Sunday, February 18, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 18 2018

Hello fellow travelers!

Today's video is a monograph about Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and its urban beach,

one of the best and most beautiful in Spain.

We are in Cairasco square. Behind us we find the Modernist building of the Gabinete Literario,

that previously was a theater.

Alongside there is the Madrid Hotel, where we spent a lot of evenings having beers and a few rums.

Here, in room nr. 3, Franco stayed the night before the uprising.

This street with so much traffic divides the Triana and Vegueta neighborhoods.

In the past they were connected by a bridge. You will see the four statues that formed the bridge.

They represented the four seasons.

Where the cars are currently driving was a ravine of the Guiniguada river.

In this area, the conquerors built their first camp. They put these three palm trees here to indicate

to their people on the boats where they were staying.

That's why the city has this name: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Santa Ana square is the epicenter of Vegueta, with the cathedral and the former City Hall.

You can also find their famous dogs (canes). The first thing that the conquerors found, in the 15th century,

when they got off their boats, were these animals.

That´s the reason for the archipelago's name.

If you want to learn more about the pre-hispanic population that was in the islands,

be sure to enter the Museo Canario.

It's very spectacular, especially, the mummies hall.

Pilar Nuevo square is a very important tourist spot.

Here you can find the cathedral, Columbus's house and the balconies' street.

The Columbus's house-museum is a must. You have to take into account that

Columbus started here 3 out of the 4 trips to America.

There is a lot of interesting documentation about the conquering.

Btw, a bit of gossip…

Columbus was supposed to have a girlfriend in La Gomera island.

Every time he travelled to America, he stopped there for a while… cool guy…

Mendizabal St is essential if you want to enjoy bars, clubs and terraces, both during the day and nightlife.

We are in an authentic Canarian home with a real Canarian youngster.

She is going to show us how to make "mojo picon" (spicy Canarian sauce).

Irene, what ingredients do we need?

4 spoonfuls of vinegar. 15 spoonfuls of olive oil.

2 spoonfuls of paprika. 1 spoonful of cumin.

A bit of salt 2 cayenne peppers

½ garlic

So, now, where do we start?

First, to clean and cut the garlic.

They told me we don't need to take the heart of the garlic out… as it is spicy, put the whole garlic in.

Here we have the garlic.

Now we put in the cayenne peppers and a bit of salt. Now we mash everything up.

My God, there is so much garlic!!

Irene, have you seen any of our videos? Of course!

Do you like them? Of course!

This one will be your favorite, of course! It's obvious, I appear!

Look, now it's all mashed up.

And now the rest… Salt…

Take some salt out!

Paprika and cumin.

What do you prefer? Red or green sauce?

I prefer the red one.

What are the differences between them?

The green one doesn´t have paprika. In its place it has parsley and/or cilantro.

Do you think this is ready?

And now, vinegar and oil.

Are we going to try it? Of course!

Mmmmmm… spicy…

Mojo picon, the tasty Canarian sauce…

Can we make something else with the red sauce?

Yes, we can make almogrote.

We have to take a cured cheese. We have to peel it and to grate it in the same pot you used for the red sauce.

Well, this is well bound. It has a consistency similar to a paté.

It was a pleasure to be here with Irene and learn how to make the Canarian sauce.

You all, in your houses, must test how to make it.

Thank you very much, Irene.

We'd love you to come to our house. Next time, I will teach you how to make a potato soup.

I don't believe you speak with a peninsular accent!

We'd love you to come to our house. Next time, I will teach you how to make a potato soup.

Don't tell me twice! We'll sure come!

The best thing when you visit Las Palmas is that you can finish the tour at the Canteras beach.

We are in the middle of winter and the beach is overcrowded!

Well fellow travelers, we finish this video here.

Share it so that the travelers' community will be larger.

Subscribe to our channel, so you'll be informed every time we post a new video.

You know that you can find us on our social channels and our website, viajandoanuestroaire.

See you on our next trip, bye bye!

For more infomation >> Gran Canaria II: Walking Las Palmas! Enero 2018 - Duration: 7:16.


Jorge Javier Vázquez estalla brutalmente y acusa gravemente al rey Juan Carlos I - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Jorge Javier Vázquez estalla brutalmente y acusa gravemente al rey Juan Carlos I - Duration: 2:54.


Ramón Mancheño | WorkshopOrienta - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Ramón Mancheño | WorkshopOrienta - Duration: 3:09.


Desastre | Costurera Swift (Original) - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Desastre | Costurera Swift (Original) - Duration: 2:45.


Encuentra a alguien que hable de ti como George Clooney habla de Amal - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Encuentra a alguien que hable de ti como George Clooney habla de Amal - Duration: 2:37.


Johnny Hallyday, « une forte obsession de protéger Jade et Joy » - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Johnny Hallyday, « une forte obsession de protéger Jade et Joy » - Duration: 1:30.


Todo lo que debes saber de los Oscar 2018 - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Todo lo que debes saber de los Oscar 2018 - Duration: 4:20.


Chiens de traineaux - Une blonde en Norvège - Duration: 2:12.

I went to Geilo for a dog sledding trip.

It's a ski resort located between

Bergen and Oslo in the county of buskerud.

The sledge driver is the musher

Sled dogs are not necessarily all Husky.

There may be different breeds such as Alaskan Malamutes

Greenlandic dogs or Samoyed.

Some breeds are crossbreed like Alaskan Husky.

Each dog line has a particular role

Those at the front are the leaders

They are the ones who respond directly to orders

and transmit impulse and rhythm to other dogs.

Swing dogs, these are the dogs that are just behind the leaders

Team dogs : it's the main part of the team.

They are between 2 and 6

depending on the total number of dogs in the team.

Wheel dogs : these are the dogs closest to the sled.

They are the most powerful and the strongest of the team.

They are the ones who will carry the most.

The two most famous Norwegian races

are the Femundløpet and Finnmarksløpet.

In Europe, since 2005, the French-Swiss Alps

have hosted one of the greatest races in the world:

the Great Odyssey.

There are all sorts of races with different distances to travel

but the largest and most difficult dog sled race in the world

is the Iditarod trail in Alaska

you have to travel 1 750 km!

The race lasts about 8 days

For more infomation >> Chiens de traineaux - Une blonde en Norvège - Duration: 2:12.


María Patiño sorprende perdiendo los papeles con una compañera de Sálvame - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> María Patiño sorprende perdiendo los papeles con una compañera de Sálvame - Duration: 4:15.


TRAILER de la NUEVA SERIE del CANAL!! - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> TRAILER de la NUEVA SERIE del CANAL!! - Duration: 0:53.


☆Q&A☆: What my next project will be? More about Close to you. Thank you for 10K(12K)! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ - Duration: 9:17.

Hi, welcome to Starimation channel!

I am the person who draws all the stuff here, you can call me Vlada,

Nice to finally meet you.

And as I promised, I made this Q&A video to answer most of your questions and to let you know me closer.

Before I start, I want to make a quick announcement.

My old subscribers which became my closest friends and I have created a discord server specially for you.

