Sunday, February 18, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 18 2018

You may have already seen our show on the loudest noises you can hear.

Some of those include the sound that follows the pulling of a trigger on a gun; a space

shuttle launching into space, and the crack of a volcano erupting.

Another of the loudest things we can hear is that of a sonic boom, which can reach 200


The sound can be compared to an explosion, something some of you old enough to remember

may have heard when the fastest passenger plane ever created, Concorde, went overhead.

The 'sound barrier' had been broken in an aircraft many years prior to that, which

is when an object travels faster than 767 miles per hour (1,234 kilometers per hour).

Concorde's top speed was 1,334 mph (2,140 km/h).

Today we'll discuss the topic of speed and sound in this episode of the Infographics

Show, What actually is a sonic boom?

Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell button so that you can be part of our

Notification Squad.

Simply put, a sonic boom is the noise we hear when something is travelling at what we call

supersonic speed.

That is why we also sometimes call a sonic boom a supersonic boom.

When we hear a plane travelling faster than the speed of sound, it causes us to hear something

that sounds like an explosion.

Not all sonic booms are alike, though, as we will see.

Planes that don't break the sound barrier, meaning those that travel at subsonic speeds,

emanate their sound in all directions.

As you will know, when a plane is approaching you, it makes a higher pitched noise the closer

it gets, and then as it recedes into the distance that noise becomes lower in pitch.

This might seem normal to us, but it was something science needed to figure out in the past.

We now call it the Doppler Effect, after an Austrian physicist in 1842 worked out why

it happens.

He didn't use planes, but a vehicle blowing its horn as it approached people, sounding

higher in pitch as it reached the listener and fading to a lower pitch as it passed.

The reason?

As something gets closer, the waves take less time to reach the observer, which increases

the frequency.

It all sounds obvious to us now.

Now, when Concorde flew overhead that wasn't the case.

The Doppler Effect was no more.

When a plane is travelling slower than the speed of sound, the sound wavelets are both

compressed at the front and back of the plane, much like a boat in water when it makes waves

at both the front and the back.

When a plane is travelling, you can just imagine pressure waves forming at the front and the

back of the plane, but as the plane picks up speed, the waves become compressed.

At supersonic level, they are virtually squeezed together and they can't escape.

This pressure forms a cone (known as a Mach cone) from the front to the back of the plane,

and this cone contains all the pressure.

When the plane travelling at supersonic speed travels above you, at first you hear nothing,

as all the sound is concentrated in this cone, but as it travels past, you hear the wake

of this pressure in the form of a boom.

One person put it like this: Think of the boat traveling through the water again.

As it sails through the water, it takes time for the waves to hit you at the shore.

You are actually not hearing the plane break the speed of sound, but the crack of thunder

is when your ears hear the cone.

The cone, as we say, extends from the back of the plane and takes some time to hit you,

just as that water takes time to reach the shore.

These booms can even shatter windows if the plane is flying low to the ground, and the

noise that they emit all depends on the size and shape of the plane, as well as the weather


If you want to see the power of a sonic boom, look no further than the viral video clip

of two Brazilian Air Force planes shattering windows at the country's supreme court.

This happened in 2012 when two Mirage 2000s showed off their speed during a public ceremony,

to shocking effect.

Of course, not only planes break the sound barrier, and believe it or not a human being

has done it.

That was when Felix Baumgartner jumped out of a balloon in 2012 from New Mexico.

He jumped from a distance of 25 miles (38.6km) and reached a maximum speed of 843.6 mph (1357


On forums it is discussed whether he made a sonic boom or not.

Some say yes, some say no because the atmosphere was so thin.

However, some videos do reveal a sound that could be a sonic boom.

Many things break the sound barrier, from whips, to ping pong balls fired from cannons,

to bullets fired from guns.

You've probably also heard of the Super Sonic Car, a jet-propelled car also known

as the ThrustSSC.

In 1997, it became the fastest car on land and the only land vehicle to break the sound


It travelled at a speed of 763 mph (1,228 km/h).

But do all these things each create their own sonic boom?

The super sonic car certainly did.

As one writer put it, "The ThrustSSC was silent in its menacing and deliberate approach,

until it finally passed you with a wallop of a double BANG as it crushed and broke through

the sound barrier."

The reason we might hear a double boom is because we first hear the boom from all that

built-up pressure and then a second boom when the pressure returns to normal.

But what about a bullet, do we really hear the sonic boom of a bullet.

The answer is yes, but these are just miniature booms, similar to the crack of a whip.

In fact, some people say the whip was the first human invention to create a sonic boom.

The firer of the gun won't hear the boom, and only the explosion the gun makes.

Another source we found says that as a bullet passes over your head, God forbid, you will

hear a crack if it is travelling at supersonic speeds.

The same source said that even if that sound is a zipping sound, it is just a miniature


This became the subject on one science website, and a poster who said he had military training

stated that if the bullet passes over you, you are likely to hear the boom.

It's just not an experiment one would want to conduct!

We hope you enjoyed today's show, and if you have any experience with supersonic speeds

and sonic booms, please let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called How Fast Can Humans Go!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> What Happens When You Go Faster Than The Speed of Sound? - Duration: 5:30.


Super Mospy TV para dispositivos Android - Duration: 12:51.

For more infomation >> Super Mospy TV para dispositivos Android - Duration: 12:51.


Дуэльный турнир 1x1 на WoWCircle ! Duel Tournament 1s ! + Розыгрыш персонажей WotLK 3.3.5 a - Duration: 4:48:18.

For more infomation >> Дуэльный турнир 1x1 на WoWCircle ! Duel Tournament 1s ! + Розыгрыш персонажей WotLK 3.3.5 a - Duration: 4:48:18.


🎵 Solaris Urbino 18 III 🚍8215 🎵 na linii "188" w Warszawie - Duration: 14:47.

For more infomation >> 🎵 Solaris Urbino 18 III 🚍8215 🎵 na linii "188" w Warszawie - Duration: 14:47.






For more infomation >> Summertime


Carla Perez Deixa o Brasil e MOTIVO Comove a todos - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Carla Perez Deixa o Brasil e MOTIVO Comove a todos - Duration: 1:08.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Cabrio 250 CGI AVANTGARDE / LEER / NAVI / XENON - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Cabrio 250 CGI AVANTGARDE / LEER / NAVI / XENON - Duration: 0:54.


BBB18: Mahmoud detona alguns Brothers e os chama de plantas - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Mahmoud detona alguns Brothers e os chama de plantas - Duration: 3:22.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 250 CGI Cabrio Avantgarde Automaat - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 250 CGI Cabrio Avantgarde Automaat - Duration: 0:56.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Coupé Business AMG Automaat - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Coupé Business AMG Automaat - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200 CDI AVANTGARDE / AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200 CDI AVANTGARDE / AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:03.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Active AIRCO BLEUTOOTH - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Active AIRCO BLEUTOOTH - Duration: 0:58.


Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTi Style Airco Cruise Control Bluetooth CPV 26700km! - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTi Style Airco Cruise Control Bluetooth CPV 26700km! - Duration: 0:58.


Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE - Duration: 0:57.


Anticipazioni U&D, Gemma lascia il programma con Giorgio? Ecco le novità | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni U&D, Gemma lascia il programma con Giorgio? Ecco le novità | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:47.


Le Iene 2018: le anticipazioni sulla puntata di domenica 18 febbraio |Hot News 24h - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Le Iene 2018: le anticipazioni sulla puntata di domenica 18 febbraio |Hot News 24h - Duration: 3:47.


Космическое Раскрытие: Опасности, подстерегающие разоблачителей ТКП - Duration: 32:41.

For more infomation >> Космическое Раскрытие: Опасности, подстерегающие разоблачителей ТКП - Duration: 32:41.


Charles Manson - The six dregress of Helter Skelter (2009) - Duration: 1:45:25.

For more infomation >> Charles Manson - The six dregress of Helter Skelter (2009) - Duration: 1:45:25.


Jani Zhao and Anna Eremin interview - Duration: 5:31.

And when I was saying that this theme still divides some opinions

Fortunately, some novels are already addressing it, right?

Jani: Indeed

Because a few years ago this didn't exist

On television

Neither here nor in Brazil. Homosexual kisses were started to be seen not so long ago

J: But not in this context


When these characters were assigned to you, did you know what you were going to be up against?

J: Yes

A: Yes

J: Yes, that´s why we accepted it

But were you already waiting for the reactions that you came to have or not?

J: No A: No

J: No. I guess, both me and Anna had no idea

We knew that these were important scenes and that we had a big responsibility

But we weren't expecting for the impact that it had

Responsibility in what way?

