career Wisdom Walk. I'm actually not

doing this video with the career advice but just an update that since I started

Career Wisdom Walk I've lost 8 pounds so I just wanted to share that with you and

celebrate with you and thank you for subscribing and following these career

advice tips and I look forward to bringing you more tips where you gain as

I lose!

For more infomation >> Good news update! - Duration: 0:29.


일본 '얼짱' 스킵 후지사와 사츠키, 키 1m56의 컬링 패밀리 막내딸 - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> 일본 '얼짱' 스킵 후지사와 사츠키, 키 1m56의 컬링 패밀리 막내딸 - Duration: 8:20.


Official Rampage Trailer

For more infomation >> Official Rampage Trailer


Miko trying to interview me - Duration: 4:20.

Miko: "How did you spend Christmas

Ilinca: "'ALO!!

I: "Hello, we are here with.."

Miko trying to interview me


M: "Good evening!"

I: "G'day ma'am!"

M: "Can you see me?"

M: "Can you see my hand?

M: "Can you see my face now??"

M: "Can you see it now?"


I: "This is how people have coffee"

(I never said we should see your face on the video)

M: "OK, fine, ok, fine!"

"Do you want to see my face too?!?"

"Is it ok?"

(Dude, I thought you were the best person to interview her)

I: "You thought wrong"

(Where did he go?)

M: "To pee"

I: "Or maybe poop"

M: "Maybe poopoo or peepee"

"Hello, friends, welcome here tonight


I: "Hello, Ilinca, we are happy you are here tonight

You are amazing, we all love you"


I: " You look good today"




M: "Do I look ok?"

"But I wanna see if my face looks ok, does it look ok??

Honestly, doesn't my hair look bad? should I put the hat on?"

I: "You're such a.."

M: " Shut up"

(you look ok like this)

(give him the hat... give him the hat!!)

M: "she's bored"

"Isn't it weird to be wearing a hat indoors?"

"Hi, Ilinca"

I: "Hi, Miko!"

M: "I am happy you are here with us"

I: "Me too"

M: "Well I am happier than you are"

"The first question would be..

Ok, I'm starting 3, 2.."

"Ilinca, please tell us

NO, no, not please"


"Tell us"

"I can't, I can't. You go interview her 'cause I can't"



"Bring water, WATER"

I: "Leave your beard line alone"

M: "Is it ok like this?"

"This is so hard"

"What was my line? Hello friends we are here..."

I: "Hello friends we are here at Playou with"

M: "WE ARE HERE AT PLAY ok shut up"



"Hello friends, we are here at Playou

Playou or"

(, dude)

" OK"

I: "How did you spend Christmas?"

M: "NO, wait, it's more complicated"

"Tell us.."

I: 'OH, if you add "TELL US" to it it's a little more complicated"

M: "Tell us how you spent your Christmas holiday and..

The other holidays"

"We should never speak together at an official event

can you imagine what it would be like to talk together on TVl"


"Don't look at me!"

I: "OK"

"I'll look at your nose"

M: "Not weird at all"

"You ready?"

I: "So this year I am a member of the Eurovision jury"


"Are you ready? Seriously"

I: "Have been for the past two hours"

For more infomation >> Miko trying to interview me - Duration: 4:20.


Földönkívüli gyógyítás és egyetemes egészségügy - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Földönkívüli gyógyítás és egyetemes egészségügy - Duration: 5:17.


Redes sociales ayudarían a detectar jóvenes violentos | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Redes sociales ayudarían a detectar jóvenes violentos | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:55.


cam + carly | wildest dreams - Duration: 0:55.

You and Carly are a great couple.

But if you are serious about her... have to put in a little effort.

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