There you will be able to see some important announcements,

my future plans and maybe some screenshots of the progress ;>

Also, you can make new friends and chat with me.

So don't be shy and join our Penguin guard.

First thing I wanted to tell you

Thank you so much for 10 thousand, it really means a lot to me.

I can't even imagine that so many people are excited about my works.

I am really thankful for your motivation and support ^ ^

So, getting back to the questions.

The first one I get very frequently is

How old are you?

Well, I was born in 15.07.2000

So at the moment of recording this video I am 17

Are you self-taught?

Well, I graduated from my art school last year.

And it really helped me to improve my sense of color, shape, and composition,

But we didn't get to draw a human body,

So as for anatomy and animation, I'm self-taught.

How did you learn to animate?

I'm still learning. Sometimes I watch youtube tutorials and search for references

But if I can't find what I want, I end up experimenting to find out how this motion works on my own.

For example, do you remember these clothes and hair, flowing in the wind throughout the whole animation?

Actually, I spent a lot of time figuring out the way this motion works by doing the same waving movements with my hand.

And when I finally understood, I filled every scene with this motion

Because it is my favorite way to make static scenes more dynamic.

When and why did you start animating?

What inspired you to make Close to you animation?

It's funny because before the summer of 2016 I thought

That animating and drawing exactly the same figure repeatedly is such a torture,

So I couldn't really understand animator's passion.

But when I found out about Undertale and watched a lot of fan-animations I thought: "Why can't I do the same?"

And then I saw "Close to you" cover with Sans' voice by Kuma which really touched my heart

And I felt so much inspiration I've never felt in my whole life. I was ready to do everything to make this real

Regardless of my lack of skills and experience. And now you can see me here, answering your questions~

How are you so good at animating?

Aww, I'm not good at it yet.

I really have a lot of things to improve.

But thank you for thinking this way~ ^ ^

How many hours per day did you spend on your Close to you animation?

I have a huge problem with my free time,

So I used to take a few hours from my sleep time

For animating at least for 2 or 3 hours a day.

How did you feel when you were creating your animation?

Aww~ You care about me~ Thank you ^ ^

Well, I went through a lot of emotional states

From incredible excitement during the 1st year of creation

To disappointment and apathy in the middle and near the end.

I don't know if you have noticed

But there are some scenes I had to force myself to finish especially in the last part of my animation.

But your love and supportive comments

Under my animation progress videos

Kept me motivated to move forward

So I successfully went through all of it.

How was it like attempting to animate with no experience, did the lack of experience have to do with drawing?

Not really, the most challenging part for me

Was learning how to use the program.

Of course, I had some struggles in animating

But I had fun figuring out how it works.

In addition, I have noticed that

When you get into animating you see the world

From a completely different angle

And you pay more attention to physics and motions.

What was the most rewarding thing about your Close to you project?

First of all, I gained an important experience by learning some basic things about animating.

Also, I learned that it is very painstaking, but exciting process.

The most rewarding thing for me

Is that I could prove myself that I'm strong enough to reach big goals

And bring my ideas to real life.

And of course, your kind feedback and attention helped me to understand that all of this wasn't done for nothing.

What was your favorite part of Close to you animation?

The part I liked animating the most was the fighting scene.

It was the hardest but breathtaking part throughout the whole animation

Also, it took me a lot of time to search for references.

In this case, anime battle shots were very useful and inspiring for me.

What time of the day do you like to draw the most?

Oh~ I like to draw in early mornings and at late nights

Because these are the most calm and quiet times of the day when everyone is sleeping,

So for me, it's much easier to relax and concentrate on my work.

Are you going to show your face?

No, I'm not going to show myself in near future.

Why do you have such great arts?

I've been re-watching your UT animation in all its glory, it's amazing

Haha, I like this profile picture

As it fits this question very well,

Thank you so much!

What was your inspiration to become a youtuber?

There are 3 main reasons why I created my channel:

Firstly, I wanted to make my own cozy place where I can find people with similar tastes and interests.

Also, I want to express my emotions and thoughts through my works so that you can feel them yourself.

So I am very pleased to know my animation managed to affect you.

And lastly, I want to leave something behind so my life wouldn't be pointless.

What are you going to do next?

Alright, I'm ready to announce my next project so listen carefully.

I am going to make an animation with Doki doki literature club's song Your reality from Monika's point of view.

I don't want to spend another year on this project

So it will be shorter than my previous one, but not less deep.

Unfortunately, I can't say for sure how long it will take

As I am graduating from school this year

So I need to prepare and pass exams successfully.

Nevertheless, I will try my best

So follow me in social media to keep up with the news.

Did you ever think that your animation would get popular?

I was hoping for it, but never actually expected my animation to get popular.

As you can see now this came true

And I still can't believe I got so much attention and love from all of you.

What keeps you motivated to keep going?

Your love and supportive comments.

You can't even imagine how they inspire me and encourage to move forward.

I even have a special folder on my desktop

Where I keep the screenshots of the most touching and heartwarming comments

to read them whenever I feel down or frustrated.

What are things you like to improve on?

Also what is your hobby? (can't be related to drawing)

I have a strong passion for music.

I'm in love with the sound of musical instruments and some voices.

Unfortunately, I can't perform any piece myself

As I can't sing nor play any instrument,

But I would like to learn it someday.

Do you know da wae?

'Cause you're the queen of penguins!

I know the way

But i won't show it to you until you follow me in social media.

Do you watch anime?

And if you do, what's your favourite?

Mine is "My Hero Academia"

Yes, I watched a lot of anime

And my favorite ones are Erased, Steins gate, Clannad, Fullmetal alchemist, and Your name

What is your favorite song?

Well, you will hear one of them in 3, 2, 1..

For more infomation >> ☆Q&A☆: What my next project will be? More about Close to you. Thank you for 10K(12K)! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ - Duration: 9:17.


David Hallyday jaloux de Maxim Nucci, trop proche de Johnny - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> David Hallyday jaloux de Maxim Nucci, trop proche de Johnny - Duration: 1:19.


Coming soon... Simple Wooden Bar Stool // DIY - Duration: 1:52.

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ATC presents: STOLI

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For more infomation >> Coming soon... Simple Wooden Bar Stool // DIY - Duration: 1:52.


¿Menores delincuentes o víctimas de la falta de recursos? - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> ¿Menores delincuentes o víctimas de la falta de recursos? - Duration: 3:55.


Pronatec 2018: the list of courses of MEC Sistec. - Duration: 8:52.

The list of courses for Pronatec 2018. There are many news and points

important that I transmit to you shortly. Do not leave


The list of courses

distance by Pronatec now in 2018. Many people could not find it but left.

The MEC finally announced. The good news is that you already know what the courses are

that will have the distance. But it did not leave a list of technical courses.

I'll show you in a little while one of the things that can happen.

But if you've always watched the videos I even those who appear to be

It does not have much to do with what you seek,

Did you see that video I was talking about? respect for a technical course by Senar

of Agribusiness Technician. Class there I already warned you that it was one of the

courses that had come out through Pronatec. So realize that you have courses open for

then you probably did not see, and neither will see on the Pronatec 2018 page.