J: In a social way


J: No doubt


We've been receiving so many messages

And even people

Who aren't, in a certain way

"Prepared" to see this type of scenes

I think the important thing...

Here is that they exist

Because we're in a change phase

And instead of having a condescending attitude

Or an attitude of caution

We should act and not be afraid

And I think these scenes really show that

And me and Anna have been working for that to happen

We´re already in a phase were homosexuality is being talked about

And many prejudices have been broken

But we're also on a phase where it needs to be shown for people to understand

J: Exactly

That's it

J: That it's a love like others

A: And it's important that it's shown on tv because we can reach as many people as possible

And our goal has always been to be credible and to show that it was real

J: And fair

That show the love

J: Love, desire, attraction…

A: In this case, more attraction than love

A: For now… J: Love builds up later, right people?

But what kind of messages have you been receiving from people who live in this reality

J: Exactly

And that thank you?

J: Yes, they thank us and they're very strong, beautiful messages

From people who maybe lost touch with their parents for years

And after seeing these scenes

Parents reached out to them

Or even people who have a hard time coming to terms with their sexuality

After watching…

Because there it is

I think people relate to the scenes

There's a representation

And any of us, being whatever we are...

Like to turn on the tv and seeing ourselves

And even people who don't identify with this

Need to understand that these people

By not being able to be free

J: Live trapped And in pain, right?

J: And oppressed, and that leaves us with many questions, so…

Was it easy for you recording those scenes?

J: Super easy

A: No problem

J: Seriously!

A: Seriously!

J: We've been wanting to work together for a long time

We've known each other for a while now

From professional theatre school in Cascais

So, we have a whole past together

And there's a huge commitment

There's availability, sharing, we listen to each other

A: And we wanted to, we were curious…

And what about your families?

J: Our families are fine, what about yours?

But your families, from the moment they know you're actresses

They have to be prepared for you to do things like this

J: Yes, but they are never that ready

A: Speak for yourself

J: Yeah, your mom…

A: My mom loves it


A: Yes

But why? Does she understand that it's your job?

A: Let me explain

My mom was our teacher in professional theatre school

J: Of body movement

A: Yes, of body movement

So, she's usually like...

"hmm… That move could have been better…"

She as more of a technical view

J: Yes

Ah, okay

Jani, from your side is a bit more complicated

J: No, no, it's not, I mean

My dad, for example

My parents went back to China

And when my dad comes here

He usually comes to Portugal for work

Were you born here?

J: Yes, I was

When the novel premiered he was actually watching it

Then he went back to China at the exact time our relationship started

So, he didn't watch it?

J: I don't think so!

J: In a certain way I was like "AHHHHHH" A: But it's on the internet

J: Yes true, it's on the internet

But my parents are okay with it

They know

There's always a shock

Yes, but they're like "It can be a scene like this but another day it can be a scene with a man"

J: Exactly

It's just that we don't want our parents to see us in a situation like this

A: But, hey, you can always invite me over for dinner at your house

J: Exactly

Yeah, I'll be like "Dad, this is Anna, how are you?" And get to know you right?

And do you already know the course of your characters until the end of the novel?

A: No, not until the end

J: Artur Ribeiro and his team are always stimulating us

They're always leaving us anxious

A: Yes, every time we get another part of the script we get surprised

We're always like "Okay, I didn't think this would happen"

But as an actress, is it worth it to have a role like this?

J: Yes, very, very much

J: I's a treat Congratulations

Congratulations to both of you J: Thank you

Keep going

If you haven't seen the novel and their roles…

It goes live a little late

There's some people that don't have that possibility

J: But you can always rewind it

Yes! On weekends, you can rewind it and watch it

And see how fiction can touch a lot reality sometimes

And it's important to not run away from it

And we need to keep showing that what exists has to be accepted by all of us

Even if you don't want to, even if you want to keep a distance

It's a reality that exists and it has to be seen by all of us

And that's the purpose of the novel

Congrats to both of you

J A: Thank you!

Have a nice day!

Thank you

J: You too!

For more infomation >> Jani Zhao and Anna Eremin interview - Duration: 5:31.


Last day of bootcamp: Lil is not ashamed - Duration: 7:24.

Y'all hold up, here we come!

Hello, my friends. We are in the gaming house and today is the last day of the bootcamp.

Tomorrow the guys are flying out to Katowice, and I'm here to sum up the results of the bootcamp,

to talk with the guys, to ask about the state of the team,

their preparations for the Katowice Major, and what strategies they have in their toolbox.

Now it's time for a trick. Look.

I've got another one.

I take it you like playing table tennis with Vitya? What's the score?

What does the phrase "put you in the pocket" mean?

Put you in the pocket? So Vitya put you in the pocket?


I see. So how do you generally spend time around here?

Up until yesterday we played in the office, we lived in the hotel, traveled to the office every day,

and stayed until night, then we'd go back to the hotel, sleep, and do it all over again.

So I mean we went outside like two times, we played qualifiers, practiced a lot.

Yesterday we moved to this house, we had a day off, walked around Kiev, we went to an escape room together.

- So you spent a day out? - Yeah.

I always told to the guys, there is a rule, which a lot of successful people follow: there is time to work, and there is time to rest.

LeBron is like, "Calm down, Rubick is alone, let's kill him.

Then get Roshan, take down one tower after the other and win the game!"

A clean play, 340 MS, without a TP, 24 sec CD, only 18 have passed, which means we have 6 more seconds, everything's great!

And Vitya's running around yelling, "Kill him, kill!"

You visited an escape room yesterday, what was it about? Did you understand what was going on?

To complete the quest faster or what?

No, I mean why were you split into two groups?

Vitya, why did you split into two groups for the quest?

Did you understand everything the guys were saying?

10k carry jumps in, boom, and he's dead.

How's your preparation been?

Have you had enough time to develop some strategies coming into the Katowice Major which will feature 16 teams?

Yes, there were several turning points.

It's like when you're playing and then it occurs to you

that you need to change your style of play, pick certain heroes, use certain strategies because they're working.

It's happened to us a few times.

The last time was when we lost the DAC qualifiers,

we've done a lot of work since then.

We took a step-by-step approach to things:

one day was fully devoted to working on discipline,

the next day we devoted to analyzing drafts, developing strategies and discussing stuff.

I wouldn't say we are very well prepared and that we're gonna beat everyone and win the whole thing, no.

We're not there yet, objectively speaking.

We have some strategies with Lil as a position 4 and some as position 5.

Danya will be calling the shots?

Everyone will be pitching in.

What about the drafts?

Danya will be doing the drafting.

He's really excited about it.

Has a Dagon Drow Ranger already been picked?

It's too early for a Dagon Drow.

It's all on us, and nothing should stop us from beating Fnatic in a bo1.

Then there'll be Newbee, EG and Kinguin. I think this is doable if we don't mess up.

I think we're totally capable of reaching playoffs and then we'll see how it goes from there.

How's your preparation for Katowice been? Are you satisfied with the progress?

Yeah, I got it.

Valve has recently introduced the biweelky patch update system, do you like it?

Security, is that okay with you?

For more infomation >> Last day of bootcamp: Lil is not ashamed - Duration: 7:24.


The Coolest Car You've Never Seen - 1977 Volkswagen Kit Car in Australia - with Scotty Kilmer - Duration: 2:43.

it's time for show-off Sunday, where everyone has a chance to show off their

own car and here's this week's winner,

hi there my name's Adam and this is my 1977 VW kit car, the kit car is based on a

1968 Volkswagen Beetle chassis, the body is made from reinforced fiberglass,

the engine is a Subaru ei 82 1.8 liter, the car was originally 1600 air cooled

but we have converted it to a Subaru, just for a better fuel economy,

reliability and power, the car is pretty light, it's ranging around the 780 kilo

mark, the fiberglass bodies on these cars were built by Imbessa I think, they there build in England around the 1970's

there's only a few of these in Australia that are actually running, and I think

I've got the best one in Australia, the cool thing about these cars is when you

build them you can pretty much do what you want with them

I hope you enjoyed the video and yeah thanks for watching,

well that was this week's video and remember to have your car video

highlighted here on my channel, check this out!

so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to

ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> The Coolest Car You've Never Seen - 1977 Volkswagen Kit Car in Australia - with Scotty Kilmer - Duration: 2:43.


IPL 2018 | Top 5 Most Expensive Player of Kolkata Knight Riders | KKR | Sunil Narine | Andre Russell - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> IPL 2018 | Top 5 Most Expensive Player of Kolkata Knight Riders | KKR | Sunil Narine | Andre Russell - Duration: 1:45.


Cancro allo stomaco: i sintomi di un tumore insospettabile - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> Cancro allo stomaco: i sintomi di un tumore insospettabile - Duration: 7:49.