So stay tuned to the video, watch it until the end. I'm going to split the screen to

you can see a little more news and then you browse there and see

more details there. So here, watch. It is the page you have already seen that you already

know how it works that is Pronatec voluntary offer. And that's the whole class.

presentation ... that Pronatec was made by the Ministry ... on ... on ... on ...

You already know how it is ... and down here has a timeline. The schedule, the lot

it matters to us is this fifth because the four others have already closed and no

more possibilities to do. And you? will have a schedule list that I

I'm passing the mouse here, and the other is click and see the institutions and courses that

you will have it available. Clicking class in one of them you have the list:

"Pronatec Voluntary Offer, lot 5, March 2018." But stay calm, is that the

applications will run until March 2018.

And then you must have realized that

will take courses in the management, health, will also have languages, Spanish and

English too, it's basic, you'll get pounds which is something interesting. Who knows

pound is having enough opportunity. Receptionist, Sales Promoter

and then when will you see down there has more opportunities. Class is very course.

As you have a lot list big my nomination is:

"What have you always wanted to do?"

When you dream of succeeding professional working with that

smile on face, where would it be? It would be in the education? Or it would be in the health area

helping people? Or suddenly another one area, in the area of ​​finance working in the bank?

Here are some courses that can be very interesting.

It can be no! They are very interesting for

work or want an opportunity in the bank, for example. So before you pick up and

click, make your register one of them, think: "Where would I feel really good working?"

And go to that area. OK? I showed you this list, I'm going

go elsewhere here, which is very interesting.

The schedule. And here you have to stay attentive

Note that the timeline that was released shows the situation today (which is in yellow).

And then notice that the situation today is of pre registration. And show the following, watch.

What has happened to this day? What is going on?

Perceba only is has the realization of pre-registration.

But some ministries specific courses.

And there, the Ministry of Agriculture asked what I showed you:

"Technical Course in Agribusiness". See that I I'm going a little further. When is

that started? Started on 1/25 or 25 January. And the inscriptions for these

technical courses will go until 19 of the 3 (19 of March). So there's a tip I'll give you,

which is as follows: Did you know you had a school in your

region that had a face-to-face technician of the ... Pronatec.

Go there because this vacancy hardly will appear on the site. Only in

schools will appear, as was the case in case of that agribusiness course,

agribusiness technician. You ask: "Where's Professor Alexander?" I do not know!

You really are going to have to go on the quest, search. Then go to Etec's, go

in schools of technical courses, check the SINE of your city

If you have any news of any course in your city.

The distance courses you are already seeing on here. But there may be some vacancy

of technical course by Pronatec there in your city and only who will

Discover is you. This will require effort. Go do a search and check.

Now is the case of these courses What are we seeing?

Note that the pre-registration, and I'm grating on here. Is it going to be done that way?

It's going to be done online, it's already written here. Now watch only

anyone will be able to apply. Applicant applicant goes there does the pre registration.

It's different from what you see on the top, who does

or those who are responsible for enrolling are the ministries that requested the courses.

As is the case of the one I had spoken of. "When does the power begin?

do the pre registration teacher? To the distance learning courses? "From 19 February.

And then you have until March 19th. to finish your application.

But be careful. It's good for you to be

with everything right on the first day open enrollment. Because?

Whoever made the last batch remembers what happened something very interesting. Some vacancies,

the order of registration was by order of arrival.

Who made the pre-enrollment first had priority in registration. So stay tuned, you're done

all right. What I mean by leave everything right?

You remember that you had to make a on the Sistec? And you had to

Got your number on it? Well, a link will appear shortly

of the other videos in which I explain this registration. Get these

numbers so you will not be the last to make your application and lose

opportunity to attend Pronatec free. OK?

So look, it's a long time, but The sooner I do, I'll guarantee

my position in a very quiet and very quiet There goes a

series of other information. The courses will start in April and will

finish in August. Then five or six months of course and you end up quiet,

the institution now it has to provide the certificate for you. She will not go any more

charge for the certificate, as people was having cases previously. OK?

The class was crazy about having to pay the certificate.

So now be assured that this It will not happen there.

Anyway, I've been reading the questions, and you can read later calmly too:

"Where will the inscriptions be made and how? The MEC will announce to you later

the place to make inscriptions.

Now it has only been shown which are the courses and it was passed on how it will work.

But probably on the 19th you'll already have a link to make your application.

I'll talk to you more later. front. If you have any questions, please let

I'm going to be happy to talk to you here.

But remember: go fast behind that numbering, of those items that you

need to make the pre-registration in the Pronatec courses. OK?

We'll talk again, I hope you get your opportunity to study,

suddenly by Pronatec. And US talk about the next videos about

this or other issues that will help you enter the job market.

A hug and until the next video ...


For more infomation >> Pronatec 2018: the list of courses of MEC Sistec. - Duration: 8:52.


The new back patio - Duration: 1:40.

The New & Improved Back Patio 2018

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> The new back patio - Duration: 1:40.


Tajna u njihovim očima - Secret In Their Eyes (2015) - Duration: 1:51:35.

For more infomation >> Tajna u njihovim očima - Secret In Their Eyes (2015) - Duration: 1:51:35.




-Yo what's up guys it's your boy OKAYtinashe and I'm here with the squad!

KPOP tuesdays we keep going that's everyday


-Everyday is KPOPtuesday

-Today we will be reacting to KIM HEECHUL being savage moments


For more infomation >> KIM HEECHUL GOING SAVAGE MOMENTS | REACTION - Duration: 15:39.


Disgraced Democratic Senator Appears In Court, Awaits Sentencing For Fraud, Bribery Conviction - Duration: 2:33.

Disgraced Democratic Senator Appears In Court, Awaits Sentencing For Fraud, Bribery Conviction

Watching a Democrat blubber and cry while making a full confession of their sins, or

watching a Democrat refuse to admit any wrongdoing.

You can give the first Democrat a little bit of credit for taking the time to admit everything

they've done in breaking the law.

But the hubris of the second Democrat pretending that nothing is wrong, and that nothing he

or she did is wrong is nothing short of infuriating.

In our particular story today, we have a Democrat out of Nevada who has more than one case laid

out against him.

However, despite the cases pointing to fraud, bribes, embezzlement, perjury, and even a

Senate ethics investigation that forced his resignation, this disgrace Democrat still

continues to plead not guilty and refuses to say that he has done anything wrong.

So despite the proof provided, this Dem admits nothing.

Thankfully, even though he thinks he's done nothing wrong, the court says he has.

So justice is about to be served.

From The Washington Times:

A former New Mexico state senator will learn Friday whether he will spend time behind bars

for fraud, bribery and other convictions stemming from allegations that he misused his position

to profit from a real estate deal.

Democrat Phil Griego is scheduled to appear before state District Judge Brett Loveless

in Santa Fe.

Citing the need to restore the public's trust in New Mexico's political system,

prosecutors have requested that Griego spend at least 10 years in prison, serve five years'

supervised probation and pay hefty fines for his crimes.

Prosecutors accused Griego of using his elected position and acumen as a real estate broker

to guide the sale of a state-owned building in downtown Santa Fe through various approvals

without properly disclosing his financial interest.

This guy is a criminal.

Forget the fact that he ever held office.

He went out of his way to disrupt the rule of law and now he needs to pay for his crimes.

It is time for Democrats like him to get the message: you break the law, you pay the penalty.

And for Phil Griego, justice cannot come soon enough for him.

We have to stand up and expose this sort of corruption!

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Disgraced Democratic Senator Appears In Court, Awaits Sentencing For Fraud, Bribery Conviction - Duration: 2:33.


Remove Dark Circles and Eye Bags. You are Beautiful - Subliminal Affirmations - Duration: 6:50.

I now transform my genetics and DNA to have light skin around my eyes.

The DNA and genetic expressions for the skin around my eyes now transforms to have light bright skin that goes perfectly with the rest of my skin color.

Any causes of genetic dark circles are now fully completely corrected.

I love the smooth youthful even-toned skin around my eyes.

I love the radiant healthy youthful skin around my eyes.

My eyelids are as smooth as they were when I was a child.

The skin around my eyes is bright and with the youthfulness I had as a child.

I now transform my genetics and DNA to have smooth skin free from eye bags.

The DNA and genetic expressions for the skin around my eyes now transforms to have smooth skin free from eye bags.

Any causes of genetic eye bags are now fully completely corrected.

I have brilliant eyes surrounded by smooth clear skin.

My eyes glitter with vitality and any puffiness around my eyes now smooths and disappears.

Any wrinkles around my eyes now transform into smooth youthful skin.

I wake up each morning looking energized and refreshed.

Any malar mounds fade away and disappear like snow melting beneath the warm sun.

Any malar mounds safely melt away to give me smooth youthful skin.

I let go of any stresses in my life and my body releases any malar bags.

I now fully relax and heal my face, causing any malar bags to fade away.

My soul is tranquil, my body at rest, and any stress around my eyes disappears.

Any eye fat pockets now shrink to the most youthful attractive size.

Any puffiness around my eyes now calms shrinks and disappears.

Any water retention in my face and around my eyes now calms and disappears.

Any excess skin around my eyes now tightens and firms to the most attractive youthfulness.

The elasticity of the skin around my eyes is now fully restored to perfect youthfulness.

I now always have tight perfectly toned skin around my eyes.

My eyelids and the skin around my eyes is fully rejuvenated and restored to perfect youthfulness.

My eyes reflect the youthful vigor and passion I naturally carry within me.

My bright youthful eyes always look youthful and attractive.

I enjoy my young-looking youthful bright eyes.

My eyes stand out on my face, surrounded by smooth youthful skin.

My attractive eyes are a source of radiant natural attractiveness.

I am young at heart and look at the world with a youthful outlook.

My eyes radiate joy, youthful energy and happiness.

I love the smooth soft supple youthful skin around my eyes.

I have stunning eyes that reflect my inner beauty.

Everyone that looks at me notices the youthful attractiveness of my eyes.

I love the youthful perfectly toned skin around my eyes.

I always look like I've had an excellent night's sleep as my eyes always appear well-rested.

I now ask my body and mind to work together to fulfill these affirmations.

I now manifest and fulfill these affirmations as fast as safely possible.

All beneficial and desirable changes from these affirmations are permanent.

All the changes take place as fast as safely possible.You now transform your genetics and DNA to have light skin around your eyes.

The DNA and genetic expressions for the skin around your eyes now transforms to have light bright skin that goes perfectly with the rest of your skin color.

Any causes of genetic dark circles are now fully completely corrected.

You love the smooth youthful even-toned skin around your eyes.

You love the radiant healthy youthful skin around your eyes.

Your eyelids are as smooth as they were when you was a child.

The skin around your eyes is bright and with the youthfulness you had as a child.

You now transform your genetics and DNA to have smooth skin free from eye bags.

The DNA and genetic expressions for the skin around your eyes now transforms to have smooth skin free from eye bags.

Any causes of genetic eye bags are now fully completely corrected.

You have brilliant eyes surrounded by smooth clear skin.

Your eyes glitter with vitality and any puffiness around your eyes now smooths and disappears.

Any wrinkles around your eyes now transform into smooth youthful skin.

You wake up each morning looking energized and refreshed.

Any malar mounds fade away and disappear like snow melting beneath the warm sun.

Any malar mounds safely melt away to give you smooth youthful skin.

You let go of any stresses in your life and your body releases any malar bags.

You now fully relax and heal your face, causing any malar bags to fade away.

Your soul is tranquil, your body at rest, and any stress around your eyes disappears.

Any eye fat pockets now shrink to the most youthful attractive size.

Any puffiness around your eyes now calms shrinks and disappears.

Any water retention in your face and around your eyes now calms and disappears.

Any excess skin around your eyes now tightens and firms to the most attractive youthfulness.

The elasticity of the skin around your eyes is now fully restored to perfect youthfulness.

You now always have tight perfectly toned skin around your eyes.

Your eyelids and the skin around your eyes is fully rejuvenated and restored to perfect youthfulness.

Your eyes reflect the youthful vigor and passion you naturally carry within you.

Your bright youthful eyes always look youthful and attractive.

You enjoy your young-looking youthful bright eyes.

Your eyes stand out on your face, surrounded by smooth youthful skin.

Your attractive eyes are a source of radiant natural attractiveness.

You are young at heart and look at the world with a youthful outlook.

Your eyes radiate joy, youthful energy and happiness.

You love the smooth soft supple youthful skin around your eyes.

You have stunning eyes that reflect your inner beauty.

Everyone that looks at you notices the youthful attractiveness of your eyes.

You love the youthful perfectly toned skin around your eyes.

You always look like I've had an excellent night's sleep as your eyes always appear well-rested.

You now ask your body and mind to work together to fulfill these affirmations.

You now manifest and fulfill these affirmations as fast as safely possible.

All beneficial and desirable changes from these affirmations are permanent.

All the changes take place as fast as safely possible.

For more infomation >> Remove Dark Circles and Eye Bags. You are Beautiful - Subliminal Affirmations - Duration: 6:50.


GDPR Principles and accountability - Introduction - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> GDPR Principles and accountability - Introduction - Duration: 1:44.


Prezenter zniknął nagle z programu TVP. To przez chorobę [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 2:41.

Prezenter zniknął nagle z programu TVP. To przez chorobę

Tomasz Wolny to jeden z ulubionych prezenterów Pytania na śniadanie.

Poranny program TVP2 prowadzi wspólnie z byłą Miss Polonia Marceliną Zawadzką.

W sobotę para nie dokończyła razem wydania.

Po jednej z przerw reklamowej zamiast Wolnego u boku prezenterki pojawił się zupełnie ktoś inny.

Tomasza Wolnego zastąpił kabareciarz Grzegorz Dolniak.

Prezenter wytłumaczył widzom, że nie jest w stanie dalej prowadzić programu.

Mimo niedyspozycji dziennikarz pozostał jednak w gmachu TVP, gdzie nagrywane jest Pytanie na śniadanie.

- Kochani! Tomasz Wolny jest i ma pełne ręce roboty.