Pronatec 2018: the list of courses of MEC Sistec. - Duration: 8:52.

The list of courses for Pronatec 2018. There are many news and points

important that I transmit to you shortly. Do not leave


The list of courses

distance by Pronatec now in 2018. Many people could not find it but left.

The MEC finally announced. The good news is that you already know what the courses are

that will have the distance. But it did not leave a list of technical courses.

I'll show you in a little while one of the things that can happen.

But if you've always watched the videos I even those who appear to be

It does not have much to do with what you seek,

Did you see that video I was talking about? respect for a technical course by Senar

of Agribusiness Technician. Class there I already warned you that it was one of the

courses that had come out through Pronatec. So realize that you have courses open for

then you probably did not see, and neither will see on the Pronatec 2018 page.

So stay tuned to the video, watch it until the end. I'm going to split the screen to

you can see a little more news and then you browse there and see

more details there. So here, watch. It is the page you have already seen that you already

know how it works that is Pronatec voluntary offer. And that's the whole class.

presentation ... that Pronatec was made by the Ministry ... on ... on ... on ...

You already know how it is ... and down here has a timeline. The schedule, the lot

it matters to us is this fifth because the four others have already closed and no

more possibilities to do. And you? will have a schedule list that I

I'm passing the mouse here, and the other is click and see the institutions and courses that

you will have it available. Clicking class in one of them you have the list:

"Pronatec Voluntary Offer, lot 5, March 2018." But stay calm, is that the

applications will run until March 2018.

And then you must have realized that

will take courses in the management, health, will also have languages, Spanish and

English too, it's basic, you'll get pounds which is something interesting. Who knows

pound is having enough opportunity. Receptionist, Sales Promoter

and then when will you see down there has more opportunities. Class is very course.

As you have a lot list big my nomination is:

"What have you always wanted to do?"

When you dream of succeeding professional working with that

smile on face, where would it be? It would be in the education? Or it would be in the health area

helping people? Or suddenly another one area, in the area of ​​finance working in the bank?

Here are some courses that can be very interesting.

It can be no! They are very interesting for

work or want an opportunity in the bank, for example. So before you pick up and

click, make your register one of them, think: "Where would I feel really good working?"

And go to that area. OK? I showed you this list, I'm going

go elsewhere here, which is very interesting.

The schedule. And here you have to stay attentive

Note that the timeline that was released shows the situation today (which is in yellow).

And then notice that the situation today is of pre registration. And show the following, watch.

What has happened to this day? What is going on?

Perceba only is has the realization of pre-registration.

But some ministries specific courses.

And there, the Ministry of Agriculture asked what I showed you:

"Technical Course in Agribusiness". See that I I'm going a little further. When is

that started? Started on 1/25 or 25 January. And the inscriptions for these

technical courses will go until 19 of the 3 (19 of March). So there's a tip I'll give you,

which is as follows: Did you know you had a school in your

region that had a face-to-face technician of the ... Pronatec.

Go there because this vacancy hardly will appear on the site. Only in

schools will appear, as was the case in case of that agribusiness course,

agribusiness technician. You ask: "Where's Professor Alexander?" I do not know!

You really are going to have to go on the quest, search. Then go to Etec's, go

in schools of technical courses, check the SINE of your city

If you have any news of any course in your city.

The distance courses you are already seeing on here. But there may be some vacancy

of technical course by Pronatec there in your city and only who will

Discover is you. This will require effort. Go do a search and check.

Now is the case of these courses What are we seeing?

Note that the pre-registration, and I'm grating on here. Is it going to be done that way?

It's going to be done online, it's already written here. Now watch only

anyone will be able to apply. Applicant applicant goes there does the pre registration.

It's different from what you see on the top, who does

or those who are responsible for enrolling are the ministries that requested the courses.

As is the case of the one I had spoken of. "When does the power begin?

do the pre registration teacher? To the distance learning courses? "From 19 February.

And then you have until March 19th. to finish your application.

But be careful. It's good for you to be

with everything right on the first day open enrollment. Because?

Whoever made the last batch remembers what happened something very interesting. Some vacancies,

the order of registration was by order of arrival.

Who made the pre-enrollment first had priority in registration. So stay tuned, you're done

all right. What I mean by leave everything right?

You remember that you had to make a on the Sistec? And you had to

Got your number on it? Well, a link will appear shortly

of the other videos in which I explain this registration. Get these

numbers so you will not be the last to make your application and lose

opportunity to attend Pronatec free. OK?

So look, it's a long time, but The sooner I do, I'll guarantee

my position in a very quiet and very quiet There goes a

series of other information. The courses will start in April and will

finish in August. Then five or six months of course and you end up quiet,

the institution now it has to provide the certificate for you. She will not go any more

charge for the certificate, as people was having cases previously. OK?

The class was crazy about having to pay the certificate.

So now be assured that this It will not happen there.

Anyway, I've been reading the questions, and you can read later calmly too:

"Where will the inscriptions be made and how? The MEC will announce to you later

the place to make inscriptions.

Now it has only been shown which are the courses and it was passed on how it will work.

But probably on the 19th you'll already have a link to make your application.

I'll talk to you more later. front. If you have any questions, please let

I'm going to be happy to talk to you here.

But remember: go fast behind that numbering, of those items that you

need to make the pre-registration in the Pronatec courses. OK?

We'll talk again, I hope you get your opportunity to study,

suddenly by Pronatec. And US talk about the next videos about

this or other issues that will help you enter the job market.

A hug and until the next video ...


For more infomation >> Pronatec 2018: the list of courses of MEC Sistec. - Duration: 8:52.


Renault Captur 0.9 TCe Edition One Leder | R-Link | Clima | EasyLife Pack - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 0.9 TCe Edition One Leder | R-Link | Clima | EasyLife Pack - Duration: 0:59.


Renault Clio Estate 0.9TCe/90pk Night&Day R-Link Airco Cr.Control Navigatie 16"LMV PDC - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio Estate 0.9TCe/90pk Night&Day R-Link Airco Cr.Control Navigatie 16"LMV PDC - Duration: 1:00.


Ben.Am❤r tatuado a fuego.(Secuestro de Nina)Parte 2 (Subtitulado español). - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Ben.Am❤r tatuado a fuego.(Secuestro de Nina)Parte 2 (Subtitulado español). - Duration: 1:27.


Volvo V70 2.3 R Clima / Cruise Contr. / Leer Alcantara / 7 Persoons / Trekhaak / - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.3 R Clima / Cruise Contr. / Leer Alcantara / 7 Persoons / Trekhaak / - Duration: 1:00.


What Happens When You Go Faster Than The Speed of Sound? - Duration: 5:30.

You may have already seen our show on the loudest noises you can hear.

Some of those include the sound that follows the pulling of a trigger on a gun; a space

shuttle launching into space, and the crack of a volcano erupting.

Another of the loudest things we can hear is that of a sonic boom, which can reach 200


The sound can be compared to an explosion, something some of you old enough to remember

may have heard when the fastest passenger plane ever created, Concorde, went overhead.

The 'sound barrier' had been broken in an aircraft many years prior to that, which

is when an object travels faster than 767 miles per hour (1,234 kilometers per hour).

Concorde's top speed was 1,334 mph (2,140 km/h).

Today we'll discuss the topic of speed and sound in this episode of the Infographics

Show, What actually is a sonic boom?

Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell button so that you can be part of our

Notification Squad.

Simply put, a sonic boom is the noise we hear when something is travelling at what we call

supersonic speed.

That is why we also sometimes call a sonic boom a supersonic boom.

When we hear a plane travelling faster than the speed of sound, it causes us to hear something

that sounds like an explosion.

Not all sonic booms are alike, though, as we will see.

Planes that don't break the sound barrier, meaning those that travel at subsonic speeds,

emanate their sound in all directions.

As you will know, when a plane is approaching you, it makes a higher pitched noise the closer

it gets, and then as it recedes into the distance that noise becomes lower in pitch.

This might seem normal to us, but it was something science needed to figure out in the past.

We now call it the Doppler Effect, after an Austrian physicist in 1842 worked out why

it happens.

He didn't use planes, but a vehicle blowing its horn as it approached people, sounding

higher in pitch as it reached the listener and fading to a lower pitch as it passed.

The reason?

As something gets closer, the waves take less time to reach the observer, which increases

the frequency.

It all sounds obvious to us now.

Now, when Concorde flew overhead that wasn't the case.

The Doppler Effect was no more.

When a plane is travelling slower than the speed of sound, the sound wavelets are both

compressed at the front and back of the plane, much like a boat in water when it makes waves

at both the front and the back.