Opiekuje się naszymi gośćmi, czuwa nad facebookiem i potrzebuje Waszej dobrej rady! Pod tym postem piszcie, jakie macie najlepsze sposoby na chrypkę i gardło! Tomek czeka - poinformował serwis programu na Facebooku.

 Przypomnijmy, że niedawno podobne zdarzenie miało miejsce w innym programie śniadaniowym.

W przerwie reklamowej Dzień dobry TVN źle poczuła się Dorota Wellman.

Wówczas program musiał sam dokończyć Marcin Prokop.

For more infomation >> Prezenter zniknął nagle z programu TVP. To przez chorobę [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 2:41.


New Artist To Watch

For more infomation >> New Artist To Watch


🌿 The Sweetest Nectar, a Book Made by Me. - Duration: 5:38.

The Sweetest Nectar.

for them.

It was this love I received in my earliest days,

this one I still have today,

that keeps me going.

Gladly, I will remember it all.

oh, but just think,

how I wish you would remember me,

but nonetheless,

here we are, right?

with each other.

in that instance,

I could only think,

how could I go on

without you.

would I see you only in a fractal of the glimmering sea?

you are my flesh and without you,

is also a part of me gone.

little did I know I was saved from the very beginning

this journey,

each twisted turn,

was about finding my way back to you.

but you were there, weren't you?

it was always you.

but the roses with the sharpest thorns

may bear the sweetest nectar

I think I've come to know the fruits of life,

one of which is undoubtedly you

surely, there are, and will be waves of failure

that washes us under,

but no flower will cease to grow through these storms,

I will look the pain in the eyes,

But it is the sweetness that I dream of.

and sweet it shall be.

I wanted to make a book

of fragmented stories, which is why I came up with those sentences,

I reminisce a lot,

and I'm very sentimental and the first person that came to my head randomly was

my grandfather,

the one that I speak of a lot and I mention a lot in my work is actually my father's father ,

the last time I saw him I didn't know would be the last time,

I wish that,

He could be here with me,

to experience things,

but nonetheless here we are, because, I am thinking of him, it's almost like we are

with each other.

and despite him being gone,

I will remember all of my childhood memories spent with him, gladly.

and, the first page,

-even though my parents divorced really early in my life,

I was 3? or 4?

even in her absence, me longing for her,

or knowing how much I meant to her,

-being completely possible to turn out to someone

very different than who I am today and incapable of a lot of the emotion I have today,

I think it was the love that I received in these earliest days and that,

I remember very vividly,

that still lives in me,


is a big part of who I am

when my sister died in my dream very suddenly,

just the way I immediately reacted and

all the thoughts in my head is

exactly expressed here in these words

I just thought,

how can I exist on this earth, when she does not?

I tell her,

I feel like she is an extension of me,

like she is one of my limbs

this page is about God,


it's almost been a year since I last

thought that I really wanted to make a change in my life, and I wasn't sure what to do,

and my mom suggested that I should go back to church and get on that routine,

just to try things out,

so I reconciled my relationship with God,

once I reached out, I was granted this almost instant perspective,

that I was saved from the very beginning

and, walking this path, I was never alone.

I had to go through the things I did in order to bring me back to the exact place I should be,

to be exactly who I am

I wanted to end this on a more uplifting note,

and I correlated the text to the illustration that I made of a rose bush

and it's basically just acknowledging that the worst

can also bring the best,

and it's not really about picking on or the other, or just

striving to perfect it, so that you can have the best,

just because that might seem ideal

my true happiness came out of



it's about experiencing all of it

and for the last page,

this bit of text is about

the love of my life,

he is definitely one of

the greatest things that has happened to me,


it is just a moment of gratitude that I wanted to include here,

that, through all of the bad, this is one really amazing thing, and,

it doesn't matter if there's gonna

be more storms, and more downfalls,

because there's going to be,


that's okay.

all that matters is that I can focus on the sweetness.

and I do.

and so, sweet it shall be.

For more infomation >> 🌿 The Sweetest Nectar, a Book Made by Me. - Duration: 5:38.


Sinan/Nil»I hate you when you gone (ep. 35) rus.sub - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Sinan/Nil»I hate you when you gone (ep. 35) rus.sub - Duration: 1:25.


If I Never See Your Face Again - Maroon 5 | Karaoke - Duration: 3:33.




For more infomation >> If I Never See Your Face Again - Maroon 5 | Karaoke - Duration: 3:33.


I ATE TAKIS?!?!?! *add subtitles* - Duration: 2:44.

Ok so he thinks I'm gonna do subtitle but NO


But, I might just comment on things

*lip smack* ok there is going to be A LOT of grammar mistakes

Ughhh Doritos Blaze was the WORST *brody said that to me*

Takis.......ok they're just gross


Nah they're just normal cokes

Wait....was that a zombie noise

How can you smell death?

Oh crap


Ok drink the milk

I know


Not if they taste bad

I feel Brody's pain

This is where the fun begins

Oh no

Uhhh was that an elephant sneeze

Ok that was weird

My job here is done

For more infomation >> I ATE TAKIS?!?!?! *add subtitles* - Duration: 2:44.




-Yo what's up guys it's your boy OKAYtinashe and I'm here with the squad!

KPOP tuesdays we keep going that's everyday


-Everyday is KPOPtuesday

-Today we will be reacting to KIM HEECHUL being savage moments


For more infomation >> KIM HEECHUL GOING SAVAGE MOMENTS | REACTION - Duration: 15:39.




Nie jest tajemnicą to, że Kinga Rusin (46 l.) jest zagorzałą obrończynią przyrody.

Dziennikarka toczy otwartą wojnę z politykami wycinającymi lasy i puszcze, a także z myśliwymi.

Tych ostatnich w obronę wzięła ostatnio Karolina Pilarczyk (38 l.).

Dziennikarka za pośrednictwem mediów społecznościowych walczy z myśliwymi już od dłuższego czasu.

Nie dla Rzeczypospolitej myśliwych! Nie dla krwawego hobby! Nie dla zabijania dzikich zwierząt, którego za chwilę nic już nie będzie w stanie ograniczyć! - apeluje Kinga Rusin.

Prezenterka jest znana ze swojej wrażliwości na piękno natury i przekazuje swoje stanowisko nawet w programie Dzień Dobry TVN, który prowadzi.

Nie ma dla niej taryfy ulgowej dla myśliwych, o których mówiąc, nie przebiera w słowach.

Wizerunek 'dobrego leśnika - pana z wąsem, który pilnuje porządku w lesie' jest nieprawdziwy, a myśliwi są przedsiębiorstwem.

To grupka uprzywilejowanych posiadaczy broni, którzy nie muszą nawet regularnie przechodzić badań psychiatrycznych - grzmi.

Temu wszystkiemu postanowiła sprzeciwstawić się wschodząca celebrytka, Karolina Pilarczyk, która na co dzień zajmuje się jazdą autem w kontrolowanym poślizgu, czyli driftem.

Moim zdaniem myśliwi są potrzebni.

Dużo gatunków zwierząt nie przetrwałoby gdyby nie regulacja przez ludzi - przekonuje gwiazdka.