When a plane is travelling, you can just imagine pressure waves forming at the front and the

back of the plane, but as the plane picks up speed, the waves become compressed.

At supersonic level, they are virtually squeezed together and they can't escape.

This pressure forms a cone (known as a Mach cone) from the front to the back of the plane,

and this cone contains all the pressure.

When the plane travelling at supersonic speed travels above you, at first you hear nothing,

as all the sound is concentrated in this cone, but as it travels past, you hear the wake

of this pressure in the form of a boom.

One person put it like this: Think of the boat traveling through the water again.

As it sails through the water, it takes time for the waves to hit you at the shore.

You are actually not hearing the plane break the speed of sound, but the crack of thunder

is when your ears hear the cone.

The cone, as we say, extends from the back of the plane and takes some time to hit you,

just as that water takes time to reach the shore.

These booms can even shatter windows if the plane is flying low to the ground, and the

noise that they emit all depends on the size and shape of the plane, as well as the weather


If you want to see the power of a sonic boom, look no further than the viral video clip

of two Brazilian Air Force planes shattering windows at the country's supreme court.

This happened in 2012 when two Mirage 2000s showed off their speed during a public ceremony,

to shocking effect.

Of course, not only planes break the sound barrier, and believe it or not a human being

has done it.

That was when Felix Baumgartner jumped out of a balloon in 2012 from New Mexico.

He jumped from a distance of 25 miles (38.6km) and reached a maximum speed of 843.6 mph (1357


On forums it is discussed whether he made a sonic boom or not.

Some say yes, some say no because the atmosphere was so thin.

However, some videos do reveal a sound that could be a sonic boom.

Many things break the sound barrier, from whips, to ping pong balls fired from cannons,

to bullets fired from guns.

You've probably also heard of the Super Sonic Car, a jet-propelled car also known

as the ThrustSSC.

In 1997, it became the fastest car on land and the only land vehicle to break the sound


It travelled at a speed of 763 mph (1,228 km/h).

But do all these things each create their own sonic boom?

The super sonic car certainly did.

As one writer put it, "The ThrustSSC was silent in its menacing and deliberate approach,

until it finally passed you with a wallop of a double BANG as it crushed and broke through

the sound barrier."

The reason we might hear a double boom is because we first hear the boom from all that

built-up pressure and then a second boom when the pressure returns to normal.

But what about a bullet, do we really hear the sonic boom of a bullet.

The answer is yes, but these are just miniature booms, similar to the crack of a whip.

In fact, some people say the whip was the first human invention to create a sonic boom.

The firer of the gun won't hear the boom, and only the explosion the gun makes.

Another source we found says that as a bullet passes over your head, God forbid, you will

hear a crack if it is travelling at supersonic speeds.

The same source said that even if that sound is a zipping sound, it is just a miniature


This became the subject on one science website, and a poster who said he had military training

stated that if the bullet passes over you, you are likely to hear the boom.

It's just not an experiment one would want to conduct!

We hope you enjoyed today's show, and if you have any experience with supersonic speeds

and sonic booms, please let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called How Fast Can Humans Go!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> What Happens When You Go Faster Than The Speed of Sound? - Duration: 5:30.


Super Mospy TV para dispositivos Android - Duration: 12:51.

For more infomation >> Super Mospy TV para dispositivos Android - Duration: 12:51.


Дуэльный турнир 1x1 на WoWCircle ! Duel Tournament 1s ! + Розыгрыш персонажей WotLK 3.3.5 a - Duration: 4:48:18.

For more infomation >> Дуэльный турнир 1x1 на WoWCircle ! Duel Tournament 1s ! + Розыгрыш персонажей WotLK 3.3.5 a - Duration: 4:48:18.


🎵 Solaris Urbino 18 III 🚍8215 🎵 na linii "188" w Warszawie - Duration: 14:47.

For more infomation >> 🎵 Solaris Urbino 18 III 🚍8215 🎵 na linii "188" w Warszawie - Duration: 14:47.





How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


EPA Says They Don't Have Enough Money To Investigate Scott Pruitt's Travel Scandals - Duration: 3:10.

EPA Director Scott Pruitt has been making headlines, basically, since the day he came

to power and not one of them has ever been positive.

Recently, the reason that this guy is making headlines is 'cause he says he flies first

class or the super expensive business class on overseas trips because people in coach

are just so darn mean to him.

He doesn't like being around them because they're mad that he's polluting the hell out

them because he only works for corporations and has no concern about environmental protection,

even though that's, literally, his job.

The EPA's office of investigators has opened up investigations into the travel habits of

Scott Pruitt to find out exactly if these flights are on the level because as it looks

like right now, no.

He was misusing government funds to travel first class because he didn't want to be confronted

by the people that he's letting corporations poison.

There have been investigations into this for several months, but this week the EPA came

out and let everyone know that, hey, this guy's actually done so many things wrong,

and the Trump government has under-funded our office so badly that we don't have enough

money left to continue investigating all of the potential abuses of power committed by

Scott Pruitt.

Pruitt is basically being given a free pass.

His agency is so under-funded and under-staffed, that they can't even continue investigating

all of the wrongdoings he's done.

To their credit, the EPA says that they are going to keep investigating the incidences

that happened in 2017 regarding Pruitt's travel.

It's just that, basically, anything that happened since 2018 they're telling us, hey, we don't

have the time.

We don't have the resources.

We don't have the money.

We don't have the people.

So all of the horrible things that this jerk has done since the start of the year, he's

gonna get away with because we've got nothing.

Let me tell you, this is by design.

This is one of the reasons why Republicans like to under-fund government agencies so

that when they do things that need to be investigated, there's no money left to investigate them.

When it comes to enforcing rules on corporations who are poisoning people, there's no money

to enforce the rules.

You destroy the government from within because Republicans hate the federal government.

They've told us that.

They want to shrink it.

They want to cut these agencies.

They want to destroy them.

What better way to do that then to put somebody as corrupt as Scott Pruitt at the head of

the EPA, let him do all these things wrong and then say that you don't even have enough

money to investigate him?

For more infomation >> EPA Says They Don't Have Enough Money To Investigate Scott Pruitt's Travel Scandals - Duration: 3:10.


3LAU - Touch (Lyrics / Lyric Video) feat. Carly Paige - Duration: 3:27.

Do you feel the way we're falling outta touch

Do you feel it

Do you feel the way we're falling outta touch

can you feel it

Do you feel the way we're falling outta touch

Do you feel it

I've been reachin out

All this distance

Do you feel it

Do you feel it

Driftin slowly down

Do you feel it

Better than myself

Better than myself

Cause I knew you so well

It'd happen To us

I never imagined

People they grow apart but

I know that it happens

We've gotten use to it

You could, but you won't

Would call, but I don't

Keep making excuses

Just can't find the time

Long days, busy lives

Do you feel the way we're falling outta touch

Do you feel it

Do you feel the way we're falling outta touch

can you feel it

Do you feel the way we're falling outta touch

Do you feel it

I've been reachin out

All this distance

Do you feel it

Do you feel it

Driftin slowly down

Do you feel it

But everything's changed now

Better than myself

Cause I knew you so well

It'd happen To us

I never imagined

People they grow apart but

I know that it happens

Cause it's been too long now

You could, but you won't

Would call, but I don't

Is this where we are now

Dead air, empty space

No talk, 7 days

For more infomation >> 3LAU - Touch (Lyrics / Lyric Video) feat. Carly Paige - Duration: 3:27.


Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T DISTINCTIVE 170PK BUSINESS PACK Navigatie, Leer - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T DISTINCTIVE 170PK BUSINESS PACK Navigatie, Leer - Duration: 1:00.


Last day of bootcamp: Lil is not ashamed - Duration: 7:24.

Y'all hold up, here we come!

Hello, my friends. We are in the gaming house and today is the last day of the bootcamp.

Tomorrow the guys are flying out to Katowice, and I'm here to sum up the results of the bootcamp,

to talk with the guys, to ask about the state of the team,

their preparations for the Katowice Major, and what strategies they have in their toolbox.

Now it's time for a trick. Look.

I've got another one.

I take it you like playing table tennis with Vitya? What's the score?

What does the phrase "put you in the pocket" mean?

Put you in the pocket? So Vitya put you in the pocket?


I see. So how do you generally spend time around here?

Up until yesterday we played in the office, we lived in the hotel, traveled to the office every day,

and stayed until night, then we'd go back to the hotel, sleep, and do it all over again.

So I mean we went outside like two times, we played qualifiers, practiced a lot.

Yesterday we moved to this house, we had a day off, walked around Kiev, we went to an escape room together.

- So you spent a day out? - Yeah.

I always told to the guys, there is a rule, which a lot of successful people follow: there is time to work, and there is time to rest.