- Trzeba rozróżnić kłusowników od myśliwych.

My wrzucamy ich bardzo często do jednego wora.

Znam wielu myśliwych, którzy znają się na naturze lepiej niż niejeden ekolog.

Co ciekawe Karolina nie jada mięsa i protestuje przeciwko zabijaniu zwierząt na futra.

Dlaczego więc jest tak wyrozumiała dla myśliwych?.



Citroën Berlingo 1.6I MULTISPACE ATTRACTION - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.6I MULTISPACE ATTRACTION - Duration: 1:00.


Hyundai Tucson 2.0I STYLE SUPREME - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 2.0I STYLE SUPREME - Duration: 0:59.


BMW X3 2.0I XDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE Automaat / Navigatie / Trekhaak / Xenon / Leder / 19" Velgen - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 2.0I XDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE Automaat / Navigatie / Trekhaak / Xenon / Leder / 19" Velgen - Duration: 0:56.


Subaru XV 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Premium de Prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Subaru XV 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Premium de Prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 0:54.


Subaru XV 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Nagano De Prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Subaru XV 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Nagano De Prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs X-play Airco-Parkeercamera - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs X-play Airco-Parkeercamera - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs x-play Luxery pakket- Parkeercamera-Climate control - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs x-play Luxery pakket- Parkeercamera-Climate control - Duration: 1:02.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs Trend Safety Sense-Navigatie-Parkeercamera - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs Trend Safety Sense-Navigatie-Parkeercamera - Duration: 1:01.


Plisy, rolety plisowane - wady i zalety - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Plisy, rolety plisowane - wady i zalety - Duration: 4:11.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs Now Airco - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs Now Airco - Duration: 1:00.


Welcome To My Channel! 2018 Channel Trailer - Duration: 1:11.

Welcome back!

Welcome back!

Welcome back (Speeds up) Hey, welcome to my channel.

My name is Christifer, but you can call me... well...


This channel is all about changing the online conversation with a little bit of laughter

and a butt load of sass to try to make the world a happier place.

I don't beat around the bush here, I cover a ton of different topics from gender issues,

to lgbt culture and ethnic debates, to the other side of the spectrum where I talk about

weirder things like What a guy does in the shower, or urinal etiquette.

Things get weird here.

I'm also the proud creator of the online mini movement #MyViewerVote which highlights not

only the positive creators and influencers in the social media world, but the amazing

communities and audiences that support them.

I create videos to help others not just navigate life, but laugh during the journey.

So if that sounds like your vibe, I think you found your tribe.

I hope you'll subscribe!

I release new videos every single Sunday afternoon, and I'd love for you to be here.

And remember to always stay classy.

Or at least be sassy.

For more infomation >> Welcome To My Channel! 2018 Channel Trailer - Duration: 1:11.


Who made SNF impossible? - - Destorying FFA teamers and decisive team mode moments - Duration: 22:44.

Romeo is Nm aka NightMare


Worst ways to die in SNF #1: backfiring a mergekill

Worst ways to die in SNF #2: Rapidfire eammate collab and xsplit

revenge for #2

Worst ways to die in SNF #3: Maya's Mergekill+Rapidfire Split

Worst ways to die in SNF #4: Dying to a slow teamer

Worst ways to die in SNF: #5: Virus backfire+Cross-split+Critical hit

Worst ways to die in SNF #6: Splitting to assist a teammate collab

thanks virus not sarcasm

Worst ways to die in SNF #7: Giving me anti-teaming

Worst ways to die in SNF #8: Self-feeding to block my projectiles

Worst ways to die in SNF #9: Scavenging all pieces at once

Worst ways to die in SNF #10: Backfiring a mergekill of 4 cells

Worst ways to die in SNF #11: Savaging me just because the server is closing


YEWSS!! Destroed a slow teamer in Experimental

Virused for #4

Teaming on teamers is allowed in my revival quest (only if you can betray your teamer or stop afterwards) but not the JP or Flim communities

not very smart

i team with Agadir because i love the 👯‍♀️ emoji

Worst ways to die in SNF #12: Eating me with ejected mass-sized virus shrapnel

Worst ways to die in SNF #13: Super-chameleoning after teammate collabs

Worst ways to die in SNF #14: Being xteamed on

Worst ways to die in SNF #15: Berry xsplitting

Revenge for #15

Worst ways to die in SNF #16: Indefinete shifting

Worst ways to die in SNF #17: Critical hits


Worst ways to die in SNF #18: Floris doing rapidfire teammate colabs

Worst ways to die in SNF #19: Self-feeding

#18 but way worse + lag

ola k tal ok killed me

#18 in reverse

Worst ways to die in SNF #20: Blocking a splitrun

Worst ways to die in SNF #21: Getting killed near the perfect position to kill the player

#1 from Floris

Floris, noshuru and tanoyek killed for #1, #16, #17, #18

Worst ways to die in SNF #22: Being baited and then chameleon-attacked. The worst one to ever face 😤

For more infomation >> Who made SNF impossible? - - Destorying FFA teamers and decisive team mode moments - Duration: 22:44.


Dr Pepper Pop Tarts | How to Make Homemade Pop Tarts - Duration: 9:06.

hey everyone its James from fun foods and today I'm gonna show you how to make these

dr. pepper pop-tarts now these are absolutely delicious and since so many

of you have been asking for dr. pepper recipes I figured why not so keep

watching and I'll show you step by step how to make these now the first thing we

needed to do is start off with our pie crust I'm using this pre-made pie crust

you can make your own pie crust if you'd like it's just an extra step I'm going

the easier route now it says to leave these out they come - to a package two

of these it says to leave it out for about 15 minutes to let it adjust to the

room temperature and I've already done that so now I'm just gonna take it out

of its package and you can just roll it out and because it's a pie crust it

comes round but we're gonna want to make these square and to do that what I've

done was I've cut a piece of cardboard that's a three inch by five inch and we

just want to start from one end make sure we have enough

and I'm going to use a pizza cutter to cut this it doesn't have to be exact but

it'll help if we have the guide so that gives us four equal pieces here and all

these scraps you're just going to ball them up and we're gonna roll them out

and cut them into two more pieces and

when you're rolling them out just roll it out to the same thickness as your

other crust now once you have all your portions cut to size next step is we're

gonna take in a small bowl one large egg and to that we're going to add about a

teaspoon of milk you can also use water but I'm using milk and we just want to

beat this egg up so this is our egg wash we're gonna brush it on each one of our

cutouts so here we go just cover it completely now what we're

going to do is take our dr. pepper jelly and if you want to know how to make that

dr. pepper jelly I did it in a past video and I'll leave a little card above

and as well as a link to that video below that way you can see how to make

your own homemade dr. pepper jelly now we're just gonna take this dr. pepper

jelly and we're take about the teaspoon and a half or so and we're going to

stick it right on the middle of each of these

panels or whatever you want to call them and we can probably do about two

tablespoons I would say and you want to leave enough room around the edges at

least 1/2 inch or around the edge because we need to seal these so we only

want to do it on three of these now that we got those covered now we're just

going to take our other one and put the egg side and we're gonna flip it right

over on top of it line it up flip it right on top of it egg side underneath

of it and we're going to grab a fork and we're going to use the fork to seal the

edges go around it and if some of it uses out don't worry it happens there we

go so this is one of them and we'll do the rest of them just like we did that

now once you have them all closed in like that next you want to take a

toothpick and we just want to poke a few holes in this just so when they cook

they don't like explode out now go back to your egg wash and we're going to put

it on the top of your pop-tarts now

and when they're covered really good now what guy do this put this in

refrigerator for about ten minutes or so and then we can preheat our oven to 425

degrees we want to get these cold first all right so your pop-tarts were in the

refrigerator while we were preheating our oven now it's been about 10 minutes

in there I'm gonna take them I'm gonna put them in the oven at 425 degrees for

anywhere between 12 and 15 minutes just until they're golden brown okay so let's

check on our pop-tarts see how they're doing in there yep they're coming along

not quite golden brown yet now while our pop-tarts are in the oven baking we can

move on to make our icing goes on top of our pop-tarts and to do that I just have

this medium to small bowl I just have one cup of confectionery sugar or

powdered sugar I might add a teaspoon of clear vanilla extract and about a

tablespoon of dr. pepper but be careful not to add too much dr. pepper or else

you have to add more confectionary sugar or powdered sugar you can always add a

little bit more if you need to but right now just mix this together we do need to

add a little bit more but I'd rather add a little bit to less than a little bit

too much so

it's all in all add about three tablespoons of dr. pepper into this but

you really have to start out small started out with one tablespoon then a

second one until you get this nice icing now this might be a little runny but I'm

gonna let it sit a bit before I put it on my pop-tarts so at this stage I am

going to divide my icing I'm just gonna put a very small amount into a separate

little bowl and the reason why is I'm gonna have two different colors of icing

on top of my pop-tarts I want one of one white which this is really an off-white

because of the dr. pepper kind of made it a different color but that's okay

still be fine I'm gonna set that aside and then I have some Burgundy food

coloring this is just Wilton burgundy gel based food coloring I'm gonna put

that in there because that closely resembles dr. peppers color

now I don't like the color I think it's a little bit too pinkish so I'm going to

add some brown food coloring to this as well hopefully to darken it up a bit but

this is purely optional

now we're just waiting on our pop-tarts all right our pop-tarts are out of the

oven now we're gonna let these cool down even if you want to eat them hot let

them cool down at least five minutes because that jelly inside there is gonna

be piping hot we don't want to burn your tongues our pop-tarts have cooled down

enough so I'm going to top them with our icing so I'm going to take our burgundy

icing and I'm just going to add it right on the top here and you don't have to

put a whole lot cuz it'll spread out now I'm gonna let these cool down and crust

over before I top it with the white frosting so I've let the icing crust

over a little bit so now what I've done is put my white icing and just a ziplock

bag I cut a small hole at the end and this is just really for control but you

could drizzle it with a spoon if you'd like and as always we have to take some

pictures for Instagram and be sure you follow me at fun foods whitey on my


and now it's time for the taste test I am going to give this a try here we're

gonna try this one that's already been cut open and see how it tastes

mmm nothing like homemade pop-tarts they're just so good well thanks

everyone for watching I hope you enjoyed watching you make these dr. pepper

pop-tarts these are a lot of fun to make and they're absolutely delicious so if

you enjoyed this video make sure you hit that like button be sure you hit that

big red subscribe button if you're not already subscribed and check out some of

the videos I have off to the side I appreciate that and be sure to click

that notification bell so you'll be notified when I put a new video up

because I will be putting up more videos more often and you won't get just a

video every Sunday but one on Saturday and maybe a couple during a week so be

sure to hit that notification bell and as always I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Dr Pepper Pop Tarts | How to Make Homemade Pop Tarts - Duration: 9:06.


The Love Splatfest「Splatoon 2 🦑」 - Duration: 1:41:21.

For more infomation >> The Love Splatfest「Splatoon 2 🦑」 - Duration: 1:41:21.


Batman Mini LEGO Movie

For more infomation >> Batman Mini LEGO Movie


¿Menores delincuentes o víctimas de la falta de recursos? - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> ¿Menores delincuentes o víctimas de la falta de recursos? - Duration: 3:55.


BBB18: Gleici revela sonho que teve com apresentador: 'Eu amo o Tiago Leifert' - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Gleici revela sonho que teve com apresentador: 'Eu amo o Tiago Leifert' - Duration: 3:05.


Lawina porwała Polaków po słowackiej stronie Tatr. Mężczyzna zginął, kobieta walczy o życie - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Lawina porwała Polaków po słowackiej stronie Tatr. Mężczyzna zginął, kobieta walczy o życie - Duration: 2:56.


BBB18: Caruso recebe mensagem da família, mas confessa: "não achei eles tão animados" - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Caruso recebe mensagem da família, mas confessa: "não achei eles tão animados" - Duration: 3:11.


Como lidar com as Críticas - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> Como lidar com as Críticas - Duration: 7:25.


História do Brasil em copa do mundo - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> História do Brasil em copa do mundo - Duration: 1:38.


Do It - Przewodnik po Dubaju / Dubai Guide | Zwiastun kanału - Vlog #00 - Duration: 1:28.

Hi, My name is Lukasz Burdziak

and welcome

to my YouTube channel

Do It Films

I can see that trips

to United Arab Emirates

are starting to become

very popular

amongst us Polish people

That's why I made this vlog to

to show You

what, where, and for how much

You can things in


Abu Dhabi

and other Emirates


For more infomation >> Do It - Przewodnik po Dubaju / Dubai Guide | Zwiastun kanału - Vlog #00 - Duration: 1:28.


Fortnite - ROAD PRA JOGADOR DE NADA - Duration: 1:01:13.

For more infomation >> Fortnite - ROAD PRA JOGADOR DE NADA - Duration: 1:01:13.


10 Persone che Mangiano Cose Incredibili che Non Crederai Esistano Realmente - Duration: 11:17.

For more infomation >> 10 Persone che Mangiano Cose Incredibili che Non Crederai Esistano Realmente - Duration: 11:17.



David: He's 'batty' (gay) oh, he's this he's that. Relli: A lot of my friends from the hood there cool with it

like a lot of them there views have changed over the years.

20 30 years ago it was socially acceptable for white people to go on stage and call black people Niggers.

Here i am, take me as i am.

Be unapologetic to who you are as a person. Not everyone is gona love you, not everyone's gona accept you.

It is what it is. Just keep it moving and focus on the people that do love and accept you.

I'm really blessed in the sense that when I came out 99% of people i knew were cool with it.

they all told me they knew anyway so *laughter

But i was really lucky, but there was some people that weren't so cool with it. And you know its cool

the trash always takes itself out in the end.

I feel like in the end of the day, people are becoming more understanding

because it's the reality of it, people from the hood ( pause) even 'mandem' in the 'endz'

they've all got a sister whose got a gay best friend.

They've all got a girlfriend that's got a gay best friend.

So they have to adapt you know what i'm saying? And people ain't pretending to be something there not anymore.