LeBron is like, "Calm down, Rubick is alone, let's kill him.

Then get Roshan, take down one tower after the other and win the game!"

A clean play, 340 MS, without a TP, 24 sec CD, only 18 have passed, which means we have 6 more seconds, everything's great!

And Vitya's running around yelling, "Kill him, kill!"

You visited an escape room yesterday, what was it about? Did you understand what was going on?

To complete the quest faster or what?

No, I mean why were you split into two groups?

Vitya, why did you split into two groups for the quest?

Did you understand everything the guys were saying?

10k carry jumps in, boom, and he's dead.

How's your preparation been?

Have you had enough time to develop some strategies coming into the Katowice Major which will feature 16 teams?

Yes, there were several turning points.

It's like when you're playing and then it occurs to you

that you need to change your style of play, pick certain heroes, use certain strategies because they're working.

It's happened to us a few times.

The last time was when we lost the DAC qualifiers,

we've done a lot of work since then.

We took a step-by-step approach to things:

one day was fully devoted to working on discipline,

the next day we devoted to analyzing drafts, developing strategies and discussing stuff.

I wouldn't say we are very well prepared and that we're gonna beat everyone and win the whole thing, no.

We're not there yet, objectively speaking.

We have some strategies with Lil as a position 4 and some as position 5.

Danya will be calling the shots?

Everyone will be pitching in.

What about the drafts?

Danya will be doing the drafting.

He's really excited about it.

Has a Dagon Drow Ranger already been picked?

It's too early for a Dagon Drow.

It's all on us, and nothing should stop us from beating Fnatic in a bo1.

Then there'll be Newbee, EG and Kinguin. I think this is doable if we don't mess up.

I think we're totally capable of reaching playoffs and then we'll see how it goes from there.

How's your preparation for Katowice been? Are you satisfied with the progress?

Yeah, I got it.

Valve has recently introduced the biweelky patch update system, do you like it?

Security, is that okay with you?

For more infomation >> Last day of bootcamp: Lil is not ashamed - Duration: 7:24.


The Best DUNKER In NBA History - Duration: 3:45.

The NBA All Star Dunk Contest just passed and it got me thinking.

There have been a lot of great dunkers in NBA history, but which one was the best dunker

of all time?

What is up dudes, dudettes, ballers, players, it's ya bo MJ.

Today I wanted to talk about the best dunker in NBA history, Vince Carter.

This is extremely hard to choose so I'm going to make the case for Half Man Half Amazing.

Let me know in the comments, who do you got as the best dunker of all time and which dunk

from Vince Carter is your favorite.

Alright, let's get into it.

Now there have been so many great dunkers in NBA history.

There's Dr. J who started the culture of flashy dunks.

There's Michael Jordan and Dominique Wilkins who had their duels in All Star Dunk contests.

Heck, even Zach Lavine has put in some amazing performances.

But Vince Carter stands out.

He is responsible for the single, most devastating in game dunk I have ever seen.

Cue that in 3, 2, 1.

Let's get that one more time.

That dunk is considered by many to be the greatest dunk of all time.

Of course, people have their own opinions on which dunk was the best, but to me, that

dunk is just the GOAT.

In terms of NBA All Star Dunk contests, Vince Carter only has won 1 dunk contest, but his

performance in that contest is legendary, again considered by many to be the best single

dunk contest performance ever.

His thunderous yet effortless dunks along with his acrobatics in the air were never

done in the manner he did it in.

Of course, the same could be said about MJ in his time and he won 2 dunk contests.

But the number of Dunk contests won isn't everything.

Otherwise Nate Robinson, who won 3, would be the greatest dunker of all time and while

he's a good dunker, he's definitely not the goat.

Dominique was the human highlight film for not just winning dunk contests but because

of his in game dunks.

I just think that Vince Carter combined the best of Jordan and Dominique.

Dunking is an art and Vince Carter had the perfect balance of power and style, just like

these cases got the perfect balance of creativity and sleekness so check out athletic cases

in the description.

I know Michael Jordan has a two inch vertical advantage over VC and a 5 inch vertical advantage

over Dominique but the way Vince Carter jumped made it seem like there wasn't any hang

time required.

He was already so high above the rim that he just had to come down to boom it.

MJ obviously had great in game dunks but not to the level that Vince Carter and Dominique


I'm not saying that he couldn't do it, but he didn't so it's hard to put theoreticals

in a comparison like this.

Vince Carter had the best in game dunk and the best dunk contest performance and that's

why he's the best dunker in NBA history.

But what do you think?

Is Vince Carter the best dunker of all time?

Let me know in the comments down below.

This was my opinion, but all these dunkers are amazing.

Drop a like if you liked this video and if you like this dunk.

The instagram shout of the day goes to justbrax and the ALLDAY notification squad shout out

goes to Gussy Boi.

Thanks for the ALLDAY support.

Make sure to hit the bell for ALLDAY notifications and if you're not a sub, hit that subscribe

button to join the ALLDAY community for more fire content and ALLDAY support.

It's ya boi MJ.

We Out!

For more infomation >> The Best DUNKER In NBA History - Duration: 3:45.


3 Supernatural Abilities You Had As a Child (But Lost and Forgot) - Duration: 10:07.

this video will show you three abilities that you had as a child but completely

forgot about I'm going to share with you ways of rekindling with those abilities

so that you're really able to become more of who you prefer to be but also at

the same time have abilities that you've always had welcome back to another video

my name is Gary and I help people expand their consciousness now in this video

I'm gonna be explaining to you those three abilities that you had that you

totally forgot about that many kids have but simply we are conditioned to not

having because of the way that we grow up now these have to do with

understanding conditioning also at the same time because the idea is that

there's so much more going on in reality than we perceive up and by the time we

are adults or at least older we aren't able to perceive of the same things we

did when we were a kid now for example think of the idea that there are

constantly different types of light that are coming towards us think of it like

what we perceive the five senses that we use is only five different ways of

interpreting our reality you could in a way say that in physics since they show

that everything is vibration that they are five ways of translating vibration

so think of it we can hear sound but we can't hear every single sound or type of

range in that sound spectrum because our ears don't tune to every single part of

it right the doc for example hear a dog whistle which is maybe something that we

can't hear now think of it in the way that there is always light that we can't

perceive in the sense that there are x-ray if you have x-ray vision or you

could see ultraviolet light there are different levels of perception that we

just simply don't perceive of even though it does exist in some form now

the idea is that when we are a child one of the things that we can see but we end