David: Do you think 'mandem' will be able to adapt?

Particularly the brothers that are

seriously inculcated with messages in our community that says nah ...

forgive my language he's batty (gay) he's this he's that.

Relli: Well that's what I'm saying the language there's a lot to definitely work on

the way people talk about things that people talk about things and things people say. Lets just say...

20 - 30 years ago it was socially acceptable for white people to go on stage and call black people 'Niggers'

and make fucking racist jokes all the time. And then there was a shift

They still do it don't get me wrong behind closed doors but i'm saying it's not acceptable behavior.

And then you had Eddie Murphy as well doing gay jokes and stuff on stage. I still find it funny...

I'm not gona lie but that would not be socially acceptable now so

I feel like we getting to a stage now where a lot of my friends

from the hood that they're cool with it of it. Their views have changed

over the years, their more understanding. There are some ignorant fuckers as well. It is what it is.

But I'm not here trying to preach or convert anyone. Here I am take me as i am.

If you like it you like it, if you don't keep it moving.

David: That's a real positive message. Any last messages you have?

Relli: Yeah just keep on living your life to the fullest. Love yourself.

No your roots. If you don't know your roots get to know your roots.

Obviously i try to educate myself and become conscious. A few years ago I started...

to wake up, met some conscious black brothers and sisters and they really just...

educated me on my roots and stuff. Maybe not specifically...

Eritrean roots., but African roots. And things like that just made me love who i am as a person.

And love being black which is something that i didn't used to do

For more infomation >> 'MANDEM' ACCEPT HOMOSEXUALS 'IN THE ENDZ' - Duration: 2:59.


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Pronatec 2018: the list of courses of MEC Sistec. - Duration: 8:52.

The list of courses for Pronatec 2018. There are many news and points

important that I transmit to you shortly. Do not leave


The list of courses

distance by Pronatec now in 2018. Many people could not find it but left.

The MEC finally announced. The good news is that you already know what the courses are

that will have the distance. But it did not leave a list of technical courses.

I'll show you in a little while one of the things that can happen.

But if you've always watched the videos I even those who appear to be

It does not have much to do with what you seek,

Did you see that video I was talking about? respect for a technical course by Senar

of Agribusiness Technician. Class there I already warned you that it was one of the

courses that had come out through Pronatec. So realize that you have courses open for

then you probably did not see, and neither will see on the Pronatec 2018 page.

So stay tuned to the video, watch it until the end. I'm going to split the screen to

you can see a little more news and then you browse there and see

more details there. So here, watch. It is the page you have already seen that you already

know how it works that is Pronatec voluntary offer. And that's the whole class.

presentation ... that Pronatec was made by the Ministry ... on ... on ... on ...

You already know how it is ... and down here has a timeline. The schedule, the lot

it matters to us is this fifth because the four others have already closed and no

more possibilities to do. And you? will have a schedule list that I

I'm passing the mouse here, and the other is click and see the institutions and courses that

you will have it available. Clicking class in one of them you have the list:

"Pronatec Voluntary Offer, lot 5, March 2018." But stay calm, is that the

applications will run until March 2018.

And then you must have realized that

will take courses in the management, health, will also have languages, Spanish and

English too, it's basic, you'll get pounds which is something interesting. Who knows

pound is having enough opportunity. Receptionist, Sales Promoter

and then when will you see down there has more opportunities. Class is very course.

As you have a lot list big my nomination is:

"What have you always wanted to do?"

When you dream of succeeding professional working with that

smile on face, where would it be? It would be in the education? Or it would be in the health area

helping people? Or suddenly another one area, in the area of ​​finance working in the bank?

Here are some courses that can be very interesting.

It can be no! They are very interesting for

work or want an opportunity in the bank, for example. So before you pick up and

click, make your register one of them, think: "Where would I feel really good working?"

And go to that area. OK? I showed you this list, I'm going

go elsewhere here, which is very interesting.

The schedule. And here you have to stay attentive

Note that the timeline that was released shows the situation today (which is in yellow).

And then notice that the situation today is of pre registration. And show the following, watch.

What has happened to this day? What is going on?

Perceba only is has the realization of pre-registration.

But some ministries specific courses.

And there, the Ministry of Agriculture asked what I showed you:

"Technical Course in Agribusiness". See that I I'm going a little further. When is

that started? Started on 1/25 or 25 January. And the inscriptions for these

technical courses will go until 19 of the 3 (19 of March). So there's a tip I'll give you,

which is as follows: Did you know you had a school in your

region that had a face-to-face technician of the ... Pronatec.

Go there because this vacancy hardly will appear on the site. Only in

schools will appear, as was the case in case of that agribusiness course,

agribusiness technician. You ask: "Where's Professor Alexander?" I do not know!

You really are going to have to go on the quest, search. Then go to Etec's, go

in schools of technical courses, check the SINE of your city

If you have any news of any course in your city.

The distance courses you are already seeing on here. But there may be some vacancy

of technical course by Pronatec there in your city and only who will

Discover is you. This will require effort. Go do a search and check.

Now is the case of these courses What are we seeing?

Note that the pre-registration, and I'm grating on here. Is it going to be done that way?

It's going to be done online, it's already written here. Now watch only

anyone will be able to apply. Applicant applicant goes there does the pre registration.

It's different from what you see on the top, who does

or those who are responsible for enrolling are the ministries that requested the courses.

As is the case of the one I had spoken of. "When does the power begin?

do the pre registration teacher? To the distance learning courses? "From 19 February.

And then you have until March 19th. to finish your application.

But be careful. It's good for you to be

with everything right on the first day open enrollment. Because?

Whoever made the last batch remembers what happened something very interesting. Some vacancies,

the order of registration was by order of arrival.

Who made the pre-enrollment first had priority in registration. So stay tuned, you're done

all right. What I mean by leave everything right?

You remember that you had to make a on the Sistec? And you had to

Got your number on it? Well, a link will appear shortly

of the other videos in which I explain this registration. Get these

numbers so you will not be the last to make your application and lose

opportunity to attend Pronatec free. OK?

So look, it's a long time, but The sooner I do, I'll guarantee

my position in a very quiet and very quiet There goes a

series of other information. The courses will start in April and will

finish in August. Then five or six months of course and you end up quiet,

the institution now it has to provide the certificate for you. She will not go any more

charge for the certificate, as people was having cases previously. OK?

The class was crazy about having to pay the certificate.

So now be assured that this It will not happen there.

Anyway, I've been reading the questions, and you can read later calmly too:

"Where will the inscriptions be made and how? The MEC will announce to you later

the place to make inscriptions.

Now it has only been shown which are the courses and it was passed on how it will work.

But probably on the 19th you'll already have a link to make your application.

I'll talk to you more later. front. If you have any questions, please let

I'm going to be happy to talk to you here.

But remember: go fast behind that numbering, of those items that you

need to make the pre-registration in the Pronatec courses. OK?

We'll talk again, I hope you get your opportunity to study,

suddenly by Pronatec. And US talk about the next videos about

this or other issues that will help you enter the job market.

A hug and until the next video ...


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