up tuning out is auras now some people can still see auras or they've tuned

themselves to being able to perceive them again but when we grow up we are

able to perceive of that level of the orb around our body or what they call an

aura and the idea is that as we grow up we simply tune it

out because it's not accentuated at all if we were to for some reason tell

someone Oh what about that you know that glow around someone our parents would

most likely say something like what are you talking about it's just something

that's not practiced and it's not something that's necessarily accentuated

to go ahead and learn so because we aren't using it then we lose it and

eventually what happens is our mind just Tunes out all of those things now think

about it our brain is constantly translating

about two million I think it's to two million bits of information per second

even though there exists way more beyond that that's just all that we can

interpret but we have patterned ourselves to perceiving of that and

since we've patterned ourselves into perceiving of only that two million

that's all our brain can handle we've then picked and chosen which ones will

be part of our reality which templates in a way will be something that we

perceive up so the idea is that we can tap into this again by first off

realizing that everybody does have an aura and if you've ever come out of a

meditation or you've ever done some type of spiritual practice you may have

noticed that after that you are able to see that you know I know anytime I go

into the sauna and I'm in the sauna for pretty lengthy amount of time maybe I

twenty thirty minutes but when I come out of it normally that's very sensitive

I can see kind of like a little glow around everything that I see so I think

that that's something we can easily tap into we first off just have to know that

it does exist it is something that's real they have machines that show that

that can see the electromagnetic energy around the body so it's something that I

think we can start to tune back to but realize you had that ability when you

were a kid it's simply been patterned out of us or not conditioned and since

we haven't been using it we have therefore lost that ability now the

second ability that we had as a kid but normally have completely lost is empathy

being very empathetic to other people to other kids when we were a kid knows a

lot of people may say oh I still have that but when we're a kid there is no

judgment whatsoever we don't have any once again preconditioned ideas as to

how people have to be and those are something that's built growing up then

we about the separation between us and

everybody else and that's something that's condition however add a child

when we are a child we are very empathetic to other people I know that

when I was a kid especially I could see the way that I would make maybe another

kid feel if you know take the toy or something like that I know that I was a

very empathetic kid in that way and that's something that we all had the

ability when we were younger we all could really feel and see things from

other people points of view even maybe our parents maybe if we did something

and we saw that our parents got and you know a certain way a lot of times the

conditioning the the time we start to build an armor around ourselves is from

type of some type of reference experience when we're a kid so for

example we do something and our parents get really mad at us for something that

we did then we start to say oh I don't want to act like that because then

they're not going to approve of me we're not going to get that validation or

they're not going to be happy and since we care about so much of what they think

then we start to build an armor and we start to be conditioned in that way so

this is about knowing that that is when we normally developed some little

childhood experiences when we started to develop an armor around us that kind of

cloaked that empathetic nystagmus that empathy so that we are able to we were

able to kind of shield ourselves from that feeling of feeling how other people

feel now some people still have that sensitive ability but understand that

you had it when you were a kid if you don't feel like you're an empathetic

person now there may have been one childhood memory or many that kind of

condition that barrier that we placed around ourselves so become aware of what

that is understand that having empathy can be a really good thing it can also

be you know kind of a double-edged sword because sometimes it's not something

that's preferable but in general when we were a kid we had no judgments towards

other people we could feel what other people were feeling and because of that

we were always very tuned and sensitive to it now the third ability that we had

when we were a kid but we just totally forgot about is the

now the third ability that we had when we were a kid was being present to the

moment now I know this sounds like a funny idea like how is being present to

the moan of inability but think about it so many people now it's so hard for them

to become present to the moment to just simply be in the moment observe the

thoughts or to enjoy the present moment I'll think of a child or somebody that's

just curious and just having fun and they're just so in the moment they're

not judging the moment they're not trying to make it anything different

than it is and then as they get older people will ask them what are you gonna

be when you grow up and in that moment they start to then

project themselves into the future rather than just be in the present

moment and they begin to get conditioned to not be in the present moment now the

reason I say this is because what we can do and one of the most powerful things

that I think we can do is get back to that childlike Wonder of being present

to the moment of having fun of not making everything so serious that in

itself can be one of the most powerful things that we do in our life because we

start to reconnect to the childlike version of us which many times was

something that was scarred from a childhood experience which many times is

something that in a moment when we were younger we decided that we had to be

something other than we currently was or we currently are and in that that's

where the split takes place to where then we don't feel congruent or

authentic to who we are or we feel a lot of resistance having a childlike wonder

or having the ability to just be present to the moment can change everything

about your life and if you want to know how to do that the easiest way is to

learn how to observe your thoughts not react to them and to be able to then

become more present inside of your body which means that you can do something

that's more like go swimming you could do something that's more of like being

active and present at the same time or you could just do something like observe

your thoughts either way is something that's very powerful it'll bring you

back to the present moment and doing that is a paradox because then anything

that you have to accomplish you're gonna accomplish so much easier because your

state of being goes up when you do this and when your state of being goes up

things just happen in a much easier and smooth type way so remember that these

three things are things that you always have the ability to do you always have

the ability to see auras is simply that it's been something that's tailored out

of our experience cuz we've said oh I need to focus on

this or this isn't real it's something that if we don't use it

we end up losing it realize that has you become more aware

of your ability to be more empathetic towards people you become aware that

everyone's connected that nobody's really that different that we can start

to connect to more of ourselves and also understand that we're all connected that

changes everything and then also to be present at the

moment and to know that as you're present to the moment you have more of a

childlike curiosity everything will change you will increase your state of

being and accomplish things in a much better way now I've also just created a

free mp3 on raising your vibrational state of being which will help you

connect to more of that authentic part of who you are this is a meditation that

uses NLP which is called neuro linguistic programming to help you to

feel and to transcend your base point for how you feel the majority of the

time it's something I think is so powerful that's why I'm offering it for

absolutely free you can download it in the description box below and as always

I hope you guys enjoy this video and feel free to like this video if you guys

like this subscribe if you haven't already also hit that little

notification bell so that you could see the daily videos that I do the way that

YouTube does things now is you actually have to hit that button to see those

daily vids and other than that as always I'll see you guys on the next video

peace much love and namaste

For more infomation >> 3 Supernatural Abilities You Had As a Child (But Lost and Forgot) - Duration: 10:07.


Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T PDC 2012 - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T PDC 2012 - Duration: 0:47.


Škoda Rapid 1.2 TSI GR.T. ELEGANCE / NAVI / AIRCO - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Škoda Rapid 1.2 TSI GR.T. ELEGANCE / NAVI / AIRCO - Duration: 0:55.


Fiat Doblò 1.4 T-Jet 120pk CNG Dynamic Bi-Fuel - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Fiat Doblò 1.4 T-Jet 120pk CNG Dynamic Bi-Fuel - Duration: 1:01.


Volvo XC60 2.0 T FWD MOMENTUM | Navigatie | Trekhaak | Cruise control - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 2.0 T FWD MOMENTUM | Navigatie | Trekhaak | Cruise control - Duration: 1:01.


Kate Middleton a-t-elle pensé à avoir recours à une mère porteuse ? On a la réponse - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton a-t-elle pensé à avoir recours à une mère porteuse ? On a la réponse - Duration: 2:43.


Chuck Todd: Parkland Students Aren't Just Mourning, They're Angry | Sunday TODAY - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Chuck Todd: Parkland Students Aren't Just Mourning, They're Angry | Sunday TODAY - Duration: 4:06.


I don't know what I'm doing but THANK YOU! & Painting Valentine's Day Figurines - Duration: 4:22.

Hola, espero que estén bien!

As you must now by now, Youtube recently tightened the requirements to be a partner.

As many small channels I was worried about the features, not about the money.

I was sure I wasn't going to make the cut, but turns out I did!

I was so surprised, and I want to thank every single person who has clicked the subscribe


I don't even mind if you don't watch my videos or unsub later!

I've been mostly making experimental videos on this channel, because I knew nothing about

making videos, and I know they have been awkward and there's a lot of room for improvement,

but it means a lot to me that some of you appreciate my effort so far.

I had been thinking of making a youtube channel for years and years and I was too afraid to.

Youtube is one of my favorite communities but everyone knows how aggressive it can be,

it doesn't matter what your videos are about, someone's going to hate you.

Not to mention I'm super paranoid that no one can understand what I'm saying.

I know I have an accent but I thought my English was understandable, so I was surprised when

I started receiving comments from people who couldn't tell what I was saying.

I could always make silent videos, and I'll continue making some without speech, but I

kinda want to make more like this, just to challenge myself and get over it.

It's easy to feel intimidated by the high quality and confidence some people seem to

have from day one, but something that really inspired me the other day was watching one

of my favorite youtuber's origin story.

I Hate Everything.

It was surprising to see his first videos had mostly dislikes and that he created many

channels before IHE.

I'm still not sure what kind of videos I'd like to make consistently.

I swear I want to upload consistently but I'm a full time artist and my schedule is

pretty tight so whenever I get sick or anything unexpected happens I end up cutting the time

to make videos, so I need to organize my time better.

Something I also tend to do is underestimate the amount of time a video is going to take,

and then it's been five hours and I'm still not done and I have to leave it unfinished

because there are orders to make.

Speaking of orders, you can request a custom figurine through my website now, I'll leave

the link in the pinned comment below.

These guys I'm painting on this video are for the update this Sunday, I wanted to make

something really pink for Valentine's day.

As you see I only paint little details, using a combination of a brush and a needle.

For the dragon with the box I used superglue to attach the box to the body.

Please head over to my shop or website if you're interested in them.

Thank you for watching and as always let me know if you have suggestions for videos you'd

like to see.

And hopefully see you soon!

For more infomation >> I don't know what I'm doing but THANK YOU! & Painting Valentine's Day Figurines - Duration: 4:22.


7-Second Pickup Trick For Waitresses, Bartenders & Baristas - Duration: 9:57.

Tripp Kramer here from the internet web daily show

here on YouTube and today we're gonna be talking about how to hit on, pick up, talk

to, get in touch with the girl who's working. No not your coworker and not

your colleague. I mean the girl who's actually in the middle of work.

The waitress, the bartender, the barista, the girl who's in the middle of her job and

you see her and you're like wow. She's cute. I want to talk to her.

Something about her. Today we're gonna go over a little technique that

could help you get a date with this girl. Before I go into the technique of

course I got to do my long intro just so you can write in the comments Tripp get

to the point because I love seeing that almost every single time. You know what?

I don't care.

We stopped at the largest or second largest but definitely one of the largest

waterfalls in all of Sri Lanka so let's take you up in the sky right now.

Okay so here's what you have to know; this technique of course is not going to work

every single time. But it's my job here to give you advice, techniques, tricks,

strategies, mindsets to use that will at least bring you a little bit further and

sometimes things will work, sometimes they won't work. There's no

guarantees because here's the thing; dating is really not a science.

If anything I see it more as experimentation. Little things will work

for some people, other things work with other people.

It's about experimenting and trying new things out to see if it will work for

you so here is the technique. You're gonna say it just like this I'm gonna

actually give you the word-for-word script here on what to do. She's

working, you see her there, catch her there for a very quick moment when she's

not talking to someone else and you're gonna go up to her and

you're gonna say "Hey I know you're busy but I think you're cute and it'd be fun

if we got a coffee sometime." You're gonna say that first then the second part is

you're gonna hand over a card, a napkin, a piece of paper with your

handwritten phone number on it and then you're gonna hand it to her. And that's it.

It's gonna take you about 7 seconds to do. See? That wasn't click bait.

It actually does take you 7 seconds and then you're just gonna wait and that's

it and that's the best you could do. Now why that over anything else? Well here's

the deal; the girl who's working is busy. You don't have time to be able to get

her attracted to you but when you're going and doing this technique, there is

confidence in this and so that initially can (maybe not) but it can get her

attracted. So you're already showing a masculine trait right off the bat and it

gives you what I believe is the best chances of being able to succeed when a

girl is very busy. Here's the thing I will never ever, ever tell you to do this

in any other situation. I never want you to give your number to a girl and say

if she's just walking down the street or if she's not working you just

give her a number and then go from there. That is not good because you actually

had the chance to get her attracted. Don't cop out and do this for any other

situation but if a girl is working. You want more, I got more a few. There's

another way to do this. It's a little bit different and I want to give you the

options here. The other way you can do this is similar to what I was

saying before. You want to make sure that you have enough time to be

able to get her attracted to you because with a girl or a woman it doesn't take

seconds look for a guy. A guy sees a girl is attracted likes her, we go on a

date with her. For a woman, it takes a little bit longer so that's why you need

the opportunity to be able to talk to them and display your personality.

Obviously like I said you can't really do that when the girl is working but you

might be able to if you catch her at an off moment so a lot of

servers, bartenders they're usually dead at work somewhere around 4 to 6pm.

when they're on their shifts just getting started or when they're ending

their shifts so this isn't the worst time to go and start a conversation with

them and you might be able to do that. But still I like the original technique

because their mind is not in ok let's see if I get a date with this guy or

find a boyfriend. Their mind is in work and so it's a little bit more difficult

to get their mind off of that when they're in the middle of it. But you

never know, you could try it out if you go to your local pub every day (every

day then you're an alcoholic) if you go to a restaurant frequently, you

see the same server, maybe it's a good idea to go when she first starts

her shift to be able to have a little bit of a

conversation with her and then exchange information. For a real life testimonial

on this technique let's enter Potter.

Okay here she is enter Potter.

Ok, you need some time. Here she is Potter at @Potter. Check her out at

Instagram. Link in the description below. So you said that this is actually

happened to you where a guy has come up to when you were working as a server and

done this on you. Given you his number and what happened after that?

I ended up dating that person. It's happened to me multiple times

and every time even if I've had a boyfriend, I've at least texted to them and

been like hey it was really sweet of you to give me your number, you seem really

sweet but I actually have a boyfriend or if he gave me his number and I

wasn't interested I'd be like hey I'm actually not dating right now or whatever.

But I would always text that person because I thought it was just such a

cool gesture and I think girls like it that they are put in a position of power.

They're in control. You're giving them a physical number

that they can hang on to to decide whether or not they want to text you.

Alright, can we try this out? Can we get you guys to try this? I want to hear if

this works for you. Go out, try this and see what happens and let's see if you

get a response. Might work, might not, like I told you before, it's not an exact

science. We don't know what's gonna happen but it's one idea to take

you to the next step to get the girl that you want right? Right.

And also you can do this reverse. Can I say that? What? Did you already said that? What?

That you can do reverse if you're working and you want to talk to a girl who comes in to your work.

Oh okay. So you're saying if you're working, so if

you're the bartender or if you're the server.

Just hope you don't get fired for harassing a ....No, I've had it

happen to me before where a bartender gave me his number.

Basically you just give her a number and she'll text you.

That's not true.

I think we just reached sunset here now at Marissa Beach. Such a beautiful place.

If you're ever in Sri Lanka, this is the beach to go to. Some other thoughts I

wanted to share with you on this concept of meeting girls who are working

is I'll be honest with you I'm not really a big fan of it and if you know

me well, if you know my videos well, you know I'm not really a fan of you

know trying desperately hard to get that one girl and I feel like this

kind of falls in that category of that one girl who's happens to be a

waitress, happens to be a bartender because I think it's very rare that a

guy is looking up this video just so they can know how to do that in the

future. I think you're probably watching this video because you know a girl who

happens to be a waitress, happens to be a bartender and you want to hit on her.

And that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that, but what's wrong with

part of it or the part I have a problem with is the fact that you're really just

trying so hard super hard on that one girl and I get it.

There's a there's a little bit of romance to it I'm sure. It's romantic

in a sense like oh I'll do anything for that one girl. But I don't want

to set you up for disappointment. I don't want you to be working really hard after

that one girl that you really like, trying everything in the book and then

all of a sudden it doesn't work out and then you feel miserable, you feel rejected

and it's difficult for you to move on and meet someone else. I don't want that

for you. But still let's see if you can use it.

Like I said, go check it out try to use it. Write in the comments down below if

it worked for you. And if you need more help with texting because if she does

text you, you're gonna need to know how to text her. Get the 7 deadly text

messages that she can't resist below in the description. As always everything's

in the description, it's all there for you. Alright I'm gonna enjoy the rest of

this sunset and I'll show you what it looks like in just a second here so you

can enjoy it with me. Peace.

For more infomation >> 7-Second Pickup Trick For Waitresses, Bartenders & Baristas - Duration: 9:57.


Epic Design Fails We Can't Believe Actually Happened (New Pics) - Duration: 12:12.

Epic Design Fails We Can't Believe Actually Happened (New Pics)

For more infomation >> Epic Design Fails We Can't Believe Actually Happened (New Pics) - Duration: 12:12.


🌿 The Sweetest Nectar, a Book Made by Me. - Duration: 5:38.

The Sweetest Nectar.

for them.

It was this love I received in my earliest days,

this one I still have today,

that keeps me going.

Gladly, I will remember it all.

oh, but just think,

how I wish you would remember me,

but nonetheless,

here we are, right?

with each other.

in that instance,

I could only think,

how could I go on

without you.

would I see you only in a fractal of the glimmering sea?

you are my flesh and without you,

is also a part of me gone.

little did I know I was saved from the very beginning

this journey,

each twisted turn,

was about finding my way back to you.

but you were there, weren't you?

it was always you.

but the roses with the sharpest thorns

may bear the sweetest nectar

I think I've come to know the fruits of life,

one of which is undoubtedly you

surely, there are, and will be waves of failure

that washes us under,

but no flower will cease to grow through these storms,

I will look the pain in the eyes,

But it is the sweetness that I dream of.

and sweet it shall be.

I wanted to make a book

of fragmented stories, which is why I came up with those sentences,

I reminisce a lot,

and I'm very sentimental and the first person that came to my head randomly was

my grandfather,

the one that I speak of a lot and I mention a lot in my work is actually my father's father ,

the last time I saw him I didn't know would be the last time,

I wish that,

He could be here with me,

to experience things,

but nonetheless here we are, because, I am thinking of him, it's almost like we are

with each other.

and despite him being gone,

I will remember all of my childhood memories spent with him, gladly.

and, the first page,

-even though my parents divorced really early in my life,

I was 3? or 4?

even in her absence, me longing for her,

or knowing how much I meant to her,

-being completely possible to turn out to someone

very different than who I am today and incapable of a lot of the emotion I have today,

I think it was the love that I received in these earliest days and that,

I remember very vividly,

that still lives in me,


is a big part of who I am

when my sister died in my dream very suddenly,

just the way I immediately reacted and

all the thoughts in my head is

exactly expressed here in these words

I just thought,

how can I exist on this earth, when she does not?

I tell her,

I feel like she is an extension of me,

like she is one of my limbs

this page is about God,


it's almost been a year since I last

thought that I really wanted to make a change in my life, and I wasn't sure what to do,

and my mom suggested that I should go back to church and get on that routine,

just to try things out,

so I reconciled my relationship with God,

once I reached out, I was granted this almost instant perspective,

that I was saved from the very beginning

and, walking this path, I was never alone.

I had to go through the things I did in order to bring me back to the exact place I should be,

to be exactly who I am

I wanted to end this on a more uplifting note,

and I correlated the text to the illustration that I made of a rose bush

and it's basically just acknowledging that the worst

can also bring the best,

and it's not really about picking on or the other, or just

striving to perfect it, so that you can have the best,

just because that might seem ideal

my true happiness came out of



it's about experiencing all of it

and for the last page,

this bit of text is about

the love of my life,

he is definitely one of

the greatest things that has happened to me,


it is just a moment of gratitude that I wanted to include here,

that, through all of the bad, this is one really amazing thing, and,

it doesn't matter if there's gonna

be more storms, and more downfalls,

because there's going to be,


that's okay.

all that matters is that I can focus on the sweetness.

and I do.

and so, sweet it shall be.

For more infomation >> 🌿 The Sweetest Nectar, a Book Made by Me. - Duration: 5:38.



hello everyone and welcome back to another video as you can tell by the title

today I'm going to be comparing the pockets in women's pants versus

men's pants because ever since I got the iPhone 6 a few years ago I struggled to

find pants with pockets that will actually fit my phone

I don't think that clothes have a gender but I'm a pretty small person and most things in the

men's section are just way too big on me so I pretty much always shop in the

woman section of stores but I think I found a pair of men's pants that might

actually fit me so I'm hopefully gonna be able to get to the bottom of this

I ordered both of the pants from American Eagle to make this as fare as possible

and I got them in the mail today so let's open these up

I'm not really sure which ones which so I'm just gonna open this one first

this is the first pair these are from the men's section

and these are the n(e)xt level skinny jeans in a size 26 by 28

now let's open the women's pants they look pretty much the same

and these are the tom girl of jeans and a 00 regular

all the reviews for these pants said that they ran really big and to go a few sizes down

so that's what I did

if you've ever worn women's pants you know that sizing varies a lot by brand

so hopefully these will actually fit me

the main reason that I went with these pants

was because the model on the site had your hand in the pocket a little bit

soI have some hope there might actually be pockets in these

and the last thing that I wanna check is the price

and these were both the same price there were $37.46

so I'm just gonna take these out of the plastic so that I can compare them and try them on

wow these actually look almost exactly the same

they're both pretty stretchy but the women's ones are a little bit softer

and the waist is pretty much the same size on both of these

and the length is also pretty much exactly the same

so I think these are actually gonna be a really good comparison

so I'm gonna put these on and adjust the camera

so that you all can see what they look like

so this is what they look like the material is really nice and stretchy and

comfortable and soft and I'm really glad that I won a few sizes down these are

honestly slightly baggy

but other than that I don't really have any other complaints these are super comfortable

but the real test is if my phone will actually fit in these

so let me just get a bit closer and try these out

I'm gonna give them some credit this is honestly better than I thought it would be

but there's still about an inch of my phone that's not in the pocket which really annoys me

because when I sit down at the top of the phone just like jams into my

hip which is not very comfortable

but these were honestly better than I thought

so now I'm gonna try on the men's pant and see how they compare

so these are the men's pants they're actually a lot skinnier than I thought

they would be which is a good thing for me and they're also really stretchy

I think the women's pants had a slightly softer material but these are pretty soft

and comfortable as well so in terms of comfort and fit they were both pretty similar

if anything the men's hands fit me a little bit better

probably because the sizing of men's pants actually makes sense

but not for the moment of truth I'm gonna test out the pockets

so I'm just gonna get a little closer to the camera and test this out


my phone isn't sticking out at all and

there's probably even almost an inch of extra room here

so if you do have a bigger smartphone these would probably work really well

if I was sitting, this wouldn't be hitting my hip bone at all

so I'm really impressed with the men's pants

so that was my comparison of the pockets in

women's pants in the pockets in men's pants

so I'm definitely gonna be returning

the women's pants and keeping the men's pants

and I'm really happy that I have pants with pockets now

but I know that not everyone out there is able to fit into men's pants

I'm lucky enough to have a body type that can fit into either of these pants

and I think it's really unfair for people who can only fit into women's pants

it just doesn't make sense to me that there's this big

of a difference between the pockets

because people of all genders need to

carry things and could really benefit from better pockets

so if any clothing companies are watching this

please put good pockets that can fit smartphones in all of your pants

everybody should have the option of carrying things in their pockets

because sometimes it's annoying to have to carry around a purse or bag just to

carry your phone and keys and other essentials

and to any of you buy pants which is probably most of you

please tweet American Eagle or any other

clothing company that you shop at with the #PocketEquality and tell

them that they should make good pockets for all people

because if enough people say something about this issue

something will probably be done about it

I know that this isn't the biggest issue in the world

but I think it really shows how much gender inequality still exists today

so I think that's everything that I wanted to say

thank you all so much for watching

let me know what you think about this down in the comments below

and I'll see all of you very soon with a new video


For more infomation >> POCKETS IN "WOMEN'S" PANTS VS. "MEN'S" PANTS [CC] - Duration: 3:50.


You Could Live On One Of These Moons With an Oxygen Mask and Heavy Jacket - Duration: 4:44.

The universe is a really big place, and the chances, the conditions where life may exist,

happen in much greater abundance than we originally thought.

For centuries we have looked up to the stars and wondered if we are alone in the universe.

But recently, our search for extraterrestrial life has been less about making contact with

an alien race and more about the search for some kind of galactic lifeboat.

To look for life, scientists used to focus on planets in the 'Goldilocks zone'.

A potentially habitable area that's neither too near or too far from our sun - in other

words it's neither too hot or too cold.

But when Cassini started to send back data from the systems of Saturn, scientists began

to shift their focus.

From planets to moons.

Saturn has 62 confirmed moons with more being discovered all the time.

And two of those moons, Titan and Enceladus, could be habitable.

Thanks to Cassini's galactic hitch hitcher - a clam shaped probe called Huygens - we

were able to pierce Titan's hazy atmosphere and land on its surface

It's really surprised us.

We see dunes.

We see these river gullies and channels that have been carved by liquid, but there that

liquid is not water.

It's methane and ethane.

Liquid hydrocarbons that have been forming just like on Earth how we have clouds and

rain events, the same thing happens on Titan, but it's with an entirely different set of


It's a fascinating alien world and we're just beginning to scratch the surface in terms

of how complex it is and exactly what is present there on the surface.

But with lakes of liquid methane and a surface temperature of minus 290 degrees fahrenheit

- how could Titan possibly be habitable?

Well, to humans, Titan is one of the least hostile places in the outer solar system.

It has a dense, planet-like atmosphere.

Meaning, even though it's colder and gets less light than Earth, it has a dense biochemical

make-up that could sustain life.

Titan's atmosphere is also quite stable.

Except for thunderstorms at the poles there are no cataclysmic events to worry about like

cyclones, moonquakes or even cosmic rays.

If you lived on Titan, you could stand on its surface with just an oxygen mask, and

of course, some very very warm clothing.

But maybe the motivation to colonize Titan isn't necessarily about building Earth 2.0;

it might make more sense to think about it as a way-station, a halfway point to the next

Earth 2.0.

Titan has more hydrocarbon reservoirs, like a larger reservoir than all of them on Earth


You need extra gas?

Just go to Titan, scoop up some methane, and carry on to find a place where you can survive.

It's opening our eyes to the breadth and the possibilities that exist just in our solar

system alone.

There is another moon in the Saturn system that scientists are excited about - Enceladus.

It's smaller than Titan - about 310 miles in diameter.

And underneath its icy crust is an ocean of water.

We had no idea that there were liquid water oceans underneath the icy crusts of some of

these moons.

This is exciting for us because any place on Earth where we find liquid water, we find

life - every time.

Enceladus, not only is it a key astrobiology target because of this liquid water, but it

is unique in that that liquid water ocean is accessible.

We don't know the exact energy source that keeps its subsurface ocean liquid.

Cassini was able to sample the plumes erupting from its surface.

It discovered a hydrothermal chemical makeup similar to what occurs in the depths of Earth's


NASA's next missions to icy moons like Saturn's Enceladus and Jupiter's moon Europa, will

hopefully be equipped with instruments for oceanic studies.

Instruments that are directly targeted to look for organic molecules and the key biosignatures

of life as we know it, or even life as we don't know it.

We'll be looking for patterns in organic molecules that are unique only when life is present.

The discoveries that Cassini, and spacecraft like Cassini, have made will absolutely help

us try to eventually become not a one planet civilization.

We can't stay here forever.

For more science documentaries, check out this one right here.

Don't forget to subscribe and keep coming back to Seeker for more videos.

For more infomation >> You Could Live On One Of These Moons With an Oxygen Mask and Heavy Jacket - Duration: 4:44.


AVM Games AVM - Old Fantastic House Escape Walkthrough 2018 - Duration: 6:00.

AVM Games AVM - Old Fantastic House Escape

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